[Pkg-ocaml-maint-commits] [ocaml-visitors] 01/07: New upstream version 20180306

Ralf Treinen treinen at moszumanska.debian.org
Wed Mar 21 23:09:07 UTC 2018

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

treinen pushed a commit to branch master
in repository ocaml-visitors.

commit 024ae8b24a6d76a3424ba8dab98031807abaec26
Author: Ralf Treinen <treinen at free.fr>
Date:   Wed Mar 21 08:26:58 2018 +0100

    New upstream version 20180306
 CHANGES.md                                  | 18 +++++++
 GNUmakefile                                 | 15 +++++-
 TODO                                        |  8 ++++
 doc/main.tex                                |  7 +++
 src/Visitors.ml                             | 74 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++---
 src/VisitorsAnalysis.ml                     | 25 +++++-----
 src/VisitorsCompatibility.cppo.ml           | 63 ++++++++++++++++++++++++
 src/VisitorsGeneration.ml                   |  2 +-
 src/VisitorsString.ml                       | 43 +++++++++++++++++
 test/bad/Makefile                           |  7 +++
 test/bad/conflict.ml                        | 25 ++++++++++
 test/bad/conflict_at_name.ml                | 17 +++++++
 test/bad/conflict_atat_name.ml              | 15 ++++++
 test/bad/datacon.ml                         | 11 +++++
 test/bad/datacon_at_name.ml                 | 10 ++++
 test/bad/visitors.t                         | 49 +++++++++++++++++++
 test/expr.mllib                             |  1 +
 test/expr01use.ml                           |  1 +
 test/{expr01use.ml => expr01use_variant.ml} | 16 +++----
 19 files changed, 375 insertions(+), 32 deletions(-)

diff --git a/CHANGES.md b/CHANGES.md
index eea14f5..cae0e4c 100644
--- a/CHANGES.md
+++ b/CHANGES.md
@@ -1,5 +1,23 @@
 # Changes
+## 2018/03/06
+* Warn when the visitor methods for two distinct types or two distinct data
+  constructors have the same name, as this results in an OCaml type error
+  or multiply-defined-method error. (Reported by Gabriel Radanne.)
+## 2017/11/24
+* Added compatibility with OCaml 4.06.0.
+* Fixed the internal function `occurs_type` in the case of polymorphic types.
+  This should make no observable difference, as this function is used only
+  to produce an error message in a corner case.
+## 2017/08/28
+* Added compatibility with OCaml 4.05.0.
 ## 2017/07/25
 * Updated `src/Makefile` to allow compilation on systems where `ocamlopt` is
diff --git a/GNUmakefile b/GNUmakefile
index b2e3c38..8b4f543 100644
--- a/GNUmakefile
+++ b/GNUmakefile
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 SHELL := bash
 export CDPATH=
-.PHONY: package check export tag opam pin unpin
+.PHONY: package check export tag opam pin unpin versions
 # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -158,3 +158,16 @@ pin:
 	opam pin remove visitors
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Trying out compilation under multiple versions of OCaml.
+	for i in 4.02.3 4.03.0 4.04.0 4.05.0 4.06.0 ; do \
+	  opam switch $$i && eval `opam config env` && ocamlc -v && \
+	  opam install hashcons ppx_deriving ppx_import ocp-indent && \
+	  make clean && \
+	  make && \
+	  make reinstall ; \
+	done
diff --git a/TODO b/TODO
index e320c0b..42d6370 100644
--- a/TODO
+++ b/TODO
@@ -8,6 +8,14 @@ Better clean up & share code at the three call sites of [bulk].
+Philip's question: when you compose two transformations formulated as map
+visitors, can you deforest? (eliminate the allocation of the intermediate
+Document Jonathan's example where every node in an "expression" carries a type
+and the visitor for expressions carries the type down (whereas the visitor for
+types doesn't). https://github.com/FStarLang/kremlin/blob/visitors/src/Ast.ml
 Document hexpr_polymorphic. Make VisitorsHashcons available as a library.
 If there is an error, then the warnings are never seen,
diff --git a/doc/main.tex b/doc/main.tex
index eaacde6..6b9cf3f 100644
--- a/doc/main.tex
+++ b/doc/main.tex
@@ -132,6 +132,13 @@ Finally, a user of \merlin should add the following lines in her project's
   PKG visitors.ppx
   PKG visitors.runtime
+To use the \visitors package in OCaml's interactive ``toplevel'' environment,
+launch \texttt{ocaml} and type the following commands:
+  #use "topfind";;
+  #require "visitors.ppx";;
+  #require "visitors.runtime";;
 % ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/src/Visitors.ml b/src/Visitors.ml
index 0ad37aa..b459b78 100644
--- a/src/Visitors.ml
+++ b/src/Visitors.ml
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+open VisitorsString
 open VisitorsList
 open Longident
 open List
@@ -82,6 +83,44 @@ let sum_build_warning (decl : type_declaration) : unit =
 (* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Shared glue code for detecting and warning against name clashes. *)
+type 'a wrapper =
+  'a -> 'a
+type tycon_visitor_method =
+  Location.t * attributes * Longident.t -> methode
+let protect_tycon_visitor_method : tycon_visitor_method wrapper =
+  fun tycon_visitor_method ->
+    let format : (_, _, _, _) format4 =
+      "%s: name clash: the types %s and %s\n\
+       both have visitor methods named %s.\n\
+       Please consider using [@@name] at type declaration sites\n\
+       or [@name] at type reference sites."
+    in
+    let id = print_longident in
+    protect tycon_visitor_method
+      (fun (_, _, x) (_, _, y) -> x = y)
+      (fun (_, _, x) (loc, _, y) m -> warning loc format plugin (id x) (id y) m)
+type datacon_descending_method =
+  constructor_declaration -> methode
+let protect_datacon_descending_method : datacon_descending_method wrapper =
+  fun datacon_descending_method ->
+    let format : (_, _, _, _) format4 =
+      "%s: name clash: the data constructors %s and %s\n\
+       both have visitor methods named %s.\n\
+       Please consider using [@name] at data constructor declaration sites."
+    in
+    let id cd = cd.pcd_name.txt in
+    protect datacon_descending_method
+      (fun cd1 cd2 -> cd1 == cd2)
+      (fun cd1 cd2 m -> warning cd2.pcd_loc format plugin (id cd1) (id cd2) m)
+(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
 (* We support parameterized type declarations. We require them to be regular.
    That is, for instance, if a type ['a term] is being defined, then every
    use of [_ term] in the definition should be ['a term]; it cannot be, say,
@@ -125,6 +164,10 @@ let check_regularity loc tycon (formals : tyvars) (actuals : core_types) =
    nonlocal type, a [@name] attribute must be attached to every reference to
    this type.
+   The [@name] attribute can be misused: e.g., one can mistakenly use
+   different visitor method names for different occurrences of a single type.
+   We currently do not attempt to detect this situation.
    The prefix that is prepended to the base name can be controlled via the
    settings [visit_prefix], [build_prefix], and [fail_prefix]. *)
@@ -144,16 +187,32 @@ let datacon_modified_name (cd : constructor_declaration) : datacon =
 (* The name of this method is normally [visit_foo] if the type is named [foo]
    or [A.foo]. (A qualified name must denote a nonlocal type.) *)
-let tycon_visitor_method (attrs : attributes) (tycon : tycon) : methode =
-  X.visit_prefix ^ tycon_modified_name attrs tycon
+(* This convention can cause name clashes, as the types [foo] and [A.foo]
+   receive visitor methods by the same name. We warn if this happens.
+   A name clash can also be caused by incorrect use of the [@@name] or
+   [@name] attributes. We also warn if this happens. *)
+(* Step 1 -- the raw convention. *)
+let tycon_visitor_method : tycon_visitor_method =
+  fun (_, attrs, tycon) ->
+    X.visit_prefix ^ tycon_modified_name attrs (Longident.last tycon)
+(* Step 2 -- protect against name clashes. *)
+let tycon_visitor_method =
+  protect_tycon_visitor_method tycon_visitor_method
+(* Step 3 -- define auxiliary functions that are easier to use. *)
 let local_tycon_visitor_method (decl : type_declaration) : methode =
-  tycon_visitor_method decl.ptype_attributes decl.ptype_name.txt
+  tycon_visitor_method (decl.ptype_loc, decl.ptype_attributes, Lident decl.ptype_name.txt)
 let nonlocal_tycon_visitor_method (ty : core_type) : methode =
   match ty.ptyp_desc with
   | Ptyp_constr (tycon, _) ->
-      tycon_visitor_method ty.ptyp_attributes (Longident.last tycon.txt)
+      tycon_visitor_method (ty.ptyp_loc, ty.ptyp_attributes, tycon.txt)
   | _ ->
       assert false
@@ -182,6 +241,9 @@ let tyvar_visitor_method (alpha : tyvar) : methode =
 let datacon_descending_method (cd : constructor_declaration) : methode =
   X.visit_prefix ^ datacon_modified_name cd
+let datacon_descending_method =
+  protect_datacon_descending_method datacon_descending_method
 (* For every data constructor [datacon], there is a ascending visitor method,
    which is invoked on the way up, in order to re-build some data structure.
    This method is virtual and exists only when the scheme is [fold]. *)
@@ -387,7 +449,7 @@ let ty_env =
 let tyvar_visitor_method_type =
   if X.poly "env" then
-    Typ.poly ["env"] (ty_arrow ty_env ty_any)
+    typ_poly ["env"] (ty_arrow ty_env ty_any)
@@ -538,7 +600,7 @@ let quantify (alphas : tyvars) (ty : core_type) : core_type =
   (* Done. *)
-  Typ.poly alphas ty
+  typ_poly alphas ty
 (* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
diff --git a/src/VisitorsAnalysis.ml b/src/VisitorsAnalysis.ml
index 7d55357..39307e0 100644
--- a/src/VisitorsAnalysis.ml
+++ b/src/VisitorsAnalysis.ml
@@ -245,21 +245,18 @@ let rec occurs_type (alpha : tyvar) (ty : core_type) : unit =
   | Ptyp_constr (_, tys)
   | Ptyp_class (_, tys) ->
       occurs_types alpha tys
-  | Ptyp_object (methods, _) ->
-      List.iter (fun (_, _, ty) -> occurs_type alpha ty) methods
+  | Ptyp_object (fields, _) ->
+      let tys : core_type list =
+        List.map VisitorsCompatibility.object_field_to_core_type fields
+      in
+      List.iter (occurs_type alpha) tys
   | Ptyp_variant (fields, _, _) ->
       List.iter (occurs_row_field alpha) fields
-  | Ptyp_poly (_qs, ty) ->
+  | Ptyp_poly (qs, ty) ->
+      let qs : string list = VisitorsCompatibility.quantifiers qs in
       (* The type variables in [qs] are bound. *)
-      (* Unfortunately, the type of [qs] has changed from [string list]
-         to [string loc list] between OCaml 4.04 and 4.05.
-         See commit b0e880c448c78ed0cedff28356fcaf88f1436eef.
-         I do not want to do conditional compilation,
-         nor do I want to require 4.05 (yet).
-         So, for now, I just assume that [alpha] does not appear in [qs].
-         This means that [occurs] can (on rare occasions) return [true]
-         when it should return [false]. *)
-      (* if not (occurs_quantifiers alpha qs) then *) occurs_type alpha ty
+      if not (occurs_quantifiers alpha qs) then
+        occurs_type alpha ty
   | Ptyp_package (_, ltys) ->
       List.iter (fun (_, ty) -> occurs_type alpha ty) ltys
   | Ptyp_extension (_, payload) ->
@@ -275,8 +272,8 @@ and occurs_row_field alpha field =
   | Rinherit ty ->
       occurs_type alpha ty
-and occurs_quantifiers alpha qs =
-  List.exists (fun q -> alpha = q.txt) qs
+and occurs_quantifiers alpha (qs : string list) =
+  List.mem alpha qs
 and occurs_payload alpha = function
   | PTyp ty ->
diff --git a/src/VisitorsCompatibility.cppo.ml b/src/VisitorsCompatibility.cppo.ml
index 71b6b0f..4a55fc0 100644
--- a/src/VisitorsCompatibility.cppo.ml
+++ b/src/VisitorsCompatibility.cppo.ml
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+let mknoloc = Location.mknoloc
 open Asttypes
 open Parsetree
 open Ast_helper
@@ -68,3 +69,65 @@ let data_constructor_variety (cd : constructor_declaration) =
     | Pcstr_record lds ->
         DataInlineRecord (ld_labels lds, ld_tys lds)
+(* Between OCaml 4.04 and OCaml 4.05, the types of several functions in [Ast_helper]
+   have changed. They used to take arguments of type [string], and now take arguments
+   of type [str], thus requiring a conversion. These functions include [Typ.object_],
+   [Typ.poly], [Exp.send], [Exp.newtype], [Ctf.val_], [Ctf.method_], [Cf.inherit_].  *)
+type str =
+  #if OCAML_VERSION < (4, 05, 0)
+    string
+  #else
+    string Location.loc
+  #endif
+let string2str (s : string) : str =
+  #if OCAML_VERSION < (4, 05, 0)
+    s
+  #else
+    mknoloc s
+  #endif
+let str2string (s : str) : string =
+  #if OCAML_VERSION < (4, 05, 0)
+    s
+  #else
+    s.txt
+  #endif
+let typ_poly (tyvars : string list) (cty : core_type) : core_type =
+  Typ.poly (List.map string2str tyvars) cty
+let exp_send (e : expression) (m : string) : expression =
+  Exp.send e (string2str m)
+(* In the data constructor [Ptyp_poly (qs, ty)], the type of [qs] has changed from
+   [string list] to [string loc list] between OCaml 4.04 and 4.05.
+   See commit b0e880c448c78ed0cedff28356fcaf88f1436eef.
+   The function [quantifiers] compensates for this. *)
+let quantifiers qs : string list =
+  List.map str2string qs
+(* In the data constructor [Ptyp_object (methods, _)], the type of [methods] has
+   changed from [(string loc * attributes * core_type) list] in OCaml 4.05 to
+                [object_field                          list] in OCaml 4.06. *)
+#if OCAML_VERSION < (4, 06, 0)
+type object_field =
+  str * attributes * core_type
+let object_field_to_core_type : object_field -> core_type =
+  #if OCAML_VERSION < (4, 06, 0)
+    fun (_, _, ty) -> ty
+  #else
+    function
+    | Otag (_, _, ty) -> ty
+    | Oinherit ty     -> ty
+    (* this may seem nonsensical, but (so far) is used only in the
+       function [occurs_type], where we do not care what the types
+       mean *)
+  #endif
diff --git a/src/VisitorsGeneration.ml b/src/VisitorsGeneration.ml
index 01fae98..2d656c2 100644
--- a/src/VisitorsGeneration.ml
+++ b/src/VisitorsGeneration.ml
@@ -467,7 +467,7 @@ let is_virtual (Meth (_, _, oe, _)) : bool =
 (* [send o m es] produces a call to the method [o#m] with arguments [es]. *)
 let send (o : variable) (m : methode) (es : expressions) : expression =
-  app (Exp.send (evar o) m) es
+  app (exp_send (evar o) m) es
 (* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
diff --git a/src/VisitorsString.ml b/src/VisitorsString.ml
index 40e43e3..bf0d4a1 100644
--- a/src/VisitorsString.ml
+++ b/src/VisitorsString.ml
@@ -25,3 +25,46 @@ let unquote alpha =
     String.sub alpha 1 (n-1)
+(* [print_longident] converts an OCaml long identifier to a string. *)
+let print_longident (x : Longident.t) : string =
+  String.concat "." (Longident.flatten x)
+(* Suppose the function [f] is a lossy (non-injective) mapping of ['a] to
+   [string]. Then, the function [protect f equal warn] is also a function of
+   ['a] to [string], which behaves like [f], except it warns if [f] is applied
+   to two values of type ['a] that have the same image of type [string]. *)
+(* [equal] must implement equality at type ['a]. *)
+(* [warn x1 x2 y] is invoked when [f] is applied at two distinct values [x1]
+   and [x2] that have the same image [y] through [f]. Precautions are taken
+   so that [f] is not invoked repeatedly if the same conflict is repeatedly
+   detected. *)
+module H = Hashtbl
+let protect
+  (f : 'a -> string)
+  (equal : 'a -> 'a -> bool)
+  (warn : 'a -> 'a -> string -> unit)
+: 'a -> string =
+  (* A hash table memoizes the inverse of [f]. *)
+  let table : (string, 'a list) H.t = H.create 127 in
+  fun (x : 'a) ->
+    let y = f x in
+    let xs = try H.find table y with Not_found -> [] in
+    H.add table y (x :: xs);
+    if List.exists (equal x) xs || xs = [] then
+      (* If the mapping of [x] to [y] is known already,
+         or if no pre-image of [y] was previously known,
+         then no warning is needed. *)
+      y
+    else
+      (* The list [xs] is nonempty and does not contain [x],
+         so its head [x'] is distinct from [x] and is also
+         a pre-image of [y]. Warn. *)
+      let x' = List.hd xs in
+      warn x' x y;
+      y
diff --git a/test/bad/Makefile b/test/bad/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6c8b7d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/bad/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+.PHONY: test clean
+	cram -iv visitors.t
+	rm -f visitors.t.err
diff --git a/test/bad/conflict.ml b/test/bad/conflict.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..86b0186
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/bad/conflict.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+module Elt = struct
+  type t = int
+type t =
+  | Leaf
+  | Node of { left: t; value: Elt.t; right: t }
+  [@@deriving visitors { variety = "iter" } ]
+Issue 3, reported by Gabriel Radanne.
+File "conflict.ml", line 5, characters 0-111:
+Error: This expression has type Elt.t = int
+       but an expression was expected of type t
+The naming convention for visitor methods causes a name clash:
+the types [Elt.t] and [t] have visitor methods by the same name.
+A warning should be issued.
diff --git a/test/bad/conflict_at_name.ml b/test/bad/conflict_at_name.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ab67704
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/bad/conflict_at_name.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+module Elt = struct
+  type elt = int
+type t =
+  | Leaf
+  | Node of { left: t; value: (Elt.elt[@name "t"]); right: t }
+  [@@deriving visitors { variety = "iter" } ]
+In this example, a stupid [@name] attribute causes a name clash:
+the types [elt] and [t] have visitor methods by the same name.
+A warning should be issued.
diff --git a/test/bad/conflict_atat_name.ml b/test/bad/conflict_atat_name.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7acce5e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/bad/conflict_atat_name.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+type t =
+  | Leaf
+  | Node of { left: t; value: elt; right: t }
+  [@@deriving visitors { variety = "iter" } ]
+and elt = int[@@name "t"]
+In this example, a stupid [@name] attribute causes a name clash:
+the types [elt] and [t] have visitor methods by the same name.
+A warning should be issued.
diff --git a/test/bad/datacon.ml b/test/bad/datacon.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..86c7c7f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/bad/datacon.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+type t =
+  | A
+  | B of u
+and u =
+  | A of t
+  [@@deriving visitors { variety = "iter" }]
+(* Another example where two distinct types have a data constructor
+   named [A] (which OCaml warns about, but allows). This causes a
+   name clash on the methods [visit_A]. *)
diff --git a/test/bad/datacon_at_name.ml b/test/bad/datacon_at_name.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..be3ce4a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/bad/datacon_at_name.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+type t =
+  | A
+  | B of u
+and u =
+  | C of t [@name "A"]
+  [@@deriving visitors { variety = "iter" }]
+(* Another example where two distinct types have a data constructor
+   renamed [A]. This causes a name clash on the methods [visit_A]. *)
diff --git a/test/bad/visitors.t b/test/bad/visitors.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9ffdba9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/bad/visitors.t
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+  $ compile="ocamlfind ocamlc -c -package visitors.ppx -package visitors.runtime"
+  $ $compile $TESTDIR/conflict.ml 2>&1 | sed -e "s|$TESTDIR/||"
+  File "conflict.ml", line 7, characters 30-35:
+  Warning 22: visitors: name clash: the types t and Elt.t
+  both have visitor methods named visit_t.
+  Please consider using [@@name] at type declaration sites
+  or [@name] at type reference sites.
+  File "conflict.ml", line 5, characters 0-111:
+  Error: This expression has type Elt.t = int
+         but an expression was expected of type t
+  $ $compile $TESTDIR/conflict_at_name.ml 2>&1 | sed -e "s|$TESTDIR/||"
+  File "conflict_at_name.ml", line 7, characters 31-38:
+  Warning 22: visitors: name clash: the types t and Elt.elt
+  both have visitor methods named visit_t.
+  Please consider using [@@name] at type declaration sites
+  or [@name] at type reference sites.
+  File "conflict_at_name.ml", line 5, characters 0-126:
+  Error: This expression has type Elt.elt = int
+         but an expression was expected of type t
+  $ $compile $TESTDIR/conflict_atat_name.ml 2>&1 | sed -e "s|$TESTDIR/||"
+  File "conflict_atat_name.ml", line 6, characters 0-25:
+  Warning 22: visitors: name clash: the types t and elt
+  both have visitor methods named visit_t.
+  Please consider using [@@name] at type declaration sites
+  or [@name] at type reference sites.
+  File "conflict_atat_name.ml", line 1, characters 0-136:
+  Error: The method `visit_t' has multiple definitions in this object
+  $ $compile $TESTDIR/datacon.ml 2>&1 | sed -e "s|$TESTDIR/||"
+  File "datacon.ml", line 6, characters 2-10:
+  Warning 22: visitors: name clash: the data constructors A and A
+  both have visitor methods named visit_A.
+  Please consider using [@name] at data constructor declaration sites.
+  File "datacon.ml", line 6, characters 2-10:
+  Warning 30: the constructor A is defined in both types t and u.
+  File "datacon.ml", line 1, characters 0-90:
+  Error: The method `visit_A' has multiple definitions in this object
+  $ $compile $TESTDIR/datacon_at_name.ml 2>&1 | sed -e "s|$TESTDIR/||"
+  File "datacon_at_name.ml", line 6, characters 2-22:
+  Warning 22: visitors: name clash: the data constructors A and C
+  both have visitor methods named visit_A.
+  Please consider using [@name] at data constructor declaration sites.
+  File "datacon_at_name.ml", line 1, characters 0-102:
+  Error: The method `visit_A' has multiple definitions in this object
diff --git a/test/expr.mllib b/test/expr.mllib
index 14d9c3d..b2f394d 100644
--- a/test/expr.mllib
+++ b/test/expr.mllib
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ expr00fold
diff --git a/test/expr01use.ml b/test/expr01use.ml
index dd387bd..557e19c 100644
--- a/test/expr01use.ml
+++ b/test/expr01use.ml
@@ -22,3 +22,4 @@ let () =
   assert (optimize (z (EConst 1)) = EConst 1);
   assert (optimize (z (z (EConst 1))) = EConst 1);
   assert (optimize (EAdd (EConst 1, EConst 1)) = EAdd (EConst 1, EConst 1));
+  assert (optimize (EAdd (z (EConst 1), EConst 1)) = EAdd (EConst 1, EConst 1));
diff --git a/test/expr01use.ml b/test/expr01use_variant.ml
similarity index 57%
copy from test/expr01use.ml
copy to test/expr01use_variant.ml
index dd387bd..42561f0 100644
--- a/test/expr01use.ml
+++ b/test/expr01use_variant.ml
@@ -1,18 +1,13 @@
 open Expr01
-let add e1 e2 =
-  match e1, e2 with
-  | EConst 0, e
-  | e, EConst 0 -> e
-  | _, _ ->        EAdd (e1, e2)
 let optimize : expr -> expr =
-  let o = object (self)
+  let o = object(self)
     inherit [_] map
     method! visit_EAdd env e1 e2 =
-      add
-        (self#visit_expr env e1)
-        (self#visit_expr env e2)
+      match self#visit_expr env e1, self#visit_expr env e2 with
+      | EConst 0, e
+      | e, EConst 0 -> e
+      | e1, e2      -> EAdd (e1, e2)
   end in
   o # visit_expr ()
@@ -22,3 +17,4 @@ let () =
   assert (optimize (z (EConst 1)) = EConst 1);
   assert (optimize (z (z (EConst 1))) = EConst 1);
   assert (optimize (EAdd (EConst 1, EConst 1)) = EAdd (EConst 1, EConst 1));
+  assert (optimize (EAdd (z (EConst 1), EConst 1)) = EAdd (EConst 1, EConst 1));

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-ocaml-maint/packages/ocaml-visitors.git

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