[Pkg-ocaml-maint-commits] [dose3] 03/03: add --deb-drop-b-d-arch option
Ralf Treinen
treinen at moszumanska.debian.org
Tue Jan 17 21:22:02 UTC 2017
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
treinen pushed a commit to branch master
in repository dose3.
commit 1d32a5885c0ce417b208c2ee9cca5f8b1ad8d4f2
Author: Ralf Treinen <treinen at free.fr>
Date: Tue Jan 17 22:15:48 2017 +0100
add --deb-drop-b-d-arch option
debian/changelog | 5 +-
debian/patches/deb-drop-b-d-arch | 238 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
debian/patches/series | 1 +
3 files changed, 242 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
diff --git a/debian/changelog b/debian/changelog
index 31207ec..f70cf83 100644
--- a/debian/changelog
+++ b/debian/changelog
@@ -3,10 +3,11 @@ dose3 (5.0.1-8) unstable; urgency=medium
* Patches taken from upstream (thanks, Josch!)
- architecture-tuples: replace architecture triples by tuples.
(closes: #843409)
- * - architectures-dpkg-1.18.15: Update embedded cputable and tupletable
+ - architectures-dpkg-1.18.15: Update embedded cputable and tupletable
to dpkg 1.18.15
+ - deb-drop-d-b-arch: add support for --deb-drop-b-d-arch (closes: #850943)
- -- Ralf Treinen <treinen at debian.org> Tue, 17 Jan 2017 21:47:13 +0100
+ -- Ralf Treinen <treinen at debian.org> Tue, 17 Jan 2017 22:14:21 +0100
dose3 (5.0.1-7) unstable; urgency=medium
diff --git a/debian/patches/deb-drop-b-d-arch b/debian/patches/deb-drop-b-d-arch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..83c3373
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/patches/deb-drop-b-d-arch
@@ -0,0 +1,238 @@
+Author: Johannes 'josch' Schauer <josch at mister-muffin.de>
+Description: Add support for --deb-drop-b-d-arch
+Debian-bug: #850943
+diff --git a/applications/deb-buildcheck.ml b/applications/deb-buildcheck.ml
+index f465419..9fed16c 100644
+--- a/applications/deb-buildcheck.ml
++++ b/applications/deb-buildcheck.ml
+@@ -97,6 +97,7 @@ let main () =
+ (* hostarch can be None *)
+ let hostarch = match options.Debian.Debcudf.host with None -> "" | Some s -> s in
+ let noindep = options.Debian.Debcudf.drop_bd_indep in
++ let noarch = options.Debian.Debcudf.drop_bd_arch in
+ let dropalternatives = OptParse.Opt.get Options.dropalternatives in
+ let profiles = options.Debian.Debcudf.profiles in
+@@ -132,7 +133,7 @@ let main () =
+ ~dropalternatives
+ ~profiles
+ ~filter:filter_external_sources
+- ~noindep buildarch hostarch h
++ ~noindep ~noarch buildarch hostarch h
+ in
+ let pkglist = Deb.input_raw t in
+ (pkglist,srclist)
+diff --git a/applications/deb-coinstall.ml b/applications/deb-coinstall.ml
+index 4130bff..e04398d 100644
+--- a/applications/deb-coinstall.ml
++++ b/applications/deb-coinstall.ml
+@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ module Options = struct
+ let default =
+ List.fold_left (fun acc e ->
+ List.remove acc e
+- ) StdOptions.DistribOptions.default_options ["deb-host-arch";"deb-drop-b-d-indep";"deb-profiles"]
++ ) StdOptions.DistribOptions.default_options ["deb-host-arch";"deb-drop-b-d-indep";"deb-drop-b-d-arch";"deb-profiles"]
+ in
+ StdOptions.DistribOptions.add_debian_options ~default options ;
+ StdOptions.DistribOptions.add_option options ~long_name:"deb-tupletable"
+@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ let main () =
+ in
+ let srclist =
+ if not(Option.is_none sources) then
+- Sources.sources2packages ~noindep:true ~profiles:[] native native origsourcelist
++ Sources.sources2packages ~noindep:true ~noarch:false ~profiles:[] native native origsourcelist
+ else []
+ in
+ let tables = Debian.Debcudf.init_tables ~options (srclist at pkglist) in
+diff --git a/applications/distcheck.ml b/applications/distcheck.ml
+index 0152199..8164572 100644
+--- a/applications/distcheck.ml
++++ b/applications/distcheck.ml
+@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ module Options = struct
+ List.fold_left
+ List.remove
+ StdOptions.DistribOptions.default_options
+- ["deb-host-arch";"deb-drop-b-d-indep";"deb-profiles"]
++ ["deb-host-arch";"deb-drop-b-d-indep";"deb-drop-b-d-arch";"deb-profiles"]
+ in
+ StdOptions.DistribOptions.add_debian_options ~default options ;
+ StdOptions.DistribOptions.add_opam_options ~default options ;;
+diff --git a/deb/debcudf.ml b/deb/debcudf.ml
+index 8c83f0d..44f72e8 100644
+--- a/deb/debcudf.ml
++++ b/deb/debcudf.ml
+@@ -65,6 +65,7 @@ type options = {
+ ignore_essential : bool;
+ builds_from : bool;
+ drop_bd_indep : bool;
++ drop_bd_arch : bool;
+ profiles : string list; (* list of active build profiles *)
+ }
+@@ -76,6 +77,7 @@ let default_options = {
+ ignore_essential = false;
+ builds_from = false;
+ drop_bd_indep = false;
++ drop_bd_arch = false;
+ profiles = [];
+ }
+diff --git a/deb/debcudf.mli b/deb/debcudf.mli
+index 76c9eb6..be90947 100644
+--- a/deb/debcudf.mli
++++ b/deb/debcudf.mli
+@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ type options = {
+ ignore_essential : bool ;
+ builds_from : bool ; (** whether to add the builds-from relationship from binary to source packages *)
+ drop_bd_indep : bool ; (** whether or not to ignore the Build-Depends-Indep field *)
++ drop_bd_arch : bool ; (** whether or not to ignore the Build-Depends-Arch field *)
+ profiles : string list ; (** list of active build profiles *)
+ }
+diff --git a/deb/sources.ml b/deb/sources.ml
+index c14bfb5..ddf0d2f 100644
+--- a/deb/sources.ml
++++ b/deb/sources.ml
+@@ -169,7 +169,7 @@ let select hostarch profiles (v,al,pl) =
+ (* XXX src2pkg could be skip using the same trick we use in opam,
+ * where dependencies are giltered at parsing time *)
+ (* the package name is encodes as src:<package-name> *)
+-let src2pkg ?(dropalternatives=false) ?(profiles=[]) ?(noindep=false) ?(src="src") buildarch hostarch srcpkg =
++let src2pkg ?(dropalternatives=false) ?(profiles=[]) ?(noindep=false) ?(noarch=false) ?(src="src") buildarch hostarch srcpkg =
+ let conflicts l = List.filter_map (select hostarch profiles) l in
+ (* imitate sbuild behaviour and drop all alternatives except those that have
+ * the same name as the first. Search for RESOLVE_ALTERNATIVES in
+@@ -189,6 +189,8 @@ let src2pkg ?(dropalternatives=false) ?(profiles=[]) ?(noindep=false) ?(src="src
+ let extras_profiles = match profiles with [] -> [] | _ -> [("profiles", String.join " " profiles)] in
+ let depends_indep = if noindep then [] else srcpkg#build_depends_indep in
+ let conflicts_indep = if noindep then [] else srcpkg#build_conflicts_indep in
++ let depends_arch = if noarch then [] else srcpkg#build_depends_arch in
++ let conflicts_arch = if noarch then [] else srcpkg#build_conflicts_arch in
+ (* when crossbuilding (host != build), implicitly depend on build-essential
+ * and crossbuild-essential-$hostarch. When compiling natively, implicitly
+ * depend on build-essential *)
+@@ -200,8 +202,8 @@ let src2pkg ?(dropalternatives=false) ?(profiles=[]) ?(noindep=false) ?(src="src
+ new Packages.package ~name:("",Some(src ^ sep ^ srcpkg#name)) ~version:("",Some(srcpkg#version))
+ ~architecture:("",Some(String.concat "," srcpkg#architecture))
+ ~source:("",Some (srcpkg#name, Some srcpkg#version))
+- ~depends:("",Some (build_essential @ (depends (depends_indep @ srcpkg#build_depends @ srcpkg#build_depends_arch))))
+- ~conflicts:("",Some (conflicts (conflicts_indep @ srcpkg#build_conflicts @ srcpkg#build_conflicts_arch)))
++ ~depends:("",Some (build_essential @ (depends (depends_indep @ srcpkg#build_depends @ depends_arch))))
++ ~conflicts:("",Some (conflicts (conflicts_indep @ srcpkg#build_conflicts @ conflicts_arch)))
+ ~extras:([],Some(extras_profiles @ [("Type",src)])) []
+ ;;
+@@ -209,8 +211,8 @@ let src2pkg ?(dropalternatives=false) ?(profiles=[]) ?(noindep=false) ?(src="src
+ * decide whether to select or drop that dependency *)
+ (** transform a list of sources packages into dummy binary packages.
+ * This function preserve the order *)
+-let sources2packages ?(dropalternatives=false) ?(profiles=[]) ?(noindep=false) ?(src="src") buildarch hostarch =
+- List.map (src2pkg ~dropalternatives ~profiles ~noindep ~src buildarch hostarch)
++let sources2packages ?(dropalternatives=false) ?(profiles=[]) ?(noindep=false) ?(noarch=false) ?(src="src") buildarch hostarch =
++ List.map (src2pkg ~dropalternatives ~profiles ~noindep ~noarch ~src buildarch hostarch)
+ ;;
+ (** Check if a package is of "Type" source as encoded by the function sources2packages *)
+diff --git a/doc/manpages/ceve.pod b/doc/manpages/ceve.pod
+index db9b011..e180139 100644
+--- a/doc/manpages/ceve.pod
++++ b/doc/manpages/ceve.pod
+@@ -304,6 +304,10 @@ Comma separated list of activated build profiles.
+ Drop Build-Depends-Indep dependencies from Debian source packages.
++=item B<--deb-drop-b-d-arch>
++Drop Build-Depends-Arch dependencies from Debian source packages.
+ =back
+ =head1 EXAMPLES
+diff --git a/doc/manpages/deb-buildcheck.pod b/doc/manpages/deb-buildcheck.pod
+index 155ba71..c41b560 100644
+--- a/doc/manpages/deb-buildcheck.pod
++++ b/doc/manpages/deb-buildcheck.pod
+@@ -216,6 +216,10 @@ Convert Arch:all packages to Multi-Arch: foreign
+ Drop Build-Indep dependencies
++=item B<--deb-drop-b-d-arch>
++Drop Build-Arch dependencies
+ =item B<--deb-include-extra-source>
+ Include packages with Extra-Source-Only:yes (dropped by default)
+diff --git a/doseparse/stdLoaders.ml b/doseparse/stdLoaders.ml
+index 94be9c0..afa9c5c 100644
+--- a/doseparse/stdLoaders.ml
++++ b/doseparse/stdLoaders.ml
+@@ -49,6 +49,7 @@ let read_deb ?filter ?(extras=[]) fname =
+ let deb_load_list options ?(status=[]) ?(raw=false) dll =
+ Util.Timer.start deb_load_list_timer;
+ let noindep = options.Debian.Debcudf.drop_bd_indep in
++ let noarch = options.Debian.Debcudf.drop_bd_arch in
+ let profiles = options.Debian.Debcudf.profiles in
+ let pkgll = List.map (List.map (function
+ | Deb p -> p
+@@ -57,7 +58,7 @@ let deb_load_list options ?(status=[]) ?(raw=false) dll =
+ fatal "--deb-native-arch was not specified while treating Debian Sources File";
+ let buildarch = Option.get options.Debian.Debcudf.native in
+ let hostarch = Option.get options.Debian.Debcudf.host in
+- Debian.Sources.src2pkg ~noindep ~profiles buildarch hostarch p
++ Debian.Sources.src2pkg ~noindep ~noarch ~profiles buildarch hostarch p
+ | _ -> fatal "cannot handle input"
+ )) dll
+ in
+@@ -444,10 +445,10 @@ let supported_formats () =
+ ;;
+ (** return a list of Debian packages from a debian source file *)
+-let deb_load_source ?filter ?(dropalternatives=false) ?(profiles=[]) ?(noindep=false) buildarch hostarch sourcefile =
++let deb_load_source ?filter ?(dropalternatives=false) ?(profiles=[]) ?(noindep=false) ?(noarch=false) buildarch hostarch sourcefile =
+ Util.Timer.start deb_load_source_timer;
+ let l = Debian.Sources.input_raw ?filter ~archs:[hostarch] [sourcefile] in
+- let r = Debian.Sources.sources2packages ~dropalternatives ~noindep ~profiles buildarch hostarch l in
++ let r = Debian.Sources.sources2packages ~dropalternatives ~noindep ~noarch ~profiles buildarch hostarch l in
+ Util.Timer.stop deb_load_source_timer r
+ ;;
+diff --git a/doseparse/stdOptions.ml b/doseparse/stdOptions.ml
+index c13620f..46af73d 100644
+--- a/doseparse/stdOptions.ml
++++ b/doseparse/stdOptions.ml
+@@ -320,6 +320,7 @@ module DistribOptions = struct
+ let deb_ignore_essential = StdOpt.store_true ()
+ let deb_builds_from = StdOpt.store_true ()
+ let deb_drop_bd_indep = StdOpt.store_true ()
++ let deb_drop_bd_arch = StdOpt.store_true ()
+ let deb_profiles = str_list_option ()
+ let opam_switch = StdOpt.str_option ~default:"system" ()
+@@ -333,6 +334,7 @@ module DistribOptions = struct
+ "deb-ignore-essential";
+ "deb-builds-from";
+ "deb-drop-b-d-indep";
++ "deb-drop-b-d-arch";
+ "deb-profiles";
+ "opam-switch";
+ "opam-switches";
+@@ -386,6 +388,7 @@ module DistribOptions = struct
+ ignore_essential = Opt.get deb_ignore_essential;
+ builds_from = Opt.get deb_builds_from;
+ drop_bd_indep = Opt.get deb_drop_bd_indep;
++ drop_bd_arch = Opt.get deb_drop_bd_arch;
+ profiles = profiles;
+ }
+ ;;
+@@ -476,6 +479,9 @@ module DistribOptions = struct
+ if List.mem "deb-drop-b-d-indep" default then
+ add options ~group ~long_name:"deb-drop-b-d-indep"
+ ~help:"Drop the Build-Depends-Indep field from source packages (build no Architecture:all packages)" deb_drop_bd_indep;
++ if List.mem "deb-drop-b-d-arch" default then
++ add options ~group ~long_name:"deb-drop-b-d-arch"
++ ~help:"Drop the Build-Depends-Arch field from source packages (build no Architecture:any packages)" deb_drop_bd_arch;
+ if List.mem "deb-profiles" default then
+ add options ~group ~long_name:"deb-profiles"
+ ~help:"comma separated list of activated build profiles" deb_profiles;
diff --git a/debian/patches/series b/debian/patches/series
index 72e783a..beee4c9 100644
--- a/debian/patches/series
+++ b/debian/patches/series
@@ -11,3 +11,4 @@ input-xz-files
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