[Pkg-octave-commit] r2565 - in octave-epstk/trunk/debian: . patches
Rafael Laboissiere
rafael at alioth.debian.org
Wed Dec 17 22:18:14 UTC 2008
Author: rafael
Date: 2008-12-17 22:18:14 +0000 (Wed, 17 Dec 2008)
New Revision: 2565
Use char() and ischar() instead of the deprecated setstr() and isstr()
Modified: octave-epstk/trunk/debian/changelog
--- octave-epstk/trunk/debian/changelog 2008-12-17 22:14:59 UTC (rev 2564)
+++ octave-epstk/trunk/debian/changelog 2008-12-17 22:18:14 UTC (rev 2565)
@@ -15,12 +15,14 @@
+ Move ghostscript and octave3.0-headers from Build-Depends into
* debian/patches/tickless_axes: Add description
+ * debian/patches/modern-str-functions: Use char() and ischar() instead
+ of the deprecated setstr() and isstr()
[ Thomas Weber ]
* New patches:
- update_documentation: update the documentation (closes: #490797)
- -- Thomas Weber <thomas.weber.mail at gmail.com> Mon, 28 Jul 2008 22:39:31 +0200
+ -- Rafael Laboissiere <rafael at debian.org> Wed, 17 Dec 2008 23:25:17 +0100
octave-epstk (2.2-11) unstable; urgency=low
Added: octave-epstk/trunk/debian/patches/modern-str-functions
--- octave-epstk/trunk/debian/patches/modern-str-functions (rev 0)
+++ octave-epstk/trunk/debian/patches/modern-str-functions 2008-12-17 22:18:14 UTC (rev 2565)
@@ -0,0 +1,263 @@
+Use char() and ischar() instead of the deprecated setstr() and isstr()
+ -- Rafael Laboissiere <rafael at debian.org> Wed, 17 Dec 2008 23:25:17 +0100
+--- a/m/ebbox.m
++++ b/m/ebbox.m
+@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
+ [data n]=fread(epsFile,inf,'uchar');
+ fclose(epsFile);
+ % get head
+- head=setstr(data(1:headsize)');
++ head=char(data(1:headsize)');
+ pos=findstr(head,'BoundingBox:');
+ currentBBox=sscanf(head(pos(1)+12:pos(1)+40),'%f',4)';
+ if newBBox>=0
+--- a/m/ebitmap.m
++++ b/m/ebitmap.m
+@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@
+ data=fread(epsFile,headsize,'uchar');
+ fclose(epsFile);
+- head=setstr(data');
++ head=char(data');
+ pos=findstr(head,'epsTk');
+ if isempty(pos)
+ pos=findstr(head,'BoundingBox:')+12;
+@@ -117,7 +117,7 @@
+ [data n]=fread(epsFile,inf,'uchar');
+ fclose(epsFile);
+ headsize=500;
+- head=setstr(data(1:headsize)');
++ head=char(data(1:headsize)');
+ pos=findstr(head,'BoundingBox:')+12;
+ win=sscanf(head(pos(1):pos(1)+40),'%f',4);
+ pos=findstr(head,'translate')+9;
+--- a/m/ecdcover.m
++++ b/m/ecdcover.m
+@@ -143,8 +143,8 @@
+ % table of contents
+ if ~isempty(content)
+ [textString,tl]=etxtread(content);
+- cr=setstr(13);
+- lf=setstr(10);
++ cr=char(13);
++ lf=char(10);
+ tab='#';
+ pos=findstr(textString,cr);
+ textString(pos)=' ';
+--- a/m/edemo9.m
++++ b/m/edemo9.m
+@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
+ eppmwrit(logoFile,logoImg,logoCM); % save image
+ %content
+-lf=setstr(10); %linefeed
++lf=char(10); %linefeed
+ contenttext=[
+ 'New features:' lf ...
+ '#HTML documentation###' lf ...
+--- a/m/eimagexy.m
++++ b/m/eimagexy.m
+@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
+ if (nargin~=7)
+ eusage('eimagexy(epsFile,image,colorMap,x,y,width,height)');
+ end
+- if isstr(image)
++ if ischar(image)
+ [image,head]=ejpgread(image);
+ n=head(1);rows=head(2);cols=head(3);rgb=head(4);
+ if rgb
+--- a/m/eimg2shtml.m
++++ b/m/eimg2shtml.m
+@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
+ b64=evec2b64(imgString);
+ % key
+ identNo=num2str(sum(b64));
+- key=[setstr(key) identNo];
++ key=[char(key) identNo];
+ % encode image
+ [code checksum]=equisci(b64,key);
+ codeL=length(code);
+--- a/m/eimg2txt.m
++++ b/m/eimg2txt.m
+@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
+ [image colormap]=ergb2idx(image);
+ end
+- txtTab=['NBW8OUGX0woscvx+!~"-,' setstr(39) '` '];
++ txtTab=['NBW8OUGX0woscvx+!~"-,' char(39) '` '];
+ [rows cols]=size(image);
+ lumen=reshape(colormap(image,1)+...
+ colormap(image,2)+...
+--- a/m/eimgview.m
++++ b/m/eimgview.m
+@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@
+ else
+ einit;
+ end
+- if isstr(matrix)
++ if ischar(matrix)
+ ejpg2eps(matrix,epsFileName);
+ else
+ if colorMap(1,1)<0
+--- a/m/einit.m
++++ b/m/einit.m
+@@ -310,7 +310,7 @@
+ eTextAlignment=1; % 1=right 0=center -1=left
+ eTextRotation=0; % in deg
+ eTextLimitWord=' '; % character to limit words
+-eTextLimitPara=setstr(10); % character to limit paragraphs, setstr(10)=linefeed
++eTextLimitPara=char(10); % character to limit paragraphs, setstr(10)=linefeed
+ % text box
+ eTextBoxFeedLine=0; % mm 0=auto else fix linefeed
+--- a/m/einseps.m
++++ b/m/einseps.m
+@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
+ [data dl]=fread(epsFile,inf,'uchar');
+ fclose(epsFile);
+ headsize=500;
+- head=setstr(data(1:headsize)');
++ head=char(data(1:headsize)');
+ % read box
+ pos=findstr(head,'BoundingBox:')+12;
+@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
+ % delete showpage
+ pos=dl-headsize;
+- tail=setstr(data(pos:dl)');
++ tail=char(data(pos:dl)');
+ pos2=findstr(tail,'showpage');
+ if ~isempty(pos2)
+ data(pos+pos2(1)-1:pos+pos2(1)+6)=32;
+--- a/m/eplotlg.m
++++ b/m/eplotlg.m
+@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
+ etextxy(epsFile,x+lineLength+textH,y,0,1,text,textFont,textSize,textColor);
+ % draw line
+- if isstr(dash)
++ if ischar(dash)
+ fprintf(epsFile,'currentrgbcolor %1.2f %1.2f %1.2f setrgbcolor\n',...
+ color(1),color(2),color(3));
+ fprintf(epsFile,'%1.2f %1.2f 2 copy translate 0 0 moveto\n',...
+--- a/m/eplot.m
++++ b/m/eplot.m
+@@ -160,7 +160,7 @@
+ eclip(eFile,ePlotAreaPos(1)*eFac,ePlotAreaPos(2)*eFac,...
+ ePlotAreaWidth*eFac,ePlotAreaHeight*eFac);
+- if isstr(dash)
++ if ischar(dash)
+ n=size(xData,2);
+ exyplots(eFile,...
+ ePlotAreaPos(1)*eFac,...
+--- a/m/epolar.m
++++ b/m/epolar.m
+@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@
+ ePolarPlotAreaRadMax*eFac,...
+ ePolarPlotAreaAngStart,...
+ ePolarPlotAreaAngEnd);
+- if isstr(dash)
++ if ischar(dash)
+ epolplos(eFile,...
+ ePolarPlotAreaCenterPos(1)*eFac,...
+ ePolarPlotAreaCenterPos(2)*eFac,...
+--- a/m/erect.m
++++ b/m/erect.m
+@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
+ eusage('erect(epsFile,x,y,width,height,lineWidth,color,dash,rotation)');
+ end
+ eglobpar
+- if (size(dash,1)==1) && ~isstr(dash)
++ if (size(dash,1)==1) && ~ischar(dash)
+ dash=dash*eFac;
+ width=width-lineWidth;
+ height=height-lineWidth;
+--- a/m/escalecl.m
++++ b/m/escalecl.m
+@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
+ if valueStep==0
+ valueStep=signOfDelta*eticdis(signOfDelta*startEndDiff,nValuesMax);
+ end
+- if isstr(vForm)
++ if ischar(vForm)
+ valueForm=vForm;
+ else
+ if vForm==0
+--- a/m/escalepa.m
++++ b/m/escalepa.m
+@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
+ valueStep=signOfDelta*valueStep;
+ end
+ end
+- if isstr(vForm)
++ if ischar(vForm)
+ valueForm=vForm;
+ else
+ if vForm==0
+--- a/m/escalexy.m
++++ b/m/escalexy.m
+@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@
+ valueStep=signOfDelta*valueStep;
+ end
+ end
+- if isstr(vForm)
++ if ischar(vForm)
+ valueForm=vForm;
+ else
+ if isscalar (vForm) && vForm==0
+--- a/m/esubeps.m
++++ b/m/esubeps.m
+@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
+ if epsFile>0
+ head=fread(epsFile,headsize,'uchar');
+ fclose(epsFile);
+- head=setstr(head');
++ head=char(head');
+ pos=findstr(head,'BoundingBox:')+12;
+ win=sscanf(head(pos(1):pos(1)+40),'%f',4);
+--- a/m/etxt2shtml.m
++++ b/m/etxt2shtml.m
+@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@
+ cPath=ePath;
+ text=text+0;
+ identNo=num2str(sum(text));
+- key=[setstr(key) identNo];
++ key=[char(key) identNo];
+ if cipher==0
+ [text checksum]=equisci(text,key);
+ decoderFileName=[cPath 'quisci.inc'];
+--- a/m/etxtlpos.m
++++ b/m/etxtlpos.m
+@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
+ posStart=[1 pos(1:nLines-1)+ll];
+ posEnd=pos-1;
+ if pos(1)>1
+- if text(pos(1)-1)==setstr(13)
++ if text(pos(1)-1)==char(13)
+ posEnd=pos-2;
+ end
+ end
+--- a/m/etxtread.m
++++ b/m/etxtread.m
+@@ -17,4 +17,4 @@
+ textFile=fopen(textFileName,'rb');
+ [text textLength]=fread(textFile,inf,'uchar');
+ fclose(textFile);
+- text=setstr(text');
++ text=char(text');
+--- a/m/ewinsize.m
++++ b/m/ewinsize.m
+@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
+ [data dl]=fread(epsFile,inf,'uchar');
+ fclose(epsFile);
+ headsize=500;
+- head=setstr(data(1:headsize)');
++ head=char(data(1:headsize)');
+ % read box
+ pos=findstr(head,'BoundingBox:')+12;
Modified: octave-epstk/trunk/debian/patches/series
--- octave-epstk/trunk/debian/patches/series 2008-12-17 22:14:59 UTC (rev 2564)
+++ octave-epstk/trunk/debian/patches/series 2008-12-17 22:18:14 UTC (rev 2565)
@@ -7,3 +7,4 @@
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