[Pkg-octave-commit] [octave] 02/08: Merge tag 'upstream/4.1.0_hg.20160806.22213' into experimental
Rafael Laboissière
rlaboiss-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Tue Aug 9 13:25:40 UTC 2016
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
rlaboiss-guest pushed a commit to branch experimental
in repository octave.
commit d7c6e1aa0ce839ad36349afb37dcf66da8594dc3
Merge: 6b5ae1a 4821a68
Author: Rafael Laboissiere <rafael at debian.org>
Date: Sun Aug 7 06:31:44 2016 -0300
Merge tag 'upstream/4.1.0_hg.20160806.22213' into experimental
Upstream version 4.1.0~hg.20160806.22213
ChangeLog | 1931 +
HG-ID | 2 +-
Makefile.am | 4 +-
Makefile.in | 723 +-
NEWS | 12 +
aclocal.m4 | 6 +
{libinterp => build-aux}/find-defun-files.sh | 0
libinterp/mkbuiltins => build-aux/mk-builtins.sh | 95 +-
build-aux/mk-octave-config-h.sh | 23 +-
config.in.h | 301 +-
configure | 2763 +-
configure.ac | 131 +-
doc/doxyhtml/Doxyfile.in | 1 +
doc/interpreter/basics.texi | 4 +-
doc/interpreter/container.texi | 8 +-
doc/interpreter/convhull.eps | 1711 +-
doc/interpreter/convhull.pdf | Bin 5995 -> 5874 bytes
doc/interpreter/convhull.png | Bin 27791 -> 23830 bytes
doc/interpreter/delaunay.eps | 1190 +-
doc/interpreter/delaunay.pdf | Bin 3722 -> 3547 bytes
doc/interpreter/delaunay.png | Bin 45407 -> 42987 bytes
doc/interpreter/doc-cache | 36697 +--
doc/interpreter/errorbar.eps | 2385 +-
doc/interpreter/errorbar.pdf | Bin 6378 -> 5642 bytes
doc/interpreter/errorbar.png | Bin 25459 -> 20439 bytes
doc/interpreter/expr.texi | 75 +-
doc/interpreter/extended.eps | 1837 +-
doc/interpreter/extended.pdf | Bin 78658 -> 5154 bytes
doc/interpreter/extended.png | Bin 18427 -> 16823 bytes
doc/interpreter/external.texi | 2 +-
doc/interpreter/func.texi | 551 +-
doc/interpreter/func.txi | 355 +
doc/interpreter/genpropdoc.m | 3 +-
doc/interpreter/gplot.eps | 1057 +-
doc/interpreter/gplot.pdf | Bin 3143 -> 3257 bytes
doc/interpreter/gplot.png | Bin 17153 -> 13533 bytes
doc/interpreter/grid.eps | 2836 +-
doc/interpreter/grid.pdf | Bin 5363 -> 4411 bytes
doc/interpreter/grid.png | Bin 52943 -> 33611 bytes
doc/interpreter/griddata.eps | 33195 +-
doc/interpreter/griddata.pdf | Bin 206131 -> 25997 bytes
doc/interpreter/griddata.png | Bin 244563 -> 201720 bytes
doc/interpreter/gui.texi | 2 +-
doc/interpreter/hist.eps | 1810 +-
doc/interpreter/hist.pdf | Bin 4193 -> 4071 bytes
doc/interpreter/hist.png | Bin 19320 -> 13554 bytes
doc/interpreter/inpolygon.eps | 1958 +-
doc/interpreter/inpolygon.pdf | Bin 7594 -> 7999 bytes
doc/interpreter/inpolygon.png | Bin 30579 -> 29925 bytes
doc/interpreter/interpderiv1.eps | 1704 +-
doc/interpreter/interpderiv1.pdf | Bin 4981 -> 4532 bytes
doc/interpreter/interpderiv1.png | Bin 22468 -> 22079 bytes
doc/interpreter/interpderiv2.eps | 3303 +-
doc/interpreter/interpderiv2.pdf | Bin 12828 -> 10709 bytes
doc/interpreter/interpderiv2.png | Bin 42204 -> 45724 bytes
doc/interpreter/interpft.eps | 1719 +-
doc/interpreter/interpft.pdf | Bin 5555 -> 4920 bytes
doc/interpreter/interpft.png | Bin 46764 -> 44341 bytes
doc/interpreter/interpn.eps | 57691 +---
doc/interpreter/interpn.pdf | Bin 417796 -> 16762 bytes
doc/interpreter/interpn.png | Bin 243641 -> 195757 bytes
doc/interpreter/linalg.texi | 119 +-
doc/interpreter/linalg.txi | 2 +
doc/interpreter/mesh.eps | 51074 +--
doc/interpreter/mesh.pdf | Bin 313168 -> 42361 bytes
doc/interpreter/mesh.png | Bin 130703 -> 106434 bytes
doc/interpreter/mk-doc-cache.pl | 201 +
doc/interpreter/mk_doc_cache.m | 137 -
doc/interpreter/module.mk | 33 +-
doc/interpreter/munge-texi.pl | 7 +-
doc/interpreter/nonlin.texi | 2 +-
doc/interpreter/octave.dvi | Bin 3785940 -> 3819440 bytes
doc/interpreter/octave.html/Advanced-Indexing.html | 69 +-
.../octave.html/Axis-Configuration.html | 46 +-
.../octave.html/Basic-Matrix-Functions.html | 42 +-
doc/interpreter/octave.html/Bulleted-lists.html | 85 +
.../Calling-External-Code-from-Oct_002dFiles.html | 2 +-
doc/interpreter/octave.html/Creating-a-Class.html | 11 +-
.../octave.html/File-Archiving-Utilities.html | 32 +-
...ndles-Anonymous-Functions-Inline-Functions.html | 2 +-
doc/interpreter/octave.html/Function-Handles.html | 2 +-
doc/interpreter/octave.html/Function-Index.html | 31 +-
doc/interpreter/octave.html/Graphics-Objects.html | 7 +-
doc/interpreter/octave.html/HTML-markup.html | 77 +
doc/interpreter/octave.html/Including-URLs.html | 90 +
.../octave.html/Including-file-content.html | 82 +
.../octave.html/Including-graphics.html | 81 +
doc/interpreter/octave.html/LaTeX-markup.html | 78 +
doc/interpreter/octave.html/Light-Properties.html | 2 +-
.../octave.html/Manipulating-Structures.html | 8 +-
.../octave.html/Mathematical-equations.html | 77 +
.../octave.html/Matrix-Factorizations.html | 66 +-
doc/interpreter/octave.html/Minimizers.html | 2 +-
doc/interpreter/octave.html/Numbered-lists.html | 85 +
doc/interpreter/octave.html/Preformatted-code.html | 81 +
doc/interpreter/octave.html/Preformatted-text.html | 83 +
.../octave.html/Publish-Octave-script-files.html | 256 +
doc/interpreter/octave.html/Publishing-Markup.html | 94 +
doc/interpreter/octave.html/Script-Files.html | 9 +-
doc/interpreter/octave.html/Sections.html | 90 +
doc/interpreter/octave.html/Sparse-Functions.html | 2 +-
.../octave.html/Sparse-Linear-Algebra.html | 139 +-
doc/interpreter/octave.html/Text-formatting.html | 81 +
.../octave.html/Three_002dDimensional-Plots.html | 177 +-
doc/interpreter/octave.html/Timing-Utilities.html | 16 +-
doc/interpreter/octave.html/UI-Elements.html | 2 +-
.../octave.html/Uibuttongroup-Properties.html | 4 +-
.../octave.html/Uicontrol-Properties.html | 2 +-
doc/interpreter/octave.html/Uimenu-Properties.html | 2 +-
.../octave.html/Uipanel-Properties.html | 4 +-
.../Using-Publishing-Markup-in-script-files.html | 99 +
.../{XREFonenormest.html => XREFcondeig.html} | 10 +-
.../{XREFonenormest.html => XREFgrabcode.html} | 10 +-
.../{XREFonenormest.html => XREFlighting.html} | 10 +-
.../{XREFonenormest.html => XREFnormest1.html} | 10 +-
.../{XREFonenormest.html => XREFpublish.html} | 10 +-
.../{XREFonenormest.html => XREFsmooth3.html} | 10 +-
doc/interpreter/octave.html/convhull.png | Bin 27791 -> 23830 bytes
doc/interpreter/octave.html/delaunay.png | Bin 45407 -> 42987 bytes
doc/interpreter/octave.html/errorbar.png | Bin 25459 -> 20439 bytes
doc/interpreter/octave.html/extended.png | Bin 18427 -> 16823 bytes
doc/interpreter/octave.html/gplot.png | Bin 17153 -> 13533 bytes
doc/interpreter/octave.html/grid.png | Bin 52943 -> 33611 bytes
doc/interpreter/octave.html/griddata.png | Bin 244563 -> 201720 bytes
doc/interpreter/octave.html/hist.png | Bin 19320 -> 13554 bytes
doc/interpreter/octave.html/index.html | 21 +-
doc/interpreter/octave.html/inpolygon.png | Bin 30579 -> 29925 bytes
doc/interpreter/octave.html/interpderiv1.png | Bin 22468 -> 22079 bytes
doc/interpreter/octave.html/interpderiv2.png | Bin 42204 -> 45724 bytes
doc/interpreter/octave.html/interpft.png | Bin 46764 -> 44341 bytes
doc/interpreter/octave.html/interpn.png | Bin 243641 -> 195757 bytes
doc/interpreter/octave.html/mesh.png | Bin 130703 -> 106434 bytes
doc/interpreter/octave.html/plot.png | Bin 20670 -> 16530 bytes
doc/interpreter/octave.html/plot3.png | Bin 31874 -> 27702 bytes
doc/interpreter/octave.html/polar.png | Bin 43161 -> 41777 bytes
doc/interpreter/octave.html/spchol.png | Bin 63649 -> 16758 bytes
doc/interpreter/octave.html/spcholperm.png | Bin 32576 -> 45053 bytes
doc/interpreter/octave.html/splinefit1.png | Bin 53644 -> 46673 bytes
doc/interpreter/octave.html/splinefit2.png | Bin 65686 -> 60826 bytes
doc/interpreter/octave.html/splinefit3.png | Bin 40639 -> 37341 bytes
doc/interpreter/octave.html/splinefit4.png | Bin 57469 -> 50122 bytes
doc/interpreter/octave.html/splinefit6.png | Bin 67313 -> 61503 bytes
doc/interpreter/octave.html/spmatrix.png | Bin 52128 -> 72639 bytes
doc/interpreter/octave.html/triplot.png | Bin 60845 -> 50728 bytes
doc/interpreter/octave.html/voronoi.png | Bin 70325 -> 61240 bytes
doc/interpreter/octave.info | 4872 +-
doc/interpreter/octave.info-1 | 8 +-
doc/interpreter/octave.info-2 | 868 +-
doc/interpreter/octave.info-3 | 926 +-
doc/interpreter/octave.info-4 | 1164 +-
doc/interpreter/octave.info-5 | 1693 +-
doc/interpreter/octave.info-6 | 1433 +-
doc/interpreter/octave.info-7 | 1196 +-
doc/interpreter/octave.info-8 | 1139 +-
doc/interpreter/octave.pdf | Bin 4698985 -> 3839205 bytes
doc/interpreter/octave.ps | 306733 +++++-------------
doc/interpreter/oop.texi | 9 +-
doc/interpreter/plot-lightproperties.texi | 2 +-
doc/interpreter/plot-uibuttongroupproperties.texi | 4 +-
doc/interpreter/plot-uicontrolproperties.texi | 2 +-
doc/interpreter/plot-uimenuproperties.texi | 2 +-
doc/interpreter/plot-uipanelproperties.texi | 4 +-
doc/interpreter/plot.eps | 1351 +-
doc/interpreter/plot.pdf | Bin 4805 -> 4281 bytes
doc/interpreter/plot.png | Bin 20670 -> 16530 bytes
doc/interpreter/plot.texi | 218 +-
doc/interpreter/plot.txi | 6 +-
doc/interpreter/plot3.eps | 2043 +-
doc/interpreter/plot3.pdf | Bin 7399 -> 5070 bytes
doc/interpreter/plot3.png | Bin 31874 -> 27702 bytes
doc/interpreter/polar.eps | 2173 +-
doc/interpreter/polar.pdf | Bin 7301 -> 5629 bytes
doc/interpreter/polar.png | Bin 43161 -> 41777 bytes
doc/interpreter/sparse.texi | 155 +-
doc/interpreter/sparse.txi | 4 +-
doc/interpreter/spchol.eps | 63700 +---
doc/interpreter/spchol.pdf | Bin 365447 -> 401016 bytes
doc/interpreter/spchol.png | Bin 63649 -> 16758 bytes
doc/interpreter/spcholperm.eps | 4523 +-
doc/interpreter/spcholperm.pdf | Bin 17041 -> 14059 bytes
doc/interpreter/spcholperm.png | Bin 32576 -> 45053 bytes
doc/interpreter/splinefit1.eps | 4443 +-
doc/interpreter/splinefit1.pdf | Bin 25700 -> 18680 bytes
doc/interpreter/splinefit1.png | Bin 53644 -> 46673 bytes
doc/interpreter/splinefit2.eps | 6900 +-
doc/interpreter/splinefit2.pdf | Bin 30418 -> 22253 bytes
doc/interpreter/splinefit2.png | Bin 65686 -> 60826 bytes
doc/interpreter/splinefit3.eps | 3560 +-
doc/interpreter/splinefit3.pdf | Bin 17428 -> 12952 bytes
doc/interpreter/splinefit3.png | Bin 40639 -> 37341 bytes
doc/interpreter/splinefit4.eps | 4475 +-
doc/interpreter/splinefit4.pdf | Bin 25770 -> 18672 bytes
doc/interpreter/splinefit4.png | Bin 57469 -> 50122 bytes
doc/interpreter/splinefit6.eps | 5846 +-
doc/interpreter/splinefit6.pdf | Bin 32104 -> 23136 bytes
doc/interpreter/splinefit6.png | Bin 67313 -> 61503 bytes
doc/interpreter/spmatrix.eps | 6314 +-
doc/interpreter/spmatrix.pdf | Bin 23959 -> 19972 bytes
doc/interpreter/spmatrix.png | Bin 52128 -> 72639 bytes
doc/interpreter/stamp-vti | 4 +-
doc/interpreter/system.texi | 48 +-
doc/interpreter/triplot.eps | 1154 +-
doc/interpreter/triplot.pdf | Bin 3466 -> 3372 bytes
doc/interpreter/triplot.png | Bin 60845 -> 50728 bytes
doc/interpreter/version-octave.texi | 4 +-
doc/interpreter/voronoi.eps | 1627 +-
doc/interpreter/voronoi.pdf | Bin 4845 -> 4380 bytes
doc/interpreter/voronoi.png | Bin 70325 -> 61240 bytes
doc/liboctave/liboctave.dvi | Bin 226444 -> 226444 bytes
doc/liboctave/liboctave.pdf | Bin 290845 -> 290845 bytes
doc/liboctave/liboctave.ps | 4 +-
doc/liboctave/stamp-1 | 4 +-
doc/liboctave/version-liboctave.texi | 4 +-
doc/refcard/refcard-a4.dvi | Bin 30900 -> 30900 bytes
doc/refcard/refcard-a4.pdf | Bin 130153 -> 130153 bytes
doc/refcard/refcard-a4.ps | 4 +-
doc/refcard/refcard-legal.dvi | Bin 31184 -> 31184 bytes
doc/refcard/refcard-legal.pdf | Bin 130286 -> 130286 bytes
doc/refcard/refcard-legal.ps | 4 +-
doc/refcard/refcard-letter.dvi | Bin 30968 -> 30968 bytes
doc/refcard/refcard-letter.pdf | Bin 130401 -> 130401 bytes
doc/refcard/refcard-letter.ps | 4 +-
examples/code/fortrandemo.cc | 2 +-
examples/code/make_int.cc | 29 +-
libgnu/Makefile.am | 315 +-
libgnu/Makefile.in | 689 +-
libgnu/frexp.c | 168 +
libgnu/frexpf.c | 26 +
libgnu/isnan.c | 189 +
libgnu/isnand-nolibm.h | 33 +
libgnu/isnand.c | 19 +
libgnu/math.c | 4 +
libgnu/math.in.h | 2279 +
libgui/graphics/ButtonGroup.cc | 2 +-
libgui/graphics/Container.cc | 13 +-
libgui/graphics/Panel.cc | 11 +-
libgui/graphics/__init_qt__.cc | 2 +-
.../libqterminal/unix/QUnixTerminalImpl.cpp | 4 +
libgui/src/files-dock-widget.cc | 9 +-
libgui/src/files-dock-widget.h | 4 +-
libgui/src/find-files-dialog.cc | 9 +-
libgui/src/find-files-dialog.h | 1 +
libgui/src/history-dock-widget.cc | 8 +-
libgui/src/history-dock-widget.h | 3 +-
.../icons/graphic_logo_DocumentationDockWidget.png | Bin 1863 -> 21021 bytes
.../icons/graphic_logo_DocumentationDockWidget.svg | 731 +
libgui/src/icons/graphic_logo_FileEditor.png | Bin 1566 -> 20261 bytes
libgui/src/icons/graphic_logo_FileEditor.svg | 1060 +
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libgui/src/icons/graphic_logo_FilesDockWidget.svg | 1308 +
.../src/icons/graphic_logo_HistoryDockWidget.png | Bin 1540 -> 24427 bytes
.../src/icons/graphic_logo_HistoryDockWidget.svg | 1328 +
libgui/src/icons/graphic_logo_NewsDockWidget.png | Bin 1589 -> 17842 bytes
libgui/src/icons/graphic_logo_NewsDockWidget.svg | 1156 +
libgui/src/icons/graphic_logo_ReleaseWidget.png | Bin 1594 -> 17842 bytes
libgui/src/icons/graphic_logo_ReleaseWidget.svg | 1156 +
.../src/icons/graphic_logo_TerminalDockWidget.png | Bin 1597 -> 16975 bytes
.../src/icons/graphic_logo_TerminalDockWidget.svg | 1744 +
libgui/src/icons/graphic_logo_WorkspaceView.png | Bin 2024 -> 15636 bytes
libgui/src/icons/graphic_logo_WorkspaceView.svg | 1175 +
libgui/src/icons/icons_license | 40 +-
.../icons/letter_logo_DocumentationDockWidget.png | Bin 1928 -> 15613 bytes
.../icons/letter_logo_DocumentationDockWidget.svg | 363 +
libgui/src/icons/letter_logo_FileEditor.png | Bin 1785 -> 13980 bytes
libgui/src/icons/letter_logo_FileEditor.svg | 375 +
libgui/src/icons/letter_logo_FilesDockWidget.png | Bin 1757 -> 13919 bytes
libgui/src/icons/letter_logo_FilesDockWidget.svg | 375 +
libgui/src/icons/letter_logo_HistoryDockWidget.png | Bin 1825 -> 13911 bytes
libgui/src/icons/letter_logo_HistoryDockWidget.svg | 363 +
libgui/src/icons/letter_logo_NewsDockWidget.png | Bin 1882 -> 14996 bytes
libgui/src/icons/letter_logo_NewsDockWidget.svg | 363 +
libgui/src/icons/letter_logo_ReleaseWidget.png | Bin 1937 -> 15520 bytes
libgui/src/icons/letter_logo_ReleaseWidget.svg | 363 +
.../src/icons/letter_logo_TerminalDockWidget.png | Bin 1933 -> 16084 bytes
.../src/icons/letter_logo_TerminalDockWidget.svg | 363 +
libgui/src/icons/letter_logo_WorkspaceView.png | Bin 2077 -> 16559 bytes
libgui/src/icons/letter_logo_WorkspaceView.svg | 375 +
libgui/src/icons/logo.png | Bin 9816 -> 13198 bytes
libgui/src/m-editor/file-editor-tab.cc | 143 +-
libgui/src/m-editor/file-editor-tab.h | 11 +-
libgui/src/m-editor/file-editor.cc | 46 +-
libgui/src/m-editor/file-editor.h | 10 +-
libgui/src/m-editor/find-dialog.cc | 6 +-
libgui/src/m-editor/find-dialog.h | 3 +-
libgui/src/m-editor/marker.h | 8 +-
libgui/src/main-window.cc | 72 +-
libgui/src/main-window.h | 23 +-
libgui/src/module.mk | 16 +
libgui/src/octave-dock-widget.cc | 6 +-
libgui/src/octave-dock-widget.h | 4 +-
libgui/src/octave-gui.cc | 247 +-
libgui/src/octave-gui.h | 36 +-
libgui/src/octave-interpreter.cc | 12 +-
libgui/src/octave-interpreter.h | 10 +-
libgui/src/octave-qt-link.cc | 28 +-
libgui/src/octave-qt-link.h | 5 +-
libgui/src/resource-manager.cc | 6 -
libgui/src/resource-manager.h | 10 +-
libgui/src/settings-dialog.cc | 15 +-
libgui/src/shortcut-manager.cc | 20 +-
libgui/src/shortcut-manager.h | 10 +-
libgui/src/terminal-dock-widget.cc | 6 +
libgui/src/terminal-dock-widget.h | 2 +
libgui/src/workspace-view.cc | 82 +-
libgui/src/workspace-view.h | 4 +-
libinterp/DOCSTRINGS | 1069 +-
libinterp/corefcn/__dsearchn__.cc | 14 +-
libinterp/corefcn/__ichol__.cc | 2 +-
libinterp/corefcn/__magick_read__.cc | 34 +-
libinterp/corefcn/__pchip_deriv__.cc | 16 +-
libinterp/corefcn/besselj.cc | 66 +-
libinterp/corefcn/bitfcns.cc | 125 +-
libinterp/corefcn/bsxfun.cc | 78 +-
libinterp/corefcn/call-stack.cc | 583 +
libinterp/corefcn/{toplev.h => call-stack.h} | 74 +-
libinterp/corefcn/cellfun.cc | 10 +-
libinterp/corefcn/data.cc | 557 +-
libinterp/corefcn/debug.cc | 32 +-
libinterp/corefcn/defaults.cc | 2 +-
libinterp/corefcn/defun-dld.h | 12 +-
libinterp/corefcn/defun-int.h | 49 +-
libinterp/corefcn/defun.cc | 3 +-
libinterp/corefcn/defun.h | 4 +-
libinterp/corefcn/det.cc | 7 +-
libinterp/corefcn/dirfns.cc | 75 +-
libinterp/corefcn/dot.cc | 66 +-
libinterp/corefcn/error.cc | 20 +-
libinterp/corefcn/error.h | 2 +-
libinterp/corefcn/find.cc | 10 +-
libinterp/corefcn/ft-text-renderer.cc | 2 +-
libinterp/corefcn/gcd.cc | 16 +-
libinterp/corefcn/gl-render.cc | 89 +-
libinterp/corefcn/gl-render.h | 3 +
libinterp/corefcn/graphics.cc | 127 +-
libinterp/corefcn/graphics.in.h | 6 +-
libinterp/corefcn/help.cc | 1023 +-
libinterp/corefcn/help.h | 2 -
libinterp/corefcn/input.cc | 147 +-
libinterp/corefcn/input.h | 33 +-
libinterp/corefcn/interpreter.cc | 1098 +
libinterp/corefcn/interpreter.h | 141 +
libinterp/corefcn/jit-ir.h | 17 +-
libinterp/corefcn/jit-typeinfo.cc | 2 +-
libinterp/corefcn/jit-typeinfo.h | 2 +-
libinterp/corefcn/load-path.cc | 2 +-
libinterp/corefcn/load-save.cc | 2 +-
libinterp/corefcn/lookup.cc | 10 +-
libinterp/corefcn/ls-mat-ascii.cc | 4 +-
libinterp/corefcn/ls-mat5.cc | 147 +-
libinterp/corefcn/max.cc | 25 +-
libinterp/corefcn/mex.cc | 3 +-
libinterp/corefcn/mex.h | 10 +-
libinterp/corefcn/mexproto.h | 48 +-
libinterp/corefcn/module.mk | 29 +-
libinterp/corefcn/mxarray.in.h | 32 +-
libinterp/corefcn/oct-hist.cc | 2 +-
libinterp/corefcn/oct-stream.cc | 456 +-
libinterp/corefcn/oct-tex-parser.cc | 94 +-
libinterp/corefcn/octave-link.cc | 3 +-
libinterp/corefcn/ordschur.cc | 72 +-
libinterp/corefcn/pager.cc | 7 +-
libinterp/corefcn/pr-output.cc | 108 +-
libinterp/corefcn/profiler.cc | 85 +-
libinterp/corefcn/profiler.h | 8 +-
libinterp/corefcn/psi.cc | 58 +-
libinterp/corefcn/pt-jit.cc | 4 +-
libinterp/corefcn/quad.cc | 4 +-
libinterp/corefcn/qz.cc | 211 +-
libinterp/corefcn/rand.cc | 14 +-
libinterp/corefcn/regexp.cc | 9 +-
libinterp/corefcn/sighandlers.cc | 10 +-
libinterp/corefcn/sparse-xdiv.cc | 4 +-
libinterp/corefcn/sparse-xpow.cc | 6 +-
libinterp/corefcn/sub2ind.cc | 135 +-
libinterp/corefcn/svd.cc | 10 +-
libinterp/corefcn/symtab.cc | 2 +-
libinterp/corefcn/syscalls.cc | 12 +-
libinterp/corefcn/sysdep.cc | 43 +-
libinterp/corefcn/sysdep.h | 2 +
libinterp/corefcn/toplev.cc | 1003 +-
libinterp/corefcn/toplev.h | 518 +-
libinterp/corefcn/tril.cc | 4 +-
libinterp/corefcn/txt-eng.h | 10 +-
libinterp/corefcn/utils.cc | 10 +-
libinterp/corefcn/variables.cc | 87 +-
libinterp/corefcn/variables.h | 10 +-
libinterp/corefcn/xdiv.cc | 4 +-
libinterp/corefcn/xpow.cc | 12 +-
.../octave-gui.h => libinterp/deprecated-config.h | 11 +-
libinterp/dldfcn/__glpk__.cc | 48 +-
libinterp/dldfcn/__init_fltk__.cc | 2 +-
libinterp/dldfcn/__init_gnuplot__.cc | 2 +-
libinterp/dldfcn/audiodevinfo.cc | 2 +-
libinterp/dldfcn/config-module.awk | 2 -
libinterp/dldfcn/module-files | 1 +
libinterp/dldfcn/module.mk | 30 +-
libinterp/dldfcn/qr.cc | 267 +-
libinterp/dldfcn/xzip.cc | 766 +
libinterp/module.mk | 61 +-
libinterp/octave-value/module.mk | 18 -
libinterp/octave-value/ov-base.cc | 53 +-
libinterp/octave-value/ov-base.h | 60 +-
libinterp/octave-value/ov-builtin.cc | 3 +-
libinterp/octave-value/ov-cell.cc | 9 +-
libinterp/octave-value/ov-ch-mat.cc | 6 +-
libinterp/octave-value/ov-class.cc | 3 +-
libinterp/octave-value/ov-classdef.cc | 52 +-
libinterp/octave-value/ov-complex.cc | 6 +-
libinterp/octave-value/ov-cx-mat.cc | 12 +-
libinterp/octave-value/ov-cx-sparse.cc | 12 +-
libinterp/octave-value/ov-fcn-handle.cc | 4 +-
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libinterp/octave-value/ov-flt-cx-mat.cc | 12 +-
libinterp/octave-value/ov-flt-re-mat.cc | 18 +-
libinterp/octave-value/ov-int-traits.h | 14 +-
libinterp/octave-value/ov-java.cc | 116 +-
libinterp/octave-value/ov-lazy-idx.h | 61 +-
libinterp/octave-value/ov-mex-fcn.cc | 3 +-
libinterp/octave-value/ov-oncleanup.cc | 11 +-
libinterp/octave-value/ov-perm.cc | 12 +-
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libinterp/octave-value/ov-scalar.h | 10 +-
libinterp/octave-value/ov-str-mat.cc | 20 +-
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libinterp/octave-value/ov-usr-fcn.cc | 28 +-
libinterp/octave-value/ov.cc | 48 +-
libinterp/octave-value/ov.h | 78 +-
libinterp/octave-value/ovl.h | 15 +-
libinterp/octave.cc | 1363 +-
libinterp/octave.h | 319 +-
libinterp/op-kw-docs | 677 +
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libinterp/operators/ops.h | 506 +-
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libinterp/parse-tree/oct-parse.cc | 5052 +-
libinterp/parse-tree/oct-parse.h | 8 +-
libinterp/parse-tree/oct-parse.in.yy | 3154 +-
libinterp/parse-tree/oct-parse.yy | 3154 +-
libinterp/parse-tree/parse.h | 593 +-
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libinterp/parse-tree/pt-assign.cc | 4 +-
libinterp/parse-tree/pt-bp.h | 2 +-
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libinterp/parse-tree/pt-eval.h | 185 +-
libinterp/parse-tree/pt-exp.h | 2 +-
libinterp/parse-tree/pt-fcn-handle.cc | 1 +
libinterp/parse-tree/pt-id.cc | 2 +-
libinterp/parse-tree/pt-mat.cc | 1 +
liboctave/array/Array.cc | 101 +-
liboctave/array/Array.h | 30 +
liboctave/array/CColVector.cc | 16 +-
liboctave/array/CMatrix.cc | 394 +-
liboctave/array/CNDArray.cc | 6 +-
liboctave/array/CRowVector.cc | 22 +-
liboctave/array/CSparse.cc | 186 +-
liboctave/array/MArray-i.cc | 2 +
liboctave/array/MArray-s.cc | 2 +
liboctave/array/MArray.cc | 28 +-
liboctave/array/MArray.h | 204 +-
liboctave/array/MDiagArray2.cc | 26 +-
liboctave/array/MDiagArray2.h | 64 +-
liboctave/array/MSparse.h | 102 +-
liboctave/array/Sparse.cc | 9 +-
liboctave/array/dColVector.cc | 10 +-
liboctave/array/dMatrix.cc | 184 +-
liboctave/array/dNDArray.cc | 6 +-
liboctave/array/dRowVector.cc | 16 +-
liboctave/array/dSparse.cc | 102 +-
liboctave/array/dim-vector.cc | 7 +-
liboctave/array/dim-vector.h | 6 +-
liboctave/array/fCColVector.cc | 14 +-
liboctave/array/fCMatrix.cc | 410 +-
liboctave/array/fCNDArray.cc | 10 +-
liboctave/array/fCRowVector.cc | 22 +-
liboctave/array/fColVector.cc | 8 +-
liboctave/array/fMatrix.cc | 178 +-
liboctave/array/fNDArray.cc | 10 +-
liboctave/array/fRowVector.cc | 16 +-
liboctave/array/idx-vector.cc | 4 +-
liboctave/cruft/misc/cquit.c | 4 +
liboctave/cruft/misc/f77-fcn.c | 14 +-
liboctave/cruft/misc/f77-fcn.h | 188 +-
liboctave/cruft/misc/quit.cc | 13 +
liboctave/cruft/misc/quit.h | 164 +-
liboctave/cruft/odepack/dlsode.f | 11 +-
liboctave/cruft/odepack/intdy.f | 15 +-
liboctave/cruft/odepack/prepj.f | 15 +-
liboctave/cruft/odepack/sintdy.f | 11 +-
liboctave/cruft/odepack/slsode.f | 21 +-
liboctave/cruft/odepack/solsy.f | 15 +-
liboctave/cruft/odepack/sprepj.f | 11 +-
liboctave/cruft/odepack/ssolsy.f | 11 +-
liboctave/cruft/odepack/sstode.f | 10 +-
liboctave/cruft/odepack/stode.f | 12 +-
liboctave/numeric/DASPK.cc | 14 +-
liboctave/numeric/DASRT.cc | 18 +-
liboctave/numeric/DASSL.cc | 14 +-
liboctave/numeric/EIG.cc | 130 +-
liboctave/numeric/LSODE.cc | 14 +-
liboctave/numeric/Quad.cc | 48 +-
liboctave/numeric/aepbalance.cc | 64 +-
liboctave/numeric/bsxfun-decl.h | 46 +-
liboctave/numeric/bsxfun-defs.cc | 60 +-
liboctave/numeric/chol.cc | 232 +-
liboctave/numeric/eigs-base.cc | 146 +-
liboctave/numeric/fEIG.cc | 124 +-
liboctave/numeric/gepbalance.cc | 78 +-
liboctave/numeric/hess.cc | 140 +-
liboctave/numeric/lo-mappers.cc | 15 +-
liboctave/numeric/lo-mappers.h | 18 +
liboctave/numeric/lo-specfun.cc | 401 +-
liboctave/numeric/lu.cc | 144 +-
liboctave/numeric/oct-convn.cc | 114 +-
liboctave/numeric/oct-convn.h | 19 +-
liboctave/numeric/oct-norm.cc | 110 +-
liboctave/numeric/oct-norm.h | 30 +-
liboctave/numeric/oct-rand.cc | 42 +-
liboctave/numeric/qr.cc | 430 +-
liboctave/numeric/qrp.cc | 58 +-
liboctave/numeric/randmtzig.cc | 4 +-
liboctave/numeric/randpoisson.cc | 7 +-
liboctave/numeric/schur.cc | 72 +-
liboctave/numeric/svd.cc | 783 +-
liboctave/numeric/svd.h | 47 +-
liboctave/operators/Sparse-op-decls.h | 168 +-
liboctave/operators/Sparse-op-defs.h | 3450 +-
liboctave/operators/mx-inlines.cc | 1513 +-
liboctave/operators/mx-op-decl.h | 296 +-
liboctave/operators/mx-op-defs.h | 880 +-
liboctave/system/file-ops.h | 10 +
liboctave/system/mach-info.cc | 20 +-
liboctave/system/oct-group.cc | 2 +-
liboctave/system/oct-passwd.cc | 2 +-
liboctave/system/oct-syscalls.cc | 16 +-
liboctave/system/oct-syscalls.h | 9 +-
liboctave/system/oct-time.cc | 6 +-
liboctave/util/cmd-edit.cc | 29 +
liboctave/util/cmd-edit.h | 4 +
liboctave/util/data-conv.cc | 196 +-
liboctave/util/kpse.cc | 4 +-
liboctave/util/lo-ieee.h | 36 +-
liboctave/util/lo-macros.h | 49 +-
liboctave/util/oct-cmplx.h | 108 +-
liboctave/util/oct-glob.cc | 107 +-
liboctave/util/oct-glob.h | 3 +
liboctave/util/oct-inttypes.cc | 206 +-
liboctave/util/oct-inttypes.h | 433 +-
liboctave/util/oct-locbuf.h | 55 +-
liboctave/util/oct-rl-edit.c | 6 +
liboctave/util/oct-rl-edit.h | 2 +
liboctave/util/oct-shlib.cc | 13 +
liboctave/util/oct-sparse.h | 6 +-
liboctave/util/str-vec.cc | 33 -
liboctave/util/str-vec.h | 23 +-
liboctave/util/url-transfer.cc | 22 +-
liboctave/wrappers/fpucw-wrappers.c | 2 +-
liboctave/wrappers/getopt-wrapper.c | 12 +
liboctave/wrappers/getopt-wrapper.h | 4 +
.../{mkostemp-wrapper.c => math-wrappers.c} | 27 +-
.../wrappers/math-wrappers.h | 21 +-
liboctave/wrappers/mkostemp-wrapper.c | 5 +-
liboctave/wrappers/module.mk | 2 +
m4/acinclude.m4 | 46 +-
m4/fpieee.m4 | 54 +
m4/frexp.m4 | 172 +
m4/frexpf.m4 | 96 +
m4/gnulib-cache.m4 | 4 +-
m4/gnulib-comp.m4 | 34 +
m4/isnand.m4 | 96 +
m4/math_h.m4 | 353 +
m4/mathfunc.m4 | 163 +
oct-conf-post.in.h | 10 +-
run-octave.in | 11 +-
scripts/DOCSTRINGS | 898 +-
scripts/deprecated/module.mk | 1 +
.../{linear-algebra => deprecated}/onenormest.m | 16 +-
scripts/general/fieldnames.m | 8 +-
scripts/general/grabcode.m | 105 +
scripts/general/methods.m | 9 +-
scripts/general/module.mk | 4 +
scripts/general/postpad.m | 14 +-
scripts/general/prepad.m | 14 +-
scripts/general/private/__publish_html_output__.m | 283 +
scripts/general/private/__publish_latex_output__.m | 158 +
scripts/general/publish.m | 971 +
scripts/general/validateattributes.m | 385 +-
scripts/geometry/inpolygon.m | 2 +-
scripts/gui/uicontrol.m | 2 +-
scripts/help/__unimplemented__.m | 5 -
scripts/image/brighten.m | 6 +-
scripts/image/colorcube.m | 3 +-
scripts/java/octave.jar | Bin 13211 -> 13211 bytes
scripts/linear-algebra/cond.m | 5 +-
scripts/linear-algebra/condeig.m | 135 +
scripts/linear-algebra/condest.m | 258 +-
scripts/linear-algebra/module.mk | 3 +-
scripts/linear-algebra/normest1.m | 366 +
scripts/miscellaneous/bzip2.m | 85 -
scripts/miscellaneous/dir.m | 2 +-
scripts/miscellaneous/gzip.m | 90 -
scripts/miscellaneous/module.mk | 5 +-
scripts/miscellaneous/private/__xzip__.m | 117 -
scripts/module.mk | 8 +-
scripts/ode/private/integrate_adaptive.m | 2 +-
scripts/optimization/fminunc.m | 2 +-
scripts/plot/appearance/axis.m | 107 +-
scripts/plot/appearance/datetick.m | 18 +-
scripts/plot/appearance/legend.m | 10 +-
scripts/plot/appearance/lighting.m | 227 +
scripts/plot/appearance/module.mk | 1 +
scripts/plot/appearance/text.m | 13 -
scripts/plot/appearance/xlim.m | 4 -
scripts/plot/appearance/ylim.m | 4 -
scripts/plot/appearance/zlim.m | 4 -
scripts/plot/draw/isonormals.m | 199 +-
scripts/plot/draw/isosurface.m | 36 +-
scripts/plot/draw/light.m | 275 +-
scripts/plot/draw/module.mk | 1 +
scripts/plot/draw/shrinkfaces.m | 2 +-
scripts/plot/draw/smooth3.m | 236 +
scripts/plot/draw/trisurf.m | 12 +-
scripts/plot/util/__opengl_info__.m | 121 +
scripts/plot/util/gnuplot_binary.in.m | 1 +
scripts/plot/util/module.mk | 17 +-
scripts/plot/util/newplot.m | 2 +-
scripts/plot/util/print.m | 2 +-
scripts/plot/util/private/__gnuplot_draw_axes__.m | 914 +-
scripts/plot/util/subplot.m | 2 +-
scripts/profiler/profile.m | 3 +-
scripts/sparse/treelayout.m | 2 +-
scripts/sparse/treeplot.m | 2 +-
scripts/startup/__finish__.m | 2 +-
scripts/testfun/module.mk | 14 +-
scripts/testfun/private/compare_plot_demos.m | 122 +
scripts/testfun/private/dump_demos.m | 286 +
scripts/testfun/private/html_compare_plot_demos.m | 165 +
.../testfun/private/html_plot_demos_template.html | 60 +
src/main-cli.cc | 12 +-
src/main-gui.cc | 12 +-
src/shared-fcns.h | 2 +-
test/bug-46330.tst | 25 +
test/module.mk | 27 +
test/publish/module.mk | 8 +
test/publish/test_script.m | 322 +
test/publish/test_script_code_only.m | 24 +
test/publish/test_script_empty.m | 0
test/publish/test_script_example.m | 16 +
test/publish/test_script_head_only.m | 4 +
658 files changed, 228652 insertions(+), 485745 deletions(-)
Alioth's /home/groups/pkg-octave/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-octave/octave.git
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