[Pkg-octave-commit] [octave-optim] 01/09: Merge tag 'upstream/1.4.0'

Sébastien Villemot sebastien at debian.org
Wed Aug 6 17:16:06 UTC 2014

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

sebastien pushed a commit to branch master
in repository octave-optim.

commit 8ee833ba40e63e8562f3457b7888bc7f8146819a
Merge: 60c527e 80bf9a4
Author: Sébastien Villemot <sebastien at debian.org>
Date:   Thu Jul 31 22:49:17 2014 +0200

    Merge tag 'upstream/1.4.0'
    Upstream version 1.4.0

 DESCRIPTION                                        |    6 +-
 INDEX                                              |    5 +-
 NEWS                                               |   25 +
 doc/html/Additional-parameters.html                |   75 +
 doc/html/Common-frontend-options.html              |   89 +
 doc/html/Common-optimization-options.html          |  185 ++
 doc/html/Concept-index.html                        |   78 +
 doc/html/Documentation.html                        |   71 +
 doc/html/Function-index.html                       |   94 +
 doc/html/Gradient-functions.html                   |   71 +
 doc/html/Helper-functions.html                     |   62 +
 doc/html/LinearRegression.html                     |  102 +
 doc/html/Non_002dscalar-parameters.html            |   74 +
 doc/html/Parameter-structures.html                 |   87 +
 doc/html/Residual-optimization.html                |  110 +
 doc/html/Scalar-optimization.html                  |  101 +
 ...Structure_002dbased-configuration-settings.html |   82 +
 ...Structure_002dbased-gradients-and-Hessians.html |   71 +
 .../Structure_002dbased-linear-constraints.html    |   64 +
 doc/html/Structure_002dbased-user-functions.html   |   91 +
 doc/html/XREFadsmax.html                           |    1 +
 doc/html/XREFbattery.html                          |    1 +
 doc/html/XREFbfgsmin.html                          |    1 +
 doc/html/XREFbrent_005fline_005fmin.html           |    1 +
 doc/html/XREFcdiff.html                            |    1 +
 doc/html/XREFcg_005fmin.html                       |    1 +
 doc/html/XREFcpiv_005fbard.html                    |    1 +
 doc/html/XREFcurvefit_005fstat.html                |    1 +
 doc/html/XREFd2_005fmin.html                       |    1 +
 doc/html/XREFde_005fmin.html                       |    1 +
 doc/html/XREFderiv.html                            |    1 +
 doc/html/XREFdfpdp.html                            |    1 +
 doc/html/XREFexpfit.html                           |    1 +
 doc/html/XREFfmins.html                            |    1 +
 doc/html/XREFgjp.html                              |    1 +
 doc/html/XREFjacobs.html                           |    1 +
 doc/html/XREFleasqr.html                           |    1 +
 doc/html/XREFline_005fmin.html                     |    1 +
 doc/html/XREFlinprog.html                          |    1 +
 doc/html/XREFmdsmax.html                           |    1 +
 doc/html/XREFnelder_005fmead_005fmin.html          |    1 +
 doc/html/XREFnmsmax.html                           |    1 +
 doc/html/XREFnonlin_005fcurvefit.html              |    1 +
 doc/html/XREFnonlin_005fmin.html                   |    1 +
 doc/html/XREFnonlin_005fresidmin.html              |    1 +
 doc/html/XREFnrm.html                              |    1 +
 doc/html/XREFnumgradient.html                      |    1 +
 doc/html/XREFnumhessian.html                       |    1 +
 doc/html/XREFoptim_005fdoc.html                    |    1 +
 doc/html/XREFoptiondfdp.html                       |    1 +
 doc/html/XREFpolyconf.html                         |    1 +
 doc/html/XREFpolyfitinf.html                       |    1 +
 doc/html/XREFpowell.html                           |    1 +
 doc/html/XREFresidmin_005fstat.html                |    1 +
 doc/html/XREFsamin.html                            |    1 +
 doc/html/XREFvfzero.html                           |    1 +
 doc/html/XREFwpolyfit.html                         |    1 +
 doc/html/XREFwsolve.html                           |    1 +
 doc/html/Zero-finders.html                         |   65 +
 doc/html/adsmax.html                               |   95 +
 doc/html/battery.html                              |   75 +
 doc/html/bfgsmin.html                              |  108 +
 doc/html/brent_005fline_005fmin.html               |   98 +
 doc/html/cdiff.html                                |   96 +
 doc/html/cg_005fmin.html                           |  124 +
 doc/html/cpiv_005fbard.html                        |   83 +
 doc/html/curvefit_005fstat.html                    |   89 +
 doc/html/d2_005fmin.html                           |   73 +
 doc/html/de_005fmin.html                           |  169 ++
 doc/html/deriv.html                                |   83 +
 doc/html/dfpdp.html                                |   87 +
 doc/html/expfit.html                               |  113 +
 doc/html/fmins.html                                |   96 +
 doc/html/gjp.html                                  |   78 +
 doc/html/index.html                                |  101 +
 doc/html/jacobs.html                               |   86 +
 doc/html/leasqr.html                               |  253 ++
 doc/html/line_005fmin.html                         |   84 +
 doc/html/linprog.html                              |   87 +
 doc/html/lm_005ffeasible.html                      |   82 +
 doc/html/lm_005fsvd_005ffeasible.html              |   77 +
 doc/html/mdsmax.html                               |  104 +
 doc/html/nelder_005fmead_005fmin.html              |  134 +
 doc/html/nmsmax.html                               |   97 +
 doc/html/nonlin_005fcurvefit.html                  |  103 +
 doc/html/nonlin_005fmin.html                       |  180 ++
 doc/html/nonlin_005fresidmin.html                  |  177 ++
 doc/html/nrm.html                                  |   68 +
 doc/html/numgradient.html                          |   88 +
 doc/html/numhessian.html                           |   90 +
 doc/html/octave_005fsqp.html                       |   88 +
 doc/html/polyconf.html                             |   96 +
 doc/html/polyfitinf.html                           |  180 ++
 doc/html/powell.html                               |  108 +
 doc/html/residmin_005fstat.html                    |  136 +
 doc/html/samin.html                                |  106 +
 doc/html/siman.html                                |  107 +
 doc/html/standalone-d2_005fmin.html                |  136 +
 doc/html/vfzero.html                               |  108 +
 doc/html/wls.html                                  |   68 +
 doc/html/wpolyfit.html                             |  147 +
 doc/html/wsolve.html                               |  114 +
 doc/macros.texi                                    |   88 +
 doc/optim-mini-howto-2.lyx                         |  917 ++++--
 doc/optim-mini-howto-2.tex                         |  181 +-
 doc/optim.info                                     | 3210 ++++++++++++++++++++
 doc/optim.texi                                     | 3199 +++++++++++++++++++
 doc/optim.txi                                      | 1431 +++++++++
 inst/LinearRegression.m                            |    5 +
 inst/cauchy.m                                      |  125 -
 inst/cg_min.m                                      |    3 +-
 inst/d2_min.m                                      |    9 +-
 inst/fmins.m                                       |   16 +-
 inst/leasqr.m                                      |  330 +-
 inst/linprog.m                                     |    5 +
 inst/minimize.m                                    |   15 +-
 inst/nonlin_curvefit.m                             |   30 +-
 inst/nonlin_min.m                                  |  413 +--
 inst/nonlin_residmin.m                             |  259 +-
 inst/nrm.m                                         |    2 +-
 inst/optim_doc.m                                   |   79 +
 inst/optim_problems.m                              |   46 +-
 inst/poly_2_ex.m                                   |    8 +
 inst/powell.m                                      |    2 +-
 inst/private/__d2_min__.m                          |  282 ++
 inst/private/__do_user_interaction__.m             |   55 +
 inst/private/__lm_feasible__.m                     |   44 +-
 inst/private/__lm_svd__.m                          |   34 +-
 inst/private/__nonlin_residmin__.m                 |   23 +-
 inst/private/__octave_sqp_wrapper__.m              |  130 +
 inst/private/__read_options__.m                    |  153 +
 inst/private/__siman__.m                           |   61 +-
 inst/private/__sqp__.m                             |    3 -
 inst/residmin_stat.m                               |   38 +-
 inst/test_d2_min_1.m                               |  184 --
 inst/test_d2_min_2.m                               |  115 -
 inst/test_d2_min_3.m                               |  102 -
 inst/vfzero.m                                      |    3 +-
 inst/wpolyfit.m                                    |   36 +-
 src/MFDOCSTRINGS                                   | 1979 ++++++++++++
 src/Makefile                                       |   51 +-
 src/__bfgsmin.cc.docstrings                        |    7 +
 src/__disna_optim__.cc.docstrings                  |   10 +
 src/bootstrap                                      |    1 +
 src/mkdoc.pl                                       |   86 +
 src/munge-texi.pl                                  |  180 ++
 src/numgradient.cc.docstrings                      |   29 +
 src/numhessian.cc.docstrings                       |   31 +
 src/samin.cc.docstrings                            |   45 +
 149 files changed, 18672 insertions(+), 1701 deletions(-)

Alioth's /home/groups/pkg-octave/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-octave/octave-optim.git

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