[Pkg-octave-commit] [SCM] Debian packaging for octave-symbolic annotated tag, debian/1.1.0-1, created. debian/1.1.0-1
Thomas Weber
tweber at debian.org
Tue Mar 20 21:24:52 UTC 2012
The annotated tag, debian/1.1.0-1 has been created
at aa502bf6e77db9dff3cf9b3343b56e70ba14c9af (tag)
tagging 65c8569298c723935228562e175ceb9e6828f33a (commit)
replaces upstream/1.1.0
tagged by Thomas Weber
on Tue Mar 20 22:16:52 2012 +0100
- Shortlog ------------------------------------------------------------
Debian release 1.1.0-1
Jordi Gutiérrez Hermoso (3):
Merge file:///home/jordi/coding/vcs/pkg-octave/octave-symbolic
Merge commit 'upstream/1.0.9'
Import patches up to upstream svn revision 8033 in order to squash RC bug
Rafael Laboissiere (53):
Bumped Stadards-Version to 3.7.3
* Change short descriptions according to the Debian standards
Added FIXME tags to long description needing love
Removed dh_make todo boilerplate
* Note that upstream license is GPL-2
There is no need to depend explicitly on libraries, since ${shlibs:Depends}
Add list of exclusion
Add list of exclusion
Add myself as uploader
Fix screwed up email addresses in debian/control files
Drop leading "trunk" at end of Vcs-Browser URL
Buld-depned on cdbs and debhelper. Also, bump DH compat level to 6.
Fix path for octave-pkg.mk
Update to new format and change enconding to UTF-8
Force build-dependency on octave-pkg-dev >= 0.5.4
Force build-dependency on octave-pkg-dev >= 0.5.5
Put octave-pkg-dev in Build-Depends, because it is required to run the
Debian release octave-symbolic_1.0.5-1
Proper uscan URL
Use debian/clean and bump build-dependency on debhelper to >= 7
Add notices about bumping the Standards-Version to 3.8.0
Add boilerplate headers to the debian/changelog files
Bump build-dependency on octave-pkg-dev to >= 0.6.2
Build-depends on octave-pkg-dev >= 0.6.3
Bump build-dependency on octave-pkg-dev to >= 0.6.4
Bump Standard-Version to 3.8.1
Add note in description about the pkg being part of Octave-Forge
Complete Upstream-* fields in copyright files
Add ${misc:Depends} to Depends
Use viewsvn instead of wsnv in Vsc-Browser
Adjust Vcs-* fields to new Git repository
Use DEP5 URL in Format-Specification
Preparation for new upstream release
Add .gitignore
Use separate License stanzas in copyright file
Add tests to function symfsolve
Fix extraneous white space
Add patch for using cell() instead of the deprecated list()
Debian release octave-symbolic_1.0.8-1
Build-depend on octave-pkg-dev >= 0.7.0
Restore files as for Debian release 1.0.9-2
Merge tag 'upstream/1.1.0'
Switch to dpkg-source 3.0 (quilt) format
debian/patches/register_symbols: Drop patch (applied upstream)
Update the list of exclusions for Git
Bump to debhelper compat level 9
Build-depend on octave-pkg-dev >= 1.0.1, to build against Octave 3.6
Keep only one line between stanzas
Add Sébastien Villemot to the list of Uploaders
Bump to Standards-Version 3.9.3, no changes needed
debian/clean: Remove this obsolete file
debian/copyright: update to machine-readable format 1.0
debian/patches/cell-as-retval-in-findsymbols.patch: Add patch
Thomas Weber (20):
Add myself to Uploaders for all packages
Allow uploads by DMs for all packages
Add "trunk" to Vcs-Svn and Vcs-Browser field.
extended description
Use "package" instead of "toolbox"
Bump dependency on octave-pkg-dev to 0.5.6, bug fix for 477736
Debian release 1.0.5-2
Put dependency on pkg-config into octave-symbolic package
Debian release octave-symbolic_1.0.6-1
Debian release octave-symbolic_1.0.7-1
Debian release octave-symbolic_1.0.7-2
Don't (git)ignore debian/octave-symbolic* files
Use octave-symbolic.docs for installation of documentation
Remove patches symfsolve-tests.diff and use-cell-instead-of-list.diff
Debian package octave-symbolic 1.0.9-1
Remove Rafael Laboissiere from uploader list
Remove Ólafur Jens Sigurðsson from Uploaders
Change watch file to upstream's php page
Add .pc/ to gitignore
Debian release 1.1.0-1
Ólafur Jens Sigurðsson (5):
created directory structure for the rest of the packages from the main repository from the octave-forge
commiting watch files to the octave-forge packages
committing octave-symbolic files, first draft
Bumped up the version of the packages to the new version in sourceforge
changed new realese to new upstream relase in the changelog files
Debian packaging for octave-symbolic
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