[Pkg-octave-commit] [SCM] Debian packaging for octave-nnet annotated tag, debian/0.1.13-2, created. debian/0.1.13-2

Thomas Weber tweber at debian.org
Sun Apr 1 17:37:48 UTC 2012

The annotated tag, debian/0.1.13-2 has been created
        at  906f9c7b00b50544ad5af07395b637dc678f19aa (tag)
   tagging  4f2d56f2d5033fba68928e2b3483ab7febc0e462 (commit)
  replaces  upstream/0.1.13
 tagged by  Thomas Weber
        on  Sun Apr 1 19:24:51 2012 +0200

- Shortlog ------------------------------------------------------------
Debian release 0.1.13-2

Rafael Laboissiere (61):
      Bumped Stadards-Version to 3.7.3
      * Change short descriptions according to the Debian standards
      Added FIXME tags to long description needing love
      Removed dh_make todo boilerplate
      * Note that upstream license is GPL-2
      Use Build-Depends-Indep for pacakges having arch: all
      Add list of exclusion
      Add list of exclusion
      Add myself as uploader
      Fix screwed up email addresses in debian/control files
      Drop leading "trunk" at end of Vcs-Browser URL
      Buld-depned on cdbs and debhelper.  Also, bump DH compat level to 6.
      Fix path for octave-pkg.mk
      Build-depend on debhelper and cdbs
      Update copyright info for octave-nnet
      Force build-dependency on octave-pkg-dev >= 0.5.5
      Put octave-pkg-dev in Build-Depends, because it is required to run the
      Debian release octave-nnet_0.1.6-1
      Build-depend on quilt
      Add entries for the last changes
      Include CDBS' quilt rules
      Update list of exclusions
      Debian release octave-nnet_0.1.7-1
      Placeholder for copyright/license information for doc/latex/ files
      Proper uscan URL
      Add entry for next release
      Add note telling that the source for the PDF docs re in a patch
      Bump Standards-Version to 3.8.0
      Add stamp-patched to the list of exclusions
      Debian release octave-nnet_0.1.7-2
      Add boilerplate headers to the debian/changelog files
      Bump build-dependency on octave-pkg-dev to >= 0.6.2
      Build-depends on octave-pkg-dev >= 0.6.3
      Bump build-dependency on octave-pkg-dev to >= 0.6.4
      Bump Standard-Version to 3.8.1
      Override Lintian warnings build-depends-without-arch-dep
      Complete Upstream-* fields in copyright files
      Add ${misc:Depends} to Depends
      Use viewsvn instead of wsnv in Vsc-Browser
      Adjust Vcs-* fields to new Git repository
      Use DEP5 URL in Format-Specification
      Preparation for new upsream release
      Add description to patch header
      Add .gitignore
      Use separate License stanzas in copyright file
      Remove unneeded LaTeX sources of the documentation
      Debian release octave-nnet_0.1.10-1
      Build-depend on octave-pkg-dev >= 0.7.0
      Merge branch 'upstream'
      Update the list of exclusions for Git
      Bump to debhelper compat level 9
      Build-depend on octave-pkg-dev >= 1.0.1, to build against Octave 3.6
      Add Sébastien Villemot to the list of Uploaders
      Bump to Standards-Version 3.9.3, no changes needed
      debian/watch: Use the SourceForge redirector URL
      debian/control: Drop useless ${shlibs:Depends} (this is an arch:all package)
      debian/copyright: update to machine-readable format 1.0
      Install the Developers' Guide and register the docs under doc-base
      debian/patches/fix-boolean-operators.patch: New patch
      debian/check.m: Add file for running the MLP tests

Thomas Weber (23):
      Replace octave2.9 by octave3.0
      Add myself to Uploaders for all packages
      Allow uploads by DMs for all packages
      Add "trunk" to Vcs-Svn and Vcs-Browser field.
      Debian release octave-nnet_0.1.8-2
      Don't (git)ignore octave-nnet.* files, needed for octave-nnet.docs
      New patch workaround_octave_bug
      Use debian/octave-nnet.docs for installation of documents
      Debian package octave-nnet 0.1.10-2
      Remove Rafael Laboissiere from uploader list
      Remove Ólafur Jens Sigurðsson from Uploaders
      Change watch file to upstream's php page
      Prepare for new upstream release
      git-ignore tests/ directory
      Switch to dpkg-source 3.0 (quilt) format
      Bump Standards-Version to 3.8.4
      Remove patch fix-version-number.diff
      Remove patch workaround_octave_bug
      Remove patch pdfsources.diff
      Switch to @debian.org address
      Debian release 0.1.12-1
      Debian release 0.1.13-1
      Debian release 0.1.13-2

Ólafur Jens Sigurðsson (14):
      created directory structure for the rest of the packages from the main repository from the octave-forge
      uploading nnet, miscellaneous and octcdf from forge
      modified changelogs (updated versions, added bug nr closing, fixed my name and deleted unneccesery trailing lines) for the packages to confer to the standard were using
      Deleted postrm and postinst files from octave-forge packages
      updated the rules files for the octave-forge packages
      fixed the control files for octave-forge a bit
      commiting watch files to the octave-forge packages
      changed the control file for those packages in octave-forge that are architecture inedependend to have Architecture: all instead of Architecture: any
      updated the description for the control file of nnet package in Octave Forge, removed FIXME
      Bumped up the version of the packages to the new version in sourceforge
      changed new realese to new upstream relase in the changelog files
      added a patch that should deliver the sources for the pdf file
      fixed license/copyright as per mail from david bateman in octave-dev
      fixed language


Debian packaging for octave-nnet

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