[Pkg-octave-commit] [SCM] octave-optim branch, master, updated. 1f1bcd1178f2d9858fe71e6deee23594de6052c4

Thomas Weber thomas.weber.mail at gmail.com
Thu Dec 31 09:40:15 UTC 2009

The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit b6d3ee3c954137f54531f1d9d3605f68e2b58190
Author: Thomas Weber <thomas.weber.mail at gmail.com>
Date:   Wed Dec 30 23:28:32 2009 +0100

    New patch: remove_fzero

diff --git a/debian/changelog b/debian/changelog
index e377a89..d9ee4e1 100644
--- a/debian/changelog
+++ b/debian/changelog
@@ -1,7 +1,13 @@
 octave-optim (1.0.5-2) UNRELEASED; urgency=low
+  [ Rafael Laboissiere ]
   * debian/control: Build-depend on octave-pkg-dev >= 0.7.0, such that the
     package is built against octave3.2
+  [ Thomas Weber ]
+  * New upstream release
+  * New patch: remove_fzero: Remove fzero.m, it is included in Octave 3.2 and
+    uses removed functions (fsolve_options)
  -- Rafael Laboissiere <rafael at debian.org>  Sun, 07 Jun 2009 21:06:50 +0200
diff --git a/debian/patches/remove_fzero b/debian/patches/remove_fzero
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..069ec30
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/patches/remove_fzero
@@ -0,0 +1,448 @@
+--- a/inst/fzero.m
++++ /dev/null
+@@ -1,445 +0,0 @@
+-## Copyright (C) 2004 £ukasz Bodzon <lllopezzz at o2.pl>
+-## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+-## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+-## the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+-## (at your option) any later version.
+-## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+-## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+-## GNU General Public License for more details.
+-## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-## along with this program; If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+-## 2004-07-20, Piotr Krzyzanowski, <piotr.krzyzanowski at mimuw.edu.pl>:
+-## Options parameter and fall back to fsolve if only scalar APPROX argument
+-## supplied
+-## 2004-07-01, Lukasz Bodzon:
+-## Replaced f(a)*f(b) < 0 criterion by a more robust
+-## sign(f(a)) ~= sign(f(b))
+-## 2004-06-18, Lukasz Bodzon:
+-## Original implementation of Brent's method of finding a zero of a scalar
+-## function
+-## -*- texinfo -*-
+-## @deftypefn {Function File} {} [X, FX, INFO] = fzero (FCN, APPROX, OPTIONS)
+-## Given FCN, the name of a function of the form `F (X)', and an initial
+-## approximation APPROX, `fzero' solves the scalar nonlinear equation such that
+-## `F(X) == 0'. Depending on APPROX, `fzero' uses different algorithms to solve
+-## the problem: either the Brent's method or the Powell's method of `fsolve'.
+-## @deftypefnx {Function File} {} [X, FX, INFO] = fzero (FCN, APPROX, OPTIONS,P1,P2,...)
+-## Call FCN with FCN(X,P1,P2,...).
+-## @table @asis
+-## @end table
+-## @table @asis
+-## @item APPROX can be a vector with two components, 
+-## @example
+-## A = APPROX(1) and B = APPROX(2),
+-## @end example
+-## which localizes the zero of F, that is, it is assumed that X lies between A and
+-## B. If APPROX is a scalar, it is treated as an initial guess for X.
+-## If APPROX is a vector of length 2 and F takes different signs at A and B,
+-## F(A)*F(B) < 0, then the Brent's zero finding algorithm [1] is used with error
+-## tolerance criterion 
+-## @example
+-## reltol*|X|+abstol (see OPTIONS). 
+-## @end example
+-## This algorithm combines
+-## superlinear convergence (for sufficiently regular functions) with the
+-## robustness of bisection.
+-## Whether F has identical signs at A and B, or APPROX is a single scalar value,
+-## then `fzero' falls back to another method and `fsolve(FCN, X0)' is called, with
+-## the starting value X0 equal to (A+B)/2 or APPROX, respectively. Only absolute
+-## residual tolerance, abstol, is used then, due to the limitations of the `fsolve_options'
+-## function. See OPTIONS and `help fsolve' for details.
+-## @item OPTIONS is a structure, with the following fields:
+-## @table @asis
+-## @item 'abstol' - absolute (error for Brent's or residual for fsolve)
+-## tolerance. Default = 1e-6.
+-## @item 'reltol' - relative error tolerance (only Brent's method). Default = 1e-6.
+-## @item 'prl' - print level, how much diagnostics to print. Default = 0, no
+-## diagnostics output.
+-## @end table
+-## If OPTIONS argument is omitted, or a specific field is not present in the
+-## OPTIONS structure, default values will be used.
+-## @end table
+-## @table @asis
+-## @end table
+-## @table @asis
+-## @item The computed approximation to the zero of FCN is returned in X. FX is then equal
+-## to FCN(X). If the iteration converged, INFO == 1. If Brent's method is used,
+-## and the function seems discontinuous, INFO is set to -5. If fsolve is used,
+-## INFO is determined by its convergence.
+-## @end table
+-## @table @asis
+-## @item EXAMPLES
+-## @end table
+-## @example
+-## fzero('sin',[-2 1]) will use Brent's method to find the solution to
+-## sin(x) = 0 in the interval [-2, 1]
+-## @end example
+-## @example
+-## [x, fx, info] = fzero('sin',-2) will use fsolve to find a solution to
+-## sin(x)=0 near -2.
+-## @end example
+-## @example
+-## options.abstol = 1e-2; fzero('sin',-2, options) will use fsolve to
+-## find a solution to sin(x)=0 near -2 with the absolute tolerance 1e-2.
+-## @end example
+-## @table @asis
+-## @item REFERENCES
+-## [1] Brent, R. P. "Algorithms for minimization without derivatives" (1971).
+-## @end table
+-## @end deftypefn
+-## @seealso{fsolve}
+-function [Z, FZ, INFO] =fzero(Func,bracket,options,varargin)
+-	if (nargin < 2) 
+-	  usage("[x, fx, info] = fzero(@fcn, [lo,hi]|start, options)"); 
+-	endif
+-	if !ischar(Func) && !isa(Func,"function_handle") && !isa(Func,"inline function")
+-	  error("fzero expects a function as the first argument");
+-	endif
+-	bracket = bracket(:);
+-	if all(length(bracket)!=[1,2])
+-	  error("fzero expects an initial value or a range");
+-	endif
+-	set_default_options = false;
+-	if (nargin >= 2) 			% check for the options
+-		if (nargin == 2)
+-			set_default_options = true;
+-			options = [];
+-		 else 				% nargin > 2
+-			if ~isstruct(options)
+-				if ~isempty(options)  % empty indicates default chosen
+-					warning('Options incorrect. Setting default values.');
+-				end
+-				warning('Options incorrect. Setting default values.');
+-				set_default_options = true;
+-			end
+-		end
+-	end
+-	if ~isfield(options,'abstol')
+-		options.abstol = 1e-6;
+-	end
+-	if ~isfield(options,'reltol')
+-		options.reltol = 1e-6;
+-	end
+-	% if ~isfield(options,'maxit')
+-	% options.maxit = 100;
+-	% end
+-	if ~isfield(options,'prl')
+-		options.prl = 0; 		% no diagnostics output
+-	end
+-	fcount = 0; 				% counts function evaluations
+-	if (length(bracket) > 1)
+-		a = bracket(1); b = bracket(2);
+-		use_brent = true;
+-	 else
+-		b = bracket;
+-		use_brent = false;
+-	end
+-	if (use_brent)
+-		fa=feval(Func,a,varargin{:}); fcount=fcount+1;
+-		fb=feval(Func,b,varargin{:}); fcount=fcount+1;
+-		BOO=true;
+-		tol=options.reltol*abs(b)+options.abstol;
+-		% check if one of the endpoints is the solution
+-		if (fa == 0.0)
+-			BOO = false;
+-			c = b = a;
+-			fc = fb = fa;
+-		end
+-		if (fb == 0.0)
+-			BOO = false;
+-			c = a = b;
+-			fc = fa = fb;
+-		end
+-		if ((sign(fa) == sign(fb)) & BOO)
+-			warning ("fzero: equal signs at both ends of the interval.\n\
+-			Using fsolve('%s',%g) instead", Func, 0.5*(a+b));
+-			use_brent = false;
+-			b = 0.5*(a+b);
+-		endif
+-	end
+-	if (use_brent) 				% it is reasonable to call Brent's method
+-		if options.prl > 0
+-			fprintf(stderr,"============================\n");
+-			fprintf(stderr,"fzero: using Brent's method\n");
+-			fprintf(stderr,"============================\n");
+-		end
+-		c=a;
+-		fc=fa;
+-		d=b-a;
+-		e=d;
+-		while (BOO == true) 		% convergence check
+-			if (sign(fb) == sign(fc)) % rename a, b, c and adjust bounding interval
+-				c=a;
+-				fc=fa;
+-				d=b-a;
+-				e=d;
+-			endif,
+-			## We are preventing overflow and division by zero
+-			## while computing the new approximation by
+-			## linear interpolation.
+-			## After this step, we lose the chance for using
+-			## inverse quadratic interpolation (a==c).
+-			if (abs(fc) < abs(fb))
+-				a=b;
+-				b=c;
+-				c=a;
+-				fa=fb;
+-				fb=fc;
+-				fc=fa;
+-			endif,
+-			tol=options.reltol*abs(b)+options.abstol;
+-			m=0.5*(c-b);
+-			if options.prl > 0
+-				fprintf(stderr,'fzero: [%d feval] X = %8.4e\n', fcount, b);
+-				if options.prl > 1
+-					fprintf(stderr,'fzero: m = %8.4e e = %8.4e [tol = %8.4e]\n', m, e, tol);
+-				end
+-			end
+-			if (abs(m) > tol & fb != 0)
+-			## The second condition in following if-instruction
+-			## prevents overflow and division by zero
+-			## while computing the new approximation by
+-			## inverse quadratic interpolation.
+-				if (abs(e) < tol | abs(fa) <= abs(fb))
+-					d=m; 			% bisection
+-					e=m;
+-				 else
+-					s=fb/fa;
+-					if (a == c) 		% attempt linear interpolation
+-						p=2*m*s; 	%  (the secant method)
+-						q=1-s;
+-					 else 			% attempt inverse quadratic interpolation
+-						q=fa/fc;
+-						r=fb/fc;
+-						p=s*(2*m*q*(q-r)-(b-a)*(r-1));
+-						q=(q-1)*(r-1)*(s-1);
+-					endif,
+-					if (p > 0) 		% fit signs
+-						q=-q; 		%  to the sign of (c-b)
+-					 else
+-						p=-p;
+-					endif,
+-					s=e;
+-					e=d;
+-					if (2*p < 3*m*q-abs(tol*q) & p < abs(0.5*s*q))
+-						d=p/q; 		% accept interpolation
+-					 else 			% interpolation failed;
+-						d=m; 		%  take the bisection step
+-						e=m;
+-					endif,
+-				endif,
+-				a=b;
+-				fa=fb;
+-				if (abs(d) > tol)	 	% the step we take is never shorter
+-					b=b+d; 			%  than tol
+-				 else
+-					if (m > 0) 		% fit signs
+-						b=b+tol; 	%  to the sign of (c-b)
+-				 	 else
+-						b=b-tol;
+-					endif,
+-				endif,
+-				fb=feval(Func,b,varargin{:}); fcount=fcount+1;
+-		 	 else
+-				BOO=false;
+-			endif,
+-		endwhile,
+-		Z=b;
+-		FZ = fb;
+-		if abs(FZ) > 100*tol 	% large value of the residual may indicate a discontinuity point
+-			INFO = -5;
+-	 	 else
+-			INFO = 1;
+-		end
+-		%
+-		% TODO: test if Z may be a singular point of F (ie F is discontinuous at Z
+-		% Then return INFO = -5
+-		%
+-		if (options.prl > 0 )
+-			fprintf(stderr,"\nfzero: summary\n");
+-			switch(INFO)
+-		 	 case 1
+-				MSG = "Solution converged within specified tolerance";
+-		 	 case -5
+-				MSG = strcat("Probably a discontinuity/singularity point of F()\n encountered close to X = ", sprintf('%8.4e',Z),...
+-				".\n Value of the residual at X, |F(X)| = ",...
+-				sprintf('%8.4e',abs(FZ)), ...
+-				".\n Another possibility is that you use too large tolerance parameters",...
+-				".\n Currently TOL = ", sprintf('%8.4e', tol), ...
+-				".\n Try fzero with smaller tolerance values");
+-		 	 otherwise
+-				MSG = "Something strange happened"
+-			endswitch
+-			fprintf(stderr,' %s.\n', MSG);
+-			fprintf(stderr,' %d function evaluations.\n', fcount);
+-		end
+-	 else 				% fall back to fsolve
+-		if options.prl > 0
+-			fprintf(stderr,"============================\n");
+-			fprintf(stderr,"fzero: using fsolve\n");
+-			fprintf(stderr,"============================\n");
+-		end
+-		% check for zeros in APPROX
+-		fb=feval(Func,b,varargin{:});
+-		fcount=fcount+1;
+-		tol_save = fsolve_options('tolerance');
+-		fsolve_options("tolerance",options.abstol);
+-		[Z, INFO, MSG] = fsolve(Func, b);
+-		fsolve_options('tolerance',tol_save);
+-		FZ = feval(Func,Z,varargin{:});
+-		if options.prl > 0
+-			fprintf(stderr,"\nfzero: summary\n");
+-			fprintf(stderr,' %s.\n', MSG);
+-		end
+-	end
+-%!## usage and error testing
+-%!##	the Brent's method
+-%! options.abstol=0;
+-%! assert (fzero('sin',[-1,2],options), 0)
+-%! options.abstol=0.01;
+-%! options.reltol=1e-3;
+-%! assert (fzero('tan',[-0.5,1.41],options), 0, 0.01)
+-%! options.abstol=1e-3;
+-%! assert (fzero('atan',[-(10^300),10^290],options), 0, 1e-3)
+-%! testfun=inline('(x-1)^3','x');
+-%! options.abstol=0;
+-%! options.reltol=eps;
+-%! assert (fzero(testfun,[0,3],options), 1, -eps)
+-%! testfun=inline('(x-1)^3+y+z','x','y','z');
+-%! options.abstol=0;
+-%! options.reltol=eps;
+-%! assert (fzero(testfun,[-3,0],options,22,5), -2, eps)
+-%! testfun=inline('x.^2-100','x');
+-%! options.abstol=1e-4;
+-%! assert (fzero(testfun,[-9,300],options),10,1e-4)
+-%!##	`fsolve'
+-%! options.abstol=0.01;
+-%! assert (fzero('tan',-0.5,options), 0, 0.01)
+-%! options.abstol=0;
+-%! assert (fzero('sin',[0.5,1],options), 0)
+-%! bracket=[-1,1.2]; 
+-%! [X,FX,MSG]=fzero('tan',bracket)
+-%! bracket=1; 	# `fsolve' will be used
+-%! [X,FX,MSG]=fzero('sin',bracket)
+-%! bracket=[-1,2]; 
+-%! options.abstol=0; options.prl=1; 
+-%! X=fzero('sin',bracket,options)
+-%! bracket=[0.5,1]; 
+-%! options.abstol=0; options.reltol=eps; options.prl=1; 
+-%! fzero('sin',bracket,options)
+-%! demofun=inline('2*x.*exp(-4)+1 - 2*exp(-4*x)','x'); 
+-%! bracket=[0, 1]; 
+-%! options.abstol=1e-14; options.reltol=eps; options.prl=2;
+-%! [X,FX]=fzero(demofun,bracket,options)
+-%! demofun=inline('x^51','x');
+-%! bracket=[-12,10];
+-%! # too large tolerance parameters
+-%! options.abstol=1; options.reltol=1; options.prl=1;
+-%! [X,FX]=fzero(demofun,bracket,options)
+-%! # points of discontinuity inside the bracket
+-%! demofun=inline('0.5*(sign(x-1e-7)+sign(x+1e-7))','x');
+-%! bracket=[-5,7];
+-%! options.prl=1;
+-%! [X,FX]=fzero(demofun,bracket,options)
+-%! demofun=inline('2*x*exp(-x^2)','x');
+-%! bracket=1;
+-%! options.abstol=1e-14; options.prl=2;
+-%! [X,FX]=fzero(demofun,bracket,options)
+-%! demofun=inline('2*x.*exp(-x.^2)','x');
+-%! bracket=[-10,1];
+-%! options.abstol=1e-14; options.prl=2;
+-%! [X,FX]=fzero(demofun,bracket,options)
diff --git a/debian/patches/series b/debian/patches/series
index 2b3180c..4e9bb98 100644
--- a/debian/patches/series
+++ b/debian/patches/series
@@ -1 +1,2 @@


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