[Pkg-octave-commit] r1218 - in octave/trunk/debian: . in

Rafael Laboissiere rafael at alioth.debian.org
Fri Feb 22 14:16:09 UTC 2008

tags 464334 pending

Author: rafael
Date: 2008-02-22 14:16:09 +0000 (Fri, 22 Feb 2008)
New Revision: 1218

Drop option -L given to the ls command when building the ls-R
database, such that simultaneous installation of octave2.1 and
octave3.0 will not fail.

Modified: octave/trunk/debian/changelog
--- octave/trunk/debian/changelog	2008-02-22 14:12:03 UTC (rev 1217)
+++ octave/trunk/debian/changelog	2008-02-22 14:16:09 UTC (rev 1218)
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 octave2.1 (1:2.1.73-17) UNRELEASED; urgency=low
   * Synched with octave3.0; in particular, switch from g77 to gfortran;
-    also, don't depend on a specific g++ version (closes: #463301).
+    also, don't depend on a specific g++ version (closes: #463301)
   * debian/control: Build-depend on dejagnu (for make check)
   * Moved debian/copyright into debian/in/copyright and generated the
     former using the slice command.  This is necessary because Octave 2.1
@@ -11,9 +11,11 @@
     version 2 or later of the GPL (closes: #435205)
   * debian/patches/50_compile-with-g++-4.3.dpatch: Fixes for compiling the
     octave2.1 with the GCC 4.3 suite (closes: #417486)
-  * debian/rules: Remove the *.html at clean target. This will result in
-    the package having the same contents when built twice in a row
-    (closes: #441721)
+  * debian/rules: Remove the *.html at clean target, such that the package
+    have the same contents when built twice in a row (closes: #441721)
+  * debian/in/PACKAGE.postinst: Drop option -L given to the ls command
+    when building the ls-R database, such that simultaneous installation
+    of octave2.1 and octave3.0 will not fail (closes: #464334)
  -- Rafael Laboissiere <rafael at debian.org>  Fri, 22 Feb 2008 14:15:22 +0100

Modified: octave/trunk/debian/in/PACKAGE.postinst
--- octave/trunk/debian/in/PACKAGE.postinst	2008-02-22 14:12:03 UTC (rev 1217)
+++ octave/trunk/debian/in/PACKAGE.postinst	2008-02-22 14:16:09 UTC (rev 1218)
@@ -21,10 +21,10 @@
 	# if it exists, update the ls-R database for kpathsea
 	if [ -d /usr/local/share/octave/ ]
-	    ls -LR /usr/lib/octave/ /usr/share/octave \
+	    ls -R /usr/lib/octave/ /usr/share/octave \
 		    /usr/local/share/octave > /usr/share/octave/ls-R
-	    ls -LR /usr/lib/octave/ /usr/share/octave > /usr/share/octave/ls-R
+	    ls -R /usr/lib/octave/ /usr/share/octave > /usr/share/octave/ls-R
 	# update-alternatives for multiple Octave versions

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