[Pkg-octave-commit] [SCM] octave-symband branch, master, updated. fdd43a4cfb40c0014e0226ea18b5a630f7260df0

Rafael Laboissiere rafael at debian.org
Sat May 23 10:09:01 UTC 2009

The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit fdd43a4cfb40c0014e0226ea18b5a630f7260df0
Author: Rafael Laboissiere <rafael at debian.org>
Date:   Sat May 23 12:06:39 2009 +0200

    Add the LaTeX source for the the SymBand documentation
    This makes the package DFSG-compliant.

diff --git a/debian/patches/documentation-sources.diff b/debian/patches/documentation-sources.diff
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c048c2c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/patches/documentation-sources.diff
@@ -0,0 +1,410 @@
+Add the LaTeX source for the the SymBand documentation.  This makes
+the package DFSG-compliant.
+ -- Rafael Laboissiere <rafael at debian.org>  Sat, 23 May 2009 12:01:04 +0200
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/doc/Makefile
+@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
++sinclude ../../../Makeconf
++TEX = $(wildcard *.tex)
++PDF = $(patsubst %.tex,%.pdf,$(TEX))
++all : $(PDF) html/index.html
++%.pdf : %.tex
++	latex $< > /dev/null 2>&1
++	latex $< > /dev/null 2>&1
++	$(DVIPDF) $(@:.pdf=.dvi)
++# Note verbosity=0 as well as making latex2html quieter, has the side-effect
++# of not including a url to the raw text, which it'll get wrong
++html/index.html : $(TEX)
++	latex2html -verbosity=0 -local_icons $<
++	if [ -e "html" ]; then \
++	  rm -fr html; \
++	fi; \
++	mv -f $(patsubst %.tex,%,$<) html
++	rm -fr $(patsubst %.tex,%,$(TEX)) html *.log
++	rm -f $(PDF) *~
++	rm -f $(patsubst %.tex,%.aux,$(TEX))
++	rm -f $(patsubst %.tex,%.out,$(TEX))
++	rm -f $(patsubst %.tex,%.dvi,$(TEX))
++	rm -f $(patsubst %.tex,%.toc,$(TEX))
++	rm -f $(patsubst %.tex,%.idx,$(TEX))
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/doc/SymBandDoc.tex
+@@ -0,0 +1,369 @@
++\setlength{\topmargin}{-15mm} %letter
++%%\input macros
++\newcommand{\text}[1]{\ #1 \ }
++\title{Symmetric Banded Matrices}
++\author{Version 0.1 December, 2001\\
++Andreas Stahel
++%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Document %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
++\section{Basic description}
++Many  matrices used to solve PDE (using FEM) are symmetric. It the
++nodes are numbered properly then the matrix will show
++a band structure, i.e. all nonzero elements are located close to the main
++diagonal. The algorithm of Cholesky or the $LDL^T$ factorization can take
++advantage of this structure, see~\cite{GoluVanLoan96}. For a symmetric
++matrix $A$ of size $n\times n$ with semi-bandwidth $b$ the approximate
++computational cost to solve one system of equations is 
++given by
++\[ \mbox{Gauss}\approx \frac{1}{3}\;n^3 \text{and}
++ \mbox{Band Cholesky}\approx \frac{1}{2}\,n\,b^2\]
++Obviously for $b\ll n$ is is advantageous to
++use a banded solver. A more detailed analysis and an implementation is
++given in~\cite{VarFem}.
++To take advantage of the symmetry and the band structure the matrices will
++be stored in a modified format, as illustrated below.
++  \begin{array}{ccccc}
++   10&2&3&0&0\\2&20&4&5&0\\3&4&30&6&7\\0&5&6&40&8\\0&0&7&8&50
++  \end{array} \right|
++  \left| \begin{array}{ccc}
++   10&2&3\\20&4&5\\30&6&7\\40&8&0\\50&0&0
++  \end{array} \right| \]
++A banded version of the $LDL^T$ factorization in~\cite{GoluVanLoan96}
++can be implemented. If the matrix $A$ is strictly positive definite, then
++the algorithm is known to be stable. If $A$ is not positive definite, then
++problems might occur, since no pivoting is done. The matrix $A$ is
++positive definite if and only if the diagonal matrix $D$ is positive.
++For a given matrix some of its smallest eigenvalues can be computed with an
++algorithm based on inverse power iteration. Precise information on the
++numerical errors is provided. The code is capable of finding eigenvalues of
++medium size matrices, where the standard command \texttt{eig()} is either very
++slow of will fail.
++%This author prefers the notation of a $R^TDR$ factorization, the
++%difference is in notation only, i.e. $R^T=L$. 
++%The presented code can be obtained form authors home
++  \begin{center}
++\multicolumn{2}{|l|}{Operations for symmetric, banded matrices}\\\hline
++\texttt{SBSolve()} & solve a system of linear equations \\
++\texttt{SBFactor()} & find the $R^TDR$ factorization \\
++\texttt{SBBacksub()} & use back-substitution to solve system of equations\\
++\texttt{SBEig()} & find a few of the smallest eigenvalues and eigenvectors\\
++\texttt{SBProd()} & multiply symmetric banded matrix with full matrix\\
++\texttt{FullToBand()} & convert a symmetric matrix to a banded matrix\\
++\texttt{BandToFull()} & convert a banded matrix to a symmetric matrix\\
++\texttt{BandToSparse()} & convert a banded matrix to a sparse matrix\\
++    \caption{List of commands}
++    \label{tab:commands}
++  \end{center}
++\section{Description of the commands}
++The basic factorization algorithm is implemented in \texttt{SBSolve}. The
++function can return the solution of the system of linear equations, or the
++solution and the factorization of the original matrix.
++Multiple sets of equations can be solved.
++[...] = SBSolve(...)
++  solve a system of linear equations with a symmetric banded matrix
++  X=SBSolve(A,B)
++  [R,X]=SBSolve(A,B)
++   solves A X = B
++   A is mxt where t-1 is number of non-zero super-diagonals
++   B is mxn
++   X is mxn
++   R is mxt
++  if A would be ! 11000 ! then A= ! 11 ! 
++                ! 14300 !         ! 43 ! 
++                ! 03520 !         ! 52 ! 
++                ! 00285 !         ! 85 ! 
++                ! 00059 !         ! 90 ! 
++  B is a full matrix
++  The code is based on a LDL' decomposition (use L=R'), without pivoting.
++  If A is positive definite, then it reduces to the Cholesky algorithm.
++  R is an upper right band matrix
++  The first column of R contains the entries of a diagonal matrix D. 
++  If the first column of R is filled by 1's, then we have R'*D*R = A
++To determine the \ID{matrix, inverse}inverse matrix $\mathtt{A}^{-1}$ one can
++use the command \texttt{invA = SBSolve(A,eye(n));}.  Be aware that calculating
++the inverse matrix is rarely a wise thing to do. Most often the inverse of a
++banded matrix will loose the band structure.
++If the matrix \textbf{A} is strictly positive definite, then the algorithm is
++stable and one can expect the solution to be as accurate as the conditions
++number of \textbf{A} permits. If \textbf{A} is semidefinite, then large errors
++might occur, since \textbf{not pivoting} is implemented in the code. The
++matrix is positive definite iff all eigenvalues are positive, this can be
++verified by inspection the sign of the numbers in the first column of
++\textbf{R}.  The matrix is positive definite if the first column of the
++factorization matrix \texttt{R} (use \texttt{SBFactor()}) contains positive
++numbers only. A description of the algorithm can be found
++in~\cite{GoluVanLoan96} or~\cite{VarFem}.
++\subsection{\texttt{SBFactor} and \texttt{SBBacksub}}
++Instead of calling \texttt{X=SBSolve(A,B)} one can first call
++\texttt{R=SBFactor(A)} to determine the factorization $A=R^TDR$ and
++then \texttt{B=SBBacksub(R,X)} to solve the system(s) $A\cdot X=B$~.
++Since most of the computational effort is in the factorization, this can be
++useful if many system of linear equations have to be solved sequentially.
++If multiple system are to be solved simultaneously it is preferable to use
++\texttt{SBSolve(A,B)} with a matrix \texttt{B}~.
++[...] = SBFactor(...)
++  find the R'DR factorization of a symmetric banded matrix
++  R=SBFactor(A)
++   A is mxt where t-1 is number of non-zero super diagonals
++   R is mxt
++  if A would be ! 11000 ! then A= ! 11 !
++                ! 14300 !         ! 43 !
++                ! 03520 !         ! 52 !
++                ! 00285 !         ! 85 !
++                ! 00059 !         ! 90 !
++  The code is based on a LDL' decomposition (use L=R'), without pivoting.
++  If A is positive definite, then it reduces to the Cholesky algorithm.
++  R is an upper right band matrix
++  The first column of R contains the entries of a diagonal matrix D.
++  If the first column of R is filled by 1's, then we have R'*D*R = A
++[...] = SBBacksub(...)
++  using backsubstitution  to return the solution of a system of linear equations
++  X=SBBacksub(R,B)
++   B is mxn
++   X is mxn
++   R is mxt
++   R is produced by a call of [X,R] = SBSolve(A,B) or R = SBFactor(A)
++   It is an upper right band matrix
++   The first column of R contains the entries of a diagonal matrix D.
++   If the first column of R is filled by 1's, then we have R'*D*R = A
++If there is interest in the classical Cholesky decomposition
++\ID{Cholesky decomposition}  of the matrix \texttt{A} 
++(i.e. $\mathtt{A}=\mathtt{R}^\prime\cdot \mathtt{R}$) then \texttt{R} can be
++computed by
++The number of positive/negative numbers in the first column of \textbf{R}
++equals the number of positive/negative eigenvalues of \textbf{A}.
++For given symmetric matrices \textbf{A} and \textbf{B} the standard
++(resp. generalized) eigenvalue problem will be solved, i.e.
++\[ \mathbf{A}\,\vec v=\lambda\,\vec v \text{resp.}
++   \mathbf{A}\,\vec v=\lambda\,\mathbf{B}\,\vec v  \]
++Using inverse power iteration a given number of the smallest (absolute value)
++eigenvalues if a symmetric matrix \textbf{A} are computed. If needed the
++eigenvectors are also generated.  A set of initial vectors \textbf{V} have to
++be given. If those are already close to the eigenvectors, then the algorithm
++will converge rather quickly. For a precise description and analysis
++[...] = SBEig(...)
++  find a few eigenvalues of the symmetric, banded matrix
++  inverse power iteration is used for the standard and generalized
++  eigenvalue problem
++  [Lambda,{Ev,err}] = SBEig(A,V,tol)     solve A*Ev = Ev*diag(Lambda)
++                    standard eigenvalue problem
++  [Lambda,{Ev,err}] = SBEig(A,B,V,tol)   solve A*Ev = B*Ev*diag(Lambda)
++                    generalized eigenvalue problem
++   A   is mxt, where t-1 is number of non-zero superdiagonals
++   B   is mxs, where s-1 is number of non-zero superdiagonals
++   V   is mxn, where n is the number of eigenvalues desired
++       contains the initial eigenvectors for the iteration
++   tol is the relative error, used as the stopping criterion
++   X   is a column vector with the eigenvalues
++   Ev  is a matrix whose columns represent normalized eigenvectors
++   err is a vector with the a posteriori error estimates for the eigenvalues
++The algorithm is based on inverse power iteration 
++\ID{iteration, inverse power}  with $n$ independent vectors.
++The iteration will proceed until the relative change of all eigenvalues is
++smaller than the given value of \texttt{tol}. This does not guarantee that the
++relative error is smaller than \texttt{tol}.  The initial guesses \textbf{V}
++for the eigenvectors have to be linearly independent. The closer the initial
++guess is to the actual eigenvector,the faster the algorithm will converge. 
++The algorithm returns $n$ eigenvalues closest to~0~.
++For the standard eigenvalue problem $\mathbf{A}\;\vec v_i = \lambda_i\, \vec
++v_i$ the eigenvectors $\vec v_i$ will be orthonormal with respect to the
++standard scalar product, i.e, $\langle \vec v_i\,,\,\vec v_j\rangle
++=\delta_{i,j}$. For the generalized eigenvalue problem 
++$\mathbf{A}\;\vec v_i = \lambda_i\, \mathbf{B}\,\vec v_i$ this translates to
++$\langle \vec v_i\,,\,\mathbf{B}\,\vec v_j\rangle=\delta_{i,j}$. The symmetric
++matrix \textbf{B} should be positive definite. The columns of \texttt{Ev} can
++be used to restart the algorithm if higher accuracy is required.
++The algorithm will return reliable estimates for the errors in the eigenvalues.
++The \`a posteriori\ID{a posteriori estimate} error estimate is based on the
++residual $\vec r = \mathbf{A}\,\vec v -\lambda\,\vec v$ and
++\[ \min_{\lambda_i\in\sigma(\mathbf{A})}|\lambda-\lambda_i|\leq 
++  \langle \vec r\,,\,\vec r\rangle=\|\vec r\|\]
++where we use the normalization $\langle \vec v\,,\,\vec v\rangle =1$.
++If one of the eigenvalues has to be computed with high accuracy, the
++approximate value $\lambda$ may be subtracted from the diagonal of the matrix.
++Then the eigenvalue closest to zero of the modified matrix
++$\mathbf{A}-\lambda\id$ can be computed, using the already computed
++eigenvector. If the eigenvalue is isolated the algorithm will converge very
++quickly. This algorithm is similar to the Rayleigh 
++\ID{Rayleigh quotient iteration} quotient iteration. A good description is
++given in~\cite{GoluVanLoan96}.
++If the eigenvalue closest to $\lambda$ is denoted by $\lambda_i$ we have
++the improved estimate
++\[ |\lambda-\lambda_i|\leq  \dfrac{\|\vec r\|^2}{\mbox{gap}}\text{where}
++ \mbox{gap}=\min\{|\lambda-\lambda_j|\;:\;
++  \lambda_j\in\sigma(\mathbf{A}),j\neq i\} \]
++It is very easy to implement this test in \Octave{}. If the estimate is
++based on approximate values of the eigenvalues, then the result is not as
++reliable as the previous one. Since the value of \texttt{gap} will carry an
++approximation error. The situation is particularly bad if some eigenvalues are
++clustered. A code  sample is provided.
++For the generalized eigenvalue problem \ID{eigenvalue problem, generalized}
++we use the residual
++$\vec r = \mathbf{A}\,\vec v -\lambda\,\mathbf{B}\,\vec v$
++and the estimate
++\[ \min_{\lambda_i\in\sigma(\mathbf{A})}|\lambda-\lambda_i|\leq 
++  \sqrt{\langle \vec r\,,\,\mathbf{B}^{-1}\vec r\rangle}\text{and}
++|\lambda-\lambda_i|\leq  \dfrac{\|\vec r\|^2}{\mbox{gap}}\]
++where we use the normalization 
++$\langle \vec v\,,\,\mathbf{B}\,\vec v\rangle =1$.
++The precise algorithm and proof of the above estimate is given
++With this command a symmetric banded matrix can be multiplied with a full
++[...] = SBProd(...)
++  multiplies a symmetric banded matrix with a matrix
++  X=SBProd(A,B)
++   A is mxt where t-1 is number of non-zero super diagonals
++   B is mxn
++   X is mxn
++  if A would be ! 11000 ! then A= ! 11 ! 
++                ! 14300 !         ! 43 ! 
++                ! 03520 !         ! 52 ! 
++                ! 00285 !         ! 85 ! 
++                ! 00059 !         ! 90 ! 
++  B is full matrix Ax=B
++\subsection{\texttt{BandToFull}, \texttt{FullToBand} and \texttt{BandToSparse}}
++With these commands conversion between full, symmetric matrices and banded
++symmetric matrices is possible. A conversion to a sparse format is also
++G. Golub and C. Van Loan,
++\newblock \textit{Matrix computations},
++John Hopkins University Press, third edition, 1996
++A. Stahel,
++\newblock \textit{Calculus of Variations and Finite Elements},
++Lecture notes used at HTA Biel, 2000
++%%% Local Variables: 
++%%% mode: latex
++%%% TeX-master: t
++%%% End: 
diff --git a/debian/patches/series b/debian/patches/series
index 6f889c5..1f56784 100644
--- a/debian/patches/series
+++ b/debian/patches/series
@@ -1 +1,2 @@


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