[Pkg-octave-commit] [SCM] octave-symbolic branch, master, updated. a718b53403d9f164f8c2a3df521385a01d28a11b

bensapp bensapp at 416fae20-06d0-4450-9b69-c6c34d4b5f03
Mon Jan 3 03:40:16 UTC 2011

The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit f4ae74f336787639ba98cda3bd2afd4e335a5d41
Author: bensapp <bensapp at 416fae20-06d0-4450-9b69-c6c34d4b5f03>
Date:   Mon Mar 4 18:38:20 2002 +0000

    New ex_matrix type.
    git-svn-id: https://octave.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/octave/trunk/octave-forge/main/symbolic@145 416fae20-06d0-4450-9b69-c6c34d4b5f03

diff --git a/ov-ex-mat.cc b/ov-ex-mat.cc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d6df240
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ov-ex-mat.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,226 @@
+Copyright (C) 2002 Benjamin Sapp
+This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
+Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any
+later version.
+This is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
+for more details.
+You can have receive a copy of the GNU General Public License.  Write 
+to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, 
+Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
+#include <octave/config.h>
+#include <cstdlib>
+#include <string>
+class ostream;
+class octave_sym;
+#include <octave/lo-mappers.h>
+#include <octave/lo-utils.h>
+#include <octave/mx-base.h>
+#include <octave/str-vec.h>
+#include <octave/defun-dld.h>
+#include <octave/error.h>
+#include <octave/gripes.h>
+#include <octave/oct-obj.h>
+#include <octave/ops.h>
+#include <octave/ov-base.h>
+#include <octave/ov-typeinfo.h>
+#include <octave/ov.h>
+#include <octave/ov-scalar.h>
+#include <octave/ov-re-mat.h>
+#include <octave/ov-complex.h>
+#include <octave/pager.h>
+#include <octave/pr-output.h>
+#include <octave/symtab.h>
+#include <octave/variables.h>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <fstream>
+#include "ov-ex.h"
+#include "ov-ex-mat.h"
+#include "ov-sym.h"
+#include "ov-vpa.h"
+#if 0
+DEFUNOP_OP (uminus, ex, -)
+DEFNCUNOP_METHOD (incr, ex, increment)
+DEFNCUNOP_METHOD (decr, ex, decrement)
+// Addition operations
+DEFBINOP_MATRIX_OP(ex_matrix_complex_matrix_add, ex_matrix, complex_matrix, add)
+DEFBINOP_MATRIX_OP(complex_matrix_ex_matrix_add, complex_matrix, ex_matrix, add)
+DEFBINOP_MATRIX_OP(ex_matrix_matrix_add, ex_matrix, matrix, add)
+DEFBINOP_MATRIX_OP(matrix_ex_matrix_add, matrix, ex_matrix, add)
+DEFBINOP_EXMAT_SCALAR_OP(ex_matrix_complex_add, ex_matrix, complex, +)
+DEFBINOP_SCALAR_EXMAT_OP(complex_ex_matrix_add, complex, ex_matrix, +)
+DEFBINOP_EXMAT_SCALAR_OP(ex_matrix_ex_add, ex_matrix, ex, +)
+// Subtraction operations
+DEFBINOP_MATRIX_OP(ex_matrix_complex_matrix_sub, ex_matrix, complex_matrix, sub)
+DEFBINOP_MATRIX_OP(complex_matrix_ex_matrix_sub, complex_matrix, ex_matrix, sub)
+DEFBINOP_MATRIX_OP(ex_matrix_matrix_sub, ex_matrix, matrix, sub)
+DEFBINOP_MATRIX_OP(matrix_ex_matrix_sub, matrix, ex_matrix, sub)
+DEFBINOP_EXMAT_SCALAR_OP(ex_matrix_complex_sub, ex_matrix, complex, -)
+DEFBINOP_SCALAR_EXMAT_OP(complex_ex_matrix_sub, complex, ex_matrix, -)
+DEFBINOP_EXMAT_SCALAR_OP(ex_matrix_scalar_sub,ex_matrix,scalar, -)
+DEFBINOP_SCALAR_EXMAT_OP(scalar_ex_matrix_sub,scalar,ex_matrix, -)
+DEFBINOP_EXMAT_SCALAR_OP(ex_matrix_vpa_sub,ex_matrix,vpa, -)
+DEFBINOP_EXMAT_SCALAR_OP(ex_matrix_ex_sub, ex_matrix, ex, -)
+DEFBINOP_EXMAT_SCALAR_OP(ex_matrix_sym_sub,ex_matrix,sym, -)
+// multiplication operations
+DEFBINOP_MATRIX_OP(ex_matrix_complex_matrix_mul, ex_matrix, complex_matrix, mul)
+DEFBINOP_MATRIX_OP(complex_matrix_ex_matrix_mul, complex_matrix, ex_matrix, mul)
+DEFBINOP_MATRIX_OP(ex_matrix_matrix_mul, ex_matrix, matrix, mul)
+DEFBINOP_MATRIX_OP(matrix_ex_matrix_mul, matrix, ex_matrix, mul)
+DEFBINOP_EXMAT_SCALAR_OP(ex_matrix_complex_mul, ex_matrix, complex, *)
+DEFBINOP_SCALAR_EXMAT_OP(complex_ex_matrix_mul, complex, ex_matrix, *)
+DEFBINOP_EXMAT_SCALAR_OP(ex_matrix_scalar_mul,ex_matrix,scalar, *)
+DEFBINOP_SCALAR_EXMAT_OP(scalar_ex_matrix_mul,scalar,ex_matrix, *)
+DEFBINOP_EXMAT_SCALAR_OP(ex_matrix_vpa_mul,ex_matrix,vpa, *)
+DEFBINOP_EXMAT_SCALAR_OP(ex_matrix_ex_mul, ex_matrix, ex, *)
+DEFBINOP_EXMAT_SCALAR_OP(ex_matrix_sym_mul,ex_matrix,sym, *)
+// "right division" operations
+DEFBINOP_MATRIX_DIV(ex_matrix_complex_matrix_div, ex_matrix, complex_matrix)
+DEFBINOP_MATRIX_DIV(complex_matrix_ex_matrix_div, complex_matrix, ex_matrix)
+DEFBINOP_MATRIX_DIV(ex_matrix_matrix_div, ex_matrix, matrix)
+DEFBINOP_MATRIX_DIV(matrix_ex_matrix_div, matrix, ex_matrix)
+DEFBINOP_EXMAT_SCALAR_OP(ex_matrix_complex_div, ex_matrix, complex, /)
+DEFBINOP_EXMAT_SCALAR_OP(ex_matrix_scalar_div,ex_matrix,scalar, /)
+DEFBINOP_EXMAT_SCALAR_OP(ex_matrix_vpa_div,ex_matrix,vpa, /)
+DEFBINOP_EXMAT_SCALAR_OP(ex_matrix_ex_div, ex_matrix, ex, /)
+DEFBINOP_EXMAT_SCALAR_OP(ex_matrix_sym_div,ex_matrix,sym, /)
+// power operators
+DEFBINOP_POW(ex_matrix_complex_pow, ex_matrix, complex)
+DEFBINOP_POW(ex_matrix_ex_pow, ex_matrix, ex)
+octave_ex_matrix::print(ostream& os,bool pr_as_read_syntax) const
+  os << x;
+octave_ex_matrix& octave_ex_matrix::operator=(const octave_ex_matrix& a)
+  // GiNaC::ex *tmp;
+  // tmp = (a.x.bp->duplicate());
+  // return octave_ex(*tmp);
+  return (*(new octave_ex_matrix(a.x)));
+  octave_ex_matrix::register_type();
+  cerr << "installing ex matrix type at type-id = " 
+       << octave_ex_matrix::static_type_id() << "\n";
+  // Install addition operators
+  INSTALL_BINOP(op_add, octave_ex_matrix, octave_complex_matrix, ex_matrix_complex_matrix_add);
+  INSTALL_BINOP(op_add, octave_complex_matrix, octave_ex_matrix, complex_matrix_ex_matrix_add);
+  INSTALL_BINOP(op_add, octave_ex_matrix, octave_matrix, ex_matrix_matrix_add);
+  INSTALL_BINOP(op_add, octave_matrix, octave_ex_matrix, matrix_ex_matrix_add);
+  INSTALL_BINOP(op_add, octave_ex_matrix, octave_complex, ex_matrix_complex_add);
+  INSTALL_BINOP(op_add, octave_complex, octave_ex_matrix, complex_ex_matrix_add);
+  INSTALL_BINOP(op_add, octave_ex_matrix, octave_scalar, ex_matrix_scalar_add);
+  INSTALL_BINOP(op_add, octave_scalar, octave_ex_matrix, scalar_ex_matrix_add);
+  INSTALL_BINOP(op_add, octave_ex_matrix, octave_vpa, ex_matrix_vpa_add);
+  INSTALL_BINOP(op_add, octave_ex_matrix, octave_ex, ex_matrix_ex_add);
+  INSTALL_BINOP(op_add, octave_ex_matrix, octave_sym, ex_matrix_sym_add);
+  INSTALL_BINOP(op_add, octave_ex_matrix, octave_ex_matrix, add);
+  // Install subtraction operators
+  INSTALL_BINOP(op_sub, octave_ex_matrix, octave_complex_matrix, ex_matrix_complex_matrix_sub);
+  INSTALL_BINOP(op_sub, octave_complex_matrix, octave_ex_matrix, complex_matrix_ex_matrix_sub);
+  INSTALL_BINOP(op_sub, octave_ex_matrix, octave_matrix, ex_matrix_matrix_sub);
+  INSTALL_BINOP(op_sub, octave_matrix, octave_ex_matrix, matrix_ex_matrix_sub);
+  INSTALL_BINOP(op_sub, octave_ex_matrix, octave_complex, ex_matrix_complex_sub);
+  INSTALL_BINOP(op_sub, octave_complex, octave_ex_matrix, complex_ex_matrix_sub);
+  INSTALL_BINOP(op_sub, octave_ex_matrix, octave_scalar, ex_matrix_scalar_sub);
+  INSTALL_BINOP(op_sub, octave_scalar, octave_ex_matrix, scalar_ex_matrix_sub);
+  INSTALL_BINOP(op_sub, octave_ex_matrix, octave_vpa, ex_matrix_vpa_sub);
+  INSTALL_BINOP(op_sub, octave_ex_matrix, octave_ex, ex_matrix_ex_sub);
+  INSTALL_BINOP(op_sub, octave_ex_matrix, octave_sym, ex_matrix_sym_sub);
+  INSTALL_BINOP(op_sub, octave_ex_matrix, octave_ex_matrix, sub);
+  // Install multiplication operators
+  INSTALL_BINOP(op_mul, octave_ex_matrix, octave_complex_matrix, ex_matrix_complex_matrix_mul);
+  INSTALL_BINOP(op_mul, octave_complex_matrix, octave_ex_matrix, complex_matrix_ex_matrix_mul);
+  INSTALL_BINOP(op_mul, octave_ex_matrix, octave_matrix, ex_matrix_matrix_mul);
+  INSTALL_BINOP(op_mul, octave_matrix, octave_ex_matrix, matrix_ex_matrix_mul);
+  INSTALL_BINOP(op_mul, octave_ex_matrix, octave_complex, ex_matrix_complex_mul);
+  INSTALL_BINOP(op_mul, octave_complex, octave_ex_matrix, complex_ex_matrix_mul);
+  INSTALL_BINOP(op_mul, octave_ex_matrix, octave_scalar, ex_matrix_scalar_mul);
+  INSTALL_BINOP(op_mul, octave_scalar, octave_ex_matrix, scalar_ex_matrix_mul);
+  INSTALL_BINOP(op_mul, octave_ex_matrix, octave_vpa, ex_matrix_vpa_mul);
+  INSTALL_BINOP(op_mul, octave_ex_matrix, octave_ex, ex_matrix_ex_mul);
+  INSTALL_BINOP(op_mul, octave_ex_matrix, octave_sym, ex_matrix_sym_mul);
+  INSTALL_BINOP(op_mul, octave_ex_matrix, octave_ex_matrix, mul);
+  // Install "right division" operators
+  INSTALL_BINOP(op_div, octave_ex_matrix, octave_complex_matrix, ex_matrix_complex_matrix_div);
+  INSTALL_BINOP(op_div, octave_complex_matrix, octave_ex_matrix, complex_matrix_ex_matrix_div);
+  INSTALL_BINOP(op_div, octave_ex_matrix, octave_matrix, ex_matrix_matrix_div);
+  INSTALL_BINOP(op_div, octave_matrix, octave_ex_matrix, matrix_ex_matrix_div);
+  INSTALL_BINOP(op_div, octave_ex_matrix, octave_complex, ex_matrix_complex_div);
+  INSTALL_BINOP(op_div, octave_ex_matrix, octave_scalar, ex_matrix_scalar_div);
+  INSTALL_BINOP(op_div, octave_ex_matrix, octave_vpa, ex_matrix_vpa_div);
+  INSTALL_BINOP(op_div, octave_ex_matrix, octave_ex, ex_matrix_ex_div);
+  INSTALL_BINOP(op_div, octave_ex_matrix, octave_sym, ex_matrix_sym_div);
+  INSTALL_BINOP(op_div, octave_ex_matrix, octave_ex_matrix, div);
+  // Install power operators
+  INSTALL_BINOP(op_pow, octave_ex_matrix, octave_complex, ex_matrix_complex_pow);
+  INSTALL_BINOP(op_pow, octave_ex_matrix, octave_scalar, ex_matrix_scalar_pow);
+  INSTALL_BINOP(op_pow, octave_ex_matrix, octave_vpa, ex_matrix_vpa_pow);
+  INSTALL_BINOP(op_pow, octave_ex_matrix, octave_ex, ex_matrix_ex_pow);
+  INSTALL_BINOP(op_pow, octave_ex_matrix, octave_sym, ex_matrix_sym_pow);
+#if 0
+  INSTALL_UNOP(op_uminus, octave_ex, uminus);             // -x
+  INSTALL_NCUNOP(op_incr, octave_ex, incr);               // x++
+  INSTALL_NCUNOP(op_decr, octave_ex, decr);               // x--
+DEFINE_OCTAVE_ALLOCATOR (octave_ex_matrix);
+DEFINE_OV_TYPEID_FUNCTIONS_AND_DATA (octave_ex_matrix, "symbolic matrix");
diff --git a/ov-ex-mat.h b/ov-ex-mat.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..038bf29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ov-ex-mat.h
@@ -0,0 +1,271 @@
+Copyright (C) 2002 Benjamin Sapp
+This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
+Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any
+later version.
+This is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
+for more details.
+You can have receive a copy of the GNU General Public License.  Write 
+to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, 
+Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
+#if !defined (octave_ex_matrix_h)
+#define octave_ex_matrix_h 1
+#include <ginac/ginac.h>
+#include <octave/ov-re-mat.h>
+#include <octave/ov-cx-mat.h>
+void install_ex_matrix_type();
+void install_ex_matrix_ops();
+#define DEFBINOP_MATRIX_OP(name, t1, t2, op) \
+  BINOPDECL (name, a1, a2) \
+  { \
+    try \
+      { \
+        CAST_BINOP_ARGS (const octave_ ## t1&, const octave_ ## t2&); \
+        GiNaC::matrix r1 = octave_ex_matrix(v1.t1 ## _value ()).ex_matrix_value (); \
+	GiNaC::matrix r2 = octave_ex_matrix(v2.t2 ## _value ()).ex_matrix_value (); \
+        if ( (r1.rows () != r2.rows ()) || (r1.cols () != r2.cols ()) ) \
+          { \
+	    error("nonconformant arguments\n"); \
+	    return octave_value (); \
+	  } \
+        return octave_value \
+          (new octave_ex_matrix (r1.op (r2))); \
+      } \
+    catch (exception &e) \
+      { \
+        error(e.what()); \
+        return octave_value (); \
+      } \
+  }
+#define DEFBINOP_MATRIX_DIV(name, t1, t2) \
+  BINOPDECL (name, a1, a2) \
+  { \
+    try \
+      { \
+        CAST_BINOP_ARGS (const octave_ ## t1&, const octave_ ## t2&); \
+        GiNaC::matrix r1 = octave_ex_matrix(v1.t1 ## _value ()).ex_matrix_value (); \
+	GiNaC::matrix r2 = octave_ex_matrix(v2.t2 ## _value ()).ex_matrix_value (); \
+        if ( (r1.rows () != r2.rows ()) || (r1.cols () != r2.cols ()) ) \
+          { \
+	    error("nonconformant arguments\n"); \
+	    return octave_value (); \
+	  } \
+        return octave_value \
+          (new octave_ex_matrix (r2.transpose ().inverse ().mul (r1).transpose ())); \
+      } \
+    catch (exception &e) \
+      { \
+        error(e.what()); \
+        return octave_value (); \
+      } \
+  }
+#define DEFBINOP_SCALAR_EXMAT_OP(name, t1, t2, op) \
+  BINOPDECL (name, a1, a2) \
+  { \
+    try \
+      { \
+        CAST_BINOP_ARGS (const octave_ ## t1&, const octave_ ## t2&); \
+	GiNaC::matrix r1 = octave_ex_matrix(v2.t2 ## _value ()).ex_matrix_value (); \
+	GiNaC::ex r2 = octave_ex(v1.t1 ## _value ()).ex_value (); \
+        int rows = int(r1.rows ()); \
+        int cols = int(r1.cols ()); \
+	GiNaC::matrix result(rows, cols); \
+        for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++) \
+	  for (int j = 0; j < cols; j++) \
+	    result(i,j) = r1(i,j) op r2; \
+      return octave_value \
+          (new octave_ex_matrix (result)); \
+      } \
+    catch (exception &e) \
+      { \
+        error(e.what()); \
+        return octave_value (); \
+      } \
+  }
+#define DEFBINOP_EXMAT_SCALAR_OP(name, t1, t2, op) \
+  BINOPDECL (name, a1, a2) \
+  { \
+    try \
+      { \
+        CAST_BINOP_ARGS (const octave_ ## t1&, const octave_ ## t2&); \
+	GiNaC::matrix r1 = octave_ex_matrix(v1.t1 ## _value ()).ex_matrix_value (); \
+	GiNaC::ex r2 = octave_ex(v2.t2 ## _value ()).ex_value (); \
+        int rows = int(r1.rows ()); \
+        int cols = int(r1.cols ()); \
+	GiNaC::matrix result(rows, cols); \
+        for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++) \
+	  for (int j = 0; j < cols; j++) \
+	    result(i,j) = r1(i,j) op r2; \
+        return octave_value \
+          (new octave_ex_matrix (result)); \
+      } \
+    catch (exception &e) \
+      { \
+        error(e.what()); \
+        return octave_value (); \
+      } \
+  }
+#define DEFBINOP_POW(name, t1, t2) \
+  BINOPDECL (name, a1, a2) \
+  { \
+    try \
+      { \
+        CAST_BINOP_ARGS (const octave_ ## t1&, const octave_ ## t2&); \
+	GiNaC::matrix r1 = octave_ex_matrix(v1.t1 ## _value ()).ex_matrix_value (); \
+	GiNaC::ex r2 = octave_ex(v2.t2 ## _value ()).ex_value (); \
+        int rows = int(r1.rows ()); \
+        int cols = int(r1.cols ()); \
+	GiNaC::matrix result(rows, cols); \
+        for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++) \
+	  for (int j = 0; j < cols; j++) \
+	    result(i,j) = GiNaC::pow(r1(i,j), r2); \
+      return octave_value \
+          (new octave_ex_matrix (result)); \
+      } \
+    catch (exception &e) \
+      { \
+        error(e.what()); \
+        return octave_value (); \
+      } \
+  }
+octave_ex_matrix : public octave_base_value
+  octave_ex_matrix(void):octave_base_value() {}
+  octave_ex_matrix(octave_ex_matrix &ox)
+    {
+      x = ox.x;
+    }
+  octave_ex_matrix(octave_ex &ox)
+    {
+      x = GiNaC::matrix(1,1);
+      x(0,0) = ox.ex_value (); 
+    }
+  octave_ex_matrix(GiNaC::symbol sym)
+    {
+      x = GiNaC::matrix(1,1);
+      x(0,0) = GiNaC::ex(sym);
+    }
+  octave_ex_matrix(GiNaC::matrix ex_mat)
+    {
+      x = ex_mat;
+    }
+  octave_ex_matrix(GiNaC::ex expression)
+    {
+      x = GiNaC::matrix(1,1);
+      x(0,0) = expression; 
+    }
+  octave_ex_matrix(int rows, int columns)
+    {
+      x = GiNaC::matrix(rows,columns);
+    }
+  octave_ex_matrix(octave_matrix ov)
+    {
+      Matrix mat = ov.matrix_value (); 
+      int rows = mat.rows ();
+      int cols = mat.cols (); 
+      x = GiNaC::matrix(rows, cols);
+      for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++)
+	for (int j = 0; j < cols; j++)
+	  x(i,j) = GiNaC::ex(mat(i,j));
+    }
+  octave_ex_matrix(octave_complex_matrix ov)
+  {
+    ComplexMatrix mat = ov.complex_matrix_value ();
+    int rows = mat.rows ();
+    int cols = mat.cols (); 
+    x = GiNaC::matrix(rows, cols);
+    for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++)
+      for (int j = 0; j < cols; j++)
+	x(i,j) = GiNaC::ex(mat(i,j).real ()) + GiNaC::I*GiNaC::ex(mat(i,j).imag ());
+  }
+  ~octave_ex_matrix() {}
+  octave_ex_matrix& operator=(const octave_ex_matrix&);
+  GiNaC::matrix ex_matrix_value(bool = false) const
+    {
+      // GiNaC::ex tmp = *(x.bp->duplicate());
+      // return tmp;
+      return x;
+    }
+  GiNaC::ex ex_value(bool = false) const
+    {
+      // GiNaC::ex tmp = *(x.bp->duplicate());
+      // return tmp;
+      return GiNaC::ex(x);
+    }
+  octave_value *clone (void) 
+    { 
+      return new octave_ex_matrix (*this); 
+    }
+  int rows (void) const { return x.rows (); }
+  int columns (void) const { return x.cols (); }
+  bool is_constant (void) const { return true; }
+  bool is_defined (void) const { return true; }
+  bool valid_as_scalar_index(void) const {return false;}
+  bool is_true(void) const { return true; }
+  octave_value uminus (void) const { return new octave_ex_matrix(-x); } 
+  /*
+  void increment (void) { x = x+1;}
+  void decrement (void) { x = x-1;}
+  */ 
+  void print(ostream& os,bool pr_as_read_syntax) const;
+  GiNaC::matrix x;
+;;; Local Variables: ***
+;;; mode: C++ ***
+;;; End: ***


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