[Pkg-octave-commit] r1278 - octave-pkg-dev/trunk/debian

Rafael Laboissiere rafael at alioth.debian.org
Mon Feb 25 22:25:30 UTC 2008

Author: rafael
Date: 2008-02-25 22:25:30 +0000 (Mon, 25 Feb 2008)
New Revision: 1278

Added short and long descriptions

Modified: octave-pkg-dev/trunk/debian/control
--- octave-pkg-dev/trunk/debian/control	2008-02-25 22:01:28 UTC (rev 1277)
+++ octave-pkg-dev/trunk/debian/control	2008-02-25 22:25:30 UTC (rev 1278)
@@ -9,5 +9,10 @@
 Package: octave-pkg-dev
 Architecture: all
 Depends: octave3.0-headers, debhelper (>= 6), cdbs, curl
-Description: <insert up to 60 chars description>
- <insert long description, indented with spaces>
+Description: infrastructure to build Octave packages
+ Since version 3.0 of Octave (a numerical computation software),
+ add-ons can be installed through the pkg.m system.  This package
+ provides the infrastructure for packaging such add-ons for Debian.
+ It contains a Makefile scrap for inclusion in debian/rules, as well
+ as the necessary code for generating the appropriate maintainer
+ scripts and substitution variables in debian/control.

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