[Pkg-octave-commit] r1793 - in octave-epstk/trunk/debian: . patches

Thomas Weber thomas-guest at alioth.debian.org
Tue Apr 22 21:59:36 UTC 2008

tags 474269 pending

Author: thomas-guest
Date: 2008-04-22 21:59:36 +0000 (Tue, 22 Apr 2008)
New Revision: 1793

bug fix for 474269

Modified: octave-epstk/trunk/debian/changelog
--- octave-epstk/trunk/debian/changelog	2008-04-22 19:41:36 UTC (rev 1792)
+++ octave-epstk/trunk/debian/changelog	2008-04-22 21:59:36 UTC (rev 1793)
@@ -1,3 +1,11 @@
+octave-epstk (2.2-10) UNRELEASED; urgency=low
+  * New patch: tickless_axes, enables setting/removing ticks on individual
+    axes (hopefully closes: #474269). Thanks again to Stefan Müller for the
+    patch.
+ -- Thomas Weber <thomas.weber.mail at gmail.com>  Wed, 23 Apr 2008 00:01:02 +0200
 octave-epstk (2.2-9) unstable; urgency=low
   [ Rafael Laboissiere ]

Modified: octave-epstk/trunk/debian/patches/series
--- octave-epstk/trunk/debian/patches/series	2008-04-22 19:41:36 UTC (rev 1792)
+++ octave-epstk/trunk/debian/patches/series	2008-04-22 21:59:36 UTC (rev 1793)
@@ -5,3 +5,4 @@

Added: octave-epstk/trunk/debian/patches/tickless_axes
--- octave-epstk/trunk/debian/patches/tickless_axes	                        (rev 0)
+++ octave-epstk/trunk/debian/patches/tickless_axes	2008-04-22 21:59:36 UTC (rev 1793)
@@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
+--- a/m/eaxis.m
++++ b/m/eaxis.m
+@@ -27,6 +27,10 @@
+ %%  eYAxisWestValueFormat
+ %%  eXAxisNorthValueFormat
+ %%  eYAxisEastValueFormat
++%%  eXAxisSouthTicsVisible
++%%  eYAxisWestTicsVisible
++%%  eXAxisNorthTicsVisible
++%%  eYAxisEastTicsVisible
+ %%  eXAxisSouthValueVisible
+ %%  eYAxisWestValueVisible
+ %%  eXAxisNorthValueVisible
+@@ -56,22 +60,40 @@
+   if nargin<6
+     angle=0;
+   end 
++  shortTics=eAxesTicShortLength;
++  longTics=eAxesTicLongLength;
+   if type=='s'
+-   valueFormat=eXAxisSouthValueFormat;
+-   valueVisible=eXAxisSouthValueVisible;
+-   scaleType=eXAxisSouthScaleType;
++    valueFormat=eXAxisSouthValueFormat;
++    valueVisible=eXAxisSouthValueVisible;
++    scaleType=eXAxisSouthScaleType;
++    if eXAxisSouthTicsVisible==0
++      shortTics=0;
++      longTics=0;
++    end
+   elseif type=='w'
+-   valueFormat=eYAxisWestValueFormat;
+-   valueVisible=eYAxisWestValueVisible;
+-   scaleType=eYAxisWestScaleType;
++    valueFormat=eYAxisWestValueFormat;
++    valueVisible=eYAxisWestValueVisible;
++    scaleType=eYAxisWestScaleType;
++    if eYAxisWestTicsVisible==0
++      shortTics=0;
++      longTics=0;
++    end
+   elseif type=='n'
+-   valueFormat=eXAxisNorthValueFormat;
+-   valueVisible=eXAxisNorthValueVisible;
+-   scaleType=eXAxisNorthScaleType;
++    valueFormat=eXAxisNorthValueFormat;
++    valueVisible=eXAxisNorthValueVisible;
++    scaleType=eXAxisNorthScaleType;
++    if eXAxisNorthTicsVisible==0
++      shortTics=0;
++      longTics=0;
++    end
+   else
+-   valueFormat=eYAxisEastValueFormat;
+-   valueVisible=eYAxisEastValueVisible;
+-   scaleType=eYAxisEastScaleType;
++    valueFormat=eYAxisEastValueFormat;
++    valueVisible=eYAxisEastValueVisible;
++    scaleType=eYAxisEastScaleType;
++    if eYAxisEastTicsVisible==0
++      shortTics=0;
++      longTics=0;
++    end
+   end
+   if scaleType==0
+@@ -80,8 +102,8 @@
+            valueFormat,valueVisible,...
+            eAxesValueFontSize*eFac,...
+            eAxesLineWidth*eFac,...
+-           eAxesTicShortLength*eFac,...
+-           eAxesTicLongLength*eFac,...
++           shortTics*eFac,...
++           longTics*eFac,...
+            eAxesTicLongMaxN,...
+            eAxesValueSpace*eFac,...
+            color);
+@@ -91,7 +113,7 @@
+            valueFormat,valueVisible,...
+            eAxesValueFontSize*eFac,...
+            eAxesLineWidth*eFac,...
+-           eAxesTicLongLength*eFac,...
++           longTics*eFac,...
+            eAxesTicLongMaxN,...
+            eAxesValueSpace*eFac,...
+            color);
+@@ -101,8 +123,8 @@
+            valueFormat,valueVisible,...
+            eAxesValueFontSize*eFac,...
+            eAxesLineWidth*eFac,...
+-           eAxesTicShortLength*eFac,...
+-           eAxesTicLongLength*eFac,...
++           shortTics*eFac,...
++           longTics*eFac,...
+            eAxesTicLongMaxN,...
+            eAxesValueSpace*eFac,...
+            color);
+--- a/m/eglobpar.m
++++ b/m/eglobpar.m
+@@ -77,6 +77,7 @@
+ eXAxisSouthScale...
+ eXAxisSouthScaleType...
+ eXAxisSouthValueFormat...
+ eXAxisSouthValueVisible...
+ eXAxisSouthValuePos...
+ eXAxisSouthLabelDistance...
+@@ -85,6 +86,7 @@
+ eXAxisNorthScale...
+ eXAxisNorthScaleType...
+ eXAxisNorthValueFormat...
+ eXAxisNorthValueVisible...
+ eXAxisNorthValuePos...
+ eXAxisNorthLabelDistance...
+@@ -94,6 +96,7 @@
+ eYAxisWestScale...
+ eYAxisWestScaleType...
+ eYAxisWestValueFormat...
+ eYAxisWestValueVisible...
+ eYAxisWestValuePos...
+ eYAxisWestLabelDistance...
+@@ -102,6 +105,7 @@
+ eYAxisEastScale...
+ eYAxisEastScaleType...
+ eYAxisEastValueFormat...
+ eYAxisEastValueVisible...
+ eYAxisEastValuePos...
+ eYAxisEastLabelDistance...
+--- a/m/einit.m
++++ b/m/einit.m
+@@ -196,6 +196,7 @@
+ eXAxisSouthScaleType=0; % 0=linear 1=classes 2=log10
+ eXAxisSouthValueFormat=-1; %  n digits after decimal point,-1=auto
+                            %  or format string of printf
++eXAxisSouthTicsVisible=1; %  0=off 1=on 
+ eXAxisSouthValueVisible=1; %  0=off 1=on 
+ eXAxisSouthValuePos=[0 0]; %  value positions after drawing of axis 
+ eXAxisSouthLabelDistance=2; % mm  label distance from axis
+@@ -207,6 +208,7 @@
+ eXAxisNorthScaleType=0; % 0=linear 1=classes 2=log10
+ eXAxisNorthValueFormat=-1;  %  n digits after decimal point,-1=auto
+                             %  or format string of printf
++eXAxisNorthTicsVisible=1; %  0=off 1=on 
+ eXAxisNorthValueVisible=1;  %  0=off 1=on 
+ eXAxisNorthValuePos=[0 0]; %  value positions after drawing of axis 
+ eXAxisNorthLabelDistance=2;  % mm  label distance from axis
+@@ -218,6 +220,7 @@
+ eYAxisWestScaleType=0; % 0=linear 1=classes 2=log10
+ eYAxisWestValueFormat=-1;   %  n digits after decimal point,-1=auto
+                             %  or format string of printf
++eYAxisWestTicsVisible=1; %  0=off 1=on 
+ eYAxisWestValueVisible=1;   %  0=off 1=on 
+ eYAxisWestValuePos=[0 0]; %  value positions after drawing of axis 
+ eYAxisWestLabelDistance=6;   % mm  label distance from axis
+@@ -229,6 +232,7 @@
+ eYAxisEastScaleType=0; % 0=linear 1=classes 2=log10
+ eYAxisEastValueFormat=-1;  %  n digits after decimal point,-1=auto
+                            %  or format string of printf
++eYAxisEastTicsVisible=1; %  0=off 1=on 
+ eYAxisEastValueVisible=1;  %  0=off 1=on 
+ eYAxisEastValuePos=[0 0]; %  value positions after drawing of axis 
+ eYAxisEastLabelDistance=6;  % mm  label distance from axis
+--- a/m/escalelog.m
++++ b/m/escalelog.m
+@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
+     longTicOffset=-(offset+longTicLength+space);
+     moveForm=sprintf('%%1.2f %1.2f moveto\n',-offset);
+     ticLineForm='0 %1.2f neg rlineto\n';
+-    moveValueForm=sprintf('0 -%1.2f rmoveto\n',space+fontSize*0.72);
++    moveValueForm=sprintf('0 -%1.2f rmoveto\n',space+fontSize);
+     showForm='(%s) dup stringwidth pop dup 2 div sub neg 0 rmoveto show\n';
+     showFormE='dup 2 div sub neg 0 rmoveto (%s) show\n';
+   elseif side=='n'

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