[Pkg-octave-commit] [octave] branch experimental updated (b41147e -> 1731fc8)

Rafael Laboissière rlaboiss-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Tue Aug 9 13:25:36 UTC 2016

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

rlaboiss-guest pushed a change to branch experimental
in repository octave.

      from  b41147e   Add script for generating tarballs from the upstream Mercurial repository
      adds  28fc1f7   Imported Upstream version 4.1.0~hg.20160708.22076
      adds  3e354d1   Merge tag 'upstream/4.1.0_hg.20160708.22076' into experimental
      adds  8976db7   Force build with gcc-6
      adds  d5e9669   d/p/drop_versioned_binaries.diff: Refresh for new upstream version
      adds  0488119   d/rules: Remove code for touching automatically generated files
      adds  d3a19f5   d/changelog: Add entry for version 4.1.0~hg.20160708.22076
       new  6b5ae1a   d/p/octave-pkgbuilddir.patch: Use my @debian.org email address
      adds  4821a68   Imported Upstream version 4.1.0~hg.20160806.22213
       new  d7c6e1a   Merge tag 'upstream/4.1.0_hg.20160806.22213' into experimental
       new  40c833a   Use default version of gcc (v6 in unstable since 2016-08-05)
       new  629b142   d/p/hdf5-flags.patch: Refresh for new upstream version
       new  d4f09af   d/p/install_libraries_publically: Refresh for new upstream version
       new  4602015   d/p/unescape-quote-in-qrdelete-docstring.patch: New patch
       new  f1047a3   d/s/lintian-overrides: Remove obsolete override for dh-exec-useless-usage
       new  1731fc8   d/changelog: Add entry for release 4.1.0~hg.20160806.22213-1

The 8 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails.  The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.

Summary of changes:
 ChangeLog                                          |   2411 +
 HG-ID                                              |      2 +-
 Makefile.am                                        |     12 +-
 Makefile.in                                        |    701 +-
 NEWS                                               |     20 +
 aclocal.m4                                         |     30 -
 build-aux/config.sub                               |     12 +-
 {libinterp => build-aux}/find-defun-files.sh       |      0
 libinterp/mkbuiltins => build-aux/mk-builtins.sh   |     95 +-
 build-aux/mk-octave-config-h.sh                    |     23 +-
 build-aux/snippet/unused-parameter.h               |     36 -
 build-aux/texinfo.tex                              |    120 +-
 config.in.h                                        |    260 +-
 configure                                          |  12664 +-
 configure.ac                                       |    141 +-
 debian/changelog                                   |     22 +
 debian/patches/drop_versioned_binaries.diff        |      4 +-
 debian/patches/hdf5-flags.patch                    |      2 +-
 debian/patches/install_libraries_publically        |      2 +-
 debian/patches/octave-pkgbuilddir.patch            |      2 +-
 debian/patches/series                              |      1 +
 .../unescape-quote-in-qrdelete-docstring.patch     |     18 +
 debian/rules                                       |      7 -
 debian/source/lintian-overrides                    |      5 -
 doc/doxyhtml/Doxyfile.in                           |      1 +
 doc/interpreter/basics.texi                        |      4 +-
 doc/interpreter/container.texi                     |      8 +-
 doc/interpreter/convhull.eps                       |   1711 +-
 doc/interpreter/convhull.pdf                       |    Bin 5929 -> 5874 bytes
 doc/interpreter/convhull.png                       |    Bin 20027 -> 23830 bytes
 doc/interpreter/delaunay.eps                       |   1190 +-
 doc/interpreter/delaunay.pdf                       |    Bin 3708 -> 3547 bytes
 doc/interpreter/delaunay.png                       |    Bin 29705 -> 42987 bytes
 doc/interpreter/doc-cache                          |  36553 ++--
 doc/interpreter/errorbar.eps                       |      4 +-
 doc/interpreter/errorbar.pdf                       |    Bin 5642 -> 5642 bytes
 doc/interpreter/expr.texi                          |     75 +-
 doc/interpreter/extended.eps                       |      4 +-
 doc/interpreter/extended.pdf                       |    Bin 5154 -> 5154 bytes
 doc/interpreter/external.texi                      |      2 +-
 doc/interpreter/func.texi                          |    551 +-
 doc/interpreter/func.txi                           |    355 +
 doc/interpreter/genpropdoc.m                       |      3 +-
 doc/interpreter/geometryimages.m                   |      4 +-
 doc/interpreter/gplot.eps                          |   1057 +-
 doc/interpreter/gplot.pdf                          |    Bin 3143 -> 3257 bytes
 doc/interpreter/gplot.png                          |    Bin 17153 -> 13533 bytes
 doc/interpreter/grid.eps                           |   2836 +-
 doc/interpreter/grid.pdf                           |    Bin 5363 -> 4411 bytes
 doc/interpreter/grid.png                           |    Bin 52943 -> 33611 bytes
 doc/interpreter/griddata.eps                       |  29993 +--
 doc/interpreter/griddata.pdf                       |    Bin 173151 -> 25997 bytes
 doc/interpreter/griddata.png                       |    Bin 134402 -> 201720 bytes
 doc/interpreter/gui.texi                           |      2 +-
 doc/interpreter/hist.eps                           |      4 +-
 doc/interpreter/hist.pdf                           |    Bin 4071 -> 4071 bytes
 doc/interpreter/inpolygon.eps                      |   1958 +-
 doc/interpreter/inpolygon.pdf                      |    Bin 7610 -> 7999 bytes
 doc/interpreter/inpolygon.png                      |    Bin 22966 -> 29925 bytes
 doc/interpreter/interpderiv1.eps                   |    772 +-
 doc/interpreter/interpderiv1.pdf                   |    Bin 4490 -> 4532 bytes
 doc/interpreter/interpderiv1.png                   |    Bin 13979 -> 22079 bytes
 doc/interpreter/interpderiv2.eps                   |    772 +-
 doc/interpreter/interpderiv2.pdf                   |    Bin 10951 -> 10709 bytes
 doc/interpreter/interpderiv2.png                   |    Bin 35604 -> 45724 bytes
 doc/interpreter/interpft.eps                       |    724 +-
 doc/interpreter/interpft.pdf                       |    Bin 4782 -> 4920 bytes
 doc/interpreter/interpft.png                       |    Bin 27372 -> 44341 bytes
 doc/interpreter/interpimages.m                     |      4 +-
 doc/interpreter/interpn.eps                        |   4259 +-
 doc/interpreter/interpn.pdf                        |    Bin 16506 -> 16762 bytes
 doc/interpreter/interpn.png                        |    Bin 104924 -> 195757 bytes
 doc/interpreter/linalg.texi                        |    119 +-
 doc/interpreter/linalg.txi                         |      2 +
 doc/interpreter/mesh.eps                           |    194 +-
 doc/interpreter/mesh.pdf                           |    Bin 42367 -> 42361 bytes
 doc/interpreter/mesh.png                           |    Bin 109497 -> 106434 bytes
 doc/interpreter/mk-doc-cache.pl                    |    201 +
 doc/interpreter/mk_doc_cache.m                     |    137 -
 doc/interpreter/module.mk                          |     36 +-
 doc/interpreter/munge-texi.pl                      |      7 +-
 doc/interpreter/nonlin.texi                        |      2 +-
 doc/interpreter/octave.dvi                         |    Bin 3784996 -> 3819440 bytes
 doc/interpreter/octave.html/Advanced-Indexing.html |     69 +-
 doc/interpreter/octave.html/Axes-Properties.html   |      2 +-
 .../octave.html/Axis-Configuration.html            |     46 +-
 .../octave.html/Basic-Matrix-Functions.html        |     42 +-
 doc/interpreter/octave.html/Bulleted-lists.html    |     85 +
 .../Calling-External-Code-from-Oct_002dFiles.html  |      2 +-
 doc/interpreter/octave.html/Creating-a-Class.html  |     11 +-
 .../octave.html/File-Archiving-Utilities.html      |     32 +-
 ...ndles-Anonymous-Functions-Inline-Functions.html |      2 +-
 doc/interpreter/octave.html/Function-Handles.html  |      2 +-
 doc/interpreter/octave.html/Function-Index.html    |     35 +-
 doc/interpreter/octave.html/Graphics-Objects.html  |      7 +-
 doc/interpreter/octave.html/HTML-markup.html       |     77 +
 doc/interpreter/octave.html/Including-URLs.html    |     90 +
 .../octave.html/Including-file-content.html        |     82 +
 .../octave.html/Including-graphics.html            |     81 +
 doc/interpreter/octave.html/LaTeX-markup.html      |     78 +
 doc/interpreter/octave.html/Light-Properties.html  |      2 +-
 .../octave.html/Manipulating-Structures.html       |      8 +-
 .../octave.html/Manipulation-of-Plot-Windows.html  |     12 +-
 .../octave.html/Mathematical-equations.html        |     77 +
 .../octave.html/Matrix-Factorizations.html         |     66 +-
 doc/interpreter/octave.html/Minimizers.html        |      2 +-
 doc/interpreter/octave.html/Numbered-lists.html    |     85 +
 doc/interpreter/octave.html/Preformatted-code.html |     81 +
 doc/interpreter/octave.html/Preformatted-text.html |     83 +
 .../octave.html/Publish-Octave-script-files.html   |    256 +
 doc/interpreter/octave.html/Publishing-Markup.html |     94 +
 doc/interpreter/octave.html/Script-Files.html      |      9 +-
 doc/interpreter/octave.html/Sections.html          |     90 +
 doc/interpreter/octave.html/Sparse-Functions.html  |      2 +-
 .../octave.html/Sparse-Linear-Algebra.html         |    139 +-
 doc/interpreter/octave.html/Text-formatting.html   |     81 +
 .../octave.html/Three_002dDimensional-Plots.html   |    262 +-
 doc/interpreter/octave.html/Timing-Utilities.html  |     16 +-
 doc/interpreter/octave.html/UI-Elements.html       |      2 +-
 .../Using-Publishing-Markup-in-script-files.html   |     99 +
 .../{XREFonenormest.html => XREFcondeig.html}      |     10 +-
 .../{XREFonenormest.html => XREFgrabcode.html}     |     10 +-
 .../{XREFonenormest.html => XREFlighting.html}     |     10 +-
 .../{XREFonenormest.html => XREFnormest1.html}     |     10 +-
 .../{XREFonenormest.html => XREFpublish.html}      |     10 +-
 .../{XREFonenormest.html => XREFsmooth3.html}      |     10 +-
 doc/interpreter/octave.html/convhull.png           |    Bin 20027 -> 23830 bytes
 doc/interpreter/octave.html/delaunay.png           |    Bin 29705 -> 42987 bytes
 doc/interpreter/octave.html/gplot.png              |    Bin 17153 -> 13533 bytes
 doc/interpreter/octave.html/grid.png               |    Bin 52943 -> 33611 bytes
 doc/interpreter/octave.html/griddata.png           |    Bin 134402 -> 201720 bytes
 doc/interpreter/octave.html/index.html             |     21 +-
 doc/interpreter/octave.html/inpolygon.png          |    Bin 22966 -> 29925 bytes
 doc/interpreter/octave.html/interpderiv1.png       |    Bin 13979 -> 22079 bytes
 doc/interpreter/octave.html/interpderiv2.png       |    Bin 35604 -> 45724 bytes
 doc/interpreter/octave.html/interpft.png           |    Bin 27372 -> 44341 bytes
 doc/interpreter/octave.html/interpn.png            |    Bin 104924 -> 195757 bytes
 doc/interpreter/octave.html/mesh.png               |    Bin 109497 -> 106434 bytes
 doc/interpreter/octave.html/polar.png              |    Bin 32213 -> 41777 bytes
 doc/interpreter/octave.html/spchol.png             |    Bin 63649 -> 16758 bytes
 doc/interpreter/octave.html/spcholperm.png         |    Bin 32576 -> 45053 bytes
 doc/interpreter/octave.html/splinefit1.png         |    Bin 31882 -> 46673 bytes
 doc/interpreter/octave.html/splinefit2.png         |    Bin 38583 -> 60826 bytes
 doc/interpreter/octave.html/splinefit3.png         |    Bin 24953 -> 37341 bytes
 doc/interpreter/octave.html/splinefit4.png         |    Bin 33213 -> 50122 bytes
 doc/interpreter/octave.html/splinefit6.png         |    Bin 41039 -> 61503 bytes
 doc/interpreter/octave.html/spmatrix.png           |    Bin 52128 -> 72639 bytes
 doc/interpreter/octave.html/triplot.png            |    Bin 34956 -> 50728 bytes
 doc/interpreter/octave.html/voronoi.png            |    Bin 41722 -> 61240 bytes
 doc/interpreter/octave.info                        |   4872 +-
 doc/interpreter/octave.info-1                      |      8 +-
 doc/interpreter/octave.info-2                      |    868 +-
 doc/interpreter/octave.info-3                      |   1059 +-
 doc/interpreter/octave.info-4                      |   1152 +-
 doc/interpreter/octave.info-5                      |   1837 +-
 doc/interpreter/octave.info-6                      |   1433 +-
 doc/interpreter/octave.info-7                      |   1196 +-
 doc/interpreter/octave.info-8                      |   1839 +-
 doc/interpreter/octave.pdf                         |    Bin 3937306 -> 3839205 bytes
 doc/interpreter/octave.ps                          | 177193 ++++++------------
 doc/interpreter/oop.texi                           |      9 +-
 doc/interpreter/plot-axesproperties.texi           |      2 +-
 doc/interpreter/plot-lightproperties.texi          |      2 +-
 doc/interpreter/plot.eps                           |      4 +-
 doc/interpreter/plot.pdf                           |    Bin 4281 -> 4281 bytes
 doc/interpreter/plot.texi                          |    307 +-
 doc/interpreter/plot.txi                           |      6 +-
 doc/interpreter/plot3.eps                          |      4 +-
 doc/interpreter/plot3.pdf                          |    Bin 5070 -> 5070 bytes
 doc/interpreter/polar.eps                          |     19 +-
 doc/interpreter/polar.pdf                          |    Bin 5649 -> 5629 bytes
 doc/interpreter/polar.png                          |    Bin 32213 -> 41777 bytes
 doc/interpreter/sparse.texi                        |    155 +-
 doc/interpreter/sparse.txi                         |      4 +-
 doc/interpreter/spchol.eps                         |  63700 ++-----
 doc/interpreter/spchol.pdf                         |    Bin 365447 -> 401016 bytes
 doc/interpreter/spchol.png                         |    Bin 63649 -> 16758 bytes
 doc/interpreter/spcholperm.eps                     |   4523 +-
 doc/interpreter/spcholperm.pdf                     |    Bin 17041 -> 14059 bytes
 doc/interpreter/spcholperm.png                     |    Bin 32576 -> 45053 bytes
 doc/interpreter/splinefit1.eps                     |   2116 +-
 doc/interpreter/splinefit1.pdf                     |    Bin 18497 -> 18680 bytes
 doc/interpreter/splinefit1.png                     |    Bin 31882 -> 46673 bytes
 doc/interpreter/splinefit2.eps                     |   4550 +-
 doc/interpreter/splinefit2.pdf                     |    Bin 21829 -> 22253 bytes
 doc/interpreter/splinefit2.png                     |    Bin 38583 -> 60826 bytes
 doc/interpreter/splinefit3.eps                     |   1922 +-
 doc/interpreter/splinefit3.pdf                     |    Bin 12804 -> 12952 bytes
 doc/interpreter/splinefit3.png                     |    Bin 24953 -> 37341 bytes
 doc/interpreter/splinefit4.eps                     |   2128 +-
 doc/interpreter/splinefit4.pdf                     |    Bin 18609 -> 18672 bytes
 doc/interpreter/splinefit4.png                     |    Bin 33213 -> 50122 bytes
 doc/interpreter/splinefit6.eps                     |   3070 +-
 doc/interpreter/splinefit6.pdf                     |    Bin 22694 -> 23136 bytes
 doc/interpreter/splinefit6.png                     |    Bin 41039 -> 61503 bytes
 doc/interpreter/splineimages.m                     |      4 +-
 doc/interpreter/spmatrix.eps                       |   6314 +-
 doc/interpreter/spmatrix.pdf                       |    Bin 23959 -> 19972 bytes
 doc/interpreter/spmatrix.png                       |    Bin 52128 -> 72639 bytes
 doc/interpreter/stamp-vti                          |      4 +-
 doc/interpreter/system.texi                        |     48 +-
 doc/interpreter/triplot.eps                        |   1154 +-
 doc/interpreter/triplot.pdf                        |    Bin 3447 -> 3372 bytes
 doc/interpreter/triplot.png                        |    Bin 34956 -> 50728 bytes
 doc/interpreter/version-octave.texi                |      4 +-
 doc/interpreter/voronoi.eps                        |   1627 +-
 doc/interpreter/voronoi.pdf                        |    Bin 4799 -> 4380 bytes
 doc/interpreter/voronoi.png                        |    Bin 41722 -> 61240 bytes
 doc/liboctave/liboctave.dvi                        |    Bin 226864 -> 226444 bytes
 doc/liboctave/liboctave.pdf                        |    Bin 291102 -> 290845 bytes
 doc/liboctave/liboctave.ps                         |    334 +-
 doc/liboctave/stamp-1                              |      4 +-
 doc/liboctave/version-liboctave.texi               |      4 +-
 doc/module.mk                                      |      1 +
 doc/refcard/refcard-a4.dvi                         |    Bin 30900 -> 30900 bytes
 doc/refcard/refcard-a4.pdf                         |    Bin 130153 -> 130153 bytes
 doc/refcard/refcard-a4.ps                          |      4 +-
 doc/refcard/refcard-legal.dvi                      |    Bin 31184 -> 31184 bytes
 doc/refcard/refcard-legal.pdf                      |    Bin 130286 -> 130286 bytes
 doc/refcard/refcard-legal.ps                       |      4 +-
 doc/refcard/refcard-letter.dvi                     |    Bin 30968 -> 30968 bytes
 doc/refcard/refcard-letter.pdf                     |    Bin 130401 -> 130401 bytes
 doc/refcard/refcard-letter.ps                      |      4 +-
 examples/code/fortrandemo.cc                       |      2 +-
 examples/code/make_int.cc                          |     29 +-
 libgnu/Makefile.am                                 |    283 +-
 libgnu/Makefile.in                                 |    320 +-
 libgnu/canonicalize-lgpl.c                         |    411 -
 libgnu/copysign.c                                  |     26 -
 libgnu/copysignf.c                                 |     26 -
 libgnu/fclose.c                                    |    110 -
 libgnu/fflush.c                                    |    229 -
 libgnu/floor.c                                     |    105 -
 libgnu/floorf.c                                    |     20 -
 libgnu/fopen.c                                     |    110 -
 libgnu/fpurge.c                                    |    147 -
 libgnu/freading.c                                  |     75 -
 libgnu/freading.h                                  |     53 -
 libgnu/intprops.h                                  |     57 +-
 libgnu/isnanf-nolibm.h                             |     40 -
 libgnu/isnanf.c                                    |     20 -
 libgnu/isnanl-nolibm.h                             |     33 -
 libgnu/isnanl.c                                    |     20 -
 libgnu/log.c                                       |     38 -
 libgnu/log2.c                                      |     73 -
 libgnu/log2f.c                                     |     85 -
 libgnu/logf.c                                      |     42 -
 libgnu/mktime.c                                    |      2 +
 libgnu/rename.c                                    |    475 -
 libgnu/round.c                                     |    174 -
 libgnu/roundf.c                                    |     18 -
 libgnu/signbitd.c                                  |     64 -
 libgnu/signbitf.c                                  |     64 -
 libgnu/signbitl.c                                  |     64 -
 libgnu/sleep.c                                     |     76 -
 libgnu/times.c                                     |     66 -
 libgnu/trunc.c                                     |    121 -
 libgnu/truncf.c                                    |     20 -
 libgnu/xalloc-oversized.h                          |     42 +-
 libgui/graphics/ButtonGroup.cc                     |      2 +-
 libgui/graphics/Container.cc                       |     13 +-
 libgui/graphics/Panel.cc                           |     11 +-
 libgui/graphics/__init_qt__.cc                     |      2 +-
 .../libqterminal/unix/QUnixTerminalImpl.cpp        |      4 +
 libgui/src/files-dock-widget.cc                    |      9 +-
 libgui/src/files-dock-widget.h                     |      4 +-
 libgui/src/find-files-dialog.cc                    |      9 +-
 libgui/src/find-files-dialog.h                     |      1 +
 libgui/src/history-dock-widget.cc                  |      8 +-
 libgui/src/history-dock-widget.h                   |      3 +-
 .../icons/graphic_logo_DocumentationDockWidget.png |    Bin 1863 -> 21021 bytes
 .../icons/graphic_logo_DocumentationDockWidget.svg |    731 +
 libgui/src/icons/graphic_logo_FileEditor.png       |    Bin 1566 -> 20261 bytes
 libgui/src/icons/graphic_logo_FileEditor.svg       |   1060 +
 libgui/src/icons/graphic_logo_FilesDockWidget.png  |    Bin 1595 -> 20230 bytes
 libgui/src/icons/graphic_logo_FilesDockWidget.svg  |   1308 +
 .../src/icons/graphic_logo_HistoryDockWidget.png   |    Bin 1540 -> 24427 bytes
 .../src/icons/graphic_logo_HistoryDockWidget.svg   |   1328 +
 libgui/src/icons/graphic_logo_NewsDockWidget.png   |    Bin 1589 -> 17842 bytes
 libgui/src/icons/graphic_logo_NewsDockWidget.svg   |   1156 +
 libgui/src/icons/graphic_logo_ReleaseWidget.png    |    Bin 1594 -> 17842 bytes
 libgui/src/icons/graphic_logo_ReleaseWidget.svg    |   1156 +
 .../src/icons/graphic_logo_TerminalDockWidget.png  |    Bin 1597 -> 16975 bytes
 .../src/icons/graphic_logo_TerminalDockWidget.svg  |   1744 +
 libgui/src/icons/graphic_logo_WorkspaceView.png    |    Bin 2024 -> 15636 bytes
 libgui/src/icons/graphic_logo_WorkspaceView.svg    |   1175 +
 libgui/src/icons/icons_license                     |     40 +-
 .../icons/letter_logo_DocumentationDockWidget.png  |    Bin 1928 -> 15613 bytes
 .../icons/letter_logo_DocumentationDockWidget.svg  |    363 +
 libgui/src/icons/letter_logo_FileEditor.png        |    Bin 1785 -> 13980 bytes
 libgui/src/icons/letter_logo_FileEditor.svg        |    375 +
 libgui/src/icons/letter_logo_FilesDockWidget.png   |    Bin 1757 -> 13919 bytes
 libgui/src/icons/letter_logo_FilesDockWidget.svg   |    375 +
 libgui/src/icons/letter_logo_HistoryDockWidget.png |    Bin 1825 -> 13911 bytes
 libgui/src/icons/letter_logo_HistoryDockWidget.svg |    363 +
 libgui/src/icons/letter_logo_NewsDockWidget.png    |    Bin 1882 -> 14996 bytes
 libgui/src/icons/letter_logo_NewsDockWidget.svg    |    363 +
 libgui/src/icons/letter_logo_ReleaseWidget.png     |    Bin 1937 -> 15520 bytes
 libgui/src/icons/letter_logo_ReleaseWidget.svg     |    363 +
 .../src/icons/letter_logo_TerminalDockWidget.png   |    Bin 1933 -> 16084 bytes
 .../src/icons/letter_logo_TerminalDockWidget.svg   |    363 +
 libgui/src/icons/letter_logo_WorkspaceView.png     |    Bin 2077 -> 16559 bytes
 libgui/src/icons/letter_logo_WorkspaceView.svg     |    375 +
 libgui/src/icons/logo.png                          |    Bin 9816 -> 13198 bytes
 libgui/src/m-editor/file-editor-tab.cc             |    143 +-
 libgui/src/m-editor/file-editor-tab.h              |     11 +-
 libgui/src/m-editor/file-editor.cc                 |     46 +-
 libgui/src/m-editor/file-editor.h                  |     10 +-
 libgui/src/m-editor/find-dialog.cc                 |      6 +-
 libgui/src/m-editor/find-dialog.h                  |      3 +-
 libgui/src/m-editor/marker.h                       |      8 +-
 libgui/src/main-window.cc                          |     72 +-
 libgui/src/main-window.h                           |     23 +-
 libgui/src/module.mk                               |     18 +-
 libgui/src/octave-dock-widget.cc                   |      6 +-
 libgui/src/octave-dock-widget.h                    |      4 +-
 libgui/src/octave-gui.cc                           |    247 +-
 libgui/src/octave-gui.h                            |     36 +-
 libgui/src/octave-interpreter.cc                   |     12 +-
 libgui/src/octave-interpreter.h                    |     10 +-
 libgui/src/octave-qt-link.cc                       |     28 +-
 libgui/src/octave-qt-link.h                        |      5 +-
 libgui/src/resource-manager.cc                     |      6 -
 libgui/src/resource-manager.h                      |     10 +-
 libgui/src/settings-dialog.cc                      |     15 +-
 libgui/src/shortcut-manager.cc                     |     20 +-
 libgui/src/shortcut-manager.h                      |     10 +-
 libgui/src/terminal-dock-widget.cc                 |      6 +
 libgui/src/terminal-dock-widget.h                  |      2 +
 libgui/src/workspace-view.cc                       |     82 +-
 libgui/src/workspace-view.h                        |      4 +-
 libinterp/DOCSTRINGS                               |   1069 +-
 libinterp/corefcn/__dsearchn__.cc                  |     14 +-
 libinterp/corefcn/__ichol__.cc                     |      2 +-
 libinterp/corefcn/__magick_read__.cc               |     34 +-
 libinterp/corefcn/__pchip_deriv__.cc               |     16 +-
 libinterp/corefcn/besselj.cc                       |     66 +-
 libinterp/corefcn/bitfcns.cc                       |    125 +-
 libinterp/corefcn/bsxfun.cc                        |     78 +-
 libinterp/corefcn/call-stack.cc                    |    583 +
 libinterp/corefcn/{toplev.h => call-stack.h}       |     74 +-
 libinterp/corefcn/cellfun.cc                       |     10 +-
 libinterp/corefcn/data.cc                          |    557 +-
 libinterp/corefcn/debug.cc                         |     57 +-
 libinterp/corefcn/defaults.cc                      |      2 +-
 libinterp/corefcn/defun-dld.h                      |     12 +-
 libinterp/corefcn/defun-int.h                      |     49 +-
 libinterp/corefcn/defun.cc                         |      3 +-
 libinterp/corefcn/defun.h                          |      4 +-
 libinterp/corefcn/det.cc                           |      7 +-
 libinterp/corefcn/dirfns.cc                        |     75 +-
 libinterp/corefcn/dot.cc                           |     66 +-
 libinterp/corefcn/error.cc                         |     20 +-
 libinterp/corefcn/error.h                          |      2 +-
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 libinterp/corefcn/graphics.in.h                    |      9 +-
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 libinterp/corefcn/input.h                          |     33 +-
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 libinterp/corefcn/interpreter.h                    |    141 +
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 libinterp/corefcn/jit-typeinfo.cc                  |      2 +-
 libinterp/corefcn/jit-typeinfo.h                   |      2 +-
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 libinterp/corefcn/mex.h                            |     10 +-
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 libinterp/corefcn/oct-tex-parser.cc                |     94 +-
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 libinterp/corefcn/ordschur.cc                      |     72 +-
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 libinterp/corefcn/pr-output.cc                     |    108 +-
 libinterp/corefcn/profiler.cc                      |     85 +-
 libinterp/corefcn/profiler.h                       |      8 +-
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 libinterp/corefcn/pt-jit.cc                        |      8 +-
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 libinterp/corefcn/qz.cc                            |    211 +-
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 libinterp/corefcn/sighandlers.h                    |    173 +-
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 libinterp/corefcn/sparse-xpow.cc                   |      6 +-
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 libinterp/corefcn/symtab.cc                        |      2 +-
 libinterp/corefcn/syscalls.cc                      |     12 +-
 libinterp/corefcn/sysdep.cc                        |     51 +-
 libinterp/corefcn/sysdep.h                         |      2 +
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 libinterp/corefcn/toplev.h                         |    518 +-
 libinterp/corefcn/tril.cc                          |      4 +-
 libinterp/corefcn/txt-eng.h                        |     10 +-
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 libinterp/corefcn/variables.cc                     |     87 +-
 libinterp/corefcn/variables.h                      |     10 +-
 libinterp/corefcn/xdiv.cc                          |      4 +-
 libinterp/corefcn/xpow.cc                          |     12 +-
 .../octave-gui.h => libinterp/deprecated-config.h  |     11 +-
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 libinterp/dldfcn/config-module.awk                 |      2 -
 libinterp/dldfcn/module-files                      |      1 +
 libinterp/dldfcn/module.mk                         |     30 +-
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 libinterp/dldfcn/xzip.cc                           |    766 +
 libinterp/module.mk                                |     75 +-
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 libinterp/octave-value/ov-base.h                   |     60 +-
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 libinterp/parse-tree/oct-parse.yy                  |   3154 +-
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 libinterp/parse-tree/pt-mat.cc                     |      1 +
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 liboctave/array/Array.h                            |     30 +
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 liboctave/array/CNDArray.cc                        |      6 +-
 liboctave/array/CRowVector.cc                      |     22 +-
 liboctave/array/CSparse.cc                         |    186 +-
 liboctave/array/MArray-i.cc                        |      2 +
 liboctave/array/MArray-s.cc                        |      2 +
 liboctave/array/MArray.cc                          |     28 +-
 liboctave/array/MArray.h                           |    204 +-
 liboctave/array/MDiagArray2.cc                     |     26 +-
 liboctave/array/MDiagArray2.h                      |     64 +-
 liboctave/array/MSparse.h                          |    102 +-
 liboctave/array/Sparse.cc                          |      9 +-
 liboctave/array/dColVector.cc                      |     10 +-
 liboctave/array/dMatrix.cc                         |    184 +-
 liboctave/array/dNDArray.cc                        |      6 +-
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 liboctave/array/dim-vector.h                       |     79 +-
 liboctave/array/fCColVector.cc                     |     14 +-
 liboctave/array/fCMatrix.cc                        |    410 +-
 liboctave/array/fCNDArray.cc                       |     10 +-
 liboctave/array/fCRowVector.cc                     |     22 +-
 liboctave/array/fColVector.cc                      |      8 +-
 liboctave/array/fMatrix.cc                         |    178 +-
 liboctave/array/fNDArray.cc                        |     10 +-
 liboctave/array/fRowVector.cc                      |     16 +-
 liboctave/array/idx-vector.cc                      |      4 +-
 liboctave/cruft/misc/cquit.c                       |      4 +
 liboctave/cruft/misc/f77-fcn.c                     |     14 +-
 liboctave/cruft/misc/f77-fcn.h                     |    188 +-
 liboctave/cruft/misc/quit.cc                       |     13 +
 liboctave/cruft/misc/quit.h                        |    164 +-
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 liboctave/cruft/odepack/solsy.f                    |     15 +-
 liboctave/cruft/odepack/sprepj.f                   |     11 +-
 liboctave/cruft/odepack/ssolsy.f                   |     11 +-
 liboctave/cruft/odepack/sstode.f                   |     10 +-
 liboctave/cruft/odepack/stode.f                    |     12 +-
 liboctave/module.mk                                |      3 +-
 liboctave/numeric/DASPK.cc                         |     14 +-
 liboctave/numeric/DASRT.cc                         |     18 +-
 liboctave/numeric/DASSL.cc                         |     14 +-
 liboctave/numeric/EIG.cc                           |    130 +-
 liboctave/numeric/LSODE.cc                         |     14 +-
 liboctave/numeric/Quad.cc                          |     48 +-
 liboctave/numeric/aepbalance.cc                    |     64 +-
 liboctave/numeric/bsxfun-decl.h                    |     46 +-
 liboctave/numeric/bsxfun-defs.cc                   |     60 +-
 liboctave/numeric/chol.cc                          |    232 +-
 liboctave/numeric/eigs-base.cc                     |    146 +-
 liboctave/numeric/fEIG.cc                          |    124 +-
 liboctave/numeric/gepbalance.cc                    |     78 +-
 liboctave/numeric/hess.cc                          |    140 +-
 liboctave/numeric/lo-mappers.cc                    |     15 +-
 liboctave/numeric/lo-mappers.h                     |     18 +
 liboctave/numeric/lo-specfun.cc                    |    401 +-
 liboctave/numeric/lu.cc                            |    144 +-
 liboctave/numeric/oct-convn.cc                     |    114 +-
 liboctave/numeric/oct-convn.h                      |     19 +-
 liboctave/numeric/oct-norm.cc                      |    110 +-
 liboctave/numeric/oct-norm.h                       |     30 +-
 liboctave/numeric/oct-rand.cc                      |     42 +-
 liboctave/numeric/qr.cc                            |    430 +-
 liboctave/numeric/qrp.cc                           |     58 +-
 liboctave/numeric/randmtzig.cc                     |      4 +-
 liboctave/numeric/randpoisson.cc                   |      7 +-
 liboctave/numeric/schur.cc                         |     72 +-
 liboctave/numeric/svd.cc                           |    783 +-
 liboctave/numeric/svd.h                            |     47 +-
 liboctave/operators/Sparse-op-decls.h              |    168 +-
 liboctave/operators/Sparse-op-defs.h               |   3450 +-
 liboctave/operators/mx-inlines.cc                  |   1513 +-
 liboctave/operators/mx-op-decl.h                   |    296 +-
 liboctave/operators/mx-op-defs.h                   |    880 +-
 liboctave/system/child-list.cc                     |    163 +
 liboctave/system/child-list.h                      |    136 +
 liboctave/system/file-ops.h                        |     10 +
 liboctave/system/mach-info.cc                      |     20 +-
 liboctave/system/module.mk                         |      2 +
 liboctave/system/oct-env.cc                        |     29 +-
 liboctave/system/oct-group.cc                      |      2 +-
 liboctave/system/oct-passwd.cc                     |      2 +-
 liboctave/system/oct-syscalls.cc                   |     16 +-
 liboctave/system/oct-syscalls.h                    |      9 +-
 liboctave/system/oct-time.cc                       |     10 +-
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 liboctave/util/cmd-edit.h                          |      4 +
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 liboctave/util/oct-inttypes.h                      |    437 +-
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 liboctave/util/oct-rl-edit.h                       |      2 +
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 liboctave/util/oct-sparse.h                        |      6 +-
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 .../wrappers/{fpucw-wrapper.h => fpucw-wrappers.h} |     13 +-
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 .../wrappers/{fpucw-wrapper.h => getopt-wrapper.h} |     28 +-
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 .../wrappers/{fpucw-wrapper.h => math-wrappers.h}  |     13 +-
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 liboctave/wrappers/time-wrappers.h                 |      3 +
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 m4/check-math-lib.m4                               |     32 -
 m4/codeset.m4                                      |      3 +-
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 m4/exponentl.m4                                    |     98 -
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 m4/isnanf.m4                                       |    188 -
 m4/isnanl.m4                                       |    236 -
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 m4/log2.m4                                         |    169 -
 m4/log2f-ieee.m4                                   |     15 -
 m4/log2f.m4                                        |    176 -
 m4/logf.m4                                         |    127 -
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 run-octave.in                                      |     11 +-
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 .../testfun/private/html_plot_demos_template.html  |     60 +
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 src/main-gui.cc                                    |     12 +-
 src/module.mk                                      |      4 +-
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Alioth's /home/groups/pkg-octave/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-octave/octave.git

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