[Pkg-octave-commit] [SCM] Debian packaging for octave-io branch, master, updated. debian/1.0.19-1-12-gdcb9424

Sébastien Villemot sebastien at debian.org
Wed Apr 17 10:03:44 UTC 2013

The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit f3ac09bc02d94e16dd3c638a10eaa937f2fb807d
Author: Sébastien Villemot <sebastien at debian.org>
Date:   Wed Apr 17 11:39:45 2013 +0200

    private-testsuite.patch: new patch, deals with tests under private/

diff --git a/debian/patches/private-testsuite.patch b/debian/patches/private-testsuite.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..355d26d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/patches/private-testsuite.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
+Description: Moves tests in private/ subdir at the upper level
+ Tests located in functions under private/ are fundamentally a design flaw,
+ since they cannot be run with the test() command. Moreover, they are not dealt
+ with by octave-pkg-dev.
+ .
+ Note that the patch manually adds the private/ subdirectory to the path during
+ the tests.
+Author: Sébastien Villemot <sebastien at debian.org>
+Forwarded: https://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/index.php?38755
+Last-Update: 2013-04-17
+This patch header follows DEP-3: http://dep.debian.net/deps/dep3/
+--- a/inst/chk_spreadsheet_support.m
++++ b/inst/chk_spreadsheet_support.m
+@@ -508,4 +508,25 @@
+     end %try_catch
+   end %if
+-end %function
+\ No newline at end of file
++end %function
++%!shared privpath
++%! privpath = [fileparts(which('chk_spreadsheet_support')) filesep() 'private'];
++%! addpath (privpath,'-end')
++%! entries = {"abc", {"def", "ghi"}, "jkl"};
++%! jcp1 = {"/usr/lib/java/abcx.jar", "/usr/lib/java/defz.jar", "/usr/lib/java/jkl3.jar"};
++%! jcp1 = strrep (jcp1, "/", filesep);
++%! assert (chk_jar_entries (jcp1, entries), 3);
++%! addpath (privpath,'-end')
++%! entries = {"abc", {"def", "ghi"}, "xyz"};
++%! jcp2 = {"/usr/lib/java/abcy.jar", "/usr/lib/java/ghiw.jar", "/usr/lib/java/jkl6.jar"};
++%! jcp2 = strrep (jcp2, "/", filesep);
++%! [aaa, bbb] = chk_jar_entries (jcp2, entries);
++%! assert (aaa, 2);
++%! assert (bbb, [0 0 1]);
+--- a/inst/oct2ods.m
++++ b/inst/oct2ods.m
+@@ -213,3 +213,38 @@
+   if (rstatus), ods.limits = []; endif
+ endfunction
++%!shared privpath
++%! privpath = [fileparts(which('oct2ods')) filesep() 'private'];
++%! addpath (privpath,'-end')
++%! tstobj = {1.5, true, []; 'Text1', '=A1+B1', '=SQRT(A1)'; NaN, {}, 0};
++%! typarr = spsh_prstype (tstobj, 3, 3, [1 2 3 4 5], struct ("formulas_as_text", 0));
++%! assert (typarr, [1 2 5; 3 4 4; 5 5 1]);
++%! addpath (privpath,'-end')
++%! tstobj = {1.5, true, []; 'Text1', '=A1+B1', '=SQRT(A1)'; NaN, {}, 0};
++%! typarr = spsh_prstype (tstobj, 3, 3, [1 2 3 4 5], struct ("formulas_as_text", 1));
++%! assert (typarr, [1 2 5; 3 3 3; 5 5 1]);
++%! addpath (privpath,'-end')
++%! [a b c d e] = parse_sp_range ('A1:B2');
++%! assert ([a b c d e], ['A1', 2, 2, 1, 1]);
++%! addpath (privpath,'-end')
++%! [a b c d e] = parse_sp_range ('A1:AB200');
++%! assert ([a b c d e], ['A1', 200, 28, 1, 1]);
++%! addpath (privpath,'-end')
++%! [a b c d e] = parse_sp_range ('cd230:iY65536');
++%! assert ([a b c d e], ['CD230', 65307, 178, 230, 82]);
++%! addpath (privpath,'-end')
++%! [a b c d e] = parse_sp_range ('BvV12798 : xFd1054786');
++%! assert ([b c d e], [1041989, 14439, 12798, 1946]);
+--- a/inst/private/chk_jar_entries.m
++++ b/inst/private/chk_jar_entries.m
+@@ -57,19 +57,3 @@
+   endfor
+ endfunction
+-%! entries = {"abc", {"def", "ghi"}, "jkl"};
+-%! jcp1 = {"/usr/lib/java/abcx.jar", "/usr/lib/java/defz.jar", "/usr/lib/java/jkl3.jar"};
+-%! jcp1 = strrep (jcp1, "/", filesep);
+-%! assert (chk_jar_entries (jcp1, entries), 3);
+-%! entries = {"abc", {"def", "ghi"}, "xyz"};
+-%! jcp2 = {"/usr/lib/java/abcy.jar", "/usr/lib/java/ghiw.jar", "/usr/lib/java/jkl6.jar"};
+-%! jcp2 = strrep (jcp2, "/", filesep);
+-%! [aaa, bbb] = chk_jar_entries (jcp2, entries);
+-%! assert (aaa, 2);
+-%! assert (bbb, [0 0 1]);
+--- a/inst/private/parse_sp_range.m
++++ b/inst/private/parse_sp_range.m
+@@ -99,18 +99,3 @@
+ endfunction
+-%! [a b c d e] = parse_sp_range ('A1:B2');
+-%! assert ([a b c d e], ['A1', 2, 2, 1, 1]);
+-%! [a b c d e] = parse_sp_range ('A1:AB200');
+-%! assert ([a b c d e], ['A1', 200, 28, 1, 1]);
+-%! [a b c d e] = parse_sp_range ('cd230:iY65536');
+-%! assert ([a b c d e], ['CD230', 65307, 178, 230, 82]);
+-%! [a b c d e] = parse_sp_range ('BvV12798 : xFd1054786');
+-%! assert ([b c d e], [1041989, 14439, 12798, 1946]);
+--- a/inst/private/spsh_prstype.m
++++ b/inst/private/spsh_prstype.m
+@@ -81,12 +81,3 @@
+ endfunction
+-%! tstobj = {1.5, true, []; 'Text1', '=A1+B1', '=SQRT(A1)'; NaN, {}, 0};
+-%! typarr = spsh_prstype (tstobj, 3, 3, [1 2 3 4 5], struct ("formulas_as_text", 0));
+-%! assert (typarr, [1 2 5; 3 4 4; 5 5 1]);
+-%! tstobj = {1.5, true, []; 'Text1', '=A1+B1', '=SQRT(A1)'; NaN, {}, 0};
+-%! typarr = spsh_prstype (tstobj, 3, 3, [1 2 3 4 5], struct ("formulas_as_text", 1));
+-%! assert (typarr, [1 2 5; 3 3 3; 5 5 1]);
diff --git a/debian/patches/series b/debian/patches/series
index 566ec64..8fd1480 100644
--- a/debian/patches/series
+++ b/debian/patches/series
@@ -1,2 +1,4 @@

Debian packaging for octave-io

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