[Pkg-octave-commit] [SCM] octave-time branch, master, updated. 2e137b69b4b8ac82047524567a101c05c85aa6e4
Thomas Weber
thomas.weber.mail at gmail.com
Thu Dec 31 10:02:04 UTC 2009
The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit b13943f6ec4002b3d6e8a4a4fc3e89a4df9f5501
Author: Thomas Weber <thomas.weber.mail at gmail.com>
Date: Thu Dec 31 00:34:14 2009 +0100
Drop patch datenum-month-vector.diff
diff --git a/debian/changelog b/debian/changelog
index afebd55..86ae184 100644
--- a/debian/changelog
+++ b/debian/changelog
@@ -1,9 +1,13 @@
octave-time (1.0.9-2) UNRELEASED; urgency=low
+ [ Rafael Laboissiere ]
* debian/control: Build-depend on octave-pkg-dev >= 0.7.0, such that the
package is built against octave3.2
- -- Rafael Laboissiere <rafael at debian.org> Sun, 07 Jun 2009 21:05:13 +0200
+ [ Thomas Weber ]
+ * Drop patch datenum-month-vector.diff, we no longer build for octave3.0.
+ -- Thomas Weber <thomas.weber.mail at gmail.com> Sun, 29 Nov 2009 18:39:29 +0100
octave-time (1.0.9-1) unstable; urgency=low
diff --git a/debian/patches/datenum-month-vector.diff b/debian/patches/datenum-month-vector.diff
deleted file mode 100644
index 81c25b3..0000000
--- a/debian/patches/datenum-month-vector.diff
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-Fix the calls to datenum() such that the month argument is passed
-vectors when needed.
- -- Rafael Laboissiere <rafael at debian.org> Sun, 24 May 2009 21:20:19 +0200
---- a/inst/busdays.m
-+++ b/inst/busdays.m
-@@ -119,9 +119,9 @@
- endfunction
- ## Tests
--%!assert (busdays (datenum (2008, 1, 1), datenum (2008, 1, 12)), datenum (2008, 1, [2;3;4;7;8;9;10;11]))
--%!assert (busdays (datenum (2008, 1, 1), datenum (2008, 1, 12), "d"), datenum (2008, 1, [2;3;4;7;8;9;10;11]))
--%!assert (busdays (datenum (2001, 1, 2), datenum (2001, 1, 9), "w"), datenum (2001, 1, [5;12]))
-+%!assert (busdays (datenum (2008, 1, 1), datenum (2008, 1, 12)), datenum (2008, ones (8, 1), [2;3;4;7;8;9;10;11]))
-+%!assert (busdays (datenum (2008, 1, 1), datenum (2008, 1, 12), "d"), datenum (2008, ones (8, 1), [2;3;4;7;8;9;10;11]))
-+%!assert (busdays (datenum (2001, 1, 2), datenum (2001, 1, 9), "w"), datenum (2001, [1;1], [5;12]))
- %!assert (busdays (datenum (2008, 1, 1), datenum (2008, 1, 2), "m"), datenum (2008, 1, 31))
- %!assert (busdays (datenum (2008, 1, 1), datenum (2010, 5, 2), "m"), lbusdate ([2008*ones(12,1);2009*ones(12,1);2010*ones(5,1)], [1:12 1:12 1:5]'))
- %!assert (busdays (datenum (2008, 1, 1), datenum (2008, 1, 2), "q"), datenum (2008, 3, 31))
---- a/inst/datefind.m
-+++ b/inst/datefind.m
-@@ -44,5 +44,5 @@
- endfunction
- ## Tests
--%!assert (datefind (datenum (1999, 7, [10;20]), datenum (1999, 7, 1:31)), [10;20])
--%!assert (datefind (datenum (1999, 7, [10;20]), datenum (1999, 7, 1:31), 1), [9;10;11;19;20;21])
-+%!assert (datefind (datenum (1999, [7;7], [10;20]), datenum (1999, repmat (7, 1, 31), 1:31)), [10;20])
-+%!assert (datefind (datenum (1999, [7;7], [10;20]), datenum (1999, repmat (7, 1, 31), 1:31), 1), [9;10;11;19;20;21])
---- a/inst/nweekdate.m
-+++ b/inst/nweekdate.m
-@@ -146,7 +146,7 @@
- # It doesn't exist, so return 0
- %!assert(nweekdate(5, 4, 2008, 1, 6), 0)
- # Try vector arguments
--%!assert(nweekdate(1:6, 4, 2008, 1, 6), [datenum(2008, 1, 2:7:23), 0, 0])
-+%!assert(nweekdate(1:6, 4, 2008, 1, 6), [datenum(2008, ones (1, length (2:7:23)), 2:7:23), 0, 0])
- # Try the lweekdate operation of this function:
- # Find the last Wednesday in Jan 2008
---- a/inst/eomdate.m
-+++ b/inst/eomdate.m
-@@ -31,7 +31,11 @@
- endif
- d = eomday (y, m);
-- e = datenum (y, m, d);
-+ if isscalar (m)
-+ e = datenum (y, repmat (m, size (d)), d);
-+ else
-+ e = datenum (y, m, d);
-+ endif
- endfunction
diff --git a/debian/patches/series b/debian/patches/series
index 9955251..8d1c8b6 100644
--- a/debian/patches/series
+++ b/debian/patches/series
@@ -1 +1 @@
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