[Pkg-octave-commit] [octave-io] 01/05: Merge tag 'upstream/2.4.4'

Sébastien Villemot sebastien at debian.org
Sun Nov 6 21:45:44 UTC 2016

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

sebastien pushed a commit to branch master
in repository octave-io.

commit 533ce4b0892a4a8e170f74b463cbd2a52249ca75
Merge: db1dd29 ac87eda
Author: Sébastien Villemot <sebastien at debian.org>
Date:   Sun Nov 6 20:51:37 2016 +0100

    Merge tag 'upstream/2.4.4'
    Upstream version 2.4.4

 DESCRIPTION                       |  4 +--
 INDEX                             |  2 ++
 NEWS                              | 29 ++++++++++++++++-
 doc/READ-ODS.html                 | 43 ++++++++++++++------------
 doc/READ-XLS.html                 | 31 +++++++++++--------
 inst/oct2ods.m                    | 27 ++++++++++++----
 inst/oct2xls.m                    | 29 +++++++++++++----
 inst/ods2oct.m                    | 20 ++++++++++--
 inst/private/__JXL_spsh_open__.m  |  5 ++-
 inst/private/__OCT_spsh_close__.m |  5 ++-
 inst/private/__OXS_spsh_close__.m | 34 +++++++++++---------
 inst/private/__OXS_spsh_open__.m  |  5 +++
 inst/private/__POI_spsh_close__.m | 38 +++++++++++++----------
 inst/private/__POI_spsh_open__.m  | 60 +++++++++++++++++++-----------------
 inst/private/chknmrange.m         |  3 +-
 inst/tidyxml.m                    | 34 ++++++++++++--------
 inst/unicode2utf8.m               | 46 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 inst/utf82unicode.m               | 65 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 inst/xls2oct.m                    | 32 ++++++++++++++-----
 inst/xlsclose.m                   | 12 ++++----
 inst/xlsopen.m                    |  2 +-
 inst/xmlread.m                    |  2 +-
 inst/xmlwrite.m                   | 60 +++++++++++++++++++-----------------
 23 files changed, 420 insertions(+), 168 deletions(-)

Alioth's /home/groups/pkg-octave/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-octave/octave-io.git

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