[Pkg-octave-commit] r1504 - in octave-pkg-dev/trunk: . debian

Rafael Laboissiere rafael at alioth.debian.org
Tue Mar 25 15:06:21 UTC 2008

Author: rafael
Date: 2008-03-25 15:06:21 +0000 (Tue, 25 Mar 2008)
New Revision: 1504

+ Install pkg from the current directory, not from the tarball
+ Drop the get-orig-source rule.  Use uscan now to retrieve tarball.
  Note that the .orig.tar.gz tarball is identical to the upstream
  tarball now.
+ Added a clean rule
+ Drop the setting of the DEB_TARBALL variable, which is obsolete now

Modified: octave-pkg-dev/trunk/debian/changelog
--- octave-pkg-dev/trunk/debian/changelog	2008-03-25 14:57:05 UTC (rev 1503)
+++ octave-pkg-dev/trunk/debian/changelog	2008-03-25 15:06:21 UTC (rev 1504)
@@ -1,3 +1,18 @@
+octave-pkg-dev (0.5) UNRELEASED; urgency=low
+  * pkg.m, cstrcat.m: Added files from Octave's upstream hg repository (it
+    will appear in release 3.0.1 of Octave).  This version allows
+    installation of Octave packages from an unpacked directory.
+  * octave-pkg-dev.mk.in:
+    + Install pkg from the current directory, not from the tarball
+    + Drop the get-orig-source rule.  Use uscan now to retrieve tarball.
+      Note that the .orig.tar.gz tarball is identical to the upstream
+      tarball now.
+    + Added a clean rule
+    + Drop the setting of the DEB_TARBALL variable, which is obsolete now
+ -- Rafael Laboissiere <rafael at debian.org>  Tue, 25 Mar 2008 13:19:34 +0100
 octave-pkg-dev (0.4) unstable; urgency=low
   * octave-pkg-dev.pl.in: Automatically add dependency relations to other
@@ -49,4 +64,3 @@
   * Initial release (closes: #468311)
  -- Rafael Laboissiere <rafael at debian.org>  Mon, 25 Feb 2008 10:11:27 +0100

Modified: octave-pkg-dev/trunk/octave-pkg-dev.mk.in
--- octave-pkg-dev/trunk/octave-pkg-dev.mk.in	2008-03-25 14:57:05 UTC (rev 1503)
+++ octave-pkg-dev/trunk/octave-pkg-dev.mk.in	2008-03-25 15:06:21 UTC (rev 1504)
@@ -20,29 +20,25 @@
 # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
 # Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
-# Unset Debian tarball variable, otherwise CBDS' buildcore.mk will
-# issue spurious messages.  Notice that the setting of DEB_TARBALL
-# must be done *_before_* including the CDBS file
 include /usr/share/cdbs/1/rules/debhelper.mk
-filename = $(wildcard *.tar.gz)
 package = $(shell awk '/^Package:/ {print $$2; exit 0}' debian/control)
 debpkg = debian/$(package)
 shrpkg = /usr/share/octave/debian
 mpath = usr/share/octave/packages
 bpath = usr/lib/octave/packages
-pkgname = $(filename:.tar.gz=)
+pkgname = $(package:octave-=)
 	mkdir -p $(CURDIR)/$(debpkg)/$(mpath)	\
-	@PACKAGE@ -f -H -q --no-site-file --eval		\
-		"pkg ('prefix', [pwd(),'/$(debpkg)/$(mpath)'],	\
+	@OCTAVE@ -f -H -q --no-site-file --eval		\
+		"addpath ('$(shrpkg)', '-begin');		\
+		 pkg ('prefix', [pwd(),'/$(debpkg)/$(mpath)'],	\
 		      [pwd(),'/$(debpkg)/$(bpath)']);		\
 		 pkg ('local_list', [pwd(),'.']);		\
 		 pkg ('global_list', [pwd(),'.']);		\
-		 pkg -verbose -nodeps install $(filename)"
+		 pkg -verbose -nodeps install ."
 	rm -f $(CURDIR)/$(debpkg)/$(mpath)/$(pkgname)/packinfo/COPYING
 	DH_AUTOSCRIPTDIR=$(shrpkg) $(shrpkg)/octave-pkg-dev.pl
@@ -55,11 +51,11 @@
 		| perl -pe 's:.*/(.*)\.m::;			\
 			 print "disp (\"[$$1]\")\ntest $$1"'	\
 		>> $$tmp ;					\
-	@PACKAGE@ -q --no-init-file  $$tmp ;			\
+	@OCTAVE@ -q --no-init-file  $$tmp ;			\
 	rm -f $$tmp
 	@if [ -f debian/check.m ] ; then			\
-		@PACKAGE@ -q --no-init-file --eval		\
+		@OCTAVE@ -q --no-init-file --eval		\
 			"addpath (genpath ([pwd(),'/debian']));	\
 			 source ('debian/check.m');" ;		\
@@ -68,16 +64,6 @@
 		 $(CURDIR)/$(debpkg)/$(mpath)	\
-	@if [ "$(SOURCEFORGE)" != "NO" ] ; then 	\
-		$(shrpkg)/get-oct-pkg-src.pl ;		\
-	fi
-	@tarball=$$( ls *.tar.gz | grep -v .orig.tar.gz | tail -n1 ) ;	\
-	pkgver=$$( echo $$tarball | sed 's/.tar.gz//') ;		\
-	ver=$$( echo $$pkgver | sed 's/.*-//' ) ;			\
-	dir=$(package)-$$ver ;						\
-	rm -rf $$dir ;							\
-	mkdir $$dir ;							\
-	cp $$tarball $$dir ;						\
-	tar cfz $(package)_$$ver.orig.tar.gz $$dir ; 			\
-	rm -rf $$dir
+	-$(MAKE) -C src clean
+	rm -rf inst/$(shell octave-config -p CANONICAL_HOST_TYPE)-$(shell octave-config -p API_VERSION)

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