[Pkg-octave-commit] [SCM] Debian packaging for octave-vrml branch, master, updated. debian/1.0.11-3-12-gd5a3b7c
Rafael Laboissiere
rafael at laboissiere.net
Mon Jun 18 18:04:25 UTC 2012
The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit 187ce6cbdb966ebe81812bbe685f4bdb29982a03
Author: Rafael Laboissiere <rafael at laboissiere.net>
Date: Thu Jun 14 05:52:08 2012 +0000
Drop patch remove_broken_files (applied upstream)
diff --git a/debian/patches/remove_broken_files b/debian/patches/remove_broken_files
deleted file mode 100644
index c746e4a..0000000
--- a/debian/patches/remove_broken_files
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,229 +0,0 @@
-From: Etienne Grossmann
-Subject: Remove broken files
-Origin: upstream,http://octave.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/octave?view=rev&revision=7267
---- a/inst/select_3D_points.m
-+++ /dev/null
-@@ -1,147 +0,0 @@
--## Copyright (C) 2002 Etienne Grossmann. All rights reserved.
--## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
--## under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
--## Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any
--## later version.
--## This is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
--## ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
--## FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
--## for more details.
--## sel2 = select_3D_points (x, sel1, deco) - select 3D points
--## x : 3 x P : 3D points
--## sel1 : P : 0-1 matrix specifying currently selected points
--## or Q1 : List of indices of currently selected points
--## Default=zeros(1,P)
--## deco : string : Vrml code for decorating set of 3D points
--## Default=""
--## sel2 : P : 0-1 matrix or list of selected points (default)
--## or Q2 List of selected points
--## Author : Etienne Grossmann <etienne at isr.ist.utl.pt>
--function sel2 = select_3D_points (x, sel1, varargin)
--P = columns (x);
--global vrml_b_pid = 0;
--opts = struct ("frame", 1,\
-- "deco", "",\
-- "balls", 0);
--if nargin > 2
-- op1 = " frame deco balls ";
-- opts = read_options (varargin, "op1", op1,"default",opts);
--frame = opts.frame;
--deco = opts.deco;
--balls = opts.balls;
--want_list = 0; # Return list of selected points or 0-1
-- # matrix
--if nargin >=2 && length (sel1(:)) == P && all (sel1==0 || sel1==1),
-- # sel1 has been passed
-- sel1 = sel1(:)';
-- if columns (sel1) != P || (!isempty (sel1) && any (sel1!=1 & sel1!=0)),
-- want_list = 1;
-- tmp = zeros (1,P);
-- tmp(state) = 1;
-- sel1 = tmp;
-- ## sel1 = loose (sel1, P)';
-- end
-- sel1 = zeros (1,P); # Default : nothing pre-selected
-- # NOTE : this filename hardcoded in
-- # vrml_browse()
--data_out = "/tmp/octave_browser_out.txt";
--x -= mean(x')' * ones(1,P);
--x ./= sqrt (mean (x(:).^2));
--s = vrml_select_points (x, sel1, balls);
--## vrml_browse ("-kill"); # Stop previous browser, if any
--sbg = vrml_Background ("skyColor", [0.5 0.5 0.6]);
-- # Clean data file ####################
--[st,err,msg] = stat (data_out);
--if ! err, # There's a file : clean it
-- [err,msg] = unlink (data_out);
-- if err,
-- error ("select_3D_points : Can't remove data file '%s'",data_out);
-- end
-- # There's no file, but there's a pid.
--elseif vrml_b_pid,
-- # assume browser died. kill it for sure
-- vrml_browse ("-kill");
--if frame
-- sframe = vrml_frame ([0 0 0],[0 0 0],"col",0.5*(eye(3) + ones (3)));
-- sframe = "";
-- # Start browser ######################
--vrml_browse ([sbg, sframe, s, deco]);
--printf ("\nMenu: (R)estart browser. Other key : done. ");
--inch = upper (kbhit());
--## while my_menu ("\nMenu: (R)estart browser. Other key : done") == "R",
--while inch == "R",
-- vrml_browse ("-kill");
-- vrml_browse ([s,deco]);
-- printf ("\nMenu: (R)estart browser. Other key : done. ");
-- inch = upper (kbhit());
--printf ("\n");
--## printf ("press <CR> when done selecting points\n");
--## pause
--## vrml_browse ("-kill"); # Stop browser #######################
-- # Retrieve history of clicks #########
--perlcmd = "print qq{$1,$2;} if /^TAG:\\s*(\\d+)\\s*STATE:\\s*(\\d+)/";
--cmd = sprintf ("perl -ne '%s' %s", perlcmd, data_out);
--[status, res] = system (cmd, 1);
--res = res(1:length(res)-1); # Remove last ";"
--stl = eval (["[",res,"];"])'; # List of clicks
--sel2 = sel1 ;
-- # Build new selection matrix
--## HERE I trust octave to behave as
--## for i=1:columns(stl), sel2(stl(1,:)) = stl(2,i); end
--if ! isempty (stl), sel2(stl(1,:)) = stl(2,:); end
-- # Eventually transform 0-1 matrix into
-- # list of selected points.
--if want_list, sel2 = find (sel2); end
--[st,err,msg] = stat (data_out);
--if !err,
-- [err, msg] = unlink (data_out);
-- if err,
-- printf (["select_3D_points :\n",\
-- " error '%s'\n",\
-- " while removing temp file %s\n"],\
-- msg,err);
-- end
---- a/inst/vrml_select_points.m
-+++ /dev/null
-@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
--## Copyright (C) 2002 Etienne Grossmann. All rights reserved.
--## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
--## under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
--## Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any
--## later version.
--## This is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
--## ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
--## FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
--## for more details.
--## s = vrml_select_points (x, state) - vrml code for selecting 3D points
--## x : 3 x P : 3D points
--## state : P : 0-1 matrix specifying currently selected points
--## or Q : List of indices of currently selected points
--## Default=zeros(1,P)
--## sphere: bool : If true represent points as spheres instead of cubes.
--## s : string : vrml code representing points in x as spheres that
--## change color (green to/from blue) when clicked upon.
--## See select_3D_points() for complete 3D point selection interface.
--## Author : Etienne Grossmann <etienne at isr.ist.utl.pt>
--function s = vrml_select_points (x, state, sphere)
--printf("vrml_select_points does not work any more. Sorry\n");
--P = columns (x);
--if nargin < 2,
-- state = zeros (1,P); # Default : nothing pre-selected
-- state = state(:)';
-- if length (state) != P || any (state != 1 & state != 0),
-- tmp = zeros (1,P);
-- tmp(state) = 1;
-- state = tmp;
-- ## state = loose (state, P)';
-- end
--if nargin < 3, sphere = 0; end
--diam = 0.1 * mean (sqrt (sum ((x-mean(x')'*ones(1,P)).^2))) ;
--## For odb
--## Depends: defSpeakSphere.wrl defSpeakBox.wrl
--if sphere
-- proto = "data/defSpeakSphere.wrl" ;
-- proto = "data/defSpeakBox.wrl" ;
--s0 = slurp_file (proto);
-- # Pre-selected spheres will be lighter-colored
--col1 = [0.4;0.4;0.9]*ones(1,P);
--if any (state),
-- col1(:,find(state)) = [0.6;0.6;0.8]*ones(1,sum(state));
--tp = "SpeakSphere {col1 %8.3f %8.3f %8.3f state %i pos %8.3g %8.3g %8.3g scale %8.3g %8.3g %8.3g tag \"%i\"}\n";
--s1 = sprintf (tp, [col1; state; x; diam*ones(3,P);1:P]);
--s = [s0,s1];
diff --git a/debian/patches/series b/debian/patches/series
index 091f7fe..5bed695 100644
--- a/debian/patches/series
+++ b/debian/patches/series
@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
Debian packaging for octave-vrml
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