[Pkg-octave-commit] [SCM] Debian packaging for octave-epstk annotated tag, debian/2.3-3, created. debian/2.3-3

Thomas Weber tweber at debian.org
Wed Mar 14 21:04:07 UTC 2012

The annotated tag, debian/2.3-3 has been created
        at  1102d1aa3f463e08276bae33106b0abdf9cba541 (tag)
   tagging  90f031e74a62e8058639e15b8dfed1c03e66ab86 (commit)
  replaces  upstream/2.3
 tagged by  Thomas Weber
        on  Wed Mar 14 21:47:04 2012 +0100

- Shortlog ------------------------------------------------------------
Debian release 2.3-3

Rafael Laboissiere (69):
      Initial import of package octave-epstk
      Debian release octave-epstk_2.0.2-1
      Debian release octave-epstk_2.0.2-2
      Set exclusion files via svn:ignore
      Debian release 2.0.2-3
      Debian release octave-epstk_2.0.2-4
      Preparation for Debian release 2.1-1.  This needs further testing.
      Debian release 2.1-1
      Added local hook for including DOG style when starting a new version entry
      Added Uploaders field to all debian/control files
      Changed Emacs Local Variables section at the end of the changelog files, as
      Fixed Local Variables section, such that the eval part works both in Emacs
      Minor visual embellishment
      * Switched  from dpatch to CDBS' simple-patchsys
      Debian release octave-epstk_2.1-2
      Made debian-changelog-add-version-hook local, such that multiple
      * Bumped Standards-VErsion to 3.7.0
      Bumped Standards-Version to 3.7.2
      Debian release octave-epstk_2.1-3
      Debian release octave-epstk_2.1-4
      * debian/patches/50_add_plotdecimate.patch: New plotdecimate function
      Debian release octave-epstk_2.1-5
      Debian release octave-epstk_2.1-6
      Added Local Variables section for Emacs.  It is annoying that
      Debian release octave-epstk_2.1-7
      Debian release octave-epstk_2.1-7
      Debian release octave-epstk_2.1-8
      Changed layout of the repository
      Added XS-Vcs-Svn and XS-Vcs-Browser fields to the debian/control files of
      Preparation for release 2.2-1
      Further changes for release 2.2-1 (see new parts of changelog for a
      Debian release octave-epstk_2.2-1
      * debian/patches/60_source-etc-epstk-conf.patch: Fixed loading of the
      Debian release octave-epstk_2.2-2
      Debian release octave-epstk_2.2-3
      * debian/octave-epstk.install: Install m/*.inc files, such that edemo17
      Renamed debhelper files by stripping the "octave-epstk." prefix
      Debian release octave-epstk_2.2-4
      Renumbered patches, such that they are in natural order (01, 02, 03,
      * debian/patches/05_faster-ebbox.patch: New patch.  Make ebbox 25%
      Debian release octave-epstk_2.2-5
      * debian/patches/06_edsymbol-for-octave-2.9.13.patch: Patch proposed by
      * debian/control: Added Homepage field nd pseudo-header
      Debian release octave-epstk_2.2-6
      In debian/control, use the now official Vcs-* fields instead of the obsolete XS-Vcs-*
      * debian/control:
      Debian release octave-epstk_2.2-7
      Debian release octave-epstk_2.2-8
      Moved gs-common into Build-Depends-Indep
      Add proper copyright notices for both the upstream sources and the
      Allow upload by Debian Maintainers
      Moved comments from README into individual patches
      Adjusted line number
      Convert to UTF-8
      Switch to quilt
      Debian release octave-epstk_2.2-9
      Use debian/clean and bump build-dependency on debhelper to >= 7
      Add *.debhelper.log to the list of exclusions
      Bump Standards-Version to 3.8.0
      Drop support for Octave 2.1
      Drop dependency on ${octave-2-1:Depends}
      Depends on ${misc:Depends}
      Move ghostscript and octave3.0-headers into Build-Depends-Indep
      Add description
      Use char() and ischar() instead of the deprecated setstr() and isstr()
      Debian release octave-epstk_2.2-12
      Switch the Vcs-* URLs to Git
      Bump Standards-Version to 3.8.1
      Debian release octave-epstk_2.2-14

Thomas Weber (50):
      Fix some lintian warnings (copyright, standards version, debhelper compat), add
      Fix for #347665.
      Inlude plotcollapse.m file; there was no answer to Francesco's mail on Octave's
      Depend on gs-common
      Switch to Octave 3.0
      Add "trunk" to Vcs-Svn and Vcs-Browser field.
      Add changelog entries for trunk/ change in debian/control
      Bug fix for 474257, thanks to Stefan Mueller (upstream) for the patch.
      bug fix for 474269
      Debian release 2.2-10
      Debian release 2.2-11
      Bug fix for #490797
      Debian release octave-epstk_2.2-13
      Ignore source directories of epstk
      Switch to octave3.2
      Add eBrowser variable to epstk.conf
      Debian release 2.2-15
      Remove Rafael Laboissiere from uploader list
      Adapt .gitignore file to new tarball
      Refresh patches
      Prepare for new upstream release
      Drop patch 05_faster-ebbox.patch
      Drop patch 06_edsymbol-for-octave-2.9.13.patch
      Drop patch plot_whole_line
      Drop patch tickless_axes
      Drop patch update_documentation
      Drop patch modern-str-functions
      Switch to dpkg-source 3.0 (quilt) format
      Drop patch 04_source-etc-epstk-conf.patch
      Use DEB_COMPRESS_EXCLUDE_ALL variable instead of deprecated DEB_COMPRESS_EXCLUDE variable
      Use einit.m as /etc/epstk.conf
      Change debian/clean for new handling of patch in source 3.0 format
      Link einit.m to /etc/epstk.conf
      New patch: set_debian_defaults
      Replace deprecated variable name for CDBS
      Drop patch: 01_add-plotdecimate.patch
      Debian release 2.3-1
      Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.1
      Switch to @debian.org address
      Debian release 2.3-2
      Add patch description
      Merge branch 'upstream'
      Update the list of exclusions for Git
      Bump to debhelper compat level 9
      Bump to Standards-Version 3.9.3, no changes needed
      Build-depend on octave-pkg-dev >= 1.0.0, to build against Octave 3.6
      Add Sébastien Villemot to the list of Uploaders
      debian/copyright: update to machine-readable format 1.0
      New patch: fix_invisible_axis (closes: #660750)
      Debian release 2.3-3

Ólafur Jens Sigurðsson (1):
      changed watch file since upstream added a .m between the version nr and .bz2.tar


Debian packaging for octave-epstk

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