[Pkg-octave-commit] [SCM] Debian packaging for octave-miscellaneous branch, master, updated. df82b9236277a2fff70371e2b1b1ea0cd7411232

Sébastien Villemot sebastien.villemot at ens.fr
Fri Mar 9 12:07:58 UTC 2012

The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit df82b9236277a2fff70371e2b1b1ea0cd7411232
Author: Sébastien Villemot <sebastien.villemot at ens.fr>
Date:   Fri Mar 9 13:05:52 2012 +0100

    debian/patches/waitbar-rename.patch: new patch

diff --git a/debian/patches/series b/debian/patches/series
index 7e8ea01..6d53cf4 100644
--- a/debian/patches/series
+++ b/debian/patches/series
@@ -1,2 +1,3 @@
diff --git a/debian/patches/waitbar-rename.patch b/debian/patches/waitbar-rename.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ac94260
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/patches/waitbar-rename.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,562 @@
+Description: renamed waitbar to text_waitbar to not shadow core function
+Author: Carnë Draug <carandraug+dev at gmail.com>
+Origin: commit: 9647
+Last-Update: 2012-03-09
+This patch header follows DEP-3: http://dep.debian.net/deps/dep3/
+--- a/src/waitbar.cc
++++ /dev/null
+@@ -1,265 +0,0 @@
+- *  Waitbar function -- displays progress of lengthy calculations
+- *  -------------------------------------------------------------
+- *  Copyright (c) 2002  Quentin Spencer <qspencer at ieee.org>
+- *
+- *  This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+- *  modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
+- *  License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+- *  version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+- *
+- *  This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+- *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+- *  Library General Public License for more details.
+- *
+- *  You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
+- *  License along with this library; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+- *
+- *************************************************************************/
+-#include <octave/oct.h>
+-// Note the extern "C" is need for mingw with a version of termcap.h 
+-// without the extern "C" explicitly included. Doing it twice should be
+-// harmless.
+-extern "C" {
+-#if defined (HAVE_TERM_H)
+-#  include <term.h>
+-#elif defined (HAVE_TERMCAP_H)
+-#  include <termcap.h>
+-#define BUF_SIZE	256
+-#define MAX_LEN		240
+-#define DEFAULT_LEN	50
+-#define	BAR_CHAR	'#'
+-#define SPACING		3
+-static bool no_terminal=false;
+-DEFUN_DLD(waitbar, args, nargout,
+- WAITBAR displays a text-based wait bar. This function\n\
+- is similar to the Matlab waitbar command, but it is\n\
+- a text, rather than graphical function.\n\n\
+- A typical usage of WAITBAR in a lengthy computation\n\
+- (inside a FOR loop, for example) is as follows:\n\n\
+- for i=1:1000\n\
+-     ## computation\n\
+-     waitbar(i/1000);\n\
+- end\n\n\
+- WAITBAR(X,TITLE), where 0 <= X <= 1, sets the position of\n\
+- the waitbar to the fractional length X. Values of X exactly\n\
+- equal to 0 or 1 clear the waitbar. The optional second\n\
+- argument TITLE sets the waitbar caption to TITLE.\n\n\
+- If Octave is running in a smart terminal, the width is\n\
+- automatically detected, and the title is displayed in the\n\
+- waitbar (and truncated if it is too long). Otherwise, the\n\
+- title is not displayed and the width is initialized to a\n\
+- default of 50 characters, or it can be set to N characters\n\
+- with WAITBAR(0,N). If no terminal is detected (such as when\n\
+- Octave is run in batch mode and output is redirected), no\n\
+- output is generated.\n\n\
+- For compatibility with the Matlab version of this function\n\
+- (which is graphical rather than text-based), additional\n\
+- arguments are ignored, but there are no guarantees of perfect\n\
+- compatibility.")
+-  static char print_buf[BUF_SIZE];
+-  static int n_chars_old;
+-  static int pct_int_old;
+-  static int length;
+-#if defined(USE_TERM)
+-  static char term_buffer[1024];
+-  static char *begin_rv, *end_rv;
+-  static int brvlen, ervlen, pct_pos;
+-  static bool smart_term;
+-  static bool newtitle = false;
+-  static charMatrix title;
+-  int j;
+-  static char *term;
+-  static bool init;
+-  double pct;
+-  int i;
+-  octave_value_list retval;
+-  retval(0) = Matrix(0,0);
+-  int nargin = args.length();
+-  if (nargin < 1) {
+-    print_usage ();
+-    return retval;
+-  }
+-  if(no_terminal)
+-    return retval;
+-  pct	= args(0).double_value();
+-  if(pct>1.0)	pct	= 1.0;		// to prevent overflow
+-#if defined(USE_TERM)
+-  if(nargin==2 && args(1).is_string())
+-    {
+-      newtitle = true;
+-      title = args(1).string_value();
+-    }
+-  if(nargin==3)
+-    {
+-      newtitle = true;
+-      title = args(2).string_value();
+-    }
+-  if(pct==0.0 || pct==1.0)
+-    {
+-      init = true;
+-      term = getenv("TERM");
+-      if(!term)
+-	{
+-	  no_terminal	= true;
+-	  return retval;
+-	}
+-#if defined (USE_TERM)
+-      i = tgetnum("co");
+-      smart_term = i ? true : false;
+-      if(nargin==1 || args(1).is_string())
+-	length = smart_term ? i-1 : DEFAULT_LEN;
+-      if(nargin==1)
+-        length = DEFAULT_LEN;
+-      else
+-	if(nargin==2 && !(args(1).is_string()))
+-	{
+-	  length	= args(1).int_value();
+-	  if(length>MAX_LEN)	length	= MAX_LEN;
+-	  if(length<=0)		length	= DEFAULT_LEN;
+-	}
+-#if defined (USE_TERM)
+-      pct_pos = length/2-2;
+-      if(smart_term)
+-	{
+-	  // get terminal strings ("rv"="reverse video")
+-	  char* buf_ptr	= term_buffer;
+-	  begin_rv	= tgetstr("so", &buf_ptr);
+-	  end_rv	= tgetstr("se", &buf_ptr);
+-	  // Display a progress bar, but only if the current terminal has a
+-	  // standout mode
+-	  if (begin_rv && end_rv)
+-	    {
+-	      brvlen = 0;	
+-	      buf_ptr = begin_rv;
+-	      while(buf_ptr[++brvlen]);
+-	      ervlen = 0;	buf_ptr = end_rv;
+-	      while(buf_ptr[++ervlen]);
+-	    }
+-	  // initialize print buffer
+-	  for(i=0; i<BUF_SIZE; ++i)
+-	    print_buf[i]	= ' ';
+-	  print_buf[length+brvlen+ervlen+1] = '\r';
+-	  print_buf[length+brvlen+ervlen+2] = '\0';
+-	  for(i=0; i<brvlen; ++i)
+-	    print_buf[i]	= begin_rv[i];
+-	  for(i=0; i<ervlen; ++i)
+-	    print_buf[i+brvlen]	= end_rv[i];
+-	  fputs(print_buf,stdout);
+-	  if(title.length())
+-	    newtitle	= true;
+-	}
+-      else
+-	{
+-	  for(i=0; i<BUF_SIZE; ++i)
+-	    print_buf[i]	= ' ';
+-	  print_buf[length+8]	= '\r';
+-	  print_buf[length+9]	= '\0';
+-	  fputs(print_buf,stdout);
+-	  print_buf[0]		= '[';
+-	  print_buf[length+1]	= ']';
+-#if defined (USE_TERM)
+-	}
+-      n_chars_old	= 0;
+-      fflush(stdout);
+-      return retval;
+-    }
+-  else
+-    {
+-      // calculate position
+-      int n_chars=(int)(pct*length+0.5);
+-      int pct_int=(int)(pct*100.0+0.5);
+-      // check to see if we got this far without initialization
+-      if(init==false)
+-	{
+-	  Fwaitbar(octave_value(0.0),0);
+-	  fputs(print_buf,stdout);
+-	  fflush(stdout);
+-	}
+-      // check to see of output needs to be updated
+-#if !defined (USE_TERM)
+-      if(n_chars!=n_chars_old || pct_int!=pct_int_old)
+-	{
+-      if(n_chars!=n_chars_old || pct_int!=pct_int_old || newtitle)
+-	{
+-	  if(smart_term)
+-	    {
+-	      static char pct_str[5];
+-	      sprintf(pct_str,"%3i%%",pct_int);
+-	      // Insert the title
+-	      if(newtitle)
+-		{
+-		  pct_pos	= length-SPACING*2;
+-		  for(i=SPACING+brvlen; i<pct_pos+brvlen-SPACING;  ++i)
+-		    print_buf[ i>=n_chars_old+brvlen ? i+ervlen : i ] = ' ';
+-		  for(i=SPACING+brvlen, j=0; j<title.length(); ++i, ++j)
+-		    if(i<pct_pos+brvlen-SPACING)
+-		      print_buf[ i>=n_chars_old ? i+ervlen : i ] = title(0,j);
+-		  newtitle	= false;
+-		}
+-	      // Insert the percentage string
+-	      for(i=pct_pos+brvlen, j=0; j<4; ++i, ++j)
+-		print_buf[ i>=n_chars_old+brvlen ? i+ervlen : i ] = pct_str[j];
+-	      // Move print_buf characters
+-	      if(n_chars_old<n_chars)
+-		for(i=n_chars_old+brvlen; i<n_chars+brvlen; ++i)
+-		  print_buf[i]	= print_buf[i+ervlen];
+-	      else
+-		for(i=n_chars_old+brvlen-1; i>=n_chars+brvlen; --i)
+-		  print_buf[i+ervlen]	= print_buf[i];
+-	      // Insert end of reverse video
+-	      for(i=n_chars+brvlen, j=0; j<ervlen; ++i, ++j)
+-		print_buf[i]	= end_rv[j];
+-	    }
+-	  else
+-	    {
+-	      if(n_chars>=n_chars_old)
+-		for(int i=n_chars_old+1; i<=n_chars; ++i)
+-		  print_buf[i]	= BAR_CHAR;
+-	      else
+-		for(int i=n_chars+1; i<=n_chars_old; ++i)
+-		  print_buf[i]	= ' ';
+-	      sprintf(&(print_buf[length+3])," %3i%%\r",pct_int);
+-#if defined (USE_TERM)
+-	    }
+-	  fputs(print_buf,stdout);
+-	  fflush(stdout);
+-	  n_chars_old	= n_chars;
+-	  pct_int_old	= pct_int;
+-	}
+-    }
+-  return retval;
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/src/text_waitbar.cc
+@@ -0,0 +1,265 @@
++ *  Waitbar function -- displays progress of lengthy calculations
++ *  -------------------------------------------------------------
++ *  Copyright (c) 2002  Quentin Spencer <qspencer at ieee.org>
++ *
++ *  This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
++ *  modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
++ *  License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
++ *  version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ *  This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ *  Library General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ *  You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
++ *  License along with this library; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
++ *
++ *************************************************************************/
++#include <octave/oct.h>
++// Note the extern "C" is need for mingw with a version of termcap.h 
++// without the extern "C" explicitly included. Doing it twice should be
++// harmless.
++extern "C" {
++#if defined (HAVE_TERM_H)
++#  include <term.h>
++#elif defined (HAVE_TERMCAP_H)
++#  include <termcap.h>
++#define BUF_SIZE	256
++#define MAX_LEN		240
++#define DEFAULT_LEN	50
++#define	BAR_CHAR	'#'
++#define SPACING		3
++static bool no_terminal=false;
++DEFUN_DLD(text_waitbar, args, nargout,
++ TEXT_WAITBAR displays a text-based wait bar. This function\n\
++ is similar to the Matlab waitbar command, but it is\n\
++ a text, rather than graphical function.\n\n\
++ A typical usage of TEXT_WAITBAR in a lengthy computation\n\
++ (inside a FOR loop, for example) is as follows:\n\n\
++ for i=1:1000\n\
++     ## computation\n\
++     text_waitbar(i/1000);\n\
++ end\n\n\
++ TEXT_WAITBAR(X,TITLE), where 0 <= X <= 1, sets the position of\n\
++ the waitbar to the fractional length X. Values of X exactly\n\
++ equal to 0 or 1 clear the waitbar. The optional second\n\
++ argument TITLE sets the waitbar caption to TITLE.\n\n\
++ If Octave is running in a smart terminal, the width is\n\
++ automatically detected, and the title is displayed in the\n\
++ waitbar (and truncated if it is too long). Otherwise, the\n\
++ title is not displayed and the width is initialized to a\n\
++ default of 50 characters, or it can be set to N characters\n\
++ with TEXT_WAITBAR(0,N). If no terminal is detected (such as when\n\
++ Octave is run in batch mode and output is redirected), no\n\
++ output is generated.\n\n\
++ For compatibility with the Matlab version of this function\n\
++ (which is graphical rather than text-based), additional\n\
++ arguments are ignored, but there are no guarantees of perfect\n\
++ compatibility.")
++  static char print_buf[BUF_SIZE];
++  static int n_chars_old;
++  static int pct_int_old;
++  static int length;
++#if defined(USE_TERM)
++  static char term_buffer[1024];
++  static char *begin_rv, *end_rv;
++  static int brvlen, ervlen, pct_pos;
++  static bool smart_term;
++  static bool newtitle = false;
++  static charMatrix title;
++  int j;
++  static char *term;
++  static bool init;
++  double pct;
++  int i;
++  octave_value_list retval;
++  retval(0) = Matrix(0,0);
++  int nargin = args.length();
++  if (nargin < 1) {
++    print_usage ();
++    return retval;
++  }
++  if(no_terminal)
++    return retval;
++  pct	= args(0).double_value();
++  if(pct>1.0)	pct	= 1.0;		// to prevent overflow
++#if defined(USE_TERM)
++  if(nargin==2 && args(1).is_string())
++    {
++      newtitle = true;
++      title = args(1).string_value();
++    }
++  if(nargin==3)
++    {
++      newtitle = true;
++      title = args(2).string_value();
++    }
++  if(pct==0.0 || pct==1.0)
++    {
++      init = true;
++      term = getenv("TERM");
++      if(!term)
++	{
++	  no_terminal	= true;
++	  return retval;
++	}
++#if defined (USE_TERM)
++      i = tgetnum("co");
++      smart_term = i ? true : false;
++      if(nargin==1 || args(1).is_string())
++	length = smart_term ? i-1 : DEFAULT_LEN;
++      if(nargin==1)
++        length = DEFAULT_LEN;
++      else
++	if(nargin==2 && !(args(1).is_string()))
++	{
++	  length	= args(1).int_value();
++	  if(length>MAX_LEN)	length	= MAX_LEN;
++	  if(length<=0)		length	= DEFAULT_LEN;
++	}
++#if defined (USE_TERM)
++      pct_pos = length/2-2;
++      if(smart_term)
++	{
++	  // get terminal strings ("rv"="reverse video")
++	  char* buf_ptr	= term_buffer;
++	  begin_rv	= tgetstr("so", &buf_ptr);
++	  end_rv	= tgetstr("se", &buf_ptr);
++	  // Display a progress bar, but only if the current terminal has a
++	  // standout mode
++	  if (begin_rv && end_rv)
++	    {
++	      brvlen = 0;	
++	      buf_ptr = begin_rv;
++	      while(buf_ptr[++brvlen]);
++	      ervlen = 0;	buf_ptr = end_rv;
++	      while(buf_ptr[++ervlen]);
++	    }
++	  // initialize print buffer
++	  for(i=0; i<BUF_SIZE; ++i)
++	    print_buf[i]	= ' ';
++	  print_buf[length+brvlen+ervlen+1] = '\r';
++	  print_buf[length+brvlen+ervlen+2] = '\0';
++	  for(i=0; i<brvlen; ++i)
++	    print_buf[i]	= begin_rv[i];
++	  for(i=0; i<ervlen; ++i)
++	    print_buf[i+brvlen]	= end_rv[i];
++	  fputs(print_buf,stdout);
++	  if(title.length())
++	    newtitle	= true;
++	}
++      else
++	{
++	  for(i=0; i<BUF_SIZE; ++i)
++	    print_buf[i]	= ' ';
++	  print_buf[length+8]	= '\r';
++	  print_buf[length+9]	= '\0';
++	  fputs(print_buf,stdout);
++	  print_buf[0]		= '[';
++	  print_buf[length+1]	= ']';
++#if defined (USE_TERM)
++	}
++      n_chars_old	= 0;
++      fflush(stdout);
++      return retval;
++    }
++  else
++    {
++      // calculate position
++      int n_chars=(int)(pct*length+0.5);
++      int pct_int=(int)(pct*100.0+0.5);
++      // check to see if we got this far without initialization
++      if(init==false)
++	{
++	  Ftext_waitbar(octave_value(0.0),0);
++	  fputs(print_buf,stdout);
++	  fflush(stdout);
++	}
++      // check to see of output needs to be updated
++#if !defined (USE_TERM)
++      if(n_chars!=n_chars_old || pct_int!=pct_int_old)
++	{
++      if(n_chars!=n_chars_old || pct_int!=pct_int_old || newtitle)
++	{
++	  if(smart_term)
++	    {
++	      static char pct_str[5];
++	      sprintf(pct_str,"%3i%%",pct_int);
++	      // Insert the title
++	      if(newtitle)
++		{
++		  pct_pos	= length-SPACING*2;
++		  for(i=SPACING+brvlen; i<pct_pos+brvlen-SPACING;  ++i)
++		    print_buf[ i>=n_chars_old+brvlen ? i+ervlen : i ] = ' ';
++		  for(i=SPACING+brvlen, j=0; j<title.length(); ++i, ++j)
++		    if(i<pct_pos+brvlen-SPACING)
++		      print_buf[ i>=n_chars_old ? i+ervlen : i ] = title(0,j);
++		  newtitle	= false;
++		}
++	      // Insert the percentage string
++	      for(i=pct_pos+brvlen, j=0; j<4; ++i, ++j)
++		print_buf[ i>=n_chars_old+brvlen ? i+ervlen : i ] = pct_str[j];
++	      // Move print_buf characters
++	      if(n_chars_old<n_chars)
++		for(i=n_chars_old+brvlen; i<n_chars+brvlen; ++i)
++		  print_buf[i]	= print_buf[i+ervlen];
++	      else
++		for(i=n_chars_old+brvlen-1; i>=n_chars+brvlen; --i)
++		  print_buf[i+ervlen]	= print_buf[i];
++	      // Insert end of reverse video
++	      for(i=n_chars+brvlen, j=0; j<ervlen; ++i, ++j)
++		print_buf[i]	= end_rv[j];
++	    }
++	  else
++	    {
++	      if(n_chars>=n_chars_old)
++		for(int i=n_chars_old+1; i<=n_chars; ++i)
++		  print_buf[i]	= BAR_CHAR;
++	      else
++		for(int i=n_chars+1; i<=n_chars_old; ++i)
++		  print_buf[i]	= ' ';
++	      sprintf(&(print_buf[length+3])," %3i%%\r",pct_int);
++#if defined (USE_TERM)
++	    }
++	  fputs(print_buf,stdout);
++	  fflush(stdout);
++	  n_chars_old	= n_chars;
++	  pct_int_old	= pct_int;
++	}
++    }
++  return retval;
+--- a/src/Makefile
++++ b/src/Makefile
+@@ -4,14 +4,14 @@
+ 	TERM_LIB=-ltermcap
+ endif
+-TARGETS=waitbar.oct $(LISTEN) xmlread.oct  \
++TARGETS=text_waitbar.oct $(LISTEN) xmlread.oct  \
+ 	csvexplode.oct csv2cell.oct csvconcat.oct cell2csv.oct \
+ 	cell2cell.oct partarray.oct
+ all:	$(TARGETS)
+-waitbar.oct: waitbar.cc
+-	$(MKOCTFILE) $(MISCDEFS) waitbar.cc $(TERM_LIB)
++text_waitbar.oct: text_waitbar.cc
++	$(MKOCTFILE) $(MISCDEFS) text_waitbar.cc $(TERM_LIB)
+ server.oct: server.o listencanfork.o stringmatch.o
+ 	$(MKOCTFILE) server.o listencanfork.o stringmatch.o

Debian packaging for octave-miscellaneous

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