[Pkg-octave-commit] [octave-io] 03/09: no-flexml.patch: drop patch, no longer needed.

Sébastien Villemot sebastien at debian.org
Wed Jan 20 13:48:54 UTC 2016

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

sebastien pushed a commit to branch master
in repository octave-io.

commit dc0ba914b42c5edf2b53f67dfffeeed2d4e3f33f
Author: Sébastien Villemot <sebastien at debian.org>
Date:   Wed Jan 20 14:13:33 2016 +0100

    no-flexml.patch: drop patch, no longer needed.
 debian/patches/no-flexml.patch | 1278 ----------------------------------------
 debian/patches/series          |    1 -
 2 files changed, 1279 deletions(-)

diff --git a/debian/patches/no-flexml.patch b/debian/patches/no-flexml.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 63ab434..0000000
--- a/debian/patches/no-flexml.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1278 +0,0 @@
-Description: Remove build rules related to FlexML
- These rules should not be used (as explained in the comment), and on some
- autobuilders they cause a failure.
- .
- The patch also removes the flex file (.l), since on some autobuilders the
- presence of this file seems to trigger an execution of /usr/bin/lex (which is
- not installed).
-Author: Sébastien Villemot <sebastien at debian.org>
-Forwarded: not-needed
-Last-Update: 2013-08-27
---- a/src/Makefile
-+++ b/src/Makefile
-@@ -14,18 +14,6 @@
- #MKOCTFILE = mkoctfile -Wall
- MKOCTFILE = mkoctfile
--ifdef FLEXML
--# flexml is a dead project.  It requires flex 2.5.4a-6  (flex-old on Debian).
--# Further, we have modified the resulting xmltree_read.c by hand, changing
--# all occurrences of yy to xml_ and YY to XML_. Some other changes have be
--# mode so the ouput of flexml won't be as correct as the actual committed C
--# file
--xmltree_read.l: xmltree_read.act octave.dtd
--	 $(FLEXML) -A -a $^
--xmltree_read.c: xmltree_read.l
--	$(FLEX) -B -Pxml_ -o$@ $<
- xmltree.o: xmltree.c xmltree.h
- 	$(MKOCTFILE) -c $<
---- a/src/xmltree_read.l
-+++ /dev/null
-@@ -1,1244 +0,0 @@
--/* Validating XML processor for octave.dtd.
-- * Generated 2004/02/13 14:47:24.
-- *
-- * This program was generated with the FleXML XML processor generator,
-- * (Id: flexml.pl,v 1.28 2003/02/12 02:55:41 krisrose Exp).
-- * Copyright � 1999 Kristoffer Rose.  All rights reserved.
-- *
-- * You can redistribute and/or modify this program provided the following
-- * two conditions hold:
-- *
-- * 1. The program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY from the author of
-- *    FleXML; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
-- *
-- * 2. The program distribution conditions do not in any way affect the
-- *    distribution conditions of the FleXML system used to generate this
-- *    file or any version of FleXML derived from that system.
-- *
-- * Notice that these are explicit rights granted to you for files
-- * generated by the FleXML system.  For your rights in connection with
-- * the FleXML system itself please consult the GNU General Public License.
-- */
--/* Version strings. */
--const char rcs_flexml_skeleton[] =
-- "$" "Id: skel,v 1.16 1999/12/09 04:01:51 krisrose Exp $";
--const char rcs_flexml[] =
-- "$" "Id: flexml.pl,v 1.28 2003/02/12 02:55:41 krisrose Exp $";
--/* ANSI headers. */
--#include <unistd.h>
--#include <stdio.h>
--#include <string.h>
--#include <assert.h>
--#include <stdarg.h>
--#include <ctype.h>
--/* Generated definitions. */
--/* XML application entry points. */
--static void STag_octave(void);
--static void ETag_octave(void);
--static void STag_scalar(void);
--static void ETag_scalar(void);
--static void STag_complex(void);
--static void ETag_complex(void);
--static void STag_string(void);
--static void ETag_string(void);
--static void STag_array(void);
--static void ETag_array(void);
--static void STag_matrix(void);
--static void ETag_matrix(void);
--static void STag_structure(void);
--static void ETag_structure(void);
--static void STag_list(void);
--static void ETag_list(void);
--static void STag_cell(void);
--static void ETag_cell(void);
--/* XML application data. */
--typedef char* AT_list_length;
--#define AU_list_length NULL
--typedef char* AT_matrix_rows;
--#define AU_matrix_rows NULL
--typedef char* AT_matrix_name;
--#define AU_matrix_name NULL
--typedef char* AT_cell_columns;
--#define AU_cell_columns NULL
--typedef char* AT_scalar_name;
--#define AU_scalar_name NULL
--typedef char* AT_array_name;
--#define AU_array_name NULL
--typedef char* AT_complex_name;
--#define AU_complex_name NULL
--typedef char* AT_matrix_columns;
--#define AU_matrix_columns NULL
--typedef char* AT_cell_name;
--#define AU_cell_name NULL
--typedef char* AT_string_length;
--#define AU_string_length NULL
--typedef char* AT_list_name;
--#define AU_list_name NULL
--typedef enum { AU_scalar_value, A_scalar_value_undefined,A_scalar_value_true,A_scalar_value_false,A_scalar_value_inf,A_scalar_value_neginf,A_scalar_value_na,A_scalar_value_nan } AT_scalar_value;
--typedef char* AT_structure_name;
--#define AU_structure_name NULL
--typedef char* AT_cell_rows;
--#define AU_cell_rows NULL
--typedef char* AT_array_rows;
--#define AU_array_rows NULL
--typedef char* AT_string_name;
--#define AU_string_name NULL
--/* FleXML-provided data. */
--static char* pcdata;
--static AT_list_length A_list_length;
--static AT_matrix_rows A_matrix_rows;
--static AT_matrix_name A_matrix_name;
--static AT_cell_columns A_cell_columns;
--static AT_scalar_name A_scalar_name;
--static AT_array_name A_array_name;
--static AT_complex_name A_complex_name;
--static AT_matrix_columns A_matrix_columns;
--static AT_cell_name A_cell_name;
--static AT_string_length A_string_length;
--static AT_list_name A_list_name;
--static AT_scalar_value A_scalar_value;
--static AT_structure_name A_structure_name;
--static AT_cell_rows A_cell_rows;
--static AT_array_rows A_array_rows;
--static AT_string_name A_string_name;
--/* XML state. */
--#ifdef FLEX_DEBUG
--# define ENTER(state)	debug_enter(state,#state)
--# define LEAVE		debug_leave()
--# define SET(state)	debug_set(state,#state)
--  static void debug_enter(int, char*);
--  static void debug_leave(void);
--  static void debug_set(int, char*);
--# define ENTER(state)	(yy_push_state(state))
--# define LEAVE		(yy_pop_state())
--# define SET(state)	BEGIN(state)
--/* Generic actions. */
--#define SKIP	/*skip*/
--#define SUCCEED	return 0
--#define FAIL	return fail
--static int fail(const char*, ...);
--/* Text buffer stack handling. */
--char bufferstack[FLEXML_BUFFERSTACKSIZE];
--char* limit = bufferstack + FLEXML_BUFFERSTACKSIZE;
--typedef struct BufferLast_s {
--  struct BufferLast_s *old; char* saved; char new[1];
--} BufferLast;
--BufferLast* last = (BufferLast*)0;
--char* next = bufferstack;
--#define BUFFERSET(P)  (P = next)
--#define BUFFERPUTC(C) (assert(next<limit), *(next++) = (C))
--#define BUFFERDONE    (BUFFERPUTC('\0'))
--#define BUFFERLITERAL(C,P) bufferliteral(C,&(P),yytext)
--static void bufferliteral(char c, char** pp, char* text)
--  char *s = strchr(text,c), *e = strrchr(text,c);
--  assert(s <= e); BUFFERSET(*pp);
--  while (++s<e) {
--    if (isspace(*s)) { BUFFERPUTC(' '); while (isspace(*s)) ++s; }
--    else BUFFERPUTC(*s);
--  } 
--#ifdef FLEXML_HasMixed
--static void pushbuffer(char* p)
--  BufferLast* l = (BufferLast*)next;
--  assert(next < limit);
--  l->old = last;
--  l->saved = p;
--  next = l->new;
--  last = l;
--static char* popbuffer(void)
--  BufferLast* l = last;
--  assert(last != (BufferLast*)0);
--  last = l->old;
--  next = (char*)l;
--  return l->saved;
--/* General internal entities are `unput' back onto the input stream... */
--#define ENTITYTEXT(T) \
--  { char *s = (T), *e = s+strlen(s);\
--    while (--e >= s) { unput(*e); }}
--/* Flex standard options. */
--%option stack
--%option noyy_top_state
--%option noinput
--%option noreject
--%option noyymore
--%option noyywrap
--/* Flex user-requested options. */
--%option nounput
--/* XML character classes (currently restricted to ASCII). */
--/* "Common syntactic structures." */
--S		[ \t\n\r\f]+
--s		[ \t\n\r\f]*
--/* "Names and Tokens." */
--NameChar	[A-Za-z0-9.:_-]
--Name		[A-Za-z_:]{NameChar}*
--Names 		{Name}({S}{Name})*
--Nmtoken		({NameChar})+
--Nmtokens 	{Nmtoken}({S}{Nmtoken})*
--/* Miscellaneous. */
--VersionNum	[a-zA-Z0-9_.:-]+
--Eq		{s}"="{s}
--Literal		\'[^'']*\'|\"[^""]*\"
--/* Parser states (flex `exclusive start conditions'):
-- *
-- * PROLOG	the XML prolog of the document before <?xml...>
-- * DOCTYPE	the XML prolog of the document after <?xml...>
-- * EPILOG	after the root element
-- * INCOMMENT	inside an XML comment <!--....-->
-- * INPI		inside an XML PI <?...?>
-- * VALUE1	inside a '...'-delimited literal
-- * VALUE2	inside a "..."-delimited literal
-- * CDATA	inside a <![CDATA[...]]> section.
-- * ROOT_<tag>	expect root element <tag>
-- * AL_<tag>	inside the attribute list for <tag>
-- * IN_<tag>	inside a <tag> with element contents (ready for end tag)
-- * IMPOSSIBLE	dummy to permit disabling rules; must be last
-- */
--%x ROOT_octave AL_octave S_octave E_octave
--%x ROOT_scalar AL_scalar IN_scalar
--%x ROOT_complex AL_complex S_complex S_complex_1 E_complex
--%x ROOT_string AL_string IN_string
--%x ROOT_array AL_array S_array S_array_1 S_array_2 S_array_3 E_array
--%x ROOT_matrix AL_matrix S_matrix S_matrix_1 S_matrix_2 E_matrix
--%x ROOT_structure AL_structure IN_structure
--%x ROOT_list AL_list IN_list
--%x ROOT_cell AL_cell IN_cell
--/* State names. */
--char* statenames[IMPOSSIBLE];
--void FleXML_init(void)
--  statenames[PROLOG] = NULL;
--  statenames[DOCTYPE] = NULL;
--  statenames[EPILOG] = NULL;
--  statenames[INCOMMENT] = NULL;
--  statenames[INPI] = NULL;
--  statenames[VALUE1] = NULL;
--  statenames[VALUE2] = NULL;
--  statenames[CDATA] = NULL;
--  statenames[ROOT_octave] = NULL;
--  statenames[AL_octave] = NULL;
--  statenames[S_octave] = "octave";
--  statenames[E_octave] = "octave";
--  statenames[ROOT_scalar] = NULL;
--  statenames[AL_scalar] = NULL;
--  statenames[IN_scalar] = "scalar";
--  statenames[ROOT_complex] = NULL;
--  statenames[AL_complex] = NULL;
--  statenames[S_complex] = "complex";
--  statenames[S_complex_1] = "complex";
--  statenames[E_complex] = "complex";
--  statenames[ROOT_string] = NULL;
--  statenames[AL_string] = NULL;
--  statenames[IN_string] = "string";
--  statenames[ROOT_array] = NULL;
--  statenames[AL_array] = NULL;
--  statenames[S_array] = "array";
--  statenames[S_array_1] = "array";
--  statenames[S_array_2] = "array";
--  statenames[S_array_3] = "array";
--  statenames[E_array] = "array";
--  statenames[ROOT_matrix] = NULL;
--  statenames[AL_matrix] = NULL;
--  statenames[S_matrix] = "matrix";
--  statenames[S_matrix_1] = "matrix";
--  statenames[S_matrix_2] = "matrix";
--  statenames[E_matrix] = "matrix";
--  statenames[ROOT_structure] = NULL;
--  statenames[AL_structure] = NULL;
--  statenames[IN_structure] = "structure";
--  statenames[ROOT_list] = NULL;
--  statenames[AL_list] = NULL;
--  statenames[IN_list] = "list";
--  statenames[ROOT_cell] = NULL;
--  statenames[AL_cell] = NULL;
--  statenames[IN_cell] = "cell";
-- /* Bypass Flex's default INITIAL state and begin by parsing the XML prolog. */
-- SET(PROLOG); FleXML_init();
-- /* COMMENTS and PIs: handled uniformly for efficiency. */
-- "<?" ENTER(INPI);
-- "-->"		LEAVE;
-- "--"		|
-- .		|
-- \n		SKIP;
-- <<EOF>>	FAIL("EOF in comment.");
-- "?>"		LEAVE;
-- .		|
-- \n		SKIP;
-- <<EOF>>	FAIL("EOF in PI (processing instruction).");
-- /* SPACES: skipped uniformly */
--<ROOT_octave,AL_octave,S_octave,E_octave,ROOT_scalar,AL_scalar,ROOT_complex,AL_complex,S_complex,S_complex_1,E_complex,ROOT_string,AL_string,ROOT_array,AL_array,S_array,S_array_1,S_array_2,S_array_3,E_array,ROOT_matrix,AL_matrix,S_matrix,S_matrix_1,S_matrix_2,E_matrix,ROOT_structure,AL_structure,ROOT_list,AL_list,ROOT_cell,AL_cell,PROLOG,DOCTYPE,EPILOG>{S} SKIP;
-- /* PROLOG: determine root element and process it. */
-- "<?xml"({S}version{Eq}(\'{VersionNum}\'|\"{VersionNum}\"))?"?>" SET(DOCTYPE);
-- "<?xml"[^>]*">" FAIL("Bad declaration %s.",yytext);
-- "<!DOCTYPE"{S}"scalar"{S}SYSTEM{S}("'octave.dtd'"|"\"octave.dtd\""){s}">" SET(ROOT_scalar);
-- "<!DOCTYPE"{S}"octave"{S}SYSTEM{S}("'octave.dtd'"|"\"octave.dtd\""){s}">" SET(ROOT_octave);
-- "<!DOCTYPE"{S}"complex"{S}SYSTEM{S}("'octave.dtd'"|"\"octave.dtd\""){s}">" SET(ROOT_complex);
-- "<!DOCTYPE"{S}"string"{S}SYSTEM{S}("'octave.dtd'"|"\"octave.dtd\""){s}">" SET(ROOT_string);
-- "<!DOCTYPE"{S}"matrix"{S}SYSTEM{S}("'octave.dtd'"|"\"octave.dtd\""){s}">" SET(ROOT_matrix);
-- "<!DOCTYPE"{S}"array"{S}SYSTEM{S}("'octave.dtd'"|"\"octave.dtd\""){s}">" SET(ROOT_array);
-- "<!DOCTYPE"{S}"structure"{S}SYSTEM{S}("'octave.dtd'"|"\"octave.dtd\""){s}">" SET(ROOT_structure);
-- "<!DOCTYPE"{S}"cell"{S}SYSTEM{S}("'octave.dtd'"|"\"octave.dtd\""){s}">" SET(ROOT_cell);
-- "<!DOCTYPE"{S}"list"{S}SYSTEM{S}("'octave.dtd'"|"\"octave.dtd\""){s}">" SET(ROOT_list);
-- "<!"[^>-][^>]*">" FAIL("Bad declaration %s.",yytext);
-- . 		FAIL("Unexpected character `%c' in prolog.", yytext[0]);
-- <<EOF>> 	FAIL("EOF in prolog.");
--<ROOT_octave,IN_list,IN_structure,IN_cell>"<octave"{s} {
--  ENTER(AL_octave);
--  }
-- ">" {
--  LEAVE; STag_octave(); pcdata = NULL; ENTER(S_octave);
-- }
-- "/>" FAIL("`octave' element cannot be empty.");
-- .       FAIL("Unexpected character `%c' in attribute list of octave element.", yytext[0]);
-- {Name} FAIL("Bad attribute `%s' in `octave' element start tag.",yytext);
-- <<EOF>> FAIL("EOF in attribute list of `octave' element.");
-- "</octave"{s}">" {
--  LEAVE;
--  ETag_octave();
--  switch (YY_START) {
--   case ROOT_octave: SET(EPILOG); break;
--  }
-- }
-- "</"{Name}{s}">" FAIL("Unexpected end-tag `%s': `</octave>' expected.",yytext);
-- .       FAIL("Unexpected character `%c': `</octave>' expected.",yytext[0]);
-- <<EOF>> FAIL("Premature EOF: `</octave>' expected.");
-- /* 	value (undefined | true | false | inf | neginf | na | nan) "undefined"
--  * 	name CDATA #IMPLIED>  */
--<ROOT_scalar,IN_list,S_matrix_2,IN_cell,S_octave,S_complex,S_matrix_1,S_complex_1,S_matrix,IN_structure>"<scalar"{s} {
--  A_scalar_value = A_scalar_value_undefined;
--  A_scalar_name = NULL;
--  ENTER(AL_scalar);
--  }
-- "value"{Eq}"'undefined'" |
-- "value"{Eq}"\"undefined\"" A_scalar_value = A_scalar_value_undefined;
-- "value"{Eq}"'true'" |
-- "value"{Eq}"\"true\"" A_scalar_value = A_scalar_value_true;
-- "value"{Eq}"'false'" |
-- "value"{Eq}"\"false\"" A_scalar_value = A_scalar_value_false;
-- "value"{Eq}"'inf'" |
-- "value"{Eq}"\"inf\"" A_scalar_value = A_scalar_value_inf;
-- "value"{Eq}"'neginf'" |
-- "value"{Eq}"\"neginf\"" A_scalar_value = A_scalar_value_neginf;
-- "value"{Eq}"'na'" |
-- "value"{Eq}"\"na\"" A_scalar_value = A_scalar_value_na;
-- "value"{Eq}"'nan'" |
-- "value"{Eq}"\"nan\"" A_scalar_value = A_scalar_value_nan;
-- "name"{Eq}\' ENTER(VALUE1); BUFFERSET(A_scalar_name);
-- "name"{Eq}\" ENTER(VALUE2); BUFFERSET(A_scalar_name);
-- ">" {
--  LEAVE; STag_scalar(); pcdata = BUFFERSET(pcdata); ENTER(IN_scalar);
-- }
-- "/>" {
--  LEAVE; STag_scalar(); pcdata = ""; ETag_scalar();
--  switch (YY_START) {
--   case S_complex_1: SET(E_complex); break;
--   case S_octave: SET(E_octave); break;
--   case S_complex: SET(S_complex_1); break;
--   case S_matrix_1: case S_matrix: case S_matrix_2: SET(S_matrix_2); break;
--   case ROOT_scalar: SET(EPILOG); break;
--  }
-- }
-- .       FAIL("Unexpected character `%c' in attribute list of scalar element.", yytext[0]);
-- {Name} FAIL("Bad attribute `%s' in `scalar' element start tag.",yytext);
-- <<EOF>> FAIL("EOF in attribute list of `scalar' element.");
-- "</scalar"{s}">" {
--  LEAVE;
--  ETag_scalar();
--  switch (YY_START) {
--   case S_complex_1: SET(E_complex); break;
--   case S_octave: SET(E_octave); break;
--   case S_complex: SET(S_complex_1); break;
--   case S_matrix_1: case S_matrix: case S_matrix_2: SET(S_matrix_2); break;
--   case ROOT_scalar: SET(EPILOG); break;
--  }
-- }
-- "</"{Name}{s}">" FAIL("Unexpected end-tag `%s': `</scalar>' expected.",yytext);
-- <<EOF>> FAIL("Premature EOF: `</scalar>' expected.");
--<ROOT_complex,IN_list,S_matrix_2,IN_cell,S_octave,S_matrix_1,S_matrix,IN_structure>"<complex"{s} {
--  A_complex_name = NULL;
--  ENTER(AL_complex);
--  }
-- "name"{Eq}\' ENTER(VALUE1); BUFFERSET(A_complex_name);
-- "name"{Eq}\" ENTER(VALUE2); BUFFERSET(A_complex_name);
-- ">" {
--  LEAVE; STag_complex(); pcdata = NULL; ENTER(S_complex);
-- }
-- "/>" FAIL("`complex' element cannot be empty.");
-- .       FAIL("Unexpected character `%c' in attribute list of complex element.", yytext[0]);
-- {Name} FAIL("Bad attribute `%s' in `complex' element start tag.",yytext);
-- <<EOF>> FAIL("EOF in attribute list of `complex' element.");
-- "</complex"{s}">" {
--  LEAVE;
--  ETag_complex();
--  switch (YY_START) {
--   case S_octave: SET(E_octave); break;
--   case S_matrix_1: case S_matrix: case S_matrix_2: SET(S_matrix_2); break;
--   case ROOT_complex: SET(EPILOG); break;
--  }
-- }
-- "</"{Name}{s}">" FAIL("Unexpected end-tag `%s': `</complex>' expected.",yytext);
-- .       FAIL("Unexpected character `%c': `</complex>' expected.",yytext[0]);
-- <<EOF>> FAIL("Premature EOF: `</complex>' expected.");
-- /* 	length CDATA #REQUIRED
--  * 	name CDATA #IMPLIED>  */
--<ROOT_string,S_array,IN_list,S_array_1,IN_cell,S_octave,S_array_2,S_array_3,IN_structure>"<string"{s} {
--  A_string_length = NULL;
--  A_string_name = NULL;
--  ENTER(AL_string);
--  }
-- "length"{Eq}\' ENTER(VALUE1); BUFFERSET(A_string_length);
-- "length"{Eq}\" ENTER(VALUE2); BUFFERSET(A_string_length);
-- "name"{Eq}\' ENTER(VALUE1); BUFFERSET(A_string_name);
-- "name"{Eq}\" ENTER(VALUE2); BUFFERSET(A_string_name);
-- ">" {
--  if (!A_string_length) FAIL("Required attribute `length' not set for `string' element.");
--  LEAVE; STag_string(); pcdata = BUFFERSET(pcdata); ENTER(IN_string);
-- }
-- "/>" {
--  if (!A_string_length) FAIL("Required attribute `length' not set for `string' element.");
--  LEAVE; STag_string(); pcdata = ""; ETag_string();
--  switch (YY_START) {
--   case S_octave: SET(E_octave); break;
--   case S_array_2: case S_array_3: case S_array_1: SET(S_array_3); break;
--   case ROOT_string: SET(EPILOG); break;
--   case S_array: SET(S_array_1); break;
--  }
-- }
-- .       FAIL("Unexpected character `%c' in attribute list of string element.", yytext[0]);
-- {Name} FAIL("Bad attribute `%s' in `string' element start tag.",yytext);
-- <<EOF>> FAIL("EOF in attribute list of `string' element.");
-- "</string"{s}">" {
--  LEAVE;
--  ETag_string();
--  switch (YY_START) {
--   case S_octave: SET(E_octave); break;
--   case S_array_2: case S_array_3: case S_array_1: SET(S_array_3); break;
--   case ROOT_string: SET(EPILOG); break;
--   case S_array: SET(S_array_1); break;
--  }
-- }
-- "</"{Name}{s}">" FAIL("Unexpected end-tag `%s': `</string>' expected.",yytext);
-- <<EOF>> FAIL("Premature EOF: `</string>' expected.");
-- /* 	rows CDATA #REQUIRED
--  * 	name CDATA #IMPLIED>  */
--<ROOT_array,IN_list,IN_cell,S_octave,IN_structure>"<array"{s} {
--  A_array_rows = NULL;
--  A_array_name = NULL;
--  ENTER(AL_array);
--  }
-- "rows"{Eq}\' ENTER(VALUE1); BUFFERSET(A_array_rows);
-- "rows"{Eq}\" ENTER(VALUE2); BUFFERSET(A_array_rows);
-- "name"{Eq}\' ENTER(VALUE1); BUFFERSET(A_array_name);
-- "name"{Eq}\" ENTER(VALUE2); BUFFERSET(A_array_name);
-- ">" {
--  if (!A_array_rows) FAIL("Required attribute `rows' not set for `array' element.");
--  LEAVE; STag_array(); pcdata = NULL; ENTER(S_array);
-- }
-- "/>" FAIL("`array' element cannot be empty.");
-- .       FAIL("Unexpected character `%c' in attribute list of array element.", yytext[0]);
-- {Name} FAIL("Bad attribute `%s' in `array' element start tag.",yytext);
-- <<EOF>> FAIL("EOF in attribute list of `array' element.");
-- "</array"{s}">" {
--  LEAVE;
--  ETag_array();
--  switch (YY_START) {
--   case S_octave: SET(E_octave); break;
--   case ROOT_array: SET(EPILOG); break;
--  }
-- }
-- "</"{Name}{s}">" FAIL("Unexpected end-tag `%s': `</array>' expected.",yytext);
-- .       FAIL("Unexpected character `%c': `</array>' expected.",yytext[0]);
-- <<EOF>> FAIL("Premature EOF: `</array>' expected.");
-- /* 	rows CDATA #REQUIRED
--  * 	columns  CDATA #REQUIRED
--  * 	name CDATA #IMPLIED>  */
--<ROOT_matrix,IN_list,IN_cell,IN_structure>"<matrix"{s} {
--  A_matrix_rows = NULL;
--  A_matrix_columns = NULL;
--  A_matrix_name = NULL;
--  ENTER(AL_matrix);
--  }
-- "rows"{Eq}\' ENTER(VALUE1); BUFFERSET(A_matrix_rows);
-- "rows"{Eq}\" ENTER(VALUE2); BUFFERSET(A_matrix_rows);
-- "columns"{Eq}\' ENTER(VALUE1); BUFFERSET(A_matrix_columns);
-- "columns"{Eq}\" ENTER(VALUE2); BUFFERSET(A_matrix_columns);
-- "name"{Eq}\' ENTER(VALUE1); BUFFERSET(A_matrix_name);
-- "name"{Eq}\" ENTER(VALUE2); BUFFERSET(A_matrix_name);
-- ">" {
--  if (!A_matrix_rows) FAIL("Required attribute `rows' not set for `matrix' element.");
--  if (!A_matrix_columns) FAIL("Required attribute `columns' not set for `matrix' element.");
--  LEAVE; STag_matrix(); pcdata = NULL; ENTER(S_matrix);
-- }
-- "/>" {
--  if (!A_matrix_rows) FAIL("Required attribute `rows' not set for `matrix' element.");
--  if (!A_matrix_columns) FAIL("Required attribute `columns' not set for `matrix' element.");
--  LEAVE; STag_matrix(); pcdata = NULL; ETag_matrix();
--  switch (YY_START) {
--   case ROOT_matrix: SET(EPILOG); break;
--  }
-- }
-- .       FAIL("Unexpected character `%c' in attribute list of matrix element.", yytext[0]);
-- {Name} FAIL("Bad attribute `%s' in `matrix' element start tag.",yytext);
-- <<EOF>> FAIL("EOF in attribute list of `matrix' element.");
-- "</matrix"{s}">" {
--  LEAVE;
--  ETag_matrix();
--  switch (YY_START) {
--   case ROOT_matrix: SET(EPILOG); break;
--  }
-- }
-- "</"{Name}{s}">" FAIL("Unexpected end-tag `%s': `</matrix>' expected.",yytext);
-- .       FAIL("Unexpected character `%c': `</matrix>' expected.",yytext[0]);
-- <<EOF>> FAIL("Premature EOF: `</matrix>' expected.");
--<ROOT_structure,IN_list,IN_cell,S_octave,IN_structure>"<structure"{s} {
--  A_structure_name = NULL;
--  ENTER(AL_structure);
--  }
-- "name"{Eq}\' ENTER(VALUE1); BUFFERSET(A_structure_name);
-- "name"{Eq}\" ENTER(VALUE2); BUFFERSET(A_structure_name);
-- ">" {
--  LEAVE; STag_structure(); pcdata = BUFFERSET(pcdata); ENTER(IN_structure);
-- }
-- "/>" {
--  LEAVE; STag_structure(); pcdata = ""; ETag_structure();
--  switch (YY_START) {
--   case S_octave: SET(E_octave); break;
--   case ROOT_structure: SET(EPILOG); break;
--  }
-- }
-- .       FAIL("Unexpected character `%c' in attribute list of structure element.", yytext[0]);
-- {Name} FAIL("Bad attribute `%s' in `structure' element start tag.",yytext);
-- <<EOF>> FAIL("EOF in attribute list of `structure' element.");
-- "</structure"{s}">" {
--  LEAVE;
--  ETag_structure();
--  switch (YY_START) {
--   case S_octave: SET(E_octave); break;
--   case ROOT_structure: SET(EPILOG); break;
--  }
-- }
-- "</"{Name}{s}">" FAIL("Unexpected end-tag `%s': `</structure>' expected.",yytext);
-- <<EOF>> FAIL("Premature EOF: `</structure>' expected.");
-- /* 	length CDATA #REQUIRED
--  * 	name CDATA #IMPLIED>  */
--<ROOT_list,IN_list,IN_cell,S_octave,IN_structure>"<list"{s} {
--  A_list_length = NULL;
--  A_list_name = NULL;
--  ENTER(AL_list);
--  }
-- "length"{Eq}\' ENTER(VALUE1); BUFFERSET(A_list_length);
-- "length"{Eq}\" ENTER(VALUE2); BUFFERSET(A_list_length);
-- "name"{Eq}\' ENTER(VALUE1); BUFFERSET(A_list_name);
-- "name"{Eq}\" ENTER(VALUE2); BUFFERSET(A_list_name);
-- ">" {
--  if (!A_list_length) FAIL("Required attribute `length' not set for `list' element.");
--  LEAVE; STag_list(); pcdata = BUFFERSET(pcdata); ENTER(IN_list);
-- }
-- "/>" {
--  if (!A_list_length) FAIL("Required attribute `length' not set for `list' element.");
--  LEAVE; STag_list(); pcdata = ""; ETag_list();
--  switch (YY_START) {
--   case S_octave: SET(E_octave); break;
--   case ROOT_list: SET(EPILOG); break;
--  }
-- }
-- .       FAIL("Unexpected character `%c' in attribute list of list element.", yytext[0]);
-- {Name} FAIL("Bad attribute `%s' in `list' element start tag.",yytext);
-- <<EOF>> FAIL("EOF in attribute list of `list' element.");
-- "</list"{s}">" {
--  LEAVE;
--  ETag_list();
--  switch (YY_START) {
--   case S_octave: SET(E_octave); break;
--   case ROOT_list: SET(EPILOG); break;
--  }
-- }
-- "</"{Name}{s}">" FAIL("Unexpected end-tag `%s': `</list>' expected.",yytext);
-- <<EOF>> FAIL("Premature EOF: `</list>' expected.");
-- /* 	rows CDATA #REQUIRED
--  * 	columns CDATA #REQUIRED
--  * 	name CDATA #IMPLIED>  */
--<ROOT_cell,IN_list,IN_cell,S_octave,IN_structure>"<cell"{s} {
--  A_cell_rows = NULL;
--  A_cell_columns = NULL;
--  A_cell_name = NULL;
--  ENTER(AL_cell);
--  }
-- "rows"{Eq}\' ENTER(VALUE1); BUFFERSET(A_cell_rows);
-- "rows"{Eq}\" ENTER(VALUE2); BUFFERSET(A_cell_rows);
-- "columns"{Eq}\' ENTER(VALUE1); BUFFERSET(A_cell_columns);
-- "columns"{Eq}\" ENTER(VALUE2); BUFFERSET(A_cell_columns);
-- "name"{Eq}\' ENTER(VALUE1); BUFFERSET(A_cell_name);
-- "name"{Eq}\" ENTER(VALUE2); BUFFERSET(A_cell_name);
-- ">" {
--  if (!A_cell_rows) FAIL("Required attribute `rows' not set for `cell' element.");
--  if (!A_cell_columns) FAIL("Required attribute `columns' not set for `cell' element.");
--  LEAVE; STag_cell(); pcdata = BUFFERSET(pcdata); ENTER(IN_cell);
-- }
-- "/>" {
--  if (!A_cell_rows) FAIL("Required attribute `rows' not set for `cell' element.");
--  if (!A_cell_columns) FAIL("Required attribute `columns' not set for `cell' element.");
--  LEAVE; STag_cell(); pcdata = ""; ETag_cell();
--  switch (YY_START) {
--   case S_octave: SET(E_octave); break;
--   case ROOT_cell: SET(EPILOG); break;
--  }
-- }
-- .       FAIL("Unexpected character `%c' in attribute list of cell element.", yytext[0]);
-- {Name} FAIL("Bad attribute `%s' in `cell' element start tag.",yytext);
-- <<EOF>> FAIL("EOF in attribute list of `cell' element.");
-- "</cell"{s}">" {
--  LEAVE;
--  ETag_cell();
--  switch (YY_START) {
--   case S_octave: SET(E_octave); break;
--   case ROOT_cell: SET(EPILOG); break;
--  }
-- }
-- "</"{Name}{s}">" FAIL("Unexpected end-tag `%s': `</cell>' expected.",yytext);
-- <<EOF>> FAIL("Premature EOF: `</cell>' expected.");
-- /* EPILOG: after the root element. */
-- . 		FAIL("Unexpected character `%c' after document.", yytext[0]);
-- <<EOF>> 	SUCCEED;
-- /* Non-defined standard entities... */
--"&"  BUFFERPUTC('&');
--"<"   BUFFERPUTC('<');
--">"   BUFFERPUTC('>');
--"'" BUFFERPUTC('\'');
--""" BUFFERPUTC('"');
-- /* Character entities. */
-- "&#"[[:digit:]]+";"	BUFFERPUTC((unsigned char)atoi(yytext+2));
-- "&#x"[[:xdigit:]]+";"	BUFFERPUTC((unsigned char)strtol(yytext+3,NULL,16));
-- "\n"		|
-- "\r"		|
-- "\r\n"		|
-- "\n\r"		BUFFERPUTC('\n');
-- "]]>"		FAIL("Unexpected `]]>' in character data.");
-- <<EOF>>	FAIL("EOF in literal (\"'\" expected).");
-- <<EOF>>	FAIL("EOF in literal (`\"' expected).");
-- [^<&]		BUFFERPUTC(yytext[0]);
-- [<&]		FAIL("Spurious `%c' in character data.",yytext[0]);
-- "]]>"		LEAVE;
-- "]]"		BUFFERPUTC(yytext[0]); BUFFERPUTC(yytext[1]);
-- .		BUFFERPUTC(yytext[0]);
-- <<EOF>>	FAIL("EOF in CDATA section.");
-- /* Impossible rules to avoid warnings from flex(1). */
-- .|[\n] FAIL("The Impossible Happened: INITIAL or IMPOSSIBLE state entered?");
--/* Element context stack lookup. */
--int element_context(int i)
--  return (0<i && i<yy_start_stack_depth
--	  ? yy_start_stack[yy_start_stack_ptr - i]
--	  : 0);
--#ifdef FLEX_DEBUG
--void print_yy_stack(char* fmt, ...)
--  int i = 0; va_list ap; va_start(ap, fmt);
--  vfprintf(stderr, fmt, ap);
--  for (i=1; i<yy_start_stack_ptr; i++)
--    fprintf(stderr, "%s/", statenames[yy_start_stack[i]]);
--  fprintf(stderr,"%s\n", statenames[YY_START]);
--  va_end(ap);
--static void debug_enter(int state, char* statename) {
--  yy_push_state(state);
--  if (yy_flex_debug) print_yy_stack("--ENTER(%s) : ",statename);
--static void debug_leave(void) {
--  if (yy_flex_debug) print_yy_stack("--LEAVE : ");
--  yy_pop_state();
--static void debug_set(int state, char* statename) {
--  BEGIN(state);
--  if (yy_flex_debug) print_yy_stack("--SET(%s) : ",statename);
--static int fail(const char* fmt, ...)
--  va_list ap; va_start(ap, fmt);
--#ifdef FLEXML_yylineno
--  fprintf(stderr, "Invalid XML (XML input line %d, state %d): ", yylineno, YY_START);
--  fprintf(stderr, "Invalid XML (state %d): ",YY_START);
--  vfprintf(stderr, fmt, ap);
--  fprintf(stderr, "\n");
--  va_end(ap);
--  return 1;
--#line 30 "xmltree_read.act"
--#ifndef _MSC_VER
--#include <stdlib.h>
--#include "xmltree.h"
--#define warning perror
--element **current;
--element *root;
--list *lastlist;
--void STag_octave(void)
--#line 43 "xmltree_read.act"
--root = new_element();
--root->def_value = value_data;
--current = &(root->child);
--lastlist = new_list(lastlist);
--lastlist->root = current;
--} /* STag_octave */
--void ETag_octave(void)
--#line 52 "xmltree_read.act"
--current = lastlist->root;
--lastlist = pop_list(lastlist);
--current = &((*current)->next);
--} /* ETag_octave */
--void STag_scalar(void)
--#line 60 "xmltree_read.act"
--*current = new_element();
--if (A_scalar_name) {
--  (*current)->name = (char *) malloc(strlen(A_scalar_name)+1);
--  strcpy ((*current)->name, A_scalar_name);
--(*current)->def_value = value_scalar;
--switch (A_scalar_value) {
--  case A_scalar_value_true: (*current)->const_value = const_true; break;
--  case A_scalar_value_false: (*current)->const_value = const_false; break;
--  case A_scalar_value_inf: (*current)->const_value = const_inf; break;
--  case A_scalar_value_neginf: (*current)->const_value = const_neginf; break;
--  case A_scalar_value_nan: (*current)->const_value = const_nan; break;
--  case A_scalar_value_na: (*current)->const_value = const_na; break;
--  default: (*current)->const_value = const_undef;
--} /* STag_scalar */
--void ETag_scalar(void)
--#line 80 "xmltree_read.act"
--if (((*current)->const_value == const_undef) && (pcdata))
--  (*current)->scalar_value = strtod (pcdata, NULL);
--current = &((*current)->next);
--} /* ETag_scalar */
--void STag_string(void)
--#line 91 "xmltree_read.act"
--*current = new_element();
--if (A_string_name) {
--  (*current)->name = (char *) malloc(strlen(A_string_name)+1);
--  strcpy ((*current)->name, A_string_name);
--if (A_string_length)
--  (*current)->length = strtol (A_string_length, NULL, 10);
--(*current)->def_value = value_string;
--} /* STag_string */
--void ETag_string(void)
--#line 105 "xmltree_read.act"
--if (pcdata) {
--  int len = strlen(pcdata);
--  /* check length parameter */
--  if ((*current)->length != len) {
--    warning("incorrect length parameter for string\n");
--    (*current)->length = len;
--  }
--  (*current)->string_value = (char *) malloc ((len+1) * sizeof(char));
--  strcpy((*current)->string_value, pcdata);
--current = &((*current)->next);
--} /* ETag_string */
--void STag_complex(void)
--#line 126 "xmltree_read.act"
--*current = new_element();
--if (A_complex_name) {
--  (*current)->name = (char *) malloc(strlen(A_complex_name)+1);
--  strcpy ((*current)->name, A_complex_name);
--(*current)->def_value = value_complex;
--lastlist = new_list(lastlist);
--lastlist->root = current;
--current = &((*current)->child);
--} /* STag_complex */
--void ETag_complex(void)
--#line 141 "xmltree_read.act"
--current = lastlist->root;
--lastlist = pop_list(lastlist);
--current = &((*current)->next);
--} /* ETag_complex */
--void STag_array(void)
--#line 152 "xmltree_read.act"
--*current = new_element();
--if (A_array_name) {
--  (*current)->name = (char *) malloc(strlen(A_array_name)+1);
--  strcpy ((*current)->name, A_array_name);
--if (A_array_rows)
--  (*current)->rows = strtol (A_array_rows, NULL, 10);
--(*current)->def_value = value_array;
--lastlist = new_list(lastlist);
--lastlist->root = current;
--current = &((*current)->child);
--} /* STag_array */
--void ETag_array(void)
--#line 170 "xmltree_read.act"
--/* check rows parameter */
--if ((*(lastlist->root))->rows != (*(lastlist->root))->nb_elements) {
--  warning("incorrect length parameter for array\n");
--  (*(lastlist->root))->rows = (*(lastlist->root))->nb_elements;
--current = lastlist->root;
--lastlist = pop_list(lastlist);
--current = &((*current)->next);
--} /* ETag_array */
--void STag_matrix(void)
--#line 187 "xmltree_read.act"
--*current = new_element();
--if (A_matrix_name) {
--  (*current)->name = (char *) malloc(strlen(A_matrix_name)+1);
--  strcpy ((*current)->name, A_matrix_name);
--if (A_matrix_rows)
--  (*current)->rows = strtol (A_matrix_rows, NULL, 10);
--if (A_matrix_columns)
--  (*current)->columns = strtol (A_matrix_columns, NULL, 10);
--(*current)->def_value = value_matrix;
--lastlist = new_list(lastlist);
--lastlist->root = current;
--current = &((*current)->child);
--} /* STag_matrix */
--void ETag_matrix(void)
--#line 208 "xmltree_read.act"
--/* check (rows, columns) parameters */
--if ((*(lastlist->root))->rows * (*(lastlist->root))->columns != 
--    (*(lastlist->root))->nb_elements) {
--  warning("incorrect (rows, columns) parameters for matrix: reshaping matrix into vector\n");
--  (*(lastlist->root))->rows = 1;
--  (*(lastlist->root))->columns = (*(lastlist->root))->nb_elements;  
--current = lastlist->root;
--lastlist = pop_list(lastlist);
--current = &((*current)->next);
--} /* ETag_matrix */
--void STag_structure(void)
--#line 227 "xmltree_read.act"
--*current = new_element();
--if (A_structure_name) {
--  (*current)->name = (char *) malloc(strlen(A_structure_name)+1);
--  strcpy ((*current)->name, A_structure_name);
--(*current)->def_value = value_structure;
--lastlist = new_list(lastlist);
--lastlist->root = current;
--current = &((*current)->child);
--} /* STag_structure */
--void ETag_structure(void)
--#line 242 "xmltree_read.act"
--/* no check possible (sic) */
--current = lastlist->root;
--lastlist = pop_list(lastlist);
--current = &((*current)->next);
--} /* ETag_structure */
--void STag_list(void)
--#line 255 "xmltree_read.act"
--*current = new_element();
--if (A_list_name) {
--  (*current)->name = (char *) malloc(strlen(A_list_name)+1);
--  strcpy ((*current)->name, A_list_name);
--if (A_list_length)
--  (*current)->length = strtol (A_list_length, NULL, 10);
--(*current)->def_value = value_list;
--lastlist = new_list(lastlist);
--lastlist->root = current;
--current = &((*current)->child);
--} /* STag_list */
--void ETag_list(void)
--#line 273 "xmltree_read.act"
--/* check length parameter */
--if ((*(lastlist->root))->length != (*(lastlist->root))->nb_elements) {
--  warning("incorrect length parameter for list\n");
--  (*(lastlist->root))->length = (*(lastlist->root))->nb_elements;
--current = lastlist->root;
--lastlist = pop_list(lastlist);
--current = &((*current)->next);
--} /* ETag_list */
--void STag_cell(void)
--#line 290 "xmltree_read.act"
--*current = new_element();
--if (A_cell_name) {
--  (*current)->name = (char *) malloc(strlen(A_cell_name)+1);
--  strcpy ((*current)->name, A_cell_name);
--if (A_cell_rows)
--  (*current)->rows = strtol (A_cell_rows, NULL, 10);
--if (A_cell_columns)
--  (*current)->columns = strtol (A_cell_columns, NULL, 10);
--(*current)->def_value = value_cell;
--lastlist = new_list(lastlist);
--lastlist->root = current;
--current = &((*current)->child);
--} /* STag_cell */
--void ETag_cell(void)
--#line 311 "xmltree_read.act"
--/* check (rows, columns) parameters */
--if ((*(lastlist->root))->rows * (*(lastlist->root))->columns != 
--    (*(lastlist->root))->nb_elements) {
--  warning("incorrect (rows, columns) parameters for cell: reshaping cell into list\n");
--  (*(lastlist->root))->def_value = value_list;
--  (*(lastlist->root))->length = (*(lastlist->root))->nb_elements;  
--current = lastlist->root;
--lastlist = pop_list(lastlist);
--current = &((*current)->next);
--} /* ETag_cell */
--#line 346 "xmltree_read.act"
--element *read_xmltree (const char *file) {
--  current = NULL;
--  root = NULL;
--  lastlist = NULL;
--  xml_in = fopen(file, "r");
--  if (!xml_in)
--    perror("can't open file\n");
--  xml_lex();
--  fclose(xml_in);
--  return root;
--/* XML application entry points. */
diff --git a/debian/patches/series b/debian/patches/series
index 053b598..21611eb 100644
--- a/debian/patches/series
+++ b/debian/patches/series
@@ -1,2 +1 @@

Alioth's /home/groups/pkg-octave/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-octave/octave-io.git

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