[Pkg-octave-commit] [SCM] Debian packaging for octave-msh annotated tag, debian/1.0.2-4, created. debian/1.0.2-4

Thomas Weber tweber at debian.org
Sun Aug 26 20:17:19 UTC 2012

The annotated tag, debian/1.0.2-4 has been created
        at  dc3d8f7995ecdead97a7ad1f2954dbda656c9305 (tag)
   tagging  2aacad9de2bf91031e35f16f97b86352d67306db (commit)
  replaces  upstream/1.0.2
 tagged by  Thomas Weber
        on  Sun Aug 26 22:01:20 2012 +0200

- Shortlog ------------------------------------------------------------
Debian release 1.0.2-4

Rafael Laboissiere (41):
      Use Copyright (©) character
      Add missing colon
      Separate Source and Pacakge records
      Add lacking Vcs-* fields
      Prepare pacakge for using quilt
      Change changelog trailer line according to uploader
      Add patch for autoloading package
      Package is arch-independent and does not need shlibs:Depends
      Depend on gmsh and awk
      Proper uscan URL
      Added/updated lists of exclusions
      Add boilerplate headers to the debian/changelog files
      Bump build-dependency on octave-pkg-dev to >= 0.6.2
      Build-depends on octave-pkg-dev >= 0.6.3
      Bump build-dependency on octave-pkg-dev to >= 0.6.4
      Bump Standard-Version to 3.8.1
      Override Lintian warnings build-depends-without-arch-dep
      Add note in description about the pkg being part of Octave-Forge
      Complete Upstream-* fields in copyright files
      Drop dependency on awk (Lintian warning)
      Clean history of unreleased package
      Add ${misc:Depends} to Depends
      Use viewsvn instead of wsnv in Vsc-Browser
      Adjust Vcs-* fields to new Git repository
      Preparation for new upstream release
      Use DEP5 URL in Format-Specification
      Add .gitignore
      Use separate License stanzas in copyright file
      Add proper package description
      Debian release octave-msh_0.1.0-1
      Build-depend on octave-pkg-dev >= 0.7.0
      Bump to debhelper compat level 9
      Build-depend on octave-pkg-dev >= 1.0.2, to build against Octave 3.6
      Bump to Standards-Version 3.9.3, no changes needed
      debian/copyright: Use DEP5 URL in Format specification
      debian/copyright: Update upstream name and contact
      debian/copyright: Update text for the GPL-2+
      debian/copyright: Update copyright notices for the files in debian/
      Revert typo
      Build-depend on liboctave-dev >= 3.6.2-5
      debian/watch: Use the SourceForge redirector

Sébastien Villemot (7):
      Merge branch 'upstream'
      Add explicit build-dependency on libhdf5-openmpi-dev to work around apt
      Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.2, no changes needed
      debian/copyright: upgrade to latest draft of DEP5
      debian/control: add myself to Uploaders
      Add "unapply-patches" to debian/source/local-options for better integration
      Update .gitignore

Thomas Weber (24):
      Bump standards version to 3.8.2
      Refresh patch autoload-yes.diff for new release
      Clean up debian/rules
      New patch: fix_tests_for_MSH2Mgmsh
      Add gmsh to build dependencies
      Debian package octave-msh 0.1.1-2
      Remove Rafael Laboissiere from uploader list
      Remove Ólafur Jens Sigurðsson from Uploaders
      Change watch file to upstream's php page
      Prepare for new upstream release
      Bump standards version to 3.8.4
      Switch to dpkg-source 3.0 (quilt) format
      Drop patch fix_tests_for_MSH2Mgmsh
      Refresh patches
      Debian release 1.0.1-1
      Switch to @debian.org address
      Prepare for new upstream release
      Bump standards version to 3.9.1
      Refresh patches
      Add openssh-client to build dependencies
      Debian release 1.0.2-1
      Explain changes between 1.0.2-2 and 1.0.2-3 upload
      Debian release 1.0.2-3
      Debian release 1.0.2-4

Ólafur Jens Sigurðsson (4):
      initial upload of octave-msh, need to fix copyright and control files at least
      added the bug nr that the release will fix, along with fixing the name for the triangular and symband packages and the directory for them
      bumped Standards-Version up to 3.8.0 in all the packages that needed it
      added changelog notification about standard update


Debian packaging for octave-msh

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