[Pkg-octave-commit] [octave-tisean] 01/01: Imported Upstream version 0.2.3

Rafael Laboissière rlaboiss-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Thu Sep 1 16:20:29 UTC 2016

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

rlaboiss-guest pushed a commit to branch master
in repository octave-tisean.

commit fca1d5cce5b8d9b4116b5dc63ee7c87cf720dea6
Author: Rafael Laboissiere <rafael at debian.org>
Date:   Sat Aug 20 16:19:39 2016 -0300

    Imported Upstream version 0.2.3
 .gitignore                                  |   13 +
 COPYING                                     |  674 +++
 DESCRIPTION                                 |   11 +
 INDEX                                       |   46 +
 NEWS                                        |  112 +
 README.md                                   |   21 +
 bootstrap                                   |    9 +
 contributors.txt                            |    1 +
 debian/changelog                            |    5 +
 debian/compat                               |    1 +
 debian/control                              |   21 +
 debian/copyright                            |  101 +
 debian/patches/series                       |    1 +
 debian/patches/typo-in-lazy-docstring.patch |   16 +
 debian/rules                                |    4 +
 debian/source/format                        |    1 +
 debian/source/options                       |    1 +
 debian/watch                                |    2 +
 inst/av_d2.m                                |  282 ++
 inst/boxcount.m                             |  192 +
 inst/c1.m                                   |  223 +
 inst/c2d.m                                  |  135 +
 inst/c2g.m                                  |  174 +
 inst/c2t.m                                  |  191 +
 inst/d2.m                                   |  342 ++
 inst/delay.m                                |  276 ++
 inst/endtoend.m                             |  325 ++
 inst/false_nearest.m                        |  198 +
 inst/ghkss.m                                |  202 +
 inst/henon.m                                |  137 +
 inst/ikeda.m                                |  142 +
 inst/lfo_ar.m                               |  209 +
 inst/lfo_run.m                              |  158 +
 inst/lfo_test.m                             |  210 +
 inst/lyap_k.m                               |  251 ++
 inst/lyap_r.m                               |  171 +
 inst/lyap_spec.m                            |  251 ++
 inst/lzo_gm.m                               |  185 +
 inst/lzo_run.m                              |  196 +
 inst/lzo_test.m                             |  234 ++
 inst/pca.m                                  |  207 +
 inst/poincare.m                             |  187 +
 inst/polynom.m                              |  195 +
 inst/rbf.m                                  |  263 ++
 inst/spectrum.m                             |  164 +
 inst/spikeauto.m                            |  146 +
 inst/spikespec.m                            |  223 +
 inst/surrogates.m                           |  225 +
 inst/timerev.m                              |  135 +
 inst/upo.m                                  |  242 ++
 inst/upoembed.m                             |  174 +
 inst/xzero.m                                |  142 +
 src/Makefile.in                             |   90 +
 src/__boxcount__.cc                         |  282 ++
 src/__c1__.cc                               |  142 +
 src/__c2g__.cc                              |  120 +
 src/__d2__.cc                               |  615 +++
 src/__delay__.cc                            |  115 +
 src/__false_nearest__.cc                    |  256 ++
 src/__ghkss__.cc                            |  453 ++
 src/__henon__.cc                            |   80 +
 src/__ikeda__.cc                            |   86 +
 src/__lfo_ar__.cc                           |  371 ++
 src/__lfo_run__.cc                          |  416 ++
 src/__lfo_test__.cc                         |  421 ++
 src/__lyap_k__.cc                           |  280 ++
 src/__lyap_r__.cc                           |  230 +
 src/__lyap_spec__.cc                        |  568 +++
 src/__lzo_gm__.cc                           |  201 +
 src/__lzo_run__.cc                          |  298 ++
 src/__lzo_test__.cc                         |  242 ++
 src/__pca__.cc                              |  251 ++
 src/__poincare__.cc                         |  147 +
 src/__polynom__.cc                          |  309 ++
 src/__rbf__.cc                              |  321 ++
 src/__spikeauto__.cc                        |   72 +
 src/__surrogates__.cc                       |   97 +
 src/__upo__.cc                              |  104 +
 src/__xzero__.cc                            |  149 +
 src/aclocal.m4                              |   15 +
 src/configure                               | 4108 ++++++++++++++++++
 src/configure.ac                            |   53 +
 src/lazy.cc                                 |  213 +
 src/m4/ax_cxx_compile_stdcxx_11.m4          |  142 +
 src/mutual.cc                               |  270 ++
 src/routines_c/TISEAN_rand.cc               |  129 +
 src/routines_c/TISEAN_rand.h                |   54 +
 src/routines_c/check_alloc.cc               |   33 +
 src/routines_c/eigen.cc                     |  526 +++
 src/routines_c/exclude_interval.cc          |   42 +
 src/routines_c/find_multi_neighbors.cc      |  120 +
 src/routines_c/find_neighbors.cc            |   58 +
 src/routines_c/invert_matrix.cc             |   49 +
 src/routines_c/make_box.cc                  |   44 +
 src/routines_c/make_multi_box.cc            |   71 +
 src/routines_c/rescale_data.cc              |   61 +
 src/routines_c/solvele.cc                   |   67 +
 src/routines_c/tisean_cec.h                 |   85 +
 src/routines_c/tsa.h                        |  145 +
 src/routines_c/variance.cc                  |   49 +
 src/source_f/d1.f                           |  121 +
 src/source_f/istdio.f                       |   44 +
 src/source_f/neigh.f                        |  263 ++
 src/source_f/normal.f                       |  101 +
 src/source_f/rank.f                         |  153 +
 src/source_f/slatec/Makefile.in             |   28 +
 src/source_f/slatec/chkder.f                |  158 +
 src/source_f/slatec/d1mach.f                |   19 +
 src/source_f/slatec/dqk15.f                 |  185 +
 src/source_f/slatec/enorm.f                 |  117 +
 src/source_f/slatec/fdjac3.f                |  114 +
 src/source_f/slatec/fdump.f                 |   31 +
 src/source_f/slatec/i1mach.f                |  142 +
 src/source_f/slatec/j4save.f                |   65 +
 src/source_f/slatec/lmpar.f                 |  267 ++
 src/source_f/slatec/pythag.f                |   39 +
 src/source_f/slatec/qrfac.f                 |  170 +
 src/source_f/slatec/qrsolv.f                |  198 +
 src/source_f/slatec/r1mach.f                |   23 +
 src/source_f/slatec/radb2.f                 |   61 +
 src/source_f/slatec/radb3.f                 |   85 +
 src/source_f/slatec/radb4.f                 |  109 +
 src/source_f/slatec/radb5.f                 |  132 +
 src/source_f/slatec/radbg.f                 |  189 +
 src/source_f/slatec/radf2.f                 |   61 +
 src/source_f/slatec/radf3.f                 |   83 +
 src/source_f/slatec/radf4.f                 |  105 +
 src/source_f/slatec/radf5.f                 |  128 +
 src/source_f/slatec/radfg.f                 |  194 +
 src/source_f/slatec/rand.f                  |  122 +
 src/source_f/slatec/rfftb1.f                |  143 +
 src/source_f/slatec/rfftf1.f                |  144 +
 src/source_f/slatec/rffti1.f                |  110 +
 src/source_f/slatec/rgauss.f                |   43 +
 src/source_f/slatec/rs.f                    |   90 +
 src/source_f/slatec/rwupdt.f                |  120 +
 src/source_f/slatec/snls1.f                 | 1023 +++++
 src/source_f/slatec/tql2.f                  |  203 +
 src/source_f/slatec/tqlrat.f                |  165 +
 src/source_f/slatec/tred1.f                 |  142 +
 src/source_f/slatec/tred2.f                 |  166 +
 src/source_f/slatec/xercnt.f                |   62 +
 src/source_f/slatec/xerhlt.f                |   39 +
 src/source_f/slatec/xermsg.f                |  364 ++
 src/source_f/slatec/xerprn.f                |  228 +
 src/source_f/slatec/xersve.f                |  155 +
 src/source_f/slatec/xgetua.f                |   51 +
 src/source_f/store_spec.f                   |   51 +
 src/source_f/ts_lazy.f                      |  124 +
 src/source_f/ts_surrogates.f                |  146 +
 src/source_f/ts_upo.f                       |  273 ++
 tests/addnoise/procedure.txt                |   15 +
 tests/corr/amp_ar.dat                       | 5012 ++++++++++++++++++++++
 tests/corr/amp_ar_corr.dat                  | 5002 ++++++++++++++++++++++
 tests/corr/amplitude.dat                    | 5000 ++++++++++++++++++++++
 tests/corr/amplitude_tisean.dat             | 5002 ++++++++++++++++++++++
 tests/corr/amplitude_tisean_norm.dat        | 5002 ++++++++++++++++++++++
 tests/corr/ar.dat                           | 5012 ++++++++++++++++++++++
 tests/corr/ar_tisean.dat                    | 5002 ++++++++++++++++++++++
 tests/corr/ar_tisean_norm.dat               | 5002 ++++++++++++++++++++++
 tests/corr/procedure.txt                    |   32 +
 tests/corr/square.dat                       | 6002 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 tests/corr/square_tisean.dat                | 6002 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 tests/corr/square_tisean_norm.dat           | 6002 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 tests/corr/test_corr.m                      |   58 +
 tests/extrema/amplitude.dat                 | 5000 ++++++++++++++++++++++
 tests/extrema/amplitude_tisean_max.dat      |  153 +
 tests/extrema/amplitude_tisean_min.dat      |  152 +
 tests/extrema/procedure.txt                 |    3 +
 tests/extrema/test_extrema.m                |   59 +
 tests/histogram/amplitude.dat               | 5000 ++++++++++++++++++++++
 tests/histogram/amplitude_histogram.dat     |   53 +
 tests/histogram/procedure.txt               |   30 +
 tests/histogram/test_histogram.m            |   41 +
 tests/lfo_run/hen1000.dat                   | 1007 +++++
 tests/lfo_run/lfo_run_hen.dat               | 1000 +++++
 tests/lfo_run/test_lfo_run.m                |   13 +
 tests/polynom/amplitude.dat                 | 5000 ++++++++++++++++++++++
 tests/polynom/amplitude_tisean.dat          | 1075 +++++
 tests/polynom/polynom_res_am.dat            | 1076 +++++
 tests/polynom/procedure.txt                 |   21 +
 tests/polynom/test_polynom.m                |   47 +
 tests/rms/procedure.txt                     |   11 +
 tests/spectrum/amplitude.dat                | 5000 ++++++++++++++++++++++
 tests/spectrum/amplitude_tisean.dat         | 2501 +++++++++++
 tests/spectrum/ar.dat                       | 5012 ++++++++++++++++++++++
 tests/spectrum/ar_tisean.dat                |  834 ++++
 tests/spectrum/procedure.txt                |   19 +
 tests/spectrum/square.dat                   | 6002 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 tests/spectrum/square_tisean.dat            | 3001 ++++++++++++++
 tests/spectrum/test_spectrum.m              |   75 +
 191 files changed, 128756 insertions(+)

diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..499e262
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
diff --git a/COPYING b/COPYING
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..94a9ed0
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,674 @@
+                    GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE
+                       Version 3, 29 June 2007
+ Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc. <http://fsf.org/>
+ Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
+ of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
+                            Preamble
+  The GNU General Public License is a free, copyleft license for
+software and other kinds of works.
+  The licenses for most software and other practical works are designed
+to take away your freedom to share and change the works.  By contrast,
+the GNU General Public License is intended to guarantee your freedom to
+share and change all versions of a program--to make sure it remains free
+software for all its users.  We, the Free Software Foundation, use the
+GNU General Public License for most of our software; it applies also to
+any other work released this way by its authors.  You can apply it to
+your programs, too.
+  When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
+price.  Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
+have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
+them if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it if you
+want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it in new
+free programs, and that you know you can do these things.
+  To protect your rights, we need to prevent others from denying you
+these rights or asking you to surrender the rights.  Therefore, you have
+certain responsibilities if you distribute copies of the software, or if
+you modify it: responsibilities to respect the freedom of others.
+  For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether
+gratis or for a fee, you must pass on to the recipients the same
+freedoms that you received.  You must make sure that they, too, receive
+or can get the source code.  And you must show them these terms so they
+know their rights.
+  Developers that use the GNU GPL protect your rights with two steps:
+(1) assert copyright on the software, and (2) offer you this License
+giving you legal permission to copy, distribute and/or modify it.
+  For the developers' and authors' protection, the GPL clearly explains
+that there is no warranty for this free software.  For both users' and
+authors' sake, the GPL requires that modified versions be marked as
+changed, so that their problems will not be attributed erroneously to
+authors of previous versions.
+  Some devices are designed to deny users access to install or run
+modified versions of the software inside them, although the manufacturer
+can do so.  This is fundamentally incompatible with the aim of
+protecting users' freedom to change the software.  The systematic
+pattern of such abuse occurs in the area of products for individuals to
+use, which is precisely where it is most unacceptable.  Therefore, we
+have designed this version of the GPL to prohibit the practice for those
+products.  If such problems arise substantially in other domains, we
+stand ready to extend this provision to those domains in future versions
+of the GPL, as needed to protect the freedom of users.
+  Finally, every program is threatened constantly by software patents.
+States should not allow patents to restrict development and use of
+software on general-purpose computers, but in those that do, we wish to
+avoid the special danger that patents applied to a free program could
+make it effectively proprietary.  To prevent this, the GPL assures that
+patents cannot be used to render the program non-free.
+  The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
+modification follow.
+                       TERMS AND CONDITIONS
+  0. Definitions.
+  "This License" refers to version 3 of the GNU General Public License.
+  "Copyright" also means copyright-like laws that apply to other kinds of
+works, such as semiconductor masks.
+  "The Program" refers to any copyrightable work licensed under this
+License.  Each licensee is addressed as "you".  "Licensees" and
+"recipients" may be individuals or organizations.
+  To "modify" a work means to copy from or adapt all or part of the work
+in a fashion requiring copyright permission, other than the making of an
+exact copy.  The resulting work is called a "modified version" of the
+earlier work or a work "based on" the earlier work.
+  A "covered work" means either the unmodified Program or a work based
+on the Program.
+  To "propagate" a work means to do anything with it that, without
+permission, would make you directly or secondarily liable for
+infringement under applicable copyright law, except executing it on a
+computer or modifying a private copy.  Propagation includes copying,
+distribution (with or without modification), making available to the
+public, and in some countries other activities as well.
+  To "convey" a work means any kind of propagation that enables other
+parties to make or receive copies.  Mere interaction with a user through
+a computer network, with no transfer of a copy, is not conveying.
+  An interactive user interface displays "Appropriate Legal Notices"
+to the extent that it includes a convenient and prominently visible
+feature that (1) displays an appropriate copyright notice, and (2)
+tells the user that there is no warranty for the work (except to the
+extent that warranties are provided), that licensees may convey the
+work under this License, and how to view a copy of this License.  If
+the interface presents a list of user commands or options, such as a
+menu, a prominent item in the list meets this criterion.
+  1. Source Code.
+  The "source code" for a work means the preferred form of the work
+for making modifications to it.  "Object code" means any non-source
+form of a work.
+  A "Standard Interface" means an interface that either is an official
+standard defined by a recognized standards body, or, in the case of
+interfaces specified for a particular programming language, one that
+is widely used among developers working in that language.
+  The "System Libraries" of an executable work include anything, other
+than the work as a whole, that (a) is included in the normal form of
+packaging a Major Component, but which is not part of that Major
+Component, and (b) serves only to enable use of the work with that
+Major Component, or to implement a Standard Interface for which an
+implementation is available to the public in source code form.  A
+"Major Component", in this context, means a major essential component
+(kernel, window system, and so on) of the specific operating system
+(if any) on which the executable work runs, or a compiler used to
+produce the work, or an object code interpreter used to run it.
+  The "Corresponding Source" for a work in object code form means all
+the source code needed to generate, install, and (for an executable
+work) run the object code and to modify the work, including scripts to
+control those activities.  However, it does not include the work's
+System Libraries, or general-purpose tools or generally available free
+programs which are used unmodified in performing those activities but
+which are not part of the work.  For example, Corresponding Source
+includes interface definition files associated with source files for
+the work, and the source code for shared libraries and dynamically
+linked subprograms that the work is specifically designed to require,
+such as by intimate data communication or control flow between those
+subprograms and other parts of the work.
+  The Corresponding Source need not include anything that users
+can regenerate automatically from other parts of the Corresponding
+  The Corresponding Source for a work in source code form is that
+same work.
+  2. Basic Permissions.
+  All rights granted under this License are granted for the term of
+copyright on the Program, and are irrevocable provided the stated
+conditions are met.  This License explicitly affirms your unlimited
+permission to run the unmodified Program.  The output from running a
+covered work is covered by this License only if the output, given its
+content, constitutes a covered work.  This License acknowledges your
+rights of fair use or other equivalent, as provided by copyright law.
+  You may make, run and propagate covered works that you do not
+convey, without conditions so long as your license otherwise remains
+in force.  You may convey covered works to others for the sole purpose
+of having them make modifications exclusively for you, or provide you
+with facilities for running those works, provided that you comply with
+the terms of this License in conveying all material for which you do
+not control copyright.  Those thus making or running the covered works
+for you must do so exclusively on your behalf, under your direction
+and control, on terms that prohibit them from making any copies of
+your copyrighted material outside their relationship with you.
+  Conveying under any other circumstances is permitted solely under
+the conditions stated below.  Sublicensing is not allowed; section 10
+makes it unnecessary.
+  3. Protecting Users' Legal Rights From Anti-Circumvention Law.
+  No covered work shall be deemed part of an effective technological
+measure under any applicable law fulfilling obligations under article
+11 of the WIPO copyright treaty adopted on 20 December 1996, or
+similar laws prohibiting or restricting circumvention of such
+  When you convey a covered work, you waive any legal power to forbid
+circumvention of technological measures to the extent such circumvention
+is effected by exercising rights under this License with respect to
+the covered work, and you disclaim any intention to limit operation or
+modification of the work as a means of enforcing, against the work's
+users, your or third parties' legal rights to forbid circumvention of
+technological measures.
+  4. Conveying Verbatim Copies.
+  You may convey verbatim copies of the Program's source code as you
+receive it, in any medium, provided that you conspicuously and
+appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate copyright notice;
+keep intact all notices stating that this License and any
+non-permissive terms added in accord with section 7 apply to the code;
+keep intact all notices of the absence of any warranty; and give all
+recipients a copy of this License along with the Program.
+  You may charge any price or no price for each copy that you convey,
+and you may offer support or warranty protection for a fee.
+  5. Conveying Modified Source Versions.
+  You may convey a work based on the Program, or the modifications to
+produce it from the Program, in the form of source code under the
+terms of section 4, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
+    a) The work must carry prominent notices stating that you modified
+    it, and giving a relevant date.
+    b) The work must carry prominent notices stating that it is
+    released under this License and any conditions added under section
+    7.  This requirement modifies the requirement in section 4 to
+    "keep intact all notices".
+    c) You must license the entire work, as a whole, under this
+    License to anyone who comes into possession of a copy.  This
+    License will therefore apply, along with any applicable section 7
+    additional terms, to the whole of the work, and all its parts,
+    regardless of how they are packaged.  This License gives no
+    permission to license the work in any other way, but it does not
+    invalidate such permission if you have separately received it.
+    d) If the work has interactive user interfaces, each must display
+    Appropriate Legal Notices; however, if the Program has interactive
+    interfaces that do not display Appropriate Legal Notices, your
+    work need not make them do so.
+  A compilation of a covered work with other separate and independent
+works, which are not by their nature extensions of the covered work,
+and which are not combined with it such as to form a larger program,
+in or on a volume of a storage or distribution medium, is called an
+"aggregate" if the compilation and its resulting copyright are not
+used to limit the access or legal rights of the compilation's users
+beyond what the individual works permit.  Inclusion of a covered work
+in an aggregate does not cause this License to apply to the other
+parts of the aggregate.
+  6. Conveying Non-Source Forms.
+  You may convey a covered work in object code form under the terms
+of sections 4 and 5, provided that you also convey the
+machine-readable Corresponding Source under the terms of this License,
+in one of these ways:
+    a) Convey the object code in, or embodied in, a physical product
+    (including a physical distribution medium), accompanied by the
+    Corresponding Source fixed on a durable physical medium
+    customarily used for software interchange.
+    b) Convey the object code in, or embodied in, a physical product
+    (including a physical distribution medium), accompanied by a
+    written offer, valid for at least three years and valid for as
+    long as you offer spare parts or customer support for that product
+    model, to give anyone who possesses the object code either (1) a
+    copy of the Corresponding Source for all the software in the
+    product that is covered by this License, on a durable physical
+    medium customarily used for software interchange, for a price no
+    more than your reasonable cost of physically performing this
+    conveying of source, or (2) access to copy the
+    Corresponding Source from a network server at no charge.
+    c) Convey individual copies of the object code with a copy of the
+    written offer to provide the Corresponding Source.  This
+    alternative is allowed only occasionally and noncommercially, and
+    only if you received the object code with such an offer, in accord
+    with subsection 6b.
+    d) Convey the object code by offering access from a designated
+    place (gratis or for a charge), and offer equivalent access to the
+    Corresponding Source in the same way through the same place at no
+    further charge.  You need not require recipients to copy the
+    Corresponding Source along with the object code.  If the place to
+    copy the object code is a network server, the Corresponding Source
+    may be on a different server (operated by you or a third party)
+    that supports equivalent copying facilities, provided you maintain
+    clear directions next to the object code saying where to find the
+    Corresponding Source.  Regardless of what server hosts the
+    Corresponding Source, you remain obligated to ensure that it is
+    available for as long as needed to satisfy these requirements.
+    e) Convey the object code using peer-to-peer transmission, provided
+    you inform other peers where the object code and Corresponding
+    Source of the work are being offered to the general public at no
+    charge under subsection 6d.
+  A separable portion of the object code, whose source code is excluded
+from the Corresponding Source as a System Library, need not be
+included in conveying the object code work.
+  A "User Product" is either (1) a "consumer product", which means any
+tangible personal property which is normally used for personal, family,
+or household purposes, or (2) anything designed or sold for incorporation
+into a dwelling.  In determining whether a product is a consumer product,
+doubtful cases shall be resolved in favor of coverage.  For a particular
+product received by a particular user, "normally used" refers to a
+typical or common use of that class of product, regardless of the status
+of the particular user or of the way in which the particular user
+actually uses, or expects or is expected to use, the product.  A product
+is a consumer product regardless of whether the product has substantial
+commercial, industrial or non-consumer uses, unless such uses represent
+the only significant mode of use of the product.
+  "Installation Information" for a User Product means any methods,
+procedures, authorization keys, or other information required to install
+and execute modified versions of a covered work in that User Product from
+a modified version of its Corresponding Source.  The information must
+suffice to ensure that the continued functioning of the modified object
+code is in no case prevented or interfered with solely because
+modification has been made.
+  If you convey an object code work under this section in, or with, or
+specifically for use in, a User Product, and the conveying occurs as
+part of a transaction in which the right of possession and use of the
+User Product is transferred to the recipient in perpetuity or for a
+fixed term (regardless of how the transaction is characterized), the
+Corresponding Source conveyed under this section must be accompanied
+by the Installation Information.  But this requirement does not apply
+if neither you nor any third party retains the ability to install
+modified object code on the User Product (for example, the work has
+been installed in ROM).
+  The requirement to provide Installation Information does not include a
+requirement to continue to provide support service, warranty, or updates
+for a work that has been modified or installed by the recipient, or for
+the User Product in which it has been modified or installed.  Access to a
+network may be denied when the modification itself materially and
+adversely affects the operation of the network or violates the rules and
+protocols for communication across the network.
+  Corresponding Source conveyed, and Installation Information provided,
+in accord with this section must be in a format that is publicly
+documented (and with an implementation available to the public in
+source code form), and must require no special password or key for
+unpacking, reading or copying.
+  7. Additional Terms.
+  "Additional permissions" are terms that supplement the terms of this
+License by making exceptions from one or more of its conditions.
+Additional permissions that are applicable to the entire Program shall
+be treated as though they were included in this License, to the extent
+that they are valid under applicable law.  If additional permissions
+apply only to part of the Program, that part may be used separately
+under those permissions, but the entire Program remains governed by
+this License without regard to the additional permissions.
+  When you convey a copy of a covered work, you may at your option
+remove any additional permissions from that copy, or from any part of
+it.  (Additional permissions may be written to require their own
+removal in certain cases when you modify the work.)  You may place
+additional permissions on material, added by you to a covered work,
+for which you have or can give appropriate copyright permission.
+  Notwithstanding any other provision of this License, for material you
+add to a covered work, you may (if authorized by the copyright holders of
+that material) supplement the terms of this License with terms:
+    a) Disclaiming warranty or limiting liability differently from the
+    terms of sections 15 and 16 of this License; or
+    b) Requiring preservation of specified reasonable legal notices or
+    author attributions in that material or in the Appropriate Legal
+    Notices displayed by works containing it; or
+    c) Prohibiting misrepresentation of the origin of that material, or
+    requiring that modified versions of such material be marked in
+    reasonable ways as different from the original version; or
+    d) Limiting the use for publicity purposes of names of licensors or
+    authors of the material; or
+    e) Declining to grant rights under trademark law for use of some
+    trade names, trademarks, or service marks; or
+    f) Requiring indemnification of licensors and authors of that
+    material by anyone who conveys the material (or modified versions of
+    it) with contractual assumptions of liability to the recipient, for
+    any liability that these contractual assumptions directly impose on
+    those licensors and authors.
+  All other non-permissive additional terms are considered "further
+restrictions" within the meaning of section 10.  If the Program as you
+received it, or any part of it, contains a notice stating that it is
+governed by this License along with a term that is a further
+restriction, you may remove that term.  If a license document contains
+a further restriction but permits relicensing or conveying under this
+License, you may add to a covered work material governed by the terms
+of that license document, provided that the further restriction does
+not survive such relicensing or conveying.
+  If you add terms to a covered work in accord with this section, you
+must place, in the relevant source files, a statement of the
+additional terms that apply to those files, or a notice indicating
+where to find the applicable terms.
+  Additional terms, permissive or non-permissive, may be stated in the
+form of a separately written license, or stated as exceptions;
+the above requirements apply either way.
+  8. Termination.
+  You may not propagate or modify a covered work except as expressly
+provided under this License.  Any attempt otherwise to propagate or
+modify it is void, and will automatically terminate your rights under
+this License (including any patent licenses granted under the third
+paragraph of section 11).
+  However, if you cease all violation of this License, then your
+license from a particular copyright holder is reinstated (a)
+provisionally, unless and until the copyright holder explicitly and
+finally terminates your license, and (b) permanently, if the copyright
+holder fails to notify you of the violation by some reasonable means
+prior to 60 days after the cessation.
+  Moreover, your license from a particular copyright holder is
+reinstated permanently if the copyright holder notifies you of the
+violation by some reasonable means, this is the first time you have
+received notice of violation of this License (for any work) from that
+copyright holder, and you cure the violation prior to 30 days after
+your receipt of the notice.
+  Termination of your rights under this section does not terminate the
+licenses of parties who have received copies or rights from you under
+this License.  If your rights have been terminated and not permanently
+reinstated, you do not qualify to receive new licenses for the same
+material under section 10.
+  9. Acceptance Not Required for Having Copies.
+  You are not required to accept this License in order to receive or
+run a copy of the Program.  Ancillary propagation of a covered work
+occurring solely as a consequence of using peer-to-peer transmission
+to receive a copy likewise does not require acceptance.  However,
+nothing other than this License grants you permission to propagate or
+modify any covered work.  These actions infringe copyright if you do
+not accept this License.  Therefore, by modifying or propagating a
+covered work, you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so.
+  10. Automatic Licensing of Downstream Recipients.
+  Each time you convey a covered work, the recipient automatically
+receives a license from the original licensors, to run, modify and
+propagate that work, subject to this License.  You are not responsible
+for enforcing compliance by third parties with this License.
+  An "entity transaction" is a transaction transferring control of an
+organization, or substantially all assets of one, or subdividing an
+organization, or merging organizations.  If propagation of a covered
+work results from an entity transaction, each party to that
+transaction who receives a copy of the work also receives whatever
+licenses to the work the party's predecessor in interest had or could
+give under the previous paragraph, plus a right to possession of the
+Corresponding Source of the work from the predecessor in interest, if
+the predecessor has it or can get it with reasonable efforts.
+  You may not impose any further restrictions on the exercise of the
+rights granted or affirmed under this License.  For example, you may
+not impose a license fee, royalty, or other charge for exercise of
+rights granted under this License, and you may not initiate litigation
+(including a cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging that
+any patent claim is infringed by making, using, selling, offering for
+sale, or importing the Program or any portion of it.
+  11. Patents.
+  A "contributor" is a copyright holder who authorizes use under this
+License of the Program or a work on which the Program is based.  The
+work thus licensed is called the contributor's "contributor version".
+  A contributor's "essential patent claims" are all patent claims
+owned or controlled by the contributor, whether already acquired or
+hereafter acquired, that would be infringed by some manner, permitted
+by this License, of making, using, or selling its contributor version,
+but do not include claims that would be infringed only as a
+consequence of further modification of the contributor version.  For
+purposes of this definition, "control" includes the right to grant
+patent sublicenses in a manner consistent with the requirements of
+this License.
+  Each contributor grants you a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free
+patent license under the contributor's essential patent claims, to
+make, use, sell, offer for sale, import and otherwise run, modify and
+propagate the contents of its contributor version.
+  In the following three paragraphs, a "patent license" is any express
+agreement or commitment, however denominated, not to enforce a patent
+(such as an express permission to practice a patent or covenant not to
+sue for patent infringement).  To "grant" such a patent license to a
+party means to make such an agreement or commitment not to enforce a
+patent against the party.
+  If you convey a covered work, knowingly relying on a patent license,
+and the Corresponding Source of the work is not available for anyone
+to copy, free of charge and under the terms of this License, through a
+publicly available network server or other readily accessible means,
+then you must either (1) cause the Corresponding Source to be so
+available, or (2) arrange to deprive yourself of the benefit of the
+patent license for this particular work, or (3) arrange, in a manner
+consistent with the requirements of this License, to extend the patent
+license to downstream recipients.  "Knowingly relying" means you have
+actual knowledge that, but for the patent license, your conveying the
+covered work in a country, or your recipient's use of the covered work
+in a country, would infringe one or more identifiable patents in that
+country that you have reason to believe are valid.
+  If, pursuant to or in connection with a single transaction or
+arrangement, you convey, or propagate by procuring conveyance of, a
+covered work, and grant a patent license to some of the parties
+receiving the covered work authorizing them to use, propagate, modify
+or convey a specific copy of the covered work, then the patent license
+you grant is automatically extended to all recipients of the covered
+work and works based on it.
+  A patent license is "discriminatory" if it does not include within
+the scope of its coverage, prohibits the exercise of, or is
+conditioned on the non-exercise of one or more of the rights that are
+specifically granted under this License.  You may not convey a covered
+work if you are a party to an arrangement with a third party that is
+in the business of distributing software, under which you make payment
+to the third party based on the extent of your activity of conveying
+the work, and under which the third party grants, to any of the
+parties who would receive the covered work from you, a discriminatory
+patent license (a) in connection with copies of the covered work
+conveyed by you (or copies made from those copies), or (b) primarily
+for and in connection with specific products or compilations that
+contain the covered work, unless you entered into that arrangement,
+or that patent license was granted, prior to 28 March 2007.
+  Nothing in this License shall be construed as excluding or limiting
+any implied license or other defenses to infringement that may
+otherwise be available to you under applicable patent law.
+  12. No Surrender of Others' Freedom.
+  If conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
+otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
+excuse you from the conditions of this License.  If you cannot convey a
+covered work so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
+License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you may
+not convey it at all.  For example, if you agree to terms that obligate you
+to collect a royalty for further conveying from those to whom you convey
+the Program, the only way you could satisfy both those terms and this
+License would be to refrain entirely from conveying the Program.
+  13. Use with the GNU Affero General Public License.
+  Notwithstanding any other provision of this License, you have
+permission to link or combine any covered work with a work licensed
+under version 3 of the GNU Affero General Public License into a single
+combined work, and to convey the resulting work.  The terms of this
+License will continue to apply to the part which is the covered work,
+but the special requirements of the GNU Affero General Public License,
+section 13, concerning interaction through a network will apply to the
+combination as such.
+  14. Revised Versions of this License.
+  The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions of
+the GNU General Public License from time to time.  Such new versions will
+be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
+address new problems or concerns.
+  Each version is given a distinguishing version number.  If the
+Program specifies that a certain numbered version of the GNU General
+Public License "or any later version" applies to it, you have the
+option of following the terms and conditions either of that numbered
+version or of any later version published by the Free Software
+Foundation.  If the Program does not specify a version number of the
+GNU General Public License, you may choose any version ever published
+by the Free Software Foundation.
+  If the Program specifies that a proxy can decide which future
+versions of the GNU General Public License can be used, that proxy's
+public statement of acceptance of a version permanently authorizes you
+to choose that version for the Program.
+  Later license versions may give you additional or different
+permissions.  However, no additional obligations are imposed on any
+author or copyright holder as a result of your choosing to follow a
+later version.
+  15. Disclaimer of Warranty.
+  16. Limitation of Liability.
+  17. Interpretation of Sections 15 and 16.
+  If the disclaimer of warranty and limitation of liability provided
+above cannot be given local legal effect according to their terms,
+reviewing courts shall apply local law that most closely approximates
+an absolute waiver of all civil liability in connection with the
+Program, unless a warranty or assumption of liability accompanies a
+copy of the Program in return for a fee.
+                     END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS
+            How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs
+  If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest
+possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it
+free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms.
+  To do so, attach the following notices to the program.  It is safest
+to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
+state the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least
+the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
+    <one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.>
+    Copyright (C) <year>  <name of author>
+    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+    (at your option) any later version.
+    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+    GNU General Public License for more details.
+    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+    along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
+  If the program does terminal interaction, make it output a short
+notice like this when it starts in an interactive mode:
+    <program>  Copyright (C) <year>  <name of author>
+    This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'.
+    This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
+    under certain conditions; type `show c' for details.
+The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate
+parts of the General Public License.  Of course, your program's commands
+might be different; for a GUI interface, you would use an "about box".
+  You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or school,
+if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if necessary.
+For more information on this, and how to apply and follow the GNU GPL, see
+  The GNU General Public License does not permit incorporating your program
+into proprietary programs.  If your program is a subroutine library, you
+may consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with
+the library.  If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Lesser General
+Public License instead of this License.  But first, please read
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--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Version: 0.2.3
+Date: 2015-08-14
+Author: various authors
+Maintainer: Piotr Held <pjheld at gmail.com>
+Title: Nonlinear Time Series Analysis.
+Description: Port of TISEAN 3.0.1
+Depends: octave (>= 4.0.0), signal (>= 1.3.0)
+Autoload: no
+License: GPLv3+
+Url: https://bitbucket.org/josiah425/tisean
diff --git a/INDEX b/INDEX
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7b8db84
--- /dev/null
+++ b/INDEX
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+tisean >> Nonlinear Time Series Analysis
+Generating time series
+  henon
+  ikeda
+Linear tools
+  spectrum
+Phase space representation
+  delay
+  false_nearest
+  mutual
+  pca
+  poincare
+Nonlinear noise reduction
+  lazy
+  ghkss
+Nonlinear prediction
+  upo
+  upoembed
+  lzo_gm
+  lzo_run
+  lzo_test
+  lfo_ar
+  lfo_run
+  lfo_test
+  polynom
+  rbf
+  xzero
+Lyapunov exponents
+  lyap_k
+  lyap_r
+  lyap_spec
+Dimensions and entropies
+  d2
+  av_d2
+  c2t
+  c2g
+  c1
+  c2d
+  boxcount
+Testing for nonlinearity
+  surrogates
+  endtoend
+  timerev
+Spike trains
+  spikeauto
+  spikespec
diff --git a/NEWS b/NEWS
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e5284f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/NEWS
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+tisean-0.2.3   Release Date: 2015-08-14  Release Manager: Piotr Held
+** Added functions:
+      spikespec
+      spikeauto
+** Modified all isnumeric to isreal since only real values are accepted by
+   the TISEAN package.
+tisean-0.2.2   Release Date: 2015-08-11  Release Manager: Piotr Held
+** Added functions:
+      surrogates
+      timerev
+      endtoend
+tisean-0.2.1   Release Date: 2015-07-03  Release Manager: Piotr Held
+** Removed deprecated functions:
+      addnoise
+      project
+tisean-0.2.0   Release Date: 2015-07-03  Release Manager: Piotr Held
+** Added new functions:
+      d2              c2d
+      av_d2           c2g
+      c2t             c1
+      boxcount
+** Minor types of improvements on rest of code.
+tisean-0.1.1   Release Date: 2015-06-16  Release Manager: Piotr Held
+** Added new functions:
+      lyap_k
+      lyap_r
+      lyap_spec
+** delay
+   Fixed minor bug.
+** Minor typos and code style improvements.
+tisean-0.1.0   Release Date: 2015-06-09  Release Manager: Piotr Held
+** Added new functions:
+      ikeda           poincare
+      false_nearest   ghkss
+      upo             upoembed
+      lzo_gm          lzo_run
+      lzo_test        lfo_ar
+      lfo_run         lfo_test
+      polynom         xzero
+      rbf
+** General maintenance changes
+   Removed compile time warnings, and change most of data allocation to
+** The following have been deprecated:
+      project
+tisean-0.0.1   Release Date: 2015-05-15  Release Manager: Piotr Held
+** Added new functions:
+     mutual
+     spectrum
+     lazy
+     delay
+     pca
+** addnoise
+   This function is now deprecated. It is no longer needed. But will be left 
+   in the package for now.
+** project
+   -- Bugfix: improved argument checking and documenation.
+   -- Wrote demo to show how this function works.
+** henon
+   Optimized henon to run about 10 times faster.
+tisean-0.0.0   Release Date:   Release Manager: 
+Summary of important user-visible changes for tisiean 0.0.0:
+** First package version, to get started
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9a28d93
--- /dev/null
+++ b/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+TISEAN Package port for Octave
+TISEAN stands for TIme SEries ANalysis.
+To use the functions use the m-files. The `__*__.oct` files are for internal use.
+The m-files are in folder `./inst`
+Before compilation go to root folder and execute: 
+1. `./bootstrap`
+2. `cd src && ./configure && cd ..`
+Compile using:
+`make all`
+If you want to check out how these functions work use:
+`make run`
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/bootstrap b/bootstrap
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..c6dd0ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bootstrap
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+## Octave-Forge: image package bootstrap script
+## Run this to generate the configure script
+set -e        # halt if unhandled error
+cd src/
+aclocal -Im4  # get macros into aclocal.m4
+autoconf      # generate configure script
diff --git a/contributors.txt b/contributors.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c74a42a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contributors.txt
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+Piotr Held
diff --git a/debian/changelog b/debian/changelog
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5b8319d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/changelog
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+octave-tisean (0.2.3-1) unstable; urgency=low
+  * Initial release (closes: #XXXXXX)
+ -- Rafael Laboissiere <rafael at debian.org>  Sat, 20 Aug 2016 16:19:40 -0300
diff --git a/debian/compat b/debian/compat
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f11c82a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/compat
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/debian/control b/debian/control
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index 0000000..0289684
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/control
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+Source: octave-tisean
+Section: math
+Priority: optional
+Maintainer: Debian Octave Group <pkg-octave-devel at lists.alioth.debian.org>
+Uploaders: Rafael Laboissiere <rafael at debian.org>
+Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 9), cdbs, octave-pkg-dev (>= 1.4.2)
+Standards-Version: 3.9.8
+Homepage: http://octave.sourceforge.net/tisean/
+Vcs-Git: https://anonscm.debian.org/git/pkg-octave/octave-tisean.git
+Vcs-Browser: https://anonscm.debian.org/gitweb/?p=pkg-octave/octave-tisean.git
+Package: octave-tisean
+Architecture: any
+Depends: ${misc:Depends}, ${octave:Depends}, ${shlibs:Depends}
+Description: nonlinear time series analysis for Octave
+ This package contains the port of TISEAN for Octave, a scientific
+ computation package. TISEAN is a software project for the analysis of
+ time series with methods based on the theory of nonlinear
+ deterministic dynamical systems, or chaos theory.
+ .
+ This Octave add-on package is part of the Octave-Forge project.
diff --git a/debian/copyright b/debian/copyright
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e6efe54
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/copyright
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+Format: http://www.debian.org/doc/packaging-manuals/copyright-format/1.0/
+Upstream-Name: Nonlinear Time Series Analysis
+Upstream-Contact: Piotr Held <pjheld at gmail.com>
+Source: https://bitbucket.org/josiah425/tisean
+Files: *
+Copyright: 1996-2015, Piotr Held <pjheld at gmail.com>
+           2015, Juan Pablo Carbajal
+License: GPL-3+
+Files: src/__d2__.cc
+  src/__false_nearest__.cc
+  src/__ghkss__.cc
+  src/__lfo_ar__.cc
+  src/__lfo_run__.cc
+  src/__lfo_test__.cc
+  src/__lyap_k__.cc
+  src/__lyap_r__.cc
+  src/__lyap_spec__.cc
+  src/__lzo_run__.cc
+  src/__pca__.cc
+  src/__poincare__.cc
+  src/__polynom__.cc
+  src/__rbf__.cc
+  src/__xzero__.cc
+  src/mutual.cc
+  src/routines_c/TISEAN_rand.cc
+  src/routines_c/check_alloc.cc
+  src/routines_c/exclude_interval.cc
+  src/routines_c/find_multi_neighbors.cc
+  src/routines_c/find_neighbors.cc
+  src/routines_c/invert_matrix.cc
+  src/routines_c/make_box.cc
+  src/routines_c/make_multi_box.cc
+  src/routines_c/rescale_data.cc
+  src/routines_c/solvele.cc
+  src/routines_c/tisean_cec.h
+  src/routines_c/tsa.h
+  src/routines_c/variance.cc
+  src/source_f/d1.f
+  src/source_f/istdio.f
+  src/source_f/neigh.f
+  src/source_f/normal.f
+  src/source_f/rank.f
+  src/source_f/store_spec.f
+  src/source_f/ts_lazy.f
+  src/source_f/ts_surrogates.f
+  src/source_f/ts_upo.f
+  src/__delay__.cc
+  src/__lzo_gm__.cc
+  src/__lzo_test__.cc
+Copyright: 1998-2007, Rainer Hegger, Holger Kantz, Thomas Schreiber
+License: GPL-2+
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ .
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ .
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ .
+ On Debian systems, the complete text of the GNU General Public
+ License, version 3, can be found in the file
+ `/usr/share/common-licenses/GPL-2'.
+Files: src/source_f/slatec/*
+Copyright: none
+License: public-domain
+ The Library is in the public domain and distributed by the Energy Science
+ and Technology Software Center.
+ .
+ Energy Science and Technology Software Center
+ P.O. Box 1020
+ Oak Ridge, TN  37831
+Files: debian/*
+Copyright: 2016 Rafael Laboissiere <rafael at debian.org>
+License: GPL-3+
+License: GPL-3+
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ .
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ .
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ .
+ On Debian systems, the complete text of the GNU General Public
+ License, version 3, can be found in the file
+ `/usr/share/common-licenses/GPL-3'.
diff --git a/debian/patches/series b/debian/patches/series
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5d2f617
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/patches/series
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/debian/patches/typo-in-lazy-docstring.patch b/debian/patches/typo-in-lazy-docstring.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..82570c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/patches/typo-in-lazy-docstring.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+Description: Fix typo in the docstring of the lazy function
+Author: Rafael Laboissiere <rafael at debian.org>
+Forwarded: https://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/index.php?48969
+Last-Update: 2016-09-01
+--- octave-tisean-0.2.3.orig/src/lazy.cc
++++ octave-tisean-0.2.3/src/lazy.cc
+@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ Performs simple nonlinear noise reductio
+ @item X\n\
+ Must be realvector. If it is a row vector then the output will be row vectors as well.\n\
+ @item m\n\
+-Embedding dimension. Must be postive integer.\n\
++Embedding dimension. Must be positive integer.\n\
+ @item rv\n\
+ If @var{rv} > 0 then it is equal to the absolute radius of the neighbourhoods. If @var{rv} < 0 then its opposite (- at var{rv}) is equal to the fraction of standard deviation used. It cannot be equal 0.\n\
+ @item imax\n\
diff --git a/debian/rules b/debian/rules
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index 0000000..71fb86c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/rules
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+#!/usr/bin/make -f
+# -*- makefile -*-
+include /usr/share/cdbs/1/class/octave-pkg.mk
diff --git a/debian/source/format b/debian/source/format
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..163aaf8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/source/format
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+3.0 (quilt)
diff --git a/debian/source/options b/debian/source/options
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..466b047
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+++ b/debian/source/options
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
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index 0000000..dc0bbdf
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+++ b/debian/watch
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
diff --git a/inst/av_d2.m b/inst/av_d2.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3c897cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/inst/av_d2.m
@@ -0,0 +1,282 @@
+## Copyright (C) 1996-2015 Piotr Held
+## This file is part of Octave.
+## Octave is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
+## License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
+## either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any
+## later version.
+## Octave is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
+## PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more
+## details.
+## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
+## License along with Octave; see the file COPYING.  If not,
+## see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+## -*- texinfo -*-
+## @deftypefn{Function File} {@var{output} =} av_d2 (@var{d2_c2d_c1_out})
+## @deftypefnx{Function File} {@var{output} =} av_d2 (@var{d2_c2d_c1_out}, @var{paramName}, @var{paramValue}, @dots{})
+## This program takes the output of d2, c2d or c1 and smooths it by averaging
+## over a given interval. It is also possible to specify the range of
+##  embedding dimensions to be smoothed. This function makes most sense for
+## the "d2" field of the d2 output or the output of c2d. By default it only
+## smooths field "d2" of the d2 output.
+## Assuming the two column vectors of a matrix (one of the fields of the input 
+## struct) are @var{r} and @var{d} then one of the output matrices will be of 
+## the form:
+## @iftex
+## @tex
+## $$\begin{bmatrix} r_i & \frac{\sum_{j=-a}^{a}d_{i-j}}{2a+1} \end{bmatrix}$$
+## @end tex
+## @end iftex
+## @ifnottex
+## @example
+##  _                              _
+## |                  __ a          |
+## |            1    \              |
+## |   r    ,  ----   |       d     |
+## |_   i      2a+1  /__ j=-a  i-j _|
+## @end example
+## @end ifnottex
+## @strong{Input}
+## The input needs to be the output of d2, c2d or c1.
+## @strong{Parameters}
+## @table @var
+## @item mindim
+## Minimum dimension to smooth, this also determines the size of the output
+## struct [default = 1].
+## @item maxdim
+## Maximum dimension to smooth (also determines size of output struct)
+## [default = 1].
+## @item a
+## Smooth over an interval of @code{2 * a + 1} points [default = 1].
+## @end table
+## @strong{Switch}
+## @table @var
+## @item smoothall
+## This switch makes only works for inputs that were generated by d2.
+## If this switch is set all of the fields of the input are smoothed and not
+## just field "d2".
+## @end table
+## @strong{Output}
+## The output is a struct array, which is a subarray of the input. The indexes
+## used to create the subarray are @var{mindim}:@var{maxdim}. Some or all
+## of the fields of this output have been smoothed (depending on the
+## @var{smoothall} switch).
+## @seealso{demo av_d2, d2, c2t, c2g}
+## @strong{Algorithms}
+## The algorithms for this functions have been taken from the TISEAN package.
+## @end deftypefn
+## Author: Piotr Held <pjheld at gmail.com>.
+## This function is based on av-d2 of TISEAN 3.0.1 
+## https://github.com/heggus/Tisean"
+function output = av_d2 (d2_c2d_c1_out, varargin)
+  if (nargin < 1)
+    print_usage;
+  endif
+  if (!(isfield (d2_c2d_c1_out, "dim") && (isfield (d2_c2d_c1_out, "c2") ...
+        && isfield (d2_c2d_c1_out, "d2") && isfield (d2_c2d_c1_out, "h2") ...
+        || isfield (d2_c2d_c1_out, "d") || isfield (d2_c2d_c1_out, "c1"))))
+    error ('Octave:invalid-input-arg', ["d2_c2d_c1_out must be the output of ",...
+                                        "d2 or c2d"])
+  endif
+  # Default values
+  mindim = 1;
+  maxdim = max (cell2mat ({d2_c2d_c1_out.dim}));
+  aver   = 1;
+  #### Parse the input
+  p = inputParser ();
+  p.FunctionName = "av_d2";
+  isPositiveIntScalar    = @(x) isreal(x) && isscalar (x) && ...
+                             (x > 0) && (x-round(x) == 0);
+  p.addParamValue ("mindim", mindim, isPositiveIntScalar);
+  p.addParamValue ("maxdim", maxdim, isPositiveIntScalar);
+  p.addParamValue ("a", aver, isPositiveIntScalar);
+  p.addSwitch ("smoothall");
+  p.parse (varargin{:});
+  # Assign input
+  mindim     = p.Results.mindim;
+  maxdim     = p.Results.maxdim;
+  aver       = p.Results.a;
+  smoothall  = p.Results.smoothall;
+  # Input validation
+  # Make note whether the input is from d2 or from c2d
+  if (isfield (d2_c2d_c1_out, "d2"))
+    input_type = 'd2';
+  elseif (isfield (d2_c2d_c1_out, "d"))
+    input_type = 'c2d';
+  else # isfield (d2_c2d_c1_out, "c1")  == true -- was checked previously
+    input_type = 'c1';
+  endif
+  # If mindim is too large shrink it
+  if (mindim > maxdim)
+    warning ("Octave:tisean", ["Parameter 'mindim' is greater than ", ...
+                               "'maxdim', setting 'mindim' = 'maxdim'"]);
+    mindim = maxdim;
+  endif
+  # Create smoothing functions
+  # Smoothes single column
+  smooth_column = @(col) sum (col((-aver:aver) ...
+                                  .+(aver+1:(length(col)-aver)).'),2) ...
+                         ./(2*aver + 1);
+  # Smoothes one cell
+  smooth_cell   = @(cell_mat) [smooth_column(cell_mat{1}(:,1)), ...
+                               smooth_column(cell_mat{1}(:,2))];
+  # Smoothes whole cell array
+  smooth_array  = @(cell_array) arrayfun (smooth_cell, cell_array, ...
+                                          'UniformOutput', false);
+  # Smooth the input
+  output = d2_c2d_c1_out(mindim:maxdim);
+  switch (input_type)
+    case 'd2'
+      if (smoothall)
+        output = struct ("dim", {output.dim}.', ...
+                         "c2", smooth_array ({output.c2}.'), ...
+                         "d2", smooth_array ({output.d2}.'), ...
+                         "h2", smooth_array ({output.h2}.'));
+      else
+        output = struct ("dim", {output.dim}.', ...
+                         "c2", {output.c2}.', ...
+                         "d2", smooth_array ({output.d2}.'), ...
+                         "h2", {output.h2}.');
+      endif
+    case 'c2d'
+        if (smoothall)
+          warning ("Octave:tisean", ["Input is from c2d - only one field ",...
+                                    "to smooth"]);
+        endif
+        output = struct ("dim", {output.dim}.', ...
+                         "d", smooth_array ({output.d}.'));
+    case 'c1'
+        if (smoothall)
+          warning ("Octave:tisean", ["Input is from c1 - only one field ",...
+                                    "to smooth"]);
+        endif
+        output = struct ("dim", {output.dim}.', ...
+                         "c1", smooth_array ({output.c1}.'));
+  endswitch
+#  Below is the same code as above but uses loops, and only smoothes .d2
+#  It is left to easily see what the algorithm does.
+#  iterator = 1;
+#  output = struct ("d2",[]);
+#  for i = 1:size(d2_c2d_c1_out,1)
+#    tmp = d2_c2d_c1_out(i);
+#    if (tmp.dim >= mindim && tmp.dim <= maxdim)
+#      d2_smooth = zeros (length(tmp.d2)-2*aver,2);
+#      for k = aver+1:(length(tmp.d2)-aver)
+#        d2_smooth(k-aver,:) = sum (tmp.d2((-aver:aver)+k,:))./(2*aver + 1);
+#      endfor
+#      output = [output; struct("d2",d2_smooth)];
+#    endif
+#  endfor
+#  output(1) = [];
+%! vals = d2 (henon (1000), 'd', 1, 't', 50, 'm', 5);
+%! subplot (2,3,1)
+%! do_plot_slope = @(x) semilogx (x{1}(:,1),x{1}(:,2),'b');
+%! hold on
+%! arrayfun (do_plot_slope, {vals.d2});
+%! hold off
+%! axis tight
+%! xlabel ("Epsilon")
+%! ylabel ("Local slopes")
+%! title ("Original");
+%! smooth = av_d2 (vals,'a',2);
+%! subplot (2,3,4)
+%! do_plot_slope = @(x,y) semilogx (x{1}(:,1),x{1}(:,2),'r',...
+%!                                  y{1}(:,1),y{1}(:,2),'b');
+%! hold on
+%! arrayfun (do_plot_slope, {smooth.d2}, {vals.d2}  );
+%! hold off
+%! axis tight
+%! xlabel ("Epsilon")
+%! ylabel ("Local slopes")
+%! title ("Superimposed");
+%! subplot (2,3,[2 3 5 6])
+%! do_plot_slope = @(x) semilogx (x{1}(:,1),x{1}(:,2),'r');
+%! hold on
+%! arrayfun (do_plot_slope, {smooth.d2});
+%! hold off
+%! axis tight
+%! xlabel ("Epsilon")
+%! ylabel ("Local slopes")
+%! title ("Smooth");
+%!shared val, c2d_res, c1_res
+%! val = d2 (henon (1000), 'd', 1, 't', 50, 'm', 5);
+%% test against some results from program av-d2 from TISEAN 3.0.1
+%! av_d2_res = [2.227339 0.02227155;2.077224 0.07391772;1.937226 0.2742541;1.806664 0.482474;1.684901 0.603453;1.571344 0.598633;1.465441 0.5230358;1.366675 0.4940035;1.274566 0.4025534;1.188664 0.4291942;1.108552 0.720235;1.033839 0.9861274;0.9641622 1.036355;0.8991808 0.8166605;0.8385791 0.6758107;0.7820616 0.6766519;0.7293533 0.7019168;0.6801973 0.7465489;0.6343543 0.7729089;0.5916009 0.7865262;0.551729 0.7587416;0.5145443 0.7644434;0.4798658 0.8011066;0.4475244 0.8391553;0.4173628 0. [...]
+%! res = av_d2 (val);
+%! assert (cell2mat({res.d2}.')(1:length(av_d2_res),:), av_d2_res, -1e-6);
+%% test against some results from program av-d2 from TISEAN 3.0.1
+%! av_d2_res_h2 = [1.965624 0.0536151;1.833148 0.07254237;1.7096 0.09431121;1.594379 0.1214435;1.486923 0.1495628;1.386709 0.1786416;1.29325 0.2090021;1.206089 0.2400019;1.124803 0.2694222;1.048995 0.2958831;0.978296 0.3231978;0.912362 0.3510871;0.8508719 0.3752123;0.7935261 0.3983067;0.740045 0.4201098;0.6901685 0.4411169;0.6436534 0.462419;0.6002733 0.4845437;0.5598169 0.5095501;0.5220871 0.5324418;0.4869002 0.55473;0.4540848 0.5774259;0.423481 0.6002299;0.3949398 0.6220529;0.3683222 0 [...]
+%! res = av_d2 (val, 'mindim', 2, 'maxdim', 7, 'a',4,'smoothall');
+%! assert (cell2mat({res.h2}.')(1:length(av_d2_res_h2),:), av_d2_res_h2,-1e-6);
+%% testing if input from c2d is accepted
+%! c2d_res = c2d (c1 (henon (1000)), 2);
+%!test assert (!isequal(av_d2 (c2d_res),c2d_res(1)));
+%% testing if input from c1 is accepted
+%! c1_res = c1 (henon (1000));
+%!test assert (!isequal(av_d2 (c1_res),c1_res(1)));
+%% Testing input validation
+%!error <output> av_d2 (1);
+%% Promote warnings to error to not execute program
+%!error <greater> warning("error", "Octave:tisean"); ...
+%!                av_d2 (struct("d2",0,"h2",0,"c2",0,"dim",1), 'mindim',3, ...
+%!                       'maxdim',2);
+%% Test if the warning pops up when pass switch 'smoothall' with c2d output
+%!error <one field> warning("error", "Octave:tisean"); ...
+%!                av_d2 (c2d_res,'smoothall');
+%% Test if the warning pops up when pass switch 'smoothall' with c1 output
+%!error <one field> warning("error", "Octave:tisean"); ...
+%!                av_d2 (c1_res,'smoothall');
diff --git a/inst/boxcount.m b/inst/boxcount.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e4b3613
--- /dev/null
+++ b/inst/boxcount.m
@@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
+## Copyright (C) 1996-2015 Piotr Held
+## This file is part of Octave.
+## Octave is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
+## License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
+## either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any
+## later version.
+## Octave is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
+## PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more
+## details.
+## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
+## License along with Octave; see the file COPYING.  If not,
+## see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+## -*- texinfo -*-
+## @deftypefn{Function File} {@var{output} =} boxcount (@var{S})
+## @deftypefnx{Function File} {@var{output} =} boxcount (@var{S}, @var{paramName}, @var{paramValue}, @dots{})
+## Estimates the Renyi entropy of Qth order using a partition of the phase
+## space instead of using the Grassberger-Procaccia scheme.
+## The program also can handle multivariate data, so that the phase space is
+## build of the components of the time series plus a temporal embedding, if
+## desired. Also, note that the memory requirement does not increase
+## exponentially like 1/epsilon^M but only like M*(length of series). So it can
+## also be used for small epsilon and large M.
+## No finite sample corrections are implemented so far.
+## @strong{Input}
+## @table @var
+## @item S
+## This function always assumes that each time series is along the longer 
+## dimension of matrix @var{S}. It also assumes that every dimension 
+## (counting along the shorter dimension) of @var{S} is considered a 
+## component of the time series.
+## @end table
+## @strong{Parameters}
+## @table @var
+## @item m
+## The maximum embedding dimension [default = 10].
+## @item d
+## The delay used [default = 1].
+## @item q
+## Order of the entropy [default = 2.0].
+## @item rlow
+## Minimum length scale [default = 1e-3].
+## @item rhigh
+## Maximum length scale [default = 1].
+## @item eps_no
+## Number of length scale values [default = 20].
+## @end table
+## @strong{Output}
+## The output is alligned with the input. If the input components where column
+## vectors then the output is a 
+## maximum-embedding-dimension x number-of-components struct array with the
+## following fields:
+## @table @var
+## @item dim
+## Holds the embedding dimension of the struct.
+## @item entropy
+## The entropy output. Contains three columns which hold:
+## @enumerate
+## @item
+## epsilon
+## @item
+## Qth order entropy (Hq (dimension,epsilon))
+## @item
+## Qth order differential entropy 
+## (Hq (dimension,epsilon) - Hq (dimension-1,epsilon))
+## @end enumerate
+## @end table
+## @seealso{demo boxcount, d2, c1}
+## @strong{Algorithms}
+## The algorithms for this functions have been taken from the TISEAN package.
+## @end deftypefn
+## Author: Piotr Held <pjheld at gmail.com>.
+## This function is based on boxcount of TISEAN 3.0.1 
+## https://github.com/heggus/Tisean"
+function output = boxcount (S, varargin)
+  if (nargin < 1)
+    print_usage;
+  endif
+  if ((ismatrix (S) == false) || (isreal(S) == false) || ...
+       (isreal(S) == false))
+    error ('Octave:invalid-input-arg', "S must be a realmatrix");
+  endif
+  # Default values
+  maxembed = 10;
+  delay    = 1;
+  Q        = 2;
+  epsmin   = 1e-3;
+  epsmax   = 1;
+  epscount = 20;
+  #### Parse the input
+  p = inputParser ();
+  p.FunctionName = "d2";
+  isPositiveIntScalar    = @(x) isreal(x) && isscalar (x) && ...
+                             (x > 0) && (x-round(x) == 0);
+  isPositiveScalar       = @(x) isreal(x) && isscalar (x) && (x > 0);
+  p.addParamValue ("m", maxembed, isPositiveIntScalar);
+  p.addParamValue ("d", delay, isPositiveIntScalar);
+  p.addParamValue ("q", Q, isPositiveScalar);
+  p.addParamValue ("rlow", epsmin, isPositiveScalar);
+  p.addParamValue ("rhigh", epsmax, isPositiveScalar);
+  p.addParamValue ("eps_no", epscount, isPositiveIntScalar);
+  p.parse (varargin{:});
+  # Assign inputs
+  maxembed  = p.Results.m;
+  delay     = p.Results.d;
+  Q         = p.Results.q;
+  epsmin    = p.Results.rlow;
+  epsminset = !ismember ('rlow', p.UsingDefaults);
+  epsmax    = p.Results.rhigh;
+  epsmaxset = !ismember ('rhigh', p.UsingDefaults);
+  epscount  = p.Results.eps_no;
+  if (epsmin >= epsmax)
+    error ("Octave:invalid-input-arg", ["'rlow' cannot be greater or equal "...
+                                        "to 'rhigh'"]);
+  endif
+  # Correct S to always have more rows than columns
+  trnspsd = false;
+  if (rows (S) < columns (S))
+    S = S.';
+    trnspsd = true;
+  endif
+  output = __boxcount__ (S, maxembed, delay, Q, epsmin, epsminset, epsmax, ...
+                         epsmaxset, epscount);
+  if (trnspsd)
+    output = output.';
+  endif
+%! res = boxcount (henon (1000),'m',5);
+%! do_plot_entrop = @(x) semilogx (x{1}(:,1),x{1}(:,3),'g');
+%! hold on
+%! # Show only for first component
+%! arrayfun (do_plot_entrop, {res(:,1).entropy});
+%! hold off
+%! axis tight
+%! xlabel ("Epsilon")
+%! ylabel ("Differential Entropies");
+%! title ("Entropies")
+%!shared boxcount_res
+%! boxcount_res = [2.556748 -0 -0;0.4546613 1.486674 1.486674;0.08085148 3.235789 3.235789;0.01437765 4.783408 4.783408;0.002556748 6.040018 6.040018;2.556748 -0 0;0.4546613 2.362885 0.8762114;0.08085148 4.498971 1.263182;0.01437765 6.037491 1.254084;0.002556748 6.728119 0.6881009;2.556748 -0 0;0.4546613 3.101632 0.7387475;0.08085148 5.287536 0.7885657;0.01437765 6.427517 0.3900256;0.002556748 6.843597 0.1154786;2.556748 -0 0;0.4546613 3.41436 0.3127275;0.08085148 5.496185 0.2086484;0.01 [...]
+%! res = boxcount (henon (1000), 'm', 2, 'd', 2, 'eps_no', 5);
+%! assert (cell2mat (vec (reshape ({res.entropy}, size (res)).')),
+%!         boxcount_res, -1e-6);
+%% Check if transposition executes properly
+%! res = boxcount (henon (1000).', 'm', 2, 'd', 2, 'eps_no', 5);
+%! assert (cell2mat (vec (reshape ({res.entropy}, size (res).'))),
+%!         boxcount_res, -1e-6);
+%% check input validation
+%!error <greater> boxcount (henon (100), 'rlow',4,'rhigh',1);
+%!error <equal> boxcount (henon (100), 'rlow',1,'rhigh',1);
diff --git a/inst/c1.m b/inst/c1.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f4295cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/inst/c1.m
@@ -0,0 +1,223 @@
+## Copyright (C) 1996-2015 Piotr Held
+## This file is part of Octave.
+## Octave is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
+## License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
+## either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any
+## later version.
+## Octave is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
+## PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more
+## details.
+## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
+## License along with Octave; see the file COPYING.  If not,
+## see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+## -*- texinfo -*-
+## @deftypefn{Function File} {@var{output} =} c1 (@var{S})
+## @deftypefnx{Function File} {@var{output} =} c1 (@var{S}, @var{paramName}, @var{paramValue}, @dots{})
+## Computers curves for the fixed mass computation of information dimension
+## (mentioned in TISEAN 3.0.1 documentation).
+## A logarithmic range of masses between 1/N and 1 is realised by varying the
+## neighbour order k as well as the subsequence length n. For a given mass
+## k/n, n is chosen as small is possible as long as k is not smaller than the
+## value specified by parameter @var{k} .
+## You will probably use the auxiliary functions c2d or c2t to process the
+## output further. The formula used for the Gaussian kernel correlation sum
+## does not apply to the information dimension. 
+## @strong{Input}
+## @table @var
+## @item S
+## This function always assumes that each time series is along the longer 
+## dimension of matrix @var{S}. It also assumes that every dimension 
+## (counting along the shorter dimension) of @var{S} is considered a 
+## component of the time series.
+## @end table
+## @strong{Parameters}
+## @table @var
+## @item mindim
+## The minimum embedding dimension [default = 1].
+## @item maxdim
+## The maximum embedding dimension [default = 10].
+## @item d
+## The delay used [default = 1].
+## @item t
+## Minimum time separation [default = 0].
+## @item n
+## The number of reference points. That number of points are selected at
+## random from all time indices [default = 100].
+## @item res
+## Resolution, values per octave [default = 2].
+## @item i
+## Seed for the random numbers [use default seed].
+## @item k
+## Maximum number of neighbors [default = 100].
+## @end table
+## @strong{Switch}
+## @table @var
+## @item verbose
+## Display information about current mass during execution.
+## @end table
+## @strong{Output}
+## The output is a @var{maxdim} - @var{mindim} + 1 x 1 struct array with the
+## following fields:
+## @table @var
+## @item dim
+## The embedding dimension of the struct.
+## @item c1
+## A matrix with two collumns that contain the following data:
+## @enumerate
+## @item
+## radius
+## @item
+## 'mass'
+## @end enumerate
+## @end table
+## @seealso{demo c1, c2d, c2t}
+## @strong{Algorithms}
+## The algorithms for this functions have been taken from the TISEAN package.
+## @end deftypefn
+## Author: Piotr Held <pjheld at gmail.com>.
+## This function is based on c1 of TISEAN 3.0.1 
+## https://github.com/heggus/Tisean"
+function output = c1 (S, varargin)
+  if (nargin < 1)
+    print_usage;
+  endif
+  if ((ismatrix (S) == false) || (isreal(S) == false) || ...
+       (isreal(S) == false))
+    error ('Octave:invalid-input-arg', "S must be a realmatrix");
+  endif
+  # Default values
+  mindim     = 1;
+  maxdim     = 10;
+  delay      = 1;
+  tmin       = 0;
+  cmin       = 100;
+  resolution = 2;
+  seed       = 0;
+  kmax       = 100;
+  #### Parse the input
+  p = inputParser ();
+  p.FunctionName = "c1";
+  isPositiveIntScalar    = @(x) isreal(x) && isscalar (x) && ...
+                             (x > 0) && (x-round(x) == 0);
+  isNonNegativeIntScalar = @(x) isPositiveIntScalar (x) || (x == 0);
+  isNonNegativeScalar       = @(x) isreal(x) && isscalar (x) && (x >=0);
+  p.addParamValue ("mindim", mindim, isPositiveIntScalar);
+  p.addParamValue ("maxdim", maxdim, isPositiveIntScalar);
+  p.addParamValue ("d", delay, isPositiveIntScalar);
+  p.addParamValue ("t", tmin, isNonNegativeIntScalar);
+  p.addParamValue ("n", cmin, isPositiveIntScalar);
+  p.addParamValue ("res", resolution, isPositiveIntScalar);
+  p.addParamValue ("i", seed, isNonNegativeScalar);
+  p.addParamValue ("k", kmax, isPositiveIntScalar);
+  p.addSwitch ("verbose");
+  p.parse (varargin{:});
+  # Assign input
+  mindim     = p.Results.mindim;
+  maxdim     = p.Results.maxdim;
+  delay      = p.Results.d;
+  tmin       = p.Results.t;
+  cmin       = p.Results.n; 
+  resolution = p.Results.res;
+  seed       = p.Results.i;
+  kmax       = p.Results.k;
+  verbose    = p.Results.verbose;
+  if (mindim > maxdim)
+    warning ("Octave:tisean", ["Parameter 'mindim' is greater than ", ...
+                               "'maxdim', setting 'mindim' = 'maxdim'"]);
+    mindim = maxdim;
+  endif
+  # Correct S to always have more rows than columns
+  trnspsd = false;
+  if (rows (S) < columns (S))
+    S = S.';
+    trnspsd = true;
+  endif
+  output = __c1__ (S, mindim, maxdim, delay, tmin, cmin, resolution, seed,
+                   kmax, verbose);
+%! res   = c1 (henon (5000)(:,1), 'd', 1, 'maxdim', 6, 't',50, 'n', 500);
+%! slope = c2d (res, 2);
+%! do_plot_c1  = @(x) semilogx (x{1}(:,1),x{1}(:,2),'g');
+%! hold on
+%! arrayfun (do_plot_c1, {slope.d});
+%! plot ([5e-4 1],[1.2 1.2])
+%! hold off
+%! axis tight
+%! ylim ([0 3]);
+%! xlabel ("Epsilon")
+%! ylabel ("Local slopes");
+%! title ("Information dimension")
+%% testing if it works with default parameters
+%% res_c1 was generated by TISEAN 3.0.1
+%! res_c1 =  [0.00204866193 0.000562021392;0.00458388403 0.00152773259;0.00732116727 0.00251880521;0.0114847319 0.00351527636;0.0178178754 0.00551304966;0.0229953099 0.00751305372;0.0337692834 0.0115151331;0.0432167873 0.0155181978;0.070036374 0.0225279164;0.0809115991 0.0315354168;0.105735436 0.045548249;0.137048692 0.0635655001;0.198512435 0.0905919373;0.249011219 0.127565667;0.336370319 0.180583045;0.417932093 0.255131334;0.533079803 0.361822665;0.760820627 0.510262668;1.17550445 0.72 [...]
+%! clear __c1__
+%! res = c1 (henon (1000), 'maxdim', 2);
+%! res_mat = cell2mat({res.c1}.');
+%% row 23 and 25 are excluded because TISEAN data was calculated using floats
+%% this program uses doubles
+%! good_idx = [1:22,24,26:38];
+%! assert (res_mat(good_idx,:), res_c1(good_idx,:),-1e-5);
+%% bad_idx are used as the idx of those that were further apart than the rest
+%! bad_idx = setdiff (1:length(res_c1),good_idx);
+%! assert (res_mat(bad_idx,:), res_c1(bad_idx,:),6e-3);
+%% testing if works with other-than-default parameters
+%! res_c1 = [0.0343293324 0.000628733949;0.0685995296 0.00170907611;0.104914345 0.00281779026;0.147767007 0.00393254356;0.187380955 0.00616745465;0.242883027 0.00840486214;0.320845127 0.0117625576;0.424331248 0.0162406135;0.5311203 0.0229629427;0.638983071 0.0319196843;0.77487731 0.0453561395;0.95007056 0.0643920898;1.13252032 0.0912670717;1.33960843 0.129390419;1.51084828 0.182906702;1.65632439 0.259117812;1.78787661 0.365813404;1.93386149 0.518235624;2.13333058 0.731626809;0.0578132086 [...]
+%! clear __c1__
+%! res = c1 (henon (1000), 'mindim', 8, 'd',2,'i',0.5,'t',50,'n',500);
+%% row 1, 2, 22 are excluded because TISEAN data was calculated using floats
+%% this program uses doubles
+%! good_idx = [3:21,23:57];
+%! assert (cell2mat({res.c1}.')(good_idx,:), res_c1(good_idx,:), 1e-5);
+%% bad_idx are used as the idx of those that were further apart than the rest
+%! bad_idx = setdiff (1:length(res_c1),good_idx);
+%! assert (cell2mat({res.c1}.')(bad_idx,:), res_c1(bad_idx,:),-3e-3);
+%% Test input validation
+%% Promote warnings to error to not execute program
+%!error <greater> warning("error", "Octave:tisean"); c1 ([1 2 3], 'mindim', 3, 'maxdim', 2);
diff --git a/inst/c2d.m b/inst/c2d.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..59134f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/inst/c2d.m
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+## Copyright (C) 1996-2015 Piotr Held
+## This file is part of Octave.
+## Octave is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
+## License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
+## either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any
+## later version.
+## Octave is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
+## PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more
+## details.
+## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
+## License along with Octave; see the file COPYING.  If not,
+## see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+## -*- texinfo -*-
+## @deftypefn{Function File} {@var{output} =} c2d (@var{c1_out})
+## @deftypefnx{Function File} {@var{output} =} c2d (@var{c1_out}, @var{iav})
+## This program calculates the local slopes by fitting straight lines onto
+## c1 correlation sum data (the 'c1' field of the c1 output).
+## @strong{Inputs}
+## @table @var
+## @item c1_out
+## The output of function c1.
+## @item iav
+## Set what range the average should be calculated on 
+## (- at var{iav}, @dots{}, + at var{iav}) [default = 1].
+## @end table
+## @strong{Output}
+## The output is a struct array of the same length as the input.
+## It contains the following fiels:
+## @table @var
+## @item dim
+## The dimension for each matrix @var{d}.
+## @item d
+## Contains the local slopes of the logarithm of the correlation sum.
+## @end table
+## @seealso{c1, d2}
+## @strong{Algorithms}
+## The algorithms for this functions have been taken from the TISEAN package.
+## @end deftypefn
+## Author: Piotr Held <pjheld at gmail.com>.
+## This function is based on c2t of TISEAN 3.0.1 
+## https://github.com/heggus/Tisean"
+function output = c2d (c1_out, iav)
+  if (nargin != 1 && nargin != 2)
+    print_usage;
+  endif
+  # Assign default value if not provided
+  if (nargin == 1)
+    iav = 1;
+  endif
+  # Input validation
+  if ((!isfield (c1_out, "dim")) || (!isfield (c1_out, "c1")))
+    error ('Octave:invalid-input-arg', "c1_out must be the output of c1");
+  endif
+  if (iav < 1)
+    error ("Octave:invalid-input-arg", "iav is too small");
+  endif
+  isPositiveInteger = @(x) isreal(x) && isscalar (x) && (x > 0) ...
+                           && (x-round(x) == 0);
+  if (!isPositiveInteger(iav))
+    error ("Octave:invalid-input-arg", "iav must be a positive integer");
+  endif
+  # Calculate output
+  d_out = cell (length (c1_out),1);
+  # Calculate output for each struct in the input struct array
+  for i = 1:size(c1_out,1)
+    tmp     = c1_out(i);
+    # Limit to only the first positive correlation sums
+    # (do not calculate output for any past first negative sum)
+    idx_lt0 = min (find (tmp.c1(:,2) <= 0));
+    if (!isempty (idx_lt0))
+      tmp.c1  = tmp.c1(1:idx_lt0-1,:);
+    endif
+    # Create log of input
+    emat = log (tmp.c1(:,1));
+    cmat = log (tmp.c1(:,2));
+    # Calculate slopes (output)
+    idx  = iav+1:length(emat)-iav;
+    sidx = idx.' + (-iav:iav); # this is instead of loops in original TISEAN
+    sx   = sum (emat(sidx), 2);
+    sa   = sum ((emat(sidx)-sx/(2*iav+1)).^2, 2);
+    a    = sum (cmat(sidx).*(emat(sidx)-sx/(2*iav+1)), 2);
+    a    = a ./ sa;
+    d_out{i} = [(exp (0.5*(emat(idx+iav) + emat(idx-iav)))), a];
+  endfor
+  output = struct ("dim", {c1_out.dim}.', "d", d_out);
+%! c2d_res = [0.0802038833 1.30005336;0.129080057 1.26480043;0.183470041 1.31809092;0.25040397 1.31098711;0.315470815 1.24258268;0.393951952 1.35819948;0.498613715 1.54006541;0.63493669 1.72518802;0.775567234 1.81067181;0.925195694 1.87816846;1.08199906 2.0603919;1.2544421 2.44373727;1.42295694 3.00687265;1.60953939 3.80531406;1.79531026 4.09372187;0.127373591 1.40561604;0.193788737 1.33527219;0.270300597 1.433846;0.353568524 1.41282487;0.441288173 1.41831315;0.533717155 1.58177018;0.651 [...]
+%% reset random generator
+%%! clear __c1__
+%! c1_r = c1 (henon(1000), 'mindim', 8, 'd', 2, 't', 50, 'n',500, 'i', 0.5);
+%! res  = c2d (c1_r,2);
+%% rows 1,2,16,17 and are excluded because TISEAN 'c1' uses floats
+%% and the ported function 'c1' uses doubles
+%! good_idx = [3:15,19:45];
+%! assert (cell2mat({res.d}.')(good_idx,:), c2d_res(good_idx,:), -2.5e-5);
+%% bad_idx are used as the idx of those that were further apart than the rest
+%! bad_idx = setdiff (1:length(c2d_res),good_idx);
+%! assert (cell2mat({res.d}.')(bad_idx,:), c2d_res(bad_idx,:), 5e-3);
+%% testing input validation
+%!error <small> c2d (struct ("dim", 1,"c1", 2),0);
+%!error <integer> c2d (struct ("dim", 1,"c1", 2),1.5);
diff --git a/inst/c2g.m b/inst/c2g.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c0dc02e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/inst/c2g.m
@@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
+## Copyright (C) 1996-2015 Piotr Held
+## This file is part of Octave.
+## Octave is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
+## License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
+## either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any
+## later version.
+## Octave is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
+## PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more
+## details.
+## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
+## License along with Octave; see the file COPYING.  If not,
+## see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+## -*- texinfo -*-
+## @deftypefn{Function File} {@var{output} =} c2g (@var{d2_out})
+## This program calculates the Gaussian kernel correlation integral
+## and its logarithmic derivatice from correlation sums calculated by d2
+## (the 'c2' field of the d2 output).
+## It uses the following formula to calculate the Gaussian kernel correlation
+## integral:
+## @iftex
+## @tex
+## $$C_G(r)=\frac{1}{r^2}\int_{0}^{\infty}dx\, e^{-\frac{x^2}{2r^2}}C(x)$$
+## @end tex
+## @end iftex
+## @ifnottex
+## @example
+##              /00            2
+##          1   |        /    x   \
+## C (r) = ---  | dx exp |- ----- | x C(x)
+##  G        2  |        \     2  /
+##          r   /0           2r
+## @end example
+## @end ifnottex
+## And the logarithmic derivative is calculated using:
+## @iftex
+## @tex
+## $$D_G(r) = \frac{d}{d\log r}\log{C_G(r)}$$
+## @end tex
+## @end iftex
+## @ifnottex
+## @example
+##            d
+## D (r) = ------- log C (r)
+##  G      d log r      G
+## @end example
+## @end ifnottex
+## @strong{Input}
+## The input needs to be the output of d2.
+## @strong{Output}
+## The output is a struct array of the same length as the input.
+## It contains the following fiels:
+## @table @var
+## @item dim
+## The dimension for each matrix @var{g}.
+## @item g
+## Matrix with three columns. The first contains epsilon (the first column
+## of field 'c2' from the d2 output), the second is the Gaussian kernel
+## correlation integral and the third its logarithmic derivative.
+## @end table
+## @seealso{demo c2g, d2, c2t, av_d2}
+## @strong{Algorithms}
+## The algorithms for this functions have been taken from the TISEAN package.
+## @end deftypefn
+## Author: Piotr Held <pjheld at gmail.com>.
+## This function is based on c2g of TISEAN 3.0.1 
+## https://github.com/heggus/Tisean"
+function output = c2g (d2_out)
+  if (nargin != 1)
+    print_usage;
+  endif
+  if ((!isfield (d2_out, "dim")) || (!isfield (d2_out, "c2")) ...
+      || (!isfield (d2_out, "d2")) || (!isfield (d2_out, "h2")))
+    error ('Octave:invalid-input-arg', "d2_out must be the output of d2");
+  endif
+  if (! exist ("__c2g__"))
+    error ('Octave:tisean', ["__c2g__ was not found in path ",...
+                             "- if package was installed properly the ",...
+                             "compiler might not support C++11 standard"])
+  endif
+  # Create the cell that will become the 'g' field of the output
+  g_out = cell (length (d2_out),1);
+  # Calculate output for each struct in the input struct array
+  for i = 1:size(d2_out,1)
+    tmp     = d2_out(i);
+    # Limit to only the first positive correlation sums
+    # (do not calculate output for any past first negative sum)
+    idx_lt0 = min (find (tmp.c2(:,2) <= 0));
+    if (!isempty (idx_lt0))
+      tmp.c2  = tmp.c2(1:idx_lt0-1,:);
+    endif
+    [s,idx] = sort (tmp.c2(:,1));
+    emat    = log (tmp.c2(idx,1));
+    cmat    = log (tmp.c2(idx,2));
+    # Create column vectors instead of using loop
+    k_id    = 1:length(tmp.c2)-1;
+    f       = exp((emat(k_id+1).*cmat(k_id).-emat(k_id).*cmat(k_id+1))
+              ./(emat(k_id+1).-emat(k_id)));
+    d       = (cmat(k_id+1).-cmat(k_id))./(emat(k_id+1).-emat(k_id));
+    a       = emat(k_id);
+    b       = emat(k_id+1);
+    # Create row vector instead of using loop
+    h       = exp(emat).';
+    # Create output
+    # __c2g__ performs integration on the function func and funcd 
+    # (depending on whether 'false' or 'true' is passed as the last argument)
+    # from original TISEAN on vectors (matrices) of parameters
+    g            = sum (__c2g__ (h, f, d, a, b, false));
+    gd           = sum (__c2g__ (h, f, d, a, b, true));
+    de           = emat(end);
+    cgauss       = g ./ (h.^2) + exp (-exp (2.*de) ./ (2.*h.^2));
+    cgd          = gd ./ (h.^4) + (2 + exp (2*de) ./ h.^2) ...
+                   .* exp (-exp (2*de) ./ (2.*h.^2));
+    g_out{i} = [h.', cgauss.', (-2+cgd./cgauss).'];
+  endfor
+  output = struct ("dim", {d2_out.dim}.', "g", g_out);
+%! vals          = d2 (henon (5000), 'd', 1, 't', 50);
+%! kernel        = c2g (vals);
+%! do_plot_slope = @(x) semilogx (x{1}(:,1),x{1}(:,3),'r');
+%! hold on
+%! arrayfun (do_plot_slope, {kernel.g});
+%! hold off
+%! axis tight
+%! xlabel ("Epsilon")
+%! ylabel ("logarithmic derivative")
+%! title ("Gaussian kernel");
+%% test against the result obtain from program c2g of TISEAN 3.0.1
+%! c2g_res = [0.00255674845539033 0.00262371218 1.56393838;0.00274151703342795 0.00291572767 1.46379328;0.00293963821604848 0.00321952766 1.37964845;0.00315207871608436 0.00353588979 1.30904245;0.00337987160310149 0.00386583689 1.2498455;0.00362412468530238 0.00421059737 1.20023394;0.00388602935709059 0.00457157521 1.1586616;0.00416686292737722 0.00495032407 1.12383032;0.00446798978373408 0.00534852408 1.09465814;0.00479088025167584 0.00576799177 1.07024431;0.00513710314407945 0.00621065 [...]
+%! val = d2 (henon (1000), 'd', 1, 't', 50, 'm', 5);
+%! res = c2g (val);
+%! assert (cell2mat ({res.g}.')(1:rows(c2g_res),:), c2g_res, -1e-5);
+%% input validation
+%!error <output> c2g (1)
diff --git a/inst/c2t.m b/inst/c2t.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4cb0d43
--- /dev/null
+++ b/inst/c2t.m
@@ -0,0 +1,191 @@
+## Copyright (C) 1996-2015 Piotr Held
+## This file is part of Octave.
+## Octave is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
+## License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
+## either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any
+## later version.
+## Octave is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
+## PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more
+## details.
+## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
+## License along with Octave; see the file COPYING.  If not,
+## see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+## -*- texinfo -*-
+## @deftypefn{Function File} {@var{output} =} c2t (@var{d2_c1_out})
+## This program calculates the maximum likelihood estimator (the Takens'
+## estimator) from correlation sums of the output of d2 (the 'c2' field of 
+## the d2 output) or c1 (the 'c1' field of c1 output).
+## The estimator is calculated using the following equation (the integral
+## is computed for the discrete values of C(r) by assuming an exact power
+## law between the available points):
+## @iftex
+## @tex
+## $$D_T(r)=\frac{C(r)}{\int_{0}^{r}dx\, \frac{C(x)}{x}}$$
+## @end tex
+## @end iftex
+## @ifnottex
+## @example
+##             C(r)
+## D (r) = ------------
+##  T       /r    C(x)
+##          |  dx ----
+##          /0     x
+## @end example
+## @end ifnottex
+## @strong{Input}
+## The input needs to be the output of d2 or c1.
+## @strong{Output}
+## The output is a struct array of the same length as the input.
+## It contains the following fiels:
+## @table @var
+## @item dim
+## The dimension for each matrix @var{t}.
+## @item t
+## Matrix with two columns. The first contains epsilon (the first column
+## of field 'c2' from d2 output or field 'c1' from c1 output) and the second
+## is the maximum likelihood estimator (Takens' estimator).
+## @end table
+## @seealso{demo c2t, d2, c1, c2g, av_d2}
+## @strong{Algorithms}
+## The algorithms for this functions have been taken from the TISEAN package.
+## @end deftypefn
+## Author: Piotr Held <pjheld at gmail.com>.
+## This function is based on c2t of TISEAN 3.0.1 
+## https://github.com/heggus/Tisean"
+function output = c2t (d2_c1_out)
+  if (nargin != 1)
+    print_usage;
+  endif
+  if (!(isfield (d2_c1_out, "dim") && (isfield (d2_c1_out, "c2") ...
+        && isfield (d2_c1_out, "d2") && isfield (d2_c1_out, "h2") ...
+        || isfield (d2_c1_out, "c1"))))
+    error ('Octave:invalid-input-arg', ["d2_c1_out must be the output of ", ...
+                                        "d2 or c1"]);
+  endif
+  t_out = cell (length (d2_c1_out), 1);
+  for j = 1:size(d2_c1_out,1)
+    tmp     = d2_c1_out(j);
+    if (isfield (d2_c1_out, "c2"))
+      corr_sums = tmp.c2;
+    elseif (isfield (d2_c1_out, "c1"))
+      corr_sums = tmp.c1;
+    # there is no else: we checked in input validation that d2_c1_out has one
+    # of the above
+    endif
+    # Limit to only the first positive correlation sums
+    # (do not calculate output for any past first negative sum)
+    idx_lt0 = min (find (corr_sums(:,2) <= 0));
+    if (!isempty (idx_lt0))
+      corr_sums  = corr_sums(1:idx_lt0-1,:);
+    endif
+    [s,idx] = sort (corr_sums(:,1));
+    emat    = log (corr_sums(idx,1));
+    cmat    = log (corr_sums(idx,2));
+    b = (emat(2:end) .* cmat(1:end-1) .- emat(1:end-1) .* cmat(2:end)) ...
+        ./ (emat(2:end) .- emat(1:end-1));
+    a = (cmat(2:end) - cmat(1:end-1)) ./ (emat(2:end) - emat(1:end-1));
+    cint       = (exp (b) ./ a) ...
+                 .* (exp (a .* emat(2:end)) - exp (a .* emat(1:end-1)));
+    # If a(i) == 0 then the right side above is '+/-Inf * (1-1)' which is NaN.
+    tidx       = find (isnan (cint));
+    cint(tidx) = exp (b(tidx)) .* (emat(tidx+1) - emat(tidx));
+    cint       = cumsum (cint);
+    t_out{j} = [exp(emat(2:end)),exp(cmat(2:end))./cint];
+  endfor
+  output = struct ("dim", {d2_c1_out.dim}.', "t", t_out);
+#  Below is the same code as above but uses loops
+#  It is left to easily see what the algorithm does.
+#  output = d2_c1_out;
+#  for j = 1:size(d2_c1_out,1)
+#    tmp = d2_c1_out(j);
+#    [s,idx] = sort (corr_sums(:,1));
+#    emat = log (corr_sums(idx,1));
+#    cmat = log (corr_sums(idx,2));
+#    c2_out = zeros (length(corr_sums)-1,2);
+#    cint = 0;
+#    for i = 2:length(corr_sums)
+#      b = (emat(i)*cmat(i-1)-emat(i-1)*cmat(i))/(emat(i)-emat(i-1));
+#      a = (cmat(i)-cmat(i-1))/(emat(i)-emat(i-1));
+#      if (a != 0)
+#        cint=cint+(exp(b)/a)*(exp(a*emat(i))-exp(a*emat(i-1)));
+#      else
+#        cint=cint+exp(b)*(emat(i)-emat(i-1));
+#      endif
+#      c2_out(i-1,1) = exp (emat(i));
+#      c2_out(i-1,2) = exp (cmat(i))/cint;
+#    endfor
+#    output(j).c2 = c2_out;
+#  endfor
+%! vals          = d2 (henon (1000), 'd', 1, 't', 50, 'm', 5);
+%! takens        = c2t (vals);
+%! do_plot_slope = @(x) semilogx (x{1}(:,1),x{1}(:,2),'r');
+%! hold on
+%! arrayfun (do_plot_slope, {takens.t});
+%! hold off
+%! axis tight
+%! ylim ([0 3]);
+%! xlabel ("Epsilon")
+%! title ("Takens' Estimator");
+%! c2t_res = [0.00274151703 14.7681456;0.00293963822 7.62825966;0.00315207872 5.24064684;0.0033798716 4.0903101;0.00362412469 3.3594861;0.00388602936 2.86986566;0.00416686293 2.51803875;0.00446798978 2.26902509;0.00479088025 2.09245157;0.00513710314 1.94326866;0.00550834602 1.82226741;0.00590642029 1.73174965;0.00633325987 1.63774204;0.00679094903 1.57059276;0.00728171039 1.50973487;0.00780794164 1.455006;0.00837219786 1.40932345;0.00897723623 1.37041831;0.00962599367 1.33392417;0.010321 [...]
+%! val = d2 (henon (1000), 'd', 1, 't', 50, 'm', 5);
+%! res = c2t (val);
+%! assert (cell2mat({res.t}.')(1:length(c2t_res),:), c2t_res, -2.51e-5);
+%% Check if limiting of negative correlation sums works
+%! c2t_res = [1.20000005 11.9785480;1.29999995 7.00581074;1.50000000 5.05822706;2.00000000 1.75614762];
+%! in_c2   = [2 4;1.5 5;1.3 3;1.2 2.5;1.1 2.3;1 -1;0.9 1.3;0.8 1.4;0.7 1.6];
+%! in      = struct ("dim",1,"c2",in_c2,"d2",0,"h2",0);
+%! res = c2t (in);
+%! assert (cell2mat({res.t}.'), c2t_res, -1e-5);
+%% Check if funciton accepts output from c1 and produces nonzero output
+%! c2t_c1_res = c2t (c1 (henon (1000)));
+%! assert (!isequal (c2t_c1_res, []));
+%! assert (isfield (c2t_c1_res, "t"));
+%% Testing input validation
+%!error <output> av_d2 (1);
diff --git a/inst/d2.m b/inst/d2.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3205939
--- /dev/null
+++ b/inst/d2.m
@@ -0,0 +1,342 @@
+## Copyright (C) 1996-2015 Piotr Held
+## This file is part of Octave.
+## Octave is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
+## License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
+## either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any
+## later version.
+## Octave is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
+## PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more
+## details.
+## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
+## License along with Octave; see the file COPYING.  If not,
+## see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+## -*- texinfo -*-
+## @deftypefn{Function File} {[@var{values}, @var{pars}] =} d2 (@var{S})
+## @deftypefnx{Function File} {[@var{values}, @var{pars}] =} d2 (@var{S}, @var{paramName}, @var{paramValue}, @dots{})
+## This program estimates the correlation sum, the correlation dimension and
+## the correlation entropy of a given, possibly multivariate, data set. It uses
+## the box assisted search algorithm and is quite fast as long as one is not
+## interested in large length scales. All length scales are computed
+## simultaneously and the current center and epsilon are written every 2 min
+## (real time, not cpu time) or every set number of center value increases.
+## It is possible to set a maximum number of pairs. If this number is
+## reached for a given length scale, the length scale will no longer be treated
+## for the rest of the estimate.
+## @strong{Input}
+## @table @var
+## @item S
+## This function always assumes that each time series is along the longer 
+## dimension of matrix @var{S}. It also assumes that every dimension 
+## (counting along the shorter dimension) of @var{S} is considered a 
+## component of the time series.
+## @end table
+## @strong{Parameters}
+## @table @var
+## @item m
+## The maximum embedding dimension [default = 10].
+## @item d
+## The delay used [default = 1].
+## @item t
+## Theiler window [default = 0].
+## @item rlow
+## Minimum length scale [default = 1e-3].
+## @item rhigh
+## Maximum length scale [default = 1].
+## @item eps_no
+## Number of length scale values [default = 100].
+## @item n
+## Maximum number of pairs to be used (value 0 means all possible pairs)
+## [default = 1000].
+## @item p
+## This parameter determines after how many iterations (center points)
+## should the program pause and write out how many center points have been
+## treated so far and the current epsilon. If @var{plot_corr} or
+## @var{plot_slopes} or @var{plot_entrop} is set then during the pause a plot
+## of the current state of @var{c2}, @var{d2} or @var{h2} (respectively)
+## is produced. Regardless of the value of this parameter the program will
+## pause every two minutes [default = only pause every 2 minutes].
+## @end table
+## @strong{Switches}
+## @table @var
+## @item normalized
+## When this switch is set the program uses data normalized to [0,1] for all
+## components.
+## @item plot_corr
+## If this switch is set then whenever the execution is paused (the frequency
+## can be set with parameter @var{p}) the most recent correlation sums are
+## plotted. The color used for them is blue.
+## @item plot_slopes
+## Same as @var{plot_corr} except the plotted values are the local slopes.
+## They are plotted in red.
+## @item plot_entrop
+## Same as @var{plot_corr} except the correlation entropies are plotted.
+## They are plotted in green.
+## @end table
+## @strong{Output}
+## @table @var
+## @item values
+## This is a struct array that contains the following fields:
+## @itemize @bullet
+## @item
+## dim - the dimension of the data
+## @item
+## c2 - the first column is the epsilon and the second the correlation sums for
+## a particular embedding dimension
+## @item
+## d2 - the first column is the epsilon and the second the local slopes of
+## the logarithm of the corrlation sum
+## @item
+## h2 - the first column is the epsilon and the second the correlation
+## entropies
+## @end itemize
+## @item pars
+## This is a struct. It contains the following fields:
+## @itemize @bullet
+## @item
+## treated - the number of center points treated
+## @item
+## eps - the maximum epsilon used
+## @end itemize
+## @end table
+## @seealso{demo d2, av_d2, c2t, c2g}
+## @strong{Algorithms}
+## The algorithms for this functions have been taken from the TISEAN package.
+## @end deftypefn
+## Author: Piotr Held <pjheld at gmail.com>.
+## This function is based on d2 of TISEAN 3.0.1 
+## https://github.com/heggus/Tisean"
+function [values, pars] = d2 (S, varargin)
+  if (nargin < 1 || nargout > 2)
+    print_usage;
+  endif
+  if ((ismatrix (S) == false) || (isreal(S) == false) || ...
+       (isreal(S) == false))
+    error ('Octave:invalid-input-arg', "S must be a realmatrix");
+  endif
+  # Default values
+  embed          = 10;
+  delay          = 1;
+  mindist        = 0;
+  epsmin         = 1e-3;
+  epsmax         = 1.0;
+  howoften       = 100;
+  maxfound       = 1000;
+  iterator_pause = length (S);
+  #### Parse the input
+  p = inputParser ();
+  p.FunctionName = "d2";
+  isPositiveIntScalar    = @(x) isreal(x) && isscalar (x) && ...
+                             (x > 0) && (x-round(x) == 0);
+  isNonNegativeIntScalar = @(x) isPositiveIntScalar (x) || (x == 0);
+  isPositiveScalar       = @(x) isreal(x) && isscalar (x) && (x > 0);
+  p.addParamValue ("m", embed, isPositiveIntScalar);
+  p.addParamValue ("d", delay, isPositiveIntScalar);
+  p.addParamValue ("t", mindist, isNonNegativeIntScalar);
+  p.addParamValue ("rlow", epsmin, isPositiveScalar);
+  p.addParamValue ("rhigh", epsmax, isPositiveScalar);
+  p.addParamValue ("eps_no", howoften, isPositiveIntScalar);
+  p.addParamValue ("n", maxfound, isNonNegativeIntScalar);
+  p.addParamValue ("p", iterator_pause, isPositiveIntScalar);
+  p.addSwitch ("normalized");
+  p.addSwitch ("plot_corr");
+  p.addSwitch ("plot_slopes");
+  p.addSwitch ("plot_entrop");
+  p.parse (varargin{:});
+  # Assign inputs
+  embed          = p.Results.m;
+  delay          = p.Results.d;
+  mindist        = p.Results.t;
+  epsmin         = p.Results.rlow;
+  eps_min_set    = !ismember ("rlow", p.UsingDefaults);
+  epsmax         = p.Results.rhigh;
+  eps_max_set    = !ismember ("rhigh", p.UsingDefaults);
+  howoften       = p.Results.eps_no;
+  maxfound       = p.Results.n;
+  rescale_set    = p.Results.normalized;
+  iterator_pause = p.Results.p;
+  plot_corr      = p.Results.plot_corr;
+  plot_slopes    = p.Results.plot_slopes;
+  plot_entrop    = p.Results.plot_entrop;
+  # Input validation
+  # Check if the delay and embedding dimensions are too large
+  if ((length (S)-(embed-1)*delay) <= 0)
+    error ("Octave:invalid-input-arg","Embedding dimension and delay are too \
+large, the delay vector would be longer than the whole series.");
+  endif
+  # Check if rlow is smaller than rhigh
+  if (epsmin >= epsmax)
+    warning ("Octave:tisean", "'rlow' is greater or equal to 'rhigh'");
+  endif
+  # Correct S to always have more rows than columns
+  trnspsd = false;
+  if (rows (S) < columns (S))
+    S = S.';
+    trnspsd = true;
+  endif
+  [values, vars] = __d2__ (S, embed, delay, mindist, epsmin, eps_min_set,
+                           epsmax, eps_max_set, howoften, maxfound,
+                           rescale_set,iterator_pause);
+  # Pause calculations and if flags are set, plot current state of the output.
+  calc_paused = false;
+  while (isfield (vars, "counter") ...
+         && vars.counter < (length (S) - (embed-1)*delay))
+    calc_paused   = true;
+    printf ("\n");
+    treated = vars.treated
+    epsilon = vars.eps
+    fflush (stdout);
+    figure_no = 1;
+    if (plot_corr)
+      h             = figure (figure_no);
+      figure_no    += 1;
+      do_plot_corr  = @(x) loglog (x{1}(:,1),x{1}(:,2),'b');
+      clf (h)
+      hold on
+      arrayfun (do_plot_corr, {values.c2});
+      hold off
+      xlabel ("Epsilon")
+      ylabel ("Correlation sums")
+      drawnow ()
+    endif
+    if (plot_slopes)
+      h             = figure (figure_no);
+      figure_no    += 1;
+      do_plot_slope = @(x) semilogx (x{1}(:,1),x{1}(:,2),'r');
+      clf (h)
+      hold on
+      arrayfun (do_plot_slope, {values.d2});
+      hold off
+      xlabel ("Epsilon")
+      ylabel ("Local slopes")
+      drawnow ()
+    endif
+    if (plot_entrop)
+      h               =figure (figure_no);
+      figure_no      += 1;
+      do_plot_entrop  = @(x) semilogx (x{1}(:,1),x{1}(:,2),'g');
+      clf (h)
+      hold on
+      arrayfun (do_plot_entrop, {values.h2});
+      hold off
+      xlabel ("Epsilon")
+      ylabel ("Correlation entropies");
+      drawnow ()
+    endif
+    # Continue on with computation
+    [values, vars] = __d2__ (S, embed, delay, mindist, vars.EPSMIN,
+                             eps_min_set, vars.EPSMAX, eps_max_set, howoften,
+                             maxfound, rescale_set, iterator_pause,
+                             vars.counter, vars.found, vars.norm, vars.boxc1,
+                             vars.box, vars.list, vars.listc1, vars.imin,
+                             vars.EPSMAX1);
+  endwhile
+  if (calc_paused)
+    printf ("\n");
+    fflush (stdout);
+  endif
+  pars = vars;
+%! vals = d2 (henon (1000), 'd', 1, 'm', 5, 't',50);
+%! subplot (2,3,1)
+%! do_plot_corr  = @(x) loglog (x{1}(:,1),x{1}(:,2),'b');
+%! hold on
+%! arrayfun (do_plot_corr, {vals.c2});
+%! hold off
+%! axis tight
+%! xlabel ("Epsilon")
+%! ylabel ("Correlation sums")
+%! title ("c2");
+%! subplot (2,3,4)
+%! do_plot_entrop  = @(x) semilogx (x{1}(:,1),x{1}(:,2),'g');
+%! hold on
+%! arrayfun (do_plot_entrop, {vals.h2});
+%! hold off
+%! axis tight
+%! xlabel ("Epsilon")
+%! ylabel ("Correlation entropies");
+%! title ("h2")
+%! subplot (2,3,[2 3 5 6])
+%! do_plot_slope = @(x) semilogx (x{1}(:,1),x{1}(:,2),'r');
+%! hold on
+%! arrayfun (do_plot_slope, {vals.d2});
+%! hold off
+%! axis tight
+%! xlabel ("Epsilon")
+%! ylabel ("Local slopes")
+%! title ("d2");
+%!shared res, pars
+%! [res, pars] = d2 (henon (100)(:,1),'m',2,'eps_no',20,'t',50);
+%! res_d2_stat = [98 1.777433e+00];
+%! assert ([pars.treated pars.eps], res_d2_stat, -1e-6);
+%% test d2 field of output
+%! res_d2_d2 = [1.777433 0.30648;1.235659 0.5606802;0.859021 0.7008824;0.5971852 0.8064865;0.4151589 0.9044852;0.2886154 0.9689651;0.2006434 0.8540874;0.1394858 0.8112826;0.09696954 0.8935407;0.06741253 0.9143867;0.0468647 0.856615;0.03258 0.8627251;0.02264938 1.503286;0.01574569 1.447036;0.01094629 0.7216412;0.007609782 0.6137634;0.005290265 1.29276;0.003677754 1.405042;1.777433 0.645521;1.235659 1.002253;0.859021 1.056272;0.5971852 1.026064;0.4151589 1.402018;0.2886154 1.565816;0.20064 [...]
+%! assert (cell2mat({res.d2}.'), res_d2_d2, -1e-6);
+%% test h2 field of output
+%! res_d2_h2 = [2.556748 -0;1.777433 0.1114257;1.235659 0.31527;0.859021 0.5700871;0.5971852 0.8632982;0.4151589 1.192138;0.2886154 1.544421;0.2006434 1.854938;0.1394858 2.149893;0.09696954 2.474754;0.06741253 2.807194;0.0468647 3.11863;0.03258 3.432288;0.02264938 3.978832;0.01574569 4.504925;0.01094629 4.767289;0.007609782 4.990433;0.005290265 5.460436;0.003677754 5.971262;2.556748 0;1.777433 0.1232638;1.235659 0.2838046;0.859021 0.4130123;0.5971852 0.4928431;0.4151589 0.6737291;0.28861 [...]
+%! assert (cell2mat({res.h2}.'), res_d2_h2, -1e-6);
+%% test c2 field of output
+%! res_d2_c2 =  [2.556748 1;1.777433 0.8945578;1.235659 0.7295918;0.859021 0.5654762;0.5971852 0.4217687;0.4151589 0.3035714;0.2886154 0.2134354;0.2006434 0.1564626;0.1394858 0.1164966;0.09696954 0.08418367;0.06741253 0.06037415;0.0468647 0.04421769;0.03258 0.03231293;0.02264938 0.01870748;0.01574569 0.01105442;0.01094629 0.008503401;0.007609782 0.006802721;0.005290265 0.004251701;0.003677754 0.00255102;0.002556748 0;2.556748 1;1.777433 0.7908163;1.235659 0.5493197;0.859021 0.3741497;0.5 [...]
+%! assert (cell2mat({res.c2}.'), res_d2_c2, -1e-6);
+%% Test input validation
+%!error <too large> d2 (1:5);
+%% Promote warnings to error to not execute program
+%!error <greater> warning("error", "Octave:tisean"); ...
+%!                d2 (henon (1000), 'rlow', 4, 'rhigh', 1);
diff --git a/inst/delay.m b/inst/delay.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ab89bc6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/inst/delay.m
@@ -0,0 +1,276 @@
+## Copyright (C) 1996-2015 Piotr Held
+## This file is part of Octave.
+## Octave is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
+## License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
+## either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any
+## later version.
+## Octave is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
+## PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more
+## details.
+## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
+## License along with Octave; see the file COPYING.  If not,
+## see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+## -*- texinfo -*-
+## @deftypefn{Function File} {@var{output} =} delay (@var{S})
+## @deftypefnx{Function File} {@var{output} =} delay (@var{S}, @var{paramName}, @var{paramValue}, @dots{})
+## Produce delay vectors
+## @strong{Input}
+## @table @var
+## @item S
+## This function always assumes that each time series is along the longer
+## dimension of matrix @var{S}. It also assumes that every dimension (counting
+## along the shorter dimension) of @var{S} is considered a component of the time
+## series. So
+## @example
+## @var{S} = [[1:1000];[5:1004]]
+## @end example
+## would be considered a 2 component, 1000 element time series. Thus a typical
+## call of 'henon' requires to choose one column of it. For instance:
+## @example
+## res = henon (5000);
+## delay (res(:,1));
+## @end example
+## @end table
+## @strong{Parameters}
+## @table @var
+## @item d
+## Delay of the embedding vector. Can be either a vector of delays or a single
+## value. Replaces flags '-d' and '-D' from TISEAN package. Example
+## @example
+## delay ([1:10], 'd', [2,4], 'm', 3)
+## @end example
+## This input will produce a delay vetor of the form
+## @example
+## (@var{x}(i), at var{x}(i-2), at var{x}(i-2-4))
+## @end example
+## It is important to remember to keep (lenght of 'D') == (value of flag '-M' from
+## TISEAN == number of components of (@var{S})) whenever parameter 'D' is a vector.
+## @item f
+## The format of the embedding vector. Replaces flag '-F' from TISEAN. Example
+## (assuming @var{a} and @var{b} are column vectors of the same length)
+## @example
+## delay ([@var{a}, at var{b}], 'f', [3,2])
+## @end example
+## This input will produce a delay vector in the form
+## @example
+## (@var{a}(i), at var{a}(i-1), at var{a}(i-2), at var{b}(i), at var{b}(i-1))
+## @end example
+## @item m
+## The embedding dimension. Replaces flag '-m' from TISEAN. Must be scalar
+## integer. Also it needs to be integer multiple of number of components of
+## (@var{S}) or else 'F' needs to be set. The following two examples are
+## equivalent calls (@var{a}, @var{b}, @var{c} are column vectors of the same size)
+## @example
+## delay ([@var{a}, at var{b}, at var{c}], 'm', 9)
+## delay ([@var{a}, at var{b}, at var{c}], 'f', [3,3,3])
+## @end example
+## @end table
+## @strong{Output}
+## Produces a matrix that contains delay vectors.
+## @strong{Algorithms}
+## The algorithms for this functions have been taken from the TISEAN package.
+## @end deftypefn
+## Author: Piotr Held <pjheld at gmail.com>.
+## This function is based on delay of TISEAN 3.0.1
+## https://github.com/heggus/Tisean"
+function output = delay(S,varargin)
+  if (nargin < 1)
+    print_usage;
+  endif
+  if ((!ismatrix (S)) || (!isreal(S)))
+    error ('Octave:invalid-input-arg', "S is not a realmatrix");
+  endif
+  # Define default values for delay variables
+  indim       = 1;
+  embdim      = 2;
+  dimset      = 0; # is not the default?
+  d           = 1;
+  formatdelay = [indim,indim];
+  formatset   = 0; # is not the default?
+  delaylist   = d;
+  mdelayset   = 0; # is not the default?
+  #### Parse the input
+  p = inputParser ();
+  p.FunctionName = "delay";
+  isPositiveIntScalar = @(x) isreal(x) && isscalar (x) && ...
+                             (x > 0) && (x-round(x) == 0);
+  isPositiveIntVector = @(x) isreal(x) && isvector (x) && ...
+                             all (x > 0) && all (x-round(x) == 0);
+  p.addParamValue ("d", d, isPositiveIntVector);
+  p.addParamValue ("m", embdim, isPositiveIntScalar);
+  p.addParamValue ("f", formatdelay, isPositiveIntVector);
+  p.parse (varargin{:});
+  # Assign inputs
+  embdim         = p.Results.m;
+  embset         = !ismember ('m',p.UsingDefaults);
+  # Placed old '-d' and '-D' flags into parameter 'd'
+  if (!ismember ('d',p.UsingDefaults))
+      d = p.Results.d;
+    if (length (d) > 1)
+      mdelayset = 1;
+      delaylist = p.Results.d;
+    endif
+  endif
+  formatdelay = p.Results.f;
+  formatset   = !ismember('f', p.UsingDefaults);
+  # Correct S to always have more rows than columns
+  trnspsd = false;
+  if (rows (S) < columns (S))
+    S = S.';
+    trnspsd = true;
+  endif
+  # Assume all input is time series (ommit '-M' from original)
+  if (indim != columns (S))
+    dimset = 1;
+    indim  = columns (S);
+  endif
+  # Input checking from original main()
+  # Check that if delays were not given the embeding dimension is a multiple of
+  # the input data dimension.
+  if (!formatset)
+    if (mod (embdim, indim))
+      error ('Octave:invalid-input-arg',...
+             ["Inconsistent parameter 'm' and number of components of S.",...
+              " Please set parameter 'f'"]);
+    endif
+    formatdelay = ones(1,indim) * floor (embdim / indim);
+  endif
+  # Check that if delays were not given in a vector if so then
+  # create a default vector out of the given scalar delay.
+  if (!mdelayset)
+    delaylist = ones(1,sum (formatdelay)) * d;
+  endif
+  # Input checking from original create_delay_list()
+  # Check if the vector of delays given has the proper length
+  # that is that it is equal to the difference between the embedding
+  # dimension and the number of components.
+  if (mdelayset && (length (delaylist) != (embdim - indim)))
+    error ('Octave:invalid-input-arg', "Wrong number of delays");
+  endif
+  # Input checking from original create_format_list()
+  if (formatset)
+    # Check if the list of format delays is as long as the number
+    # components.
+    if (dimset && (length (formatdelay) != indim))
+      error ('Octave:invalid-input-arg',...
+             "Parameter 'f' length is not equal to the number of components");
+    endif
+    # Check if the sum of the formats is equal to the embedding dimensions
+    # if it is set.
+    if (embset && (sum (formatdelay) != embdim))
+      error ('Octave:invalid-input-arg',...
+             "The dimensions given in parameter 'm' and 'f' are not equal!");
+    endif
+    # If the number of input components is not set then set it.
+    if (!dimset)
+      indim = length (formatdelay);
+    endif
+    # If the embedding dimension is not set then set it.
+    if (!embset)
+      embdim = sum (formatdelay);
+    endif
+  endif
+  output = __delay__ (S, length(S), indim, formatdelay, delaylist);
+  if (trnspsd)
+    output = output.';
+  endif
+%!test delay(1:10,'m',3,'d',6);
+%! a  = 1:5;
+%! d1 = 2:5;
+%! d2 = 1:4;
+%! d  = delay (a);
+%! assert (d, [d1;d2], 1e-6);
+%! a  = 1:5;
+%! d1 = 3:5;
+%! d2 = 1:3;
+%! d  = delay (a,'d',2);
+%! assert (d, [d1;d2], 1e-6);
+%! a  = 1:10;
+%! dg = [3 1 3 1;4 2 4 2;5 3 5 3;6 4 6 4;7 5 7 5;8 6 8 6;9 7 9 7;10 8 10 8];
+%! d  = delay ([a;a].','d',2,'m',4);
+%! assert (d, dg, 1e-6);
+%! a  = 1:10;
+%! dg = [3 2 3 1;4 3 4 2;5 4 5 3;6 5 6 4;7 6 7 5;8 7 8 6;9 8 9 7;10 9 10 8];
+%! d  = delay ([a;a].','d',[1 2],'m',4);
+%! assert (d, dg, 1e-6);
+%! a  = 1:10;
+%! dg = [4 3 1;5 4 2;6 5 3;7 6 4;8 7 5;9 8 6;10 9 7];
+%! d  = delay (a.','d',[1 2],'m',3);
+%! assert (d, dg, 1e-6);
+%! a  = 1:10;
+%! dg = [5 5 3 1; 6 6 4 2; 7 7 5 3; 8 8 6 4; 9 9 7 5; 10 10 8 6];
+%! d  = delay ([a;a].','d',2,'f',[1,3],'m',4);
+%! assert (d, dg, 1e-6);
diff --git a/inst/endtoend.m b/inst/endtoend.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2a9154d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/inst/endtoend.m
@@ -0,0 +1,325 @@
+## Copyright (C) 1996-2015 Piotr Held
+## This file is part of Octave.
+## Octave is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
+## License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
+## either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any
+## later version.
+## Octave is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
+## PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more
+## details.
+## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
+## License along with Octave; see the file COPYING.  If not,
+## see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+## -*- texinfo -*-
+## @deftypefn{Function File} {@var{output} =} endtoend (@var{S})
+## @deftypefnx{Function File} {@var{output} =} endtoend (@dots{}, 'verbose', @dots{})
+## @deftypefnx{Function File} {@var{output} =} endtoend (@dots{}, @var{weigth_jump}, @dots{})
+## Determine the effect of an end-to-end mismatch on the autocorrelation 
+## structure for various sub-sequence lengths.
+## It is important to avoid jumps and phase slips that occur when the data is
+## periodically continued when making Fourier based surrogates, e.g. with 
+## surrogates.
+## The mismatch in value is measured by:
+## @iftex
+## @tex
+## d_{jump} = \frac{\left ( x(1) - x(N) \right )^2}{\sum\left ( x(n) 
+## - \overline{x} \right )^2}
+## @end tex
+## @end iftex
+## @ifnottex
+## @example
+##           /           \ 2
+##           | x(1)-x(N) |
+##           \           /
+## d     = __________________
+##  jump     __
+##          \   /      _ \ 2
+##           |  | x(n)-x |
+##          /__ \        /
+## @end example
+## @end ifnottex
+## And the phase slip by:
+## @iftex
+## @tex
+## d_{slip} = \frac{\left ( (x(2) - x(1)) - (x(N) - x(N-1)) \right )^2}
+## {\sum\left ( x(n) - \overline{x} \right )^2}
+## @end tex
+## @end iftex
+## @ifnottex
+## @example
+##          /                           \ 2
+##          | (x(2)-x(1))-(x(N)-x(N-1)) |
+##          \                           /
+## d     = _________________________________
+##  slip        __
+##             \   /      _ \ 2
+##              |  | x(n)-x |
+##             /__ \        /
+## @end example
+## @end ifnottex
+## The weighted mismatch is then:
+## @iftex
+## @tex
+## weight * d_{jump} + (1 - weight) * d_{slip}
+## @end tex
+## @end iftex
+## @ifnottex
+## @example
+##       weight*d     + (1-weight)*d
+##               jump               slip
+## @end example
+## @end ifnottex
+## In the multivariate case, the values are computed for each channel
+## separately and then averaged.
+## @strong{Inputs}
+## @table @var
+## @item S
+## This function always assumes that each time series is along the longer
+## dimension of matrix @var{S}. It also assumes that every dimension
+## (counting along the shorter dimension) of @var{S} is considered a
+## component of the time series.
+## @item weight_jump
+## The weight used [default = 0.5].
+## @end table
+## @strong {Switch}
+## @table @var
+## @item verbose
+## If this switch is set the output will be displayed on the screen in
+## readible format.
+## @end table
+## @strong{Output}
+## @table @var
+## @item output
+## The output is a struct array that contains the following fields:
+## @itemize @bullet
+## @item
+## length - the length of the series used in calculating the mismatch
+## @item
+## offset - the offset (counting from the first element) of the subseries used
+## to calculate the mismatch
+## @item
+## lost - percent of the of the original series that was lost (not used)
+## @item
+## jump - the mismatch in value (given as percentage)
+## @item
+## slip - the phase slip (given as percentage)
+## @item
+## weigthed - the weigthed mismatch (given as percentage)
+## @end itemize
+## Each consecutive structure in this array has an increasingly lower
+## weighted mismatch
+## @end table
+## @seealso{surrogates}
+## @strong{Algorithms}
+## The algorithms for this functions have been taken from the TISEAN package.
+## @end deftypefn
+## Author: Piotr Held <pjheld at gmail.com>.
+## This function is based on endtoend of TISEAN 3.0.1
+## https://github.com/heggus/Tisean"
+function output = endtoend (S, varargin)
+  if (nargin < 1 || nargin > 3)
+    print_usage;
+  endif
+  if ((ismatrix (S) == false) || (isreal(S) == false) || ...
+      (isreal(S) == false))
+    error ('Octave:invalid-input-arg', "S must be a realmatrix");
+  endif
+  # Default value  
+  weigth_jump = 0.5;
+  verbose     = false; 
+  # Parse varargin and assign weigth_jump if correct input
+  is_weigth = @(x) isreal (x) && isscalar (x) && x >= 0 && x <= 1;
+  if (nargin == 2)
+    if (is_weigth(varargin{1}))
+      weigth_jump = varargin{1};
+    elseif (strcmpi (varargin{1}, "verbose"))
+      verbose = true;
+    else
+      error ("Octave:invalid-input-arg", ["second argument must be ",...
+                                          "'verbose' or number ",...
+                                          "between 0 and 1"]);
+    endif
+  elseif (nargin == 3)
+    if (is_weigth(varargin{1}) && strcmpi (varargin{2}, "verbose"))
+      weigth_jump = varargin{1};
+      verbose     = true;
+    elseif (is_weigth (varargin{2}) && strcmpi (varargin{1}, "verbose"))
+      weigth_jump = varargin{2};
+      verbose     = true;
+    else
+      error ("Octave:invalid-input-arg", ["second and third arguments ",...
+                                          "must be 'verbose' and a ",...
+                                          "number between 0 and 1"]);
+    endif
+  endif
+  # Correct S to always have more rows than columns
+  trnspsd = false;
+  if (rows (S) < columns (S))
+    S = S.';
+    trnspsd = true;
+  endif
+  # Assign empty values so that not to get error with short S
+  length_used = {};
+  offset      = {};
+  lost        = {};
+  jump        = {};
+  slip        = {};
+  weigthed    = {};
+  # Loop through tune offsets to minimize jump effect
+  nmaxp       = rows (S);
+  etotm       = columns (S);
+  original_col_S = columns (S);
+S=    reshape (S, [rows(S),1,columns(S)]);
+  while (nmaxp > 2)
+    while (max (factor (nmaxp)) > 5)
+      nmaxp -= 1;
+    endwhile
+    etot = original_col_S;
+    for nj = 0:(rows (S) - nmaxp)
+      [x,s] = mismatch (S((1:nmaxp).+nj,1,:));
+      xj(1+nj) = x;
+      sj(1+nj) = s;
+    endfor
+    [min_weighted, min_idx] = min (weigth_jump .* xj + (1 - weigth_jump) .* sj);
+    if (min_weighted < etot)
+      etot    = min_weighted;
+      ejump   = xj(min_idx);
+      eslip   = sj(min_idx);
+      njump   = min_idx-1;
+    endif
+    # Main output creating part
+    if (etot < etotm)
+      etotm = etot;
+      if (any (size (length_used) == 0))
+        length_used = {nmaxp};
+        offset      = {njump};
+        lost        = {((rows (S) - nmaxp) / rows (S) * 100)}; 
+        jump        = {ejump * 100};
+        slip        = {eslip * 100};
+        weigthed    = {etot * 100};
+      else
+        length_used(end+1) = nmaxp;
+        offset(end+1)      = njump;
+        lost(end+1)        = (rows (S) - nmaxp) / rows (S) * 100;
+        jump(end+1)        = ejump * 100;
+        slip(end+1)        = eslip * 100;
+        weigthed(end+1)    = etot * 100;
+      endif
+      if (verbose)
+        printf ("\n");
+        printf ("length: %d, offset: %d, lost: %.1f %%\n", ...
+                length_used(end){1}, offset(end){1}, lost(end){1});
+        printf ("jump:     %.2f %%\n", jump(end){1});
+        printf ("slip:     %.2f %%\n", slip(end){1});
+        printf ("weighted: %.2f %%\n", weigthed(end){1});
+      endif
+    endif
+    if (etot < 1e-5)
+      nmaxp = 2;
+    endif
+    nmaxp -= 1;
+  endwhile
+  # If verbose is set and the output is not assigned, do not return anything
+  if (verbose == false || nargout == 1)
+    output = struct ("length", length_used, "offset", offset, "lost", lost, ...
+                     "jump", jump, "slip", slip, "weigthed", weigthed);
+  endif
+# Function for calculating jump mismatch
+# For internal use only
+function [xjump, sjump] = mismatch (x)
+  denominator  = (rows (x) - 1) .* var (x); # <- always nonnegative values
+  zero_var_idx = find (denominator == 0);
+  denominator (zero_var_idx) = -1; # <- to allow inverting
+  denominator                = 1./denominator;
+  denominator (zero_var_idx) = 0;
+  xjump = sum ((x(1,:,:) - x(end,:,:)).^2 .* denominator,3);
+  sjump = sum (((x(end,:,:) - x(end-1,:,:)) - (x(2,:,:) - x(1,:,:))) .^ 2 
+               .* denominator,3);
+%% Test output against TISEAN output
+%! in = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 5, 4, 3, 10];
+%! endtoend_res_length   = {10,9};
+%! endtoend_res_offset   = {0, 1};
+%! endtoend_res_lost     = {9.1, 18.2};
+%! endtoend_res_jump     = {13.3333340, 5};
+%! endtoend_res_slip     = {13.3333340, 20};
+%! endtoend_res_weigthed = {13.3333340, 12.5};
+%! res = endtoend (in);
+%! assert ({res.length}, endtoend_res_length);
+%! assert ({res.offset}, endtoend_res_offset);
+%! assert ({res.lost}, endtoend_res_lost, 0.1);
+%! assert ({res.jump}, endtoend_res_jump, 1e-6);
+%! assert ({res.slip}, endtoend_res_slip, 1e-6);
+%! assert ({res.weigthed}, endtoend_res_weigthed, 1e-6);
+%% Test if weigth input works as in TISEAN
+%! in = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 5, 4, 3, 10];
+%! endtoend_res_weigthed = {13.3333340, 8.75000095, 7.20720673};
+%! res = endtoend (in, 0.75);
+%! assert ({res.weigthed}, endtoend_res_weigthed, 1e-6);
+%% Test multivariate case against TISEAN
+%! in = [1 2;2 3;3 5;4 5;5 4;6 6;7 7;5 8;4 8;3 8;10 12];
+%! e2e_res_length   = {10,8};
+%! e2e_res_offset   = {0, 2};
+%! e2e_res_lost     = {9.1, 27.3};
+%! e2e_res_jump     = {98.2389908, 50.3496513};
+%! e2e_res_slip     = {15.6918240, 28.8288269};
+%! e2e_res_weigthed = {56.9654121, 39.5892372};
+%! res = endtoend (in);
+%! assert ({res.length}, e2e_res_length);
+%! assert ({res.offset}, e2e_res_offset);
+%! assert ({res.lost}, e2e_res_lost, 0.1);
+%! assert ({res.jump}, e2e_res_jump, 1e-5);
+%! assert ({res.slip}, e2e_res_slip, 1e-5);
+%! assert ({res.weigthed}, e2e_res_weigthed, 1e-5);
+%% Test if input is properly parsed
+%!error <must be> endtoend (1:10,2);
+%!error <must be 'verbose'> endtoend (1:10,'verb');
+%!error <Invalid call to endtoend> endtoend (1,2,3,4);
+%!error <second and third> endtoend (1:10, 0.5, 0.5);
diff --git a/inst/false_nearest.m b/inst/false_nearest.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fa5dfe1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/inst/false_nearest.m
@@ -0,0 +1,198 @@
+## Copyright (C) 1996-2015 Piotr Held
+## This file is part of Octave.
+## Octave is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
+## License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
+## either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any
+## later version.
+## Octave is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
+## PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more
+## details.
+## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
+## License along with Octave; see the file COPYING.  If not,
+## see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+## -*- texinfo -*-
+## @deftypefn{Function File} {[@var{dim}, @var{frac}, @var{avgsize}, @var{avgsrtsize}] =} false_nearest (@var{S})
+## @deftypefnx{Function File} {@dots{} =} false_nearest (@var{S}, @var{paramName}, @var{paramValue}, @dots{})
+## Determines the fraction of false nearest neighbors.
+## @strong{Input}
+## @table @var
+## @item S
+## This function always assumes that each time series is along the longer dimension of matrix 
+## @var{S}. It also assumes that every dimension (counting along the shorter dimension) of 
+## @var{S} is considered a component of the time series. So
+## @example
+## @var{S} = [[1:1000];[5:1004]]
+## @end example
+## would be considered a 2 component, 1000 element time series. 
+## @end table
+## @strong {Parameters}
+## @table @var
+## @item minemb
+## This is the flag '-m' from TISEAN. It is the minimal embedding dimensions of 
+## the vectors [default = 1].
+## @item maxemb
+## This parameter is consistent with the second part of the flag '-M' from TISEAN. The first part of
+## that flag is unnecessary as this function assumes that all components of the input data are used.
+## This parameter determines the maximum embedding dimension of the vectors [default = 5].
+## @item d
+## The delay of the vectors [default = 1].
+## @item t
+## The theiler window [default = 0].
+## @item f
+## Ratio factor [default = 2.0].
+## @end table
+## @strong {Switches}
+## @table @var
+## @item verbose
+## If this switch is selected the function will give progress reports along the way.
+## @end table
+## @strong {Outputs}
+## @table @var
+## @item dim
+## This holds the dimension of the output data.
+## @item frac
+## The fraction of false nearest neighbors.
+## @item avgsize
+## The average size of the neighborhood.
+## @item avgrtsize
+## The average of the squared size of the neighborhood.
+## @end table
+## See also: http://www.mpipks-dresden.mpg.de/~tisean/Tisean_3.0.1/docs/docs_c/false_nearest.html
+## or demo for more information.
+## @strong{Algorithms}
+## The algorithms for this functions have been taken from the TISEAN package.
+## @end deftypefn
+## Author: Piotr Held <pjheld at gmail.com>.
+## This function is based on false_nearest of TISEAN 3.0.1
+## https://github.com/heggus/Tisean"
+function [dim, frac, avgsize, avgrtsize] = false_nearest (S,varargin)
+  if (nargin < 1)
+    print_usage;
+  endif
+  if ((!ismatrix (S)) || (!isreal(S)))
+    error ('Octave:invalid-input-arg', "S is not a realmatrix");
+  endif
+  # Define default values for delay variables
+  minemb  = 1;
+  comp    = 1;
+  maxemb  = 5;
+  dimset  = 0;
+  delay   = 1;
+  rt      = 2.0;
+  theiler = 0;
+  #### Parse the input
+  p = inputParser ();
+  p.FunctionName = "false_nearest";
+  isPositiveIntScalar = @(x) isreal(x) && isscalar (x) && ...
+                             (x > 0) && (x-round(x) == 0);
+  isUnsignedIntScalar = @(x) isPositiveIntScalar (x) || (x == 0);
+  isNumericScalar     = @(x) isreal(x) && isscalar (x);
+  p.addParamValue ("minemb", minemb, isPositiveIntScalar);
+  p.addParamValue ("maxemb", maxemb, isPositiveIntScalar);
+  p.addParamValue ("d", delay, isPositiveIntScalar);
+  p.addParamValue ("t", theiler, isUnsignedIntScalar);
+  p.addParamValue ("f", rt, isNumericScalar);
+  p.addSwitch ("verbose");
+  p.parse (varargin{:});
+  # Assign inputs
+  minemb  = p.Results.minemb;
+  maxemb  = p.Results.maxemb;
+  dimset  = !ismember ('maxemb',p.UsingDefaults);
+  delay   = p.Results.d;
+  theiler = p.Results.t;
+  rt      = p.Results.f;
+  verbose = p.Results.verbose;
+  # Correct S to always have more rows than columns
+  trnspsd = false;
+  if (rows (S) < columns (S))
+    S = S.';
+    trnspsd = true;
+  endif
+  # Use all columns as separate components (alter 'M' from original)
+  if (columns (S) > 1)
+    dimset = 1;
+    comp   = columns (S);
+  endif
+  # Input checking from original main()
+  if (maxemb*delay + 1 >= length (S))
+    error ('Octave:invalid-input-arg', "Not enough points");
+  endif
+  [dim, frac, avgsize, avgrtsize] = ...
+__false_nearest__ (S, minemb, comp, maxemb, dimset, delay, theiler, rt,verbose);
+  if (trnspsd)
+    dim       = dim.';
+    frac      = frac.';
+    avgsize   = avgsize.';
+    avgrtsize = avgsrtsize.';
+  endif
+%! ikd          = ikeda (10000);
+%! hen          = henon (10000);
+%! hen_noise    = hen + mean (hen) * 0.01 .* (-6 + sum (rand ([size(hen), 12]), 3));
+%! [dikd, fikd] = false_nearest (ikd(:,1));
+%! [dhen, fhen] = false_nearest (hen(:,1));
+%! [dhno, fhno] = false_nearest (hen_noise(:,1));
+%! plot (dikd, fikd, '-b*', 'markersize', 15,...
+%!       dhen, fhen, '-r+', 'markersize', 15,...
+%!       dhno, fhno, '-gx', 'markersize', 15);
+%! legend ("Ikeda", "Henon", "Noisy Henon");
+%! ylim ([0, 1]);
+%!fail ("false_nearest ((1:5))");
+%!xtest ("false_nearest (1:100)");
+%! "res was generated using 'false_nearest hen.dat' from TISEAN package";
+%! res = [1, 9.248624e-01, 1.264834e-04, 2.051554e-04; 2, 3.312656e-01, 1.052529e-03, 1.494843e-03; 3, 2.923462e-01, 1.611237e-03, 2.331276e-03; 4, 2.880440e-01, 2.345412e-03, 3.454938e-03; 5, 2.695348e-01, 3.401341e-03, 5.028630e-03];
+%! hen = henon (10000);
+%! [d,f,a,s]  = false_nearest (hen(:,1));
+%! assert ([d,f,a,s], res, 1e-6);
+%! res = [3, 2.923462e-01, 1.611237e-03, 2.331276e-03; 6, 2.880440e-01, 2.345412e-03, 3.454938e-03; 9, 2.695348e-01, 3.401341e-03, 5.028630e-03];
+%! hen3 = henon (10000);
+%! hen3 = delay (hen3(:,1),'m',3);
+%! [d,f,a,s] = false_nearest (hen3, 'maxemb', 3);
+%! assert ([d,f,a,s], res, 1e-6);
diff --git a/inst/ghkss.m b/inst/ghkss.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4930ec5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/inst/ghkss.m
@@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
+## Copyright (C) 1996-2015 Piotr Held
+## This file is part of Octave.
+## Octave is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
+## License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
+## either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any
+## later version.
+## Octave is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
+## PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more
+## details.
+## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
+## License along with Octave; see the file COPYING.  If not,
+## see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+## -*- texinfo -*-
+## @deftypefn{Function File} {@var{output} =} ghkss (@var{S})
+## @deftypefnx{Function File} {@var{output} =} ghkss (@var{S}, @var{paramName}, @var{paramValue}, @dots{})
+## Multivariate noise reduction using the GHKSS algorithm.
+## @strong{Input}
+## @table @var
+## @item S
+## This function always assumes that each time series is along the longer 
+## dimension of matrix @var{S}. It also assumes that every dimension 
+## (counting along the shorter dimension) of @var{S} is considered a 
+## component of the time series.
+## @end table
+## @strong {Parameters}
+## @table @var
+## @item m
+## The embedding dimension used. It is synonymous to the second part 
+## of flag '-m' from TISEAN. The first part of the TISEAN flag is omitted
+## as all of the available components of @var{S} are analyzed.
+## [default = 1].
+## @item d
+## The delay for the embedding [default = 1].
+## @item q
+## Dimension of the manifold to project to [default = 2].
+## @item k
+## Minimal number of neighbours [default = 50].
+## @item r
+## Minimal size of neighbourhood [default = 1/1000].
+## @item i
+## Number of iterations [default = 1].
+## @end table
+## @strong {Switches}
+## @table @var
+## @item euclidean
+## When this switch is selected the function will use the euclidean metric 
+## instead of the tricky one.
+## @item verbose
+## If this switch is selected the function will give progress reports 
+## along the way. Those include the average correction, trend and how many
+## points were corrected for which epsilon.
+## @end table
+## @strong {Output}
+## The @var{output} contains the cleaned time series. The output is of the
+## same size as the input.
+## @strong{Algorithms}
+## The algorithms for this functions have been taken from the TISEAN package.
+## @end deftypefn
+## Author: Piotr Held <pjheld at gmail.com>.
+## This function is based on ghkss of TISEAN 3.0.1
+## https://github.com/heggus/Tisean"
+function output = ghkss (S, varargin)
+  if (nargin < 1)
+    print_usage;
+  endif
+  if ((!ismatrix (S)) || (!isreal(S)))
+    error ('Octave:invalid-input-arg', "S is not a realmatrix");
+  endif
+  # Define default values
+  embed      = 5;
+  comp       = 1;
+  delay      = 1;
+  qdim       = 2;
+  minn       = 50;
+  mineps     = 1./1000.;
+  eps_set    = 0;
+  iterations = 1;
+  euclidean  = 0;
+  verbose    = 0;
+  #### Parse the input
+  p = inputParser ();
+  p.FunctionName = "ghkss";
+  isPositiveIntScalar = @(x) isreal(x) && isscalar (x) && ...
+                             (x > 0) && (x-round(x) == 0);
+  isPositiveScalar     = @(x) isreal(x) && isscalar (x) && (x > 0);
+  p.addParamValue ("m", embed, isPositiveIntScalar);
+  p.addParamValue ("d", delay, isPositiveIntScalar);
+  p.addParamValue ("q", qdim, isPositiveIntScalar);
+  p.addParamValue ("k", minn, isPositiveIntScalar);
+  p.addParamValue ("r", mineps, isPositiveScalar);
+  p.addParamValue ("i", iterations, isPositiveIntScalar);
+  p.addSwitch ("euclidean");
+  p.addSwitch ("verbose");
+  p.parse (varargin{:});
+  # Assign inputs
+  embed      = p.Results.m;
+  delay      = p.Results.d;
+  qdim       = p.Results.q;
+  minn       = p.Results.k;
+  mineps     = p.Results.r;
+  eps_set    = !ismember ('r', p.UsingDefaults);
+  iterations = p.Results.i;
+  euclidean  = p.Results.euclidean;
+  verbose    = p.Results.verbose;
+  # Correct S to always have more rows than columns
+  trnspsd = false;
+  if (rows (S) < columns (S))
+    S = S.';
+    trnspsd = true;
+  endif
+  # Use all columns as separate components (alter 'm' from original)
+  if (columns (S) > 1)
+    comp   = columns (S);
+  endif
+  # Input checking from original main()
+  if (rows (S) < minn) 
+    error ('Octave::invalid-input-arg', ...
+           "With %lu data you will never find %u neighbors.",rows(S),minn);
+  endif
+  output = __ghkss__ (S, embed, comp, delay, qdim, minn, mineps, eps_set, ...
+                      iterations, euclidean, verbose);
+  if (trnspsd)
+  output = output.';
+  endif
+%! hen    = henon (10000);
+%! # The following line is equvalent to 'addnoise -v0.02 hen' from TISEAN
+%! hen    = hen + std (hen) * 0.02 .* (-6 + sum (rand ([size(hen), 12]), 3));
+%! hendel = delay (hen(:,1));
+%! hengk = ghkss (hen(:,1),'m',7,'q',2,'r',0.05,'k',20,'i',2);
+%! hengk = delay (hengk);
+%! subplot (2,3,1)
+%! plot (hendel(:,1), hendel(:,2), 'b.','markersize', 3);
+%! title ("Noisy data");
+%! pbaspect ([1 1 1]);
+%! axis tight
+%! axis off
+%! subplot (2,3,4)
+%! plot (hengk(:,1), hengk(:,2),'r.','markersize', 3);
+%! title ("Clean data");
+%! pbaspect ([1 1 1]);
+%! axis tight
+%! axis off
+%! subplot (2,3,[2 3 5 6])
+%! plot (hendel(:,1), hendel(:,2), 'b.','markersize', 3,...
+%!       hengk(:,1), hengk(:,2),'r.','markersize', 3);
+%! legend ("Noisy", "Clean");
+%! title ("Superimposed data");
+%! axis tight
+%!fail ("ghkss (1:10,'k',11)");
+%!fail ("ghkss (rand(50,1))");
+%!xtest ("ghkss (rand(50))");
+%! "res was created running 'ghkss -k5' from TISEAN on 'in'";
+%! in = [1.103556129288296; 1.242752956263521; 1.083069768858902; 1.075266648105394; 1.400623241697165; 1.037690499824349; 1.461415094264967; 1.295560284337681; 1.116149954336578; 1.323253666984052];
+%! res = [1.103556e+00; 1.237084e+00; 1.192734e+00; 1.150288e+00; 1.360435e+00; 1.048788e+00; 1.337826e+00; 1.228952e+00; 1.156421e+00; 1.323254e+00];
+%! cln = ghkss (in, 'k', 5);
+%! assert (cln, res, 1e-6);
diff --git a/inst/henon.m b/inst/henon.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2d9fab6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/inst/henon.m
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+## Copyright (C) 1996-2015 Piotr Held
+## This file is part of Octave.
+## Octave is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
+## License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
+## either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any
+## later version.
+## Octave is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
+## PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more
+## details.
+## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
+## License along with Octave; see the file COPYING.  If not,
+## see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+## Author: Piotr Held <pjheld at gmail.com>.
+## This function is based on henon of TISEAN 3.0.1 https://github.com/heggus/Tisean"
+## -*- texinfo -*-
+## @deftypefn{Function File} {@var{output_array} =} henon (@var{L}, @dots{})
+## @deftypefnx{Function File} {@var{output_array} =} henon (@var{L}, @var{paramName}, @var{paramValue}, @dots{})
+## Generate Henon map
+## @iftex
+## @tex
+## $$ x_{n+1} = 1 - ax_n^2 + by_n $$
+## $$ y_{n+1} = x_n$$
+## @end tex
+## @end iftex
+## @ifnottex
+## @example
+## x(n+1) = 1 - a * x(n) * x(n) + b * y(n)
+## y(n+1) = x(n)
+## @end example
+## @end ifnottex
+## @strong{Input}
+## @table @var
+## @item L
+## The number of points (x,y), must be integer. Required value.
+## @end table
+## @strong{Parameters}
+## @table @var
+## @item a 
+## Defines parameter 'a' (default=1.4)
+## @item b
+## Defines parameter 'b' (default=0.3) 
+## @item x
+## Initial 'x' (default=0.68587)
+## @item y
+## Initial 'y' (defaul=0.65876)
+## @item ntrans
+## Defines number of transient points (default=10000), must be positive
+## integer scalar
+## @end table
+## @strong{Output}
+## @var{output_array} is of length @var{L}. It contains points on the
+## Henon Map.
+## @strong{Usage example}
+## @code{out = henon(1000, "a", 1.25)}
+## After this command @var{out} will be a 1000x2 matrix with Henon map 
+## points as rows. It will generate 1000 points.
+## @strong{Algorithm}@*
+## On basis of TISEAN package henon
+## @end deftypefn
+## Author: Piotr Held <pjheld at gmail.com>.
+## This function is based on henon of TISEAN 3.0.1
+## https://github.com/heggus/Tisean"
+function output = henon (L, varargin)
+% Define default parameters.
+  a          = 1.4;
+  b          = 0.3;
+  x0         = 0.68587;
+  y0         = 0.65876;  
+  ntransient = 10000;
+  isPositiveInteger = @(x) isreal(x) && isscalar (x) && (x > 0) && (x-round(x) == 0);
+  if (nargin < 1)
+    print_usage();
+  elseif (isPositiveInteger (L) != true)
+    error ('Octave:invalid-input-arg', "L must be a positive integer");
+  endif
+  #### Parse the input    
+  p = inputParser ();
+  p.FunctionName = "henon";  
+  p.addParamValue ("A",a, at isnumeric);
+  p.addParamValue ("B",b, at isnumeric);
+  p.addParamValue ("X",x0, at isnumeric);
+  p.addParamValue ("Y",y0, at isnumeric);
+  isNonNegative = @(x) isreal(x) && isscalar (x) && (x >= 0) && (x-round(x) == 0);
+  p.addParamValue ("ntrans",ntransient,isNonNegative);
+  p.parse (varargin{:});
+  # Asign input
+  nmax = L;  
+  a          = p.Results.A;
+  b          = p.Results.B;
+  x0         = p.Results.X;
+  y0         = p.Results.Y;
+  ntransient = p.Results.ntrans;
+% Computing output  
+  output = __henon__ (nmax, a, b, x0, y0, ntransient);
+%! hen = [0.67778; 0.41367; 0.96376; -0.17626; 1.24563; -1.22512; -0.72760; -0.10869; 0.76518; 0.14769];
+%! res = henon (10);
+%! assert (res(:,1), hen, 1e-5);
diff --git a/inst/ikeda.m b/inst/ikeda.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2a2bd92
--- /dev/null
+++ b/inst/ikeda.m
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+## Copyright (C) 1996-2015 Piotr Held
+## This file is part of Octave.
+## Octave is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
+## License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
+## either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any
+## later version.
+## Octave is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
+## PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more
+## details.
+## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
+## License along with Octave; see the file COPYING.  If not,
+## see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+## Author: Piotr Held <pjheld at gmail.com>.
+## This function is based on henon of TISEAN 3.0.1 https://github.com/heggus/Tisean"
+## -*- texinfo -*-
+## @deftypefn{Function File} {@var{output_array} =} ikeda (@var{L}, @dots{})
+## @deftypefnx{Function File} {@var{output_array} =} ikeda (@var{L}, @var{paramName}, @var{paramValue}, @dots{})
+## Generate Ikeda map
+## @iftex
+## @tex
+## $$ z_{n+1} = 1 + c * z_{n} * exp (a*i - {{b*i} \over {1+|z_{n}|}})$$
+## @end tex
+## @end iftex
+## @ifnottex
+## @example
+##                                       b*i
+## z(n+1) = 1 + c * z(n) * exp (a*i - ---------)
+##                                    1+|z(n)|
+## @end example
+## @end ifnottex
+## @strong{Input}
+## @table @var
+## @item L
+## The number of points (x,y), must be integer. Required value.
+## @end table
+## @strong{Parameters}
+## @table @var
+## @item a 
+## Defines parameter 'a' (default=0.4)
+## @item b
+## Defines parameter 'b' (default=6.0)
+## @item c
+## Defines parameter 'c' (default=0.9) 
+## @item R
+## Initial real value of 'z' (default=0.68587)
+## @item I
+## Initial imaginary value of 'z' (defaul=0.65876)
+## @item ntrans
+## Defines number of transient points (default=10000),
+## must be positive integer scalar
+## @end table
+## @strong{Output}
+## @var{output} is of length @var{L}. The first columns are the real values
+## of the Ikeda Map and the second are the imaginary values of the Ikeda map.
+## This is done to be work the same way that 'ikeda' in TISEAN works.
+## @strong{Usage example}
+## @code{out = ikeda(1000, "a", 1.25)}
+## After this command @var{out} will be a 1000x2 matrix with Henon map
+## points as rows. It will generate 1000 points.
+## @strong{Algorithm}
+## On basis of TISEAN package ikeda
+## @end deftypefn
+## Author: Piotr Held <pjheld at gmail.com>.
+## This function is based on ikeda of TISEAN 3.0.1
+## https://github.com/heggus/Tisean"
+function output = ikeda (L, varargin)
+% Define default parameters.
+  a          = 0.4;
+  b          = 6.0;
+  c          = 0.9;
+  x0         = 0.68587;
+  y0         = 0.65876;  
+  ntransient = 10000;
+  isPositiveInteger = @(x) isreal(x) && isscalar (x) && (x > 0) && (x-round(x) == 0);
+  if (nargin < 1)
+    print_usage();
+  elseif (isPositiveInteger (L) != true)
+    error ('Octave:invalid-input-arg', "L must be a positive integer");
+  endif
+  #### Parse the input    
+  p = inputParser ();
+  p.FunctionName = "ikeda";  
+  isRealScalar = @(x) isreal (x) && isscalar (x);
+  p.addParamValue ("A",a,isRealScalar);
+  p.addParamValue ("B",b,isRealScalar);
+  p.addParamValue ("C",c,isRealScalar);
+  p.addParamValue ("R",x0,isRealScalar);
+  p.addParamValue ("I",y0,isRealScalar);
+  isNonNegative = @(x) isreal(x) && isscalar (x) && (x >= 0) && (x-round(x) == 0);
+  p.addParamValue ("ntrans",ntransient,isNonNegative);
+  p.parse (varargin{:});
+  # Asign input
+  nmax = L;
+  a          = p.Results.A;
+  b          = p.Results.B;
+  c          = p.Results.C;
+  x0         = p.Results.R;
+  y0         = p.Results.I;
+  ntransient = p.Results.ntrans;
+% Computing output  
+  output = __ikeda__ (nmax, a, b, c, x0, y0, ntransient);
+%! ikd = [0.28571947432035805 0.64340009417266342;0.50841625820931591 -0.39972597757561129;0.87547944209544659 0.56858743316662752;0.70057389172681206 -0.89053147224601548;-1.9710645882970557E-002 -1.0429004993745194E-002;0.99222205960974108 -1.8501225510088638E-002;0.21620211688366087 -0.42823693940249830;1.3295528700280905 0.27892721893609196;1.0842998438472966 -1.2197367054961652;0.28153619668028618 -1.2810993040439602];
+%! res = ikeda (10);
+%! assert (res, ikd, 1e-16);
diff --git a/inst/lfo_ar.m b/inst/lfo_ar.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b5e8645
--- /dev/null
+++ b/inst/lfo_ar.m
@@ -0,0 +1,209 @@
+## Copyright (C) 1996-2015 Piotr Held
+## This file is part of Octave.
+## Octave is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
+## License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
+## either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any
+## later version.
+## Octave is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
+## PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more
+## details.
+## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
+## License along with Octave; see the file COPYING.  If not,
+## see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+## -*- texinfo -*-
+## @deftypefn{Function File} {@var{output} =} lzo_gm (@var{S})
+## @deftypefnx{Function File} {@var{output} =} lzo_gm (@var{S}, @var{paramName}, @var{paramValue}, @dots{})
+## This program makes a local linear ansatz and estimates the one step
+## prediction error of the model. The difference to lfo-test is that it does
+## it as a function of the neighborhood size.
+## The name "lzo_ar" means 'local first order -> AR-model'.
+## @strong{Input}
+## @table @var
+## @item S
+## This function always assumes that each time series is along the longer 
+## dimension of matrix @var{S}. It also assumes that every dimension 
+## (counting along the shorter dimension) of @var{S} is considered a 
+## component of the time series.
+## @end table
+## @strong {Parameters}
+## @table @var
+## @item m
+## The embedding dimension used. It is synonymous to the second part 
+## of flag '-m' from TISEAN. The first part of the TISEAN flag is omitted
+## as all of the available components of @var{S} are analyzed
+## [default = 1].
+## @item d
+## Delay used for the embedding [default = 1].
+## @item i
+## For how many points should the error be calculated [default = 
+## length (@var{S})].
+## @item rlow
+## The neighborhood size to start with [default = 1e-3].
+## @item rhigh
+## The neighborhood size to end with [default = 1].
+## @item f
+## Factor to increase neighborhood size if not enough neighbors were
+## found [default = 1.2].
+## @item s
+## Steps to be forecast @code{x(n+s) = f(x(n))} [default = 1].
+## @item c
+## Width of causality window [default = value of parameter @var{s}]
+## @end table
+## @strong{Output}
+## The output is alligned with the input. If the components of the 
+## input(@var{S}) were column vectors then the number of columns of the
+## output is 4 + number of components of @var{S}. In this case the output
+## will have the following values in each row:
+## @itemize @bullet
+## @item
+## Neighborhood size (units of data)
+## @item
+## Relative forecast error ((forecast error)/(variance of data))
+## @item
+## Relative forecast error for the individual components of the input,
+## this will take as many columns as the input has
+## @item
+## Fraction of points for which neighbors were found for this neighborhood size
+## @item
+## Average number of neighbors found per point
+## @end itemize
+## @seealso{demo lfo_ar, lfo_test, lfo_run}
+## @strong{Algorithms}
+## The algorithms for this functions have been taken from the TISEAN package.
+## @end deftypefn
+## Author: Piotr Held <pjheld at gmail.com>.
+## This function is based on lfo-ar of TISEAN 3.0.1
+## https://github.com/heggus/Tisean"
+function output = lfo_ar (S, varargin)
+  if (nargin < 1)
+    print_usage;
+  endif
+  if ((ismatrix (S) == false) || (isreal(S) == false) || ...
+       (isreal(S) == false))
+    error ('Octave:invalid-input-arg', "S must be a realmatrix");
+  endif
+  # Default values
+  embed   = 2;
+  delay   = 1;
+  clength = length (S);
+  eps0    = 1e-3;
+  eps0set = false;
+  eps1    = 1;
+  eps1set = false;
+  epsf    = 1.2;
+  step    = 1;
+  causal  = step;
+#### Parse the input
+  p = inputParser ();
+  p.FunctionName = "lfo_ar";
+  isPositiveIntScalar = @(x) isreal(x) && isscalar (x) && ...
+                             (x > 0) && (x-round(x) == 0);
+  isPositiveScalar     = @(x) isreal(x) && isscalar (x) && (x > 0);
+  p.addParamValue ("m", embed, isPositiveIntScalar);
+  p.addParamValue ("d", delay, isPositiveIntScalar);
+  p.addParamValue ("i", clength, isPositiveIntScalar);
+  p.addParamValue ("rlow", eps0, isPositiveScalar);
+  p.addParamValue ("rhigh", eps1, isPositiveScalar);
+  p.addParamValue ("f", epsf, isPositiveScalar);
+  p.addParamValue ("s", step, isPositiveIntScalar);
+  p.addParamValue ("c", causal, isPositiveIntScalar);
+  p.addSwitch ("verbose");
+  p.parse (varargin{:});
+  # Assign inputs
+  embed   = p.Results.m;
+  delay   = p.Results.d;
+  clength = p.Results.i;
+  eps0    = p.Results.rlow;
+  eps0set = !ismember ('rlow', p.UsingDefaults);
+  eps1    = p.Results.rhigh;
+  eps1set = !ismember ('rhigh', p.UsingDefaults);
+  epsf    = p.Results.f;
+  step    = p.Results.s;
+  verbose = p.Results.verbose;
+  # If causal is not set the default is the value of parameter 's'
+  if (ismember ('c', p.UsingDefaults))
+    causal = step;
+  else
+    causal = p.Results.c;
+  endif
+  # Correct S to always have more rows than columns
+  trnspsd = false;
+  if (rows (S) < columns (S))
+    S = S.';
+    trnspsd = true;
+  endif
+  output = __lfo_ar__ (S, embed, delay, clength, eps0, eps0set, ...
+                       eps1, eps1set, epsf, step, causal, verbose);
+  if (trnspsd)
+  output = output.';
+  endif
+%! verbose = yes_or_no ("Would you like this to be run verbose? (it may take\
+%!  a while to complete)\n");
+%! ar4 = arma_rnd([0.3,0.3,-0.3,0.3],[],0.1,1000,100);
+%! if (verbose)
+%!   res_hen     = lfo_ar (henon(5000)(:,1),'m',4,'d',6,'verbose');
+%!   res_ikeda   = lfo_ar (ikeda(5000)(:,1), 'm',4, 'd', 3, 'verbose');
+%!   res_ar      = lfo_ar(ar4,'m',4,'d',1,'verbose');
+%! else
+%!   res_hen     = lfo_ar (henon(5000)(:,1),'m',4,'d',6);
+%!   res_ikeda   = lfo_ar (ikeda(5000)(:,1), 'm',4, 'd', 3);
+%!   res_ar      = lfo_ar(ar4,'m',3,'d',1);
+%! endif
+%! semilogx (res_hen(:,1), res_hen(:,2),'-g',...
+%!           res_ikeda(:,1), res_ikeda(:,2),'-b',...
+%!           res_ar(:,1), res_ar(:,2),'-r')
+%! ylim([0 1]);
+%! legend ('Henon', 'Ikeda','AR(4)')
+%! xlabel ("Neighborhood Radius (size)")
+%! ylabel ("Normalized error")
+%! hen = henon (1000);
+%! lfo_ar_res = [0.7282938 1.131588 1.062527 1.200649 0.009562842 21.57143;0.8739526 1.137836 1.142633 1.133039 0.1270492 25.23656;1.048743 1.165663 1.163948 1.167378 0.4043716 34.79054;1.258492 1.106056 1.085286 1.126825 0.681694 51.45491;1.51019 1.089661 1.087304 1.092017 0.9262295 80.66667;1.812228 1.031237 1.015163 1.047312 1 149.6667;2.174674 1.010981 0.9995845 1.022378 1 247.6708;2.609608 1.004337 0.9968726 1.011801 1 305.3975];
+%! res = lfo_ar (hen, 'm',4,'d',6,'s',250);
+%! assert (res, lfo_ar_res, 1e-4);
+%% check for near singular matrix
+%!shared in
+%! in = [(sin ((1:800) / (180)).'), (cos ((1:800) / (180)).')];
+%!error <singular> lfo_ar(in, 'm', 4, 'd',6, 's',250);
diff --git a/inst/lfo_run.m b/inst/lfo_run.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5d2f5e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/inst/lfo_run.m
@@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
+## Copyright (C) 1996-2015 Piotr Held
+## This file is part of Octave.
+## Octave is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
+## License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
+## either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any
+## later version.
+## Octave is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
+## PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more
+## details.
+## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
+## License along with Octave; see the file COPYING.  If not,
+## see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+## -*- texinfo -*-
+## @deftypefn{Function File} {@var{output} =} lfo_run (@var{S})
+## @deftypefnx{Function File} {@var{output} =} lfo_run (@var{S}, @var{paramName}, @var{paramValue}, @dots{})
+## This function depending on whether switch 'zeroth' is set produces either
+## a local linear ansatz or a zeroth order ansatz for a possibly multivariate
+## time series and iterates an artificial trajectory. The initial values for
+## the trajectory are the last points of the original time series. 
+## Thus it actually forecasts the time series.
+## @strong{Input}
+## @table @var
+## @item S
+## This function always assumes that each time series is along the longer 
+## dimension of matrix @var{S}. It also assumes that every dimension 
+## (counting along the shorter dimension) of @var{S} is considered a 
+## component of the time series.
+## @end table
+## @strong{Parameters}
+## @table @var
+## @item m
+## The embedding dimension used. It is synonymous to the second part 
+## of flag '-m' from TISEAN. The first part of the TISEAN flag is omitted
+## as all of the available components of @var{S} are analyzed
+## [default = 1].
+## @item d
+## Delay used for the embedding [default = 1].
+## @item L
+## Number of iterations into the future, length of prediction [default = 1000].
+## @item k
+## Minimal number of neighbors for the fit [default = 30].
+## @item r
+## Neighborhood size to start with [default = 1e-3].
+## @item f
+## Factor to increase neighborhood size if not enough neighbors were
+## found [default = 1.2].
+## @end table
+## @strong{Switch}
+## @table @var
+## @item zeroth
+## Perform a zeroth order fit instead a local linear one. This is synonymous
+## with flag '-0' from TISEAN.
+## @end table
+## @strong{Output}
+## Components of the forecasted time series.
+## @seealso{lfo_test, lfo_ar, lzo_run}
+## @strong{Algorithms}
+## The algorithms for this functions have been taken from the TISEAN package.
+## @end deftypefn
+## Author: Piotr Held <pjheld at gmail.com>.
+## This function is based on lfo-run of TISEAN 3.0.1 
+## https://github.com/heggus/Tisean"
+function output = lfo_run (S, varargin)
+  if (nargin < 1)
+    print_usage;
+  endif
+  if ((ismatrix (S) == false) || (isreal(S) == false) || ...
+       (isreal(S) == false))
+    error ('Octave:invalid-input-arg', "S must be a realmatrix");
+  endif
+  # Default values
+  embed   = 2;
+  delay   = 1;
+  flength = 1000;
+  minn    = 30;
+  eps0    = 1e-3;
+  epsf    = 1.2;
+  #### Parse the input
+  p = inputParser ();
+  p.FunctionName = "lfo_run";
+  isPositiveIntScalar = @(x) isreal(x) && isscalar (x) && ...
+                             (x > 0) && (x-round(x) == 0);
+  isNonNegativeIntScalar = @(x) isPositiveIntScalar (x) || (x == 0);
+  isPositiveScalar    = @(x) isreal(x) && isscalar (x) && (x > 0);
+  isNonNegativeScalar = @(x) isPositiveScalar (x) || (x == 0);
+  p.addParamValue ("m", embed, isPositiveIntScalar);
+  p.addParamValue ("d", delay, isPositiveIntScalar);
+  p.addParamValue ("l", flength, isPositiveIntScalar);
+  p.addParamValue ("k", minn, isPositiveIntScalar);
+  p.addParamValue ("r", eps0, isPositiveScalar);
+  p.addParamValue ("f", epsf, isPositiveScalar);
+  p.addSwitch ("zeroth");
+  p.parse (varargin{:});
+  # Assign inputs
+  embed     = p.Results.m;
+  delay     = p.Results.d;
+  flength   = p.Results.l;
+  minn      = p.Results.k;
+  eps0      = p.Results.r;
+  epsset    = !ismember ('r', p.UsingDefaults);
+  epsf      = p.Results.f;
+  do_zeroth = p.Results.zeroth;
+  # Correct S to always have more rows than columns
+  trnspsd = false;
+  if (rows (S) < columns (S))
+    S = S.';
+    trnspsd = true;
+  endif
+  output = __lfo_run__ (S, embed, delay, flength, minn,
+                        eps0, epsset, epsf, do_zeroth);
+  if (trnspsd)
+  output = output.';
+  endif
+%! lfo_run_hen = [0.4178371 0.5916857;0.6124674 0.4178371;0.3080429 0.6124674;0.9938561 0.3080429;-0.3374249 0.9938561;0.7975559 -0.3374249;-0.1623264 0.7975559;0.4382906 -0.1623264;0.4370613 0.4382906;0.9818325 0.4370613;-0.3019938 0.9818325;0.8267984 -0.3019938;-0.2345942 0.8267984;0.5331624 -0.2345942;0.4509924 0.5331624];
+%! res = lfo_run (henon (1000),'m',4,'d',6,'l',15);
+%! assert (res, lfo_run_hen, 1e-5);
+%!error <singular> lfo_run(henon(1000));
+%!error <forecast failed> lfo_run(1:500,'m',1);
+%% Check for neverending execution
+%!error <too large> lfo_run(1:10, 'm',1);
diff --git a/inst/lfo_test.m b/inst/lfo_test.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9c5442c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/inst/lfo_test.m
@@ -0,0 +1,210 @@
+## Copyright (C) 1996-2015 Piotr Held
+## This file is part of Octave.
+## Octave is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
+## License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
+## either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any
+## later version.
+## Octave is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
+## PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more
+## details.
+## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
+## License along with Octave; see the file COPYING.  If not,
+## see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+## -*- texinfo -*-
+## @deftypefn{Function File} {[@var{rel}, @var{ind}] =} lfo_test (@var{S})
+## @deftypefnx{Function File} {[@var{rel}, @var{ind}] =} lfo_test (@var{S}, @var{paramName}, @var{paramValue}, @dots{})
+## Makes a local linear ansatz and estimates the one step prediction error of
+## the model. It allows to determine the optimal set of parameters for the
+## program lfo-run, which iterates the local linear model to get a clean
+## trajectory. The given forecast error is normalized to the variance of
+## the data.
+## @strong{Input}
+## @table @var
+## @item S
+## This function always assumes that each time series is along the longer 
+## dimension of matrix @var{S}. It also assumes that every dimension 
+## (counting along the shorter dimension) of @var{S} is considered a 
+## component of the time series.
+## @end table
+## @strong {Parameters}
+## @table @var
+## @item m
+## The embedding dimension used. It is synonymous to the second part 
+## of flag '-m' from TISEAN. The first part of the TISEAN flag is omitted
+## as all of the available components of @var{S} are analyzed
+## [default = 1].
+## @item d
+## Delay used for the embedding [default = 1].
+## @item n
+## Sets for how many points the error should be calculated [default is 
+## for all of the points].
+## @item k
+## Minimum number of neighbors for the fit [default = 30].
+## @item r
+## Size of neighbourhood to start with [default = 1/1000].
+## @item f
+## Factor to increase the neighbourhood size if not enough
+## naighbors were found [default = 1.2].
+## @item s
+## Steps to be forecast @code{x(n+s) = f(x(n))} [default = 1].
+## @item c
+## Width of causality window [default = value of parameter '@var{s}'].
+## @end table
+## @strong{Outputs}
+## @table @var
+## @item rel
+## This is a matrix of length equal to the parameter '@var{s}'. It contains
+## the relative forecast error. The first column (row depending on the input)
+## contains the steps forecasted. Relative means that the forecast error
+## is divided by the standard deviation of the vector component.
+## Note: This does output is different than that of lzo_test. Here it gives 
+## relative forecast error for each component globally, not for each
+## forecasted datapoint of each component.
+## @item ind
+## This is a matrix that contais the individual forecast error for each
+## comonent of each reference point. This is the same as passing '-V2' 
+## to TISEAN lfo-test.
+## @end table
+## @seealso{lfo_ar, lfo_run}
+## @strong{Algorithms}
+## The algorithms for this functions have been taken from the TISEAN package.
+## @end deftypefn
+## Author: Piotr Held <pjheld at gmail.com>.
+## This function is based on lfo-test of TISEAN 3.0.1 
+## https://github.com/heggus/Tisean"
+function [rel, ind] = lfo_test (S,varargin)
+  if (nargin < 1 || nargout > 2)
+    print_usage;
+  endif
+  if ((ismatrix (S) == false) || (isreal(S) == false) || ...
+       (isreal(S) == false))
+    error ('Octave:invalid-input-arg', "S must be a realmatrix");
+  endif
+  # Default values
+  embed   = 2;
+  delay   = 1;
+  clength = length (S);
+  minn    = 30;
+  eps0    = 1e-3;
+  epsf    = 1.2;
+  step    = 1;
+  causal  = step;
+  #### Parse the input
+  p = inputParser ();
+  p.FunctionName = "lfo_test";
+  isPositiveIntScalar = @(x) isreal(x) && isscalar (x) && ...
+                             (x > 0) && (x-round(x) == 0);
+  isPositiveScalar     = @(x) isreal(x) && isscalar (x) && (x > 0);
+  p.addParamValue ("m", embed, isPositiveIntScalar);
+  p.addParamValue ("d", delay, isPositiveIntScalar);
+  p.addParamValue ("n", clength, isPositiveIntScalar);
+  p.addParamValue ("k", minn, isPositiveIntScalar);
+  p.addParamValue ("r", eps0, isPositiveScalar);
+  p.addParamValue ("f", epsf, isPositiveScalar);
+  p.addParamValue ("s", step, isPositiveIntScalar);
+  p.addParamValue ("c", causal, isPositiveIntScalar);
+  p.parse (varargin{:});
+  # Assign inputs
+  embed     = p.Results.m;
+  delay     = p.Results.d;
+  clength   = p.Results.n;
+  minn      = p.Results.k;
+  eps0      = p.Results.r;
+  epsset    = !ismember ('r',p.UsingDefaults);
+  epsf      = p.Results.f;
+  step      = p.Results.s;
+  # From lzo-test main()
+  if (ismember ('c', p.UsingDefaults))
+    causal    = step;
+  else
+    causal    = p.Results.c;
+  endif
+  # Correct S to always have more rows than columns
+  trnspsd = false;
+  if (rows (S) < columns (S))
+    S = S.';
+    trnspsd = true;
+  endif
+  # Input validation
+  # Ensure there is no segmentation fault in the program
+  if (clength < step)
+    error ('Octave:invalid-input-arg', ...
+           "The number of points for which to calculate error (parameter 'n')\
+is larger than steps to be forecast (parameter 's')");
+  endif
+  # Checks if the data is not too short
+  if ((length (S)-(embed-1)*delay) < minn)
+    error ('Octave:invalid-input-arg', ...
+           'Data set is too short to find enough neighbors for the fit');
+  endif
+  if (nargout == 2)
+    [rel, ind] = __lfo_test__ (S, embed, delay, clength, ...
+                               minn, eps0, epsset, ...
+                               epsf, step, causal);
+    if (trnspsd)
+      ind = ind.';
+    endif
+  else
+    rel        = __lfo_test__ (S, embed, delay, clength, ...
+                               minn, eps0, epsset, ...
+                               epsf, step, causal);
+  endif
+  if (trnspsd)
+  rel = rel.';
+  endif
+%!shared rel
+%! lfo_test_res = [-0.6092615 5.677122e-16;-0.08420277 -5.393266e-15;-0.2244035 4.257841e-15;-0.1662528 1.305738e-14;-0.3345843 1.135424e-15;0.3102795 -3.775286e-14;0.0515371 1.951511e-15;-0.6680323 3.264345e-15;-0.1297309 2.838561e-16;-0.1440459 1.135424e-15;-0.01528415 -1.135424e-15];
+%! [rel, ind] = lfo_test(henon(1000), 'm',4, 'd', 6, 'n', 30);
+%! assert (ind, lfo_test_res,1e-7)
+%!assert (rel, [4.438417e-01; 1.686444e-14], 1e-7);
+%% check for near singular matrix
+%!shared in
+%! in = [(sin ((1:800) / (180)).'), (cos ((1:800) / (180)).')];
+%!error <singular> lfo_test(in, 'm', 4, 'd',6, 's',250);
+%% Check for neverending execution
+%!error <too large> lfo_test(1:500, 's',250);
diff --git a/inst/lyap_k.m b/inst/lyap_k.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7b24198
--- /dev/null
+++ b/inst/lyap_k.m
@@ -0,0 +1,251 @@
+## Copyright (C) 1996-2015 Piotr Held
+## This file is part of Octave.
+## Octave is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
+## License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
+## either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any
+## later version.
+## Octave is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
+## PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more
+## details.
+## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
+## License along with Octave; see the file COPYING.  If not,
+## see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+## -*- texinfo -*-
+## @deftypefn{Function File} {@var{output} =} lyap_k (@var{X})
+## @deftypefnx{Function File} {@var{output} =} lyap_k (@var{X}, @var{paramName}, @var{paramValue}, @dots{})
+## Estimates the maximum Lyapunov exponent using the algorithm described by 
+## Kantz on the TISEAN reference page:
+## http://www.mpipks-dresden.mpg.de/~tisean/Tisean_3.0.1/docs/chaospaper/citation.html
+## @strong{Input}
+## @table @var
+## @item X
+## Must be realvector.
+## @end table
+## @strong{Parameters}
+## @table @var
+## @item mmax
+## Maximum embedding dimension to use [default = 2].
+## @item mmin
+## Minimum embedding dimension to use [default = 2].
+## @item d
+## Delay used [default = 1].
+## @item rlow
+## Minimum length scale to search neighbors [default = 1e-3].
+## @item rhigh
+## Maximum length scale to search neighbors [default = 1e-2].
+## @item ecount
+## Number of length scales to use [default = 5].
+## @item n
+## Reference points to use [all].
+## @item s
+## Number of iterations in time [default = 50].
+## @item t
+## 'theiler window' [default = 0].
+## @end table
+## @strong{Switch}
+## @table @var
+## @item verbose
+## Prints information about the current length scale at runtime.
+## @end table
+## @strong{Output}
+## The output is a struct array of size:
+## @code{'ecount' x ('mmax' - 'mmin' + 1)}
+## It has the following fields:
+## @itemize @bullet
+## @item
+## @code{eps} - holds the epsilon for the exponent
+## @item
+## @code{dim} - holds the embedding dimension used in exponent
+## @item
+## @code{exp} - contains the exponent data. It consists of 3 columns:
+## @enumerate
+## @item
+## The number of the iteration
+## @item
+## The logarithm of the stretching factor (the slope is the Laypunov exponent
+## if it is a straight line)
+## @item
+## The number of points for which a neighborhood with enough points was found
+## @end enumerate
+## @end itemize
+## @seealso{demo lyap_k, lyap_r, lyap_spec}
+## @strong{Algorithms}
+## The algorithms for this functions have been taken from the TISEAN package.
+## @end deftypefn
+## Author: Piotr Held <pjheld at gmail.com>.
+## This function is based on lyap_k of TISEAN 3.0.1 
+## https://github.com/heggus/Tisean"
+function output = lyap_k (X, varargin)
+  # Initial input validation
+  if (nargin < 1)
+    print_usage;
+  endif
+  if ((isvector (X) == false) || (isreal(X) == false))
+    error ('Octave:invalid-input-arg', "X must be a realvector");
+  endif
+  # Default parameters
+  maxdim    = 2;
+  mindim    = 2;
+  delay     = 1;
+  epsmin    = 1e-3;
+  epsmax    = 1e-2;
+  epscount  = 5;
+  reference = length (X);
+  maxiter   = 50;
+  window    = 0;
+  #### Parse the input
+  p = inputParser ();
+  p.FunctionName = "lyap_k";
+  isPositiveIntScalar    = @(x) isreal(x) && isscalar (x) && ...
+                             (x > 0) && (x-round(x) == 0);
+  isNonNegativeIntScalar = @(x) isPositiveIntScalar (x) || (length (x) == 1 ...
+                                                            &&(x == 0));
+  isPositiveScalar       = @(x) isreal(x) && isscalar (x) && (x > 0);
+  p.addParamValue ("mmax", maxdim, isPositiveIntScalar);
+  p.addParamValue ("mmin", mindim, isPositiveIntScalar);
+  p.addParamValue ("d", delay, isPositiveIntScalar);
+  p.addParamValue ("rlow", epsmin, isPositiveScalar);
+  p.addParamValue ("rhigh", epsmax, isPositiveScalar);
+  p.addParamValue ("ecount", epscount, isPositiveIntScalar);
+  p.addParamValue ("n", reference, isPositiveIntScalar);
+  p.addParamValue ("s", maxiter, isPositiveIntScalar);
+  p.addParamValue ("t", window, isNonNegativeIntScalar);
+  p.addSwitch ("verbose");
+  p.parse (varargin{:});
+  # Assign inputs
+  maxdim    = p.Results.mmax;
+  mindim    = p.Results.mmin;
+  delay     = p.Results.d;
+  epsmin    = p.Results.rlow;
+  eps0set   = !ismember ('rlow', p.UsingDefaults);
+  epsmax    = p.Results.rhigh;
+  eps1set   = !ismember ('rhigh', p.UsingDefaults);
+  epscount  = p.Results.ecount;
+  reference = p.Results.n;
+  maxiter   = p.Results.s;
+  window    = p.Results.t;
+  verbose   = p.Results.verbose;
+  # Input validation
+  # Check if rlow isn't bigger than rhigh
+  if (epsmin >= epsmax)
+    warning ('Octave:tisean', "Parameter 'rlow' is greater than 'rhigh', \
+setting 'rlow = rhigh'");
+    epsmax=epsmin;
+    epscount=1;
+  endif
+  # Check if 'n' isn't too large
+  if (reference > (length (X)-maxiter-(maxdim-1)*delay))
+    # If it was set too large display warning
+    if (!ismember ('n', p.UsingDefaults))
+      warning ('Octave:tisean', "Parameter 'n' was too large, setting to \
+maximum possible value");
+    endif
+    reference=length (X)-maxiter-(maxdim-1)*delay;
+  endif
+  # Check if there are enough points for these parameters
+  if ((maxiter+(maxdim-1)*delay) >= length(X))
+    error ('Octave:invalid-input-arg',"Too few points to handle these \
+  endif
+  # Ensure maxdim and mindim are correct
+  if (maxdim < 2)
+    warning ('Octave:tisean', "Parameter 'mmax' was too small, setting \
+'mmax' = 2");
+    maxdim=2;
+  endif
+  if (mindim < 2)
+    warning ('Octave:tisean', "Parameter 'mmin' was too small, setting \
+'mmin' = 2");
+    mindim=2;
+  endif
+  if (mindim > maxdim)
+    warning ('Octave:tisean', "Parameter 'mmin' was larger than 'mmax', \
+setting 'mmin' = 'mmax'");
+    maxdim=mindim;
+  endif
+  # Correct X to always have more rows than columns
+  trnspsd = false;
+  if (rows (X) < columns (X))
+    X = X.';
+    trnspsd = true;
+  endif
+  output = __lyap_k__ (X, maxdim, mindim, delay, epsmin, eps0set,...
+                       epsmax, eps1set, epscount, reference, maxiter, ...
+                       window, verbose);
+%! idx    = (1:2500).';
+%! in     = sin (idx./360) + cos (idx ./ 180);
+%! mmax   = 20;
+%! res    = lyap_k (in, 'mmin',2,'mmax',mmax,'d',6,'s',400,'t',500);
+%! cla reset
+%! hold on
+%! for j=2:mmax
+%!   plot (res(1,j-1).exp(:,1),res(1,j-1).exp(:,2),'r');
+%! endfor
+%! axis tight
+%! xlabel ("t [flow samples]");
+%! ylabel ("S(eps, embed, t)");
+%! hold off
+%! ts_res1 = [0 -5.548344 2;1 -4.643023 2;2 -4.5687 2;3 -3.663079 2;4 -3.285737 2;5 -2.364073 2;6 -2.347838 2;7 -1.435444 2;8 -1.174444 2;9 -0.4689464 2;10 -0.9246688 2];
+%! ts_res2 = [0 -4.973845 9;1 -4.375238 9;2 -3.783095 9;3 -3.068363 9;4 -2.88801 9;5 -2.361605 9;6 -2.047413 9;7 -1.579871 9;8 -0.9320268 9;9 -0.8645631 9;10 -1.412792 9];
+%! hen = henon (1000)(:,1);
+%! res = lyap_k (hen, 'mmin',4,'mmax',4,'d',6,'s',10,'t',100);
+%! assert({res(4).exp, res(5).exp}, {ts_res1, ts_res2},-1e-6);
+%% Check input validation
+%% Warnings are promoted to errors to prevent program execution
+%!error <greater> warning("error", "Octave:tisean"); lyap_k (1:100,'rlow',2);
+%!error <too large> warning("error", "Octave:tisean"); lyap_k (1:100,'n',100);
+%!error <few points> lyap_k (1:100,'s',100);
+%!error <too small> warning("error", "Octave:tisean"); lyap_k (1:100,'mmin',1);
+%!error <larger> warning("error", "Octave:tisean"); lyap_k (1:100,'mmin',3);
+%!error <too small> warning("error", "Octave:tisean"); lyap_k (1:100,'mmax',1);
diff --git a/inst/lyap_r.m b/inst/lyap_r.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e9f2247
--- /dev/null
+++ b/inst/lyap_r.m
@@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
+## Copyright (C) 1996-2015 Piotr Held
+## This file is part of Octave.
+## Octave is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
+## License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
+## either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any
+## later version.
+## Octave is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
+## PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more
+## details.
+## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
+## License along with Octave; see the file COPYING.  If not,
+## see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+## -*- texinfo -*-
+## @deftypefn{Function File} {@var{output} =} lyap_r (@var{X})
+## @deftypefnx{Function File} {@var{output} =} lyap_r (@var{X}, @var{paramName}, @var{paramValue}, @dots{})
+## Estimates the largest Lyapunov exponent of a given scalar data set using
+## the algorithm described by Resentein et al. on the TISEAN refernce page:
+## http://www.mpipks-dresden.mpg.de/~tisean/Tisean_3.0.1/docs/chaospaper/citation.html
+## @strong{Input}
+## @table @var
+## @item X
+## Must be realvector. The output will be alligned with the input.
+## @end table
+## @strong{Parameters}
+## @table @var
+## @item m
+## Embedding dimension to use [default = 2].
+## @item d
+## Delay used [default = 1].
+## @item t
+## Window around the reference point which should be omitted [default = 0].
+## @item r
+## Minimum length scale for the neighborhood search [default = 1e-3].
+## @item s
+## Number of iterations in time [default = 10].
+## @end table
+## @strong{Switch}
+## @table @var
+## @item verbose
+## Gives information about the current epsilon while performing computation.
+## @end table
+## @strong{Output}
+## Alligned with input. If input was a column vector than output contains two
+## columns. The first contains the iteration number and
+## the second contains the logarithm of the stretching factor for that
+## iteration.
+## @seealso{demo lyap_r, lyap_k, lyap_spec}
+## @strong{Algorithms}
+## The algorithms for this functions have been taken from the TISEAN package.
+## @end deftypefn
+## Author: Piotr Held <pjheld at gmail.com>.
+## This function is based on lyap_r of TISEAN 3.0.1 
+## https://github.com/heggus/Tisean"
+function output = lyap_r (X, varargin)
+  # Initial input validation
+  if (nargin < 1)
+    print_usage;
+  endif
+  if ((isvector (X) == false) || (isreal(X) == false))
+    error ('Octave:invalid-input-arg', "X must be a realvector");
+  endif
+  # Default parameters
+  embdim  = 2;
+  delay   = 1;
+  mindist = 0;
+  eps0    = 1e-3;
+  steps   = 10;
+  #### Parse the input
+  p = inputParser ();
+  p.FunctionName = "lyap_r";
+  isPositiveIntScalar    = @(x) isreal(x) && isscalar (x) && ...
+                             (x > 0) && (x-round(x) == 0);
+  isNonNegativeIntScalar = @(x) isPositiveIntScalar (x) || (length (x) == 1 ...
+                                                            &&(x == 0));
+  isPositiveScalar       = @(x) isreal(x) && isscalar (x) && (x > 0);
+  p.addParamValue ("m", embdim, isPositiveIntScalar);
+  p.addParamValue ("d", delay, isPositiveIntScalar);
+  p.addParamValue ("t", mindist, isNonNegativeIntScalar);
+  p.addParamValue ("r", eps0, isPositiveScalar);
+  p.addParamValue ("s", steps, isPositiveIntScalar);
+  p.addSwitch ("verbose");
+  p.parse (varargin{:});
+  # Assign inputs
+  embdim  = p.Results.m;
+  delay   = p.Results.d;
+  mindist = p.Results.t;
+  eps0    = p.Results.r;
+  epsset  = !ismember ('r', p.UsingDefaults);
+  steps   = p.Results.s;
+  verbose = p.Results.verbose;
+  # Correct X to always have more rows than columns
+  trnspsd = false;
+  if (rows (X) < columns (X))
+    X = X.';
+    trnspsd = true;
+  endif
+  output = __lyap_r__ (X, embdim, delay, mindist, eps0, epsset, steps,...
+                       verbose);
+  if (trnspsd)
+    output = output.';
+  endif
+%! idx = (1:2500).';
+%! in = sin (idx ./ 360) + cos (idx ./ 180);
+%! mmax = 15;
+%! cla reset
+%! hold on
+%! for i=2:mmax
+%!   res = lyap_r (in, 'm', i, 'd', 6, 's',400,'t',200);
+%!   plot (res(:,1),res(:,2),'r');
+%! endfor
+%! axis tight
+%! xlabel ("t [flow samples]");
+%! ylabel ("S(eps, embed, t)");
+%! hold off
+%! lyap_r_res =  [0 -2.983802;1 -2.980538;2 -2.962341;3 -2.931719;4 -2.891934;5 -2.846183;6 -2.797121;7 -2.74671;8 -2.69629;9 -2.646711;10 -2.598477];
+%! in = sin((1:1000).'./360);
+%! res = lyap_r (in, 'm',4 ,'d',6,'s',10,'t',100);
+%! assert (res, lyap_r_res, -1e-6);
+%% Check if transposed output works correctly
+%! res1 = lyap_r(1:100);
+%! res2 = lyap_r((1:100).');
+%! assert(res1.',res2);
+%!error <ranges> lyap_r (1)
+%% Check if program does not run forever
+%!error <too large> lyap_r (1:12)
diff --git a/inst/lyap_spec.m b/inst/lyap_spec.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b41b0b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/inst/lyap_spec.m
@@ -0,0 +1,251 @@
+## Copyright (C) 1996-2015 Piotr Held
+## This file is part of Octave.
+## Octave is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
+## License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
+## either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any
+## later version.
+## Octave is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
+## PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more
+## details.
+## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
+## License along with Octave; see the file COPYING.  If not,
+## see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+## -*- texinfo -*-
+## @deftypefn{Function File} {[@var{lyap_exp}, @var{pars}] =} lyap_spec (@var{S})
+## @deftypefnx{Function File} {[@var{lyap_exp}, @var{pars}] =} lyap_spec (@var{S}, @var{paramName}, @var{paramValue}, @dots{})
+## Estimates the spectrum of Lyapunov exponents using the
+## method of Sano and Sawada.
+## @strong{Input}
+## @table @var
+## @item S
+## This function always assumes that each time series is along the longer 
+## dimension of matrix @var{S}. It also assumes that every dimension 
+## (counting along the shorter dimension) of @var{S} is considered a 
+## component of the time series.
+## @end table
+## @strong{Parameters}
+## @table @var
+## @item m
+## Embedding dimension [default = 2].
+## @item d
+## Currently unused, will be delay used in future.
+## @item n
+## Number of iterations [default = length (@var{S})].
+## @item r
+## Minimum neighborhood size [default = 1e-3].
+## @item f
+## Factor to increase the size of the neighborhood if the program didn't
+## find enough neighbors [default = 1.2].
+## @item k
+## Number of neighbors to use (this implementation uses exactly the number of
+## neighbors specified, if more are found only the @var{K} nearest are used)
+## [default = 30].
+## @item p
+## Specify after how many iteration should the current output be 
+## displayed. This is useful for data sets that can take a long time.
+## Also, if the program runs longer than 10 seconds it will display the current
+## state, regardless [default = calculate all of the data at once and don't
+## intermediary steps].
+## @end table
+## @strong{Switch}
+## @table @var
+## @item invert
+## Inverts the order of the time series. Can help finding spurious exponents.
+## @end table
+## @strong{Output}
+## The output is alligned with the components of the input.
+## @table @var
+## @item lyap_exp
+## Assuming an input with column vectors this part of the output will consist 
+## of @code{columns (S) * m + 1} columns (the 'm' stands for the embedding
+## dimension). The first column will be the iteration number and rest contain
+## estimates of the Lyapunov exponents in decreasing order.
+## @item pars
+## This is a struct that contains the following parameters associated with
+## the calculated Lyapunov exponents:
+## @itemize @bullet
+## @item
+## rel_err - the relative error for every dimension of the input
+## @item
+## abs_err - the absolute error for every dimension of the input
+## @item
+## nsize - average neighborhood size
+## @item
+## nno - average number of neighbors
+## @item
+## ky_dim - estimated KY-Dimension
+## @end itemize
+## @end table
+## @seealso{lyap_k, lyap_r}
+## @strong{Algorithms}
+## The algorithms for this functions have been taken from the TISEAN package.
+## @end deftypefn
+## Author: Piotr Held <pjheld at gmail.com>.
+## This function is based on lyap_spec of TISEAN 3.0.1 
+## https://github.com/heggus/Tisean"
+function [lyap_exp, pars] = lyap_spec (S, varargin)
+  if (nargin < 1 || nargout > 2)
+    print_usage;
+  endif
+  if ((ismatrix (S) == false) || (isreal(S) == false) || ...
+       (isreal(S) == false))
+    error ('Octave:invalid-input-arg', "S must be a realmatrix");
+  endif
+  # Default values
+  embed          = 2;
+  delay          = 1;
+  iterations     = length (S);
+  epsmin         = 1e-3;
+  epsstep        = 1.2;
+  minn           = 30;
+  iterator_pause = length (S);
+  #### Parse the input
+  p = inputParser ();
+  p.FunctionName = "lyap_spec";
+  isPositiveIntScalar = @(x) isreal(x) && isscalar (x) && ...
+                             (x > 0) && (x-round(x) == 0);
+  isPositiveScalar    = @(x) isreal(x) && isscalar (x) && (x > 0);
+  p.addParamValue ("m", embed, isPositiveIntScalar);
+  p.addParamValue ("d", delay, isPositiveIntScalar);
+  p.addParamValue ("n", iterations, isPositiveIntScalar);
+  p.addParamValue ("r", epsmin, isPositiveScalar);
+  p.addParamValue ("f", epsstep, isPositiveScalar);
+  p.addParamValue ("k", minn, isPositiveIntScalar);
+  p.addParamValue ("p", iterator_pause, isPositiveIntScalar);
+  p.addSwitch ("invert");
+  p.parse (varargin{:});
+  # Assign input
+  embed          = p.Results.m;
+#  delay           = p.Results.d;
+  iterations     = p.Results.n;
+  epsmin         = p.Results.r;
+  epsset         = !ismember ('r', p.UsingDefaults);
+  epsstep        = p.Results.f;
+  minn           = p.Results.k;
+  invert         = p.Results.invert;
+  iterator_pause = p.Results.p;
+  # Correct S to always have more rows than columns
+  trnspsd = false;
+  if (rows (S) < columns (S))
+    S = S.';
+    trnspsd = true;
+  endif
+  # Invert each component in the time series
+  if (invert)
+    S = S(rows(S):-1:1,:);
+  endif
+  # Input validation from old main()
+  if (minn > (length (S)-delay*(embed-1)-1))
+    error ('Octave:invalid-input-arg', ...
+           "Your time series is not long enough to find %d neighbors!", minn);
+  endif
+  # Input adjustment from main()
+  if (iterations >(length (S)-delay))
+    if (!ismember ('n', p.UsingDefaults))
+      warning ('Octave:tisean', ["Value of parameter 'n' too large, ", ...
+                                 "setting 'n' = %d"], length (S) - delay);
+    endif
+    iterations = length (S) - delay;
+  endif
+  [lyap_exp, vars] = __lyap_spec__ (S, embed, iterations, epsmin, ...
+                                    epsset, epsstep, minn, iterator_pause);
+  calc_paused = false;
+  while (isfield (vars, "count") ...
+         && vars.count < (iterations - (embed-1)*delay))
+    printf ("\n");
+    if (trnspsd)
+      lyap_exp = mat2str(lyap_exp.')
+    else
+      lyap_exp = mat2str(lyap_exp)
+    endif
+    fflush (stdout);
+    calc_paused   = true;
+    [lyap_exp, vars] = __lyap_spec__ (S, embed, iterations, vars.epsmin, ...
+                                      epsset, epsstep, minn, iterator_pause,
+                                      vars.count, ...
+                                      vars.averr, vars.delta, vars.avneig,...
+                                      vars.aveps);
+  endwhile
+  if (calc_paused)
+    printf ("\n");
+    fflush (stdout);
+  endif
+  pars = vars;
+  # Correct the exponents to allign with input
+  if (trnspsd)
+  lyap_exp = lyap_exp.';
+  endif
+%! hen = henon(1000)(:,1);
+%! lyap_spec_res = [97 1.475854e+00 4.569062e-01 -4.080476e-01 -9.133782e-01];
+%! res = lyap_spec (hen, 'm', 4, 'n', 100, 'k', 50, 'invert');
+%! assert (res, lyap_spec_res, -1e-6);
+%!shared tisean_res
+%! lyap       =[97 1.724734 1.344298 0.6055269 0.1107455 -0.1679277 -0.4839892 -0.6831324 -1.279134];
+%! rel_err    = [9.879479e-02 5.606372e-02];
+%! abs_err    = [4.645455e-02 3.915540e-02];
+%! nsize      = 7.035643e-01;
+%! nno        = 50;
+%! ky_dim     = 8;
+%! tisean_res = {lyap, rel_err, abs_err, nsize, nno, ky_dim};
+%! ik = ikeda(1000);
+%! [lyap, pars] = lyap_spec (ik, 'm',4, 'n',100, 'k', 50,'invert');
+%! res = {lyap, pars.rel_err, pars.abs_err, pars.nsize, pars.nno, pars.ky_dim};
+%! assert (res, tisean_res, 1e-6);
+%% test for matrix near singularity
+%!error <singular> lyap_spec (sin((1:1000).'./360), 'm',4);
+%% Testing input validation
+%!error <not long> lyap_spec (1:10, 'k',10);
+%% Promote warnings to error to not execute program
+%!error <too large> warning("error", "Octave:tisean"); ...
+%!                  lyap_spec(1:100,'n',100);
diff --git a/inst/lzo_gm.m b/inst/lzo_gm.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9552445
--- /dev/null
+++ b/inst/lzo_gm.m
@@ -0,0 +1,185 @@
+## Copyright (C) 1996-2015 Piotr Held
+## This file is part of Octave.
+## Octave is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
+## License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
+## either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any
+## later version.
+## Octave is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
+## PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more
+## details.
+## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
+## License along with Octave; see the file COPYING.  If not,
+## see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+## -*- texinfo -*-
+## @deftypefn{Function File} {@var{output} =} lzo_gm (@var{S})
+## @deftypefnx{Function File} {@var{output} =} lzo_gm (@var{S}, @var{paramName}, @var{paramValue}, @dots{})
+## Estimates the average forecast error for a local
+## constant (zeroth order) fit as a function of the neighborhood size.
+## The name "lzo_gm" means 'local zeroth order -> global mean'.
+## @strong{Input}
+## @table @var
+## @item S
+## This function always assumes that each time series is along the longer 
+## dimension of matrix @var{S}. It also assumes that every dimension 
+## (counting along the shorter dimension) of @var{S} is considered a 
+## component of the time series.
+## @end table
+## @strong {Parameters}
+## @table @var
+## @item m
+## The embedding dimension used. It is synonymous to the second part 
+## of flag '-m' from TISEAN. The first part of the TISEAN flag is omitted
+## as all of the available components of @var{S} are analyzed
+## [default = 1].
+## @item d
+## Delay used for the embedding [default = 1].
+## @item i
+## For how many points should the error be calculated [default = 
+## length (@var{S})].
+## @item rlow
+## The neighborhood size to start with [default = 1e-3].
+## @item rhigh
+## The neighborhood size to end with [default = 1].
+## @item f
+## Factor to increase neighborhood size if not enough neighbors were
+## found [default = 1.2].
+## @item s
+## Steps to be forecast @code{x(n+s) = f(x(n))} [default = 1].
+## @item c
+## Width of causality window [default = value of parameter @var{s}]
+## @end table
+## @strong {Output}
+## The output is alligned with the input. If the components of the 
+## input(@var{S}) were column vectors then the number of columns of the
+## output is 4 + number of components of @var{S}. In this case the output
+## will have the following values in each row:
+## @itemize @bullet
+## @item
+## Neighborhood size (units of data)
+## @item
+## Relative forecast error ((forecast error)/(variance of data))
+## @item
+## Relative forecast error for the individual components of the input,
+## this will take as many columns as the input has
+## @item
+## Fraction of points for which neighbors were found for this neighborhood size
+## @item
+## Average number of neighbors found per point
+## @end itemize
+## @seealso{lzo_test, lzo_run}
+## @strong{Algorithms}
+## The algorithms for this functions have been taken from the TISEAN package.
+## @end deftypefn
+## Author: Piotr Held <pjheld at gmail.com>.
+## This function is based on lzo-gm of TISEAN 3.0.1
+## https://github.com/heggus/Tisean"
+function output = lzo_gm (S, varargin)
+  if (nargin < 1)
+    print_usage;
+  endif
+  if ((ismatrix (S) == false) || (isreal(S) == false) || ...
+       (isreal(S) == false))
+    error ('Octave:invalid-input-arg', "S must be a realmatrix");
+  endif
+  # Default values
+  embed     = 2;
+  delay     = 1;
+  clength   = length (S);
+  eps0      = 1e-3;
+  eps0set   = 0;
+  eps1      = 1.0;
+  eps1set   = 0;
+  epsf      = 1.2; 
+  step      = 1;
+  causal    = step;
+  #### Parse the input
+  p = inputParser ();
+  p.FunctionName = "lzo_gm";
+  isPositiveIntScalar = @(x) isreal(x) && isscalar (x) && ...
+                             (x > 0) && (x-round(x) == 0);
+  isPositiveScalar     = @(x) isreal(x) && isscalar (x) && (x > 0);
+  p.addParamValue ("m", embed, isPositiveIntScalar);
+  p.addParamValue ("d", delay, isPositiveIntScalar);
+  p.addParamValue ("i", clength, isPositiveIntScalar);
+  p.addParamValue ("rlow", eps0, isPositiveScalar);
+  p.addParamValue ("rhigh", eps1, isPositiveScalar);
+  p.addParamValue ("f", epsf, isPositiveScalar);
+  p.addParamValue ("s", step, isPositiveIntScalar);
+  p.addParamValue ("c", causal, isPositiveIntScalar);
+  p.parse (varargin{:});
+  # Assign inputs
+  embed   = p.Results.m;
+  delay   = p.Results.d;
+  clength = p.Results.i;
+  eps0    = p.Results.rlow;
+  eps0set = !ismember ('rlow', p.UsingDefaults);
+  eps1    = p.Results.rhigh;
+  eps1set = !ismember ('rhigh', p.UsingDefaults);
+  epsf    = p.Results.f;
+  step    = p.Results.s;
+  # If causal is not set the default is the value of parameter 's'
+  if (ismember ('c', p.UsingDefaults))
+    causal = step;
+  else
+    causal = p.Results.c;
+  endif
+  # Correct S to always have more rows than columns
+  trnspsd = false;
+  if (rows (S) < columns (S))
+    S = S.';
+    trnspsd = true;
+  endif
+  output = __lzo_gm__ (S, embed, delay, clength, eps0, eps0set, ...
+                       eps1, eps1set, epsf, step, causal);
+  if (trnspsd)
+  output = output.';
+  endif
+%! res = lzo_gm((1:500),'s',250);
+%! assert (isempty (res));
+%! in = [(sin ((1:800) / (360)).'), (cos ((1:800) / (360)).')];
+%! lzo_gm_res = [0.3177514 5.832589 8.960147 2.70503 0.202346 23.71739;0.3813016 0.9768847 1.309398 0.6443708 0.6334311 52.70833;0.4575619 0.7291856 0.9129027 0.5454685 0.7580645 88.4236;0.5490743 0.6127415 0.6892565 0.5362266 0.872434 128.6151;0.6588892 0.6677921 0.7556775 0.5799066 1 168.2273;0.790667 0.7833726 0.8609434 0.7058018 1 230.3416;0.9488005 0.9280836 0.9918559 0.8643113 1 299.7463;1.138561 1.091321 1.125727 1.056915 1 374.4912;1.366273 1.242503 1.237341 1.247664 1 443.8138;1 [...]
+%! res = lzo_gm (in, 'm', 4, 'd', 6, 's', 100, 'rhigh', 2);
+%! assert (res, lzo_gm_res, -1e-6);
diff --git a/inst/lzo_run.m b/inst/lzo_run.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..648062a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/inst/lzo_run.m
@@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
+## Copyright (C) 1996-2015 Piotr Held
+## This file is part of Octave.
+## Octave is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
+## License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
+## either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any
+## later version.
+## Octave is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
+## PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more
+## details.
+## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
+## License along with Octave; see the file COPYING.  If not,
+## see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+## -*- texinfo -*-
+## @deftypefn{Function File} {@var{output} =} lzo_run (@var{S})
+## @deftypefnx{Function File} {@var{output} =} lzo_run (@var{S}, @var{paramName}, @var{paramValue}, @dots{})
+## This program fits a locally zeroth order model to a possibly multivariate
+## time series and iterates the time series into the future. The existing data
+## set is extended starting with the last point in time. It is possible to add
+## gaussian white dynamical noise during the iteration.
+## @strong{Input}
+## @table @var
+## @item S
+## This function always assumes that each time series is along the longer 
+## dimension of matrix @var{S}. It also assumes that every dimension 
+## (counting along the shorter dimension) of @var{S} is considered a 
+## component of the time series.
+## @end table
+## @strong{Parameters}
+## @table @var
+## @item m
+## The embedding dimension used. It is synonymous to the second part 
+## of flag '-m' from TISEAN. The first part of the TISEAN flag is omitted
+## as all of the available components of @var{S} are analyzed
+## [default = 1].
+## @item d
+## Delay used for the embedding [default = 1].
+## @item L
+## Number of iterations into the future [default = 1000].
+## @item k
+## Minimal number of neighbors for the fit [default = 50].
+## @item dnoise
+## Add dynamical noise as percentage of the variance, this value is given
+## in percentage. The same as flag '-%' from TISEAN [default = no noise (0)].
+## @item i
+## Seed for the random number generator used to add noise. If set to 0
+## the time command is used to create a seed [default = 0x9074325].
+## @item r
+## Neighborhood size to start with [default = 1e-3].
+## @item f
+## Factor to increase neighborhood size if not enough neighbors were
+## found [default = 1.2].
+## @end table
+## @strong{Switch}
+## @table @var
+## @item onlynearest
+## If this switch is set then the program uses only the nearest @var{k}
+## neighbor found. This is synonymous with flag '-K' from TISEAN.
+## @end table
+## @strong{Output}
+## Components of the forecasted time series.
+## @seealso{demo lzo_run, lzo_test, lzo_gm}
+## @strong{Algorithms}
+## The algorithms for this functions have been taken from the TISEAN package.
+## @end deftypefn
+## Author: Piotr Held <pjheld at gmail.com>.
+## This function is based on lzo-run of TISEAN 3.0.1 
+## https://github.com/heggus/Tisean"
+function output = lzo_run (S, varargin)
+  if (nargin < 1)
+    print_usage;
+  endif
+  if ((ismatrix (S) == false) || (isreal(S) == false) || ...
+       (isreal(S) == false))
+    error ('Octave:invalid-input-arg', "S must be a realmatrix");
+  endif
+  # Default values
+  embed    = 2;
+  delay    = 1;
+  flength  = 1000;
+  minn     = 50;
+  setsort  = false;
+  seed     = 0x9074325;
+  eps0     = 1e-3;
+  epsset   = false;
+  epsf     = 1.2;
+  Q        = 0;
+  setnoise = false;
+  #### Parse the input
+  p = inputParser ();
+  p.FunctionName = "lzo_run";
+  isPositiveIntScalar = @(x) isreal(x) && isscalar (x) && ...
+                             (x > 0) && (x-round(x) == 0);
+  isNonNegativeIntScalar = @(x) isPositiveIntScalar (x) || (x == 0);
+  isPositiveScalar    = @(x) isreal(x) && isscalar (x) && (x > 0);
+  isNonNegativeScalar = @(x) isPositiveScalar (x) || (x == 0);
+  p.addParamValue ("m", embed, isPositiveIntScalar);
+  p.addParamValue ("d", delay, isPositiveIntScalar);
+  p.addParamValue ("l", flength, isPositiveIntScalar);
+  p.addParamValue ("k", minn, isPositiveIntScalar);
+  p.addParamValue ("i", seed, isNonNegativeIntScalar);
+  p.addParamValue ("r", eps0, isPositiveScalar);
+  p.addParamValue ("f", epsf, isPositiveScalar);
+  p.addParamValue ("dnoise", Q, isNonNegativeScalar);
+  p.addSwitch ("OnlyNearest");
+  p.parse (varargin{:});
+  # Assign inputs
+  embed    = p.Results.m;
+  delay    = p.Results.d;
+  flength  = p.Results.l;
+  minn     = p.Results.k;
+  setsort  = p.Results.OnlyNearest;
+  seed     = p.Results.i;
+  eps0     = p.Results.r;
+  epsset   = !ismember ('r', p.UsingDefaults);
+  epsf     = p.Results.f;
+  Q        = p.Results.dnoise;
+  setnoise = !ismember ('dnoise', p.UsingDefaults);
+  # Correct S to always have more rows than columns
+  trnspsd = false;
+  if (rows (S) < columns (S))
+    S = S.';
+    trnspsd = true;
+  endif
+  output = __lzo_run__ (S, embed, delay, flength, minn, setsort, seed,
+                        eps0, epsset, epsf, Q, setnoise);
+  if (trnspsd)
+  output = output.';
+  endif
+%! idx = 1:5000;
+%% sin_saw is a sinusoid multiplied by a saw function.
+%! sin_saw = (5 + mod (idx, 165) ./15) .* sin (idx.* 2 * pi /32);
+%! sin_saw = sin_saw.';
+%% m=4, d=6 was chosen as the best fit values in demo lzo_test.
+%! no_noise = lzo_run (sin_saw(1:4500), 'm',4,'d',6,'l',500);
+%! noisy    = lzo_run (sin_saw(1:4500), 'm',4,'d',6, 'dnoise',10,'l',500);
+%! plot (no_noise, 'r.', noisy, 'bo',sin_saw(4501:end),'g');
+%! legend ("No noise",...
+%!         "10% noise",...
+%!         "Actual data");
+%! legend ("Location", "NorthOutside", "Orientation", "Horizontal");
+%! axis tight
+%!shared in
+%! in = [(sin ((1:10000) / (360)).'), (cos ((1:10000) / (360)).')];
+%% res was generated using 'lzo-run -m2,4 -d8 -f2'
+%! res = [0.6081981 0.6104005 0.6125982 0.6147912 0.6169795 0.619163 0.6213417 0.6235156 0.6256847 0.627849 0.6300085 0.632163 0.6343127 0.6364575 0.6385974 0.6407324 0.6428624 0.6449875 0.6471076 0.6492227 0.6513327];
+%! out = lzo_run (in, 'm', 4, 'd', 8, 'f', 2,'onlynearest');
+%! assert (out(end-20:end),res,-1e-6);
+%% res was generated using 'lzo-run -m2,4 -d8 -L20'
+%! res = [0.4746743 -0.8801155;0.4730514 -0.8809869;0.4708026 -0.8821883;0.4685045 -0.8834088;0.4661569 -0.8846482;0.4631659 -0.8862157;0.4601181 -0.887801;0.4576502 -0.8890757;0.4551788 -0.8903435;0.4527039 -0.8916045;0.4502255 -0.8928586;0.4477436 -0.8941057;0.4452582 -0.895346;0.4427694 -0.8965794;0.4402772 -0.8978059;0.4377816 -0.8990254;0.4352827 -0.900238;0.4327803 -0.9014436;0.4302746 -0.9026423;0.4277656 -0.903834];
+%! out = lzo_run (in, 'm',4,'d',8,'l',20,'onlynearest');
+%! assert (out, res, -1e-6);
diff --git a/inst/lzo_test.m b/inst/lzo_test.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6dce82e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/inst/lzo_test.m
@@ -0,0 +1,234 @@
+## Copyright (C) 1996-2015 Piotr Held
+## This file is part of Octave.
+## Octave is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
+## License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
+## either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any
+## later version.
+## Octave is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
+## PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more
+## details.
+## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
+## License along with Octave; see the file COPYING.  If not,
+## see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+## -*- texinfo -*-
+## @deftypefn{Function File} {[@var{rel}, @var{ind}] =} lzo_test (@var{S})
+## @deftypefnx{Function File} {[@var{rel}, @var{ind}] =} lzo_test (@var{S}, @var{paramName}, @var{paramValue}, @dots{})
+## Estimates the average forecast error for a zeroth
+## order fit from a multidimensional time series
+## @strong{Input}
+## @table @var
+## @item S
+## This function always assumes that each time series is along the longer 
+## dimension of matrix @var{S}. It also assumes that every dimension 
+## (counting along the shorter dimension) of @var{S} is considered a 
+## component of the time series.
+## @end table
+## @strong {Parameters}
+## @table @var
+## @item m
+## The embedding dimension used. It is synonymous to the second part 
+## of flag '-m' from TISEAN. The first part of the TISEAN flag is omitted
+## as all of the available components of @var{S} are analyzed
+## [default = 1].
+## @item d
+## Delay used for the embedding [default = 1].
+## @item n
+## Sets for how many points the error should be calculated [default is 
+## for all of the points].
+## @item tdist
+## Temporal distance between the reference points [default = 1].
+## @item k
+## Minimum number of neighbors for the fit [default = 30].
+## @item r
+## Size of neighbourhood to start with [default = 1/1000].
+## @item f
+## Factor to increase the neighbourhood size if not enough
+## naighbors were found [default = 1.2].
+## @item s
+## Steps to be forecast @code{x(n+s) = f(x(n))} [default = 1].
+## @item c
+## Width of causality window [default = value of parameter '@var{s}'].
+## @end table
+## @strong{Switch}
+## @table @var
+## @item onlynearest
+## If this switch is set then the program uses only the nearest @var{k}
+## neighbor found. This is synonymous with flag '-K' from TISEAN.
+## @end table
+## @strong{Outputs}
+## @table @var
+## @item rel
+## This is a matrix of length equal to the parameter '@var{s}'. It contains
+## the relative forecast error. The first column (row depending on the input)
+## contains the steps forecasted. Relative means that the forecast error
+## is divided by the standard deviation of the vector component.
+## @item ind
+## This is a matrix that contais the individual forecast error for each
+## comonent of each reference point. This is the same as passing '-V2' 
+## to TISEAN lzo-test.
+## @end table
+## @seealso{demo lzo_test, lzo_gm, lzo_run}
+## @strong{Algorithms}
+## The algorithms for this functions have been taken from the TISEAN package.
+## @end deftypefn
+## Author: Piotr Held <pjheld at gmail.com>.
+## This function is based on lzo-test of TISEAN 3.0.1 
+## https://github.com/heggus/Tisean"
+function [rel, ind] = lzo_test (S,varargin)
+  if (nargin < 1 || nargout > 2)
+    print_usage;
+  endif
+  if ((ismatrix (S) == false) || (isreal(S) == false) || ...
+       (isreal(S) == false))
+    error ('Octave:invalid-input-arg', "S must be a realmatrix");
+  endif
+ # Default values
+  embed      = 2;
+  delay      = 1;
+  clength    = length (S);
+  clengthset = 0;
+  refstep    = 1;
+  minn       = 30;
+  eps0       = 1e-3;
+  epsset     = 0;
+  epsf       = 1.2;
+  step       = 1;
+  causal     = step;
+  #### Parse the input
+  p = inputParser ();
+  p.FunctionName = "lzo_test";
+  isPositiveIntScalar = @(x) isreal(x) && isscalar (x) && ...
+                             (x > 0) && (x-round(x) == 0);
+  isPositiveScalar     = @(x) isreal(x) && isscalar (x) && (x > 0);
+  p.addParamValue ("m", embed, isPositiveIntScalar);
+  p.addParamValue ("d", delay, isPositiveIntScalar);
+  p.addParamValue ("n", clength, isPositiveIntScalar);
+  p.addParamValue ("tdist", refstep, isPositiveIntScalar);
+  p.addParamValue ("k", minn, isPositiveIntScalar);
+  p.addParamValue ("r", eps0, isPositiveScalar);
+  p.addParamValue ("f", epsf, isPositiveScalar);
+  p.addParamValue ("s", step, isPositiveIntScalar);
+  p.addParamValue ("c", causal, isPositiveIntScalar);
+  p.addSwitch ("OnlyNearest");
+  p.parse (varargin{:});
+  # Assign inputs
+  embed      = p.Results.m;
+  delay      = p.Results.d;
+  clength    = p.Results.n;
+  clengthset = !ismember ('n', p.UsingDefaults);
+  refstep    = p.Results.tdist;
+  minn       = p.Results.k;
+  eps0       = p.Results.r;
+  epsset     = !ismember ('r', p.UsingDefaults);
+  epsf       = p.Results.f;
+  step       = p.Results.s;
+  setsort    = p.Results.OnlyNearest;
+  # From lzo-test main()
+  if (ismember ('c', p.UsingDefaults))
+    causal    = step;
+  else
+    causal    = p.Results.c;
+  endif
+  # Correct S to always have more rows than columns
+  trnspsd = false;
+  if (rows (S) < columns (S))
+    S = S.';
+    trnspsd = true;
+  endif
+  # Input checking from original main()
+  if ((2*step + causal) >= (length (S) - embed*delay - minn))
+    error ('Octave:invalid-input-arg', ...
+            "steps to forecast (parameter s) too large");
+  endif
+  if (nargout == 2)
+    [rel, ind] = __lzo_test__ (S, embed, delay, clength, ...
+                               clengthset, refstep, minn, eps0, epsset, ...
+                               epsf, step, causal, setsort);
+    if (trnspsd)
+      ind = ind.';
+    endif
+  else
+    rel        = __lzo_test__ (S, embed, delay, clength, ...
+                               clengthset, refstep, minn, eps0, epsset, ...
+                               epsf, step, causal, setsort);
+  endif
+  if (trnspsd)
+  rel = rel.';
+  endif
+%! idx = (1:10000).';
+%! # sin_saw is a sinusoid multiplied by a saw function.
+%! sin_saw = (5 + mod (idx, 165) ./ 15) .* sin (idx.* 2 * pi /32);
+%! steps = 250;
+%! rel1  = lzo_test (sin_saw, 'm', 2, 'd', 6, 's', steps);
+%! rel2  = lzo_test (sin_saw, 'm', 3, 'd', 6, 's', steps);
+%! rel3  = lzo_test (sin_saw, 'm', 4, 'd', 1, 's', steps);
+%! rel4  = lzo_test (sin_saw, 'm', 4, 'd', 6, 's', steps);
+%! plot (rel1(:,1), rel1(:,2), 'r', ...
+%!       rel2(:,1), rel2(:,2), 'g',...
+%!       rel3(:,1), rel3(:,2), 'b',...
+%!       rel4(:,1), rel4(:,2), 'm');
+%! legend ('m = 2, d = 6', 'm = 3, d = 6','m = 4, d = 1', 'm = 4, d = 6');
+%! xlabel ("Forecast time");
+%! ylabel ("Relative forecast error");
+%! axis tight
+%!shared in
+%! in = [(sin ((1:10000) / (360)).'), (cos ((1:10000) / (360)).')];
+%% res was generated using 'lzo-test in.dat -m2,4 -d2 -s20'
+%! res = [1 0.000370023 0.0003827109;2 0.000370013 0.0003827208;3 0.0003700032 0.0003827305;4 0.0003699935 0.00038274;5 0.000369984 0.0003827494;6 0.0003699746 0.0003827587;7 0.0003699653 0.0003827679;8 0.0003699562 0.0003827769;9 0.0003699472 0.0003827858;10 0.0003699383 0.0003827946;11 0.0003699296 0.0003828032;12 0.000369921 0.0003828117;13 0.0003699125 0.0003828201;14 0.0003699042 0.0003828283;15 0.000369896 0.0003828364;16 0.0003698879 0.0003828443;17 0.00036988 0.0003828521;18 0.00 [...]
+%! lz = lzo_test (in, 'm', 4, 'd', 2, 's', 20);
+%! assert (lz, res, -1e-6);
+%% res was generated using 'lzo-test in.dat -m2,4 -d2 -s20 -n25 -V2'
+%! res = [0.0003670822 -5.345778e-05;0.0003669323 -5.447724e-05;0.0003667796 -5.549629e-05;0.000366624 -5.651491e-05;0.0003664656 -5.753309e-05;0.0003663044 -5.855082e-05;0.0003661403 -5.956811e-05;0.0003659734 -6.058493e-05;0.0003658037 -6.160129e-05;0.0003656312 -6.261717e-05;0.0003654559 -6.363257e-05;0.0003652777 -6.464748e-05;0.0003650967 -6.566189e-05;0.0003649129 -6.667579e-05;0.0003647263 -6.768918e-05;0.0003645368 -6.870205e-05;0.0003643446 -6.971438e-05;0.0003641495 -7.072618e- [...]
+%! [rel, ind] = lzo_test (in, 'm', 4, 'd', 2, 's', 20, 'n', 25);
+%! assert (ind, res, -1e-6);
diff --git a/inst/pca.m b/inst/pca.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0e414d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/inst/pca.m
@@ -0,0 +1,207 @@
+## Copyright (C) 1996-2015 Piotr Held
+## This file is part of Octave.
+## Octave is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
+## License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
+## either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any
+## later version.
+## Octave is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
+## PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more
+## details.
+## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
+## License along with Octave; see the file COPYING.  If not,
+## see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+## -*- texinfo -*-
+## @deftypefn{Function File} {@var{eigval} =} pca (@var{S})
+## @deftypefnx{Function File} {[@var{eigval}, @var{eigvec}] =} pca (@var{S})
+## @deftypefnx{Function File} {[@var{eigval}, @var{eigvec}, @var{ts}] =} pca (@var{S})
+## @deftypefnx{Function File} {[@dots{}] =} pca (@var{S}, @var{paramName}, @var{paramValue}, @dots{})
+## Performs a global principal component analysis (PCA). It gives the
+## eigenvalues of the covariance matrix and depending on the flag @var{w}
+## settings the eigenvectors, projections of the input time series.
+## @strong{Input}
+## @table @var
+## @item S
+## This function always assumes that each time series is along the longer 
+## dimension of matrix @var{S}. It also assumes that every dimension 
+## (counting along the shorter dimension) of @var{S} is considered a 
+## component of the time series.
+## @end table
+## @strong{Parameters}
+## @table @var
+## @item m
+## Defines embedding dimension. Since all of the data in @var{S} is analysed
+## there is no need for setting the number of columns to be read (as is the
+## case in TISEAN 'pca') [default = 1].
+## @item d
+## Delay must be scalar integer [default = 1].
+## @item q
+## Determines the properties of @var{TS}. When parameter @var{w} is set then
+## @var{q} determines the projection dimension. Otherwise it determines the
+## number of components written to output [default = full dimension/all
+## components].
+## @end table
+## @strong {Switch}
+## @table @var
+## @item w
+## If @var{w} is set then @var{TS} is a projection of the time series onto the
+## first @var{q} eigenvectors (global noise reduction).
+## If @var{w} is not set then @var{TS} is a transformation of the time
+## series onto the eigenvector basis. The number of projection
+## dimension/components printed is determined by parameter @var{q}.
+## @end table
+## @strong{Output}
+## @table @var
+## @item eigval
+## The calculated eigenvalues.
+## @item eigvec
+## The eigenvectors. The vectors are alligned with the longer dimension of
+## @var{S}.
+## @item ts
+## If @var{w} is set then this variable holds the projected time series
+## onto the first @var{q} eigenvectors. If @var{w} is not set then @var{TS} is
+## the transformed time series onto the eigenvector basis (number of
+## components == parameter @var{q}).
+## @end table
+## @strong{Algorithms}
+## The algorithms for this functions have been taken from the TISEAN package.
+## @end deftypefn
+## Author: Piotr Held <pjheld at gmail.com>.
+## This function is based on pca of TISEAN 3.0.1
+## https://github.com/heggus/Tisean"
+function [eigval, eigvec, TS] = pca (S, varargin)
+  if (nargin < 1)
+    print_usage;
+  endif
+  if ((ismatrix (S) == false) || (isreal(S) == false))
+    error ('Octave:invalid-input-arg', "S must be a realmatrix");
+  endif
+ # Define default values for pca variables
+  dim            = 2;
+  dimset         = 0;
+  emb            = 1;
+  delay          = 1;
+  ldim           = 2;
+  projection_set = 0;
+  #### Parse the input
+  p = inputParser ();
+  p.FunctionName = "pca";
+  isPositiveIntScalar = @(x) isreal(x) && isscalar (x) && ...
+                             (x > 0) && (x-round(x) == 0);
+  p.addParamValue ("m", emb, isPositiveIntScalar);
+  p.addParamValue ("d", delay, isPositiveIntScalar);
+  p.addParamValue ("q", ldim, isPositiveIntScalar);
+  p.addSwitch ("w");
+  p.parse (varargin{:});
+  # Assign inputs
+  emb            = p.Results.m;
+  dimset         = !ismember ('m',p.UsingDefaults);
+  delay          = p.Results.d;
+  ldim           = p.Results.q;
+  projection_set = !ismember ('q',p.UsingDefaults);
+  w              = p.Results.w;
+  if (w && (nargout < 3))
+    error ('Octave:invalid-fun-call', "Do not set flag 'w' when less than 3 output values");
+  endif;
+  # Correct S to always have more rows than columns
+  trnspsd = false;
+  if (rows (S) < columns (S))
+    S       = S.';
+    trnspsd = true;
+  endif
+  if (columns (S) != dim)
+    dim    = columns (S);
+    dimset = 1;
+  endif
+  # Compute output for various inputs.
+  switch (nargout)
+    case { 0, 1, 2 }
+      w = 1;
+      [eigval, eigvec] = __pca__ (S, dim, emb, delay, ldim, projection_set, w);
+    case 3
+      # The value of 'w' is set to correspond to the 'W' flag from TISEAN in determining
+      # the value of TS. Eigval and eigvec are equivalent to the lower values of 'W' from TISEAN
+      # that is '-W0' and '-W1'.
+      if (w)
+        w = 3;
+      else
+        w = 2;
+      endif;
+      [eigval, eigvec, TS] = __pca__ (S, dim, emb, delay, ldim, projection_set, w);
+      # Fix output to allign with input
+      if (trnspsd)
+        TS     = TS.';
+      endif;
+    otherwise
+      error ('Octave:invalid-fun-call', "Too many output variables");
+  endswitch
+  # Fix the output to allign with the input
+  if (trnspsd)
+    eigval = eigval.';
+    eigvec = eigvec.';
+  endif
+%! a = (1:300).';
+%! b = [zeros(100,1); ones(100,1); zeros(100,1)];
+%! res = [0, 7.499917e+03; 1, 2.222222e-01];
+%! assert (pca ([a,b]), res, -1e-6);
+%! a = (1:300).';
+%! b = sin (a / (2*pi));
+%! res = [-1.000000e+00, -1.105892e-04; 1.105892e-04, -1.000000e+00];
+%! [eval, evec] = pca ([a,b]);
+%! assert (evec, res, -1e-6);
+%! a = (1:10).';
+%! b = [0; 0; 0; 0; 1; 1; 1; 0; 0; 0];
+%! res = [-9.998261e-01, 1.864698e-02; -1.999652e+00, 3.729397e-02; -2.999478e+00, 5.594095e-02; -3.999305e+00, 7.458794e-02; -5.017778e+00, -9.065912e-01; -6.017604e+00, -8.879442e-01; -7.017430e+00, -8.692972e-01; -7.998609e+00, 1.491759e-01; -8.998435e+00, 1.678229e-01; -9.998261e+00, 1.864698e-01];
+%! [eval, evec, ts] = pca ([a,b]);
+%! assert (ts, res, -1e-6);
+%! a = (1:10).';
+%! b = [0; 0; 0; 1; 1; 0; 0; 1; 0; 0];
+%! res = [1.000000e+00, -5.551115e-17; 2.000000e+00, -5.551115e-17; 3.000000e+00, -5.551115e-17; 4.000000e+00, 1.000000e+00; 5.000000e+00, 1.000000e+00; 6.000000e+00, -5.551115e-17; 7.000000e+00, -1.110223e-16; 8.000000e+00, 1.000000e+00; 9.000000e+00, -5.551115e-17; 1.000000e+01, -1.110223e-16];
+%! [eval, evec, ts] = pca ([a,b], 'w');
+%! assert (ts, res, -1e-6);
+%!xtest (pca (rand(2,10)));
diff --git a/inst/poincare.m b/inst/poincare.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e548cbb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/inst/poincare.m
@@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
+## Copyright (C) 1996-2015 Piotr Held
+## This file is part of Octave.
+## Octave is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
+## License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
+## either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any
+## later version.
+## Octave is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
+## PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more
+## details.
+## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
+## License along with Octave; see the file COPYING.  If not,
+## see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+## -*- texinfo -*-
+## @deftypefn{Function File} {@var{output} =} poincare (@var{X})
+## @deftypefnx{Function File} {@var{output} =} poincare (@var{X}, @var{m}, @var{paramName}, @var{paramValue}, @dots{})
+## @deftypefnx{Function File} {@var{output} =} poincare (@dots{}, 'FromAbove', @dots{})
+## Make a Poincare section for time continuous scalar data sets
+## along one of the coordinates of the embedding vector.
+## @strong{Input}
+## @table @var
+## @item X
+## Must be realvector. If it is a row vector then the output will 
+## be a matrix that consists of row vectors as well. 
+## @end table
+## @strong {Parameters}
+## @table @var
+## @item m
+## The embedding dimension used. It is synonymous to 
+## flag '-m' from TISEAN [default = 2].
+## @item d
+## Delay used for the embedding [default = 1].
+## @item q
+## Component for the crossing [default = value of parameter 'm' (last one)].
+## @item a
+## @end table
+## @strong {Switch}
+## @table @var
+## @item FromAbove
+## If this switch is set the crossing will occur from above, instead of
+## from below. This is equivalent to setting flag '-C1' from TISEAN.
+## @end table
+## @strong{Output}
+## The output consists of the as many components as the value of parameter
+## @var{m} (columns or rows depending on input). The first @code{M-1} are
+## the coordinates of the vector at the crossing and the last component
+## is the time between the last two crossings.
+## @strong{Algorithms}
+## The algorithms for this functions have been taken from the TISEAN package.
+## @end deftypefn
+## Author: Piotr Held <pjheld at gmail.com>.
+## This function is based on poincare of TISEAN 3.0.1
+## https://github.com/heggus/Tisean"
+function output = poincare (X, varargin)
+  # Initial input validation
+  if (nargin < 1)
+    print_usage;
+  endif
+  if ((isvector (X) == false) || (isreal(X) == false))
+    error ('Octave:invalid-input-arg', "X must be a realvector");
+  endif
+  # Default values
+  embdim    = 2;
+  delay     = 1;
+  comp      = embdim;
+  where     = sum (X) / length (X);
+  #### Parse the input
+  p = inputParser ();
+  p.FunctionName = "poincare";
+  isPositiveIntScalar = @(x) isreal(x) && isscalar (x) && ...
+                             (x > 0) && (x-round(x) == 0);
+  isNumericScalar     = @(x) isreal(x) && isscalar (x);
+  p.addParamValue ("m", embdim, isPositiveIntScalar);
+  p.addParamValue ("d", delay, isPositiveIntScalar);
+  p.addParamValue ("q", comp, isPositiveIntScalar);
+  p.addParamValue ("a", where, isNumericScalar);
+  p.addSwitch ("FromAbove");
+  p.parse (varargin{:});
+  # Assign inputs
+  embdim    = p.Results.m;
+  dimset    = !ismember ('m', p.UsingDefaults);
+  delay     = p.Results.d;
+  comp      = p.Results.q;
+  compset   = !ismember ('q', p.UsingDefaults);
+  where     = p.Results.a;
+  whereset  = !ismember ('a', p.UsingDefaults);
+  direction = p.Results.FromAbove;
+  # If the component for the crossing is not set and the 
+  # embedding dimension is set then assign then make the component
+  # for the crossing the last one.
+  if (dimset && !compset)
+    comp=embdim;
+  endif
+  # Input validation from main()
+  # Check if the component for the crossing is not larger
+  # than the embedding dimension.
+  if (comp > embdim)
+        error ('Octave:invalid-input-arg', ...
+                "Component for the crossing is larger than dimension");
+  endif
+  # Check whether the set value of where is bigger
+  # or smaller of the largest or smallest element of X
+  if (whereset && ((where < min (X)) || (where > max (X))))
+    error ('Octave:invalid-input-arg', ...
+           "You want to cut outside the data interval which is [%e, %e]", ...
+            min, max);
+  endif
+  # Estimating the size of the output based on poincare()
+  top         = length (X) - (embdim - comp) * delay - 1;
+  bottom      = (comp-1) * delay + 1;
+  if (direction == false) # from below
+    output_size = sum ((X(bottom:top) < where) & (X((bottom:top)+1) >= where));
+  else # from above
+    output_size = sum ((X(bottom:top) > where) & (X((bottom:top)+1) <= where));
+  endif
+  # Correct X to always have more rows than columns
+  trnspsd = false;
+  if (rows (X) < columns (X))
+    X = X.';
+    trnspsd = true;
+  endif
+  output = __poincare__ (X, embdim, delay, comp, where, direction, ...
+                                  output_size);
+  if (trnspsd)
+    output = output.';
+  endif
+%!shared in
+%! idx = (1:1500).';
+%! in  = (5 + mod (idx, 165) ./15) .* sin (idx.* 2 * pi /32);
+%!fail("poincare(ones(1,100), 'a',2)");
+%% res was generated using TISEAN poincare
+%! res = [-8.732896 31.99873;-10.86617 31.99921;-12.99946 31.99945;-15.13276 31.9996;-6.266347 32.00327;-8.399575 31.99862;-10.53284 31.99915;-12.66613 31.99942;-14.79943 31.99958;-5.933037 32.00351;-8.066255 31.9985;-10.19952 31.99909;-12.3328 31.99939;-14.4661 31.99956;-5.599729 32.00378;-7.732935 31.99835;-9.866194 31.99903;-11.99948 31.99936;-14.13278 31.99954;-5.266423 32.00409;-7.399617 31.99819;-9.53287 31.99895;-11.66615 31.99932;-13.79945 31.99952;-15.8539 32.00443;-7.066301 31. [...]
+%! out = poincare (in, 'd', 8);
+%! assert (out, res, -1e-6);
+%! out1 = poincare (in, 'd', 8, 'a', 5, 'm', 4, 'q',2);
+%! out2 = poincare (in.', 'd', 8, 'a', 5, 'm', 4, 'q',2);
+%! assert (out1.', out2);
+%% res is generated using TISEAN poincare
+%! res = [-5.563829; -5.461439; -5.390335; -1.853666; -6.040217; -5.754689; -5.584079; -5.474914; -5.400042; -1.78616; -5.78973; -5.605601; -5.489201; -5.410223; -1.715693; -5.828184; -5.628599; -5.504373; -5.420839; -5.360583; -5.870574; -5.653412; -5.520517; -5.432019; -5.368852; -5.916176; -5.680265; -5.537728; -5.443809; -5.377509; -5.96597; -5.709419; -5.556116; -5.45626; -5.386582; -1.879881; -6.018371; -5.741184; -5.575807; -5.469431; -5.396102; -1.813507; -5.77533; -5.596867; -5. [...]
+%! out = poincare (in, 'd', 8, 'a', 5, 'm', 4, 'q',2);
+%! assert (out(:,3), res, -1e-6);
diff --git a/inst/polynom.m b/inst/polynom.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d316562
--- /dev/null
+++ b/inst/polynom.m
@@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
+## Copyright (C) 1996-2015 Piotr Held
+## This file is part of Octave.
+## Octave is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
+## License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
+## either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any
+## later version.
+## Octave is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
+## PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more
+## details.
+## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
+## License along with Octave; see the file COPYING.  If not,
+## see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+## -*- texinfo -*-
+## @deftypefn{Function File} {[@var{pars}, @var{forecast}] =} rbf (@var{X})
+## @deftypefnx{Function File} {[@var{pars}, @var{forecast}] =} rbf (@var{X}, @var{paramName}, @var{paramValue}, @dots{})
+## Models the data making a polynomial ansatz.
+## @strong{Input}
+## @table @var
+## @item X
+## Must be realvector. The output will be alligned with the input.
+## @end table
+## @strong{Parameters}
+## @table @var
+## @item m
+## The embedding dimension. Synonymous with flag '-m' from TISEAN
+## [default = 2].
+## @item d
+## Delay used for embedding [default = 1].
+## @item p
+## Order of the polynomial [default = 2].
+## @item n
+## Number of points for the fit. The other points are used to estimate
+## the out of sample error [default = length (@var{X})].
+## @item l
+## The length of the predicted series [default = 0].
+## @end table
+## @strong{Output}
+## @table @var
+## @item pars
+## This structure contains parameters used for the fit. It has the following
+## fields:
+## @itemize @bullet
+## @item
+## free - contains the number of free parameters of the fit
+## @item
+## norm - contains the norm used for the fit
+## @item
+## coeffs - contains the coefficients used for the fit
+## @item
+## err - err(1) is the in sample error, and err(2) is the out of sample error
+## (if it exists)
+## @end itemize
+## @item forecast
+## Contains the forecasted points. It's length is equal to the value of
+## parameter @var{l}
+## @end table
+## @seealso{demo polynom}
+## @strong{Algorithms}
+## The algorithms for this functions have been taken from the TISEAN package.
+## @end deftypefn
+## Author: Piotr Held <pjheld at gmail.com>.
+## This function is based on polynom of TISEAN 3.0.1
+## https://github.com/heggus/Tisean"
+function [pars, forecast] = polynom (X, varargin)
+  # Initial input validation
+  if (nargin < 1 || nargout > 2)
+    print_usage;
+  endif
+  if ((isvector (X) == false) || (isreal(X) == false))
+    error ('Octave:invalid-input-arg', "X must be a realvector");
+  endif
+  # Default parameters
+  embdim   = 2;
+  delay    = 1;
+  degree   = 2;
+  insample = length (X);
+  clength  = 0;
+  #### Parse the input
+  p = inputParser ();
+  p.FunctionName = "polynom";
+  isPositiveIntScalar    = @(x) isreal(x) && isscalar (x) && ...
+                             (x > 0) && (x-round(x) == 0);
+  isNonNegativeIntScalar = @(x) isPositiveIntScalar (x) || (length (x) == 1 ...
+                                                            &&(x == 0));
+  p.addParamValue ("m", embdim, isPositiveIntScalar);
+  p.addParamValue ("d", delay, isPositiveIntScalar);
+  p.addParamValue ("p", degree, isPositiveIntScalar);
+  p.addParamValue ("n", insample, isPositiveIntScalar);
+  p.addParamValue ("l", clength, isNonNegativeIntScalar);
+  p.parse (varargin{:});
+  # Assign inputs
+  embdim   = p.Results.m;
+  delay    = p.Results.d;
+  degree   = p.Results.p;
+  insample = p.Results.n;
+  clength  = p.Results.l;
+  # Input corrections from main ()
+  if (insample > length (X))
+    warning ('Octave:tisean', "Parameter 'n' was too large, it has been \
+reduced to: %d", length (X));
+    insample = length (X);
+  endif
+  # Correct X to always have more rows than columns
+  trnspsd = false;
+  if (rows (X) < columns (X))
+    X = X.';
+    trnspsd = true;
+  endif
+  [free_par, fit_norm, coeffs, sample_err, forecast] = ...
+    __polynom__ (X, embdim, delay, degree, insample, clength);
+  if (trnspsd)
+    free_par   = free_par.';
+    fit_norm   = fit_norm.';
+    coeffs     = coeffs.';
+    sample_err = sample_err.';
+    forecast   = forecast.';
+  endif
+  pars = struct ("free",free_par, "norm",fit_norm,"coeffs",coeffs, ...
+                 "err", sample_err);
+%! idx = (1:2500).';
+%! # sin_saw is a sinusoid multiplied by a saw function
+%! sin_saw = (5 + mod (idx, 165) ./15) .* sin (idx.* 2 * pi /32);
+%! forc_no = 170; %Number of forecasted points
+%! [p,forecast]  = polynom (sin_saw(1:end-forc_no), 'm', 2, 'd', 6, 'p', 4,
+%!                          'n',length(idx)-forc_no, 'l',forc_no);
+%! plot (idx(end-forc_no+1:end), sin_saw(end-forc_no+1:end),'b',...
+%!       idx(end-forc_no+1:end), forecast,'r.')
+%! legend ('Actual Data', 'Forecasted Data')
+%! axis tight
+%!shared tisean_res
+%! free_par   = 15;
+%! fit_norm   = 7.288850e-01;
+%! coeffs = [0 0 0 0 1.069020e+00;0 0 0 1 1.148981e-02;0 0 0 2 8.774236e-03;0 0 1 0 2.917788e-02;0 0 1 1 -2.070487e-02;0 0 2 0 2.716510e-02;0 1 0 0 -1.946794e-01;0 1 0 1 2.836742e-02;0 1 1 0 2.224498e-02;0 2 0 0 6.323062e-03;1 0 0 0 -1.384873e-01;1 0 0 1 9.227327e-03;1 0 1 0 -1.296314e-02;1 1 0 0 1.344875e-01;2 0 0 0 -1.325876e+00];
+%! sample_err = [1.736542e-01;1.811800e-01];
+%! forecast = [5.943424e-01; 4.346730e-01; 8.785541e-01; -3.759484e-02; 9.668226e-01; -2.578617e-01; 9.175962e-01; -1.684470e-01; 1.092976e+00; -6.234285e-01; 7.463370e-01; 2.116272e-01; 1.016354e+00; -4.107574e-01; 1.056590e+00];
+%! tisean_res = {free_par, fit_norm, coeffs, sample_err, forecast};
+%! hen = henon (1000);
+%! hen = hen(:,1);
+%! [pars,forc] = polynom (hen, 'm',4,'d',4,'p',2,'n',800,'l',15);
+%! assert ({pars.free, pars.norm,pars.coeffs,pars.err,forc}, ...
+%!         tisean_res, -1e-6);
+%% Check if by default the cast does not take place
+%! [p,f] = polynom(henon(100)(:,1));
+%! assert (f, []);
+%% Check for matrix singularity error
+%!error <singular> polynom (1:10);
+%% ensure input correction warnings are called
+%% they are promoted to errors so that the program does not do computation
+%!error <too large> warning("error","Octave:tisean"); polynom (1:10, 'n',11);
diff --git a/inst/rbf.m b/inst/rbf.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1ad39bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/inst/rbf.m
@@ -0,0 +1,263 @@
+## Copyright (C) 1996-2015 Piotr Held
+## This file is part of Octave.
+## Octave is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
+## License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
+## either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any
+## later version.
+## Octave is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
+## PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more
+## details.
+## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
+## License along with Octave; see the file COPYING.  If not,
+## see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+## -*- texinfo -*-
+## @deftypefn{Function File} {[@var{par}, @var{forecast}] =} rbf (@var{X})
+## @deftypefnx{Function File} {[@var{par}, @var{forecast}] =} rbf (@var{X}, @var{paramName}, @var{paramValue}, @dots{})
+## This program models the data using a radial basis function (rbf) ansatz.
+## The basis functions used are gaussians, with center points chosen to be data
+## from the time series. If the 'DriftOff' switch is not set, a kind of
+## Coulomb force is applied to them to let them drift a bit in order to
+## distribute them more uniformly. The variance of the gaussians is set to the
+## average distance between the centers.
+## This program either tests the ansatz by calculating the average forecast
+## error of the model, or makes a i-step prediction using the -L flag,
+## additionally. The ansatz made is:
+## @iftex
+## @tex
+## $$ x_{n+1} = a_0 + SUM a_{i}f_{i}(x_{n})$$
+## @end tex
+## @end iftex
+## @ifnottex
+## @example
+## x_n+1 = a_0 SUM a_i * f_i(x_n)
+## @end example
+## @end ifnottex
+## where x_n is the nth delay vector and f_i is a gaussian centered at the ith
+## center point.
+## @strong{Input}
+## @table @var
+## @item X
+## Must be realvector. The output will be alligned with the input.
+## @end table
+## @strong{Parameters}
+## @table @var
+## @item m
+## The embedding dimension. Synonymous with flag '-m' from TISEAN
+## [default = 2].
+## @item d
+## Delay used for embedding [default = 1].
+## @item p
+## Number of centers [default = 10].
+## @item s
+## Steps to forecast (for the forecast error) [default = 1].
+## @item n
+## Number of points for the fit. The other points are used to estimate the
+## out of sample error [default = length (@var{X})].
+## @item l
+## Determines the length of the predicted series [default = 0].
+## @end table
+## @strong{Switch}
+## @table @var
+## @item DriftOff
+## Deactivates the drift (Coulomb force), which is otherwise on.
+## @end table
+## @strong{Output}
+## @table @var
+## @item pars
+## This structure contains parameters used for the fit. It has the following
+## fields:
+## @itemize @bullet
+## @item
+## centers - contains coordinates of the center points
+## @item
+## var - variance used for the gaussians
+## @item
+## coeffs - contains the coefficients (weights) of the basis functions used
+## for the model
+## @item
+## err - err(1) is the in sample error, and err(2) is the out of sample error
+## (if it exists)
+## @end itemize
+## @item forecast
+## Contains the forecasted points. It's length is equal to the value of
+## parameter @var{l}
+## @end table
+## @strong{Algorithms}
+## The algorithms for this functions have been taken from the TISEAN package.
+## @end deftypefn
+## Author: Piotr Held <pjheld at gmail.com>.
+## This function is based on rbf of TISEAN 3.0.1
+## https://github.com/heggus/Tisean"
+function [pars, forecast] = rbf (X, varargin)
+  # Initial input validation
+  if (nargin < 1 || nargout > 2)
+    print_usage;
+  endif
+  if ((isvector (X) == false) || (isreal(X) == false))
+    error ('Octave:invalid-input-arg', "X must be a realvector");
+  endif
+  # Checking if the data isn't too short
+  if (length (X) < 2)
+    error ('Octave:invalid-input-arg', "X must have more elements than 1");
+  endif
+  # Default parameters
+  embdim     = 2;
+  delay      = 1;
+  center_par = 10;
+  step       = 1;
+  insample   = length (X);
+  clength    = 1000;
+  #### Parse the input
+  p = inputParser ();
+  p.FunctionName = "rbf";
+  isPositiveIntScalar = @(x) isreal(x) && isscalar (x) && ...
+                             (x > 0) && (x-round(x) == 0);
+  isPositiveScalar     = @(x) isreal(x) && isscalar (x) && (x > 0);
+  p.addParamValue ("m", embdim, isPositiveIntScalar);
+  p.addParamValue ("d", delay, isPositiveIntScalar);
+  p.addParamValue ("p", center_par, isPositiveIntScalar);
+  p.addParamValue ("s", step, isPositiveIntScalar);
+  p.addParamValue ("n", insample, isPositiveIntScalar);
+  p.addParamValue ("l", clength, isPositiveIntScalar);
+  p.addSwitch ("DriftOff");
+  p.parse (varargin{:});
+  # Assign inputs
+  embdim     = p.Results.m;
+  delay      = p.Results.d;
+  center_par = p.Results.p;
+  step       = p.Results.s;
+  insample   = p.Results.n;
+  clength    = p.Results.l;
+  makecast   = !ismember ('l',p.UsingDefaults);
+  setdrift   = !p.Results.DriftOff;
+  #Input corrections from main ()
+  if (makecast)
+    if (!ismember ('s', p.UsingDefaults))
+      warning ('Octave:tisean', "Making forecast therefore value of parameter \
+'s' is now 1");
+    endif
+    step=1;
+  endif
+  if (insample > length (X))
+    warning ('Octave:tisean', "Parameter 'n' was too large, it has been \
+reduced to: %d", length (X));
+    insample = length (X);
+  endif
+  if (center_par > length (X))
+    warning ('Octave:tisean', "Parameter 'p' was too large, it has been \
+reduced to: %d", length (X));
+    center_par = length (X);
+  endif
+  # Correct X to always have more rows than columns
+  trnspsd = false;
+  if (rows (X) < columns (X))
+    X = X.';
+    trnspsd = true;
+  endif
+  ## If not enough outputs were specified
+  if ((nargout < 2) && makecast)
+    warning ('Octave:tisean', "Only one output was specified, no place to \ return forecasted points");
+    makecast = false; 
+  endif
+  [centers, variance, coeffs, sample_err, forecast] = ...
+    __rbf__ (X, embdim, delay, center_par, step, insample, clength, ...
+             makecast, setdrift);
+  if (trnspsd)
+    centers    = centers.';
+    variance   = variance.';
+    coeffs     = coeffs.';
+    sample_err = sample_err.';
+    forecast   = forecast.';
+  endif
+  pars = struct ("centers", centers, "var", variance, "coeffs", coeffs,...
+                "err", sample_err);
+%! # sin_saw is a sinusoid multiplied by a saw function
+%! idx = (1:2500).';
+%! sin_saw = (5 + mod (idx, 165) ./15) .* sin (idx.* 2 * pi /32);
+%! forc_no = 170; #Number of forecasted points
+%! [p,forecast]  = rbf (sin_saw(1:end-forc_no), 'm', 2, 'd', 6, 'p',12,...
+%!                          'n',length(idx)-forc_no, 'l',forc_no);
+%! plot (idx(end-forc_no+1:end), sin_saw(end-forc_no+1:end),'b',...
+%!       idx(end-forc_no+1:end), forecast,'r.')
+%! legend ('Actual Data', 'Forecasted Data')
+%! legend ('Location','NorthWest')
+%! axis tight
+%% tisean_res values have been generated using
+%% 'rbf hen1000.dat -m4 -d6 -n500 -L15'
+%!shared tisean_res
+%! centers   = [-4.320358e-01 -2.908398e-01 -9.039490e-01 9.768052e-01;6.979680e-01 9.502747e-01 -6.343287e-02 -8.834032e-02;-1.162171e-01 5.679579e-01 4.271632e-01 1.268386e-01;9.102671e-01 1.503345e+00 -4.783169e-01 5.498855e-01;-1.351572e+00 3.702876e-01 1.988522e-01 3.312123e-01;4.702139e-01 1.362105e+00 -2.625473e-01 1.226374e+00;1.150574e+00 7.697759e-01 8.992073e-01 -5.873108e-01;1.353985e+00 -6.395022e-03 -6.807937e-01 1.425706e+00;-7.949164e-01 1.161663e+00 1.300960e+00 -1.00800 [...]
+%! variance  = 1.085525e+00;
+%! coeffs = [1.183600e-01;1.374653e+00;-8.147723e-01;3.951915e+00;-7.316014e-01;-4.226517e+00;7.865977e-01;-1.715572e+00;-2.992770e+00;7.985524e-01;9.965155e-01];
+%! sam_error = [5.846869e-01;6.037938e-01];
+%! forecast  = [2.975456e-01;7.949214e-01;-1.790842e-02;1.276656e+00;-6.040927e-01;6.557837e-01;1.390711e-02;1.067956e+00;-5.644539e-01;4.157955e-01;3.995851e-01;5.708989e-01;8.507144e-01;-1.989717e-01;1.216499e+00];
+%! tisean_res = {centers, variance, coeffs, sam_error, forecast};
+%! hen = henon (1000);
+%! hen = hen(:,1);
+%! [par, forecast] = rbf (hen,'m',4, 'd', 6, 'n',500,'l',15);
+%! res = {par.centers, par.var, par.coeffs, par.err, forecast};
+%! assert (res, tisean_res, -1e-6);
+%% test if the program returns empty matrix when not told to cast
+%! [p,f] = rbf(henon(100)(:,1));
+%! assert(f,[]);
+%% test if singular matrixes are found
+%!error <singular> rbf(1:10);
+%% ensure input correction warnings are called
+%% they are promoted to errors so that the program does not do computation
+%!error <forecast> warning("error","Octave:tisean"); [p,f] =rbf (1:10,...
+%!                                                              's',2,'l',3);
+%!error <too large> warning("error","Octave:tisean"); rbf (1:10, 'p',11);
+%!error <too large> warning("error","Octave:tisean"); rbf (1:10, 'n',11);
+%!error <one output> warning("error","Octave:tisean"); rbf (1:10, 'l',11);
diff --git a/inst/spectrum.m b/inst/spectrum.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..55202a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/inst/spectrum.m
@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
+## Copyright (C) 2015 Piotr Held
+## Copyright (C) 2015 Juan Pablo Carbajal
+## This file is part of Octave.
+## Octave is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
+## License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
+## either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any
+## later version.
+## Octave is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
+## PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more
+## details.
+## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
+## License along with Octave; see the file COPYING.  If not,
+## see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+## -*- texinfo -*-
+## @deftypefn{Function File} {[@var{freqs}, @var{spec}] =} spectrum (@var{X})
+## @deftypefnx{Function File} {[@var{freqs}, @var{spec}] =} spectrum (@var{X}, @var{paramName}, @var{paramValue}, @dots{})
+## Produce delay vectors
+## @strong{Input}
+## @table @var
+## @item X
+## Must be realvector. The spectrum will be performed on it.
+## @end table
+## @strong{Parameters}
+## @table @var
+## @item f
+## Frequency sampling rate in Hz [default = 1]
+## @item w
+## Frequency resolution in Hz [default = f / length (@var{X})]
+## @end table
+## @strong{Output}
+## @table @var
+## @item freqs
+## The frequencies for the spectrum of vector @var{X}
+## @item spec
+## The spectrum of the input vector @var{X}
+## @end table
+## @strong{Example of Usage}
+## @example
+## spectrum (data_vector, 'f', 10, 'w', 0.001)
+## @end example
+## @strong{Algorithms}
+## The algorithms for this functions have been taken from the TISEAN package.
+## @end deftypefn
+## Author: Piotr Held <pjheld at gmail.com>.
+## This function is based on spectrum of TISEAN 3.0.1
+## https://github.com/heggus/Tisean"
+function [freqs, spec] = spectrum (X, varargin)
+  if (nargin < 1)
+    print_usage;
+  endif
+  if ((isvector (X) == false) || (isreal(X) == false))
+    error ('Octave:invalid-input-arg', "X must be a realvector");
+  endif
+  # Load defaults
+  n = length (X);
+  if (isprime (n) && (n > 5))
+    n      = n-1;
+    X(end) = [];
+    warning ("Octave:tisean",...
+      "The length of 'X' was a prime number.\nUsing the next lowest: %d\n", n);
+  endif
+  f = 1;
+  w = f / n;
+  #### Parse input
+  p = inputParser ();
+  p.FunctionName = "spectrum";
+  isPositiveRealScalar = @(x) isreal(x) && isscalar (x) && (x > 0);
+  p.addParamValue ("f", f, isPositiveRealScalar);
+  p.addParamValue ("w", w, isPositiveRealScalar);
+  p.parse (varargin{:});
+  f = p.Results.f;
+  w = p.Results.w;
+  # Create indexes
+  half_n    = floor (n / 2) + 1;
+  half_step = floor (n * w / (2 * f));
+  step      = 2 * half_step + 1;
+  idx       = 1:step:half_n;
+  npoints   = length (idx);
+  # Create the spectrum values
+  spec  = abs (fft (X) / n).^2;
+  id    = kron ((1:npoints-1).', ones (step,1));
+  spec  = [spec(1), accumarray(id,spec(2:idx(end))).'];
+  # Create the frequencies
+  idx     = (2 + half_step):step:half_n;
+  freqs   = [0 idx-1] / n * f;
+  if (rows (X) > columns (X))
+    spec  = spec.';
+    freqs = freqs.';
+  endif
+%! a=1:5;
+%! spec = [9, 0.723606944, 0.276393265];
+%! freq = [0, 0.200000003, 0.400000006];
+%! [res_f, res_s] = spectrum (a);
+%! assert ([res_f;res_s], [freq;spec], 1e-6)
+%! a=1:5;
+%! spec = [9, 0.723606944, 0.276393265];
+%! freq = [0, 2.0, 4.0];
+%! [res_f, res_s] = spectrum (a, 'f', 10);
+%! assert ([res_f;res_s], [freq;spec], 1e-6)
+%! a=[zeros(10,1); ones(10,1); zeros(10,1)];
+%! spec = [0.111111119; 0.105779007; 5.33209695E-03];
+%! freq = [0; 0.133333340; 0.366666675];
+%! [res_f, res_s] = spectrum (a, 'w', 0.2);
+%! assert ([res_f;res_s], [freq;spec], 1e-6)
+%! a=[zeros(10,1); ones(10,1); zeros(10,1)];
+%! spec = [0.111111119; 9.55472291E-02; 8.37056525E-03; 3.37015605E-03; 2.10963469E-03; 1.71352283E-03];
+%! freq = [0; 0.666666687; 1.66666663; 2.66666675; 3.66666675; 4.66666651];
+%! [res_f, res_s] = spectrum (a, 'w', 0.8, 'f', 10);
+%! assert ([res_f;res_s], [freq;spec], 1e-6)
+%! a=[zeros(4,1);ones(4,1);zeros(3,1)];
+%! spec = [0.160000011; 9.47213769E-02; 9.99999978E-03; 5.27864136E-03; 1.00000026E-02; 0.00000000];
+%! freq = [0; 0.400000006; 0.800000012; 1.20000005; 1.60000002;  2.00000000];
+%! warning ("off", "Octave:tisean", "local");
+%! [res_f, res_s] = spectrum (a, 'f', 4);
+%! assert ([res_f,res_s], [freq,spec], 1e-6)
diff --git a/inst/spikeauto.m b/inst/spikeauto.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4f3a51b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/inst/spikeauto.m
@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
+## Copyright (C) 1996-2015 Piotr Held
+## This file is part of Octave.
+## Octave is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
+## License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
+## either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any
+## later version.
+## Octave is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
+## PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more
+## details.
+## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
+## License along with Octave; see the file COPYING.  If not,
+## see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+## -*- texinfo -*-
+## @deftypefn{Function File} {output =} spikeauto (@var{X}, @var{bin}, @var{bintot})
+## @deftypefnx{Function File} {output =} spikeauto (@dots{}, '@var{inter}')
+## Computes the binned autocorrelation function of a series of event times.
+## The data is assumed to represent a sum of delta functions centered at the
+## times given. The autocorrelation function is then a double sum of delta
+## functions which must be binned to be representable. Therfore, you have to
+## choose the duration of a single bin (with argument @var{bin}) and the maximum
+## time lag (argument @var{bintot}) considered.
+## @strong{Inputs}
+## @table @var
+## @item S
+## This function always assumes that each time series is along the longer 
+## dimension of matrix @var{S}. It also assumes that every dimension 
+## (counting along the shorter dimension) of @var{S} is considered a 
+## component of the time series.
+## @item bin
+## The duration of a single bin.
+## @item bintot
+## The maximum lag considered.
+## @end table
+## @strong{Switch}
+## @table @var
+## @item inter
+## Treat the input as inter-event intervals instead of the time at which the event
+## occured. 
+## @end table
+## @strong{Output}
+## The output is alligned with the input. If the input was a column vector the
+## output will consist of two columns, the first holds information about which
+## bin did the autocorellation fit into, and the second the number of
+## autocorellations that fit into that bin.
+## @strong{Algorithms}
+## The algorithms for this functions have been taken from the TISEAN package.
+## @end deftypefn
+## Author: Piotr Held <pjheld at gmail.com>.
+## This function is based on spikeauto of TISEAN 3.0.1 
+## https://github.com/heggus/Tisean"
+function output = spikeauto (X, bin, totbin, varargin)
+  # Initial input validation
+  if (nargin < 3 || nargin > 4)
+    print_usage;
+  endif
+  # Check if X is real vector
+  if ((isvector (X) == false) || (isreal (X) == false))
+    error ('Octave:invalid-input-arg', "X must be a real vector");
+  endif
+  # Check if X has at least 2 different elements
+  if (min (X) == max (X))
+    error ('Octave:invalid-input-arg',
+           "X must contain at least 2 differing elements");
+  endif
+  inter = false;
+  if (nargin == 4)
+    if (strcmpi (varargin{1}, "inter"))
+      inter = true;
+    else
+      error ('Octave:invalid-input-arg', "additional parameter is not 'inter'");
+    endif
+  endif
+  # Correct X to always have more rows than columns
+  trnspsd = false;
+  if (rows (X) < columns (X))
+    X = X.';
+    trnspsd = true;
+  endif
+  # If the input is interval change to times
+  if (inter)
+    X = cumsum (X);
+  endif
+  X = sort (X);
+  # Number of bins
+  nbin = floor (totbin / bin) + 1;
+  # The oct file is used for optimization (using a for loop in Octave is about 100
+  # times slower and not using the for loop uses a lot of memory,
+  # e.g. when lenght (X) == 2000 it uses 500 MB).
+  ihist = __spikeauto__ (X, bin, nbin);
+  idx = (1:nbin).';
+  idx = (idx - 0.5) .* bin;
+  output = [idx, ihist];
+  if (trnspsd)
+    output = output.';
+  endif
+%% Test against TISEAN output
+%! spikeauto_res = [0.25 403965;0.75 376230;1.25 331311;1.75 274509;2.25 209767;2.75 153597;3.25 104075;3.75 65683;4.25 39030;4.75 21812;5.25 10745;5.75 5090;6.25 2064;6.75 792;7.25 245;7.75 70;8.25 14;8.75 1;9.25 0;9.75 0;10.25 0];
+%! rand ("seed", 1);
+%! x = zeros (2000,1);
+%! for i = 2:2000
+%!   x(i) = 0.7*x(i-1) +  (-6 + sum (rand ([size(1), 12]), 3));
+%! endfor
+%! res = spikeauto (x, 0.5, 10);
+%! assert (res, spikeauto_res, 1);
+%% Testing input validation
+%!error <Invalid call> spikeauto (1)
+%!error <2 differing elements> spikeauto (ones (10,1), 1,3);
+%!error <vector> spikeauto ([(1:10);(1:10)],1,2);
diff --git a/inst/spikespec.m b/inst/spikespec.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..63c12f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/inst/spikespec.m
@@ -0,0 +1,223 @@
+## Copyright (C) 1996-2015 Piotr Held
+## This file is part of Octave.
+## Octave is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
+## License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
+## either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any
+## later version.
+## Octave is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
+## PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more
+## details.
+## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
+## License along with Octave; see the file COPYING.  If not,
+## see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+## -*- texinfo -*-
+## @deftypefn{Function File} {output =} spikespec (@var{X})
+## @deftypefnx{Function File} {output =} spikespec (@var{X}, @var{paramName}, @var{paramValue}, @dots{})
+## Computes a power spectrum assuming that the data are the times of singular
+## events, e.g. heart beats.
+## These events do not need to be in ascending order. Furthermore, the input can
+## be treated as inter-event intervals rather than time if switch @var{inter}
+## is set.
+## If the event times are @code{t(n), n=1,...,l} the spectrum is defined by
+## @iftex
+## @tex
+## S(f) = \left ( \sum_{n=1}^{l}e^{-i 2\pi f t(n)} \right )^2
+## @end tex
+## @end iftex
+## @ifnottex
+## @example
+##             l                    2
+##          | ---                  |
+##          | \     -i 2 pi f t(n) |
+##   S(f) = |  |  e                |
+##          | /                    |
+##          | ---                  |
+##            n=1
+## @end example
+## @end ifnottex
+## that is, the signal is taken to be a sum of delta functions at @code{t(n)}.
+## @code{S(f)} is computed for parameter @var{f_no} frequencies between 0
+## and value of parameter @var{f}. The result is binned down to a frequency
+## resolution defined by parameter @var{w}.
+## @strong{Input}
+## @table @var
+## @item S
+## This function always assumes that each time series is along the longer 
+## dimension of matrix @var{S}. It also assumes that every dimension 
+## (counting along the shorter dimension) of @var{S} is considered a 
+## component of the time series.
+## @end table
+## @strong {Parameters}
+## @table @var
+## @item f
+## The maximum frequency [default = 2 * length (@var{X}) / total time].
+## @item f_no
+## Number of frequencies [default = @var{f} * total time / 2].
+## @item w
+## Frequency resolution [defualt = 0 -- return all frequencies].
+## @end table
+## @strong {Switch}
+## @table @var
+## @item inter
+## Treat the input as inter-event intervals instead of the time at which the event
+## occured. 
+## @item verbose
+## Write to standard output the value of the 'total time', number of frequencies
+## used, the maximum frequency and how many frequencies are binned.
+## @end table
+## @strong{Output}
+## The output is alligned with the input. If the input was a column vector the
+## output will consist of two columns, the first holds the frequencies to which
+## the spectrum was binned and the second holds the calculated spectrum value.
+## @strong{Algorithms}
+## The algorithms for this functions have been taken from the TISEAN package.
+## @end deftypefn
+## Author: Piotr Held <pjheld at gmail.com>.
+## This function is based on spikespec of TISEAN 3.0.1 
+## https://github.com/heggus/Tisean"
+function output = spikespec (X, varargin)
+  # Initial input validation
+  if (nargin < 1)
+    print_usage;
+  endif
+  # Check if X is real vector
+  if ((isvector (X) == false) || (isreal (X) == false))
+    error ('Octave:invalid-input-arg', "X must be a real vector");
+  endif
+  # Check if X has at least 2 different elements
+  if (min (X) == max (X))
+    error ('Octave:invalid-input-arg',
+           "X must contain at least 2 differing elements");
+  endif
+  # Default parameters
+  freq_max = 0;
+  nfreq    = 0;
+  freq_res = 0;
+  #### Parse the input
+  p = inputParser ();
+  p.FunctionName = "spikespec";
+  isNonNegativeIntScalar = @(x) isreal (x) && isscalar (x) && ...
+                             (x >= 0) && (x-round(x) == 0);
+  isNonNegativeScalar    = @(x) isreal (x) && isscalar (x) && (x >= 0);
+  p.addParamValue ("f", freq_max, isNonNegativeScalar);
+  p.addParamValue ("f_no", nfreq, isNonNegativeIntScalar);
+  p.addParamValue ("w", freq_res, isNonNegativeScalar);
+  p.addSwitch ("verbose");
+  p.addSwitch ("inter");
+  p.parse (varargin{:});
+  # Assign inputs
+  freq_max = p.Results.f;
+  nfreq    = p.Results.f_no;
+  freq_res = p.Results.w;
+  verbose  = p.Results.verbose;
+  inter    = p.Results.inter;
+  # Correct X to always have more rows than columns
+  trnspsd = false;
+  if (rows (X) < columns (X))
+    X = X.';
+    trnspsd = true;
+  endif
+  # If the input is interval change to times
+  if (inter)
+    X = cumsum (X);
+  endif
+  X = sort (X);
+  if (freq_max == 0)
+    freq_max = 2 * length (X) / (X(end) - X(1));
+  endif
+  if (nfreq == 0)
+    nfreq = floor (freq_max * (X(end) - X(1)) / 2);
+  endif
+  if (verbose)
+    printf ("spikespec: total time covered: %f\n", X(end) - X(1));
+    printf ("spikespec: computing %d up to %f\n", nfreq, freq_max);
+  endif
+  ibin  = floor (nfreq * freq_res / 2);
+  if (ibin > 0 && verbose)
+    printf ("spikespec: binning %d frequencies\n", 2 * ibin + 1);
+  endif
+  # idx is used to avoid a for loop
+  idx    = (1+ibin:2*ibin+1:nfreq-ibin).';
+  # Calculating the frequencies (accounts for binning)
+  freqs = (idx .* freq_max) ./ nfreq;
+  # Calculate full spectrum
+  omega = 2 * pi * freq_max * ((1:nfreq) / nfreq);
+  spec  = sum (cos (omega .* X)).^2 + sum (sin (omega .* X)).^2;
+  # Binning the spectrum to selected frequencies
+  if (ibin != 0)
+    spec = sum (spec(idx+(-ibin:ibin)),2);
+  endif
+  # If no binning occured adjust spec shape to be column vector
+  if (ibin == 0)
+    spec = spec.';
+  endif
+  output = [freqs,spec];
+  if (trnspsd)
+    output = output.';
+  endif
+%% Test against TISEAN output with parameters
+%! TISEAN_res = [0.238095239 57287.0977;0.476190478 3542.92993;0.714285731 9849.01953;0.952380955 1308.43506;1.19047618 895.900391;1.42857146 35.2915306;1.66666663 764.487854;1.90476191 393.315033;2.14285707 3824.16162;2.38095236 270.531433;2.61904764 1956.50562;2.85714293 558.371887;3.09523821 5909.93945;3.33333325 196.033508;3.57142854 969.181091;3.80952382 2341.91284;4.04761887 718.884399;4.28571415 1607.26086;4.52380943 966.218201;4.76190472 953.328613;5.00000000 833.173096];
+%! rand ("seed", 1);
+%! x = zeros (2000,1);
+%! for i = 2:2000
+%!   x(i) = 0.7*x(i-1) +  (-6 + sum (rand ([size(1), 12]), 3));
+%! endfor
+%! res = spikespec (x, 'w', 0.001, 'f', 5);
+%! assert (res, TISEAN_res, -1e-4);
+%% Test input validation
+%!error <2 differing elements> spikespec (10);
+%!error <failed validation> spikespec (1:10, 'w', -0.5);
+%!error <failed validation> spikespec (1:10, 'w', [1,2]);
diff --git a/inst/surrogates.m b/inst/surrogates.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..02bdaaa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/inst/surrogates.m
@@ -0,0 +1,225 @@
+## Copyright (C) 1996-2015 Piotr Held
+## This file is part of Octave.
+## Octave is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
+## License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
+## either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any
+## later version.
+## Octave is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
+## PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more
+## details.
+## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
+## License along with Octave; see the file COPYING.  If not,
+## see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+## -*- texinfo -*-
+## @deftypefn{Function File} {[@var{surro_data}, @var{pars}] =} surrogates (@var{S})
+## @deftypefnx{Function File} {[@var{surro_data}, @var{pars}] =} surrogates (@var{S}, @var{paramName}, @var{paramValue}, @dots{})
+## Generates multivariate surrogate data (implements the iterative Fourier scheme).
+## Surrogate data is generated from a dataset with the aim of testing whether the 
+## dataset was generated by a given process (null hypothesis). The Fourier scheme 
+## assumes that the dataset is the output of a Gaussian linear stochastic process.
+## Surrogate data is generally used to test the null hypothesis.
+## @strong{Input}
+## @table @var
+## @item S
+## This function always assumes that each time series is along the longer 
+## dimension of matrix @var{S}. It also assumes that every dimension 
+## (counting along the shorter dimension) of @var{S} is considered a 
+## component of the time series. It's length must be factorizable by only
+## 2, 3 and 5. If not the largest submatrix that fulfills this requirement will be
+## used. The function @code{endtoend} can be used to determine what is the best
+## submatrix for the data and then sending only that submatrix to this program.
+## Padding with zeros is @strong{not} and option.
+## @end table
+## @strong {Parameters}
+## @table @var
+## @item n
+## Sets the number of surrogates to be calculated. Determines the form of
+## the output (see Output section) [default = 1].
+## @item i
+## The maximum number of permutations. Value '0' yields random permutations or if
+## switch @var{exact} is set an unrescaled FFT surrogate. Value '1' is a surrogate
+## close to the result of the AAFT procedure, but not quite the same. Value '-1'
+## means the program will perform iterations until there is no change between them
+## [default = -1].
+## @item seed
+## Set the seed for the random generator [default = use default seed].
+## @end table
+## @strong {Switch}
+## @table @var
+## @item exact
+## This switch makes the spectrum of the output exact rather than a distribution.
+## @end table
+## @strong{Outputs}
+## @table @var
+## @item surro_data
+## If parameter @code{n == 1} then this is a matrix that holds the surrogate data.
+## If parameter @code{n > 1} then it is @var{n} x 1 cell array of matrixes with
+## the data. In both cases the matrixes themselves are alligned with the input.
+## @item pars
+## This is a matrix of size @var{n} x 2 (if the input components were column
+## vectors, otherwise transposed). The first column contains the number of
+## iteration it took to generate the @var{i}-th surrogate, whereas the second
+## column is the relative discrepency for the @var{i}-th surrogate.
+## @end table
+## @seealso{demo surrogates, endtoend}
+## @strong{Algorithms}
+## The algorithms for this functions have been taken from the TISEAN package.
+## @end deftypefn
+## Author: Piotr Held <pjheld at gmail.com>.
+## This function is based on surrogates of TISEAN 3.0.1 
+## https://github.com/heggus/Tisean"
+function [surro_data, pars] = surrogates (S,varargin)
+  if (nargin < 1 || nargout > 2)
+    print_usage;
+  endif
+  if ((ismatrix (S) == false) || (isreal(S) == false) || ...
+       (isreal(S) == false))
+    error ('Octave:invalid-input-arg', "S must be a realmatrix");
+  endif
+  # Default values
+  nsur           = 1;
+  max_iterations = -1; # means until no change
+  seed           = 0;
+  #### Parse the input
+  p = inputParser ();
+  p.FunctionName = "surrogates";
+  isPositiveIntScalar   = @(x) isreal(x) && isscalar (x) ...
+                               && (x > 0) && (x-round(x) == 0);
+  isValidIterationValue = @(x) isPositiveIntScalar (x) ...
+                               || (isscalar(x) && ((x == 0) || (x == -1)));
+  isNonNegativeScalar   = @(x) isreal(x) && isscalar (x) ...
+                               && ((x > 0) || (x == 0));
+  p.addParamValue ("n", nsur, isPositiveIntScalar);
+  p.addParamValue ("i", max_iterations, isValidIterationValue);
+  p.addParamValue ("seed", seed, isNonNegativeScalar);
+  p.addSwitch ("exact");
+  p.parse (varargin{:});
+  # Assign input
+  nsur           = p.Results.n;
+  max_iterations = p.Results.i;
+  seed           = p.Results.seed;
+  ispec          = p.Results.exact;
+  # Check if nsur is not large
+  if (nsur > 1000)
+    warning ("Octave:tisean", ["Parameter 'n' is larger than 1000, this ", ...
+                               "function migth execute a long time and take ",...
+                               "up a lot of memory"])
+  endif
+  # Correct S to always have more rows than columns
+  trnspsd = false;
+  if (rows (S) < columns (S))
+    S = S.';
+    trnspsd = true;
+  endif
+  # Check if the length of 'S' can be factorized by only 2, 3 and 5
+  original_length = length (S);
+  while (max (factor (length (S))) > 5)
+   S(end,:) = [];
+  endwhile
+  if (original_length > length (S))
+    warning ("Octave:tisean",...
+             ["The length of 'S' was not factorizable by 2, 3 and 5. ", ...
+              "Using only first %d so that it's length would fulfill this ",...
+              "requirement"], length (S));
+  endif
+  # Compute the output
+  [surro_data, pars] = __surrogates__ (S, nsur, max_iterations, ispec, seed);
+  # If the input was transposed allign output with it
+  if (trnspsd)
+    pars       = pars.';
+    surro_data = cellfun (@transpose, surro_data, 'UniformOutput', false);
+  endif
+  # If surro_data is a single cell, then change it to be a matrix
+  if (isequal (size (surro_data), [1,1]))
+    surro_data = surro_data {1};
+  endif
+%% 'x' will be a stationary Gaussian linear stochastic process 
+%! x = zeros (2000,1);
+%! for i = 2:2000
+%!   x(i) = 0.7*x(i-1) +  (-6 + sum (rand ([size(1), 12]), 3));
+%! endfor
+%! # 'spike' is the process above measured s_n (x_n) = x_n^3.
+%! spike = x.^3;
+%! # Plot the data
+%! subplot (2,1,1)
+%! plot (spike,'g');
+%! axis tight
+%! title ("spike")
+%! subplot (2,1,2)
+%! plot (surrogates(spike),'b');
+%! axis tight
+%! title ("surrogates")
+%!shared s,p
+%! [s,p] = surrogates (henon (1000).', 'i', 50, 'n', 15);
+%! p = p.';
+%% Check if parameter i (max iterations works properly)
+%! expected(1:15) = 50;
+%! assert (p(:,1), expected.')
+%% Check if the relative discrepancy remains similar
+%!assert (std (p(:,2)), 0, 5e-4)
+%% Check if cell was properly created and transposed
+%!assert(iscell (s) && isequal (size (s), [15, 1]))
+%!assert(rows (s{1}) < columns (s{1}))
+%% Check if shortening data is discovered
+%% Warnings are promoted to errors to avoid further computation
+%!error <factorizable> warning ("error", "Octave:tisean"); surrogates (henon (11));
+%% Check if shortening the data works as expected
+%! warning ("off")
+%! expected = surrogates (henon (100), 'seed', 0.25);
+%! result   = surrogates (henon (102), 'seed', 0.25);
+%! assert (result, expected)
+%% Check if checking parameter 'n' works as expected
+%!error <long> warning ("error", "Octave:tisean"); surrogates ([1 2], 'n', 1001);
diff --git a/inst/timerev.m b/inst/timerev.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a74bcbc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/inst/timerev.m
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+## Copyright (C) 2015 Piotr Held
+## Copyright (C) 2015 Juan Pablo Carbajal
+## This file is part of Octave.
+## Octave is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
+## License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
+## either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any
+## later version.
+## Octave is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
+## PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more
+## details.
+## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
+## License along with Octave; see the file COPYING.  If not,
+## see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+## -*- texinfo -*-
+## @deftypefn{Function File} {@var{output} =} timerev (@var{S})
+## @deftypefnx{Function File} {@var{output} =} timerev (@var{S}, @var{delay})
+## Calculates time reversal assymetry statistic.
+## Accomplishes this using the following equation applied to each component
+## separately:
+## @iftex
+## @tex
+## $$\frac{\sum (y_n-y_{n-d})^3}{\sum (y_n-y_{n-d})^2}$$
+## @end tex
+## @end iftex
+## @ifnottex
+## @example
+##                 3
+##  sum (y  - y   ) 
+##        n    n-d
+## ------------------
+##                 2
+##  sum (y  - y   )  
+##        n    n-d
+## @end example
+## @end ifnottex
+## @strong{Input}
+## @table @var
+## @item S
+## This function always assumes that each time series is along the longer 
+## dimension of matrix @var{S}. It also assumes that every dimension 
+## (counting along the shorter dimension) of @var{S} is considered a 
+## component of the time series.
+## @item delay
+## The delay for the statistic ('d' in the equation above) [default = 1].
+## @end table
+## @strong{Output}
+## The output is the calculated time reversal asymmetry statistic. It is calculated
+## for each component separately and is alligned with the components, so if the
+## input's components were columns vectors the output will be a row vector and
+## vice versa.
+## @strong{Algorithms}
+## The algorithms for this functions have been taken from the TISEAN package.
+## @end deftypefn
+## Author: Piotr Held <pjheld at gmail.com>.
+## This function is based on timerev of TISEAN 3.0.1
+## https://github.com/heggus/Tisean"
+function output = timerev (S, delay);
+  # Input validation
+  if (nargin != 1 && nargin != 2)
+    print_usage;
+  endif
+  if ((!ismatrix (S)) || (!isreal(S)))
+    error ('Octave:invalid-input-arg', "S is not a realmatrix");
+  endif
+  # If no delay was given assign 1
+  if (nargin == 1)
+    delay = 1;
+  endif
+  # Verify delay is a positive integer
+  isPositiveInteger = @(x) isreal(x) && isscalar (x) && (x > 0) ...
+                           && (x-round(x) == 0);
+  if (!isPositiveInteger(delay))
+    error ("Octave:invalid-input-arg", "delay must be a positive integer");
+  endif
+  # Verify the input series 'S' is at least as long as 'delay + 1'
+  if (delay >= length (S))
+    error ("Octave:invalid-input-arg", ["the length of the input series must ",...
+                                        "be at least as long as 'delay + 1'"]);
+  endif
+  # Correct S to always have more rows than columns
+  trnspsd = false;
+  if (rows (S) < columns (S))
+    S = S.';
+    trnspsd = true;
+  endif
+  # Calculate output
+  idx    = delay+1:rows(S);
+  t2     = sum ((S(idx,:) - S(idx-delay,:)).^2);
+  t3     = sum ((S(idx,:) - S(idx-delay,:)).^3);
+  output = t3./t2;
+  # Transpose output if input components were row vectors and not column vectors
+  if (trnspsd)
+    output = output.';
+  endif
+%% Test output against TISEAN program 'timerev'
+%!assert (timerev (henon (1000)(:,1),4),0.313235879,-1e-6)
+%!assert (timerev (henon (1000), 4), [0.313235879, 0.312556326], -1e-6)
+%!assert (timerev (henon(1000).', 4), [0.313235879; 0.312556326], -1e-6)
+%% Testing input validation
+%!error <positive> timerev (1, 0);
+%!error <long> timerev ([1 2], 2);
+%% Test if default values load properly
+%!assert (timerev (henon (100)), timerev (henon (100),1))
diff --git a/inst/upo.m b/inst/upo.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4c17bf0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/inst/upo.m
@@ -0,0 +1,242 @@
+## Copyright (C) 1996-2015 Piotr Held
+## This file is part of Octave.
+## Octave is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
+## License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
+## either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any
+## later version.
+## Octave is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
+## PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more
+## details.
+## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
+## License along with Octave; see the file COPYING.  If not,
+## see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+## -*- texinfo -*-
+## @deftypefn{Function File} {[@var{olens}, @var{orbit_data}, @var{acc}, @var{stab}] =} upo (@var{X}, @var{m})
+## @deftypefnx{Function File} {@dots{} =} upo (@var{X}, @var{m}, @var{paramName}, @var{paramValue}, @dots{})
+## Locates unstable periodic points.
+## Note: This function provides a wrapper for the original upo from TISEAN. The 
+## documentation to TISEAN states that upo has not been tested thoroughly
+## and therefore might contain errors. Since this function only provides
+## a wrapper for the TISEAN upo any such errors will be inherited. For
+## more information consult the TISEAN documentation:
+## http://www.mpipks-dresden.mpg.de/~tisean/Tisean_3.0.1/docs/docs_f/upo.html
+## @strong{Inputs}
+## @table @var
+## @item X
+## Must be realvector. If it is a row vector then the output will 
+## be row vectors as well. Maximum length is 1e6. This constraint existed in
+## the TISEAN program and therefore it is inherited. This should not 
+## be a problem as this program takes 9 seconds for a 10000 element long
+## noisy henon series. 
+## @item m
+## Embedding dimension. Must be scalar positive integer.
+## @end table
+## @strong{Parameters}
+## Either @var{r} or @var{v} must be set and at least one must be
+## different from zero.
+## @table @var
+## @item r
+## Absolute kernel bandwidth. Must be a scalar.
+## @item v
+## Same as fraction of standard deviation.
+## @item mtp
+## Minimum separation of trial points 
+## [default = value of 'r' OR std(data) * value of 'v'].
+## @item mdo
+## Minimum separation of distinct orbits 
+## [default = value of 'r' OR std(data) * value of 'v'].
+## @item s
+## Initial separation for stability
+## [default = value of 'r' OR std(data) * value of 'v'].
+## @item a
+## Maximum error of orbit to be plotted [default = all plotted].
+## @item p
+## Period of orbit [default = 1].
+## @item n
+## Number of trials [default = numel (@var{X})].
+## @end table
+## @strong{Outputs}
+## @table @var
+## @item olens
+## A vector that contains the period lengths (sizes) for each orbit.
+## @item orbit_data
+## A vector that contains all of the orbit data. To find data for the 
+## n-the orbit you need to:
+## @example
+## nth_orbit_data = orbit_data(sum(olens(1:n-1)).+(1:olens(n)));
+## @end example
+## @item acc
+## A vector that contains the accuracy of each orbit.
+## @item stab
+## A vector that contains the stability of each orbit.
+## @end table
+## Note that 
+## @code{length (olens) == length (acc) == length (stab) #== number of orbits}.
+## @seealso{demo upo, upoembed}
+## @strong{Algorithms}
+## The algorithms for this functions have been taken from the TISEAN package.
+## @end deftypefn
+## Author: Piotr Held <pjheld at gmail.com>.
+## This function is based on upo of TISEAN 3.0.1
+## https://github.com/heggus/Tisean"
+function [olens, orbit_data, acc, stab] = upo (X,m,varargin)
+  # Initial input validation
+  if (nargin < 2)
+    print_usage;
+  endif
+  if ((isvector (X) == false) || (isreal(X) == false))
+    error ('Octave:invalid-input-arg', "X must be a realvector");
+  endif
+  # Checking if the input is too long for
+  # the underlying fortran program
+  if (length (X) > 1e6)
+    error ('Octave:invalid-input-arg', ...
+           "X cannot contain more than 1e6 elements");
+  endif
+  isPositiveIntScalar = @(x) isreal(x) && isscalar (x) && ...
+                             (x > 0) && (x-round(x) == 0);
+  if (isPositiveIntScalar(m) == false)
+    error ('Octave:invalid-input-arg', ["m must be a scalar positive ",...
+                                        "integer value"]);
+  endif
+  # Load defaults
+  eps  = 0;
+  frac = 0;
+  teq  = -1;
+  tdis = -1;
+  h    = -1;
+  tacc = -1;
+  iper = 1;
+  icen = length (X);
+  #### Parse the input
+  p = inputParser ();
+  p.FunctionName = "upo";
+  isNumericScalar = @(x) isreal(x) && isscalar (x);
+  p.addParamValue ("r", eps, isNumericScalar);
+  p.addParamValue ("v", frac, isNumericScalar);
+  p.addParamValue ("mtp", teq, isNumericScalar);
+  p.addParamValue ("mdo", tdis, isNumericScalar);
+  p.addParamValue ("s", h, isNumericScalar);
+  p.addParamValue ("a", tacc, isNumericScalar);
+  p.addParamValue ("p", iper, isPositiveIntScalar);
+  p.addParamValue ("n", icen, isPositiveIntScalar);
+  p.parse (varargin{:});
+  # Assign inputs
+  eps  = p.Results.r;
+  frac = p.Results.v;
+  teq  = p.Results.mtp;
+  tdis = p.Results.mdo;
+  h    = p.Results.s;
+  tacc = p.Results.a;
+  iper = p.Results.p;
+  icen = p.Results.n;
+  # Input validation
+  if (ismember ('r',p.UsingDefaults) && ismember ('v', p.UsingDefaults))
+    error ('Octave:invalid-input-arg', "Either parameter 'r' or 'v' \
+must be set");
+  endif
+  if ((eps == 0) && (frac == 0))
+    error ('Octave:invalid-input-arg', "Either parameter 'r' or 'v' \
+must be different from zero");
+  endif
+  # Correct X to always have more rows than columns
+  trnspsd = false;
+  if (rows (X) < columns (X))
+    X = X.';
+    trnspsd = true;
+  endif
+  [olens, orbit_data, acc, stab] = ...
+    __upo__ (X, m, eps, frac, teq, tdis, h, tacc, iper, icen);
+  orbit_no      = olens(1);
+  data_no       = orbit_data(1);
+  olens(1)      = [];
+  orbit_data(1) = [];
+  acc(1)        = [];
+  stab(1)       = [];
+  olens         = resize (olens,[orbit_no,1]);
+  orbit_data    = resize (orbit_data,[data_no,1]);
+  acc           = resize (acc,[orbit_no,1]);
+  stab          = resize (stab,[orbit_no,1]);
+  if (trnspsd)
+    olens      = olens.';
+    orbit_data = orbit_data.';
+    acc        = acc.';
+    stab       = stab.';
+  endif
+%! hen    = henon (1000);
+%! # The following line is equvalent to 'addnoise -v0.1 hen' from TISEAN
+%! hen    = hen + std (hen) * 0.1 .* (-6 + sum (rand ([size(hen), 12]), 3));
+%! hendel = delay (hen(:,1));
+%! [olens, odata] = upo(hen(:,1), 2, 'p',6,'v',0.1, 'n', 100);
+%! up    = upoembed (olens, odata, 1);
+%! plot (hendel(:,1), hendel(:,2), 'r.', 'markersize',2, ...
+%!       up{4}(:,1), up{4}(:,2),'gx','markersize',20,'linewidth',1, ...
+%!       up{3}(:,1), up{3}(:,2),'b+','markersize',20,'linewidth',1, ...
+%!       up{2}(:,1), up{2}(:,2),'ms','markersize',20,'linewidth',1, ...
+%!       up{1}(:,1), up{1}(:,2),'ws','markerfacecolor', 'c', 'markersize',20);
+%! legend ('Noisy Henon', 'Fixed Point','Period 2', 'Period 6', 'Period 6');
+%! axis tight
+%! hen       = henon (1000);
+%! res_lens  = [6;6;2;1];
+%! res_odata = [0.476636350; 0.790967643; 0.223789170; 1.14927197; -0.771639466; 0.450597405; 0.310742706; 1.01709056; -0.403215200; 1.06800783; -0.734883010; 0.569545567; 0.975725055; -0.495307118; 0.640587449];
+%! res_acc   = [5.09480287E-07 ; 7.82842960E-07; 5.84763768E-07; 5.19621267E-07];
+%! res_stab  = [12.6414680; 10.4631128; 2.43191552; 1.63386893];
+%! [l,d,a,s] = upo(hen(:,1),2,'p',6,'v',0.1,'n',100); 
+%! assert ({l,d},{res_lens,res_odata},-1e-5);
diff --git a/inst/upoembed.m b/inst/upoembed.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c14b160
--- /dev/null
+++ b/inst/upoembed.m
@@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
+## Copyright (C) 1996-2015 Piotr Held
+## This file is part of Octave.
+## Octave is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
+## License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
+## either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any
+## later version.
+## Octave is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
+## PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more
+## details.
+## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
+## License along with Octave; see the file COPYING.  If not,
+## see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+## -*- texinfo -*-
+## @deftypefn{Function File} {@var{output} =} upoembed (@var{olens}, at var{orbit_data}, @var{delay})
+## @deftypefnx{Function File} {@var{output} =} upoembed (@var{olens}, at var{orbit_data}, @var{delay},  @var{paramName}, @var{paramValue}, @dots{})
+## Creates delay coordinates for upo output.
+## @strong{Inputs}
+## @table @var
+## @item olens
+## This vector contains the periods that are generated by upo.
+## @item orbit_data
+## The orbit data that is generated by upo.
+## @item delay
+## The delay used to get the delay coordinates.
+## @end table
+## @strong{Parameter}
+## @table @var
+## @item m
+## The embedding dimension used [default = 2].
+## @item p
+## The period of the orbit to be extracted. This may be a vector
+## [default = extract all orbit periods].
+## @end table
+## @strong{Output}
+## A cell that contains the delay vectors for each orbit. The orbits 
+## are in the same order as they are in @var{olens}. Can be converted to 
+## matrix using @code{str2mat (output)}.
+## @seealso{upo}
+## @strong{Algorithms}
+## The algorithms for this functions have been taken from the TISEAN package.
+## @end deftypefn
+## Author: Piotr Held <pjheld at gmail.com>.
+## This function is based on upoembed of TISEAN 3.0.1
+## https://github.com/heggus/Tisean"
+function output = upoembed (olens, orbit_data, delay, varargin)
+  # Input validation
+  if (nargin < 3)
+    print_usage;
+  endif
+  isPositiveIntVector = @(x) isreal(x) && isvector (x) && ...
+                             all (x > 0) && all (x-round(x) == 0);
+  if (isPositiveIntVector (olens) == false)
+    error ('Octave:invalid-input-arg', "olens must be a realvector");
+  endif
+  if ((isvector (orbit_data) == false) || (isreal(orbit_data) == false))
+    error ('Octave:invalid-input-arg', "orbit_data must be a realvector");
+  endif
+  if (sum (olens) != length (orbit_data))
+    error ('Octave:invalid-input-arg', "The sum of the periods of orbits \
+is not equal to the number of orbit data");
+  endif
+  isPositiveIntScalar = @(x) isreal(x) && isscalar (x) && ...
+                             (x > 0) && (x-round(x) == 0);
+  if (isPositiveIntScalar (delay) == false)
+    error ('Octave:invalid-input-arg', "delay must be a positive \
+integer scalar value");
+  endif
+  # Assign default values
+  m        = 2;
+  porbit   = 1;
+  #### Parse the input
+  p = inputParser ();
+  p.FunctionName = "upoembed";
+  isNumericScalar = @(x) isreal(x) && isscalar (x);
+  p.addParamValue ("m", m, isPositiveIntScalar);
+  p.addParamValue ("p", porbit, isPositiveIntVector);
+  p.parse (varargin{:});
+  # Assing inputs
+  m        = p.Results.m;
+  porbit   = p.Results.p;
+  ## Additional data validation 
+  if (!ismember ('p', p.UsingDefaults) && !(any(ismember (porbit, olens))))
+      error ('Octave:invalid-input-arg', "parameter p must be one of the \
+values of olens");
+  endif
+  ## Generating indexes of orbits to use
+  if (!ismember ('p', p.UsingDefaults))
+    idx = find(ismember(olens, porbit)).';
+  else
+    idx = 1:length(olens);
+  endif
+  ## Create delay vectors
+  j         = (m:-1:1);
+  delay_vec = @(x) orbit_data(sum(olens(1:idx(x)-1))+ ...
+                              mod(((1:olens(idx(x))+1).').-...
+                              (j-1).*delay -1 +m.*olens(idx(x)),...
+                              olens(idx(x)))+1);
+  output    = arrayfun (delay_vec,(1:length(idx)).','UniformOutput', false);
+  ## Below is unvectorized code (for reference only)
+  ## Does not account for parameter 'p'
+  ## The return is in a single matrix instead of a cell array
+  #  for i=1:length(olens)
+  #    for k=1:olens(i)+1;
+  #      for j=m:-1:1;
+  #       output(sum(olens(1:i-1)+1)+k,m+1-j) = ...
+  #       orbit_data(sum(olens(1:i-1))+mod(k.-(j-1).*delay-1+m*olens(i),olens(i))+1);
+  #      endfor
+  #    endfor
+  #  endfor
+%!shared olens, odata
+%! olens = [6;6;2;1];
+%! odata = [0.568860233; 0.320431054; 1.01113260; -0.396884680; 1.06592703; -0.735762954; 0.468448341; 0.791814446; 0.219137505; 1.15340614; -0.777471960; 0.447908580; 0.982830405; -0.487029105; 0.634082019];
+%!fail ("upoembed (olens, odata, 1, 'p',3)");
+%!xtest ("upoembed (olens, odata, 1, 'p',6)");
+%! "res was generated using 'upoembed -d1' on 'olens' and 'odata' from TISEAN";
+%! res = [-0.735762954, 0.568860233; 0.568860233, 0.320431054; 0.320431054, 1.01113260; 1.01113260, -0.396884680; -0.396884680, 1.06592703; 1.06592703, -0.735762954; -0.735762954, 0.568860233; 0.447908580, 0.468448341; 0.468448341, 0.791814446; 0.791814446, 0.219137505; 0.219137505, 1.15340614; 1.15340614, -0.777471960; -0.777471960, 0.447908580; 0.447908580, 0.468448341; -0.487029105, 0.982830405; 0.982830405, -0.487029105; -0.487029105, 0.982830405; 0.634082019, 0.634082019; 0.63408201 [...]
+%! out = upoembed(olens,odata,1,'m',2);
+%! out = cell2mat(out);
+%! assert (out,res,1e-6);
+%! "res was generated using 'upoembed -p6 -d1' from TISEAN on olens and odata";
+%! res = [-0.735762954, 0.568860233; 0.568860233, 0.320431054; 0.320431054, 1.01113260; 1.01113260, -0.396884680; -0.396884680, 1.06592703; 1.06592703, -0.735762954; -0.735762954, 0.568860233; ; ; 0.447908580, 0.468448341; 0.468448341, 0.791814446; 0.791814446, 0.219137505; 0.219137505, 1.15340614; 1.15340614, -0.777471960; -0.777471960, 0.447908580; 0.447908580, 0.468448341];
+%! out = upoembed(olens,odata,1,'p',6);
+%! out = cell2mat(out);
+%! assert (out,res,1e-6);
+%! res = [-0.735762954, 0.568860233; 0.568860233, 0.320431054; 0.320431054, 1.01113260; 1.01113260, -0.396884680; -0.396884680, 1.06592703; 1.06592703, -0.735762954; -0.735762954, 0.568860233; ; ; 0.447908580, 0.468448341; 0.468448341, 0.791814446; 0.791814446, 0.219137505; 0.219137505, 1.15340614; 1.15340614, -0.777471960; -0.777471960, 0.447908580; 0.447908580, 0.468448341;  0.634082019, 0.634082019;0.634082019, 0.634082019];
+%! out = upoembed(olens,odata,1,'p',[6 1]);
+%! out = cell2mat(out);
+%! assert (out,res,1e-6);
diff --git a/inst/xzero.m b/inst/xzero.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1c022d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/inst/xzero.m
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+## Copyright (C) 1996-2015 Piotr Held
+## This file is part of Octave.
+## Octave is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
+## License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
+## either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any
+## later version.
+## Octave is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
+## PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more
+## details.
+## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
+## License along with Octave; see the file COPYING.  If not,
+## see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+## -*- texinfo -*-
+## @deftypefn{Function File} {output =} xzero (@var{X1}, @var{X2})
+## @deftypefnx{Function File} {output =} xzero (@var{X1}, @var{X2}, @var{paramName}, @var{paramValue}, @dots{})
+## Takes two data sets and fits a zeroth order model of data set 1 (@var{X1})
+## to predict data set 2 (@var{X2}) - cross prediction. It then computes the
+## error of the model. This is done by searching for all neighbors in @var{X1}
+## of the points of set @var{X2} which should be forecasted and taking as their
+## images the average of the images of the neighbors. The obtained forecast
+## error is normalized to the variance of data set @var{X2}.
+## @strong{Inputs}
+## Both @var{X1} and @var{X2} must be present. They must be realvectors
+## of the same length.
+## @strong{Parameters}
+## @table @var
+## @item m
+## Embedding dimension [default = 3].
+## @item d
+## Delay for embedding [default = 1].
+## @item n
+## The number of points for which the error should be calculated 
+## [default = all].
+## @item k
+## Minimum number of neighbors for the fit [default = 30].
+## @item r
+## The neighborhood size to start with [default = 1e-3].
+## @item f
+## Factor by which to increase the neighborhood size if not
+## enough neighbors were found [default = 1.2].
+## @item s
+## Steps to be forecast (@code{x2(n+steps) = av(x1(i+steps)}) [default = 1].
+## @end table
+## @strong{Output}
+## Contains value of parameter '@var{s}' lines. Each line represents the
+## forecast error divided by the standard deviation of the second data set 
+## (@var{X2}). This second data set is the one being forecasted.
+## @strong{Algorithms}
+## The algorithms for this functions have been taken from the TISEAN package.
+## @end deftypefn
+## Author: Piotr Held <pjheld at gmail.com>.
+## This function is based on xzero of TISEAN 3.0.1
+## https://github.com/heggus/Tisean"
+function output = xzero (X1, X2, varargin)
+  # Initial input validation
+  if (nargin < 2)
+    print_usage;
+  endif
+  if ((isvector (X1) == false) || (isreal(X1) == false))
+    error ('Octave:invalid-input-arg', "X1 must be a realvector");
+  endif
+  if ((isvector (X2) == false) || (isreal(X2) == false))
+    error ('Octave:invalid-input-arg', "X2 must be a realvector");
+  endif
+  if (length (X1) != length (X2))
+    error ('Octave:invalid-input-arg', "X1 and X2 must be of same length");
+  endif
+  # Default parameters
+  embdim  = 3;
+  delay   = 1;
+  clength = length (X1);
+  minn    = 30;
+  eps0    = 1e-3;
+  epsf    = 1.2;
+  step    = 1;
+  #### Parse the input
+  p = inputParser ();
+  p.FunctionName = "xzero";
+  isPositiveIntScalar    = @(x) isreal(x) && isscalar (x) && ...
+                             (x > 0) && (x-round(x) == 0);
+  isPositiveScalar     = @(x) isreal(x) && isscalar (x) && (x > 0);
+  p.addParamValue ("m", embdim, isPositiveIntScalar);
+  p.addParamValue ("d", delay, isPositiveIntScalar);
+  p.addParamValue ("n", clength, isPositiveIntScalar);
+  p.addParamValue ("k", minn, isPositiveIntScalar);
+  p.addParamValue ("r", eps0, isPositiveScalar);
+  p.addParamValue ("f", epsf, isPositiveScalar);
+  p.addParamValue ("s", step, isPositiveIntScalar);
+  p.parse (varargin{:});
+  # Assign input
+  embdim   = p.Results.m;
+  delay    = p.Results.d;
+  clength  = p.Results.n;
+  minn     = p.Results.k;
+  eps0     = p.Results.r;
+  epsset   = !ismember ("r", p.UsingDefaults);
+  epsf     = p.Results.f;
+  step     = p.Results.s;
+  output  = __xzero__ (X1, X2, embdim, delay, clength, minn, eps0, epsset, ...
+                       epsf, step);
+%!fail ("xzero(1)");
+%!fail ("xzero('a')");
+%! hen = henon(2000)(:,1);
+%! hen1 = hen(1:1000);
+%! hen2 = hen(1001:end);
+%! res_tisean = [1 0.6438699;2 0.9101371;3 0.9752469;4 0.9600329;5 0.9788585;6 0.9937851;7 1.002654;8 0.9973579;9 1.00776;10 1.008823;11 1.016724;12 1.017996;13 1.011284;14 1.005963;15 1.008479;16 1.007647;17 1.009703;18 1.018097;19 1.008374;20 1.006889];
+%! out = xzero (hen1,hen2,'m',4,'d',6,'s',20);
+%! assert(out, res_tisean(:,2),-1e-6);
diff --git a/src/Makefile.in b/src/Makefile.in
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a3dbcb2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Makefile.in
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+MKOCTFILE ?= mkoctfile -Wall
+SED       ?= sed
+## The next two are important to actually rebuild them when a change
+## is made to the the functions they link to.
+OCT_LINK_F=__surrogates__.oct __c1__.oct __upo__.oct lazy.oct
+OCT_LINK_CC=__boxcount__.oct __d2__.oct __lyap_spec__.oct \
+            __lyap_k__.oct __lyap_r__.oct \
+            __xzero__.oct __polynom__.oct \
+            __rbf__.oct __lfo_run__.oct \
+            __lfo_test__.oct __lfo_ar__.oct \
+            __lzo_test__.oct __pca__.oct \
+            mutual.oct __false_nearest__.oct \
+            __ghkss__.oct __lzo_gm__.oct \
+            __lzo_run__.oct
+OCT_SOURCES:=$(wildcard *.cc)
+# OCTFILES are the files that do not link to FORTRAN or other C++ files.
+OCTFILES:=$(notdir $(OCTFILES))
+OCTFILES:=$(filter-out $(OCT_LINK_F), $(OCTFILES))
+OCTFILES:=$(filter-out $(OCT_LINK_CC), $(OCTFILES))
+# __randomize__ is compiled separately
+OCTFILES:=$(filter-out __randomize__.oct, $(OCTFILES))
+# If compiler does not support C++11 do not compile __c2g__.cc
+ifneq ('@HAVE_CXX11@','1')
+   OCTFILES:=$(filter-out __c2g__.oct, $(OCTFILES))
+## Load regular FORTAN Files
+SOURCES_F:=$(wildcard $(SOURCES_DIR_F)/*.f)
+OBJECTS_F:=$(notdir $(OBJECTS_F))
+OBJECTS_F:=$(addprefix $(OBJ_DIR_F)/,$(OBJECTS_F))
+## Load routines for *.cc files
+SOURCES_CC=$(wildcard $(SOURCES_DIR_CC)/*.cc)
+OBJECTS_CC:=$(notdir $(OBJECTS_CC))
+OBJECTS_CC:=$(addprefix $(OBJ_DIR_CC)/,$(OBJECTS_CC))
+all: $(LIBS_F)\
+     $(OBJECTS_F) \
+     $(OBJECTS_CC) \
+     $(OCTFILES) \
+     $(OCT_LINK_F) \
+     $(OCT_LINK_CC) \
+source_f/libsla.a: source_f/slatec/*.f
+	cd source_f/slatec && $(MAKE)
+$(OBJECTS_F): $(OBJ_DIR_F)/%.o : $(SOURCES_DIR_F)/%.f
+	$(MKOCTFILE) $(FFLAGS) -c $< $(LIBS) -o $@
+	$(MKOCTFILE) $(CXXFLAGS) -c $< $(LIBS) -o $@
+$(OCTFILES) : %.oct : %.cc
+	$(MKOCTFILE) $(CXXFLAGS) $< $(LIBS) -o $@
+$(OCT_LINK_F): %.oct : %.cc $(OBJECTS_F) $(LIBS_F)
+$(OCT_LINK_CC): %.oct : %.cc $(OBJECTS_CC)
+	$(SED) -n -e 's/.*$@: \(.*\)/\1/p' $^ > $@-t
+	mv $@-t $@
+	cd source_f/slatec && $(MAKE) $@
+	rm -rf *.o $(SOURCES_DIR_CC)/*.o $(OBJ_DIR_F)/*.o
+	rm -rf *.oct PKG_*
+.PHONY: all clean
diff --git a/src/__boxcount__.cc b/src/__boxcount__.cc
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..70c575e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/__boxcount__.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,282 @@
+ *   This file is part of TISEAN
+ *
+ *   Copyright (c) 1998-2007 Rainer Hegger, Holger Kantz, Thomas Schreiber
+ *                           Piotr Held
+ *   TISEAN is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ *   (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ *   TISEAN is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ *   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ *   GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ *   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ *   along with TISEAN; if not, write to the Free Software
+ *   Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
+ */
+/* Author: Rainer Hegger 
+ * Modified: Piotr Held <pjheld at gmail.com> (2015).
+ * This function is based on boxcount of TISEAN 3.0.1 
+ * https://github.com/heggus/Tisean"
+ */
+#define HELPTEXT "Part of tisean package\n\
+No argument checking\n\
+#include <vector>
+#include <list>
+#include <octave/oct.h>
+#include <octave/oct-map.h>
+#include "routines_c/tsa.h"
+void next_dim(const double **series, octave_idx_type **which_dims,
+              std::vector <double> &histo, octave_idx_type maxembed,
+              octave_idx_type dimension, octave_idx_type DELAY,
+              octave_idx_type length, octave_idx_type epsi, double Q,
+              int wd,int n, std::vector<octave_idx_type> &first)
+  OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (std::vector<octave_idx_type>, act, epsi);
+  OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER_INIT (octave_idx_type, found, epsi, 0);
+  for (octave_idx_type i=0;i<n;i++)
+    {
+      octave_idx_type comp  = which_dims[wd][0];
+      octave_idx_type d1    = which_dims[wd][1]*DELAY;
+      octave_idx_type which = (octave_idx_type)
+                              (series[comp][first[i]+d1]*(double)epsi);
+      octave_idx_type hf    = ++found[which];
+      act[which].resize(hf);
+      act[which][hf-1]      = first[i];
+    }
+  for (octave_idx_type i=0;i<epsi;i++)
+    if (found[i]) {
+      double p = (double)(found[i]) / (double)length;
+      if (Q == 1.0)
+        histo[wd] -= p*log(p);
+      else
+        histo[wd] += pow(p,Q);
+    }
+  if (wd<(maxembed*dimension-1))
+    for (octave_idx_type i=0;i<epsi;i++)
+      if (found[i])
+        next_dim(series, which_dims, histo, maxembed, dimension, DELAY, length,
+                 epsi, Q, wd+1,found[i],act[i]);
+void start_box(const double **series, octave_idx_type **which_dims,
+               std::vector <double> &histo, octave_idx_type maxembed,
+               octave_idx_type dimension, octave_idx_type DELAY,
+               octave_idx_type length, octave_idx_type epsi, double Q)
+  OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (std::vector<octave_idx_type>, act, epsi);
+  OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER_INIT (octave_idx_type, found, epsi, 0);
+  for (octave_idx_type i=0;i<length;i++) {
+    octave_idx_type which=(octave_idx_type)(series[0][i]*(double)epsi);
+    octave_idx_type hf= ++found[which];
+    act[which].resize(hf);
+    act[which][hf-1]=i;
+  }
+  for (octave_idx_type i=0;i<epsi;i++)
+    if (found[i]) {
+      double p = (double)(found[i]) / (double)length;
+      if (Q == 1.0)
+        histo[0] -= p*log(p);
+      else
+        histo[0] += pow(p,Q);
+    }
+  if (1<dimension*maxembed) {
+    for (octave_idx_type i=0;i<epsi;i++) {
+      if (found[i])
+        next_dim(series, which_dims, histo, maxembed, dimension, DELAY, length,
+                 epsi, Q, 1,found[i],act[i]);
+    }
+  }
+  /*
+  else {
+    if (1<maxembed)
+      for (octave_idx_type i=0;i<epsi;i++) {
+        if (found[i])
+          next_dim(series, which_dims, histo, maxembed, dimension, DELAY,
+                   length, epsi, Q, 1,found[i],act[i]);
+      }
+  }
+  */
+DEFUN_DLD (__boxcount__, args, , HELPTEXT)
+  int nargin = args.length ();
+  octave_value_list retval;
+  if (nargin != 9)
+  {
+    print_usage ();
+  }
+  else
+    {
+      // Assign input
+      Matrix input             = args(0).matrix_value ();
+      octave_idx_type maxembed = args(1).idx_type_value ();
+      octave_idx_type DELAY    = args(2).idx_type_value ();
+      double Q                 = args(3).double_value ();
+      double EPSMIN            = args(4).double_value ();
+      bool epsminset           = args(5).bool_value ();
+      double EPSMAX            = args(6).double_value ();
+      bool epsmaxset           = args(7).bool_value ();
+      octave_idx_type EPSCOUNT = args(8).idx_type_value ();
+      octave_idx_type LENGTH    = input.rows ();
+      octave_idx_type dimension = input.columns ();
+      // Analyze and rescale input
+      double interval, min, maxinterval = 0.0;
+      for (octave_idx_type i=0;i<dimension;i++) {
+        rescale_data(input,i,LENGTH,&min,&interval);
+        if (interval > maxinterval)
+          maxinterval=interval;
+      }
+      if (epsminset)
+        EPSMIN /= maxinterval;
+      if (epsmaxset)
+        EPSMAX /= maxinterval;
+      for (octave_idx_type i=0;i<dimension;i++) {
+        for (octave_idx_type j=0;j<LENGTH;j++)
+          if (input(j,i) >= 1.0)
+            input(j,i) -= EPSMIN/2.0;
+      }
+      // Series is a pointer to data stored in input
+      // so input(i,j) == series[j][i]
+      // This is done for optimization purposes
+      OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (const double *, series, dimension);
+      for (octave_idx_type j = 0; j < dimension; j++)
+        {
+          const double *ptr = input.fortran_vec ();
+          series[j] = ptr + LENGTH * j;
+        }
+      // Allocate memory
+      OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (double, deps, EPSCOUNT);
+      OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (octave_idx_type *, which_dims, maxembed *dimension);
+      OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (octave_idx_type, which_dims_data,
+                           2 * maxembed * dimension);
+      for (octave_idx_type i=0;i<maxembed*dimension;i++)
+        which_dims[i] = which_dims_data + i * 2;
+      for (octave_idx_type i=0;i<maxembed;i++)
+        for (octave_idx_type j=0;j<dimension;j++) {
+          which_dims[i*dimension+j][0]=j;
+          which_dims[i*dimension+j][1]=i;
+        }
+      std::list<std::vector<double>> histo_list;
+      // Assign support variables
+      double EPSFAKTOR;
+      if (EPSCOUNT >1)
+        EPSFAKTOR=pow(EPSMAX/EPSMIN,1.0/(double)(EPSCOUNT-1));
+      else
+        EPSFAKTOR=1.0;
+      octave_idx_type length=LENGTH-(maxembed-1)*DELAY;
+      if ( ! error_state)
+        {
+          // Calculate output
+          double heps              = EPSMAX*EPSFAKTOR;
+          octave_idx_type epsi_old = 0;
+          for (octave_idx_type k=0;k<EPSCOUNT;k++)
+            {
+              octave_idx_type epsi_test;
+              do {
+                heps /= EPSFAKTOR;
+                epsi_test=(octave_idx_type)(1./heps);
+              } while (epsi_test <= epsi_old);
+              octave_idx_type epsi = epsi_test;
+              epsi_old             = epsi;
+              deps[k]              = heps;
+              std::vector <double> histo (maxembed * dimension, 0.0);
+              start_box(series, which_dims, histo, maxembed, dimension, DELAY,
+                        length, epsi, Q);
+              if (Q != 1.0)
+                for (std::vector<double>::iterator it = histo.begin ();
+                     it != histo.end (); it++)
+                  *it = log(*it)/(1.0-Q);
+              histo_list.push_back (histo);
+            }
+          // Create and assign output
+          dim_vector dv (maxembed, dimension);
+          string_vector keys;
+          keys.append (std::string("dim"));
+          keys.append (std::string("entropy"));
+          octave_map output (dv, keys);
+          for (octave_idx_type i=0;i<maxembed*dimension;i++)
+            {
+              octave_scalar_map tmp (keys);
+              // old fprintf(fHq,"#component = %d embedding = %d\n",
+              //             which_dims[i][0]+1, which_dims[i][1]+1);
+              tmp.setfield ("dim", which_dims[i][1]+1);
+              // Create entropy output 
+              Matrix entropy_out (EPSCOUNT, 3);
+              std::list<std::vector<double>>::const_iterator it_hist;
+              it_hist = histo_list.cbegin ();
+              for (octave_idx_type j=0;j<EPSCOUNT;j++)
+                {
+                  if (i == 0)
+                    {
+                      // old fprintf(fHq,"%e %e %e\n",deps[j]*maxinterval,
+                      //             histo_el->hist[i],histo_el->hist[i]);
+                      entropy_out(j,0) = deps[j]*maxinterval;
+                      entropy_out(j,1) = (*it_hist)[i];
+                      entropy_out(j,2) = (*it_hist)[i];
+                    }
+                  else
+                    {
+                      // old fprintf(fHq,"%e %e %e\n",deps[j]*maxinterval,
+                      //             histo_el->hist[i],
+                      //             histo_el->hist[i]-histo_el->hist[i-1]);
+                      entropy_out(j,0) = deps[j]*maxinterval;
+                      entropy_out(j,1) = (*it_hist)[i];
+                      entropy_out(j,2) = (*it_hist)[i]
+                                         - (*it_hist)[i-1];
+                    }
+                  it_hist++;
+                }
+              tmp.setfield ("entropy",entropy_out);
+              output.assign (idx_vector(which_dims[i][1]),
+                             idx_vector(which_dims[i][0]),
+                             tmp);
+            }
+          retval(0) = output;
+        }
+    }
+  return retval;
diff --git a/src/__c1__.cc b/src/__c1__.cc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b461a18
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/__c1__.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+/* -*- coding: utf-8 -*- */
+/* Copyright (C) 1996-2015 Piotr Held <pjheld at gmail.com>
+ *
+ * This file is part of Octave.
+ *
+ * Octave is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
+ * either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any
+ * later version.
+ *
+ * Octave is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
+ * PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more
+ * details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
+ * License along with Octave; see the file COPYING.  If not,
+ * see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ */
+/* Author: Piotr Held <pjheld at gmail.com>.
+ * This function is based on c1 of TISEAN 3.0.1 
+ * https://github.com/heggus/Tisean"
+ */
+#define HELPTEXT "Part of tisean package\n\
+No argument checking\n\
+#include <octave/oct.h>
+#include <octave/f77-fcn.h>
+#include <octave/oct-map.h>
+extern "C"
+  F77_RET_T
+  F77_FUNC (d1, D1)
+            (const octave_idx_type& nmax, const octave_idx_type& mmax,
+             const octave_idx_type& nxx, const double *y,
+             const octave_idx_type& delay, const octave_idx_type& m,
+             const octave_idx_type& ncmin, const double& pr,
+             double& pln, double& eln, 
+             const octave_idx_type& nmin, const octave_idx_type& kmax,
+             const octave_idx_type& iverb);
+  F77_RET_T
+  F77_FUNC (rand, RAND)
+            (const double& R);
+DEFUN_DLD (__c1__, args, nargout, HELPTEXT)
+  octave_value_list retval;
+  int nargin = args.length ();
+  if (nargin != 10)
+    {
+      print_usage ();
+    }
+  else
+    {
+    // Assigning inputs
+      Matrix input           = args(0).matrix_value ();
+      octave_idx_type mindim = args(1).idx_type_value ();
+      octave_idx_type maxdim = args(2).idx_type_value ();
+      octave_idx_type delay  = args(3).idx_type_value ();
+      octave_idx_type tmin   = args(4).idx_type_value ();
+      octave_idx_type cmin   = args(5).idx_type_value ();
+      double resolution      = args(6).double_value ();
+      double seed            = args(7).double_value ();
+      octave_idx_type kmax   = args(8).idx_type_value ();
+      bool verbose           = args(9).bool_value ();
+      octave_idx_type iverb  = verbose;
+      if (! error_state)
+        {
+          octave_idx_type lines_read   = input.rows (); //nmax in d1()
+          octave_idx_type columns_read = input.columns ();
+          dim_vector dv (maxdim - mindim + 1, 1);
+          string_vector keys;
+          keys.append (std::string("dim"));
+          keys.append (std::string("c1"));
+          octave_map output (dv, keys);
+          // Seed the rand() function for d1()
+          F77_XFCN (rand, RAND, (sqrt(seed)));
+          for (octave_idx_type m = mindim; m <= maxdim; m++)
+            {
+              octave_scalar_map tmp (keys);
+              tmp.setfield ("dim", m);
+              // Creat c1 output
+              Matrix c1_out ((octave_idx_type) ((0 - log (1./(lines_read 
+                                                         -(m-1) * delay)) +
+                                                (log (2.) /resolution)) 
+                                                     / (log (2.) /resolution))
+                             , 2);
+              double pr = 0.0;
+              octave_idx_type current_row = 0;
+              for (double pl = log (1./(lines_read - (m-1)*delay));
+                   pl <= 0.0; pl += log (2.) / resolution)
+                {
+                  double pln = pl;
+                  double rln;
+                  F77_XFCN (d1, D1,
+                            (lines_read, columns_read, lines_read,
+                             input.fortran_vec (), delay, m, cmin,
+                             pr, pln, rln, tmin, kmax, iverb));
+                  if (pln != pr)
+                    {
+                      pr = pln;
+                      c1_out(current_row,0) = exp (rln);
+                      c1_out(current_row,1) = exp (pln);
+                      current_row += 1;
+                    }
+                }
+              // Resize output
+              c1_out.resize (current_row, 2);
+              tmp.setfield ("c1", c1_out);
+              output.assign (idx_vector(m-mindim), tmp);
+            }
+          retval(0) = output;
+        }
+    }
+  return retval;
diff --git a/src/__c2g__.cc b/src/__c2g__.cc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f408969
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/__c2g__.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+/* Copyright (C) 1996-2015 Piotr Held
+ *
+ * This file is part of Octave.
+ *
+ * Octave is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
+ * either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any
+ * later version.
+ *
+ * Octave is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
+ * PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more
+ * details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
+ * License along with Octave; see the file COPYING.  If not,
+ * see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ */
+/* Author: Piotr Held <pjheld at gmail.com>. 
+ * This function is based on c2g of TISEAN 3.0.1 
+ * https://github.com/heggus/Tisean"
+ */
+#define HELPTEXT "Part of tisean package\n\
+No argument checking\n\
+#include <octave/oct.h>
+#include "Quad.h"
+DEFUN_DLD (__c2g__, args, , HELPTEXT)
+    int nargin = args.length ();
+    octave_value_list retval;
+    if (nargin != 6)
+      {
+        print_usage ();
+      }
+    else
+      {
+        // Assing input
+        Matrix h_mat = args(0).matrix_value();
+        Matrix f_mat = args(1).matrix_value();
+        Matrix d_mat = args(2).matrix_value();
+        Matrix a_mat = args(3).matrix_value();
+        Matrix b_mat = args(4).matrix_value();
+        bool gd      = args(5).bool_value();
+        // A proper input will have f_mat, d_mat, a_mat, b_mat
+        // as column vectors and h_mat as a row vector
+        octave_idx_type columns = h_mat.columns ();
+        octave_idx_type rows    = f_mat.rows ();
+        // Get pointers to arrays
+        double *h = h_mat.fortran_vec ();
+        double *f = f_mat.fortran_vec ();
+        double *d = d_mat.fortran_vec ();
+        double *a = a_mat.fortran_vec ();
+        double *b = b_mat.fortran_vec ();
+        // Create output matrix
+        Matrix ret_mat (rows, columns);
+        for (octave_idx_type j = 0; j < columns; j++)
+            {
+              // ret is used for code optimization
+              // it's a pointer to data stored in ret_mat
+              double *ret = ret_mat.fortran_vec () + j * rows;
+              // Assign parameter of function quad_fcn
+              static double h_g; // static so lambda does not capture anything
+              h_g = h[j];
+              for (octave_idx_type i = 0; i < rows; i++)
+                {
+                  // Assign parameters of function quad_fcn
+                  static double f_g, d_g; // static so lambda does not capture
+                  f_g = f[i];
+                  d_g = d[i];
+                  // Create quad_fcn for integration.
+                  integrand_fcn quad_fcn;
+                  if (gd)
+                    {
+                    quad_fcn = [](double u) -> double
+                                 {
+                                   return f_g * exp ((4 + d_g)*u - exp (2*u)
+                                                     / (2*h_g*h_g));
+                                 };
+                    }
+                  else
+                    quad_fcn = [](double u) -> double
+                                 {
+                                   return f_g * exp ((2 + d_g)*u - exp (2*u)
+                                                     / (2*h_g*h_g));
+                                 };
+                  // Perform integration
+                  // If a[i] or b[i] is infinite, then (almost always) both
+                  // vectors have an infinite element. But when b[i] has
+                  // an infinite element the integral calculated with that
+                  // boundary will be -Inf, thus the results of c2g likely to
+                  // be NaN. Therefore there is no reason to perform special
+                  // computation (e.g. using IndefQuad), because the final 
+                  // result will be a NaN anyway.
+                  DefQuad dq (quad_fcn, a[i], b[i]);
+                  ret[i] = dq.integrate ();
+                }
+            }
+          retval(0) = ret_mat;
+      }
+    return retval;
diff --git a/src/__d2__.cc b/src/__d2__.cc
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..e6cf0db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/__d2__.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,615 @@
+ *   This file is part of TISEAN
+ *
+ *   Copyright (c) 1998-2007 Rainer Hegger, Holger Kantz, Thomas Schreiber
+ *                           Piotr Held
+ *   TISEAN is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ *   (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ *   TISEAN is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ *   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ *   GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ *   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ *   along with TISEAN; if not, write to the Free Software
+ *   Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
+ */
+/* Author: Rainer Hegger 
+ * Modified: Piotr Held <pjheld at gmail.com> (2015).
+ * This function is based on d2 of TISEAN 3.0.1 
+ * https://github.com/heggus/Tisean"
+ */
+#define HELPTEXT "Part of tisean package\n\
+No argument checking\n\
+#include <limits>
+#include <octave/oct.h>
+#include <octave/oct-map.h>
+#include "routines_c/tsa.h"
+// the nargin of the function call from a paused state
+#define PAUSE_NARGIN 21
+/* output is written every WHEN seconds */
+#define WHEN 120
+/* Size of the field for box assisted neighbour searching 
+   (has to be a power of 2)*/
+#define NMAX 256
+/* Size of the box for the scramble routine */
+#define SCBOX 4096
+void scramble(octave_idx_type length, octave_idx_type EMBED,
+              octave_idx_type DELAY, 
+              octave_idx_type *scr)
+  unsigned long rnd,rndf;
+  if (sizeof(long) == 8) {
+    rndf=13*13*13*13;
+    rndf=rndf*rndf*rndf*13;
+    rnd=0x849178L;
+  }
+  else {
+    rndf=69069;
+    rnd=0x234571L;
+  }
+  for (octave_idx_type i=0;i<1000;i++)
+    rnd=rnd*rndf+1;
+  octave_idx_type hlength=length-(EMBED-1)*DELAY;
+  OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (double, rz, hlength);
+  OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (octave_idx_type, scfound, hlength);
+  OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (octave_idx_type, scnhelp, hlength);
+  OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (double, schelp, hlength);
+  for (octave_idx_type i=0;i<hlength;i++)
+    rz[i]=(double)(rnd=rnd*rndf+1)/std::numeric_limits<unsigned long>::max ();
+  octave_idx_type scbox[SCBOX];
+  for (octave_idx_type i=0;i<SCBOX;i++)
+    scbox[i]= -1;
+  for (octave_idx_type i=0;i<hlength;i++) {
+    octave_idx_type m=(int)(rz[i]*((double)SCBOX-0.001))&(SCBOX-1);
+    scfound[i]=scbox[m];
+    scbox[m]=i;
+  }
+  octave_idx_type allscr = 0;
+  for (octave_idx_type i=0;i<SCBOX;i++)
+    {
+      octave_idx_type scnfound=0;
+      octave_idx_type element=scbox[i];
+      while(element != -1) {
+        scnhelp[scnfound]=element;
+        schelp[scnfound++]=rz[element];
+        element=scfound[element];
+      }
+      for (octave_idx_type j=0;j<scnfound-1;j++)
+        for (octave_idx_type k=j+1;k<scnfound;k++)
+          if (schelp[k] < schelp[j]) {
+            double swap=schelp[k];
+            schelp[k]=schelp[j];
+            schelp[j]=swap;
+            octave_idx_type lswap=scnhelp[k];
+            scnhelp[k]=scnhelp[j];
+            scnhelp[j]=lswap;
+          }
+      for (octave_idx_type j=0;j<scnfound;j++)
+        scr[allscr+j]=scnhelp[j];
+      allscr += scnfound;
+    }
+void make_c2_dim(const double **series, double **found, octave_idx_type *list,
+                 octave_idx_type **box, octave_idx_type DIM,
+                 octave_idx_type imin, double EPSMAX1, double EPSMAX,
+                 double EPSMIN, octave_idx_type EMBED, octave_idx_type DELAY,
+                 octave_idx_type MINDIST, octave_idx_type HOWOFTEN,
+                 octave_idx_type n1)
+  octave_idx_type count = 0;
+  for (octave_idx_type i1=0;i1<EMBED;i1++) {
+    octave_idx_type i2=i1*DELAY;
+    for (octave_idx_type j=0;j<DIM;j++)
+      hs[count++]=series[j][n1+i2];
+  }
+  double epsinv     = 1.0 / EPSMAX;
+  octave_idx_type x = (octave_idx_type)(hs[0]*epsinv)&(NMAX-1);
+  octave_idx_type y = (octave_idx_type)(hs[1]*epsinv)&(NMAX-1);
+  for (octave_idx_type i1=x-1;i1<=x+1;i1++) {
+    octave_idx_type i2=i1&(NMAX-1);
+    for (octave_idx_type j1=y-1;j1<=y+1;j1++) {
+      octave_idx_type element=box[i2][j1&(NMAX-1)];
+      while (element != -1) {
+        if (labs((long)(element-n1)) > MINDIST) {
+          octave_idx_type count = 0;
+          double max            = 0.0;
+          octave_idx_type maxi  = HOWOFTEN - 1;
+          bool small            = 0;
+          for (octave_idx_type i=0;i<EMBED;i++) {
+            octave_idx_type hi=i*DELAY;
+            for (octave_idx_type j=0;j<DIM;j++) {
+              double dx=fabs(hs[count]-series[j][element+hi]);
+              if (dx <= EPSMAX) {
+                if (dx > max) {
+                  max=dx;
+                  if (max < EPSMIN) {
+                    maxi=(HOWOFTEN-1);
+                  }
+                  else
+                    {
+                      double epsfactor = pow(EPSMAX1/EPSMIN,
+                                             1.0/(double)(HOWOFTEN-1));
+                      maxi=(log(EPSMAX1)-log(max))/log(epsfactor);
+                    }
+                }
+                if (count > 0)
+                  for (octave_idx_type k=imin;k<=maxi;k++)
+                    found[count][k] += 1.0;
+              }
+              else {
+                small=1;
+                break;
+              }
+              count++;
+            }
+            if (small)
+              break;
+          }
+        }
+        element=list[element];
+      }
+    }
+  }
+void make_c2_1(const double **series, double **found, octave_idx_type *listc1,
+               octave_idx_type *boxc1, octave_idx_type imin, double EPSMAX1,
+               double EPSMAX, double EPSMIN, octave_idx_type MINDIST,
+               octave_idx_type HOWOFTEN, octave_idx_type n1)
+  double hs = series[0][n1];
+  double epsinv     = 1.0 / EPSMAX;
+  octave_idx_type x = (octave_idx_type)(hs*epsinv)&(NMAX-1);
+  for (octave_idx_type i1=x-1;i1<=x+1;i1++) {
+    octave_idx_type element=boxc1[i1&(NMAX-1)];
+    while (element != -1)
+      {
+        if (abs(element-n1) > MINDIST)
+          {
+            double max_val=fabs(hs-series[0][element]);
+            if (max_val <= EPSMAX)
+              {
+                octave_idx_type maxi;
+                if (max_val < EPSMIN)
+                  maxi=HOWOFTEN - 1;
+                else
+                  {
+                    double epsfactor = pow (EPSMAX1/EPSMIN,
+                                            1.0/(double)(HOWOFTEN-1));
+                    maxi=(log(EPSMAX1)-log(max_val))/log(epsfactor);
+                  }
+                for (octave_idx_type i=imin;i<=maxi;i++)
+                  found[0][i] += 1.0;
+              }
+          }
+        element=listc1[element];
+      }
+  }
+DEFUN_DLD (__d2__, args, nargout, HELPTEXT)
+  int nargin = args.length ();
+  octave_value_list retval;
+  if ((nargin != 12 && nargin != PAUSE_NARGIN) || nargout != 2)
+  {
+    print_usage ();
+  }
+  else
+    {
+      // Assign input
+      Matrix input             = args(0).matrix_value ();
+      octave_idx_type EMBED    = args(1).idx_type_value ();
+      octave_idx_type DELAY    = args(2).idx_type_value ();
+      octave_idx_type MINDIST  = args(3).idx_type_value ();
+      double EPSMIN            = args(4).double_value ();
+      bool eps_min_set         = args(5).bool_value ();
+      double EPSMAX            = args(6).double_value ();
+      bool eps_max_set         = args(7).bool_value ();
+      octave_idx_type HOWOFTEN = args(8).idx_type_value ();
+      octave_idx_type MAXFOUND = args(9).idx_type_value ();
+      bool rescale_set         = args(10).bool_value ();
+      octave_idx_type it_pause = args(11).idx_type_value ();
+      octave_idx_type length = input.rows ();
+      octave_idx_type DIM    = input.columns ();
+      // Series is a pointer to data stored in input
+      // so input(i,j) == series[j][i]
+      // This is done for optimization purposes
+      OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (const double *, series, DIM);
+      for (octave_idx_type j = 0; j < DIM; j++)
+        {
+          const double *ptr = input.fortran_vec ();
+          series[j] = ptr + length * j;
+        }
+      // Create or restore variables used when pausing calculation
+      // '*_matrix' points to the same data as '*'
+      // this is done for ease of pausing
+      octave_idx_type counter;
+      Matrix found_matrix (HOWOFTEN, DIM*EMBED);
+      Matrix norm_matrix (HOWOFTEN, 1);
+      Array <octave_idx_type> boxc1_matrix (dim_vector(NMAX, 1));
+      Array <octave_idx_type> box_matrix (dim_vector(NMAX, NMAX));
+      Array <octave_idx_type> list_matrix (dim_vector (length,1));
+      Array <octave_idx_type> listc1_matrix (dim_vector (length,1));
+      double EPSMAX1;// this is the original EPSMAX
+      octave_idx_type imin;
+      if (nargin == PAUSE_NARGIN) // restore from paused state
+        {
+          counter       = args(12).idx_type_value ();
+          found_matrix  = args(13).matrix_value ();
+          norm_matrix   = args(14).matrix_value ();
+          boxc1_matrix  = args(15).octave_idx_type_vector_value ();
+          box_matrix    = args(16).octave_idx_type_vector_value ();
+          list_matrix   = args(17).octave_idx_type_vector_value ();
+          listc1_matrix = args(18).octave_idx_type_vector_value ();
+          imin          = args(19).idx_type_value ();
+          EPSMAX1       = args(20).double_value ();
+        }
+      else // Prepare variables at beginning of calculation
+        {
+          counter = 0;
+          found_matrix.fill (0.0);
+          norm_matrix.fill (0.0);
+          boxc1_matrix.fill (-1);
+          box_matrix.fill (-1);
+          double maxinterval;
+          if (rescale_set) {
+            double interval, min_val;
+            for (octave_idx_type i=0;i<DIM;i++)
+              rescale_data(input,i,length,&min_val,&interval);
+            maxinterval=1.0;
+          }
+          else {
+            maxinterval=0.0;
+            for (octave_idx_type i=0;i<DIM;i++) {
+              double interval = series[i][0];
+              double min_val  = series[i][0];
+              for (octave_idx_type j=1;j<length;j++) {
+                if (min_val > series[i][j])
+                  min_val=series[i][j];
+                if (interval < series[i][j])
+                  interval=series[i][j];
+              }
+              interval -= min_val;
+              if (interval > maxinterval)
+                maxinterval=interval;
+            }
+          }
+          if (!eps_max_set)
+            EPSMAX *= maxinterval;
+          if (!eps_min_set)
+            EPSMIN *= maxinterval;
+          EPSMAX  = (fabs(EPSMAX)<maxinterval) ? fabs(EPSMAX) : maxinterval;
+          EPSMIN  = (fabs(EPSMIN)<EPSMAX) ? fabs(EPSMIN) : EPSMAX/2.;
+          //EPSMAX1 - original EPSMAX
+          EPSMAX1 = EPSMAX;
+          imin    = 0;
+        }
+      // Create pointers to octave Array variables
+      OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (double *, found, DIM * EMBED);
+      for (octave_idx_type i=0;i<EMBED*DIM;i++)
+        found[i] = found_matrix.fortran_vec () + HOWOFTEN * i;
+      double *norm           = norm_matrix.fortran_vec ();
+      octave_idx_type *boxc1 = boxc1_matrix.fortran_vec ();
+      OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (octave_idx_type *, box, NMAX);
+      for (octave_idx_type i = 0; i< NMAX; i++)
+        box[i] = box_matrix.fortran_vec () + NMAX * i;
+      octave_idx_type *list   = list_matrix.fortran_vec ();
+      octave_idx_type *listc1 = listc1_matrix.fortran_vec ();
+      // Allocate memory
+      OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (octave_idx_type, scr, length-(EMBED-1)*DELAY);
+      OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (octave_idx_type, oscr, length-(EMBED-1)*DELAY);
+      OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (double, epsm, HOWOFTEN);
+      // epsfactor uses original EPSMAX which is EPSMAX1
+      double epsfactor=pow(EPSMAX1/EPSMIN,1.0/(double)(HOWOFTEN-1));
+      epsm[0]=EPSMAX1;
+      for (octave_idx_type i=1;i<HOWOFTEN;i++) {
+        epsm[i]=epsm[i-1]/epsfactor;
+      }
+      scramble(length, EMBED, DELAY, scr);
+      for (octave_idx_type i=0;i<(length-(EMBED-1)*DELAY);i++)
+        oscr[scr[i]]=i;
+      octave_idx_type maxembed=DIM*EMBED-1;
+      octave_idx_type nmax    = length-DELAY*(EMBED-1);
+      time_t lasttime;
+      time(&lasttime);
+      if (! error_state)
+        {
+          bool imin_too_large = false;
+          bool pause_calc     = false;
+          // Calculate the outputs
+          for (octave_idx_type n = 1 + counter; n < nmax && !imin_too_large
+                                                && !pause_calc; n++)
+            {
+              counter           += 1;
+              bool smaller       = 0;
+              octave_idx_type sn = scr[n-1];
+              double epsinv      = 1.0 / EPSMAX;
+              octave_idx_type x,y;
+              if (DIM > 1)
+                {
+                  x=(octave_idx_type)(series[0][sn]*epsinv)&(NMAX-1);
+                  y=(octave_idx_type)(series[1][sn]*epsinv)&(NMAX-1);
+                }
+              else
+                {
+                  x=(octave_idx_type)(series[0][sn]*epsinv)&(NMAX-1);
+                  y=(octave_idx_type)(series[0][sn+DELAY]*epsinv)&(NMAX-1);
+                }
+              list[sn]=box[x][y];
+              box[x][y]=sn;
+              listc1[sn]=boxc1[x];
+              boxc1[x]=sn;
+              octave_idx_type i=imin;
+              while (found[maxembed][i] >= MAXFOUND)
+                {
+                  smaller=1;
+                  if (++i > (HOWOFTEN-1))
+                    break;
+                }
+              if (smaller)
+                {
+                  imin=i;
+                  if (imin <= (HOWOFTEN-1))
+                    {
+                      EPSMAX        = epsm[imin];
+                      double epsinv = 1.0/EPSMAX;
+                      for (octave_idx_type i1=0;i1<NMAX;i1++)
+                        {
+                          boxc1[i1]= -1;
+                          for (octave_idx_type j1=0;j1<NMAX;j1++)
+                            box[i1][j1]= -1;
+                        }
+                      for (octave_idx_type i1=0;i1<n;i1++)
+                        {
+                          sn=scr[i1];
+                          octave_idx_type x,y;
+                          if (DIM > 1)
+                            {
+                              x=(octave_idx_type)(series[0][sn]*epsinv)
+                                &(NMAX-1);
+                              y=(octave_idx_type)(series[1][sn]*epsinv)
+                                &(NMAX-1);
+                            }
+                          else
+                            {
+                              x=(octave_idx_type)(series[0][sn]*epsinv)
+                                &(NMAX-1);
+                              y=(octave_idx_type)(series[0][sn+DELAY]*epsinv)
+                                &(NMAX-1);
+                            }
+                          list[sn]=box[x][y];
+                          box[x][y]=sn;
+                          listc1[sn]=boxc1[x];
+                          boxc1[x]=sn;
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+              if (imin <= (HOWOFTEN-1))
+                {
+                  octave_idx_type lnorm=n;
+                  if (MINDIST > 0)
+                    {
+                      octave_idx_type sn=scr[n];
+                      octave_idx_type n1=(sn-MINDIST>=0)?sn-MINDIST:0;
+                      octave_idx_type n2=(sn+MINDIST<length-(EMBED-1)*DELAY)
+                                         ?sn+MINDIST:length-(EMBED-1)*DELAY-1;
+                      for (octave_idx_type i1=n1;i1<=n2;i1++)
+                        if ((oscr[i1] < n))
+                          lnorm--;
+                    }
+                  if (EMBED*DIM > 1)
+                    make_c2_dim(series, found, list, box, DIM, imin, EPSMAX1,
+                                EPSMAX, EPSMIN, EMBED, DELAY, MINDIST,
+                                HOWOFTEN, scr[n]);
+                  make_c2_1(series, found, listc1, boxc1, imin, EPSMAX1,
+                            EPSMAX, EPSMIN, MINDIST, HOWOFTEN, scr[n]);
+                  for (octave_idx_type i=imin;i<HOWOFTEN;i++)
+                    norm[i] += (double)(lnorm);
+                }
+              // If any of the below occurs: pause or end.
+              if (((time(NULL)-lasttime) > WHEN) || (n == (nmax-1)) || 
+                  (imin > (HOWOFTEN-1)) || (counter % it_pause == 0))
+                {
+                  time(&lasttime);
+                  if (imin > (HOWOFTEN-1))
+                    {
+                      // old exit(0);
+                      imin_too_large = true;
+                    }
+                  pause_calc = true;
+                }
+            }
+          // Create vars output
+          octave_scalar_map vars;
+          // Create vars output
+          // old fprintf(fstat,"Center points treated so far= %ld\n",n);
+          vars.setfield ("treated", counter);
+          // old fprintf(fstat,"Maximum epsilon in the moment= %e\n",
+          //             epsm[imin]);
+          vars.setfield ("eps", epsm[imin]);
+          if (counter < nmax - 1 && imin_too_large == false)
+            {
+              vars.setfield ("counter", counter);
+              vars.setfield ("found", found_matrix);
+              vars.setfield ("norm", norm_matrix);
+              vars.setfield ("boxc1", boxc1_matrix);
+              vars.setfield ("box", box_matrix);
+              vars.setfield ("list", list_matrix);
+              vars.setfield ("listc1", listc1_matrix);
+              vars.setfield ("imin", imin);
+              vars.setfield ("EPSMAX1",EPSMAX1);
+              vars.setfield ("EPSMAX", EPSMAX);
+              vars.setfield ("EPSMIN", EPSMIN);
+            }
+          // Create values output
+          dim_vector dv (DIM * EMBED, 1);
+          string_vector keys;
+          keys.append (std::string("dim"));
+          keys.append (std::string("c2"));
+          keys.append (std::string("d2"));
+          keys.append (std::string("h2"));
+          octave_map values (dv, keys);
+          for (octave_idx_type i=0;i<DIM*EMBED;i++)
+            {
+              octave_scalar_map tmp (keys);
+              // old fprintf(fout,"#dim= %ld\n",i+1);
+              tmp.setfield ("dim", i+1);
+              // Allocate d2 output
+              Matrix d2_out (HOWOFTEN - 1, 2);
+              octave_idx_type d2_row = 0;
+              // Allocate h2 output
+              Matrix h2_out (HOWOFTEN, 2);
+              octave_idx_type h2_row = 0;
+              // Allocate c2 output
+              Matrix c2_out (HOWOFTEN, 2);
+              octave_idx_type c2_row = 0;
+              double eps = EPSMAX1 * epsfactor;
+              for (octave_idx_type j=0;j<HOWOFTEN;j++)
+                {
+                  eps /= epsfactor;
+                  // Calculate d2 output
+                  if ((j > 0) && (found[i][j] > 0.0)
+                      && (found[i][j-1] > 0.0))
+                    {
+                      // old fprintf(fout,"%e %e\n",eps,
+                      //      log(found[i][j-1]/found[i][j]/norm[j-1]
+                      //          *norm[j])
+                      //      /log(epsfactor));
+                      d2_out(d2_row,0) = eps;
+                      d2_out(d2_row,1) = log(found[i][j-1]/found[i][j]
+                                             /norm[j-1]*norm[j])
+                                         /log(epsfactor);
+                      d2_row          += 1;
+                    }
+                  // Calculate h2 output
+                  if (i < 1)
+                    {
+                      if (found[0][j] > 0.0)
+                        {
+                          // old fprintf(fout,"%e %e\n",eps,
+                          //             -log(found[0][j]/norm[j]));
+                          h2_out(h2_row,0) = eps;
+                          h2_out(h2_row,1) = -log(found[0][j]/norm[j]);
+                          h2_row          += 1;
+                        }
+                    }
+                  else
+                    {
+                      if ((found[i-1][j] > 0.0) && (found[i][j] > 0.0))
+                        {
+                        // old fprintf(fout,"%e %e\n",eps,
+                        //             log(found[i-1][j]/found[i][j]));
+                          h2_out(h2_row,0) = eps;
+                          h2_out(h2_row,1) = log(found[i-1][j]
+                                                 /found[i][j]);
+                          h2_row          += 1;
+                        }
+                    }
+                  // Calculate c2 output
+                  if (norm[j] > 0.0)
+                    {
+                      // old fprintf(fout,"%e %e\n",eps,
+                      //             found[i][j]/norm[j]);
+                      c2_out(c2_row,0) = eps;
+                      c2_out(c2_row,1) = found[i][j]/norm[j];
+                      c2_row          += 1;
+                    }
+                }
+              // Prepare d2 output
+              d2_out.resize (d2_row, 2);
+              tmp.setfield ("d2", d2_out);
+              // Prepare h2 output
+              h2_out.resize (h2_row, 2);
+              tmp.setfield ("h2", h2_out);
+              // Prepare c2 output
+              c2_out.resize (c2_row, 2);
+              tmp.setfield ("c2", c2_out);
+              values.assign (idx_vector(i), tmp);
+            }
+          // Assign outputs
+          retval(0) = values;
+          retval(1) = vars;
+        }
+    }
+  return retval;
diff --git a/src/__delay__.cc b/src/__delay__.cc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c514999
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/__delay__.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+ *   This file is part of TISEAN
+ *
+ *   Copyright (c) 1998-2007 Rainer Hegger, Holger Kantz, Thomas Schreiber,
+ *                           Piotr Held, Juan Pablo Carbajal
+ *
+ *   TISEAN is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ *   (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ *   TISEAN is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ *   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ *   GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ *   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ *   along with TISEAN; if not, write to the Free Software
+ *   Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
+ */
+/* Author: Rainer Hegger.
+ * Modified: Piotr Held <pjheld at gmail.com> (2015).
+ * This function is based on delay of TISEAN 3.0.1 
+ * https://github.com/heggus/Tisean"
+ */
+#define HELPTEXT "Part of tisean package\n\
+No argument checking\n\
+#include <octave/oct.h>
+#include "routines_c/tsa.h"
+DEFUN_DLD (__delay__, args, , HELPTEXT)
+  int nargin = args.length ();
+  octave_value_list retval;
+  if (nargin != 5)
+    {
+      print_usage ();
+    }
+  else
+    {
+      // Load the data into appropriate variables
+      Matrix data            = args(0).matrix_value ();
+      octave_idx_type length = args(1).idx_type_value ();
+      octave_idx_type indim  = args(2).idx_type_value ();
+      Array<octave_idx_type> formatdelay  = args(3).array_value ();
+      Array<octave_idx_type> delaylist = args(4).array_value ();
+      octave_idx_type alldim = 0;
+      for (octave_idx_type i = 0; i < indim; i++)
+        alldim += formatdelay(i);
+      OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (octave_idx_type, inddelay, alldim);
+      if (! error_state)
+        {
+          octave_idx_type rundel=0;
+          octave_idx_type runmdel=0;
+          unsigned int delsum;
+          for (octave_idx_type i = 0; i < indim; i++)
+            {
+              delsum             = 0;
+              inddelay[rundel++] = delsum;
+              for (octave_idx_type j = 1; j < formatdelay(i); j++)
+                {
+                  delsum            += delaylist(runmdel++);
+                  inddelay[rundel++] = delsum;
+                }
+            }
+          octave_idx_type maxemb = 0;
+          for (octave_idx_type i = 0; i < alldim; i++)
+            maxemb = (maxemb < inddelay[i])? inddelay[i] : maxemb;
+          octave_idx_type outdim = 0;
+          for (octave_idx_type i = 0; i < indim; i++)
+             outdim += formatdelay(i);
+          octave_idx_type out_rows = (length > maxemb) ? length - maxemb : 0;
+          Matrix series (out_rows, outdim);
+          unsigned int embsum;
+          for (octave_idx_type i = maxemb; i < length; i++)
+            {
+              rundel = 0;
+              embsum = 0;
+              for (octave_idx_type j = 0; j < indim; j++)
+                {
+                  octave_idx_type emb = formatdelay(j);
+                  for (octave_idx_type k = 0; k < emb; k++)
+                    series(i-maxemb, embsum+k) = data(i-inddelay[rundel++], j);
+                    // previously fprintf(stdout,"%e ",series[j][i-inddelay[rundel++]]);
+                  embsum += emb;
+                }
+              // previously fprintf(stdout,"\n");
+            }
+          retval(0) = series;
+        }
+    }
+  return retval;
diff --git a/src/__false_nearest__.cc b/src/__false_nearest__.cc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1276f9c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/__false_nearest__.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,256 @@
+ *   This file is part of TISEAN
+ *
+ *   Copyright (c) 1998-2007 Rainer Hegger, Holger Kantz, Thomas Schreiber
+ *
+ *   TISEAN is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ *   (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ *   TISEAN is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ *   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ *   GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ *   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ *   along with TISEAN; if not, write to the Free Software
+ *   Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
+ */
+/* Author: Rainer Hegger
+ * Modified: Piotr Held <pjheld at gmail.com> (2015).
+ * This function is based on false_nearest of TISEAN 3.0.1 
+ * https://github.com/heggus/Tisean"
+ */
+#define HELPTEXT "Part of tisean package\n\
+No argument checking\n\
+#include <octave/oct.h>
+#include "routines_c/tsa.h"
+unsigned long length=-1,exclude=0,theiler=0;
+unsigned int delay=1,maxdim=6,minemb=1;
+unsigned int comp=1,maxemb=5;
+double rt=2.0;
+double eps0=1.0e-5;
+double **series;
+double aveps,vareps;
+double varianz;
+#define BOX 1024
+int ibox=BOX-1;
+long **box,*list;
+unsigned int *vcomp,*vemb;
+unsigned long toolarge;
+void mmb(const Matrix &series, unsigned int hdim,unsigned int hemb,double eps)
+  unsigned long i;
+  long x,y;
+  for (x=0;x<BOX;x++)
+    for (y=0;y<BOX;y++)
+      box[x][y] = -1;
+  for (i=0;i<length-(maxemb+1)*delay;i++) {
+    x=(long)(series(i,0)/eps)&ibox;
+    y=(long)(series(i+hemb, hdim)/eps)&ibox;
+    list[i]=box[x][y];
+    box[x][y]=i;
+  }
+char find_nearest(const Matrix &series, long n,unsigned int dim,double eps)
+  long x,y,x1,x2,y1,i,i1,ic,ie;
+  long element,which= -1;
+  double dx,maxdx,mindx=1.1,hfactor,factor;
+  ic=vcomp[dim];
+  ie=vemb[dim];
+  x=(long)(series(n,0)/eps)&ibox;
+  y=(long)(series(n+ie,ic)/eps)&ibox;
+  for (x1=x-1;x1<=x+1;x1++) {
+    x2=x1&ibox;
+    for (y1=y-1;y1<=y+1;y1++) {
+      element=box[x2][y1&ibox];
+      while (element != -1) {
+      if (labs(element-n) > theiler) {
+        maxdx=fabs(series(n,0)-series(element,0));
+        for (i=1;i<=dim;i++) {
+          ic=vcomp[i];
+          i1=vemb[i];
+          dx=fabs(series(n+i1,ic)-series(element+i1,ic));
+          if (dx > maxdx)
+            maxdx=dx;
+        }
+        if ((maxdx < mindx) && (maxdx > 0.0)) {
+          which=element;
+          mindx=maxdx;
+        }
+      }
+      element=list[element];
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  if ((which != -1) && (mindx <= eps) && (mindx <= varianz/rt)) {
+    aveps += mindx;
+    vareps += mindx*mindx;
+    factor=0.0;
+    for (i=1;i<=comp;i++) {
+      ic=vcomp[dim+i];
+      ie=vemb[dim+i];
+      hfactor=fabs(series(n+ie,ic)-series(which+ie,ic))/mindx;
+      if (hfactor > factor) 
+      factor=hfactor;
+    }
+    if (factor > rt)
+      toolarge++;
+    return 1;
+  }
+  return 0;
+DEFUN_DLD (__false_nearest__, args, , HELPTEXT)
+  double min,inter=0.0,ind_inter,epsilon,av,ind_var;
+  int dimset=0;
+  char *nearest,alldone;
+  unsigned long i;
+  int verbosity=0;
+  unsigned int dim,emb;
+  unsigned long donesofar;
+  int nargin = args.length ();
+  octave_value_list retval;
+  if (nargin != 9)
+  {
+    print_usage ();
+  }
+  else
+    {
+      // Load input data
+      Matrix input = args(0).matrix_value();
+      minemb       = args(1).int_value();
+      comp         = args(2).int_value();
+      maxemb       = args(3).int_value();
+      dimset       = args(4).int_value();
+      delay        = args(5).int_value();
+      theiler      = args(6).int_value();
+      rt           = args(7).double_value();
+      verbosity    = args(8).int_value();
+      if (dimset)
+        maxdim=comp*(maxemb+1);
+      length = input.rows();
+      // Analise input data
+      for (i=0;i<comp;i++) {
+        rescale_data(input,i,length,&min,&ind_inter);
+        variance(input.column(i),length,&av,&ind_var);
+        if (i == 0) {
+          varianz=ind_var;
+          inter=ind_inter;
+        }
+        else {
+          varianz=(varianz>ind_var)?ind_var:varianz;
+          inter=(inter<ind_inter)?ind_inter:inter;
+        }
+      }
+      // Allocate memory
+      check_alloc(list=(long*)malloc(sizeof(long)*length));
+      check_alloc(nearest=(char*)malloc(length));
+      check_alloc(box=(long**)malloc(sizeof(long*)*BOX));
+      for (i=0;i<BOX;i++)
+        check_alloc(box[i]=(long*)malloc(sizeof(long)*BOX));
+      check_alloc(vcomp=(unsigned int*)malloc(sizeof(int)*(maxdim)));
+      check_alloc(vemb=(unsigned int*)malloc(sizeof(int)*(maxdim)));
+      if ( ! error_state)
+        {
+          for (i=0;i<maxdim;i++) {
+            if (comp == 1) {
+              vcomp[i]=0;
+              vemb[i]=i*delay;
+            }
+            else {
+              vcomp[i]=i%comp;
+              vemb[i]=(i/comp)*delay;
+            }
+          }
+          // Create output matrix
+          Matrix output (maxemb-minemb+1, 4);
+          // Compute output
+          for (emb=minemb;emb<=maxemb;emb++) 
+            {
+              dim=emb*comp-1;
+              epsilon=eps0;
+              toolarge=0;
+              alldone=0;
+              donesofar=0;
+              aveps=0.0;
+              vareps=0.0;
+              for (i=0;i<length;i++)
+                nearest[i]=0;
+              if (verbosity)
+                octave_stdout << "Start for dimension=" << dim+1 << "\n";
+              while (!alldone && (epsilon < 2.*varianz/rt)) {
+                alldone=1;
+                mmb(input, vcomp[dim],vemb[dim],epsilon);
+                for (i=0;i<length-maxemb*delay;i++)
+                if (!nearest[i]) {
+                  nearest[i]=find_nearest(input, i,dim,epsilon);
+                  alldone &= nearest[i];
+                  donesofar += (unsigned long)nearest[i];
+                }
+                if (verbosity)
+                octave_stdout << "Found " << donesofar << " up to epsilon=" << \
+                              epsilon*inter << "\n";
+                epsilon*=sqrt(2.0);
+                if (!donesofar)
+                eps0=epsilon;
+              }
+              if (donesofar == 0) {
+                error_with_id ("Octave:tisean", "Not enough points found");
+              }
+              aveps *= (1./(double)donesofar);
+              vareps *= (1./(double)donesofar);
+          //  old fprintf(file,"%u %e %e %e\n",dim+1,(double)toolarge/(double)donesofar,
+          //              aveps*inter,sqrt(vareps)*inter);
+              int id = emb-minemb;
+              output(id,0) = dim + 1;
+              output(id,1) = (double)toolarge/(double)donesofar;
+              output(id,2) = aveps*inter;
+              output(id,3) = sqrt(vareps)*inter;
+            }
+          delete[] series;
+          delete[] list;
+          delete[] nearest;
+          for (i=0;i<BOX;i++)
+            delete[] box[i];
+          delete[] box;
+          for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
+            retval(i) = output.column(i);
+        }
+    }
+  return retval;
diff --git a/src/__ghkss__.cc b/src/__ghkss__.cc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6b0fb13
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/__ghkss__.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,453 @@
+ *   This file is part of TISEAN
+ *
+ *   Copyright (c) 1998-2007 Rainer Hegger, Holger Kantz, Thomas Schreiber
+ *
+ *   TISEAN is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ *   (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ *   TISEAN is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ *   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ *   GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ *   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ *   along with TISEAN; if not, write to the Free Software
+ *   Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
+ */
+/* Author: Rainer Hegger
+ * Modified: Piotr Held <pjheld at gmail.com> (2015).
+ * This function is based on ghkss of TISEAN 3.0.1 
+ * https://github.com/heggus/Tisean"
+ */
+#define HELPTEXT "Part of tisean package\n\
+No argument checking\n\
+#include <octave/oct.h>
+#include "routines_c/tsa.h"
+#define BOX 1024
+int eps_set=0,euclidean=0,dimset=0;
+octave_idx_type dim,qdim=2,minn=50,iterations=1,embed=5,length;
+octave_idx_type comp=1;
+unsigned int delay=1;
+unsigned int verbosity=0;
+double mineps,epsfac;
+char resize_eps;
+double *d_min,*d_max,d_max_max;
+double **delta,**corr;
+double *metric,trace;
+long **box,*list;
+unsigned long *flist;
+int emb_offset;
+unsigned int ibox=BOX-1;
+unsigned int *index_comp,*index_embed;
+/*these are global to save time*/
+int *sorted;
+double *av,**mat,*matarray,*eig;
+void sort(double *x,int *n)
+  octave_idx_type i,j;
+  long iswap;
+  double dswap;
+  for (i=0;i<dim;i++)
+    n[i]=i;
+  for (i=0;i<dim-1;i++)
+    for (j=i+1;j<dim;j++)
+      if (x[j] > x[i]) {
+      dswap=x[i];
+      x[i]=x[j];
+      x[j]=dswap;
+      iswap=n[i];
+      n[i]=n[j];
+      n[j]=iswap;
+      }
+void mmb(const Matrix &series,double eps)
+  octave_idx_type i,x,y;
+  double ieps=1.0/eps;
+  for (x=0;x<BOX;x++)
+    for (y=0;y<BOX;y++)
+      box[x][y] = -1;
+  for (i=emb_offset;i<length;i++) {
+    x=(int)(series(i,0)*ieps)&ibox;
+    y=(int)(series(i-emb_offset,comp-1)*ieps)&ibox;
+    list[i]=box[x][y];
+    box[x][y]=i;
+  }
+unsigned long fmn(const Matrix &series, long which,double eps)
+  unsigned long nf=0;
+  octave_idx_type i,i1,i2,j,j1,k,li;
+  long k1;
+  long element;
+  double dx=0.0;
+  i=(int)(series(which,0)/eps)&ibox;
+  j=(int)(series(which-emb_offset,comp-1)/eps)&ibox;
+  for (i1=i-1;i1<=i+1;i1++) {
+    i2=i1&ibox;
+    for (j1=j-1;j1<=j+1;j1++) {
+      element=box[i2][j1&ibox];
+      while (element != -1) {
+      for (k=0;k<embed;k++) {
+        k1= -k*(int)delay;
+        for (li=0;li<comp;li++) {
+          dx=fabs(series(which+k1,li)-series(element+k1,li));
+          if (dx > eps)
+            break;
+        }
+        if (dx > eps)
+          break;
+      }
+      if (dx <= eps)
+        flist[nf++]=element;
+      element=list[element];
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  return nf;
+void make_correction(const Matrix &series, unsigned long n,octave_idx_type nf)
+  octave_idx_type i,i1,i2,j,j1,j2,k,k1,k2,hs;
+  double help;
+  for (i=0;i<dim;i++) {
+    i1=index_comp[i];
+    i2=index_embed[i];
+    help=0.0;
+    for (j=0;j<nf;j++)
+      help += series(flist[j]-i2,i1);
+    av[i]=help/nf;
+  }
+  for (i=0;i<dim;i++) {
+    i1=index_comp[i];
+    i2=index_embed[i];
+    for (j=i;j<dim;j++) {
+      help=0.0;
+      j1=index_comp[j];
+      j2=index_embed[j];
+      for (k=0;k<nf;k++) {
+      hs=flist[k];
+      help += series(hs-i2,i1)*series(hs-j2,j1);
+      }
+      mat[i][j]=(help/nf-av[i]*av[j])*metric[i]*metric[j];
+      mat[j][i]=mat[i][j];
+    }
+  }
+  eigen(mat,dim,eig);
+  sort(eig,sorted);
+  for (i=0;i<dim;i++) {
+    help=0.0;
+    for (j=qdim;j<dim;j++) {
+      hs=sorted[j];
+      for (k=0;k<dim;k++) {
+      k1=index_comp[k];
+      k2=index_embed[k];
+      help += (series(n-k2,k1)-av[k])*mat[k][hs]*mat[i][hs]*metric[k];
+      }
+    }
+    corr[n][i]=help/metric[i];
+  }
+void handle_trend(unsigned long n,octave_idx_type nf)
+  octave_idx_type i,i1,i2,j;
+  double help;
+  for (i=0;i<dim;i++) {
+    help=0.0;
+    for (j=0;j<nf;j++)
+      help += corr[flist[j]][i];
+    av[i]=help/nf;
+  }
+  for (i=0;i<dim;i++) {
+    i1=index_comp[i];
+    i2=index_embed[i];
+    delta[i1][n-i2] += (corr[n][i]-av[i])/(trace*metric[i]);
+  }
+void set_correction(Matrix &series)
+  octave_idx_type i,j;
+  double help;
+  OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (double, hav, comp);
+  OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (double, hsigma, comp);
+  if ( ! error_state)
+    {
+      for (j=0;j<comp;j++)
+        hav[j]=hsigma[j]=0.0;
+      for (i=0;i<length;i++)
+        for (j=0;j<comp;j++) {
+          hav[j] += (help=delta[j][i]);
+          hsigma[j] += help*help;
+        }
+      for (j=0;j<comp;j++) {
+        hav[j] /= length;
+        hsigma[j]=sqrt(fabs(hsigma[j]/length-hav[j]*hav[j]));
+      }
+      if (verbosity) {
+        for (i=0;i<comp;i++) {
+          octave_stdout << "Average shift of component " << i+1 << " = "
+                        << hav[i]*d_max[i] << "\n";
+          octave_stdout << "Average rms correction of comp. " << i+1 << " = "
+                        << hsigma[i]*d_max[i] << "\n\n";
+        }
+      }
+      for (i=0;i<length;i++)
+        for (j=0;j<comp;j++)
+          series(i,j) -= delta[j][i];
+      if (resize_eps) {
+        mineps /= epsfac;
+        if (verbosity)
+          octave_stdout << "Reset minimal neighbourhood size to "
+                        << mineps*d_max_max << "\n";
+      }
+      resize_eps=0;
+    }
+DEFUN_DLD (__ghkss__, args, , HELPTEXT)
+  int epscount,*ok;
+  octave_idx_type iter,nfound,n;
+  octave_idx_type i,j;
+  char all_done;
+  unsigned long allfound;
+  double epsilon;
+  double **hser;
+  int nargin = args.length ();
+  octave_value_list retval;
+  if (nargin != 11)
+  {
+    print_usage ();
+  }
+  else
+    {
+      // Assign input
+      Matrix input = args(0).matrix_value();
+      embed        = args(1).int_value();
+      comp         = args(2).int_value();
+      delay        = args(3).int_value();
+      qdim         = args(4).int_value();
+      minn         = args(5).int_value();
+      mineps       = args(6).double_value();
+      eps_set      = args(7).int_value();
+      iterations   = args(8).int_value();
+      euclidean    = args(9).int_value();
+      verbosity    = args(10).int_value();
+      dim=comp*embed;
+      emb_offset=(embed-1)*delay;
+      length = input.rows();
+      // Prepare for noise reduction and allocate memory
+      check_alloc(d_min=(double*)malloc(sizeof(double)*comp));
+      check_alloc(d_max=(double*)malloc(sizeof(double)*comp));
+      d_max_max=0.0;
+      for (i=0;i<comp;i++) {
+        rescale_data(input,i,length,&d_min[i],&d_max[i]);
+        if (d_max[i] > d_max_max)
+          d_max_max=d_max[i];
+      }
+      if (!eps_set)
+        mineps=1./1000.;
+      else
+        mineps /= d_max_max;
+      epsfac=sqrt(2.0);
+      check_alloc(box=(long**)malloc(sizeof(long*)*BOX));
+      for (i=0;i<BOX;i++)
+        check_alloc(box[i]=(long*)malloc(sizeof(long)*BOX));
+      check_alloc(list=(long*)malloc(sizeof(long)*length));
+      check_alloc(flist=(unsigned long*)malloc(sizeof(long)*length));
+      check_alloc(metric=(double*)malloc(sizeof(double)*dim));
+      trace=0.0;
+      if (euclidean) {
+        for (i=0;i<dim;i++) {
+          metric[i]=1.0;
+          trace += 1./metric[i];
+        }
+      }
+      else {
+        for (i=0;i<dim;i++) {
+          if ((i >= comp) && (i < ((long)dim-(long)comp))) 
+          metric[i]=1.0;
+          else 
+          metric[i]=1.0e3;
+          trace += 1./metric[i];
+        }
+      }
+      check_alloc(corr=(double**)malloc(sizeof(double*)*length));
+      for (i=0;i<length;i++)
+        check_alloc(corr[i]=(double*)malloc(sizeof(double)*dim));
+      check_alloc(ok=(int*)malloc(sizeof(int)*length));
+      check_alloc(delta=(double**)malloc(sizeof(double*)*comp));
+      for (i=0;i<comp;i++)
+        check_alloc(delta[i]=(double*)malloc(sizeof(double)*length));
+      check_alloc(index_comp=(unsigned int*)malloc(sizeof(int)*dim));
+      check_alloc(index_embed=(unsigned int*)malloc(sizeof(int)*dim));
+      check_alloc(av=(double*)malloc(sizeof(double)*dim));
+      check_alloc(sorted=(int*)malloc(sizeof(int)*dim));
+      check_alloc(eig=(double*)malloc(sizeof(double)*dim));
+      check_alloc(matarray=(double*)malloc(sizeof(double)*dim*dim));
+      check_alloc(mat=(double**)malloc(sizeof(double*)*dim));
+      for (i=0;i<dim;i++)
+        mat[i]=(double*)(matarray+dim*i);
+      check_alloc(hser=(double**)malloc(sizeof(double*)*comp));
+      if ( ! error_state)
+        {
+          // Create output matrix
+          Matrix output (length, comp);
+          for (i=0;i<dim;i++) {
+            index_comp[i]=i%comp;
+            index_embed[i]=(i/comp)*delay;
+          }
+          // Calculate the noise reduction
+          resize_eps=0;
+          for (iter=1;iter<=iterations;iter++) 
+            {
+              for (i=0;i<length;i++) {
+                ok[i]=0;
+                for (j=0;j<dim;j++)
+                corr[i][j]=0.0;
+                for (j=0;j<comp;j++)
+                delta[j][i]=0.0;
+              }
+              epsilon=mineps;
+              all_done=0;
+              epscount=1;
+              allfound=0;
+              if (verbosity)
+                octave_stdout << "Starting iteration " << iter << "\n";
+              while(!all_done) {
+                mmb(input, epsilon);
+                all_done=1;
+                for (n=emb_offset;n<length;n++)
+                if (!ok[n]) {
+                  nfound=fmn(input,n,epsilon);
+                  if (nfound >= minn) {
+                    make_correction(input,n,nfound);
+                    ok[n]=epscount;
+                    if (epscount == 1)
+                      resize_eps=1;
+                    allfound++;
+                  }
+                  else
+                    all_done=0;
+                }
+                if (verbosity)
+                  octave_stdout << "Corrected " << allfound << " points with epsilon= "
+                                << epsilon*d_max_max << "\n";
+                if (std::isinf(epsilon*d_max_max))
+                  {
+                    error_with_id ("Octave:tisean", "cannot reduce noise on input data");
+                    return retval;
+                  }
+                epsilon *= epsfac;
+                epscount++;
+              }
+              if (verbosity)
+                octave_stdout << "Start evaluating the trend\n";
+              epsilon=mineps;
+              allfound=0;
+              for (i=1;i<epscount;i++) {
+                mmb(input,epsilon);
+                for (n=emb_offset;n<length;n++)
+                if (ok[n] == i) {
+                  nfound=fmn(input,n,epsilon);
+                  handle_trend(n,nfound);
+                  allfound++;
+                }
+                if (verbosity)
+                octave_stdout << "Trend subtracted for " << allfound << " points with epsilon= " 
+                              << epsilon*d_max_max << "\n";
+                epsilon *= epsfac;
+              }
+              set_correction(input);
+              if (iter == iterations)
+                for (i=0;i<length;i++) 
+                  {
+                    for (j=0;j<comp;j++) 
+                      {
+                      // old  fprintf(file,"%e ",series[j][i]*d_max[j]+d_min[j]);
+                        output(i,j) = input(i,j)*d_max[j]+d_min[j];
+                      }
+                  }
+            }
+          retval(0) = output;
+        }
+    // Deallocate of all the memory
+      delete[] d_min;
+      delete[] d_max;
+      for (i=0;i<BOX;i++)
+        delete[] box[i];
+      delete[] box;
+      delete[] list;
+      delete[] flist;
+      delete[] metric;
+      for (i=0;i<length;i++)
+        delete[] corr[i];
+      delete[] corr;
+      delete[] ok;
+      for (i=0;i<comp;i++)
+        delete[] delta[i];
+      delete[] delta;
+      delete[] index_comp;
+      delete[] index_embed;
+      delete[] av;
+      delete[] sorted;
+      delete[] eig;
+      delete[] matarray;
+      delete[] mat;
+      delete[] hser;
+    }
+  return retval;
diff --git a/src/__henon__.cc b/src/__henon__.cc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aa59e2f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/__henon__.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+/* Copyright (C) 1996-2015 Piotr Held
+ *
+ * This file is part of Octave.
+ *
+ * Octave is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
+ * either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any
+ * later version.
+ *
+ * Octave is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
+ * PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more
+ * details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
+ * License along with Octave; see the file COPYING.  If not,
+ * see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ */
+/* Author: Piotr Held <pjheld at gmail.com>. 
+ * This function is based on henon of TISEAN 3.0.1 
+ * https://github.com/heggus/Tisean"
+ */
+#define HELPTEXT "Part of tisean package\n\
+No argument checking\n\
+#include <octave/oct.h>
+DEFUN_DLD (__henon__, args, nargout, HELPTEXT)
+    int nargin = args.length ();
+    octave_value_list retval;
+    if (nargin != 6)
+      {
+        print_usage ();
+      }
+    else
+      {
+        double yn, xn;
+        int nmax  = args(0).int_value();
+        double a  = args(1).scalar_value();
+        double b  = args(2).scalar_value();
+        double x0 = args(3).scalar_value();
+        double y0 = args(4).scalar_value();
+        int ntran = args(5).int_value();
+        Matrix ret (nmax,2);
+        for (int i = 0; i < ntran; i++)
+          {
+            xn = 1 - a*x0*x0 + b*y0;
+            yn = x0;
+            x0 = xn;
+            y0 = yn;
+          }        
+        for (int i = 0; i < nmax; i++)
+          {
+            xn = 1 - a*x0*x0 + b*y0;
+            yn = x0;
+            x0 = xn;
+            y0 = yn;
+            ret(i,0) = xn;
+            ret(i,1) = yn;
+          }
+        retval(0) = ret;
+      }
+    return retval;
diff --git a/src/__ikeda__.cc b/src/__ikeda__.cc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bed27c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/__ikeda__.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+/* Copyright (C) 1996-2015 Piotr Held
+ *
+ * This file is part of Octave.
+ *
+ * Octave is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
+ * either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any
+ * later version.
+ *
+ * Octave is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
+ * PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more
+ * details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
+ * License along with Octave; see the file COPYING.  If not,
+ * see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ */
+/* Author: Piotr Held <pjheld at gmail.com>. 
+ * This function is based on ikeda of TISEAN 3.0.1 
+ * https://github.com/heggus/Tisean"
+ */
+#define HELPTEXT "Part of tisean package\n\
+No argument checking\n\
+#include <octave/oct.h>
+#include <complex>
+DEFUN_DLD (__ikeda__, args, , HELPTEXT)
+    int nargin = args.length ();
+    octave_value_list retval;
+    if (nargin != 7)
+      {
+        print_usage ();
+      }
+    else
+      {
+        octave_idx_type nmax  = args(0).idx_type_value();
+        double a              = args(1).double_value();
+        double b              = args(2).double_value();
+        double c              = args(3).double_value();
+        double x0             = args(4).double_value();
+        double y0             = args(5).double_value();
+        octave_idx_type ntran = args(6).idx_type_value();
+        Matrix ret (nmax,2);
+        for (octave_idx_type k = 0; k < ntran; k++)
+          {
+            double s=a-b/(1.+x0*x0+y0*y0);
+            double cs=cos(s);
+            double ss=sin(s);
+            double xn=1.+c*(x0*cs-y0*ss);
+            double yn=c*(x0*ss+y0*cs);
+            x0=xn;
+            y0=yn;
+          }
+        for (int k = 0; k < nmax; k++)
+          {
+            double s=a-b/(1.+x0*x0+y0*y0);
+            double cs=cos(s);
+            double ss=sin(s);
+            double xn=1.+c*(x0*cs-y0*ss);
+            double yn=c*(x0*ss+y0*cs);
+            x0=xn;
+            y0=yn;
+            ret(k,0) = x0;
+            ret(k,1) = y0;
+          }
+        retval(0) = ret;
+      }
+    return retval;
diff --git a/src/__lfo_ar__.cc b/src/__lfo_ar__.cc
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..d3df2db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/__lfo_ar__.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,371 @@
+ *   This file is part of TISEAN
+ *
+ *   Copyright (c) 1998-2007 Rainer Hegger, Holger Kantz, Thomas Schreiber
+ *                           Piotr Held
+ *   TISEAN is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ *   (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ *   TISEAN is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ *   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ *   GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ *   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ *   along with TISEAN; if not, write to the Free Software
+ *   Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
+ */
+/* Author: Rainer Hegger 
+ * Modified: Piotr Held <pjheld at gmail.com> (2015).
+ * This function is based on lfo-ar of TISEAN 3.0.1 
+ * https://github.com/heggus/Tisean"
+ */
+#define HELPTEXT "Part of tisean package\n\
+No argument checking\n\
+#include <octave/oct.h>
+#include "routines_c/tsa.h"
+/*number of boxes for the neighbor search algorithm*/
+#define NMAX 256
+void multiply_matrix(double **mat,double *vec, octave_idx_type dim,
+                     octave_idx_type embed)
+  OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (double, hvec, dim*embed);
+  for (octave_idx_type i=0;i<dim*embed;i++) {
+    hvec[i]=0.0;
+    for (octave_idx_type j=0;j<dim*embed;j++)
+      hvec[i] += mat[i][j]*vec[j];
+  }
+  for (octave_idx_type i=0;i<dim*embed;i++)
+    vec[i]=hvec[i];
+void make_fit(const double **series,
+              octave_idx_type* found,
+              double *error_array, long act,
+              octave_idx_type dim, octave_idx_type embed,
+              octave_idx_type delay, octave_idx_type STEP,
+              octave_idx_type number)
+  OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (double, foreav, dim);
+  OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (double, localav, embed * dim);
+  for (octave_idx_type i=0;i<embed*dim;i++)
+    localav[i]=0;
+  for (octave_idx_type i=0;i<dim;i++)
+    foreav[i]=0.0;
+  for (octave_idx_type n=0;n<number;n++) {
+    octave_idx_type which=found[n];
+    for (octave_idx_type j=0;j<dim;j++) {
+      //old sj=series[j];
+      const double *sj = series[j];
+      foreav[j] += sj[which+STEP];
+      for (octave_idx_type j1=0;j1<embed;j1++) {
+      octave_idx_type hj=j*embed+j1;
+      localav[hj] += sj[which-j1*delay];
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  for (octave_idx_type i=0;i<dim*embed;i++)
+    localav[i] /= number;
+  for (octave_idx_type i=0;i<dim;i++)
+    foreav[i] /= number;
+  Matrix mat (embed * dim, embed * dim);
+  // mat_arr points to the same data as mat
+  // so mat(i,j) == mat_arr[j][i]
+  OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (double *, mat_arr, embed * dim);
+  for (octave_idx_type j = 0; j < embed * dim; j++)
+    {
+      double *ptr = mat.fortran_vec ();
+      mat_arr[j] = ptr + embed * dim * j;
+    }
+  for (octave_idx_type i=0;i<dim;i++) {
+    //old si=series[i];
+    const double *si = series[i];
+    for (octave_idx_type i1=0;i1<embed;i1++) {
+      octave_idx_type hi=i*embed+i1;
+      double lavi=localav[hi];
+      octave_idx_type hi1=i1*delay;
+      for (octave_idx_type j=0;j<dim;j++) {
+     //old sj=series[j];
+      const double *sj = series[j];
+      for (octave_idx_type j1=0;j1<embed;j1++) {
+        octave_idx_type hj=j*embed+j1;
+        double lavj=localav[hj];
+        octave_idx_type hj1=j1*delay;
+        mat_arr[hi][hj]=0.0;
+        if (hj >= hi) {
+          for (octave_idx_type n=0;n<number;n++) {
+            octave_idx_type which=found[n];
+            mat_arr[hi][hj] += (si[which-hi1]-lavi)*(sj[which-hj1]-lavj);
+          }
+        }
+      }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  for (octave_idx_type i=0;i<dim*embed;i++)
+    for (octave_idx_type j=i;j<dim*embed;j++) {
+      mat_arr[i][j] /= number;
+      mat_arr[j][i] = mat_arr[i][j];
+    }
+  Matrix vec (embed * dim, 1);
+  double *vec_arr = vec.fortran_vec ();
+  for (octave_idx_type i=0;i<dim;i++) {
+    //old si=series[i];
+    const double *si = series[i];
+    double fav=foreav[i];
+    for (octave_idx_type j=0;j<dim;j++) {
+      //old sj=series[j];
+      const double *sj = series[j];
+      for (octave_idx_type j1=0;j1<embed;j1++) {
+      octave_idx_type hj=j*embed+j1;
+      double lavj=localav[hj];
+      octave_idx_type hj1=j1*delay;
+      vec_arr[hj] =0.0;
+      for (octave_idx_type n=0;n<number;n++) {
+        octave_idx_type which=found[n];
+        vec_arr[hj] += (si[which+STEP]-fav)*(sj[which-hj1]-lavj);
+      }
+      vec_arr[hj] /= number;
+      }
+    }
+//    Version that uses TISEAN solvele
+//    OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (double, imat_data, sqr(dim*embed));
+//    OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (double *, imat, dim*embed);
+//    for (octave_idx_type j=0;j<dim*embed;j++)
+//      {
+//        imat[j] = imat_data + dim*embed *j;
+//      }
+//    invert_matrix(mat_arr,imat,dim*embed);
+//    multiply_matrix(imat,vec_arr,dim,embed);
+//    double *solved_vec_arr = vec_arr;
+// Below is version that uses Octave's Matrix::solve()
+// It is slower, than generating an inverse matrix, but gives warnings 
+// (which are treated as errors) when a near singular matrix is encountered.
+    Matrix solved_vec = mat.solve(vec);
+    double *solved_vec_arr = solved_vec.fortran_vec ();
+    // If errors were raised, there is no sense in countinueing
+    if (error_state)
+      {
+        return ;
+      }
+    double cast=foreav[i];
+    for (octave_idx_type j=0;j<dim;j++) {
+      const double *sj = series[j];
+      for (octave_idx_type j1=0;j1<embed;j1++) {
+      octave_idx_type hj=j*embed+j1;
+      cast += solved_vec_arr[hj]*(sj[act-j1*delay]-localav[hj]);
+      }
+    }
+    error_array[i] += sqr(cast-series[i][act+STEP]);
+  }
+DEFUN_DLD (__lfo_ar__, args, , HELPTEXT)
+  int nargin = args.length ();
+  octave_value_list retval;
+  if (nargin != 12)
+  {
+    print_usage ();
+  }
+  else
+    {
+      // Assign input
+      Matrix input            = args(0).matrix_value ();
+      octave_idx_type embed   = args(1).idx_type_value ();
+      octave_idx_type delay   = args(2).idx_type_value ();
+      octave_idx_type CLENGTH = args(3).idx_type_value ();
+      double EPS0             = args(4).double_value ();
+      bool eps0set            = args(5).bool_value ();
+      double EPS1             = args(6).double_value ();
+      bool eps1set            = args(7).bool_value ();
+      double EPSF             = args(8).double_value ();
+      octave_idx_type STEP    = args(9).idx_type_value ();
+      unsigned long causal    = args(10).ulong_value ();
+      bool verbose            = args(11).bool_value ();
+      octave_idx_type dim    = input.columns ();
+      octave_idx_type LENGTH = input.rows ();
+      // Analyze data
+      double interval, min;
+      double maxinterval=0.0;
+      for (octave_idx_type i=0;i<dim;i++) {
+        rescale_data(input,i,LENGTH,&min,&interval);
+        if (interval > maxinterval)
+          maxinterval=interval;
+      }
+      interval=maxinterval;
+      // Allocate memory
+      // series is a pointer to that data in input
+      // this is done to for code optimization
+      OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (const double *, series, dim);
+      for (octave_idx_type j = 0; j < dim; j++)
+        {
+          const double *ptr = input.fortran_vec ();
+          series[j] = ptr + LENGTH * j;
+        }
+      OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (long, list, LENGTH);
+      OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (octave_idx_type, found, LENGTH);
+      OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (unsigned long, hfound, LENGTH);
+      MArray<octave_idx_type> box_mat (dim_vector(NMAX, NMAX));
+      OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (octave_idx_type *, box, NMAX);
+      for (octave_idx_type j = 0; j < NMAX; j++)
+        {
+          octave_idx_type *ptr = box_mat.fortran_vec ();
+          box[j] = ptr + NMAX * j;
+        }
+      OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (double, error_array, dim);
+      OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (double, hrms, dim);
+      OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (double, hav, dim);
+      OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (const double*, hser, dim);
+      if (eps0set)
+        EPS0 /= interval;
+      if (eps1set)
+        EPS1 /= interval;
+      octave_idx_type clength=(CLENGTH <= LENGTH) ? CLENGTH-STEP : LENGTH-STEP;
+      if ( ! error_state)
+        {
+          // Promote warnings connected with singular matrixes to errors
+          set_warning_state ("Octave:nearly-singular-matrix","error");
+          set_warning_state ("Octave:singular-matrix","error");
+          // Estimate maximum possible output size
+          octave_idx_type output_rows = (octave_idx_type)
+                                        ((log(EPS1) - log(EPS0)) / log (EPSF));
+          output_rows += 2;
+          // Create output
+          Matrix output (output_rows,dim+4);
+          octave_idx_type count = 0;
+          if (verbose)
+            printf("\nStarting new dataset\n\n");
+          for (double epsilon=EPS0;epsilon<EPS1*EPSF;epsilon*=EPSF) 
+            {
+              if (verbose)
+                {
+                  printf ("For epsilon = %e, the count = %d\n",
+                          epsilon,count);
+                  fflush (stdout);
+                }
+              long pfound=0;
+              for (octave_idx_type i=0;i<dim;i++)
+                error_array[i]=hrms[i]=hav[i]=0.0;
+              double avfound=0.0;
+              make_multi_box(series,box,list,LENGTH-STEP,NMAX,dim,
+                             embed,delay,epsilon);
+              for (octave_idx_type i=(embed-1)*delay;i<clength;i++) 
+                {
+                  for (octave_idx_type j=0;j<dim;j++)
+                    hser[j] = series[j] + i;
+                  octave_idx_type actfound;
+                  actfound=find_multi_neighbors(series,box,list,hser,NMAX,
+                                                dim,embed,delay, epsilon,
+                                                hfound);
+                  actfound=exclude_interval(actfound,i-causal+1,
+                                            i+causal+(embed-1) *delay-1,
+                                            hfound,found);
+                  if (actfound > 2*(dim*embed+1))
+                    {
+                      make_fit (series, found, error_array,
+                                i,dim, embed, delay, STEP, actfound);
+                      // Checking if the fit was correct
+                      // If any errors were raised: end function
+                      if (error_state)
+                        {
+                          return retval;
+                        }
+                      pfound++;
+                      avfound += (double)(actfound-1);
+                      for (octave_idx_type j=0;j<dim;j++) 
+                        {
+                          hrms[j] += series[j][i+STEP] * series[j][i+STEP];
+                          hav[j] += series[j][i+STEP];
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+              if (pfound > 1) 
+                {
+                  double sumerror=0.0;
+                  for (octave_idx_type j=0;j<dim;j++)
+                    {
+                      hav[j] /= pfound;
+                      hrms[j]=sqrt(fabs(hrms[j]/(pfound-1)-hav[j]*hav[j]*pfound
+                                        /(pfound-1)));
+                      error_array[j]=sqrt(error_array[j]/pfound)/hrms[j];
+                      sumerror += error_array[j];
+                    }
+              // old fprintf(stdout,"%e %e ",epsilon*interval,
+              //                          sumerror/(double)dim);
+                  output(count, 0) = epsilon*interval;
+                  output(count, 1) = sumerror/(double)dim;
+                  for (octave_idx_type j=0;j<dim;j++)
+                    {
+                    //old fprintf(stdout,"%e ",error_array[j]);
+                      output(count, 2 + j) = error_array[j];
+                    }
+              // old  fprintf(stdout,"%e %e\n",(double)pfound
+              //          /(clength-(embed-1)*delay),
+              //          avfound/pfound);
+                  output(count, 2 + dim) = (double)pfound
+                                           /(clength-(embed-1)*delay);
+                  output(count, 2 + dim + 1) = avfound/pfound;
+                  count += 1;
+                }
+            }
+          // Resize output to fit actual results instead of
+          // an educated guess
+          // if count == 0 then the output will be an 0x4+dim matrix
+          output.resize (count, dim + 4);
+          retval(0) = output;
+        }
+    }
+  return retval;
diff --git a/src/__lfo_run__.cc b/src/__lfo_run__.cc
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..bf27be9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/__lfo_run__.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,416 @@
+ *   This file is part of TISEAN
+ *
+ *   Copyright (c) 1998-2007 Rainer Hegger, Holger Kantz, Thomas Schreiber
+ *                           Piotr Held
+ *   TISEAN is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ *   (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ *   TISEAN is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ *   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ *   GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ *   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ *   along with TISEAN; if not, write to the Free Software
+ *   Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
+ */
+/* Author: Rainer Hegger 
+ * Modified: Piotr Held <pjheld at gmail.com> (2015).
+ * This function is based on lfo-run of TISEAN 3.0.1 
+ * https://github.com/heggus/Tisean"
+ */
+#define HELPTEXT "Part of tisean package\n\
+No argument checking\n\
+#include <octave/oct.h>
+#include "routines_c/tsa.h"
+#define NMAX 128
+void put_in_boxes(const double **series, octave_idx_type LENGTH,
+                  octave_idx_type *list, octave_idx_type **box, double epsilon,
+                  octave_idx_type dim,octave_idx_type embed,
+                  octave_idx_type DELAY)
+  octave_idx_type hdim=(embed-1)*DELAY;
+  double epsinv=1.0/epsilon;
+  for (octave_idx_type i=0;i<NMAX;i++)
+    for (octave_idx_type j=0;j<NMAX;j++)
+      box[i][j]= -1;
+  for (octave_idx_type n=hdim;n<LENGTH-1;n++) {
+    octave_idx_type i=(octave_idx_type)(series[0][n]*epsinv)&(NMAX-1);
+    octave_idx_type j=(octave_idx_type)(series[dim-1][n-hdim]*epsinv)
+                      &(NMAX-1);
+    list[n]=box[i][j];
+    box[i][j]=n;
+  }
+octave_idx_type hfind_neighbors(const double **series, double **cast,
+                                octave_idx_type *found, octave_idx_type *list,
+                                octave_idx_type **box, double epsilon,
+                                octave_idx_type dim, octave_idx_type embed,
+                                octave_idx_type DELAY)
+  octave_idx_type nfound=0;
+  octave_idx_type hdim=(embed-1)*DELAY;
+  double epsinv=1.0/epsilon;
+  octave_idx_type i=(octave_idx_type)(cast[hdim][0]*epsinv)&(NMAX-1);
+  octave_idx_type j=(octave_idx_type)(cast[0][dim-1]*epsinv)&(NMAX-1);
+  for (octave_idx_type i1=i-1;i1<=i+1;i1++) {
+    octave_idx_type i2=i1&(NMAX-1);
+    for (octave_idx_type j1=j-1;j1<=j+1;j1++) {
+      octave_idx_type element=box[i2][j1&(NMAX-1)];
+      while (element != -1) {
+      double max=0.0;
+      bool toolarge=0;
+      for (octave_idx_type l=0;l<dim;l++) {
+        for (octave_idx_type k=0;k<=hdim;k += DELAY) {
+          double dx=fabs(series[l][element-k]-cast[hdim-k][l]);
+          max=(dx>max) ? dx : max;
+          if (max > epsilon) {
+            toolarge=1;
+            break;
+          }
+        }
+        if (toolarge)
+          break;
+      }
+      if (max <= epsilon)
+        found[nfound++]=element;
+      element=list[element];
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  return nfound;
+void multiply_matrix(double **mat,double *vec, octave_idx_type DIM)
+  OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (double, hvec, DIM);
+  for (octave_idx_type i=0;i<DIM;i++) {
+    hvec[i]=0.0;
+    for (octave_idx_type j=0;j<DIM;j++)
+      hvec[i] += mat[i][j]*vec[j];
+  }
+  for (octave_idx_type i=0;i<DIM;i++)
+    vec[i]=hvec[i];
+void make_fit(const double **series, double **cast, octave_idx_type *found,
+              octave_idx_type dim, octave_idx_type embed,
+              octave_idx_type DELAY,
+              int number,double *newcast)
+  octave_idx_type hdim=(embed-1)*DELAY;
+  OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (double, localav, dim * embed);
+  OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (double, foreav, dim);
+  for (octave_idx_type i=0;i<dim*embed;i++)
+    localav[i]=0.0;
+  for (octave_idx_type i=0;i<dim;i++)
+    foreav[i]=0.0;
+  for (octave_idx_type n=0;n<number;n++) {
+    octave_idx_type which=found[n];
+    for (octave_idx_type j=0;j<dim;j++) {
+      const double *sj=series[j];
+      foreav[j] += sj[which+1];
+      for (octave_idx_type j1=0;j1<embed;j1++) {
+      octave_idx_type hj=j*embed+j1;
+      localav[hj] += sj[which-j1*DELAY];
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  for (octave_idx_type i=0;i<dim*embed;i++)
+    localav[i] /= number;
+  for (octave_idx_type i=0;i<dim;i++)
+    foreav[i] /= number;
+  Matrix mat (dim * embed, dim * embed);
+  // mat_arr points to the same data as mat
+  // so mat(i,j) == mat_arr[j][i]
+  OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (double *, mat_arr, dim * embed);
+  for (octave_idx_type j = 0; j < dim * embed; j++)
+    {
+      double *ptr = mat.fortran_vec ();
+      mat_arr[j] = ptr + dim * embed * j;
+    }
+  for (octave_idx_type i=0;i<dim;i++) {
+    const double *si=series[i];
+    for (octave_idx_type i1=0;i1<embed;i1++) {
+      octave_idx_type hi=i*embed+i1;
+      double lavi=localav[hi];
+      octave_idx_type hi1=i1*DELAY;
+      for (octave_idx_type j=0;j<dim;j++) {
+      const double *sj=series[j];
+      for (octave_idx_type j1=0;j1<embed;j1++) {
+        octave_idx_type hj=j*embed+j1;
+        double lavj=localav[hj];
+        octave_idx_type hj1=j1*DELAY;
+        mat_arr[hi][hj]=0.0;
+        if (hj >= hi) {
+          for (octave_idx_type n=0;n<number;n++) {
+            octave_idx_type which=found[n];
+            mat_arr[hi][hj] += (si[which-hi1]-lavi)*(sj[which-hj1]-lavj);
+          }
+        }
+      }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  for (octave_idx_type i=0;i<dim*embed;i++)
+    for (octave_idx_type j=i;j<dim*embed;j++) {
+      mat_arr[i][j] /= number;
+      mat_arr[j][i]=mat_arr[i][j];
+    }
+  Matrix vec (dim * embed,1);
+  double *vec_arr = vec.fortran_vec ();
+  for (octave_idx_type i=0;i<dim;i++)
+    {
+      const double *si=series[i];
+      double fav=foreav[i];
+      for (octave_idx_type j=0;j<dim;j++) {
+        const double *sj=series[j];
+        for (octave_idx_type j1=0;j1<embed;j1++) {
+        octave_idx_type hj=j*embed+j1;
+        double lavj=localav[hj];
+        octave_idx_type hj1=j1*DELAY;
+        vec_arr[hj]=0.0;
+        for (octave_idx_type n=0;n<number;n++) {
+          octave_idx_type which=found[n];
+          vec_arr[hj] += (si[which+1]-fav)*(sj[which-hj1]-lavj);
+        }
+        vec_arr[hj] /= number;
+        }
+      }
+// The commented version is faster, but does not account for 
+// singular or near singular matrixes. It is left here for reference.
+//      OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (double, imat_data, sqr(dim * embed));
+//      OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (double *, imat, dim * embed);
+//      for (octave_idx_type j=0;j<dim * embed;j++)
+//        {
+//          imat[j] = imat_data + dim * embed *j;
+//        }
+//      invert_matrix(mat_arr,imat,dim * embed);
+//      multiply_matrix(imat,vec_arr, dim * embed);
+//      double *solved_vec_arr = vec_arr;
+// Below is version that uses Octave's Matrix::solve().
+// It is slower, than generating an inverse matrix, but gives warnings 
+// (which are treated as errors) when a near singular matrix is encountered.
+      Matrix solved_vec      = mat.solve (vec);
+      double *solved_vec_arr = solved_vec.fortran_vec ();
+    // If errors were raised (a singular matrix was encountered), 
+    // there is no sense in countinuing
+    if (error_state)
+      {
+        return ;
+      }
+      newcast[i]=foreav[i];
+      for (octave_idx_type j=0;j<dim;j++) {
+        for (octave_idx_type j1=0;j1<embed;j1++) {
+        octave_idx_type hj=j*embed+j1;
+        newcast[i] += solved_vec_arr[hj]*(cast[hdim-j1*DELAY][j]-localav[hj]);
+        }
+      }
+    }
+void make_zeroth(const double **series, octave_idx_type *found,
+                 octave_idx_type dim,
+                 int number,double *newcast)
+  for (octave_idx_type d=0;d<dim;d++) {
+    newcast[d]=0.0;
+    const double *sj=series[d]+1;
+    for (octave_idx_type i=0;i<number;i++)
+      newcast[d] += sj[found[i]];
+    newcast[d] /= number;
+  }
+DEFUN_DLD (__lfo_run__, args, , HELPTEXT)
+  int nargin = args.length ();
+  octave_value_list retval;
+  if (nargin != 9)
+  {
+    print_usage ();
+  }
+  else
+    {
+      // Assign inputs
+      Matrix input            = args(0).matrix_value ();
+      octave_idx_type embed   = args(1).idx_type_value ();
+      octave_idx_type DELAY   = args(2).idx_type_value ();
+      octave_idx_type FLENGTH = args(3).idx_type_value ();
+      octave_idx_type MINN    = args(4).idx_type_value ();
+      double EPS0             = args(5).double_value ();
+      bool epsset             = args(6).bool_value ();
+      double EPSF             = args(7).double_value ();
+      bool do_zeroth          = args(8).bool_value ();
+      octave_idx_type LENGTH = input.rows ();
+      octave_idx_type dim    = input.columns ();
+      // Assign help values
+      octave_idx_type hdim=(embed-1)*DELAY+1;
+      // Series is a pointer to data stored in input
+      // so input(i,j) == series[j][i]
+      // This is done for optimization purposes
+      OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (const double *, series, dim);
+      for (octave_idx_type j = 0; j < dim; j++)
+        {
+          const double *ptr = input.fortran_vec ();
+          series[j] = ptr + LENGTH * j;
+        }
+      // Analyze input
+      OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (double, min_array, dim);
+      OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (double, interval, dim);
+      double maxinterval=0.0;
+      for (octave_idx_type i=0;i<dim;i++) {
+        rescale_data(input,i,LENGTH,&min_array[i],&interval[i]);
+        if (interval[i] > maxinterval)
+          maxinterval=interval[i];
+      }
+      if (epsset)
+        EPS0 /= maxinterval;
+      // Allocate memory
+      OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (double *, cast, hdim);
+      OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (double, cast_data, hdim * dim);
+      for (octave_idx_type j=0;j<hdim;j++)
+        cast[j]=cast_data + j * dim;
+      OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (double, newcast, dim);
+      OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (octave_idx_type, list, LENGTH);
+      OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (octave_idx_type, found, LENGTH);
+      OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (octave_idx_type *, box, NMAX);
+      OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (octave_idx_type, box_data, NMAX * NMAX);
+      for (octave_idx_type j=0;j<NMAX;j++)
+        box[j]=box_data + j * NMAX;
+      for (octave_idx_type j=0;j<dim;j++)
+        for (octave_idx_type i=0;i<hdim;i++)
+          cast[i][j]=series[j][LENGTH-hdim+i];
+      if ( ! error_state)
+        {
+          // Promote warnings connected with singular matrixes to errors
+          set_warning_state ("Octave:nearly-singular-matrix","error");
+          set_warning_state ("Octave:singular-matrix","error");
+          // Calculate the maximum epsilon that makes sense
+          // On the basis of 'i' and 'j' from put_in_boxes ()
+          NDArray input_max = input.max ();
+          double maximum_epsilon = (input_max(0) > input_max(dim-1))
+                                   ? input_max(0) : input_max(dim-1);
+          maximum_epsilon *= EPSF;
+          // Create output
+          Matrix output (FLENGTH, dim);
+          for (octave_idx_type i=0;i<FLENGTH;i++)
+            {
+              bool done=0;
+              double epsilon=EPS0/EPSF;
+              while (!done) 
+                {
+                  // If epsilon became too large 
+                  // there is no sense in continuing
+                  if (epsilon > maximum_epsilon)
+                    {
+                      error_with_id ("Octave:tisean", "The neighbourhood size"
+                                     " became too large during search,"
+                                     " no sense continuing");
+                      return retval;
+                    }
+                  epsilon*=EPSF;
+                  put_in_boxes(series, LENGTH, list, box, epsilon, dim, embed,
+                               DELAY);
+                  octave_idx_type actfound;
+                  actfound=hfind_neighbors (series, cast, found, list, box,
+                                            epsilon, dim, embed, DELAY);
+                  if (actfound >= MINN)
+                    {
+                      if (!do_zeroth)
+                        make_fit(series, cast, found, dim, embed, DELAY,
+                                 actfound, newcast);
+                      else
+                        make_zeroth(series, found, dim, actfound,newcast);
+                      // Checking if the fit was correct
+                      // If any errors were raised: end function
+                      if (error_state)
+                        {
+                          return retval;
+                        }
+                      for (octave_idx_type j=0;j<dim;j++)
+                        {
+                      // old printf("%e ",newcast[j]*interval[j]+min_array[j]);
+                          output(i,j) = newcast[j]*interval[j]+min_array[j];
+                        }
+                      done=1;
+                      for (octave_idx_type j=0;j<dim;j++) 
+                        {
+                          // If this occurs there is no sense to continue
+                          if ((newcast[j] > 2.0) || (newcast[j] < -1.0)) 
+                            {
+                              error_with_id("Octave:tisean","forecast failed, "
+                                            "escaping data region");
+                              return retval;
+                            }
+                        }
+                      double *swap=cast[0];
+                      for (octave_idx_type j=0;j<hdim-1;j++)
+                        cast[j]=cast[j+1];
+                      cast[hdim-1]=swap;
+                      for (octave_idx_type j=0;j<dim;j++)
+                        cast[hdim-1][j]=newcast[j];
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+          retval(0) = output;
+        }
+    }
+  return retval;
diff --git a/src/__lfo_test__.cc b/src/__lfo_test__.cc
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..09fb3b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/__lfo_test__.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,421 @@
+ *   This file is part of TISEAN
+ *
+ *   Copyright (c) 1998-2007 Rainer Hegger, Holger Kantz, Thomas Schreiber
+ *
+ *   TISEAN is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ *   (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ *   TISEAN is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ *   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ *   GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ *   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ *   along with TISEAN; if not, write to the Free Software
+ *   Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
+ */
+/* Author: Rainer Hegger 
+ * Modified: Piotr Held <pjheld at gmail.com> (2015).
+ * This function is based on lfo-test of TISEAN 3.0.1 
+ * https://github.com/heggus/Tisean"
+ */
+#define HELPTEXT "Part of tisean package\n\
+No argument checking\n\
+#include <octave/oct.h>
+#include "routines_c/tsa.h"
+/*number of boxes for the neighbor search algorithm*/
+#define NMAX 512
+void put_in_boxes(const double **series, octave_idx_type LENGTH,
+                  octave_idx_type STEP, octave_idx_type COMP,
+                  octave_idx_type hdim, double epsilon,
+                  octave_idx_type *list, octave_idx_type **box)
+  double epsinv=1.0/epsilon;
+  for (octave_idx_type i=0;i<NMAX;i++)
+    for (octave_idx_type j=0;j<NMAX;j++)
+      box[i][j]= -1;
+  for (octave_idx_type n=hdim;n<LENGTH-STEP;n++) {
+    octave_idx_type i=(octave_idx_type)(series[0][n]*epsinv)&(NMAX-1);
+    octave_idx_type j=(octave_idx_type)(series[COMP-1][n-hdim]*epsinv)
+                                       &(NMAX-1);
+    list[n]=box[i][j];
+    box[i][j]=n;
+  }
+octave_idx_type hfind_neighbors(const double **series,
+                             octave_idx_type **indexes, octave_idx_type COMP,
+                             octave_idx_type hdim, octave_idx_type DIM,
+                             double epsilon, unsigned long *hfound,
+                             octave_idx_type *list, octave_idx_type **box,
+                             octave_idx_type act)
+  octave_idx_type nfound=0;
+  double epsinv=1.0/epsilon;
+  octave_idx_type i=(octave_idx_type)(series[0][act]*epsinv)&(NMAX-1);
+  octave_idx_type j=(octave_idx_type)(series[COMP-1][act-hdim]*epsinv)
+                                      &(NMAX-1);
+  for (octave_idx_type i1=i-1;i1<=i+1;i1++) {
+    octave_idx_type i2=i1&(NMAX-1);
+    for (octave_idx_type j1=j-1;j1<=j+1;j1++) {
+      octave_idx_type element=box[i2][j1&(NMAX-1)];
+      while (element != -1) {
+      double max=0.0;
+      bool toolarge=0;
+      for (octave_idx_type k=0;k<DIM;k += 1) {
+        octave_idx_type hcomp=indexes[0][k];
+        octave_idx_type hdel=indexes[1][k];
+        double dx=fabs(series[hcomp][element-hdel]-series[hcomp][act-hdel]);
+        max=(dx>max) ? dx : max;
+        if (max > epsilon) {
+          toolarge=1;
+          break;
+        }
+        if (toolarge)
+          break;
+      }
+      if (max <= epsilon)
+        hfound[nfound++]=element;
+        element=list[element];
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  return nfound;
+void multiply_matrix(double **mat,double *vec, octave_idx_type DIM)
+  OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (double, hvec, DIM);
+  for (octave_idx_type i=0;i<DIM;i++) {
+    hvec[i]=0.0;
+    for (octave_idx_type j=0;j<DIM;j++)
+      hvec[i] += mat[i][j]*vec[j];
+  }
+  for (octave_idx_type i=0;i<DIM;i++)
+    vec[i]=hvec[i];
+void make_fit(const double **series, octave_idx_type **indexes,
+              const octave_idx_type* found, octave_idx_type STEP,
+              octave_idx_type DIM, octave_idx_type COMP,
+              octave_idx_type number,
+              unsigned long act,double *newcast)
+  OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (double, localav, DIM);
+  OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (double, foreav, COMP);
+  for (octave_idx_type i=0;i<DIM;i++)
+    localav[i]=0.0;
+  for (octave_idx_type i=0;i<COMP;i++)
+    foreav[i]=0.0;
+  for (octave_idx_type n=0;n<number;n++) {
+    octave_idx_type which=found[n];
+    for (octave_idx_type j=0;j<COMP;j++)
+      foreav[j] += series[j][which+STEP];
+    for (octave_idx_type j=0;j<DIM;j++) {
+      octave_idx_type hcj=indexes[0][j];
+      octave_idx_type hdj=indexes[1][j];
+      localav[j] += series[hcj][which-hdj];
+    }
+  }
+  for (octave_idx_type i=0;i<DIM;i++)
+    localav[i] /= number;
+  for (octave_idx_type i=0;i<COMP;i++)
+    foreav[i] /= number;
+  Matrix mat (DIM, DIM);
+  // mat_arr points to the same data as mat
+  // so mat(i,j) == mat_arr[j][i]
+  OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (double *, mat_arr, DIM);
+  for (octave_idx_type j = 0; j < DIM; j++)
+    {
+      double *ptr = mat.fortran_vec ();
+      mat_arr[j] = ptr + DIM * j;
+    }
+  for (octave_idx_type i=0;i<DIM;i++) {
+    octave_idx_type hci=indexes[0][i];
+    octave_idx_type hdi=indexes[1][i];
+    double lavi=localav[i];
+    const double *si=series[hci];
+    for (octave_idx_type j=i;j<DIM;j++) {
+      octave_idx_type hcj=indexes[0][j];
+      octave_idx_type hdj=indexes[1][j];
+      double lavj=localav[j];
+      const double *sj=series[hcj];
+      mat_arr[i][j]=0.0;
+      for (octave_idx_type n=0;n<number;n++) {
+      octave_idx_type which=found[n];
+      mat_arr[i][j] += (si[which-hdi]-lavi)*(sj[which-hdj]-lavj);
+      }
+      mat_arr[i][j] /= number;
+      mat_arr[j][i] = mat_arr[i][j];
+    }
+  }
+  Matrix vec (DIM,1);
+  double *vec_arr = vec.fortran_vec ();
+  for (octave_idx_type i=0;i<COMP;i++)
+    {
+      const double *si=series[i];
+      double fav=foreav[i];
+      for (octave_idx_type j=0;j<DIM;j++) {
+        octave_idx_type hcj=indexes[0][j];
+        octave_idx_type hdj=indexes[1][j];
+        vec_arr[j]=0.0;
+        const double *sj=series[hcj];
+        for (octave_idx_type n=0;n<number;n++) {
+        octave_idx_type which=found[n];
+        vec_arr[j] += (si[which+STEP]-fav)*(sj[which-hdj]);
+        }
+        vec_arr[j] /= number;
+      }
+  // The commented version is faster, but does not account for 
+  // singular or near singular matrixes. It is left here for reference.
+  //  OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (double, imat_data, sqr(DIM));
+  //  OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (double *, imat, DIM);
+  //  for (octave_idx_type j=0;j<DIM;j++)
+  //    {
+  //      imat[j] = imat_data + DIM *j;
+  //    }
+  //  invert_matrix(mat_arr,imat,DIM);
+  //  multiply_matrix(imat,vec_arr,DIM);
+// Below is version that uses Octave's Matrix::solve().
+// It is slower, than generating an inverse matrix, but gives warnings 
+// (which are treated as errors) when a near singular matrix is encountered.
+      Matrix solved_vec      = mat.solve (vec);
+      double *solved_vec_arr = solved_vec.fortran_vec ();
+    // If errors were raised (a singular matrix was encountered), 
+    // there is no sense in countinueing
+    if (error_state)
+      {
+        return ;
+      }
+      newcast[i]=foreav[i];
+      for (octave_idx_type j=0;j<DIM;j++) {
+        octave_idx_type hcj=indexes[0][j];
+        octave_idx_type hdj=indexes[1][j];
+        newcast[i] += solved_vec_arr[j]*(series[hcj][act-hdj]-localav[j]);
+      }
+    }
+DEFUN_DLD (__lfo_test__, args, nargout, HELPTEXT)
+  int nargin = args.length ();
+  octave_value_list retval;
+  if (nargin != 10 || nargout > 2)
+  {
+    print_usage ();
+  }
+  else
+    {
+      // Assign input
+      Matrix input            = args(0).matrix_value ();
+      octave_idx_type EMBED   = args(1).idx_type_value ();
+      octave_idx_type DELAY   = args(2).idx_type_value ();
+      octave_idx_type CLENGTH = args(3).idx_type_value ();
+      octave_idx_type MINN    = args(4).idx_type_value ();
+      double EPS0             = args(5).double_value ();
+      bool epsset             = args(6).bool_value ();
+      double EPSF             = args(7).double_value ();
+      octave_idx_type STEP    = args(8).idx_type_value ();
+      unsigned long causal    = args(9).ulong_value ();
+      octave_idx_type LENGTH = input.rows ();
+      octave_idx_type COMP   = input.columns ();
+      // Assign help values
+      octave_idx_type DIM=EMBED*COMP;
+      octave_idx_type hdim=(EMBED-1)*DELAY;
+      // Series is a pointer to data stored in input
+      // so input(i,j) == series[j][i]
+      // This is done for optimization purposes
+      OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (const double *, series, COMP);
+      for (octave_idx_type j = 0; j < COMP; j++)
+        {
+          const double *ptr = input.fortran_vec ();
+          series[j] = ptr + LENGTH * j;
+        }
+      // Analyze input
+      OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (double, min_array, COMP);
+      OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (double, interval, COMP);
+      OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (double, av, COMP);
+      OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (double, rms, COMP);
+      double maxinterval=0.0;
+      for (octave_idx_type i=0;i<COMP;i++) {
+        rescale_data(input,i,LENGTH,&min_array[i],&interval[i]);
+        maxinterval=(maxinterval<interval[i])?interval[i]:maxinterval;
+        variance(input.column (i),LENGTH,&av[i],&rms[i]);
+      }
+      // Allocate memory
+      OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (double *, individual, COMP);
+      OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (double, individual_data, COMP * LENGTH);
+      for (octave_idx_type j=0;j<COMP;j++) {
+        individual[j]=individual_data + LENGTH * j;
+        for (octave_idx_type i=0;i<LENGTH;i++)
+          individual[j][i]=0.0;
+      }
+      OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (octave_idx_type, list, LENGTH);
+      OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (octave_idx_type, found, LENGTH);
+      OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (unsigned long, hfound, LENGTH);
+      OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (bool, done, LENGTH);
+      OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (octave_idx_type *, box, NMAX);
+      OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (octave_idx_type, box_data, NMAX * NMAX);
+      for (octave_idx_type j=0;j<NMAX;j++)
+        box[j]=box_data + NMAX * j;
+      for (octave_idx_type i=0;i<LENGTH;i++)
+        done[i]=false;
+      if (epsset)
+        EPS0 /= maxinterval;
+      double epsilon=EPS0/EPSF;
+      octave_idx_type clength=(CLENGTH <= LENGTH) ? CLENGTH-STEP : LENGTH-STEP;
+      // old indexes=make_multi_index(COMP,EMBED,DELAY);
+      octave_idx_type alldim = COMP * EMBED;
+      OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (octave_idx_type*, indexes, 2);
+      OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (octave_idx_type, indexes_data, alldim * 2);
+      indexes[0] = indexes_data;
+      indexes[1] = indexes_data + alldim;
+      for (octave_idx_type i=0;i<alldim;i++) 
+        {
+          indexes[0][i]=i%COMP;
+          indexes[1][i]=(i/COMP)*DELAY;
+        }
+       // end old index = make_multi_index();
+      OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (double, newcast, COMP);
+      OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (double, error_array, COMP);
+      for (octave_idx_type i=0;i<COMP;i++)
+        error_array[i]=0.0;
+      if ( ! error_state)
+        {
+          // Promote warnings connected with singular matrixes to errors
+          set_warning_state ("Octave:nearly-singular-matrix","error");
+          set_warning_state ("Octave:singular-matrix","error");
+          // Calculate the maximum epsilon that makes sense
+          // On the basis of 'i' and 'j' from put_in_boxes ()
+          NDArray input_max = input.max ();
+          double maximum_epsilon = (input_max(0) > input_max(COMP-1))
+                                   ? input_max(0) : input_max(COMP-1);
+          maximum_epsilon *= EPSF;
+          // Calculate output
+          bool alldone=0;
+          while (!alldone) {
+            alldone=1;
+            // If epsilon became too large there is no sense in continuing
+            if (epsilon > maximum_epsilon)
+              {
+                error_with_id ("Octave:tisean", "The neighbourhood size became"
+                               " too large during search, no sense"
+                               " continuing");
+                return retval;
+              }
+            epsilon*=EPSF;
+            put_in_boxes(series, LENGTH, STEP, COMP, hdim, epsilon, list, box);
+            for (octave_idx_type i=(EMBED-1)*DELAY;i<clength;i++)
+              if (!done[i]) 
+                {
+                  octave_idx_type actfound;
+                  actfound=hfind_neighbors(series, indexes, COMP, hdim, DIM,
+                                           epsilon, hfound, list, box, i);
+                  actfound=exclude_interval(actfound,i-causal+1,
+                                      i+causal+(EMBED-1)*DELAY-1,hfound,found);
+                  if (actfound > MINN) 
+                    {
+                      make_fit(series, indexes, found, STEP, DIM, COMP,
+                               actfound,i,newcast);
+                      // Checking if the fit was correct
+                      // If any errors were raised: end function
+                      if (error_state)
+                        {
+                          return retval;
+                        }
+                      for (octave_idx_type j=0;j<COMP;j++)
+                        error_array[j] += sqr(newcast[j]-series[j][i+STEP]);
+                      for (octave_idx_type j=0;j<COMP;j++)
+                        individual[j][i]=(newcast[j]-series[j][i+STEP])
+                                          *interval[j];
+                      done[i]=1;
+                    }
+                  alldone &= done[i];
+                }
+          }
+          double norm=((double)clength-(double)((EMBED-1)*DELAY));
+          // Create relative forecast error output
+          Matrix rel (COMP, 1);
+          for (octave_idx_type i=0;i<COMP;i++) 
+            {
+             // old fprintf(stdout,"# %e\n",sqrt(error_array[i]/norm)/rms[i]);
+              rel(i,0) = sqrt(error_array[i]/norm)/rms[i];
+            }
+          // Create individual forecast error output
+          Matrix ind (clength - (EMBED-1)*DELAY,COMP);
+          for (octave_idx_type i=(EMBED-1)*DELAY;i<clength;i++)
+            {
+              for (octave_idx_type j=0;j<COMP;j++)
+                {
+                 // old fprintf(stdout,"%e ",individual[j][i]);
+                  ind(i-(EMBED-1)*DELAY, j) = individual[j][i];
+                }
+            }
+          retval(0) = rel;
+          retval(1) = ind;
+        }
+    }
+  return retval;
diff --git a/src/__lyap_k__.cc b/src/__lyap_k__.cc
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..cd83e8a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/__lyap_k__.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,280 @@
+ *   This file is part of TISEAN
+ *
+ *   Copyright (c) 1998-2007 Rainer Hegger, Holger Kantz, Thomas Schreiber
+ *                           Piotr Held
+ *   TISEAN is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ *   (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ *   TISEAN is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ *   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ *   GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ *   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ *   along with TISEAN; if not, write to the Free Software
+ *   Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
+ */
+/* Author: Rainer Hegger 
+ * Modified: Piotr Held <pjheld at gmail.com> (2015).
+ * This function is based on lyap_k of TISEAN 3.0.1 
+ * https://github.com/heggus/Tisean"
+ */
+#define HELPTEXT "Part of tisean package\n\
+No argument checking\n\
+#include <octave/oct.h>
+#include <octave/oct-map.h>
+#include <octave/str-vec.h>
+#include "routines_c/tsa.h"
+#define BOX 128
+void put_in_boxes(double *series, octave_idx_type *liste,
+                  octave_idx_type **box, octave_idx_type length,
+                  octave_idx_type maxdim, octave_idx_type delay,
+                  octave_idx_type maxiter, double eps)
+  octave_idx_type blength=length-(maxdim-1)*delay-maxiter;
+  for (octave_idx_type i=0;i<BOX;i++)
+    for (octave_idx_type j=0;j<BOX;j++)
+      box[i][j]= -1;
+  for (octave_idx_type i=0;i<blength;i++) {
+    octave_idx_type j=(octave_idx_type)(series[i]/eps)&(BOX-1);
+    octave_idx_type k=(octave_idx_type)(series[i+delay]/eps)&(BOX-1);
+    liste[i]=box[j][k];
+    box[j][k]=i;
+  }
+void lfind_neighbors(double *series, octave_idx_type **lfound,
+                     octave_idx_type *found, octave_idx_type *liste,
+                     octave_idx_type **box, octave_idx_type window,
+                     octave_idx_type maxdim, octave_idx_type delay,
+                     long act,double eps)
+  for (octave_idx_type hi=0;hi<maxdim-1;hi++)
+    found[hi]=0;
+  octave_idx_type i=(octave_idx_type)(series[act]/eps)&(BOX-1);
+  octave_idx_type j=(octave_idx_type)(series[act+delay]/eps)&(BOX-1);
+  for (octave_idx_type i1=i-1;i1<=i+1;i1++) {
+    octave_idx_type i2=i1&(BOX-1);
+    for (octave_idx_type j1=j-1;j1<=j+1;j1++) {
+      octave_idx_type element=box[i2][j1&(BOX-1)];
+      while (element != -1) {
+         if ((element < (act-window)) || (element > (act+window))) {
+           double dx=sqr(series[act]-series[element]);
+           if (dx <= eps*eps) {
+             for (octave_idx_type k=1;k<maxdim;k++) {
+               octave_idx_type k1=k*delay;
+               dx += sqr(series[act+k1]-series[element+k1]);
+               if (dx <= eps*eps) {
+                  k1=k-1;
+                  lfound[k1][found[k1]]=element;
+                  found[k1]++;
+               }
+               else
+                  break;
+             }
+           }
+         }
+         element=liste[element];
+      }
+    }
+  }
+void iterate_points(double *series, double **lyap, long **count,
+                    octave_idx_type **lfound, octave_idx_type *found,
+                    octave_idx_type maxdim, octave_idx_type mindim,
+                    octave_idx_type delay, octave_idx_type maxiter,
+                    long act)
+  OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (double *, lfactor, maxdim - 1);
+  OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (double ,lfactor_data, (maxdim-1) * (maxiter+1));
+  OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (long *, lcount, maxdim - 1);
+  OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (long, lcount_data, (maxdim-1) * (maxiter + 1));
+  for (octave_idx_type i=0;i<maxdim-1;i++) {
+    lfactor[i] = lfactor_data + (maxiter+1) * i;
+    lcount[i]  = lcount_data + (maxiter+1) * i;
+  }
+  OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (double, dx, maxiter+1);
+  for (octave_idx_type i=0;i<=maxiter;i++)
+    for (octave_idx_type j=0;j<maxdim-1;j++) {
+      lfactor[j][i]=0.0;
+      lcount[j][i]=0;
+    }
+  for (octave_idx_type j=mindim-2;j<maxdim-1;j++) {
+    for (octave_idx_type k=0;k<found[j];k++) {
+      octave_idx_type element=lfound[j][k];
+      for (octave_idx_type i=0;i<=maxiter;i++)
+         dx[i]=sqr(series[act+i]-series[element+i]);
+      for (octave_idx_type l=1;l<j+2;l++) {
+         octave_idx_type l1=l*delay;
+         for (octave_idx_type i=0;i<=maxiter;i++)
+           dx[i] += sqr(series[act+i+l1]-series[element+l1+i]);
+      }
+      for (octave_idx_type i=0;i<=maxiter;i++)
+         if (dx[i] > 0.0){
+           lcount[j][i]++;
+           lfactor[j][i] += dx[i];
+         }
+    }
+  }
+  for (octave_idx_type i=mindim-2;i<maxdim-1;i++)
+    for (octave_idx_type j=0;j<=maxiter;j++)
+      if (lcount[i][j]) {
+         count[i][j]++;
+         lyap[i][j] += log(lfactor[i][j]/lcount[i][j])/2.0;
+      }
+DEFUN_DLD (__lyap_k__, args, , HELPTEXT)
+  int nargin = args.length ();
+  octave_value_list retval;
+  if (nargin != 13)
+  {
+    print_usage ();
+  }
+  else
+    {
+      // Assign input
+      NDArray input             = args(0).array_value ();
+      octave_idx_type maxdim    = args(1).idx_type_value ();
+      octave_idx_type mindim    = args(2).idx_type_value ();
+      octave_idx_type delay     = args(3).idx_type_value ();
+      double epsmin             = args(4).double_value ();
+      bool eps0set              = args(5).bool_value ();
+      double epsmax             = args(6).double_value ();
+      bool eps1set              = args(7).bool_value ();
+      octave_idx_type epscount  = args(8).idx_type_value ();
+      octave_idx_type reference = args(9).idx_type_value ();
+      octave_idx_type maxiter   = args(10).idx_type_value ();
+      octave_idx_type window    = args(11).idx_type_value ();
+      bool verbose              = args(12).bool_value ();
+      octave_idx_type length = input.numel ();
+      double *series = input.fortran_vec ();
+      double min_val, max_val;
+      // Analyze input and adjust
+      rescale_data(input,length,&min_val,&max_val);
+      if (eps0set)
+        epsmin /= max_val;
+      if (eps1set)
+        epsmax /= max_val;
+      // Allocate memory
+      OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (octave_idx_type, liste, length);
+      OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (octave_idx_type, found, maxdim-1);
+      OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (octave_idx_type *, box, BOX);
+      OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (octave_idx_type, box_data, BOX * BOX);
+      for (octave_idx_type i=0; i<BOX; i++)
+        box[i] = box_data + BOX * i;
+      OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (octave_idx_type *, lfound, maxdim -1);
+      OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (octave_idx_type, lfound_data, (maxdim-1) * length);
+      for (octave_idx_type i=0;i<maxdim-1;i++)
+        lfound[i]=lfound_data + length * i;
+      OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (long *, count, maxdim - 1);
+      OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (long, count_data, (maxdim-1) * (maxiter+1));
+      for (octave_idx_type i=0;i<maxdim-1;i++)
+        count[i]=count_data + (maxiter+1) * i;
+      OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (double *, lyap, maxdim -1);
+      OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (double, lyap_data, (maxdim-1) * (maxiter + 1));
+      for (octave_idx_type i=0;i<maxdim-1;i++)
+        lyap[i]=lyap_data + (maxiter+1) * i;
+      double eps_fak;
+      if (epscount == 1)
+        eps_fak=1.0;
+      else
+        eps_fak=pow(epsmax/epsmin,1.0/(double)(epscount-1));
+      if (! error_state)
+        {
+          // Calculate exponents
+          dim_vector dv (epscount ,((int)maxdim-(int)mindim + 1));
+          string_vector keys;
+          keys.append (std::string("eps"));
+          keys.append (std::string("dim"));
+          keys.append (std::string("exp"));
+          octave_map output (dv,keys);
+          for (octave_idx_type l=0;l<epscount;l++)
+            {
+              double epsilon=epsmin*pow(eps_fak,(double)l);
+              for (octave_idx_type i=0;i<maxdim-1;i++)
+                for (octave_idx_type j=0;j<=maxiter;j++) {
+                   count[i][j]=0;
+                   lyap[i][j]=0.0;
+                }
+              put_in_boxes(series, liste, box, length, maxdim, delay, maxiter, 
+                           epsilon);
+              for (octave_idx_type i=0;i<reference;i++)
+                {
+                  lfind_neighbors(series, lfound, found, liste, box, window,
+                                  maxdim, delay, i,epsilon);
+                  iterate_points(series, lyap, count, lfound, found,
+                                 maxdim, mindim, delay, maxiter, i);
+                }
+              if (verbose)
+                printf("epsilon= %e\n",epsilon*max_val);
+              // Assign output
+              for (octave_idx_type i=mindim-2;i<maxdim-1;i++)
+                {
+                  // old fprintf(fout,"#epsilon= %e  dim= %d\n", 
+                  //             epsilon*max_val,i+2);
+                  octave_scalar_map tmp (keys);
+                  tmp.setfield ("eps", epsilon*max_val);
+                  tmp.setfield ("dim", i+2);
+                  // Create matrix for the exponent data
+                  Matrix lyap_exp (maxiter + 1,3);
+                  octave_idx_type counter = 0;
+                  for (octave_idx_type j=0;j<=maxiter;j++)
+                    if (count[i][j])
+                      {
+                        // old fprintf(fout,"%d %e %ld\n",j,
+                        //             lyap[i][j]/count[i][j],count[i][j]);
+                          lyap_exp(counter, 0) = j;
+                          lyap_exp(counter, 1) = lyap[i][j]/count[i][j];
+                          lyap_exp(counter, 2) = count[i][j];
+                          counter             += 1;
+                       }
+                  // Resize output to fit actual number of found exponents
+                  lyap_exp.resize(counter, 3);
+                  tmp.setfield ("exp", lyap_exp);
+                  output.assign(idx_vector(l),idx_vector(i-(int)(mindim-2)),
+                                tmp);
+                }
+            }
+          // Assign output
+          retval(0) = output;
+        }
+    }
+  return retval;
diff --git a/src/__lyap_r__.cc b/src/__lyap_r__.cc
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..5e429d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/__lyap_r__.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,230 @@
+ *   This file is part of TISEAN
+ *
+ *   Copyright (c) 1998-2007 Rainer Hegger, Holger Kantz, Thomas Schreiber
+ *
+ *   TISEAN is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ *   (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ *   TISEAN is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ *   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ *   GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ *   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ *   along with TISEAN; if not, write to the Free Software
+ *   Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
+ */
+/* Author: Rainer Hegger 
+ * Modified: Piotr Held <pjheld at gmail.com> (2015).
+ * This function is based on lyap_r of TISEAN 3.0.1 
+ * https://github.com/heggus/Tisean"
+ */
+#define HELPTEXT "Part of tisean package\n\
+No argument checking\n\
+#include <octave/oct.h>
+#include "routines_c/tsa.h"
+#define NMAX 256
+void put_in_boxes(double *series, octave_idx_type **box, octave_idx_type *list,
+                  double eps, octave_idx_type length, octave_idx_type dim,
+                  octave_idx_type delay, octave_idx_type steps)
+  double epsinv=1.0/eps;
+  for (octave_idx_type i=0;i<NMAX;i++)
+    for (octave_idx_type j=0;j<NMAX;j++)
+      box[i][j]= -1;
+  octave_idx_type del=delay*(dim-1);
+  for (octave_idx_type i=0;i<length-del-steps;i++) {
+    octave_idx_type x=(octave_idx_type)(series[i]*epsinv)&(NMAX-1);
+    octave_idx_type y=(octave_idx_type)(series[i+del]*epsinv)&(NMAX-1);
+    list[i]=box[x][y];
+    box[x][y]=i;
+  }
+bool make_iterate(double *series, octave_idx_type **box, octave_idx_type *list,
+                  long *found, double *lyap, double eps,
+                  octave_idx_type length, octave_idx_type dim,
+                  octave_idx_type delay, octave_idx_type steps,
+                  octave_idx_type mindist, octave_idx_type act)
+  bool ok=0;
+  octave_idx_type minelement= -1;
+  double mindx=1.0;
+  double epsinv = 1.0/eps;
+  octave_idx_type k;
+  octave_idx_type x = (octave_idx_type)(series[act]*epsinv)&(NMAX-1);
+  octave_idx_type y = (octave_idx_type)(series[act+delay*(dim-1)]*epsinv)
+                      &(NMAX-1);
+  for (octave_idx_type i=x-1;i<=x+1;i++) {
+    octave_idx_type i1=i&(NMAX-1);
+    for (octave_idx_type j=y-1;j<=y+1;j++) {
+      octave_idx_type element=box[i1][j&(NMAX-1)];
+      while (element != -1) {
+         if (labs(act-element) > mindist) {
+           double dx=0.0;
+           for (k=0;k<dim*delay;k+=delay) {
+             dx += (series[act+k]-series[element+k])*
+               (series[act+k]-series[element+k]);
+             if (dx > eps*eps)
+               break;
+           }
+           if (k==dim*delay) {
+             if (dx < mindx) {
+               ok=1;
+               if (dx > 0.0) {
+                  mindx=dx;
+                  minelement=element;
+               }
+             }
+           }
+         }
+         element=list[element];
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  if ((minelement != -1) ) {
+    act--;
+    minelement--;
+    for (octave_idx_type i=0;i<=steps;i++) {
+      act++;
+      minelement++;
+      double dx=0.0;
+      for (octave_idx_type j=0;j<dim*delay;j+=delay) {
+         dx += (series[act+j]-series[minelement+j])*
+           (series[act+j]-series[minelement+j]);
+      }
+      if (dx > 0.0) {
+         found[i]++;
+         lyap[i] += log(dx);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  return ok;
+DEFUN_DLD (__lyap_r__, args, , HELPTEXT)
+  int nargin = args.length ();
+  octave_value_list retval;
+  if (nargin != 8)
+  {
+    print_usage ();
+  }
+  else
+    {
+      // Assign input
+      NDArray input           = args(0).array_value ();
+      octave_idx_type dim     = args(1).idx_type_value ();
+      octave_idx_type delay   = args(2).idx_type_value ();
+      octave_idx_type mindist = args(3).idx_type_value ();
+      double eps0             = args(4).double_value ();
+      bool epsset             = args(5).bool_value ();
+      octave_idx_type steps   = args(6).idx_type_value ();
+      bool verbose            = args(7).bool_value ();
+      octave_idx_type length = input.numel ();
+      double *series = input.fortran_vec ();
+      // Reascale data and adjust input
+      double min_val,max_val;
+      rescale_data(input,length,&min_val,&max_val);
+      if (epsset)
+        eps0 /= max_val;
+      // Allocate memory
+      OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (octave_idx_type *, box, NMAX);
+      OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (octave_idx_type, box_data, NMAX * NMAX);
+      for (octave_idx_type i=0;i<NMAX;i++)
+        box[i]=box_data + NMAX * i;
+      OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (octave_idx_type, list, length);
+      OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (double, lyap, steps + 1);
+      OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (long, found, steps+1);
+      OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (bool, done, length);
+      for (octave_idx_type i=0;i<=steps;i++) {
+        lyap[i]=0.0;
+        found[i]=0;
+      }
+      for (octave_idx_type i=0;i<length;i++)
+        done[i]=0;
+      octave_idx_type maxlength=length-delay*(dim-1)-steps-1-mindist;
+      bool alldone=0;
+      if (! error_state)
+        {
+          // Calculate the maximum epsilon that makes sense
+          // On the basis of 'i' and 'j' from put_in_boxes ()
+          NDArray input_max = input.max ();
+          double maximum_epsilon = (input_max(0) > input_max(dim-1))
+                                   ? input_max(0) : input_max(dim-1);
+          maximum_epsilon *= 1.1;
+          // Calculate lyapunov exponents
+          for (double eps=eps0;!alldone;eps*=1.1)
+            {
+              // If epsilon became too large 
+              // there is no sense in continuing
+              if (eps > maximum_epsilon)
+                {
+                  error_with_id ("Octave:tisean", "The neighbourhood size"
+                                 " became too large during search,"
+                                 " no sense continuing");
+                  return retval;
+                }
+              put_in_boxes(series, box, list, eps, length, dim, delay, steps);
+              alldone=1;
+              for (octave_idx_type n=0;n<=maxlength;n++)
+                {
+                  if (!done[n])
+                     done[n]=make_iterate(series, box, list, found, lyap, eps,
+                                          length, dim, delay, steps, mindist,
+                                          n);
+                  alldone &= done[n];
+                }
+              if (verbose)
+                printf("epsilon: %e already found: %ld\n",eps*max_val,
+                       found[0]);
+            }
+          // Create output
+          Matrix output (steps+1, 2);
+          octave_idx_type count = 0;
+          for (octave_idx_type i=0;i<=steps;i++)
+            if (found[i])
+              {
+                // old fprintf(file,"%d %e\n",i,lyap[i]/found[i]/2.0);
+                output(count,0) = i;
+                output(count,1) = lyap[i]/found[i]/2.0;
+                count          += 1;
+              }
+          // Resize output to match number of found points
+          if (count < output.numel ())
+            output.resize (count, 2);
+          // Assign output
+          retval(0) = output;
+        }
+    }
+  return retval;
diff --git a/src/__lyap_spec__.cc b/src/__lyap_spec__.cc
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..4c80e5e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/__lyap_spec__.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,568 @@
+ *   This file is part of TISEAN
+ *
+ *   Copyright (c) 1998-2007 Rainer Hegger, Holger Kantz, Thomas Schreiber
+ *
+ *   TISEAN is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ *   (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ *   TISEAN is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ *   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ *   GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ *   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ *   along with TISEAN; if not, write to the Free Software
+ *   Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
+ */
+/* Author: Rainer Hegger 
+ * Modified: Piotr Held <pjheld at gmail.com> (2015).
+ * This function is based on lyap_spec of TISEAN 3.0.1 
+ * https://github.com/heggus/Tisean"
+ */
+#define HELPTEXT "Part of tisean package\n\
+No argument checking\n\
+#include <octave/oct.h>
+#include <octave/oct-map.h>
+#include "routines_c/tsa.h"
+#include <limits>
+#define OUT 10
+#define BOX 512
+#define EPSMAX 1.0
+// the delay vector is calculated in the associated m-file
+// according to authors of TISEAN the DELAY > 1 did not work for some reason
+#define DELAY 1
+double sort(const double **series, unsigned long *found,
+            octave_idx_type **indexes, double epsmin, bool epsset,
+            octave_idx_type alldim, octave_idx_type MINNEIGHBORS,
+            octave_idx_type LENGTH, long act,
+            octave_idx_type *nfound, bool *enough)
+  double maxeps=0.0,dx,dswap,maxdx;
+  long self=0,i,j,del,hf,iswap,n1;
+  octave_idx_type imax = *nfound;
+  *enough=0;
+  OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (double, abstand, LENGTH);
+  for (i=0;i<imax;i++) {
+    hf=found[i];
+    if (hf != act) {
+      maxdx=fabs(series[0][act]-series[0][hf]);
+      for (j=1;j<alldim;j++) {
+        n1=indexes[0][j];
+        del=indexes[1][j];
+        dx=fabs(series[n1][act-del]-series[n1][hf-del]);
+        if (dx > maxdx) maxdx=dx;
+      }
+      abstand[i]=maxdx;
+    }
+    else {
+      self=i;
+    }
+  }
+  if (self != (imax-1)) {
+    abstand[self]=abstand[imax-1];
+    found[self]=found[imax-1];
+  }
+  for (i=0;i<MINNEIGHBORS;i++) {
+    for (j=i+1;j<imax-1;j++) {
+      if (abstand[j]<abstand[i]) {
+        dswap=abstand[i];
+        abstand[i]=abstand[j];
+        abstand[j]=dswap;
+        iswap=found[i];
+        found[i]=found[j];
+        found[j]=iswap;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  if (!epsset || (abstand[MINNEIGHBORS-1] >= epsmin)) {
+    *nfound=MINNEIGHBORS;
+    *enough=1;
+    maxeps=abstand[MINNEIGHBORS-1];
+    return maxeps;
+  }
+  for (i=MINNEIGHBORS;i<imax-2;i++) {
+    for (j=i+1;j<imax-1;j++) {
+      if (abstand[j]<abstand[i]) {
+        dswap=abstand[i];
+        abstand[i]=abstand[j];
+        abstand[j]=dswap;
+        iswap=found[i];
+        found[i]=found[j];
+        found[j]=iswap;
+      }
+    }
+    if (abstand[i] > epsmin) {
+      (*nfound)=i+1;
+      *enough=1;
+      maxeps=abstand[i];
+      return maxeps;
+    }
+  }
+  maxeps=abstand[imax-2];
+  return maxeps;
+void make_dynamics(const double **series, octave_idx_type **box,
+                   octave_idx_type **indexes, double &epsmin, bool epsset,
+                   double EPSSTEP, octave_idx_type EMBED,
+                   octave_idx_type MINNEIGHBORS, octave_idx_type LENGTH,
+                   octave_idx_type DIMENSION,
+                   octave_idx_type count, double &avneig, double &aveps,
+                   double **dynamics, double *averr, octave_idx_type act)
+  OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (unsigned long, found, LENGTH);
+  OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (const double*, hser, DIMENSION);
+  for (octave_idx_type i=0;i<DIMENSION;i++)
+    hser[i]=series[i]+act;
+  octave_idx_type alldim = DIMENSION * EMBED;
+  double epsilon=epsmin/EPSSTEP;
+  double foundeps = 0.0;
+  octave_idx_type nfound=0;
+  do {
+    epsilon *= EPSSTEP;
+    if (epsilon > EPSMAX)
+      epsilon=EPSMAX;
+    OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (long, list, LENGTH);
+    make_multi_box(series,box,list,LENGTH-DELAY,BOX,DIMENSION,EMBED,
+                   DELAY,epsilon);
+    nfound=find_multi_neighbors(series,box,list,hser,BOX,
+                                DIMENSION,EMBED,DELAY,epsilon,found);
+    if (nfound > MINNEIGHBORS) {
+      bool got_enough;
+      foundeps=sort(series, found, indexes, epsmin, epsset, alldim,
+                    MINNEIGHBORS, LENGTH, act, &nfound, &got_enough);
+      if (got_enough)
+        break;
+    }
+  } while (epsilon < EPSMAX);
+  avneig += nfound;
+  aveps += foundeps;
+  if (!epsset)
+    epsmin=aveps/count;
+  // If less neighbors found than the minimum number
+  // No sense continuing
+  if (nfound < MINNEIGHBORS)
+    {
+      error_with_id ("Octave:tisean","Not enough neighbors found");
+      return ;
+    }
+  // *_arr signifies pointer to data in *
+  // This is done for optimization
+  Matrix vec (alldim + 1,1);
+  vec.fill (0.0);
+  double *vec_arr = vec.fortran_vec ();
+  Matrix mat (alldim+1, alldim+1);
+  mat.fill (0.0);
+  OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (double *, mat_arr, alldim + 1);
+  for (octave_idx_type i = 0; i < alldim + 1; i++)
+    mat_arr[i] = mat.fortran_vec () + (alldim+1) * i;
+  for (octave_idx_type i=0;i<nfound;i++) {
+    octave_idx_type act=found[i];
+    mat_arr[0][0] += 1.0;
+    for (octave_idx_type j=0;j<alldim;j++)
+      mat_arr[0][j+1] += series[indexes[0][j]][act-indexes[1][j]];
+    for (octave_idx_type j=0;j<alldim;j++) {
+      double hv1=series[indexes[0][j]][act-indexes[1][j]];
+      octave_idx_type hj=j+1;
+      for (octave_idx_type k=j;k<alldim;k++)
+        mat_arr[hj][k+1] += series[indexes[0][k]][act-indexes[1][k]]*hv1;
+    }
+  }
+  for (octave_idx_type i=0;i<=alldim;i++)
+    for (octave_idx_type j=i;j<=alldim;j++)
+      mat_arr[j][i]=(mat_arr[i][j]/=(double)nfound);
+  for (octave_idx_type d=0;d<DIMENSION;d++)
+    {
+      for (octave_idx_type i=0;i<=alldim;i++)
+        vec_arr[i]=0.0;
+      for (octave_idx_type i=0;i<nfound;i++) {
+        octave_idx_type act=found[i];
+        double hv=series[d][act+DELAY];
+        vec_arr[0] += hv;
+        for (octave_idx_type j=0;j<alldim;j++)
+          vec_arr[j+1] += hv*series[indexes[0][j]][act-indexes[1][j]];
+      }
+      for (octave_idx_type i=0;i<=alldim;i++)
+        vec_arr[i] /= (double)nfound;
+      Matrix solved      = mat.solve (vec);
+      double *solved_arr = solved.fortran_vec ();
+    // If errors were raised (a singular matrix was encountered), 
+    // there is no sense in countinuing
+    if (error_state)
+      {
+        return ;
+      }
+      double new_vec = solved_arr[0];
+      for (octave_idx_type i=1;i<=alldim;i++)
+        dynamics[d][i-1] = solved_arr[i];
+      for (octave_idx_type i=0;i<alldim;i++)
+        new_vec += dynamics[d][i]*series[indexes[0][i]][act-indexes[1][i]];
+      averr[d]  += (new_vec-series[d][act+DELAY])
+                   *(new_vec-series[d][act+DELAY]);
+    }
+void gram_schmidt(octave_idx_type alldim, double **delta,
+                  double *stretch)
+  OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (double, diff, alldim);
+  OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (double *, dnew, alldim);
+  OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (double, dnew_data, alldim * alldim);
+  for (octave_idx_type i=0;i<alldim;i++)
+    dnew[i]=dnew_data + alldim * i;
+  for (octave_idx_type i=0;i<alldim;i++) {
+    for (octave_idx_type j=0;j<alldim;j++) 
+      diff[j]=0.0;
+    for (octave_idx_type j=0;j<i;j++) {
+      double norm=0.0;
+      for (octave_idx_type k=0;k<alldim;k++)
+        norm += delta[i][k]*dnew[j][k];
+      for (octave_idx_type k=0;k<alldim;k++)
+        diff[k] -= norm*dnew[j][k];
+    }
+    double norm=0.0;
+    for (octave_idx_type j=0;j<alldim;j++)
+      norm += sqr(delta[i][j]+diff[j]);
+    stretch[i]=(norm=sqrt(norm));
+    for (octave_idx_type j=0;j<alldim;j++)
+      dnew[i][j]=(delta[i][j]+diff[j])/norm;
+  }
+  for (octave_idx_type i=0;i<alldim;i++)
+    for (octave_idx_type j=0;j<alldim;j++)
+      delta[i][j]=dnew[i][j];
+void make_iteration(octave_idx_type DIMENSION, octave_idx_type alldim,
+                    double **dynamics, double **delta)
+  OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (double *, dnew, alldim);
+  OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (double, dnew_data, alldim * alldim);
+  for (octave_idx_type i=0;i<alldim;i++)
+    dnew[i]=dnew_data + alldim * i;
+  for (octave_idx_type i=0;i<alldim;i++) {
+    for (octave_idx_type j=0;j<DIMENSION;j++) {
+      dnew[i][j]=dynamics[j][0]*delta[i][0];
+      for (octave_idx_type k=1;k<alldim;k++)
+        dnew[i][j] += dynamics[j][k]*delta[i][k];
+    }
+    for (octave_idx_type j=DIMENSION;j<alldim;j++)
+      dnew[i][j]=delta[i][j-1];
+  }
+  for (octave_idx_type i=0;i<alldim;i++)
+    for (octave_idx_type j=0;j<alldim;j++)
+      delta[i][j]=dnew[i][j];
+DEFUN_DLD (__lyap_spec__, args, nargout, HELPTEXT)
+  int nargin = args.length ();
+  octave_value_list retval;
+  if ((nargin != 8 && nargin != 13) || nargout != 2)
+  {
+    print_usage ();
+  }
+  else
+    {
+      // Assign input
+      Matrix input                 = args(0).matrix_value ();
+      octave_idx_type EMBED        = args(1).idx_type_value ();
+      octave_idx_type ITERATIONS   = args(2).idx_type_value ();
+      double epsmin                = args(3).double_value ();
+      bool epsset                  = args(4).bool_value ();
+      double EPSSTEP               = args(5).double_value ();
+      octave_idx_type MINNEIGHBORS = args(6).idx_type_value ();
+      octave_idx_type it_pause     = args(7).idx_type_value ();
+      octave_idx_type count = 0;
+      if (nargin == 13)
+        {
+          count        = args(8).idx_type_value ();
+          if (count > (ITERATIONS - (EMBED-1)*DELAY))
+            error_with_id ("Octave:tisean", "The variable 'count' grew too "
+                                            "large");
+          if (count < 0)
+            error_with_id ("Octave:tisean", "The variable 'count' is too "
+                                            "small");
+        }
+      octave_idx_type LENGTH    = input.rows ();
+      octave_idx_type DIMENSION = input.columns ();
+      octave_idx_type alldim    = DIMENSION*EMBED;
+      // The following Matrix need to passed when
+      // performing an interrupted execution
+      Matrix averr_matrix;
+      if (count == 0)
+        averr_matrix.resize (DIMENSION,1);
+      else if (nargin == 13)
+        averr_matrix = args(9).matrix_value ();
+      else
+        error_with_id ("Octave:tisean", "Wrong number of arguments (%d) "
+                                        "for current count = %d",
+                       nargin, count);
+      double *averr = averr_matrix.fortran_vec ();
+      Matrix delta_matrix;
+      if (count == 0)
+        delta_matrix.resize (alldim, alldim);
+      else if (nargin == 13)
+        delta_matrix = args(10).matrix_value ();
+      else
+        error_with_id ("Octave:tisean", "Wrong number of arguments (%d) "
+                                        "for current count = %d",
+                       nargin, count);
+      OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (double *, delta, alldim);
+      for (octave_idx_type i=0;i<alldim;i++)
+        delta[i] = delta_matrix.fortran_vec () + alldim * i;
+      double avneig;
+      if (nargin == 13)
+        avneig = args(11).double_value ();
+      double aveps;
+      if (nargin == 13)
+        aveps  = args(12).double_value ();
+      // Analyze and rescale input
+      OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (double, interval, DIMENSION);
+      OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (double, var, DIMENSION);
+      double maxinterval=0.0;
+      for (octave_idx_type i=0;i<DIMENSION;i++) {
+        double min_val;
+        rescale_data(input,i,LENGTH,&min_val,&interval[i]);
+        if (interval[i] > maxinterval) 
+          maxinterval=interval[i];
+        double av;
+        variance(input.column(i),LENGTH,&av,&var[i]);
+      }
+      // Series is a pointer to data stored in input
+      // so input(i,j) == series[j][i]
+      // This is done for optimization purposes
+      OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (const double *, series, DIMENSION);
+      for (octave_idx_type j = 0; j < DIMENSION; j++)
+        {
+          const double *ptr = input.fortran_vec ();
+          series[j] = ptr + LENGTH * j;
+        }
+      // Allocate memory
+      OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (octave_idx_type *, box, BOX);
+      OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (octave_idx_type, box_data, BOX * BOX);
+      for (octave_idx_type i=0;i<BOX;i++)
+        box[i]=box_data + BOX * i;
+      OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (double, factor, alldim);
+      OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (double, lfactor, alldim);
+      OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (double *, dynamics, DIMENSION);
+      OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (double, dynamics_data, DIMENSION * alldim);
+      for (octave_idx_type i=0;i<DIMENSION;i++)
+        dynamics[i]=dynamics_data + alldim * i;
+    // old  indexes=make_multi_index(dim,embed,DELAY);
+      OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (octave_idx_type *, indexes, 2);
+      OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (octave_idx_type, indexes_data, 2*DIMENSION * EMBED);
+      indexes[0] = indexes_data;
+      indexes[1] = indexes_data + (DIMENSION * EMBED);
+      for (octave_idx_type i=0;i<DIMENSION * EMBED;i++) 
+        {
+          indexes[0][i]=i%DIMENSION;
+          indexes[1][i]=(i/DIMENSION)*DELAY;
+        }
+     // end old indexes = make_multi_index();
+      if (!error_state)
+        {
+          // Promote warnings connected with singular matrixes to errors
+          set_warning_state ("Octave:nearly-singular-matrix","error");
+          set_warning_state ("Octave:singular-matrix","error");
+          // Prepare data for running first time
+          if (count == 0)
+            {
+              averr_matrix.fill (0.0);
+              if (epsset)
+                epsmin /= maxinterval;
+              // old rnd_init(0x098342L);
+              TISEAN_rand generator (0x098342L);
+              for (octave_idx_type i=0;i<10000;i++)
+                generator.rnd_long();
+              for (octave_idx_type i=0;i<alldim;i++) {
+                factor[i]=0.0;
+                for (octave_idx_type j=0;j<alldim;j++)
+                  delta[i][j] = (double)generator.rnd_long()
+                                / (double)std::numeric_limits<octave_idx_type>
+                                          ::max ();
+              }
+              gram_schmidt(alldim, delta,lfactor);
+              avneig = 0.0;
+              aveps  = 0.0;
+            }
+          // Create output
+          Matrix lyap_exp (1, 1 + alldim);
+          time_t lasttime;
+          time(&lasttime);
+          bool pause_calc = false;
+          for (octave_idx_type i = count + (EMBED-1) * DELAY;
+               i < ITERATIONS && !pause_calc; i++)
+            {
+              count++;
+              make_dynamics(series, box, indexes, epsmin, epsset, EPSSTEP,
+                            EMBED, MINNEIGHBORS, LENGTH, DIMENSION, count,
+                            avneig, aveps, dynamics, averr, i);
+              // If there was an error
+              // (matrix singularity or not enough neighbors)
+              // No sense continuing
+              if (error_state)
+                {
+                  return retval;
+                }
+              make_iteration(DIMENSION, alldim, dynamics, delta);
+              gram_schmidt(alldim, delta,lfactor);
+              for (octave_idx_type j=0;j<alldim;j++) {
+                factor[j] += log(lfactor[j])/(double)DELAY;
+              }
+              if (((time(NULL)-lasttime) > OUT) || (i == (ITERATIONS-1))
+                  || (count % it_pause == 0) )
+                {
+                  time(&lasttime);
+                  // Create spectrum output
+                  // old fprintf(stdout,"%ld ",count);
+                  lyap_exp(0,0) = count;
+                  for (octave_idx_type j=0;j<alldim;j++)
+                    {
+                      // old fprintf(stdout,"%e ",factor[j]/count);
+                      lyap_exp(0, 1+j) = factor[j]/count;
+                    }
+                  pause_calc = true;
+                }
+            }
+          // Create pause output
+          if (count < (ITERATIONS - (EMBED-1)*DELAY))
+            {
+              octave_scalar_map pause_vars;
+              pause_vars.setfield ("averr", averr_matrix);
+              pause_vars.setfield ("delta", delta_matrix);
+              pause_vars.setfield ("count", count);
+              pause_vars.setfield ("avneig", avneig);
+              pause_vars.setfield ("aveps", aveps);
+              pause_vars.setfield ("epsmin", epsmin);
+              retval(0) = lyap_exp; 
+              retval(1) = pause_vars;
+            }
+          // Create final output
+          if (count == (ITERATIONS - (EMBED-1)*DELAY))
+            {
+              double dim=0.0;
+              octave_idx_type i;
+              for (i=0;i<alldim;i++) {
+                dim += factor[i];
+                if (dim < 0.0)
+                  break;
+              }
+              if (i < alldim)
+                dim=i+(dim-factor[i])/fabs(factor[i]);
+              else
+                dim=alldim;
+              // Create output pars
+              octave_scalar_map pars;
+              // Create rel_err
+              Matrix rel_err (1, DIMENSION);
+              // old fprintf(stdout,"#Average relative forecast errors:= ");
+              for (octave_idx_type i=0;i<DIMENSION;i++)
+                {
+                  // old fprintf(stdout,"%e ",sqrt(averr[i]/count)/var[i]);
+                  rel_err(0,i) = sqrt(averr[i]/count)/var[i];
+                }
+              pars.setfield ("rel_err", rel_err);
+              // Create abs_err
+              Matrix abs_err (1, DIMENSION);
+              // old fprintf(stdout,"#Average absolute forecast errors:= ");
+              for (octave_idx_type i=0;i<DIMENSION;i++)
+                {
+                  // old fprintf(stdout,"%e ",sqrt(averr[i]/count)
+                  //                          *interval[i]);
+                  abs_err(0,i) = sqrt(averr[i]/count)*interval[i];
+                }
+              pars.setfield ("abs_err", abs_err);
+              // old fprintf(stdout,"#Average Neighborhood Size= %e\n",
+              //             aveps*maxinterval/count);
+              pars.setfield ("nsize", aveps*maxinterval/count);
+              // old fprintf(stdout,"#Average num. of neighbors= %e\n",
+              //             avneig/count);
+              pars.setfield ("nno", avneig/count);
+              // old fprintf(stdout,"#estimated KY-Dimension= %f\n",dim);
+              pars.setfield ("ky_dim", dim);
+              // Assign output
+              retval(0) = lyap_exp;
+              retval(1) = pars;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+  return retval;
diff --git a/src/__lzo_gm__.cc b/src/__lzo_gm__.cc
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..7c186a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/__lzo_gm__.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,201 @@
+ *   This file is part of TISEAN
+ *
+ *   Copyright (c) 1998-2007 Rainer Hegger, Holger Kantz, Thomas Schreiber,
+ *                           Piotr Held
+ *   TISEAN is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ *   (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ *   TISEAN is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ *   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ *   GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ *   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ *   along with TISEAN; if not, write to the Free Software
+ *   Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
+ */
+/* Author: Rainer Hegger 
+ * Modified: Piotr Held <pjheld at gmail.com> (2015).
+ * This function is based on lzo-gm of TISEAN 3.0.1 
+ * https://github.com/heggus/Tisean"
+ */
+#define HELPTEXT "Part of tisean package\n\
+No argument checking\n\
+#include <octave/oct.h>
+#include <cmath>
+#include "routines_c/tsa.h"
+/*number of boxes for the neighbor search algorithm*/
+#define NMAX 256
+void make_fit(const Matrix& series, octave_idx_type dim,
+              octave_idx_type act, octave_idx_type number,
+              octave_idx_type STEP, octave_idx_type *found,
+              double *error_array)
+  octave_idx_type LENGTH = series.rows ();
+  for (octave_idx_type i=0;i<dim;i++) 
+    {
+      const double *si = series.fortran_vec() + LENGTH * i;
+      double cast=si[found[0]+STEP];
+      for (octave_idx_type j=1;j<number;j++)
+        cast += si[found[j]+STEP];
+      cast /= (double)number;
+      error_array[i] += sqr(cast-series(act+STEP,i));
+    }
+DEFUN_DLD (__lzo_gm__, args, , HELPTEXT)
+  int nargin = args.length ();
+  octave_value_list retval;
+  if (nargin != 11)
+  {
+    print_usage ();
+  }
+  else
+    {
+      // Assign input
+      Matrix input            = args(0).matrix_value ();
+      octave_idx_type embed   = args(1).idx_type_value ();
+      octave_idx_type delay   = args(2).idx_type_value ();
+      octave_idx_type CLENGTH = args(3).idx_type_value ();
+      double EPS0             = args(4).double_value ();
+      bool eps0set            = args(5).bool_value ();
+      double EPS1             = args(6).double_value ();
+      bool eps1set            = args(7).bool_value ();
+      double EPSF             = args(8).double_value ();
+      octave_idx_type STEP    = args(9).idx_type_value ();
+      unsigned long causal    = args(10).ulong_value ();
+      octave_idx_type LENGTH = input.rows ();
+      octave_idx_type dim    = input.columns ();
+      octave_idx_type clength = (CLENGTH <= LENGTH) 
+                                ? CLENGTH-STEP : LENGTH-STEP;
+      // Analyze data and rescale input
+      double interval,min;
+      double maxinterval = 0.0;
+      for (octave_idx_type i=0;i<dim;i++) 
+        {
+          rescale_data(input,i,LENGTH,&min,&interval);
+          if (interval > maxinterval)
+            maxinterval=interval;
+        }
+      interval=maxinterval;
+      if (eps0set)
+        EPS0 /= interval;
+      if (eps1set)
+        EPS1 /= interval; 
+      // Allocate memory
+      OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (long, list, LENGTH);
+      OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (octave_idx_type, found, LENGTH);
+      OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (unsigned long, hfound, LENGTH);
+      OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (double, error_array, dim);
+      OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (double, hrms, dim);
+      OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (double, hav, dim);
+      OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (double *, hser, dim);
+      MArray<octave_idx_type> box (dim_vector(NMAX,NMAX));
+      if ( ! error_state)
+        {
+          // Estimate maximum possible output size
+          octave_idx_type output_rows = (octave_idx_type)
+                                        ((log(EPS1) - log(EPS0)) / log (EPSF));
+          output_rows += 2;
+          // Create output
+          Matrix output (output_rows,dim+4);
+          octave_idx_type count = 0;
+          for (double epsilon=EPS0;epsilon<EPS1*EPSF;epsilon*=EPSF) 
+            {
+              long pfound=0;
+              for (octave_idx_type i=0;i<dim;i++)
+                error_array[i]=hrms[i]=hav[i]=0.0;
+              double avfound=0.0;
+              make_multi_box(input,box,list,LENGTH-STEP,NMAX,dim,
+                             embed,delay,epsilon);
+              for (octave_idx_type i=(embed-1)*delay;i<clength;i++) 
+                {
+                  for (octave_idx_type j=0;j<dim;j++)
+                    {
+                      // old hser[j]=series[j]+i;
+                      hser[j] = input.fortran_vec() + j * LENGTH + i;
+                    }
+                  octave_idx_type actfound;
+                  actfound = find_multi_neighbors(input,box,list,hser,
+                                                  NMAX,dim,embed,delay,
+                                                  epsilon,hfound);
+                  actfound = exclude_interval(actfound,i-causal+1,
+                                             i+causal+(embed-1)*delay-1,
+                                             hfound,found);
+                  if (actfound > 2*(dim*embed+1)) 
+                    {
+                      make_fit (input, dim, i, actfound, STEP, found,
+                               error_array);
+                      pfound++;
+                      avfound += (double)(actfound-1);
+                      for (octave_idx_type j=0;j<dim;j++) {
+                        hrms[j] += input(i+STEP,j) * input(i+STEP,j);
+                        hav[j] += input(i+STEP,j);
+                      }
+                    }
+                }
+              if (pfound > 1) 
+                {
+                  double sumerror=0.0;
+                  for (octave_idx_type j=0;j<dim;j++) 
+                    {
+                      hav[j] /= pfound;
+                      hrms[j]=sqrt(fabs(hrms[j]/(pfound-1)-hav[j]*hav[j]
+                                   * pfound/(pfound-1)));
+                      error_array[j]=sqrt(error_array[j]/pfound)/hrms[j];
+                      sumerror += error_array[j];
+                    }
+                  // Write output
+        // old fprintf(stdout,"%e %e ",epsilon*interval,sumerror/(double)dim);
+                  output(count, 0) = epsilon * interval;
+                  output(count, 1) = sumerror / (double) dim;
+                for (octave_idx_type j=0;j<dim;j++)
+                  {
+                    // old fprintf(stdout,"%e ",error_array[j]);
+                    output(count, 2 + j) = error_array[j];
+                  }
+  //    old fprintf(stdout,"%e %e\n",(double)pfound/(clength-(embed-1)*delay),
+  //                                avfound/pfound);
+                output(count,2 + dim) = (double)pfound / 
+                                        (clength-(embed-1)*delay);
+                output(count,2 + dim + 1) = avfound/pfound;
+                count += 1;
+                }
+            }
+          // Resize output to fit actual results instead of
+          // an educated guess
+          // if count == 0 then the output will be an 0x4+dim matrix
+          output.resize (count, dim + 4);
+          retval(0) = output;
+        }
+    }
+  return retval;
diff --git a/src/__lzo_run__.cc b/src/__lzo_run__.cc
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..9758196
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/__lzo_run__.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,298 @@
+ *   This file is part of TISEAN
+ *
+ *   Copyright (c) 1998-2007 Rainer Hegger, Holger Kantz, Thomas Schreiber
+ *
+ *   TISEAN is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ *   (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ *   TISEAN is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ *   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ *   GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ *   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ *   along with TISEAN; if not, write to the Free Software
+ *   Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
+ */
+/* Author: Rainer Hegger 
+ * Modified: Piotr Held <pjheld at gmail.com> (2015).
+ * This function is based on lzo-run of TISEAN 3.0.1 
+ * https://github.com/heggus/Tisean"
+ */
+#define HELPTEXT "Part of tisean package\n\
+No argument checking\n\
+#include "routines_c/tsa.h"
+#include <octave/oct.h>
+#define NMAX 128
+octave_idx_type embed, DELAY, MINN;
+void sort(const Matrix &series, octave_idx_type *found, 
+          double *abstand, double **cast, octave_idx_type nfound,
+          octave_idx_type hdim)
+  octave_idx_type dim = series.columns ();
+  for (octave_idx_type i=0;i<nfound;i++) {
+    octave_idx_type hf=found[i];
+    abstand[i]=0.0;
+    for (octave_idx_type j=0;j<dim;j++) {
+      for (octave_idx_type k=0;k<=hdim;k += DELAY) {
+      double dx=fabs(series(hf-k,j)-cast[hdim-k][j]);
+      if (dx > abstand[i]) abstand[i]=dx;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  for (octave_idx_type  i=0;i<MINN;i++)
+    for (octave_idx_type  j=i+1;j<nfound;j++)
+      if (abstand[j]<abstand[i]) {
+      double dswap=abstand[i];
+      abstand[i]=abstand[j];
+      abstand[j]=dswap;
+      octave_idx_type iswap=found[i];
+      found[i]=found[j];
+      found[j]=iswap;
+      }
+void put_in_boxes(const Matrix &series, MArray<octave_idx_type> &box,
+                  long *list, double epsilon, octave_idx_type hdim)
+  double epsinv=1.0/epsilon;
+  for (octave_idx_type i=0;i<NMAX;i++)
+    for (octave_idx_type j=0;j<NMAX;j++)
+      box(i,j)= -1;
+  octave_idx_type LENGTH = series.rows ();
+  octave_idx_type dim    = series.columns ();
+  for (octave_idx_type n=hdim;n<LENGTH-1;n++) {
+    octave_idx_type i=(octave_idx_type)(series(n,0)*epsinv)&(NMAX-1);
+    octave_idx_type j=(octave_idx_type)(series(n-hdim,dim-1)*epsinv)&(NMAX-1);
+    list[n]=box(i,j);
+    box(i,j)=n;
+  }
+unsigned int hfind_neighbors(const Matrix &series,
+                             const MArray<octave_idx_type> indexes,
+                             const MArray<octave_idx_type> box,
+                             const long *list,
+                             double **cast,
+                             octave_idx_type *found, double epsilon,
+                             octave_idx_type hdim)
+  octave_idx_type nfound=0;
+  octave_idx_type dim = series.columns ();
+  double epsinv=1.0/epsilon;
+  octave_idx_type i=(octave_idx_type)(cast[hdim][0]*epsinv)&(NMAX-1);
+  octave_idx_type j=(octave_idx_type)(cast[0][dim-1]*epsinv)&(NMAX-1);
+  for (octave_idx_type i1=i-1;i1<=i+1;i1++) {
+    octave_idx_type i2=i1&(NMAX-1);
+    for (octave_idx_type j1=j-1;j1<=j+1;j1++) {
+      octave_idx_type element=box(i2,j1&(NMAX-1));
+      while (element != -1) {
+      double max=0.0;
+      bool toolarge = false;
+      for (octave_idx_type l=0;(l<dim*embed) && (toolarge == false);l++) {
+        octave_idx_type hc=indexes(l,0);
+        octave_idx_type hd=indexes(l,1);
+        double dx=fabs(series(element-hd,hc)-cast[hdim-hd][hc]);
+        max=(dx>max) ? dx : max;
+        if (max > epsilon) {
+          toolarge=true;
+        }
+      }
+      if (max <= epsilon)
+        found[nfound++]=element;
+        element=list[element];
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  return nfound;
+void make_zeroth(const Matrix &series, TISEAN_rand &generator,
+                 bool setnoise, const double *var, double Q,
+                 const octave_idx_type *found,
+                 int number,double *newcast)
+  octave_idx_type len = series.rows ();
+  octave_idx_type dim = series.columns ();
+  for (octave_idx_type d=0;d<dim;d++) {
+    newcast[d]=0.0;
+//  old   sd=series[d]+1;
+    const double *sd = series.fortran_vec() + d*len + 1;
+    for (octave_idx_type i=0;i<number;i++)
+      newcast[d] += sd[found[i]];
+    newcast[d] /= (double)number;
+  }
+  if (setnoise) {
+    for (octave_idx_type d=0;d<dim;d++)
+      newcast[d] += generator.gaussian(var[d]*Q);
+  }
+DEFUN_DLD (__lzo_run__, args, , HELPTEXT)
+  int nargin = args.length ();
+  octave_value_list retval;
+  if ((nargin != 12))
+  {
+    print_usage ();
+  }
+  else
+    {
+      Matrix input            = args(0).matrix_value ();
+      embed                   = args(1).idx_type_value ();
+      DELAY                   = args(2).idx_type_value ();
+      octave_idx_type FLENGTH = args(3).idx_type_value ();
+      MINN                    = args(4).idx_type_value ();
+      bool setsort            = args(5).bool_value ();
+      unsigned long seed      = args(6).ulong_value ();
+      double EPS0             = args(7).double_value ();
+      bool epsset             = args(8).bool_value ();
+      double EPSF             = args(9).double_value ();
+      double Q                = args(10).double_value ();
+      bool setnoise           = args(11).bool_value ();
+      octave_idx_type LENGTH = input.rows();
+      octave_idx_type dim = input.columns();
+      octave_idx_type hdim=(embed-1)*DELAY+1;
+      OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (double, min, dim);
+      OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (double, interval, dim);
+      OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (double, var, dim);
+      double maxinterval=0.0;
+      for (octave_idx_type i=0;i<dim;i++) {
+        rescale_data(input,i,LENGTH,&min[i],&interval[i]);
+        double dummy;
+        variance(input,LENGTH,&dummy,&var[i]);
+        if (interval[i] > maxinterval)
+          maxinterval=interval[i];
+      }
+      if (epsset)
+        EPS0 /= maxinterval;
+      Matrix cast_mat (dim, hdim);
+      OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (double *, cast, hdim);
+      for (octave_idx_type i=0;i<hdim;i++)
+        cast[i] = cast_mat.fortran_vec () + dim * i;
+      OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (double, newcast, dim);
+      OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (long, list, LENGTH);
+      OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (octave_idx_type, found, LENGTH);
+      OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (double, abstand, LENGTH);
+      MArray<octave_idx_type> box (dim_vector(NMAX,NMAX));
+      if ( ! error_state)
+        {
+          for (octave_idx_type j=0;j<dim;j++)
+            for (octave_idx_type i=0;i<hdim;i++)
+              cast[i][j]=input(LENGTH-hdim+i,j);
+        // old  indexes=make_multi_index(dim,embed,DELAY);
+          octave_idx_type alldim=dim * embed;
+          MArray<octave_idx_type> indexes (dim_vector (alldim, 2));
+          for (octave_idx_type i=0;i<alldim;i++) 
+            {
+              indexes(i,0)=i%dim;
+              indexes(i,1)=(i/dim)*DELAY;
+            }
+         // end old index = make_multi_index();
+      //   old rnd_init(seed);
+          TISEAN_rand generator (seed);
+          double epsilon0=EPS0/EPSF;
+          if (setnoise) 
+            Q /= 100.0;
+          Matrix output (FLENGTH, dim);
+          octave_idx_type row_count = 0;
+          octave_idx_type count = 1;
+          for (octave_idx_type i=0;i<FLENGTH;i++)
+            {
+              bool done=0;
+              double epsilon;
+              if (setsort)
+                epsilon= epsilon0/((double)count*EPSF);
+              else
+                epsilon=epsilon0;
+              while (!done) {
+                epsilon*=EPSF;
+                put_in_boxes(input, box, list, epsilon,(embed-1)*DELAY);
+                octave_idx_type actfound=hfind_neighbors(input, indexes, box,
+                                                         list, cast, found,
+                                                         epsilon,
+                                                         (embed-1) * DELAY);
+                if (actfound >= MINN) {
+                if (setsort) {
+                  epsilon0 += epsilon;
+                  count++;
+                  sort(input, found, abstand, cast, actfound, (embed-1)*DELAY);
+                  actfound=MINN;
+                }
+                make_zeroth(input, generator, setnoise, var, Q, found,
+                            actfound, newcast);
+                for (octave_idx_type j=0;j<dim-1;j++)
+                  {
+                    // old printf("%e ",newcast[j]*interval[j]+min[j]);
+                    output(row_count, j) = newcast[j]*interval[j]+min[j];
+                  }
+            // old printf("%e\n",newcast[dim-1]*interval[dim-1]+min[dim-1]);
+                output(row_count, dim-1) = newcast[dim-1]*interval[dim-1]
+                                           + min[dim-1];
+                row_count += 1;
+                done=1;
+                double *swap=cast[0];
+                for (octave_idx_type j=0;j<hdim-1;j++)
+                  cast[j]=cast[j+1];
+                cast[hdim-1]=swap;
+                for (octave_idx_type j=0;j<dim;j++)
+                  cast[hdim-1][j]=newcast[j];
+                }
+              }
+            }
+          if (row_count != 0)
+            {
+              output.resize (row_count, dim);
+              retval(0) = output;
+            }
+          else 
+            retval(0) = Matrix (0,0);
+        }
+    }
+  return retval;
diff --git a/src/__lzo_test__.cc b/src/__lzo_test__.cc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0ff374c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/__lzo_test__.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,242 @@
+ *   This file is part of TISEAN
+ *
+ *   Copyright (c) 1998-2007 Rainer Hegger, Holger Kantz, Thomas Schreiber,
+ *                           Piotr Held
+ *   TISEAN is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ *   (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ *   TISEAN is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ *   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ *   GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ *   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ *   along with TISEAN; if not, write to the Free Software
+ *   Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
+ */
+/* Author: Rainer Hegger 
+ * Modified: Piotr Held <pjheld at gmail.com> (2015).
+ * This function is based on lzo-test of TISEAN 3.0.1 
+ * https://github.com/heggus/Tisean"
+ */
+#define HELPTEXT "Part of tisean package\n\
+No argument checking\n\
+#include <octave/oct.h>
+#include <cmath>
+#include "routines_c/tsa.h"
+/*number of boxes for the neighbor search algorithm*/
+#define NMAX 512
+void sort(const Matrix &series, octave_idx_type *found, 
+          double *abstand, octave_idx_type embed, octave_idx_type DELAY, 
+          octave_idx_type MINN, octave_idx_type nfound,
+          double **hser)
+  octave_idx_type hdim = (embed-1) * DELAY;
+  octave_idx_type dim = series.columns ();
+  for (octave_idx_type i=0;i<nfound;i++) {
+    octave_idx_type hf=found[i];
+    abstand[i]=0.0;
+    for (octave_idx_type j=0;j<dim;j++) {
+      for (octave_idx_type k=0;k<=hdim;k += DELAY) {
+      double dx=fabs(series(hf-k,j)-hser[hdim-k][j]);
+      if (dx > abstand[i]) abstand[i]=dx;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  for (octave_idx_type  i=0;i<MINN;i++)
+    for (octave_idx_type  j=i+1;j<nfound;j++)
+      if (abstand[j]<abstand[i]) {
+      double dswap=abstand[i];
+      abstand[i]=abstand[j];
+      abstand[j]=dswap;
+      octave_idx_type iswap=found[i];
+      found[i]=found[j];
+      found[j]=iswap;
+      }
+void make_fit(const Matrix &series, octave_idx_type dim,
+              octave_idx_type act, octave_idx_type number,
+              octave_idx_type istep, octave_idx_type *found,
+              Matrix &error_array, Matrix &diffs)
+  double casted;
+  const double *help;
+  octave_idx_type h;
+  h=istep-1;
+  octave_idx_type len = series.rows ();
+  for (octave_idx_type j=0;j<dim;j++) 
+    {
+      casted=0.0;
+  //  old  help=series[j]+istep;
+      help=series.fortran_vec()+j*len+istep;
+      for (octave_idx_type i=0;i<number;i++)
+        casted += help[found[i]];
+      casted /= (double)number;
+      diffs(act,j) = casted-help[act];
+      error_array(h,j)  += sqr(casted-help[act]);
+    }
+DEFUN_DLD (__lzo_test__, args, nargout, HELPTEXT)
+  int nargin = args.length ();
+  octave_value_list retval;
+  if ((nargin != 13) || (nargout > 2))
+  {
+    print_usage ();
+  }
+  else
+    {
+      // Assign input
+      Matrix input            = args(0).matrix_value ();
+      octave_idx_type embed   = args(1).idx_type_value ();
+      octave_idx_type DELAY   = args(2).idx_type_value ();
+      octave_idx_type CLENGTH = args(3).idx_type_value ();
+      bool clengthset         = args(4).bool_value ();
+      octave_idx_type refstep = args(5).idx_type_value ();
+      octave_idx_type MINN    = args(6).idx_type_value ();
+      double EPS0             = args(7).double_value ();
+      bool epsset             = args(8).bool_value ();
+      double EPSF             = args(9).double_value ();
+      octave_idx_type STEP    = args(10).idx_type_value ();
+      octave_idx_type causal  = args(11).idx_type_value ();
+      bool setsort            = args(12).bool_value ();
+      octave_idx_type LENGTH  = input.rows ();
+      octave_idx_type dim     = input.columns ();
+      // Allocate memory and analyze input
+      OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER(double*, hser, dim);
+      OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER(double, av, dim);
+      OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER(double, rms, dim);
+      OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER(double, hinter, dim);
+      double mind;
+      double interval=0.0;
+      for (octave_idx_type i=0;i<dim;i++) {
+        rescale_data(input,i,LENGTH,&mind,&hinter[i]);
+        variance(input.column(i),LENGTH,&av[i],&rms[i]);
+        interval += hinter[i];
+      }
+      interval /= (double)dim;
+      OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (long, list, LENGTH);
+      OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (octave_idx_type, found, LENGTH);
+      OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (unsigned long, hfound, LENGTH);
+      OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (bool, done, LENGTH);
+      OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (double, abstand, LENGTH);
+      Matrix error_array (STEP, dim);
+      Matrix diffs (LENGTH, dim);
+      error_array.fill (0.0);
+      MArray<octave_idx_type> box (dim_vector(NMAX, NMAX));
+      // Compute forecast error
+      if ( ! error_state)
+        {
+          for (octave_idx_type i=0;i<LENGTH;i++)
+            done[i]=0;
+          bool alldone = false;
+          if (epsset)
+            EPS0 /= interval;
+          double epsilon = EPS0 / EPSF;
+          if (!clengthset)
+            CLENGTH=LENGTH;
+          octave_idx_type clength = ((CLENGTH*refstep+STEP) <= LENGTH) 
+                                    ? CLENGTH : (LENGTH-STEP)/refstep;
+          // Compute estimates
+          octave_idx_type actfound;
+          octave_idx_type hi;
+          while (!alldone) {
+            alldone=1;
+            epsilon*=EPSF;
+            make_multi_box(input,box,list,LENGTH-(long)STEP,NMAX,dim,
+                           embed,DELAY,epsilon);
+            for (octave_idx_type i=(embed-1)*DELAY;i<clength;i++)
+              if (!done[i]) {
+              hi=i*refstep;
+              for (octave_idx_type j=0;j<dim;j++)
+                {
+//              old  hser[j]=series[j]+hi;
+                  hser[j] = input.fortran_vec() + j * LENGTH + hi;
+                }
+              actfound=find_multi_neighbors(input,box,list,hser,NMAX,
+                                            dim,embed,DELAY,epsilon,hfound);
+              actfound=exclude_interval(actfound,hi-(long)causal+1,
+                                  hi+causal+(embed-1)*DELAY-1,hfound,found);
+              if (actfound >= MINN)
+                {
+                  if (setsort)
+                    {
+                      sort(input, found, abstand, embed, DELAY, MINN,
+                           actfound, hser);
+                      actfound=MINN;
+                    }
+                  for (octave_idx_type j=1;j<=STEP;j++) {
+                    make_fit(input,dim,hi,actfound,j,found,error_array,diffs);
+                  }
+                  done[i]=1;
+                }
+              alldone &= done[i];
+              }
+          }
+          // Create relative forecast error output
+          Matrix rel_forecast_err (STEP, dim + 1);
+          for (octave_idx_type i=0;i<STEP;i++) 
+            {
+              rel_forecast_err(i,0) = i + 1;
+              for (octave_idx_type j=0;j<dim;j++) 
+                {
+//            old  fprintf(stdout,"%e ",
+//                    sqrt(error[j][i]/(clength-(embed-1)*DELAY))/rms[j]);
+                  rel_forecast_err(i,j+1) = sqrt(error_array(i,j)
+                                          /(clength-(embed-1)*DELAY))/rms[j];
+                }
+            }
+          // Create individual forecast error output
+          Matrix ind_forecast_err (1,1);
+          if (nargout > 1)
+            {
+              ind_forecast_err.resize(clength - (embed-1)*DELAY, dim);
+              for (octave_idx_type i=(embed-1)*DELAY;i<clength;i++) 
+                {
+                  hi=i*refstep;
+                  for (octave_idx_type j=0;j<dim;j++)
+                    {
+//                   old fprintf(stdout,"%e ",diffs[j][hi]*hinter[j]);
+                      ind_forecast_err(i-(embed-1)*DELAY,j) = \
+                      diffs(hi,j)*hinter[j];
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+          retval(0) = rel_forecast_err;
+          retval(1) = ind_forecast_err;
+        }
+    }
+  return retval;
diff --git a/src/__pca__.cc b/src/__pca__.cc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5e51131
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/__pca__.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,251 @@
+ *   This file is part of TISEAN
+ *
+ *   Copyright (c) 1998-2007 Rainer Hegger, Holger Kantz, Thomas Schreiber
+ *                           Piotr Held
+ *   TISEAN is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ *   (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ *   TISEAN is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ *   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ *   GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ *   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ *   along with TISEAN; if not, write to the Free Software
+ *   Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
+ */
+/* Author: Rainer Hegger */
+/* Modified: Piotr Held <pjheld at gmail.com> (2015). 
+ * This function is based on pca of TISEAN 3.0.1
+ * https://github.com/heggus/Tisean"
+ */
+#define HELPTEXT "Part of tisean package\n\
+No argument checking\n\
+#include <octave/oct.h>
+#include "routines_c/tsa.h"
+void ordne(double *lyap,int *ord,octave_idx_type dimemb)
+  long i,j,maxi;
+  double max;
+  for (i=0;i<dimemb;i++)
+    ord[i]=i;
+  for (i=0;i<dimemb-1;i++)
+    for (j=i+1;j<dimemb;j++)
+      if (lyap[i] < lyap[j]) {
+        max=lyap[i];
+        lyap[i]=lyap[j];
+        lyap[j]=max;
+        maxi=ord[i];
+        ord[i]=ord[j];
+        ord[j]=maxi;
+      }
+DEFUN_DLD (__pca__, args, , HELPTEXT)
+  int nargin = args.length ();
+  octave_value_list retval;
+  if (nargin != 7)
+    {
+      print_usage();
+    }
+  else
+    {
+      Matrix input          = args(0).matrix_value ();
+      octave_idx_type DIM   = args(1).idx_type_value ();
+      octave_idx_type EMB   = args(2).idx_type_value ();
+      octave_idx_type DELAY = args(3).idx_type_value ();
+      octave_idx_type LDIM  = args(4).idx_type_value ();
+      bool projection_set   = args(5).bool_value ();
+      int w                 = args(6).int_value ();
+      octave_idx_type LENGTH = input.rows ();
+      bool write_values=0,write_vectors=0;
+      bool write_comp=0,write_proj=0;
+      write_values = 1;
+      if (w > 0)
+        write_vectors = 1;
+      if (w == 2)
+        write_comp = 1;
+      if (w == 3)
+        write_proj = 1;
+      octave_idx_type dimemb=DIM*EMB;
+      if (!projection_set)
+        LDIM=dimemb;
+      else {
+        if (LDIM < 1) LDIM=1;
+        if (LDIM > dimemb) LDIM=dimemb;
+      }
+      OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (double, av, DIM);
+      double rms;
+      for (octave_idx_type j=0;j<DIM;j++) {
+        av[j]=rms=0.0;
+        variance(input.column(j),LENGTH,&av[j],&rms);
+        for (octave_idx_type i=0;i<LENGTH;i++)
+          input(i,j) -= av[j];
+      }
+      // old make_pca()
+      octave_idx_type i1,i2,j1,j2,k1,k2;
+      double hsp=0.0;
+      OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (int, ord, dimemb);
+      OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (double, eig, dimemb);
+      OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (double, matarray, dimemb*dimemb);
+      OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (double*, mat, dimemb);
+      for (octave_idx_type i=0;i<dimemb;i++)
+        mat[i]=(double*)(matarray+i*dimemb);
+      for (octave_idx_type i=0;i<dimemb;i++) {
+        i1=i/EMB;
+        i2=(i%EMB)*DELAY;
+        for (octave_idx_type j=i;j<dimemb;j++) {
+          j1=j/EMB;
+          j2=(j%EMB)*DELAY;
+          mat[i][j]=0.0;
+          for (octave_idx_type k=(EMB-1)*DELAY;k<LENGTH;k++)
+            mat[i][j] += input(k-i2,i1)*input(k-j2,j1);
+          mat[j][i]=(mat[i][j] /= (double)(LENGTH-(EMB-1)*DELAY));
+        }
+      }
+      eigen(mat,dimemb,eig);
+      ordne(eig,ord,dimemb);
+      Matrix eigvals (dimemb, 2);
+      int rows = 0;
+      int cols = 0;
+      if (write_vectors)
+        {
+          rows = dimemb;
+          cols = dimemb;
+        }
+      Matrix eigvec  (rows, cols);
+      rows = 0;
+      cols = 0;
+      if (write_comp)
+        {
+          rows = LENGTH-(EMB-1)*DELAY;
+          cols = LDIM;
+        }
+      Matrix retcomp (rows, cols);
+      rows = 0;
+      cols = 0;
+      if (write_proj)
+        {
+          rows = LENGTH;
+          cols = DIM;
+        }
+      Matrix retproj (rows, cols);
+      for (octave_idx_type i=0;i<dimemb;i++)
+        if (write_values) {
+    //    fprintf(stdout,"%d %e\n",i,eig[i]);
+          eigvals(i,0) = i;
+          eigvals(i,1) = eig[i];
+        }
+      if (write_vectors) {
+        for (octave_idx_type i=0;i<dimemb;i++) {
+          for (octave_idx_type j=0;j<dimemb;j++) {
+            j1=ord[j];
+      //    fprintf(fout,"%e ",mat[i][j1]);
+            eigvec (i,j) = mat[i][j1];
+          }
+        }
+      }
+      if (write_comp) {
+        for (octave_idx_type i=(EMB-1)*DELAY;i<LENGTH;i++) {
+          for (octave_idx_type j=0;j<LDIM;j++) {
+            j1=ord[j];
+            hsp=0.0;
+            for (octave_idx_type k=0;k<dimemb;k++) {
+              k1=k/EMB;
+              k2=(k%EMB)*DELAY;
+              hsp += mat[k][j1]*(input(i-k2,k1)+av[k1]);
+            }
+    //      fprintf(fout,"%e ",hsp);
+            retcomp(i-(EMB-1)*DELAY,j) = hsp;
+          }
+        }
+      }
+      if (write_proj) 
+        {
+          OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (double, sp, LDIM);
+          for (octave_idx_type i=0;i<(EMB-1)*DELAY;i++) 
+            {
+              for (octave_idx_type j=0;j<DIM;j++)
+        ////    fprintf(stdout,"%e ",series[j][i]+av[j]);
+                retproj(i,j) = input(i,j)+av[j];
+            }
+          for (octave_idx_type i=(EMB-1)*DELAY;i<LENGTH;i++) 
+            {
+              for (octave_idx_type j=0;j<LDIM;j++) 
+                {
+                  j1=ord[j];
+                  sp[j]=0.0;
+                  for (octave_idx_type k=0;k<dimemb;k++) 
+                    {
+                      k1=k/EMB;
+                      k2=(k%EMB)*DELAY;
+                      sp[j] += mat[k][j1]*input(i-k2,k1);
+                    }
+                }
+              for (octave_idx_type j=0;j<DIM;j++) 
+                {
+                  hsp=0.0;
+                  for (octave_idx_type k=0;k<LDIM;k++) 
+                    {
+                      k1=ord[k];
+                      hsp += mat[j*EMB][k1]*sp[k];
+                    }
+    ////    fprintf(stdout,"%e ",hsp+av[j]);
+                 retproj(i,j) = hsp + av[j];
+               }
+            }
+        }
+      retval(0) = eigvals;
+      retval(1) = eigvec;
+      if (write_comp)
+        retval(2) = retcomp;
+      if (write_proj)
+        retval(2) = retproj;
+    }
+  return retval;
diff --git a/src/__poincare__.cc b/src/__poincare__.cc
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..66c8191
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/__poincare__.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
+ *   This file is part of TISEAN
+ *
+ *   Copyright (c) 1998-2007 Rainer Hegger, Holger Kantz, Thomas Schreiber
+ *                           Piotr Held
+ *   TISEAN is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ *   (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ *   TISEAN is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ *   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ *   GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ *   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ *   along with TISEAN; if not, write to the Free Software
+ *   Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
+ */
+/* Author: Rainer Hegger
+ * Modified: Piotr Held <pjheld at gmail.com> (2015).
+ * This function is based on poincare of TISEAN 3.0.1 
+ * https://github.com/heggus/Tisean"
+ */
+#define HELPTEXT "Part of tisean package\n\
+No argument checking\n\
+#include <octave/oct.h>
+octave_idx_type poincare (const double *series, octave_idx_type length,
+                          octave_idx_type embdim, octave_idx_type delay,
+                          octave_idx_type comp, double where, bool direction,
+                          Matrix &output)
+  octave_idx_type jd;
+  octave_idx_type count = 0;
+  octave_idx_type column = 0;
+  double delta,xcut;
+  double time=0.0,lasttime=0.0;
+  if (direction == DIRECTION_FROM_BELOW)
+    {
+      for (octave_idx_type i=(comp-1)*delay;i<length-(embdim-comp)*delay-1;i++)
+        {
+          if ((series[i] < where) && (series[i+1] >= where)) 
+            {
+              delta=(series[i]-where)/(series[i]-series[i+1]);
+              time=(double)i+delta;
+              if (lasttime > 0.0)
+                {
+                  column = 0;
+                  for (octave_idx_type j= -(comp-1);j<=embdim-comp;j++) 
+                    {
+                      if (j != 0)
+                        {
+                          jd=i+j*delay;
+                          xcut=series[jd]+delta*(series[jd+1]-series[jd]);
+                          // old fprintf(stdout,"%e ",xcut);
+                          output(count, column) = xcut;
+                          column += 1;
+                        }
+                    }
+                  // old fprintf(stdout,"%e\n",time-lasttime);
+                  output(count, column) = time - lasttime;
+                  count += 1;
+                }
+            }
+          lasttime=time;
+        }
+    }
+  else // direction is from above
+    {
+      for (octave_idx_type i=(comp-1)*delay;i<length-(embdim-comp)*delay-1;i++)
+        {
+          if ((series[i] > where) && (series[i+1] <= where)) 
+            {
+              delta=(series[i]-where)/(series[i]-series[i+1]);
+              time=(double)i+delta;
+              if (lasttime > 0.0)
+                {
+                  column = 0;
+                  for (octave_idx_type j= -(comp-1);j<=embdim-comp;j++)
+                    {
+                      if (j != 0) 
+                        {
+                          jd=i+j*delay;
+                          xcut=series[jd]+delta*(series[jd+1]-series[jd]);
+                        // old fprintf(stdout,"%e ",xcut);
+                          output(count, column) = xcut;
+                          column += 1;
+                        }
+                    }
+                  // old  fprintf(stdout,"%e\n",time-lasttime);
+                  output(count, column) = time - lasttime;
+                  count += 1;
+                }
+              lasttime=time;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+  return count;
+DEFUN_DLD (__poincare__, args, , HELPTEXT)
+  int nargin = args.length ();
+  octave_value_list retval;
+  if (nargin != 7)
+    {
+      print_usage ();
+    }
+  else
+    {
+      // Load data into local variables
+      NDArray input            = args(0).array_value ();
+      octave_idx_type embdim   = args(1).idx_type_value ();
+      octave_idx_type delay    = args(2).idx_type_value ();
+      octave_idx_type comp     = args(3).idx_type_value ();
+      double where             = args(4).double_value ();
+      bool direction           = args(5).bool_value ();
+      octave_idx_type out_size = args(6).idx_type_value ();
+        if ( ! error_state)
+          {
+            Matrix output (out_size, embdim);
+            octave_idx_type count = poincare (input.fortran_vec(), 
+                                              input.numel(), embdim,
+                                              delay, comp, where, direction,
+                                              output);
+            // Resize output to fit sections found
+            output.resize (count, embdim);
+            retval(0) = output;
+          }
+    }
+  return retval;
diff --git a/src/__polynom__.cc b/src/__polynom__.cc
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..88259c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/__polynom__.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,309 @@
+ *   This file is part of TISEAN
+ *
+ *   Copyright (c) 1998-2007 Rainer Hegger, Holger Kantz, Thomas Schreiber
+ *                           Piotr Held
+ *   TISEAN is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ *   (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ *   TISEAN is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ *   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ *   GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ *   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ *   along with TISEAN; if not, write to the Free Software
+ *   Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
+ */
+/* Author: Rainer Hegger 
+ * Modified: Piotr Held <pjheld at gmail.com> (2015).
+ * This function is based on polynom of TISEAN 3.0.1 
+ * https://github.com/heggus/Tisean"
+ */
+#define HELPTEXT "Part of tisean package\n\
+No argument checking\n\
+#include <octave/oct.h>
+#include "routines_c/tsa.h"
+double polynom(double *series, octave_idx_type DELAY, octave_idx_type N,
+               octave_idx_type act,octave_idx_type dim,long cur,long fac)
+  double ret=1.0;
+  octave_idx_type n  = cur/fac;
+  octave_idx_type hi = act-(dim-1)*DELAY;
+  for (octave_idx_type j=1;j<=n;j++)
+    ret *= series[hi];
+  if (dim > 1) 
+    ret *= polynom(series, DELAY, N,act,dim-1,cur-n*fac,fac/(N+1));
+  return ret;
+octave_idx_type number_pars(octave_idx_type DIM, octave_idx_type ord,
+                            octave_idx_type start)
+  octave_idx_type ret=0;
+  if (ord == 1)
+    for (octave_idx_type i=start;i<=DIM;i++)
+      ret += 1;
+  else
+    for (octave_idx_type i=start;i<=DIM;i++)
+      ret += number_pars(DIM, ord-1,i);
+  return ret;
+void make_coding(std::vector <octave_idx_type> &coding_vec, octave_idx_type N,
+                 octave_idx_type ord, octave_idx_type d,
+                 octave_idx_type fac, octave_idx_type cur)
+  if (d == -1)
+    coding_vec.push_back (cur);
+  else
+    for (octave_idx_type j=0;j<=ord;j++)
+      make_coding(coding_vec, N, ord-j,d-1,fac*(N+1),cur+j*fac);
+void make_fit(double *series, octave_idx_type *coding, double *results,
+              octave_idx_type INSAMPLE, octave_idx_type N,
+              octave_idx_type DIM, octave_idx_type DELAY,
+              long maxencode, octave_idx_type pars)
+  Matrix mat_b (pars,1);
+  double *b = mat_b.fortran_vec ();
+  Matrix mat (pars,pars);
+  OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (double *, mat_arr, pars);
+  for (octave_idx_type i=0;i<pars;i++)
+    mat_arr[i]=mat.fortran_vec () + i * pars;
+  for (octave_idx_type i=0;i<pars;i++) {
+    b[i]=0.0;
+    for (octave_idx_type j=0;j<pars;j++)
+      mat_arr[i][j]=0.0;
+  }
+  for (octave_idx_type i=0;i<pars;i++)
+    for (octave_idx_type j=i;j<pars;j++)
+      for (octave_idx_type k=(DIM-1)*DELAY;k<INSAMPLE-1;k++)
+        mat_arr[i][j] += polynom(series,DELAY,N,k,DIM,coding[i],maxencode)*
+          polynom(series,DELAY,N,k,DIM,coding[j],maxencode);
+  for (octave_idx_type i=0;i<pars;i++)
+    for (octave_idx_type j=i;j<pars;j++)
+      mat_arr[j][i]=(mat_arr[i][j] /= (INSAMPLE-1-(DIM-1)*DELAY));
+  for (octave_idx_type i=0;i<pars;i++) {
+    for (octave_idx_type j=(DIM-1)*DELAY;j<INSAMPLE-1;j++)
+      b[i] += series[j+1]*polynom(series,DELAY,N,j,DIM,coding[i],maxencode);
+    b[i] /= (INSAMPLE-1-(DIM-1)*DELAY);
+  }
+// old  solvele(mat_arr,b,pars);
+  Matrix solved_vec = mat.solve (mat_b);
+  double *solved_ptr = solved_vec.fortran_vec ();
+  for (octave_idx_type i=0;i<pars;i++)
+    results[i]=solved_ptr[i];
+void decode(octave_idx_type N,octave_idx_type *out,int dim,long cur,long fac)
+  octave_idx_type n=cur/fac;
+  out[dim]=n;
+  if (dim > 0) 
+    decode(N,out,dim-1,cur-(long)n*fac,fac/(N+1));
+double make_error(double *series, octave_idx_type *coding, double *results,
+                  octave_idx_type N, octave_idx_type DIM,
+                  octave_idx_type DELAY, long maxencode, octave_idx_type pars,
+                  octave_idx_type i0, octave_idx_type i1)
+  double err=0.0;
+  for (octave_idx_type j=i0+(DIM-1)*DELAY;j<(long)i1-1;j++) {
+    double h=0.0;
+    for (octave_idx_type k=0;k<pars;k++) 
+      h += results[k]*polynom(series,DELAY,N,j,DIM,coding[k],maxencode);
+    err += (series[j+1]-h)*(series[j+1]-h);
+  }
+  return err /= (double)(i1-i0-(DIM-1)*DELAY);
+void make_cast (NDArray &forecast, double *series, octave_idx_type *coding,
+                double * results, octave_idx_type LENGTH,
+                octave_idx_type CLENGTH, octave_idx_type N,
+                octave_idx_type DIM, octave_idx_type DELAY, long maxencode,
+                octave_idx_type pars,
+                double std_dev)
+  for (octave_idx_type i=0;i<=(DIM-1)*DELAY;i++)
+    series[i]=series[LENGTH-(DIM-1)*DELAY-1+i];
+  octave_idx_type hi=(DIM-1)*DELAY;
+  forecast.resize (dim_vector (CLENGTH,1));
+  for (octave_idx_type i=1;i<=CLENGTH;i++) 
+    {
+      double casted=0.0;
+      for (octave_idx_type k=0;k<pars;k++)
+        casted += results[k]*polynom(series,DELAY,N,(DIM-1)*DELAY,DIM,
+                                     coding[k],maxencode);
+    // old fprintf(fcast,"%e\n",casted*std_dev);
+      forecast(i-1) = casted*std_dev;
+      for (octave_idx_type j=0;j<(DIM-1)*DELAY;j++)
+        series[j]=series[j+1];
+      series[hi]=casted;
+    }
+DEFUN_DLD (__polynom__, args, nargout, HELPTEXT)
+  int nargin = args.length ();
+  octave_value_list retval;
+  if (nargin != 6 || nargout != 5)
+  {
+    print_usage ();
+  }
+  else
+    {
+      // Assign input
+      NDArray input = args(0).array_value ();
+      octave_idx_type DIM      = args(1).idx_type_value ();
+      octave_idx_type DELAY    = args(2).idx_type_value ();
+      octave_idx_type N        = args(3).idx_type_value ();
+      octave_idx_type INSAMPLE = args(4).idx_type_value ();
+      octave_idx_type CLENGTH  = args(5).idx_type_value ();
+      octave_idx_type LENGTH = input.numel ();
+      double *series = input.fortran_vec ();
+      // Analyze inputs
+      double std_dev, av;
+      variance(input,LENGTH,&av,&std_dev);
+      // Rescale input
+      for (octave_idx_type i=0;i<LENGTH;i++)
+        series[i] /= std_dev;
+      // Create help values for the fit
+      long maxencode=1;
+      for (octave_idx_type i=1;i<DIM;i++)
+        maxencode *= (N+1);
+      octave_idx_type pars = 1;
+      for (octave_idx_type i=1;i<=N;i++) {
+        pars += number_pars(DIM, i,1);
+      }
+      // Allocate memory
+      OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (double, results, pars);
+      OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (octave_idx_type, opar, DIM);
+      // Create coding
+      std::vector <octave_idx_type> coding_vec;
+      coding_vec.reserve (pars);
+      make_coding(coding_vec,N,N,DIM-1,1,0);
+      octave_idx_type *coding = coding_vec.data();
+      if (! error_state)
+        {
+          // Promote warnings connected with singular matrixes to errors
+          set_warning_state ("Octave:nearly-singular-matrix","error");
+          set_warning_state ("Octave:singular-matrix","error");
+          // Make the fit
+          make_fit (series, coding, results, INSAMPLE, N, DIM, DELAY,
+                    maxencode, pars);
+          // If error encountered during the fit there is no sense to continue
+          if (error_state)
+            {
+              return retval;
+            }
+          // Create outputs
+          // Create output that contains the number of free parameters
+          // old fprintf(file,"#number of free parameters= %d\n\n",pars);
+          octave_idx_type free_par = pars;
+          // Create output that contains the norm used for the fit
+          // old fprintf(file,"#used norm for the fit= %e\n",std_dev);
+          double fit_norm = std_dev;
+          // Create coefficients output
+          Matrix coeffs (pars, DIM + 1);
+          for (octave_idx_type j=0;j<pars;j++)
+            {
+              decode(N,opar,DIM-1,coding[j],maxencode);
+              octave_idx_type sumpar=0;
+              for (octave_idx_type k=0;k<DIM;k++)
+                {
+                  sumpar += opar[k];
+                //  old fprintf(file,"%d ",opar[k]);
+                  coeffs(j, k) = opar[k];
+                }
+          //  old fprintf(file,"%e\n",results[j]
+          //                          /pow(std_dev,(double)(sumpar-1)));
+              coeffs(j,DIM) = results[j]/pow(std_dev,(double)(sumpar-1));
+            }
+          // Create sample error
+          // 1st element of sample_error is the insample error
+          // 2nd element of sample_error is the out of sample error (if exists)
+          NDArray sample_err (dim_vector (1,1));
+    // old in_error = make_error((unsigned long)0,INSAMPLE)
+    //     fprintf(file,"#average insample error= %e\n",
+    //             sqrt(in_error)*std_dev);
+          sample_err(0) = sqrt(make_error(series, coding, results, N, DIM,
+                                          DELAY, maxencode, pars,
+                                          0,INSAMPLE))
+                          * std_dev;
+          if (INSAMPLE < LENGTH) 
+            {
+            // old out_error=make_error(INSAMPLE,LENGTH);
+            //     fprintf(file,"#average out of sample error= %e\n",
+            //             sqrt(out_error)*std_dev);
+              sample_err.resize (dim_vector (2,1));
+              sample_err(1) = sqrt (make_error (series, coding, results, N,
+                                                DIM, DELAY, maxencode, pars,
+                                                INSAMPLE, LENGTH)) 
+                              * std_dev;
+            }
+          // Create forecast
+          NDArray forecast (dim_vector (0,0));
+          if (CLENGTH > 0)
+            make_cast(forecast, series, coding, results, LENGTH, CLENGTH, N,
+                      DIM, DELAY, maxencode, pars, std_dev);
+          // Assign outputs
+          retval(0) = free_par;
+          retval(1) = fit_norm;
+          retval(2) = coeffs;
+          retval(3) = sample_err;
+          retval(4) = forecast;
+        }
+    }
+  return retval;
diff --git a/src/__rbf__.cc b/src/__rbf__.cc
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..262c196
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/__rbf__.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,321 @@
+ *   This file is part of TISEAN
+ *
+ *   Copyright (c) 1998-2007 Rainer Hegger, Holger Kantz, Thomas Schreiber
+ *                           Piotr Held
+ *   TISEAN is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ *   (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ *   TISEAN is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ *   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ *   GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ *   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ *   along with TISEAN; if not, write to the Free Software
+ *   Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
+ */
+/* Author: Rainer Hegger 
+ * Modified: Piotr Held <pjheld at gmail.com> (2015).
+ * This function is based on rbf of TISEAN 3.0.1 
+ * https://github.com/heggus/Tisean"
+ */
+#define HELPTEXT "Part of tisean package\n\
+No argument checking\n\
+#include "routines_c/tsa.h"
+#include <octave/oct.h>
+double avdistance(octave_idx_type CENTER, octave_idx_type DIM,
+                  double **center)
+  double dist=0.0;
+  for (octave_idx_type i=0;i<CENTER;i++)
+    for (octave_idx_type j=0;j<CENTER;j++)
+      if (i != j)
+        for (octave_idx_type k=0;k<DIM;k++)
+          dist += sqr(center[i][k]-center[j][k]);
+  return sqrt(dist/(CENTER-1)/CENTER/DIM);
+double rbf(octave_idx_type DELAY, octave_idx_type DIM, double varianz,
+           double *act,double *cen)
+  double denum=2.0 * varianz * varianz;
+  double r=0;
+  for (octave_idx_type i=0;i<DIM;i++)
+    r += sqr(*(act-i*DELAY)-cen[i]);
+  return exp(-r/denum);
+void drift(octave_idx_type CENTER, octave_idx_type DIM, double **center) 
+  const double step = 1e-2;
+  OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (double, force, DIM);
+  for (octave_idx_type l=0;l<20;l++) {
+    for (octave_idx_type i=0;i<CENTER;i++) {
+      for (octave_idx_type j=0;j<DIM;j++) {
+        force[j]=0.0;
+        for (octave_idx_type k=0;k<CENTER;k++) {
+          if (k != i) {
+            double h=center[i][j]-center[k][j];
+            force[j] += h/sqr(h)/fabs(h);
+          }
+        }
+      }
+      double h=0.0;
+      for (octave_idx_type j=0;j<DIM;j++) 
+        h += sqr(force[j]);
+      double step1=step/sqrt(h);
+      for (octave_idx_type j=0;j<DIM;j++) {
+        double h1 = step1*force[j];
+        if (((center[i][j]+h1) > -0.1) && ((center[i][j]+h1) < 1.1))
+          center[i][j] += h1;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+double forecast_error(double *series, double **center, double *coefs,
+                      octave_idx_type CENTER, octave_idx_type DELAY,
+                      octave_idx_type DIM, octave_idx_type STEP,
+                      double varianz, octave_idx_type i0, octave_idx_type i1)
+  double error_val=0.0;
+  for (octave_idx_type n=i0+(DIM-1)*DELAY;n<i1-STEP;n++) {
+    double h=coefs[0];
+    for (octave_idx_type i=1;i<=CENTER;i++)
+      h += coefs[i]*rbf(DELAY, DIM, varianz, &series[n],center[i-1]);
+    error_val += (series[n+STEP]-h)*(series[n+STEP]-h);
+  }
+  return sqrt(error_val/(i1-i0-STEP-(DIM-1)*DELAY));
+DEFUN_DLD (__rbf__, args, nargout, HELPTEXT)
+  int nargin = args.length ();
+  octave_value_list retval;
+  if (nargin != 9 || nargout > 5)
+  {
+    print_usage ();
+  }
+  else
+    {
+      // Assign input
+      NDArray input            = args(0).array_value ();
+      octave_idx_type DIM      = args(1).idx_type_value ();
+      octave_idx_type DELAY    = args(2).idx_type_value ();
+      octave_idx_type CENTER   = args(3).idx_type_value ();
+      octave_idx_type STEP     = args(4).idx_type_value ();
+      octave_idx_type INSAMPLE = args(5).idx_type_value ();
+      octave_idx_type CLENGTH  = args(6).idx_type_value ();
+      bool MAKECAST            = args(7).bool_value ();
+      bool setdrift            = args(8).bool_value ();
+      octave_idx_type LENGTH = input.numel ();
+      double *series = input.fortran_vec();
+      // Analyze input
+      double varianz, interval, min_val, av;
+      rescale_data(input,LENGTH,&min_val,&interval);
+      variance(input,LENGTH,&av,&varianz);
+      // Allocate memory
+      OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (double *, center, CENTER);
+      OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (double, center_data, CENTER * DIM);
+      for (octave_idx_type i=0;i<CENTER;i++)
+        center[i] = center_data + DIM * i;
+      Matrix coefs (CENTER + 1, 1);
+      double *coefs_arr = coefs.fortran_vec ();
+      // Assign initial values
+      octave_idx_type cstep=LENGTH-1-(DIM-1)*DELAY;
+      for (octave_idx_type i=0;i<CENTER;i++)
+        for (octave_idx_type j=0;j<DIM;j++)
+          center[i][j]=series[(DIM-1)*DELAY-j*DELAY+(i*cstep)/(CENTER-1)];
+      if (! error_state)
+        {
+          // Promote warnings connected with singular matrixes to errors
+          set_warning_state ("Octave:nearly-singular-matrix","error");
+          set_warning_state ("Octave:singular-matrix","error");
+          // Calculate coefficients
+          if (setdrift)
+            drift(CENTER, DIM, center);
+          varianz=avdistance(CENTER, DIM, center);
+          // old make_fit();
+          Matrix mat (CENTER + 1, CENTER + 1);
+          OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (double *, mat_arr, CENTER + 1);
+          for (octave_idx_type i=0;i <CENTER + 1;i++)
+            mat_arr[i]=mat.fortran_vec () + (CENTER + 1) * i;
+          for (octave_idx_type i=0;i<=CENTER;i++) {
+            coefs_arr[i]=0.0;
+            for (octave_idx_type j=0;j<=CENTER;j++)
+              mat_arr[i][j]=0.0;
+          }
+          OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (double, hcen, CENTER);
+          for (octave_idx_type n=(DIM-1)*DELAY;n<INSAMPLE-STEP;n++) {
+            octave_idx_type nst=n+STEP;
+            for (octave_idx_type i=0;i<CENTER;i++)
+              hcen[i]=rbf(DELAY, DIM, varianz, &series[n],center[i]);
+            coefs_arr[0] += series[nst];
+            mat_arr[0][0] += 1.0;
+            for (octave_idx_type i=1;i<=CENTER;i++)
+              mat_arr[i][0] += hcen[i-1];
+            for (octave_idx_type i=1;i<=CENTER;i++) {
+              double h = hcen[i-1];
+              coefs_arr[i] += series[nst] * h;
+              for (octave_idx_type j=1;j<=i;j++)
+                mat_arr[i][j] += h*hcen[j-1];
+            }
+          }
+          double h=(double)(INSAMPLE-STEP-(DIM-1)*DELAY);
+          for (octave_idx_type i=0;i<=CENTER;i++) {
+            coefs_arr[i] /= h;
+            for (octave_idx_type j=0;j<=i;j++) {
+              mat_arr[i][j] /= h;
+              mat_arr[j][i]=mat_arr[i][j];
+            }
+          }
+          // old solvele(mat_arr,coefs_arr, CENTER+1);
+          coefs = mat.solve(coefs);
+          coefs_arr = coefs.fortran_vec ();// coefs takes up new memory space
+          // If solving the matrix generated errors do not continue
+          if (error_state)
+            return retval;
+          // end make_fit()
+          // Create outputs
+          // Create centers
+          Matrix centers (CENTER, DIM); 
+          for (octave_idx_type i=0;i<CENTER;i++) 
+              for (octave_idx_type j=0;j<DIM;j++)
+                {
+                  // old fprintf(stdout," %e",center[i][j]*interval+min_val);
+                  centers(i,j) = center[i][j]*interval+min_val;
+                }
+          // Create variance
+          // old fprintf(stdout,"#variance= %e\n",varianz*interval);
+          double variance_val = varianz*interval;
+          // Create coefficients
+          NDArray coeff (dim_vector(CENTER +1, 1));
+          //  old fprintf(stdout,"#%e\n",coefs[0]*interval+min_val);
+          coeff(0) = coefs_arr[0]*interval+min_val;
+          for (octave_idx_type i=1;i<=CENTER;i++)
+            {
+            // old fprintf(stdout,"#%e\n",coefs[i]*interval);
+              coeff(i) = coefs_arr[i]*interval;
+            }
+          // Calculate insample error
+          double sigma = 0.0;
+          av = 0.0;
+          for (octave_idx_type i=0;i<INSAMPLE;i++) {
+            av += series[i];
+            sigma += series[i]*series[i];
+          }
+          av /= INSAMPLE;
+          sigma=sqrt(fabs(sigma/INSAMPLE-av*av));
+          // Create sample error
+          // 1st element of sample_error is the insample error
+          // 2nd element of sample_error is the out of sample error (if exists)
+          NDArray sample_error (dim_vector(1,1));
+          // old oldfprintf(stdout,"#insample error= %e\n",
+          //                forecast_error(0LU,INSAMPLE)/sigma);
+          sample_error(0) = forecast_error(series, center, coefs_arr, CENTER, 
+                                           DELAY, DIM, STEP, varianz,
+                                           0,INSAMPLE)
+                            / sigma;
+          if (INSAMPLE < LENGTH)
+            {
+              // Calculate out of sample error
+              av=sigma=0.0;
+              for (octave_idx_type i=INSAMPLE;i<LENGTH;i++) {
+                av += series[i];
+                sigma += series[i]*series[i];
+              }
+              av /= (LENGTH-INSAMPLE);
+              sigma=sqrt(fabs(sigma/(LENGTH-INSAMPLE)-av*av));
+              // old fprintf(stdout,"#out of sample error= %e\n",
+              //             forecast_error(INSAMPLE,LENGTH)/sigma);
+              sample_error.resize (dim_vector(2,1));
+              sample_error(1) = forecast_error(series, center, coefs_arr,
+                                               CENTER, DELAY, DIM, STEP,
+                                               varianz, INSAMPLE, LENGTH)
+                                / sigma;
+            }
+          // Create forecast if MAKECAST == true
+          NDArray forecast (dim_vector (0,0));
+          if (MAKECAST)
+            {
+            // old make_cast ();
+              forecast.resize(dim_vector(CLENGTH,1));
+              octave_idx_type dim=(DIM-1)*DELAY;
+              OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (double, cast, dim + 1);
+              for (octave_idx_type i=0;i<=dim;i++)
+                cast[i]=series[LENGTH-1-dim+i];
+              for (octave_idx_type n=0;n<CLENGTH;n++)
+                {
+                  double new_el=coefs_arr[0];
+                  for (octave_idx_type i=1;i<=CENTER;i++)
+                    new_el += coefs_arr[i]*rbf(DELAY,DIM,varianz,&cast[dim],
+                                           center[i-1]);
+                //  old  fprintf(out,"%e\n",new_el*interval+min_val);
+                  forecast(n) = new_el*interval+min_val;
+                  for (octave_idx_type i=0;i<dim;i++)
+                    cast[i]=cast[i+1];
+                  cast[dim]=new_el;
+                }
+            }
+          // Create output
+          retval(0) = centers; 
+          retval(1) = variance_val; // variance;
+          retval(2) = coeff; 
+          retval(3) = sample_error; // sample error [in sample; out of sample];
+          retval(4) = forecast; // forecast values;
+        }
+    }
+  return retval;
diff --git a/src/__spikeauto__.cc b/src/__spikeauto__.cc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..efe6ad6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/__spikeauto__.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+/* Copyright (C) 1996-2015 Piotr Held
+ *
+ * This file is part of Octave.
+ *
+ * Octave is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
+ * either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any
+ * later version.
+ *
+ * Octave is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
+ * PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more
+ * details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
+ * License along with Octave; see the file COPYING.  If not,
+ * see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ */
+/* Author: Piotr Held <pjheld at gmail.com>. 
+ * This function is based on spikeauto of TISEAN 3.0.1 
+ * https://github.com/heggus/Tisean"
+ */
+#define HELPTEXT "Part of tisean package\n\
+No argument checking\n\
+#include <octave/oct.h>
+DEFUN_DLD (__spikeauto__, args, , HELPTEXT)
+    int nargin = args.length ();
+    octave_value_list retval;
+    if (nargin != 3)
+      {
+        print_usage ();
+      }
+    else
+      {
+        // Assign input variables
+        Matrix X       = args(0).matrix_value();
+        double bin     = args(1).double_value();
+        octave_idx_type nbin  = args(2).idx_type_value();
+        // Extract pointer to X for optimization purposes
+        double *X_ptr = X.fortran_vec ();
+        // Prepare output ihist
+        Array<octave_idx_type> ihist (dim_vector(nbin,1));
+        ihist.fill(0);
+        octave_idx_type *ihist_ptr = ihist.fortran_vec ();
+        // Calculate output
+        for (octave_idx_type n1 = 0; n1 < X.rows (); n1++)
+          for (octave_idx_type n2 = n1 + 1; n2 < X.rows (); n2++)
+            {
+              octave_idx_type il;
+              il = (octave_idx_type)((X_ptr[n2] - X_ptr[n1]) / bin);
+              if (il < nbin)
+                ihist_ptr[il] += 1;
+            }
+        retval(0) = ihist;
+      }
+    return retval;
diff --git a/src/__surrogates__.cc b/src/__surrogates__.cc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e7d4b66
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/__surrogates__.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+/* -*- coding: utf-8 -*- */
+/* Copyright (C) 1996-2015 Piotr Held <pjheld at gmail.com>
+ *
+ * This file is part of Octave.
+ *
+ * Octave is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
+ * either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any
+ * later version.
+ *
+ * Octave is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
+ * PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more
+ * details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
+ * License along with Octave; see the file COPYING.  If not,
+ * see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ */
+/* Author: Piotr Held <pjheld at gmail.com>.
+ * This function is based on surrogates of TISEAN 3.0.1 
+ * https://github.com/heggus/Tisean"
+ */
+#define HELPTEXT "Part of tisean package\n\
+No argument checking\n\
+#include <octave/oct.h>
+#include <octave/f77-fcn.h>
+#include <octave/Cell.h>
+extern "C"
+  F77_RET_T
+  F77_FUNC (ts_surrogates, TS_SURROGATES)
+            (const double *xx, const octave_idx_type& nmaxp,
+             const octave_idx_type& mcmax, const octave_idx_type& imax,
+             const octave_idx_type& ispec, const double& seed, double *output,
+             octave_idx_type& iterations, double& rel_discrepency);
+DEFUN_DLD (__surrogates__, args, nargout, HELPTEXT)
+  octave_value_list retval;
+  int nargin = args.length ();
+  if (nargin != 5)
+    {
+      print_usage ();
+    }
+  else
+    {
+    // Assigning inputs
+      Matrix input          = args(0).matrix_value ();
+      octave_idx_type nsur  = args(1).idx_type_value ();
+      octave_idx_type imax  = args(2).idx_type_value ();
+      octave_idx_type ispec = args(3).idx_type_value ();
+      double seed           = args(4).double_value ();
+      if (! error_state)
+        {
+          octave_idx_type nmaxp = input.rows ();
+          octave_idx_type mcmax = input.columns ();
+          Cell surro_data (dim_vector (nsur,1));
+          Matrix surro_tmp (input.dims ());
+          Matrix pars (nsur, 2);
+          for (octave_idx_type i = 0; i < nsur; i++)
+            {
+              octave_idx_type it_tmp;
+              double rel_discrepency_tmp;
+              F77_XFCN (ts_surrogates, TS_SURROGATES,
+                        (input.fortran_vec (), nmaxp, mcmax, imax, ispec,
+                         seed, surro_tmp.fortran_vec (), it_tmp,
+                         rel_discrepency_tmp));
+              surro_data(i) = surro_tmp;
+              pars(i,0)     = it_tmp;
+              pars(i,1)     = rel_discrepency_tmp;
+            }
+          retval(0) = surro_data;
+          retval(1) = pars;
+        }
+    }
+  return retval;
diff --git a/src/__upo__.cc b/src/__upo__.cc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..96e356e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/__upo__.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+/* -*- coding: utf-8 -*- */
+/* Copyright (C) 1996-2015 Piotr Held <pjheld at gmail.com>
+ *
+ * This file is part of Octave.
+ *
+ * Octave is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
+ * either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any
+ * later version.
+ *
+ * Octave is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
+ * PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more
+ * details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
+ * License along with Octave; see the file COPYING.  If not,
+ * see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ */
+/* Author: Piotr Held <pjheld at gmail.com>.
+ * This function is based on upo of TISEAN 3.0.1 
+ * https://github.com/heggus/Tisean"
+ */
+#define HELPTEXT "Part of tisean package\n\
+No argument checking\n\
+#include <octave/oct.h>
+#include <octave/f77-fcn.h>
+extern "C"
+  F77_RET_T
+  F77_FUNC (ts_upo, TS_UPO)
+            (const int& m, const double& eps,
+             const double& frac, const double& teq,
+             const double& tdis, const double& h,
+             const double& tacc, const int& iper,
+             const int& icen, const int& lines_read,
+             double* in_out1, double* olens,
+             double* orbit_data, const int& sizedat,
+             double* accuracy, double* stability);
+DEFUN_DLD (__upo__, args, nargout, HELPTEXT)
+  octave_value_list retval;
+  int nargin = args.length ();
+  if ((nargin != 10) || (nargout != 4))
+    {
+      print_usage ();
+    }
+  else
+    {
+    // Assigning inputs
+      NDArray in_out1 = args(0).array_value();
+      int m           = args(1).int_value();
+      double eps      = args(2).double_value();
+      double frac     = args(3).double_value();
+      double teq      = args(4).double_value();
+      double tdis     = args(5).double_value();
+      double h        = args(6).double_value();
+      double tacc     = args(7).double_value();
+      int iper        = args(8).int_value();
+      int icen        = args(9).int_value();
+      if (! error_state)
+        {
+          int lines_read = in_out1.numel();
+          // Generating output vectors with estimated lengths
+          // The extra length (+1) is to store the actual lengths
+          NDArray olens (dim_vector (icen+1,1));
+          NDArray orbit_data (dim_vector ( (icen*20<lines_read?\
+                                                    icen*20:lines_read)+1, 1));
+          NDArray acc (dim_vector (icen+1,1));
+          NDArray stability (dim_vector (icen+1,1));
+          F77_XFCN (ts_upo, TS_UPO,
+                    (m, eps, frac,teq, tdis, h, tacc, iper,icen, lines_read,
+                     in_out1.fortran_vec(), olens.fortran_vec(), 
+                     orbit_data.fortran_vec(), orbit_data.numel(), 
+                     acc.fortran_vec(), stability.fortran_vec()));
+          retval(0) = olens;
+          retval(1) = orbit_data;
+          retval(2) = acc;
+          retval(3) = stability;
+        }
+    }
+  return retval;
diff --git a/src/__xzero__.cc b/src/__xzero__.cc
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..33c610c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/__xzero__.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
+ *   This file is part of TISEAN
+ *
+ *   Copyright (c) 1998-2007 Rainer Hegger, Holger Kantz, Thomas Schreiber
+ *                           Piotr Held
+ *   TISEAN is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ *   (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ *   TISEAN is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ *   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ *   GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ *   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ *   along with TISEAN; if not, write to the Free Software
+ *   Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
+ */
+/* Author: Rainer Hegger 
+ * Modified: Piotr Held <pjheld at gmail.com> (2015).
+ * This function is based on xzero of TISEAN 3.0.1 
+ * https://github.com/heggus/Tisean"
+ */
+#define HELPTEXT "Part of tisean package\n\
+No argument checking\n\
+#include <octave/oct.h>
+#include "routines_c/tsa.h"
+/*number of boxes for the neighbor search algorithm*/
+#define NMAX 128
+double make_fit(double *series1, double *series2, octave_idx_type *found,
+                octave_idx_type act, octave_idx_type number,
+                octave_idx_type istep)
+  double casted=0.0;
+  for (octave_idx_type i=0;i<number;i++)
+    casted += series1[found[i]+istep];
+  casted /= number;
+  return (casted-series2[act+istep])*(casted-series2[act+istep]);
+DEFUN_DLD (__xzero__, args, nargout, HELPTEXT)
+  int nargin = args.length ();
+  octave_value_list retval;
+  if (nargin != 10)
+  {
+    print_usage ();
+  }
+  else
+    {
+      // Assign input
+      NDArray input1          = args(0).array_value ();
+      NDArray input2          = args(1).array_value ();
+      octave_idx_type DIM     = args(2).idx_type_value ();
+      octave_idx_type DELAY   = args(3).idx_type_value ();
+      octave_idx_type CLENGTH = args(4).idx_type_value ();
+      octave_idx_type MINN    = args(5).idx_type_value ();
+      double EPS0             = args(6).double_value ();
+      bool epsset             = args(7).bool_value ();
+      double EPSF             = args(8).double_value ();
+      octave_idx_type STEP    = args(9).idx_type_value ();
+      octave_idx_type LENGTH = input1.numel ();
+      double *series1        = input1.fortran_vec ();
+      double *series2        = input2.fortran_vec ();
+      // Analyze input
+      double min_val,hinter;
+      rescale_data(input1,LENGTH,&min_val,&hinter);
+      double interval=hinter;
+      rescale_data(input2,LENGTH,&min_val,&hinter);
+      interval=(interval+hinter)/2.0;
+      double av2, rms2;
+      variance(input2,LENGTH,&av2,&rms2);
+      // Allocate memory
+      OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (octave_idx_type, list, LENGTH);
+      OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (octave_idx_type, found, LENGTH);
+      OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (bool, done, LENGTH);
+      OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (double, error_array, STEP);
+      for (octave_idx_type i=0;i<STEP;i++)
+        error_array[i]=0.0;
+      OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (octave_idx_type *, box, NMAX);
+      OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (octave_idx_type, box_data, NMAX * NMAX);
+      for (octave_idx_type i=0;i<NMAX;i++)
+        box[i]=box_data + NMAX * i;
+      // Setup variables
+      for (octave_idx_type i=0;i<LENGTH;i++)
+        done[i]=0;
+      bool alldone=0;
+      if (epsset)
+        EPS0 /= interval;
+      double epsilon=EPS0/EPSF;
+      octave_idx_type clength=(CLENGTH <= LENGTH) ? CLENGTH-STEP : LENGTH-STEP;
+      if (! error_state)
+        {
+          // Calculate fit
+          while (!alldone) {
+            alldone=1;
+            epsilon*=EPSF;
+            make_box(series1,box,list,LENGTH-STEP,NMAX,DIM,DELAY,epsilon);
+            for (octave_idx_type i=(DIM-1)*DELAY;i<clength;i++)
+              if (!done[i]) {
+                octave_idx_type actfound;
+                actfound=find_neighbors(series1,box,list,series2+i,LENGTH,NMAX,
+                                        DIM,DELAY,epsilon,found);
+                if (actfound >= MINN) {
+                  for (octave_idx_type j=1;j<=STEP;j++)
+                    error_array[j-1] += make_fit (series1, series2, found,
+                                                  i,actfound,j);
+                  done[i]=1;
+                }
+                alldone &= done[i];
+              }
+          }
+          // Create output
+          Matrix output (STEP,1);
+          for (octave_idx_type i=0;i<STEP;i++)
+            {
+//            old fprintf(stdout,"%lu %e\n",i+1,
+//                      sqrt(error_array[i]/(clength-(DIM-1)*DELAY))/rms2);
+              output(i,0) = sqrt(error_array[i]/(clength-(DIM-1)*DELAY))/rms2;
+            }
+          retval(0) = output;
+        }
+    }
+  return retval;
diff --git a/src/aclocal.m4 b/src/aclocal.m4
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a7fbd0d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/aclocal.m4
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+# generated automatically by aclocal 1.14.1 -*- Autoconf -*-
+# Copyright (C) 1996-2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+# This file is free software; the Free Software Foundation
+# gives unlimited permission to copy and/or distribute it,
+# with or without modifications, as long as this notice is preserved.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law; without
+# even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
+m4_ifndef([AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS], [m4_defun([_AM_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS], [])m4_defun([AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS], [_AM_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS($@)])])
diff --git a/src/configure b/src/configure
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..c77fe5f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/configure
@@ -0,0 +1,4108 @@
+#! /bin/sh
+# Guess values for system-dependent variables and create Makefiles.
+# Generated by GNU Autoconf 2.69 for Octave-Forge tisean package 0.2.3.
+# Copyright (C) 1992-1996, 1998-2012 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+# This configure script is free software; the Free Software Foundation
+# gives unlimited permission to copy, distribute and modify it.
+## -------------------- ##
+## M4sh Initialization. ##
+## -------------------- ##
+# Be more Bourne compatible
+DUALCASE=1; export DUALCASE # for MKS sh
+if test -n "${ZSH_VERSION+set}" && (emulate sh) >/dev/null 2>&1; then :
+  emulate sh
+  # Pre-4.2 versions of Zsh do word splitting on ${1+"$@"}, which
+  # is contrary to our usage.  Disable this feature.
+  alias -g '${1+"$@"}'='"$@"'
+  setopt NO_GLOB_SUBST
+  case `(set -o) 2>/dev/null` in #(
+  *posix*) :
+    set -o posix ;; #(
+  *) :
+     ;;
+export as_nl
+# Printing a long string crashes Solaris 7 /usr/bin/printf.
+# Prefer a ksh shell builtin over an external printf program on Solaris,
+# but without wasting forks for bash or zsh.
+    && (test "X`print -r -- $as_echo`" = "X$as_echo") 2>/dev/null; then
+  as_echo='print -r --'
+  as_echo_n='print -rn --'
+elif (test "X`printf %s $as_echo`" = "X$as_echo") 2>/dev/null; then
+  as_echo='printf %s\n'
+  as_echo_n='printf %s'
+  if test "X`(/usr/ucb/echo -n -n $as_echo) 2>/dev/null`" = "X-n $as_echo"; then
+    as_echo_body='eval /usr/ucb/echo -n "$1$as_nl"'
+    as_echo_n='/usr/ucb/echo -n'
+  else
+    as_echo_body='eval expr "X$1" : "X\\(.*\\)"'
+    as_echo_n_body='eval
+      arg=$1;
+      case $arg in #(
+      *"$as_nl"*)
+	expr "X$arg" : "X\\(.*\\)$as_nl";
+	arg=`expr "X$arg" : ".*$as_nl\\(.*\\)"`;;
+      esac;
+      expr "X$arg" : "X\\(.*\\)" | tr -d "$as_nl"
+    '
+    export as_echo_n_body
+    as_echo_n='sh -c $as_echo_n_body as_echo'
+  fi
+  export as_echo_body
+  as_echo='sh -c $as_echo_body as_echo'
+# The user is always right.
+if test "${PATH_SEPARATOR+set}" != set; then
+  (PATH='/bin;/bin'; FPATH=$PATH; sh -c :) >/dev/null 2>&1 && {
+    (PATH='/bin:/bin'; FPATH=$PATH; sh -c :) >/dev/null 2>&1 ||
+  }
+# IFS
+# We need space, tab and new line, in precisely that order.  Quoting is
+# there to prevent editors from complaining about space-tab.
+# (If _AS_PATH_WALK were called with IFS unset, it would disable word
+# splitting by setting IFS to empty value.)
+IFS=" ""	$as_nl"
+# Find who we are.  Look in the path if we contain no directory separator.
+case $0 in #((
+  *[\\/]* ) as_myself=$0 ;;
+for as_dir in $PATH
+  IFS=$as_save_IFS
+  test -z "$as_dir" && as_dir=.
+    test -r "$as_dir/$0" && as_myself=$as_dir/$0 && break
+  done
+     ;;
+# We did not find ourselves, most probably we were run as `sh COMMAND'
+# in which case we are not to be found in the path.
+if test "x$as_myself" = x; then
+  as_myself=$0
+if test ! -f "$as_myself"; then
+  $as_echo "$as_myself: error: cannot find myself; rerun with an absolute file name" >&2
+  exit 1
+# Unset variables that we do not need and which cause bugs (e.g. in
+# pre-3.0 UWIN ksh).  But do not cause bugs in bash 2.01; the "|| exit 1"
+# suppresses any "Segmentation fault" message there.  '((' could
+# trigger a bug in pdksh 5.2.14.
+do eval test x\${$as_var+set} = xset \
+  && ( (unset $as_var) || exit 1) >/dev/null 2>&1 && unset $as_var || :
+PS1='$ '
+PS2='> '
+PS4='+ '
+# NLS nuisances.
+export LC_ALL
+export LANGUAGE
+(unset CDPATH) >/dev/null 2>&1 && unset CDPATH
+# Use a proper internal environment variable to ensure we don't fall
+  # into an infinite loop, continuously re-executing ourselves.
+  if test x"${_as_can_reexec}" != xno && test "x$CONFIG_SHELL" != x; then
+    _as_can_reexec=no; export _as_can_reexec;
+    # We cannot yet assume a decent shell, so we have to provide a
+# neutralization value for shells without unset; and this also
+# works around shells that cannot unset nonexistent variables.
+# Preserve -v and -x to the replacement shell.
+(unset BASH_ENV) >/dev/null 2>&1 && unset BASH_ENV ENV
+case $- in # ((((
+  *v*x* | *x*v* ) as_opts=-vx ;;
+  *v* ) as_opts=-v ;;
+  *x* ) as_opts=-x ;;
+  * ) as_opts= ;;
+exec $CONFIG_SHELL $as_opts "$as_myself" ${1+"$@"}
+# Admittedly, this is quite paranoid, since all the known shells bail
+# out after a failed `exec'.
+$as_echo "$0: could not re-execute with $CONFIG_SHELL" >&2
+as_fn_exit 255
+  fi
+  # We don't want this to propagate to other subprocesses.
+          { _as_can_reexec=; unset _as_can_reexec;}
+if test "x$CONFIG_SHELL" = x; then
+  as_bourne_compatible="if test -n \"\${ZSH_VERSION+set}\" && (emulate sh) >/dev/null 2>&1; then :
+  emulate sh
+  # Pre-4.2 versions of Zsh do word splitting on \${1+\"\$@\"}, which
+  # is contrary to our usage.  Disable this feature.
+  alias -g '\${1+\"\$@\"}'='\"\$@\"'
+  setopt NO_GLOB_SUBST
+  case \`(set -o) 2>/dev/null\` in #(
+  *posix*) :
+    set -o posix ;; #(
+  *) :
+     ;;
+  as_required="as_fn_return () { (exit \$1); }
+as_fn_success () { as_fn_return 0; }
+as_fn_failure () { as_fn_return 1; }
+as_fn_ret_success () { return 0; }
+as_fn_ret_failure () { return 1; }
+as_fn_success || { exitcode=1; echo as_fn_success failed.; }
+as_fn_failure && { exitcode=1; echo as_fn_failure succeeded.; }
+as_fn_ret_success || { exitcode=1; echo as_fn_ret_success failed.; }
+as_fn_ret_failure && { exitcode=1; echo as_fn_ret_failure succeeded.; }
+if ( set x; as_fn_ret_success y && test x = \"\$1\" ); then :
+  exitcode=1; echo positional parameters were not saved.
+test x\$exitcode = x0 || exit 1
+test -x / || exit 1"
+  as_suggested="  as_lineno_1=";as_suggested=$as_suggested$LINENO;as_suggested=$as_suggested" as_lineno_1a=\$LINENO
+  as_lineno_2=";as_suggested=$as_suggested$LINENO;as_suggested=$as_suggested" as_lineno_2a=\$LINENO
+  eval 'test \"x\$as_lineno_1'\$as_run'\" != \"x\$as_lineno_2'\$as_run'\" &&
+  test \"x\`expr \$as_lineno_1'\$as_run' + 1\`\" = \"x\$as_lineno_2'\$as_run'\"' || exit 1"
+  if (eval "$as_required") 2>/dev/null; then :
+  as_have_required=yes
+  as_have_required=no
+  if test x$as_have_required = xyes && (eval "$as_suggested") 2>/dev/null; then :
+for as_dir in /bin$PATH_SEPARATOR/usr/bin$PATH_SEPARATOR$PATH
+  IFS=$as_save_IFS
+  test -z "$as_dir" && as_dir=.
+  as_found=:
+  case $as_dir in #(
+	 /*)
+	   for as_base in sh bash ksh sh5; do
+	     # Try only shells that exist, to save several forks.
+	     as_shell=$as_dir/$as_base
+	     if { test -f "$as_shell" || test -f "$as_shell.exe"; } &&
+		    { $as_echo "$as_bourne_compatible""$as_required" | as_run=a "$as_shell"; } 2>/dev/null; then :
+  CONFIG_SHELL=$as_shell as_have_required=yes
+		   if { $as_echo "$as_bourne_compatible""$as_suggested" | as_run=a "$as_shell"; } 2>/dev/null; then :
+  break 2
+	   done;;
+       esac
+  as_found=false
+$as_found || { if { test -f "$SHELL" || test -f "$SHELL.exe"; } &&
+	      { $as_echo "$as_bourne_compatible""$as_required" | as_run=a "$SHELL"; } 2>/dev/null; then :
+  CONFIG_SHELL=$SHELL as_have_required=yes
+fi; }
+      if test "x$CONFIG_SHELL" != x; then :
+  export CONFIG_SHELL
+             # We cannot yet assume a decent shell, so we have to provide a
+# neutralization value for shells without unset; and this also
+# works around shells that cannot unset nonexistent variables.
+# Preserve -v and -x to the replacement shell.
+(unset BASH_ENV) >/dev/null 2>&1 && unset BASH_ENV ENV
+case $- in # ((((
+  *v*x* | *x*v* ) as_opts=-vx ;;
+  *v* ) as_opts=-v ;;
+  *x* ) as_opts=-x ;;
+  * ) as_opts= ;;
+exec $CONFIG_SHELL $as_opts "$as_myself" ${1+"$@"}
+# Admittedly, this is quite paranoid, since all the known shells bail
+# out after a failed `exec'.
+$as_echo "$0: could not re-execute with $CONFIG_SHELL" >&2
+exit 255
+    if test x$as_have_required = xno; then :
+  $as_echo "$0: This script requires a shell more modern than all"
+  $as_echo "$0: the shells that I found on your system."
+  if test x${ZSH_VERSION+set} = xset ; then
+    $as_echo "$0: In particular, zsh $ZSH_VERSION has bugs and should"
+    $as_echo "$0: be upgraded to zsh 4.3.4 or later."
+  else
+    $as_echo "$0: Please tell bug-autoconf at gnu.org about your system,
+$0: including any error possibly output before this
+$0: message. Then install a modern shell, or manually run
+$0: the script under such a shell if you do have one."
+  fi
+  exit 1
+export SHELL
+# Unset more variables known to interfere with behavior of common tools.
+## --------------------- ##
+## M4sh Shell Functions. ##
+## --------------------- ##
+# as_fn_unset VAR
+# ---------------
+# Portably unset VAR.
+as_fn_unset ()
+  { eval $1=; unset $1;}
+# as_fn_set_status STATUS
+# -----------------------
+# Set $? to STATUS, without forking.
+as_fn_set_status ()
+  return $1
+} # as_fn_set_status
+# as_fn_exit STATUS
+# -----------------
+# Exit the shell with STATUS, even in a "trap 0" or "set -e" context.
+as_fn_exit ()
+  set +e
+  as_fn_set_status $1
+  exit $1
+} # as_fn_exit
+# as_fn_mkdir_p
+# -------------
+# Create "$as_dir" as a directory, including parents if necessary.
+as_fn_mkdir_p ()
+  case $as_dir in #(
+  -*) as_dir=./$as_dir;;
+  esac
+  test -d "$as_dir" || eval $as_mkdir_p || {
+    as_dirs=
+    while :; do
+      case $as_dir in #(
+      *\'*) as_qdir=`$as_echo "$as_dir" | sed "s/'/'\\\\\\\\''/g"`;; #'(
+      *) as_qdir=$as_dir;;
+      esac
+      as_dirs="'$as_qdir' $as_dirs"
+      as_dir=`$as_dirname -- "$as_dir" ||
+$as_expr X"$as_dir" : 'X\(.*[^/]\)//*[^/][^/]*/*$' \| \
+	 X"$as_dir" : 'X\(//\)[^/]' \| \
+	 X"$as_dir" : 'X\(//\)$' \| \
+	 X"$as_dir" : 'X\(/\)' \| . 2>/dev/null ||
+$as_echo X"$as_dir" |
+    sed '/^X\(.*[^/]\)\/\/*[^/][^/]*\/*$/{
+	    s//\1/
+	    q
+	  }
+	  /^X\(\/\/\)[^/].*/{
+	    s//\1/
+	    q
+	  }
+	  /^X\(\/\/\)$/{
+	    s//\1/
+	    q
+	  }
+	  /^X\(\/\).*/{
+	    s//\1/
+	    q
+	  }
+	  s/.*/./; q'`
+      test -d "$as_dir" && break
+    done
+    test -z "$as_dirs" || eval "mkdir $as_dirs"
+  } || test -d "$as_dir" || as_fn_error $? "cannot create directory $as_dir"
+} # as_fn_mkdir_p
+# as_fn_executable_p FILE
+# -----------------------
+# Test if FILE is an executable regular file.
+as_fn_executable_p ()
+  test -f "$1" && test -x "$1"
+} # as_fn_executable_p
+# as_fn_append VAR VALUE
+# ----------------------
+# Append the text in VALUE to the end of the definition contained in VAR. Take
+# advantage of any shell optimizations that allow amortized linear growth over
+# repeated appends, instead of the typical quadratic growth present in naive
+# implementations.
+if (eval "as_var=1; as_var+=2; test x\$as_var = x12") 2>/dev/null; then :
+  eval 'as_fn_append ()
+  {
+    eval $1+=\$2
+  }'
+  as_fn_append ()
+  {
+    eval $1=\$$1\$2
+  }
+fi # as_fn_append
+# as_fn_arith ARG...
+# ------------------
+# Perform arithmetic evaluation on the ARGs, and store the result in the
+# global $as_val. Take advantage of shells that can avoid forks. The arguments
+# must be portable across $(()) and expr.
+if (eval "test \$(( 1 + 1 )) = 2") 2>/dev/null; then :
+  eval 'as_fn_arith ()
+  {
+    as_val=$(( $* ))
+  }'
+  as_fn_arith ()
+  {
+    as_val=`expr "$@" || test $? -eq 1`
+  }
+fi # as_fn_arith
+# ----------------------------------------
+# Output "`basename $0`: error: ERROR" to stderr. If LINENO and LOG_FD are
+# provided, also output the error to LOG_FD, referencing LINENO. Then exit the
+# script with STATUS, using 1 if that was 0.
+as_fn_error ()
+  as_status=$1; test $as_status -eq 0 && as_status=1
+  if test "$4"; then
+    as_lineno=${as_lineno-"$3"} as_lineno_stack=as_lineno_stack=$as_lineno_stack
+    $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: error: $2" >&$4
+  fi
+  $as_echo "$as_me: error: $2" >&2
+  as_fn_exit $as_status
+} # as_fn_error
+if expr a : '\(a\)' >/dev/null 2>&1 &&
+   test "X`expr 00001 : '.*\(...\)'`" = X001; then
+  as_expr=expr
+  as_expr=false
+if (basename -- /) >/dev/null 2>&1 && test "X`basename -- / 2>&1`" = "X/"; then
+  as_basename=basename
+  as_basename=false
+if (as_dir=`dirname -- /` && test "X$as_dir" = X/) >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+  as_dirname=dirname
+  as_dirname=false
+as_me=`$as_basename -- "$0" ||
+$as_expr X/"$0" : '.*/\([^/][^/]*\)/*$' \| \
+	 X"$0" : 'X\(//\)$' \| \
+	 X"$0" : 'X\(/\)' \| . 2>/dev/null ||
+$as_echo X/"$0" |
+    sed '/^.*\/\([^/][^/]*\)\/*$/{
+	    s//\1/
+	    q
+	  }
+	  /^X\/\(\/\/\)$/{
+	    s//\1/
+	    q
+	  }
+	  /^X\/\(\/\).*/{
+	    s//\1/
+	    q
+	  }
+	  s/.*/./; q'`
+# Avoid depending upon Character Ranges.
+  as_lineno_1=$LINENO as_lineno_1a=$LINENO
+  as_lineno_2=$LINENO as_lineno_2a=$LINENO
+  eval 'test "x$as_lineno_1'$as_run'" != "x$as_lineno_2'$as_run'" &&
+  test "x`expr $as_lineno_1'$as_run' + 1`" = "x$as_lineno_2'$as_run'"' || {
+  # Blame Lee E. McMahon (1931-1989) for sed's syntax.  :-)
+  sed -n '
+    p
+    /[$]LINENO/=
+  ' <$as_myself |
+    sed '
+      s/[$]LINENO.*/&-/
+      t lineno
+      b
+      :lineno
+      N
+      :loop
+      s/[$]LINENO\([^'$as_cr_alnum'_].*\n\)\(.*\)/\2\1\2/
+      t loop
+      s/-\n.*//
+    ' >$as_me.lineno &&
+  chmod +x "$as_me.lineno" ||
+    { $as_echo "$as_me: error: cannot create $as_me.lineno; rerun with a POSIX shell" >&2; as_fn_exit 1; }
+  # If we had to re-execute with $CONFIG_SHELL, we're ensured to have
+  # already done that, so ensure we don't try to do so again and fall
+  # in an infinite loop.  This has already happened in practice.
+  _as_can_reexec=no; export _as_can_reexec
+  # Don't try to exec as it changes $[0], causing all sort of problems
+  # (the dirname of $[0] is not the place where we might find the
+  # original and so on.  Autoconf is especially sensitive to this).
+  . "./$as_me.lineno"
+  # Exit status is that of the last command.
+  exit
+case `echo -n x` in #(((((
+  case `echo 'xy\c'` in
+  *c*) ECHO_T='	';;	# ECHO_T is single tab character.
+  xy)  ECHO_C='\c';;
+  *)   echo `echo ksh88 bug on AIX 6.1` > /dev/null
+       ECHO_T='	';;
+  esac;;
+  ECHO_N='-n';;
+rm -f conf$$ conf$$.exe conf$$.file
+if test -d conf$$.dir; then
+  rm -f conf$$.dir/conf$$.file
+  rm -f conf$$.dir
+  mkdir conf$$.dir 2>/dev/null
+if (echo >conf$$.file) 2>/dev/null; then
+  if ln -s conf$$.file conf$$ 2>/dev/null; then
+    as_ln_s='ln -s'
+    # ... but there are two gotchas:
+    # 1) On MSYS, both `ln -s file dir' and `ln file dir' fail.
+    # 2) DJGPP < 2.04 has no symlinks; `ln -s' creates a wrapper executable.
+    # In both cases, we have to default to `cp -pR'.
+    ln -s conf$$.file conf$$.dir 2>/dev/null && test ! -f conf$$.exe ||
+      as_ln_s='cp -pR'
+  elif ln conf$$.file conf$$ 2>/dev/null; then
+    as_ln_s=ln
+  else
+    as_ln_s='cp -pR'
+  fi
+  as_ln_s='cp -pR'
+rm -f conf$$ conf$$.exe conf$$.dir/conf$$.file conf$$.file
+rmdir conf$$.dir 2>/dev/null
+if mkdir -p . 2>/dev/null; then
+  as_mkdir_p='mkdir -p "$as_dir"'
+  test -d ./-p && rmdir ./-p
+  as_mkdir_p=false
+as_test_x='test -x'
+# Sed expression to map a string onto a valid CPP name.
+as_tr_cpp="eval sed 'y%*$as_cr_letters%P$as_cr_LETTERS%;s%[^_$as_cr_alnum]%_%g'"
+# Sed expression to map a string onto a valid variable name.
+as_tr_sh="eval sed 'y%*+%pp%;s%[^_$as_cr_alnum]%_%g'"
+test -n "$DJDIR" || exec 7<&0 </dev/null
+exec 6>&1
+# Name of the host.
+# hostname on some systems (SVR3.2, old GNU/Linux) returns a bogus exit status,
+# so uname gets run too.
+ac_hostname=`(hostname || uname -n) 2>/dev/null | sed 1q`
+# Initializations.
+# Identity of this package.
+PACKAGE_NAME='Octave-Forge tisean package'
+PACKAGE_STRING='Octave-Forge tisean package 0.2.3'
+      ac_precious_vars='build_alias
+# Initialize some variables set by options.
+# The variables have the same names as the options, with
+# dashes changed to underlines.
+# Installation directory options.
+# These are left unexpanded so users can "make install exec_prefix=/foo"
+# and all the variables that are supposed to be based on exec_prefix
+# by default will actually change.
+# Use braces instead of parens because sh, perl, etc. also accept them.
+# (The list follows the same order as the GNU Coding Standards.)
+for ac_option
+  # If the previous option needs an argument, assign it.
+  if test -n "$ac_prev"; then
+    eval $ac_prev=\$ac_option
+    ac_prev=
+    continue
+  fi
+  case $ac_option in
+  *=?*) ac_optarg=`expr "X$ac_option" : '[^=]*=\(.*\)'` ;;
+  *=)   ac_optarg= ;;
+  *)    ac_optarg=yes ;;
+  esac
+  # Accept the important Cygnus configure options, so we can diagnose typos.
+  case $ac_dashdash$ac_option in
+  --)
+    ac_dashdash=yes ;;
+  -bindir | --bindir | --bindi | --bind | --bin | --bi)
+    ac_prev=bindir ;;
+  -bindir=* | --bindir=* | --bindi=* | --bind=* | --bin=* | --bi=*)
+    bindir=$ac_optarg ;;
+  -build | --build | --buil | --bui | --bu)
+    ac_prev=build_alias ;;
+  -build=* | --build=* | --buil=* | --bui=* | --bu=*)
+    build_alias=$ac_optarg ;;
+  -cache-file | --cache-file | --cache-fil | --cache-fi \
+  | --cache-f | --cache- | --cache | --cach | --cac | --ca | --c)
+    ac_prev=cache_file ;;
+  -cache-file=* | --cache-file=* | --cache-fil=* | --cache-fi=* \
+  | --cache-f=* | --cache-=* | --cache=* | --cach=* | --cac=* | --ca=* | --c=*)
+    cache_file=$ac_optarg ;;
+  --config-cache | -C)
+    cache_file=config.cache ;;
+  -datadir | --datadir | --datadi | --datad)
+    ac_prev=datadir ;;
+  -datadir=* | --datadir=* | --datadi=* | --datad=*)
+    datadir=$ac_optarg ;;
+  -datarootdir | --datarootdir | --datarootdi | --datarootd | --dataroot \
+  | --dataroo | --dataro | --datar)
+    ac_prev=datarootdir ;;
+  -datarootdir=* | --datarootdir=* | --datarootdi=* | --datarootd=* \
+  | --dataroot=* | --dataroo=* | --dataro=* | --datar=*)
+    datarootdir=$ac_optarg ;;
+  -disable-* | --disable-*)
+    ac_useropt=`expr "x$ac_option" : 'x-*disable-\(.*\)'`
+    # Reject names that are not valid shell variable names.
+    expr "x$ac_useropt" : ".*[^-+._$as_cr_alnum]" >/dev/null &&
+      as_fn_error $? "invalid feature name: $ac_useropt"
+    ac_useropt_orig=$ac_useropt
+    ac_useropt=`$as_echo "$ac_useropt" | sed 's/[-+.]/_/g'`
+    case $ac_user_opts in
+      *"
+"*) ;;
+      *) ac_unrecognized_opts="$ac_unrecognized_opts$ac_unrecognized_sep--disable-$ac_useropt_orig"
+	 ac_unrecognized_sep=', ';;
+    esac
+    eval enable_$ac_useropt=no ;;
+  -docdir | --docdir | --docdi | --doc | --do)
+    ac_prev=docdir ;;
+  -docdir=* | --docdir=* | --docdi=* | --doc=* | --do=*)
+    docdir=$ac_optarg ;;
+  -dvidir | --dvidir | --dvidi | --dvid | --dvi | --dv)
+    ac_prev=dvidir ;;
+  -dvidir=* | --dvidir=* | --dvidi=* | --dvid=* | --dvi=* | --dv=*)
+    dvidir=$ac_optarg ;;
+  -enable-* | --enable-*)
+    ac_useropt=`expr "x$ac_option" : 'x-*enable-\([^=]*\)'`
+    # Reject names that are not valid shell variable names.
+    expr "x$ac_useropt" : ".*[^-+._$as_cr_alnum]" >/dev/null &&
+      as_fn_error $? "invalid feature name: $ac_useropt"
+    ac_useropt_orig=$ac_useropt
+    ac_useropt=`$as_echo "$ac_useropt" | sed 's/[-+.]/_/g'`
+    case $ac_user_opts in
+      *"
+"*) ;;
+      *) ac_unrecognized_opts="$ac_unrecognized_opts$ac_unrecognized_sep--enable-$ac_useropt_orig"
+	 ac_unrecognized_sep=', ';;
+    esac
+    eval enable_$ac_useropt=\$ac_optarg ;;
+  -exec-prefix | --exec_prefix | --exec-prefix | --exec-prefi \
+  | --exec-pref | --exec-pre | --exec-pr | --exec-p | --exec- \
+  | --exec | --exe | --ex)
+    ac_prev=exec_prefix ;;
+  -exec-prefix=* | --exec_prefix=* | --exec-prefix=* | --exec-prefi=* \
+  | --exec-pref=* | --exec-pre=* | --exec-pr=* | --exec-p=* | --exec-=* \
+  | --exec=* | --exe=* | --ex=*)
+    exec_prefix=$ac_optarg ;;
+  -gas | --gas | --ga | --g)
+    # Obsolete; use --with-gas.
+    with_gas=yes ;;
+  -help | --help | --hel | --he | -h)
+    ac_init_help=long ;;
+  -help=r* | --help=r* | --hel=r* | --he=r* | -hr*)
+    ac_init_help=recursive ;;
+  -help=s* | --help=s* | --hel=s* | --he=s* | -hs*)
+    ac_init_help=short ;;
+  -host | --host | --hos | --ho)
+    ac_prev=host_alias ;;
+  -host=* | --host=* | --hos=* | --ho=*)
+    host_alias=$ac_optarg ;;
+  -htmldir | --htmldir | --htmldi | --htmld | --html | --htm | --ht)
+    ac_prev=htmldir ;;
+  -htmldir=* | --htmldir=* | --htmldi=* | --htmld=* | --html=* | --htm=* \
+  | --ht=*)
+    htmldir=$ac_optarg ;;
+  -includedir | --includedir | --includedi | --included | --include \
+  | --includ | --inclu | --incl | --inc)
+    ac_prev=includedir ;;
+  -includedir=* | --includedir=* | --includedi=* | --included=* | --include=* \
+  | --includ=* | --inclu=* | --incl=* | --inc=*)
+    includedir=$ac_optarg ;;
+  -infodir | --infodir | --infodi | --infod | --info | --inf)
+    ac_prev=infodir ;;
+  -infodir=* | --infodir=* | --infodi=* | --infod=* | --info=* | --inf=*)
+    infodir=$ac_optarg ;;
+  -libdir | --libdir | --libdi | --libd)
+    ac_prev=libdir ;;
+  -libdir=* | --libdir=* | --libdi=* | --libd=*)
+    libdir=$ac_optarg ;;
+  -libexecdir | --libexecdir | --libexecdi | --libexecd | --libexec \
+  | --libexe | --libex | --libe)
+    ac_prev=libexecdir ;;
+  -libexecdir=* | --libexecdir=* | --libexecdi=* | --libexecd=* | --libexec=* \
+  | --libexe=* | --libex=* | --libe=*)
+    libexecdir=$ac_optarg ;;
+  -localedir | --localedir | --localedi | --localed | --locale)
+    ac_prev=localedir ;;
+  -localedir=* | --localedir=* | --localedi=* | --localed=* | --locale=*)
+    localedir=$ac_optarg ;;
+  -localstatedir | --localstatedir | --localstatedi | --localstated \
+  | --localstate | --localstat | --localsta | --localst | --locals)
+    ac_prev=localstatedir ;;
+  -localstatedir=* | --localstatedir=* | --localstatedi=* | --localstated=* \
+  | --localstate=* | --localstat=* | --localsta=* | --localst=* | --locals=*)
+    localstatedir=$ac_optarg ;;
+  -mandir | --mandir | --mandi | --mand | --man | --ma | --m)
+    ac_prev=mandir ;;
+  -mandir=* | --mandir=* | --mandi=* | --mand=* | --man=* | --ma=* | --m=*)
+    mandir=$ac_optarg ;;
+  -nfp | --nfp | --nf)
+    # Obsolete; use --without-fp.
+    with_fp=no ;;
+  -no-create | --no-create | --no-creat | --no-crea | --no-cre \
+  | --no-cr | --no-c | -n)
+    no_create=yes ;;
+  -no-recursion | --no-recursion | --no-recursio | --no-recursi \
+  | --no-recurs | --no-recur | --no-recu | --no-rec | --no-re | --no-r)
+    no_recursion=yes ;;
+  -oldincludedir | --oldincludedir | --oldincludedi | --oldincluded \
+  | --oldinclude | --oldinclud | --oldinclu | --oldincl | --oldinc \
+  | --oldin | --oldi | --old | --ol | --o)
+    ac_prev=oldincludedir ;;
+  -oldincludedir=* | --oldincludedir=* | --oldincludedi=* | --oldincluded=* \
+  | --oldinclude=* | --oldinclud=* | --oldinclu=* | --oldincl=* | --oldinc=* \
+  | --oldin=* | --oldi=* | --old=* | --ol=* | --o=*)
+    oldincludedir=$ac_optarg ;;
+  -prefix | --prefix | --prefi | --pref | --pre | --pr | --p)
+    ac_prev=prefix ;;
+  -prefix=* | --prefix=* | --prefi=* | --pref=* | --pre=* | --pr=* | --p=*)
+    prefix=$ac_optarg ;;
+  -program-prefix | --program-prefix | --program-prefi | --program-pref \
+  | --program-pre | --program-pr | --program-p)
+    ac_prev=program_prefix ;;
+  -program-prefix=* | --program-prefix=* | --program-prefi=* \
+  | --program-pref=* | --program-pre=* | --program-pr=* | --program-p=*)
+    program_prefix=$ac_optarg ;;
+  -program-suffix | --program-suffix | --program-suffi | --program-suff \
+  | --program-suf | --program-su | --program-s)
+    ac_prev=program_suffix ;;
+  -program-suffix=* | --program-suffix=* | --program-suffi=* \
+  | --program-suff=* | --program-suf=* | --program-su=* | --program-s=*)
+    program_suffix=$ac_optarg ;;
+  -program-transform-name | --program-transform-name \
+  | --program-transform-nam | --program-transform-na \
+  | --program-transform-n | --program-transform- \
+  | --program-transform | --program-transfor \
+  | --program-transfo | --program-transf \
+  | --program-trans | --program-tran \
+  | --progr-tra | --program-tr | --program-t)
+    ac_prev=program_transform_name ;;
+  -program-transform-name=* | --program-transform-name=* \
+  | --program-transform-nam=* | --program-transform-na=* \
+  | --program-transform-n=* | --program-transform-=* \
+  | --program-transform=* | --program-transfor=* \
+  | --program-transfo=* | --program-transf=* \
+  | --program-trans=* | --program-tran=* \
+  | --progr-tra=* | --program-tr=* | --program-t=*)
+    program_transform_name=$ac_optarg ;;
+  -pdfdir | --pdfdir | --pdfdi | --pdfd | --pdf | --pd)
+    ac_prev=pdfdir ;;
+  -pdfdir=* | --pdfdir=* | --pdfdi=* | --pdfd=* | --pdf=* | --pd=*)
+    pdfdir=$ac_optarg ;;
+  -psdir | --psdir | --psdi | --psd | --ps)
+    ac_prev=psdir ;;
+  -psdir=* | --psdir=* | --psdi=* | --psd=* | --ps=*)
+    psdir=$ac_optarg ;;
+  -q | -quiet | --quiet | --quie | --qui | --qu | --q \
+  | -silent | --silent | --silen | --sile | --sil)
+    silent=yes ;;
+  -sbindir | --sbindir | --sbindi | --sbind | --sbin | --sbi | --sb)
+    ac_prev=sbindir ;;
+  -sbindir=* | --sbindir=* | --sbindi=* | --sbind=* | --sbin=* \
+  | --sbi=* | --sb=*)
+    sbindir=$ac_optarg ;;
+  -sharedstatedir | --sharedstatedir | --sharedstatedi \
+  | --sharedstated | --sharedstate | --sharedstat | --sharedsta \
+  | --sharedst | --shareds | --shared | --share | --shar \
+  | --sha | --sh)
+    ac_prev=sharedstatedir ;;
+  -sharedstatedir=* | --sharedstatedir=* | --sharedstatedi=* \
+  | --sharedstated=* | --sharedstate=* | --sharedstat=* | --sharedsta=* \
+  | --sharedst=* | --shareds=* | --shared=* | --share=* | --shar=* \
+  | --sha=* | --sh=*)
+    sharedstatedir=$ac_optarg ;;
+  -site | --site | --sit)
+    ac_prev=site ;;
+  -site=* | --site=* | --sit=*)
+    site=$ac_optarg ;;
+  -srcdir | --srcdir | --srcdi | --srcd | --src | --sr)
+    ac_prev=srcdir ;;
+  -srcdir=* | --srcdir=* | --srcdi=* | --srcd=* | --src=* | --sr=*)
+    srcdir=$ac_optarg ;;
+  -sysconfdir | --sysconfdir | --sysconfdi | --sysconfd | --sysconf \
+  | --syscon | --sysco | --sysc | --sys | --sy)
+    ac_prev=sysconfdir ;;
+  -sysconfdir=* | --sysconfdir=* | --sysconfdi=* | --sysconfd=* | --sysconf=* \
+  | --syscon=* | --sysco=* | --sysc=* | --sys=* | --sy=*)
+    sysconfdir=$ac_optarg ;;
+  -target | --target | --targe | --targ | --tar | --ta | --t)
+    ac_prev=target_alias ;;
+  -target=* | --target=* | --targe=* | --targ=* | --tar=* | --ta=* | --t=*)
+    target_alias=$ac_optarg ;;
+  -v | -verbose | --verbose | --verbos | --verbo | --verb)
+    verbose=yes ;;
+  -version | --version | --versio | --versi | --vers | -V)
+    ac_init_version=: ;;
+  -with-* | --with-*)
+    ac_useropt=`expr "x$ac_option" : 'x-*with-\([^=]*\)'`
+    # Reject names that are not valid shell variable names.
+    expr "x$ac_useropt" : ".*[^-+._$as_cr_alnum]" >/dev/null &&
+      as_fn_error $? "invalid package name: $ac_useropt"
+    ac_useropt_orig=$ac_useropt
+    ac_useropt=`$as_echo "$ac_useropt" | sed 's/[-+.]/_/g'`
+    case $ac_user_opts in
+      *"
+"*) ;;
+      *) ac_unrecognized_opts="$ac_unrecognized_opts$ac_unrecognized_sep--with-$ac_useropt_orig"
+	 ac_unrecognized_sep=', ';;
+    esac
+    eval with_$ac_useropt=\$ac_optarg ;;
+  -without-* | --without-*)
+    ac_useropt=`expr "x$ac_option" : 'x-*without-\(.*\)'`
+    # Reject names that are not valid shell variable names.
+    expr "x$ac_useropt" : ".*[^-+._$as_cr_alnum]" >/dev/null &&
+      as_fn_error $? "invalid package name: $ac_useropt"
+    ac_useropt_orig=$ac_useropt
+    ac_useropt=`$as_echo "$ac_useropt" | sed 's/[-+.]/_/g'`
+    case $ac_user_opts in
+      *"
+"*) ;;
+      *) ac_unrecognized_opts="$ac_unrecognized_opts$ac_unrecognized_sep--without-$ac_useropt_orig"
+	 ac_unrecognized_sep=', ';;
+    esac
+    eval with_$ac_useropt=no ;;
+  --x)
+    # Obsolete; use --with-x.
+    with_x=yes ;;
+  -x-includes | --x-includes | --x-include | --x-includ | --x-inclu \
+  | --x-incl | --x-inc | --x-in | --x-i)
+    ac_prev=x_includes ;;
+  -x-includes=* | --x-includes=* | --x-include=* | --x-includ=* | --x-inclu=* \
+  | --x-incl=* | --x-inc=* | --x-in=* | --x-i=*)
+    x_includes=$ac_optarg ;;
+  -x-libraries | --x-libraries | --x-librarie | --x-librari \
+  | --x-librar | --x-libra | --x-libr | --x-lib | --x-li | --x-l)
+    ac_prev=x_libraries ;;
+  -x-libraries=* | --x-libraries=* | --x-librarie=* | --x-librari=* \
+  | --x-librar=* | --x-libra=* | --x-libr=* | --x-lib=* | --x-li=* | --x-l=*)
+    x_libraries=$ac_optarg ;;
+  -*) as_fn_error $? "unrecognized option: \`$ac_option'
+Try \`$0 --help' for more information"
+    ;;
+  *=*)
+    ac_envvar=`expr "x$ac_option" : 'x\([^=]*\)='`
+    # Reject names that are not valid shell variable names.
+    case $ac_envvar in #(
+      '' | [0-9]* | *[!_$as_cr_alnum]* )
+      as_fn_error $? "invalid variable name: \`$ac_envvar'" ;;
+    esac
+    eval $ac_envvar=\$ac_optarg
+    export $ac_envvar ;;
+  *)
+    # FIXME: should be removed in autoconf 3.0.
+    $as_echo "$as_me: WARNING: you should use --build, --host, --target" >&2
+    expr "x$ac_option" : ".*[^-._$as_cr_alnum]" >/dev/null &&
+      $as_echo "$as_me: WARNING: invalid host type: $ac_option" >&2
+    : "${build_alias=$ac_option} ${host_alias=$ac_option} ${target_alias=$ac_option}"
+    ;;
+  esac
+if test -n "$ac_prev"; then
+  ac_option=--`echo $ac_prev | sed 's/_/-/g'`
+  as_fn_error $? "missing argument to $ac_option"
+if test -n "$ac_unrecognized_opts"; then
+  case $enable_option_checking in
+    no) ;;
+    fatal) as_fn_error $? "unrecognized options: $ac_unrecognized_opts" ;;
+    *)     $as_echo "$as_me: WARNING: unrecognized options: $ac_unrecognized_opts" >&2 ;;
+  esac
+# Check all directory arguments for consistency.
+for ac_var in	exec_prefix prefix bindir sbindir libexecdir datarootdir \
+		datadir sysconfdir sharedstatedir localstatedir includedir \
+		oldincludedir docdir infodir htmldir dvidir pdfdir psdir \
+		libdir localedir mandir
+  eval ac_val=\$$ac_var
+  # Remove trailing slashes.
+  case $ac_val in
+    */ )
+      ac_val=`expr "X$ac_val" : 'X\(.*[^/]\)' \| "X$ac_val" : 'X\(.*\)'`
+      eval $ac_var=\$ac_val;;
+  esac
+  # Be sure to have absolute directory names.
+  case $ac_val in
+    [\\/$]* | ?:[\\/]* )  continue;;
+    NONE | '' ) case $ac_var in *prefix ) continue;; esac;;
+  esac
+  as_fn_error $? "expected an absolute directory name for --$ac_var: $ac_val"
+# There might be people who depend on the old broken behavior: `$host'
+# used to hold the argument of --host etc.
+# FIXME: To remove some day.
+# FIXME: To remove some day.
+if test "x$host_alias" != x; then
+  if test "x$build_alias" = x; then
+    cross_compiling=maybe
+  elif test "x$build_alias" != "x$host_alias"; then
+    cross_compiling=yes
+  fi
+test -n "$host_alias" && ac_tool_prefix=$host_alias-
+test "$silent" = yes && exec 6>/dev/null
+ac_pwd=`pwd` && test -n "$ac_pwd" &&
+ac_ls_di=`ls -di .` &&
+ac_pwd_ls_di=`cd "$ac_pwd" && ls -di .` ||
+  as_fn_error $? "working directory cannot be determined"
+test "X$ac_ls_di" = "X$ac_pwd_ls_di" ||
+  as_fn_error $? "pwd does not report name of working directory"
+# Find the source files, if location was not specified.
+if test -z "$srcdir"; then
+  ac_srcdir_defaulted=yes
+  # Try the directory containing this script, then the parent directory.
+  ac_confdir=`$as_dirname -- "$as_myself" ||
+$as_expr X"$as_myself" : 'X\(.*[^/]\)//*[^/][^/]*/*$' \| \
+	 X"$as_myself" : 'X\(//\)[^/]' \| \
+	 X"$as_myself" : 'X\(//\)$' \| \
+	 X"$as_myself" : 'X\(/\)' \| . 2>/dev/null ||
+$as_echo X"$as_myself" |
+    sed '/^X\(.*[^/]\)\/\/*[^/][^/]*\/*$/{
+	    s//\1/
+	    q
+	  }
+	  /^X\(\/\/\)[^/].*/{
+	    s//\1/
+	    q
+	  }
+	  /^X\(\/\/\)$/{
+	    s//\1/
+	    q
+	  }
+	  /^X\(\/\).*/{
+	    s//\1/
+	    q
+	  }
+	  s/.*/./; q'`
+  srcdir=$ac_confdir
+  if test ! -r "$srcdir/$ac_unique_file"; then
+    srcdir=..
+  fi
+  ac_srcdir_defaulted=no
+if test ! -r "$srcdir/$ac_unique_file"; then
+  test "$ac_srcdir_defaulted" = yes && srcdir="$ac_confdir or .."
+  as_fn_error $? "cannot find sources ($ac_unique_file) in $srcdir"
+ac_msg="sources are in $srcdir, but \`cd $srcdir' does not work"
+	cd "$srcdir" && test -r "./$ac_unique_file" || as_fn_error $? "$ac_msg"
+	pwd)`
+# When building in place, set srcdir=.
+if test "$ac_abs_confdir" = "$ac_pwd"; then
+  srcdir=.
+# Remove unnecessary trailing slashes from srcdir.
+# Double slashes in file names in object file debugging info
+# mess up M-x gdb in Emacs.
+case $srcdir in
+*/) srcdir=`expr "X$srcdir" : 'X\(.*[^/]\)' \| "X$srcdir" : 'X\(.*\)'`;;
+for ac_var in $ac_precious_vars; do
+  eval ac_env_${ac_var}_set=\${${ac_var}+set}
+  eval ac_env_${ac_var}_value=\$${ac_var}
+  eval ac_cv_env_${ac_var}_set=\${${ac_var}+set}
+  eval ac_cv_env_${ac_var}_value=\$${ac_var}
+# Report the --help message.
+if test "$ac_init_help" = "long"; then
+  # Omit some internal or obsolete options to make the list less imposing.
+  # This message is too long to be a string in the A/UX 3.1 sh.
+  cat <<_ACEOF
+\`configure' configures Octave-Forge tisean package 0.2.3 to adapt to many kinds of systems.
+Usage: $0 [OPTION]... [VAR=VALUE]...
+To assign environment variables (e.g., CC, CFLAGS...), specify them as
+VAR=VALUE.  See below for descriptions of some of the useful variables.
+Defaults for the options are specified in brackets.
+  -h, --help              display this help and exit
+      --help=short        display options specific to this package
+      --help=recursive    display the short help of all the included packages
+  -V, --version           display version information and exit
+  -q, --quiet, --silent   do not print \`checking ...' messages
+      --cache-file=FILE   cache test results in FILE [disabled]
+  -C, --config-cache      alias for \`--cache-file=config.cache'
+  -n, --no-create         do not create output files
+      --srcdir=DIR        find the sources in DIR [configure dir or \`..']
+Installation directories:
+  --prefix=PREFIX         install architecture-independent files in PREFIX
+                          [$ac_default_prefix]
+  --exec-prefix=EPREFIX   install architecture-dependent files in EPREFIX
+                          [PREFIX]
+By default, \`make install' will install all the files in
+\`$ac_default_prefix/bin', \`$ac_default_prefix/lib' etc.  You can specify
+an installation prefix other than \`$ac_default_prefix' using \`--prefix',
+for instance \`--prefix=\$HOME'.
+For better control, use the options below.
+Fine tuning of the installation directories:
+  --bindir=DIR            user executables [EPREFIX/bin]
+  --sbindir=DIR           system admin executables [EPREFIX/sbin]
+  --libexecdir=DIR        program executables [EPREFIX/libexec]
+  --sysconfdir=DIR        read-only single-machine data [PREFIX/etc]
+  --sharedstatedir=DIR    modifiable architecture-independent data [PREFIX/com]
+  --localstatedir=DIR     modifiable single-machine data [PREFIX/var]
+  --libdir=DIR            object code libraries [EPREFIX/lib]
+  --includedir=DIR        C header files [PREFIX/include]
+  --oldincludedir=DIR     C header files for non-gcc [/usr/include]
+  --datarootdir=DIR       read-only arch.-independent data root [PREFIX/share]
+  --datadir=DIR           read-only architecture-independent data [DATAROOTDIR]
+  --infodir=DIR           info documentation [DATAROOTDIR/info]
+  --localedir=DIR         locale-dependent data [DATAROOTDIR/locale]
+  --mandir=DIR            man documentation [DATAROOTDIR/man]
+  --docdir=DIR            documentation root
+                          [DATAROOTDIR/doc/octave-forge-tisean-package]
+  --htmldir=DIR           html documentation [DOCDIR]
+  --dvidir=DIR            dvi documentation [DOCDIR]
+  --pdfdir=DIR            pdf documentation [DOCDIR]
+  --psdir=DIR             ps documentation [DOCDIR]
+  cat <<\_ACEOF
+if test -n "$ac_init_help"; then
+  case $ac_init_help in
+     short | recursive ) echo "Configuration of Octave-Forge tisean package 0.2.3:";;
+   esac
+  cat <<\_ACEOF
+Some influential environment variables:
+  CXX         C++ compiler command
+  CXXFLAGS    C++ compiler flags
+  LDFLAGS     linker flags, e.g. -L<lib dir> if you have libraries in a
+              nonstandard directory <lib dir>
+  LIBS        libraries to pass to the linker, e.g. -l<library>
+  CPPFLAGS    (Objective) C/C++ preprocessor flags, e.g. -I<include dir> if
+              you have headers in a nonstandard directory <include dir>
+  F77         Fortran 77 compiler command
+  FFLAGS      Fortran 77 compiler flags
+Use these variables to override the choices made by `configure' or to help
+it to find libraries and programs with nonstandard names/locations.
+Report bugs to the package provider.
+if test "$ac_init_help" = "recursive"; then
+  # If there are subdirs, report their specific --help.
+  for ac_dir in : $ac_subdirs_all; do test "x$ac_dir" = x: && continue
+    test -d "$ac_dir" ||
+      { cd "$srcdir" && ac_pwd=`pwd` && srcdir=. && test -d "$ac_dir"; } ||
+      continue
+    ac_builddir=.
+case "$ac_dir" in
+.) ac_dir_suffix= ac_top_builddir_sub=. ac_top_build_prefix= ;;
+  ac_dir_suffix=/`$as_echo "$ac_dir" | sed 's|^\.[\\/]||'`
+  # A ".." for each directory in $ac_dir_suffix.
+  ac_top_builddir_sub=`$as_echo "$ac_dir_suffix" | sed 's|/[^\\/]*|/..|g;s|/||'`
+  case $ac_top_builddir_sub in
+  "") ac_top_builddir_sub=. ac_top_build_prefix= ;;
+  *)  ac_top_build_prefix=$ac_top_builddir_sub/ ;;
+  esac ;;
+# for backward compatibility:
+case $srcdir in
+  .)  # We are building in place.
+    ac_srcdir=.
+    ac_top_srcdir=$ac_top_builddir_sub
+    ac_abs_top_srcdir=$ac_pwd ;;
+  [\\/]* | ?:[\\/]* )  # Absolute name.
+    ac_srcdir=$srcdir$ac_dir_suffix;
+    ac_top_srcdir=$srcdir
+    ac_abs_top_srcdir=$srcdir ;;
+  *) # Relative name.
+    ac_srcdir=$ac_top_build_prefix$srcdir$ac_dir_suffix
+    ac_top_srcdir=$ac_top_build_prefix$srcdir
+    ac_abs_top_srcdir=$ac_pwd/$srcdir ;;
+    cd "$ac_dir" || { ac_status=$?; continue; }
+    # Check for guested configure.
+    if test -f "$ac_srcdir/configure.gnu"; then
+      echo &&
+      $SHELL "$ac_srcdir/configure.gnu" --help=recursive
+    elif test -f "$ac_srcdir/configure"; then
+      echo &&
+      $SHELL "$ac_srcdir/configure" --help=recursive
+    else
+      $as_echo "$as_me: WARNING: no configuration information is in $ac_dir" >&2
+    fi || ac_status=$?
+    cd "$ac_pwd" || { ac_status=$?; break; }
+  done
+test -n "$ac_init_help" && exit $ac_status
+if $ac_init_version; then
+  cat <<\_ACEOF
+Octave-Forge tisean package configure 0.2.3
+generated by GNU Autoconf 2.69
+Copyright (C) 2012 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+This configure script is free software; the Free Software Foundation
+gives unlimited permission to copy, distribute and modify it.
+  exit
+## ------------------------ ##
+## Autoconf initialization. ##
+## ------------------------ ##
+# ac_fn_cxx_try_compile LINENO
+# ----------------------------
+# Try to compile conftest.$ac_ext, and return whether this succeeded.
+ac_fn_cxx_try_compile ()
+  as_lineno=${as_lineno-"$1"} as_lineno_stack=as_lineno_stack=$as_lineno_stack
+  rm -f conftest.$ac_objext
+  if { { ac_try="$ac_compile"
+case "(($ac_try" in
+  *\"* | *\`* | *\\*) ac_try_echo=\$ac_try;;
+  *) ac_try_echo=$ac_try;;
+eval ac_try_echo="\"\$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: $ac_try_echo\""
+$as_echo "$ac_try_echo"; } >&5
+  (eval "$ac_compile") 2>conftest.err
+  ac_status=$?
+  if test -s conftest.err; then
+    grep -v '^ *+' conftest.err >conftest.er1
+    cat conftest.er1 >&5
+    mv -f conftest.er1 conftest.err
+  fi
+  $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: \$? = $ac_status" >&5
+  test $ac_status = 0; } && {
+	 test -z "$ac_cxx_werror_flag" ||
+	 test ! -s conftest.err
+       } && test -s conftest.$ac_objext; then :
+  ac_retval=0
+  $as_echo "$as_me: failed program was:" >&5
+sed 's/^/| /' conftest.$ac_ext >&5
+	ac_retval=1
+  eval $as_lineno_stack; ${as_lineno_stack:+:} unset as_lineno
+  as_fn_set_status $ac_retval
+} # ac_fn_cxx_try_compile
+# ac_fn_f77_try_compile LINENO
+# ----------------------------
+# Try to compile conftest.$ac_ext, and return whether this succeeded.
+ac_fn_f77_try_compile ()
+  as_lineno=${as_lineno-"$1"} as_lineno_stack=as_lineno_stack=$as_lineno_stack
+  rm -f conftest.$ac_objext
+  if { { ac_try="$ac_compile"
+case "(($ac_try" in
+  *\"* | *\`* | *\\*) ac_try_echo=\$ac_try;;
+  *) ac_try_echo=$ac_try;;
+eval ac_try_echo="\"\$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: $ac_try_echo\""
+$as_echo "$ac_try_echo"; } >&5
+  (eval "$ac_compile") 2>conftest.err
+  ac_status=$?
+  if test -s conftest.err; then
+    grep -v '^ *+' conftest.err >conftest.er1
+    cat conftest.er1 >&5
+    mv -f conftest.er1 conftest.err
+  fi
+  $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: \$? = $ac_status" >&5
+  test $ac_status = 0; } && {
+	 test -z "$ac_f77_werror_flag" ||
+	 test ! -s conftest.err
+       } && test -s conftest.$ac_objext; then :
+  ac_retval=0
+  $as_echo "$as_me: failed program was:" >&5
+sed 's/^/| /' conftest.$ac_ext >&5
+	ac_retval=1
+  eval $as_lineno_stack; ${as_lineno_stack:+:} unset as_lineno
+  as_fn_set_status $ac_retval
+} # ac_fn_f77_try_compile
+cat >config.log <<_ACEOF
+This file contains any messages produced by compilers while
+running configure, to aid debugging if configure makes a mistake.
+It was created by Octave-Forge tisean package $as_me 0.2.3, which was
+generated by GNU Autoconf 2.69.  Invocation command line was
+  $ $0 $@
+exec 5>>config.log
+cat <<_ASUNAME
+## --------- ##
+## Platform. ##
+## --------- ##
+hostname = `(hostname || uname -n) 2>/dev/null | sed 1q`
+uname -m = `(uname -m) 2>/dev/null || echo unknown`
+uname -r = `(uname -r) 2>/dev/null || echo unknown`
+uname -s = `(uname -s) 2>/dev/null || echo unknown`
+uname -v = `(uname -v) 2>/dev/null || echo unknown`
+/usr/bin/uname -p = `(/usr/bin/uname -p) 2>/dev/null || echo unknown`
+/bin/uname -X     = `(/bin/uname -X) 2>/dev/null     || echo unknown`
+/bin/arch              = `(/bin/arch) 2>/dev/null              || echo unknown`
+/usr/bin/arch -k       = `(/usr/bin/arch -k) 2>/dev/null       || echo unknown`
+/usr/convex/getsysinfo = `(/usr/convex/getsysinfo) 2>/dev/null || echo unknown`
+/usr/bin/hostinfo      = `(/usr/bin/hostinfo) 2>/dev/null      || echo unknown`
+/bin/machine           = `(/bin/machine) 2>/dev/null           || echo unknown`
+/usr/bin/oslevel       = `(/usr/bin/oslevel) 2>/dev/null       || echo unknown`
+/bin/universe          = `(/bin/universe) 2>/dev/null          || echo unknown`
+for as_dir in $PATH
+  IFS=$as_save_IFS
+  test -z "$as_dir" && as_dir=.
+    $as_echo "PATH: $as_dir"
+  done
+} >&5
+cat >&5 <<_ACEOF
+## ----------- ##
+## Core tests. ##
+## ----------- ##
+# Keep a trace of the command line.
+# Strip out --no-create and --no-recursion so they do not pile up.
+# Strip out --silent because we don't want to record it for future runs.
+# Also quote any args containing shell meta-characters.
+# Make two passes to allow for proper duplicate-argument suppression.
+for ac_pass in 1 2
+  for ac_arg
+  do
+    case $ac_arg in
+    -no-create | --no-c* | -n | -no-recursion | --no-r*) continue ;;
+    -q | -quiet | --quiet | --quie | --qui | --qu | --q \
+    | -silent | --silent | --silen | --sile | --sil)
+      continue ;;
+    *\'*)
+      ac_arg=`$as_echo "$ac_arg" | sed "s/'/'\\\\\\\\''/g"` ;;
+    esac
+    case $ac_pass in
+    1) as_fn_append ac_configure_args0 " '$ac_arg'" ;;
+    2)
+      as_fn_append ac_configure_args1 " '$ac_arg'"
+      if test $ac_must_keep_next = true; then
+	ac_must_keep_next=false # Got value, back to normal.
+      else
+	case $ac_arg in
+	  *=* | --config-cache | -C | -disable-* | --disable-* \
+	  | -enable-* | --enable-* | -gas | --g* | -nfp | --nf* \
+	  | -q | -quiet | --q* | -silent | --sil* | -v | -verb* \
+	  | -with-* | --with-* | -without-* | --without-* | --x)
+	    case "$ac_configure_args0 " in
+	      "$ac_configure_args1"*" '$ac_arg' "* ) continue ;;
+	    esac
+	    ;;
+	  -* ) ac_must_keep_next=true ;;
+	esac
+      fi
+      as_fn_append ac_configure_args " '$ac_arg'"
+      ;;
+    esac
+  done
+{ ac_configure_args0=; unset ac_configure_args0;}
+{ ac_configure_args1=; unset ac_configure_args1;}
+# When interrupted or exit'd, cleanup temporary files, and complete
+# config.log.  We remove comments because anyway the quotes in there
+# would cause problems or look ugly.
+# WARNING: Use '\'' to represent an apostrophe within the trap.
+# WARNING: Do not start the trap code with a newline, due to a FreeBSD 4.0 bug.
+trap 'exit_status=$?
+  # Save into config.log some information that might help in debugging.
+  {
+    echo
+    $as_echo "## ---------------- ##
+## Cache variables. ##
+## ---------------- ##"
+    echo
+    # The following way of writing the cache mishandles newlines in values,
+  for ac_var in `(set) 2>&1 | sed -n '\''s/^\([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*\)=.*/\1/p'\''`; do
+    eval ac_val=\$$ac_var
+    case $ac_val in #(
+    *${as_nl}*)
+      case $ac_var in #(
+      *_cv_*) { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: WARNING: cache variable $ac_var contains a newline" >&5
+$as_echo "$as_me: WARNING: cache variable $ac_var contains a newline" >&2;} ;;
+      esac
+      case $ac_var in #(
+      _ | IFS | as_nl) ;; #(
+      BASH_ARGV | BASH_SOURCE) eval $ac_var= ;; #(
+      *) { eval $ac_var=; unset $ac_var;} ;;
+      esac ;;
+    esac
+  done
+  (set) 2>&1 |
+    case $as_nl`(ac_space='\'' '\''; set) 2>&1` in #(
+    *${as_nl}ac_space=\ *)
+      sed -n \
+	"s/'\''/'\''\\\\'\'''\''/g;
+	  s/^\\([_$as_cr_alnum]*_cv_[_$as_cr_alnum]*\\)=\\(.*\\)/\\1='\''\\2'\''/p"
+      ;; #(
+    *)
+      sed -n "/^[_$as_cr_alnum]*_cv_[_$as_cr_alnum]*=/p"
+      ;;
+    esac |
+    sort
+    echo
+    $as_echo "## ----------------- ##
+## Output variables. ##
+## ----------------- ##"
+    echo
+    for ac_var in $ac_subst_vars
+    do
+      eval ac_val=\$$ac_var
+      case $ac_val in
+      *\'\''*) ac_val=`$as_echo "$ac_val" | sed "s/'\''/'\''\\\\\\\\'\'''\''/g"`;;
+      esac
+      $as_echo "$ac_var='\''$ac_val'\''"
+    done | sort
+    echo
+    if test -n "$ac_subst_files"; then
+      $as_echo "## ------------------- ##
+## File substitutions. ##
+## ------------------- ##"
+      echo
+      for ac_var in $ac_subst_files
+      do
+	eval ac_val=\$$ac_var
+	case $ac_val in
+	*\'\''*) ac_val=`$as_echo "$ac_val" | sed "s/'\''/'\''\\\\\\\\'\'''\''/g"`;;
+	esac
+	$as_echo "$ac_var='\''$ac_val'\''"
+      done | sort
+      echo
+    fi
+    if test -s confdefs.h; then
+      $as_echo "## ----------- ##
+## confdefs.h. ##
+## ----------- ##"
+      echo
+      cat confdefs.h
+      echo
+    fi
+    test "$ac_signal" != 0 &&
+      $as_echo "$as_me: caught signal $ac_signal"
+    $as_echo "$as_me: exit $exit_status"
+  } >&5
+  rm -f core *.core core.conftest.* &&
+    rm -f -r conftest* confdefs* conf$$* $ac_clean_files &&
+    exit $exit_status
+' 0
+for ac_signal in 1 2 13 15; do
+  trap 'ac_signal='$ac_signal'; as_fn_exit 1' $ac_signal
+# confdefs.h avoids OS command line length limits that DEFS can exceed.
+rm -f -r conftest* confdefs.h
+$as_echo "/* confdefs.h */" > confdefs.h
+# Predefined preprocessor variables.
+cat >>confdefs.h <<_ACEOF
+cat >>confdefs.h <<_ACEOF
+cat >>confdefs.h <<_ACEOF
+cat >>confdefs.h <<_ACEOF
+cat >>confdefs.h <<_ACEOF
+cat >>confdefs.h <<_ACEOF
+# Let the site file select an alternate cache file if it wants to.
+# Prefer an explicitly selected file to automatically selected ones.
+if test -n "$CONFIG_SITE"; then
+  # We do not want a PATH search for config.site.
+  case $CONFIG_SITE in #((
+    -*)  ac_site_file1=./$CONFIG_SITE;;
+    */*) ac_site_file1=$CONFIG_SITE;;
+    *)   ac_site_file1=./$CONFIG_SITE;;
+  esac
+elif test "x$prefix" != xNONE; then
+  ac_site_file1=$prefix/share/config.site
+  ac_site_file2=$prefix/etc/config.site
+  ac_site_file1=$ac_default_prefix/share/config.site
+  ac_site_file2=$ac_default_prefix/etc/config.site
+for ac_site_file in "$ac_site_file1" "$ac_site_file2"
+  test "x$ac_site_file" = xNONE && continue
+  if test /dev/null != "$ac_site_file" && test -r "$ac_site_file"; then
+    { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: loading site script $ac_site_file" >&5
+$as_echo "$as_me: loading site script $ac_site_file" >&6;}
+    sed 's/^/| /' "$ac_site_file" >&5
+    . "$ac_site_file" \
+      || { { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: error: in \`$ac_pwd':" >&5
+$as_echo "$as_me: error: in \`$ac_pwd':" >&2;}
+as_fn_error $? "failed to load site script $ac_site_file
+See \`config.log' for more details" "$LINENO" 5; }
+  fi
+if test -r "$cache_file"; then
+  # Some versions of bash will fail to source /dev/null (special files
+  # actually), so we avoid doing that.  DJGPP emulates it as a regular file.
+  if test /dev/null != "$cache_file" && test -f "$cache_file"; then
+    { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: loading cache $cache_file" >&5
+$as_echo "$as_me: loading cache $cache_file" >&6;}
+    case $cache_file in
+      [\\/]* | ?:[\\/]* ) . "$cache_file";;
+      *)                      . "./$cache_file";;
+    esac
+  fi
+  { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: creating cache $cache_file" >&5
+$as_echo "$as_me: creating cache $cache_file" >&6;}
+  >$cache_file
+# Check that the precious variables saved in the cache have kept the same
+# value.
+for ac_var in $ac_precious_vars; do
+  eval ac_old_set=\$ac_cv_env_${ac_var}_set
+  eval ac_new_set=\$ac_env_${ac_var}_set
+  eval ac_old_val=\$ac_cv_env_${ac_var}_value
+  eval ac_new_val=\$ac_env_${ac_var}_value
+  case $ac_old_set,$ac_new_set in
+    set,)
+      { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: error: \`$ac_var' was set to \`$ac_old_val' in the previous run" >&5
+$as_echo "$as_me: error: \`$ac_var' was set to \`$ac_old_val' in the previous run" >&2;}
+      ac_cache_corrupted=: ;;
+    ,set)
+      { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: error: \`$ac_var' was not set in the previous run" >&5
+$as_echo "$as_me: error: \`$ac_var' was not set in the previous run" >&2;}
+      ac_cache_corrupted=: ;;
+    ,);;
+    *)
+      if test "x$ac_old_val" != "x$ac_new_val"; then
+	# differences in whitespace do not lead to failure.
+	ac_old_val_w=`echo x $ac_old_val`
+	ac_new_val_w=`echo x $ac_new_val`
+	if test "$ac_old_val_w" != "$ac_new_val_w"; then
+	  { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: error: \`$ac_var' has changed since the previous run:" >&5
+$as_echo "$as_me: error: \`$ac_var' has changed since the previous run:" >&2;}
+	  ac_cache_corrupted=:
+	else
+	  { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: warning: ignoring whitespace changes in \`$ac_var' since the previous run:" >&5
+$as_echo "$as_me: warning: ignoring whitespace changes in \`$ac_var' since the previous run:" >&2;}
+	  eval $ac_var=\$ac_old_val
+	fi
+	{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}:   former value:  \`$ac_old_val'" >&5
+$as_echo "$as_me:   former value:  \`$ac_old_val'" >&2;}
+	{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}:   current value: \`$ac_new_val'" >&5
+$as_echo "$as_me:   current value: \`$ac_new_val'" >&2;}
+      fi;;
+  esac
+  # Pass precious variables to config.status.
+  if test "$ac_new_set" = set; then
+    case $ac_new_val in
+    *\'*) ac_arg=$ac_var=`$as_echo "$ac_new_val" | sed "s/'/'\\\\\\\\''/g"` ;;
+    *) ac_arg=$ac_var=$ac_new_val ;;
+    esac
+    case " $ac_configure_args " in
+      *" '$ac_arg' "*) ;; # Avoid dups.  Use of quotes ensures accuracy.
+      *) as_fn_append ac_configure_args " '$ac_arg'" ;;
+    esac
+  fi
+if $ac_cache_corrupted; then
+  { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: error: in \`$ac_pwd':" >&5
+$as_echo "$as_me: error: in \`$ac_pwd':" >&2;}
+  { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: error: changes in the environment can compromise the build" >&5
+$as_echo "$as_me: error: changes in the environment can compromise the build" >&2;}
+  as_fn_error $? "run \`make distclean' and/or \`rm $cache_file' and start over" "$LINENO" 5
+## -------------------- ##
+## Main body of script. ##
+## -------------------- ##
+ac_cpp='$CPP $CPPFLAGS'
+ac_compile='$CC -c $CFLAGS $CPPFLAGS conftest.$ac_ext >&5'
+ac_link='$CC -o conftest$ac_exeext $CFLAGS $CPPFLAGS $LDFLAGS conftest.$ac_ext $LIBS >&5'
+ac_compile='$CXX -c $CXXFLAGS $CPPFLAGS conftest.$ac_ext >&5'
+ac_link='$CXX -o conftest$ac_exeext $CXXFLAGS $CPPFLAGS $LDFLAGS conftest.$ac_ext $LIBS >&5'
+if test -z "$CXX"; then
+  if test -n "$CCC"; then
+    CXX=$CCC
+  else
+    if test -n "$ac_tool_prefix"; then
+  for ac_prog in g++ c++ gpp aCC CC cxx cc++ cl.exe FCC KCC RCC xlC_r xlC
+  do
+    # Extract the first word of "$ac_tool_prefix$ac_prog", so it can be a program name with args.
+set dummy $ac_tool_prefix$ac_prog; ac_word=$2
+{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for $ac_word" >&5
+$as_echo_n "checking for $ac_word... " >&6; }
+if ${ac_cv_prog_CXX+:} false; then :
+  $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6
+  if test -n "$CXX"; then
+  ac_cv_prog_CXX="$CXX" # Let the user override the test.
+for as_dir in $PATH
+  IFS=$as_save_IFS
+  test -z "$as_dir" && as_dir=.
+    for ac_exec_ext in '' $ac_executable_extensions; do
+  if as_fn_executable_p "$as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext"; then
+    ac_cv_prog_CXX="$ac_tool_prefix$ac_prog"
+    $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: found $as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext" >&5
+    break 2
+  fi
+  done
+if test -n "$CXX"; then
+  { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $CXX" >&5
+$as_echo "$CXX" >&6; }
+  { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: no" >&5
+$as_echo "no" >&6; }
+    test -n "$CXX" && break
+  done
+if test -z "$CXX"; then
+  ac_ct_CXX=$CXX
+  for ac_prog in g++ c++ gpp aCC CC cxx cc++ cl.exe FCC KCC RCC xlC_r xlC
+  # Extract the first word of "$ac_prog", so it can be a program name with args.
+set dummy $ac_prog; ac_word=$2
+{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for $ac_word" >&5
+$as_echo_n "checking for $ac_word... " >&6; }
+if ${ac_cv_prog_ac_ct_CXX+:} false; then :
+  $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6
+  if test -n "$ac_ct_CXX"; then
+  ac_cv_prog_ac_ct_CXX="$ac_ct_CXX" # Let the user override the test.
+for as_dir in $PATH
+  IFS=$as_save_IFS
+  test -z "$as_dir" && as_dir=.
+    for ac_exec_ext in '' $ac_executable_extensions; do
+  if as_fn_executable_p "$as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext"; then
+    ac_cv_prog_ac_ct_CXX="$ac_prog"
+    $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: found $as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext" >&5
+    break 2
+  fi
+  done
+if test -n "$ac_ct_CXX"; then
+  { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $ac_ct_CXX" >&5
+$as_echo "$ac_ct_CXX" >&6; }
+  { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: no" >&5
+$as_echo "no" >&6; }
+  test -n "$ac_ct_CXX" && break
+  if test "x$ac_ct_CXX" = x; then
+    CXX="g++"
+  else
+    case $cross_compiling:$ac_tool_warned in
+{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: WARNING: using cross tools not prefixed with host triplet" >&5
+$as_echo "$as_me: WARNING: using cross tools not prefixed with host triplet" >&2;}
+ac_tool_warned=yes ;;
+    CXX=$ac_ct_CXX
+  fi
+  fi
+# Provide some information about the compiler.
+$as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for C++ compiler version" >&5
+set X $ac_compile
+for ac_option in --version -v -V -qversion; do
+  { { ac_try="$ac_compiler $ac_option >&5"
+case "(($ac_try" in
+  *\"* | *\`* | *\\*) ac_try_echo=\$ac_try;;
+  *) ac_try_echo=$ac_try;;
+eval ac_try_echo="\"\$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: $ac_try_echo\""
+$as_echo "$ac_try_echo"; } >&5
+  (eval "$ac_compiler $ac_option >&5") 2>conftest.err
+  ac_status=$?
+  if test -s conftest.err; then
+    sed '10a\
+... rest of stderr output deleted ...
+         10q' conftest.err >conftest.er1
+    cat conftest.er1 >&5
+  fi
+  rm -f conftest.er1 conftest.err
+  $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: \$? = $ac_status" >&5
+  test $ac_status = 0; }
+cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext
+/* end confdefs.h.  */
+main ()
+  ;
+  return 0;
+ac_clean_files="$ac_clean_files a.out a.out.dSYM a.exe b.out"
+# Try to create an executable without -o first, disregard a.out.
+# It will help us diagnose broken compilers, and finding out an intuition
+# of exeext.
+{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking whether the C++ compiler works" >&5
+$as_echo_n "checking whether the C++ compiler works... " >&6; }
+ac_link_default=`$as_echo "$ac_link" | sed 's/ -o *conftest[^ ]*//'`
+# The possible output files:
+ac_files="a.out conftest.exe conftest a.exe a_out.exe b.out conftest.*"
+for ac_file in $ac_files
+  case $ac_file in
+    *.$ac_ext | *.xcoff | *.tds | *.d | *.pdb | *.xSYM | *.bb | *.bbg | *.map | *.inf | *.dSYM | *.o | *.obj ) ;;
+    * ) ac_rmfiles="$ac_rmfiles $ac_file";;
+  esac
+rm -f $ac_rmfiles
+if { { ac_try="$ac_link_default"
+case "(($ac_try" in
+  *\"* | *\`* | *\\*) ac_try_echo=\$ac_try;;
+  *) ac_try_echo=$ac_try;;
+eval ac_try_echo="\"\$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: $ac_try_echo\""
+$as_echo "$ac_try_echo"; } >&5
+  (eval "$ac_link_default") 2>&5
+  ac_status=$?
+  $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: \$? = $ac_status" >&5
+  test $ac_status = 0; }; then :
+  # Autoconf-2.13 could set the ac_cv_exeext variable to `no'.
+# So ignore a value of `no', otherwise this would lead to `EXEEXT = no'
+# in a Makefile.  We should not override ac_cv_exeext if it was cached,
+# so that the user can short-circuit this test for compilers unknown to
+# Autoconf.
+for ac_file in $ac_files ''
+  test -f "$ac_file" || continue
+  case $ac_file in
+    *.$ac_ext | *.xcoff | *.tds | *.d | *.pdb | *.xSYM | *.bb | *.bbg | *.map | *.inf | *.dSYM | *.o | *.obj )
+	;;
+    [ab].out )
+	# We found the default executable, but exeext='' is most
+	# certainly right.
+	break;;
+    *.* )
+	if test "${ac_cv_exeext+set}" = set && test "$ac_cv_exeext" != no;
+	then :; else
+	   ac_cv_exeext=`expr "$ac_file" : '[^.]*\(\..*\)'`
+	fi
+	# We set ac_cv_exeext here because the later test for it is not
+	# safe: cross compilers may not add the suffix if given an `-o'
+	# argument, so we may need to know it at that point already.
+	# Even if this section looks crufty: it has the advantage of
+	# actually working.
+	break;;
+    * )
+	break;;
+  esac
+test "$ac_cv_exeext" = no && ac_cv_exeext=
+  ac_file=''
+if test -z "$ac_file"; then :
+  { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: no" >&5
+$as_echo "no" >&6; }
+$as_echo "$as_me: failed program was:" >&5
+sed 's/^/| /' conftest.$ac_ext >&5
+{ { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: error: in \`$ac_pwd':" >&5
+$as_echo "$as_me: error: in \`$ac_pwd':" >&2;}
+as_fn_error 77 "C++ compiler cannot create executables
+See \`config.log' for more details" "$LINENO" 5; }
+  { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: yes" >&5
+$as_echo "yes" >&6; }
+{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for C++ compiler default output file name" >&5
+$as_echo_n "checking for C++ compiler default output file name... " >&6; }
+{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $ac_file" >&5
+$as_echo "$ac_file" >&6; }
+rm -f -r a.out a.out.dSYM a.exe conftest$ac_cv_exeext b.out
+{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for suffix of executables" >&5
+$as_echo_n "checking for suffix of executables... " >&6; }
+if { { ac_try="$ac_link"
+case "(($ac_try" in
+  *\"* | *\`* | *\\*) ac_try_echo=\$ac_try;;
+  *) ac_try_echo=$ac_try;;
+eval ac_try_echo="\"\$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: $ac_try_echo\""
+$as_echo "$ac_try_echo"; } >&5
+  (eval "$ac_link") 2>&5
+  ac_status=$?
+  $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: \$? = $ac_status" >&5
+  test $ac_status = 0; }; then :
+  # If both `conftest.exe' and `conftest' are `present' (well, observable)
+# catch `conftest.exe'.  For instance with Cygwin, `ls conftest' will
+# work properly (i.e., refer to `conftest.exe'), while it won't with
+# `rm'.
+for ac_file in conftest.exe conftest conftest.*; do
+  test -f "$ac_file" || continue
+  case $ac_file in
+    *.$ac_ext | *.xcoff | *.tds | *.d | *.pdb | *.xSYM | *.bb | *.bbg | *.map | *.inf | *.dSYM | *.o | *.obj ) ;;
+    *.* ) ac_cv_exeext=`expr "$ac_file" : '[^.]*\(\..*\)'`
+	  break;;
+    * ) break;;
+  esac
+  { { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: error: in \`$ac_pwd':" >&5
+$as_echo "$as_me: error: in \`$ac_pwd':" >&2;}
+as_fn_error $? "cannot compute suffix of executables: cannot compile and link
+See \`config.log' for more details" "$LINENO" 5; }
+rm -f conftest conftest$ac_cv_exeext
+{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $ac_cv_exeext" >&5
+$as_echo "$ac_cv_exeext" >&6; }
+rm -f conftest.$ac_ext
+cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext
+/* end confdefs.h.  */
+#include <stdio.h>
+main ()
+FILE *f = fopen ("conftest.out", "w");
+ return ferror (f) || fclose (f) != 0;
+  ;
+  return 0;
+ac_clean_files="$ac_clean_files conftest.out"
+# Check that the compiler produces executables we can run.  If not, either
+# the compiler is broken, or we cross compile.
+{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking whether we are cross compiling" >&5
+$as_echo_n "checking whether we are cross compiling... " >&6; }
+if test "$cross_compiling" != yes; then
+  { { ac_try="$ac_link"
+case "(($ac_try" in
+  *\"* | *\`* | *\\*) ac_try_echo=\$ac_try;;
+  *) ac_try_echo=$ac_try;;
+eval ac_try_echo="\"\$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: $ac_try_echo\""
+$as_echo "$ac_try_echo"; } >&5
+  (eval "$ac_link") 2>&5
+  ac_status=$?
+  $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: \$? = $ac_status" >&5
+  test $ac_status = 0; }
+  if { ac_try='./conftest$ac_cv_exeext'
+  { { case "(($ac_try" in
+  *\"* | *\`* | *\\*) ac_try_echo=\$ac_try;;
+  *) ac_try_echo=$ac_try;;
+eval ac_try_echo="\"\$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: $ac_try_echo\""
+$as_echo "$ac_try_echo"; } >&5
+  (eval "$ac_try") 2>&5
+  ac_status=$?
+  $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: \$? = $ac_status" >&5
+  test $ac_status = 0; }; }; then
+    cross_compiling=no
+  else
+    if test "$cross_compiling" = maybe; then
+	cross_compiling=yes
+    else
+	{ { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: error: in \`$ac_pwd':" >&5
+$as_echo "$as_me: error: in \`$ac_pwd':" >&2;}
+as_fn_error $? "cannot run C++ compiled programs.
+If you meant to cross compile, use \`--host'.
+See \`config.log' for more details" "$LINENO" 5; }
+    fi
+  fi
+{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $cross_compiling" >&5
+$as_echo "$cross_compiling" >&6; }
+rm -f conftest.$ac_ext conftest$ac_cv_exeext conftest.out
+{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for suffix of object files" >&5
+$as_echo_n "checking for suffix of object files... " >&6; }
+if ${ac_cv_objext+:} false; then :
+  $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6
+  cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext
+/* end confdefs.h.  */
+main ()
+  ;
+  return 0;
+rm -f conftest.o conftest.obj
+if { { ac_try="$ac_compile"
+case "(($ac_try" in
+  *\"* | *\`* | *\\*) ac_try_echo=\$ac_try;;
+  *) ac_try_echo=$ac_try;;
+eval ac_try_echo="\"\$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: $ac_try_echo\""
+$as_echo "$ac_try_echo"; } >&5
+  (eval "$ac_compile") 2>&5
+  ac_status=$?
+  $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: \$? = $ac_status" >&5
+  test $ac_status = 0; }; then :
+  for ac_file in conftest.o conftest.obj conftest.*; do
+  test -f "$ac_file" || continue;
+  case $ac_file in
+    *.$ac_ext | *.xcoff | *.tds | *.d | *.pdb | *.xSYM | *.bb | *.bbg | *.map | *.inf | *.dSYM ) ;;
+    *) ac_cv_objext=`expr "$ac_file" : '.*\.\(.*\)'`
+       break;;
+  esac
+  $as_echo "$as_me: failed program was:" >&5
+sed 's/^/| /' conftest.$ac_ext >&5
+{ { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: error: in \`$ac_pwd':" >&5
+$as_echo "$as_me: error: in \`$ac_pwd':" >&2;}
+as_fn_error $? "cannot compute suffix of object files: cannot compile
+See \`config.log' for more details" "$LINENO" 5; }
+rm -f conftest.$ac_cv_objext conftest.$ac_ext
+{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $ac_cv_objext" >&5
+$as_echo "$ac_cv_objext" >&6; }
+{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking whether we are using the GNU C++ compiler" >&5
+$as_echo_n "checking whether we are using the GNU C++ compiler... " >&6; }
+if ${ac_cv_cxx_compiler_gnu+:} false; then :
+  $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6
+  cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext
+/* end confdefs.h.  */
+main ()
+#ifndef __GNUC__
+       choke me
+  ;
+  return 0;
+if ac_fn_cxx_try_compile "$LINENO"; then :
+  ac_compiler_gnu=yes
+  ac_compiler_gnu=no
+rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest.$ac_ext
+{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $ac_cv_cxx_compiler_gnu" >&5
+$as_echo "$ac_cv_cxx_compiler_gnu" >&6; }
+if test $ac_compiler_gnu = yes; then
+  GXX=yes
+  GXX=
+{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking whether $CXX accepts -g" >&5
+$as_echo_n "checking whether $CXX accepts -g... " >&6; }
+if ${ac_cv_prog_cxx_g+:} false; then :
+  $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6
+  ac_save_cxx_werror_flag=$ac_cxx_werror_flag
+   ac_cxx_werror_flag=yes
+   ac_cv_prog_cxx_g=no
+   CXXFLAGS="-g"
+   cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext
+/* end confdefs.h.  */
+main ()
+  ;
+  return 0;
+if ac_fn_cxx_try_compile "$LINENO"; then :
+  ac_cv_prog_cxx_g=yes
+      cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext
+/* end confdefs.h.  */
+main ()
+  ;
+  return 0;
+if ac_fn_cxx_try_compile "$LINENO"; then :
+  ac_cxx_werror_flag=$ac_save_cxx_werror_flag
+	 CXXFLAGS="-g"
+	 cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext
+/* end confdefs.h.  */
+main ()
+  ;
+  return 0;
+if ac_fn_cxx_try_compile "$LINENO"; then :
+  ac_cv_prog_cxx_g=yes
+rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest.$ac_ext
+rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest.$ac_ext
+rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest.$ac_ext
+   ac_cxx_werror_flag=$ac_save_cxx_werror_flag
+{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $ac_cv_prog_cxx_g" >&5
+$as_echo "$ac_cv_prog_cxx_g" >&6; }
+if test "$ac_test_CXXFLAGS" = set; then
+elif test $ac_cv_prog_cxx_g = yes; then
+  if test "$GXX" = yes; then
+    CXXFLAGS="-g -O2"
+  else
+    CXXFLAGS="-g"
+  fi
+  if test "$GXX" = yes; then
+    CXXFLAGS="-O2"
+  else
+  fi
+ac_cpp='$CPP $CPPFLAGS'
+ac_compile='$CC -c $CFLAGS $CPPFLAGS conftest.$ac_ext >&5'
+ac_link='$CC -o conftest$ac_exeext $CFLAGS $CPPFLAGS $LDFLAGS conftest.$ac_ext $LIBS >&5'
+ac_compile='$CXX -c $CXXFLAGS $CPPFLAGS conftest.$ac_ext >&5'
+ac_link='$CXX -o conftest$ac_exeext $CXXFLAGS $CPPFLAGS $LDFLAGS conftest.$ac_ext $LIBS >&5'
+    ax_cxx_compile_cxx11_required=false
+  ac_ext=cpp
+ac_compile='$CXX -c $CXXFLAGS $CPPFLAGS conftest.$ac_ext >&5'
+ac_link='$CXX -o conftest$ac_exeext $CXXFLAGS $CPPFLAGS $LDFLAGS conftest.$ac_ext $LIBS >&5'
+  ac_success=no
+  { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking whether $CXX supports C++11 features by default" >&5
+$as_echo_n "checking whether $CXX supports C++11 features by default... " >&6; }
+if ${ax_cv_cxx_compile_cxx11+:} false; then :
+  $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6
+  cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext
+/* end confdefs.h.  */
+  template <typename T>
+    struct check
+    {
+      static_assert(sizeof(int) <= sizeof(T), "not big enough");
+    };
+    struct Base {
+    virtual void f() {}
+    };
+    struct Child : public Base {
+    virtual void f() override {}
+    };
+    typedef check<check<bool>> right_angle_brackets;
+    int a;
+    decltype(a) b;
+    typedef check<int> check_type;
+    check_type c;
+    check_type&& cr = static_cast<check_type&&>(c);
+    auto d = a;
+    auto l = [](){};
+if ac_fn_cxx_try_compile "$LINENO"; then :
+  ax_cv_cxx_compile_cxx11=yes
+  ax_cv_cxx_compile_cxx11=no
+rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest.$ac_ext
+{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $ax_cv_cxx_compile_cxx11" >&5
+$as_echo "$ax_cv_cxx_compile_cxx11" >&6; }
+  if test x$ax_cv_cxx_compile_cxx11 = xyes; then
+    ac_success=yes
+  fi
+    if test x$ac_success = xno; then
+    for switch in -std=gnu++11 -std=gnu++0x; do
+      cachevar=`$as_echo "ax_cv_cxx_compile_cxx11_$switch" | $as_tr_sh`
+      { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking whether $CXX supports C++11 features with $switch" >&5
+$as_echo_n "checking whether $CXX supports C++11 features with $switch... " >&6; }
+if eval \${$cachevar+:} false; then :
+  $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6
+         CXXFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS $switch"
+         cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext
+/* end confdefs.h.  */
+  template <typename T>
+    struct check
+    {
+      static_assert(sizeof(int) <= sizeof(T), "not big enough");
+    };
+    struct Base {
+    virtual void f() {}
+    };
+    struct Child : public Base {
+    virtual void f() override {}
+    };
+    typedef check<check<bool>> right_angle_brackets;
+    int a;
+    decltype(a) b;
+    typedef check<int> check_type;
+    check_type c;
+    check_type&& cr = static_cast<check_type&&>(c);
+    auto d = a;
+    auto l = [](){};
+if ac_fn_cxx_try_compile "$LINENO"; then :
+  eval $cachevar=yes
+  eval $cachevar=no
+rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest.$ac_ext
+         CXXFLAGS="$ac_save_CXXFLAGS"
+eval ac_res=\$$cachevar
+	       { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $ac_res" >&5
+$as_echo "$ac_res" >&6; }
+      if eval test x\$$cachevar = xyes; then
+        CXXFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS $switch"
+        ac_success=yes
+        break
+      fi
+    done
+  fi
+    if test x$ac_success = xno; then
+    for switch in -std=c++11 -std=c++0x; do
+      cachevar=`$as_echo "ax_cv_cxx_compile_cxx11_$switch" | $as_tr_sh`
+      { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking whether $CXX supports C++11 features with $switch" >&5
+$as_echo_n "checking whether $CXX supports C++11 features with $switch... " >&6; }
+if eval \${$cachevar+:} false; then :
+  $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6
+         CXXFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS $switch"
+         cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext
+/* end confdefs.h.  */
+  template <typename T>
+    struct check
+    {
+      static_assert(sizeof(int) <= sizeof(T), "not big enough");
+    };
+    struct Base {
+    virtual void f() {}
+    };
+    struct Child : public Base {
+    virtual void f() override {}
+    };
+    typedef check<check<bool>> right_angle_brackets;
+    int a;
+    decltype(a) b;
+    typedef check<int> check_type;
+    check_type c;
+    check_type&& cr = static_cast<check_type&&>(c);
+    auto d = a;
+    auto l = [](){};
+if ac_fn_cxx_try_compile "$LINENO"; then :
+  eval $cachevar=yes
+  eval $cachevar=no
+rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest.$ac_ext
+         CXXFLAGS="$ac_save_CXXFLAGS"
+eval ac_res=\$$cachevar
+	       { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $ac_res" >&5
+$as_echo "$ac_res" >&6; }
+      if eval test x\$$cachevar = xyes; then
+        CXXFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS $switch"
+        ac_success=yes
+        break
+      fi
+    done
+  fi
+  ac_ext=cpp
+ac_compile='$CXX -c $CXXFLAGS $CPPFLAGS conftest.$ac_ext >&5'
+ac_link='$CXX -o conftest$ac_exeext $CXXFLAGS $CPPFLAGS $LDFLAGS conftest.$ac_ext $LIBS >&5'
+  if test x$ax_cxx_compile_cxx11_required = xtrue; then
+    if test x$ac_success = xno; then
+      as_fn_error $? "*** A compiler with support for C++11 language features is required." "$LINENO" 5
+    fi
+  else
+    if test x$ac_success = xno; then
+      HAVE_CXX11=0
+      { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: No compiler with C++11 support was found" >&5
+$as_echo "$as_me: No compiler with C++11 support was found" >&6;}
+    else
+      HAVE_CXX11=1
+$as_echo "#define HAVE_CXX11 1" >>confdefs.h
+    fi
+  fi
+# Check for ar
+# Extract the first word of "ar", so it can be a program name with args.
+set dummy ar; ac_word=$2
+{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for $ac_word" >&5
+$as_echo_n "checking for $ac_word... " >&6; }
+if ${ac_cv_prog_AR+:} false; then :
+  $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6
+  if test -n "$AR"; then
+  ac_cv_prog_AR="$AR" # Let the user override the test.
+for as_dir in $PATH
+  IFS=$as_save_IFS
+  test -z "$as_dir" && as_dir=.
+    for ac_exec_ext in '' $ac_executable_extensions; do
+  if as_fn_executable_p "$as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext"; then
+    ac_cv_prog_AR="ar"
+    $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: found $as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext" >&5
+    break 2
+  fi
+  done
+if test -n "$AR"; then
+  { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $AR" >&5
+$as_echo "$AR" >&6; }
+  { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: no" >&5
+$as_echo "no" >&6; }
+{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking whether ${AR} accepts ${ARFLAGS}" >&5
+$as_echo_n "checking whether ${AR} accepts ${ARFLAGS}... " >&6; }
+echo 'void f(){}' > libtest.c
+${CXX} -c libtest.c
+${AR} ${ARFLAGS} libtest.a libtest.o 1>&5 2>&5
+if test -s libtest.a; then
+  { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: yes" >&5
+$as_echo "yes" >&6; }
+  { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: no, using ${ARFLAGS} instead" >&5
+$as_echo "no, using ${ARFLAGS} instead" >&6; }
+rm -f libtest.*
+# Check if FORTRAN 77 is supported
+ac_compile='$F77 -c $FFLAGS conftest.$ac_ext >&5'
+ac_link='$F77 -o conftest$ac_exeext $FFLAGS $LDFLAGS conftest.$ac_ext $LIBS >&5'
+if test -n "$ac_tool_prefix"; then
+  for ac_prog in g77 xlf f77 frt pgf77 cf77 fort77 fl32 af77 xlf90 f90 pgf90 pghpf epcf90 gfortran g95 xlf95 f95 fort ifort ifc efc pgfortran pgf95 lf95 ftn nagfor
+  do
+    # Extract the first word of "$ac_tool_prefix$ac_prog", so it can be a program name with args.
+set dummy $ac_tool_prefix$ac_prog; ac_word=$2
+{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for $ac_word" >&5
+$as_echo_n "checking for $ac_word... " >&6; }
+if ${ac_cv_prog_F77+:} false; then :
+  $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6
+  if test -n "$F77"; then
+  ac_cv_prog_F77="$F77" # Let the user override the test.
+for as_dir in $PATH
+  IFS=$as_save_IFS
+  test -z "$as_dir" && as_dir=.
+    for ac_exec_ext in '' $ac_executable_extensions; do
+  if as_fn_executable_p "$as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext"; then
+    ac_cv_prog_F77="$ac_tool_prefix$ac_prog"
+    $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: found $as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext" >&5
+    break 2
+  fi
+  done
+if test -n "$F77"; then
+  { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $F77" >&5
+$as_echo "$F77" >&6; }
+  { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: no" >&5
+$as_echo "no" >&6; }
+    test -n "$F77" && break
+  done
+if test -z "$F77"; then
+  ac_ct_F77=$F77
+  for ac_prog in g77 xlf f77 frt pgf77 cf77 fort77 fl32 af77 xlf90 f90 pgf90 pghpf epcf90 gfortran g95 xlf95 f95 fort ifort ifc efc pgfortran pgf95 lf95 ftn nagfor
+  # Extract the first word of "$ac_prog", so it can be a program name with args.
+set dummy $ac_prog; ac_word=$2
+{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for $ac_word" >&5
+$as_echo_n "checking for $ac_word... " >&6; }
+if ${ac_cv_prog_ac_ct_F77+:} false; then :
+  $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6
+  if test -n "$ac_ct_F77"; then
+  ac_cv_prog_ac_ct_F77="$ac_ct_F77" # Let the user override the test.
+for as_dir in $PATH
+  IFS=$as_save_IFS
+  test -z "$as_dir" && as_dir=.
+    for ac_exec_ext in '' $ac_executable_extensions; do
+  if as_fn_executable_p "$as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext"; then
+    ac_cv_prog_ac_ct_F77="$ac_prog"
+    $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: found $as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext" >&5
+    break 2
+  fi
+  done
+if test -n "$ac_ct_F77"; then
+  { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $ac_ct_F77" >&5
+$as_echo "$ac_ct_F77" >&6; }
+  { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: no" >&5
+$as_echo "no" >&6; }
+  test -n "$ac_ct_F77" && break
+  if test "x$ac_ct_F77" = x; then
+    F77=""
+  else
+    case $cross_compiling:$ac_tool_warned in
+{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: WARNING: using cross tools not prefixed with host triplet" >&5
+$as_echo "$as_me: WARNING: using cross tools not prefixed with host triplet" >&2;}
+ac_tool_warned=yes ;;
+    F77=$ac_ct_F77
+  fi
+# Provide some information about the compiler.
+$as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for Fortran 77 compiler version" >&5
+set X $ac_compile
+for ac_option in --version -v -V -qversion; do
+  { { ac_try="$ac_compiler $ac_option >&5"
+case "(($ac_try" in
+  *\"* | *\`* | *\\*) ac_try_echo=\$ac_try;;
+  *) ac_try_echo=$ac_try;;
+eval ac_try_echo="\"\$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: $ac_try_echo\""
+$as_echo "$ac_try_echo"; } >&5
+  (eval "$ac_compiler $ac_option >&5") 2>conftest.err
+  ac_status=$?
+  if test -s conftest.err; then
+    sed '10a\
+... rest of stderr output deleted ...
+         10q' conftest.err >conftest.er1
+    cat conftest.er1 >&5
+  fi
+  rm -f conftest.er1 conftest.err
+  $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: \$? = $ac_status" >&5
+  test $ac_status = 0; }
+rm -f a.out
+# If we don't use `.F' as extension, the preprocessor is not run on the
+# input file.  (Note that this only needs to work for GNU compilers.)
+{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking whether we are using the GNU Fortran 77 compiler" >&5
+$as_echo_n "checking whether we are using the GNU Fortran 77 compiler... " >&6; }
+if ${ac_cv_f77_compiler_gnu+:} false; then :
+  $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6
+  cat > conftest.$ac_ext <<_ACEOF
+      program main
+#ifndef __GNUC__
+       choke me
+      end
+if ac_fn_f77_try_compile "$LINENO"; then :
+  ac_compiler_gnu=yes
+  ac_compiler_gnu=no
+rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest.$ac_ext
+{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $ac_cv_f77_compiler_gnu" >&5
+$as_echo "$ac_cv_f77_compiler_gnu" >&6; }
+{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking whether $F77 accepts -g" >&5
+$as_echo_n "checking whether $F77 accepts -g... " >&6; }
+if ${ac_cv_prog_f77_g+:} false; then :
+  $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6
+  FFLAGS=-g
+cat > conftest.$ac_ext <<_ACEOF
+      program main
+      end
+if ac_fn_f77_try_compile "$LINENO"; then :
+  ac_cv_prog_f77_g=yes
+  ac_cv_prog_f77_g=no
+rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest.$ac_ext
+{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $ac_cv_prog_f77_g" >&5
+$as_echo "$ac_cv_prog_f77_g" >&6; }
+if test "$ac_test_FFLAGS" = set; then
+  FFLAGS=$ac_save_FFLAGS
+elif test $ac_cv_prog_f77_g = yes; then
+  if test "x$ac_cv_f77_compiler_gnu" = xyes; then
+    FFLAGS="-g -O2"
+  else
+    FFLAGS="-g"
+  fi
+  if test "x$ac_cv_f77_compiler_gnu" = xyes; then
+    FFLAGS="-O2"
+  else
+    FFLAGS=
+  fi
+if test $ac_compiler_gnu = yes; then
+  G77=yes
+  G77=
+ac_compile='$CXX -c $CXXFLAGS $CPPFLAGS conftest.$ac_ext >&5'
+ac_link='$CXX -o conftest$ac_exeext $CXXFLAGS $CPPFLAGS $LDFLAGS conftest.$ac_ext $LIBS >&5'
+ac_compile='$F77 -c $FFLAGS conftest.$ac_ext >&5'
+ac_link='$F77 -o conftest$ac_exeext $FFLAGS $LDFLAGS conftest.$ac_ext $LIBS >&5'
+{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking whether $F77 understands -c and -o together" >&5
+$as_echo_n "checking whether $F77 understands -c and -o together... " >&6; }
+if ${ac_cv_prog_f77_c_o+:} false; then :
+  $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6
+  cat > conftest.$ac_ext <<_ACEOF
+      program main
+      end
+# We test twice because some compilers refuse to overwrite an existing
+# `.o' file with `-o', although they will create one.
+ac_try='$F77 $FFLAGS -c conftest.$ac_ext -o conftest2.$ac_objext >&5'
+rm -f conftest2.*
+if { { case "(($ac_try" in
+  *\"* | *\`* | *\\*) ac_try_echo=\$ac_try;;
+  *) ac_try_echo=$ac_try;;
+eval ac_try_echo="\"\$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: $ac_try_echo\""
+$as_echo "$ac_try_echo"; } >&5
+  (eval "$ac_try") 2>&5
+  ac_status=$?
+  $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: \$? = $ac_status" >&5
+  test $ac_status = 0; } &&
+     test -f conftest2.$ac_objext &&
+     { { case "(($ac_try" in
+  *\"* | *\`* | *\\*) ac_try_echo=\$ac_try;;
+  *) ac_try_echo=$ac_try;;
+eval ac_try_echo="\"\$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: $ac_try_echo\""
+$as_echo "$ac_try_echo"; } >&5
+  (eval "$ac_try") 2>&5
+  ac_status=$?
+  $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: \$? = $ac_status" >&5
+  test $ac_status = 0; }; then
+  ac_cv_prog_f77_c_o=yes
+  ac_cv_prog_f77_c_o=no
+rm -f conftest*
+{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $ac_cv_prog_f77_c_o" >&5
+$as_echo "$ac_cv_prog_f77_c_o" >&6; }
+if test $ac_cv_prog_f77_c_o = no; then
+$as_echo "#define F77_NO_MINUS_C_MINUS_O 1" >>confdefs.h
+ac_compile='$CXX -c $CXXFLAGS $CPPFLAGS conftest.$ac_ext >&5'
+ac_link='$CXX -o conftest$ac_exeext $CXXFLAGS $CPPFLAGS $LDFLAGS conftest.$ac_ext $LIBS >&5'
+if test -n "$ac_tool_prefix"; then
+  # Extract the first word of "${ac_tool_prefix}ranlib", so it can be a program name with args.
+set dummy ${ac_tool_prefix}ranlib; ac_word=$2
+{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for $ac_word" >&5
+$as_echo_n "checking for $ac_word... " >&6; }
+if ${ac_cv_prog_RANLIB+:} false; then :
+  $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6
+  if test -n "$RANLIB"; then
+  ac_cv_prog_RANLIB="$RANLIB" # Let the user override the test.
+for as_dir in $PATH
+  IFS=$as_save_IFS
+  test -z "$as_dir" && as_dir=.
+    for ac_exec_ext in '' $ac_executable_extensions; do
+  if as_fn_executable_p "$as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext"; then
+    ac_cv_prog_RANLIB="${ac_tool_prefix}ranlib"
+    $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: found $as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext" >&5
+    break 2
+  fi
+  done
+if test -n "$RANLIB"; then
+  { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $RANLIB" >&5
+$as_echo "$RANLIB" >&6; }
+  { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: no" >&5
+$as_echo "no" >&6; }
+if test -z "$ac_cv_prog_RANLIB"; then
+  # Extract the first word of "ranlib", so it can be a program name with args.
+set dummy ranlib; ac_word=$2
+{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for $ac_word" >&5
+$as_echo_n "checking for $ac_word... " >&6; }
+if ${ac_cv_prog_ac_ct_RANLIB+:} false; then :
+  $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6
+  if test -n "$ac_ct_RANLIB"; then
+  ac_cv_prog_ac_ct_RANLIB="$ac_ct_RANLIB" # Let the user override the test.
+for as_dir in $PATH
+  IFS=$as_save_IFS
+  test -z "$as_dir" && as_dir=.
+    for ac_exec_ext in '' $ac_executable_extensions; do
+  if as_fn_executable_p "$as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext"; then
+    ac_cv_prog_ac_ct_RANLIB="ranlib"
+    $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: found $as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext" >&5
+    break 2
+  fi
+  done
+if test -n "$ac_ct_RANLIB"; then
+  { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $ac_ct_RANLIB" >&5
+$as_echo "$ac_ct_RANLIB" >&6; }
+  { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: no" >&5
+$as_echo "no" >&6; }
+  if test "x$ac_ct_RANLIB" = x; then
+    RANLIB=":"
+  else
+    case $cross_compiling:$ac_tool_warned in
+{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: WARNING: using cross tools not prefixed with host triplet" >&5
+$as_echo "$as_me: WARNING: using cross tools not prefixed with host triplet" >&2;}
+ac_tool_warned=yes ;;
+    RANLIB=$ac_ct_RANLIB
+  fi
+  RANLIB="$ac_cv_prog_RANLIB"
+# Check if -freal-4-real-8 is supported
+ac_compile='$F77 -c $FFLAGS conftest.$ac_ext >&5'
+ac_link='$F77 -o conftest$ac_exeext $FFLAGS $LDFLAGS conftest.$ac_ext $LIBS >&5'
+{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking whether $F77 supports -freal-4-real-8" >&5
+$as_echo_n "checking whether $F77 supports -freal-4-real-8... " >&6; }
+cat > conftest.$ac_ext <<_ACEOF
+      program main
+      end
+if ac_fn_f77_try_compile "$LINENO"; then :
+  { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: yes" >&5
+$as_echo "yes" >&6; }
+    AM_FFLAGS=-freal-4-real-8
+  { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: no" >&5
+$as_echo "no" >&6; }
+    as_fn_error $? "*** A fortran compiler with support for -freal-4-real-8 flag is required." "$LINENO" 5
+rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest.$ac_ext
+ac_config_files="$ac_config_files Makefile"
+ac_config_files="$ac_config_files source_f/slatec/Makefile"
+# If ../devel folder exists run configure there too
+if test -d "../devel"; then
+  ac_config_files="$ac_config_files ../devel/Makefile"
+  ac_config_files="$ac_config_files ../devel/randomize/Makefile"
+cat >confcache <<\_ACEOF
+# This file is a shell script that caches the results of configure
+# tests run on this system so they can be shared between configure
+# scripts and configure runs, see configure's option --config-cache.
+# It is not useful on other systems.  If it contains results you don't
+# want to keep, you may remove or edit it.
+# config.status only pays attention to the cache file if you give it
+# the --recheck option to rerun configure.
+# `ac_cv_env_foo' variables (set or unset) will be overridden when
+# loading this file, other *unset* `ac_cv_foo' will be assigned the
+# following values.
+# The following way of writing the cache mishandles newlines in values,
+# but we know of no workaround that is simple, portable, and efficient.
+# So, we kill variables containing newlines.
+# Ultrix sh set writes to stderr and can't be redirected directly,
+# and sets the high bit in the cache file unless we assign to the vars.
+  for ac_var in `(set) 2>&1 | sed -n 's/^\([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*\)=.*/\1/p'`; do
+    eval ac_val=\$$ac_var
+    case $ac_val in #(
+    *${as_nl}*)
+      case $ac_var in #(
+      *_cv_*) { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: WARNING: cache variable $ac_var contains a newline" >&5
+$as_echo "$as_me: WARNING: cache variable $ac_var contains a newline" >&2;} ;;
+      esac
+      case $ac_var in #(
+      _ | IFS | as_nl) ;; #(
+      BASH_ARGV | BASH_SOURCE) eval $ac_var= ;; #(
+      *) { eval $ac_var=; unset $ac_var;} ;;
+      esac ;;
+    esac
+  done
+  (set) 2>&1 |
+    case $as_nl`(ac_space=' '; set) 2>&1` in #(
+    *${as_nl}ac_space=\ *)
+      # `set' does not quote correctly, so add quotes: double-quote
+      # substitution turns \\\\ into \\, and sed turns \\ into \.
+      sed -n \
+	"s/'/'\\\\''/g;
+	  s/^\\([_$as_cr_alnum]*_cv_[_$as_cr_alnum]*\\)=\\(.*\\)/\\1='\\2'/p"
+      ;; #(
+    *)
+      # `set' quotes correctly as required by POSIX, so do not add quotes.
+      sed -n "/^[_$as_cr_alnum]*_cv_[_$as_cr_alnum]*=/p"
+      ;;
+    esac |
+    sort
+) |
+  sed '
+     /^ac_cv_env_/b end
+     t clear
+     :clear
+     s/^\([^=]*\)=\(.*[{}].*\)$/test "${\1+set}" = set || &/
+     t end
+     s/^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)$/\1=${\1=\2}/
+     :end' >>confcache
+if diff "$cache_file" confcache >/dev/null 2>&1; then :; else
+  if test -w "$cache_file"; then
+    if test "x$cache_file" != "x/dev/null"; then
+      { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: updating cache $cache_file" >&5
+$as_echo "$as_me: updating cache $cache_file" >&6;}
+      if test ! -f "$cache_file" || test -h "$cache_file"; then
+	cat confcache >"$cache_file"
+      else
+        case $cache_file in #(
+        */* | ?:*)
+	  mv -f confcache "$cache_file"$$ &&
+	  mv -f "$cache_file"$$ "$cache_file" ;; #(
+        *)
+	  mv -f confcache "$cache_file" ;;
+	esac
+      fi
+    fi
+  else
+    { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: not updating unwritable cache $cache_file" >&5
+$as_echo "$as_me: not updating unwritable cache $cache_file" >&6;}
+  fi
+rm -f confcache
+test "x$prefix" = xNONE && prefix=$ac_default_prefix
+# Let make expand exec_prefix.
+test "x$exec_prefix" = xNONE && exec_prefix='${prefix}'
+# Transform confdefs.h into DEFS.
+# Protect against shell expansion while executing Makefile rules.
+# Protect against Makefile macro expansion.
+# If the first sed substitution is executed (which looks for macros that
+# take arguments), then branch to the quote section.  Otherwise,
+# look for a macro that doesn't take arguments.
+ N
+ s,\\\n,,
+ b mline
+t clear
+s/^[	 ]*#[	 ]*define[	 ][	 ]*\([^	 (][^	 (]*([^)]*)\)[	 ]*\(.*\)/-D\1=\2/g
+t quote
+s/^[	 ]*#[	 ]*define[	 ][	 ]*\([^	 ][^	 ]*\)[	 ]*\(.*\)/-D\1=\2/g
+t quote
+b any
+s/[	 `~#$^&*(){}\\|;'\''"<>?]/\\&/g
+	g
+	s/^\n//
+	s/\n/ /g
+	p
+DEFS=`sed -n "$ac_script" confdefs.h`
+for ac_i in : $LIBOBJS; do test "x$ac_i" = x: && continue
+  # 1. Remove the extension, and $U if already installed.
+  ac_script='s/\$U\././;s/\.o$//;s/\.obj$//'
+  ac_i=`$as_echo "$ac_i" | sed "$ac_script"`
+  # 2. Prepend LIBOBJDIR.  When used with automake>=1.10 LIBOBJDIR
+  #    will be set to the directory where LIBOBJS objects are built.
+  as_fn_append ac_libobjs " \${LIBOBJDIR}$ac_i\$U.$ac_objext"
+  as_fn_append ac_ltlibobjs " \${LIBOBJDIR}$ac_i"'$U.lo'
+: "${CONFIG_STATUS=./config.status}"
+ac_clean_files="$ac_clean_files $CONFIG_STATUS"
+{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: creating $CONFIG_STATUS" >&5
+$as_echo "$as_me: creating $CONFIG_STATUS" >&6;}
+cat >$CONFIG_STATUS <<_ASEOF || as_write_fail=1
+#! $SHELL
+# Generated by $as_me.
+# Run this file to recreate the current configuration.
+# Compiler output produced by configure, useful for debugging
+# configure, is in config.log if it exists.
+export SHELL
+cat >>$CONFIG_STATUS <<\_ASEOF || as_write_fail=1
+## -------------------- ##
+## M4sh Initialization. ##
+## -------------------- ##
+# Be more Bourne compatible
+DUALCASE=1; export DUALCASE # for MKS sh
+if test -n "${ZSH_VERSION+set}" && (emulate sh) >/dev/null 2>&1; then :
+  emulate sh
+  # Pre-4.2 versions of Zsh do word splitting on ${1+"$@"}, which
+  # is contrary to our usage.  Disable this feature.
+  alias -g '${1+"$@"}'='"$@"'
+  setopt NO_GLOB_SUBST
+  case `(set -o) 2>/dev/null` in #(
+  *posix*) :
+    set -o posix ;; #(
+  *) :
+     ;;
+export as_nl
+# Printing a long string crashes Solaris 7 /usr/bin/printf.
+# Prefer a ksh shell builtin over an external printf program on Solaris,
+# but without wasting forks for bash or zsh.
+    && (test "X`print -r -- $as_echo`" = "X$as_echo") 2>/dev/null; then
+  as_echo='print -r --'
+  as_echo_n='print -rn --'
+elif (test "X`printf %s $as_echo`" = "X$as_echo") 2>/dev/null; then
+  as_echo='printf %s\n'
+  as_echo_n='printf %s'
+  if test "X`(/usr/ucb/echo -n -n $as_echo) 2>/dev/null`" = "X-n $as_echo"; then
+    as_echo_body='eval /usr/ucb/echo -n "$1$as_nl"'
+    as_echo_n='/usr/ucb/echo -n'
+  else
+    as_echo_body='eval expr "X$1" : "X\\(.*\\)"'
+    as_echo_n_body='eval
+      arg=$1;
+      case $arg in #(
+      *"$as_nl"*)
+	expr "X$arg" : "X\\(.*\\)$as_nl";
+	arg=`expr "X$arg" : ".*$as_nl\\(.*\\)"`;;
+      esac;
+      expr "X$arg" : "X\\(.*\\)" | tr -d "$as_nl"
+    '
+    export as_echo_n_body
+    as_echo_n='sh -c $as_echo_n_body as_echo'
+  fi
+  export as_echo_body
+  as_echo='sh -c $as_echo_body as_echo'
+# The user is always right.
+if test "${PATH_SEPARATOR+set}" != set; then
+  (PATH='/bin;/bin'; FPATH=$PATH; sh -c :) >/dev/null 2>&1 && {
+    (PATH='/bin:/bin'; FPATH=$PATH; sh -c :) >/dev/null 2>&1 ||
+  }
+# IFS
+# We need space, tab and new line, in precisely that order.  Quoting is
+# there to prevent editors from complaining about space-tab.
+# (If _AS_PATH_WALK were called with IFS unset, it would disable word
+# splitting by setting IFS to empty value.)
+IFS=" ""	$as_nl"
+# Find who we are.  Look in the path if we contain no directory separator.
+case $0 in #((
+  *[\\/]* ) as_myself=$0 ;;
+for as_dir in $PATH
+  IFS=$as_save_IFS
+  test -z "$as_dir" && as_dir=.
+    test -r "$as_dir/$0" && as_myself=$as_dir/$0 && break
+  done
+     ;;
+# We did not find ourselves, most probably we were run as `sh COMMAND'
+# in which case we are not to be found in the path.
+if test "x$as_myself" = x; then
+  as_myself=$0
+if test ! -f "$as_myself"; then
+  $as_echo "$as_myself: error: cannot find myself; rerun with an absolute file name" >&2
+  exit 1
+# Unset variables that we do not need and which cause bugs (e.g. in
+# pre-3.0 UWIN ksh).  But do not cause bugs in bash 2.01; the "|| exit 1"
+# suppresses any "Segmentation fault" message there.  '((' could
+# trigger a bug in pdksh 5.2.14.
+do eval test x\${$as_var+set} = xset \
+  && ( (unset $as_var) || exit 1) >/dev/null 2>&1 && unset $as_var || :
+PS1='$ '
+PS2='> '
+PS4='+ '
+# NLS nuisances.
+export LC_ALL
+export LANGUAGE
+(unset CDPATH) >/dev/null 2>&1 && unset CDPATH
+# ----------------------------------------
+# Output "`basename $0`: error: ERROR" to stderr. If LINENO and LOG_FD are
+# provided, also output the error to LOG_FD, referencing LINENO. Then exit the
+# script with STATUS, using 1 if that was 0.
+as_fn_error ()
+  as_status=$1; test $as_status -eq 0 && as_status=1
+  if test "$4"; then
+    as_lineno=${as_lineno-"$3"} as_lineno_stack=as_lineno_stack=$as_lineno_stack
+    $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: error: $2" >&$4
+  fi
+  $as_echo "$as_me: error: $2" >&2
+  as_fn_exit $as_status
+} # as_fn_error
+# as_fn_set_status STATUS
+# -----------------------
+# Set $? to STATUS, without forking.
+as_fn_set_status ()
+  return $1
+} # as_fn_set_status
+# as_fn_exit STATUS
+# -----------------
+# Exit the shell with STATUS, even in a "trap 0" or "set -e" context.
+as_fn_exit ()
+  set +e
+  as_fn_set_status $1
+  exit $1
+} # as_fn_exit
+# as_fn_unset VAR
+# ---------------
+# Portably unset VAR.
+as_fn_unset ()
+  { eval $1=; unset $1;}
+# as_fn_append VAR VALUE
+# ----------------------
+# Append the text in VALUE to the end of the definition contained in VAR. Take
+# advantage of any shell optimizations that allow amortized linear growth over
+# repeated appends, instead of the typical quadratic growth present in naive
+# implementations.
+if (eval "as_var=1; as_var+=2; test x\$as_var = x12") 2>/dev/null; then :
+  eval 'as_fn_append ()
+  {
+    eval $1+=\$2
+  }'
+  as_fn_append ()
+  {
+    eval $1=\$$1\$2
+  }
+fi # as_fn_append
+# as_fn_arith ARG...
+# ------------------
+# Perform arithmetic evaluation on the ARGs, and store the result in the
+# global $as_val. Take advantage of shells that can avoid forks. The arguments
+# must be portable across $(()) and expr.
+if (eval "test \$(( 1 + 1 )) = 2") 2>/dev/null; then :
+  eval 'as_fn_arith ()
+  {
+    as_val=$(( $* ))
+  }'
+  as_fn_arith ()
+  {
+    as_val=`expr "$@" || test $? -eq 1`
+  }
+fi # as_fn_arith
+if expr a : '\(a\)' >/dev/null 2>&1 &&
+   test "X`expr 00001 : '.*\(...\)'`" = X001; then
+  as_expr=expr
+  as_expr=false
+if (basename -- /) >/dev/null 2>&1 && test "X`basename -- / 2>&1`" = "X/"; then
+  as_basename=basename
+  as_basename=false
+if (as_dir=`dirname -- /` && test "X$as_dir" = X/) >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+  as_dirname=dirname
+  as_dirname=false
+as_me=`$as_basename -- "$0" ||
+$as_expr X/"$0" : '.*/\([^/][^/]*\)/*$' \| \
+	 X"$0" : 'X\(//\)$' \| \
+	 X"$0" : 'X\(/\)' \| . 2>/dev/null ||
+$as_echo X/"$0" |
+    sed '/^.*\/\([^/][^/]*\)\/*$/{
+	    s//\1/
+	    q
+	  }
+	  /^X\/\(\/\/\)$/{
+	    s//\1/
+	    q
+	  }
+	  /^X\/\(\/\).*/{
+	    s//\1/
+	    q
+	  }
+	  s/.*/./; q'`
+# Avoid depending upon Character Ranges.
+case `echo -n x` in #(((((
+  case `echo 'xy\c'` in
+  *c*) ECHO_T='	';;	# ECHO_T is single tab character.
+  xy)  ECHO_C='\c';;
+  *)   echo `echo ksh88 bug on AIX 6.1` > /dev/null
+       ECHO_T='	';;
+  esac;;
+  ECHO_N='-n';;
+rm -f conf$$ conf$$.exe conf$$.file
+if test -d conf$$.dir; then
+  rm -f conf$$.dir/conf$$.file
+  rm -f conf$$.dir
+  mkdir conf$$.dir 2>/dev/null
+if (echo >conf$$.file) 2>/dev/null; then
+  if ln -s conf$$.file conf$$ 2>/dev/null; then
+    as_ln_s='ln -s'
+    # ... but there are two gotchas:
+    # 1) On MSYS, both `ln -s file dir' and `ln file dir' fail.
+    # 2) DJGPP < 2.04 has no symlinks; `ln -s' creates a wrapper executable.
+    # In both cases, we have to default to `cp -pR'.
+    ln -s conf$$.file conf$$.dir 2>/dev/null && test ! -f conf$$.exe ||
+      as_ln_s='cp -pR'
+  elif ln conf$$.file conf$$ 2>/dev/null; then
+    as_ln_s=ln
+  else
+    as_ln_s='cp -pR'
+  fi
+  as_ln_s='cp -pR'
+rm -f conf$$ conf$$.exe conf$$.dir/conf$$.file conf$$.file
+rmdir conf$$.dir 2>/dev/null
+# as_fn_mkdir_p
+# -------------
+# Create "$as_dir" as a directory, including parents if necessary.
+as_fn_mkdir_p ()
+  case $as_dir in #(
+  -*) as_dir=./$as_dir;;
+  esac
+  test -d "$as_dir" || eval $as_mkdir_p || {
+    as_dirs=
+    while :; do
+      case $as_dir in #(
+      *\'*) as_qdir=`$as_echo "$as_dir" | sed "s/'/'\\\\\\\\''/g"`;; #'(
+      *) as_qdir=$as_dir;;
+      esac
+      as_dirs="'$as_qdir' $as_dirs"
+      as_dir=`$as_dirname -- "$as_dir" ||
+$as_expr X"$as_dir" : 'X\(.*[^/]\)//*[^/][^/]*/*$' \| \
+	 X"$as_dir" : 'X\(//\)[^/]' \| \
+	 X"$as_dir" : 'X\(//\)$' \| \
+	 X"$as_dir" : 'X\(/\)' \| . 2>/dev/null ||
+$as_echo X"$as_dir" |
+    sed '/^X\(.*[^/]\)\/\/*[^/][^/]*\/*$/{
+	    s//\1/
+	    q
+	  }
+	  /^X\(\/\/\)[^/].*/{
+	    s//\1/
+	    q
+	  }
+	  /^X\(\/\/\)$/{
+	    s//\1/
+	    q
+	  }
+	  /^X\(\/\).*/{
+	    s//\1/
+	    q
+	  }
+	  s/.*/./; q'`
+      test -d "$as_dir" && break
+    done
+    test -z "$as_dirs" || eval "mkdir $as_dirs"
+  } || test -d "$as_dir" || as_fn_error $? "cannot create directory $as_dir"
+} # as_fn_mkdir_p
+if mkdir -p . 2>/dev/null; then
+  as_mkdir_p='mkdir -p "$as_dir"'
+  test -d ./-p && rmdir ./-p
+  as_mkdir_p=false
+# as_fn_executable_p FILE
+# -----------------------
+# Test if FILE is an executable regular file.
+as_fn_executable_p ()
+  test -f "$1" && test -x "$1"
+} # as_fn_executable_p
+as_test_x='test -x'
+# Sed expression to map a string onto a valid CPP name.
+as_tr_cpp="eval sed 'y%*$as_cr_letters%P$as_cr_LETTERS%;s%[^_$as_cr_alnum]%_%g'"
+# Sed expression to map a string onto a valid variable name.
+as_tr_sh="eval sed 'y%*+%pp%;s%[^_$as_cr_alnum]%_%g'"
+exec 6>&1
+## ----------------------------------- ##
+## Main body of $CONFIG_STATUS script. ##
+## ----------------------------------- ##
+test $as_write_fail = 0 && chmod +x $CONFIG_STATUS || ac_write_fail=1
+cat >>$CONFIG_STATUS <<\_ACEOF || ac_write_fail=1
+# Save the log message, to keep $0 and so on meaningful, and to
+# report actual input values of CONFIG_FILES etc. instead of their
+# values after options handling.
+This file was extended by Octave-Forge tisean package $as_me 0.2.3, which was
+generated by GNU Autoconf 2.69.  Invocation command line was
+  $ $0 $@
+on `(hostname || uname -n) 2>/dev/null | sed 1q`
+case $ac_config_files in *"
+"*) set x $ac_config_files; shift; ac_config_files=$*;;
+cat >>$CONFIG_STATUS <<_ACEOF || ac_write_fail=1
+# Files that config.status was made for.
+cat >>$CONFIG_STATUS <<\_ACEOF || ac_write_fail=1
+\`$as_me' instantiates files and other configuration actions
+from templates according to the current configuration.  Unless the files
+and actions are specified as TAGs, all are instantiated by default.
+Usage: $0 [OPTION]... [TAG]...
+  -h, --help       print this help, then exit
+  -V, --version    print version number and configuration settings, then exit
+      --config     print configuration, then exit
+  -q, --quiet, --silent
+                   do not print progress messages
+  -d, --debug      don't remove temporary files
+      --recheck    update $as_me by reconfiguring in the same conditions
+      --file=FILE[:TEMPLATE]
+                   instantiate the configuration file FILE
+Configuration files:
+Report bugs to the package provider."
+cat >>$CONFIG_STATUS <<_ACEOF || ac_write_fail=1
+ac_cs_config="`$as_echo "$ac_configure_args" | sed 's/^ //; s/[\\""\`\$]/\\\\&/g'`"
+Octave-Forge tisean package config.status 0.2.3
+configured by $0, generated by GNU Autoconf 2.69,
+  with options \\"\$ac_cs_config\\"
+Copyright (C) 2012 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+This config.status script is free software; the Free Software Foundation
+gives unlimited permission to copy, distribute and modify it."
+test -n "\$AWK" || AWK=awk
+cat >>$CONFIG_STATUS <<\_ACEOF || ac_write_fail=1
+# The default lists apply if the user does not specify any file.
+while test $# != 0
+  case $1 in
+  --*=?*)
+    ac_option=`expr "X$1" : 'X\([^=]*\)='`
+    ac_optarg=`expr "X$1" : 'X[^=]*=\(.*\)'`
+    ac_shift=:
+    ;;
+  --*=)
+    ac_option=`expr "X$1" : 'X\([^=]*\)='`
+    ac_optarg=
+    ac_shift=:
+    ;;
+  *)
+    ac_option=$1
+    ac_optarg=$2
+    ac_shift=shift
+    ;;
+  esac
+  case $ac_option in
+  # Handling of the options.
+  -recheck | --recheck | --rechec | --reche | --rech | --rec | --re | --r)
+    ac_cs_recheck=: ;;
+  --version | --versio | --versi | --vers | --ver | --ve | --v | -V )
+    $as_echo "$ac_cs_version"; exit ;;
+  --config | --confi | --conf | --con | --co | --c )
+    $as_echo "$ac_cs_config"; exit ;;
+  --debug | --debu | --deb | --de | --d | -d )
+    debug=: ;;
+  --file | --fil | --fi | --f )
+    $ac_shift
+    case $ac_optarg in
+    *\'*) ac_optarg=`$as_echo "$ac_optarg" | sed "s/'/'\\\\\\\\''/g"` ;;
+    '') as_fn_error $? "missing file argument" ;;
+    esac
+    as_fn_append CONFIG_FILES " '$ac_optarg'"
+    ac_need_defaults=false;;
+  --he | --h |  --help | --hel | -h )
+    $as_echo "$ac_cs_usage"; exit ;;
+  -q | -quiet | --quiet | --quie | --qui | --qu | --q \
+  | -silent | --silent | --silen | --sile | --sil | --si | --s)
+    ac_cs_silent=: ;;
+  # This is an error.
+  -*) as_fn_error $? "unrecognized option: \`$1'
+Try \`$0 --help' for more information." ;;
+  *) as_fn_append ac_config_targets " $1"
+     ac_need_defaults=false ;;
+  esac
+  shift
+if $ac_cs_silent; then
+  exec 6>/dev/null
+  ac_configure_extra_args="$ac_configure_extra_args --silent"
+cat >>$CONFIG_STATUS <<_ACEOF || ac_write_fail=1
+if \$ac_cs_recheck; then
+  set X $SHELL '$0' $ac_configure_args \$ac_configure_extra_args --no-create --no-recursion
+  shift
+  \$as_echo "running CONFIG_SHELL=$SHELL \$*" >&6
+  export CONFIG_SHELL
+  exec "\$@"
+cat >>$CONFIG_STATUS <<\_ACEOF || ac_write_fail=1
+exec 5>>config.log
+  echo
+  sed 'h;s/./-/g;s/^.../## /;s/...$/ ##/;p;x;p;x' <<_ASBOX
+## Running $as_me. ##
+  $as_echo "$ac_log"
+} >&5
+cat >>$CONFIG_STATUS <<_ACEOF || ac_write_fail=1
+cat >>$CONFIG_STATUS <<\_ACEOF || ac_write_fail=1
+# Handling of arguments.
+for ac_config_target in $ac_config_targets
+  case $ac_config_target in
+    "Makefile") CONFIG_FILES="$CONFIG_FILES Makefile" ;;
+    "source_f/slatec/Makefile") CONFIG_FILES="$CONFIG_FILES source_f/slatec/Makefile" ;;
+    "../devel/Makefile") CONFIG_FILES="$CONFIG_FILES ../devel/Makefile" ;;
+    "../devel/randomize/Makefile") CONFIG_FILES="$CONFIG_FILES ../devel/randomize/Makefile" ;;
+  *) as_fn_error $? "invalid argument: \`$ac_config_target'" "$LINENO" 5;;
+  esac
+# If the user did not use the arguments to specify the items to instantiate,
+# then the envvar interface is used.  Set only those that are not.
+# We use the long form for the default assignment because of an extremely
+# bizarre bug on SunOS 4.1.3.
+if $ac_need_defaults; then
+  test "${CONFIG_FILES+set}" = set || CONFIG_FILES=$config_files
+# Have a temporary directory for convenience.  Make it in the build tree
+# simply because there is no reason against having it here, and in addition,
+# creating and moving files from /tmp can sometimes cause problems.
+# Hook for its removal unless debugging.
+# Note that there is a small window in which the directory will not be cleaned:
+# after its creation but before its name has been assigned to `$tmp'.
+$debug ||
+  tmp= ac_tmp=
+  trap 'exit_status=$?
+  : "${ac_tmp:=$tmp}"
+  { test ! -d "$ac_tmp" || rm -fr "$ac_tmp"; } && exit $exit_status
+' 0
+  trap 'as_fn_exit 1' 1 2 13 15
+# Create a (secure) tmp directory for tmp files.
+  tmp=`(umask 077 && mktemp -d "./confXXXXXX") 2>/dev/null` &&
+  test -d "$tmp"
+}  ||
+  tmp=./conf$$-$RANDOM
+  (umask 077 && mkdir "$tmp")
+} || as_fn_error $? "cannot create a temporary directory in ." "$LINENO" 5
+# Set up the scripts for CONFIG_FILES section.
+# No need to generate them if there are no CONFIG_FILES.
+# This happens for instance with `./config.status config.h'.
+if test -n "$CONFIG_FILES"; then
+ac_cr=`echo X | tr X '\015'`
+# On cygwin, bash can eat \r inside `` if the user requested igncr.
+# But we know of no other shell where ac_cr would be empty at this
+# point, so we can use a bashism as a fallback.
+if test "x$ac_cr" = x; then
+  eval ac_cr=\$\'\\r\'
+ac_cs_awk_cr=`$AWK 'BEGIN { print "a\rb" }' </dev/null 2>/dev/null`
+if test "$ac_cs_awk_cr" = "a${ac_cr}b"; then
+  ac_cs_awk_cr='\\r'
+  ac_cs_awk_cr=$ac_cr
+echo 'BEGIN {' >"$ac_tmp/subs1.awk" &&
+  echo "cat >conf$$subs.awk <<_ACEOF" &&
+  echo "$ac_subst_vars" | sed 's/.*/&!$&$ac_delim/' &&
+  echo "_ACEOF"
+} >conf$$subs.sh ||
+  as_fn_error $? "could not make $CONFIG_STATUS" "$LINENO" 5
+ac_delim_num=`echo "$ac_subst_vars" | grep -c '^'`
+ac_delim='%!_!# '
+for ac_last_try in false false false false false :; do
+  . ./conf$$subs.sh ||
+    as_fn_error $? "could not make $CONFIG_STATUS" "$LINENO" 5
+  ac_delim_n=`sed -n "s/.*$ac_delim\$/X/p" conf$$subs.awk | grep -c X`
+  if test $ac_delim_n = $ac_delim_num; then
+    break
+  elif $ac_last_try; then
+    as_fn_error $? "could not make $CONFIG_STATUS" "$LINENO" 5
+  else
+    ac_delim="$ac_delim!$ac_delim _$ac_delim!! "
+  fi
+rm -f conf$$subs.sh
+cat >>$CONFIG_STATUS <<_ACEOF || ac_write_fail=1
+cat >>"\$ac_tmp/subs1.awk" <<\\_ACAWK &&
+sed -n '
+s/^/S["/; s/!.*/"]=/
+t repl
+t delim
+t more1
+s/["\\]/\\&/g; s/^/"/; s/$/\\n"\\/
+b repl
+s/["\\]/\\&/g; s/^/"/; s/$/"\\/
+t nl
+t more2
+s/["\\]/\\&/g; s/^/"/; s/$/"/
+s/["\\]/\\&/g; s/^/"/; s/$/"\\/
+t delim
+' <conf$$subs.awk | sed '
+  N
+  s/\n//
+' >>$CONFIG_STATUS || ac_write_fail=1
+rm -f conf$$subs.awk
+cat >>$CONFIG_STATUS <<_ACEOF || ac_write_fail=1
+cat >>"\$ac_tmp/subs1.awk" <<_ACAWK &&
+  for (key in S) S_is_set[key] = 1
+  FS = ""
+  line = $ 0
+  nfields = split(line, field, "@")
+  substed = 0
+  len = length(field[1])
+  for (i = 2; i < nfields; i++) {
+    key = field[i]
+    keylen = length(key)
+    if (S_is_set[key]) {
+      value = S[key]
+      line = substr(line, 1, len) "" value "" substr(line, len + keylen + 3)
+      len += length(value) + length(field[++i])
+      substed = 1
+    } else
+      len += 1 + keylen
+  }
+  print line
+cat >>$CONFIG_STATUS <<\_ACEOF || ac_write_fail=1
+if sed "s/$ac_cr//" < /dev/null > /dev/null 2>&1; then
+  sed "s/$ac_cr\$//; s/$ac_cr/$ac_cs_awk_cr/g"
+  cat
+fi < "$ac_tmp/subs1.awk" > "$ac_tmp/subs.awk" \
+  || as_fn_error $? "could not setup config files machinery" "$LINENO" 5
+# VPATH may cause trouble with some makes, so we remove sole $(srcdir),
+# ${srcdir} and @srcdir@ entries from VPATH if srcdir is ".", strip leading and
+# trailing colons and then remove the whole line if VPATH becomes empty
+# (actually we leave an empty line to preserve line numbers).
+if test "x$srcdir" = x.; then
+  ac_vpsub='/^[	 ]*VPATH[	 ]*=[	 ]*/{
+s/[	 ]*$/:/
+s/\(=[	 ]*\).*/\1/
+s/^[^=]*=[	 ]*$//
+cat >>$CONFIG_STATUS <<\_ACEOF || ac_write_fail=1
+fi # test -n "$CONFIG_FILES"
+eval set X "  :F $CONFIG_FILES      "
+for ac_tag
+  case $ac_tag in
+  :[FHLC]) ac_mode=$ac_tag; continue;;
+  esac
+  case $ac_mode$ac_tag in
+  :[FHL]*:*);;
+  :L* | :C*:*) as_fn_error $? "invalid tag \`$ac_tag'" "$LINENO" 5;;
+  :[FH]-) ac_tag=-:-;;
+  :[FH]*) ac_tag=$ac_tag:$ac_tag.in;;
+  esac
+  ac_save_IFS=$IFS
+  IFS=:
+  set x $ac_tag
+  IFS=$ac_save_IFS
+  shift
+  ac_file=$1
+  shift
+  case $ac_mode in
+  :L) ac_source=$1;;
+  :[FH])
+    ac_file_inputs=
+    for ac_f
+    do
+      case $ac_f in
+      -) ac_f="$ac_tmp/stdin";;
+      *) # Look for the file first in the build tree, then in the source tree
+	 # (if the path is not absolute).  The absolute path cannot be DOS-style,
+	 # because $ac_f cannot contain `:'.
+	 test -f "$ac_f" ||
+	   case $ac_f in
+	   [\\/$]*) false;;
+	   *) test -f "$srcdir/$ac_f" && ac_f="$srcdir/$ac_f";;
+	   esac ||
+	   as_fn_error 1 "cannot find input file: \`$ac_f'" "$LINENO" 5;;
+      esac
+      case $ac_f in *\'*) ac_f=`$as_echo "$ac_f" | sed "s/'/'\\\\\\\\''/g"`;; esac
+      as_fn_append ac_file_inputs " '$ac_f'"
+    done
+    # Let's still pretend it is `configure' which instantiates (i.e., don't
+    # use $as_me), people would be surprised to read:
+    #    /* config.h.  Generated by config.status.  */
+    configure_input='Generated from '`
+	  $as_echo "$*" | sed 's|^[^:]*/||;s|:[^:]*/|, |g'
+	`' by configure.'
+    if test x"$ac_file" != x-; then
+      configure_input="$ac_file.  $configure_input"
+      { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: creating $ac_file" >&5
+$as_echo "$as_me: creating $ac_file" >&6;}
+    fi
+    # Neutralize special characters interpreted by sed in replacement strings.
+    case $configure_input in #(
+    *\&* | *\|* | *\\* )
+       ac_sed_conf_input=`$as_echo "$configure_input" |
+       sed 's/[\\\\&|]/\\\\&/g'`;; #(
+    *) ac_sed_conf_input=$configure_input;;
+    esac
+    case $ac_tag in
+    *:-:* | *:-) cat >"$ac_tmp/stdin" \
+      || as_fn_error $? "could not create $ac_file" "$LINENO" 5 ;;
+    esac
+    ;;
+  esac
+  ac_dir=`$as_dirname -- "$ac_file" ||
+$as_expr X"$ac_file" : 'X\(.*[^/]\)//*[^/][^/]*/*$' \| \
+	 X"$ac_file" : 'X\(//\)[^/]' \| \
+	 X"$ac_file" : 'X\(//\)$' \| \
+	 X"$ac_file" : 'X\(/\)' \| . 2>/dev/null ||
+$as_echo X"$ac_file" |
+    sed '/^X\(.*[^/]\)\/\/*[^/][^/]*\/*$/{
+	    s//\1/
+	    q
+	  }
+	  /^X\(\/\/\)[^/].*/{
+	    s//\1/
+	    q
+	  }
+	  /^X\(\/\/\)$/{
+	    s//\1/
+	    q
+	  }
+	  /^X\(\/\).*/{
+	    s//\1/
+	    q
+	  }
+	  s/.*/./; q'`
+  as_dir="$ac_dir"; as_fn_mkdir_p
+  ac_builddir=.
+case "$ac_dir" in
+.) ac_dir_suffix= ac_top_builddir_sub=. ac_top_build_prefix= ;;
+  ac_dir_suffix=/`$as_echo "$ac_dir" | sed 's|^\.[\\/]||'`
+  # A ".." for each directory in $ac_dir_suffix.
+  ac_top_builddir_sub=`$as_echo "$ac_dir_suffix" | sed 's|/[^\\/]*|/..|g;s|/||'`
+  case $ac_top_builddir_sub in
+  "") ac_top_builddir_sub=. ac_top_build_prefix= ;;
+  *)  ac_top_build_prefix=$ac_top_builddir_sub/ ;;
+  esac ;;
+# for backward compatibility:
+case $srcdir in
+  .)  # We are building in place.
+    ac_srcdir=.
+    ac_top_srcdir=$ac_top_builddir_sub
+    ac_abs_top_srcdir=$ac_pwd ;;
+  [\\/]* | ?:[\\/]* )  # Absolute name.
+    ac_srcdir=$srcdir$ac_dir_suffix;
+    ac_top_srcdir=$srcdir
+    ac_abs_top_srcdir=$srcdir ;;
+  *) # Relative name.
+    ac_srcdir=$ac_top_build_prefix$srcdir$ac_dir_suffix
+    ac_top_srcdir=$ac_top_build_prefix$srcdir
+    ac_abs_top_srcdir=$ac_pwd/$srcdir ;;
+  case $ac_mode in
+  :F)
+  #
+  #
+cat >>$CONFIG_STATUS <<\_ACEOF || ac_write_fail=1
+# If the template does not know about datarootdir, expand it.
+# FIXME: This hack should be removed a few years after 2.60.
+ac_datarootdir_hack=; ac_datarootdir_seen=
+/datarootdir/ {
+  p
+  q
+case `eval "sed -n \"\$ac_sed_dataroot\" $ac_file_inputs"` in
+*datarootdir*) ac_datarootdir_seen=yes;;
+  { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: WARNING: $ac_file_inputs seems to ignore the --datarootdir setting" >&5
+$as_echo "$as_me: WARNING: $ac_file_inputs seems to ignore the --datarootdir setting" >&2;}
+cat >>$CONFIG_STATUS <<_ACEOF || ac_write_fail=1
+  ac_datarootdir_hack='
+  s&@datadir@&$datadir&g
+  s&@docdir@&$docdir&g
+  s&@infodir@&$infodir&g
+  s&@localedir@&$localedir&g
+  s&@mandir@&$mandir&g
+  s&\\\${datarootdir}&$datarootdir&g' ;;
+# Neutralize VPATH when `$srcdir' = `.'.
+# Shell code in configure.ac might set extrasub.
+# FIXME: do we really want to maintain this feature?
+cat >>$CONFIG_STATUS <<_ACEOF || ac_write_fail=1
+cat >>$CONFIG_STATUS <<\_ACEOF || ac_write_fail=1
+s|@configure_input@|$ac_sed_conf_input|;t t
+s&@top_builddir@&$ac_top_builddir_sub&;t t
+s&@top_build_prefix@&$ac_top_build_prefix&;t t
+s&@srcdir@&$ac_srcdir&;t t
+s&@abs_srcdir@&$ac_abs_srcdir&;t t
+s&@top_srcdir@&$ac_top_srcdir&;t t
+s&@abs_top_srcdir@&$ac_abs_top_srcdir&;t t
+s&@builddir@&$ac_builddir&;t t
+s&@abs_builddir@&$ac_abs_builddir&;t t
+s&@abs_top_builddir@&$ac_abs_top_builddir&;t t
+eval sed \"\$ac_sed_extra\" "$ac_file_inputs" | $AWK -f "$ac_tmp/subs.awk" \
+  >$ac_tmp/out || as_fn_error $? "could not create $ac_file" "$LINENO" 5
+test -z "$ac_datarootdir_hack$ac_datarootdir_seen" &&
+  { ac_out=`sed -n '/\${datarootdir}/p' "$ac_tmp/out"`; test -n "$ac_out"; } &&
+  { ac_out=`sed -n '/^[	 ]*datarootdir[	 ]*:*=/p' \
+      "$ac_tmp/out"`; test -z "$ac_out"; } &&
+  { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: WARNING: $ac_file contains a reference to the variable \`datarootdir'
+which seems to be undefined.  Please make sure it is defined" >&5
+$as_echo "$as_me: WARNING: $ac_file contains a reference to the variable \`datarootdir'
+which seems to be undefined.  Please make sure it is defined" >&2;}
+  rm -f "$ac_tmp/stdin"
+  case $ac_file in
+  -) cat "$ac_tmp/out" && rm -f "$ac_tmp/out";;
+  *) rm -f "$ac_file" && mv "$ac_tmp/out" "$ac_file";;
+  esac \
+  || as_fn_error $? "could not create $ac_file" "$LINENO" 5
+ ;;
+  esac
+done # for ac_tag
+as_fn_exit 0
+test $ac_write_fail = 0 ||
+  as_fn_error $? "write failure creating $CONFIG_STATUS" "$LINENO" 5
+# configure is writing to config.log, and then calls config.status.
+# config.status does its own redirection, appending to config.log.
+# Unfortunately, on DOS this fails, as config.log is still kept open
+# by configure, so config.status won't be able to write to it; its
+# output is simply discarded.  So we exec the FD to /dev/null,
+# effectively closing config.log, so it can be properly (re)opened and
+# appended to by config.status.  When coming back to configure, we
+# need to make the FD available again.
+if test "$no_create" != yes; then
+  ac_cs_success=:
+  ac_config_status_args=
+  test "$silent" = yes &&
+    ac_config_status_args="$ac_config_status_args --quiet"
+  exec 5>/dev/null
+  $SHELL $CONFIG_STATUS $ac_config_status_args || ac_cs_success=false
+  exec 5>>config.log
+  # Use ||, not &&, to avoid exiting from the if with $? = 1, which
+  # would make configure fail if this is the last instruction.
+  $ac_cs_success || as_fn_exit 1
+if test -n "$ac_unrecognized_opts" && test "$enable_option_checking" != no; then
+  { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: WARNING: unrecognized options: $ac_unrecognized_opts" >&5
+$as_echo "$as_me: WARNING: unrecognized options: $ac_unrecognized_opts" >&2;}
diff --git a/src/configure.ac b/src/configure.ac
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..109de44
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/configure.ac
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+AC_INIT([Octave-Forge tisean package], [0.2.3])
+# Check for ar
+AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether ${AR} accepts ${ARFLAGS}])
+echo 'void f(){}' > libtest.c
+${CXX} -c libtest.c
+${AR} ${ARFLAGS} libtest.a libtest.o 1>&5 2>&5
+if test -s libtest.a; then
+  AC_MSG_RESULT([no, using ${ARFLAGS} instead])
+rm -f libtest.*
+# Check if FORTRAN 77 is supported
+# Check if -freal-4-real-8 is supported
+AC_LANG([Fortran 77])
+AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether $F77 supports -freal-4-real-8])
+    [AC_MSG_RESULT([yes])]
+    [AM_FFLAGS=-freal-4-real-8],
+    [AC_MSG_RESULT([no])]
+    [AC_MSG_ERROR([*** A fortran compiler with support for -freal-4-real-8 flag is required.])]
+# If ../devel folder exists run configure there too
+if test -d "../devel"; then
+  AC_CONFIG_FILES([../devel/Makefile])
+  AC_CONFIG_FILES([../devel/randomize/Makefile])
diff --git a/src/lazy.cc b/src/lazy.cc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9ad2367
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lazy.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,213 @@
+/* -*- coding: utf-8 -*- */
+/* Copyright (C) 1996-2015 Piotr Held <pjheld at gmail.com>
+ *
+ * This file is part of Octave.
+ *
+ * Octave is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
+ * either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any
+ * later version.
+ *
+ * Octave is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
+ * PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more
+ * details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
+ * License along with Octave; see the file COPYING.  If not,
+ * see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ */
+#define HELPTEXT "\
+-*- texinfo -*-\n\
+ at deftypefn{Function File} {@var{cleaned} =} lazy (@var{X}, @var{m}, @var{rv})\n\
+ at deftypefnx{Function File} {[@var{cleaned}, @var{diff}] =} lazy (@var{X}, @var{m}, @var{rv})\n\
+ at deftypefnx{Function File} {@dots{} =} lazy (@var{X}, @var{m}, @var{rv}, @var{imax})\n\
+Performs simple nonlinear noise reduction\n\
+ at strong {Inputs}\n\
+ at table @var\n\
+ at item X\n\
+Must be realvector. If it is a row vector then the output will be row vectors as well.\n\
+ at item m\n\
+Embedding dimension. Must be postive integer.\n\
+ at item rv\n\
+If @var{rv} > 0 then it is equal to the absolute radius of the neighbourhoods. If @var{rv} < 0 then its opposite (- at var{rv}) is equal to the fraction of standard deviation used. It cannot be equal 0.\n\
+ at item imax\n\
+The number of iterations [default = 1].\n\
+ at end table\n\
+ at strong {Output}\n\
+ at table @var\n\
+ at item cleaned\n\
+Vector containing the cleaned data.\n\
+ at item diff\n\
+Difference between the clean and noisy data. \n\
+ at end table\n\
+See the demo for example of how lazy works. \n\
+ at strong{Algorithm}@*\n\
+Uses TISEAN package lazy\n\
+ at end deftypefn"
+/* Author: Piotr Held <pjheld at gmail.com>.
+ * This function is based on lazy of TISEAN 3.0.1 
+ * https://github.com/heggus/Tisean"
+ */
+#include <octave/oct.h>
+#include <octave/f77-fcn.h>
+#define DEFAULT_IMAX 1
+// In order to avoid clobbered warnings transposed is initialized globally.
+bool transposed;
+extern "C"
+  F77_RET_T
+  F77_FUNC (ts_lazy, TS_LAZY)
+            (const int& m, const double& rv,
+             const int& imax, const int& lines_read,
+             double* in_out1, double* in_out2);
+DEFUN_DLD (lazy, args, nargout, HELPTEXT)
+  octave_value_list retval;
+  int nargin = args.length ();
+  if ((nargin != 4) && (nargin != 3))
+    {
+      print_usage ();
+    }
+  else if (nargout > 2)
+    {
+      error_with_id ("Octave:invalid-fun-call", \
+                     "Lazy only produces two outputs");
+    }
+  else
+    {
+    // Assigning inputs
+      Matrix in_out1 = args(0).matrix_value();
+      int m          = args(1).int_value();
+      double rv      = args(2).double_value();
+      int imax       = DEFAULT_IMAX;
+      if (nargin == 4)
+        imax = args(3).int_value();
+    // Checking if matrix is vector.
+      int rows = in_out1.rows();
+      int cols = in_out1.cols();
+      if (((rows != 1) && (cols != 1)) || (cols == 0) || (rows == 0))
+        error_with_id ("Octave:invalid-input-arg",\
+                       "input X must be a vector");
+    // Checking parameters
+      if (m < 1)
+        error_with_id ("Octave:invalid-input-arg",\
+                       "Embedding dimension (M) must be a positive integer");
+      if (rv == 0.)
+        error_with_id ("Octave:invalid-input-arg",\
+                       "Set either radious of neighbourhoods"
+                       " or fraction of std deviation");
+      if (imax < 1)
+        error_with_id ("Octave:invalid-input-arg",\
+                       "Number of iterations (IMAX) must be a positive "
+                       "integer");
+      if (! error_state)
+        {
+        // If vector is in 1 row: transpose (we will transpose the output to fit)
+            transposed = 0;
+          if ((rows == 1) && (cols > 1))
+            {
+              transposed = 1;
+              in_out1    = in_out1.transpose();
+            }
+          int lines_read = in_out1.numel();
+          NDArray in_out2 (Matrix (lines_read, 1));
+          F77_XFCN (ts_lazy, TS_LAZY,
+                    (m, rv, imax, lines_read,
+                      in_out1.fortran_vec(), in_out2.fortran_vec()));
+          // Transpose the output to resemble the input
+          if (transposed)
+          {
+            in_out1 = in_out1.transpose();
+            in_out2 = in_out2.transpose();
+          }
+          retval(0) = in_out1;
+          retval(1) = in_out2;
+        }
+    }
+  return retval;
+%! hen    = henon (10000);
+%! "The following line is equvalent to 'addnoise -v0.02 hen' from TISEAN";
+%! hen    = hen + std (hen) * 0.02 .* (-6 + sum (rand ([size(hen), 12]), 3));
+%! hendel = delay (hen(:,1));
+%! henlaz = lazy (hen(:,1),7,-0.06,3);
+%! henlaz = delay (henlaz);
+%! subplot (2,3,1)
+%! plot (hendel(:,1), hendel(:,2), 'b.','markersize', 3);
+%! title ("Noisy data");
+%! pbaspect ([1 1 1]);
+%! axis tight
+%! axis off
+%! subplot (2,3,4)
+%! plot (henlaz(:,1), henlaz(:,2),'r.','markersize', 3);
+%! title ("Clean data");
+%! pbaspect ([1 1 1]);
+%! axis tight
+%! axis off
+%! subplot (2,3,[2 3 5 6])
+%! plot (hendel(:,1), hendel(:,2), 'b.','markersize', 3,...
+%!       henlaz(:,1), henlaz(:,2),'r.','markersize', 3);
+%! legend ("Noisy", "Clean");
+%! title ("Superimposed data");
+%! axis tight
+%!fail("[a,b,c] = lazy((1:10),1,0.05)");
+%! "In is generated from Octave using 'in = 1 + 0.5 * rand(10,1);'";
+%! in = [1.47007925526322;1.168775342017635;1.10943000146922; 1.174293926353764;  1.075741574572656; 1.373465364407417; 1.089417388489702; 1.403669883669071;1.452726826806777;  1.016960990335037];
+%! "res was generated using 'lazy -m1 -v0.06 in.dat' from TISEAN 'lazy'";
+%! res = [1.47007930, 0.00000000; 1.17153454, -2.75921822E-03; 1.10942996, 0.00000000; 1.17153454, 2.75933743E-03; 1.07574153, 0.00000000; 1.37346542, 0.00000000; 1.08941734, 0.00000000; 1.40366983, 0.00000000; 1.45272684, 0.00000000; 1.01696098, 0.00000000];
+%! [al,bl] = lazy(in, 1, -0.06);
+%! assert([al,bl],res,1e-6);
diff --git a/src/m4/ax_cxx_compile_stdcxx_11.m4 b/src/m4/ax_cxx_compile_stdcxx_11.m4
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..163a4c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/m4/ax_cxx_compile_stdcxx_11.m4
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+# ============================================================================
+#  http://www.gnu.org/software/autoconf-archive/ax_cxx_compile_stdcxx_11.html
+# ============================================================================
+#   AX_CXX_COMPILE_STDCXX_11([ext|noext],[mandatory|optional])
+#   Check for baseline language coverage in the compiler for the C++11
+#   standard; if necessary, add switches to CXXFLAGS to enable support.
+#   The first argument, if specified, indicates whether you insist on an
+#   extended mode (e.g. -std=gnu++11) or a strict conformance mode (e.g.
+#   -std=c++11).  If neither is specified, you get whatever works, with
+#   preference for an extended mode.
+#   The second argument, if specified 'mandatory' or if left unspecified,
+#   indicates that baseline C++11 support is required and that the macro
+#   should error out if no mode with that support is found.  If specified
+#   'optional', then configuration proceeds regardless, after defining
+#   HAVE_CXX11 if and only if a supporting mode is found.
+#   Copyright (c) 2008 Benjamin Kosnik <bkoz at redhat.com>
+#   Copyright (c) 2012 Zack Weinberg <zackw at panix.com>
+#   Copyright (c) 2013 Roy Stogner <roystgnr at ices.utexas.edu>
+#   Copyright (c) 2014 Alexey Sokolov <sokolov at google.com>
+#   Copying and distribution of this file, with or without modification, are
+#   permitted in any medium without royalty provided the copyright notice
+#   and this notice are preserved. This file is offered as-is, without any
+#   warranty.
+#serial 4
+m4_define([_AX_CXX_COMPILE_STDCXX_11_testbody], [[
+  template <typename T>
+    struct check
+    {
+      static_assert(sizeof(int) <= sizeof(T), "not big enough");
+    };
+    struct Base {
+    virtual void f() {}
+    };
+    struct Child : public Base {
+    virtual void f() override {}
+    };
+    typedef check<check<bool>> right_angle_brackets;
+    int a;
+    decltype(a) b;
+    typedef check<int> check_type;
+    check_type c;
+    check_type&& cr = static_cast<check_type&&>(c);
+    auto d = a;
+    auto l = [](){};
+  m4_if([$1], [], [],
+        [$1], [ext], [],
+        [$1], [noext], [],
+        [m4_fatal([invalid argument `$1' to AX_CXX_COMPILE_STDCXX_11])])dnl
+  m4_if([$2], [], [ax_cxx_compile_cxx11_required=true],
+        [$2], [mandatory], [ax_cxx_compile_cxx11_required=true],
+        [$2], [optional], [ax_cxx_compile_cxx11_required=false],
+        [m4_fatal([invalid second argument `$2' to AX_CXX_COMPILE_STDCXX_11])])
+  AC_LANG_PUSH([C++])dnl
+  ac_success=no
+  AC_CACHE_CHECK(whether $CXX supports C++11 features by default,
+  ax_cv_cxx_compile_cxx11,
+    [ax_cv_cxx_compile_cxx11=yes],
+    [ax_cv_cxx_compile_cxx11=no])])
+  if test x$ax_cv_cxx_compile_cxx11 = xyes; then
+    ac_success=yes
+  fi
+  m4_if([$1], [noext], [], [dnl
+  if test x$ac_success = xno; then
+    for switch in -std=gnu++11 -std=gnu++0x; do
+      cachevar=AS_TR_SH([ax_cv_cxx_compile_cxx11_$switch])
+      AC_CACHE_CHECK(whether $CXX supports C++11 features with $switch,
+                     $cachevar,
+        [ac_save_CXXFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS"
+         CXXFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS $switch"
+          [eval $cachevar=yes],
+          [eval $cachevar=no])
+         CXXFLAGS="$ac_save_CXXFLAGS"])
+      if eval test x\$$cachevar = xyes; then
+        CXXFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS $switch"
+        ac_success=yes
+        break
+      fi
+    done
+  fi])
+  m4_if([$1], [ext], [], [dnl
+  if test x$ac_success = xno; then
+    for switch in -std=c++11 -std=c++0x; do
+      cachevar=AS_TR_SH([ax_cv_cxx_compile_cxx11_$switch])
+      AC_CACHE_CHECK(whether $CXX supports C++11 features with $switch,
+                     $cachevar,
+        [ac_save_CXXFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS"
+         CXXFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS $switch"
+          [eval $cachevar=yes],
+          [eval $cachevar=no])
+         CXXFLAGS="$ac_save_CXXFLAGS"])
+      if eval test x\$$cachevar = xyes; then
+        CXXFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS $switch"
+        ac_success=yes
+        break
+      fi
+    done
+  fi])
+  AC_LANG_POP([C++])
+  if test x$ax_cxx_compile_cxx11_required = xtrue; then
+    if test x$ac_success = xno; then
+      AC_MSG_ERROR([*** A compiler with support for C++11 language features is required.])
+    fi
+  else
+    if test x$ac_success = xno; then
+      HAVE_CXX11=0
+      AC_MSG_NOTICE([No compiler with C++11 support was found])
+    else
+      HAVE_CXX11=1
+      AC_DEFINE(HAVE_CXX11,1,
+                [define if the compiler supports basic C++11 syntax])
+    fi
+  fi
diff --git a/src/mutual.cc b/src/mutual.cc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..05c11c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/mutual.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,270 @@
+ *   This file is part of TISEAN
+ *
+ *   Copyright (c) 1998-2007 Rainer Hegger, Holger Kantz, Thomas Schreiber
+ *                           Piotr Held
+ *   TISEAN is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ *   (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ *   TISEAN is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ *   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ *   GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ *   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ *   along with TISEAN; if not, write to the Free Software
+ *   Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
+ */
+/* Author: Rainer Hegger.
+ * Modified: Piotr Held <pjheld at gmail.com> (2015).
+ * This function is based on mutual of TISEAN 3.0.1
+ * https://github.com/heggus/Tisean"
+ */
+#define HELPTEXT "\
+-*- texinfo -*-\n\
+ at deftypefn{Function File} {@var{delay} =} mutual (@var{X})\n\
+ at deftypefnx{Function File} {[@var{delay}, @var{mutual_inf}] =} mutual (@var{X})\n\
+ at deftypefnx{Function File} {[@var{delay}, @var{mutual_inf}, @var{mutual_inf_log}] =} mutual (@var{X})\n\
+ at deftypefnx{Function File} {@dots{} =} mutual (@var{X}, @var{bd})\n\
+ at deftypefnx{Function File} {@dots{} =} mutual (@var{X}, @var{bd}, @var{d})\n\
+Estimates the time delayed mutual information of the data. \
+It is the simplest possible realization. It uses a fixed mesh of boxes. \
+No finite sample corrections are implemented so far.\n\
+ at strong {Inputs}\n\
+ at table @var\n\
+ at item X\n\
+Must be realvector. If it is a row vector then the output will be row vectors as well.\n\
+ at item bd\n\
+If all inputs are present (nargin == 3) then @var{bd} is equal to the number of boxes for the\
+ partition. If @var{d} is omitted (nargin == 2) then if @var{bd} > 0 then it is still equal to the \
+number of boxes for the partition, but if @var{bd} < 0 then it is equal to the maximum time delay \
+(@var{D}) and the number of boxes is its default value. @var{bd} cannot be equal 0 [default = 16].\n\
+ at item d\n\
+The maximum time delay [default = 20].\n\
+ at end table\n\
+ at strong {Output}\n\
+ at table @var\n\
+ at item delay\n\
+The delay.\n\
+ at item mutual_inf\n\
+The calculated mutual information for the input vector @var{X}.\n\
+ at end table\n\
+ at strong{Algorithm}@*\n\
+Based on TISEAN package mutual\n\
+ at end deftypefn"
+#include <octave/oct.h>
+#include "routines_c/tsa.h"
+#define DEFAULT_NO_BOXES 16
+double make_cond_entropy(octave_idx_type t, int32NDArray &h1,
+                         int32NDArray &h11, int32NDArray &h2,
+                         const long *array, octave_idx_type length,
+                         octave_idx_type partitions)
+  long hi,hii,count=0;
+  double hpi,hpj,pij,cond_ent=0.0,norm;
+  for (octave_idx_type i=0;i<partitions;i++) 
+    {
+      h1(i)  = 0;
+      h11(i) = 0;
+      for (octave_idx_type j=0;j<partitions;j++)
+        h2(i,j)=0;
+    }
+  for (octave_idx_type i=0;i<length;i++)
+    if (i >= t) {
+      hii         = array[i];
+      hi          = array[i-t];
+      h1(hi)     += 1;
+      h11(hii)   += 1;
+      h2(hi,hii) += 1;
+      count++;
+    }
+  norm=1.0/(double)count;
+  cond_ent=0.0;
+  for (octave_idx_type i=0;i<partitions;i++) {
+    hpi=(double)(h1(i))*norm;
+    if (hpi > 0.0) {
+      for (octave_idx_type j=0;j<partitions;j++) {
+      hpj=(double)(h11(j))*norm;
+      if (hpj > 0.0) {
+        pij=(double)(h2(i,j))*norm;
+        if (pij > 0.0)
+          cond_ent += pij*log(pij/hpj/hpi);
+      }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  return cond_ent;
+DEFUN_DLD (mutual, args, nargout, HELPTEXT)
+  int nargin = args.length ();
+  octave_value_list retval;
+  if ((nargin > 3) || (nargin < 1))
+    {
+      print_usage();
+    }
+  else if (nargout > 2)
+    {
+      error_with_id ("Octave:invalid-fun-call", \
+                     "Can only output 2 arguments");
+    }
+  else
+    {
+      // Load input along with default values
+      Matrix input               = args(0).matrix_value();
+      octave_idx_type partitions = DEFAULT_NO_BOXES;
+      octave_idx_type corrlength = DEFAULT_MAX_DELAY;
+      if (nargin == 2)
+        {
+          int bD = args(1).int_value();
+          if (bD < 0)
+            {
+              corrlength = -bD;
+            }
+          else
+            {
+              partitions = bD;
+            }
+        }
+      if (nargin == 3)
+        {
+          partitions = args(1).int_value();
+          corrlength = args(2).int_value();
+        }
+      // Data validation
+      octave_idx_type rows = input.rows();
+      octave_idx_type cols = input.columns();
+      if (((rows != 1) && (cols != 1)) || (cols == 0) || (rows == 0))
+        error_with_id ("Octave:invalid-input-arg", \
+                       "input X must be a vector");
+      if ((partitions < 1) || (corrlength < 1))
+        error_with_id ("Octave:invalid-input-arg", \
+                       "Neither the number of boxes, "
+                       "nor the maximal delay time can be non-positive.");
+      // Correct for row vectors;
+      bool transposed = 0;
+      if ((rows == 1) && (cols > 1))
+        {
+          transposed = 1;
+          input = input.transpose();
+        }
+      // Dim == 1 always as we only use single column vectors.
+      octave_idx_type dim    = input.columns();
+      octave_idx_type length = input.rows();
+      // Allocate memory
+      int32NDArray h1 (dim_vector(partitions, 1));
+      int32NDArray h11 (dim_vector(partitions, 1));
+      int32NDArray h2 (dim_vector(partitions, partitions));
+      OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (long, array, length);
+      if (! error_state)
+        {
+          // Load array
+          // Rescale data and load array
+          // NOTE: currently supports only vectors so (dim == 1) always
+          if (dim == 1){
+          double mint, interval;
+          rescale_data(input,0,length,&mint,&interval);
+          for (octave_idx_type i=0;i<length;i++)
+            if (input(i,0) < 1.0)
+              array[i]=(long)(input(i,0)*(double)partitions);
+            else
+              array[i]=partitions-1;
+          }
+          double shannon = make_cond_entropy (0, h1, h11, h2, array, length,
+                                              partitions);
+          if (corrlength >= (long)length)
+            corrlength=length-1;
+          // Construct the output
+          Matrix delay (corrlength+1,1);
+          // To save memory
+          int minf_len = 1;
+          if (nargout > 1)
+            minf_len = corrlength+1;
+          Matrix mutual_inf (minf_len,1);
+          // Assign output
+          delay(0,0)      = 0;
+          mutual_inf(0,0) = shannon;
+          for (octave_idx_type tau=1;tau<=corrlength;tau++) {
+  //          fprintf(stdout,"%ld %e %e\n",tau,condent,condent/log((double)partitions));
+            delay(tau,0) = tau;
+            if (nargout > 1)
+              {
+                mutual_inf(tau,0) = make_cond_entropy(tau, h1, h11, h2, array,
+                                                      length, partitions);
+              }
+          }
+          if (transposed)
+            {
+              delay          = delay.transpose();
+              if (nargout > 1)
+                mutual_inf     = mutual_inf.transpose();
+            }
+          retval(0) = delay;
+          retval(1) = mutual_inf;
+        }
+    }
+  return retval;
+%!fail("[a,b,c,d] = mutual ((1:10),1)");
+%! "'res' was created using 'mutual hen.dat' where from the TISEAN package.";
+%! "'hen.dat' was created using 'henon(10000)' from Tisean package in GNU Octave";
+%! res = [0, 2.684467e+00; 1, 1.362672e+00; 2, 1.054827e+00; 3, 8.300913e-01; 4, 6.421677e-01; 5, 4.650269e-01; 6, 3.409740e-01; 7, 2.485991e-01; 8, 1.621105e-01; 9, 1.144275e-01; 10, 9.430688e-02; 11, 6.796321e-02; 12, 6.181312e-02; 13, 4.369772e-02; 14, 3.566099e-02; 15, 2.923612e-02; 16, 2.354500e-02; 17, 1.924072e-02; 18, 1.999171e-02; 19, 1.887493e-02; 20, 1.464115e-02];
+%! hen = henon(10000);
+%! [a,b] = mutual (hen(:,1),-20);
+%! assert ([a,b], res, 1e-6);
diff --git a/src/routines_c/TISEAN_rand.cc b/src/routines_c/TISEAN_rand.cc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..41ae8b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/routines_c/TISEAN_rand.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+ *   This file is part of TISEAN
+ *
+ *   Copyright (c) 1998-2007 Rainer Hegger, Holger Kantz, Thomas Schreiber
+ *
+ *   TISEAN is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ *   (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ *   TISEAN is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ *   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ *   GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ *   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ *   along with TISEAN; if not, write to the Free Software
+ *   Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
+ */
+/* Author: Rainer Hegger.
+ * Modified: Piotr Held <pjheld at gmail.com> (2015).
+ * This file is based on rand.c of TISEAN 3.0.1 
+ * https://github.com/heggus/Tisean"
+ */
+#define __RANDOM
+#ifndef M_PI
+#define M_PI 3.1415926535897932385E0
+#include "TISEAN_rand.h"
+extern "C"
+  #ifndef _LIMITS_H
+  #include <limits.h>
+  #endif
+TISEAN_rand::TISEAN_rand(unsigned long iseed)
+  : rndtime (9688), rndtime1 (9688-157), rndtime2 (9688-314),
+    rndtime3 (9688-471), t1279 (1278), t1279_1 (1278-216),
+    t1279_2 (1278-299), t1279_3 (1278-598), lo_limit ((double)ULONG_MAX),
+    gausscount (0)
+  if (sizeof(long) == 8) {
+    factor=13*13*13*13;
+    factor=factor*factor*factor*13;
+  }
+  else
+    factor=69069;
+  rnd_array[0]=rnd1279[0]=iseed;
+  rnd69=iseed;
+  unsigned long index=iseed;
+  nexti[0]=next1279[0]=1;
+  for (int i=1;i<9689;i++)
+    {
+      rnd_array[i]=factor*rnd_array[i-1]+1;
+      nexti[i]=i+1;
+    }
+  for (int i=1;i<1279;i++) 
+    {
+      rnd1279[i]=factor*rnd1279[i-1]+1;
+      next1279[i]=i+1;
+    }
+  nexti[9688]=next1279[1278]=0;
+  for (int i=1;i<2000;i++)
+    {
+      unsigned long z;
+      index=factor*index+1;
+      z=rnd1279[((index>>10)%1279)];
+      z=(z<<10)+(z>>10);
+      index=factor*index+1;
+      rnd1279[((index>>10)%1279)] += z;
+    }
+  nexti[9688]=next1279[1278]=0;
+unsigned long TISEAN_rand::rnd_long(void)
+  rndtime=nexti[rndtime];
+  rndtime1=nexti[rndtime1];
+  rndtime2=nexti[rndtime2];
+  rndtime3=nexti[rndtime3];
+  rnd_array[rndtime] ^= rnd_array[rndtime1]
+    ^rnd_array[rndtime2]^rnd_array[rndtime3];
+  return rnd_array[rndtime];
+unsigned long TISEAN_rand::rnd_1279(void)
+  t1279=next1279[t1279];
+  t1279_1=next1279[t1279_1];
+  t1279_2=next1279[t1279_2];
+  t1279_3=next1279[t1279_3];
+  rnd1279[t1279] += (rnd1279[t1279_1] + rnd1279[t1279_2] 
+                 + rnd1279[t1279_3]);
+  return rnd1279[t1279];
+unsigned long TISEAN_rand::rnd69069(void)
+  return (rnd69=rnd69*factor+1);
+double TISEAN_rand::gaussian(double sigma)
+  if (!(gausscount++ & 0x1)) {
+    double phi=2.0*M_PI*(double)rnd_1279()/lo_limit;
+    double u=(double)rnd_1279()/lo_limit;
+    double r=sqrt(-2.0*sigma*sigma*log(u));
+    double x=r*cos(phi);
+    y=r*sin(phi);
+    return x;
+  }
+  else
+    return y;
diff --git a/src/routines_c/TISEAN_rand.h b/src/routines_c/TISEAN_rand.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..43eaac6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/routines_c/TISEAN_rand.h
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+/* -*- coding: utf-8 -*- */
+/* Copyright (C) 1996-2015 Piotr Held <pjheld at gmail.com>
+ *
+ * This file is part of Octave.
+ *
+ * Octave is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
+ * either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any
+ * later version.
+ *
+ * Octave is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
+ * PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more
+ * details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
+ * License along with Octave; see the file COPYING.  If not,
+ * see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ */
+#ifndef TISEAN_RAND_H
+#define TISEAN_RAND_H
+#include <octave/oct.h>
+class TISEAN_rand
+  private:
+  unsigned long rnd_array [9689], nexti [9689];
+  unsigned long rnd1279[1279], next1279[1279];
+  unsigned long rndtime,rndtime1,rndtime2,rndtime3;
+  unsigned long t1279,t1279_1,t1279_2,t1279_3;
+  unsigned long factor, rnd69;
+  double lo_limit;
+  unsigned long gausscount;
+  double y;
+  public:
+  TISEAN_rand (unsigned long iseed);
+  unsigned long rnd_long (void);
+  unsigned long rnd_1279 (void);
+  unsigned long rnd69069 (void);
+  double gaussian (double sigma);
diff --git a/src/routines_c/check_alloc.cc b/src/routines_c/check_alloc.cc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..07a29b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/routines_c/check_alloc.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+ *   This file is part of TISEAN
+ *
+ *   Copyright (c) 1998-2007 Rainer Hegger, Holger Kantz, Thomas Schreiber
+ *                           Piotr Held
+ *   TISEAN is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ *   (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ *   TISEAN is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ *   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ *   GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ *   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ *   along with TISEAN; if not, write to the Free Software
+ *   Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
+ */
+/* Author: Rainer Hegger.
+ * Author: Piotr Held <pjheld at gmail.com> (2015). 
+ * This function is based on check_alloc of TISEAN 3.0.1 https://github.com/heggus/Tisean"
+ */
+#include <octave/oct.h>
+void check_alloc(void *pnt)
+  if (pnt == NULL) {
+    error ("Couldn't allocate enough memory"); 
+  }
diff --git a/src/routines_c/eigen.cc b/src/routines_c/eigen.cc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..200606b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/routines_c/eigen.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,526 @@
+/* Modified: Piotr Held <pjheld at gmail.com> (2015). 
+ * These functions are based on eigen.c of TISEAN 3.0.1 https://github.com/heggus/Tisean"
+ */
+#include <octave/oct.h>
+#include <cmath>
+#include <cstdlib>
+#include <cstdio>
+typedef double doublereal;
+typedef int integer;
+#define abs(x) (((x)>=0.0)?(x):-(x))
+#define min(x,y) (((x)<=(y))?(x):(y))
+#define max(x,y) (((x)>=(y))?(x):(y))
+static doublereal c_b10 = 1.;
+extern void check_alloc(void*);
+double d_sign(double *a,double *b)
+  double x;
+  x = (*a >= 0 ? *a : - *a);
+  return ( *b >= 0 ? x : -x);
+doublereal pythag(doublereal *a, doublereal *b)
+    doublereal ret_val, d__1, d__2, d__3;
+    static doublereal p, r__, s, t, u;
+    d__1 = abs(*a), d__2 = abs(*b);
+    p = max(d__1,d__2);
+    if (p == 0.) {
+	goto L20;
+    }
+    d__2 = abs(*a), d__3 = abs(*b);
+    d__1 = min(d__2,d__3) / p;
+    r__ = d__1 * d__1;
+    t = r__ + 4.;
+    if (t == 4.) {
+	goto L20;
+    }
+    s = r__ / t;
+    u = s * 2. + 1.;
+    p = u * p;
+    d__1 = s / u;
+    r__ = d__1 * d__1 * r__;
+    goto L10;
+    ret_val = p;
+    return ret_val;
+int tred2(const integer *nm, const integer *n, doublereal *a, 
+	doublereal *d__, doublereal *e, doublereal *z__)
+    integer a_dim1, a_offset, z_dim1, z_offset, i__1, i__2, i__3;
+    doublereal d__1;
+    double sqrt(doublereal), d_sign(doublereal *, doublereal *);
+    static doublereal f, g, h__;
+    static integer i__, j, k, l;
+    static doublereal hh;
+    static integer ii, jp1;
+    static doublereal scale;
+/*     this subroutine is a translation of the algol procedure tred2, */
+/*     num. math. 11, 181-195(1968) by martin, reinsch, and wilkinson. */
+/*     handbook for auto. comp., vol.ii-linear algebra, 212-226(1971). */
+/*     this subroutine reduces a real symmetric matrix to a */
+/*     symmetric tridiagonal matrix using and accumulating */
+/*     orthogonal similarity transformations. */
+/*     on input */
+/*        nm must be set to the row dimension of two-dimensional */
+/*          array parameters as declared in the calling program */
+/*          dimension statement. */
+/*        n is the order of the matrix. */
+/*        a contains the real symmetric input matrix.  only the */
+/*          lower triangle of the matrix need be supplied. */
+/*     on output */
+/*        d contains the diagonal elements of the tridiagonal matrix. */
+/*        e contains the subdiagonal elements of the tridiagonal */
+/*          matrix in its last n-1 positions.  e(1) is set to zero. */
+/*        z contains the orthogonal transformation matrix */
+/*          produced in the reduction. */
+/*        a and z may coincide.  if distinct, a is unaltered. */
+/*     questions and comments should be directed to burton s. garbow, */
+/*     mathematics and computer science div, argonne national laboratory */
+/*     this version dated august 1983. */
+/*     ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+    z_dim1 = *nm;
+    z_offset = 1 + z_dim1 * 1;
+    z__ -= z_offset;
+    --e;
+    --d__;
+    a_dim1 = *nm;
+    a_offset = 1 + a_dim1 * 1;
+    a -= a_offset;
+    i__1 = *n;
+    for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) {
+	i__2 = *n;
+	for (j = i__; j <= i__2; ++j) {
+	    z__[j + i__ * z_dim1] = a[j + i__ * a_dim1];
+	}
+	d__[i__] = a[*n + i__ * a_dim1];
+    }
+    if (*n == 1) {
+	goto L510;
+    }
+    i__1 = *n;
+    for (ii = 2; ii <= i__1; ++ii) {
+	i__ = *n + 2 - ii;
+	l = i__ - 1;
+	h__ = 0.;
+	scale = 0.;
+	if (l < 2) {
+	    goto L130;
+	}
+	i__2 = l;
+	for (k = 1; k <= i__2; ++k) {
+	    scale += (d__1 = d__[k], abs(d__1));
+	}
+	if (scale != 0.) {
+	    goto L140;
+	}
+	e[i__] = d__[l];
+	i__2 = l;
+	for (j = 1; j <= i__2; ++j) {
+	    d__[j] = z__[l + j * z_dim1];
+	    z__[i__ + j * z_dim1] = 0.;
+	    z__[j + i__ * z_dim1] = 0.;
+	}
+	goto L290;
+	i__2 = l;
+	for (k = 1; k <= i__2; ++k) {
+	    d__[k] /= scale;
+	    h__ += d__[k] * d__[k];
+	}
+	f = d__[l];
+	d__1 = sqrt(h__);
+	g = -d_sign(&d__1, &f);
+	e[i__] = scale * g;
+	h__ -= f * g;
+	d__[l] = f - g;
+	i__2 = l;
+	for (j = 1; j <= i__2; ++j) {
+	    e[j] = 0.;
+	}
+	i__2 = l;
+	for (j = 1; j <= i__2; ++j) {
+	    f = d__[j];
+	    z__[j + i__ * z_dim1] = f;
+	    g = e[j] + z__[j + j * z_dim1] * f;
+	    jp1 = j + 1;
+	    if (l < jp1) {
+		goto L220;
+	    }
+	    i__3 = l;
+	    for (k = jp1; k <= i__3; ++k) {
+		g += z__[k + j * z_dim1] * d__[k];
+		e[k] += z__[k + j * z_dim1] * f;
+	    }
+	    e[j] = g;
+	}
+	f = 0.;
+	i__2 = l;
+	for (j = 1; j <= i__2; ++j) {
+	    e[j] /= h__;
+	    f += e[j] * d__[j];
+	}
+	hh = f / (h__ + h__);
+	i__2 = l;
+	for (j = 1; j <= i__2; ++j) {
+	    e[j] -= hh * d__[j];
+	}
+	i__2 = l;
+	for (j = 1; j <= i__2; ++j) {
+	    f = d__[j];
+	    g = e[j];
+	    i__3 = l;
+	    for (k = j; k <= i__3; ++k) {
+		z__[k + j * z_dim1] = z__[k + j * z_dim1] - f * e[k] - g * 
+			d__[k];
+	    }
+	    d__[j] = z__[l + j * z_dim1];
+	    z__[i__ + j * z_dim1] = 0.;
+	}
+	d__[i__] = h__;
+    }
+    i__1 = *n;
+    for (i__ = 2; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) {
+	l = i__ - 1;
+	z__[*n + l * z_dim1] = z__[l + l * z_dim1];
+	z__[l + l * z_dim1] = 1.;
+	h__ = d__[i__];
+	if (h__ == 0.) {
+	    goto L380;
+	}
+	i__2 = l;
+	for (k = 1; k <= i__2; ++k) {
+	    d__[k] = z__[k + i__ * z_dim1] / h__;
+	}
+	i__2 = l;
+	for (j = 1; j <= i__2; ++j) {
+	    g = 0.;
+	    i__3 = l;
+	    for (k = 1; k <= i__3; ++k) {
+		g += z__[k + i__ * z_dim1] * z__[k + j * z_dim1];
+	    }
+	    i__3 = l;
+	    for (k = 1; k <= i__3; ++k) {
+		z__[k + j * z_dim1] -= g * d__[k];
+	    }
+	}
+	i__3 = l;
+	for (k = 1; k <= i__3; ++k) {
+	    z__[k + i__ * z_dim1] = 0.;
+	}
+    }
+    i__1 = *n;
+    for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) {
+	d__[i__] = z__[*n + i__ * z_dim1];
+	z__[*n + i__ * z_dim1] = 0.;
+    }
+    z__[*n + *n * z_dim1] = 1.;
+    e[1] = 0.;
+    return 0;
+int tql2(const integer *nm, const integer *n, doublereal *d__, 
+	doublereal *e, doublereal *z__, integer *ierr)
+    integer z_dim1, z_offset, i__1, i__2, i__3;
+    doublereal d__1, d__2;
+    double d_sign(doublereal *, doublereal *);
+    static doublereal c__, f, g, h__;
+    static integer i__, j, k, l, m;
+    static doublereal p, r__, s, c2, c3;
+    static integer l1, l2;
+    static doublereal s2;
+    static integer ii;
+    static doublereal dl1, el1;
+    static integer mml;
+    static doublereal tst1, tst2;
+    extern doublereal pythag_(doublereal *, doublereal *);
+/*     this subroutine is a translation of the algol procedure tql2, */
+/*     num. math. 11, 293-306(1968) by bowdler, martin, reinsch, and */
+/*     wilkinson. */
+/*     handbook for auto. comp., vol.ii-linear algebra, 227-240(1971). */
+/*     this subroutine finds the eigenvalues and eigenvectors */
+/*     of a symmetric tridiagonal matrix by the ql method. */
+/*     the eigenvectors of a full symmetric matrix can also */
+/*     be found if  tred2  has been used to reduce this */
+/*     full matrix to tridiagonal form. */
+/*     on input */
+/*        nm must be set to the row dimension of two-dimensional */
+/*          array parameters as declared in the calling program */
+/*          dimension statement. */
+/*        n is the order of the matrix. */
+/*        d contains the diagonal elements of the input matrix. */
+/*        e contains the subdiagonal elements of the input matrix */
+/*          in its last n-1 positions.  e(1) is arbitrary. */
+/*        z contains the transformation matrix produced in the */
+/*          reduction by  tred2, if performed.  if the eigenvectors */
+/*          of the tridiagonal matrix are desired, z must contain */
+/*          the identity matrix. */
+/*      on output */
+/*        d contains the eigenvalues in ascending order.  if an */
+/*          error exit is made, the eigenvalues are correct but */
+/*          unordered for indices 1,2,...,ierr-1. */
+/*        e has been destroyed. */
+/*        z contains orthonormal eigenvectors of the symmetric */
+/*          tridiagonal (or full) matrix.  if an error exit is made, */
+/*          z contains the eigenvectors associated with the stored */
+/*          eigenvalues. */
+/*        ierr is set to */
+/*          zero       for normal return, */
+/*          j          if the j-th eigenvalue has not been */
+/*                     determined after 30 iterations. */
+/*     calls pythag for  dsqrt(a*a + b*b) . */
+/*     questions and comments should be directed to burton s. garbow, */
+/*     mathematics and computer science div, argonne national laboratory */
+/*     this version dated august 1983. */
+/*     ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+    z_dim1 = *nm;
+    z_offset = 1 + z_dim1 * 1;
+    z__ -= z_offset;
+    --e;
+    --d__;
+    *ierr = 0;
+    if (*n == 1) {
+	goto L1001;
+    }
+    i__1 = *n;
+    for (i__ = 2; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) {
+	e[i__ - 1] = e[i__];
+    }
+    f = 0.;
+    tst1 = 0.;
+    e[*n] = 0.;
+    i__1 = *n;
+    for (l = 1; l <= i__1; ++l) {
+	j = 0;
+	h__ = (d__1 = d__[l], abs(d__1)) + (d__2 = e[l], abs(d__2));
+	if (tst1 < h__) {
+	    tst1 = h__;
+	}
+	i__2 = *n;
+	for (m = l; m <= i__2; ++m) {
+	    tst2 = tst1 + (d__1 = e[m], abs(d__1));
+	    if (tst2 == tst1) {
+		goto L120;
+	    }
+	}
+	if (m == l) {
+	    goto L220;
+	}
+	if (j == 30) {
+	    goto L1000;
+	}
+	++j;
+	l1 = l + 1;
+	l2 = l1 + 1;
+	g = d__[l];
+	p = (d__[l1] - g) / (e[l] * 2.);
+	r__ = pythag(&p, &c_b10);
+	d__[l] = e[l] / (p + d_sign(&r__, &p));
+	d__[l1] = e[l] * (p + d_sign(&r__, &p));
+	dl1 = d__[l1];
+	h__ = g - d__[l];
+	if (l2 > *n) {
+	    goto L145;
+	}
+	i__2 = *n;
+	for (i__ = l2; i__ <= i__2; ++i__) {
+	    d__[i__] -= h__;
+	}
+	f += h__;
+	p = d__[m];
+	c__ = 1.;
+	c2 = c__;
+	el1 = e[l1];
+	s = 0.;
+	mml = m - l;
+	i__2 = mml;
+	for (ii = 1; ii <= i__2; ++ii) {
+	    c3 = c2;
+	    c2 = c__;
+	    s2 = s;
+	    i__ = m - ii;
+	    g = c__ * e[i__];
+	    h__ = c__ * p;
+	    r__ = pythag(&p, &e[i__]);
+	    e[i__ + 1] = s * r__;
+	    s = e[i__] / r__;
+	    c__ = p / r__;
+	    p = c__ * d__[i__] - s * g;
+	    d__[i__ + 1] = h__ + s * (c__ * g + s * d__[i__]);
+	    i__3 = *n;
+	    for (k = 1; k <= i__3; ++k) {
+		h__ = z__[k + (i__ + 1) * z_dim1];
+		z__[k + (i__ + 1) * z_dim1] = s * z__[k + i__ * z_dim1] + c__ 
+			* h__;
+		z__[k + i__ * z_dim1] = c__ * z__[k + i__ * z_dim1] - s * h__;
+	    }
+	}
+	p = -s * s2 * c3 * el1 * e[l] / dl1;
+	e[l] = s * p;
+	d__[l] = c__ * p;
+	tst2 = tst1 + (d__1 = e[l], abs(d__1));
+	if (tst2 > tst1) {
+	    goto L130;
+	}
+	d__[l] += f;
+    }
+    i__1 = *n;
+    for (ii = 2; ii <= i__1; ++ii) {
+	i__ = ii - 1;
+	k = i__;
+	p = d__[i__];
+	i__2 = *n;
+	for (j = ii; j <= i__2; ++j) {
+	    if (d__[j] >= p) {
+		goto L260;
+	    }
+	    k = j;
+	    p = d__[j];
+	    ;
+	}
+	if (k == i__) {
+	    goto L300;
+	}
+	d__[k] = d__[i__];
+	d__[i__] = p;
+	i__2 = *n;
+	for (j = 1; j <= i__2; ++j) {
+	    p = z__[j + i__ * z_dim1];
+	    z__[j + i__ * z_dim1] = z__[j + k * z_dim1];
+	    z__[j + k * z_dim1] = p;
+	}
+	;
+    }
+    goto L1001;
+    *ierr = l;
+    return 0;
+void eigen(double **mat,octave_idx_type n,double *eig)
+  int ierr,nm=(int)n;
+  OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (double, trans, (octave_idx_type)nm*nm);
+  OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (double, off, (octave_idx_type)nm);
+  tred2(&nm,&nm,&mat[0][0],eig,off,trans);
+  tql2(&nm,&nm,eig,off,trans,&ierr);
+  if (ierr != 0)
+    error ("Non converging eigenvalues!");
+  for (octave_idx_type i=0;i<nm;i++)
+    for (octave_idx_type j=0;j<nm;j++)
+      mat[i][j]=trans[i+nm*j];
diff --git a/src/routines_c/exclude_interval.cc b/src/routines_c/exclude_interval.cc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fc688f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/routines_c/exclude_interval.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+ *   This file is part of TISEAN
+ *
+ *   Copyright (c) 1998-2007 Rainer Hegger, Holger Kantz, Thomas Schreiber
+ *
+ *   TISEAN is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ *   (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ *   TISEAN is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ *   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ *   GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ *   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ *   along with TISEAN; if not, write to the Free Software
+ *   Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
+ */
+/* Author: Rainer Hegger
+ * Modified: Piotr Held <pjheld at gmail.com> (2015). 
+ * This function is based on exclude_interval of TISEAN 3.0.1 https://github.com/heggus/Tisean"
+ */
+#include <octave/oct.h>
+octave_idx_type exclude_interval(octave_idx_type n,long ex0,long ex1,
+                               unsigned long *hf,octave_idx_type *found)
+  long help;
+  octave_idx_type lf=0;
+  for (octave_idx_type i=0;i<n;i++) 
+    {
+      help=hf[i];
+      if ((help < ex0) || (help > ex1))
+        found[lf++]=help;
+    }
+  return lf;
diff --git a/src/routines_c/find_multi_neighbors.cc b/src/routines_c/find_multi_neighbors.cc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1af503b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/routines_c/find_multi_neighbors.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+ *   This file is part of TISEAN
+ *
+ *   Copyright (c) 1998-2007 Rainer Hegger, Holger Kantz, Thomas Schreiber
+ *
+ *   TISEAN is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ *   (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ *   TISEAN is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ *   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ *   GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ *   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ *   along with TISEAN; if not, write to the Free Software
+ *   Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
+ */
+/* Author: Rainer Hegger
+ * Modified: Piotr Held <pjheld at gmail.com> (2015). 
+ * This function is based on find_multi_neighbors of 
+ * TISEAN 3.0.1 https://github.com/heggus/Tisean"
+ */
+#include <octave/oct.h>
+#include <cmath>
+octave_idx_type find_multi_neighbors(const Matrix &s,
+                                     const MArray <octave_idx_type> &box,
+                                     long *list,double **x,
+                                     octave_idx_type bs,octave_idx_type dim,
+                                     octave_idx_type emb,octave_idx_type del,
+                                     double eps, unsigned long *flist)
+  double dx=0.0;
+  octave_idx_type nf=0;
+  octave_idx_type ib=bs-1;
+  octave_idx_type element;
+  octave_idx_type k1,i2;
+  octave_idx_type i=(octave_idx_type)(x[0][0]/eps)&ib;
+  octave_idx_type j=(octave_idx_type)(x[dim-1][0]/eps)&ib;
+  for (octave_idx_type i1=i-1;i1<=i+1;i1++) 
+    {
+      i2=i1&ib;
+      for (octave_idx_type j1=j-1;j1<=j+1;j1++) 
+        {
+          element=box(j1&ib,i2);
+          while (element != -1) 
+            {
+              for (octave_idx_type k=0;k<emb;k++) 
+                {
+                  k1= -k*del;
+                  for (octave_idx_type li=0;li<dim;li++) 
+                    {
+                      dx=std::fabs(x[li][k1]-s(element+k1,li));
+                      if (dx > eps)
+                        break;
+                    }
+                  if (dx > eps)
+                    break;
+                }
+              if (dx <= eps)
+                flist[nf++]=element;
+              element=list[element];
+            }
+        }
+    }
+  return nf;
+octave_idx_type find_multi_neighbors(const double ** s,
+                                     octave_idx_type **box,
+                                     long *list,const double **x,
+                                     octave_idx_type bs,octave_idx_type dim,
+                                     octave_idx_type emb,octave_idx_type del,
+                                     double eps, unsigned long *flist)
+  double dx=0.0;
+  octave_idx_type nf=0;
+  octave_idx_type ib=bs-1;
+  octave_idx_type element;
+  octave_idx_type k1,i2;
+  octave_idx_type i=(octave_idx_type)(x[0][0]/eps)&ib;
+  octave_idx_type j=(octave_idx_type)(x[dim-1][0]/eps)&ib;
+  for (octave_idx_type i1=i-1;i1<=i+1;i1++) 
+    {
+      i2=i1&ib;
+      for (octave_idx_type j1=j-1;j1<=j+1;j1++) 
+        {
+          element=box[i2][j1&ib];
+          while (element != -1) 
+            {
+              for (octave_idx_type k=0;k<emb;k++) 
+                {
+                  k1= -k*del;
+                  for (octave_idx_type li=0;li<dim;li++) 
+                    {
+                      dx=std::fabs(x[li][k1]-s[li][element+k1]);
+                      if (dx > eps)
+                        break;
+                    }
+                  if (dx > eps)
+                    break;
+                }
+              if (dx <= eps)
+                flist[nf++]=element;
+              element=list[element];
+            }
+        }
+    }
+  return nf;
diff --git a/src/routines_c/find_neighbors.cc b/src/routines_c/find_neighbors.cc
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..48bbe8f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/routines_c/find_neighbors.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+ *   This file is part of TISEAN
+ *
+ *   Copyright (c) 1998-2007 Rainer Hegger, Holger Kantz, Thomas Schreiber
+ *
+ *   TISEAN is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ *   (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ *   TISEAN is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ *   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ *   GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ *   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ *   along with TISEAN; if not, write to the Free Software
+ *   Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
+ */
+/* Author: Rainer Hegger 
+ * Modified: Piotr Held <pjheld at gmail.com> (2015).
+ * This function is based on find_neighbors of TISEAN 3.0.1 
+ * https://github.com/heggus/Tisean"
+ */
+#include <octave/oct.h>
+octave_idx_type find_neighbors(double *s,octave_idx_type **box,
+                             octave_idx_type *list, double *x,
+                             octave_idx_type l,octave_idx_type bs,
+                             octave_idx_type dim, octave_idx_type del,
+                             double eps, octave_idx_type *flist)
+  octave_idx_type nf = 0;
+  octave_idx_type k=(octave_idx_type)((dim-1)*del);
+  octave_idx_type i=(octave_idx_type)(x[-k]/eps)&(bs-1);
+  octave_idx_type j=(octave_idx_type)(x[0]/eps)&(bs-1);
+  for (octave_idx_type i1=i-1;i1<=i+1;i1++) {
+    octave_idx_type i2=i1&(bs-1);
+    for (octave_idx_type j1=j-1;j1<=j+1;j1++) {
+      octave_idx_type element=box[i2][j1&(bs-1)];
+      while (element != -1) {
+        for (k=0;k<dim;k++) {
+          octave_idx_type k1= -k*del;
+          double dx=fabs(x[k1]-s[element+k1]);
+          if (dx > eps)
+            break;
+        }
+        if (k == dim)
+          flist[nf++]=element;
+        element=list[element];
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  return nf;
diff --git a/src/routines_c/invert_matrix.cc b/src/routines_c/invert_matrix.cc
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..0bd4acc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/routines_c/invert_matrix.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+ *   This file is part of TISEAN
+ *
+ *   Copyright (c) 1998-2007 Rainer Hegger, Holger Kantz, Thomas Schreiber
+ *
+ *   TISEAN is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ *   (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ *   TISEAN is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ *   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ *   GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ *   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ *   along with TISEAN; if not, write to the Free Software
+ *   Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
+ */
+/* Author: Rainer Hegger Last modified: Sep 5, 2004*/
+/* Changes: 
+ * Sep 5, 2004: added the extern check_alloc line
+ */
+#include <octave/oct.h>
+extern void check_alloc(void*);
+void invert_matrix(double **mat,double **out_imat, octave_idx_type size)
+  extern void solvele(double**,double*,octave_idx_type);
+  OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (double, hmat_data, size * size);
+  OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (double *, hmat, size);
+  for (octave_idx_type i=0;i<size;i++) {
+    hmat[i]=hmat_data + size * i;
+  }
+  OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (double, vec, size);
+  for (octave_idx_type i=0;i<size;i++) {
+    for (octave_idx_type j=0;j<size;j++) {
+      vec[j]=(i==j)?1.0:0.0;
+      for (octave_idx_type k=0;k<size;k++)
+      hmat[j][k]=mat[j][k];
+    }
+    solvele(hmat,vec,size);
+    for (octave_idx_type j=0;j<size;j++)
+      out_imat[j][i]=vec[j];
+  }
diff --git a/src/routines_c/make_box.cc b/src/routines_c/make_box.cc
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..86b19b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/routines_c/make_box.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+ *   This file is part of TISEAN
+ *
+ *   Copyright (c) 1998-2007 Rainer Hegger, Holger Kantz, Thomas Schreiber
+ *
+ *   TISEAN is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ *   (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ *   TISEAN is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ *   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ *   GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ *   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ *   along with TISEAN; if not, write to the Free Software
+ *   Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
+ */
+/* Author: Rainer Hegger 
+ * Modified: Piotr Held <pjheld at gmail.com> (2015).
+ * This function is based on make_box of TISEAN 3.0.1 
+ * https://github.com/heggus/Tisean"
+ */
+#include <octave/oct.h>
+void make_box(double *ser,octave_idx_type **box,octave_idx_type *list,
+              octave_idx_type l, octave_idx_type bs, octave_idx_type dim,
+              octave_idx_type del, double eps)
+  for (octave_idx_type x=0;x<bs;x++)
+    for (octave_idx_type y=0;y<bs;y++)
+      box[x][y] = -1;
+  for (octave_idx_type i=(dim-1)*del;i<l;i++) {
+    octave_idx_type x=(octave_idx_type )(ser[i-(dim-1)*del]/eps)&(bs-1);
+    octave_idx_type y=(octave_idx_type )(ser[i]/eps)&(bs-1);
+    list[i]=box[x][y];
+    box[x][y]=i;
+  }
diff --git a/src/routines_c/make_multi_box.cc b/src/routines_c/make_multi_box.cc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3b324a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/routines_c/make_multi_box.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+ *   This file is part of TISEAN
+ *
+ *   Copyright (c) 1998-2007 Rainer Hegger, Holger Kantz, Thomas Schreiber
+ *
+ *   TISEAN is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ *   (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ *   TISEAN is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ *   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ *   GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ *   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ *   along with TISEAN; if not, write to the Free Software
+ *   Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
+ */
+/* Author: Rainer Hegger
+ * Modified: Piotr Held <pjheld at gmail.com> (2015). 
+ * This function is based on make_multi_box of TISEAN 3.0.1 https://github.com/heggus/Tisean"
+ */
+#include <octave/oct.h>
+void make_multi_box(const Matrix &ser, MArray<octave_idx_type> &box,
+                    long *list,octave_idx_type l, octave_idx_type bs,
+                    octave_idx_type dim,octave_idx_type emb,
+                    octave_idx_type del,double eps)
+  octave_idx_type ib=bs-1;
+  for (octave_idx_type x=0;x<bs;x++)
+    for (octave_idx_type y=0;y<bs;y++)
+      box(y,x) = -1;
+  octave_idx_type x,y;
+  for (octave_idx_type i=(emb-1)*del;i<l;i++) 
+    {
+      x=(octave_idx_type)(ser(i,0)/eps)&ib;
+      y=(octave_idx_type)(ser(i,dim-1)/eps)&ib;
+      list[i]=box(y,x);
+      box(y,x)=i;
+    }
+void make_multi_box(const double **ser, octave_idx_type **box,
+                    long *list,octave_idx_type l, octave_idx_type bs,
+                    octave_idx_type dim,octave_idx_type emb,
+                    octave_idx_type del,double eps)
+  octave_idx_type ib=bs-1;
+  for (octave_idx_type x=0;x<bs;x++)
+    for (octave_idx_type y=0;y<bs;y++)
+      box[x][y] = -1;
+  octave_idx_type x,y;
+  for (octave_idx_type i=(emb-1)*del;i<l;i++) 
+    {
+      x=(octave_idx_type)(ser[0][i]/eps)&ib;
+      y=(octave_idx_type)(ser[dim-1][i]/eps)&ib;
+      list[i]=box[x][y];
+      box[x][y]=i;
+    }
diff --git a/src/routines_c/rescale_data.cc b/src/routines_c/rescale_data.cc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6a37c56
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/routines_c/rescale_data.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+ *   This file is part of TISEAN
+ *
+ *   Copyright (c) 1998-2007 Rainer Hegger, Holger Kantz, Thomas Schreiber
+ *                           Piotr Held
+ *   TISEAN is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ *   (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ *   TISEAN is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ *   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ *   GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ *   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ *   along with TISEAN; if not, write to the Free Software
+ *   Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
+ */
+/* Author: Rainer Hegger.
+ * Modified: Piotr Held <pjheld at gmail.com> (2015). 
+ * This function is based on rescale_data of TISEAN 3.0.1 https://github.com/heggus/Tisean"
+ */
+#include <octave/oct.h>
+//! This function is for internal use only
+//! Provides functionalit for rescale_data()
+void __rescale_data__ (double *x, octave_idx_type l, double *min,
+                       double *interval)
+  *min=*interval=x[0];
+  for (octave_idx_type i=1;i<l;i++) {
+    if (x[i] < *min) *min=x[i];
+    if (x[i] > *interval) *interval=x[i];
+  }
+  *interval -= *min;
+  if (*interval != 0.0) {
+    for (octave_idx_type i=0;i<l;i++)
+      x[i]=(x[i]- *min)/ *interval;
+  }
+  else {
+    error_with_id ("Octave:invalid-input-arg", \
+          "rescale_data: data ranges from %e to %e. It makes"
+          " no sense to continue",*min,*min+(*interval));
+  }
+void rescale_data(Matrix &x,octave_idx_type column,octave_idx_type l,double *min,double *interval)
+  __rescale_data__ (x.fortran_vec () + column * l, l, min, interval);
+void rescale_data(NDArray &x,octave_idx_type l,double *min,double *interval)
+  __rescale_data__ (x.fortran_vec (), l, min, interval);
diff --git a/src/routines_c/solvele.cc b/src/routines_c/solvele.cc
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..0c68cfb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/routines_c/solvele.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+ *   This file is part of TISEAN
+ *
+ *   Copyright (c) 1998-2007 Rainer Hegger, Holger Kantz, Thomas Schreiber
+ *
+ *   TISEAN is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ *   (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ *   TISEAN is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ *   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ *   GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ *   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ *   along with TISEAN; if not, write to the Free Software
+ *   Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
+ */
+/* Author: Rainer Hegger Last modified: Aug 14th, 1998 */
+#include <octave/oct.h>
+void solvele(double **mat,double *vec,octave_idx_type n)
+  for (octave_idx_type i=0;i<n-1;i++) {
+    double max=fabs(mat[i][i]);
+    octave_idx_type maxi=i;
+    for (octave_idx_type j=i+1;j<n;j++)
+      {
+        double h=fabs(mat[j][i]);
+        if (h > max) {
+        max=h;
+        maxi=j;
+        }
+      }
+    if (maxi != i) {
+      double *mswap=mat[i];
+      mat[i]=mat[maxi];
+      mat[maxi]=mswap;
+      double vswap=vec[i];
+      vec[i]=vec[maxi];
+      vec[maxi]=vswap;
+    }
+    double *hvec=mat[i];
+    double pivot=hvec[i];
+    if (fabs(pivot) == 0.0) {
+      error_with_id ("Octave:tisean", "solvele: singular matrix!\n");
+    }
+    for (octave_idx_type j=i+1;j<n;j++) {
+      double q= -mat[j][i]/pivot;
+      mat[j][i]=0.0;
+      for (octave_idx_type k=i+1;k<n;k++)
+      mat[j][k] += q*hvec[k];
+      vec[j] += q*vec[i];
+    }
+  }
+  vec[n-1] /= mat[n-1][n-1];
+  for (octave_idx_type i=n-2;i>=0;i--) {
+    double *hvec=mat[i];
+    for (octave_idx_type j=n-1;j>i;j--)
+      vec[i] -= hvec[j]*vec[j];
+    vec[i] /= hvec[i];
+  }
diff --git a/src/routines_c/tisean_cec.h b/src/routines_c/tisean_cec.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b7c35be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/routines_c/tisean_cec.h
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+ *   This file is part of TISEAN
+ *
+ *   Copyright (c) 1998-2007 Rainer Hegger, Holger Kantz, Thomas Schreiber
+ *
+ *   TISEAN is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ *   (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ *   TISEAN is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ *   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ *   GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ *   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ *   along with TISEAN; if not, write to the Free Software
+ *   Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
+ */
+/*Author: Rainer Hegger Last modified: May 26, 2000*/
+/* These definitions give the exit codes for the C part of the Tisean package.
+   Typically the name is build up of, first, the name of the routine creating
+   the exception, secondly, sort of an description of the exception.
+   */
+#ifndef _TISEAN_CEC_H
+#define _TISEAN_CEC_H
+/* These are the codes for the routines subtree */
+/* These are the codes for the main routines */
+#define DELAY_DIM_NOT_EQUAL_F_m 75
+#define DELAY_WRONG_NUM_D 77
+#define DELAY_INCONS_d_D 78
+#define DELAY_SMALL_ZERO 79
+#define DELAY_INCONS_m_M 80
+/* Global stuff */
diff --git a/src/routines_c/tsa.h b/src/routines_c/tsa.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b044728
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/routines_c/tsa.h
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+ *   This file is part of TISEAN
+ *
+ *   Copyright (c) 1998-2007 Rainer Hegger, Holger Kantz, Thomas Schreiber
+ *
+ *   TISEAN is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ *   (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ *   TISEAN is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ *   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ *   GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ *   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ *   along with TISEAN; if not, write to the Free Software
+ *   Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
+ */
+/* Author: Rainer Hegger 
+ * Modified: Piotr Held <pjheld at gmail.com> (2015). 
+ */
+#ifndef _TSA_ROUTINES_H
+#define _TSA_ROUTINES_H
+#include <octave/oct.h>
+#ifndef _TISEAN_CEC_H
+#include "tisean_cec.h"
+#ifndef TISEAN_RAND_H
+#include "TISEAN_rand.h"
+/* size of the string which reads the input data
+   if your lines are longer than some 500 reals, increase the value
+   */
+#define INPUT_SIZE 1024
+/* The possible names of the verbosity levels */
+#define VER_INPUT 0x1
+#define VER_USR1 0x2
+#define VER_USR2 0x4
+#define VER_USR3 0x8
+#define VER_USR4 0x10
+#define VER_USR5 0x20
+#define VER_USR6 0x40
+#define VER_FIRST_LINE 0x80
+/* Uncomment the variable to get rid of the initial Version message */
+/*#define OMIT_WHAT_I_DO*/
+#define sqr(x) ((x)*(x))
+extern void check_alloc(void *);
+extern void variance(const NDArray &,octave_idx_type,double *,double *);
+extern void rescale_data(Matrix &x,octave_idx_type,octave_idx_type,\
+                         double *,double *);
+extern void rescale_data(NDArray &x,octave_idx_type, double *,double *);
+extern octave_idx_type exclude_interval(octave_idx_type,long,long,
+                                      unsigned long*,octave_idx_type*);
+extern octave_idx_type find_multi_neighbors(const Matrix &,
+                                            const MArray<octave_idx_type> &,
+                                            long *,double **,
+                                            octave_idx_type, octave_idx_type, 
+                                            octave_idx_type, octave_idx_type,
+                                            double,unsigned long *);
+extern octave_idx_type find_multi_neighbors(const double **,
+                                            octave_idx_type **,
+                                            long *,const double **,
+                                            octave_idx_type, octave_idx_type, 
+                                            octave_idx_type, octave_idx_type,
+                                            double,unsigned long *);
+extern octave_idx_type find_neighbors(double *,octave_idx_type **,
+                                      octave_idx_type *, double *,
+                                      octave_idx_type, octave_idx_type,
+                                      octave_idx_type, octave_idx_type,
+                                      double eps, octave_idx_type *);
+extern void make_box(double *,octave_idx_type **,octave_idx_type *,
+                     octave_idx_type , octave_idx_type , octave_idx_type ,
+                     octave_idx_type , double);
+extern void make_multi_box(const Matrix &,MArray<octave_idx_type> &,
+                           long *,octave_idx_type,octave_idx_type,
+                           octave_idx_type,octave_idx_type,
+                           octave_idx_type,double);
+extern void make_multi_box(const double **,octave_idx_type **,
+                           long *,octave_idx_type,octave_idx_type,
+                           octave_idx_type,octave_idx_type,
+                           octave_idx_type,double);
+extern void  solvele(double**,double *,octave_idx_type);
+extern void invert_matrix(double**,double **,octave_idx_type);
+/* routines from eigen.cc */
+extern void eigen(double**,octave_idx_type,double*);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+extern int scan_help(int,char**);
+extern double *get_series(char *,unsigned long *,unsigned long,
+                   unsigned int,unsigned int);
+extern double **get_multi_series(char *,unsigned long *,unsigned long,
+                         unsigned int *,char *,char,unsigned int);
+extern char* search_datafile(int, char**,unsigned int*,unsigned int);
+extern char* check_option(char**,int,int,int);
+extern void test_outfile(char*);
+extern unsigned int** make_multi_index(unsigned int,unsigned int,unsigned int);
+  /*only used for nrlazy. Will be removed with nrlazy */
+extern void make_multi_box2(double **,long **,long *,unsigned long,
+                     unsigned int,unsigned int,unsigned int,
+                     unsigned int,double);
+extern char* myfgets(char *,int *,FILE *,unsigned int);
+extern void what_i_do(char *, char *);
+extern double* rand_arb_dist(double *,unsigned long,unsigned long,
+                       unsigned int,unsigned long);
+/* routines from rand.c */
+extern void rnd_init(unsigned long);
+extern unsigned long rnd_long();
+extern unsigned long rnd_1279();
+extern unsigned long rnd69069();
+extern double gaussian(double);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/src/routines_c/variance.cc b/src/routines_c/variance.cc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f93efec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/routines_c/variance.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+ *   This file is part of TISEAN
+ *
+ *   Copyright (c) 1998-2007 Rainer Hegger, Holger Kantz, Thomas Schreiber
+ *                           Piotr Held
+ *   TISEAN is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ *   (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ *   TISEAN is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ *   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ *   GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ *   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ *   along with TISEAN; if not, write to the Free Software
+ *   Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
+ */
+/* Author: Rainer Hegger.
+ * Modified: Piotr Held <pjheld at gmail.com>. 
+ * This function is based on variance of TISEAN 3.0.1 https://github.com/heggus/Tisean"
+ */
+#include <octave/oct.h>
+#include <cmath>
+void variance(const NDArray &s,octave_idx_type l,double *av,double *var)
+  double h;
+  *av= *var=0.0;
+  for (octave_idx_type i=0;i<l;i++) {
+    h=s(i);
+    *av += h;
+    *var += h*h;
+  }
+  *av /= (double)l;
+  if ((double)l-(*av)*(*av) != 0.0)
+    *var=sqrt(fabs((*var)/(double)l-(*av)*(*av)));
+  if (*var == 0.0) {
+    error_with_id ("Octave:invalid-input-arg", "variance of the data is zero");
+  }
diff --git a/src/source_f/d1.f b/src/source_f/d1.f
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..957f0db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/source_f/d1.f
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+c   This file is part of TISEAN
+c   Copyright (c) 1998-2007 Rainer Hegger, Holger Kantz, Thomas Schreiber
+c   TISEAN is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+c   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+c   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+c   (at your option) any later version.
+c   TISEAN is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+c   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+c   GNU General Public License for more details.
+c   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+c   along with TISEAN; if not, write to the Free Software
+c   Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
+c   d1 with finite sample correction following Grassberger
+c   subroutine for c1
+      subroutine d1(nmax,mmax,nxx,y,id,m,ncmin,pr,pln,eln,nmin,kmax,
+     .              iverb)
+      parameter(im=100,nx=100000,tiny=1e-20) 
+      dimension y(nxx,mmax),jh(0:im*im),ju(nx),d(nx),jpntr(nx),
+     .   nlist(nx),nwork(nx)
+      external rand
+      if(nmax.gt.nx) then
+         call xstopx ("d1: make nx larger.")
+      endif
+      mt=(m-1)/mmax+1
+      ncomp=nmax-(mt-1)*id
+      kpr=int(exp(pr)*(ncomp-2*nmin-1))+1
+      k=int(exp(pln)*(ncomp-2*nmin-1))+1
+      if(k.gt.kmax) then
+         ncomp=((ncomp-2*nmin-1)*kmax)/k+2*nmin+1
+         k=kmax
+      endif         
+      pln=psi(k)-log(real(ncomp-2*nmin-1))
+      if(k.eq.kpr) return
+      if (iverb.eq.1) then
+        write(istderr(),*) 'Mass ', exp(pln),': k=', k, ', N=', ncomp 
+      endif
+      call rms(nmax,y,sc,sd)
+      eps=exp(pln/m)*sd
+      do 10 i=1,nmax-(mt-1)*id
+ 10      ju(i)=i+(mt-1)*id
+      do 20 i=1,nmax-(mt-1)*id
+         iperm=min(int(rand(0.0)*nmax-(mt-1)*id)+1,nmax-(mt-1)*id)
+         ih=ju(i)
+         ju(i)=ju(iperm)
+ 20      ju(iperm)=ih
+      iu=ncmin
+      eln=0
+ 1    call mbase(ncomp+(mt-1)*id,mmax,nxx,y,id,m,jh,jpntr,eps)
+      iunp=0
+      do 30 nn=1,iu                                           ! find neighbours
+         n=ju(nn)
+         call mneigh(nmax,mmax,nxx,y,n,nmax,id,m,jh,jpntr,eps,
+     .      nlist,nfound)
+         nf=0
+         do 40 ip=1,nfound
+            np=nlist(ip)
+            nmd=mod(abs(np-n),ncomp)
+            if(nmd.le.nmin.or.nmd.ge.ncomp-nmin) goto 40  ! temporal neighbours
+            nf=nf+1
+            dis=0
+            mcount=0
+            do 50 i=mt-1,0,-1
+               do 50 is=1,mmax
+                  mcount=mcount+1
+                  if(mcount.gt.m) goto 2
+ 50               dis=max(dis,abs(y(n-i*id,is)-y(np-i*id,is)))
+ 2          d(nf)=dis
+ 40         continue
+         if(nf.lt.k) then
+            iunp=iunp+1                                   ! mark for next sweep
+            ju(iunp)=n
+         else
+            e=which(nf,d,k,nwork)
+            eln=eln+log(max(e,tiny))
+         endif
+ 30      continue
+      iu=iunp
+      eps=eps*sqrt(2.)
+      if(iunp.ne.0) goto 1
+      eln=eln/(ncmin-(mt-1)*id)
+      end
+c digamma function
+c Copyright (C) T. Schreiber (1998)
+      function psi(i)
+      dimension p(0:20)
+      data p/0., 
+     .  -0.57721566490,  0.42278433509,  0.92278433509,  1.25611766843,
+     .   1.50611766843,  1.70611766843,  1.87278433509,  2.01564147795,
+     .   2.14064147795,  2.25175258906,  2.35175258906,  2.44266167997,
+     .   2.52599501330,  2.60291809023,  2.67434666166,  2.74101332832,
+     .   2.80351332832,  2.86233685773,  2.91789241329,  2.97052399224/
+      if(i.le.20) then
+         psi=p(i)
+      else
+         psi=log(real(i))-1/(2.*i)
+      endif
+      end
diff --git a/src/source_f/istdio.f b/src/source_f/istdio.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1879125
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/source_f/istdio.f
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+c   This file is part of TISEAN
+c   Copyright (c) 1998-2007 Rainer Hegger, Holger Kantz, Thomas Schreiber
+c   TISEAN is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+c   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+c   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+c   (at your option) any later version.
+c   TISEAN is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+c   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+c   GNU General Public License for more details.
+c   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+c   along with TISEAN; if not, write to the Free Software
+c   Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
+c   istdio_temp.f
+c   standard input-output unit assignments for TISEAN f-sources
+      integer function istderr()
+      istderr=0
+      end
+      function istdin()
+      istdin=5
+      end
+      function istdout()
+      istdout=6
+      end
+      function ifilein()
+      ifilein=10
+      end
+      function ifileout()
+      ifileout=11
+      end
diff --git a/src/source_f/neigh.f b/src/source_f/neigh.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6cbd7dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/source_f/neigh.f
@@ -0,0 +1,263 @@
+c   This file is part of TISEAN
+c   Copyright (c) 1998-2007 Rainer Hegger, Holger Kantz, Thomas Schreiber
+c   TISEAN is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+c   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+c   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+c   (at your option) any later version.
+c   TISEAN is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+c   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+c   GNU General Public License for more details.
+c   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+c   along with TISEAN; if not, write to the Free Software
+c   Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
+c   utilities for neighbour search
+c   see  H. Kantz, T. Schreiber, Nonlinear Time Series Analysis, Cambridge
+c      University Press (1997)
+c   author T. Schreiber (1999)
+c   Modified: Piotr Held <pjheld at gmail.com> (2015). 
+c   This function is based on neigh.f of TISEAN 3.0.1 https://github.com/heggus/Tisean"
+      subroutine base(nmax,y,id,m,jh,jpntr,eps)
+      implicit none
+c     -- parameters --
+      integer*4 im, ii
+      parameter (im = 100, ii = 100000000) 
+c     -- input variables --
+      integer*4 nmax, id, m
+      real*8 eps 
+c     -- input arrays --
+      real*8 y(nmax)
+      integer*4 jh(0:im*im),jpntr(nmax)
+c     -- variables --
+      integer*4 i, n
+      do 10 i=0,im*im
+ 10      jh(i)=0
+      do 20 n=(m-1)*id+1,nmax                                  ! make histogram
+         i=mod(int(y(n)/eps)+ii,im)
+         if(m.gt.1) i=im*i+mod(int(y(n-(m-1)*id)/eps)+ii,im)
+ 20      jh(i)=jh(i)+1
+      do 30 i=1,im*im                                           ! accumulate it
+ 30      jh(i)=jh(i)+jh(i-1)
+      do 40 n=(m-1)*id+1,nmax                           ! fill list of pointers
+         i=mod(int(y(n)/eps)+ii,im)
+         if(m.gt.1) i=im*i+mod(int(y(n-(m-1)*id)/eps)+ii,im)
+         jpntr(jh(i))=n
+ 40      jh(i)=jh(i)-1
+      end
+      subroutine neigh(nmax,y,x,n,nlast,id,m,jh,jpntr,eps,nlist,nfound)
+      implicit none
+c     -- parameters --
+      integer*4 im, ii
+      parameter (im = 100, ii = 100000000) 
+c     -- input variables --
+      integer*4 nmax, id, m, nfound
+      real*8 eps 
+c     -- input arrays --
+      real*8 y(nmax), x(nmax)
+      integer*4 jh(0:im*im),jpntr(nmax), nlist(nmax)
+c     -- variables --
+      integer*4 i, j, n, np, k, kk, kloop, jk, ip, jj, nlast
+      nfound=0
+      kloop=1
+      if(m.eq.1) kloop=0
+      jj=int(y(n)/eps)
+      kk=int(y(n-(m-1)*id)/eps)
+      do 10 j=jj-1,jj+1                               ! scan neighbouring boxes
+         do 20 k=kk-kloop,kk+kloop
+            jk=mod(j+ii,im)
+            if(m.gt.1) jk=im*jk+mod(k+ii,im)
+            do 30 ip=jh(jk+1),jh(jk)+1,-1               ! this is in time order
+               np=jpntr(ip)
+               if(np.gt.nlast) goto 20
+               do 40 i=0,m-1
+ 40               if(abs(y(n-i*id)-x(np-i*id)).ge.eps) goto 30
+               nfound=nfound+1
+               nlist(nfound)=np                       ! make list of neighbours
+ 30            continue
+ 20         continue
+ 10      continue
+      end
+c versions for multivariate series
+c author T. Schreiber (1999)
+      subroutine mbase(nmax,mmax,nxx,y,id,m,jh,jpntr,eps)
+      implicit none
+c     -- parameters --
+      integer*4 im, ii
+      parameter (im = 100, ii = 100000000) 
+c     -- input variables --
+      integer*4 nmax, id, m, mmax, nxx
+      real*8 eps 
+c     -- input arrays --
+      real*8 y(nxx, mmax)
+      integer*4 jh(0:im*im), jpntr(nmax)
+c     -- variables --
+      integer*4 i, n, mt
+      if(mmax.eq.1) then
+         call base(nmax,y,id,m,jh,jpntr,eps)
+         return
+      endif
+      mt=(m-1)/mmax+1
+      do 10 i=0,im*im
+ 10      jh(i)=0
+      do 20 n=(mt-1)*id+1,nmax                                 ! make histogram
+        i=im*mod(int(y(n,1)/eps)+ii,im)+mod(int(y(n,mmax)/eps)+ii,im)
+ 20     jh(i)=jh(i)+1
+      do 30 i=1,im*im                                          ! accumulate it
+ 30     jh(i)=jh(i)+jh(i-1)
+      do 40 n=(mt-1)*id+1,nmax                          ! fill list of pointers
+        i=im*mod(int(y(n,1)/eps)+ii,im)+mod(int(y(n,mmax)/eps)+ii,im)
+        jpntr(jh(i))=n
+ 40     jh(i)=jh(i)-1
+      end
+      subroutine mneigh(nmax,mmax,nxx,y,n,nlast,id,m,jh,jpntr,eps,
+     .   nlist,nfound)
+      implicit none
+c     -- parameters --
+      integer*4 im, ii
+      parameter (im = 100, ii = 100000000) 
+c     -- input variables --
+      integer*4 nmax, mmax, nxx, id, m, nfound
+      real*8 eps 
+c     -- input arrays --
+      real*8 y(nxx,mmax)
+      integer*4 jh(0:im*im),jpntr(nmax), nlist(nmax)
+c     -- variables --
+      integer*4 i, j, n, np, k, kk, jk, ip, jj, nlast, is, mcount
+      integer*4 mt
+      if(mmax.eq.1) then
+         call neigh(nmax,y,y,n,nlast,id,m,jh,jpntr,eps,nlist,nfound)
+         return
+      endif
+      mt=(m-1)/mmax+1
+      nfound=0
+      jj=int(y(n,1)/eps)
+      kk=int(y(n,mmax)/eps)
+      do 10 j=jj-1,jj+1                               ! scan neighbouring boxes
+         do 20 k=kk-1,kk+1
+            jk=im*mod(j+ii,im)+mod(k+ii,im)
+            do 30 ip=jh(jk+1),jh(jk)+1,-1               ! this is in time order
+               np=jpntr(ip)
+               if(np.gt.nlast) goto 20
+               mcount=0
+               do 40 i=mt-1,0,-1
+                  do 40 is=1,mmax
+                     mcount=mcount+1
+                     if(mcount.gt.m) goto 1
+ 40                  if(abs(y(n-i*id,is)-y(np-i*id,is)).ge.eps) goto 30
+ 1             nfound=nfound+1
+               nlist(nfound)=np                       ! make list of neighbours
+ 30            continue
+ 20         continue
+ 10      continue
+      end
+c modified version for multivariate series
+c author H. Kantz (2004)
+      subroutine mneigh2(nmax,mdim,y,nx,vx,jh,jpntr,eps,
+     .   nlist,nfound)
+c     search neighbours for vx among the set of all y's
+c     multivariate: mmax: spatial dimension
+c     no additional delay!
+      implicit none
+c     -- parameters --
+      integer*4 im, ii
+      parameter (im = 100, ii = 100000000) 
+c     -- input variables --
+      integer*4 nmax, mdim, nx, nfound
+      real*8 eps 
+c     -- input arrays --
+      real*8  y(nx,mdim), vx(mdim)
+      integer*4 jh(0:im*im), jpntr(nmax), nlist(nmax)
+c     -- variables --
+      integer*4 j, np, k, kk, jk, ip, jj, is, mcount
+      nfound=0
+      jj=int(vx(1)/eps)
+      kk=int(vx(mdim)/eps)
+      do 10 j=jj-1,jj+1                               ! scan neighbouring boxes
+         do 20 k=kk-1,kk+1
+            jk=im*mod(j+ii,im)+mod(k+ii,im)
+            do 30 ip=jh(jk+1),jh(jk)+1,-1               ! this is in time order
+               np=jpntr(ip)
+c               if(np.gt.nlast) goto 20
+               mcount=0
+                  do 40 is=1,mdim
+ 40                  if(abs(vx(is)-y(np,is)).ge.eps) goto 30
+               nfound=nfound+1
+               nlist(nfound)=np                       ! make list of neighbours
+ 30            continue
+ 20         continue
+ 10      continue
+      end
+      subroutine mbase2(nmax,mmax,nxx,y,jh,jpntr,eps)
+      implicit none
+c     -- parameters --
+      integer*4 im, ii
+      parameter (im = 100, ii = 100000000) 
+c     -- input variables --
+      integer*4 nmax, id, m, mmax, nxx
+      real*8 eps 
+c     -- input arrays --
+      real*8 y(nxx, mmax)
+      integer*4 jh(0:im*im), jpntr(nmax)
+c     -- variables --
+      integer*4 i, n
+      if(mmax.eq.1) then
+         call base(nmax,y,id,m,jh,jpntr,eps)
+         return
+      endif
+      do 10 i=0,im*im
+ 10      jh(i)=0
+      do 20 n=1,nmax                                 ! make histogram
+        i=im*mod(int(y(n,1)/eps)+ii,im)+mod(int(y(n,mmax)/eps)+ii,im)
+ 20     jh(i)=jh(i)+1
+      do 30 i=1,im*im                                          ! accumulate it
+ 30     jh(i)=jh(i)+jh(i-1)
+      do 40 n=(mmax-1)*id+1,nmax                      ! fill list of pointers
+        i=im*mod(int(y(n,1)/eps)+ii,im)+mod(int(y(n,mmax)/eps)+ii,im)
+        jpntr(jh(i))=n
+ 40     jh(i)=jh(i)-1
+      end
diff --git a/src/source_f/normal.f b/src/source_f/normal.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..88209c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/source_f/normal.f
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+c   This file is part of TISEAN
+c   Copyright (c) 1998-2007 Rainer Hegger, Holger Kantz, Thomas Schreiber
+c   TISEAN is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+c   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+c   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+c   (at your option) any later version.
+c   TISEAN is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+c   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+c   GNU General Public License for more details.
+c   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+c   along with TISEAN; if not, write to the Free Software
+c   Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
+c   utilities for normalisation of time series
+c   author T. Schreiber (1998)
+c   Modified: Piotr Held <pjheld at gmail.com> (2015). 
+c   This function is based on normal.f of TISEAN 3.0.1 https://github.com/heggus/Tisean"
+      subroutine rms(nmax,x,sc,sd)
+c  return mean sc and rms amplitude sd
+c     -- inpute variables and arrays definitions --
+      real*8 sc, sd
+      integer nmax
+      real*8 x(nmax)
+c     -- actual code --
+      sc=0.
+      do 10 n=1,nmax
+ 10      sc=sc+x(n)
+      sc=sc/nmax
+      sd=0.
+      do 20 n=1,nmax
+ 20      sd=sd+(x(n)-sc)**2
+      sd=sqrt(sd/nmax)
+      end
+      subroutine normal(nmax,x,sc,sd)
+c  subtract mean, return mean sc and rms amplitude sd
+c     -- inpute variables and arrays definitions --
+      real*8 sc, sd
+      integer nmax
+      real*8 x(nmax)
+c     -- actual code --
+      call rms(nmax,x,sc,sd)
+      do 10 n=1,nmax
+ 10      x(n)=x(n)-sc
+      end
+      subroutine normal1(nmax,x,sc,sd)
+c  subtract mean, rescale to unit variance, 
+c  return mean sc and rms amplitude sd
+c     -- inpute variables and arrays definitions --
+      real*8 sc, sd
+      integer nmax
+      real*8 x(nmax)
+c     -- actual code --
+      call rms(nmax,x,sc,sd)
+      if(abs(sd).le.1e-312) then
+         call xstopx ("normal1: zero variance, cannot normalise")
+      endif
+      do 10 n=1,nmax
+ 10      x(n)=(x(n)-sc)/sd
+      end
+      subroutine minmax(nmax,x,xmin,xmax)
+c  obtain smallest and  largest value in x
+c     -- inpute variables and arrays definitions --
+      real*8 xmin, xmax
+      integer nmax
+      real*8 x(nmax)
+c     -- actual code --
+      xmin=x(1)
+      xmax=x(1)
+      do 10 n=2,nmax
+         xmin=min(x(n),xmin)
+ 10      xmax=max(x(n),xmax)
+      end
diff --git a/src/source_f/rank.f b/src/source_f/rank.f
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..11d617a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/source_f/rank.f
@@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
+c   This file is part of TISEAN
+c   Copyright (c) 1998-2007 Rainer Hegger, Holger Kantz, Thomas Schreiber
+c   TISEAN is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+c   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+c   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+c   (at your option) any later version.
+c   TISEAN is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+c   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+c   GNU General Public License for more details.
+c   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+c   along with TISEAN; if not, write to the Free Software
+c   Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
+c   box assisted sorting/ranking utilities 
+c   author T. Schreiber (1998) based on earlier versions
+      subroutine rank(nmax,x,list)
+c  rank points in x
+      parameter(nptr=100000)
+      dimension x(nmax), list(nmax), jptr(0:nptr)
+      call minmax(nmax,x,xmin,xmax)
+      if(abs(xmin-xmax).lt.12E-39) then
+         do 10 n=1,nmax
+ 10         list(n)=n
+         return
+      endif
+      nl=min(nptr,nmax/2)
+      sc=(nl-1)/(xmax-xmin)
+      do 20 i=0,nl
+ 20      jptr(i)=0
+      do 30 n=1,nmax
+         xn=x(n)
+         i=int((xn-xmin)*sc)
+         ip=jptr(i)
+         if ((ip.eq.0).or.(xn.le.x(ip))) then
+            jptr(i)=n
+         else
+ 1          ipp=ip
+            ip=list(ip)
+            if ((ip.gt.0).and.(xn.gt.x(ip))) goto 1
+            list(ipp)=n
+         endif
+ 30      list(n)=ip
+      n=0
+      do 40 i=0,nl
+         ip=jptr(i)
+ 2       if (ip.eq.0) goto 40
+         n=n+1
+         ipp=ip
+         ip=list(ip)
+         list(ipp)=n
+         goto 2
+40       continue
+      end
+      subroutine indexx(nmax,x,list)
+c make index table using rank
+      dimension x(nmax), list(nmax)
+      call rank(nmax,x,list)
+      call rank2index(nmax,list)
+      end
+      subroutine rank2index(nmax,list)
+c converts a list of ranks into an index table (or vice versa) in place
+      integer list(nmax)
+      do 10 n=1,nmax
+ 10      list(n)=-list(n)
+      do 20 n=1,nmax
+         if(list(n).gt.0) goto 20               ! has been put in place already
+         ib=n
+         im=-list(n)
+ 1       it=-list(im)
+         list(im)=ib
+         if(it.ne.n) then
+            ib=im
+            im=it
+            goto 1
+         else
+            list(n)=im
+         endif
+ 20      continue
+      end
+      subroutine sort(nmax,x,list)
+c sort using rank and rank2sort
+      dimension x(nmax), list(nmax)
+      call rank(nmax,x,list)
+      call rank2sort(nmax,x,list)
+      end
+      subroutine rank2sort(nmax,x,list)
+c sort x using list of ranks
+      dimension x(nmax), list(nmax)
+      do 10 n=1,nmax
+ 10      list(n)=-list(n)
+      do 20 n=1,nmax
+         if(list(n).gt.0) goto 20               ! has been put in place already
+         ib=n
+         hb=x(n)
+ 1       it=-list(ib)
+         list(ib)=it
+         ht=x(it)
+         x(it)=hb
+         if(it.ne.n) then
+            ib=it
+            hb=ht
+            goto 1
+         endif
+ 20      continue
+      end
+      subroutine index2sort(nmax,x,list)
+c sort x using list of indices
+      dimension x(nmax), list(nmax)
+      do 10 n=1,nmax
+ 10      list(n)=-list(n)
+      do 20 n=1,nmax
+         if(list(n).gt.0) goto 20               ! has been put in place already
+         ib=n
+         h=x(n)
+ 1       it=-list(ib)
+         list(ib)=it
+         if(it.ne.n) then
+            x(ib)=x(it)
+            ib=it
+            goto 1
+         else
+            x(ib)=h
+         endif
+ 20      continue
+      end
+      function which(nmax,x,k,list)
+      dimension x(nmax), list(nmax)
+      call indexx(nmax,x,list)
+      which=x(list(k))
+      end
diff --git a/src/source_f/slatec/Makefile.in b/src/source_f/slatec/Makefile.in
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bebd9a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/source_f/slatec/Makefile.in
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+MKOCTFILE ?= mkoctfile -fPIC 
+AR = @AR@
+# list of objects to be put in libslac.a 
+   INC  = d1mach.o r1mach.o i1mach.o \
+          rand.o rgauss.o dqk15.o  \
+          rs.o tql2.o tqlrat.o tred1.o tred2.o pythag.o \
+          rffti1.o rfftf1.o rfftb1.o \
+          radf2.o radf3.o radf4.o radf5.o radfg.o \
+          radb2.o radb3.o radb4.o radb5.o radbg.o \
+          snls1.o fdjac3.o lmpar.o rwupdt.o chkder.o \
+          qrfac.o qrsolv.o enorm.o \
+          xercnt.o xermsg.o xerhlt.o xersve.o \
+          j4save.o xgetua.o xerprn.o fdump.o
+all: libsla.a
+libsla.a: $(INC)
+	$(AR) $(ARFLAGS) ../libsla.a $?
+	$(RANLIB) ../libsla.a
+$(INC): %.o : %.f
+	$(MKOCTFILE) $(FFLAGS) -c $< -o $@
+	rm -rf *.o ../libsla.a
diff --git a/src/source_f/slatec/chkder.f b/src/source_f/slatec/chkder.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f699bc6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/source_f/slatec/chkder.f
@@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
+     +   ERR)
+C***PURPOSE  Check the gradients of M nonlinear functions in N
+C            variables, evaluated at a point X, for consistency
+C            with the functions themselves.
+C***AUTHOR  Hiebert, K. L. (SNLA)
+C   This subroutine is a companion routine to SNLS1,SNLS1E,SNSQ,and
+C   SNSQE which may be used to check the calculation of the Jacobian.
+C     This subroutine checks the gradients of M nonlinear functions
+C     in N variables, evaluated at a point X, for consistency with
+C     the functions themselves. The user must call CKDER twice,
+C     first with MODE = 1 and then with MODE = 2.
+C     MODE = 1. On input, X must contain the point of evaluation.
+C               On output, XP is set to a neighboring point.
+C     MODE = 2. On input, FVEC must contain the functions and the
+C                         rows of FJAC must contain the gradients
+C                         of the respective functions each evaluated
+C                         at X, and FVECP must contain the functions
+C                         evaluated at XP.
+C               On output, ERR contains measures of correctness of
+C                          the respective gradients.
+C     The subroutine does not perform reliably if cancellation or
+C     rounding errors cause a severe loss of significance in the
+C     evaluation of a function. Therefore, none of the components
+C     of X should be unusually small (in particular, zero) or any
+C     other value which may cause loss of significance.
+C     The SUBROUTINE statement is
+C     where
+C       M is a positive integer input variable set to the number
+C         of functions.
+C       N is a positive integer input variable set to the number
+C         of variables.
+C       X is an input array of length N.
+C       FVEC is an array of length M. On input when MODE = 2,
+C         FVEC must contain the functions evaluated at X.
+C       FJAC is an M by N array. On input when MODE = 2,
+C         the rows of FJAC must contain the gradients of
+C         the respective functions evaluated at X.
+C       LDFJAC is a positive integer input parameter not less than M
+C         which specifies the leading dimension of the array FJAC.
+C       XP is an array of length N. On output when MODE = 1,
+C         XP is set to a neighboring point of X.
+C       FVECP is an array of length M. On input when MODE = 2,
+C         FVECP must contain the functions evaluated at XP.
+C       MODE is an integer input variable set to 1 on the first call
+C         and 2 on the second. Other values of MODE are equivalent
+C         to MODE = 1.
+C       ERR is an array of length M. On output when MODE = 2,
+C         ERR contains measures of correctness of the respective
+C         gradients. If there is no severe loss of significance,
+C         then if ERR(I) is 1.0 the I-th gradient is correct,
+C         while if ERR(I) is 0.0 the I-th gradient is incorrect.
+C         For values of ERR between 0.0 and 1.0, the categorization
+C         is less certain. In general, a value of ERR(I) greater
+C         than 0.5 indicates that the I-th gradient is probably
+C         correct, while a value of ERR(I) less than 0.5 indicates
+C         that the I-th gradient is probably incorrect.
+C***REFERENCES  M. J. D. Powell, A hybrid method for nonlinear equa-
+C                 tions. In Numerical Methods for Nonlinear Algebraic
+C                 Equations, P. Rabinowitz, Editor.  Gordon and Breach,
+C                 1988.
+C   800301  DATE WRITTEN
+C   890531  Changed all specific intrinsics to generic.  (WRB)
+C   890831  Modified array declarations.  (WRB)
+C   890831  REVISION DATE from Version 3.2
+C   891214  Prologue converted to Version 4.0 format.  (BAB)
+C   900326  Removed duplicate information from DESCRIPTION section.
+C           (WRB)
+C   920501  Reformatted the REFERENCES section.  (WRB)
+      REAL X(*),FVEC(*),FJAC(LDFJAC,*),XP(*),FVECP(*),ERR(*)
+      INTEGER I,J
+      REAL R1MACH
+      DATA FACTOR,ONE,ZERO /1.0E2,1.0E0,0.0E0/
+      EPSMCH = R1MACH(4)
+      IF (MODE .EQ. 2) GO TO 20
+C        MODE = 1.
+         DO 10 J = 1, N
+            TEMP = EPS*ABS(X(J))
+            IF (TEMP .EQ. ZERO) TEMP = EPS
+            XP(J) = X(J) + TEMP
+   10       CONTINUE
+         GO TO 70
+C        MODE = 2.
+         EPSLOG = LOG10(EPS)
+         DO 30 I = 1, M
+            ERR(I) = ZERO
+   30       CONTINUE
+         DO 50 J = 1, N
+            TEMP = ABS(X(J))
+            IF (TEMP .EQ. ZERO) TEMP = ONE
+            DO 40 I = 1, M
+               ERR(I) = ERR(I) + TEMP*FJAC(I,J)
+   40          CONTINUE
+   50       CONTINUE
+         DO 60 I = 1, M
+            TEMP = ONE
+            IF (FVEC(I) .NE. ZERO .AND. FVECP(I) .NE. ZERO
+     1          .AND. ABS(FVECP(I)-FVEC(I)) .GE. EPSF*ABS(FVEC(I)))
+     2         TEMP = EPS*ABS((FVECP(I)-FVEC(I))/EPS-ERR(I))
+     3                /(ABS(FVEC(I)) + ABS(FVECP(I)))
+            ERR(I) = ONE
+            IF (TEMP .GT. EPSMCH .AND. TEMP .LT. EPS)
+     1         ERR(I) = (LOG10(TEMP) - EPSLOG)/EPSLOG
+            IF (TEMP .GE. EPS) ERR(I) = ZERO
+   60       CONTINUE
+      RETURN
+      END
diff --git a/src/source_f/slatec/d1mach.f b/src/source_f/slatec/d1mach.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..de4ac08
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/source_f/slatec/d1mach.f
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+c this is not the original one from slatec 
+      double precision const(5)
+c small:
+      DATA const(1) / 2.23D-308  /
+c large:
+      DATA const(2) / 1.79D+308  /
+c diff:
+      DATA const(3) / 1.11D-16   /
+      DATA const(4) / 2.22D-16   /
+c log10:
+      DATA const(5) / 0.301029995663981195D0 / 
+      D1MACH = const(I)
+      RETURN
+      END
diff --git a/src/source_f/slatec/dqk15.f b/src/source_f/slatec/dqk15.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a764ccd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/source_f/slatec/dqk15.f
@@ -0,0 +1,185 @@
+C***PURPOSE  To compute I = Integral of F over (A,B), with error
+C                           estimate
+C                       J = integral of ABS(F) over (A,B)
+C***AUTHOR  Piessens, Robert
+C             Applied Mathematics and Programming Division
+C             K. U. Leuven
+C           de Doncker, Elise
+C             Applied Mathematics and Programming Division
+C             K. U. Leuven
+C           Integration rules
+C           Standard fortran subroutine
+C           Double precision version
+C           PARAMETERS
+C            ON ENTRY
+C              F      - Double precision
+C                       Function subprogram defining the integrand
+C                       FUNCTION F(X). The actual name for F needs to be
+C                       Declared E X T E R N A L in the calling program.
+C              A      - Double precision
+C                       Lower limit of integration
+C              B      - Double precision
+C                       Upper limit of integration
+C            ON RETURN
+C              RESULT - Double precision
+C                       Approximation to the integral I
+C                       Result is computed by applying the 15-POINT
+C                       KRONROD RULE (RESK) obtained by optimal addition
+C                       of abscissae to the 7-POINT GAUSS RULE(RESG).
+C              ABSERR - Double precision
+C                       Estimate of the modulus of the absolute error,
+C                       which should not exceed ABS(I-RESULT)
+C              RESABS - Double precision
+C                       Approximation to the integral J
+C              RESASC - Double precision
+C                       Approximation to the integral of ABS(F-I/(B-A))
+C                       over (A,B)
+C   800101  DATE WRITTEN
+C   890531  Changed all specific intrinsics to generic.  (WRB)
+C   890531  REVISION DATE from Version 3.2
+C   891214  Prologue converted to Version 4.0 format.  (BAB)
+      DIMENSION FV1(7),FV2(7),WG(4),WGK(8),XGK(8)
+C                    XGK(2), XGK(4), ...  ABSCISSAE OF THE 7-POINT
+C                    GAUSS RULE
+C                    XGK(1), XGK(3), ...  ABSCISSAE WHICH ARE OPTIMALLY
+C                    ADDED TO THE 7-POINT GAUSS RULE
+C BELL LABS, NOV. 1981.
+      SAVE WG, XGK, WGK
+      DATA WG  (  1) / 0.1294849661 6886969327 0611432679 082 D0 /
+      DATA WG  (  2) / 0.2797053914 8927666790 1467771423 780 D0 /
+      DATA WG  (  3) / 0.3818300505 0511894495 0369775488 975 D0 /
+      DATA WG  (  4) / 0.4179591836 7346938775 5102040816 327 D0 /
+      DATA XGK (  1) / 0.9914553711 2081263920 6854697526 329 D0 /
+      DATA XGK (  2) / 0.9491079123 4275852452 6189684047 851 D0 /
+      DATA XGK (  3) / 0.8648644233 5976907278 9712788640 926 D0 /
+      DATA XGK (  4) / 0.7415311855 9939443986 3864773280 788 D0 /
+      DATA XGK (  5) / 0.5860872354 6769113029 4144838258 730 D0 /
+      DATA XGK (  6) / 0.4058451513 7739716690 6606412076 961 D0 /
+      DATA XGK (  7) / 0.2077849550 0789846760 0689403773 245 D0 /
+      DATA XGK (  8) / 0.0000000000 0000000000 0000000000 000 D0 /
+      DATA WGK (  1) / 0.0229353220 1052922496 3732008058 970 D0 /
+      DATA WGK (  2) / 0.0630920926 2997855329 0700663189 204 D0 /
+      DATA WGK (  3) / 0.1047900103 2225018383 9876322541 518 D0 /
+      DATA WGK (  4) / 0.1406532597 1552591874 5189590510 238 D0 /
+      DATA WGK (  5) / 0.1690047266 3926790282 6583426598 550 D0 /
+      DATA WGK (  6) / 0.1903505780 6478540991 3256402421 014 D0 /
+      DATA WGK (  7) / 0.2044329400 7529889241 4161999234 649 D0 /
+      DATA WGK (  8) / 0.2094821410 8472782801 2999174891 714 D0 /
+C           -----------------------
+C           ABSC   - ABSCISSA
+C           FVAL*  - FUNCTION VALUE
+C                    I.E. TO I/(B-A)
+C           ---------------------------
+      EPMACH = D1MACH(4)
+      UFLOW = D1MACH(1)
+      CENTR = 0.5D+00*(A+B)
+      HLGTH = 0.5D+00*(B-A)
+      FC = F(CENTR)
+      RESG = FC*WG(4)
+      RESK = FC*WGK(8)
+      DO 10 J=1,3
+        JTW = J*2
+        ABSC = HLGTH*XGK(JTW)
+        FVAL1 = F(CENTR-ABSC)
+        FVAL2 = F(CENTR+ABSC)
+        FV1(JTW) = FVAL1
+        FV2(JTW) = FVAL2
+        FSUM = FVAL1+FVAL2
+        RESG = RESG+WG(J)*FSUM
+      DO 15 J = 1,4
+        JTWM1 = J*2-1
+        ABSC = HLGTH*XGK(JTWM1)
+        FVAL1 = F(CENTR-ABSC)
+        FVAL2 = F(CENTR+ABSC)
+        FV1(JTWM1) = FVAL1
+        FV2(JTWM1) = FVAL2
+        FSUM = FVAL1+FVAL2
+      RESKH = RESK*0.5D+00
+      DO 20 J=1,7
+      IF(RESASC.NE.0.0D+00.AND.ABSERR.NE.0.0D+00)
+     1  ABSERR = RESASC*MIN(0.1D+01,(0.2D+03*ABSERR/RESASC)**1.5D+00)
+     1  ((EPMACH*0.5D+02)*RESABS,ABSERR)
+      RETURN
+      END
diff --git a/src/source_f/slatec/enorm.f b/src/source_f/slatec/enorm.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7eeda1e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/source_f/slatec/enorm.f
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+C***PURPOSE  Subsidiary to SNLS1, SNLS1E, SNSQ and SNSQE
+C     Given an N-vector X, this function calculates the
+C     Euclidean norm of X.
+C     The Euclidean norm is computed by accumulating the sum of
+C     squares in three different sums. The sums of squares for the
+C     small and large components are scaled so that no overflows
+C     occur. Non-destructive underflows are permitted. Underflows
+C     and overflows do not occur in the computation of the unscaled
+C     sum of squares for the intermediate components.
+C     The definitions of small, intermediate and large components
+C     depend on two constants, RDWARF and RGIANT. The main
+C     restrictions on these constants are that RDWARF**2 not
+C     underflow and RGIANT**2 not overflow. The constants
+C     given here are suitable for every known computer.
+C     The function statement is
+C     where
+C       N is a positive integer input variable.
+C       X is an input array of length N.
+C   800301  DATE WRITTEN
+C   890831  Modified array declarations.  (WRB)
+C   891214  Prologue converted to Version 4.0 format.  (BAB)
+C   900326  Removed duplicate information from DESCRIPTION section.
+C           (WRB)
+C   900328  Added TYPE section.  (WRB)
+      INTEGER N
+      REAL X(*)
+      INTEGER I
+     1     ZERO
+      DATA ONE,ZERO,RDWARF,RGIANT /1.0E0,0.0E0,3.834E-20,1.304E19/
+      S1 = ZERO
+      S2 = ZERO
+      S3 = ZERO
+      X1MAX = ZERO
+      X3MAX = ZERO
+      FLOATN = N
+      DO 90 I = 1, N
+         XABS = ABS(X(I))
+            IF (XABS .LE. RDWARF) GO TO 30
+               IF (XABS .LE. X1MAX) GO TO 10
+                  S1 = ONE + S1*(X1MAX/XABS)**2
+                  X1MAX = XABS
+                  GO TO 20
+   10          CONTINUE
+                  S1 = S1 + (XABS/X1MAX)**2
+   20          CONTINUE
+               GO TO 60
+   30       CONTINUE
+               IF (XABS .LE. X3MAX) GO TO 40
+                  S3 = ONE + S3*(X3MAX/XABS)**2
+                  X3MAX = XABS
+                  GO TO 50
+   40          CONTINUE
+                  IF (XABS .NE. ZERO) S3 = S3 + (XABS/X3MAX)**2
+   50          CONTINUE
+   60       CONTINUE
+            GO TO 80
+   70    CONTINUE
+            S2 = S2 + XABS**2
+   80    CONTINUE
+   90    CONTINUE
+      IF (S1 .EQ. ZERO) GO TO 100
+         ENORM = X1MAX*SQRT(S1+(S2/X1MAX)/X1MAX)
+         GO TO 130
+         IF (S2 .EQ. ZERO) GO TO 110
+            IF (S2 .GE. X3MAX)
+     1         ENORM = SQRT(S2*(ONE+(X3MAX/S2)*(X3MAX*S3)))
+            IF (S2 .LT. X3MAX)
+     1         ENORM = SQRT(X3MAX*((S2/X3MAX)+(X3MAX*S3)))
+            GO TO 120
+  110    CONTINUE
+            ENORM = X3MAX*SQRT(S3)
+  120    CONTINUE
+      RETURN
+      END
diff --git a/src/source_f/slatec/fdjac3.f b/src/source_f/slatec/fdjac3.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8ca42c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/source_f/slatec/fdjac3.f
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+     +   EPSFCN, WA)
+C***PURPOSE  Subsidiary to SNLS1 and SNLS1E
+C     This subroutine computes a forward-difference approximation
+C     to the M by N Jacobian matrix associated with a specified
+C     problem of M functions in N variables.
+C     The subroutine statement is
+C     where
+C       FCN is the name of the user-supplied subroutine which
+C         calculates the functions. FCN must be declared
+C         in an external statement in the user calling
+C         program, and should be written as follows.
+C         ----------
+C         When IFLAG.EQ.1 calculate the functions at X and
+C         return this vector in FVEC.
+C         ----------
+C         RETURN
+C         END
+C         The value of IFLAG should not be changed by FCN unless
+C         the user wants to terminate execution of FDJAC3.
+C         In this case set IFLAG to a negative integer.
+C       M is a positive integer input variable set to the number
+C         of functions.
+C       N is a positive integer input variable set to the number
+C         of variables. N must not exceed M.
+C       X is an input array of length N.
+C       FVEC is an input array of length M which must contain the
+C         functions evaluated at X.
+C       FJAC is an output M by N array which contains the
+C         approximation to the Jacobian matrix evaluated at X.
+C       LDFJAC is a positive integer input variable not less than M
+C         which specifies the leading dimension of the array FJAC.
+C       IFLAG is an integer variable which can be used to terminate
+C         THE EXECUTION OF FDJAC3. See description of FCN.
+C       EPSFCN is an input variable used in determining a suitable
+C         step length for the forward-difference approximation. This
+C         approximation assumes that the relative errors in the
+C         functions are of the order of EPSFCN. If EPSFCN is less
+C         than the machine precision, it is assumed that the relative
+C         errors in the functions are of the order of the machine
+C         precision.
+C       WA is a work array of length M.
+C   800301  DATE WRITTEN
+C   890531  Changed all specific intrinsics to generic.  (WRB)
+C   890831  Modified array declarations.  (WRB)
+C   891214  Prologue converted to Version 4.0 format.  (BAB)
+C   900326  Removed duplicate information from DESCRIPTION section.
+C           (WRB)
+C   900328  Added TYPE section.  (WRB)
+      REAL X(*),FVEC(*),FJAC(LDFJAC,*),WA(*)
+      INTEGER I,J
+      REAL R1MACH
+      SAVE ZERO
+      DATA ZERO /0.0E0/
+      EPSMCH = R1MACH(4)
+      IFLAG = 1
+      DO 20 J = 1, N
+         TEMP = X(J)
+         H = EPS*ABS(TEMP)
+         IF (H .EQ. ZERO) H = EPS
+         X(J) = TEMP + H
+         IF (IFLAG .LT. 0) GO TO 30
+         X(J) = TEMP
+         DO 10 I = 1, M
+            FJAC(I,J) = (WA(I) - FVEC(I))/H
+   10       CONTINUE
+   20    CONTINUE
+      RETURN
+      END
diff --git a/src/source_f/slatec/fdump.f b/src/source_f/slatec/fdump.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1f44a57
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/source_f/slatec/fdump.f
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+C***PURPOSE  Symbolic dump (should be locally written).
+C***TYPE      ALL (FDUMP-A)
+C***AUTHOR  Jones, R. E., (SNLA)
+C        ***Note*** Machine Dependent Routine
+C        FDUMP is intended to be replaced by a locally written
+C        version which produces a symbolic dump.  Failing this,
+C        it should be replaced by a version which prints the
+C        subprogram nesting list.  Note that this dump must be
+C        printed on each of up to five files, as indicated by the
+C        XGETUA routine.  See XSETUA and XGETUA for details.
+C     Written by Ron Jones, with SLATEC Common Math Library Subcommittee
+C   790801  DATE WRITTEN
+C   861211  REVISION DATE from Version 3.2
+C   891214  Prologue converted to Version 4.0 format.  (BAB)
+      RETURN
+      END
diff --git a/src/source_f/slatec/i1mach.f b/src/source_f/slatec/i1mach.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5442678
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/source_f/slatec/i1mach.f
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+c this is not quit the original one from slatec 
+c unit numbers for input/output/error are provided by calls to routines
+c from istdio.f change them there if needed!!!
+c the other constants are not currently used by TISEAN and not checked
+c for any particular platform
+C***PURPOSE  Return integer machine dependent constants.
+C***AUTHOR  Fox, P. A., (Bell Labs)
+C           Hall, A. D., (Bell Labs)
+C           Schryer, N. L., (Bell Labs)
+C   I1MACH can be used to obtain machine-dependent parameters for the
+C   local machine environment.  It is a function subprogram with one
+C   (input) argument and can be referenced as follows:
+C        K = I1MACH(I)
+C   where I=1,...,16.  The (output) value of K above is determined by
+C   the (input) value of I.  The results for various values of I are
+C   discussed below.
+C   I/O unit numbers:
+C     I1MACH( 1) = the standard input unit.
+C     I1MACH( 2) = the standard output unit.
+C     I1MACH( 3) = the standard punch unit.
+C     I1MACH( 4) = the standard error message unit.
+C   Words:
+C     I1MACH( 5) = the number of bits per integer storage unit.
+C     I1MACH( 6) = the number of characters per integer storage unit.
+C   Integers:
+C     assume integers are represented in the S-digit, base-A form
+C                sign ( X(S-1)*A**(S-1) + ... + X(1)*A + X(0) )
+C                where 0 .LE. X(I) .LT. A for I=0,...,S-1.
+C     I1MACH( 7) = A, the base.
+C     I1MACH( 8) = S, the number of base-A digits.
+C     I1MACH( 9) = A**S - 1, the largest magnitude.
+C   Floating-Point Numbers:
+C     Assume floating-point numbers are represented in the T-digit,
+C     base-B form
+C                sign (B**E)*( (X(1)/B) + ... + (X(T)/B**T) )
+C                where 0 .LE. X(I) .LT. B for I=1,...,T,
+C                0 .LT. X(1), and EMIN .LE. E .LE. EMAX.
+C     I1MACH(10) = B, the base.
+C   Single-Precision:
+C     I1MACH(11) = T, the number of base-B digits.
+C     I1MACH(12) = EMIN, the smallest exponent E.
+C     I1MACH(13) = EMAX, the largest exponent E.
+C   Double-Precision:
+C     I1MACH(14) = T, the number of base-B digits.
+C     I1MACH(15) = EMIN, the smallest exponent E.
+C     I1MACH(16) = EMAX, the largest exponent E.
+C   To alter this function for a particular environment, the desired
+C   set of DATA statements should be activated by removing the C from
+C   column 1.  Also, the values of I1MACH(1) - I1MACH(4) should be
+C   checked for consistency with the local operating system.
+C***REFERENCES  P. A. Fox, A. D. Hall and N. L. Schryer, Framework for
+C                 a portable library, ACM Transactions on Mathematical
+C                 Software 4, 2 (June 1978), pp. 177-188.
+C   750101  DATE WRITTEN
+C   891012  Added VAX G-floating constants.  (WRB)
+C   891012  REVISION DATE from Version 3.2
+C   891214  Prologue converted to Version 4.0 format.  (BAB)
+C   900618  Added DEC RISC constants.  (WRB)
+C   900723  Added IBM RS 6000 constants.  (WRB)
+C   901009  Correct I1MACH(7) for IBM Mainframes. Should be 2 not 16.
+C           (RWC)
+C   910710  Added HP 730 constants.  (SMR)
+C   911114  Added Convex IEEE constants.  (WRB)
+C   920121  Added SUN -r8 compiler option constants.  (WRB)
+C   920229  Added Touchstone Delta i860 constants.  (WRB)
+C   920501  Reformatted the REFERENCES section.  (WRB)
+C   920625  Added Convex -p8 and -pd8 compiler option constants.
+C           (BKS, WRB)
+C   930201  Added DEC Alpha and SGI constants.  (RWC and WRB)
+C   930618  Corrected I1MACH(5) for Convex -p8 and -pd8 compiler
+C           options.  (DWL, RWC and WRB).
+      DATA IMACH( 1) /          5 /
+      DATA IMACH( 2) /          6 /
+      DATA IMACH( 3) /          0 /
+      DATA IMACH( 4) /          0 /
+      DATA IMACH( 5) /         32 /
+      DATA IMACH( 6) /          4 /
+      DATA IMACH( 7) /          2 /
+      DATA IMACH( 8) /         31 /
+      DATA IMACH( 9) / 2147483647 /
+      DATA IMACH(10) /          2 /
+      DATA IMACH(11) /         24 /
+      DATA IMACH(12) /       -125 /
+      DATA IMACH(13) /        127 /
+      DATA IMACH(14) /         53 /
+      DATA IMACH(15) /      -1021 /
+      DATA IMACH(16) /       1023 /
+      IMACH(1)=ISTDIN()
+      IMACH(2)=ISTDOUT()
+      IMACH(3)=ISTDERR()
+      IMACH(4)=ISTDERR()
+      IF (I .LT. 1  .OR.  I .GT. 16) GO TO 10
+      I1MACH = IMACH(I)
+      RETURN
+      WRITE (UNIT = OUTPUT, FMT = 9000)
+      STOP
+      END
diff --git a/src/source_f/slatec/j4save.f b/src/source_f/slatec/j4save.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6ec799b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/source_f/slatec/j4save.f
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+C***PURPOSE  Save or recall global variables needed by error
+C            handling routines.
+C***AUTHOR  Jones, R. E., (SNLA)
+C     Abstract
+C        J4SAVE saves and recalls several global variables needed
+C        by the library error handling routines.
+C     Description of Parameters
+C      --Input--
+C        IWHICH - Index of item desired.
+C                = 1 Refers to current error number.
+C                = 2 Refers to current error control flag.
+C                = 3 Refers to current unit number to which error
+C                    messages are to be sent.  (0 means use standard.)
+C                = 4 Refers to the maximum number of times any
+C                     message is to be printed (as set by XERMAX).
+C                = 5 Refers to the total number of units to which
+C                     each error message is to be written.
+C                = 6 Refers to the 2nd unit for error messages
+C                = 7 Refers to the 3rd unit for error messages
+C                = 8 Refers to the 4th unit for error messages
+C                = 9 Refers to the 5th unit for error messages
+C        IVALUE - The value to be set for the IWHICH-th parameter,
+C                 if ISET is .TRUE. .
+C        ISET   - If ISET=.TRUE., the IWHICH-th parameter will BE
+C                 given the value, IVALUE.  If ISET=.FALSE., the
+C                 IWHICH-th parameter will be unchanged, and IVALUE
+C                 is a dummy parameter.
+C      --Output--
+C        The (old) value of the IWHICH-th parameter will be returned
+C        in the function value, J4SAVE.
+C***REFERENCES  R. E. Jones and D. K. Kahaner, XERROR, the SLATEC
+C                 Error-handling Package, SAND82-0800, Sandia
+C                 Laboratories, 1982.
+C   790801  DATE WRITTEN
+C   891214  Prologue converted to Version 4.0 format.  (BAB)
+C   900205  Minor modifications to prologue.  (WRB)
+C   900402  Added TYPE section.  (WRB)
+C   910411  Added KEYWORDS section.  (WRB)
+C   920501  Reformatted the REFERENCES section.  (WRB)
+      DATA IPARAM(1),IPARAM(2),IPARAM(3),IPARAM(4)/0,2,0,10/
+      DATA IPARAM(5)/1/
+      DATA IPARAM(6),IPARAM(7),IPARAM(8),IPARAM(9)/0,0,0,0/
+      RETURN
+      END
diff --git a/src/source_f/slatec/lmpar.f b/src/source_f/slatec/lmpar.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b81e4e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/source_f/slatec/lmpar.f
@@ -0,0 +1,267 @@
+     +   SIGMA, WA1, WA2)
+C***PURPOSE  Subsidiary to SNLS1 and SNLS1E
+C     Given an M by N matrix A, an N by N nonsingular DIAGONAL
+C     matrix D, an M-vector B, and a positive number DELTA,
+C     the problem is to determine a value for the parameter
+C     PAR such that if X solves the system
+C           A*X = B ,     SQRT(PAR)*D*X = 0 ,
+C     in the least squares sense, and DXNORM is the Euclidean
+C     norm of D*X, then either PAR is zero and
+C           (DXNORM-DELTA) .LE. 0.1*DELTA ,
+C     or PAR is positive and
+C           ABS(DXNORM-DELTA) .LE. 0.1*DELTA .
+C     This subroutine completes the solution of the problem
+C     if it is provided with the necessary information from the
+C     QR factorization, with column pivoting, of A. That is, if
+C     A*P = Q*R, where P is a permutation matrix, Q has orthogonal
+C     columns, and R is an upper triangular matrix with diagonal
+C     elements of nonincreasing magnitude, then LMPAR expects
+C     the full upper triangle of R, the permutation matrix P,
+C     and the first N components of (Q TRANSPOSE)*B. On output
+C     LMPAR also provides an upper triangular matrix S such that
+C            T   T                   T
+C           P *(A *A + PAR*D*D)*P = S *S .
+C     S is employed within LMPAR and may be of separate interest.
+C     Only a few iterations are generally needed for convergence
+C     of the algorithm. If, however, the limit of 10 iterations
+C     is reached, then the output PAR will contain the best
+C     value obtained so far.
+C     The subroutine statement is
+C                        WA1,WA2)
+C     where
+C       N is a positive integer input variable set to the order of R.
+C       R is an N by N array. On input the full upper triangle
+C         must contain the full upper triangle of the matrix R.
+C         On output the full upper triangle is unaltered, and the
+C         strict lower triangle contains the strict upper triangle
+C         (transposed) of the upper triangular matrix S.
+C       LDR is a positive integer input variable not less than N
+C         which specifies the leading dimension of the array R.
+C       IPVT is an integer input array of length N which defines the
+C         permutation matrix P such that A*P = Q*R. Column J of P
+C         is column IPVT(J) of the identity matrix.
+C       DIAG is an input array of length N which must contain the
+C         diagonal elements of the matrix D.
+C       QTB is an input array of length N which must contain the first
+C         N elements of the vector (Q TRANSPOSE)*B.
+C       DELTA is a positive input variable which specifies an upper
+C         bound on the Euclidean norm of D*X.
+C       PAR is a nonnegative variable. On input PAR contains an
+C         initial estimate of the Levenberg-Marquardt parameter.
+C         On output PAR contains the final estimate.
+C       X is an output array of length N which contains the least
+C         squares solution of the system A*X = B, SQRT(PAR)*D*X = 0,
+C         for the output PAR.
+C       SIGMA is an output array of length N which contains the
+C         diagonal elements of the upper triangular matrix S.
+C       WA1 and WA2 are work arrays of length N.
+C   800301  DATE WRITTEN
+C   890531  Changed all specific intrinsics to generic.  (WRB)
+C   890831  Modified array declarations.  (WRB)
+C   891214  Prologue converted to Version 4.0 format.  (BAB)
+C   900326  Removed duplicate information from DESCRIPTION section.
+C           (WRB)
+C   900328  Added TYPE section.  (WRB)
+      INTEGER IPVT(*)
+      REAL R(LDR,*),DIAG(*),QTB(*),X(*),SIGMA(*),WA1(*),WA2(*)
+      SAVE P1, P001, ZERO
+      DATA P1,P001,ZERO /1.0E-1,1.0E-3,0.0E0/
+      DWARF = R1MACH(1)
+      NSING = N
+      DO 10 J = 1, N
+         WA1(J) = QTB(J)
+         IF (R(J,J) .EQ. ZERO .AND. NSING .EQ. N) NSING = J - 1
+         IF (NSING .LT. N) WA1(J) = ZERO
+   10    CONTINUE
+      IF (NSING .LT. 1) GO TO 50
+      DO 40 K = 1, NSING
+         J = NSING - K + 1
+         WA1(J) = WA1(J)/R(J,J)
+         TEMP = WA1(J)
+         JM1 = J - 1
+         IF (JM1 .LT. 1) GO TO 30
+         DO 20 I = 1, JM1
+            WA1(I) = WA1(I) - R(I,J)*TEMP
+   20       CONTINUE
+   30    CONTINUE
+   40    CONTINUE
+      DO 60 J = 1, N
+         L = IPVT(J)
+         X(L) = WA1(J)
+   60    CONTINUE
+      ITER = 0
+      DO 70 J = 1, N
+         WA2(J) = DIAG(J)*X(J)
+   70    CONTINUE
+      DXNORM = ENORM(N,WA2)
+      FP = DXNORM - DELTA
+      IF (FP .LE. P1*DELTA) GO TO 220
+      PARL = ZERO
+      IF (NSING .LT. N) GO TO 120
+      DO 80 J = 1, N
+         L = IPVT(J)
+         WA1(J) = DIAG(L)*(WA2(L)/DXNORM)
+   80    CONTINUE
+      DO 110 J = 1, N
+         SUM = ZERO
+         JM1 = J - 1
+         IF (JM1 .LT. 1) GO TO 100
+         DO 90 I = 1, JM1
+            SUM = SUM + R(I,J)*WA1(I)
+   90       CONTINUE
+  100    CONTINUE
+         WA1(J) = (WA1(J) - SUM)/R(J,J)
+  110    CONTINUE
+      TEMP = ENORM(N,WA1)
+      DO 140 J = 1, N
+         SUM = ZERO
+         DO 130 I = 1, J
+            SUM = SUM + R(I,J)*QTB(I)
+  130       CONTINUE
+         L = IPVT(J)
+         WA1(J) = SUM/DIAG(L)
+  140    CONTINUE
+      GNORM = ENORM(N,WA1)
+      PAR = MAX(PAR,PARL)
+      PAR = MIN(PAR,PARU)
+         ITER = ITER + 1
+         IF (PAR .EQ. ZERO) PAR = MAX(DWARF,P001*PARU)
+         TEMP = SQRT(PAR)
+         DO 160 J = 1, N
+            WA1(J) = TEMP*DIAG(J)
+  160       CONTINUE
+         DO 170 J = 1, N
+            WA2(J) = DIAG(J)*X(J)
+  170       CONTINUE
+         DXNORM = ENORM(N,WA2)
+         TEMP = FP
+         FP = DXNORM - DELTA
+         IF (ABS(FP) .LE. P1*DELTA
+     1       .OR. PARL .EQ. ZERO .AND. FP .LE. TEMP
+     2            .AND. TEMP .LT. ZERO .OR. ITER .EQ. 10) GO TO 220
+         DO 180 J = 1, N
+            L = IPVT(J)
+            WA1(J) = DIAG(L)*(WA2(L)/DXNORM)
+  180       CONTINUE
+         DO 210 J = 1, N
+            WA1(J) = WA1(J)/SIGMA(J)
+            TEMP = WA1(J)
+            JP1 = J + 1
+            IF (N .LT. JP1) GO TO 200
+            DO 190 I = JP1, N
+               WA1(I) = WA1(I) - R(I,J)*TEMP
+  190          CONTINUE
+  200       CONTINUE
+  210       CONTINUE
+         TEMP = ENORM(N,WA1)
+         PARC = ((FP/DELTA)/TEMP)/TEMP
+         IF (FP .GT. ZERO) PARL = MAX(PARL,PAR)
+         IF (FP .LT. ZERO) PARU = MIN(PARU,PAR)
+         PAR = MAX(PARL,PAR+PARC)
+         GO TO 150
+      IF (ITER .EQ. 0) PAR = ZERO
+      RETURN
+      END
diff --git a/src/source_f/slatec/pythag.f b/src/source_f/slatec/pythag.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dc3ef31
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/source_f/slatec/pythag.f
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+C***PURPOSE  Compute the complex square root of a complex number without
+C            destructive overflow or underflow.
+C     Finds sqrt(A**2+B**2) without overflow or destructive underflow
+C   811101  DATE WRITTEN
+C   890531  Changed all specific intrinsics to generic.  (WRB)
+C   891214  Prologue converted to Version 4.0 format.  (BAB)
+C   900402  Added TYPE section.  (WRB)
+      REAL A,B
+      REAL P,Q,R,S,T
+      P = MAX(ABS(A),ABS(B))
+      Q = MIN(ABS(A),ABS(B))
+      IF (Q .EQ. 0.0E0) GO TO 20
+         R = (Q/P)**2
+         T = 4.0E0 + R
+         IF (T .EQ. 4.0E0) GO TO 20
+         S = R/T
+         P = P + 2.0E0*P*S
+         Q = Q*S
+      GO TO 10
+   20 PYTHAG = P
+      RETURN
+      END
diff --git a/src/source_f/slatec/qrfac.f b/src/source_f/slatec/qrfac.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..296d538
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/source_f/slatec/qrfac.f
@@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
+     +   WA)
+C***PURPOSE  Subsidiary to SNLS1, SNLS1E, SNSQ and SNSQE
+C     This subroutine uses Householder transformations with column
+C     pivoting (optional) to compute a QR factorization of the
+C     M by N matrix A. That is, QRFAC determines an orthogonal
+C     matrix Q, a permutation matrix P, and an upper trapezoidal
+C     matrix R with diagonal elements of nonincreasing magnitude,
+C     such that A*P = Q*R. The Householder transformation for
+C     column K, K = 1,2,...,MIN(M,N), is of the form
+C                           T
+C           I - (1/U(K))*U*U
+C     where U has zeros in the first K-1 positions. The form of
+C     this transformation and the method of pivoting first
+C     appeared in the corresponding LINPACK subroutine.
+C     The subroutine statement is
+C     where
+C       M is a positive integer input variable set to the number
+C         of rows of A.
+C       N is a positive integer input variable set to the number
+C         of columns of A.
+C       A is an M by N array. On input A contains the matrix for
+C         which the QR factorization is to be computed. On output
+C         the strict upper trapezoidal part of A contains the strict
+C         upper trapezoidal part of R, and the lower trapezoidal
+C         part of A contains a factored form of Q (the non-trivial
+C         elements of the U vectors described above).
+C       LDA is a positive integer input variable not less than M
+C         which specifies the leading dimension of the array A.
+C       PIVOT is a logical input variable. If pivot is set .TRUE.,
+C         then column pivoting is enforced. If pivot is set .FALSE.,
+C         then no column pivoting is done.
+C       IPVT is an integer output array of length LIPVT. IPVT
+C         defines the permutation matrix P such that A*P = Q*R.
+C         Column J of P is column IPVT(J) of the identity matrix.
+C         If pivot is .FALSE., IPVT is not referenced.
+C       LIPVT is a positive integer input variable. If PIVOT is
+C             .FALSE., then LIPVT may be as small as 1. If PIVOT is
+C             .TRUE., then LIPVT must be at least N.
+C       SIGMA is an output array of length N which contains the
+C         diagonal elements of R.
+C       ACNORM is an output array of length N which contains the
+C         norms of the corresponding columns of the input matrix A.
+C         If this information is not needed, then ACNORM can coincide
+C         with SIGMA.
+C       WA is a work array of length N. If pivot is .FALSE., then WA
+C         can coincide with SIGMA.
+C   800301  DATE WRITTEN
+C   890531  Changed all specific intrinsics to generic.  (WRB)
+C   890831  Modified array declarations.  (WRB)
+C   891214  Prologue converted to Version 4.0 format.  (BAB)
+C   900326  Removed duplicate information from DESCRIPTION section.
+C           (WRB)
+C   900328  Added TYPE section.  (WRB)
+      INTEGER IPVT(*)
+      REAL A(LDA,*),SIGMA(*),ACNORM(*),WA(*)
+      SAVE ONE, P05, ZERO
+      DATA ONE,P05,ZERO /1.0E0,5.0E-2,0.0E0/
+      EPSMCH = R1MACH(4)
+      DO 10 J = 1, N
+         ACNORM(J) = ENORM(M,A(1,J))
+         SIGMA(J) = ACNORM(J)
+         WA(J) = SIGMA(J)
+         IF (PIVOT) IPVT(J) = J
+   10    CONTINUE
+      MINMN = MIN(M,N)
+      DO 110 J = 1, MINMN
+         IF (.NOT.PIVOT) GO TO 40
+         KMAX = J
+         DO 20 K = J, N
+            IF (SIGMA(K) .GT. SIGMA(KMAX)) KMAX = K
+   20       CONTINUE
+         IF (KMAX .EQ. J) GO TO 40
+         DO 30 I = 1, M
+            TEMP = A(I,J)
+            A(I,J) = A(I,KMAX)
+            A(I,KMAX) = TEMP
+   30       CONTINUE
+         SIGMA(KMAX) = SIGMA(J)
+         WA(KMAX) = WA(J)
+         K = IPVT(J)
+         IPVT(J) = IPVT(KMAX)
+         IPVT(KMAX) = K
+   40    CONTINUE
+         AJNORM = ENORM(M-J+1,A(J,J))
+         IF (AJNORM .EQ. ZERO) GO TO 100
+         IF (A(J,J) .LT. ZERO) AJNORM = -AJNORM
+         DO 50 I = J, M
+            A(I,J) = A(I,J)/AJNORM
+   50       CONTINUE
+         A(J,J) = A(J,J) + ONE
+         JP1 = J + 1
+         IF (N .LT. JP1) GO TO 100
+         DO 90 K = JP1, N
+            SUM = ZERO
+            DO 60 I = J, M
+               SUM = SUM + A(I,J)*A(I,K)
+   60          CONTINUE
+            TEMP = SUM/A(J,J)
+            DO 70 I = J, M
+               A(I,K) = A(I,K) - TEMP*A(I,J)
+   70          CONTINUE
+            IF (.NOT.PIVOT .OR. SIGMA(K) .EQ. ZERO) GO TO 80
+            TEMP = A(J,K)/SIGMA(K)
+            SIGMA(K) = SIGMA(K)*SQRT(MAX(ZERO,ONE-TEMP**2))
+            IF (P05*(SIGMA(K)/WA(K))**2 .GT. EPSMCH) GO TO 80
+            SIGMA(K) = ENORM(M-J,A(JP1,K))
+            WA(K) = SIGMA(K)
+   80       CONTINUE
+   90       CONTINUE
+  100    CONTINUE
+         SIGMA(J) = -AJNORM
+  110    CONTINUE
+      RETURN
+      END
diff --git a/src/source_f/slatec/qrsolv.f b/src/source_f/slatec/qrsolv.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..813c247
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/source_f/slatec/qrsolv.f
@@ -0,0 +1,198 @@
+C***PURPOSE  Subsidiary to SNLS1 and SNLS1E
+C     Given an M by N matrix A, an N by N diagonal matrix D,
+C     and an M-vector B, the problem is to determine an X which
+C     solves the system
+C           A*X = B ,     D*X = 0 ,
+C     in the least squares sense.
+C     This subroutine completes the solution of the problem
+C     if it is provided with the necessary information from the
+C     QR factorization, with column pivoting, of A. That is, if
+C     A*P = Q*R, where P is a permutation matrix, Q has orthogonal
+C     columns, and R is an upper triangular matrix with diagonal
+C     elements of nonincreasing magnitude, then QRSOLV expects
+C     the full upper triangle of R, the permutation matrix P,
+C     and the first N components of (Q TRANSPOSE)*B. The system
+C     A*X = B, D*X = 0, is then equivalent to
+C                  T       T
+C           R*Z = Q *B ,  P *D*P*Z = 0 ,
+C     where X = P*Z. If this system does not have full rank,
+C     then a least squares solution is obtained. On output QRSOLV
+C     also provides an upper triangular matrix S such that
+C            T   T               T
+C           P *(A *A + D*D)*P = S *S .
+C     S is computed within QRSOLV and may be of separate interest.
+C     The subroutine statement is
+C     where
+C       N is a positive integer input variable set to the order of R.
+C       R is an N by N array. On input the full upper triangle
+C         must contain the full upper triangle of the matrix R.
+C         On output the full upper triangle is unaltered, and the
+C         strict lower triangle contains the strict upper triangle
+C         (transposed) of the upper triangular matrix S.
+C       LDR is a positive integer input variable not less than N
+C         which specifies the leading dimension of the array R.
+C       IPVT is an integer input array of length N which defines the
+C         permutation matrix P such that A*P = Q*R. Column J of P
+C         is column IPVT(J) of the identity matrix.
+C       DIAG is an input array of length N which must contain the
+C         diagonal elements of the matrix D.
+C       QTB is an input array of length N which must contain the first
+C         N elements of the vector (Q TRANSPOSE)*B.
+C       X is an output array of length N which contains the least
+C         squares solution of the system A*X = B, D*X = 0.
+C       SIGMA is an output array of length N which contains the
+C         diagonal elements of the upper triangular matrix S.
+C       WA is a work array of length N.
+C   800301  DATE WRITTEN
+C   890831  Modified array declarations.  (WRB)
+C   891214  Prologue converted to Version 4.0 format.  (BAB)
+C   900326  Removed duplicate information from DESCRIPTION section.
+C           (WRB)
+C   900328  Added TYPE section.  (WRB)
+      INTEGER IPVT(*)
+      REAL R(LDR,*),DIAG(*),QTB(*),X(*),SIGMA(*),WA(*)
+      SAVE P5, P25, ZERO
+      DATA P5,P25,ZERO /5.0E-1,2.5E-1,0.0E0/
+      DO 20 J = 1, N
+         DO 10 I = J, N
+            R(I,J) = R(J,I)
+   10       CONTINUE
+         X(J) = R(J,J)
+         WA(J) = QTB(J)
+   20    CONTINUE
+      DO 100 J = 1, N
+         L = IPVT(J)
+         IF (DIAG(L) .EQ. ZERO) GO TO 90
+         DO 30 K = J, N
+            SIGMA(K) = ZERO
+   30       CONTINUE
+         SIGMA(J) = DIAG(L)
+         QTBPJ = ZERO
+         DO 80 K = J, N
+            IF (SIGMA(K) .EQ. ZERO) GO TO 70
+            IF (ABS(R(K,K)) .GE. ABS(SIGMA(K))) GO TO 40
+               COTAN = R(K,K)/SIGMA(K)
+               SIN = P5/SQRT(P25+P25*COTAN**2)
+               COS = SIN*COTAN
+               GO TO 50
+   40       CONTINUE
+               TAN = SIGMA(K)/R(K,K)
+               COS = P5/SQRT(P25+P25*TAN**2)
+               SIN = COS*TAN
+   50       CONTINUE
+            R(K,K) = COS*R(K,K) + SIN*SIGMA(K)
+            TEMP = COS*WA(K) + SIN*QTBPJ
+            QTBPJ = -SIN*WA(K) + COS*QTBPJ
+            WA(K) = TEMP
+            KP1 = K + 1
+            IF (N .LT. KP1) GO TO 70
+            DO 60 I = KP1, N
+               TEMP = COS*R(I,K) + SIN*SIGMA(I)
+               SIGMA(I) = -SIN*R(I,K) + COS*SIGMA(I)
+               R(I,K) = TEMP
+   60          CONTINUE
+   70       CONTINUE
+   80       CONTINUE
+   90    CONTINUE
+         SIGMA(J) = R(J,J)
+         R(J,J) = X(J)
+  100    CONTINUE
+      NSING = N
+      DO 110 J = 1, N
+         IF (SIGMA(J) .EQ. ZERO .AND. NSING .EQ. N) NSING = J - 1
+         IF (NSING .LT. N) WA(J) = ZERO
+  110    CONTINUE
+      IF (NSING .LT. 1) GO TO 150
+      DO 140 K = 1, NSING
+         J = NSING - K + 1
+         SUM = ZERO
+         JP1 = J + 1
+         IF (NSING .LT. JP1) GO TO 130
+         DO 120 I = JP1, NSING
+            SUM = SUM + R(I,J)*WA(I)
+  120       CONTINUE
+  130    CONTINUE
+         WA(J) = (WA(J) - SUM)/SIGMA(J)
+  140    CONTINUE
+      DO 160 J = 1, N
+         L = IPVT(J)
+         X(L) = WA(J)
+  160    CONTINUE
+      RETURN
+      END
diff --git a/src/source_f/slatec/r1mach.f b/src/source_f/slatec/r1mach.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..80e17de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/source_f/slatec/r1mach.f
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+      FUNCTION r1MACH (I)
+c     this is all for doubles so that everything works properly
+c     as the tisean package must be always compiled with freal-4-real-8
+c this is not the original one from slatec 
+      double precision const(5)
+c small:
+      DATA const(1) / 2.23D-308  /
+c large:
+      DATA const(2) / 1.79D+308  /
+c diff:
+      DATA const(3) / 1.11D-16   /
+      DATA const(4) / 2.22D-16   /
+c log10:
+      DATA const(5) / 0.301029995663981195D0 / 
+      R1MACH = const(I)
+      RETURN
+      END
diff --git a/src/source_f/slatec/radb2.f b/src/source_f/slatec/radb2.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7bff5de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/source_f/slatec/radb2.f
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+C***PURPOSE  Calculate the fast Fourier transform of subvectors of
+C            length two.
+C***AUTHOR  Swarztrauber, P. N., (NCAR)
+C   790601  DATE WRITTEN
+C   830401  Modified to use SLATEC library source file format.
+C   860115  Modified by Ron Boisvert to adhere to Fortran 77 by
+C           changing dummy array size declarations (1) to (*).
+C   881128  Modified by Dick Valent to meet prologue standards.
+C   890831  Modified array declarations.  (WRB)
+C   891214  Prologue converted to Version 4.0 format.  (BAB)
+C   900402  Added TYPE section.  (WRB)
+      DIMENSION CC(IDO,2,*), CH(IDO,L1,2), WA1(*)
+      DO 101 K=1,L1
+         CH(1,K,1) = CC(1,1,K)+CC(IDO,2,K)
+         CH(1,K,2) = CC(1,1,K)-CC(IDO,2,K)
+      IF (IDO-2) 107,105,102
+  102 IDP2 = IDO+2
+      IF((IDO-1)/2.LT.L1) GO TO 108
+      DO 104 K=1,L1
+         DO 103 I=3,IDO,2
+            IC = IDP2-I
+            CH(I-1,K,1) = CC(I-1,1,K)+CC(IC-1,2,K)
+            TR2 = CC(I-1,1,K)-CC(IC-1,2,K)
+            CH(I,K,1) = CC(I,1,K)-CC(IC,2,K)
+            TI2 = CC(I,1,K)+CC(IC,2,K)
+            CH(I-1,K,2) = WA1(I-2)*TR2-WA1(I-1)*TI2
+            CH(I,K,2) = WA1(I-2)*TI2+WA1(I-1)*TR2
+  103    CONTINUE
+      GO TO 111
+  108 DO 110 I=3,IDO,2
+         IC = IDP2-I
+         DO 109 K=1,L1
+            CH(I-1,K,1) = CC(I-1,1,K)+CC(IC-1,2,K)
+            TR2 = CC(I-1,1,K)-CC(IC-1,2,K)
+            CH(I,K,1) = CC(I,1,K)-CC(IC,2,K)
+            TI2 = CC(I,1,K)+CC(IC,2,K)
+            CH(I-1,K,2) = WA1(I-2)*TR2-WA1(I-1)*TI2
+            CH(I,K,2) = WA1(I-2)*TI2+WA1(I-1)*TR2
+  109    CONTINUE
+  111 IF (MOD(IDO,2) .EQ. 1) RETURN
+  105 DO 106 K=1,L1
+         CH(IDO,K,1) = CC(IDO,1,K)+CC(IDO,1,K)
+         CH(IDO,K,2) = -(CC(1,2,K)+CC(1,2,K))
+  107 RETURN
+      END
diff --git a/src/source_f/slatec/radb3.f b/src/source_f/slatec/radb3.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ae40565
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/source_f/slatec/radb3.f
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+C***PURPOSE  Calculate the fast Fourier transform of subvectors of
+C            length three.
+C***AUTHOR  Swarztrauber, P. N., (NCAR)
+C   790601  DATE WRITTEN
+C   830401  Modified to use SLATEC library source file format.
+C   860115  Modified by Ron Boisvert to adhere to Fortran 77 by
+C           (a) changing dummy array size declarations (1) to (*),
+C           (b) changing definition of variable TAUI by using
+C               FORTRAN intrinsic function SQRT instead of a DATA
+C               statement.
+C   881128  Modified by Dick Valent to meet prologue standards.
+C   890831  Modified array declarations.  (WRB)
+C   891214  Prologue converted to Version 4.0 format.  (BAB)
+C   900402  Added TYPE section.  (WRB)
+      DIMENSION CC(IDO,3,*), CH(IDO,L1,3), WA1(*), WA2(*)
+      TAUR = -.5
+      TAUI = .5*SQRT(3.)
+      DO 101 K=1,L1
+         TR2 = CC(IDO,2,K)+CC(IDO,2,K)
+         CR2 = CC(1,1,K)+TAUR*TR2
+         CH(1,K,1) = CC(1,1,K)+TR2
+         CI3 = TAUI*(CC(1,3,K)+CC(1,3,K))
+         CH(1,K,2) = CR2-CI3
+         CH(1,K,3) = CR2+CI3
+      IF (IDO .EQ. 1) RETURN
+      IDP2 = IDO+2
+      IF((IDO-1)/2.LT.L1) GO TO 104
+      DO 103 K=1,L1
+         DO 102 I=3,IDO,2
+            IC = IDP2-I
+            TR2 = CC(I-1,3,K)+CC(IC-1,2,K)
+            CR2 = CC(I-1,1,K)+TAUR*TR2
+            CH(I-1,K,1) = CC(I-1,1,K)+TR2
+            TI2 = CC(I,3,K)-CC(IC,2,K)
+            CI2 = CC(I,1,K)+TAUR*TI2
+            CH(I,K,1) = CC(I,1,K)+TI2
+            CR3 = TAUI*(CC(I-1,3,K)-CC(IC-1,2,K))
+            CI3 = TAUI*(CC(I,3,K)+CC(IC,2,K))
+            DR2 = CR2-CI3
+            DR3 = CR2+CI3
+            DI2 = CI2+CR3
+            DI3 = CI2-CR3
+            CH(I-1,K,2) = WA1(I-2)*DR2-WA1(I-1)*DI2
+            CH(I,K,2) = WA1(I-2)*DI2+WA1(I-1)*DR2
+            CH(I-1,K,3) = WA2(I-2)*DR3-WA2(I-1)*DI3
+            CH(I,K,3) = WA2(I-2)*DI3+WA2(I-1)*DR3
+  102    CONTINUE
+      RETURN
+  104 DO 106 I=3,IDO,2
+         IC = IDP2-I
+         DO 105 K=1,L1
+            TR2 = CC(I-1,3,K)+CC(IC-1,2,K)
+            CR2 = CC(I-1,1,K)+TAUR*TR2
+            CH(I-1,K,1) = CC(I-1,1,K)+TR2
+            TI2 = CC(I,3,K)-CC(IC,2,K)
+            CI2 = CC(I,1,K)+TAUR*TI2
+            CH(I,K,1) = CC(I,1,K)+TI2
+            CR3 = TAUI*(CC(I-1,3,K)-CC(IC-1,2,K))
+            CI3 = TAUI*(CC(I,3,K)+CC(IC,2,K))
+            DR2 = CR2-CI3
+            DR3 = CR2+CI3
+            DI2 = CI2+CR3
+            DI3 = CI2-CR3
+            CH(I-1,K,2) = WA1(I-2)*DR2-WA1(I-1)*DI2
+            CH(I,K,2) = WA1(I-2)*DI2+WA1(I-1)*DR2
+            CH(I-1,K,3) = WA2(I-2)*DR3-WA2(I-1)*DI3
+            CH(I,K,3) = WA2(I-2)*DI3+WA2(I-1)*DR3
+  105    CONTINUE
+      RETURN
+      END
diff --git a/src/source_f/slatec/radb4.f b/src/source_f/slatec/radb4.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7f88c9c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/source_f/slatec/radb4.f
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+      SUBROUTINE RADB4 (IDO, L1, CC, CH, WA1, WA2, WA3)
+C***PURPOSE  Calculate the fast Fourier transform of subvectors of
+C            length four.
+C***AUTHOR  Swarztrauber, P. N., (NCAR)
+C   790601  DATE WRITTEN
+C   830401  Modified to use SLATEC library source file format.
+C   860115  Modified by Ron Boisvert to adhere to Fortran 77 by
+C           (a) changing dummy array size declarations (1) to (*),
+C           (b) changing definition of variable SQRT2 by using
+C               FORTRAN intrinsic function SQRT instead of a DATA
+C               statement.
+C   881128  Modified by Dick Valent to meet prologue standards.
+C   890831  Modified array declarations.  (WRB)
+C   891214  Prologue converted to Version 4.0 format.  (BAB)
+C   900402  Added TYPE section.  (WRB)
+      DIMENSION CC(IDO,4,*), CH(IDO,L1,4), WA1(*), WA2(*), WA3(*)
+      SQRT2 = SQRT(2.)
+      DO 101 K=1,L1
+         TR1 = CC(1,1,K)-CC(IDO,4,K)
+         TR2 = CC(1,1,K)+CC(IDO,4,K)
+         TR3 = CC(IDO,2,K)+CC(IDO,2,K)
+         TR4 = CC(1,3,K)+CC(1,3,K)
+         CH(1,K,1) = TR2+TR3
+         CH(1,K,2) = TR1-TR4
+         CH(1,K,3) = TR2-TR3
+         CH(1,K,4) = TR1+TR4
+      IF (IDO-2) 107,105,102
+  102 IDP2 = IDO+2
+      IF((IDO-1)/2.LT.L1) GO TO 108
+      DO 104 K=1,L1
+         DO 103 I=3,IDO,2
+            IC = IDP2-I
+            TI1 = CC(I,1,K)+CC(IC,4,K)
+            TI2 = CC(I,1,K)-CC(IC,4,K)
+            TI3 = CC(I,3,K)-CC(IC,2,K)
+            TR4 = CC(I,3,K)+CC(IC,2,K)
+            TR1 = CC(I-1,1,K)-CC(IC-1,4,K)
+            TR2 = CC(I-1,1,K)+CC(IC-1,4,K)
+            TI4 = CC(I-1,3,K)-CC(IC-1,2,K)
+            TR3 = CC(I-1,3,K)+CC(IC-1,2,K)
+            CH(I-1,K,1) = TR2+TR3
+            CR3 = TR2-TR3
+            CH(I,K,1) = TI2+TI3
+            CI3 = TI2-TI3
+            CR2 = TR1-TR4
+            CR4 = TR1+TR4
+            CI2 = TI1+TI4
+            CI4 = TI1-TI4
+            CH(I-1,K,2) = WA1(I-2)*CR2-WA1(I-1)*CI2
+            CH(I,K,2) = WA1(I-2)*CI2+WA1(I-1)*CR2
+            CH(I-1,K,3) = WA2(I-2)*CR3-WA2(I-1)*CI3
+            CH(I,K,3) = WA2(I-2)*CI3+WA2(I-1)*CR3
+            CH(I-1,K,4) = WA3(I-2)*CR4-WA3(I-1)*CI4
+            CH(I,K,4) = WA3(I-2)*CI4+WA3(I-1)*CR4
+  103    CONTINUE
+      GO TO 111
+  108 DO 110 I=3,IDO,2
+         IC = IDP2-I
+         DO 109 K=1,L1
+            TI1 = CC(I,1,K)+CC(IC,4,K)
+            TI2 = CC(I,1,K)-CC(IC,4,K)
+            TI3 = CC(I,3,K)-CC(IC,2,K)
+            TR4 = CC(I,3,K)+CC(IC,2,K)
+            TR1 = CC(I-1,1,K)-CC(IC-1,4,K)
+            TR2 = CC(I-1,1,K)+CC(IC-1,4,K)
+            TI4 = CC(I-1,3,K)-CC(IC-1,2,K)
+            TR3 = CC(I-1,3,K)+CC(IC-1,2,K)
+            CH(I-1,K,1) = TR2+TR3
+            CR3 = TR2-TR3
+            CH(I,K,1) = TI2+TI3
+            CI3 = TI2-TI3
+            CR2 = TR1-TR4
+            CR4 = TR1+TR4
+            CI2 = TI1+TI4
+            CI4 = TI1-TI4
+            CH(I-1,K,2) = WA1(I-2)*CR2-WA1(I-1)*CI2
+            CH(I,K,2) = WA1(I-2)*CI2+WA1(I-1)*CR2
+            CH(I-1,K,3) = WA2(I-2)*CR3-WA2(I-1)*CI3
+            CH(I,K,3) = WA2(I-2)*CI3+WA2(I-1)*CR3
+            CH(I-1,K,4) = WA3(I-2)*CR4-WA3(I-1)*CI4
+            CH(I,K,4) = WA3(I-2)*CI4+WA3(I-1)*CR4
+  109    CONTINUE
+  111 IF (MOD(IDO,2) .EQ. 1) RETURN
+  105 DO 106 K=1,L1
+         TI1 = CC(1,2,K)+CC(1,4,K)
+         TI2 = CC(1,4,K)-CC(1,2,K)
+         TR1 = CC(IDO,1,K)-CC(IDO,3,K)
+         TR2 = CC(IDO,1,K)+CC(IDO,3,K)
+         CH(IDO,K,1) = TR2+TR2
+         CH(IDO,K,2) = SQRT2*(TR1-TI1)
+         CH(IDO,K,3) = TI2+TI2
+         CH(IDO,K,4) = -SQRT2*(TR1+TI1)
+  107 RETURN
+      END
diff --git a/src/source_f/slatec/radb5.f b/src/source_f/slatec/radb5.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bf72475
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/source_f/slatec/radb5.f
@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
+      SUBROUTINE RADB5 (IDO, L1, CC, CH, WA1, WA2, WA3, WA4)
+C***PURPOSE  Calculate the fast Fourier transform of subvectors of
+C            length five.
+C***AUTHOR  Swarztrauber, P. N., (NCAR)
+C   790601  DATE WRITTEN
+C   830401  Modified to use SLATEC library source file format.
+C   860115  Modified by Ron Boisvert to adhere to Fortran 77 by
+C           (a) changing dummy array size declarations (1) to (*),
+C           (b) changing definition of variables PI, TI11, TI12,
+C               TR11, TR12 by using FORTRAN intrinsic functions ATAN
+C               and SIN instead of DATA statements.
+C   881128  Modified by Dick Valent to meet prologue standards.
+C   890831  Modified array declarations.  (WRB)
+C   891214  Prologue converted to Version 4.0 format.  (BAB)
+C   900402  Added TYPE section.  (WRB)
+      DIMENSION CC(IDO,5,*), CH(IDO,L1,5), WA1(*), WA2(*), WA3(*),
+     +          WA4(*)
+      PI = 4.*ATAN(1.)
+      TR11 = SIN(.1*PI)
+      TI11 = SIN(.4*PI)
+      TR12 = -SIN(.3*PI)
+      TI12 = SIN(.2*PI)
+      DO 101 K=1,L1
+         TI5 = CC(1,3,K)+CC(1,3,K)
+         TI4 = CC(1,5,K)+CC(1,5,K)
+         TR2 = CC(IDO,2,K)+CC(IDO,2,K)
+         TR3 = CC(IDO,4,K)+CC(IDO,4,K)
+         CH(1,K,1) = CC(1,1,K)+TR2+TR3
+         CR2 = CC(1,1,K)+TR11*TR2+TR12*TR3
+         CR3 = CC(1,1,K)+TR12*TR2+TR11*TR3
+         CI5 = TI11*TI5+TI12*TI4
+         CI4 = TI12*TI5-TI11*TI4
+         CH(1,K,2) = CR2-CI5
+         CH(1,K,3) = CR3-CI4
+         CH(1,K,4) = CR3+CI4
+         CH(1,K,5) = CR2+CI5
+      IF (IDO .EQ. 1) RETURN
+      IDP2 = IDO+2
+      IF((IDO-1)/2.LT.L1) GO TO 104
+      DO 103 K=1,L1
+         DO 102 I=3,IDO,2
+            IC = IDP2-I
+            TI5 = CC(I,3,K)+CC(IC,2,K)
+            TI2 = CC(I,3,K)-CC(IC,2,K)
+            TI4 = CC(I,5,K)+CC(IC,4,K)
+            TI3 = CC(I,5,K)-CC(IC,4,K)
+            TR5 = CC(I-1,3,K)-CC(IC-1,2,K)
+            TR2 = CC(I-1,3,K)+CC(IC-1,2,K)
+            TR4 = CC(I-1,5,K)-CC(IC-1,4,K)
+            TR3 = CC(I-1,5,K)+CC(IC-1,4,K)
+            CH(I-1,K,1) = CC(I-1,1,K)+TR2+TR3
+            CH(I,K,1) = CC(I,1,K)+TI2+TI3
+            CR2 = CC(I-1,1,K)+TR11*TR2+TR12*TR3
+            CI2 = CC(I,1,K)+TR11*TI2+TR12*TI3
+            CR3 = CC(I-1,1,K)+TR12*TR2+TR11*TR3
+            CI3 = CC(I,1,K)+TR12*TI2+TR11*TI3
+            CR5 = TI11*TR5+TI12*TR4
+            CI5 = TI11*TI5+TI12*TI4
+            CR4 = TI12*TR5-TI11*TR4
+            CI4 = TI12*TI5-TI11*TI4
+            DR3 = CR3-CI4
+            DR4 = CR3+CI4
+            DI3 = CI3+CR4
+            DI4 = CI3-CR4
+            DR5 = CR2+CI5
+            DR2 = CR2-CI5
+            DI5 = CI2-CR5
+            DI2 = CI2+CR5
+            CH(I-1,K,2) = WA1(I-2)*DR2-WA1(I-1)*DI2
+            CH(I,K,2) = WA1(I-2)*DI2+WA1(I-1)*DR2
+            CH(I-1,K,3) = WA2(I-2)*DR3-WA2(I-1)*DI3
+            CH(I,K,3) = WA2(I-2)*DI3+WA2(I-1)*DR3
+            CH(I-1,K,4) = WA3(I-2)*DR4-WA3(I-1)*DI4
+            CH(I,K,4) = WA3(I-2)*DI4+WA3(I-1)*DR4
+            CH(I-1,K,5) = WA4(I-2)*DR5-WA4(I-1)*DI5
+            CH(I,K,5) = WA4(I-2)*DI5+WA4(I-1)*DR5
+  102    CONTINUE
+      RETURN
+  104 DO 106 I=3,IDO,2
+         IC = IDP2-I
+         DO 105 K=1,L1
+            TI5 = CC(I,3,K)+CC(IC,2,K)
+            TI2 = CC(I,3,K)-CC(IC,2,K)
+            TI4 = CC(I,5,K)+CC(IC,4,K)
+            TI3 = CC(I,5,K)-CC(IC,4,K)
+            TR5 = CC(I-1,3,K)-CC(IC-1,2,K)
+            TR2 = CC(I-1,3,K)+CC(IC-1,2,K)
+            TR4 = CC(I-1,5,K)-CC(IC-1,4,K)
+            TR3 = CC(I-1,5,K)+CC(IC-1,4,K)
+            CH(I-1,K,1) = CC(I-1,1,K)+TR2+TR3
+            CH(I,K,1) = CC(I,1,K)+TI2+TI3
+            CR2 = CC(I-1,1,K)+TR11*TR2+TR12*TR3
+            CI2 = CC(I,1,K)+TR11*TI2+TR12*TI3
+            CR3 = CC(I-1,1,K)+TR12*TR2+TR11*TR3
+            CI3 = CC(I,1,K)+TR12*TI2+TR11*TI3
+            CR5 = TI11*TR5+TI12*TR4
+            CI5 = TI11*TI5+TI12*TI4
+            CR4 = TI12*TR5-TI11*TR4
+            CI4 = TI12*TI5-TI11*TI4
+            DR3 = CR3-CI4
+            DR4 = CR3+CI4
+            DI3 = CI3+CR4
+            DI4 = CI3-CR4
+            DR5 = CR2+CI5
+            DR2 = CR2-CI5
+            DI5 = CI2-CR5
+            DI2 = CI2+CR5
+            CH(I-1,K,2) = WA1(I-2)*DR2-WA1(I-1)*DI2
+            CH(I,K,2) = WA1(I-2)*DI2+WA1(I-1)*DR2
+            CH(I-1,K,3) = WA2(I-2)*DR3-WA2(I-1)*DI3
+            CH(I,K,3) = WA2(I-2)*DI3+WA2(I-1)*DR3
+            CH(I-1,K,4) = WA3(I-2)*DR4-WA3(I-1)*DI4
+            CH(I,K,4) = WA3(I-2)*DI4+WA3(I-1)*DR4
+            CH(I-1,K,5) = WA4(I-2)*DR5-WA4(I-1)*DI5
+            CH(I,K,5) = WA4(I-2)*DI5+WA4(I-1)*DR5
+  105    CONTINUE
+      RETURN
+      END
diff --git a/src/source_f/slatec/radbg.f b/src/source_f/slatec/radbg.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e8ccc06
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/source_f/slatec/radbg.f
@@ -0,0 +1,189 @@
+      SUBROUTINE RADBG (IDO, IP, L1, IDL1, CC, C1, C2, CH, CH2, WA)
+C***PURPOSE  Calculate the fast Fourier transform of subvectors of
+C            arbitrary length.
+C***AUTHOR  Swarztrauber, P. N., (NCAR)
+C   790601  DATE WRITTEN
+C   830401  Modified to use SLATEC library source file format.
+C   860115  Modified by Ron Boisvert to adhere to Fortran 77 by
+C           (a) changing dummy array size declarations (1) to (*),
+C           (b) changing references to intrinsic function FLOAT
+C               to REAL, and
+C           (c) changing definition of variable TPI by using
+C               FORTRAN intrinsic function ATAN instead of a DATA
+C               statement.
+C   881128  Modified by Dick Valent to meet prologue standards.
+C   890531  Changed all specific intrinsics to generic.  (WRB)
+C   890831  Modified array declarations.  (WRB)
+C   891214  Prologue converted to Version 4.0 format.  (BAB)
+C   900402  Added TYPE section.  (WRB)
+      DIMENSION CH(IDO,L1,*), CC(IDO,IP,*), C1(IDO,L1,*),
+     +          C2(IDL1,*), CH2(IDL1,*), WA(*)
+      TPI = 8.*ATAN(1.)
+      ARG = TPI/IP
+      DCP = COS(ARG)
+      DSP = SIN(ARG)
+      IDP2 = IDO+2
+      NBD = (IDO-1)/2
+      IPP2 = IP+2
+      IPPH = (IP+1)/2
+      IF (IDO .LT. L1) GO TO 103
+      DO 102 K=1,L1
+         DO 101 I=1,IDO
+            CH(I,K,1) = CC(I,1,K)
+  101    CONTINUE
+      GO TO 106
+  103 DO 105 I=1,IDO
+         DO 104 K=1,L1
+            CH(I,K,1) = CC(I,1,K)
+  104    CONTINUE
+  106 DO 108 J=2,IPPH
+         JC = IPP2-J
+         J2 = J+J
+         DO 107 K=1,L1
+            CH(1,K,J) = CC(IDO,J2-2,K)+CC(IDO,J2-2,K)
+            CH(1,K,JC) = CC(1,J2-1,K)+CC(1,J2-1,K)
+  107    CONTINUE
+      IF (IDO .EQ. 1) GO TO 116
+      IF (NBD .LT. L1) GO TO 112
+      DO 111 J=2,IPPH
+         JC = IPP2-J
+         DO 110 K=1,L1
+            DO 109 I=3,IDO,2
+               IC = IDP2-I
+               CH(I-1,K,J) = CC(I-1,2*J-1,K)+CC(IC-1,2*J-2,K)
+               CH(I-1,K,JC) = CC(I-1,2*J-1,K)-CC(IC-1,2*J-2,K)
+               CH(I,K,J) = CC(I,2*J-1,K)-CC(IC,2*J-2,K)
+               CH(I,K,JC) = CC(I,2*J-1,K)+CC(IC,2*J-2,K)
+  109       CONTINUE
+  110    CONTINUE
+      GO TO 116
+  112 DO 115 J=2,IPPH
+         JC = IPP2-J
+         DO 114 I=3,IDO,2
+            IC = IDP2-I
+            DO 113 K=1,L1
+               CH(I-1,K,J) = CC(I-1,2*J-1,K)+CC(IC-1,2*J-2,K)
+               CH(I-1,K,JC) = CC(I-1,2*J-1,K)-CC(IC-1,2*J-2,K)
+               CH(I,K,J) = CC(I,2*J-1,K)-CC(IC,2*J-2,K)
+               CH(I,K,JC) = CC(I,2*J-1,K)+CC(IC,2*J-2,K)
+  113       CONTINUE
+  114    CONTINUE
+  116 AR1 = 1.
+      AI1 = 0.
+      DO 120 L=2,IPPH
+         LC = IPP2-L
+         AR1H = DCP*AR1-DSP*AI1
+         AI1 = DCP*AI1+DSP*AR1
+         AR1 = AR1H
+         DO 117 IK=1,IDL1
+            C2(IK,L) = CH2(IK,1)+AR1*CH2(IK,2)
+            C2(IK,LC) = AI1*CH2(IK,IP)
+  117    CONTINUE
+         DC2 = AR1
+         DS2 = AI1
+         AR2 = AR1
+         AI2 = AI1
+         DO 119 J=3,IPPH
+            JC = IPP2-J
+            AR2H = DC2*AR2-DS2*AI2
+            AI2 = DC2*AI2+DS2*AR2
+            AR2 = AR2H
+            DO 118 IK=1,IDL1
+               C2(IK,L) = C2(IK,L)+AR2*CH2(IK,J)
+               C2(IK,LC) = C2(IK,LC)+AI2*CH2(IK,JC)
+  118       CONTINUE
+  119    CONTINUE
+      DO 122 J=2,IPPH
+         DO 121 IK=1,IDL1
+            CH2(IK,1) = CH2(IK,1)+CH2(IK,J)
+  121    CONTINUE
+      DO 124 J=2,IPPH
+         JC = IPP2-J
+         DO 123 K=1,L1
+            CH(1,K,J) = C1(1,K,J)-C1(1,K,JC)
+            CH(1,K,JC) = C1(1,K,J)+C1(1,K,JC)
+  123    CONTINUE
+      IF (IDO .EQ. 1) GO TO 132
+      IF (NBD .LT. L1) GO TO 128
+      DO 127 J=2,IPPH
+         JC = IPP2-J
+         DO 126 K=1,L1
+            DO 125 I=3,IDO,2
+               CH(I-1,K,J) = C1(I-1,K,J)-C1(I,K,JC)
+               CH(I-1,K,JC) = C1(I-1,K,J)+C1(I,K,JC)
+               CH(I,K,J) = C1(I,K,J)+C1(I-1,K,JC)
+               CH(I,K,JC) = C1(I,K,J)-C1(I-1,K,JC)
+  125       CONTINUE
+  126    CONTINUE
+      GO TO 132
+  128 DO 131 J=2,IPPH
+         JC = IPP2-J
+         DO 130 I=3,IDO,2
+            DO 129 K=1,L1
+               CH(I-1,K,J) = C1(I-1,K,J)-C1(I,K,JC)
+               CH(I-1,K,JC) = C1(I-1,K,J)+C1(I,K,JC)
+               CH(I,K,J) = C1(I,K,J)+C1(I-1,K,JC)
+               CH(I,K,JC) = C1(I,K,J)-C1(I-1,K,JC)
+  129       CONTINUE
+  130    CONTINUE
+      IF (IDO .EQ. 1) RETURN
+      DO 133 IK=1,IDL1
+         C2(IK,1) = CH2(IK,1)
+      DO 135 J=2,IP
+         DO 134 K=1,L1
+            C1(1,K,J) = CH(1,K,J)
+  134    CONTINUE
+      IF (NBD .GT. L1) GO TO 139
+      IS = -IDO
+      DO 138 J=2,IP
+         IS = IS+IDO
+         IDIJ = IS
+         DO 137 I=3,IDO,2
+            IDIJ = IDIJ+2
+            DO 136 K=1,L1
+               C1(I-1,K,J) = WA(IDIJ-1)*CH(I-1,K,J)-WA(IDIJ)*CH(I,K,J)
+               C1(I,K,J) = WA(IDIJ-1)*CH(I,K,J)+WA(IDIJ)*CH(I-1,K,J)
+  136       CONTINUE
+  137    CONTINUE
+      GO TO 143
+  139 IS = -IDO
+      DO 142 J=2,IP
+         IS = IS+IDO
+         DO 141 K=1,L1
+            IDIJ = IS
+            DO 140 I=3,IDO,2
+               IDIJ = IDIJ+2
+               C1(I-1,K,J) = WA(IDIJ-1)*CH(I-1,K,J)-WA(IDIJ)*CH(I,K,J)
+               C1(I,K,J) = WA(IDIJ-1)*CH(I,K,J)+WA(IDIJ)*CH(I-1,K,J)
+  140       CONTINUE
+  141    CONTINUE
+  143 RETURN
+      END
diff --git a/src/source_f/slatec/radf2.f b/src/source_f/slatec/radf2.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..99a50e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/source_f/slatec/radf2.f
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+C***PURPOSE  Calculate the fast Fourier transform of subvectors of
+C            length two.
+C***AUTHOR  Swarztrauber, P. N., (NCAR)
+C   790601  DATE WRITTEN
+C   830401  Modified to use SLATEC library source file format.
+C   860115  Modified by Ron Boisvert to adhere to Fortran 77 by
+C           changing dummy array size declarations (1) to (*).
+C   881128  Modified by Dick Valent to meet prologue standards.
+C   890831  Modified array declarations.  (WRB)
+C   891214  Prologue converted to Version 4.0 format.  (BAB)
+C   900402  Added TYPE section.  (WRB)
+      DIMENSION CH(IDO,2,*), CC(IDO,L1,2), WA1(*)
+      DO 101 K=1,L1
+         CH(1,1,K) = CC(1,K,1)+CC(1,K,2)
+         CH(IDO,2,K) = CC(1,K,1)-CC(1,K,2)
+      IF (IDO-2) 107,105,102
+  102 IDP2 = IDO+2
+      IF((IDO-1)/2.LT.L1) GO TO 108
+      DO 104 K=1,L1
+         DO 103 I=3,IDO,2
+            IC = IDP2-I
+            TR2 = WA1(I-2)*CC(I-1,K,2)+WA1(I-1)*CC(I,K,2)
+            TI2 = WA1(I-2)*CC(I,K,2)-WA1(I-1)*CC(I-1,K,2)
+            CH(I,1,K) = CC(I,K,1)+TI2
+            CH(IC,2,K) = TI2-CC(I,K,1)
+            CH(I-1,1,K) = CC(I-1,K,1)+TR2
+            CH(IC-1,2,K) = CC(I-1,K,1)-TR2
+  103    CONTINUE
+      GO TO 111
+  108 DO 110 I=3,IDO,2
+         IC = IDP2-I
+         DO 109 K=1,L1
+            TR2 = WA1(I-2)*CC(I-1,K,2)+WA1(I-1)*CC(I,K,2)
+            TI2 = WA1(I-2)*CC(I,K,2)-WA1(I-1)*CC(I-1,K,2)
+            CH(I,1,K) = CC(I,K,1)+TI2
+            CH(IC,2,K) = TI2-CC(I,K,1)
+            CH(I-1,1,K) = CC(I-1,K,1)+TR2
+            CH(IC-1,2,K) = CC(I-1,K,1)-TR2
+  109    CONTINUE
+  111 IF (MOD(IDO,2) .EQ. 1) RETURN
+  105 DO 106 K=1,L1
+         CH(1,2,K) = -CC(IDO,K,2)
+         CH(IDO,1,K) = CC(IDO,K,1)
+  107 RETURN
+      END
diff --git a/src/source_f/slatec/radf3.f b/src/source_f/slatec/radf3.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6449e32
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/source_f/slatec/radf3.f
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+C***PURPOSE  Calculate the fast Fourier transform of subvectors of
+C            length three.
+C***AUTHOR  Swarztrauber, P. N., (NCAR)
+C   790601  DATE WRITTEN
+C   830401  Modified to use SLATEC library source file format.
+C   860115  Modified by Ron Boisvert to adhere to Fortran 77 by
+C           (a) changing dummy array size declarations (1) to (*),
+C           (b) changing definition of variable TAUI by using
+C               FORTRAN intrinsic function SQRT instead of a DATA
+C               statement.
+C   881128  Modified by Dick Valent to meet prologue standards.
+C   890831  Modified array declarations.  (WRB)
+C   891214  Prologue converted to Version 4.0 format.  (BAB)
+C   900402  Added TYPE section.  (WRB)
+      DIMENSION CH(IDO,3,*), CC(IDO,L1,3), WA1(*), WA2(*)
+      TAUR = -.5
+      TAUI = .5*SQRT(3.)
+      DO 101 K=1,L1
+         CR2 = CC(1,K,2)+CC(1,K,3)
+         CH(1,1,K) = CC(1,K,1)+CR2
+         CH(1,3,K) = TAUI*(CC(1,K,3)-CC(1,K,2))
+         CH(IDO,2,K) = CC(1,K,1)+TAUR*CR2
+      IF (IDO .EQ. 1) RETURN
+      IDP2 = IDO+2
+      IF((IDO-1)/2.LT.L1) GO TO 104
+      DO 103 K=1,L1
+         DO 102 I=3,IDO,2
+            IC = IDP2-I
+            DR2 = WA1(I-2)*CC(I-1,K,2)+WA1(I-1)*CC(I,K,2)
+            DI2 = WA1(I-2)*CC(I,K,2)-WA1(I-1)*CC(I-1,K,2)
+            DR3 = WA2(I-2)*CC(I-1,K,3)+WA2(I-1)*CC(I,K,3)
+            DI3 = WA2(I-2)*CC(I,K,3)-WA2(I-1)*CC(I-1,K,3)
+            CR2 = DR2+DR3
+            CI2 = DI2+DI3
+            CH(I-1,1,K) = CC(I-1,K,1)+CR2
+            CH(I,1,K) = CC(I,K,1)+CI2
+            TR2 = CC(I-1,K,1)+TAUR*CR2
+            TI2 = CC(I,K,1)+TAUR*CI2
+            TR3 = TAUI*(DI2-DI3)
+            TI3 = TAUI*(DR3-DR2)
+            CH(I-1,3,K) = TR2+TR3
+            CH(IC-1,2,K) = TR2-TR3
+            CH(I,3,K) = TI2+TI3
+            CH(IC,2,K) = TI3-TI2
+  102    CONTINUE
+      RETURN
+  104 DO 106 I=3,IDO,2
+         IC = IDP2-I
+         DO 105 K=1,L1
+            DR2 = WA1(I-2)*CC(I-1,K,2)+WA1(I-1)*CC(I,K,2)
+            DI2 = WA1(I-2)*CC(I,K,2)-WA1(I-1)*CC(I-1,K,2)
+            DR3 = WA2(I-2)*CC(I-1,K,3)+WA2(I-1)*CC(I,K,3)
+            DI3 = WA2(I-2)*CC(I,K,3)-WA2(I-1)*CC(I-1,K,3)
+            CR2 = DR2+DR3
+            CI2 = DI2+DI3
+            CH(I-1,1,K) = CC(I-1,K,1)+CR2
+            CH(I,1,K) = CC(I,K,1)+CI2
+            TR2 = CC(I-1,K,1)+TAUR*CR2
+            TI2 = CC(I,K,1)+TAUR*CI2
+            TR3 = TAUI*(DI2-DI3)
+            TI3 = TAUI*(DR3-DR2)
+            CH(I-1,3,K) = TR2+TR3
+            CH(IC-1,2,K) = TR2-TR3
+            CH(I,3,K) = TI2+TI3
+            CH(IC,2,K) = TI3-TI2
+  105    CONTINUE
+      RETURN
+      END
diff --git a/src/source_f/slatec/radf4.f b/src/source_f/slatec/radf4.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1766c93
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/source_f/slatec/radf4.f
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+      SUBROUTINE RADF4 (IDO, L1, CC, CH, WA1, WA2, WA3)
+C***PURPOSE  Calculate the fast Fourier transform of subvectors of
+C            length four.
+C***AUTHOR  Swarztrauber, P. N., (NCAR)
+C   790601  DATE WRITTEN
+C   830401  Modified to use SLATEC library source file format.
+C   860115  Modified by Ron Boisvert to adhere to Fortran 77 by
+C           (a) changing dummy array size declarations (1) to (*).
+C           (b) changing definition of variable HSQT2 by using
+C               FORTRAN intrinsic function SQRT instead of a DATA
+C               statement.
+C   881128  Modified by Dick Valent to meet prologue standards.
+C   890831  Modified array declarations.  (WRB)
+C   891214  Prologue converted to Version 4.0 format.  (BAB)
+C   900402  Added TYPE section.  (WRB)
+      DIMENSION CC(IDO,L1,4), CH(IDO,4,*), WA1(*), WA2(*), WA3(*)
+      HSQT2 = .5*SQRT(2.)
+      DO 101 K=1,L1
+         TR1 = CC(1,K,2)+CC(1,K,4)
+         TR2 = CC(1,K,1)+CC(1,K,3)
+         CH(1,1,K) = TR1+TR2
+         CH(IDO,4,K) = TR2-TR1
+         CH(IDO,2,K) = CC(1,K,1)-CC(1,K,3)
+         CH(1,3,K) = CC(1,K,4)-CC(1,K,2)
+      IF (IDO-2) 107,105,102
+  102 IDP2 = IDO+2
+      IF((IDO-1)/2.LT.L1) GO TO 111
+      DO 104 K=1,L1
+         DO 103 I=3,IDO,2
+            IC = IDP2-I
+            CR2 = WA1(I-2)*CC(I-1,K,2)+WA1(I-1)*CC(I,K,2)
+            CI2 = WA1(I-2)*CC(I,K,2)-WA1(I-1)*CC(I-1,K,2)
+            CR3 = WA2(I-2)*CC(I-1,K,3)+WA2(I-1)*CC(I,K,3)
+            CI3 = WA2(I-2)*CC(I,K,3)-WA2(I-1)*CC(I-1,K,3)
+            CR4 = WA3(I-2)*CC(I-1,K,4)+WA3(I-1)*CC(I,K,4)
+            CI4 = WA3(I-2)*CC(I,K,4)-WA3(I-1)*CC(I-1,K,4)
+            TR1 = CR2+CR4
+            TR4 = CR4-CR2
+            TI1 = CI2+CI4
+            TI4 = CI2-CI4
+            TI2 = CC(I,K,1)+CI3
+            TI3 = CC(I,K,1)-CI3
+            TR2 = CC(I-1,K,1)+CR3
+            TR3 = CC(I-1,K,1)-CR3
+            CH(I-1,1,K) = TR1+TR2
+            CH(IC-1,4,K) = TR2-TR1
+            CH(I,1,K) = TI1+TI2
+            CH(IC,4,K) = TI1-TI2
+            CH(I-1,3,K) = TI4+TR3
+            CH(IC-1,2,K) = TR3-TI4
+            CH(I,3,K) = TR4+TI3
+            CH(IC,2,K) = TR4-TI3
+  103    CONTINUE
+      GO TO 110
+  111 DO 109 I=3,IDO,2
+         IC = IDP2-I
+         DO 108 K=1,L1
+            CR2 = WA1(I-2)*CC(I-1,K,2)+WA1(I-1)*CC(I,K,2)
+            CI2 = WA1(I-2)*CC(I,K,2)-WA1(I-1)*CC(I-1,K,2)
+            CR3 = WA2(I-2)*CC(I-1,K,3)+WA2(I-1)*CC(I,K,3)
+            CI3 = WA2(I-2)*CC(I,K,3)-WA2(I-1)*CC(I-1,K,3)
+            CR4 = WA3(I-2)*CC(I-1,K,4)+WA3(I-1)*CC(I,K,4)
+            CI4 = WA3(I-2)*CC(I,K,4)-WA3(I-1)*CC(I-1,K,4)
+            TR1 = CR2+CR4
+            TR4 = CR4-CR2
+            TI1 = CI2+CI4
+            TI4 = CI2-CI4
+            TI2 = CC(I,K,1)+CI3
+            TI3 = CC(I,K,1)-CI3
+            TR2 = CC(I-1,K,1)+CR3
+            TR3 = CC(I-1,K,1)-CR3
+            CH(I-1,1,K) = TR1+TR2
+            CH(IC-1,4,K) = TR2-TR1
+            CH(I,1,K) = TI1+TI2
+            CH(IC,4,K) = TI1-TI2
+            CH(I-1,3,K) = TI4+TR3
+            CH(IC-1,2,K) = TR3-TI4
+            CH(I,3,K) = TR4+TI3
+            CH(IC,2,K) = TR4-TI3
+  108    CONTINUE
+  110 IF (MOD(IDO,2) .EQ. 1) RETURN
+  105 DO 106 K=1,L1
+         TI1 = -HSQT2*(CC(IDO,K,2)+CC(IDO,K,4))
+         TR1 = HSQT2*(CC(IDO,K,2)-CC(IDO,K,4))
+         CH(IDO,1,K) = TR1+CC(IDO,K,1)
+         CH(IDO,3,K) = CC(IDO,K,1)-TR1
+         CH(1,2,K) = TI1-CC(IDO,K,3)
+         CH(1,4,K) = TI1+CC(IDO,K,3)
+  107 RETURN
+      END
diff --git a/src/source_f/slatec/radf5.f b/src/source_f/slatec/radf5.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9ffcc1f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/source_f/slatec/radf5.f
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+      SUBROUTINE RADF5 (IDO, L1, CC, CH, WA1, WA2, WA3, WA4)
+C***PURPOSE  Calculate the fast Fourier transform of subvectors of
+C            length five.
+C***AUTHOR  Swarztrauber, P. N., (NCAR)
+C   790601  DATE WRITTEN
+C   830401  Modified to use SLATEC library source file format.
+C   860115  Modified by Ron Boisvert to adhere to Fortran 77 by
+C           (a) changing dummy array size declarations (1) to (*),
+C           (b) changing definition of variables PI, TI11, TI12,
+C               TR11, TR12 by using FORTRAN intrinsic functions ATAN
+C               and SIN instead of DATA statements.
+C   881128  Modified by Dick Valent to meet prologue standards.
+C   890831  Modified array declarations.  (WRB)
+C   891214  Prologue converted to Version 4.0 format.  (BAB)
+C   900402  Added TYPE section.  (WRB)
+      DIMENSION CC(IDO,L1,5), CH(IDO,5,*), WA1(*), WA2(*), WA3(*),
+     +          WA4(*)
+      PI = 4.*ATAN(1.)
+      TR11 = SIN(.1*PI)
+      TI11 = SIN(.4*PI)
+      TR12 = -SIN(.3*PI)
+      TI12 = SIN(.2*PI)
+      DO 101 K=1,L1
+         CR2 = CC(1,K,5)+CC(1,K,2)
+         CI5 = CC(1,K,5)-CC(1,K,2)
+         CR3 = CC(1,K,4)+CC(1,K,3)
+         CI4 = CC(1,K,4)-CC(1,K,3)
+         CH(1,1,K) = CC(1,K,1)+CR2+CR3
+         CH(IDO,2,K) = CC(1,K,1)+TR11*CR2+TR12*CR3
+         CH(1,3,K) = TI11*CI5+TI12*CI4
+         CH(IDO,4,K) = CC(1,K,1)+TR12*CR2+TR11*CR3
+         CH(1,5,K) = TI12*CI5-TI11*CI4
+      IF (IDO .EQ. 1) RETURN
+      IDP2 = IDO+2
+      IF((IDO-1)/2.LT.L1) GO TO 104
+      DO 103 K=1,L1
+         DO 102 I=3,IDO,2
+            IC = IDP2-I
+            DR2 = WA1(I-2)*CC(I-1,K,2)+WA1(I-1)*CC(I,K,2)
+            DI2 = WA1(I-2)*CC(I,K,2)-WA1(I-1)*CC(I-1,K,2)
+            DR3 = WA2(I-2)*CC(I-1,K,3)+WA2(I-1)*CC(I,K,3)
+            DI3 = WA2(I-2)*CC(I,K,3)-WA2(I-1)*CC(I-1,K,3)
+            DR4 = WA3(I-2)*CC(I-1,K,4)+WA3(I-1)*CC(I,K,4)
+            DI4 = WA3(I-2)*CC(I,K,4)-WA3(I-1)*CC(I-1,K,4)
+            DR5 = WA4(I-2)*CC(I-1,K,5)+WA4(I-1)*CC(I,K,5)
+            DI5 = WA4(I-2)*CC(I,K,5)-WA4(I-1)*CC(I-1,K,5)
+            CR2 = DR2+DR5
+            CI5 = DR5-DR2
+            CR5 = DI2-DI5
+            CI2 = DI2+DI5
+            CR3 = DR3+DR4
+            CI4 = DR4-DR3
+            CR4 = DI3-DI4
+            CI3 = DI3+DI4
+            CH(I-1,1,K) = CC(I-1,K,1)+CR2+CR3
+            CH(I,1,K) = CC(I,K,1)+CI2+CI3
+            TR2 = CC(I-1,K,1)+TR11*CR2+TR12*CR3
+            TI2 = CC(I,K,1)+TR11*CI2+TR12*CI3
+            TR3 = CC(I-1,K,1)+TR12*CR2+TR11*CR3
+            TI3 = CC(I,K,1)+TR12*CI2+TR11*CI3
+            TR5 = TI11*CR5+TI12*CR4
+            TI5 = TI11*CI5+TI12*CI4
+            TR4 = TI12*CR5-TI11*CR4
+            TI4 = TI12*CI5-TI11*CI4
+            CH(I-1,3,K) = TR2+TR5
+            CH(IC-1,2,K) = TR2-TR5
+            CH(I,3,K) = TI2+TI5
+            CH(IC,2,K) = TI5-TI2
+            CH(I-1,5,K) = TR3+TR4
+            CH(IC-1,4,K) = TR3-TR4
+            CH(I,5,K) = TI3+TI4
+            CH(IC,4,K) = TI4-TI3
+  102    CONTINUE
+      RETURN
+  104 DO 106 I=3,IDO,2
+         IC = IDP2-I
+         DO 105 K=1,L1
+            DR2 = WA1(I-2)*CC(I-1,K,2)+WA1(I-1)*CC(I,K,2)
+            DI2 = WA1(I-2)*CC(I,K,2)-WA1(I-1)*CC(I-1,K,2)
+            DR3 = WA2(I-2)*CC(I-1,K,3)+WA2(I-1)*CC(I,K,3)
+            DI3 = WA2(I-2)*CC(I,K,3)-WA2(I-1)*CC(I-1,K,3)
+            DR4 = WA3(I-2)*CC(I-1,K,4)+WA3(I-1)*CC(I,K,4)
+            DI4 = WA3(I-2)*CC(I,K,4)-WA3(I-1)*CC(I-1,K,4)
+            DR5 = WA4(I-2)*CC(I-1,K,5)+WA4(I-1)*CC(I,K,5)
+            DI5 = WA4(I-2)*CC(I,K,5)-WA4(I-1)*CC(I-1,K,5)
+            CR2 = DR2+DR5
+            CI5 = DR5-DR2
+            CR5 = DI2-DI5
+            CI2 = DI2+DI5
+            CR3 = DR3+DR4
+            CI4 = DR4-DR3
+            CR4 = DI3-DI4
+            CI3 = DI3+DI4
+            CH(I-1,1,K) = CC(I-1,K,1)+CR2+CR3
+            CH(I,1,K) = CC(I,K,1)+CI2+CI3
+            TR2 = CC(I-1,K,1)+TR11*CR2+TR12*CR3
+            TI2 = CC(I,K,1)+TR11*CI2+TR12*CI3
+            TR3 = CC(I-1,K,1)+TR12*CR2+TR11*CR3
+            TI3 = CC(I,K,1)+TR12*CI2+TR11*CI3
+            TR5 = TI11*CR5+TI12*CR4
+            TI5 = TI11*CI5+TI12*CI4
+            TR4 = TI12*CR5-TI11*CR4
+            TI4 = TI12*CI5-TI11*CI4
+            CH(I-1,3,K) = TR2+TR5
+            CH(IC-1,2,K) = TR2-TR5
+            CH(I,3,K) = TI2+TI5
+            CH(IC,2,K) = TI5-TI2
+            CH(I-1,5,K) = TR3+TR4
+            CH(IC-1,4,K) = TR3-TR4
+            CH(I,5,K) = TI3+TI4
+            CH(IC,4,K) = TI4-TI3
+  105    CONTINUE
+      RETURN
+      END
diff --git a/src/source_f/slatec/radfg.f b/src/source_f/slatec/radfg.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ccb3d47
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/source_f/slatec/radfg.f
@@ -0,0 +1,194 @@
+      SUBROUTINE RADFG (IDO, IP, L1, IDL1, CC, C1, C2, CH, CH2, WA)
+C***PURPOSE  Calculate the fast Fourier transform of subvectors of
+C            arbitrary length.
+C***AUTHOR  Swarztrauber, P. N., (NCAR)
+C   790601  DATE WRITTEN
+C   830401  Modified to use SLATEC library source file format.
+C   860115  Modified by Ron Boisvert to adhere to Fortran 77 by
+C           (a) changing dummy array size declarations (1) to (*),
+C           (b) changing references to intrinsic function FLOAT
+C               to REAL, and
+C           (c) changing definition of variable TPI by using
+C               FORTRAN intrinsic function ATAN instead of a DATA
+C               statement.
+C   881128  Modified by Dick Valent to meet prologue standards.
+C   890531  Changed all specific intrinsics to generic.  (WRB)
+C   890831  Modified array declarations.  (WRB)
+C   891214  Prologue converted to Version 4.0 format.  (BAB)
+C   900402  Added TYPE section.  (WRB)
+      DIMENSION CH(IDO,L1,*), CC(IDO,IP,*), C1(IDO,L1,*),
+     +          C2(IDL1,*), CH2(IDL1,*), WA(*)
+      TPI = 8.*ATAN(1.)
+      ARG = TPI/IP
+      DCP = COS(ARG)
+      DSP = SIN(ARG)
+      IPPH = (IP+1)/2
+      IPP2 = IP+2
+      IDP2 = IDO+2
+      NBD = (IDO-1)/2
+      IF (IDO .EQ. 1) GO TO 119
+      DO 101 IK=1,IDL1
+         CH2(IK,1) = C2(IK,1)
+      DO 103 J=2,IP
+         DO 102 K=1,L1
+            CH(1,K,J) = C1(1,K,J)
+  102    CONTINUE
+      IF (NBD .GT. L1) GO TO 107
+      IS = -IDO
+      DO 106 J=2,IP
+         IS = IS+IDO
+         IDIJ = IS
+         DO 105 I=3,IDO,2
+            IDIJ = IDIJ+2
+            DO 104 K=1,L1
+               CH(I-1,K,J) = WA(IDIJ-1)*C1(I-1,K,J)+WA(IDIJ)*C1(I,K,J)
+               CH(I,K,J) = WA(IDIJ-1)*C1(I,K,J)-WA(IDIJ)*C1(I-1,K,J)
+  104       CONTINUE
+  105    CONTINUE
+      GO TO 111
+  107 IS = -IDO
+      DO 110 J=2,IP
+         IS = IS+IDO
+         DO 109 K=1,L1
+            IDIJ = IS
+            DO 108 I=3,IDO,2
+               IDIJ = IDIJ+2
+               CH(I-1,K,J) = WA(IDIJ-1)*C1(I-1,K,J)+WA(IDIJ)*C1(I,K,J)
+               CH(I,K,J) = WA(IDIJ-1)*C1(I,K,J)-WA(IDIJ)*C1(I-1,K,J)
+  108       CONTINUE
+  109    CONTINUE
+  111 IF (NBD .LT. L1) GO TO 115
+      DO 114 J=2,IPPH
+         JC = IPP2-J
+         DO 113 K=1,L1
+            DO 112 I=3,IDO,2
+               C1(I-1,K,J) = CH(I-1,K,J)+CH(I-1,K,JC)
+               C1(I-1,K,JC) = CH(I,K,J)-CH(I,K,JC)
+               C1(I,K,J) = CH(I,K,J)+CH(I,K,JC)
+               C1(I,K,JC) = CH(I-1,K,JC)-CH(I-1,K,J)
+  112       CONTINUE
+  113    CONTINUE
+      GO TO 121
+  115 DO 118 J=2,IPPH
+         JC = IPP2-J
+         DO 117 I=3,IDO,2
+            DO 116 K=1,L1
+               C1(I-1,K,J) = CH(I-1,K,J)+CH(I-1,K,JC)
+               C1(I-1,K,JC) = CH(I,K,J)-CH(I,K,JC)
+               C1(I,K,J) = CH(I,K,J)+CH(I,K,JC)
+               C1(I,K,JC) = CH(I-1,K,JC)-CH(I-1,K,J)
+  116       CONTINUE
+  117    CONTINUE
+      GO TO 121
+  119 DO 120 IK=1,IDL1
+         C2(IK,1) = CH2(IK,1)
+  121 DO 123 J=2,IPPH
+         JC = IPP2-J
+         DO 122 K=1,L1
+            C1(1,K,J) = CH(1,K,J)+CH(1,K,JC)
+            C1(1,K,JC) = CH(1,K,JC)-CH(1,K,J)
+  122    CONTINUE
+      AR1 = 1.
+      AI1 = 0.
+      DO 127 L=2,IPPH
+         LC = IPP2-L
+         AR1H = DCP*AR1-DSP*AI1
+         AI1 = DCP*AI1+DSP*AR1
+         AR1 = AR1H
+         DO 124 IK=1,IDL1
+            CH2(IK,L) = C2(IK,1)+AR1*C2(IK,2)
+            CH2(IK,LC) = AI1*C2(IK,IP)
+  124    CONTINUE
+         DC2 = AR1
+         DS2 = AI1
+         AR2 = AR1
+         AI2 = AI1
+         DO 126 J=3,IPPH
+            JC = IPP2-J
+            AR2H = DC2*AR2-DS2*AI2
+            AI2 = DC2*AI2+DS2*AR2
+            AR2 = AR2H
+            DO 125 IK=1,IDL1
+               CH2(IK,L) = CH2(IK,L)+AR2*C2(IK,J)
+               CH2(IK,LC) = CH2(IK,LC)+AI2*C2(IK,JC)
+  125       CONTINUE
+  126    CONTINUE
+      DO 129 J=2,IPPH
+         DO 128 IK=1,IDL1
+            CH2(IK,1) = CH2(IK,1)+C2(IK,J)
+  128    CONTINUE
+      IF (IDO .LT. L1) GO TO 132
+      DO 131 K=1,L1
+         DO 130 I=1,IDO
+            CC(I,1,K) = CH(I,K,1)
+  130    CONTINUE
+      GO TO 135
+  132 DO 134 I=1,IDO
+         DO 133 K=1,L1
+            CC(I,1,K) = CH(I,K,1)
+  133    CONTINUE
+  135 DO 137 J=2,IPPH
+         JC = IPP2-J
+         J2 = J+J
+         DO 136 K=1,L1
+            CC(IDO,J2-2,K) = CH(1,K,J)
+            CC(1,J2-1,K) = CH(1,K,JC)
+  136    CONTINUE
+      IF (IDO .EQ. 1) RETURN
+      IF (NBD .LT. L1) GO TO 141
+      DO 140 J=2,IPPH
+         JC = IPP2-J
+         J2 = J+J
+         DO 139 K=1,L1
+            DO 138 I=3,IDO,2
+               IC = IDP2-I
+               CC(I-1,J2-1,K) = CH(I-1,K,J)+CH(I-1,K,JC)
+               CC(IC-1,J2-2,K) = CH(I-1,K,J)-CH(I-1,K,JC)
+               CC(I,J2-1,K) = CH(I,K,J)+CH(I,K,JC)
+               CC(IC,J2-2,K) = CH(I,K,JC)-CH(I,K,J)
+  138       CONTINUE
+  139    CONTINUE
+      RETURN
+  141 DO 144 J=2,IPPH
+         JC = IPP2-J
+         J2 = J+J
+         DO 143 I=3,IDO,2
+            IC = IDP2-I
+            DO 142 K=1,L1
+               CC(I-1,J2-1,K) = CH(I-1,K,J)+CH(I-1,K,JC)
+               CC(IC-1,J2-2,K) = CH(I-1,K,J)-CH(I-1,K,JC)
+               CC(I,J2-1,K) = CH(I,K,J)+CH(I,K,JC)
+               CC(IC,J2-2,K) = CH(I,K,JC)-CH(I,K,J)
+  142       CONTINUE
+  143    CONTINUE
+      RETURN
+      END
diff --git a/src/source_f/slatec/rand.f b/src/source_f/slatec/rand.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..22fb974
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/source_f/slatec/rand.f
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+C***PURPOSE  Generate a uniformly distributed random number.
+C***AUTHOR  Fullerton, W., (LANL)
+C      This pseudo-random number generator is portable among a wide
+C variety of computers.  RAND(R) undoubtedly is not as good as many
+C readily available installation dependent versions, and so this
+C routine is not recommended for widespread usage.  Its redeeming
+C feature is that the exact same random numbers (to within final round-
+C off error) can be generated from machine to machine.  Thus, programs
+C that make use of random numbers can be easily transported to and
+C checked in a new environment.
+C      The random numbers are generated by the linear congruential
+C method described, e.g., by Knuth in Seminumerical Methods (p.9),
+C Addison-Wesley, 1969.  Given the I-th number of a pseudo-random
+C sequence, the I+1 -st number is generated from
+C             X(I+1) = (A*X(I) + C) MOD M,
+C where here M = 2**22 = 4194304, C = 1731 and several suitable values
+C of the multiplier A are discussed below.  Both the multiplier A and
+C random number X are represented in double precision as two 11-bit
+C words.  The constants are chosen so that the period is the maximum
+C possible, 4194304.
+C      In order that the same numbers be generated from machine to
+C machine, it is necessary that 23-bit integers be reducible modulo
+C 2**11 exactly, that 23-bit integers be added exactly, and that 11-bit
+C integers be multiplied exactly.  Furthermore, if the restart option
+C is used (where R is between 0 and 1), then the product R*2**22 =
+C R*4194304 must be correct to the nearest integer.
+C      The first four random numbers should be .0004127026,
+C .6750836372, .1614754200, and .9086198807.  The tenth random number
+C is .5527787209, and the hundredth is .3600893021 .  The thousandth
+C number should be .2176990509 .
+C      In order to generate several effectively independent sequences
+C with the same generator, it is necessary to know the random number
+C for several widely spaced calls.  The I-th random number times 2**22,
+C where I=K*P/8 and P is the period of the sequence (P = 2**22), is
+C still of the form L*P/8.  In particular we find the I-th random
+C number multiplied by 2**22 is given by
+C I   =  0  1*P/8  2*P/8  3*P/8  4*P/8  5*P/8  6*P/8  7*P/8  8*P/8
+C RAND=  0  5*P/8  2*P/8  7*P/8  4*P/8  1*P/8  6*P/8  3*P/8  0
+C Thus the 4*P/8 = 2097152 random number is 2097152/2**22.
+C      Several multipliers have been subjected to the spectral test
+C (see Knuth, p. 82).  Four suitable multipliers roughly in order of
+C goodness according to the spectral test are
+C    3146757 = 1536*2048 + 1029 = 2**21 + 2**20 + 2**10 + 5
+C    2098181 = 1024*2048 + 1029 = 2**21 + 2**10 + 5
+C    3146245 = 1536*2048 +  517 = 2**21 + 2**20 + 2**9 + 5
+C    2776669 = 1355*2048 + 1629 = 5**9 + 7**7 + 1
+C      In the table below LOG10(NU(I)) gives roughly the number of
+C random decimal digits in the random numbers considered I at a time.
+C C is the primary measure of goodness.  In both cases bigger is better.
+C                   LOG10 NU(I)              C(I)
+C       A       I=2  I=3  I=4  I=5    I=2  I=3  I=4  I=5
+C    3146757    3.3  2.0  1.6  1.3    3.1  1.3  4.6  2.6
+C    2098181    3.3  2.0  1.6  1.2    3.2  1.3  4.6  1.7
+C    3146245    3.3  2.2  1.5  1.1    3.2  4.2  1.1  0.4
+C    2776669    3.3  2.1  1.6  1.3    2.5  2.0  1.9  2.6
+C   Best
+C    Possible   3.3  2.3  1.7  1.4    3.6  5.9  9.7  14.9
+C             Input Argument --
+C R      If R=0., the next random number of the sequence is generated.
+C        If R .LT. 0., the last generated number will be returned for
+C          possible use in a restart procedure.
+C        If R .GT. 0., the sequence of random numbers will start with
+C          the seed R mod 1.  This seed is also returned as the value of
+C          RAND provided the arithmetic is done exactly.
+C             Output Value --
+C RAND   a pseudo-random number between 0. and 1.
+C   770401  DATE WRITTEN
+C   890531  Changed all specific intrinsics to generic.  (WRB)
+C   890531  REVISION DATE from Version 3.2
+C   891214  Prologue converted to Version 4.0 format.  (BAB)
+      SAVE IA1, IA0, IA1MA0, IC, IX1, IX0
+      DATA IA1, IA0, IA1MA0 /1536, 1029, 507/
+      DATA IC /1731/
+      DATA IX1, IX0 /0, 0/
+      IF (R.LT.0.) GO TO 10
+      IF (R.GT.0.) GO TO 20
+C           A*X = 2**22*IA1*IX1 + 2**11*(IA1*IX1 + (IA1-IA0)*(IX0-IX1)
+C                   + IA0*IX0) + IA0*IX0
+      IY0 = IA0*IX0
+      IY1 = IA1*IX1 + IA1MA0*(IX0-IX1) + IY0
+      IY0 = IY0 + IC
+      IX0 = MOD (IY0, 2048)
+      IY1 = IY1 + (IY0-IX0)/2048
+      IX1 = MOD (IY1, 2048)
+ 10   RAND = IX1*2048 + IX0
+      RAND = RAND / 4194304.
+      RETURN
+ 20   IX1 = MOD(R,1.)*4194304. + 0.5
+      IX0 = MOD (IX1, 2048)
+      IX1 = (IX1-IX0)/2048
+      GO TO 10
+      END
diff --git a/src/source_f/slatec/rfftb1.f b/src/source_f/slatec/rfftb1.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c91fad7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/source_f/slatec/rfftb1.f
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
+C***PURPOSE  Compute the backward fast Fourier transform of a real
+C            coefficient array.
+C***AUTHOR  Swarztrauber, P. N., (NCAR)
+C   Subroutine RFFTB1 computes the real periodic sequence from its
+C   Fourier coefficients (Fourier synthesis).  The transform is defined
+C   below at output parameter C.
+C   The arrays WA and IFAC which are used by subroutine RFFTB1 must be
+C   initialized by calling subroutine RFFTI1.
+C   Input Arguments
+C   N       the length of the array R to be transformed.  The method
+C           is most efficient when N is a product of small primes.
+C           N may change so long as different work arrays are provided.
+C   C       a real array of length N which contains the sequence
+C           to be transformed.
+C   CH      a real work array of length at least N.
+C   WA      a real work array which must be dimensioned at least N.
+C   IFAC    an integer work array which must be dimensioned at least 15.
+C           The WA and IFAC arrays must be initialized by calling
+C           subroutine RFFTI1, and different WA and IFAC arrays must be
+C           used for each different value of N.  This initialization
+C           does not have to be repeated so long as N remains unchanged.
+C           Thus subsequent transforms can be obtained faster than the
+C           first.  The same WA and IFAC arrays can be used by RFFTF1
+C           and RFFTB1.
+C   Output Argument
+C   C       For N even and for I = 1,...,N
+C                C(I) = C(1)+(-1)**(I-1)*C(N)
+C                     plus the sum from K=2 to K=N/2 of
+C                      2.*C(2*K-2)*COS((K-1)*(I-1)*2*PI/N)
+C                     -2.*C(2*K-1)*SIN((K-1)*(I-1)*2*PI/N)
+C           For N odd and for I = 1,...,N
+C                C(I) = C(1) plus the sum from K=2 to K=(N+1)/2 of
+C                     2.*C(2*K-2)*COS((K-1)*(I-1)*2*PI/N)
+C                    -2.*C(2*K-1)*SIN((K-1)*(I-1)*2*PI/N)
+C   Notes:  This transform is unnormalized since a call of RFFTF1
+C           followed by a call of RFFTB1 will multiply the input
+C           sequence by N.
+C           WA and IFAC contain initialization calculations which must
+C           not be destroyed between calls of subroutine RFFTF1 or
+C           RFFTB1.
+C***REFERENCES  P. N. Swarztrauber, Vectorizing the FFTs, in Parallel
+C                 Computations (G. Rodrigue, ed.), Academic Press,
+C                 1982, pp. 51-83.
+C   790601  DATE WRITTEN
+C   830401  Modified to use SLATEC library source file format.
+C   860115  Modified by Ron Boisvert to adhere to Fortran 77 by
+C           changing dummy array size declarations (1) to (*).
+C   881128  Modified by Dick Valent to meet prologue standards.
+C   891214  Prologue converted to Version 4.0 format.  (BAB)
+C   900131  Routine changed from subsidiary to user-callable.  (WRB)
+C   920501  Reformatted the REFERENCES section.  (WRB)
+      DIMENSION CH(*), C(*), WA(*), IFAC(*)
+      NF = IFAC(2)
+      NA = 0
+      L1 = 1
+      IW = 1
+      DO 116 K1=1,NF
+         IP = IFAC(K1+2)
+         L2 = IP*L1
+         IDO = N/L2
+         IDL1 = IDO*L1
+         IF (IP .NE. 4) GO TO 103
+         IX2 = IW+IDO
+         IX3 = IX2+IDO
+         IF (NA .NE. 0) GO TO 101
+         CALL RADB4 (IDO,L1,C,CH,WA(IW),WA(IX2),WA(IX3))
+         GO TO 102
+  101    CALL RADB4 (IDO,L1,CH,C,WA(IW),WA(IX2),WA(IX3))
+  102    NA = 1-NA
+         GO TO 115
+  103    IF (IP .NE. 2) GO TO 106
+         IF (NA .NE. 0) GO TO 104
+         CALL RADB2 (IDO,L1,C,CH,WA(IW))
+         GO TO 105
+  104    CALL RADB2 (IDO,L1,CH,C,WA(IW))
+  105    NA = 1-NA
+         GO TO 115
+  106    IF (IP .NE. 3) GO TO 109
+         IX2 = IW+IDO
+         IF (NA .NE. 0) GO TO 107
+         CALL RADB3 (IDO,L1,C,CH,WA(IW),WA(IX2))
+         GO TO 108
+  107    CALL RADB3 (IDO,L1,CH,C,WA(IW),WA(IX2))
+  108    NA = 1-NA
+         GO TO 115
+  109    IF (IP .NE. 5) GO TO 112
+         IX2 = IW+IDO
+         IX3 = IX2+IDO
+         IX4 = IX3+IDO
+         IF (NA .NE. 0) GO TO 110
+         CALL RADB5 (IDO,L1,C,CH,WA(IW),WA(IX2),WA(IX3),WA(IX4))
+         GO TO 111
+  110    CALL RADB5 (IDO,L1,CH,C,WA(IW),WA(IX2),WA(IX3),WA(IX4))
+  111    NA = 1-NA
+         GO TO 115
+  112    IF (NA .NE. 0) GO TO 113
+         GO TO 114
+  114    IF (IDO .EQ. 1) NA = 1-NA
+  115    L1 = L2
+         IW = IW+(IP-1)*IDO
+      IF (NA .EQ. 0) RETURN
+      DO 117 I=1,N
+         C(I) = CH(I)
+      RETURN
+      END
diff --git a/src/source_f/slatec/rfftf1.f b/src/source_f/slatec/rfftf1.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e0e1910
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/source_f/slatec/rfftf1.f
@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
+C***PURPOSE  Compute the forward transform of a real, periodic sequence.
+C***AUTHOR  Swarztrauber, P. N., (NCAR)
+C   Subroutine RFFTF1 computes the Fourier coefficients of a real
+C   periodic sequence (Fourier analysis).  The transform is defined
+C   below at output parameter C.
+C   The arrays WA and IFAC which are used by subroutine RFFTB1 must be
+C   initialized by calling subroutine RFFTI1.
+C   Input Arguments
+C   N       the length of the array R to be transformed.  The method
+C           is most efficient when N is a product of small primes.
+C           N may change so long as different work arrays are provided.
+C   C       a real array of length N which contains the sequence
+C           to be transformed.
+C   CH      a real work array of length at least N.
+C   WA      a real work array which must be dimensioned at least N.
+C   IFAC    an integer work array which must be dimensioned at least 15.
+C           The WA and IFAC arrays must be initialized by calling
+C           subroutine RFFTI1, and different WA and IFAC arrays must be
+C           used for each different value of N.  This initialization
+C           does not have to be repeated so long as N remains unchanged.
+C           Thus subsequent transforms can be obtained faster than the
+C           first.  The same WA and IFAC arrays can be used by RFFTF1
+C           and RFFTB1.
+C   Output Argument
+C   C       C(1) = the sum from I=1 to I=N of R(I)
+C           If N is even set L = N/2; if N is odd set L = (N+1)/2
+C             then for K = 2,...,L
+C                C(2*K-2) = the sum from I = 1 to I = N of
+C                     C(I)*COS((K-1)*(I-1)*2*PI/N)
+C                C(2*K-1) = the sum from I = 1 to I = N of
+C                    -C(I)*SIN((K-1)*(I-1)*2*PI/N)
+C           If N is even
+C                C(N) = the sum from I = 1 to I = N of
+C                     (-1)**(I-1)*C(I)
+C   Notes:  This transform is unnormalized since a call of RFFTF1
+C           followed by a call of RFFTB1 will multiply the input
+C           sequence by N.
+C           WA and IFAC contain initialization calculations which must
+C           not be destroyed between calls of subroutine RFFTF1 or
+C           RFFTB1.
+C***REFERENCES  P. N. Swarztrauber, Vectorizing the FFTs, in Parallel
+C                 Computations (G. Rodrigue, ed.), Academic Press,
+C                 1982, pp. 51-83.
+C   790601  DATE WRITTEN
+C   830401  Modified to use SLATEC library source file format.
+C   860115  Modified by Ron Boisvert to adhere to Fortran 77 by
+C           changing dummy array size declarations (1) to (*).
+C   881128  Modified by Dick Valent to meet prologue standards.
+C   891214  Prologue converted to Version 4.0 format.  (BAB)
+C   900131  Routine changed from subsidiary to user-callable.  (WRB)
+C   920501  Reformatted the REFERENCES section.  (WRB)
+      DIMENSION CH(*), C(*), WA(*), IFAC(*)
+      NF = IFAC(2)
+      NA = 1
+      L2 = N
+      IW = N
+      DO 111 K1=1,NF
+         KH = NF-K1
+         IP = IFAC(KH+3)
+         L1 = L2/IP
+         IDO = N/L2
+         IDL1 = IDO*L1
+         IW = IW-(IP-1)*IDO
+         NA = 1-NA
+         IF (IP .NE. 4) GO TO 102
+         IX2 = IW+IDO
+         IX3 = IX2+IDO
+         IF (NA .NE. 0) GO TO 101
+         CALL RADF4 (IDO,L1,C,CH,WA(IW),WA(IX2),WA(IX3))
+         GO TO 110
+  101    CALL RADF4 (IDO,L1,CH,C,WA(IW),WA(IX2),WA(IX3))
+         GO TO 110
+  102    IF (IP .NE. 2) GO TO 104
+         IF (NA .NE. 0) GO TO 103
+         CALL RADF2 (IDO,L1,C,CH,WA(IW))
+         GO TO 110
+  103    CALL RADF2 (IDO,L1,CH,C,WA(IW))
+         GO TO 110
+  104    IF (IP .NE. 3) GO TO 106
+         IX2 = IW+IDO
+         IF (NA .NE. 0) GO TO 105
+         CALL RADF3 (IDO,L1,C,CH,WA(IW),WA(IX2))
+         GO TO 110
+  105    CALL RADF3 (IDO,L1,CH,C,WA(IW),WA(IX2))
+         GO TO 110
+  106    IF (IP .NE. 5) GO TO 108
+         IX2 = IW+IDO
+         IX3 = IX2+IDO
+         IX4 = IX3+IDO
+         IF (NA .NE. 0) GO TO 107
+         CALL RADF5 (IDO,L1,C,CH,WA(IW),WA(IX2),WA(IX3),WA(IX4))
+         GO TO 110
+  107    CALL RADF5 (IDO,L1,CH,C,WA(IW),WA(IX2),WA(IX3),WA(IX4))
+         GO TO 110
+  108    IF (IDO .EQ. 1) NA = 1-NA
+         IF (NA .NE. 0) GO TO 109
+         NA = 1
+         GO TO 110
+         NA = 0
+  110    L2 = L1
+      IF (NA .EQ. 1) RETURN
+      DO 112 I=1,N
+         C(I) = CH(I)
+      RETURN
+      END
diff --git a/src/source_f/slatec/rffti1.f b/src/source_f/slatec/rffti1.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8b82fba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/source_f/slatec/rffti1.f
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+C***PURPOSE  Initialize a real and an integer work array for RFFTF1 and
+C            RFFTB1.
+C***AUTHOR  Swarztrauber, P. N., (NCAR)
+C   Subroutine RFFTI1 initializes the work arrays WA and IFAC which are
+C   used in both RFFTF1 and RFFTB1.  The prime factorization of N and a
+C   tabulation of the trigonometric functions are computed and stored in
+C   IFAC and WA, respectively.
+C   Input Argument
+C   N       the length of the sequence to be transformed.
+C   Output Arguments
+C   WA      a real work array which must be dimensioned at least N.
+C   IFAC    an integer work array which must be dimensioned at least 15.
+C   The same work arrays can be used for both RFFTF1 and RFFTB1 as long
+C   as N remains unchanged.  Different WA and IFAC arrays are required
+C   for different values of N.  The contents of WA and IFAC must not be
+C   changed between calls of RFFTF1 or RFFTB1.
+C***REFERENCES  P. N. Swarztrauber, Vectorizing the FFTs, in Parallel
+C                 Computations (G. Rodrigue, ed.), Academic Press,
+C                 1982, pp. 51-83.
+C   790601  DATE WRITTEN
+C   830401  Modified to use SLATEC library source file format.
+C   860115  Modified by Ron Boisvert to adhere to Fortran 77 by
+C           (a) changing dummy array size declarations (1) to (*),
+C           (b) changing references to intrinsic function FLOAT
+C               to REAL, and
+C           (c) changing definition of variable TPI by using
+C               FORTRAN intrinsic functions instead of DATA
+C               statements.
+C   881128  Modified by Dick Valent to meet prologue standards.
+C   890531  Changed all specific intrinsics to generic.  (WRB)
+C   891214  Prologue converted to Version 4.0 format.  (BAB)
+C   900131  Routine changed from subsidiary to user-callable.  (WRB)
+C   920501  Reformatted the REFERENCES section.  (WRB)
+      DIMENSION WA(*), IFAC(*), NTRYH(4)
+      DATA NTRYH(1),NTRYH(2),NTRYH(3),NTRYH(4)/4,2,3,5/
+      NL = N
+      NF = 0
+      J = 0
+  101 J = J+1
+      IF (J-4) 102,102,103
+  102 NTRY = NTRYH(J)
+      GO TO 104
+  103 NTRY = NTRY+2
+  104 NQ = NL/NTRY
+      NR = NL-NTRY*NQ
+      IF (NR) 101,105,101
+  105 NF = NF+1
+      IFAC(NF+2) = NTRY
+      NL = NQ
+      IF (NTRY .NE. 2) GO TO 107
+      IF (NF .EQ. 1) GO TO 107
+      DO 106 I=2,NF
+         IB = NF-I+2
+         IFAC(IB+2) = IFAC(IB+1)
+      IFAC(3) = 2
+  107 IF (NL .NE. 1) GO TO 104
+      IFAC(1) = N
+      IFAC(2) = NF
+      TPI = 8.*ATAN(1.)
+      ARGH = TPI/N
+      IS = 0
+      NFM1 = NF-1
+      L1 = 1
+      IF (NFM1 .EQ. 0) RETURN
+      DO 110 K1=1,NFM1
+         IP = IFAC(K1+2)
+         LD = 0
+         L2 = L1*IP
+         IDO = N/L2
+         IPM = IP-1
+         DO 109 J=1,IPM
+            LD = LD+L1
+            I = IS
+            ARGLD = LD*ARGH
+            FI = 0.
+            DO 108 II=3,IDO,2
+               I = I+2
+               FI = FI+1.
+               ARG = FI*ARGLD
+               WA(I-1) = COS(ARG)
+               WA(I) = SIN(ARG)
+  108       CONTINUE
+            IS = IS+IDO
+  109    CONTINUE
+         L1 = L2
+      RETURN
+      END
diff --git a/src/source_f/slatec/rgauss.f b/src/source_f/slatec/rgauss.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5da63f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/source_f/slatec/rgauss.f
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+C***PURPOSE  Generate a normally distributed (Gaussian) random number.
+C***AUTHOR  Fullerton, W., (LANL)
+C Generate a normally distributed random number, i.e., generate random
+C numbers with a Gaussian distribution.  These random numbers are not
+C exceptionally good -- especially in the tails of the distribution,
+C but this implementation is simple and suitable for most applications.
+C See R. W. Hamming, Numerical Methods for Scientists and Engineers,
+C McGraw-Hill, 1962, pages 34 and 389.
+C             Input Arguments --
+C XMEAN  the mean of the Guassian distribution.
+C SD     the standard deviation of the Guassian function
+C          EXP (-1/2 * (X-XMEAN)**2 / SD**2)
+C   770401  DATE WRITTEN
+C   861211  REVISION DATE from Version 3.2
+C   891214  Prologue converted to Version 4.0 format.  (BAB)
+C   910819  Added EXTERNAL statement for RAND due to problem on IBM
+C           RS 6000.  (WRB)
+      RGAUSS = -6.0
+      DO 10 I=1,12
+        RGAUSS = RGAUSS + RAND(0.0)
+      RETURN
+      END
diff --git a/src/source_f/slatec/rs.f b/src/source_f/slatec/rs.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1c6c56e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/source_f/slatec/rs.f
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+C***PURPOSE  Compute the eigenvalues and, optionally, the eigenvectors
+C            of a real symmetric matrix.
+C***AUTHOR  Smith, B. T., et al.
+C     This subroutine calls the recommended sequence of
+C     subroutines from the eigensystem subroutine package (EISPACK)
+C     to find the eigenvalues and eigenvectors (if desired)
+C     of a REAL SYMMETRIC matrix.
+C     On Input
+C        NM must be set to the row dimension of the two-dimensional
+C          array parameters, A and Z, as declared in the calling
+C          program dimension statement.  NM is an INTEGER variable.
+C        N is the order of the matrix A.  N is an INTEGER variable.
+C          N must be less than or equal to NM.
+C        A contains the real symmetric matrix.  A is a two-dimensional
+C          REAL array, dimensioned A(NM,N).
+C        MATZ is an INTEGER variable set equal to zero if only
+C          eigenvalues are desired.  Otherwise, it is set to any
+C          non-zero integer for both eigenvalues and eigenvectors.
+C     On Output
+C        A is unaltered.
+C        W contains the eigenvalues in ascending order.  W is a one-
+C          dimensional REAL array, dimensioned W(N).
+C        Z contains the eigenvectors if MATZ is not zero.  The
+C          eigenvectors are orthonormal.  Z is a two-dimensional
+C          REAL array, dimensioned Z(NM,N).
+C        IERR is an INTEGER flag set to
+C          Zero       for normal return,
+C          10*N       if N is greater than NM,
+C          J          if the J-th eigenvalue has not been
+C                     determined after 30 iterations.
+C                     The eigenvalues, and eigenvectors if requested,
+C                     should be correct for indices 1, 2, ..., IERR-1.
+C        FV1 and FV2 are one-dimensional REAL arrays used for temporary
+C          storage, dimensioned FV1(N) and FV2(N).
+C     Questions and comments should be directed to B. S. Garbow,
+C     ------------------------------------------------------------------
+C***REFERENCES  B. T. Smith, J. M. Boyle, J. J. Dongarra, B. S. Garbow,
+C                 Y. Ikebe, V. C. Klema and C. B. Moler, Matrix Eigen-
+C                 system Routines - EISPACK Guide, Springer-Verlag,
+C                 1976.
+C   760101  DATE WRITTEN
+C   890831  Modified array declarations.  (WRB)
+C   890831  REVISION DATE from Version 3.2
+C   891214  Prologue converted to Version 4.0 format.  (BAB)
+C   920501  Reformatted the REFERENCES section.  (WRB)
+      REAL A(NM,*),W(*),Z(NM,*),FV1(*),FV2(*)
+      IF (N .LE. NM) GO TO 10
+      IERR = 10 * N
+      GO TO 50
+   10 IF (MATZ .NE. 0) GO TO 20
+C     .......... FIND EIGENVALUES ONLY ..........
+      CALL  TRED1(NM,N,A,W,FV1,FV2)
+      GO TO 50
+   20 CALL  TRED2(NM,N,A,W,FV1,Z)
+      CALL  TQL2(NM,N,W,FV1,Z,IERR)
+   50 RETURN
+      END
diff --git a/src/source_f/slatec/rwupdt.f b/src/source_f/slatec/rwupdt.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..08164c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/source_f/slatec/rwupdt.f
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+C***PURPOSE  Subsidiary to SNLS1 and SNLS1E
+C     Given an N by N upper triangular matrix R, this subroutine
+C     computes the QR decomposition of the matrix formed when a row
+C     is added to R. If the row is specified by the vector W, then
+C     RWUPDT determines an orthogonal matrix Q such that when the
+C     N+1 by N matrix composed of R augmented by W is premultiplied
+C     by (Q TRANSPOSE), the resulting matrix is upper trapezoidal.
+C     The orthogonal matrix Q is the product of N transformations
+C           G(1)*G(2)* ... *G(N)
+C     where G(I) is a Givens rotation in the (I,N+1) plane which
+C     eliminates elements in the I-th plane. RWUPDT also
+C     computes the product (Q TRANSPOSE)*C where C is the
+C     (N+1)-vector (b,alpha). Q itself is not accumulated, rather
+C     the information to recover the G rotations is supplied.
+C     The subroutine statement is
+C     where
+C       N is a positive integer input variable set to the order of R.
+C       R is an N by N array. On input the upper triangular part of
+C         R must contain the matrix to be updated. On output R
+C         contains the updated triangular matrix.
+C       LDR is a positive integer input variable not less than N
+C         which specifies the leading dimension of the array R.
+C       W is an input array of length N which must contain the row
+C         vector to be added to R.
+C       B is an array of length N. On input B must contain the
+C         first N elements of the vector C. On output B contains
+C         the first N elements of the vector (Q TRANSPOSE)*C.
+C       ALPHA is a variable. On input ALPHA must contain the
+C         (N+1)-st element of the vector C. On output ALPHA contains
+C         the (N+1)-st element of the vector (Q TRANSPOSE)*C.
+C       COS is an output array of length N which contains the
+C         cosines of the transforming Givens rotations.
+C       SIN is an output array of length N which contains the
+C         sines of the transforming Givens rotations.
+C   800301  DATE WRITTEN
+C   890831  Modified array declarations.  (WRB)
+C   891214  Prologue converted to Version 4.0 format.  (BAB)
+C   900326  Removed duplicate information from DESCRIPTION section.
+C           (WRB)
+C   900328  Added TYPE section.  (WRB)
+      REAL R(LDR,*),W(*),B(*),COS(*),SIN(*)
+      INTEGER I,J,JM1
+      SAVE ONE, P5, P25, ZERO
+      DATA ONE,P5,P25,ZERO /1.0E0,5.0E-1,2.5E-1,0.0E0/
+      DO 60 J = 1, N
+         ROWJ = W(J)
+         JM1 = J - 1
+C        R(I,J), I=1,2,...,J-1, AND TO W(J).
+         IF (JM1 .LT. 1) GO TO 20
+         DO 10 I = 1, JM1
+            TEMP = COS(I)*R(I,J) + SIN(I)*ROWJ
+            ROWJ = -SIN(I)*R(I,J) + COS(I)*ROWJ
+            R(I,J) = TEMP
+   10       CONTINUE
+   20    CONTINUE
+         COS(J) = ONE
+         SIN(J) = ZERO
+         IF (ROWJ .EQ. ZERO) GO TO 50
+         IF (ABS(R(J,J)) .GE. ABS(ROWJ)) GO TO 30
+            COTAN = R(J,J)/ROWJ
+            SIN(J) = P5/SQRT(P25+P25*COTAN**2)
+            COS(J) = SIN(J)*COTAN
+            GO TO 40
+   30    CONTINUE
+            TAN = ROWJ/R(J,J)
+            COS(J) = P5/SQRT(P25+P25*TAN**2)
+            SIN(J) = COS(J)*TAN
+   40    CONTINUE
+         R(J,J) = COS(J)*R(J,J) + SIN(J)*ROWJ
+         TEMP = COS(J)*B(J) + SIN(J)*ALPHA
+         ALPHA = -SIN(J)*B(J) + COS(J)*ALPHA
+         B(J) = TEMP
+   50    CONTINUE
+   60    CONTINUE
+      RETURN
+      END
diff --git a/src/source_f/slatec/snls1.f b/src/source_f/slatec/snls1.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..122822d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/source_f/slatec/snls1.f
@@ -0,0 +1,1023 @@
+     +   NFEV, NJEV, IPVT, QTF, WA1, WA2, WA3, WA4)
+C***PURPOSE  Minimize the sum of the squares of M nonlinear functions
+C            in N variables by a modification of the Levenberg-Marquardt
+C            algorithm.
+C***AUTHOR  Hiebert, K. L., (SNLA)
+C 1. Purpose.
+C       The purpose of SNLS1 is to minimize the sum of the squares of M
+C       nonlinear functions in N variables by a modification of the
+C       Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm.  The user must provide a subrou-
+C       tine which calculates the functions.  The user has the option
+C       of how the Jacobian will be supplied.  The user can supply the
+C       full Jacobian, or the rows of the Jacobian (to avoid storing
+C       the full Jacobian), or let the code approximate the Jacobian by
+C       forward-differencing.   This code is the combination of the
+C       MINPACK codes (Argonne) LMDER, LMDIF, and LMSTR.
+C 2. Subroutine and Type Statements.
+C      *                 ,NFEV,NJEV,IPVT,QTF,WA1,WA2,WA3,WA4)
+C      *     WA1(N),WA2(N),WA3(N),WA4(M)
+C 3. Parameters.
+C       Parameters designated as input parameters must be specified on
+C       entry to SNLS1 and are not changed on exit, while parameters
+C       designated as output parameters need not be specified on entry
+C       and are set to appropriate values on exit from SNLS1.
+C       FCN is the name of the user-supplied subroutine which calculates
+C         the functions.  If the user wants to supply the Jacobian
+C         (IOPT=2 or 3), then FCN must be written to calculate the
+C         Jacobian, as well as the functions.  See the explanation
+C         of the IOPT argument below.
+C         If the user wants the iterates printed (NPRINT positive), then
+C         FCN must do the printing.  See the explanation of NPRINT
+C         below.  FCN must be declared in an EXTERNAL statement in the
+C         calling program and should be written as follows.
+C         REAL X(N),FVEC(M)
+C         ----------
+C         FJAC and LDFJAC may be ignored     , if IOPT=1.
+C         REAL FJAC(LDFJAC,N)                , if IOPT=2.
+C         REAL FJAC(N)                       , if IOPT=3.
+C         ----------
+C           If IFLAG=0, the values in X and FVEC are available
+C           for printing.  See the explanation of NPRINT below.
+C           IFLAG will never be zero unless NPRINT is positive.
+C           The values of X and FVEC must not be changed.
+C         RETURN
+C         ----------
+C           If IFLAG=1, calculate the functions at X and return
+C           this vector in FVEC.
+C         RETURN
+C         ----------
+C           If IFLAG=2, calculate the full Jacobian at X and return
+C           this matrix in FJAC.  Note that IFLAG will never be 2 unless
+C           IOPT=2.  FVEC contains the function values at X and must
+C           not be altered.  FJAC(I,J) must be set to the derivative
+C           of FVEC(I) with respect to X(J).
+C         RETURN
+C         ----------
+C           If IFLAG=3, calculate the LDFJAC-th row of the Jacobian
+C           and return this vector in FJAC.  Note that IFLAG will
+C           never be 3 unless IOPT=3.  FVEC contains the function
+C           values at X and must not be altered.  FJAC(J) must be
+C           set to the derivative of FVEC(LDFJAC) with respect to X(J).
+C         RETURN
+C         ----------
+C         END
+C         The value of IFLAG should not be changed by FCN unless the
+C         user wants to terminate execution of SNLS1.  In this case, set
+C         IFLAG to a negative integer.
+C       IOPT is an input variable which specifies how the Jacobian will
+C         be calculated.  If IOPT=2 or 3, then the user must supply the
+C         Jacobian, as well as the function values, through the
+C         subroutine FCN.  If IOPT=2, the user supplies the full
+C         Jacobian with one call to FCN.  If IOPT=3, the user supplies
+C         one row of the Jacobian with each call.  (In this manner,
+C         storage can be saved because the full Jacobian is not stored.)
+C         If IOPT=1, the code will approximate the Jacobian by forward
+C         differencing.
+C       M is a positive integer input variable set to the number of
+C         functions.
+C       N is a positive integer input variable set to the number of
+C         variables.  N must not exceed M.
+C       X is an array of length N.  On input, X must contain an initial
+C         estimate of the solution vector.  On output, X contains the
+C         final estimate of the solution vector.
+C       FVEC is an output array of length M which contains the functions
+C         evaluated at the output X.
+C       FJAC is an output array.  For IOPT=1 and 2, FJAC is an M by N
+C         array.  For IOPT=3, FJAC is an N by N array.  The upper N by N
+C         submatrix of FJAC contains an upper triangular matrix R with
+C         diagonal elements of nonincreasing magnitude such that
+C                T     T           T
+C               P *(JAC *JAC)*P = R *R,
+C         where P is a permutation matrix and JAC is the final calcu-
+C         lated Jacobian.  Column J of P is column IPVT(J) (see below)
+C         of the identity matrix.  The lower part of FJAC contains
+C         information generated during the computation of R.
+C       LDFJAC is a positive integer input variable which specifies
+C         the leading dimension of the array FJAC.  For IOPT=1 and 2,
+C         LDFJAC must not be less than M.  For IOPT=3, LDFJAC must not
+C         be less than N.
+C       FTOL is a non-negative input variable.  Termination occurs when
+C         both the actual and predicted relative reductions in the sum
+C         of squares are at most FTOL.  Therefore, FTOL measures the
+C         relative error desired in the sum of squares.  Section 4 con-
+C         tains more details about FTOL.
+C       XTOL is a non-negative input variable.  Termination occurs when
+C         the relative error between two consecutive iterates is at most
+C         XTOL.  Therefore, XTOL measures the relative error desired in
+C         the approximate solution.  Section 4 contains more details
+C         about XTOL.
+C       GTOL is a non-negative input variable.  Termination occurs when
+C         the cosine of the angle between FVEC and any column of the
+C         Jacobian is at most GTOL in absolute value.  Therefore, GTOL
+C         measures the orthogonality desired between the function vector
+C         and the columns of the Jacobian.  Section 4 contains more
+C         details about GTOL.
+C       MAXFEV is a positive integer input variable.  Termination occurs
+C         when the number of calls to FCN to evaluate the functions
+C         has reached MAXFEV.
+C       EPSFCN is an input variable used in determining a suitable step
+C         for the forward-difference approximation.  This approximation
+C         assumes that the relative errors in the functions are of the
+C         order of EPSFCN.  If EPSFCN is less than the machine preci-
+C         sion, it is assumed that the relative errors in the functions
+C         are of the order of the machine precision.  If IOPT=2 or 3,
+C         then EPSFCN can be ignored (treat it as a dummy argument).
+C       DIAG is an array of length N.  If MODE = 1 (see below), DIAG is
+C         internally set.  If MODE = 2, DIAG must contain positive
+C         entries that serve as implicit (multiplicative) scale factors
+C         for the variables.
+C       MODE is an integer input variable.  If MODE = 1, the variables
+C         will be scaled internally.  If MODE = 2, the scaling is speci-
+C         fied by the input DIAG.  Other values of MODE are equivalent
+C         to MODE = 1.
+C       FACTOR is a positive input variable used in determining the ini-
+C         tial step bound.  This bound is set to the product of FACTOR
+C         and the Euclidean norm of DIAG*X if nonzero, or else to FACTOR
+C         itself.  In most cases FACTOR should lie in the interval
+C         (.1,100.).  100. is a generally recommended value.
+C       NPRINT is an integer input variable that enables controlled
+C         printing of iterates if it is positive.  In this case, FCN is
+C         called with IFLAG = 0 at the beginning of the first iteration
+C         and every NPRINT iterations thereafter and immediately prior
+C         to return, with X and FVEC available for printing. Appropriate
+C         print statements must be added to FCN (see example) and
+C         FVEC should not be altered.  If NPRINT is not positive, no
+C         special calls to FCN with IFLAG = 0 are made.
+C       INFO is an integer output variable.  If the user has terminated
+C         execution, INFO is set to the (negative) value of IFLAG.  See
+C         description of FCN and JAC. Otherwise, INFO is set as follows.
+C         INFO = 0  improper input parameters.
+C         INFO = 1  both actual and predicted relative reductions in the
+C                   sum of squares are at most FTOL.
+C         INFO = 2  relative error between two consecutive iterates is
+C                   at most XTOL.
+C         INFO = 3  conditions for INFO = 1 and INFO = 2 both hold.
+C         INFO = 4  the cosine of the angle between FVEC and any column
+C                   of the Jacobian is at most GTOL in absolute value.
+C         INFO = 5  number of calls to FCN for function evaluation
+C                   has reached MAXFEV.
+C         INFO = 6  FTOL is too small.  No further reduction in the sum
+C                   of squares is possible.
+C         INFO = 7  XTOL is too small.  No further improvement in the
+C                   approximate solution X is possible.
+C         INFO = 8  GTOL is too small.  FVEC is orthogonal to the
+C                   columns of the Jacobian to machine precision.
+C         Sections 4 and 5 contain more details about INFO.
+C       NFEV is an integer output variable set to the number of calls to
+C         FCN for function evaluation.
+C       NJEV is an integer output variable set to the number of
+C         evaluations of the full Jacobian.  If IOPT=2, only one call to
+C         FCN is required for each evaluation of the full Jacobian.
+C         If IOPT=3, the M calls to FCN are required.
+C         If IOPT=1, then NJEV is set to zero.
+C       IPVT is an integer output array of length N.  IPVT defines a
+C         permutation matrix P such that JAC*P = Q*R, where JAC is the
+C         final calculated Jacobian, Q is orthogonal (not stored), and R
+C         is upper triangular with diagonal elements of nonincreasing
+C         magnitude.  Column J of P is column IPVT(J) of the identity
+C         matrix.
+C       QTF is an output array of length N which contains the first N
+C         elements of the vector (Q transpose)*FVEC.
+C       WA1, WA2, and WA3 are work arrays of length N.
+C       WA4 is a work array of length M.
+C 4. Successful Completion.
+C       The accuracy of SNLS1 is controlled by the convergence parame-
+C       ters FTOL, XTOL, and GTOL.  These parameters are used in tests
+C       which make three types of comparisons between the approximation
+C       X and a solution XSOL.  SNLS1 terminates when any of the tests
+C       is satisfied.  If any of the convergence parameters is less than
+C       the machine precision (as defined by the function R1MACH(4)),
+C       then SNLS1 only attempts to satisfy the test defined by the
+C       machine precision.  Further progress is not usually possible.
+C       The tests assume that the functions are reasonably well behaved,
+C       and, if the Jacobian is supplied by the user, that the functions
+C       and the Jacobian are coded consistently.  If these conditions
+C       are not satisfied, then SNLS1 may incorrectly indicate conver-
+C       gence.  If the Jacobian is coded correctly or IOPT=1,
+C       then the validity of the answer can be checked, for example, by
+C       rerunning SNLS1 with tighter tolerances.
+C       First Convergence Test.  If ENORM(Z) denotes the Euclidean norm
+C         of a vector Z, then this test attempts to guarantee that
+C               ENORM(FVEC) .LE. (1+FTOL)*ENORM(FVECS),
+C         where FVECS denotes the functions evaluated at XSOL.  If this
+C         condition is satisfied with FTOL = 10**(-K), then the final
+C         residual norm ENORM(FVEC) has K significant decimal digits and
+C         INFO is set to 1 (or to 3 if the second test is also satis-
+C         fied).  Unless high precision solutions are required, the
+C         recommended value for FTOL is the square root of the machine
+C         precision.
+C       Second Convergence Test.  If D is the diagonal matrix whose
+C         entries are defined by the array DIAG, then this test attempts
+C         to guarantee that
+C               ENORM(D*(X-XSOL)) .LE. XTOL*ENORM(D*XSOL).
+C         If this condition is satisfied with XTOL = 10**(-K), then the
+C         larger components of D*X have K significant decimal digits and
+C         INFO is set to 2 (or to 3 if the first test is also satis-
+C         fied).  There is a danger that the smaller components of D*X
+C         may have large relative errors, but if MODE = 1, then the
+C         accuracy of the components of X is usually related to their
+C         sensitivity.  Unless high precision solutions are required,
+C         the recommended value for XTOL is the square root of the
+C         machine precision.
+C       Third Convergence Test.  This test is satisfied when the cosine
+C         of the angle between FVEC and any column of the Jacobian at X
+C         is at most GTOL in absolute value.  There is no clear rela-
+C         tionship between this test and the accuracy of SNLS1, and
+C         furthermore, the test is equally well satisfied at other crit-
+C         ical points, namely maximizers and saddle points.  Therefore,
+C         termination caused by this test (INFO = 4) should be examined
+C         carefully.  The recommended value for GTOL is zero.
+C 5. Unsuccessful Completion.
+C       Unsuccessful termination of SNLS1 can be due to improper input
+C       parameters, arithmetic interrupts, or an excessive number of
+C       function evaluations.
+C       Improper Input Parameters.  INFO is set to 0 if IOPT .LT. 1
+C         or IOPT .GT. 3, or N .LE. 0, or M .LT. N, or for IOPT=1 or 2
+C         LDFJAC .LT. M, or for IOPT=3 LDFJAC .LT. N, or FTOL .LT. 0.E0,
+C         or XTOL .LT. 0.E0, or GTOL .LT. 0.E0, or MAXFEV .LE. 0, or
+C         FACTOR .LE. 0.E0.
+C       Arithmetic Interrupts.  If these interrupts occur in the FCN
+C         subroutine during an early stage of the computation, they may
+C         be caused by an unacceptable choice of X by SNLS1.  In this
+C         case, it may be possible to remedy the situation by rerunning
+C         SNLS1 with a smaller value of FACTOR.
+C       Excessive Number of Function Evaluations.  A reasonable value
+C         for MAXFEV is 100*(N+1) for IOPT=2 or 3 and 200*(N+1) for
+C         IOPT=1.  If the number of calls to FCN reaches MAXFEV, then
+C         this indicates that the routine is converging very slowly
+C         as measured by the progress of FVEC, and INFO is set to 5.
+C         In this case, it may be helpful to restart SNLS1 with MODE
+C         set to 1.
+C 6. Characteristics of the Algorithm.
+C       SNLS1 is a modification of the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm.
+C       Two of its main characteristics involve the proper use of
+C       implicitly scaled variables (if MODE = 1) and an optimal choice
+C       for the correction.  The use of implicitly scaled variables
+C       achieves scale invariance of SNLS1 and limits the size of the
+C       correction in any direction where the functions are changing
+C       rapidly.  The optimal choice of the correction guarantees (under
+C       reasonable conditions) global convergence from starting points
+C       far from the solution and a fast rate of convergence for
+C       problems with small residuals.
+C       Timing.  The time required by SNLS1 to solve a given problem
+C         depends on M and N, the behavior of the functions, the accu-
+C         racy requested, and the starting point.  The number of arith-
+C         metic operations needed by SNLS1 is about N**3 to process each
+C         evaluation of the functions (call to FCN) and to process each
+C         evaluation of the Jacobian it takes M*N**2 for IOPT=2 (one
+C         call to FCN), M*N**2 for IOPT=1 (N calls to FCN) and
+C         1.5*M*N**2 for IOPT=3 (M calls to FCN).  Unless FCN
+C         can be evaluated quickly, the timing of SNLS1 will be
+C         strongly influenced by the time spent in FCN.
+C       Storage.  SNLS1 requires (M*N + 2*M + 6*N) for IOPT=1 or 2 and
+C         (N**2 + 2*M + 6*N) for IOPT=3 single precision storage
+C         locations and N integer storage locations, in addition to
+C         the storage required by the program.  There are no internally
+C         declared storage arrays.
+C *Long Description:
+C 7. Example.
+C       The problem is to determine the values of X(1), X(2), and X(3)
+C       which provide the best fit (in the least squares sense) of
+C             X(1) + U(I)/(V(I)*X(2) + W(I)*X(3)),  I = 1, 15
+C       to the data
+C             Y = (0.14,0.18,0.22,0.25,0.29,0.32,0.35,0.39,
+C                  0.37,0.58,0.73,0.96,1.34,2.10,4.39),
+C       where U(I) = I, V(I) = 16 - I, and W(I) = MIN(U(I),V(I)).  The
+C       I-th component of FVEC is thus defined by
+C             Y(I) - (X(1) + U(I)/(V(I)*X(2) + W(I)*X(3))).
+C       **********
+C C
+C C     Driver for SNLS1 example.
+C C
+C      *        NWRITE
+C       INTEGER IPVT(3)
+C       REAL X(3),FVEC(15),FJAC(15,3),DIAG(3),QTF(3),
+C      *     WA1(3),WA2(3),WA3(3),WA4(15)
+C       DATA NWRITE /6/
+C C
+C       IOPT = 1
+C       M = 15
+C       N = 3
+C C
+C C     The following starting values provide a rough fit.
+C C
+C       X(1) = 1.E0
+C       X(2) = 1.E0
+C       X(3) = 1.E0
+C C
+C       LDFJAC = 15
+C C
+C C     Set FTOL and XTOL to the square root of the machine precision
+C C     and GTOL to zero.  Unless high precision solutions are
+C C     required, these are the recommended settings.
+C C
+C       FTOL = SQRT(R1MACH(4))
+C       XTOL = SQRT(R1MACH(4))
+C       GTOL = 0.E0
+C C
+C       MAXFEV = 400
+C       EPSFCN = 0.0
+C       MODE = 1
+C       FACTOR = 1.E2
+C       NPRINT = 0
+C C
+C      *           INFO,NFEV,NJEV,IPVT,QTF,WA1,WA2,WA3,WA4)
+C       STOP
+C      *        5X,' NUMBER OF FUNCTION EVALUATIONS',I10 //
+C      *        5X,' NUMBER OF JACOBIAN EVALUATIONS',I10 //
+C      *        5X,' EXIT PARAMETER',16X,I10 //
+C      *        5X,' FINAL APPROXIMATE SOLUTION' // 5X,3E15.7)
+C       END
+C C     This is the form of the FCN routine if IOPT=1,
+C C     that is, if the user does not calculate the Jacobian.
+C       REAL X(N),FVEC(M)
+C       INTEGER I
+C       REAL Y(15)
+C       DATA Y(1),Y(2),Y(3),Y(4),Y(5),Y(6),Y(7),Y(8),
+C      *     Y(9),Y(10),Y(11),Y(12),Y(13),Y(14),Y(15)
+C      *     /1.4E-1,1.8E-1,2.2E-1,2.5E-1,2.9E-1,3.2E-1,3.5E-1,3.9E-1,
+C      *      3.7E-1,5.8E-1,7.3E-1,9.6E-1,1.34E0,2.1E0,4.39E0/
+C C
+C       IF (IFLAG .NE. 0) GO TO 5
+C C
+C C     Insert print statements here when NPRINT is positive.
+C C
+C       RETURN
+C       DO 10 I = 1, M
+C          TMP1 = I
+C          TMP2 = 16 - I
+C          TMP3 = TMP1
+C          IF (I .GT. 8) TMP3 = TMP2
+C          FVEC(I) = Y(I) - (X(1) + TMP1/(X(2)*TMP2 + X(3)*TMP3))
+C    10    CONTINUE
+C       RETURN
+C       END
+C       Results obtained with different compilers or machines
+C       may be slightly different.
+C       FINAL L2 NORM OF THE RESIDUALS  0.9063596E-01
+C       EXIT PARAMETER                         1
+C        0.8241058E-01  0.1133037E+01  0.2343695E+01
+C       For IOPT=2, FCN would be modified as follows to also
+C       calculate the full Jacobian when IFLAG=2.
+C C
+C C     This is the form of the FCN routine if IOPT=2,
+C C     that is, if the user calculates the full Jacobian.
+C C
+C       REAL X(N),FVEC(M)
+C       INTEGER I
+C       REAL Y(15)
+C       DATA Y(1),Y(2),Y(3),Y(4),Y(5),Y(6),Y(7),Y(8),
+C      *     Y(9),Y(10),Y(11),Y(12),Y(13),Y(14),Y(15)
+C      *     /1.4E-1,1.8E-1,2.2E-1,2.5E-1,2.9E-1,3.2E-1,3.5E-1,3.9E-1,
+C      *      3.7E-1,5.8E-1,7.3E-1,9.6E-1,1.34E0,2.1E0,4.39E0/
+C C
+C       IF (IFLAG .NE. 0) GO TO 5
+C C
+C C     Insert print statements here when NPRINT is positive.
+C C
+C       RETURN
+C       IF(IFLAG.NE.1) GO TO 20
+C       DO 10 I = 1, M
+C          TMP1 = I
+C          TMP2 = 16 - I
+C          TMP3 = TMP1
+C          IF (I .GT. 8) TMP3 = TMP2
+C          FVEC(I) = Y(I) - (X(1) + TMP1/(X(2)*TMP2 + X(3)*TMP3))
+C    10    CONTINUE
+C       RETURN
+C C
+C C     Below, calculate the full Jacobian.
+C C
+C    20    CONTINUE
+C C
+C       DO 30 I = 1, M
+C          TMP1 = I
+C          TMP2 = 16 - I
+C          TMP3 = TMP1
+C          IF (I .GT. 8) TMP3 = TMP2
+C          TMP4 = (X(2)*TMP2 + X(3)*TMP3)**2
+C          FJAC(I,1) = -1.E0
+C          FJAC(I,2) = TMP1*TMP2/TMP4
+C          FJAC(I,3) = TMP1*TMP3/TMP4
+C    30    CONTINUE
+C       RETURN
+C       END
+C       For IOPT = 3, FJAC would be dimensioned as FJAC(3,3),
+C         LDFJAC would be set to 3, and FCN would be written as
+C         follows to calculate a row of the Jacobian when IFLAG=3.
+C C     This is the form of the FCN routine if IOPT=3,
+C C     that is, if the user calculates the Jacobian row by row.
+C       REAL X(N),FVEC(M)
+C       REAL FJAC(N)
+C       INTEGER I
+C       REAL Y(15)
+C       DATA Y(1),Y(2),Y(3),Y(4),Y(5),Y(6),Y(7),Y(8),
+C      *     Y(9),Y(10),Y(11),Y(12),Y(13),Y(14),Y(15)
+C      *     /1.4E-1,1.8E-1,2.2E-1,2.5E-1,2.9E-1,3.2E-1,3.5E-1,3.9E-1,
+C      *      3.7E-1,5.8E-1,7.3E-1,9.6E-1,1.34E0,2.1E0,4.39E0/
+C C
+C       IF (IFLAG .NE. 0) GO TO 5
+C C
+C C     Insert print statements here when NPRINT is positive.
+C C
+C       RETURN
+C       IF( IFLAG.NE.1) GO TO 20
+C       DO 10 I = 1, M
+C          TMP1 = I
+C          TMP2 = 16 - I
+C          TMP3 = TMP1
+C          IF (I .GT. 8) TMP3 = TMP2
+C          FVEC(I) = Y(I) - (X(1) + TMP1/(X(2)*TMP2 + X(3)*TMP3))
+C    10    CONTINUE
+C       RETURN
+C C
+C C     Below, calculate the LDFJAC-th row of the Jacobian.
+C C
+C       I = LDFJAC
+C          TMP1 = I
+C          TMP2 = 16 - I
+C          TMP3 = TMP1
+C          IF (I .GT. 8) TMP3 = TMP2
+C          TMP4 = (X(2)*TMP2 + X(3)*TMP3)**2
+C          FJAC(1) = -1.E0
+C          FJAC(2) = TMP1*TMP2/TMP4
+C          FJAC(3) = TMP1*TMP3/TMP4
+C       RETURN
+C       END
+C***REFERENCES  Jorge J. More, The Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm:
+C                 implementation and theory.  In Numerical Analysis
+C                 Proceedings (Dundee, June 28 - July 1, 1977, G. A.
+C                 Watson, Editor), Lecture Notes in Mathematics 630,
+C                 Springer-Verlag, 1978.
+C                    RWUPDT, XERMSG
+C   800301  DATE WRITTEN
+C   890531  Changed all specific intrinsics to generic.  (WRB)
+C   890531  REVISION DATE from Version 3.2
+C   891214  Prologue converted to Version 4.0 format.  (BAB)
+C   900315  CALLs to XERROR changed to CALLs to XERMSG.  (THJ)
+C   900510  Convert XERRWV calls to XERMSG calls.  (RWC)
+C   920501  Reformatted the REFERENCES section.  (WRB)
+      REAL X(*),FVEC(*),FJAC(LDFJAC,*),DIAG(*),QTF(*),WA1(*),WA2(*),
+     1     WA3(*),WA4(*)
+     1     PNORM,PRERED,P1,P5,P25,P75,P0001,RATIO,SUM,TEMP,TEMP1,
+     2     TEMP2,XNORM,ZERO
+      SAVE CHKLIM, ONE, P1, P5, P25, P75, P0001, ZERO
+      DATA CHKLIM/.1E0/
+      DATA ONE,P1,P5,P25,P75,P0001,ZERO
+     1     /1.0E0,1.0E-1,5.0E-1,2.5E-1,7.5E-1,1.0E-4,0.0E0/
+      EPSMCH = R1MACH(4)
+      INFO = 0
+      IFLAG = 0
+      NFEV = 0
+      NJEV = 0
+      IF (IOPT .LT. 1 .OR. IOPT .GT. 3 .OR. N .LE. 0 .OR.
+     1    M .LT. N .OR. LDFJAC .LT. N .OR. FTOL .LT. ZERO
+     2    .OR. XTOL .LT. ZERO .OR. GTOL .LT. ZERO
+     3    .OR. MAXFEV .LE. 0 .OR. FACTOR .LE. ZERO) GO TO 300
+      IF (IOPT .LT. 3 .AND. LDFJAC .LT. M) GO TO 300
+      IF (MODE .NE. 2) GO TO 20
+      DO 10 J = 1, N
+         IF (DIAG(J) .LE. ZERO) GO TO 300
+   10    CONTINUE
+      IFLAG = 1
+      IJUNK = 1
+      NFEV = 1
+      IF (IFLAG .LT. 0) GO TO 300
+      PAR = ZERO
+      ITER = 1
+         IF (NPRINT .LE. 0) GO TO 40
+         IFLAG = 0
+         IF (MOD(ITER-1,NPRINT) .EQ. 0)
+         IF (IFLAG .LT. 0) GO TO 300
+   40    CONTINUE
+      IF (IOPT .EQ. 3) GO TO 475
+      IF (IOPT .EQ. 1) GO TO 410
+         IFLAG = 2
+         NJEV = NJEV + 1
+         IF (ITER .LE. 1) THEN
+            IF (IFLAG .LT. 0) GO TO 300
+            MODECH = 1
+            IFLAG = 1
+            NFEV = NFEV + 1
+            IF(IFLAG .LT. 0) GO TO 300
+            DO 350 I = 1, M
+               MODECH = 2
+               CALL CHKDER(1,N,X,FVEC(I),FJAC(I,1),LDFJAC,WA1,
+     1              WA4(I),MODECH,ERR)
+               IF (ERR .LT. CHKLIM) THEN
+                  WRITE (XERN1, '(I8)') I
+                  WRITE (XERN3, '(1PE15.6)') ERR
+                  CALL XERMSG ('SLATEC', 'SNLS1', 'DERIVATIVE OF ' //
+     *               'FUNCTION ' // XERN1 // ' MAY BE WRONG, ERR = ' //
+     *               XERN3 // ' TOO CLOSE TO 0.', 7, 0)
+               ENDIF
+  350       CONTINUE
+         ENDIF
+         GO TO 420
+410      IFLAG = 1
+         NFEV = NFEV + N
+  420    IF (IFLAG .LT. 0) GO TO 300
+C        QTF.
+         DO 430 I = 1, M
+            WA4(I) = FVEC(I)
+  430         CONTINUE
+         DO 470 J = 1, N
+            IF (FJAC(J,J) .EQ. ZERO) GO TO 460
+            SUM = ZERO
+            DO 440 I = J, M
+               SUM = SUM + FJAC(I,J)*WA4(I)
+  440          CONTINUE
+            TEMP = -SUM/FJAC(J,J)
+            DO 450 I = J, M
+               WA4(I) = WA4(I) + FJAC(I,J)*TEMP
+  450          CONTINUE
+  460       CONTINUE
+            FJAC(J,J) = WA1(J)
+            QTF(J) = WA4(J)
+  470       CONTINUE
+         GO TO 560
+  475    DO 490 J = 1, N
+            QTF(J) = ZERO
+            DO 480 I = 1, N
+               FJAC(I,J) = ZERO
+  480          CONTINUE
+  490        CONTINUE
+         DO 500 I = 1, M
+            NROW = I
+            IFLAG = 3
+            IF (IFLAG .LT. 0) GO TO 300
+            IF(ITER .GT. 1) GO TO 498
+            MODECH = 1
+            IF(I .NE. 1) GO TO 495
+            IFLAG = 1
+            NFEV = NFEV + 1
+            IF(IFLAG .LT. 0) GO TO 300
+495         CONTINUE
+            MODECH = 2
+            CALL CHKDER(1,N,X,FVEC(I),WA3,1,WA1,WA4(I),MODECH,ERR)
+            IF (ERR .LT. CHKLIM) THEN
+               WRITE (XERN1, '(I8)') I
+               WRITE (XERN3, '(1PE15.6)') ERR
+     *            // XERN1 // ' MAY BE WRONG, ERR = ' // XERN3 //
+     *            ' TOO CLOSE TO 0.', 7, 0)
+            ENDIF
+498         CONTINUE
+            TEMP = FVEC(I)
+  500       CONTINUE
+         NJEV = NJEV + 1
+         SING = .FALSE.
+         DO 510 J = 1, N
+            IF (FJAC(J,J) .EQ. ZERO) SING = .TRUE.
+            IPVT(J) = J
+            WA2(J) = ENORM(J,FJAC(1,J))
+  510       CONTINUE
+         IF (.NOT.SING) GO TO 560
+         DO 550 J = 1, N
+            IF (FJAC(J,J) .EQ. ZERO) GO TO 540
+            SUM = ZERO
+            DO 520 I = J, N
+               SUM = SUM + FJAC(I,J)*QTF(I)
+  520         CONTINUE
+            TEMP = -SUM/FJAC(J,J)
+            DO 530 I = J, N
+               QTF(I) = QTF(I) + FJAC(I,J)*TEMP
+  530          CONTINUE
+  540       CONTINUE
+            FJAC(J,J) = WA1(J)
+  550       CONTINUE
+  560    CONTINUE
+         IF (ITER .NE. 1) GO TO 80
+         IF (MODE .EQ. 2) GO TO 60
+         DO 50 J = 1, N
+            DIAG(J) = WA2(J)
+            IF (WA2(J) .EQ. ZERO) DIAG(J) = ONE
+   50       CONTINUE
+   60    CONTINUE
+         DO 70 J = 1, N
+            WA3(J) = DIAG(J)*X(J)
+   70       CONTINUE
+         XNORM = ENORM(N,WA3)
+   80    CONTINUE
+         GNORM = ZERO
+         IF (FNORM .EQ. ZERO) GO TO 170
+         DO 160 J = 1, N
+            L = IPVT(J)
+            IF (WA2(L) .EQ. ZERO) GO TO 150
+            SUM = ZERO
+            DO 140 I = 1, J
+               SUM = SUM + FJAC(I,J)*(QTF(I)/FNORM)
+  140          CONTINUE
+            GNORM = MAX(GNORM,ABS(SUM/WA2(L)))
+  150       CONTINUE
+  160       CONTINUE
+  170    CONTINUE
+         IF (GNORM .LE. GTOL) INFO = 4
+         IF (INFO .NE. 0) GO TO 300
+         IF (MODE .EQ. 2) GO TO 190
+         DO 180 J = 1, N
+            DIAG(J) = MAX(DIAG(J),WA2(J))
+  180       CONTINUE
+  190    CONTINUE
+  200    CONTINUE
+     1                 WA3,WA4)
+            DO 210 J = 1, N
+               WA1(J) = -WA1(J)
+               WA2(J) = X(J) + WA1(J)
+               WA3(J) = DIAG(J)*WA1(J)
+  210          CONTINUE
+            PNORM = ENORM(N,WA3)
+            IF (ITER .EQ. 1) DELTA = MIN(DELTA,PNORM)
+            IFLAG = 1
+            NFEV = NFEV + 1
+            IF (IFLAG .LT. 0) GO TO 300
+            FNORM1 = ENORM(M,WA4)
+            ACTRED = -ONE
+            IF (P1*FNORM1 .LT. FNORM) ACTRED = ONE - (FNORM1/FNORM)**2
+            DO 230 J = 1, N
+               WA3(J) = ZERO
+               L = IPVT(J)
+               TEMP = WA1(L)
+               DO 220 I = 1, J
+                  WA3(I) = WA3(I) + FJAC(I,J)*TEMP
+  220             CONTINUE
+  230          CONTINUE
+            TEMP1 = ENORM(N,WA3)/FNORM
+            TEMP2 = (SQRT(PAR)*PNORM)/FNORM
+            PRERED = TEMP1**2 + TEMP2**2/P5
+            DIRDER = -(TEMP1**2 + TEMP2**2)
+C           REDUCTION.
+            RATIO = ZERO
+            IF (RATIO .GT. P25) GO TO 240
+               IF (ACTRED .GE. ZERO) TEMP = P5
+               IF (ACTRED .LT. ZERO)
+     1            TEMP = P5*DIRDER/(DIRDER + P5*ACTRED)
+               IF (P1*FNORM1 .GE. FNORM .OR. TEMP .LT. P1) TEMP = P1
+               DELTA = TEMP*MIN(DELTA,PNORM/P1)
+               PAR = PAR/TEMP
+               GO TO 260
+  240       CONTINUE
+               IF (PAR .NE. ZERO .AND. RATIO .LT. P75) GO TO 250
+               DELTA = PNORM/P5
+               PAR = P5*PAR
+  250          CONTINUE
+  260       CONTINUE
+            IF (RATIO .LT. P0001) GO TO 290
+            DO 270 J = 1, N
+               X(J) = WA2(J)
+               WA2(J) = DIAG(J)*X(J)
+  270          CONTINUE
+            DO 280 I = 1, M
+               FVEC(I) = WA4(I)
+  280          CONTINUE
+            XNORM = ENORM(N,WA2)
+            FNORM = FNORM1
+            ITER = ITER + 1
+  290       CONTINUE
+     1          .AND. P5*RATIO .LE. ONE) INFO = 1
+            IF (DELTA .LE. XTOL*XNORM) INFO = 2
+     1          .AND. P5*RATIO .LE. ONE .AND. INFO .EQ. 2) INFO = 3
+            IF (INFO .NE. 0) GO TO 300
+            IF (NFEV .GE. MAXFEV) INFO = 5
+     1          .AND. P5*RATIO .LE. ONE) INFO = 6
+            IF (DELTA .LE. EPSMCH*XNORM) INFO = 7
+            IF (GNORM .LE. EPSMCH) INFO = 8
+            IF (INFO .NE. 0) GO TO 300
+            IF (RATIO .LT. P0001) GO TO 200
+         GO TO 30
+      IF (IFLAG .LT. 0) INFO = IFLAG
+      IFLAG = 0
+     +   'INVALID INPUT PARAMETER.', 2, 1)
+     +   1, 1)
+      RETURN
+      END
diff --git a/src/source_f/slatec/tql2.f b/src/source_f/slatec/tql2.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..40d9938
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/source_f/slatec/tql2.f
@@ -0,0 +1,203 @@
+C***PURPOSE  Compute the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of symmetric
+C            tridiagonal matrix.
+C***AUTHOR  Smith, B. T., et al.
+C     This subroutine is a translation of the ALGOL procedure TQL2,
+C     NUM. MATH. 11, 293-306(1968) by Bowdler, Martin, Reinsch, and
+C     Wilkinson.
+C     This subroutine finds the eigenvalues and eigenvectors
+C     of a SYMMETRIC TRIDIAGONAL matrix by the QL method.
+C     The eigenvectors of a FULL SYMMETRIC matrix can also
+C     be found if  TRED2  has been used to reduce this
+C     full matrix to tridiagonal form.
+C     On Input
+C        NM must be set to the row dimension of the two-dimensional
+C          array parameter, Z, as declared in the calling program
+C          dimension statement.  NM is an INTEGER variable.
+C        N is the order of the matrix.  N is an INTEGER variable.
+C          N must be less than or equal to NM.
+C        D contains the diagonal elements of the symmetric tridiagonal
+C          matrix.  D is a one-dimensional REAL array, dimensioned D(N).
+C        E contains the subdiagonal elements of the symmetric
+C          tridiagonal matrix in its last N-1 positions.  E(1) is
+C          arbitrary.  E is a one-dimensional REAL array, dimensioned
+C          E(N).
+C        Z contains the transformation matrix produced in the
+C          reduction by  TRED2, if performed.  If the eigenvectors
+C          of the tridiagonal matrix are desired, Z must contain
+C          the identity matrix.  Z is a two-dimensional REAL array,
+C          dimensioned Z(NM,N).
+C      On Output
+C        D contains the eigenvalues in ascending order.  If an
+C          error exit is made, the eigenvalues are correct but
+C          unordered for indices 1, 2, ..., IERR-1.
+C        E has been destroyed.
+C        Z contains orthonormal eigenvectors of the symmetric
+C          tridiagonal (or full) matrix.  If an error exit is made,
+C          Z contains the eigenvectors associated with the stored
+C          eigenvalues.
+C        IERR is an INTEGER flag set to
+C          Zero       for normal return,
+C          J          if the J-th eigenvalue has not been
+C                     determined after 30 iterations.
+C     Calls PYTHAG(A,B) for sqrt(A**2 + B**2).
+C     Questions and comments should be directed to B. S. Garbow,
+C     ------------------------------------------------------------------
+C***REFERENCES  B. T. Smith, J. M. Boyle, J. J. Dongarra, B. S. Garbow,
+C                 Y. Ikebe, V. C. Klema and C. B. Moler, Matrix Eigen-
+C                 system Routines - EISPACK Guide, Springer-Verlag,
+C                 1976.
+C   760101  DATE WRITTEN
+C   890831  Modified array declarations.  (WRB)
+C   890831  REVISION DATE from Version 3.2
+C   891214  Prologue converted to Version 4.0 format.  (BAB)
+C   920501  Reformatted the REFERENCES section.  (WRB)
+      REAL D(*),E(*),Z(NM,*)
+      REAL B,C,C2,C3,DL1,EL1,F,G,H,P,R,S,S2
+      IERR = 0
+      IF (N .EQ. 1) GO TO 1001
+      DO 100 I = 2, N
+  100 E(I-1) = E(I)
+      F = 0.0E0
+      B = 0.0E0
+      E(N) = 0.0E0
+      DO 240 L = 1, N
+         J = 0
+         H = ABS(D(L)) + ABS(E(L))
+         IF (B .LT. H) B = H
+C     .......... LOOK FOR SMALL SUB-DIAGONAL ELEMENT ..........
+         DO 110 M = L, N
+            IF (B + ABS(E(M)) .EQ. B) GO TO 120
+C                THROUGH THE BOTTOM OF THE LOOP ..........
+  110    CONTINUE
+  120    IF (M .EQ. L) GO TO 220
+  130    IF (J .EQ. 30) GO TO 1000
+         J = J + 1
+C     .......... FORM SHIFT ..........
+         L1 = L + 1
+         L2 = L1 + 1
+         G = D(L)
+         P = (D(L1) - G) / (2.0E0 * E(L))
+         R = PYTHAG(P,1.0E0)
+         D(L) = E(L) / (P + SIGN(R,P))
+         D(L1) = E(L) * (P + SIGN(R,P))
+         DL1 = D(L1)
+         H = G - D(L)
+         IF (L2 .GT. N) GO TO 145
+         DO 140 I = L2, N
+  140    D(I) = D(I) - H
+  145    F = F + H
+C     .......... QL TRANSFORMATION ..........
+         P = D(M)
+         C = 1.0E0
+         C2 = C
+         EL1 = E(L1)
+         S = 0.0E0
+         MML = M - L
+C     .......... FOR I=M-1 STEP -1 UNTIL L DO -- ..........
+         DO 200 II = 1, MML
+            C3 = C2
+            C2 = C
+            S2 = S
+            I = M - II
+            G = C * E(I)
+            H = C * P
+            IF (ABS(P) .LT. ABS(E(I))) GO TO 150
+            C = E(I) / P
+            R = SQRT(C*C+1.0E0)
+            E(I+1) = S * P * R
+            S = C / R
+            C = 1.0E0 / R
+            GO TO 160
+  150       C = P / E(I)
+            R = SQRT(C*C+1.0E0)
+            E(I+1) = S * E(I) * R
+            S = 1.0E0 / R
+            C = C * S
+  160       P = C * D(I) - S * G
+            D(I+1) = H + S * (C * G + S * D(I))
+C     .......... FORM VECTOR ..........
+            DO 180 K = 1, N
+               H = Z(K,I+1)
+               Z(K,I+1) = S * Z(K,I) + C * H
+               Z(K,I) = C * Z(K,I) - S * H
+  180       CONTINUE
+  200    CONTINUE
+         P = -S * S2 * C3 * EL1 * E(L) / DL1
+         E(L) = S * P
+         D(L) = C * P
+         IF (B + ABS(E(L)) .GT. B) GO TO 130
+  220    D(L) = D(L) + F
+      DO 300 II = 2, N
+         I = II - 1
+         K = I
+         P = D(I)
+         DO 260 J = II, N
+            IF (D(J) .GE. P) GO TO 260
+            K = J
+            P = D(J)
+  260    CONTINUE
+         IF (K .EQ. I) GO TO 300
+         D(K) = D(I)
+         D(I) = P
+         DO 280 J = 1, N
+            P = Z(J,I)
+            Z(J,I) = Z(J,K)
+            Z(J,K) = P
+  280    CONTINUE
+      GO TO 1001
+C                EIGENVALUE AFTER 30 ITERATIONS ..........
+ 1000 IERR = L
+ 1001 RETURN
+      END
diff --git a/src/source_f/slatec/tqlrat.f b/src/source_f/slatec/tqlrat.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8cb7b9c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/source_f/slatec/tqlrat.f
@@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
+C***PURPOSE  Compute the eigenvalues of symmetric tridiagonal matrix
+C            using a rational variant of the QL method.
+C             QL METHOD
+C***AUTHOR  Smith, B. T., et al.
+C     This subroutine is a translation of the ALGOL procedure TQLRAT.
+C     This subroutine finds the eigenvalues of a SYMMETRIC
+C     TRIDIAGONAL matrix by the rational QL method.
+C     On Input
+C        N is the order of the matrix.  N is an INTEGER variable.
+C        D contains the diagonal elements of the symmetric tridiagonal
+C          matrix.  D is a one-dimensional REAL array, dimensioned D(N).
+C        E2 contains the squares of the subdiagonal elements of the
+C          symmetric tridiagonal matrix in its last N-1 positions.
+C          E2(1) is arbitrary.  E2 is a one-dimensional REAL array,
+C          dimensioned E2(N).
+C      On Output
+C        D contains the eigenvalues in ascending order.  If an
+C          error exit is made, the eigenvalues are correct and
+C          ordered for indices 1, 2, ..., IERR-1, but may not be
+C          the smallest eigenvalues.
+C        E2 has been destroyed.
+C        IERR is an INTEGER flag set to
+C          Zero       for normal return,
+C          J          if the J-th eigenvalue has not been
+C                     determined after 30 iterations.
+C     Calls PYTHAG(A,B) for sqrt(A**2 + B**2).
+C     Questions and comments should be directed to B. S. Garbow,
+C     ------------------------------------------------------------------
+C***REFERENCES  B. T. Smith, J. M. Boyle, J. J. Dongarra, B. S. Garbow,
+C                 Y. Ikebe, V. C. Klema and C. B. Moler, Matrix Eigen-
+C                 system Routines - EISPACK Guide, Springer-Verlag,
+C                 1976.
+C               C. H. Reinsch, Eigenvalues of a real, symmetric, tri-
+C                 diagonal matrix, Algorithm 464, Communications of the
+C                 ACM 16, 11 (November 1973), pp. 689.
+C   760101  DATE WRITTEN
+C   890831  Modified array declarations.  (WRB)
+C   890831  REVISION DATE from Version 3.2
+C   891214  Prologue converted to Version 4.0 format.  (BAB)
+C   920501  Reformatted the REFERENCES section.  (WRB)
+      REAL D(*),E2(*)
+      DATA FIRST /.TRUE./
+      IF (FIRST) THEN
+         MACHEP = R1MACH(4)
+      ENDIF
+      FIRST = .FALSE.
+      IERR = 0
+      IF (N .EQ. 1) GO TO 1001
+      DO 100 I = 2, N
+  100 E2(I-1) = E2(I)
+      F = 0.0E0
+      B = 0.0E0
+      E2(N) = 0.0E0
+      DO 290 L = 1, N
+         J = 0
+         H = MACHEP * (ABS(D(L)) + SQRT(E2(L)))
+         IF (B .GT. H) GO TO 105
+         B = H
+         C = B * B
+  105    DO 110 M = L, N
+            IF (E2(M) .LE. C) GO TO 120
+C                THROUGH THE BOTTOM OF THE LOOP ..........
+  110    CONTINUE
+  120    IF (M .EQ. L) GO TO 210
+  130    IF (J .EQ. 30) GO TO 1000
+         J = J + 1
+C     .......... FORM SHIFT ..........
+         L1 = L + 1
+         S = SQRT(E2(L))
+         G = D(L)
+         P = (D(L1) - G) / (2.0E0 * S)
+         R = PYTHAG(P,1.0E0)
+         D(L) = S / (P + SIGN(R,P))
+         H = G - D(L)
+         DO 140 I = L1, N
+  140    D(I) = D(I) - H
+         F = F + H
+C     .......... RATIONAL QL TRANSFORMATION ..........
+         G = D(M)
+         IF (G .EQ. 0.0E0) G = B
+         H = G
+         S = 0.0E0
+         MML = M - L
+C     .......... FOR I=M-1 STEP -1 UNTIL L DO -- ..........
+         DO 200 II = 1, MML
+            I = M - II
+            P = G * H
+            R = P + E2(I)
+            E2(I+1) = S * R
+            S = E2(I) / R
+            D(I+1) = H + S * (H + D(I))
+            G = D(I) - E2(I) / G
+            IF (G .EQ. 0.0E0) G = B
+            H = G * P / R
+  200    CONTINUE
+         E2(L) = S * G
+         D(L) = H
+         IF (H .EQ. 0.0E0) GO TO 210
+         IF (ABS(E2(L)) .LE. ABS(C/H)) GO TO 210
+         E2(L) = H * E2(L)
+         IF (E2(L) .NE. 0.0E0) GO TO 130
+  210    P = D(L) + F
+C     .......... ORDER EIGENVALUES ..........
+         IF (L .EQ. 1) GO TO 250
+C     .......... FOR I=L STEP -1 UNTIL 2 DO -- ..........
+         DO 230 II = 2, L
+            I = L + 2 - II
+            IF (P .GE. D(I-1)) GO TO 270
+            D(I) = D(I-1)
+  230    CONTINUE
+  250    I = 1
+  270    D(I) = P
+      GO TO 1001
+C                EIGENVALUE AFTER 30 ITERATIONS ..........
+ 1000 IERR = L
+ 1001 RETURN
+      END
diff --git a/src/source_f/slatec/tred1.f b/src/source_f/slatec/tred1.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1586bd5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/source_f/slatec/tred1.f
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+      SUBROUTINE TRED1 (NM, N, A, D, E, E2)
+C***PURPOSE  Reduce a real symmetric matrix to symmetric tridiagonal
+C            matrix using orthogonal similarity transformations.
+C***AUTHOR  Smith, B. T., et al.
+C     This subroutine is a translation of the ALGOL procedure TRED1,
+C     NUM. MATH. 11, 181-195(1968) by Martin, Reinsch, and Wilkinson.
+C     This subroutine reduces a REAL SYMMETRIC matrix
+C     to a symmetric tridiagonal matrix using
+C     orthogonal similarity transformations.
+C     On Input
+C        NM must be set to the row dimension of the two-dimensional
+C          array parameter, A, as declared in the calling program
+C          dimension statement.  NM is an INTEGER variable.
+C        N is the order of the matrix A.  N is an INTEGER variable.
+C          N must be less than or equal to NM.
+C        A contains the real symmetric input matrix.  Only the lower
+C          triangle of the matrix need be supplied.  A is a two-
+C          dimensional REAL array, dimensioned A(NM,N).
+C     On Output
+C        A contains information about the orthogonal transformations
+C          used in the reduction in its strict lower triangle.  The
+C          full upper triangle of A is unaltered.
+C        D contains the diagonal elements of the symmetric tridiagonal
+C          matrix.  D is a one-dimensional REAL array, dimensioned D(N).
+C        E contains the subdiagonal elements of the symmetric
+C          tridiagonal matrix in its last N-1 positions.  E(1) is set
+C          to zero.  E is a one-dimensional REAL array, dimensioned
+C          E(N).
+C        E2 contains the squares of the corresponding elements of E.
+C          E2 may coincide with E if the squares are not needed.
+C          E2 is a one-dimensional REAL array, dimensioned E2(N).
+C     Questions and comments should be directed to B. S. Garbow,
+C     ------------------------------------------------------------------
+C***REFERENCES  B. T. Smith, J. M. Boyle, J. J. Dongarra, B. S. Garbow,
+C                 Y. Ikebe, V. C. Klema and C. B. Moler, Matrix Eigen-
+C                 system Routines - EISPACK Guide, Springer-Verlag,
+C                 1976.
+C   760101  DATE WRITTEN
+C   890831  Modified array declarations.  (WRB)
+C   890831  REVISION DATE from Version 3.2
+C   891214  Prologue converted to Version 4.0 format.  (BAB)
+C   920501  Reformatted the REFERENCES section.  (WRB)
+      REAL A(NM,*),D(*),E(*),E2(*)
+      DO 100 I = 1, N
+  100 D(I) = A(I,I)
+C     .......... FOR I=N STEP -1 UNTIL 1 DO -- ..........
+      DO 300 II = 1, N
+         I = N + 1 - II
+         L = I - 1
+         H = 0.0E0
+         SCALE = 0.0E0
+         IF (L .LT. 1) GO TO 130
+C     .......... SCALE ROW (ALGOL TOL THEN NOT NEEDED) ..........
+         DO 120 K = 1, L
+  120    SCALE = SCALE + ABS(A(I,K))
+         IF (SCALE .NE. 0.0E0) GO TO 140
+  130    E(I) = 0.0E0
+         E2(I) = 0.0E0
+         GO TO 290
+  140    DO 150 K = 1, L
+            A(I,K) = A(I,K) / SCALE
+            H = H + A(I,K) * A(I,K)
+  150    CONTINUE
+         E2(I) = SCALE * SCALE * H
+         F = A(I,L)
+         G = -SIGN(SQRT(H),F)
+         E(I) = SCALE * G
+         H = H - F * G
+         A(I,L) = F - G
+         IF (L .EQ. 1) GO TO 270
+         F = 0.0E0
+         DO 240 J = 1, L
+            G = 0.0E0
+C     .......... FORM ELEMENT OF A*U ..........
+            DO 180 K = 1, J
+  180       G = G + A(J,K) * A(I,K)
+            JP1 = J + 1
+            IF (L .LT. JP1) GO TO 220
+            DO 200 K = JP1, L
+  200       G = G + A(K,J) * A(I,K)
+C     .......... FORM ELEMENT OF P ..........
+  220       E(J) = G / H
+            F = F + E(J) * A(I,J)
+  240    CONTINUE
+         H = F / (H + H)
+C     .......... FORM REDUCED A ..........
+         DO 260 J = 1, L
+            F = A(I,J)
+            G = E(J) - H * F
+            E(J) = G
+            DO 260 K = 1, J
+               A(J,K) = A(J,K) - F * E(K) - G * A(I,K)
+  260    CONTINUE
+  270    DO 280 K = 1, L
+  280    A(I,K) = SCALE * A(I,K)
+  290    H = D(I)
+         D(I) = A(I,I)
+         A(I,I) = H
+      RETURN
+      END
diff --git a/src/source_f/slatec/tred2.f b/src/source_f/slatec/tred2.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6b52c32
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/source_f/slatec/tred2.f
@@ -0,0 +1,166 @@
+      SUBROUTINE TRED2 (NM, N, A, D, E, Z)
+C***PURPOSE  Reduce a real symmetric matrix to a symmetric tridiagonal
+C            matrix using and accumulating orthogonal transformations.
+C***AUTHOR  Smith, B. T., et al.
+C     This subroutine is a translation of the ALGOL procedure TRED2,
+C     NUM. MATH. 11, 181-195(1968) by Martin, Reinsch, and Wilkinson.
+C     This subroutine reduces a REAL SYMMETRIC matrix to a
+C     symmetric tridiagonal matrix using and accumulating
+C     orthogonal similarity transformations.
+C     On Input
+C        NM must be set to the row dimension of the two-dimensional
+C          array parameters, A and Z, as declared in the calling
+C          program dimension statement.  NM is an INTEGER variable.
+C        N is the order of the matrix A.  N is an INTEGER variable.
+C          N must be less than or equal to NM.
+C        A contains the real symmetric input matrix.  Only the lower
+C          triangle of the matrix need be supplied.  A is a two-
+C          dimensional REAL array, dimensioned A(NM,N).
+C     On Output
+C        D contains the diagonal elements of the symmetric tridiagonal
+C          matrix.  D is a one-dimensional REAL array, dimensioned D(N).
+C        E contains the subdiagonal elements of the symmetric
+C          tridiagonal matrix in its last N-1 positions.  E(1) is set
+C          to zero.  E is a one-dimensional REAL array, dimensioned
+C          E(N).
+C        Z contains the orthogonal transformation matrix produced in
+C          the reduction.  Z is a two-dimensional REAL array,
+C          dimensioned Z(NM,N).
+C        A and Z may coincide.  If distinct, A is unaltered.
+C     Questions and comments should be directed to B. S. Garbow,
+C     ------------------------------------------------------------------
+C***REFERENCES  B. T. Smith, J. M. Boyle, J. J. Dongarra, B. S. Garbow,
+C                 Y. Ikebe, V. C. Klema and C. B. Moler, Matrix Eigen-
+C                 system Routines - EISPACK Guide, Springer-Verlag,
+C                 1976.
+C   760101  DATE WRITTEN
+C   890831  Modified array declarations.  (WRB)
+C   890831  REVISION DATE from Version 3.2
+C   891214  Prologue converted to Version 4.0 format.  (BAB)
+C   920501  Reformatted the REFERENCES section.  (WRB)
+      REAL A(NM,*),D(*),E(*),Z(NM,*)
+      DO 100 I = 1, N
+         DO 100 J = 1, I
+            Z(I,J) = A(I,J)
+      IF (N .EQ. 1) GO TO 320
+C     .......... FOR I=N STEP -1 UNTIL 2 DO -- ..........
+      DO 300 II = 2, N
+         I = N + 2 - II
+         L = I - 1
+         H = 0.0E0
+         SCALE = 0.0E0
+         IF (L .LT. 2) GO TO 130
+C     .......... SCALE ROW (ALGOL TOL THEN NOT NEEDED) ..........
+         DO 120 K = 1, L
+  120    SCALE = SCALE + ABS(Z(I,K))
+         IF (SCALE .NE. 0.0E0) GO TO 140
+  130    E(I) = Z(I,L)
+         GO TO 290
+  140    DO 150 K = 1, L
+            Z(I,K) = Z(I,K) / SCALE
+            H = H + Z(I,K) * Z(I,K)
+  150    CONTINUE
+         F = Z(I,L)
+         G = -SIGN(SQRT(H),F)
+         E(I) = SCALE * G
+         H = H - F * G
+         Z(I,L) = F - G
+         F = 0.0E0
+         DO 240 J = 1, L
+            Z(J,I) = Z(I,J) / H
+            G = 0.0E0
+C     .......... FORM ELEMENT OF A*U ..........
+            DO 180 K = 1, J
+  180       G = G + Z(J,K) * Z(I,K)
+            JP1 = J + 1
+            IF (L .LT. JP1) GO TO 220
+            DO 200 K = JP1, L
+  200       G = G + Z(K,J) * Z(I,K)
+C     .......... FORM ELEMENT OF P ..........
+  220       E(J) = G / H
+            F = F + E(J) * Z(I,J)
+  240    CONTINUE
+         HH = F / (H + H)
+C     .......... FORM REDUCED A ..........
+         DO 260 J = 1, L
+            F = Z(I,J)
+            G = E(J) - HH * F
+            E(J) = G
+            DO 260 K = 1, J
+               Z(J,K) = Z(J,K) - F * E(K) - G * Z(I,K)
+  260    CONTINUE
+  290    D(I) = H
+  320 D(1) = 0.0E0
+      E(1) = 0.0E0
+      DO 500 I = 1, N
+         L = I - 1
+         IF (D(I) .EQ. 0.0E0) GO TO 380
+         DO 360 J = 1, L
+            G = 0.0E0
+            DO 340 K = 1, L
+  340       G = G + Z(I,K) * Z(K,J)
+            DO 360 K = 1, L
+               Z(K,J) = Z(K,J) - G * Z(K,I)
+  360    CONTINUE
+  380    D(I) = Z(I,I)
+         Z(I,I) = 1.0E0
+         IF (L .LT. 1) GO TO 500
+         DO 400 J = 1, L
+            Z(I,J) = 0.0E0
+            Z(J,I) = 0.0E0
+  400    CONTINUE
+      RETURN
+      END
diff --git a/src/source_f/slatec/xercnt.f b/src/source_f/slatec/xercnt.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2338632
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/source_f/slatec/xercnt.f
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+c changed by setting KONTRL=0 
+C***PURPOSE  Allow user control over handling of errors.
+C***AUTHOR  Jones, R. E., (SNLA)
+C     Abstract
+C        Allows user control over handling of individual errors.
+C        Just after each message is recorded, but before it is
+C        processed any further (i.e., before it is printed or
+C        a decision to abort is made), a call is made to XERCNT.
+C        If the user has provided his own version of XERCNT, he
+C        can then override the value of KONTROL used in processing
+C        this message by redefining its value.
+C        KONTRL may be set to any value from -2 to 2.
+C        The meanings for KONTRL are the same as in XSETF, except
+C        that the value of KONTRL changes only for this message.
+C        If KONTRL is set to a value outside the range from -2 to 2,
+C        it will be moved back into that range.
+C     Description of Parameters
+C      --Input--
+C        LIBRAR - the library that the routine is in.
+C        SUBROU - the subroutine that XERMSG is being called from
+C        MESSG  - the first 20 characters of the error message.
+C        NERR   - same as in the call to XERMSG.
+C        LEVEL  - same as in the call to XERMSG.
+C        KONTRL - the current value of the control flag as set
+C                 by a call to XSETF.
+C      --Output--
+C        KONTRL - the new value of KONTRL.  If KONTRL is not
+C                 defined, it will remain at its original value.
+C                 This changed value of control affects only
+C                 the current occurrence of the current message.
+C***REFERENCES  R. E. Jones and D. K. Kahaner, XERROR, the SLATEC
+C                 Error-handling Package, SAND82-0800, Sandia
+C                 Laboratories, 1982.
+C   790801  DATE WRITTEN
+C   861211  REVISION DATE from Version 3.2
+C   891214  Prologue converted to Version 4.0 format.  (BAB)
+C   900206  Routine changed from user-callable to subsidiary.  (WRB)
+C   900510  Changed calling sequence to include LIBRARY and SUBROUTINE
+C           names, changed routine name from XERCTL to XERCNT.  (RWC)
+C   920501  Reformatted the REFERENCES section.  (WRB)
+      KONTRL=0
+      RETURN
+      END
diff --git a/src/source_f/slatec/xerhlt.f b/src/source_f/slatec/xerhlt.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..89b2a77
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/source_f/slatec/xerhlt.f
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+C***PURPOSE  Abort program execution and print error message.
+C***AUTHOR  Jones, R. E., (SNLA)
+C     Abstract
+C        ***Note*** machine dependent routine
+C        XERHLT aborts the execution of the program.
+C        The error message causing the abort is given in the calling
+C        sequence, in case one needs it for printing on a dayfile,
+C        for example.
+C     Description of Parameters
+C        MESSG is as in XERMSG.
+C***REFERENCES  R. E. Jones and D. K. Kahaner, XERROR, the SLATEC
+C                 Error-handling Package, SAND82-0800, Sandia
+C                 Laboratories, 1982.
+C   790801  DATE WRITTEN
+C   861211  REVISION DATE from Version 3.2
+C   891214  Prologue converted to Version 4.0 format.  (BAB)
+C   900206  Routine changed from user-callable to subsidiary.  (WRB)
+C   900510  Changed calling sequence to delete length of character
+C           and changed routine name from XERABT to XERHLT.  (RWC)
+C   920501  Reformatted the REFERENCES section.  (WRB)
+      STOP
+      END
diff --git a/src/source_f/slatec/xermsg.f b/src/source_f/slatec/xermsg.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a695370
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/source_f/slatec/xermsg.f
@@ -0,0 +1,364 @@
+C***PURPOSE  Process error messages for SLATEC and other libraries.
+C***AUTHOR  Fong, Kirby, (NMFECC at LLNL)
+C   XERMSG processes a diagnostic message in a manner determined by the
+C   value of LEVEL and the current value of the library error control
+C   flag, KONTRL.  See subroutine XSETF for details.
+C    LIBRAR   A character constant (or character variable) with the name
+C             of the library.  This will be 'SLATEC' for the SLATEC
+C             Common Math Library.  The error handling package is
+C             general enough to be used by many libraries
+C             simultaneously, so it is desirable for the routine that
+C             detects and reports an error to identify the library name
+C             as well as the routine name.
+C    SUBROU   A character constant (or character variable) with the name
+C             of the routine that detected the error.  Usually it is the
+C             name of the routine that is calling XERMSG.  There are
+C             some instances where a user callable library routine calls
+C             lower level subsidiary routines where the error is
+C             detected.  In such cases it may be more informative to
+C             supply the name of the routine the user called rather than
+C             the name of the subsidiary routine that detected the
+C             error.
+C    MESSG    A character constant (or character variable) with the text
+C             of the error or warning message.  In the example below,
+C             the message is a character constant that contains a
+C             generic message.
+C                   CALL XERMSG ('SLATEC', 'MMPY',
+C                  *3, 1)
+C             It is possible (and is sometimes desirable) to generate a
+C             specific message--e.g., one that contains actual numeric
+C             values.  Specific realvalues can be converted into
+C             character strings using formatted WRITE statements into
+C             character variables.  This is called standard Fortran
+C             internal file I/O and is exemplified in the first three
+C             lines of the following example.  You can also catenate
+C             substrings of characters to construct the error message.
+C             Here is an example showing the use of both writing to
+C             an internal file and catenating character strings.
+C                   CHARACTER*5 CHARN, CHARL
+C                   WRITE (CHARN,10) N
+C                   WRITE (CHARL,10) LDA
+C                10 FORMAT(I5)
+C                   CALL XERMSG ('SLATEC', 'MMPY', 'THE ORDER'//CHARN//
+C                  *   CHARL, 3, 1)
+C             There are two subtleties worth mentioning.  One is that
+C             the // for character catenation is used to construct the
+C             error message so that no single character constant is
+C             continued to the next line.  This avoids confusion as to
+C             whether there are trailing blanks at the end of the line.
+C             The second is that by catenating the parts of the message
+C             as an actual argument rather than encoding the entire
+C             message into one large character variable, we avoid
+C             having to know how long the message will be in order to
+C             declare an adequate length for that large character
+C             variable.  XERMSG calls XERPRN to print the message using
+C             multiple lines if necessary.  If the message is very long,
+C             XERPRN will break it into pieces of 72 characters (as
+C             requested by XERMSG) for printing on multiple lines.
+C             Also, XERMSG asks XERPRN to prefix each line with ' *  '
+C             so that the total line length could be 76 characters.
+C             Note also that XERPRN scans the error message backwards
+C             to ignore trailing blanks.  Another feature is that
+C             the substring '$$' is treated as a new line sentinel
+C             by XERPRN.  If you want to construct a multiline
+C             message without having to count out multiples of 72
+C             characters, just use '$$' as a separator.  '$$'
+C             obviously must occur within 72 characters of the
+C             start of each line to have its intended effect since
+C             XERPRN is asked to wrap around at 72 characters in
+C             addition to looking for '$$'.
+C    NERR     An integer value that is chosen by the library routine's
+C             author.  It must be in the range -99 to 999 (three
+C             printable digits).  Each distinct error should have its
+C             own error number.  These error numbers should be described
+C             in the machine readable documentation for the routine.
+C             The error numbers need be unique only within each routine,
+C             so it is reasonable for each routine to start enumerating
+C             errors from 1 and proceeding to the next integer.
+C    LEVEL    An integer value in the range 0 to 2 that indicates the
+C             level (severity) of the error.  Their meanings are
+C            -1  A warning message.  This is used if it is not clear
+C                that there really is an error, but the user's attention
+C                may be needed.  An attempt is made to only print this
+C                message once.
+C             0  A warning message.  This is used if it is not clear
+C                that there really is an error, but the user's attention
+C                may be needed.
+C             1  A recoverable error.  This is used even if the error is
+C                so serious that the routine cannot return any useful
+C                answer.  If the user has told the error package to
+C                return after recoverable errors, then XERMSG will
+C                return to the Library routine which can then return to
+C                the user's routine.  The user may also permit the error
+C                package to terminate the program upon encountering a
+C                recoverable error.
+C             2  A fatal error.  XERMSG will not return to its caller
+C                after it receives a fatal error.  This level should
+C                hardly ever be used; it is much better to allow the
+C                user a chance to recover.  An example of one of the few
+C                cases in which it is permissible to declare a level 2
+C                error is a reverse communication Library routine that
+C                is likely to be called repeatedly until it integrates
+C                across some interval.  If there is a serious error in
+C                the input such that another step cannot be taken and
+C                the Library routine is called again without the input
+C                error having been corrected by the caller, the Library
+C                routine will probably be called forever with improper
+C                input.  In this case, it is reasonable to declare the
+C                error to be fatal.
+C    Each of the arguments to XERMSG is input; none will be modified by
+C    XERMSG.  A routine may make multiple calls to XERMSG with warning
+C    level messages; however, after a call to XERMSG with a recoverable
+C    error, the routine should return to the user.  Do not try to call
+C    XERMSG with a second recoverable error after the first recoverable
+C    error because the error package saves the error number.  The user
+C    can retrieve this error number by calling another entry point in
+C    the error handling package and then clear the error number when
+C    recovering from the error.  Calling XERMSG in succession causes the
+C    old error number to be overwritten by the latest error number.
+C    This is considered harmless for error numbers associated with
+C    warning messages but must not be done for error numbers of serious
+C    errors.  After a call to XERMSG with a recoverable error, the user
+C    must be given a chance to call NUMXER or XERCLR to retrieve or
+C    clear the error number.
+C***REFERENCES  R. E. Jones and D. K. Kahaner, XERROR, the SLATEC
+C                 Error-handling Package, SAND82-0800, Sandia
+C                 Laboratories, 1982.
+C   880101  DATE WRITTEN
+C               ' ***' OR ' *  ' AND LONG MESSAGES ARE BROKEN EVERY
+C               OF LOWER CASE.
+C           PREFIX.
+C   891214  Prologue converted to Version 4.0 format.  (WRB)
+C   900510  Changed test on NERR to be -9999999 < NERR < 99999999, but
+C           NERR .ne. 0, and on LEVEL to be -2 < LEVEL < 3.  Added
+C           LEVEL=-1 logic, changed calls to XERSAV to XERSVE, and
+C           XERCTL to XERCNT.  (RWC)
+C   920501  Reformatted the REFERENCES section.  (WRB)
+      LKNTRL = J4SAVE (2, 0, .FALSE.)
+      MAXMES = J4SAVE (4, 0, .FALSE.)
+      IF (NERR.LT.-9999999 .OR. NERR.GT.99999999 .OR. NERR.EQ.0 .OR.
+     *   LEVEL.LT.-1 .OR. LEVEL.GT.2) THEN
+         CALL XERPRN (' ***', -1, 'FATAL ERROR IN...$$ ' //
+     *      'JOB ABORT DUE TO FATAL ERROR.', 72)
+         CALL XERSVE (' ', ' ', ' ', 0, 0, 0, KDUMMY)
+         RETURN
+      ENDIF
+      I = J4SAVE (1, NERR, .TRUE.)
+      XLIBR  = LIBRAR
+      XSUBR  = SUBROU
+      LERR   = NERR
+      LKNTRL = MAX(-2, MIN(2,LKNTRL))
+      IF (LEVEL.LT.2 .AND. LKNTRL.EQ.0) GO TO 30
+C       IS NOT ZERO.
+      IF (LKNTRL .NE. 0) THEN
+         TEMP(1:21) = 'MESSAGE FROM ROUTINE '
+         I = MIN(LEN(SUBROU), 16)
+         TEMP(22:21+I) = SUBROU(1:I)
+         TEMP(22+I:33+I) = ' IN LIBRARY '
+         LTEMP = 33 + I
+         I = MIN(LEN(LIBRAR), 16)
+         TEMP(LTEMP+1:LTEMP+I) = LIBRAR (1:I)
+         TEMP(LTEMP+I+1:LTEMP+I+1) = '.'
+         LTEMP = LTEMP + I + 1
+         CALL XERPRN (' ***', -1, TEMP(1:LTEMP), 72)
+      ENDIF
+C              'FATAL ERROR'
+C              'PROG CONTINUES'
+C              'PROG ABORTED'
+      IF (LKNTRL .GT. 0) THEN
+         IF (LEVEL .LE. 0) THEN
+            TEMP(1:20) = 'INFORMATIVE MESSAGE,'
+            LTEMP = 20
+         ELSEIF (LEVEL .EQ. 1) THEN
+            LTEMP = 30
+         ELSE
+            TEMP(1:12) = 'FATAL ERROR,'
+            LTEMP = 12
+         ENDIF
+         IF ((MKNTRL.EQ.2 .AND. LEVEL.GE.1) .OR.
+     *       (MKNTRL.EQ.1 .AND. LEVEL.EQ.2)) THEN
+            TEMP(LTEMP+1:LTEMP+14) = ' PROG ABORTED,'
+            LTEMP = LTEMP + 14
+         ELSE
+            TEMP(LTEMP+1:LTEMP+16) = ' PROG CONTINUES,'
+            LTEMP = LTEMP + 16
+         ENDIF
+         IF (LKNTRL .GT. 0) THEN
+            LTEMP = LTEMP + 20
+         ELSE
+            LTEMP = LTEMP + 24
+         ENDIF
+         CALL XERPRN (' ***', -1, TEMP(1:LTEMP), 72)
+      ENDIF
+      CALL XERPRN (' *  ', -1, MESSG, 72)
+C          TRACEBACK.
+      IF (LKNTRL .GT. 0) THEN
+         WRITE (TEMP, '(''ERROR NUMBER = '', I8)') NERR
+         DO 10 I=16,22
+            IF (TEMP(I:I) .NE. ' ') GO TO 20
+   10    CONTINUE
+   20    CALL XERPRN (' *  ', -1, TEMP(1:15) // TEMP(I:23), 72)
+         CALL FDUMP
+      ENDIF
+      IF (LKNTRL .NE. 0) THEN
+         CALL XERPRN (' *  ', -1, ' ', 72)
+         CALL XERPRN (' ***', -1, 'END OF MESSAGE', 72)
+         CALL XERPRN ('    ',  0, ' ', 72)
+      ENDIF
+         IF (LEVEL .EQ. 1) THEN
+            CALL XERPRN
+     *         (' ***', -1, 'JOB ABORT DUE TO UNRECOVERED ERROR.', 72)
+         ELSE
+            CALL XERPRN(' ***', -1, 'JOB ABORT DUE TO FATAL ERROR.', 72)
+         ENDIF
+         CALL XERSVE (' ', ' ', ' ', -1, 0, 0, KDUMMY)
+         CALL XERHLT (' ')
+      ELSE
+      ENDIF
+      RETURN
+      END
diff --git a/src/source_f/slatec/xerprn.f b/src/source_f/slatec/xerprn.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..97eedf4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/source_f/slatec/xerprn.f
@@ -0,0 +1,228 @@
+C***PURPOSE  Print error messages processed by XERMSG.
+C***AUTHOR  Fong, Kirby, (NMFECC at LLNL)
+C This routine sends one or more lines to each of the (up to five)
+C logical units to which error messages are to be sent.  This routine
+C is called several times by XERMSG, sometimes with a single line to
+C print and sometimes with a (potentially very long) message that may
+C wrap around into multiple lines.
+C PREFIX  Input argument of type CHARACTER.  This argument contains
+C         characters to be put at the beginning of each line before
+C         the body of the message.  No more than 16 characters of
+C         PREFIX will be used.
+C NPREF   Input argument of type INTEGER.  This argument is the number
+C         of characters to use from PREFIX.  If it is negative, the
+C         intrinsic function LEN is used to determine its length.  If
+C         it is zero, PREFIX is not used.  If it exceeds 16 or if
+C         LEN(PREFIX) exceeds 16, only the first 16 characters will be
+C         used.  If NPREF is positive and the length of PREFIX is less
+C         than NPREF, a copy of PREFIX extended with blanks to length
+C         NPREF will be used.
+C MESSG   Input argument of type CHARACTER.  This is the text of a
+C         message to be printed.  If it is a long message, it will be
+C         broken into pieces for printing on multiple lines.  Each line
+C         will start with the appropriate prefix and be followed by a
+C         piece of the message.  NWRAP is the number of characters per
+C         piece; that is, after each NWRAP characters, we break and
+C         start a new line.  In addition the characters '$$' embedded
+C         in MESSG are a sentinel for a new line.  The counting of
+C         characters up to NWRAP starts over for each new line.  The
+C         value of NWRAP typically used by XERMSG is 72 since many
+C         older error messages in the SLATEC Library are laid out to
+C         rely on wrap-around every 72 characters.
+C NWRAP   Input argument of type INTEGER.  This gives the maximum size
+C         piece into which to break MESSG for printing on multiple
+C         lines.  An embedded '$$' ends a line, and the count restarts
+C         at the following character.  If a line break does not occur
+C         on a blank (it would split a word) that word is moved to the
+C         next line.  Values of NWRAP less than 16 will be treated as
+C         16.  Values of NWRAP greater than 132 will be treated as 132.
+C         The actual line length will be NPREF + NWRAP after NPREF has
+C         been adjusted to fall between 0 and 16 and NWRAP has been
+C         adjusted to fall between 16 and 132.
+C***REFERENCES  R. E. Jones and D. K. Kahaner, XERROR, the SLATEC
+C                 Error-handling Package, SAND82-0800, Sandia
+C                 Laboratories, 1982.
+C   880621  DATE WRITTEN
+C   891214  Prologue converted to Version 4.0 format.  (WRB)
+C   900510  Added code to break messages between words.  (RWC)
+C   920501  Reformatted the REFERENCES section.  (WRB)
+      PARAMETER (NEWLIN = '$$')
+      N = I1MACH(4)
+      DO 10 I=1,NUNIT
+         IF (IU(I) .EQ. 0) IU(I) = N
+      IF ( NPREF .LT. 0 ) THEN
+         LPREF = LEN(PREFIX)
+      ELSE
+         LPREF = NPREF
+      ENDIF
+      LPREF = MIN(16, LPREF)
+      LWRAP = MAX(16, MIN(132, NWRAP))
+      N = LENMSG
+      DO 20 I=1,N
+         IF (MESSG(LENMSG:LENMSG) .NE. ' ') GO TO 30
+         LENMSG = LENMSG - 1
+      IF (LENMSG .EQ. 0) THEN
+         CBUFF(LPREF+1:LPREF+1) = ' '
+         DO 40 I=1,NUNIT
+            WRITE(IU(I), '(A)') CBUFF(1:LPREF+1)
+   40    CONTINUE
+         RETURN
+      ENDIF
+C                       SHOULD BE SET TO LWRAP OR LENMSG+1-NEXTC,
+C                       WHICHEVER IS LESS.
+C                       NEXTC).  LPIECE IS EFFECTIVELY ZERO, AND WE
+C                       SHOULD BE INCREMENTED BY 2.
+C                       RESET LPIECE = LPIECE-1.  NOTE THAT THIS
+C                       LWRAP+1.  THAT IS, THE SENTINEL FALLS EXACTLY
+C                       AT THE END OF A LINE.
+      NEXTC = 1
+      IF (LPIECE .EQ. 0) THEN
+         IDELTA = 0
+            DO 52 I=LPIECE+1,2,-1
+               IF (MESSG(NEXTC+I-1:NEXTC+I-1) .EQ. ' ') THEN
+                  LPIECE = I-1
+                  IDELTA = 1
+                  GOTO 54
+               ENDIF
+   52       CONTINUE
+         ENDIF
+         NEXTC = NEXTC + 2
+         GO TO 50
+         IDELTA = 0
+         LPIECE = LWRAP
+         DO 56 I=LPIECE+1,2,-1
+            IF (MESSG(NEXTC+I-1:NEXTC+I-1) .EQ. ' ') THEN
+               LPIECE = I-1
+               IDELTA = 1
+               GOTO 58
+            ENDIF
+   56    CONTINUE
+      ELSE
+         LPIECE = LPIECE - 1
+         NEXTC  = NEXTC + LPIECE + 2
+      ENDIF
+C       PRINT
+      DO 60 I=1,NUNIT
+         WRITE(IU(I), '(A)') CBUFF(1:LPREF+LPIECE)
+      IF (NEXTC .LE. LENMSG) GO TO 50
+      RETURN
+      END
diff --git a/src/source_f/slatec/xersve.f b/src/source_f/slatec/xersve.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6bd2a4f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/source_f/slatec/xersve.f
@@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
+     +   ICOUNT)
+C***PURPOSE  Record that an error has occurred.
+C***AUTHOR  Jones, R. E., (SNLA)
+C *Usage:
+C *Arguments:
+C        LIBRAR :IN    is the library that the message is from.
+C        SUBROU :IN    is the subroutine that the message is from.
+C        MESSG  :IN    is the message to be saved.
+C        KFLAG  :IN    indicates the action to be performed.
+C                      when KFLAG > 0, the message in MESSG is saved.
+C                      when KFLAG=0 the tables will be dumped and
+C                      cleared.
+C                      when KFLAG < 0, the tables will be dumped and
+C                      not cleared.
+C        NERR   :IN    is the error number.
+C        LEVEL  :IN    is the error severity.
+C        ICOUNT :OUT   the number of times this message has been seen,
+C                      or zero if the table has overflowed and does not
+C                      contain this message specifically.  When KFLAG=0,
+C                      ICOUNT will not be altered.
+C *Description:
+C   Record that this error occurred and possibly dump and clear the
+C   tables.
+C***REFERENCES  R. E. Jones and D. K. Kahaner, XERROR, the SLATEC
+C                 Error-handling Package, SAND82-0800, Sandia
+C                 Laboratories, 1982.
+C   800319  DATE WRITTEN
+C   861211  REVISION DATE from Version 3.2
+C   891214  Prologue converted to Version 4.0 format.  (BAB)
+C   900413  Routine modified to remove reference to KFLAG.  (WRB)
+C   900510  Changed to add LIBRARY NAME and SUBROUTINE to calling
+C           sequence, use IF-THEN-ELSE, make number of saved entries
+C           easily changeable, changed routine name from XERSAV to
+C           XERSVE.  (RWC)
+C   910626  Added LIBTAB and SUBTAB to SAVE statement.  (BKS)
+C   920501  Reformatted the REFERENCES section.  (WRB)
+      INTEGER LUN(5)
+      DATA KOUNTX/0/, NMSG/0/
+      IF (KFLAG.LE.0) THEN
+C        Dump the table.
+         IF (NMSG.EQ.0) RETURN
+C        Print to each unit.
+         DO 20 KUNIT = 1,NUNIT
+            IUNIT = LUN(KUNIT)
+            IF (IUNIT.EQ.0) IUNIT = I1MACH(4)
+C           Print the table header.
+            WRITE (IUNIT,9000)
+C           Print body of table.
+            DO 10 I = 1,NMSG
+               WRITE (IUNIT,9010) LIBTAB(I), SUBTAB(I), MESTAB(I),
+     *            NERTAB(I),LEVTAB(I),KOUNT(I)
+   10       CONTINUE
+C           Print number of other errors.
+            IF (KOUNTX.NE.0) WRITE (IUNIT,9020) KOUNTX
+            WRITE (IUNIT,9030)
+   20    CONTINUE
+C        Clear the error tables.
+         IF (KFLAG.EQ.0) THEN
+            NMSG = 0
+            KOUNTX = 0
+         ENDIF
+      ELSE
+         LIB = LIBRAR
+         SUB = SUBROU
+         MES = MESSG
+         DO 30 I = 1,NMSG
+     *         MES.EQ.MESTAB(I) .AND. NERR.EQ.NERTAB(I) .AND.
+     *         LEVEL.EQ.LEVTAB(I)) THEN
+                  KOUNT(I) = KOUNT(I) + 1
+                  ICOUNT = KOUNT(I)
+                  RETURN
+            ENDIF
+   30    CONTINUE
+C           Empty slot found for new message.
+            NMSG = NMSG + 1
+            LIBTAB(I) = LIB
+            SUBTAB(I) = SUB
+            MESTAB(I) = MES
+            NERTAB(I) = NERR
+            LEVTAB(I) = LEVEL
+            KOUNT (I) = 1
+            ICOUNT    = 1
+         ELSE
+C           Table is full.
+            KOUNTX = KOUNTX+1
+            ICOUNT = 0
+         ENDIF
+      ENDIF
+      RETURN
+C     Formats.
+ 9000 FORMAT ('0          ERROR MESSAGE SUMMARY' /
+     +   ' LIBRARY    SUBROUTINE MESSAGE START             NERR',
+     +   '     LEVEL     COUNT')
+ 9010 FORMAT (1X,A,3X,A,3X,A,3I10)
+ 9030 FORMAT (1X)
+      END
diff --git a/src/source_f/slatec/xgetua.f b/src/source_f/slatec/xgetua.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2e7db02
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/source_f/slatec/xgetua.f
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+C***PURPOSE  Return unit number(s) to which error messages are being
+C            sent.
+C***AUTHOR  Jones, R. E., (SNLA)
+C     Abstract
+C        XGETUA may be called to determine the unit number or numbers
+C        to which error messages are being sent.
+C        These unit numbers may have been set by a call to XSETUN,
+C        or a call to XSETUA, or may be a default value.
+C     Description of Parameters
+C      --Output--
+C        IUNIT - an array of one to five unit numbers, depending
+C                on the value of N.  A value of zero refers to the
+C                default unit, as defined by the I1MACH machine
+C                constant routine.  Only IUNIT(1),...,IUNIT(N) are
+C                defined by XGETUA.  The values of IUNIT(N+1),...,
+C                IUNIT(5) are not defined (for N .LT. 5) or altered
+C                in any way by XGETUA.
+C        N     - the number of units to which copies of the
+C                error messages are being sent.  N will be in the
+C                range from 1 to 5.
+C***REFERENCES  R. E. Jones and D. K. Kahaner, XERROR, the SLATEC
+C                 Error-handling Package, SAND82-0800, Sandia
+C                 Laboratories, 1982.
+C   790801  DATE WRITTEN
+C   861211  REVISION DATE from Version 3.2
+C   891214  Prologue converted to Version 4.0 format.  (BAB)
+C   920501  Reformatted the REFERENCES section.  (WRB)
+      N = J4SAVE(5,0,.FALSE.)
+      DO 30 I=1,N
+         INDEX = I+4
+         IF (I.EQ.1) INDEX = 3
+         IUNITA(I) = J4SAVE(INDEX,0,.FALSE.)
+      RETURN
+      END
diff --git a/src/source_f/store_spec.f b/src/source_f/store_spec.f
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..8dc10ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/source_f/store_spec.f
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+c   This file is part of TISEAN
+c   Copyright (c) 1998-2007 Rainer Hegger, Holger Kantz, Thomas Schreiber
+c   TISEAN is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+c   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+c   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+c   (at your option) any later version.
+c   TISEAN is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+c   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+c   GNU General Public License for more details.
+c   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+c   along with TISEAN; if not, write to the Free Software
+c   Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
+c   store data periodogram of x 
+c   if iback.ne.0 transform back to get autocorrelation instead
+C   author Thomas Schreiber (1998)
+      subroutine store_spec(nmax,x,iback)
+      parameter(nx=1000000)
+      dimension x(nmax), w1(nx), w2(nx), iw(15)
+      save w2, iw
+      if(nmax.gt.nx) then
+         call xstopx ("store_spec: make nx larger.")
+      endif
+      call rffti1(nmax,w2,iw)  
+      call rfftf1(nmax,x,w1,w2,iw)
+      do 10 n=1,nmax
+ 10      x(n)=x(n)/real(nmax)
+      x(1)=x(1)**2
+      do 20 n=2,(nmax+1)/2
+         amp=x(2*n-2)**2+x(2*n-1)**2
+         pha=atan2(x(2*n-1),x(2*n-2))
+         x(2*n-2)=amp
+ 20      x(2*n-1)=pha
+      if(mod(nmax,2).eq.0) x(nmax)=x(nmax)**2
+      if(iback.eq.0) return
+      do 30 n=1,nmax
+ 30      x(n)=x(n)*nmax
+      do 40 n=2,(nmax+1)/2
+ 40      x(2*n-1)=0
+      call rfftb1(nmax,x,w1,w2,iw)
+      end
diff --git a/src/source_f/ts_lazy.f b/src/source_f/ts_lazy.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6d90329
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/source_f/ts_lazy.f
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+c   This file is part of TISEAN
+c   Copyright (c) 1998-2007 Rainer Hegger, Holger Kantz, Thomas Schreiber
+c                           Piotr Held
+c   TISEAN is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+c   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+c   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+c   (at your option) any later version.
+c   TISEAN is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+c   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+c   GNU General Public License for more details.
+c   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+c   along with TISEAN; if not, write to the Free Software
+c   Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
+c   ts_lazy.f
+c   simple nonlinear noise reduction
+c   see  H. Kantz, T. Schreiber, Nonlinear Time Series Analysis, Cambridge
+c      University Press (1997,2004)
+c   author T. Schreiber (1998)
+c   Modified: Piotr Held <pjheld at gmail.com> (2015). 
+c   This function is based on lazy.f of TISEAN 3.0.1 https://github.com/heggus/Tisean"
+      subroutine ts_lazy(m, rv, imax, lines_read,
+     $                   in_out1, in_out2)
+c      implicit none
+c     -- input variables --
+      integer*4 m
+      real*8 rv
+      integer*4 imax, lines_read
+c     -- input arrays --
+      real*8 in_out1(lines_read), in_out2(lines_read)
+c     -- Assigning type for old TISEAN variables --
+      real*8 eps, frac, sc, sd
+      integer*4 n, it, nmax
+      integer*4 iverb
+      parameter (iverb=1)
+      real*8 x0(lines_read), xc(lines_read)
+      external rms
+      external istderr
+c     -- Assigning input variables to old TISEAN variables --
+      if (rv.gt.0.) then
+        eps = rv
+        frac = 0.
+      else
+        eps = 0.
+        frac = -rv
+      endif
+      nmax = lines_read
+      call rms(nmax,in_out1,sc,sd)
+      if(frac.gt.0) eps=sd*frac
+      do 10 n=1,nmax
+        x0(n)=in_out1(n)
+ 10     continue
+      do 20 it=1,imax
+         call nrlazy(nmax,in_out1,xc,m,eps)
+c        -- when done with iterations write output --
+         if(it.eq.imax) then
+            goto 999
+         endif
+         eps=0.
+         do 40 n=1,nmax
+            eps=eps+(xc(n)-in_out1(n))**2
+ 40         in_out1(n)=xc(n)          
+         eps=sqrt(eps/nmax)
+         if(abs(eps).le.1e-312) then
+            call xstopx ('ts_lazy: Zero correction, finished')
+         endif
+c     -- display information about diameter -- 
+ 20      if(iverb.eq.1) write(istderr(),*) 
+     .      'ts_lazy: New diameter of neighbourhoods is ', eps
+c     -- write the output --
+ 999  do 50 n=1,nmax
+c     -- old code: write(iunit,*) xc(n), x0(n)-xc(n)--
+        in_out1(n) = xc(n)
+        in_out2(n) = x0(n) - xc(n)
+ 50     continue
+      end
+      subroutine nrlazy(nmax,y,yc,m,eps)
+      implicit none
+c     -- parameters --
+      integer*4 im, nx
+      parameter(im=100,nx=1000000) 
+c     -- input variables --
+      integer*4 nmax, m
+      real*8 eps
+c     -- input arrays-- 
+      real*8 y(nmax),yc(nmax)
+c     -- local variables --
+      integer*4 n, nn, nfound
+      real*8 av
+c     -- local arrays --
+      integer*4 jh(0:im*im),jpntr(nx),nlist(nx)
+      if(nmax.gt.nx) call xstopx ("nrlazy: make nx larger")
+      call base(nmax,y,1,m,jh,jpntr,eps)
+      do 10 n=1,nmax
+ 10      yc(n)=y(n)   
+      do 20 n=m,nmax           
+         call neigh(nmax,y,y,n,nmax,1,m,jh,jpntr,eps,nlist,nfound)
+         av=0.
+         do 30 nn=1,nfound            
+ 30         av=av+y(nlist(nn)-(m-1)/2)              ! average middle coordinate
+ 20      yc(n-(m-1)/2)=av/nfound
+      end
diff --git a/src/source_f/ts_surrogates.f b/src/source_f/ts_surrogates.f
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..30bbf60
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/source_f/ts_surrogates.f
@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
+c   This file is part of TISEAN
+c   Copyright (c) 1998-2007 Rainer Hegger, Holger Kantz, Thomas Schreiber
+c   TISEAN is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+c   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+c   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+c   (at your option) any later version.
+c   TISEAN is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+c   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+c   GNU General Public License for more details.
+c   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+c   along with TISEAN; if not, write to the Free Software
+c   Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
+c   Create multivariate surrogate data
+c   author T. Schreiber (1999)
+c   modified Piotr Held (2015)
+c===== NOTE MUST BE COMPILED WITH flag -freal-4-real-8 =====
+      subroutine ts_surrogates (xx, nx, mx, imax, ispec, seed,
+     $                          output, iterations, rel_discrepency);
+      dimension xx(nx,mx), x(nx,mx), y(nx,mx), xamp(nx,mx)
+      dimension xsort(nx,mx), list(nx), rwork(nx), output(nx,mx)
+      external rand
+      r=rand(sqrt(abs(seed)))
+c     -- mcmax - component number --
+      mcmax = mx
+c     -- nmaxp - max number of elements in each component --
+      nmaxp = nx
+      do 20 m=1,mcmax
+         do 30 n=1,nmaxp
+            x(n,m)=xx(n,m)
+            y(n,m)=x(n,m)
+            xamp(n,m)=x(n,m)
+ 30         xsort(n,m)=x(n,m)
+         call store_spec(nmaxp,xamp(1,m),0)
+         call sort(nmaxp,xsort(1,m),list)
+         do 40 n=1,nmaxp
+ 40         rwork(n)=rand(0.0)
+         call rank(nmaxp,rwork,list)
+ 20      call index2sort(nmaxp,x(1,m),list)
+      it=-1
+      dspec=r1mach(2)
+ 1    it=it+1
+      do 50 m=1,mcmax
+         do 50 n=1,nmaxp
+ 50         y(n,m)=x(n,m)
+      ds0=dspec
+      dspec=toxspec(nmaxp,mcmax,nx,xamp,y)
+      if(imax.ge.0.and.it.ge.imax) goto 2
+      do 60 m=1,mcmax
+ 60      call todist(nmaxp,xsort(1,m),y(1,m),x(1,m))
+      if(dspec.lt.ds0) goto 1
+ 2    continue
+      if(ispec.gt.0) then
+c        assign output for when exact is set (ispec > 0)
+         output = y
+      else
+c        assign output for when exact is not set (ispec == 0)
+         output = x
+      endif
+      iterations = it
+      rel_discrepency = dspec
+      end
+      function toxspec(nmax,mmax,nxx,a,x)
+      parameter(nx=100000,mx=20,tol=1e-5)
+      dimension x(nxx,mmax), a(nxx,mmax), w(nx,mx), w1(nx), 
+     .   w2(nx), iw(15), goal(mx)
+      if(nmax.gt.nx.or.mmax.gt.mx) then
+         call xstopx ("toxspec: make nx/mx larger.")
+      endif
+      call rffti1(nmax,w2,iw)  
+      do 10 m=1,mmax
+         do 20 n=1,nmax
+ 20         w(n,m)=x(n,m)
+         call rfftf1(nmax,x(1,m),w1,w2,iw)
+         do 30 n=1,nmax
+ 30         x(n,m)=x(n,m)/real(nmax)
+         x(1,m)=sqrt(a(1,m))
+         do 40 n=2,(nmax+1)/2
+            pha=atan2(x(2*n-1,m),x(2*n-2,m))
+            x(2*n-2,m)=sqrt(a(2*n-2,m))
+ 40         x(2*n-1,m)=pha
+ 10      if(mod(nmax,2).eq.0) x(nmax,m)=sqrt(a(nmax,m))
+      if(mmax.gt.1) then
+         do 50 n=2,(nmax+1)/2
+            do 60 m=1,mmax
+ 60            goal(m)=x(2*n-1,m)-a(2*n-1,m)
+            alpha=alp(mmax,goal)
+            do 50 m=1,mmax
+ 50            x(2*n-1,m)=alpha+a(2*n-1,m)
+      endif
+      do 70 m=1,mmax
+         do 80 n=2,(nmax+1)/2
+            c=x(2*n-2,m)*cos(x(2*n-1,m))
+            s=x(2*n-2,m)*sin(x(2*n-1,m))
+            x(2*n-1,m)=s
+ 80         x(2*n-2,m)=c
+ 70      call rfftb1(nmax,x(1,m),w1,w2,iw)
+      toxspec=0
+      do 90 m=1,mmax
+         do 90 n=1,nmax
+ 90         toxspec=toxspec+(x(n,m)-w(n,m))**2
+      toxspec=sqrt((toxspec/nmax)/mmax)
+      end
+      function alp(mmax,goal)
+      dimension goal(mmax)
+      data pi/3.1415926/
+      f1=0
+      f2=0
+      do 10 m=1,mmax
+         f1=f1+cos(goal(m))
+ 10      f2=f2+sin(goal(m))
+      alp=atan2(f2,f1)
+      scos=0
+      do 20 m=1,mmax
+ 20      scos=scos+cos(alp-goal(m))
+      if(scos.lt.0) alp=alp+pi
+      end
+      subroutine todist(nmax,dist,x,y)
+      parameter(nx=100000)
+      dimension x(nmax), dist(nmax), y(nmax), list(nx)
+      if(nmax.gt.nx) then
+         call xstopx ("todist: make nx larger.")
+      endif
+      call rank(nmax,x,list)
+      do 10 n=1,nmax
+ 10      y(n)=dist(list(n))
+      end
diff --git a/src/source_f/ts_upo.f b/src/source_f/ts_upo.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..102673b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/source_f/ts_upo.f
@@ -0,0 +1,273 @@
+c   This file is part of TISEAN
+c   Copyright (c) 1998-2007 Rainer Hegger, Holger Kantz, Thomas Schreiber
+c   TISEAN is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+c   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+c   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+c   (at your option) any later version.
+c   TISEAN is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+c   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+c   GNU General Public License for more details.
+c   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+c   along with TISEAN; if not, write to the Free Software
+c   Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
+c   locate unstable periodic points
+c   author T. Schreiber (1998)
+c   modified Piotr Held (2015)
+c==== NOTE MUST BE COMPILED WITH flag -freal-4-real-8 ======
+      subroutine ts_upo(m_in, eps_in, frac,teq,tdis,h,
+     $                  tacc,iper,icen,
+     $                  lines_read, in_out1, olens, orbit_data, sizedat,
+     $                  acc, stability);
+      implicit none
+c -- input declarations --
+      integer*4 m_in, iper, icen, lines_read, sizedat
+      real*8 eps_in, frac, teq, tdis, h, tacc
+c     the *_in is used because they need to be converted from double to float
+      real*8 in_out1(lines_read), orbit_data(sizedat)
+      real*8 acc(icen), stability(icen), olens(icen)
+c -- parameters --
+      integer*4 nx, mper
+      parameter(nx=1000000,mper=20)
+c -- variable declarations --
+c     from main body
+      integer*4 n
+      integer istderr
+      real*8 sc,sd
+      external istderr, rms
+c -- functions --
+      integer known, isold
+      integer*4 iperiod
+      real stab
+c     from old findupo() -- might cause problems
+      integer*4 info, nfev, ndum, itry, ior
+      integer*4 i, ipor
+      integer*4 iw(mper)
+      real tol
+      real enorm, r1mach
+      real xp(mper),fvec(mper),xor(mper,nx)
+      real w0(mper,mper),w1(mper),w2(mper),w3(mper)
+      real w4(mper),w5(mper),w6(mper)
+      real*8 err, sor
+      external peri, enorm, r1mach, snls1
+c     new for creating an output
+      integer*4 orbit_no, data_pos
+c -- global variables --
+      integer*4 nmax, m
+      real*8 eps
+      real*8 x(nx)
+      common /period/ x, nmax, m, eps
+c -- Assign input variables to program variables --
+      nmax=lines_read
+      m=m_in
+      eps=eps_in
+      do 1 i=1,lines_read
+         x(i)=in_out1(i)
+ 1       continue
+c -- Prepare the data --
+      call rms(nmax,x,sc,sd)
+      if(frac.gt.0) eps=sd*frac
+      if(teq.lt.0.) teq=eps
+      if(tdis.lt.0.) tdis=eps
+      if(tacc.lt.0.) tacc=eps
+      if(h.lt.0.) h=eps
+c -- Prepare iterators for output --
+      orbit_no = 0;
+      data_pos = 0;
+c -- Exectute main program --
+c     old call findupo(iper,icen,teq,tdis,tacc,h,iunit,iverb)
+      if(iper.gt.mper) then
+         call xstopx ("findupo: make mper larger.")
+      endif
+      tol=sqrt(r1mach(4))
+      itry=0
+      ior=0
+      do 10 n=iper,nmax
+c         if(iv_10(iverb).eq.1) then
+c            if(mod(n,10).eq.0) write(istderr(),'(i7)') n
+c         else if(iv_100(iverb).eq.1) then
+c            if(mod(n,100).eq.0) write(istderr(),'(i7)') n
+c         else if(iv_1000(iverb).eq.1) then
+c            if(mod(n,1000).eq.0) write(istderr(),'(i7)') n
+c         endif
+         if(known(n,iper,teq).eq.1) goto 10
+         itry=itry+1
+         if(itry.gt.icen) goto 999
+         do 20 i=1,iper
+ 20         xp(i)=x(n-iper+i)
+         call snls1(peri,1,iper,iper,xp,fvec,w0,mper,tol,tol,0.,
+     .      20*(iper+1),0.,w1,1,100.,0,info,nfev,ndum,iw,w2,w3,w4,w5,w6)
+         err=enorm(iper,fvec)
+         if(info.eq.-1.or.info.eq.5.or.err.gt.tacc) goto 10   ! unsuccessfull
+         if(isold(iper,xp,ior,xor,tdis).eq.1) goto 10         ! already found
+         ior=ior+1                                            ! a new orbit
+         do 30 i=1,iper
+ 30         xor(i,ior)=xp(i)
+         ipor=iperiod(iper,xp,tdis)
+         sor=real(ipor)*stab(iper,xp,h)/real(iper)
+c        old call print(iper,xp,ipor,sor,err,iunit,iverb)
+         orbit_no = orbit_no+1
+         olens(orbit_no+1) = ipor
+         acc(orbit_no+1) = err
+         stability(orbit_no+1) = exp(sor)
+         do 40 i=1,ipor
+            data_pos = data_pos + 1
+            orbit_data(data_pos+1) = xp(i)
+ 40      continue
+ 10   continue
+c -- write lengths input arrays --
+ 999  olens(1) = orbit_no
+      orbit_data(1) = data_pos
+      acc(1) = orbit_no
+      stability(1) = orbit_no
+      end
+      integer function known(n,iper,tol)
+c return 1 if equivalent starting point has been tried
+      parameter(nx=1000000)
+      real*8 x(nx)
+      common /period/ x, nmax, m, eps
+      known=1
+      do 10 nn=iper,n-1
+         dis=0
+         do 20 i=1,iper
+ 20         dis=dis+(x(n-iper+i)-x(nn-iper+i))**2
+ 10      if(sqrt(dis).lt.tol) return
+      known=0
+      end
+      integer function isold(iper,xp,ior,xor,toler)
+c determine if orbit is in data base
+      parameter(mper=20)
+      dimension xp(iper), xor(mper,*)
+      isold=1
+      do 10 ip=1,iper
+         do 20 io=1,ior
+            dor=0
+            do 30 i=1,iper
+ 30            dor=dor+(xp(i)-xor(i,io))**2
+ 20            if(sqrt(dor).le.toler) return
+ 10      call oshift(iper,xp)
+      isold=0
+      end
+      subroutine oshift(iper,xp)
+c leftshift orbit circularly by one position
+      dimension xp(*)
+      h=xp(1)
+      do 10 i=1,iper-1
+ 10      xp(i)=xp(i+1)
+      xp(iper)=h
+      end
+      integer*4 function iperiod(iper,xp,tol)
+c determine shortest subperiod
+      dimension xp(*)
+      do 10 iperiod=1,iper
+         dis=0
+         do 20 i=1,iper
+            il=i-iperiod
+            if(il.le.0) il=il+iper
+ 20         dis=dis+(xp(i)-xp(il))**2
+ 10      if(sqrt(dis).le.tol) return
+      end
+      subroutine peri(iflag,mf,iper,xp,fvec)
+c built discrepancy vector (as called by snls1)
+      dimension xp(iper),fvec(mf)
+      do 10 ip=1,iper
+         fvec(ip)=xp(1)-fc(iper,xp,iflag)
+ 10      call oshift(iper,xp)
+      end
+      function fc(iper,xp,iflag)
+c predict (cyclic) point 1, using iper,iper-1...
+      parameter(nx=1000000)
+      dimension  xp(*)
+      real*8 x(nx)
+      common /period/ x, nmax, m, eps
+      data cut/20/
+      eps2=1./(2*eps*eps)
+      ft=0
+      sw=0
+      fc=0
+      do 10 n=m+1,nmax
+         dis=0
+         do 20 i=1,m
+ 20         dis=dis+(x(n-i)-xp(mod(m*iper-i,iper)+1))**2
+         ddis=dis*eps2
+         w=0
+         if(ddis.lt.cut) then
+            w=exp(-ddis)
+         endif
+         ft=ft+w*x(n)
+ 10      sw=sw+w
+      iflag=-1
+      if(abs(sw).le.1e-312) return   ! fc undefined, stop minimising
+      fc=ft/sw
+      iflag=1
+      end
+      real function stab(ilen,xp,h)
+c compute cycle stability by iteration of a tiny perturbation
+      parameter(nx=1000000,mper=20,maxit=1000)
+      dimension xp(*), xcop(mper)
+      real*8 x(nx)
+      common /period/ x, nmax, m, eps
+      if(mper.lt.ilen) then
+         call xstopx ("stability: make mper larger.")
+      endif
+      iflag=1
+      stab=0
+      do 10 i=2,m
+ 10      xcop(i)=xp(mod(i-1,ilen)+1)
+      xcop(1)=xp(1)+h
+      do 20 it=1,maxit
+         do 30 itt=1,ilen
+            xx=fc(m,xcop,iflag)
+            if(iflag.eq.-1) goto 1
+            call oshift(m,xcop)
+ 30         xcop(m)=xx
+         dis=0
+         do 40 i=1,m
+ 40         dis=dis+(xcop(i)-xp(mod(i-1,ilen)+1))**2
+         dis=sqrt(dis)
+         stab=stab+log(dis/h)
+         do 20 i=1,m
+ 20         xcop(i)=xp(mod(i-1,ilen)+1)*(1-h/dis) + xcop(i)*h/dis
+ 1    stab=stab/max(it-1,1)
+      end
diff --git a/tests/addnoise/procedure.txt b/tests/addnoise/procedure.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..548c6b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/addnoise/procedure.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+As 'addnoise' simply adds noise to the input vector, it can be easily replaced with GNU Octave functions.
+So to replace the following command in Octave:
+    $ addnoise data.dat -v0.02 -u -o "data_noise.dat"
+    r = std (data) * 0.02;
+    data = data + r * rand (size (data))
+To replace the following command in Octave:
+    $ addnoise data.dat -r0.5 -o "data_noise.dat"
+    g = (-6 + sum (rand ([size(data), 12]), 3));    
+    data = data + 0.5 * g
diff --git a/tests/corr/amp_ar.dat b/tests/corr/amp_ar.dat
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fe504e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/corr/amp_ar.dat
@@ -0,0 +1,5012 @@
+#average forcast error= 3.433869e-01
+#individual forecast errors: 3.433869e-01 
+# 2.303067e+00 
+# -2.016940e+00 
+# 8.045408e-01 
+# -3.259203e-02 
+# -1.497622e-01 
+# 8.566623e-02 
+# -3.649850e-02 
+# -2.471789e-02 
+# 8.821165e-02 
+# -8.512512e-02 
diff --git a/tests/corr/amp_ar_corr.dat b/tests/corr/amp_ar_corr.dat
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..56b6073
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/corr/amp_ar_corr.dat
@@ -0,0 +1,5002 @@
+# average=8.856261e-02
+# standard deviation=7.958705e+00
+0 1.000000e+00
+1 9.793264e-01
+2 9.191667e-01
+3 8.243626e-01
+4 7.005742e-01
+5 5.534777e-01
+6 3.888389e-01
+7 2.126737e-01
+8 3.123798e-02
+9 -1.491553e-01
+10 -3.222757e-01
+11 -4.820052e-01
+12 -6.224774e-01
+13 -7.383540e-01
+14 -8.251916e-01
+15 -8.798135e-01
+16 -9.004910e-01
+17 -8.869150e-01
+18 -8.401237e-01
+19 -7.624208e-01
+20 -6.572299e-01
+21 -5.288769e-01
+22 -3.824279e-01
+23 -2.234983e-01
+24 -5.811521e-02
+25 1.074911e-01
+26 2.670995e-01
+27 4.147336e-01
+28 5.449421e-01
+29 6.530414e-01
+30 7.352990e-01
+31 7.890503e-01
+32 8.127671e-01
+33 8.060449e-01
+34 7.695102e-01
+35 7.048032e-01
+36 6.145400e-01
+37 5.022719e-01
+38 3.723891e-01
+39 2.299560e-01
+40 8.045958e-02
+41 -7.041461e-02
+42 -2.169713e-01
+43 -3.537654e-01
+44 -4.758118e-01
+45 -5.787654e-01
+46 -6.590131e-01
+47 -7.138068e-01
+48 -7.413664e-01
+49 -7.409384e-01
+50 -7.128197e-01
+51 -6.582967e-01
+52 -5.796218e-01
+53 -4.799537e-01
+54 -3.632481e-01
+55 -2.341048e-01
+56 -9.752780e-02
+57 4.131895e-02
+58 1.772643e-01
+59 3.052637e-01
+60 4.205440e-01
+61 5.188443e-01
+62 5.966258e-01
+63 6.511300e-01
+64 6.804767e-01
+65 6.837706e-01
+66 6.611990e-01
+67 6.139994e-01
+68 5.443148e-01
+69 4.549732e-01
+70 3.493903e-01
+71 2.315574e-01
+72 1.059980e-01
+73 -2.242724e-02
+74 -1.487207e-01
+75 -2.680121e-01
+76 -3.757546e-01
+77 -4.679600e-01
+78 -5.413226e-01
+79 -5.933175e-01
+80 -6.223122e-01
+81 -6.276267e-01
+82 -6.094658e-01
+83 -5.688556e-01
+84 -5.075619e-01
+85 -4.280717e-01
+86 -3.335197e-01
+87 -2.275551e-01
+88 -1.142142e-01
+89 2.251461e-03
+90 1.174739e-01
+91 2.270498e-01
+92 3.267264e-01
+93 4.126780e-01
+94 4.817786e-01
+95 5.317117e-01
+96 5.609751e-01
+97 5.688325e-01
+98 5.552946e-01
+99 5.211028e-01
+100 4.677308e-01
+101 3.973347e-01
+102 3.126800e-01
+103 2.170432e-01
+104 1.140985e-01
+105 7.822934e-03
+106 -9.762677e-02
+107 -1.981567e-01
+108 -2.899534e-01
+109 -3.697182e-01
+110 -4.347067e-01
+111 -4.827107e-01
+112 -5.120691e-01
+113 -5.217324e-01
+114 -5.113962e-01
+115 -4.815684e-01
+116 -4.335242e-01
+117 -3.692816e-01
+118 -2.915608e-01
+119 -2.036042e-01
+120 -1.089751e-01
+121 -1.137945e-02
+122 8.548789e-02
+123 1.780205e-01
+124 2.627412e-01
+125 3.364331e-01
+126 3.963286e-01
+127 4.402429e-01
+128 4.666319e-01
+129 4.745953e-01
+130 4.638624e-01
+131 4.349201e-01
+132 3.891418e-01
+133 3.287411e-01
+134 2.565219e-01
+135 1.756157e-01
+136 8.932094e-02
+137 9.989023e-04
+138 -8.596315e-02
+139 -1.683101e-01
+140 -2.430497e-01
+141 -3.074884e-01
+142 -3.592847e-01
+143 -3.965154e-01
+144 -4.177391e-01
+145 -4.221193e-01
+146 -4.095711e-01
+147 -3.808140e-01
+148 -3.372740e-01
+149 -2.809315e-01
+150 -2.141506e-01
+151 -1.396113e-01
+152 -6.026857e-02
+153 2.070335e-02
+154 1.000792e-01
+155 1.747243e-01
+156 2.417433e-01
+157 2.985377e-01
+158 3.428903e-01
+159 3.731310e-01
+160 3.882621e-01
+161 3.879230e-01
+162 3.723269e-01
+163 3.422555e-01
+164 2.989823e-01
+165 2.442437e-01
+166 1.802226e-01
+167 1.095102e-01
+168 3.498911e-02
+169 -4.037772e-02
+170 -1.136833e-01
+171 -1.820835e-01
+172 -2.428641e-01
+173 -2.935541e-01
+174 -3.320845e-01
+175 -3.569510e-01
+176 -3.672681e-01
+177 -3.627701e-01
+178 -3.437872e-01
+179 -3.112623e-01
+180 -2.667223e-01
+181 -2.121643e-01
+182 -1.498790e-01
+183 -8.234052e-02
+184 -1.217165e-02
+185 5.792245e-02
+186 1.252205e-01
+187 1.870937e-01
+188 2.410944e-01
+189 2.850796e-01
+190 3.173389e-01
+191 3.366466e-01
+192 3.423369e-01
+193 3.343555e-01
+194 3.132152e-01
+195 2.799253e-01
+196 2.358925e-01
+197 1.828799e-01
+198 1.229933e-01
+199 5.865052e-02
+200 -7.548547e-03
+201 -7.294053e-02
+202 -1.349419e-01
+203 -1.911100e-01
+204 -2.391845e-01
+205 -2.772426e-01
+206 -3.038917e-01
+207 -3.182588e-01
+208 -3.199324e-01
+209 -3.089532e-01
+210 -2.857949e-01
+211 -2.514462e-01
+212 -2.074387e-01
+213 -1.557225e-01
+214 -9.846356e-02
+215 -3.790507e-02
+216 2.366099e-02
+217 8.385400e-02
+218 1.403128e-01
+219 1.908265e-01
+220 2.334677e-01
+221 2.666141e-01
+222 2.889652e-01
+223 2.996722e-01
+224 2.984090e-01
+225 2.854333e-01
+226 2.615141e-01
+227 2.277649e-01
+228 1.855359e-01
+229 1.364189e-01
+230 8.226232e-02
+231 2.514739e-02
+232 -3.269846e-02
+233 -8.900459e-02
+234 -1.415725e-01
+235 -1.883614e-01
+236 -2.275593e-01
+237 -2.576806e-01
+238 -2.776316e-01
+239 -2.867683e-01
+240 -2.849224e-01
+241 -2.723592e-01
+242 -2.496800e-01
+243 -2.178415e-01
+244 -1.780678e-01
+245 -1.317895e-01
+246 -8.066896e-02
+247 -2.664311e-02
+248 2.816486e-02
+249 8.156545e-02
+250 1.314649e-01
+251 1.759615e-01
+252 2.134035e-01
+253 2.424496e-01
+254 2.621596e-01
+255 2.719640e-01
+256 2.715938e-01
+257 2.610315e-01
+258 2.406268e-01
+259 2.111570e-01
+260 1.738297e-01
+261 1.301802e-01
+262 8.192482e-02
+263 3.091292e-02
+264 -2.091664e-02
+265 -7.157387e-02
+266 -1.191072e-01
+267 -1.617310e-01
+268 -1.979227e-01
+269 -2.263900e-01
+270 -2.460630e-01
+271 -2.562310e-01
+272 -2.566596e-01
+273 -2.475226e-01
+274 -2.292695e-01
+275 -2.026031e-01
+276 -1.685279e-01
+277 -1.283509e-01
+278 -8.363255e-02
+279 -3.611101e-02
+280 1.244149e-02
+281 6.026827e-02
+282 1.056992e-01
+283 1.471379e-01
+284 1.830948e-01
+285 2.122919e-01
+286 2.337436e-01
+287 2.467246e-01
+288 2.507529e-01
+289 2.456333e-01
+290 2.315322e-01
+291 2.090260e-01
+292 1.790219e-01
+293 1.426865e-01
+294 1.013601e-01
+295 5.650591e-02
+296 9.696968e-03
+297 -3.738508e-02
+298 -8.301425e-02
+299 -1.254910e-01
+300 -1.632153e-01
+301 -1.947535e-01
+302 -2.189174e-01
+303 -2.348333e-01
+304 -2.420028e-01
+305 -2.403324e-01
+306 -2.300970e-01
+307 -2.118333e-01
+308 -1.862709e-01
+309 -1.542783e-01
+310 -1.169375e-01
+311 -7.561390e-02
+312 -3.191121e-02
+313 1.251485e-02
+314 5.607074e-02
+315 9.728298e-02
+316 1.347694e-01
+317 1.672252e-01
+318 1.935007e-01
+319 2.126384e-01
+320 2.239734e-01
+321 2.271160e-01
+322 2.219124e-01
+323 2.084474e-01
+324 1.872045e-01
+325 1.590959e-01
+326 1.253577e-01
+327 8.738871e-02
+328 4.668299e-02
+329 4.820965e-03
+330 -3.656791e-02
+331 -7.592489e-02
+332 -1.118356e-01
+333 -1.431312e-01
+334 -1.689077e-01
+335 -1.884257e-01
+336 -2.010875e-01
+337 -2.064610e-01
+338 -2.043372e-01
+339 -1.947449e-01
+340 -1.780058e-01
+341 -1.547526e-01
+342 -1.258865e-01
+343 -9.252095e-02
+344 -5.595258e-02
+345 -1.764161e-02
+346 2.086640e-02
+347 5.804855e-02
+348 9.250459e-02
+349 1.229822e-01
+350 1.484417e-01
+351 1.681038e-01
+352 1.814275e-01
+353 1.880415e-01
+354 1.877521e-01
+355 1.806167e-01
+356 1.669675e-01
+357 1.473428e-01
+358 1.224104e-01
+359 9.302803e-02
+360 6.021403e-02
+361 2.518551e-02
+362 -1.065863e-02
+363 -4.584121e-02
+364 -7.898586e-02
+365 -1.089066e-01
+366 -1.346552e-01
+367 -1.554785e-01
+368 -1.707283e-01
+369 -1.798242e-01
+370 -1.823625e-01
+371 -1.782101e-01
+372 -1.675405e-01
+373 -1.507793e-01
+374 -1.285541e-01
+375 -1.016952e-01
+376 -7.124997e-02
+377 -3.841824e-02
+378 -4.427793e-03
+379 2.953161e-02
+380 6.231989e-02
+381 9.281799e-02
+382 1.199600e-01
+383 1.428052e-01
+384 1.605947e-01
+385 1.727668e-01
+386 1.789363e-01
+387 1.789014e-01
+388 1.726564e-01
+389 1.603818e-01
+390 1.424347e-01
+391 1.193017e-01
+392 9.171179e-02
+393 6.068304e-02
+394 2.746727e-02
+395 -6.558253e-03
+396 -4.003927e-02
+397 -7.172761e-02
+398 -1.006017e-01
+399 -1.258356e-01
+400 -1.466910e-01
+401 -1.625270e-01
+402 -1.728738e-01
+403 -1.774435e-01
+404 -1.761383e-01
+405 -1.690172e-01
+406 -1.562475e-01
+407 -1.381309e-01
+408 -1.152043e-01
+409 -8.820981e-02
+410 -5.802249e-02
+411 -2.562420e-02
+412 7.896757e-03
+413 4.138485e-02
+414 7.362486e-02
+415 1.033666e-01
+416 1.294310e-01
+417 1.507797e-01
+418 1.666137e-01
+419 1.764270e-01
+420 1.799506e-01
+421 1.771086e-01
+422 1.680130e-01
+423 1.530302e-01
+424 1.327084e-01
+425 1.077242e-01
+426 7.882659e-02
+427 4.692189e-02
+428 1.310230e-02
+429 -2.145050e-02
+430 -5.552962e-02
+431 -8.794354e-02
+432 -1.175443e-01
+433 -1.432571e-01
+434 -1.640856e-01
+435 -1.791546e-01
+436 -1.878287e-01
+437 -1.897476e-01
+438 -1.848156e-01
+439 -1.731587e-01
+440 -1.551625e-01
+441 -1.315139e-01
+442 -1.031914e-01
+443 -7.129075e-02
+444 -3.694407e-02
+445 -1.298237e-03
+446 3.447652e-02
+447 6.918291e-02
+448 1.015860e-01
+449 1.304593e-01
+450 1.546784e-01
+451 1.733125e-01
+452 1.856335e-01
+453 1.911387e-01
+454 1.895973e-01
+455 1.810701e-01
+456 1.658973e-01
+457 1.446923e-01
+458 1.182574e-01
+459 8.749480e-02
+460 5.341227e-02
+461 1.715846e-02
+462 -1.996285e-02
+463 -5.654413e-02
+464 -9.122587e-02
+465 -1.227474e-01
+466 -1.499216e-01
+467 -1.716736e-01
+468 -1.870951e-01
+469 -1.955364e-01
+470 -1.966534e-01
+471 -1.904162e-01
+472 -1.770509e-01
+473 -1.570082e-01
+474 -1.309973e-01
+475 -1.000145e-01
+476 -6.531873e-02
+477 -2.832276e-02
+478 9.523675e-03
+479 4.681254e-02
+480 8.219379e-02
+481 1.144346e-01
+482 1.424227e-01
+483 1.651542e-01
+484 1.817662e-01
+485 1.915802e-01
+486 1.941780e-01
+487 1.894613e-01
+488 1.776247e-01
+489 1.591101e-01
+490 1.346320e-01
+491 1.051855e-01
+492 7.201847e-02
+493 3.643615e-02
+494 -2.669354e-04
+495 -3.678934e-02
+496 -7.176806e-02
+497 -1.038368e-01
+498 -1.317486e-01
+499 -1.544380e-01
+500 -1.711110e-01
+501 -1.812315e-01
+502 -1.844926e-01
+503 -1.808272e-01
+504 -1.703871e-01
+505 -1.535726e-01
+506 -1.310644e-01
+507 -1.037606e-01
+508 -7.268496e-02
+509 -3.892921e-02
+510 -3.647559e-03
+511 3.189290e-02
+512 6.629584e-02
+513 9.815176e-02
+514 1.261295e-01
+515 1.490814e-01
+516 1.660258e-01
+517 1.762332e-01
+518 1.792877e-01
+519 1.751228e-01
+520 1.639876e-01
+521 1.463589e-01
+522 1.229019e-01
+523 9.448449e-02
+524 6.216150e-02
+525 2.714671e-02
+526 -9.178524e-03
+527 -4.531049e-02
+528 -7.971857e-02
+529 -1.110240e-01
+530 -1.380281e-01
+531 -1.596491e-01
+532 -1.749753e-01
+533 -1.833379e-01
+534 -1.843542e-01
+535 -1.779723e-01
+536 -1.644360e-01
+537 -1.442898e-01
+538 -1.183476e-01
+539 -8.763175e-02
+540 -5.332839e-02
+541 -1.674046e-02
+542 2.071066e-02
+543 5.758317e-02
+544 9.247097e-02
+545 1.240590e-01
+546 1.510725e-01
+547 1.723689e-01
+548 1.870268e-01
+549 1.944079e-01
+550 1.941389e-01
+551 1.861352e-01
+552 1.706573e-01
+553 1.483591e-01
+554 1.202515e-01
+555 8.756231e-02
+556 5.160173e-02
+557 1.367655e-02
+558 -2.483193e-02
+559 -6.242960e-02
+560 -9.760014e-02
+561 -1.289649e-01
+562 -1.553849e-01
+563 -1.759740e-01
+564 -1.900278e-01
+565 -1.969951e-01
+566 -1.965377e-01
+567 -1.886309e-01
+568 -1.735614e-01
+569 -1.518753e-01
+570 -1.243193e-01
+571 -9.183961e-02
+572 -5.559478e-02
+573 -1.694393e-02
+574 2.264224e-02
+575 6.163443e-02
+576 9.852143e-02
+577 1.318571e-01
+578 1.603019e-01
+579 1.827190e-01
+580 1.982520e-01
+581 2.063306e-01
+582 2.066313e-01
+583 1.990948e-01
+584 1.839813e-01
+585 1.618389e-01
+586 1.334780e-01
+587 9.991291e-02
+588 6.229667e-02
+589 2.188478e-02
+590 -1.989657e-02
+591 -6.144958e-02
+592 -1.010582e-01
+593 -1.370355e-01
+594 -1.678867e-01
+595 -1.923230e-01
+596 -2.092838e-01
+597 -2.179767e-01
+598 -2.179478e-01
+599 -2.091683e-01
+600 -1.920340e-01
+601 -1.673310e-01
+602 -1.361561e-01
+603 -9.981226e-02
+604 -5.971025e-02
+605 -1.737143e-02
+606 2.562087e-02
+607 6.765307e-02
+608 1.071614e-01
+609 1.426803e-01
+610 1.728288e-01
+611 1.963220e-01
+612 2.120536e-01
+613 2.192645e-01
+614 2.176068e-01
+615 2.071616e-01
+616 1.884086e-01
+617 1.621771e-01
+618 1.296105e-01
+619 9.209425e-02
+620 5.115249e-02
+621 8.386285e-03
+622 -3.457803e-02
+623 -7.605906e-02
+624 -1.143731e-01
+625 -1.479947e-01
+626 -1.757111e-01
+627 -1.965796e-01
+628 -2.098514e-01
+629 -2.150328e-01
+630 -2.119846e-01
+631 -2.009583e-01
+632 -1.824868e-01
+633 -1.573349e-01
+634 -1.264437e-01
+635 -9.089626e-02
+636 -5.194570e-02
+637 -1.100111e-02
+638 3.036065e-02
+639 7.053876e-02
+640 1.079793e-01
+641 1.412192e-01
+642 1.689648e-01
+643 1.901790e-01
+644 2.040950e-01
+645 2.102159e-01
+646 2.083173e-01
+647 1.984298e-01
+648 1.808956e-01
+649 1.563881e-01
+650 1.259019e-01
+651 9.067802e-02
+652 5.207412e-02
+653 1.154647e-02
+654 -2.942662e-02
+655 -6.939801e-02
+656 -1.069224e-01
+657 -1.405566e-01
+658 -1.689472e-01
+659 -1.909639e-01
+660 -2.057529e-01
+661 -2.127472e-01
+662 -2.116362e-01
+663 -2.023809e-01
+664 -1.852953e-01
+665 -1.610153e-01
+666 -1.304542e-01
+667 -9.480659e-02
+668 -5.550001e-02
+669 -1.408422e-02
+670 2.783947e-02
+671 6.865743e-02
+672 1.068071e-01
+673 1.408369e-01
+674 1.694721e-01
+675 1.916492e-01
+676 2.065655e-01
+677 2.137366e-01
+678 2.129731e-01
+679 2.043429e-01
+680 1.881491e-01
+681 1.649272e-01
+682 1.354656e-01
+683 1.008503e-01
+684 6.250828e-02
+685 2.204265e-02
+686 -1.894934e-02
+687 -5.896738e-02
+688 -9.660091e-02
+689 -1.305134e-01
+690 -1.594671e-01
+691 -1.824169e-01
+692 -1.985730e-01
+693 -2.074279e-01
+694 -2.087341e-01
+695 -2.024212e-01
+696 -1.886229e-01
+697 -1.677979e-01
+698 -1.407736e-01
+699 -1.086338e-01
+700 -7.262329e-02
+701 -3.406492e-02
+702 5.696482e-03
+703 4.528964e-02
+704 8.333309e-02
+705 1.184584e-01
+706 1.493936e-01
+707 1.749975e-01
+708 1.942835e-01
+709 2.064347e-01
+710 2.109082e-01
+711 2.074868e-01
+712 1.962864e-01
+713 1.777567e-01
+714 1.526418e-01
+715 1.219357e-01
+716 8.683695e-02
+717 4.867080e-02
+718 8.814255e-03
+719 -3.133213e-02
+720 -7.035136e-02
+721 -1.068189e-01
+722 -1.393876e-01
+723 -1.668816e-01
+724 -1.883928e-01
+725 -2.032309e-01
+726 -2.108387e-01
+727 -2.108071e-01
+728 -2.030303e-01
+729 -1.877378e-01
+730 -1.655108e-01
+731 -1.372603e-01
+732 -1.041529e-01
+733 -6.750810e-02
+734 -2.868813e-02
+735 1.087507e-02
+736 4.975178e-02
+737 8.655567e-02
+738 1.199648e-01
+739 1.487680e-01
+740 1.719292e-01
+741 1.886762e-01
+742 1.984820e-01
+743 2.010055e-01
+744 1.961413e-01
+745 1.840657e-01
+746 1.652814e-01
+747 1.405366e-01
+748 1.107717e-01
+749 7.710871e-02
+750 4.083244e-02
+751 3.308471e-03
+752 -3.411209e-02
+753 -7.007602e-02
+754 -1.032285e-01
+755 -1.322674e-01
+756 -1.560336e-01
+757 -1.736468e-01
+758 -1.845514e-01
+759 -1.884821e-01
+760 -1.854098e-01
+761 -1.755246e-01
+762 -1.591996e-01
+763 -1.370109e-01
+764 -1.097442e-01
+765 -7.837437e-02
+766 -4.403914e-02
+767 -8.015907e-03
+768 2.832738e-02
+769 6.355050e-02
+770 9.621020e-02
+771 1.249479e-01
+772 1.485750e-01
+773 1.661806e-01
+774 1.772098e-01
+775 1.814146e-01
+776 1.787927e-01
+777 1.695402e-01
+778 1.540119e-01
+779 1.327163e-01
+780 1.064150e-01
+781 7.611773e-02
+782 4.305991e-02
+783 8.578267e-03
+784 -2.600067e-02
+785 -5.939999e-02
+786 -9.033995e-02
+787 -1.175219e-01
+788 -1.397313e-01
+789 -1.560435e-01
+790 -1.660215e-01
+791 -1.696597e-01
+792 -1.671557e-01
+793 -1.587921e-01
+794 -1.449847e-01
+795 -1.262863e-01
+796 -1.033404e-01
+797 -7.687038e-02
+798 -4.774658e-02
+799 -1.702302e-02
+800 1.405064e-02
+801 4.408116e-02
+802 7.167310e-02
+803 9.566942e-02
+804 1.152738e-01
+805 1.300012e-01
+806 1.396041e-01
+807 1.440143e-01
+808 1.433124e-01
+809 1.376596e-01
+810 1.272606e-01
+811 1.124686e-01
+812 9.387745e-02
+813 7.228130e-02
+814 4.861576e-02
+815 2.387933e-02
+816 -9.774835e-04
+817 -2.511254e-02
+818 -4.772908e-02
+819 -6.806949e-02
+820 -8.542521e-02
+821 -9.921354e-02
+822 -1.089954e-01
+823 -1.144629e-01
+824 -1.154759e-01
+825 -1.121025e-01
+826 -1.045757e-01
+827 -9.328456e-02
+828 -7.876318e-02
+829 -6.162658e-02
+830 -4.253506e-02
+831 -2.219902e-02
+832 -1.387913e-03
+833 1.913198e-02
+834 3.864969e-02
+835 5.648520e-02
+836 7.194452e-02
+837 8.441546e-02
+838 9.348695e-02
+839 9.891556e-02
+840 1.005924e-01
+841 9.850318e-02
+842 9.274299e-02
+843 8.352710e-02
+844 7.121693e-02
+845 5.628543e-02
+846 3.929518e-02
+847 2.090821e-02
+848 1.864073e-03
+849 -1.708953e-02
+850 -3.526180e-02
+851 -5.202995e-02
+852 -6.677107e-02
+853 -7.887104e-02
+854 -8.779941e-02
+855 -9.317276e-02
+856 -9.477868e-02
+857 -9.264123e-02
+858 -8.699344e-02
+859 -7.816122e-02
+860 -6.654960e-02
+861 -5.263678e-02
+862 -3.701433e-02
+863 -2.036751e-02
+864 -3.410661e-03
+865 1.320391e-02
+866 2.885016e-02
+867 4.296261e-02
+868 5.508271e-02
+869 6.485962e-02
+870 7.204622e-02
+871 7.651949e-02
+872 7.823285e-02
+873 7.716556e-02
+874 7.334542e-02
+875 6.689041e-02
+876 5.805385e-02
+877 4.723328e-02
+878 3.491032e-02
+879 2.162667e-02
+880 7.903048e-03
+881 -5.819489e-03
+882 -1.915948e-02
+883 -3.173063e-02
+884 -4.313900e-02
+885 -5.300712e-02
+886 -6.101354e-02
+887 -6.691553e-02
+888 -7.052733e-02
+889 -7.167451e-02
+890 -7.017715e-02
+891 -6.597116e-02
+892 -5.919028e-02
+893 -5.015194e-02
+894 -3.932388e-02
+895 -2.724607e-02
+896 -1.445648e-02
+897 -1.479424e-03
+898 1.124583e-02
+899 2.337318e-02
+900 3.462461e-02
+901 4.472529e-02
+902 5.335648e-02
+903 6.018737e-02
+904 6.490495e-02
+905 6.726819e-02
+906 6.716322e-02
+907 6.466738e-02
+908 5.998582e-02
+909 5.336890e-02
+910 4.501461e-02
+911 3.505012e-02
+912 2.367150e-02
+913 1.128813e-02
+914 -1.566625e-03
+915 -1.437019e-02
+916 -2.662498e-02
+917 -3.779243e-02
+918 -4.730920e-02
+919 -5.470703e-02
+920 -5.972664e-02
+921 -6.230335e-02
+922 -6.248612e-02
+923 -6.041333e-02
+924 -5.630680e-02
+925 -5.038947e-02
+926 -4.284728e-02
+927 -3.386016e-02
+928 -2.362581e-02
+929 -1.238310e-02
+930 -5.352315e-04
+931 1.134407e-02
+932 2.254106e-02
+933 3.234631e-02
+934 4.023803e-02
+935 4.595685e-02
+936 4.946528e-02
+937 5.083684e-02
+938 5.015904e-02
+939 4.747656e-02
+940 4.278812e-02
+941 3.619987e-02
+942 2.805758e-02
+943 1.892616e-02
+944 9.383459e-03
+945 -1.092507e-04
+946 -9.184638e-03
+947 -1.750741e-02
+948 -2.478495e-02
+949 -3.085122e-02
+950 -3.565432e-02
+951 -3.910480e-02
+952 -4.101547e-02
+953 -4.114185e-02
+954 -3.932734e-02
+955 -3.561627e-02
+956 -3.024413e-02
+957 -2.350414e-02
+958 -1.571276e-02
+959 -7.271130e-03
+960 1.336111e-03
+961 9.651182e-03
+962 1.736616e-02
+963 2.436857e-02
+964 3.064652e-02
+965 3.613635e-02
+966 4.059013e-02
+967 4.366217e-02
+968 4.508576e-02
+969 4.477110e-02
+970 4.278462e-02
+971 3.925332e-02
+972 3.431721e-02
+973 2.816715e-02
+974 2.104912e-02
+975 1.326333e-02
+976 5.190436e-03
+977 -2.749960e-03
+978 -1.019056e-02
+979 -1.694237e-02
+980 -2.297632e-02
+981 -2.823049e-02
+982 -3.248775e-02
+983 -3.546913e-02
+984 -3.699296e-02
+985 -3.704099e-02
+986 -3.566982e-02
+987 -3.295714e-02
+988 -2.904072e-02
+989 -2.415943e-02
+990 -1.862835e-02
+991 -1.274001e-02
+992 -6.764865e-03
+993 -9.865756e-04
+994 4.304436e-03
+995 8.892311e-03
+996 1.265602e-02
+997 1.555423e-02
+998 1.763271e-02
+999 1.898019e-02
+1000 1.966902e-02
+1001 1.974795e-02
+1002 1.931791e-02
+1003 1.846649e-02
+1004 1.716260e-02
+1005 1.531835e-02
+1006 1.292451e-02
+1007 1.010597e-02
+1008 7.032755e-03
+1009 3.812528e-03
+1010 4.865437e-04
+1011 -2.906603e-03
+1012 -6.332457e-03
+1013 -9.726042e-03
+1014 -1.298521e-02
+1015 -1.600315e-02
+1016 -1.870853e-02
+1017 -2.097215e-02
+1018 -2.261133e-02
+1019 -2.346761e-02
+1020 -2.346630e-02
+1021 -2.261872e-02
+1022 -2.098773e-02
+1023 -1.869060e-02
+1024 -1.587769e-02
+1025 -1.264981e-02
+1026 -9.039507e-03
+1027 -5.058025e-03
+1028 -7.615958e-04
+1029 3.787663e-03
+1030 8.511477e-03
+1031 1.325767e-02
+1032 1.775683e-02
+1033 2.166749e-02
+1034 2.469689e-02
+1035 2.666463e-02
+1036 2.751840e-02
+1037 2.733171e-02
+1038 2.625793e-02
+1039 2.452619e-02
+1040 2.236562e-02
+1041 1.986747e-02
+1042 1.693652e-02
+1043 1.342656e-02
+1044 9.288017e-03
+1045 4.592292e-03
+1046 -4.378184e-04
+1047 -5.458411e-03
+1048 -1.007554e-02
+1049 -1.395474e-02
+1050 -1.690251e-02
+1051 -1.884250e-02
+1052 -1.975870e-02
+1053 -1.970941e-02
+1054 -1.880864e-02
+1055 -1.714980e-02
+1056 -1.474880e-02
+1057 -1.164399e-02
+1058 -8.010001e-03
+1059 -4.127793e-03
+1060 -2.728046e-04
+1061 3.417167e-03
+1062 6.920062e-03
+1063 1.017949e-02
+1064 1.308771e-02
+1065 1.550554e-02
+1066 1.731546e-02
+1067 1.847035e-02
+1068 1.895196e-02
+1069 1.872449e-02
+1070 1.771688e-02
+1071 1.590037e-02
+1072 1.331816e-02
+1073 1.010191e-02
+1074 6.463647e-03
+1075 2.618348e-03
+1076 -1.253391e-03
+1077 -4.946996e-03
+1078 -8.253548e-03
+1079 -1.100827e-02
+1080 -1.314763e-02
+1081 -1.465640e-02
+1082 -1.551022e-02
+1083 -1.565783e-02
+1084 -1.511147e-02
+1085 -1.399317e-02
+1086 -1.243371e-02
+1087 -1.050118e-02
+1088 -8.202441e-03
+1089 -5.603509e-03
+1090 -2.871497e-03
+1091 -2.360315e-04
+1092 2.124843e-03
+1093 4.104114e-03
+1094 5.645473e-03
+1095 6.745733e-03
+1096 7.405385e-03
+1097 7.637653e-03
+1098 7.507092e-03
+1099 7.115807e-03
+1100 6.539494e-03
+1101 5.828229e-03
+1102 4.962549e-03
+1103 3.903372e-03
+1104 2.617061e-03
+1105 1.089958e-03
+1106 -5.895609e-04
+1107 -2.179133e-03
+1108 -3.425031e-03
+1109 -4.147560e-03
+1110 -4.280048e-03
+1111 -3.773351e-03
+1112 -2.607619e-03
+1113 -8.800911e-04
+1114 1.134427e-03
+1115 3.071682e-03
+1116 4.676944e-03
+1117 5.921487e-03
+1118 6.903093e-03
+1119 7.714543e-03
+1120 8.364843e-03
+1121 8.790401e-03
+1122 8.895958e-03
+1123 8.538191e-03
+1124 7.533729e-03
+1125 5.742068e-03
+1126 3.176424e-03
+1127 2.028502e-05
+1128 -3.479168e-03
+1129 -7.104856e-03
+1130 -1.067633e-02
+1131 -1.403482e-02
+1132 -1.701381e-02
+1133 -1.947203e-02
+1134 -2.130316e-02
+1135 -2.246537e-02
+1136 -2.297788e-02
+1137 -2.293173e-02
+1138 -2.246698e-02
+1139 -2.171137e-02
+1140 -2.073502e-02
+1141 -1.950874e-02
+1142 -1.795156e-02
+1143 -1.600104e-02
+1144 -1.366299e-02
+1145 -1.100773e-02
+1146 -8.137526e-03
+1147 -5.107315e-03
+1148 -1.908980e-03
+1149 1.493439e-03
+1150 5.073545e-03
+1151 8.681402e-03
+1152 1.207430e-02
+1153 1.496623e-02
+1154 1.709621e-02
+1155 1.830037e-02
+1156 1.860217e-02
+1157 1.819487e-02
+1158 1.733075e-02
+1159 1.624552e-02
+1160 1.512756e-02
+1161 1.409710e-02
+1162 1.319243e-02
+1163 1.236565e-02
+1164 1.150451e-02
+1165 1.052460e-02
+1166 9.439271e-03
+1167 8.392233e-03
+1168 7.555425e-03
+1169 7.024775e-03
+1170 6.783988e-03
+1171 6.700246e-03
+1172 6.552518e-03
+1173 6.119314e-03
+1174 5.246622e-03
+1175 3.843978e-03
+1176 1.843549e-03
+1177 -7.887545e-04
+1178 -4.039572e-03
+1179 -7.761004e-03
+1180 -1.170488e-02
+1181 -1.559653e-02
+1182 -1.920845e-02
+1183 -2.232831e-02
+1184 -2.472733e-02
+1185 -2.618478e-02
+1186 -2.651374e-02
+1187 -2.555821e-02
+1188 -2.322349e-02
+1189 -1.948200e-02
+1190 -1.443391e-02
+1191 -8.273649e-03
+1192 -1.259101e-03
+1193 6.276326e-03
+1194 1.398124e-02
+1195 2.151747e-02
+1196 2.852073e-02
+1197 3.466100e-02
+1198 3.966471e-02
+1199 4.332042e-02
+1200 4.544969e-02
+1201 4.592830e-02
+1202 4.464762e-02
+1203 4.156292e-02
+1204 3.672466e-02
+1205 3.028300e-02
+1206 2.242522e-02
+1207 1.337755e-02
+1208 3.387218e-03
+1209 -7.196471e-03
+1210 -1.790244e-02
+1211 -2.820313e-02
+1212 -3.756276e-02
+1213 -4.544062e-02
+1214 -5.134934e-02
+1215 -5.493213e-02
+1216 -5.601129e-02
+1217 -5.459786e-02
+1218 -5.082060e-02
+1219 -4.480812e-02
+1220 -3.664351e-02
+1221 -2.642099e-02
+1222 -1.438807e-02
+1223 -1.021992e-03
+1224 1.301813e-02
+1225 2.702427e-02
+1226 4.033660e-02
+1227 5.240167e-02
+1228 6.278429e-02
+1229 7.113380e-02
+1230 7.716186e-02
+1231 8.068892e-02
+1232 8.158657e-02
+1233 7.969979e-02
+1234 7.487114e-02
+1235 6.703566e-02
+1236 5.633157e-02
+1237 4.312351e-02
+1238 2.796444e-02
+1239 1.151843e-02
+1240 -5.510492e-03
+1241 -2.244586e-02
+1242 -3.868684e-02
+1243 -5.369117e-02
+1244 -6.699229e-02
+1245 -7.817242e-02
+1246 -8.687692e-02
+1247 -9.277072e-02
+1248 -9.556084e-02
+1249 -9.497991e-02
+1250 -9.083947e-02
+1251 -8.313138e-02
+1252 -7.206174e-02
+1253 -5.807179e-02
+1254 -4.167168e-02
+1255 -2.339337e-02
+1256 -3.838017e-03
+1257 1.628250e-02
+1258 3.621756e-02
+1259 5.522506e-02
+1260 7.251540e-02
+1261 8.726416e-02
+1262 9.870185e-02
+1263 1.062381e-01
+1264 1.095220e-01
+1265 1.084430e-01
+1266 1.030677e-01
+1267 9.361958e-02
+1268 8.039952e-02
+1269 6.382351e-02
+1270 4.446457e-02
+1271 2.302404e-02
+1272 2.629862e-04
+1273 -2.299212e-02
+1274 -4.585603e-02
+1275 -6.741227e-02
+1276 -8.678456e-02
+1277 -1.031513e-01
+1278 -1.157748e-01
+1279 -1.240526e-01
+1280 -1.275987e-01
+1281 -1.262827e-01
+1282 -1.202140e-01
+1283 -1.096304e-01
+1284 -9.489689e-02
+1285 -7.654641e-02
+1286 -5.531783e-02
+1287 -3.209569e-02
+1288 -7.741418e-03
+1289 1.697562e-02
+1290 4.127393e-02
+1291 6.435652e-02
+1292 8.540629e-02
+1293 1.035946e-01
+1294 1.181396e-01
+1295 1.283473e-01
+1296 1.336775e-01
+1297 1.338887e-01
+1298 1.290451e-01
+1299 1.193782e-01
+1300 1.052650e-01
+1301 8.721770e-02
+1302 6.586924e-02
+1303 4.193735e-02
+1304 1.627787e-02
+1305 -1.014112e-02
+1306 -3.634527e-02
+1307 -6.145281e-02
+1308 -8.464419e-02
+1309 -1.050886e-01
+1310 -1.219398e-01
+1311 -1.343878e-01
+1312 -1.417861e-01
+1313 -1.437434e-01
+1314 -1.401316e-01
+1315 -1.310804e-01
+1316 -1.169934e-01
+1317 -9.844883e-02
+1318 -7.609577e-02
+1319 -5.062745e-02
+1320 -2.279005e-02
+1321 6.518936e-03
+1322 3.620050e-02
+1323 6.501586e-02
+1324 9.173416e-02
+1325 1.152229e-01
+1326 1.344804e-01
+1327 1.486664e-01
+1328 1.571750e-01
+1329 1.596527e-01
+1330 1.560070e-01
+1331 1.464395e-01
+1332 1.314288e-01
+1333 1.115956e-01
+1334 8.763351e-02
+1335 6.031572e-02
+1336 3.053335e-02
+1337 -6.773111e-04
+1338 -3.217022e-02
+1339 -6.273276e-02
+1340 -9.115716e-02
+1341 -1.163182e-01
+1342 -1.372320e-01
+1343 -1.530765e-01
+1344 -1.632546e-01
+1345 -1.674017e-01
+1346 -1.653949e-01
+1347 -1.573215e-01
+1348 -1.434660e-01
+1349 -1.242838e-01
+1350 -1.004282e-01
+1351 -7.269888e-02
+1352 -4.207799e-02
+1353 -9.727942e-03
+1354 2.303098e-02
+1355 5.488202e-02
+1356 8.460565e-02
+1357 1.111509e-01
+1358 1.336189e-01
+1359 1.512792e-01
+1360 1.635940e-01
+1361 1.701738e-01
+1362 1.707994e-01
+1363 1.654192e-01
+1364 1.541377e-01
+1365 1.372215e-01
+1366 1.151062e-01
+1367 8.843818e-02
+1368 5.817677e-02
+1369 2.559683e-02
+1370 -7.851803e-03
+1371 -4.070898e-02
+1372 -7.169315e-02
+1373 -9.982317e-02
+1374 -1.242854e-01
+1375 -1.443565e-01
+1376 -1.593962e-01
+1377 -1.689373e-01
+1378 -1.726461e-01
+1379 -1.702880e-01
+1380 -1.617213e-01
+1381 -1.470280e-01
+1382 -1.266173e-01
+1383 -1.012325e-01
+1384 -7.187993e-02
+1385 -3.970403e-02
+1386 -5.885958e-03
+1387 2.831519e-02
+1388 6.157268e-02
+1389 9.258113e-02
+1390 1.201700e-01
+1391 1.432367e-01
+1392 1.607616e-01
+1393 1.719538e-01
+1394 1.763353e-01
+1395 1.737543e-01
+1396 1.643555e-01
+1397 1.485941e-01
+1398 1.271572e-01
+1399 1.008576e-01
+1400 7.062730e-02
+1401 3.753066e-02
+1402 2.769144e-03
+1403 -3.233684e-02
+1404 -6.643620e-02
+1405 -9.819675e-02
+1406 -1.262977e-01
+1407 -1.495014e-01
+1408 -1.667670e-01
+1409 -1.773881e-01
+1410 -1.810932e-01
+1411 -1.779800e-01
+1412 -1.683733e-01
+1413 -1.527254e-01
+1414 -1.315841e-01
+1415 -1.056405e-01
+1416 -7.582062e-02
+1417 -4.328568e-02
+1418 -9.342227e-03
+1419 2.473853e-02
+1420 5.776168e-02
+1421 8.854370e-02
+1422 1.159241e-01
+1423 1.388849e-01
+1424 1.566018e-01
+1425 1.684554e-01
+1426 1.739933e-01
+1427 1.729490e-01
+1428 1.653185e-01
+1429 1.514460e-01
+1430 1.319878e-01
+1431 1.078107e-01
+1432 7.989025e-02
+1433 4.924435e-02
+1434 1.693419e-02
+1435 -1.589336e-02
+1436 -4.809140e-02
+1437 -7.856473e-02
+1438 -1.062799e-01
+1439 -1.302866e-01
+1440 -1.496916e-01
+1441 -1.636417e-01
+1442 -1.714022e-01
+1443 -1.724614e-01
+1444 -1.666579e-01
+1445 -1.542191e-01
+1446 -1.357149e-01
+1447 -1.119402e-01
+1448 -8.392549e-02
+1449 -5.291072e-02
+1450 -2.020816e-02
+1451 1.294674e-02
+1452 4.549423e-02
+1453 7.648986e-02
+1454 1.049593e-01
+1455 1.298733e-01
+1456 1.502124e-01
+1457 1.650812e-01
+1458 1.737614e-01
+1459 1.758008e-01
+1460 1.710631e-01
+1461 1.596876e-01
+1462 1.421399e-01
+1463 1.192275e-01
+1464 9.194699e-02
+1465 6.127685e-02
+1466 2.818633e-02
+1467 -6.245948e-03
+1468 -4.074320e-02
+1469 -7.392806e-02
+1470 -1.043986e-01
+1471 -1.308895e-01
+1472 -1.523555e-01
+1473 -1.681104e-01
+1474 -1.777762e-01
+1475 -1.811117e-01
+1476 -1.779767e-01
+1477 -1.683992e-01
+1478 -1.526259e-01
+1479 -1.311302e-01
+1480 -1.045797e-01
+1481 -7.383395e-02
+1482 -4.001605e-02
+1483 -4.498431e-03
+1484 3.121217e-02
+1485 6.569207e-02
+1486 9.770264e-02
+1487 1.261787e-01
+1488 1.501887e-01
+1489 1.689726e-01
+1490 1.819112e-01
+1491 1.884887e-01
+1492 1.883005e-01
+1493 1.811598e-01
+1494 1.671502e-01
+1495 1.466392e-01
+1496 1.202654e-01
+1497 8.900686e-02
+1498 5.416859e-02
+1499 1.726344e-02
+1500 -2.018731e-02
+1501 -5.679042e-02
+1502 -9.127883e-02
+1503 -1.224802e-01
+1504 -1.492971e-01
+1505 -1.707040e-01
+1506 -1.858039e-01
+1507 -1.938833e-01
+1508 -1.945708e-01
+1509 -1.878697e-01
+1510 -1.740750e-01
+1511 -1.536675e-01
+1512 -1.273525e-01
+1513 -9.613649e-02
+1514 -6.127574e-02
+1515 -2.416390e-02
+1516 1.383837e-02
+1517 5.148130e-02
+1518 8.746619e-02
+1519 1.203623e-01
+1520 1.487465e-01
+1521 1.714040e-01
+1522 1.874401e-01
+1523 1.963027e-01
+1524 1.977154e-01
+1525 1.916506e-01
+1526 1.783293e-01
+1527 1.583051e-01
+1528 1.324403e-01
+1529 1.017771e-01
+1530 6.739262e-02
+1531 3.042506e-02
+1532 -7.819281e-03
+1533 -4.587997e-02
+1534 -8.218953e-02
+1535 -1.152290e-01
+1536 -1.436902e-01
+1537 -1.665624e-01
+1538 -1.831330e-01
+1539 -1.929297e-01
+1540 -1.956304e-01
+1541 -1.910911e-01
+1542 -1.794566e-01
+1543 -1.612155e-01
+1544 -1.370981e-01
+1545 -1.080046e-01
+1546 -7.498601e-02
+1547 -3.923927e-02
+1548 -2.151644e-03
+1549 3.475655e-02
+1550 6.999927e-02
+1551 1.022090e-01
+1552 1.301805e-01
+1553 1.529336e-01
+1554 1.697697e-01
+1555 1.802306e-01
+1556 1.840488e-01
+1557 1.810713e-01
+1558 1.713028e-01
+1559 1.550322e-01
+1560 1.328684e-01
+1561 1.057131e-01
+1562 7.467110e-02
+1563 4.097355e-02
+1564 5.935014e-03
+1565 -2.911616e-02
+1566 -6.293065e-02
+1567 -9.434444e-02
+1568 -1.222732e-01
+1569 -1.456724e-01
+1570 -1.635873e-01
+1571 -1.752312e-01
+1572 -1.801017e-01
+1573 -1.780093e-01
+1574 -1.690713e-01
+1575 -1.537160e-01
+1576 -1.326299e-01
+1577 -1.066516e-01
+1578 -7.676589e-02
+1579 -4.411092e-02
+1580 -9.931164e-03
+1581 2.449501e-02
+1582 5.792602e-02
+1583 8.916019e-02
+1584 1.170410e-01
+1585 1.404784e-01
+1586 1.585237e-01
+1587 1.704749e-01
+1588 1.758955e-01
+1589 1.746549e-01
+1590 1.668994e-01
+1591 1.529926e-01
+1592 1.334660e-01
+1593 1.089930e-01
+1594 8.041327e-02
+1595 4.877841e-02
+1596 1.538238e-02
+1597 -1.830232e-02
+1598 -5.076418e-02
+1599 -8.060055e-02
+1600 -1.066697e-01
+1601 -1.280895e-01
+1602 -1.442071e-01
+1603 -1.545505e-01
+1604 -1.587885e-01
+1605 -1.568456e-01
+1606 -1.489399e-01
+1607 -1.355612e-01
+1608 -1.173216e-01
+1609 -9.488125e-02
+1610 -6.895268e-02
+1611 -4.040789e-02
+1612 -1.034049e-02
+1613 2.000813e-02
+1614 4.935863e-02
+1615 7.646922e-02
+1616 1.002395e-01
+1617 1.197753e-01
+1618 1.344540e-01
+1619 1.438760e-01
+1620 1.477945e-01
+1621 1.460550e-01
+1622 1.386220e-01
+1623 1.256518e-01
+1624 1.076170e-01
+1625 8.527840e-02
+1626 5.953084e-02
+1627 3.135515e-02
+1628 1.901717e-03
+1629 -2.757310e-02
+1630 -5.589212e-02
+1631 -8.207266e-02
+1632 -1.052731e-01
+1633 -1.246679e-01
+1634 -1.394857e-01
+1635 -1.491151e-01
+1636 -1.531590e-01
+1637 -1.514029e-01
+1638 -1.438253e-01
+1639 -1.306544e-01
+1640 -1.124116e-01
+1641 -8.986531e-02
+1642 -6.395187e-02
+1643 -3.562091e-02
+1644 -5.832258e-03
+1645 2.432802e-02
+1646 5.369104e-02
+1647 8.111699e-02
+1648 1.054889e-01
+1649 1.257561e-01
+1650 1.410504e-01
+1651 1.507330e-01
+1652 1.544252e-01
+1653 1.519811e-01
+1654 1.435460e-01
+1655 1.295175e-01
+1656 1.105030e-01
+1657 8.726767e-02
+1658 6.075061e-02
+1659 3.198892e-02
+1660 1.982210e-03
+1661 -2.823782e-02
+1662 -5.753342e-02
+1663 -8.469053e-02
+1664 -1.085186e-01
+1665 -1.279434e-01
+1666 -1.421280e-01
+1667 -1.505390e-01
+1668 -1.529424e-01
+1669 -1.493307e-01
+1670 -1.398819e-01
+1671 -1.249671e-01
+1672 -1.052009e-01
+1673 -8.137420e-02
+1674 -5.442101e-02
+1675 -2.536158e-02
+1676 4.703741e-03
+1677 3.462239e-02
+1678 6.322295e-02
+1679 8.933778e-02
+1680 1.118822e-01
+1681 1.299823e-01
+1682 1.429611e-01
+1683 1.503639e-01
+1684 1.519346e-01
+1685 1.476227e-01
+1686 1.375804e-01
+1687 1.221662e-01
+1688 1.019286e-01
+1689 7.754295e-02
+1690 4.976859e-02
+1691 1.947797e-02
+1692 -1.228904e-02
+1693 -4.430982e-02
+1694 -7.526467e-02
+1695 -1.038331e-01
+1696 -1.287756e-01
+1697 -1.489852e-01
+1698 -1.635742e-01
+1699 -1.719142e-01
+1700 -1.736761e-01
+1701 -1.688648e-01
+1702 -1.577518e-01
+1703 -1.407847e-01
+1704 -1.185474e-01
+1705 -9.178286e-02
+1706 -6.137680e-02
+1707 -2.832922e-02
+1708 6.287724e-03
+1709 4.133240e-02
+1710 7.557844e-02
+1711 1.076746e-01
+1712 1.362347e-01
+1713 1.599562e-01
+1714 1.777329e-01
+1715 1.887328e-01
+1716 1.924471e-01
+1717 1.886113e-01
+1718 1.772758e-01
+1719 1.588712e-01
+1720 1.341700e-01
+1721 1.041661e-01
+1722 7.000190e-02
+1723 3.295750e-02
+1724 -5.622749e-03
+1725 -4.435650e-02
+1726 -8.186683e-02
+1727 -1.167704e-01
+1728 -1.476385e-01
+1729 -1.730404e-01
+1730 -1.917205e-01
+1731 -2.028244e-01
+1732 -2.059939e-01
+1733 -2.012299e-01
+1734 -1.887344e-01
+1735 -1.688889e-01
+1736 -1.422805e-01
+1737 -1.097861e-01
+1738 -7.256678e-02
+1739 -3.204975e-02
+1740 1.010492e-02
+1741 5.210664e-02
+1742 9.220629e-02
+1743 1.288300e-01
+1744 1.605988e-01
+1745 1.863166e-01
+1746 2.050255e-01
+1747 2.159976e-01
+1748 2.187360e-01
+1749 2.130576e-01
+1750 1.991374e-01
+1751 1.774503e-01
+1752 1.487829e-01
+1753 1.142769e-01
+1754 7.531817e-02
+1755 3.341894e-02
+1756 -9.914935e-03
+1757 -5.319543e-02
+1758 -9.487918e-02
+1759 -1.334001e-01
+1760 -1.672094e-01
+1761 -1.948856e-01
+1762 -2.151885e-01
+1763 -2.271636e-01
+1764 -2.302757e-01
+1765 -2.244394e-01
+1766 -2.099703e-01
+1767 -1.874433e-01
+1768 -1.576602e-01
+1769 -1.216824e-01
+1770 -8.086376e-02
+1771 -3.680444e-02
+1772 8.719492e-03
+1773 5.395040e-02
+1774 9.722012e-02
+1775 1.369696e-01
+1776 1.717161e-01
+1777 2.000647e-01
+1778 2.208747e-01
+1779 2.333965e-01
+1780 2.372461e-01
+1781 2.323111e-01
+1782 2.187385e-01
+1783 1.970085e-01
+1784 1.679588e-01
+1785 1.327052e-01
+1786 9.256392e-02
+1787 4.898163e-02
+1788 3.531196e-03
+1789 -4.214850e-02
+1790 -8.638018e-02
+1791 -1.275260e-01
+1792 -1.640696e-01
+1793 -1.946563e-01
+1794 -2.181693e-01
+1795 -2.337617e-01
+1796 -2.408864e-01
+1797 -2.392569e-01
+1798 -2.288439e-01
+1799 -2.099115e-01
+1800 -1.830698e-01
+1801 -1.492697e-01
+1802 -1.097853e-01
+1803 -6.613044e-02
+1804 -1.989972e-02
+1805 2.730243e-02
+1806 7.383331e-02
+1807 1.180022e-01
+1808 1.581125e-01
+1809 1.925864e-01
+1810 2.201294e-01
+1811 2.397899e-01
+1812 2.509128e-01
+1813 2.530890e-01
+1814 2.461004e-01
+1815 2.300571e-01
+1816 2.054829e-01
+1817 1.732198e-01
+1818 1.343244e-01
+1819 9.007271e-02
+1820 4.205305e-02
+1821 -7.880162e-03
+1822 -5.774862e-02
+1823 -1.055698e-01
+1824 -1.494736e-01
+1825 -1.878155e-01
+1826 -2.192282e-01
+1827 -2.426007e-01
+1828 -2.571597e-01
+1829 -2.624890e-01
+1830 -2.584829e-01
+1831 -2.453333e-01
+1832 -2.235459e-01
+1833 -1.938599e-01
+1834 -1.571602e-01
+1835 -1.145888e-01
+1836 -6.766704e-02
+1837 -1.831003e-02
+1838 3.140810e-02
+1839 7.952187e-02
+1840 1.242827e-01
+1841 1.640897e-01
+1842 1.974503e-01
+1843 2.230424e-01
+1844 2.398334e-01
+1845 2.471958e-01
+1846 2.449683e-01
+1847 2.334125e-01
+1848 2.130545e-01
+1849 1.847104e-01
+1850 1.495546e-01
+1851 1.090035e-01
+1852 6.459751e-02
+1853 1.791917e-02
+1854 -2.940488e-02
+1855 -7.565020e-02
+1856 -1.190469e-01
+1857 -1.578680e-01
+1858 -1.904715e-01
+1859 -2.154483e-01
+1860 -2.317350e-01
+1861 -2.386956e-01
+1862 -2.360878e-01
+1863 -2.240958e-01
+1864 -2.032540e-01
+1865 -1.744547e-01
+1866 -1.389021e-01
+1867 -9.803928e-02
+1868 -5.339735e-02
+1869 -6.569048e-03
+1870 4.079712e-02
+1871 8.697268e-02
+1872 1.300833e-01
+1873 1.682151e-01
+1874 1.996293e-01
+1875 2.229621e-01
+1876 2.373149e-01
+1877 2.422392e-01
+1878 2.376535e-01
+1879 2.237599e-01
+1880 2.010592e-01
+1881 1.703450e-01
+1882 1.327219e-01
+1883 8.960413e-02
+1884 4.265032e-02
+1885 -6.275542e-03
+1886 -5.520099e-02
+1887 -1.021505e-01
+1888 -1.452471e-01
+1889 -1.827764e-01
+1890 -2.133089e-01
+1891 -2.357394e-01
+1892 -2.492269e-01
+1893 -2.531663e-01
+1894 -2.472730e-01
+1895 -2.317351e-01
+1896 -2.072209e-01
+1897 -1.747581e-01
+1898 -1.356772e-01
+1899 -9.156931e-02
+1900 -4.421926e-02
+1901 4.539811e-03
+1902 5.293021e-02
+1903 9.923356e-02
+1904 1.417655e-01
+1905 1.789054e-01
+1906 2.091579e-01
+1907 2.312338e-01
+1908 2.442165e-01
+1909 2.476286e-01
+1910 2.414221e-01
+1911 2.259115e-01
+1912 2.017066e-01
+1913 1.697364e-01
+1914 1.312930e-01
+1915 8.798096e-02
+1916 4.151949e-02
+1917 -6.399925e-03
+1918 -5.410538e-02
+1919 -9.984006e-02
+1920 -1.418610e-01
+1921 -1.785136e-01
+1922 -2.082500e-01
+1923 -2.297416e-01
+1924 -2.420225e-01
+1925 -2.445540e-01
+1926 -2.372307e-01
+1927 -2.203607e-01
+1928 -1.946466e-01
+1929 -1.612018e-01
+1930 -1.214611e-01
+1931 -7.702991e-02
+1932 -2.952080e-02
+1933 1.937794e-02
+1934 6.789257e-02
+1935 1.141204e-01
+1936 1.561278e-01
+1937 1.920982e-01
+1938 2.204391e-01
+1939 2.398668e-01
+1940 2.494716e-01
+1941 2.487618e-01
+1942 2.377404e-01
+1943 2.168926e-01
+1944 1.870709e-01
+1945 1.494708e-01
+1946 1.055898e-01
+1947 5.721349e-02
+1948 6.313843e-03
+1949 -4.506556e-02
+1950 -9.492711e-02
+1951 -1.413255e-01
+1952 -1.823914e-01
+1953 -2.164287e-01
+1954 -2.420738e-01
+1955 -2.584021e-01
+1956 -2.649248e-01
+1957 -2.615152e-01
+1958 -2.482807e-01
+1959 -2.255617e-01
+1960 -1.939834e-01
+1961 -1.545531e-01
+1962 -1.086867e-01
+1963 -5.811286e-02
+1964 -4.811400e-03
+1965 4.908298e-02
+1966 1.013868e-01
+1967 1.499481e-01
+1968 1.927404e-01
+1969 2.280334e-01
+1970 2.545778e-01
+1971 2.715761e-01
+1972 2.785329e-01
+1973 2.751948e-01
+1974 2.616419e-01
+1975 2.383223e-01
+1976 2.060322e-01
+1977 1.658915e-01
+1978 1.192810e-01
+1979 6.783700e-02
+1980 1.341625e-02
+1981 -4.193672e-02
+1982 -9.606177e-02
+1983 -1.468074e-01
+1984 -1.921830e-01
+1985 -2.304554e-01
+1986 -2.601204e-01
+1987 -2.799643e-01
+1988 -2.891189e-01
+1989 -2.871661e-01
+1990 -2.742536e-01
+1991 -2.510213e-01
+1992 -2.183962e-01
+1993 -1.774976e-01
+1994 -1.296765e-01
+1995 -7.658589e-02
+1996 -2.019911e-02
+1997 3.728089e-02
+1998 9.356114e-02
+1999 1.464156e-01
+2000 1.938280e-01
+2001 2.340347e-01
+2002 2.655455e-01
+2003 2.871567e-01
+2004 2.980348e-01
+2005 2.977323e-01
+2006 2.862486e-01
+2007 2.639886e-01
+2008 2.317418e-01
+2009 1.906589e-01
+2010 1.422881e-01
+2011 8.855926e-02
+2012 3.160303e-02
+2013 -2.641021e-02
+2014 -8.336238e-02
+2015 -1.372214e-01
+2016 -1.861018e-01
+2017 -2.282864e-01
+2018 -2.622832e-01
+2019 -2.868357e-01
+2020 -3.009859e-01
+2021 -3.041327e-01
+2022 -2.960984e-01
+2023 -2.771222e-01
+2024 -2.478903e-01
+2025 -2.095134e-01
+2026 -1.634860e-01
+2027 -1.115917e-01
+2028 -5.576400e-02
+2029 2.011455e-03
+2030 5.984564e-02
+2031 1.159010e-01
+2032 1.683235e-01
+2033 2.152616e-01
+2034 2.549532e-01
+2035 2.858435e-01
+2036 3.066355e-01
+2037 3.163389e-01
+2038 3.143062e-01
+2039 3.003992e-01
+2040 2.750977e-01
+2041 2.394429e-01
+2042 1.949062e-01
+2043 1.432220e-01
+2044 8.628425e-02
+2045 2.610894e-02
+2046 -3.522043e-02
+2047 -9.560434e-02
+2048 -1.529343e-01
+2049 -2.051349e-01
+2050 -2.502829e-01
+2051 -2.866656e-01
+2052 -3.128019e-01
+2053 -3.275298e-01
+2054 -3.301257e-01
+2055 -3.204108e-01
+2056 -2.987021e-01
+2057 -2.657077e-01
+2058 -2.224779e-01
+2059 -1.704888e-01
+2060 -1.116758e-01
+2061 -4.834862e-02
+2062 1.701736e-02
+2063 8.200018e-02
+2064 1.442573e-01
+2065 2.014796e-01
+2066 2.515349e-01
+2067 2.926125e-01
+2068 3.232924e-01
+2069 3.424415e-01
+2070 3.492360e-01
+2071 3.432498e-01
+2072 3.245719e-01
+2073 2.938841e-01
+2074 2.523941e-01
+2075 2.017198e-01
+2076 1.438088e-01
+2077 8.081863e-02
+2078 1.503149e-02
+2079 -5.117095e-02
+2080 -1.154108e-01
+2081 -1.754743e-01
+2082 -2.293007e-01
+2083 -2.750198e-01
+2084 -3.110333e-01
+2085 -3.360689e-01
+2086 -3.492465e-01
+2087 -3.500790e-01
+2088 -3.384881e-01
+2089 -3.148357e-01
+2090 -2.799177e-01
+2091 -2.349340e-01
+2092 -1.815164e-01
+2093 -1.216784e-01
+2094 -5.767075e-02
+2095 8.202385e-03
+2096 7.361017e-02
+2097 1.362281e-01
+2098 1.938413e-01
+2099 2.444932e-01
+2100 2.865457e-01
+2101 3.186805e-01
+2102 3.398571e-01
+2103 3.492959e-01
+2104 3.465150e-01
+2105 3.313939e-01
+2106 3.043203e-01
+2107 2.661924e-01
+2108 2.183363e-01
+2109 1.623873e-01
+2110 1.003784e-01
+2111 3.464956e-02
+2112 -3.231339e-02
+2113 -9.801632e-02
+2114 -1.600698e-01
+2115 -2.162957e-01
+2116 -2.647403e-01
+2117 -3.036801e-01
+2118 -3.316391e-01
+2119 -3.475740e-01
+2120 -3.509502e-01
+2121 -3.417533e-01
+2122 -3.203021e-01
+2123 -2.872081e-01
+2124 -2.435248e-01
+2125 -1.908179e-01
+2126 -1.310449e-01
+2127 -6.640641e-02
+2128 7.617056e-04
+2129 6.804781e-02
+2130 1.329973e-01
+2131 1.931694e-01
+2132 2.462595e-01
+2133 2.902719e-01
+2134 3.235716e-01
+2135 3.449422e-01
+2136 3.536969e-01
+2137 3.496641e-01
+2138 3.331460e-01
+2139 3.048512e-01
+2140 2.658484e-01
+2141 2.175746e-01
+2142 1.618042e-01
+2143 1.005555e-01
+2144 3.609719e-02
+2145 -2.917506e-02
+2146 -9.285575e-02
+2147 -1.526415e-01
+2148 -2.064430e-01
+2149 -2.524891e-01
+2150 -2.892570e-01
+2151 -3.155059e-01
+2152 -3.303032e-01
+2153 -3.330534e-01
+2154 -3.235426e-01
+2155 -3.020901e-01
+2156 -2.696199e-01
+2157 -2.275635e-01
+2158 -1.776717e-01
+2159 -1.219131e-01
+2160 -6.238078e-02
+2161 -1.218461e-03
+2162 5.941356e-02
+2163 1.173799e-01
+2164 1.706659e-01
+2165 2.174279e-01
+2166 2.560289e-01
+2167 2.850510e-01
+2168 3.033151e-01
+2169 3.100775e-01
+2170 3.051465e-01
+2171 2.889188e-01
+2172 2.622974e-01
+2173 2.265390e-01
+2174 1.830813e-01
+2175 1.335153e-01
+2176 7.961015e-02
+2177 2.329593e-02
+2178 -3.335934e-02
+2179 -8.829596e-02
+2180 -1.395217e-01
+2181 -1.851699e-01
+2182 -2.235069e-01
+2183 -2.530446e-01
+2184 -2.726956e-01
+2185 -2.818824e-01
+2186 -2.804838e-01
+2187 -2.687184e-01
+2188 -2.471267e-01
+2189 -2.166364e-01
+2190 -1.785679e-01
+2191 -1.345115e-01
+2192 -8.617754e-02
+2193 -3.535974e-02
+2194 1.607937e-02
+2195 6.618737e-02
+2196 1.130127e-01
+2197 1.547423e-01
+2198 1.898632e-01
+2199 2.173030e-01
+2200 2.363663e-01
+2201 2.465970e-01
+2202 2.477714e-01
+2203 2.399499e-01
+2204 2.235420e-01
+2205 1.992484e-01
+2206 1.680186e-01
+2207 1.309918e-01
+2208 8.948494e-02
+2209 4.501060e-02
+2210 -6.927361e-04
+2211 -4.576927e-02
+2212 -8.843825e-02
+2213 -1.271442e-01
+2214 -1.605590e-01
+2215 -1.875728e-01
+2216 -2.073291e-01
+2217 -2.193349e-01
+2218 -2.234624e-01
+2219 -2.199188e-01
+2220 -2.091752e-01
+2221 -1.918097e-01
+2222 -1.684268e-01
+2223 -1.397433e-01
+2224 -1.066437e-01
+2225 -7.021352e-02
+2226 -3.179580e-02
+2227 7.145732e-03
+2228 4.520395e-02
+2229 8.115282e-02
+2230 1.138984e-01
+2231 1.424304e-01
+2232 1.658159e-01
+2233 1.832122e-01
+2234 1.939187e-01
+2235 1.974813e-01
+2236 1.937744e-01
+2237 1.829409e-01
+2238 1.653945e-01
+2239 1.417878e-01
+2240 1.129613e-01
+2241 8.001178e-02
+2242 4.424027e-02
+2243 7.057855e-03
+2244 -3.007993e-02
+2245 -6.571909e-02
+2246 -9.846406e-02
+2247 -1.270046e-01
+2248 -1.501511e-01
+2249 -1.670076e-01
+2250 -1.770158e-01
+2251 -1.799073e-01
+2252 -1.756672e-01
+2253 -1.644960e-01
+2254 -1.467581e-01
+2255 -1.230591e-01
+2256 -9.432934e-02
+2257 -6.182872e-02
+2258 -2.705362e-02
+2259 8.446818e-03
+2260 4.312515e-02
+2261 7.545552e-02
+2262 1.040056e-01
+2263 1.275849e-01
+2264 1.453268e-01
+2265 1.567468e-01
+2266 1.616840e-01
+2267 1.601765e-01
+2268 1.524278e-01
+2269 1.388329e-01
+2270 1.199394e-01
+2271 9.648184e-02
+2272 6.944897e-02
+2273 4.008700e-02
+2274 9.773834e-03
+2275 -2.009135e-02
+2276 -4.815776e-02
+2277 -7.327678e-02
+2278 -9.457519e-02
+2279 -1.114033e-01
+2280 -1.232813e-01
+2281 -1.298091e-01
+2282 -1.306869e-01
+2283 -1.258441e-01
+2284 -1.154141e-01
+2285 -9.982006e-02
+2286 -7.981889e-02
+2287 -5.644061e-02
+2288 -3.086549e-02
+2289 -4.345675e-03
+2290 2.181874e-02
+2291 4.644370e-02
+2292 6.858628e-02
+2293 8.751736e-02
+2294 1.025987e-01
+2295 1.131892e-01
+2296 1.186958e-01
+2297 1.187187e-01
+2298 1.131134e-01
+2299 1.020556e-01
+2300 8.603586e-02
+2301 6.582495e-02
+2302 4.237569e-02
+2303 1.676484e-02
+2304 -9.868360e-03
+2305 -3.639685e-02
+2306 -6.170373e-02
+2307 -8.468643e-02
+2308 -1.042639e-01
+2309 -1.194985e-01
+2310 -1.296207e-01
+2311 -1.341174e-01
+2312 -1.327077e-01
+2313 -1.253442e-01
+2314 -1.122835e-01
+2315 -9.411845e-02
+2316 -7.166289e-02
+2317 -4.583061e-02
+2318 -1.754947e-02
+2319 1.219203e-02
+2320 4.227716e-02
+2321 7.141493e-02
+2322 9.825418e-02
+2323 1.215189e-01
+2324 1.401153e-01
+2325 1.531592e-01
+2326 1.600134e-01
+2327 1.603028e-01
+2328 1.539176e-01
+2329 1.410073e-01
+2330 1.219627e-01
+2331 9.739147e-02
+2332 6.801445e-02
+2333 3.482125e-02
+2334 -8.505278e-04
+2335 -3.739926e-02
+2336 -7.308270e-02
+2337 -1.062326e-01
+2338 -1.353473e-01
+2339 -1.591275e-01
+2340 -1.765353e-01
+2341 -1.867638e-01
+2342 -1.893266e-01
+2343 -1.840401e-01
+2344 -1.710265e-01
+2345 -1.507623e-01
+2346 -1.240349e-01
+2347 -9.187084e-02
+2348 -5.550989e-02
+2349 -1.640648e-02
+2350 2.378689e-02
+2351 6.331849e-02
+2352 1.005449e-01
+2353 1.340782e-01
+2354 1.627431e-01
+2355 1.854721e-01
+2356 2.012693e-01
+2357 2.092537e-01
+2358 2.087927e-01
+2359 1.996693e-01
+2360 1.821276e-01
+2361 1.568025e-01
+2362 1.246845e-01
+2363 8.708485e-02
+2364 4.559621e-02
+2365 1.954234e-03
+2366 -4.212507e-02
+2367 -8.499897e-02
+2368 -1.250303e-01
+2369 -1.605734e-01
+2370 -1.900873e-01
+2371 -2.123341e-01
+2372 -2.264691e-01
+2373 -2.319799e-01
+2374 -2.285940e-01
+2375 -2.162524e-01
+2376 -1.951874e-01
+2377 -1.660504e-01
+2378 -1.300022e-01
+2379 -8.859044e-02
+2380 -4.356232e-02
+2381 3.254418e-03
+2382 5.001155e-02
+2383 9.487803e-02
+2384 1.361116e-01
+2385 1.721381e-01
+2386 2.016909e-01
+2387 2.237939e-01
+2388 2.376927e-01
+2389 2.427516e-01
+2390 2.386379e-01
+2391 2.253850e-01
+2392 2.034500e-01
+2393 1.737251e-01
+2394 1.374764e-01
+2395 9.621507e-02
+2396 5.166810e-02
+2397 5.655603e-03
+2398 -4.002756e-02
+2399 -8.374716e-02
+2400 -1.240360e-01
+2401 -1.594848e-01
+2402 -1.887230e-01
+2403 -2.104858e-01
+2404 -2.238053e-01
+2405 -2.281785e-01
+2406 -2.236190e-01
+2407 -2.106084e-01
+2408 -1.898701e-01
+2409 -1.621980e-01
+2410 -1.285237e-01
+2411 -8.998893e-02
+2412 -4.795062e-02
+2413 -3.896698e-03
+2414 4.053863e-02
+2415 8.365406e-02
+2416 1.237353e-01
+2417 1.591633e-01
+2418 1.885235e-01
+2419 2.106120e-01
+2420 2.244726e-01
+2421 2.295389e-01
+2422 2.257391e-01
+2423 2.134449e-01
+2424 1.933824e-01
+2425 1.664742e-01
+2426 1.337259e-01
+2427 9.628895e-02
+2428 5.553134e-02
+2429 1.297071e-02
+2430 -2.983269e-02
+2431 -7.137692e-02
+2432 -1.101928e-01
+2433 -1.448949e-01
+2434 -1.741391e-01
+2435 -1.967150e-01
+2436 -2.116475e-01
+2437 -2.182695e-01
+2438 -2.163021e-01
+2439 -2.059396e-01
+2440 -1.878242e-01
+2441 -1.629498e-01
+2442 -1.325435e-01
+2443 -9.796033e-02
+2444 -6.057061e-02
+2445 -2.175100e-02
+2446 1.714480e-02
+2447 5.483281e-02
+2448 9.009531e-02
+2449 1.217659e-01
+2450 1.487738e-01
+2451 1.701710e-01
+2452 1.851467e-01
+2453 1.930669e-01
+2454 1.935436e-01
+2455 1.865234e-01
+2456 1.723955e-01
+2457 1.519559e-01
+2458 1.262298e-01
+2459 9.628739e-02
+2460 6.328906e-02
+2461 2.853214e-02
+2462 -6.649825e-03
+2463 -4.104963e-02
+2464 -7.354795e-02
+2465 -1.029955e-01
+2466 -1.282441e-01
+2467 -1.482842e-01
+2468 -1.623534e-01
+2469 -1.701230e-01
+2470 -1.716732e-01
+2471 -1.672851e-01
+2472 -1.573050e-01
+2473 -1.421045e-01
+2474 -1.221994e-01
+2475 -9.828623e-02
+2476 -7.124095e-02
+2477 -4.202301e-02
+2478 -1.163700e-02
+2479 1.894029e-02
+2480 4.870166e-02
+2481 7.659993e-02
+2482 1.015769e-01
+2483 1.226885e-01
+2484 1.391727e-01
+2485 1.504718e-01
+2486 1.561605e-01
+2487 1.560538e-01
+2488 1.501690e-01
+2489 1.387270e-01
+2490 1.221664e-01
+2491 1.010682e-01
+2492 7.610972e-02
+2493 4.805609e-02
+2494 1.789957e-02
+2495 -1.318482e-02
+2496 -4.392510e-02
+2497 -7.311589e-02
+2498 -9.972033e-02
+2499 -1.228232e-01
+2500 -1.415670e-01
+2501 -1.551961e-01
+2502 -1.632131e-01
+2503 -1.654573e-01
+2504 -1.619926e-01
+2505 -1.529582e-01
+2506 -1.386064e-01
+2507 -1.193714e-01
+2508 -9.589627e-02
+2509 -6.902328e-02
+2510 -3.974590e-02
+2511 -9.193994e-03
+2512 2.140389e-02
+2513 5.082703e-02
+2514 7.791954e-02
+2515 1.016587e-01
+2516 1.212173e-01
+2517 1.359864e-01
+2518 1.455251e-01
+2519 1.495772e-01
+2520 1.481211e-01
+2521 1.414024e-01
+2522 1.298832e-01
+2523 1.141298e-01
+2524 9.477369e-02
+2525 7.243842e-02
+2526 4.779776e-02
+2527 2.166541e-02
+2528 -5.028552e-03
+2529 -3.130239e-02
+2530 -5.615565e-02
+2531 -7.857417e-02
+2532 -9.766770e-02
+2533 -1.127946e-01
+2534 -1.235422e-01
+2535 -1.296601e-01
+2536 -1.309706e-01
+2537 -1.274461e-01
+2538 -1.192392e-01
+2539 -1.066696e-01
+2540 -9.018915e-02
+2541 -7.046792e-02
+2542 -4.839493e-02
+2543 -2.493311e-02
+2544 -1.022847e-03
+2545 2.247564e-02
+2546 4.471576e-02
+2547 6.484514e-02
+2548 8.209774e-02
+2549 9.592886e-02
+2550 1.059966e-01
+2551 1.121097e-01
+2552 1.142359e-01
+2553 1.124508e-01
+2554 1.068939e-01
+2555 9.783725e-02
+2556 8.573060e-02
+2557 7.115294e-02
+2558 5.474163e-02
+2559 3.720158e-02
+2560 1.922326e-02
+2561 1.472041e-03
+2562 -1.549797e-02
+2563 -3.125414e-02
+2564 -4.534000e-02
+2565 -5.722024e-02
+2566 -6.647466e-02
+2567 -7.287120e-02
+2568 -7.640416e-02
+2569 -7.722112e-02
+2570 -7.554277e-02
+2571 -7.167298e-02
+2572 -6.600034e-02
+2573 -5.891320e-02
+2574 -5.073839e-02
+2575 -4.171936e-02
+2576 -3.206454e-02
+2577 -2.198628e-02
+2578 -1.171624e-02
+2579 -1.496786e-03
+2580 8.423925e-03
+2581 1.784513e-02
+2582 2.662962e-02
+2583 3.464683e-02
+2584 4.172514e-02
+2585 4.763499e-02
+2586 5.213414e-02
+2587 5.503267e-02
+2588 5.626831e-02
+2589 5.587233e-02
+2590 5.390589e-02
+2591 5.049746e-02
+2592 4.587363e-02
+2593 4.035957e-02
+2594 3.422664e-02
+2595 2.759124e-02
+2596 2.047745e-02
+2597 1.285231e-02
+2598 4.621764e-03
+2599 -4.293226e-03
+2600 -1.379365e-02
+2601 -2.351571e-02
+2602 -3.293026e-02
+2603 -4.153860e-02
+2604 -4.891934e-02
+2605 -5.474386e-02
+2606 -5.886577e-02
+2607 -6.128964e-02
+2608 -6.207016e-02
+2609 -6.124790e-02
+2610 -5.880218e-02
+2611 -5.470213e-02
+2612 -4.894590e-02
+2613 -4.164425e-02
+2614 -3.294898e-02
+2615 -2.298200e-02
+2616 -1.189725e-02
+2617 5.740075e-05
+2618 1.247105e-02
+2619 2.485074e-02
+2620 3.670779e-02
+2621 4.758479e-02
+2622 5.705373e-02
+2623 6.473463e-02
+2624 7.031834e-02
+2625 7.361710e-02
+2626 7.455610e-02
+2627 7.312530e-02
+2628 6.927343e-02
+2629 6.294732e-02
+2630 5.423573e-02
+2631 4.344827e-02
+2632 3.108820e-02
+2633 1.773448e-02
+2634 3.926677e-03
+2635 -9.942540e-03
+2636 -2.358286e-02
+2637 -3.672624e-02
+2638 -4.904213e-02
+2639 -6.012621e-02
+2640 -6.949467e-02
+2641 -7.661559e-02
+2642 -8.097420e-02
+2643 -8.216713e-02
+2644 -7.999571e-02
+2645 -7.451751e-02
+2646 -6.595538e-02
+2647 -5.463225e-02
+2648 -4.096168e-02
+2649 -2.537577e-02
+2650 -8.380291e-03
+2651 9.406573e-03
+2652 2.726509e-02
+2653 4.440470e-02
+2654 5.998723e-02
+2655 7.326913e-02
+2656 8.363621e-02
+2657 9.061286e-02
+2658 9.386807e-02
+2659 9.325661e-02
+2660 8.881433e-02
+2661 8.073247e-02
+2662 6.930688e-02
+2663 5.497743e-02
+2664 3.834029e-02
+2665 2.013394e-02
+2666 1.127714e-03
+2667 -1.788734e-02
+2668 -3.616097e-02
+2669 -5.295710e-02
+2670 -6.750025e-02
+2671 -7.910536e-02
+2672 -8.733424e-02
+2673 -9.202040e-02
+2674 -9.314097e-02
+2675 -9.073886e-02
+2676 -8.487564e-02
+2677 -7.574466e-02
+2678 -6.369900e-02
+2679 -4.917397e-02
+2680 -3.264905e-02
+2681 -1.469068e-02
+2682 4.013091e-03
+2683 2.263112e-02
+2684 4.028956e-02
+2685 5.614465e-02
+2686 6.949463e-02
+2687 7.984115e-02
+2688 8.691009e-02
+2689 9.061252e-02
+2690 9.092619e-02
+2691 8.781723e-02
+2692 8.126914e-02
+2693 7.138557e-02
+2694 5.850967e-02
+2695 4.319976e-02
+2696 2.606569e-02
+2697 7.681786e-03
+2698 -1.135033e-02
+2699 -3.030988e-02
+2700 -4.837701e-02
+2701 -6.472346e-02
+2702 -7.866147e-02
+2703 -8.965842e-02
+2704 -9.728269e-02
+2705 -1.012778e-01
+2706 -1.015879e-01
+2707 -9.825761e-02
+2708 -9.132024e-02
+2709 -8.080340e-02
+2710 -6.689065e-02
+2711 -5.003654e-02
+2712 -3.084003e-02
+2713 -1.006048e-02
+2714 1.141374e-02
+2715 3.262973e-02
+2716 5.266775e-02
+2717 7.066733e-02
+2718 8.593844e-02
+2719 9.800214e-02
+2720 1.065354e-01
+2721 1.113378e-01
+2722 1.122421e-01
+2723 1.091206e-01
+2724 1.020185e-01
+2725 9.115153e-02
+2726 7.679977e-02
+2727 5.934627e-02
+2728 3.936978e-02
+2729 1.768488e-02
+2730 -4.817109e-03
+2731 -2.723006e-02
+2732 -4.866464e-02
+2733 -6.823811e-02
+2734 -8.509976e-02
+2735 -9.846297e-02
+2736 -1.077213e-01
+2737 -1.125898e-01
+2738 -1.130794e-01
+2739 -1.093316e-01
+2740 -1.015623e-01
+2741 -9.011653e-02
+2742 -7.545569e-02
+2743 -5.804585e-02
+2744 -3.841503e-02
+2745 -1.719318e-02
+2746 4.798381e-03
+2747 2.652940e-02
+2748 4.692364e-02
+2749 6.499986e-02
+2750 7.994277e-02
+2751 9.115723e-02
+2752 9.833418e-02
+2753 1.013607e-01
+2754 1.002256e-01
+2755 9.496272e-02
+2756 8.567964e-02
+2757 7.259267e-02
+2758 5.609004e-02
+2759 3.672110e-02
+2760 1.518616e-02
+2761 -7.645471e-03
+2762 -3.074291e-02
+2763 -5.294452e-02
+2764 -7.308118e-02
+2765 -9.024541e-02
+2766 -1.038011e-01
+2767 -1.133057e-01
+2768 -1.184723e-01
+2769 -1.191057e-01
+2770 -1.150235e-01
+2771 -1.060940e-01
+2772 -9.230598e-02
+2773 -7.384456e-02
+2774 -5.115759e-02
+2775 -2.504413e-02
+2776 3.335430e-03
+2777 3.250266e-02
+2778 6.092710e-02
+2779 8.725490e-02
+2780 1.103490e-01
+2781 1.292961e-01
+2782 1.433895e-01
+2783 1.520653e-01
+2784 1.549178e-01
+2785 1.516848e-01
+2786 1.422556e-01
+2787 1.267163e-01
+2788 1.054273e-01
+2789 7.903894e-02
+2790 4.848374e-02
+2791 1.499179e-02
+2792 -2.000800e-02
+2793 -5.503552e-02
+2794 -8.868420e-02
+2795 -1.196695e-01
+2796 -1.467956e-01
+2797 -1.689366e-01
+2798 -1.851121e-01
+2799 -1.945429e-01
+2800 -1.967339e-01
+2801 -1.914540e-01
+2802 -1.786941e-01
+2803 -1.587148e-01
+2804 -1.320393e-01
+2805 -9.946799e-02
+2806 -6.217640e-02
+2807 -2.165803e-02
+2808 2.037317e-02
+2809 6.209483e-02
+2810 1.017047e-01
+2811 1.375286e-01
+2812 1.681612e-01
+2813 1.925288e-01
+2814 2.097700e-01
+2815 2.192492e-01
+2816 2.205803e-01
+2817 2.136914e-01
+2818 1.988288e-01
+2819 1.765250e-01
+2820 1.475656e-01
+2821 1.130097e-01
+2822 7.414359e-02
+2823 3.241529e-02
+2824 -1.066765e-02
+2825 -5.352625e-02
+2826 -9.452891e-02
+2827 -1.320911e-01
+2828 -1.647723e-01
+2829 -1.912788e-01
+2830 -2.104835e-01
+2831 -2.215197e-01
+2832 -2.239441e-01
+2833 -2.176883e-01
+2834 -2.030367e-01
+2835 -1.805692e-01
+2836 -1.511629e-01
+2837 -1.159833e-01
+2838 -7.637267e-02
+2839 -3.381211e-02
+2840 1.009438e-02
+2841 5.358488e-02
+2842 9.481042e-02
+2843 1.320656e-01
+2844 1.639735e-01
+2845 1.894425e-01
+2846 2.076005e-01
+2847 2.177760e-01
+2848 2.195672e-01
+2849 2.128215e-01
+2850 1.976181e-01
+2851 1.743657e-01
+2852 1.438462e-01
+2853 1.072033e-01
+2854 6.598792e-02
+2855 2.198767e-02
+2856 -2.294800e-02
+2857 -6.695113e-02
+2858 -1.081859e-01
+2859 -1.449716e-01
+2860 -1.758546e-01
+2861 -1.996172e-01
+2862 -2.153168e-01
+2863 -2.223563e-01
+2864 -2.205421e-01
+2865 -2.100760e-01
+2866 -1.915101e-01
+2867 -1.657343e-01
+2868 -1.338847e-01
+2869 -9.716472e-02
+2870 -5.681631e-02
+2871 -1.425577e-02
+2872 2.889834e-02
+2873 7.088893e-02
+2874 1.099370e-01
+2875 1.443797e-01
+2876 1.728410e-01
+2877 1.942503e-01
+2878 2.077797e-01
+2879 2.128501e-01
+2880 2.092952e-01
+2881 1.974327e-01
+2882 1.779982e-01
+2883 1.519332e-01
+2884 1.203150e-01
+2885 8.438714e-02
+2886 4.554458e-02
+2887 5.261020e-03
+2888 -3.496319e-02
+2889 -7.365972e-02
+2890 -1.093899e-01
+2891 -1.407849e-01
+2892 -1.665770e-01
+2893 -1.856794e-01
+2894 -1.973601e-01
+2895 -2.013541e-01
+2896 -1.978121e-01
+2897 -1.870973e-01
+2898 -1.697154e-01
+2899 -1.463046e-01
+2900 -1.176964e-01
+2901 -8.500586e-02
+2902 -4.954221e-02
+2903 -1.266171e-02
+2904 2.425218e-02
+2905 5.985638e-02
+2906 9.288678e-02
+2907 1.221410e-01
+2908 1.465337e-01
+2909 1.651848e-01
+2910 1.774350e-01
+2911 1.829132e-01
+2912 1.815593e-01
+2913 1.735256e-01
+2914 1.591559e-01
+2915 1.390408e-01
+2916 1.140281e-01
+2917 8.513914e-02
+2918 5.353283e-02
+2919 2.038246e-02
+2920 -1.318800e-02
+2921 -4.607794e-02
+2922 -7.711991e-02
+2923 -1.050658e-01
+2924 -1.287179e-01
+2925 -1.471180e-01
+2926 -1.595434e-01
+2927 -1.654851e-01
+2928 -1.646835e-01
+2929 -1.572968e-01
+2930 -1.438816e-01
+2931 -1.252597e-01
+2932 -1.024438e-01
+2933 -7.650046e-02
+2934 -4.852397e-02
+2935 -1.961646e-02
+2936 9.132029e-03
+2937 3.667472e-02
+2938 6.208088e-02
+2939 8.454245e-02
+2940 1.033032e-01
+2941 1.176519e-01
+2942 1.270083e-01
+2943 1.310471e-01
+2944 1.297413e-01
+2945 1.234131e-01
+2946 1.125768e-01
+2947 9.785163e-02
+2948 7.993385e-02
+2949 5.961136e-02
+2950 3.775199e-02
+2951 1.521938e-02
+2952 -7.127494e-03
+2953 -2.852461e-02
+2954 -4.818220e-02
+2955 -6.525671e-02
+2956 -7.897374e-02
+2957 -8.879438e-02
+2958 -9.449817e-02
+2959 -9.610268e-02
+2960 -9.376584e-02
+2961 -8.776467e-02
+2962 -7.846964e-02
+2963 -6.635428e-02
+2964 -5.193166e-02
+2965 -3.575465e-02
+2966 -1.847050e-02
+2967 -8.404362e-04
+2968 1.631832e-02
+2969 3.220705e-02
+2970 4.604227e-02
+2971 5.719442e-02
+2972 6.530300e-02
+2973 7.036445e-02
+2974 7.258640e-02
+2975 7.218515e-02
+2976 6.928322e-02
+2977 6.393790e-02
+2978 5.616989e-02
+2979 4.607013e-02
+2980 3.390990e-02
+2981 2.015528e-02
+2982 5.453290e-03
+2983 -9.475059e-03
+2984 -2.396142e-02
+2985 -3.743787e-02
+2986 -4.941013e-02
+2987 -5.940567e-02
+2988 -6.706072e-02
+2989 -7.218524e-02
+2990 -7.466539e-02
+2991 -7.448035e-02
+2992 -7.160481e-02
+2993 -6.611022e-02
+2994 -5.822290e-02
+2995 -4.831445e-02
+2996 -3.687238e-02
+2997 -2.444849e-02
+2998 -1.160601e-02
+2999 1.112666e-03
+3000 1.322810e-02
+3001 2.441623e-02
+3002 3.448563e-02
+3003 4.325061e-02
+3004 5.041318e-02
+3005 5.563944e-02
+3006 5.864200e-02
+3007 5.922171e-02
+3008 5.724128e-02
+3009 5.264331e-02
+3010 4.560894e-02
+3011 3.657856e-02
+3012 2.617079e-02
+3013 1.503350e-02
+3014 3.726573e-03
+3015 -7.272928e-03
+3016 -1.744518e-02
+3017 -2.628908e-02
+3018 -3.343435e-02
+3019 -3.869951e-02
+3020 -4.202719e-02
+3021 -4.344926e-02
+3022 -4.303846e-02
+3023 -4.086238e-02
+3024 -3.693842e-02
+3025 -3.127835e-02
+3026 -2.399396e-02
+3027 -1.544652e-02
+3028 -6.117707e-03
+3029 3.506091e-03
+3030 1.290703e-02
+3031 2.156434e-02
+3032 2.896006e-02
+3033 3.462716e-02
+3034 3.827135e-02
+3035 3.983349e-02
+3036 3.945716e-02
+3037 3.740985e-02
+3038 3.392805e-02
+3039 2.919984e-02
+3040 2.333811e-02
+3041 1.649187e-02
+3042 8.944165e-03
+3043 1.022449e-03
+3044 -7.006757e-03
+3045 -1.487221e-02
+3046 -2.218742e-02
+3047 -2.841960e-02
+3048 -3.304378e-02
+3049 -3.571125e-02
+3050 -3.637950e-02
+3051 -3.526034e-02
+3052 -3.267224e-02
+3053 -2.894022e-02
+3054 -2.434010e-02
+3055 -1.908374e-02
+3056 -1.334417e-02
+3057 -7.294086e-03
+3058 -1.131383e-03
+3059 4.810153e-03
+3060 1.007898e-02
+3061 1.422869e-02
+3062 1.690364e-02
+3063 1.788884e-02
+3064 1.711949e-02
+3065 1.472014e-02
+3066 1.094079e-02
+3067 6.141180e-03
+3068 7.798524e-04
+3069 -4.675095e-03
+3070 -9.929421e-03
+3071 -1.491619e-02
+3072 -1.964665e-02
+3073 -2.407369e-02
+3074 -2.798659e-02
+3075 -3.098470e-02
+3076 -3.257372e-02
+3077 -3.236398e-02
+3078 -3.017850e-02
+3079 -2.598942e-02
+3080 -1.997547e-02
+3081 -1.255963e-02
+3082 -4.373827e-03
+3083 3.942818e-03
+3084 1.191234e-02
+3085 1.925279e-02
+3086 2.581838e-02
+3087 3.156402e-02
+3088 3.650125e-02
+3089 4.049820e-02
+3090 4.322859e-02
+3091 4.429260e-02
+3092 4.334093e-02
+3093 4.017500e-02
+3094 3.482365e-02
+3095 2.748628e-02
+3096 1.856461e-02
+3097 8.631224e-03
+3098 -1.605854e-03
+3099 -1.149993e-02
+3100 -2.065007e-02
+3101 -2.895452e-02
+3102 -3.631929e-02
+3103 -4.247766e-02
+3104 -4.703074e-02
+3105 -4.958894e-02
+3106 -4.995100e-02
+3107 -4.813119e-02
+3108 -4.427839e-02
+3109 -3.858785e-02
+3110 -3.124791e-02
+3111 -2.239423e-02
+3112 -1.214558e-02
+3113 -7.410572e-04
+3114 1.126551e-02
+3115 2.308544e-02
+3116 3.392399e-02
+3117 4.309095e-02
+3118 5.001014e-02
+3119 5.429954e-02
+3120 5.580833e-02
+3121 5.458502e-02
+3122 5.079304e-02
+3123 4.460835e-02
+3124 3.623087e-02
+3125 2.597380e-02
+3126 1.429798e-02
+3127 1.746627e-03
+3128 -1.111156e-02
+3129 -2.370189e-02
+3130 -3.546470e-02
+3131 -4.588551e-02
+3132 -5.451325e-02
+3133 -6.095950e-02
+3134 -6.488387e-02
+3135 -6.598405e-02
+3136 -6.404937e-02
+3137 -5.908747e-02
+3138 -5.128642e-02
+3139 -4.100288e-02
+3140 -2.867927e-02
+3141 -1.484149e-02
+3142 -6.876950e-05
+3143 1.506374e-02
+3144 2.998415e-02
+3145 4.414761e-02
+3146 5.701182e-02
+3147 6.800393e-02
+3148 7.663386e-02
+3149 8.257382e-02
+3150 8.558717e-02
+3151 8.547249e-02
+3152 8.207040e-02
+3153 7.537468e-02
+3154 6.562758e-02
+3155 5.323674e-02
+3156 3.862372e-02
+3157 2.223030e-02
+3158 4.614974e-03
+3159 -1.356100e-02
+3160 -3.165240e-02
+3161 -4.905831e-02
+3162 -6.518269e-02
+3163 -7.945387e-02
+3164 -9.128653e-02
+3165 -1.001473e-01
+3166 -1.055968e-01
+3167 -1.073695e-01
+3168 -1.053237e-01
+3169 -9.945951e-02
+3170 -8.984622e-02
+3171 -7.663763e-02
+3172 -6.019266e-02
+3173 -4.107417e-02
+3174 -2.008240e-02
+3175 1.828528e-03
+3176 2.364429e-02
+3177 4.438110e-02
+3178 6.318843e-02
+3179 7.943301e-02
+3180 9.264544e-02
+3181 1.024785e-01
+3182 1.086919e-01
+3183 1.110856e-01
+3184 1.095117e-01
+3185 1.038913e-01
+3186 9.427219e-02
+3187 8.097875e-02
+3188 6.457217e-02
+3189 4.575561e-02
+3190 2.524852e-02
+3191 3.831964e-03
+3192 -1.764901e-02
+3193 -3.841256e-02
+3194 -5.774332e-02
+3195 -7.489145e-02
+3196 -8.907843e-02
+3197 -9.959618e-02
+3198 -1.059028e-01
+3199 -1.077870e-01
+3200 -1.053450e-01
+3201 -9.894503e-02
+3202 -8.904683e-02
+3203 -7.602096e-02
+3204 -6.013968e-02
+3205 -4.176087e-02
+3206 -2.142179e-02
+3207 1.596359e-04
+3208 2.217816e-02
+3209 4.367626e-02
+3210 6.360292e-02
+3211 8.092142e-02
+3212 9.474107e-02
+3213 1.044273e-01
+3214 1.095607e-01
+3215 1.099437e-01
+3216 1.055897e-01
+3217 9.672760e-02
+3218 8.375240e-02
+3219 6.725727e-02
+3220 4.795683e-02
+3221 2.672439e-02
+3222 4.586002e-03
+3223 -1.737443e-02
+3224 -3.817781e-02
+3225 -5.698908e-02
+3226 -7.313698e-02
+3227 -8.604406e-02
+3228 -9.519980e-02
+3229 -1.002346e-01
+3230 -1.009191e-01
+3231 -9.719169e-02
+3232 -8.915944e-02
+3233 -7.704041e-02
+3234 -6.111175e-02
+3235 -4.187400e-02
+3236 -2.014485e-02
+3237 2.977201e-03
+3238 2.633777e-02
+3239 4.884759e-02
+3240 6.943806e-02
+3241 8.706427e-02
+3242 1.007428e-01
+3243 1.096521e-01
+3244 1.132522e-01
+3245 1.114019e-01
+3246 1.042942e-01
+3247 9.230770e-02
+3248 7.602683e-02
+3249 5.619064e-02
+3250 3.369135e-02
+3251 9.473289e-03
+3252 -1.548409e-02
+3253 -4.016584e-02
+3254 -6.353523e-02
+3255 -8.451830e-02
+3256 -1.020403e-01
+3257 -1.151485e-01
+3258 -1.231223e-01
+3259 -1.254888e-01
+3260 -1.220153e-01
+3261 -1.128029e-01
+3262 -9.830921e-02
+3263 -7.923158e-02
+3264 -5.647482e-02
+3265 -3.108262e-02
+3266 -4.200901e-03
+3267 2.294529e-02
+3268 4.917023e-02
+3269 7.343711e-02
+3270 9.475735e-02
+3271 1.121670e-01
+3272 1.247571e-01
+3273 1.318422e-01
+3274 1.330165e-01
+3275 1.281322e-01
+3276 1.173167e-01
+3277 1.010359e-01
+3278 8.014928e-02
+3279 5.571211e-02
+3280 2.875199e-02
+3281 2.838743e-04
+3282 -2.858816e-02
+3283 -5.667140e-02
+3284 -8.280094e-02
+3285 -1.058857e-01
+3286 -1.250114e-01
+3287 -1.393808e-01
+3288 -1.482847e-01
+3289 -1.511643e-01
+3290 -1.477303e-01
+3291 -1.380402e-01
+3292 -1.224528e-01
+3293 -1.015633e-01
+3294 -7.618294e-02
+3295 -4.730433e-02
+3296 -1.603402e-02
+3297 1.645699e-02
+3298 4.893295e-02
+3299 8.006188e-02
+3300 1.085679e-01
+3301 1.333641e-01
+3302 1.535904e-01
+3303 1.685221e-01
+3304 1.775331e-01
+3305 1.800445e-01
+3306 1.756614e-01
+3307 1.642510e-01
+3308 1.459709e-01
+3309 1.213141e-01
+3310 9.114573e-02
+3311 5.663041e-02
+3312 1.913982e-02
+3313 -1.981753e-02
+3314 -5.868961e-02
+3315 -9.593470e-02
+3316 -1.300982e-01
+3317 -1.597893e-01
+3318 -1.836943e-01
+3319 -2.007509e-01
+3320 -2.101750e-01
+3321 -2.114992e-01
+3322 -2.046369e-01
+3323 -1.897091e-01
+3324 -1.671006e-01
+3325 -1.374171e-01
+3326 -1.016029e-01
+3327 -6.095178e-02
+3328 -1.697827e-02
+3329 2.870371e-02
+3330 7.437654e-02
+3331 1.181372e-01
+3332 1.579443e-01
+3333 1.918725e-01
+3334 2.183350e-01
+3335 2.362668e-01
+3336 2.451222e-01
+3337 2.447440e-01
+3338 2.351768e-01
+3339 2.166508e-01
+3340 1.896021e-01
+3341 1.547627e-01
+3342 1.132398e-01
+3343 6.651437e-02
+3344 1.638524e-02
+3345 -3.514361e-02
+3346 -8.604112e-02
+3347 -1.342912e-01
+3348 -1.779608e-01
+3349 -2.152042e-01
+3350 -2.444184e-01
+3351 -2.644628e-01
+3352 -2.746593e-01
+3353 -2.746447e-01
+3354 -2.642627e-01
+3355 -2.436094e-01
+3356 -2.132312e-01
+3357 -1.741739e-01
+3358 -1.278505e-01
+3359 -7.583749e-02
+3360 -1.989930e-02
+3361 3.793424e-02
+3362 9.539323e-02
+3363 1.500686e-01
+3364 1.997260e-01
+3365 2.424602e-01
+3366 2.767095e-01
+3367 3.011030e-01
+3368 3.144360e-01
+3369 3.158526e-01
+3370 3.050513e-01
+3371 2.822564e-01
+3372 2.481519e-01
+3373 2.037623e-01
+3374 1.505073e-01
+3375 9.032885e-02
+3376 2.567915e-02
+3377 -4.065957e-02
+3378 -1.059229e-01
+3379 -1.676150e-01
+3380 -2.234996e-01
+3381 -2.715717e-01
+3382 -3.100488e-01
+3383 -3.373410e-01
+3384 -3.522126e-01
+3385 -3.538640e-01
+3386 -3.419809e-01
+3387 -3.167501e-01
+3388 -2.788901e-01
+3389 -2.297273e-01
+3390 -1.712674e-01
+3391 -1.061103e-01
+3392 -3.715602e-02
+3393 3.265620e-02
+3394 1.005748e-01
+3395 1.641826e-01
+3396 2.213707e-01
+3397 2.702873e-01
+3398 3.093352e-01
+3399 3.371681e-01
+3400 3.526832e-01
+3401 3.551303e-01
+3402 3.442592e-01
+3403 3.203975e-01
+3404 2.844176e-01
+3405 2.377034e-01
+3406 1.821667e-01
+3407 1.201306e-01
+3408 5.412851e-02
+3409 -1.329446e-02
+3410 -7.971206e-02
+3411 -1.428547e-01
+3412 -2.006150e-01
+3413 -2.510544e-01
+3414 -2.925087e-01
+3415 -3.236258e-01
+3416 -3.434245e-01
+3417 -3.512889e-01
+3418 -3.468641e-01
+3419 -3.301308e-01
+3420 -3.015350e-01
+3421 -2.619047e-01
+3422 -2.125105e-01
+3423 -1.550934e-01
+3424 -9.187910e-02
+3425 -2.544257e-02
+3426 4.158273e-02
+3427 1.067405e-01
+3428 1.677676e-01
+3429 2.225365e-01
+3430 2.690103e-01
+3431 3.053876e-01
+3432 3.302672e-01
+3433 3.427773e-01
+3434 3.425704e-01
+3435 3.297435e-01
+3436 3.047307e-01
+3437 2.682002e-01
+3438 2.211795e-01
+3439 1.652342e-01
+3440 1.024997e-01
+3441 3.546970e-02
+3442 -3.312097e-02
+3443 -1.004195e-01
+3444 -1.636038e-01
+3445 -2.201075e-01
+3446 -2.677748e-01
+3447 -3.048544e-01
+3448 -3.300567e-01
+3449 -3.426069e-01
+3450 -3.422406e-01
+3451 -3.291176e-01
+3452 -3.038756e-01
+3453 -2.675721e-01
+3454 -2.215614e-01
+3455 -1.675139e-01
+3456 -1.073800e-01
+3457 -4.341603e-02
+3458 2.191400e-02
+3459 8.610087e-02
+3460 1.467851e-01
+3461 2.018421e-01
+3462 2.493146e-01
+3463 2.874335e-01
+3464 3.146175e-01
+3465 3.296776e-01
+3466 3.319953e-01
+3467 3.215098e-01
+3468 2.986541e-01
+3469 2.642714e-01
+3470 2.197393e-01
+3471 1.669626e-01
+3472 1.082358e-01
+3473 4.595508e-02
+3474 -1.751386e-02
+3475 -7.979726e-02
+3476 -1.385010e-01
+3477 -1.912679e-01
+3478 -2.359969e-01
+3479 -2.709707e-01
+3480 -2.948980e-01
+3481 -3.069223e-01
+3482 -3.067380e-01
+3483 -2.945681e-01
+3484 -2.709818e-01
+3485 -2.369398e-01
+3486 -1.938257e-01
+3487 -1.434620e-01
+3488 -8.799889e-02
+3489 -2.971093e-02
+3490 2.918695e-02
+3491 8.665229e-02
+3492 1.407478e-01
+3493 1.895785e-01
+3494 2.313020e-01
+3495 2.643517e-01
+3496 2.874969e-01
+3497 2.997873e-01
+3498 3.005857e-01
+3499 2.897226e-01
+3500 2.675890e-01
+3501 2.351664e-01
+3502 1.939398e-01
+3503 1.457214e-01
+3504 9.238695e-02
+3505 3.589465e-02
+3506 -2.173301e-02
+3507 -7.843128e-02
+3508 -1.321892e-01
+3509 -1.811597e-01
+3510 -2.236148e-01
+3511 -2.579452e-01
+3512 -2.827610e-01
+3513 -2.969785e-01
+3514 -2.998773e-01
+3515 -2.911468e-01
+3516 -2.708823e-01
+3517 -2.396848e-01
+3518 -1.987909e-01
+3519 -1.499797e-01
+3520 -9.539664e-02
+3521 -3.734049e-02
+3522 2.181445e-02
+3523 7.971939e-02
+3524 1.342634e-01
+3525 1.837497e-01
+3526 2.267655e-01
+3527 2.619633e-01
+3528 2.879963e-01
+3529 3.036886e-01
+3530 3.082021e-01
+3531 3.012064e-01
+3532 2.828279e-01
+3533 2.535601e-01
+3534 2.142839e-01
+3535 1.663182e-01
+3536 1.115560e-01
+3537 5.234773e-02
+3538 -8.796733e-03
+3539 -6.946401e-02
+3540 -1.273028e-01
+3541 -1.799656e-01
+3542 -2.253377e-01
+3543 -2.617882e-01
+3544 -2.881248e-01
+3545 -3.035388e-01
+3546 -3.075115e-01
+3547 -2.998808e-01
+3548 -2.809855e-01
+3549 -2.516208e-01
+3550 -2.129469e-01
+3551 -1.663870e-01
+3552 -1.136493e-01
+3553 -5.667098e-02
+3554 2.454951e-03
+3555 6.150476e-02
+3556 1.181408e-01
+3557 1.700987e-01
+3558 2.152413e-01
+3559 2.516480e-01
+3560 2.778457e-01
+3561 2.929567e-01
+3562 2.966700e-01
+3563 2.891362e-01
+3564 2.708649e-01
+3565 2.427127e-01
+3566 2.058538e-01
+3567 1.616962e-01
+3568 1.117604e-01
+3569 5.767993e-02
+3570 1.174278e-03
+3571 -5.580727e-02
+3572 -1.110757e-01
+3573 -1.623337e-01
+3574 -2.074289e-01
+3575 -2.444835e-01
+3576 -2.719556e-01
+3577 -2.888141e-01
+3578 -2.945716e-01
+3579 -2.892949e-01
+3580 -2.734295e-01
+3581 -2.476026e-01
+3582 -2.126155e-01
+3583 -1.696002e-01
+3584 -1.201257e-01
+3585 -6.609355e-02
+3586 -9.584113e-03
+3587 4.732838e-02
+3588 1.026168e-01
+3589 1.543338e-01
+3590 2.005674e-01
+3591 2.395559e-01
+3592 2.697473e-01
+3593 2.898520e-01
+3594 2.988594e-01
+3595 2.961625e-01
+3596 2.817360e-01
+3597 2.561339e-01
+3598 2.203290e-01
+3599 1.756971e-01
+3600 1.240298e-01
+3601 6.760770e-02
+3602 8.997933e-03
+3603 -4.926664e-02
+3604 -1.049818e-01
+3605 -1.561032e-01
+3606 -2.006340e-01
+3607 -2.368357e-01
+3608 -2.633922e-01
+3609 -2.793326e-01
+3610 -2.840658e-01
+3611 -2.774731e-01
+3612 -2.599901e-01
+3613 -2.325334e-01
+3614 -1.963452e-01
+3615 -1.528041e-01
+3616 -1.034553e-01
+3617 -5.014847e-02
+3618 4.920303e-03
+3619 5.940785e-02
+3620 1.111795e-01
+3621 1.582475e-01
+3622 1.988054e-01
+3623 2.313054e-01
+3624 2.545798e-01
+3625 2.679072e-01
+3626 2.709949e-01
+3627 2.638930e-01
+3628 2.469166e-01
+3629 2.207799e-01
+3630 1.865362e-01
+3631 1.454915e-01
+3632 9.910355e-02
+3633 4.901953e-02
+3634 -2.965114e-03
+3635 -5.477805e-02
+3636 -1.041395e-01
+3637 -1.488964e-01
+3638 -1.872541e-01
+3639 -2.178175e-01
+3640 -2.396266e-01
+3641 -2.520780e-01
+3642 -2.548057e-01
+3643 -2.477293e-01
+3644 -2.311683e-01
+3645 -2.059020e-01
+3646 -1.729965e-01
+3647 -1.337209e-01
+3648 -8.951336e-02
+3649 -4.201324e-02
+3650 7.034071e-03
+3651 5.586921e-02
+3652 1.026033e-01
+3653 1.453398e-01
+3654 1.822859e-01
+3655 2.120471e-01
+3656 2.336838e-01
+3657 2.465251e-01
+3658 2.500741e-01
+3659 2.440995e-01
+3660 2.287140e-01
+3661 2.044783e-01
+3662 1.723022e-01
+3663 1.334437e-01
+3664 8.941014e-02
+3665 4.195489e-02
+3666 -7.009317e-03
+3667 -5.558228e-02
+3668 -1.020322e-01
+3669 -1.447572e-01
+3670 -1.822769e-01
+3671 -2.132223e-01
+3672 -2.363925e-01
+3673 -2.508849e-01
+3674 -2.560802e-01
+3675 -2.516596e-01
+3676 -2.376882e-01
+3677 -2.146093e-01
+3678 -1.833048e-01
+3679 -1.449350e-01
+3680 -1.008828e-01
+3681 -5.279998e-02
+3682 -2.542407e-03
+3683 4.799471e-02
+3684 9.699560e-02
+3685 1.426875e-01
+3686 1.834001e-01
+3687 2.176870e-01
+3688 2.443006e-01
+3689 2.621640e-01
+3690 2.704849e-01
+3691 2.688276e-01
+3692 2.571904e-01
+3693 2.360101e-01
+3694 2.061594e-01
+3695 1.688325e-01
+3696 1.255041e-01
+3697 7.777950e-02
+3698 2.724372e-02
+3699 -2.456220e-02
+3700 -7.611444e-02
+3701 -1.257751e-01
+3702 -1.716798e-01
+3703 -2.118297e-01
+3704 -2.443679e-01
+3705 -2.677467e-01
+3706 -2.808236e-01
+3707 -2.829518e-01
+3708 -2.740674e-01
+3709 -2.547163e-01
+3710 -2.259020e-01
+3711 -1.888724e-01
+3712 -1.450595e-01
+3713 -9.608490e-02
+3714 -4.370418e-02
+3715 1.020814e-02
+3716 6.366086e-02
+3717 1.145551e-01
+3718 1.608964e-01
+3719 2.009788e-01
+3720 2.334656e-01
+3721 2.573206e-01
+3722 2.717342e-01
+3723 2.761364e-01
+3724 2.703515e-01
+3725 2.545665e-01
+3726 2.292769e-01
+3727 1.952877e-01
+3728 1.536598e-01
+3729 1.058742e-01
+3730 5.383331e-02
+3731 -2.795556e-04
+3732 -5.416614e-02
+3733 -1.055257e-01
+3734 -1.523108e-01
+3735 -1.928976e-01
+3736 -2.260153e-01
+3737 -2.506292e-01
+3738 -2.659613e-01
+3739 -2.715366e-01
+3740 -2.672986e-01
+3741 -2.535924e-01
+3742 -2.310007e-01
+3743 -2.002460e-01
+3744 -1.623213e-01
+3745 -1.184898e-01
+3746 -7.028714e-02
+3747 -1.949055e-02
+3748 3.201576e-02
+3749 8.233833e-02
+3750 1.295374e-01
+3751 1.716706e-01
+3752 2.069822e-01
+3753 2.340845e-01
+3754 2.521304e-01
+3755 2.607069e-01
+3756 2.597140e-01
+3757 2.493003e-01
+3758 2.298560e-01
+3759 2.020789e-01
+3760 1.669252e-01
+3761 1.254790e-01
+3762 7.904360e-02
+3763 2.916147e-02
+3764 -2.236222e-02
+3765 -7.351248e-02
+3766 -1.220335e-01
+3767 -1.656800e-01
+3768 -2.025588e-01
+3769 -2.313727e-01
+3770 -2.513402e-01
+3771 -2.619744e-01
+3772 -2.629846e-01
+3773 -2.542542e-01
+3774 -2.359725e-01
+3775 -2.087012e-01
+3776 -1.734381e-01
+3777 -1.315134e-01
+3778 -8.449127e-02
+3779 -3.403562e-02
+3780 1.811311e-02
+3781 7.009273e-02
+3782 1.198049e-01
+3783 1.651088e-01
+3784 2.041823e-01
+3785 2.356049e-01
+3786 2.583290e-01
+3787 2.716529e-01
+3788 2.752096e-01
+3789 2.689566e-01
+3790 2.530781e-01
+3791 2.279594e-01
+3792 1.942914e-01
+3793 1.531810e-01
+3794 1.060553e-01
+3795 5.459428e-02
+3796 7.413491e-04
+3797 -5.337345e-02
+3798 -1.055839e-01
+3799 -1.538483e-01
+3800 -1.964444e-01
+3801 -2.320210e-01
+3802 -2.594415e-01
+3803 -2.776579e-01
+3804 -2.858084e-01
+3805 -2.834040e-01
+3806 -2.704239e-01
+3807 -2.473492e-01
+3808 -2.150804e-01
+3809 -1.749451e-01
+3810 -1.287218e-01
+3811 -7.848367e-02
+3812 -2.628482e-02
+3813 2.611224e-02
+3814 7.718825e-02
+3815 1.254698e-01
+3816 1.693122e-01
+3817 2.070546e-01
+3818 2.372143e-01
+3819 2.586332e-01
+3820 2.705331e-01
+3821 2.725099e-01
+3822 2.645265e-01
+3823 2.469147e-01
+3824 2.203617e-01
+3825 1.859346e-01
+3826 1.450397e-01
+3827 9.931390e-02
+3828 5.048001e-02
+3829 3.113480e-04
+3830 -4.943760e-02
+3831 -9.709017e-02
+3832 -1.409631e-01
+3833 -1.793987e-01
+3834 -2.108091e-01
+3835 -2.338633e-01
+3836 -2.476490e-01
+3837 -2.516844e-01
+3838 -2.457976e-01
+3839 -2.301103e-01
+3840 -2.052228e-01
+3841 -1.722562e-01
+3842 -1.327453e-01
+3843 -8.835617e-02
+3844 -4.080936e-02
+3845 8.003561e-03
+3846 5.600786e-02
+3847 1.012065e-01
+3848 1.420637e-01
+3849 1.776035e-01
+3850 2.069835e-01
+3851 2.292684e-01
+3852 2.435038e-01
+3853 2.489529e-01
+3854 2.452212e-01
+3855 2.322217e-01
+3856 2.101580e-01
+3857 1.795005e-01
+3858 1.411246e-01
+3859 9.658543e-02
+3860 4.814275e-02
+3861 -1.632121e-03
+3862 -5.021187e-02
+3863 -9.542366e-02
+3864 -1.355456e-01
+3865 -1.693740e-01
+3866 -1.960268e-01
+3867 -2.148258e-01
+3868 -2.253099e-01
+3869 -2.272767e-01
+3870 -2.207904e-01
+3871 -2.061620e-01
+3872 -1.839156e-01
+3873 -1.547746e-01
+3874 -1.197758e-01
+3875 -8.028272e-02
+3876 -3.790907e-02
+3877 5.715791e-03
+3878 4.901917e-02
+3879 9.043009e-02
+3880 1.282988e-01
+3881 1.610084e-01
+3882 1.872025e-01
+3883 2.059209e-01
+3884 2.167109e-01
+3885 2.195833e-01
+3886 2.148856e-01
+3887 2.030775e-01
+3888 1.847370e-01
+3889 1.604909e-01
+3890 1.310153e-01
+3891 9.707987e-02
+3892 5.961514e-02
+3893 1.975472e-02
+3894 -2.116453e-02
+3895 -6.166465e-02
+3896 -1.001976e-01
+3897 -1.351568e-01
+3898 -1.649913e-01
+3899 -1.885046e-01
+3900 -2.049787e-01
+3901 -2.141830e-01
+3902 -2.162056e-01
+3903 -2.111116e-01
+3904 -1.989072e-01
+3905 -1.797083e-01
+3906 -1.539080e-01
+3907 -1.222278e-01
+3908 -8.573639e-02
+3909 -4.586467e-02
+3910 -4.310176e-03
+3911 3.715239e-02
+3912 7.686198e-02
+3913 1.134292e-01
+3914 1.458241e-01
+3915 1.732586e-01
+3916 1.949958e-01
+3917 2.102740e-01
+3918 2.183711e-01
+3919 2.187536e-01
+3920 2.111113e-01
+3921 1.954356e-01
+3922 1.721600e-01
+3923 1.421431e-01
+3924 1.066808e-01
+3925 6.728258e-02
+3926 2.562014e-02
+3927 -1.655991e-02
+3928 -5.754607e-02
+3929 -9.576031e-02
+3930 -1.298059e-01
+3931 -1.584974e-01
+3932 -1.809148e-01
+3933 -1.963118e-01
+3934 -2.041266e-01
+3935 -2.040128e-01
+3936 -1.959340e-01
+3937 -1.803256e-01
+3938 -1.580320e-01
+3939 -1.302111e-01
+3940 -9.820385e-02
+3941 -6.336418e-02
+3942 -2.697223e-02
+3943 9.789354e-03
+3944 4.572662e-02
+3945 7.959330e-02
+3946 1.100823e-01
+3947 1.360285e-01
+3948 1.564762e-01
+3949 1.706311e-01
+3950 1.778715e-01
+3951 1.778168e-01
+3952 1.703433e-01
+3953 1.557070e-01
+3954 1.345722e-01
+3955 1.080845e-01
+3956 7.754574e-02
+3957 4.426446e-02
+3958 9.419826e-03
+3959 -2.591996e-02
+3960 -6.055610e-02
+3961 -9.314828e-02
+3962 -1.222803e-01
+3963 -1.467693e-01
+3964 -1.657459e-01
+3965 -1.786697e-01
+3966 -1.851830e-01
+3967 -1.851692e-01
+3968 -1.786997e-01
+3969 -1.660005e-01
+3970 -1.474897e-01
+3971 -1.237874e-01
+3972 -9.568262e-02
+3973 -6.413566e-02
+3974 -3.034121e-02
+3975 4.309503e-03
+3976 3.847041e-02
+3977 7.100708e-02
+3978 1.009506e-01
+3979 1.273447e-01
+3980 1.492290e-01
+3981 1.657696e-01
+3982 1.763005e-01
+3983 1.803552e-01
+3984 1.776950e-01
+3985 1.683645e-01
+3986 1.527668e-01
+3987 1.316582e-01
+3988 1.060507e-01
+3989 7.705190e-02
+3990 4.589928e-02
+3991 1.381885e-02
+3992 -1.792069e-02
+3993 -4.816890e-02
+3994 -7.592735e-02
+3995 -1.002833e-01
+3996 -1.203553e-01
+3997 -1.353840e-01
+3998 -1.447990e-01
+3999 -1.482777e-01
+4000 -1.457786e-01
+4001 -1.375277e-01
+4002 -1.240025e-01
+4003 -1.059596e-01
+4004 -8.438739e-02
+4005 -6.039446e-02
+4006 -3.508251e-02
+4007 -9.473414e-03
+4008 1.561308e-02
+4009 3.945465e-02
+4010 6.141641e-02
+4011 8.073386e-02
+4012 9.653081e-02
+4013 1.079967e-01
+4014 1.146931e-01
+4015 1.165476e-01
+4016 1.138227e-01
+4017 1.070569e-01
+4018 9.681871e-02
+4019 8.350795e-02
+4020 6.742663e-02
+4021 4.888590e-02
+4022 2.825215e-02
+4023 6.107614e-03
+4024 -1.666978e-02
+4025 -3.903559e-02
+4026 -5.994721e-02
+4027 -7.838319e-02
+4028 -9.348299e-02
+4029 -1.046108e-01
+4030 -1.114718e-01
+4031 -1.140516e-01
+4032 -1.125546e-01
+4033 -1.072639e-01
+4034 -9.851613e-02
+4035 -8.668459e-02
+4036 -7.216665e-02
+4037 -5.532562e-02
+4038 -3.658443e-02
+4039 -1.664239e-02
+4040 3.588430e-03
+4041 2.319393e-02
+4042 4.140529e-02
+4043 5.760951e-02
+4044 7.134107e-02
+4045 8.228127e-02
+4046 9.025523e-02
+4047 9.522102e-02
+4048 9.717790e-02
+4049 9.613237e-02
+4050 9.209832e-02
+4051 8.511401e-02
+4052 7.522508e-02
+4053 6.253577e-02
+4054 4.739948e-02
+4055 3.040593e-02
+4056 1.235181e-02
+4057 -5.947989e-03
+4058 -2.378827e-02
+4059 -4.050618e-02
+4060 -5.551339e-02
+4061 -6.828466e-02
+4062 -7.842383e-02
+4063 -8.575715e-02
+4064 -9.027462e-02
+4065 -9.198110e-02
+4066 -9.083866e-02
+4067 -8.661748e-02
+4068 -7.901714e-02
+4069 -6.790835e-02
+4070 -5.351021e-02
+4071 -3.649410e-02
+4072 -1.775047e-02
+4073 1.832280e-03
+4074 2.151430e-02
+4075 4.051028e-02
+4076 5.794030e-02
+4077 7.305086e-02
+4078 8.538973e-02
+4079 9.481834e-02
+4080 1.012280e-01
+4081 1.043042e-01
+4082 1.036261e-01
+4083 9.886115e-02
+4084 8.996884e-02
+4085 7.715166e-02
+4086 6.075434e-02
+4087 4.130996e-02
+4088 1.962661e-02
+4089 -3.320422e-03
+4090 -2.656593e-02
+4091 -4.909763e-02
+4092 -7.001292e-02
+4093 -8.856440e-02
+4094 -1.041527e-01
+4095 -1.162519e-01
+4096 -1.243589e-01
+4097 -1.280257e-01
+4098 -1.269878e-01
+4099 -1.213074e-01
+4100 -1.113157e-01
+4101 -9.747325e-02
+4102 -8.030127e-02
+4103 -6.037407e-02
+4104 -3.837092e-02
+4105 -1.515367e-02
+4106 8.246637e-03
+4107 3.092882e-02
+4108 5.220922e-02
+4109 7.151969e-02
+4110 8.828652e-02
+4111 1.018221e-01
+4112 1.114044e-01
+4113 1.164577e-01
+4114 1.167349e-01
+4115 1.123078e-01
+4116 1.034872e-01
+4117 9.068088e-02
+4118 7.435464e-02
+4119 5.520559e-02
+4120 3.425712e-02
+4121 1.269809e-02
+4122 -8.494020e-03
+4123 -2.865584e-02
+4124 -4.730093e-02
+4125 -6.396232e-02
+4126 -7.809249e-02
+4127 -8.911177e-02
+4128 -9.645229e-02
+4129 -9.967925e-02
+4130 -9.859023e-02
+4131 -9.311474e-02
+4132 -8.340794e-02
+4133 -6.997694e-02
+4134 -5.376314e-02
+4135 -3.595932e-02
+4136 -1.759741e-02
+4137 6.096550e-04
+4138 1.824801e-02
+4139 3.496801e-02
+4140 5.040599e-02
+4141 6.416237e-02
+4142 7.575218e-02
+4143 8.455995e-02
+4144 9.003944e-02
+4145 9.174260e-02
+4146 8.943106e-02
+4147 8.309910e-02
+4148 7.314933e-02
+4149 6.021207e-02
+4150 4.500288e-02
+4151 2.813361e-02
+4152 1.012400e-02
+4153 -8.507548e-03
+4154 -2.721405e-02
+4155 -4.534067e-02
+4156 -6.213988e-02
+4157 -7.674258e-02
+4158 -8.833961e-02
+4159 -9.617819e-02
+4160 -9.977733e-02
+4161 -9.906691e-02
+4162 -9.442912e-02
+4163 -8.650907e-02
+4164 -7.599900e-02
+4165 -6.340495e-02
+4166 -4.908574e-02
+4167 -3.323950e-02
+4168 -1.601925e-02
+4169 2.248930e-03
+4170 2.097678e-02
+4171 3.951315e-02
+4172 5.723944e-02
+4173 7.349958e-02
+4174 8.756142e-02
+4175 9.861035e-02
+4176 1.058954e-01
+4177 1.088339e-01
+4178 1.072552e-01
+4179 1.014755e-01
+4180 9.207539e-02
+4181 7.968023e-02
+4182 6.492378e-02
+4183 4.837497e-02
+4184 3.056118e-02
+4185 1.198998e-02
+4186 -6.894356e-03
+4187 -2.571450e-02
+4188 -4.404341e-02
+4189 -6.123840e-02
+4190 -7.649797e-02
+4191 -8.898025e-02
+4192 -9.795271e-02
+4193 -1.028808e-01
+4194 -1.035134e-01
+4195 -9.975086e-02
+4196 -9.172473e-02
+4197 -7.980690e-02
+4198 -6.464825e-02
+4199 -4.704869e-02
+4200 -2.778668e-02
+4201 -7.596846e-03
+4202 1.277414e-02
+4203 3.251187e-02
+4204 5.082671e-02
+4205 6.706423e-02
+4206 8.071928e-02
+4207 9.140067e-02
+4208 9.892256e-02
+4209 1.031885e-01
+4210 1.040709e-01
+4211 1.014702e-01
+4212 9.536843e-02
+4213 8.591090e-02
+4214 7.341765e-02
+4215 5.829776e-02
+4216 4.091386e-02
+4217 2.164984e-02
+4218 1.126257e-03
+4219 -1.977169e-02
+4220 -4.009997e-02
+4221 -5.884479e-02
+4222 -7.500356e-02
+4223 -8.776442e-02
+4224 -9.667512e-02
+4225 -1.016063e-01
+4226 -1.026137e-01
+4227 -9.976703e-02
+4228 -9.316472e-02
+4229 -8.312030e-02
+4230 -7.009132e-02
+4231 -5.449303e-02
+4232 -3.675065e-02
+4233 -1.737380e-02
+4234 3.052153e-03
+4235 2.384915e-02
+4236 4.401974e-02
+4237 6.256522e-02
+4238 7.859584e-02
+4239 9.148992e-02
+4240 1.008661e-01
+4241 1.065635e-01
+4242 1.084699e-01
+4243 1.062763e-01
+4244 9.974628e-02
+4245 8.893914e-02
+4246 7.423234e-02
+4247 5.609336e-02
+4248 3.508765e-02
+4249 1.190962e-02
+4250 -1.241222e-02
+4251 -3.661805e-02
+4252 -5.934494e-02
+4253 -7.933772e-02
+4254 -9.559655e-02
+4255 -1.074604e-01
+4256 -1.146507e-01
+4257 -1.171714e-01
+4258 -1.152610e-01
+4259 -1.092318e-01
+4260 -9.934900e-02
+4261 -8.593226e-02
+4262 -6.945706e-02
+4263 -5.054363e-02
+4264 -2.998164e-02
+4265 -8.616876e-03
+4266 1.267872e-02
+4267 3.309736e-02
+4268 5.188572e-02
+4269 6.831593e-02
+4270 8.181158e-02
+4271 9.198636e-02
+4272 9.851038e-02
+4273 1.011495e-01
+4274 9.982916e-02
+4275 9.466053e-02
+4276 8.591191e-02
+4277 7.394892e-02
+4278 5.923962e-02
+4279 4.228165e-02
+4280 2.351021e-02
+4281 3.484777e-03
+4282 -1.708352e-02
+4283 -3.740901e-02
+4284 -5.674645e-02
+4285 -7.444029e-02
+4286 -8.997779e-02
+4287 -1.029889e-01
+4288 -1.131818e-01
+4289 -1.202941e-01
+4290 -1.239134e-01
+4291 -1.235395e-01
+4292 -1.187094e-01
+4293 -1.091962e-01
+4294 -9.512633e-02
+4295 -7.702057e-02
+4296 -5.556797e-02
+4297 -3.152075e-02
+4298 -5.770308e-03
+4299 2.069308e-02
+4300 4.682622e-02
+4301 7.166856e-02
+4302 9.430752e-02
+4303 1.139361e-01
+4304 1.297794e-01
+4305 1.411279e-01
+4306 1.473073e-01
+4307 1.478551e-01
+4308 1.426426e-01
+4309 1.319428e-01
+4310 1.163525e-01
+4311 9.654818e-02
+4312 7.328643e-02
+4313 4.733932e-02
+4314 1.964147e-02
+4315 -8.560299e-03
+4316 -3.592408e-02
+4317 -6.128222e-02
+4318 -8.378189e-02
+4319 -1.028342e-01
+4320 -1.178390e-01
+4321 -1.280408e-01
+4322 -1.327086e-01
+4323 -1.315138e-01
+4324 -1.246063e-01
+4325 -1.123890e-01
+4326 -9.533580e-02
+4327 -7.410640e-02
+4328 -4.969573e-02
+4329 -2.343679e-02
+4330 3.035893e-03
+4331 2.812603e-02
+4332 5.049239e-02
+4333 6.925491e-02
+4334 8.390245e-02
+4335 9.419922e-02
+4336 1.002066e-01
+4337 1.022213e-01
+4338 1.006800e-01
+4339 9.590355e-02
+4340 8.798103e-02
+4341 7.697673e-02
+4342 6.294274e-02
+4343 4.612021e-02
+4344 2.700523e-02
+4345 6.396244e-03
+4346 -1.488259e-02
+4347 -3.591851e-02
+4348 -5.578903e-02
+4349 -7.354933e-02
+4350 -8.822322e-02
+4351 -9.910614e-02
+4352 -1.057627e-01
+4353 -1.080820e-01
+4354 -1.061657e-01
+4355 -1.002879e-01
+4356 -9.078702e-02
+4357 -7.815959e-02
+4358 -6.298972e-02
+4359 -4.582191e-02
+4360 -2.707623e-02
+4361 -6.975938e-03
+4362 1.416109e-02
+4363 3.564691e-02
+4364 5.643043e-02
+4365 7.541310e-02
+4366 9.177291e-02
+4367 1.050401e-01
+4368 1.148298e-01
+4369 1.207849e-01
+4370 1.226345e-01
+4371 1.203458e-01
+4372 1.140222e-01
+4373 1.039360e-01
+4374 9.048815e-02
+4375 7.412248e-02
+4376 5.516953e-02
+4377 3.405312e-02
+4378 1.151988e-02
+4379 -1.159904e-02
+4380 -3.440234e-02
+4381 -5.603836e-02
+4382 -7.569229e-02
+4383 -9.256935e-02
+4384 -1.059373e-01
+4385 -1.152438e-01
+4386 -1.202265e-01
+4387 -1.209659e-01
+4388 -1.176823e-01
+4389 -1.105660e-01
+4390 -9.964495e-02
+4391 -8.500581e-02
+4392 -6.689449e-02
+4393 -4.588683e-02
+4394 -2.293468e-02
+4395 8.816350e-04
+4396 2.460009e-02
+4397 4.727780e-02
+4398 6.787803e-02
+4399 8.554021e-02
+4400 9.971960e-02
+4401 1.101395e-01
+4402 1.167950e-01
+4403 1.198038e-01
+4404 1.191598e-01
+4405 1.148775e-01
+4406 1.069515e-01
+4407 9.556820e-02
+4408 8.095299e-02
+4409 6.338477e-02
+4410 4.313664e-02
+4411 2.082819e-02
+4412 -2.614520e-03
+4413 -2.599214e-02
+4414 -4.808848e-02
+4415 -6.774747e-02
+4416 -8.401086e-02
+4417 -9.631428e-02
+4418 -1.043618e-01
+4419 -1.079256e-01
+4420 -1.069254e-01
+4421 -1.014462e-01
+4422 -9.198653e-02
+4423 -7.935744e-02
+4424 -6.437102e-02
+4425 -4.759963e-02
+4426 -2.949173e-02
+4427 -1.059405e-02
+4428 8.512603e-03
+4429 2.722814e-02
+4430 4.493298e-02
+4431 6.100132e-02
+4432 7.476569e-02
+4433 8.560531e-02
+4434 9.305649e-02
+4435 9.672680e-02
+4436 9.629630e-02
+4437 9.161075e-02
+4438 8.281008e-02
+4439 7.050118e-02
+4440 5.559867e-02
+4441 3.927733e-02
+4442 2.263620e-02
+4443 6.425651e-03
+4444 -9.088510e-03
+4445 -2.388593e-02
+4446 -3.786770e-02
+4447 -5.068260e-02
+4448 -6.178854e-02
+4449 -7.074036e-02
+4450 -7.711441e-02
+4451 -8.037027e-02
+4452 -7.992436e-02
+4453 -7.542989e-02
+4454 -6.687922e-02
+4455 -5.453697e-02
+4456 -3.897995e-02
+4457 -2.100966e-02
+4458 -1.645746e-03
+4459 1.796942e-02
+4460 3.683293e-02
+4461 5.398138e-02
+4462 6.856502e-02
+4463 7.987933e-02
+4464 8.759200e-02
+4465 9.162146e-02
+4466 9.196768e-02
+4467 8.865067e-02
+4468 8.173162e-02
+4469 7.140686e-02
+4470 5.801435e-02
+4471 4.188991e-02
+4472 2.328940e-02
+4473 2.708783e-03
+4474 -1.891338e-02
+4475 -4.010614e-02
+4476 -5.936663e-02
+4477 -7.556215e-02
+4478 -8.803132e-02
+4479 -9.652584e-02
+4480 -1.010697e-01
+4481 -1.017233e-01
+4482 -9.869314e-02
+4483 -9.231218e-02
+4484 -8.302247e-02
+4485 -7.126994e-02
+4486 -5.735089e-02
+4487 -4.160916e-02
+4488 -2.460798e-02
+4489 -7.064687e-03
+4490 1.029806e-02
+4491 2.686095e-02
+4492 4.214489e-02
+4493 5.577225e-02
+4494 6.734006e-02
+4495 7.651970e-02
+4496 8.325777e-02
+4497 8.769036e-02
+4498 9.006600e-02
+4499 9.058250e-02
+4500 8.933617e-02
+4501 8.620115e-02
+4502 8.105515e-02
+4503 7.391515e-02
+4504 6.493384e-02
+4505 5.433084e-02
+4506 4.238208e-02
+4507 2.955204e-02
+4508 1.648503e-02
+4509 3.718961e-03
+4510 -8.340222e-03
+4511 -1.943486e-02
+4512 -2.937670e-02
+4513 -3.796858e-02
+4514 -4.506479e-02
+4515 -5.055485e-02
+4516 -5.446010e-02
+4517 -5.675839e-02
+4518 -5.747610e-02
+4519 -5.665750e-02
+4520 -5.425374e-02
+4521 -4.999320e-02
+4522 -4.357571e-02
+4523 -3.488831e-02
+4524 -2.415346e-02
+4525 -1.187741e-02
+4526 1.229241e-03
+4527 1.413132e-02
+4528 2.572418e-02
+4529 3.529472e-02
+4530 4.257377e-02
+4531 4.762051e-02
+4532 5.081819e-02
+4533 5.267749e-02
+4534 5.351523e-02
+4535 5.323133e-02
+4536 5.124218e-02
+4537 4.686580e-02
+4538 3.971670e-02
+4539 3.000304e-02
+4540 1.834021e-02
+4541 5.516581e-03
+4542 -7.759196e-03
+4543 -2.088527e-02
+4544 -3.322698e-02
+4545 -4.399072e-02
+4546 -5.232157e-02
+4547 -5.766750e-02
+4548 -5.990571e-02
+4549 -5.898434e-02
+4550 -5.487111e-02
+4551 -4.760222e-02
+4552 -3.751912e-02
+4553 -2.535584e-02
+4554 -1.221303e-02
+4555 8.173017e-04
+4556 1.305402e-02
+4557 2.437235e-02
+4558 3.494252e-02
+4559 4.493869e-02
+4560 5.425157e-02
+4561 6.255244e-02
+4562 6.941590e-02
+4563 7.430401e-02
+4564 7.669157e-02
+4565 7.612813e-02
+4566 7.229675e-02
+4567 6.512290e-02
+4568 5.485131e-02
+4569 4.180819e-02
+4570 2.648422e-02
+4571 9.334664e-03
+4572 -9.001025e-03
+4573 -2.761360e-02
+4574 -4.547735e-02
+4575 -6.166679e-02
+4576 -7.542471e-02
+4577 -8.623479e-02
+4578 -9.392040e-02
+4579 -9.847811e-02
+4580 -9.980168e-02
+4581 -9.761791e-02
+4582 -9.157012e-02
+4583 -8.138726e-02
+4584 -6.698618e-02
+4585 -4.835311e-02
+4586 -2.571967e-02
+4587 2.442357e-04
+4588 2.830039e-02
+4589 5.683867e-02
+4590 8.410454e-02
+4591 1.083704e-01
+4592 1.280747e-01
+4593 1.418914e-01
+4594 1.487908e-01
+4595 1.482710e-01
+4596 1.406619e-01
+4597 1.267821e-01
+4598 1.078773e-01
+4599 8.550360e-02
+4600 6.110539e-02
+4601 3.570591e-02
+4602 9.650372e-03
+4603 -1.701583e-02
+4604 -4.400847e-02
+4605 -7.067191e-02
+4606 -9.601646e-02
+4607 -1.190299e-01
+4608 -1.386061e-01
+4609 -1.536638e-01
+4610 -1.634598e-01
+4611 -1.678335e-01
+4612 -1.668615e-01
+4613 -1.607072e-01
+4614 -1.497188e-01
+4615 -1.345404e-01
+4616 -1.158465e-01
+4617 -9.416704e-02
+4618 -6.991092e-02
+4619 -4.354471e-02
+4620 -1.570456e-02
+4621 1.293617e-02
+4622 4.164863e-02
+4623 6.954888e-02
+4624 9.562238e-02
+4625 1.189924e-01
+4626 1.389483e-01
+4627 1.547750e-01
+4628 1.656897e-01
+4629 1.711534e-01
+4630 1.709414e-01
+4631 1.652286e-01
+4632 1.544628e-01
+4633 1.391860e-01
+4634 1.197848e-01
+4635 9.665492e-02
+4636 7.037569e-02
+4637 4.153196e-02
+4638 1.090436e-02
+4639 -2.042709e-02
+4640 -5.117009e-02
+4641 -8.002389e-02
+4642 -1.057911e-01
+4643 -1.275754e-01
+4644 -1.446721e-01
+4645 -1.564162e-01
+4646 -1.625542e-01
+4647 -1.630055e-01
+4648 -1.578297e-01
+4649 -1.470584e-01
+4650 -1.307389e-01
+4651 -1.092122e-01
+4652 -8.325388e-02
+4653 -5.389729e-02
+4654 -2.239204e-02
+4655 9.954981e-03
+4656 4.181969e-02
+4657 7.195489e-02
+4658 9.950589e-02
+4659 1.237218e-01
+4660 1.436927e-01
+4661 1.583922e-01
+4662 1.669391e-01
+4663 1.689139e-01
+4664 1.642642e-01
+4665 1.533101e-01
+4666 1.364792e-01
+4667 1.142673e-01
+4668 8.718120e-02
+4669 5.587000e-02
+4670 2.154976e-02
+4671 -1.406305e-02
+4672 -4.908092e-02
+4673 -8.197943e-02
+4674 -1.117417e-01
+4675 -1.375943e-01
+4676 -1.586914e-01
+4677 -1.743276e-01
+4678 -1.839448e-01
+4679 -1.872615e-01
+4680 -1.839633e-01
+4681 -1.739339e-01
+4682 -1.572689e-01
+4683 -1.342693e-01
+4684 -1.054420e-01
+4685 -7.168378e-02
+4686 -3.437440e-02
+4687 4.822851e-03
+4688 4.427810e-02
+4689 8.252914e-02
+4690 1.182628e-01
+4691 1.504708e-01
+4692 1.782210e-01
+4693 2.006917e-01
+4694 2.170614e-01
+4695 2.265862e-01
+4696 2.287382e-01
+4697 2.231849e-01
+4698 2.098795e-01
+4699 1.891964e-01
+4700 1.619486e-01
+4701 1.290782e-01
+4702 9.149108e-02
+4703 5.017378e-02
+4704 6.676870e-03
+4705 -3.693834e-02
+4706 -7.837860e-02
+4707 -1.155066e-01
+4708 -1.468086e-01
+4709 -1.715751e-01
+4710 -1.896853e-01
+4711 -2.014613e-01
+4712 -2.073688e-01
+4713 -2.076686e-01
+4714 -2.023923e-01
+4715 -1.914720e-01
+4716 -1.746474e-01
+4717 -1.518683e-01
+4718 -1.235518e-01
+4719 -9.065296e-02
+4720 -5.467507e-02
+4721 -1.736340e-02
+4722 1.958716e-02
+4723 5.453832e-02
+4724 8.630170e-02
+4725 1.142471e-01
+4726 1.382596e-01
+4727 1.586051e-01
+4728 1.755209e-01
+4729 1.889674e-01
+4730 1.984826e-01
+4731 2.032585e-01
+4732 2.022639e-01
+4733 1.944557e-01
+4734 1.790290e-01
+4735 1.557004e-01
+4736 1.249000e-01
+4737 8.770988e-02
+4738 4.590560e-02
+4739 1.901062e-03
+4740 -4.171041e-02
+4741 -8.283432e-02
+4742 -1.200384e-01
+4743 -1.523860e-01
+4744 -1.791257e-01
+4745 -1.995349e-01
+4746 -2.129706e-01
+4747 -2.187828e-01
+4748 -2.165099e-01
+4749 -2.062504e-01
+4750 -1.884792e-01
+4751 -1.640722e-01
+4752 -1.339831e-01
+4753 -9.899113e-02
+4754 -5.999414e-02
+4755 -1.834905e-02
+4756 2.424618e-02
+4757 6.595353e-02
+4758 1.051333e-01
+4759 1.403729e-01
+4760 1.704692e-01
+4761 1.943343e-01
+4762 2.109892e-01
+4763 2.196360e-01
+4764 2.199040e-01
+4765 2.116970e-01
+4766 1.955025e-01
+4767 1.722114e-01
+4768 1.427923e-01
+4769 1.082165e-01
+4770 6.931839e-02
+4771 2.720434e-02
+4772 -1.683746e-02
+4773 -6.126324e-02
+4774 -1.043189e-01
+4775 -1.442068e-01
+4776 -1.791060e-01
+4777 -2.076703e-01
+4778 -2.285575e-01
+4779 -2.403729e-01
+4780 -2.418517e-01
+4781 -2.323127e-01
+4782 -2.122507e-01
+4783 -1.832115e-01
+4784 -1.472928e-01
+4785 -1.070607e-01
+4786 -6.493805e-02
+4787 -2.269503e-02
+4788 1.855918e-02
+4789 5.794404e-02
+4790 9.449688e-02
+4791 1.270019e-01
+4792 1.539610e-01
+4793 1.739025e-01
+4794 1.856706e-01
+4795 1.885136e-01
+4796 1.821567e-01
+4797 1.673109e-01
+4798 1.455190e-01
+4799 1.189477e-01
+4800 8.976959e-02
+4801 5.981092e-02
+4802 3.056466e-02
+4803 2.933451e-03
+4804 -2.278644e-02
+4805 -4.667865e-02
+4806 -6.874451e-02
+4807 -8.838961e-02
+4808 -1.048791e-01
+4809 -1.175358e-01
+4810 -1.258362e-01
+4811 -1.294521e-01
+4812 -1.281921e-01
+4813 -1.221485e-01
+4814 -1.117775e-01
+4815 -9.791374e-02
+4816 -8.129400e-02
+4817 -6.259917e-02
+4818 -4.249552e-02
+4819 -2.137257e-02
+4820 5.886752e-04
+4821 2.328992e-02
+4822 4.617511e-02
+4823 6.858196e-02
+4824 8.952187e-02
+4825 1.077226e-01
+4826 1.221013e-01
+4827 1.318148e-01
+4828 1.367194e-01
+4829 1.369538e-01
+4830 1.330487e-01
+4831 1.251750e-01
+4832 1.135942e-01
+4833 9.861186e-02
+4834 8.042617e-02
+4835 5.927479e-02
+4836 3.516582e-02
+4837 8.402734e-03
+4838 -1.994793e-02
+4839 -4.840945e-02
+4840 -7.527816e-02
+4841 -9.951968e-02
+4842 -1.208618e-01
+4843 -1.393239e-01
+4844 -1.546192e-01
+4845 -1.660874e-01
+4846 -1.730599e-01
+4847 -1.750435e-01
+4848 -1.718058e-01
+4849 -1.629558e-01
+4850 -1.483553e-01
+4851 -1.283963e-01
+4852 -1.039406e-01
+4853 -7.623074e-02
+4854 -4.638472e-02
+4855 -1.564175e-02
+4856 1.483722e-02
+4857 4.399843e-02
+4858 7.131185e-02
+4859 9.654034e-02
+4860 1.194063e-01
+4861 1.394441e-01
+4862 1.555636e-01
+4863 1.666144e-01
+4864 1.715838e-01
+4865 1.695705e-01
+4866 1.596307e-01
+4867 1.417706e-01
+4868 1.172178e-01
+4869 8.812024e-02
+4870 5.669851e-02
+4871 2.497531e-02
+4872 -5.080487e-03
+4873 -3.185009e-02
+4874 -5.449549e-02
+4875 -7.288769e-02
+4876 -8.737612e-02
+4877 -9.830059e-02
+4878 -1.056865e-01
+4879 -1.089125e-01
+4880 -1.068980e-01
+4881 -9.859638e-02
+4882 -8.331963e-02
+4883 -6.125018e-02
+4884 -3.329564e-02
+4885 -1.417620e-03
+4886 3.158867e-02
+4887 6.308832e-02
+4888 9.079912e-02
+4889 1.133317e-01
+4890 1.302484e-01
+4891 1.413334e-01
+4892 1.466404e-01
+4893 1.458580e-01
+4894 1.385908e-01
+4895 1.246125e-01
+4896 1.044222e-01
+4897 7.857694e-02
+4898 4.796044e-02
+4899 1.381050e-02
+4900 -2.221284e-02
+4901 -5.763623e-02
+4902 -9.034823e-02
+4903 -1.186647e-01
+4904 -1.412484e-01
+4905 -1.577070e-01
+4906 -1.682829e-01
+4907 -1.736759e-01
+4908 -1.743861e-01
+4909 -1.702433e-01
+4910 -1.608329e-01
+4911 -1.459673e-01
+4912 -1.263365e-01
+4913 -1.030596e-01
+4914 -7.776574e-02
+4915 -5.266173e-02
+4916 -3.039740e-02
+4917 -1.352069e-02
+4918 -3.453472e-03
+4919 -3.336723e-04
+4920 -3.197432e-03
+4921 -1.025601e-02
+4922 -1.938012e-02
+4923 -2.798361e-02
+4924 -3.357333e-02
+4925 -3.490922e-02
+4926 -3.288734e-02
+4927 -2.878721e-02
+4928 -2.384110e-02
+4929 -1.767650e-02
+4930 -8.839500e-03
+4931 4.447621e-03
+4932 2.331256e-02
+4933 4.710904e-02
+4934 7.447018e-02
+4935 1.028576e-01
+4936 1.298847e-01
+4937 1.532174e-01
+4938 1.709881e-01
+4939 1.816309e-01
+4940 1.836285e-01
+4941 1.765894e-01
+4942 1.619024e-01
+4943 1.418006e-01
+4944 1.178271e-01
+4945 9.058902e-02
+4946 6.023499e-02
+4947 2.733360e-02
+4948 -8.590982e-03
+4949 -4.808023e-02
+4950 -8.965209e-02
+4951 -1.300524e-01
+4952 -1.644659e-01
+4953 -1.890043e-01
+4954 -2.011882e-01
+4955 -2.000474e-01
+4956 -1.852129e-01
+4957 -1.591454e-01
+4958 -1.258005e-01
+4959 -8.926974e-02
+4960 -5.312239e-02
+4961 -2.032028e-02
+4962 8.155063e-03
+4963 3.310314e-02
+4964 5.606626e-02
+4965 7.800187e-02
+4966 9.866947e-02
+4967 1.160383e-01
+4968 1.270393e-01
+4969 1.285533e-01
+4970 1.173011e-01
+4971 9.192960e-02
+4972 5.229504e-02
+4973 2.142898e-03
+4974 -5.270375e-02
+4975 -1.047693e-01
+4976 -1.477202e-01
+4977 -1.784683e-01
+4978 -1.964732e-01
+4979 -2.043832e-01
+4980 -2.072857e-01
+4981 -2.105877e-01
+4982 -2.180588e-01
+4983 -2.288128e-01
+4984 -2.394005e-01
+4985 -2.464284e-01
+4986 -2.474376e-01
+4987 -2.398839e-01
+4988 -2.207235e-01
+4989 -1.862753e-01
+4990 -1.391042e-01
+4991 -8.493362e-02
+4992 -3.301852e-02
+4993 8.928466e-03
+4994 3.658187e-02
+4995 4.780687e-02
+4996 4.277749e-02
+4997 2.277624e-02
+4998 -8.968947e-04
+4999 -1.530988e-02
diff --git a/tests/corr/amplitude.dat b/tests/corr/amplitude.dat
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..617fd1b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/corr/amplitude.dat
@@ -0,0 +1,5000 @@
+     3.61
+     4.31
+     4.83
+     5.18
+     5.36
+     5.31
+     5.15
+     4.92
+     4.23
+     3.53
+     2.84
+     1.86
+     0.89
+    -0.31
+    -1.38
+    -2.50
+    -3.47
+    -4.46
+    -5.40
+    -5.98
+    -6.52
+    -6.70
+    -6.68
+    -6.66
+    -6.23
+    -5.58
+    -4.72
+    -3.61
+    -2.56
+    -1.18
+     0.12
+     1.66
+     3.02
+     4.23
+     5.57
+     6.61
+     7.50
+     8.06
+     8.50
+     8.60
+     8.36
+     7.84
+     7.17
+     6.15
+     4.73
+     3.39
+     1.84
+     0.05
+    -1.75
+    -3.47
+    -5.04
+    -6.66
+    -8.15
+    -9.17
+   -10.09
+   -10.55
+   -10.69
+   -10.48
+   -10.08
+    -9.04
+    -7.92
+    -6.37
+    -4.47
+    -2.58
+    -0.32
+     1.93
+     4.10
+     6.22
+     8.23
+     9.95
+    11.36
+    12.45
+    13.25
+    13.35
+    13.05
+    12.03
+    10.39
+     8.47
+     6.31
+     4.05
+     1.69
+    -0.65
+    -2.95
+    -5.36
+    -7.51
+    -9.46
+   -11.22
+   -12.70
+   -13.55
+   -14.25
+   -14.23
+   -14.02
+   -12.98
+   -11.67
+    -9.93
+    -7.85
+    -5.21
+    -2.66
+     0.34
+     3.26
+     6.25
+     9.15
+    11.66
+    13.86
+    15.64
+    16.73
+    17.01
+    14.72
+     9.34
+     4.01
+     1.57
+     0.49
+    -0.42
+    -1.31
+    -2.17
+    -2.82
+    -3.51
+    -4.02
+    -4.52
+    -4.79
+    -4.93
+    -4.97
+    -4.73
+    -4.37
+    -3.81
+    -3.17
+    -2.47
+    -1.47
+    -0.48
+     0.41
+     1.45
+     2.53
+     3.55
+     4.24
+     5.01
+     5.61
+     6.12
+     6.24
+     6.21
+     6.12
+     5.60
+     5.10
+     4.12
+     3.26
+     2.21
+     0.83
+    -0.49
+    -1.69
+    -2.94
+    -4.12
+    -5.31
+    -6.22
+    -7.10
+    -7.54
+    -7.80
+    -7.90
+    -7.77
+    -7.15
+    -6.36
+    -5.44
+    -4.27
+    -2.93
+    -1.43
+     0.32
+     1.81
+     3.53
+     5.02
+     6.48
+     7.84
+     8.75
+     9.51
+     9.87
+    10.03
+     9.64
+     9.17
+     8.29
+     7.07
+     5.41
+     3.86
+     2.00
+    -0.05
+    -2.15
+    -4.06
+    -6.17
+    -7.86
+    -9.53
+   -10.67
+   -11.62
+   -12.37
+   -12.46
+   -12.17
+   -11.57
+   -10.49
+    -8.95
+    -7.18
+    -5.15
+    -2.69
+    -0.36
+     2.41
+     4.81
+     7.38
+     9.66
+    11.66
+    13.23
+    14.64
+    15.21
+    15.20
+    13.92
+    11.14
+     7.48
+     4.44
+     2.42
+     0.44
+    -1.18
+    -2.87
+    -4.65
+    -6.11
+    -7.66
+    -8.72
+    -9.63
+   -10.35
+   -10.56
+   -10.54
+    -9.94
+    -9.24
+    -8.15
+    -6.61
+    -4.86
+    -2.99
+    -0.87
+     1.20
+     3.35
+     5.63
+     7.62
+     9.31
+    10.90
+    12.14
+    12.92
+    13.14
+    13.01
+    12.13
+    10.89
+     9.18
+     6.92
+     4.84
+     2.47
+     0.26
+    -2.10
+    -4.46
+    -6.79
+    -8.82
+   -10.75
+   -12.28
+   -13.35
+   -14.25
+   -14.46
+   -14.24
+   -13.55
+   -12.31
+   -10.77
+    -8.76
+    -6.34
+    -3.63
+    -0.75
+     2.24
+     5.20
+     8.14
+    10.90
+    13.29
+    15.13
+    16.59
+    17.25
+    15.96
+    11.18
+     5.00
+     1.86
+     0.65
+    -0.19
+    -1.00
+    -1.67
+    -2.45
+    -3.09
+    -3.74
+    -4.14
+    -4.42
+    -4.54
+    -4.56
+    -4.41
+    -4.05
+    -3.62
+    -3.18
+    -2.48
+    -1.67
+    -0.71
+     0.14
+     1.08
+     2.08
+     2.94
+     3.76
+     4.51
+     5.13
+     5.44
+     5.79
+     5.76
+     5.62
+     5.24
+     4.70
+     3.99
+     3.16
+     2.10
+     1.13
+     0.00
+    -1.32
+    -2.45
+    -3.56
+    -4.63
+    -5.51
+    -6.22
+    -6.90
+    -7.10
+    -7.23
+    -7.19
+    -6.77
+    -6.21
+    -5.16
+    -4.17
+    -2.90
+    -1.57
+    -0.19
+     1.39
+     2.82
+     4.35
+     5.72
+     6.91
+     7.92
+     8.58
+     8.96
+     9.19
+     8.98
+     8.51
+     7.84
+     6.71
+     5.35
+     3.81
+     2.19
+     0.46
+    -1.54
+    -3.36
+    -5.13
+    -6.83
+    -8.36
+    -9.65
+   -10.63
+   -11.24
+   -11.45
+   -11.31
+   -10.87
+    -9.93
+    -8.63
+    -7.09
+    -5.19
+    -3.14
+    -0.84
+     1.50
+     3.88
+     6.24
+     8.38
+    10.35
+    12.08
+    13.30
+    14.07
+    14.30
+    13.79
+    12.51
+    10.31
+     7.73
+     5.23
+     2.90
+     0.86
+    -1.26
+    -3.41
+    -5.62
+    -7.52
+    -9.16
+   -10.76
+   -11.78
+   -12.71
+   -12.92
+   -13.01
+   -12.44
+   -11.58
+   -10.11
+    -8.30
+    -6.19
+    -3.98
+    -1.34
+     1.27
+     3.98
+     6.67
+     9.19
+    11.42
+    13.32
+    14.80
+    15.61
+    15.71
+    14.50
+    11.29
+     7.10
+     3.91
+     1.80
+     0.25
+    -1.11
+    -2.56
+    -4.05
+    -5.36
+    -6.41
+    -7.39
+    -8.20
+    -8.60
+    -8.83
+    -8.77
+    -8.34
+    -7.67
+    -6.56
+    -5.33
+    -3.90
+    -2.24
+    -0.53
+     1.18
+     3.14
+     4.86
+     6.53
+     7.90
+     9.14
+    10.19
+    10.75
+    10.98
+    10.87
+    10.46
+     9.63
+     8.22
+     6.70
+     5.00
+     2.93
+     0.83
+    -1.31
+    -3.64
+    -5.79
+    -7.77
+    -9.61
+   -11.09
+   -12.40
+   -13.12
+   -13.55
+   -13.61
+   -12.95
+   -12.07
+   -10.67
+    -8.71
+    -6.58
+    -4.08
+    -1.52
+     1.36
+     4.07
+     6.87
+     9.61
+    11.79
+    13.75
+    15.31
+    16.34
+    16.26
+    14.24
+     9.72
+     5.13
+     2.47
+     0.86
+    -0.35
+    -1.46
+    -2.78
+    -3.80
+    -4.81
+    -5.69
+    -6.18
+    -6.77
+    -7.03
+    -7.07
+    -6.88
+    -6.33
+    -5.78
+    -4.92
+    -3.77
+    -2.49
+    -1.21
+     0.23
+     1.79
+     3.16
+     4.61
+     5.90
+     6.84
+     7.81
+     8.44
+     8.74
+     8.95
+     8.62
+     8.12
+     7.23
+     6.19
+     4.96
+     3.29
+     1.63
+    -0.04
+    -2.03
+    -3.83
+    -5.40
+    -7.07
+    -8.54
+    -9.73
+   -10.47
+   -10.94
+   -11.09
+   -10.90
+   -10.45
+    -9.31
+    -8.00
+    -6.43
+    -4.63
+    -2.44
+    -0.25
+     2.11
+     4.37
+     6.70
+     8.71
+    10.52
+    11.95
+    13.10
+    13.72
+    13.78
+    13.36
+    12.03
+    10.03
+     7.72
+     5.37
+     3.01
+     0.80
+    -1.47
+    -3.58
+    -5.91
+    -7.99
+    -9.70
+   -11.36
+   -12.40
+   -13.21
+   -13.76
+   -13.53
+   -13.04
+   -12.17
+   -10.64
+    -8.78
+    -6.65
+    -4.05
+    -1.39
+     1.28
+     4.30
+     6.97
+     9.70
+    12.01
+    14.00
+    15.53
+    16.45
+    16.37
+    14.23
+     9.42
+     4.68
+     2.17
+     0.64
+    -0.50
+    -1.63
+    -2.61
+    -3.63
+    -4.63
+    -5.48
+    -6.04
+    -6.47
+    -6.74
+    -6.68
+    -6.57
+    -5.98
+    -5.41
+    -4.57
+    -3.43
+    -2.27
+    -0.87
+     0.39
+     1.90
+     3.20
+     4.56
+     5.68
+     6.66
+     7.51
+     8.16
+     8.50
+     8.43
+     8.24
+     7.72
+     7.03
+     5.87
+     4.63
+     3.02
+     1.35
+    -0.36
+    -2.06
+    -3.81
+    -5.39
+    -6.86
+    -8.17
+    -9.43
+   -10.19
+   -10.59
+   -10.63
+   -10.39
+    -9.94
+    -8.89
+    -7.55
+    -5.91
+    -4.21
+    -2.22
+    -0.01
+     2.21
+     4.38
+     6.55
+     8.60
+    10.25
+    11.72
+    12.73
+    13.19
+    13.41
+    12.90
+    11.77
+    10.08
+     8.12
+     5.84
+     3.62
+     1.36
+    -1.08
+    -3.35
+    -5.61
+    -7.91
+    -9.82
+   -11.52
+   -12.73
+   -13.83
+   -14.32
+   -14.27
+   -13.76
+   -12.85
+   -11.48
+    -9.61
+    -7.32
+    -4.83
+    -2.16
+     0.81
+     3.88
+     6.76
+     9.53
+    12.03
+    14.17
+    15.83
+    16.93
+    16.71
+    14.02
+     8.26
+     3.32
+     1.38
+     0.24
+    -0.66
+    -1.45
+    -2.17
+    -3.05
+    -3.57
+    -4.11
+    -4.61
+    -4.80
+    -5.05
+    -4.92
+    -4.78
+    -4.33
+    -3.83
+    -3.03
+    -2.27
+    -1.31
+    -0.37
+     0.58
+     1.58
+     2.74
+     3.61
+     4.35
+     5.14
+     5.63
+     6.14
+     6.33
+     6.30
+     5.89
+     5.53
+     4.93
+     3.95
+     2.98
+     1.84
+     0.74
+    -0.53
+    -1.91
+    -3.22
+    -4.30
+    -5.53
+    -6.35
+    -7.05
+    -7.57
+    -7.91
+    -7.93
+    -7.58
+    -7.11
+    -6.31
+    -5.19
+    -3.96
+    -2.56
+    -1.02
+     0.55
+     2.18
+     3.75
+     5.38
+     6.75
+     7.90
+     8.91
+     9.52
+     9.89
+     9.84
+     9.50
+     8.87
+     8.01
+     6.64
+     5.16
+     3.54
+     1.59
+    -0.44
+    -2.51
+    -4.42
+    -6.41
+    -8.11
+    -9.56
+   -10.81
+   -11.81
+   -12.30
+   -12.33
+   -12.06
+   -11.31
+   -10.26
+    -8.74
+    -6.90
+    -4.58
+    -2.25
+     0.25
+     2.74
+     5.38
+     7.70
+     9.95
+    11.87
+    13.46
+    14.55
+    15.27
+    14.91
+    13.50
+    10.64
+     7.00
+     4.16
+     2.13
+     0.23
+    -1.51
+    -3.13
+    -4.89
+    -6.41
+    -7.94
+    -9.13
+    -9.88
+   -10.44
+   -10.75
+   -10.62
+   -10.09
+    -9.28
+    -8.12
+    -6.50
+    -4.77
+    -2.89
+    -0.73
+     1.56
+     3.78
+     5.86
+     7.99
+     9.80
+    11.16
+    12.48
+    13.07
+    13.32
+    13.15
+    12.21
+    10.62
+     8.67
+     6.60
+     4.39
+     1.96
+    -0.22
+    -2.68
+    -4.98
+    -7.18
+    -9.19
+   -10.97
+   -12.39
+   -13.56
+   -14.12
+   -14.35
+   -14.01
+   -13.15
+   -12.01
+   -10.17
+    -8.18
+    -5.71
+    -3.00
+    -0.14
+     2.96
+     5.85
+     8.68
+    11.34
+    13.61
+    15.43
+    16.75
+    17.07
+    15.27
+    10.23
+     4.66
+     1.76
+     0.60
+    -0.36
+    -1.10
+    -2.08
+    -2.72
+    -3.49
+    -3.94
+    -4.49
+    -4.92
+    -4.92
+    -5.11
+    -4.83
+    -4.48
+    -4.09
+    -3.30
+    -2.68
+    -1.59
+    -0.71
+     0.31
+     1.32
+     2.40
+     3.36
+     4.22
+     4.96
+     5.55
+     6.15
+     6.26
+     6.41
+     6.08
+     5.80
+     5.22
+     4.47
+     3.44
+     2.22
+     1.07
+    -0.13
+    -1.54
+    -2.73
+    -4.12
+    -5.17
+    -6.27
+    -6.94
+    -7.58
+    -7.91
+    -8.08
+    -7.87
+    -7.31
+    -6.58
+    -5.63
+    -4.48
+    -3.09
+    -1.68
+     0.08
+     1.67
+     3.35
+     4.95
+     6.38
+     7.70
+     8.75
+     9.37
+     9.85
+    10.16
+     9.85
+     9.31
+     8.34
+     7.15
+     5.76
+     4.00
+     2.12
+     0.16
+    -1.76
+    -3.88
+    -5.88
+    -7.69
+    -9.23
+   -10.71
+   -11.75
+   -12.23
+   -12.66
+   -12.38
+   -11.83
+   -10.82
+    -9.28
+    -7.54
+    -5.37
+    -3.13
+    -0.59
+     1.96
+     4.53
+     7.04
+     9.48
+    11.43
+    13.29
+    14.60
+    15.29
+    15.22
+    14.13
+    11.43
+     7.72
+     4.54
+     2.42
+     0.54
+    -1.18
+    -2.84
+    -4.42
+    -5.98
+    -7.32
+    -8.49
+    -9.43
+    -9.87
+   -10.14
+   -10.08
+    -9.76
+    -8.98
+    -7.91
+    -6.49
+    -4.93
+    -2.94
+    -0.90
+     1.01
+     3.26
+     5.26
+     7.20
+     9.06
+    10.57
+    11.74
+    12.48
+    12.79
+    12.72
+    12.01
+    10.88
+     9.14
+     7.25
+     5.24
+     3.07
+     0.72
+    -1.66
+    -4.10
+    -6.40
+    -8.60
+   -10.44
+   -12.22
+   -13.33
+   -14.21
+   -14.63
+   -14.45
+   -13.74
+   -12.76
+   -11.21
+    -9.26
+    -6.83
+    -4.11
+    -1.31
+     1.84
+     4.68
+     7.65
+    10.49
+    12.98
+    15.08
+    16.52
+    17.20
+    16.30
+    11.89
+     5.45
+     1.98
+     0.66
+    -0.19
+    -0.93
+    -1.54
+    -2.24
+    -2.83
+    -3.23
+    -3.76
+    -4.04
+    -4.28
+    -4.15
+    -4.02
+    -3.82
+    -3.35
+    -2.86
+    -2.28
+    -1.54
+    -0.81
+     0.15
+     1.02
+     1.84
+     2.74
+     3.42
+     4.14
+     4.64
+     4.97
+     5.22
+     5.36
+     5.19
+     4.86
+     4.49
+     3.70
+     2.99
+     2.04
+     1.15
+     0.04
+    -1.00
+    -2.12
+    -3.27
+    -4.20
+    -5.01
+    -5.78
+    -6.24
+    -6.70
+    -6.79
+    -6.57
+    -6.21
+    -5.61
+    -4.95
+    -4.00
+    -2.71
+    -1.64
+    -0.12
+     1.18
+     2.65
+     3.94
+     5.26
+     6.36
+     7.27
+     7.79
+     8.29
+     8.56
+     8.41
+     7.90
+     7.35
+     6.38
+     5.09
+     3.70
+     2.12
+     0.51
+    -1.16
+    -2.96
+    -4.78
+    -6.26
+    -7.77
+    -8.93
+    -9.79
+   -10.32
+   -10.75
+   -10.67
+   -10.10
+    -9.32
+    -8.07
+    -6.75
+    -4.97
+    -3.01
+    -0.85
+     1.21
+     3.55
+     5.70
+     7.62
+     9.38
+    11.07
+    12.16
+    12.98
+    13.30
+    13.15
+    12.34
+    10.90
+     8.94
+     6.92
+     4.57
+     2.49
+     0.01
+    -2.33
+    -4.66
+    -6.82
+    -8.94
+   -10.88
+   -12.19
+   -13.37
+   -14.20
+   -14.34
+   -14.10
+   -13.49
+   -12.27
+   -10.59
+    -8.57
+    -6.08
+    -3.49
+    -0.55
+     2.38
+     5.48
+     8.29
+    11.00
+    13.22
+    15.33
+    16.71
+    17.05
+    15.79
+    11.01
+     5.13
+     2.03
+     0.60
+    -0.21
+    -1.01
+    -1.82
+    -2.60
+    -3.32
+    -3.77
+    -4.26
+    -4.68
+    -4.79
+    -4.79
+    -4.72
+    -4.29
+    -3.85
+    -3.25
+    -2.56
+    -1.81
+    -0.77
+     0.18
+     1.25
+     2.24
+     3.20
+     3.98
+     4.83
+     5.29
+     5.70
+     6.00
+     6.06
+     6.03
+     5.51
+     4.94
+     4.20
+     3.39
+     2.29
+     1.25
+    -0.07
+    -1.43
+    -2.56
+    -3.77
+    -4.89
+    -5.77
+    -6.71
+    -7.32
+    -7.63
+    -7.74
+    -7.44
+    -7.17
+    -6.55
+    -5.63
+    -4.43
+    -3.11
+    -1.62
+    -0.09
+     1.53
+     3.03
+     4.66
+     6.00
+     7.14
+     8.26
+     9.09
+     9.42
+     9.77
+     9.46
+     9.06
+     8.27
+     7.05
+     5.70
+     4.06
+     2.30
+     0.48
+    -1.64
+    -3.62
+    -5.54
+    -7.19
+    -8.79
+   -10.15
+   -11.24
+   -11.89
+   -12.03
+   -12.00
+   -11.42
+   -10.53
+    -9.20
+    -7.44
+    -5.42
+    -3.30
+    -0.92
+     1.53
+     4.20
+     6.51
+     8.79
+    10.83
+    12.60
+    13.88
+    14.70
+    14.83
+    14.20
+    12.23
+     9.33
+     6.29
+     3.81
+     1.65
+    -0.15
+    -2.19
+    -4.10
+    -5.82
+    -7.44
+    -8.90
+   -10.16
+   -10.95
+   -11.46
+   -11.48
+   -11.38
+   -10.60
+    -9.65
+    -8.29
+    -6.61
+    -4.63
+    -2.25
+     0.03
+     2.44
+     4.85
+     7.03
+     9.08
+    11.09
+    12.43
+    13.67
+    14.20
+    14.16
+    13.53
+    11.84
+     9.31
+     6.79
+     4.34
+     2.15
+    -0.10
+    -2.10
+    -4.34
+    -6.30
+    -8.11
+    -9.73
+   -11.02
+   -12.07
+   -12.71
+   -12.97
+   -12.72
+   -11.91
+   -10.93
+    -9.34
+    -7.44
+    -5.36
+    -3.00
+    -0.36
+     2.27
+     5.03
+     7.48
+    10.05
+    12.04
+    13.81
+    14.96
+    15.70
+    15.36
+    13.69
+    10.16
+     6.08
+     3.25
+     1.51
+    -0.05
+    -1.72
+    -3.09
+    -4.55
+    -5.96
+    -7.07
+    -8.02
+    -8.67
+    -9.05
+    -9.27
+    -9.07
+    -8.54
+    -7.66
+    -6.63
+    -5.20
+    -3.71
+    -1.93
+    -0.09
+     1.91
+     3.67
+     5.48
+     7.17
+     8.77
+    10.01
+    10.92
+    11.43
+    11.55
+    11.31
+    10.62
+     9.50
+     8.23
+     6.40
+     4.45
+     2.46
+     0.16
+    -2.17
+    -4.33
+    -6.71
+    -8.64
+   -10.55
+   -12.05
+   -13.04
+   -13.70
+   -14.11
+   -13.82
+   -13.22
+   -11.94
+   -10.48
+    -8.31
+    -6.06
+    -3.38
+    -0.67
+     2.29
+     5.22
+     7.93
+    10.67
+    12.98
+    14.83
+    16.15
+    16.88
+    15.95
+    12.13
+     6.55
+     2.86
+     1.12
+     0.01
+    -0.97
+    -1.94
+    -2.74
+    -3.64
+    -4.45
+    -5.05
+    -5.34
+    -5.64
+    -5.78
+    -5.75
+    -5.31
+    -4.81
+    -4.19
+    -3.28
+    -2.35
+    -1.33
+    -0.23
+     1.13
+     2.29
+     3.43
+     4.40
+     5.33
+     6.15
+     6.86
+     7.13
+     7.29
+     7.28
+     6.79
+     6.16
+     5.47
+     4.31
+     3.18
+     1.91
+     0.40
+    -1.19
+    -2.51
+    -4.06
+    -5.35
+    -6.67
+    -7.56
+    -8.39
+    -8.98
+    -9.15
+    -9.18
+    -8.67
+    -8.02
+    -6.91
+    -5.79
+    -4.30
+    -2.61
+    -0.85
+     1.22
+     3.12
+     4.90
+     6.55
+     8.09
+     9.47
+    10.58
+    11.27
+    11.56
+    11.51
+    11.01
+    10.09
+     8.64
+     7.06
+     5.32
+     3.28
+     0.95
+    -1.27
+    -3.57
+    -5.90
+    -7.98
+    -9.89
+   -11.50
+   -12.68
+   -13.56
+   -13.99
+   -13.91
+   -13.37
+   -12.51
+   -11.04
+    -9.09
+    -6.93
+    -4.50
+    -1.61
+     1.15
+     4.15
+     7.04
+     9.62
+    11.99
+    14.19
+    15.70
+    16.75
+    16.50
+    13.96
+     8.66
+     3.96
+     1.58
+     0.33
+    -0.60
+    -1.63
+    -2.48
+    -3.36
+    -4.21
+    -4.88
+    -5.24
+    -5.69
+    -5.84
+    -5.88
+    -5.51
+    -5.22
+    -4.56
+    -3.83
+    -2.86
+    -1.82
+    -0.51
+     0.55
+     1.74
+     2.92
+     4.17
+     5.15
+     5.91
+     6.57
+     7.17
+     7.41
+     7.23
+     7.08
+     6.47
+     5.73
+     4.80
+     3.70
+     2.32
+     0.89
+    -0.57
+    -1.97
+    -3.48
+    -4.91
+    -6.30
+    -7.36
+    -8.13
+    -8.89
+    -9.18
+    -9.27
+    -9.01
+    -8.47
+    -7.38
+    -6.25
+    -4.95
+    -3.34
+    -1.40
+     0.33
+     2.33
+     4.29
+     5.99
+     7.70
+     9.12
+    10.28
+    11.12
+    11.58
+    11.50
+    11.14
+    10.37
+     9.25
+     7.80
+     5.94
+     4.06
+     1.91
+    -0.33
+    -2.64
+    -5.09
+    -7.15
+    -9.15
+   -10.98
+   -12.35
+   -13.34
+   -13.96
+   -14.03
+   -13.71
+   -12.97
+   -11.61
+    -9.88
+    -7.96
+    -5.53
+    -2.84
+     0.11
+     2.98
+     5.89
+     8.59
+    11.21
+    13.54
+    15.20
+    16.48
+    16.84
+    15.33
+    10.71
+     5.07
+     2.13
+     0.83
+    -0.32
+    -1.13
+    -2.20
+    -3.05
+    -3.80
+    -4.39
+    -4.94
+    -5.36
+    -5.65
+    -5.56
+    -5.39
+    -5.10
+    -4.57
+    -3.80
+    -2.94
+    -1.95
+    -0.85
+     0.19
+     1.42
+     2.56
+     3.56
+     4.59
+     5.54
+     6.14
+     6.71
+     7.06
+     7.20
+     6.93
+     6.43
+     5.96
+     5.01
+     3.97
+     2.64
+     1.31
+     0.00
+    -1.47
+    -2.97
+    -4.44
+    -5.71
+    -6.80
+    -7.77
+    -8.31
+    -8.84
+    -8.91
+    -8.74
+    -8.36
+    -7.60
+    -6.49
+    -5.18
+    -3.64
+    -2.00
+    -0.23
+     1.54
+     3.49
+     5.20
+     6.95
+     8.41
+     9.54
+    10.51
+    11.13
+    11.24
+    11.06
+    10.48
+     9.44
+     8.17
+     6.43
+     4.73
+     2.69
+     0.32
+    -1.90
+    -4.13
+    -6.32
+    -8.27
+   -10.16
+   -11.57
+   -12.68
+   -13.51
+   -13.73
+   -13.61
+   -12.94
+   -11.94
+   -10.46
+    -8.48
+    -6.16
+    -3.58
+    -0.92
+     1.94
+     4.82
+     7.46
+    10.23
+    12.40
+    14.40
+    15.76
+    16.51
+    16.00
+    13.30
+     8.20
+     3.95
+     1.80
+     0.36
+    -0.73
+    -1.73
+    -2.78
+    -3.91
+    -4.60
+    -5.44
+    -5.91
+    -6.43
+    -6.57
+    -6.43
+    -6.19
+    -5.66
+    -5.15
+    -4.15
+    -3.09
+    -1.84
+    -0.59
+     0.75
+     2.05
+     3.52
+     4.65
+     5.78
+     6.77
+     7.55
+     7.96
+     8.24
+     8.15
+     7.86
+     7.41
+     6.55
+     5.45
+     4.15
+     2.68
+     0.96
+    -0.70
+    -2.32
+    -4.01
+    -5.60
+    -7.17
+    -8.33
+    -9.20
+   -10.01
+   -10.40
+   -10.30
+   -10.05
+    -9.32
+    -8.45
+    -7.01
+    -5.44
+    -3.49
+    -1.52
+     0.57
+     2.72
+     4.89
+     6.82
+     8.61
+    10.28
+    11.58
+    12.53
+    12.91
+    12.90
+    12.41
+    11.20
+     9.78
+     7.75
+     5.70
+     3.44
+     1.14
+    -1.20
+    -3.64
+    -6.00
+    -8.14
+   -10.11
+   -11.72
+   -13.18
+   -14.06
+   -14.49
+   -14.39
+   -13.93
+   -12.88
+   -11.38
+    -9.65
+    -7.30
+    -4.65
+    -1.84
+     1.17
+     4.14
+     7.16
+     9.93
+    12.47
+    14.64
+    16.33
+    17.11
+    16.68
+    13.20
+     6.79
+     2.67
+     0.83
+    -0.08
+    -0.69
+    -1.41
+    -2.04
+    -2.75
+    -3.41
+    -3.85
+    -4.04
+    -4.36
+    -4.31
+    -4.31
+    -4.12
+    -3.63
+    -3.24
+    -2.56
+    -1.70
+    -1.03
+    -0.18
+     0.73
+     1.73
+     2.63
+     3.48
+     4.10
+     4.75
+     5.05
+     5.42
+     5.44
+     5.43
+     5.19
+     4.62
+     3.99
+     3.39
+     2.33
+     1.45
+     0.32
+    -0.83
+    -2.03
+    -3.03
+    -4.15
+    -5.10
+    -5.84
+    -6.46
+    -6.72
+    -7.02
+    -6.87
+    -6.65
+    -6.00
+    -5.36
+    -4.24
+    -3.17
+    -1.98
+    -0.59
+     0.80
+     2.30
+     3.64
+     5.04
+     6.27
+     7.20
+     8.01
+     8.58
+     8.76
+     8.68
+     8.41
+     7.67
+     6.79
+     5.59
+     4.12
+     2.64
+     0.96
+    -0.95
+    -2.60
+    -4.47
+    -6.01
+    -7.68
+    -8.87
+    -9.93
+   -10.66
+   -10.98
+   -10.86
+   -10.51
+    -9.79
+    -8.74
+    -7.29
+    -5.51
+    -3.55
+    -1.42
+     0.85
+     2.97
+     5.34
+     7.40
+     9.23
+    10.97
+    12.40
+    13.13
+    13.60
+    13.61
+    12.71
+    11.22
+     9.29
+     7.05
+     4.63
+     2.38
+     0.18
+    -2.19
+    -4.37
+    -6.65
+    -8.69
+   -10.34
+   -11.92
+   -13.02
+   -13.76
+   -14.00
+   -13.71
+   -13.05
+   -12.03
+   -10.33
+    -8.37
+    -6.06
+    -3.50
+    -0.73
+     2.20
+     5.21
+     7.92
+    10.52
+    12.78
+    14.77
+    16.06
+    16.88
+    15.96
+    12.31
+     6.60
+     2.96
+     1.09
+     0.15
+    -0.93
+    -1.90
+    -2.76
+    -3.73
+    -4.46
+    -5.06
+    -5.54
+    -5.74
+    -5.98
+    -5.71
+    -5.52
+    -4.92
+    -4.36
+    -3.50
+    -2.39
+    -1.30
+    -0.24
+     0.97
+     2.28
+     3.52
+     4.49
+     5.38
+     6.23
+     6.91
+     7.22
+     7.44
+     7.29
+     6.90
+     6.46
+     5.47
+     4.57
+     3.23
+     1.94
+     0.36
+    -1.09
+    -2.61
+    -4.09
+    -5.48
+    -6.79
+    -7.74
+    -8.49
+    -9.14
+    -9.41
+    -9.22
+    -8.91
+    -8.10
+    -7.09
+    -5.85
+    -4.40
+    -2.72
+    -0.86
+     1.17
+     3.08
+     4.94
+     6.61
+     8.30
+     9.70
+    10.66
+    11.47
+    11.67
+    11.67
+    11.15
+    10.14
+     8.83
+     7.28
+     5.41
+     3.21
+     1.02
+    -1.18
+    -3.62
+    -5.79
+    -7.98
+   -10.00
+   -11.63
+   -12.81
+   -13.71
+   -14.13
+   -14.10
+   -13.57
+   -12.71
+   -11.09
+    -9.29
+    -7.03
+    -4.44
+    -1.82
+     1.16
+     4.15
+     6.98
+     9.71
+    12.24
+    14.21
+    15.86
+    16.89
+    16.54
+    13.72
+     8.14
+     3.45
+     1.41
+     0.19
+    -0.69
+    -1.58
+    -2.41
+    -3.07
+    -3.78
+    -4.49
+    -4.95
+    -5.20
+    -5.23
+    -5.23
+    -4.99
+    -4.72
+    -4.02
+    -3.35
+    -2.45
+    -1.39
+    -0.44
+     0.75
+     1.77
+     2.84
+     3.80
+     4.73
+     5.60
+     6.20
+     6.43
+     6.81
+     6.58
+     6.45
+     5.99
+     5.19
+     4.23
+     3.28
+     1.95
+     0.63
+    -0.64
+    -2.15
+    -3.46
+    -4.67
+    -5.74
+    -6.92
+    -7.64
+    -8.09
+    -8.50
+    -8.42
+    -8.09
+    -7.54
+    -6.70
+    -5.64
+    -4.31
+    -2.69
+    -1.06
+     0.62
+     2.38
+     4.11
+     5.61
+     7.13
+     8.46
+     9.39
+    10.17
+    10.59
+    10.52
+    10.23
+     9.63
+     8.45
+     7.14
+     5.56
+     3.54
+     1.68
+    -0.48
+    -2.76
+    -4.80
+    -6.87
+    -8.65
+   -10.26
+   -11.53
+   -12.54
+   -13.11
+   -13.14
+   -12.93
+   -12.05
+   -10.84
+    -9.15
+    -7.27
+    -4.88
+    -2.43
+     0.25
+     3.09
+     5.63
+     8.30
+    10.72
+    12.64
+    14.43
+    15.46
+    15.92
+    15.29
+    12.69
+     8.25
+     4.45
+     2.12
+     0.62
+    -0.88
+    -2.12
+    -3.51
+    -4.84
+    -5.79
+    -6.79
+    -7.56
+    -8.02
+    -8.30
+    -8.35
+    -7.94
+    -7.49
+    -6.58
+    -5.48
+    -4.16
+    -2.63
+    -0.89
+     0.66
+     2.46
+     4.09
+     5.73
+     7.33
+     8.41
+     9.43
+    10.20
+    10.56
+    10.38
+     9.99
+     9.29
+     8.20
+     6.99
+     5.22
+     3.34
+     1.39
+    -0.62
+    -2.82
+    -4.90
+    -6.92
+    -8.82
+   -10.25
+   -11.56
+   -12.40
+   -12.95
+   -12.99
+   -12.74
+   -11.76
+   -10.54
+    -8.87
+    -6.86
+    -4.73
+    -2.17
+     0.49
+     3.17
+     5.89
+     8.52
+    10.71
+    12.76
+    14.43
+    15.39
+    15.80
+    15.09
+    12.48
+     8.26
+     4.67
+     2.35
+     0.68
+    -0.80
+    -2.14
+    -3.71
+    -4.88
+    -6.07
+    -7.26
+    -8.00
+    -8.51
+    -8.81
+    -8.76
+    -8.35
+    -7.90
+    -6.97
+    -5.80
+    -4.30
+    -2.71
+    -1.10
+     0.70
+     2.56
+     4.30
+     6.06
+     7.48
+     8.89
+     9.95
+    10.69
+    11.09
+    10.98
+    10.61
+     9.82
+     8.68
+     7.18
+     5.48
+     3.60
+     1.57
+    -0.75
+    -2.94
+    -5.07
+    -7.18
+    -9.14
+   -10.71
+   -12.16
+   -13.06
+   -13.56
+   -13.67
+   -13.14
+   -12.41
+   -11.05
+    -9.38
+    -7.25
+    -4.91
+    -2.26
+     0.41
+     3.37
+     6.03
+     8.84
+    11.23
+    13.32
+    15.03
+    16.04
+    16.44
+    15.16
+    11.24
+     6.34
+     3.08
+     1.36
+    -0.01
+    -1.17
+    -2.40
+    -3.55
+    -4.53
+    -5.32
+    -6.06
+    -6.59
+    -6.97
+    -6.98
+    -6.87
+    -6.53
+    -6.01
+    -5.21
+    -4.16
+    -2.96
+    -1.51
+    -0.24
+     1.40
+     2.80
+     4.13
+     5.43
+     6.61
+     7.64
+     8.39
+     8.78
+     8.82
+     8.82
+     8.40
+     7.53
+     6.65
+     5.36
+     3.91
+     2.22
+     0.37
+    -1.30
+    -3.13
+    -5.00
+    -6.55
+    -8.19
+    -9.24
+   -10.22
+   -10.89
+   -11.17
+   -11.13
+   -10.58
+    -9.77
+    -8.42
+    -6.94
+    -5.13
+    -3.11
+    -0.88
+     1.48
+     3.75
+     5.99
+     8.16
+    10.05
+    11.52
+    12.83
+    13.51
+    13.86
+    13.53
+    12.50
+    10.81
+     8.43
+     6.12
+     3.84
+     1.50
+    -0.80
+    -2.92
+    -5.13
+    -7.20
+    -9.12
+   -10.80
+   -12.14
+   -13.19
+   -13.69
+   -13.75
+   -13.36
+   -12.42
+   -11.23
+    -9.37
+    -7.41
+    -4.94
+    -2.18
+     0.42
+     3.35
+     6.11
+     8.86
+    11.21
+    13.35
+    15.03
+    16.29
+    16.41
+    14.98
+    10.89
+     5.91
+     2.68
+     0.99
+    -0.21
+    -1.23
+    -2.40
+    -3.39
+    -4.31
+    -5.22
+    -5.79
+    -6.29
+    -6.66
+    -6.81
+    -6.62
+    -6.17
+    -5.49
+    -4.86
+    -3.85
+    -2.71
+    -1.39
+     0.09
+     1.40
+     2.78
+     4.19
+     5.30
+     6.38
+     7.31
+     8.01
+     8.38
+     8.53
+     8.33
+     7.81
+     7.16
+     6.05
+     4.88
+     3.46
+     1.97
+     0.21
+    -1.45
+    -3.18
+    -4.91
+    -6.55
+    -7.84
+    -9.07
+    -9.88
+   -10.47
+   -10.62
+   -10.47
+    -9.92
+    -9.17
+    -7.88
+    -6.53
+    -4.60
+    -2.62
+    -0.69
+     1.63
+     3.72
+     5.94
+     7.90
+     9.77
+    11.07
+    12.33
+    12.94
+    13.20
+    12.99
+    12.16
+    10.70
+     8.82
+     6.58
+     4.30
+     2.18
+    -0.30
+    -2.69
+    -4.87
+    -7.16
+    -9.12
+   -10.98
+   -12.56
+   -13.54
+   -14.25
+   -14.37
+   -14.14
+   -13.41
+   -11.99
+   -10.36
+    -8.14
+    -5.67
+    -3.00
+    -0.15
+     2.90
+     5.77
+     8.76
+    11.24
+    13.61
+    15.57
+    16.73
+    17.13
+    15.24
+    10.10
+     4.35
+     1.67
+     0.49
+    -0.31
+    -1.23
+    -2.03
+    -2.68
+    -3.26
+    -3.91
+    -4.21
+    -4.61
+    -4.71
+    -4.64
+    -4.63
+    -4.16
+    -3.83
+    -3.09
+    -2.37
+    -1.46
+    -0.56
+     0.43
+     1.43
+     2.39
+     3.13
+     4.12
+     4.74
+     5.36
+     5.78
+     5.97
+     6.06
+     5.88
+     5.47
+     4.76
+     4.15
+     3.08
+     2.04
+     0.89
+    -0.33
+    -1.52
+    -2.81
+    -3.86
+    -4.88
+    -5.87
+    -6.67
+    -7.10
+    -7.45
+    -7.56
+    -7.36
+    -6.91
+    -6.32
+    -5.37
+    -4.15
+    -2.95
+    -1.37
+     0.10
+     1.72
+     3.18
+     4.71
+     6.01
+     7.21
+     8.26
+     9.08
+     9.44
+     9.57
+     9.37
+     8.83
+     8.02
+     6.86
+     5.31
+     3.72
+     2.03
+     0.04
+    -1.86
+    -3.82
+    -5.67
+    -7.30
+    -8.83
+   -10.16
+   -11.08
+   -11.67
+   -11.82
+   -11.75
+   -11.08
+   -10.15
+    -8.68
+    -7.15
+    -5.07
+    -2.89
+    -0.56
+     2.08
+     4.43
+     6.86
+     8.96
+    10.90
+    12.58
+    13.75
+    14.61
+    14.63
+    14.00
+    12.00
+     9.36
+     6.30
+     3.78
+     1.74
+    -0.19
+    -2.15
+    -4.27
+    -6.07
+    -7.86
+    -9.30
+   -10.53
+   -11.46
+   -11.90
+   -12.05
+   -11.91
+   -11.19
+   -10.15
+    -8.62
+    -6.91
+    -4.86
+    -2.51
+     0.02
+     2.44
+     4.90
+     7.30
+     9.47
+    11.43
+    13.04
+    14.12
+    14.74
+    14.73
+    13.68
+    11.48
+     8.28
+     5.30
+     3.16
+     1.18
+    -0.83
+    -2.85
+    -4.56
+    -6.42
+    -8.07
+    -9.25
+   -10.44
+   -11.16
+   -11.48
+   -11.53
+   -11.23
+   -10.33
+    -9.32
+    -7.85
+    -5.93
+    -3.94
+    -1.69
+     0.75
+     3.18
+     5.57
+     7.84
+     9.72
+    11.49
+    12.99
+    13.96
+    14.32
+    14.21
+    13.04
+    11.02
+     8.46
+     5.79
+     3.47
+     1.40
+    -0.74
+    -2.89
+    -4.84
+    -6.86
+    -8.60
+   -10.19
+   -11.43
+   -12.31
+   -12.67
+   -12.69
+   -12.36
+   -11.52
+   -10.35
+    -8.77
+    -6.71
+    -4.44
+    -1.99
+     0.51
+     3.18
+     5.90
+     8.29
+    10.61
+    12.62
+    14.14
+    15.26
+    15.69
+    15.09
+    12.70
+     8.87
+     5.40
+     2.78
+     1.09
+    -0.61
+    -2.06
+    -3.71
+    -5.08
+    -6.40
+    -7.54
+    -8.44
+    -9.08
+    -9.50
+    -9.44
+    -9.18
+    -8.67
+    -7.61
+    -6.48
+    -5.11
+    -3.35
+    -1.49
+     0.49
+     2.39
+     4.41
+     6.17
+     7.91
+     9.28
+    10.62
+    11.31
+    11.94
+    11.99
+    11.59
+    10.70
+     9.47
+     7.95
+     5.98
+     4.02
+     1.79
+    -0.57
+    -2.94
+    -5.25
+    -7.50
+    -9.37
+   -11.08
+   -12.61
+   -13.64
+   -14.31
+   -14.32
+   -13.90
+   -13.11
+   -11.89
+   -10.07
+    -7.88
+    -5.34
+    -2.75
+     0.20
+     3.20
+     6.18
+     8.90
+    11.50
+    13.73
+    15.66
+    16.77
+    16.95
+    14.91
+     9.45
+     4.05
+     1.58
+     0.44
+    -0.43
+    -1.33
+    -2.10
+    -2.74
+    -3.41
+    -3.92
+    -4.39
+    -4.73
+    -4.90
+    -4.95
+    -4.73
+    -4.35
+    -3.84
+    -3.16
+    -2.37
+    -1.47
+    -0.52
+     0.36
+     1.46
+     2.38
+     3.31
+     4.31
+     5.00
+     5.64
+     6.04
+     6.15
+     6.24
+     6.00
+     5.59
+     4.90
+     4.18
+     3.17
+     2.06
+     0.90
+    -0.44
+    -1.57
+    -2.97
+    -4.09
+    -5.14
+    -6.19
+    -6.90
+    -7.39
+    -7.77
+    -7.91
+    -7.60
+    -7.13
+    -6.28
+    -5.30
+    -4.28
+    -2.78
+    -1.33
+     0.21
+     1.82
+     3.40
+     4.94
+     6.36
+     7.56
+     8.56
+     9.42
+     9.72
+     9.87
+     9.62
+     8.94
+     8.21
+     6.94
+     5.47
+     3.67
+     1.87
+    -0.12
+    -2.14
+    -3.98
+    -6.02
+    -7.76
+    -9.21
+   -10.67
+   -11.54
+   -12.17
+   -12.26
+   -11.98
+   -11.44
+   -10.46
+    -8.97
+    -7.22
+    -5.12
+    -2.70
+    -0.20
+     2.24
+     4.81
+     7.30
+     9.56
+    11.45
+    13.22
+    14.33
+    14.97
+    14.96
+    13.79
+    11.36
+     8.08
+     5.06
+     2.81
+     0.86
+    -0.98
+    -2.87
+    -4.48
+    -6.14
+    -7.64
+    -8.96
+    -9.94
+   -10.58
+   -11.04
+   -10.87
+   -10.46
+    -9.78
+    -8.64
+    -7.22
+    -5.43
+    -3.40
+    -1.30
+     0.89
+     3.27
+     5.49
+     7.57
+     9.55
+    11.10
+    12.38
+    13.38
+    13.75
+    13.48
+    12.62
+    11.17
+     9.11
+     6.82
+     4.57
+     2.17
+    -0.05
+    -2.30
+    -4.61
+    -6.67
+    -8.68
+   -10.58
+   -11.96
+   -13.18
+   -13.82
+   -13.88
+   -13.73
+   -13.01
+   -11.81
+   -10.20
+    -8.12
+    -5.74
+    -3.14
+    -0.40
+     2.49
+     5.34
+     8.14
+    10.67
+    13.06
+    14.84
+    16.25
+    16.76
+    15.70
+    11.92
+     6.34
+     2.86
+     1.07
+    -0.10
+    -0.96
+    -1.98
+    -3.01
+    -3.83
+    -4.55
+    -5.26
+    -5.69
+    -5.87
+    -5.91
+    -5.85
+    -5.64
+    -5.11
+    -4.28
+    -3.55
+    -2.49
+    -1.31
+    -0.20
+     1.11
+     2.44
+     3.54
+     4.59
+     5.68
+     6.43
+     7.02
+     7.46
+     7.57
+     7.41
+     7.09
+     6.52
+     5.64
+     4.54
+     3.33
+     1.83
+     0.38
+    -1.20
+    -2.76
+    -4.23
+    -5.73
+    -6.93
+    -7.94
+    -8.67
+    -9.28
+    -9.62
+    -9.51
+    -9.10
+    -8.36
+    -7.20
+    -6.02
+    -4.47
+    -2.55
+    -0.73
+     1.19
+     3.23
+     5.08
+     6.93
+     8.46
+     9.89
+    10.88
+    11.67
+    11.98
+    11.80
+    11.18
+    10.21
+     8.91
+     7.27
+     5.23
+     3.20
+     0.88
+    -1.49
+    -3.89
+    -6.12
+    -8.29
+   -10.10
+   -11.78
+   -13.06
+   -13.97
+   -14.38
+   -14.29
+   -13.66
+   -12.56
+   -11.23
+    -9.20
+    -6.96
+    -4.40
+    -1.49
+     1.46
+     4.31
+     7.24
+    10.01
+    12.40
+    14.52
+    16.17
+    17.01
+    16.63
+    13.08
+     7.09
+     2.90
+     1.03
+     0.00
+    -0.74
+    -1.52
+    -2.42
+    -3.02
+    -3.69
+    -4.24
+    -4.61
+    -4.86
+    -4.97
+    -4.93
+    -4.59
+    -4.27
+    -3.57
+    -2.98
+    -2.08
+    -1.20
+    -0.24
+     0.89
+     1.79
+     2.94
+     3.72
+     4.52
+     5.22
+     5.69
+     6.06
+     6.29
+     6.19
+     5.76
+     5.34
+     4.68
+     3.77
+     2.78
+     1.62
+     0.30
+    -0.89
+    -2.19
+    -3.36
+    -4.48
+    -5.66
+    -6.42
+    -7.18
+    -7.59
+    -7.85
+    -7.84
+    -7.36
+    -6.92
+    -5.96
+    -4.97
+    -3.70
+    -2.19
+    -0.77
+     0.95
+     2.50
+     4.05
+     5.53
+     6.89
+     8.00
+     8.96
+     9.45
+     9.76
+     9.81
+     9.35
+     8.62
+     7.65
+     6.33
+     4.78
+     3.15
+     1.17
+    -0.83
+    -2.91
+    -4.87
+    -6.65
+    -8.39
+    -9.89
+   -11.10
+   -11.78
+   -12.23
+   -12.20
+   -11.96
+   -10.99
+    -9.91
+    -8.36
+    -6.28
+    -4.27
+    -1.87
+     0.75
+     3.31
+     5.72
+     8.11
+    10.24
+    12.10
+    13.70
+    14.75
+    15.19
+    14.72
+    13.10
+    10.18
+     6.74
+     3.97
+     1.88
+     0.05
+    -1.73
+    -3.54
+    -5.14
+    -6.74
+    -8.16
+    -9.38
+   -10.34
+   -10.70
+   -10.92
+   -10.79
+   -10.22
+    -9.34
+    -7.98
+    -6.45
+    -4.71
+    -2.64
+    -0.50
+     1.87
+     4.16
+     6.28
+     8.39
+    10.19
+    11.68
+    12.75
+    13.54
+    13.69
+    13.34
+    12.16
+    10.35
+     8.13
+     5.91
+     3.65
+     1.33
+    -0.80
+    -3.14
+    -5.52
+    -7.61
+    -9.62
+   -11.09
+   -12.57
+   -13.50
+   -13.93
+   -13.94
+   -13.57
+   -12.67
+   -11.32
+    -9.54
+    -7.35
+    -4.81
+    -2.11
+     0.64
+     3.66
+     6.50
+     9.16
+    11.64
+    13.83
+    15.53
+    16.65
+    16.72
+    14.64
+     9.70
+     4.47
+     1.87
+     0.70
+    -0.33
+    -1.44
+    -2.30
+    -3.22
+    -4.01
+    -4.64
+    -5.35
+    -5.69
+    -5.76
+    -5.82
+    -5.65
+    -5.21
+    -4.64
+    -3.85
+    -2.98
+    -1.87
+    -0.85
+     0.49
+     1.70
+     2.86
+     3.97
+     4.90
+     5.85
+     6.56
+     7.09
+     7.33
+     7.35
+     7.15
+     6.70
+     6.08
+     5.00
+     3.98
+     2.60
+     1.24
+    -0.19
+    -1.78
+    -3.33
+    -4.84
+    -6.04
+    -7.23
+    -8.08
+    -8.77
+    -9.27
+    -9.32
+    -9.14
+    -8.59
+    -7.78
+    -6.63
+    -5.12
+    -3.51
+    -1.81
+     0.04
+     2.05
+     3.95
+     5.73
+     7.49
+     8.90
+    10.19
+    11.05
+    11.51
+    11.69
+    11.51
+    10.60
+     9.57
+     8.20
+     6.46
+     4.30
+     2.17
+    -0.01
+    -2.28
+    -4.62
+    -6.93
+    -8.88
+   -10.68
+   -12.27
+   -13.32
+   -13.96
+   -14.16
+   -14.00
+   -13.25
+   -11.90
+   -10.31
+    -8.36
+    -5.84
+    -3.30
+    -0.33
+     2.49
+     5.44
+     8.39
+    10.92
+    13.17
+    15.05
+    16.43
+    16.86
+    15.72
+    11.39
+     5.70
+     2.43
+     0.85
+    -0.08
+    -1.05
+    -2.02
+    -2.86
+    -3.56
+    -4.26
+    -4.76
+    -5.14
+    -5.47
+    -5.34
+    -5.27
+    -4.87
+    -4.39
+    -3.74
+    -2.93
+    -2.05
+    -0.94
+     0.00
+     1.11
+     2.42
+     3.38
+     4.39
+     5.24
+     5.97
+     6.48
+     6.75
+     6.77
+     6.70
+     6.27
+     5.81
+     4.83
+     3.99
+     2.74
+     1.53
+     0.12
+    -1.28
+    -2.71
+    -4.04
+    -5.41
+    -6.52
+    -7.34
+    -8.04
+    -8.48
+    -8.60
+    -8.55
+    -8.06
+    -7.26
+    -6.40
+    -5.23
+    -3.80
+    -2.06
+    -0.33
+     1.35
+     3.21
+     4.86
+     6.42
+     8.00
+     9.16
+     9.93
+    10.57
+    10.90
+    10.78
+    10.22
+     9.30
+     8.13
+     6.57
+     4.81
+     2.68
+     0.71
+    -1.48
+    -3.70
+    -5.78
+    -7.80
+    -9.63
+   -11.15
+   -12.28
+   -13.12
+   -13.43
+   -13.22
+   -12.80
+   -11.65
+   -10.30
+    -8.46
+    -6.33
+    -3.82
+    -1.24
+     1.42
+     4.20
+     7.08
+     9.63
+    11.78
+    13.79
+    15.31
+    16.06
+    15.94
+    14.21
+    10.13
+     5.55
+     2.79
+     1.18
+    -0.16
+    -1.55
+    -2.86
+    -4.04
+    -5.15
+    -5.96
+    -6.77
+    -7.38
+    -7.73
+    -7.72
+    -7.55
+    -7.13
+    -6.28
+    -5.40
+    -4.31
+    -2.96
+    -1.55
+     0.19
+     1.80
+     3.26
+     4.90
+     6.17
+     7.47
+     8.53
+     9.15
+     9.60
+     9.75
+     9.46
+     9.02
+     8.19
+     6.96
+     5.58
+     3.95
+     2.14
+     0.09
+    -1.89
+    -3.96
+    -5.71
+    -7.50
+    -9.19
+   -10.48
+   -11.31
+   -11.89
+   -12.15
+   -11.94
+   -11.31
+   -10.32
+    -8.96
+    -7.19
+    -5.19
+    -2.85
+    -0.51
+     1.94
+     4.60
+     6.94
+     9.24
+    11.20
+    12.81
+    14.17
+    14.86
+    14.94
+    13.95
+    11.85
+     8.56
+     5.60
+     3.20
+     1.21
+    -0.71
+    -2.62
+    -4.42
+    -6.09
+    -7.60
+    -8.95
+   -10.02
+   -10.84
+   -11.22
+   -11.24
+   -11.01
+   -10.20
+    -9.23
+    -7.76
+    -5.95
+    -4.07
+    -1.73
+     0.59
+     2.85
+     5.24
+     7.31
+     9.50
+    11.15
+    12.52
+    13.62
+    14.04
+    13.91
+    13.17
+    11.43
+     9.08
+     6.61
+     4.28
+     2.07
+    -0.18
+    -2.38
+    -4.51
+    -6.67
+    -8.51
+   -10.10
+   -11.60
+   -12.59
+   -13.30
+   -13.48
+   -13.16
+   -12.36
+   -11.26
+    -9.65
+    -7.71
+    -5.38
+    -2.96
+    -0.17
+     2.51
+     5.32
+     7.91
+    10.52
+    12.63
+    14.42
+    15.64
+    16.19
+    15.68
+    12.90
+     8.39
+     4.43
+     2.16
+     0.55
+    -0.73
+    -2.05
+    -3.16
+    -4.46
+    -5.55
+    -6.44
+    -7.06
+    -7.60
+    -7.71
+    -7.81
+    -7.36
+    -6.86
+    -5.97
+    -5.07
+    -3.75
+    -2.34
+    -0.95
+     0.79
+     2.37
+     3.90
+     5.39
+     6.71
+     7.91
+     8.79
+     9.44
+     9.75
+     9.67
+     9.39
+     8.77
+     7.82
+     6.54
+     4.90
+     3.12
+     1.27
+    -0.62
+    -2.63
+    -4.56
+    -6.47
+    -8.23
+    -9.57
+   -10.81
+   -11.69
+   -12.12
+   -12.18
+   -11.92
+   -11.15
+   -10.00
+    -8.44
+    -6.52
+    -4.37
+    -2.14
+     0.43
+     2.94
+     5.46
+     7.89
+    10.02
+    11.86
+    13.47
+    14.43
+    15.00
+    14.63
+    13.42
+    10.69
+     7.29
+     4.63
+     2.29
+     0.49
+    -1.33
+    -3.28
+    -4.95
+    -6.63
+    -8.15
+    -9.48
+   -10.30
+   -10.89
+   -11.28
+   -11.06
+   -10.74
+    -9.77
+    -8.63
+    -6.96
+    -5.14
+    -3.07
+    -0.91
+     1.41
+     3.69
+     5.96
+     8.26
+    10.00
+    11.59
+    12.86
+    13.68
+    13.93
+    13.58
+    12.50
+    10.66
+     8.28
+     5.84
+     3.62
+     1.36
+    -0.85
+    -3.05
+    -5.23
+    -7.43
+    -9.19
+   -10.91
+   -12.12
+   -12.94
+   -13.51
+   -13.46
+   -13.11
+   -12.13
+   -10.81
+    -9.25
+    -7.00
+    -4.66
+    -2.04
+     0.77
+     3.46
+     6.25
+     8.89
+    11.26
+    13.35
+    15.09
+    16.08
+    16.24
+    14.91
+    11.16
+     6.21
+     2.94
+     1.21
+     0.03
+    -1.20
+    -2.39
+    -3.51
+    -4.52
+    -5.52
+    -6.29
+    -6.84
+    -7.13
+    -7.31
+    -7.15
+    -6.66
+    -6.16
+    -5.31
+    -4.14
+    -3.01
+    -1.49
+    -0.20
+     1.31
+     2.90
+     4.30
+     5.71
+     6.75
+     7.70
+     8.60
+     9.05
+     9.22
+     9.03
+     8.58
+     7.74
+     6.64
+     5.37
+     3.84
+     2.15
+     0.39
+    -1.41
+    -3.28
+    -5.16
+    -6.75
+    -8.33
+    -9.61
+   -10.49
+   -11.09
+   -11.34
+   -11.21
+   -10.82
+    -9.89
+    -8.62
+    -7.02
+    -5.14
+    -3.09
+    -0.79
+     1.45
+     3.89
+     6.28
+     8.32
+    10.25
+    11.96
+    13.13
+    13.90
+    14.11
+    13.75
+    12.51
+    10.53
+     7.92
+     5.41
+     3.05
+     1.07
+    -1.22
+    -3.47
+    -5.45
+    -7.39
+    -9.23
+   -10.70
+   -11.98
+   -12.76
+   -13.11
+   -13.24
+   -12.72
+   -11.67
+   -10.38
+    -8.67
+    -6.63
+    -4.22
+    -1.63
+     1.17
+     3.87
+     6.64
+     9.18
+    11.47
+    13.35
+    14.87
+    15.75
+    16.06
+    14.72
+    11.18
+     6.66
+     3.51
+     1.60
+     0.15
+    -1.29
+    -2.51
+    -3.83
+    -5.16
+    -6.15
+    -6.98
+    -7.65
+    -8.00
+    -8.19
+    -8.13
+    -7.68
+    -6.92
+    -6.04
+    -4.97
+    -3.53
+    -1.90
+    -0.25
+     1.31
+     2.95
+     4.61
+     6.31
+     7.51
+     8.71
+     9.61
+    10.18
+    10.35
+    10.16
+     9.74
+     8.98
+     7.77
+     6.20
+     4.49
+     2.75
+     0.62
+    -1.45
+    -3.53
+    -5.55
+    -7.53
+    -9.13
+   -10.56
+   -11.71
+   -12.49
+   -12.79
+   -12.77
+   -12.28
+   -11.24
+    -9.87
+    -8.12
+    -6.15
+    -3.68
+    -1.30
+     1.45
+     4.16
+     6.78
+     9.12
+    11.41
+    13.15
+    14.70
+    15.47
+    15.67
+    14.56
+    11.50
+     7.51
+     4.14
+     2.15
+     0.41
+    -1.19
+    -2.58
+    -4.03
+    -5.45
+    -6.63
+    -7.66
+    -8.49
+    -9.13
+    -9.36
+    -9.16
+    -8.78
+    -8.11
+    -7.18
+    -5.85
+    -4.39
+    -2.59
+    -0.79
+     1.18
+     3.06
+     4.91
+     6.78
+     8.27
+     9.62
+    10.58
+    11.34
+    11.58
+    11.65
+    11.03
+    10.18
+     8.71
+     7.09
+     5.30
+     3.13
+     1.07
+    -1.36
+    -3.55
+    -5.99
+    -7.94
+    -9.88
+   -11.58
+   -12.73
+   -13.76
+   -14.20
+   -14.18
+   -13.63
+   -12.49
+   -11.09
+    -9.17
+    -7.08
+    -4.36
+    -1.73
+     1.19
+     4.27
+     7.04
+     9.85
+    12.24
+    14.26
+    16.00
+    16.77
+    16.62
+    13.78
+     8.05
+     3.45
+     1.42
+     0.33
+    -0.71
+    -1.65
+    -2.46
+    -3.28
+    -4.02
+    -4.57
+    -4.97
+    -5.30
+    -5.53
+    -5.36
+    -5.09
+    -4.71
+    -4.11
+    -3.38
+    -2.43
+    -1.40
+    -0.50
+     0.69
+     1.74
+     2.82
+     3.86
+     4.85
+     5.68
+     6.28
+     6.60
+     6.83
+     6.84
+     6.49
+     5.96
+     5.33
+     4.36
+     3.21
+     1.97
+     0.76
+    -0.68
+    -1.99
+    -3.46
+    -4.88
+    -6.05
+    -7.06
+    -7.78
+    -8.40
+    -8.70
+    -8.61
+    -8.41
+    -7.77
+    -6.88
+    -5.81
+    -4.32
+    -2.84
+    -1.26
+     0.63
+     2.48
+     4.06
+     5.87
+     7.39
+     8.62
+     9.61
+    10.39
+    10.85
+    10.93
+    10.45
+     9.67
+     8.73
+     7.17
+     5.58
+     3.69
+     1.68
+    -0.60
+    -2.64
+    -4.90
+    -6.93
+    -8.79
+   -10.40
+   -11.79
+   -12.68
+   -13.23
+   -13.35
+   -13.07
+   -12.28
+   -11.00
+    -9.43
+    -7.25
+    -4.91
+    -2.47
+     0.19
+     3.14
+     5.82
+     8.51
+    10.81
+    12.93
+    14.74
+    15.84
+    16.30
+    15.37
+    12.13
+     7.27
+     3.79
+     1.64
+     0.22
+    -0.94
+    -2.17
+    -3.54
+    -4.49
+    -5.66
+    -6.32
+    -7.06
+    -7.51
+    -7.57
+    -7.52
+    -7.15
+    -6.54
+    -5.74
+    -4.62
+    -3.46
+    -2.02
+    -0.59
+     1.09
+     2.71
+     4.18
+     5.66
+     6.93
+     8.06
+     8.78
+     9.42
+     9.61
+     9.51
+     9.09
+     8.49
+     7.34
+     6.14
+     4.61
+     2.75
+     0.87
+    -0.99
+    -2.98
+    -4.93
+    -6.76
+    -8.30
+    -9.86
+   -10.83
+   -11.61
+   -12.03
+   -12.01
+   -11.59
+   -10.65
+    -9.59
+    -7.97
+    -5.93
+    -3.77
+    -1.56
+     0.87
+     3.54
+     5.94
+     8.21
+    10.28
+    12.11
+    13.55
+    14.52
+    14.82
+    14.51
+    13.03
+    10.26
+     7.12
+     4.58
+     2.37
+     0.46
+    -1.57
+    -3.57
+    -5.43
+    -7.07
+    -8.68
+    -9.90
+   -10.89
+   -11.56
+   -11.76
+   -11.68
+   -11.14
+   -10.20
+    -8.83
+    -7.25
+    -5.23
+    -3.20
+    -0.84
+     1.59
+     4.10
+     6.45
+     8.68
+    10.56
+    12.24
+    13.45
+    14.34
+    14.48
+    13.96
+    12.47
+     9.89
+     7.19
+     4.61
+     2.34
+     0.30
+    -1.66
+    -3.70
+    -5.68
+    -7.55
+    -9.25
+   -10.45
+   -11.65
+   -12.18
+   -12.45
+   -12.38
+   -11.79
+   -10.70
+    -9.36
+    -7.63
+    -5.52
+    -3.34
+    -0.73
+     1.76
+     4.34
+     6.88
+     9.19
+    11.32
+    13.01
+    14.35
+    15.15
+    15.15
+    14.25
+    11.75
+     8.09
+     4.95
+     2.70
+     0.71
+    -0.92
+    -2.59
+    -4.23
+    -5.88
+    -7.38
+    -8.58
+    -9.35
+   -10.16
+   -10.46
+   -10.46
+    -9.98
+    -9.29
+    -8.10
+    -6.86
+    -5.18
+    -3.35
+    -1.17
+     0.88
+     3.09
+     5.11
+     7.22
+     9.05
+    10.47
+    11.75
+    12.54
+    12.94
+    12.94
+    12.24
+    11.15
+     9.35
+     7.44
+     5.28
+     3.12
+     0.80
+    -1.73
+    -4.04
+    -6.40
+    -8.55
+   -10.44
+   -12.02
+   -13.36
+   -14.10
+   -14.60
+   -14.42
+   -13.82
+   -12.68
+   -11.18
+    -9.26
+    -6.85
+    -4.13
+    -1.38
+     1.68
+     4.62
+     7.67
+    10.33
+    12.82
+    14.95
+    16.49
+    17.18
+    16.33
+    12.29
+     5.82
+     2.27
+     0.69
+    -0.02
+    -0.89
+    -1.58
+    -2.31
+    -2.86
+    -3.43
+    -3.82
+    -4.25
+    -4.42
+    -4.38
+    -4.20
+    -4.12
+    -3.63
+    -3.14
+    -2.34
+    -1.65
+    -0.84
+     0.04
+     1.02
+     1.94
+     2.74
+     3.51
+     4.28
+     4.80
+     5.23
+     5.49
+     5.61
+     5.38
+     5.09
+     4.67
+     3.98
+     3.28
+     2.32
+     1.20
+     0.13
+    -1.04
+    -2.14
+    -3.26
+    -4.26
+    -5.25
+    -5.88
+    -6.52
+    -6.89
+    -7.08
+    -6.87
+    -6.57
+    -6.04
+    -5.26
+    -4.23
+    -2.93
+    -1.82
+    -0.33
+     1.16
+     2.63
+     4.02
+     5.33
+     6.33
+     7.40
+     8.19
+     8.56
+     8.86
+     8.78
+     8.27
+     7.67
+     6.69
+     5.49
+     3.96
+     2.29
+     0.68
+    -1.20
+    -3.00
+    -4.77
+    -6.47
+    -7.79
+    -9.09
+   -10.14
+   -10.77
+   -11.04
+   -11.07
+   -10.63
+    -9.74
+    -8.66
+    -7.04
+    -5.24
+    -3.38
+    -1.10
+     1.12
+     3.44
+     5.68
+     7.77
+     9.68
+    11.25
+    12.50
+    13.31
+    13.68
+    13.45
+    12.56
+    10.99
+     8.82
+     6.49
+     4.15
+     1.97
+    -0.31
+    -2.57
+    -4.73
+    -6.96
+    -8.99
+   -10.74
+   -12.07
+   -13.11
+   -13.76
+   -13.89
+   -13.57
+   -12.79
+   -11.53
+    -9.81
+    -7.84
+    -5.42
+    -2.84
+    -0.06
+     2.89
+     5.68
+     8.40
+    11.04
+    13.09
+    14.91
+    16.19
+    16.66
+    15.51
+    11.49
+     6.18
+     2.72
+     1.14
+    -0.08
+    -1.16
+    -2.11
+    -3.14
+    -4.02
+    -4.83
+    -5.45
+    -5.90
+    -6.25
+    -6.31
+    -6.07
+    -5.73
+    -5.20
+    -4.54
+    -3.53
+    -2.49
+    -1.39
+    -0.11
+     1.32
+     2.48
+     3.79
+     4.97
+     5.85
+     6.70
+     7.24
+     7.78
+     7.84
+     7.67
+     7.38
+     6.72
+     5.70
+     4.63
+     3.27
+     1.87
+     0.32
+    -1.27
+    -2.96
+    -4.53
+    -6.00
+    -7.13
+    -8.21
+    -9.22
+    -9.60
+    -9.89
+    -9.86
+    -9.42
+    -8.53
+    -7.47
+    -6.05
+    -4.45
+    -2.72
+    -0.73
+     1.37
+     3.34
+     5.33
+     7.29
+     8.86
+    10.23
+    11.45
+    12.05
+    12.47
+    12.23
+    11.59
+    10.52
+     8.99
+     7.07
+     5.00
+     2.85
+     0.56
+    -1.72
+    -4.08
+    -6.52
+    -8.69
+   -10.46
+   -12.11
+   -13.46
+   -14.22
+   -14.52
+   -14.42
+   -13.69
+   -12.73
+   -11.17
+    -9.06
+    -6.76
+    -3.95
+    -1.08
+     1.74
+     4.78
+     7.87
+    10.49
+    12.88
+    15.07
+    16.65
+    17.27
+    16.27
+    11.87
+     5.61
+     2.13
+     0.57
+    -0.19
+    -0.83
+    -1.67
+    -2.22
+    -2.98
+    -3.52
+    -3.80
+    -4.08
+    -4.40
+    -4.32
+    -4.29
+    -3.93
+    -3.61
+    -3.11
+    -2.37
+    -1.51
+    -0.86
+     0.05
+     0.98
+     1.95
+     2.82
+     3.55
+     4.23
+     4.70
+     5.23
+     5.45
+     5.44
+     5.37
+     5.14
+     4.66
+     3.86
+     3.10
+     2.11
+     1.20
+     0.08
+    -1.21
+    -2.31
+    -3.33
+    -4.31
+    -5.16
+    -5.96
+    -6.41
+    -6.80
+    -6.95
+    -6.79
+    -6.45
+    -5.96
+    -5.08
+    -4.12
+    -2.86
+    -1.68
+    -0.25
+     1.29
+     2.66
+     3.96
+     5.37
+     6.38
+     7.36
+     8.17
+     8.54
+     8.83
+     8.53
+     8.25
+     7.42
+     6.60
+     5.21
+     3.87
+     2.21
+     0.47
+    -1.36
+    -2.99
+    -4.85
+    -6.37
+    -7.86
+    -9.12
+   -10.13
+   -10.74
+   -10.95
+   -10.86
+   -10.51
+    -9.61
+    -8.36
+    -6.89
+    -5.17
+    -3.12
+    -1.02
+     1.29
+     3.60
+     5.79
+     7.93
+     9.81
+    11.40
+    12.54
+    13.38
+    13.69
+    13.42
+    12.55
+    10.96
+     8.79
+     6.53
+     4.30
+     1.94
+    -0.27
+    -2.59
+    -4.80
+    -7.07
+    -9.02
+   -10.79
+   -12.17
+   -13.30
+   -13.79
+   -14.09
+   -13.73
+   -12.92
+   -11.69
+    -9.98
+    -7.96
+    -5.55
+    -2.81
+     0.08
+     2.96
+     5.83
+     8.64
+    11.08
+    13.40
+    15.12
+    16.43
+    16.81
+    15.42
+    11.08
+     5.59
+     2.39
+     0.77
+    -0.21
+    -1.14
+    -2.02
+    -3.04
+    -3.86
+    -4.46
+    -5.16
+    -5.44
+    -5.70
+    -5.84
+    -5.59
+    -5.36
+    -4.78
+    -3.98
+    -3.21
+    -2.13
+    -1.02
+     0.01
+     1.35
+     2.58
+     3.60
+     4.76
+     5.53
+     6.28
+     6.90
+     7.31
+     7.40
+     7.18
+     6.80
+     6.10
+     5.32
+     4.21
+     3.01
+     1.55
+     0.01
+    -1.37
+    -2.88
+    -4.47
+    -5.76
+    -6.89
+    -7.81
+    -8.70
+    -9.16
+    -9.26
+    -9.15
+    -8.61
+    -7.89
+    -6.91
+    -5.53
+    -4.04
+    -2.21
+    -0.43
+     1.59
+     3.46
+     5.24
+     6.91
+     8.51
+     9.85
+    10.75
+    11.30
+    11.65
+    11.42
+    10.85
+     9.92
+     8.45
+     6.71
+     4.94
+     2.78
+     0.65
+    -1.84
+    -4.15
+    -6.32
+    -8.39
+   -10.18
+   -11.80
+   -13.05
+   -13.77
+   -14.18
+   -13.94
+   -13.32
+   -12.28
+   -10.81
+    -8.71
+    -6.53
+    -3.83
+    -1.06
+     1.88
+     4.71
+     7.59
+    10.24
+    12.57
+    14.54
+    16.19
+    16.93
+    16.16
+    12.98
+     7.13
+     3.05
+     1.19
+     0.15
+    -0.89
+    -1.74
+    -2.67
+    -3.52
+    -4.25
+    -4.85
+    -5.23
+    -5.56
+    -5.69
+    -5.51
+    -5.20
+    -4.70
+    -4.15
+    -3.40
+    -2.43
+    -1.30
+    -0.23
+     0.92
+     2.08
+     3.10
+     4.26
+     5.18
+     5.89
+     6.53
+     6.95
+     7.08
+     7.06
+     6.75
+     6.12
+     5.31
+     4.29
+     3.26
+     2.02
+     0.63
+    -0.86
+    -2.39
+    -3.78
+    -5.19
+    -6.28
+    -7.29
+    -8.12
+    -8.69
+    -8.92
+    -8.75
+    -8.49
+    -7.87
+    -6.82
+    -5.64
+    -4.34
+    -2.63
+    -0.98
+     0.81
+     2.66
+     4.62
+     6.29
+     7.83
+     9.09
+    10.14
+    10.73
+    11.19
+    11.12
+    10.69
+     9.84
+     8.67
+     7.07
+     5.32
+     3.35
+     1.30
+    -0.88
+    -3.11
+    -5.37
+    -7.42
+    -9.38
+   -11.04
+   -12.22
+   -13.23
+   -13.64
+   -13.67
+   -13.35
+   -12.39
+   -11.08
+    -9.20
+    -7.20
+    -4.75
+    -1.98
+     0.77
+     3.65
+     6.45
+     9.11
+    11.53
+    13.69
+    15.23
+    16.35
+    16.36
+    14.76
+    10.52
+     5.47
+     2.49
+     0.99
+    -0.31
+    -1.39
+    -2.49
+    -3.53
+    -4.35
+    -5.31
+    -5.97
+    -6.36
+    -6.67
+    -6.64
+    -6.51
+    -6.08
+    -5.56
+    -4.71
+    -3.64
+    -2.50
+    -1.32
+     0.22
+     1.52
+     2.81
+     4.23
+     5.41
+     6.56
+     7.25
+     8.02
+     8.33
+     8.56
+     8.19
+     7.72
+     7.03
+     5.99
+     4.77
+     3.35
+     1.82
+     0.10
+    -1.59
+    -3.47
+    -5.06
+    -6.54
+    -7.86
+    -9.08
+    -9.97
+   -10.54
+   -10.71
+   -10.39
+    -9.84
+    -9.01
+    -7.73
+    -6.26
+    -4.56
+    -2.54
+    -0.40
+     1.73
+     4.01
+     6.13
+     7.97
+     9.88
+    11.18
+    12.43
+    13.03
+    13.30
+    13.02
+    11.90
+    10.45
+     8.51
+     6.42
+     4.28
+     1.98
+    -0.44
+    -2.84
+    -5.12
+    -7.26
+    -9.30
+   -11.18
+   -12.69
+   -13.68
+   -14.18
+   -14.46
+   -14.04
+   -13.14
+   -11.96
+   -10.22
+    -8.11
+    -5.45
+    -2.73
+     0.07
+     3.17
+     6.10
+     8.98
+    11.46
+    13.81
+    15.57
+    16.94
+    17.13
+    14.98
+     9.48
+     4.09
+     1.46
+     0.35
+    -0.46
+    -1.20
+    -2.07
+    -2.63
+    -3.36
+    -3.95
+    -4.38
+    -4.59
+    -4.78
+    -4.78
+    -4.59
+    -4.14
+    -3.62
+    -3.08
+    -2.27
+    -1.45
+    -0.53
+     0.52
+     1.35
+     2.34
+     3.33
+     4.15
+     4.88
+     5.44
+     5.77
+     5.96
+     5.98
+     5.71
+     5.33
+     4.82
+     3.99
+     3.10
+     1.94
+     0.88
+    -0.42
+    -1.52
+    -2.80
+    -4.00
+    -5.10
+    -5.94
+    -6.67
+    -7.10
+    -7.54
+    -7.50
+    -7.25
+    -6.90
+    -6.16
+    -5.23
+    -4.07
+    -2.69
+    -1.22
+     0.25
+     1.87
+     3.42
+     4.76
+     6.24
+     7.35
+     8.23
+     8.89
+     9.39
+     9.47
+     9.19
+     8.61
+     7.80
+     6.58
+     5.33
+     3.64
+     1.87
+    -0.10
+    -2.03
+    -3.94
+    -5.74
+    -7.56
+    -8.96
+   -10.24
+   -11.17
+   -11.58
+   -11.95
+   -11.67
+   -11.05
+    -9.96
+    -8.58
+    -6.86
+    -4.79
+    -2.57
+    -0.21
+     2.19
+     4.58
+     7.03
+     9.20
+    11.01
+    12.77
+    13.82
+    14.58
+    14.49
+    13.69
+    11.96
+     9.15
+     6.36
+     3.81
+     1.78
+    -0.35
+    -2.23
+    -4.31
+    -6.19
+    -7.91
+    -9.52
+   -10.70
+   -11.54
+   -12.17
+   -12.18
+   -12.00
+   -11.29
+   -10.11
+    -8.58
+    -6.92
+    -4.68
+    -2.49
+    -0.03
+     2.57
+     5.06
+     7.53
+     9.64
+    11.73
+    13.25
+    14.44
+    15.02
+    14.87
+    13.59
+    11.05
+     7.87
+     4.80
+     2.66
+     0.64
+    -1.21
+    -2.89
+    -4.70
+    -6.47
+    -7.92
+    -9.13
+   -10.27
+   -10.96
+   -11.13
+   -11.16
+   -10.63
+    -9.92
+    -8.74
+    -7.23
+    -5.36
+    -3.41
+    -1.28
+     1.17
+     3.45
+     5.79
+     7.90
+     9.76
+    11.38
+    12.61
+    13.64
+    13.97
+    13.78
+    12.70
+    11.03
+     8.76
+     6.35
+     3.89
+     1.76
+    -0.48
+    -2.71
+    -5.01
+    -6.97
+    -8.87
+   -10.66
+   -12.00
+   -12.97
+   -13.50
+   -13.64
+   -13.26
+   -12.55
+   -11.25
+    -9.57
+    -7.59
+    -5.12
+    -2.50
+     0.25
+     3.08
+     5.86
+     8.47
+    11.02
+    13.04
+    14.83
+    15.97
+    16.39
+    15.37
+    11.66
+     6.58
+     3.18
+     1.44
+     0.03
+    -1.15
+    -2.21
+    -3.30
+    -4.30
+    -5.25
+    -5.95
+    -6.55
+    -6.79
+    -6.92
+    -6.89
+    -6.54
+    -5.92
+    -5.03
+    -4.06
+    -2.99
+    -1.64
+    -0.32
+     1.25
+     2.53
+     4.03
+     5.39
+     6.38
+     7.38
+     8.17
+     8.50
+     8.75
+     8.68
+     8.22
diff --git a/tests/corr/amplitude_tisean.dat b/tests/corr/amplitude_tisean.dat
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..541aff8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/corr/amplitude_tisean.dat
@@ -0,0 +1,5002 @@
+# average=1.463300e-01
+# standard deviation=7.994755e+00
+0 6.393752e+01
+1 6.261597e+01
+2 5.877935e+01
+3 5.272704e+01
+4 4.480923e+01
+5 3.538213e+01
+6 2.481464e+01
+7 1.349506e+01
+8 1.828760e+00
+9 -9.772862e+00
+10 -2.090596e+01
+11 -3.118751e+01
+12 -4.026737e+01
+13 -4.783991e+01
+14 -5.365394e+01
+15 -5.752264e+01
+16 -5.932742e+01
+17 -5.902162e+01
+18 -5.663089e+01
+19 -5.225322e+01
+20 -4.605604e+01
+21 -3.826818e+01
+22 -2.917174e+01
+23 -1.909267e+01
+24 -8.389157e+00
+25 2.559656e+00
+26 1.336781e+01
+27 2.365579e+01
+28 3.306177e+01
+29 4.125179e+01
+30 4.792936e+01
+31 5.284594e+01
+32 5.581506e+01
+33 5.672846e+01
+34 5.556809e+01
+35 5.240227e+01
+36 4.737007e+01
+37 4.067122e+01
+38 3.255872e+01
+39 2.332870e+01
+40 1.331249e+01
+41 2.865590e+00
+42 -7.642995e+00
+43 -1.784349e+01
+44 -2.737821e+01
+45 -3.591345e+01
+46 -4.315190e+01
+47 -4.884162e+01
+48 -5.278352e+01
+49 -5.484079e+01
+50 -5.494239e+01
+51 -5.308467e+01
+52 -4.933283e+01
+53 -4.381734e+01
+54 -3.673136e+01
+55 -2.832272e+01
+56 -1.888522e+01
+57 -8.748576e+00
+58 1.731315e+00
+59 1.218601e+01
+60 2.224587e+01
+61 3.155235e+01
+62 3.976710e+01
+63 4.657861e+01
+64 5.171209e+01
+65 5.494243e+01
+66 5.612325e+01
+67 5.521241e+01
+68 5.226867e+01
+69 4.742844e+01
+70 4.089018e+01
+71 3.290201e+01
+72 2.375383e+01
+73 1.377051e+01
+74 3.303735e+00
+75 -7.279863e+00
+76 -1.760944e+01
+77 -2.732338e+01
+78 -3.608217e+01
+79 -4.357754e+01
+80 -4.954495e+01
+81 -5.377158e+01
+82 -5.610479e+01
+83 -5.645836e+01
+84 -5.481309e+01
+85 -5.121916e+01
+86 -4.579291e+01
+87 -3.871539e+01
+88 -3.022678e+01
+89 -2.061733e+01
+90 -1.021655e+01
+91 6.155977e-01
+92 1.150262e+01
+93 2.206223e+01
+94 3.191928e+01
+95 4.071781e+01
+96 4.812684e+01
+97 5.384217e+01
+98 5.759427e+01
+99 5.916510e+01
+100 5.843827e+01
+101 5.544860e+01
+102 5.037006e+01
+103 4.346264e+01
+104 3.502875e+01
+105 2.540007e+01
+106 1.493138e+01
+107 3.997625e+00
+108 -7.013825e+00
+109 -1.771641e+01
+110 -2.773914e+01
+111 -3.673832e+01
+112 -4.440312e+01
+113 -5.047103e+01
+114 -5.473484e+01
+115 -5.705118e+01
+116 -5.734398e+01
+117 -5.560678e+01
+118 -5.190256e+01
+119 -4.636316e+01
+120 -3.918412e+01
+121 -3.061678e+01
+122 -2.096137e+01
+123 -1.055560e+01
+124 2.366507e-01
+125 1.103721e+01
+126 2.146694e+01
+127 3.115652e+01
+128 3.975839e+01
+129 4.695402e+01
+130 5.246285e+01
+131 5.605449e+01
+132 5.756590e+01
+133 5.692146e+01
+134 5.415095e+01
+135 4.939082e+01
+136 4.285642e+01
+137 3.481499e+01
+138 2.557163e+01
+139 1.546300e+01
+140 4.848301e+00
+141 -5.897957e+00
+142 -1.639889e+01
+143 -2.628720e+01
+144 -3.521849e+01
+145 -4.288236e+01
+146 -4.901248e+01
+147 -5.339533e+01
+148 -5.587921e+01
+149 -5.637826e+01
+150 -5.487556e+01
+151 -5.142385e+01
+152 -4.614233e+01
+153 -3.921418e+01
+154 -3.088143e+01
+155 -2.143390e+01
+156 -1.120047e+01
+157 -5.369714e-01
+158 1.018218e+01
+159 2.057947e+01
+160 3.028650e+01
+161 3.895483e+01
+162 4.626294e+01
+163 5.192341e+01
+164 5.569107e+01
+165 5.737989e+01
+166 5.689671e+01
+167 5.427053e+01
+168 4.964218e+01
+169 4.322655e+01
+170 3.528566e+01
+171 2.611815e+01
+172 1.605591e+01
+173 5.456415e+00
+174 -5.306830e+00
+175 -1.585621e+01
+176 -2.582328e+01
+177 -3.486039e+01
+178 -4.265229e+01
+179 -4.892631e+01
+180 -5.346273e+01
+181 -5.610326e+01
+182 -5.675555e+01
+183 -5.539579e+01
+184 -5.206822e+01
+185 -4.688523e+01
+186 -4.002502e+01
+187 -3.172448e+01
+188 -2.227087e+01
+189 -1.199116e+01
+190 -1.243929e+00
+191 9.594333e+00
+192 2.014271e+01
+193 3.002817e+01
+194 3.889484e+01
+195 4.641430e+01
+196 5.228990e+01
+197 5.626514e+01
+198 5.813779e+01
+199 5.779483e+01
+200 5.525010e+01
+201 5.064276e+01
+202 4.419788e+01
+203 3.619105e+01
+204 2.693150e+01
+205 1.675791e+01
+206 6.033636e+00
+207 -4.862795e+00
+208 -1.554869e+01
+209 -2.564980e+01
+210 -3.481416e+01
+211 -4.272377e+01
+212 -4.910492e+01
+213 -5.373682e+01
+214 -5.645897e+01
+215 -5.717720e+01
+216 -5.586658e+01
+217 -5.257317e+01
+218 -4.741068e+01
+219 -4.055814e+01
+220 -3.225355e+01
+221 -2.278576e+01
+222 -1.248526e+01
+223 -1.710609e+00
+224 9.161669e+00
+225 1.974941e+01
+226 2.967707e+01
+227 3.858913e+01
+228 4.615706e+01
+229 5.208538e+01
+230 5.611499e+01
+231 5.804214e+01
+232 5.775835e+01
+233 5.528156e+01
+234 5.074939e+01
+235 4.438312e+01
+236 3.645312e+01
+237 2.726603e+01
+238 1.715818e+01
+239 6.490942e+00
+240 -4.359476e+00
+241 -1.501108e+01
+242 -2.509243e+01
+243 -3.425204e+01
+244 -4.217163e+01
+245 -4.857662e+01
+246 -5.324570e+01
+247 -5.601939e+01
+248 -5.680303e+01
+249 -5.556989e+01
+250 -5.236380e+01
+251 -4.729671e+01
+252 -4.054666e+01
+253 -3.234961e+01
+254 -2.299094e+01
+255 -1.279698e+01
+256 -2.124182e+00
+257 8.652840e+00
+258 1.915529e+01
+259 2.901160e+01
+260 3.786948e+01
+261 4.540237e+01
+262 5.131567e+01
+263 5.535711e+01
+264 5.733491e+01
+265 5.714887e+01
+266 5.481534e+01
+267 5.045824e+01
+268 4.427962e+01
+269 3.653473e+01
+270 2.751889e+01
+271 1.756217e+01
+272 7.020066e+00
+273 -3.733412e+00
+274 -1.431907e+01
+275 -2.436734e+01
+276 -3.353129e+01
+277 -4.149314e+01
+278 -4.797532e+01
+279 -5.275188e+01
+280 -5.565578e+01
+281 -5.658625e+01
+282 -5.551087e+01
+283 -5.246539e+01
+284 -4.755414e+01
+285 -4.094592e+01
+286 -3.286936e+01
+287 -2.360421e+01
+288 -1.347141e+01
+289 -2.824021e+00
+290 7.965609e+00
+291 1.851814e+01
+292 2.846103e+01
+293 3.743790e+01
+294 4.511735e+01
+295 5.120072e+01
+296 5.543076e+01
+297 5.760596e+01
+298 5.760749e+01
+299 5.542823e+01
+300 5.118076e+01
+301 4.507029e+01
+302 3.735859e+01
+303 2.834554e+01
+304 1.836116e+01
+305 7.763237e+00
+306 -3.074587e+00
+307 -1.377247e+01
+308 -2.395627e+01
+309 -3.326971e+01
+310 -4.138755e+01
+311 -4.802857e+01
+312 -5.296200e+01
+313 -5.601554e+01
+314 -5.708183e+01
+315 -5.612346e+01
+316 -5.317321e+01
+317 -4.833234e+01
+318 -4.176685e+01
+319 -3.370411e+01
+320 -2.442359e+01
+321 -1.424789e+01
+322 -3.531772e+00
+323 7.351046e+00
+324 1.801870e+01
+325 2.809413e+01
+326 3.721757e+01
+327 4.505220e+01
+328 5.129425e+01
+329 5.567663e+01
+330 5.798440e+01
+331 5.808918e+01
+332 5.598440e+01
+333 5.178595e+01
+334 4.570320e+01
+335 3.800044e+01
+336 2.898026e+01
+337 1.897648e+01
+338 8.348057e+00
+339 -2.529033e+00
+340 -1.327246e+01
+341 -2.350701e+01
+342 -3.287703e+01
+343 -4.105773e+01
+344 -4.776477e+01
+345 -5.276502e+01
+346 -5.588705e+01
+347 -5.702522e+01
+348 -5.614201e+01
+349 -5.326774e+01
+350 -4.850099e+01
+351 -4.200828e+01
+352 -3.401637e+01
+353 -2.480395e+01
+354 -1.469223e+01
+355 -4.034587e+00
+356 6.795495e+00
+357 1.741829e+01
+358 2.745832e+01
+359 3.655592e+01
+360 4.437574e+01
+361 5.061251e+01
+362 5.499957e+01
+363 5.732965e+01
+364 5.748453e+01
+365 5.546215e+01
+366 5.137546e+01
+367 4.542705e+01
+368 3.787547e+01
+369 2.901757e+01
+370 1.918134e+01
+371 8.720241e+00
+372 -1.995547e+00
+373 -1.258922e+01
+374 -2.269113e+01
+375 -3.194980e+01
+376 -4.004442e+01
+377 -4.669510e+01
+378 -5.167289e+01
+379 -5.480710e+01
+380 -5.599135e+01
+381 -5.518755e+01
+382 -5.242557e+01
+383 -4.780366e+01
+384 -4.148492e+01
+385 -3.369138e+01
+386 -2.469561e+01
+387 -1.481146e+01
+388 -4.384180e+00
+389 6.221017e+00
+390 1.663129e+01
+391 2.647845e+01
+392 3.541122e+01
+393 4.310542e+01
+394 4.927314e+01
+395 5.367087e+01
+396 5.611000e+01
+397 5.647531e+01
+398 5.474309e+01
+399 5.098852e+01
+400 4.537424e+01
+401 3.812774e+01
+402 2.952627e+01
+403 1.988503e+01
+404 9.549834e+00
+405 -1.113864e+00
+406 -1.173115e+01
+407 -2.192886e+01
+408 -3.134875e+01
+409 -3.966028e+01
+410 -4.657173e+01
+411 -5.183878e+01
+412 -5.527417e+01
+413 -5.675338e+01
+414 -5.621977e+01
+415 -5.368618e+01
+416 -4.923519e+01
+417 -4.301536e+01
+418 -3.523691e+01
+419 -2.616574e+01
+420 -1.611435e+01
+421 -5.431085e+00
+422 5.511563e+00
+423 1.632946e+01
+424 2.664016e+01
+425 3.607464e+01
+426 4.428319e+01
+427 5.094393e+01
+428 5.576717e+01
+429 5.850795e+01
+430 5.900387e+01
+431 5.722399e+01
+432 5.327431e+01
+433 4.736675e+01
+434 3.977362e+01
+435 3.080273e+01
+436 2.079093e+01
+437 1.009975e+01
+438 -8.919194e-01
+439 -1.179923e+01
+440 -2.224145e+01
+441 -3.185656e+01
+442 -4.031084e+01
+443 -4.731281e+01
+444 -5.262174e+01
+445 -5.605659e+01
+446 -5.750134e+01
+447 -5.690967e+01
+448 -5.430476e+01
+449 -4.977810e+01
+450 -4.348859e+01
+451 -3.565676e+01
+452 -2.655663e+01
+453 -1.650598e+01
+454 -5.855516e+00
+455 5.022514e+00
+456 1.574619e+01
+457 2.593812e+01
+458 3.523606e+01
+459 4.330114e+01
+460 4.982652e+01
+461 5.454349e+01
+462 5.723640e+01
+463 5.776707e+01
+464 5.610346e+01
+465 5.233393e+01
+466 4.665074e+01
+467 3.931190e+01
+468 3.061458e+01
+469 2.088607e+01
+470 1.047862e+01
+471 -2.374748e-01
+472 -1.088390e+01
+473 -2.108581e+01
+474 -3.048809e+01
+475 -3.876764e+01
+476 -4.563937e+01
+477 -5.086794e+01
+478 -5.427426e+01
+479 -5.574382e+01
+480 -5.522993e+01
+481 -5.275385e+01
+482 -4.840506e+01
+483 -4.233796e+01
+484 -3.476718e+01
+485 -2.595946e+01
+486 -1.622409e+01
+487 -5.903306e+00
+488 4.639901e+00
+489 1.503463e+01
+490 2.491415e+01
+491 3.392727e+01
+492 4.174733e+01
+493 4.808140e+01
+494 5.268148e+01
+495 5.535692e+01
+496 5.599314e+01
+497 5.456271e+01
+498 5.113060e+01
+499 4.584345e+01
+500 3.891232e+01
+501 3.059742e+01
+502 2.120056e+01
+503 1.105703e+01
+504 5.242900e-01
+505 -1.002722e+01
+506 -2.022742e+01
+507 -2.971831e+01
+508 -3.816551e+01
+509 -4.527052e+01
+510 -5.078075e+01
+511 -5.449870e+01
+512 -5.628978e+01
+513 -5.608584e+01
+514 -5.388695e+01
+515 -4.976226e+01
+516 -4.384782e+01
+517 -3.634366e+01
+518 -2.750529e+01
+519 -1.763655e+01
+520 -7.078134e+00
+521 3.804079e+00
+522 1.462910e+01
+523 2.501445e+01
+524 3.458758e+01
+525 4.299476e+01
+526 4.990672e+01
+527 5.502456e+01
+528 5.809358e+01
+529 5.893539e+01
+530 5.749873e+01
+531 5.387257e+01
+532 4.825506e+01
+533 4.091138e+01
+534 3.214489e+01
+535 2.228904e+01
+536 1.170087e+01
+537 7.577056e-01
+538 -1.015649e+01
+539 -2.065997e+01
+540 -3.038833e+01
+541 -3.900526e+01
+542 -4.621471e+01
+543 -5.176906e+01
+544 -5.547873e+01
+545 -5.721829e+01
+546 -5.693176e+01
+547 -5.463263e+01
+548 -5.040309e+01
+549 -4.439106e+01
+550 -3.680776e+01
+551 -2.791840e+01
+552 -1.803343e+01
+553 -7.497331e+00
+554 3.320821e+00
+555 1.404197e+01
+556 2.428929e+01
+557 3.370003e+01
+558 4.193465e+01
+559 4.868666e+01
+560 5.368775e+01
+561 5.671818e+01
+562 5.762494e+01
+563 5.635186e+01
+564 5.296149e+01
+565 4.762293e+01
+566 4.057749e+01
+567 3.211179e+01
+568 2.254828e+01
+569 1.223688e+01
+570 1.546653e+00
+571 -9.143655e+00
+572 -1.945887e+01
+573 -2.903914e+01
+574 -3.755400e+01
+575 -4.470849e+01
+576 -5.025565e+01
+577 -5.400377e+01
+578 -5.582565e+01
+579 -5.566025e+01
+580 -5.351604e+01
+581 -4.946891e+01
+582 -4.366049e+01
+583 -3.629604e+01
+584 -2.763409e+01
+585 -1.797722e+01
+586 -7.663886e+00
+587 2.943397e+00
+588 1.347062e+01
+589 2.354616e+01
+590 3.281037e+01
+591 4.092330e+01
+592 4.757325e+01
+593 5.248934e+01
+594 5.545871e+01
+595 5.635716e+01
+596 5.516013e+01
+597 5.193781e+01
+598 4.683712e+01
+599 4.006912e+01
+600 3.189409e+01
+601 2.261248e+01
+602 1.255756e+01
+603 2.084149e+00
+604 -8.439367e+00
+605 -1.864509e+01
+606 -2.817740e+01
+607 -3.670330e+01
+608 -4.392443e+01
+609 -4.958831e+01
+610 -5.349612e+01
+611 -5.551123e+01
+612 -5.556192e+01
+613 -5.364458e+01
+614 -4.982233e+01
+615 -4.422406e+01
+616 -3.704162e+01
+617 -2.852269e+01
+618 -1.896083e+01
+619 -8.687920e+00
+620 1.939137e+00
+621 1.254979e+01
+622 2.277067e+01
+623 3.223845e+01
+624 4.060967e+01
+625 4.757083e+01
+626 5.284293e+01
+627 5.618983e+01
+628 5.744128e+01
+629 5.651782e+01
+630 5.345636e+01
+631 4.840557e+01
+632 4.159749e+01
+633 3.331600e+01
+634 2.387782e+01
+635 1.362703e+01
+636 2.928509e+00
+637 -7.839774e+00
+638 -1.829993e+01
+639 -2.808595e+01
+640 -3.685737e+01
+641 -4.430838e+01
+642 -5.017901e+01
+643 -5.426598e+01
+644 -5.642638e+01
+645 -5.658473e+01
+646 -5.473469e+01
+647 -5.093905e+01
+648 -4.532863e+01
+649 -3.809745e+01
+650 -2.949447e+01
+651 -1.981894e+01
+652 -9.408594e+00
+653 1.373763e+00
+654 1.215017e+01
+655 2.254007e+01
+656 3.217480e+01
+657 4.070472e+01
+658 4.780982e+01
+659 5.320415e+01
+660 5.664999e+01
+661 5.797426e+01
+662 5.709192e+01
+663 5.404053e+01
+664 4.897720e+01
+665 4.214124e+01
+666 3.382130e+01
+667 2.433840e+01
+668 1.403998e+01
+669 3.294605e+00
+670 -7.516108e+00
+671 -1.801243e+01
+672 -2.782987e+01
+673 -3.662913e+01
+674 -4.410476e+01
+675 -4.999818e+01
+676 -5.410586e+01
+677 -5.628730e+01
+678 -5.646790e+01
+679 -5.464277e+01
+680 -5.087660e+01
+681 -4.530065e+01
+682 -3.810979e+01
+683 -2.955547e+01
+684 -1.993668e+01
+685 -9.589534e+00
+686 1.123802e+00
+687 1.182732e+01
+688 2.214295e+01
+689 3.170401e+01
+690 4.016327e+01
+691 4.720205e+01
+692 5.253820e+01
+693 5.593946e+01
+694 5.724796e+01
+695 5.640738e+01
+696 5.346890e+01
+697 4.857629e+01
+698 4.194264e+01
+699 3.383128e+01
+700 2.454697e+01
+701 1.442659e+01
+702 3.830244e+00
+703 -6.868869e+00
+704 -1.729613e+01
+705 -2.708722e+01
+706 -3.590010e+01
+707 -4.342817e+01
+708 -4.940901e+01
+709 -5.363350e+01
+710 -5.595355e+01
+711 -5.628961e+01
+712 -5.463027e+01
+713 -5.103126e+01
+714 -4.561514e+01
+715 -3.856770e+01
+716 -3.013264e+01
+717 -2.060376e+01
+718 -1.031209e+01
+719 3.836835e-01
+720 1.110817e+01
+721 2.148342e+01
+722 3.114087e+01
+723 3.973109e+01
+724 4.693213e+01
+725 5.245771e+01
+726 5.606686e+01
+727 5.757982e+01
+728 5.691131e+01
+729 5.409709e+01
+730 4.928387e+01
+731 4.269302e+01
+732 3.459658e+01
+733 2.530350e+01
+734 1.515156e+01
+735 4.503468e+00
+736 -6.264840e+00
+737 -1.677604e+01
+738 -2.666351e+01
+739 -3.558373e+01
+740 -4.322651e+01
+741 -4.932584e+01
+742 -5.367007e+01
+743 -5.610793e+01
+744 -5.655494e+01
+745 -5.499665e+01
+746 -5.148621e+01
+747 -4.614449e+01
+748 -3.915782e+01
+749 -3.076865e+01
+750 -2.126794e+01
+751 -1.098664e+01
+752 -2.830399e-01
+753 1.046775e+01
+754 2.088827e+01
+755 3.060982e+01
+756 3.928197e+01
+757 4.658190e+01
+758 5.222226e+01
+759 5.596282e+01
+760 5.762231e+01
+761 5.710304e+01
+762 5.442202e+01
+763 4.971475e+01
+764 4.320243e+01
+765 3.515916e+01
+766 2.589658e+01
+767 1.575500e+01
+768 5.097278e+00
+769 -5.700214e+00
+770 -1.625699e+01
+771 -2.620205e+01
+772 -3.518894e+01
+773 -4.290663e+01
+774 -4.908669e+01
+775 -5.351476e+01
+776 -5.603781e+01
+777 -5.657035e+01
+778 -5.509476e+01
+779 -5.166086e+01
+780 -4.638673e+01
+781 -3.945648e+01
+782 -3.111196e+01
+783 -2.164323e+01
+784 -1.138087e+01
+785 -6.841468e-01
+786 1.007152e+01
+787 2.050796e+01
+788 3.025333e+01
+789 3.895305e+01
+790 4.627891e+01
+791 5.193513e+01
+792 5.567161e+01
+793 5.730806e+01
+794 5.676959e+01
+795 5.409892e+01
+796 4.943882e+01
+797 4.300463e+01
+798 3.506222e+01
+799 2.591564e+01
+800 1.590042e+01
+801 5.376256e+00
+802 -5.285382e+00
+803 -1.571090e+01
+804 -2.553633e+01
+805 -3.442046e+01
+806 -4.205557e+01
+807 -4.817834e+01
+808 -5.257790e+01
+809 -5.510440e+01
+810 -5.567319e+01
+811 -5.426685e+01
+812 -5.093711e+01
+813 -4.580195e+01
+814 -3.904151e+01
+815 -3.089186e+01
+816 -2.163832e+01
+817 -1.160484e+01
+818 -1.141184e+00
+819 9.385416e+00
+820 1.960457e+01
+821 2.915417e+01
+822 3.769101e+01
+823 4.490116e+01
+824 5.050780e+01
+825 5.428367e+01
+826 5.606554e+01
+827 5.576968e+01
+828 5.340474e+01
+829 4.907367e+01
+830 4.296060e+01
+831 3.531193e+01
+832 2.641842e+01
+833 1.660507e+01
+834 6.223314e+00
+835 -4.359043e+00
+836 -1.476798e+01
+837 -2.463998e+01
+838 -3.363325e+01
+839 -4.143397e+01
+840 -4.776779e+01
+841 -5.241186e+01
+842 -5.520032e+01
+843 -5.603323e+01
+844 -5.487854e+01
+845 -5.177220e+01
+846 -4.681709e+01
+847 -4.018045e+01
+848 -3.208927e+01
+849 -2.282227e+01
+850 -1.270136e+01
+851 -2.076849e+00
+852 8.680882e+00
+853 1.919455e+01
+854 2.909090e+01
+855 3.801281e+01
+856 4.562841e+01
+857 5.163940e+01
+858 5.578890e+01
+859 5.787761e+01
+860 5.778400e+01
+861 5.549182e+01
+862 5.110696e+01
+863 4.483882e+01
+864 3.695970e+01
+865 2.778103e+01
+866 1.764324e+01
+867 6.911322e+00
+868 -4.036107e+00
+869 -1.481331e+01
+870 -2.504276e+01
+871 -3.436687e+01
+872 -4.245879e+01
+873 -4.903626e+01
+874 -5.386941e+01
+875 -5.678867e+01
+876 -5.769141e+01
+877 -5.654445e+01
+878 -5.338625e+01
+879 -4.832363e+01
+880 -4.153080e+01
+881 -3.324199e+01
+882 -2.374444e+01
+883 -1.336776e+01
+884 -2.474968e+00
+885 8.553079e+00
+886 1.932765e+01
+887 2.946654e+01
+888 3.860372e+01
+889 4.639734e+01
+890 5.253520e+01
+891 5.674605e+01
+892 5.881861e+01
+893 5.863435e+01
+894 5.620077e+01
+895 5.166186e+01
+896 4.525171e+01
+897 3.725223e+01
+898 2.797816e+01
+899 1.777203e+01
+900 7.000406e+00
+901 -3.955384e+00
+902 -1.471014e+01
+903 -2.488846e+01
+904 -3.413682e+01
+905 -4.213585e+01
+906 -4.860964e+01
+907 -5.333618e+01
+908 -5.615535e+01
+909 -5.697414e+01
+910 -5.576914e+01
+911 -5.258628e+01
+912 -4.753979e+01
+913 -4.080950e+01
+914 -3.263242e+01
+915 -2.329685e+01
+916 -1.312960e+01
+917 -2.487329e+00
+918 8.255244e+00
+919 1.871893e+01
+920 2.853321e+01
+921 3.734665e+01
+922 4.483548e+01
+923 5.071213e+01
+924 5.473777e+01
+925 5.674007e+01
+926 5.662975e+01
+927 5.441674e+01
+928 5.020705e+01
+929 4.418648e+01
+930 3.659831e+01
+931 2.772991e+01
+932 1.790512e+01
+933 7.474704e+00
+934 -3.191515e+00
+935 -1.371761e+01
+936 -2.373362e+01
+937 -3.288931e+01
+938 -4.086692e+01
+939 -4.738831e+01
+940 -5.222590e+01
+941 -5.520993e+01
+942 -5.623471e+01
+943 -5.526241e+01
+944 -5.232537e+01
+945 -4.752272e+01
+946 -4.101845e+01
+947 -3.303660e+01
+948 -2.385402e+01
+949 -1.378954e+01
+950 -3.194188e+00
+951 7.562820e+00
+952 1.810285e+01
+953 2.805231e+01
+954 3.705257e+01
+955 4.476899e+01
+956 5.089723e+01
+957 5.517210e+01
+958 5.738683e+01
+959 5.742523e+01
+960 5.528848e+01
+961 5.108864e+01
+962 4.502562e+01
+963 3.735989e+01
+964 2.839404e+01
+965 1.846148e+01
+966 7.919805e+00
+967 -2.858377e+00
+968 -1.349434e+01
+969 -2.361666e+01
+970 -3.287236e+01
+971 -4.093953e+01
+972 -4.753891e+01
+973 -5.244145e+01
+974 -5.547772e+01
+975 -5.654295e+01
+976 -5.560178e+01
+977 -5.268826e+01
+978 -4.790449e+01
+979 -4.141615e+01
+980 -3.344852e+01
+981 -2.427888e+01
+982 -1.422604e+01
+983 -3.642571e+00
+984 7.101556e+00
+985 1.762840e+01
+986 2.756616e+01
+987 3.655923e+01
+988 4.427587e+01
+989 5.041635e+01
+990 5.472571e+01
+991 5.700861e+01
+992 5.714859e+01
+993 5.513335e+01
+994 5.106014e+01
+995 4.511986e+01
+996 3.756988e+01
+997 2.870896e+01
+998 1.886691e+01
+999 8.398698e+00
+1000 -2.322964e+00
+1001 -1.291798e+01
+1002 -2.301469e+01
+1003 -3.226465e+01
+1004 -4.034831e+01
+1005 -4.698510e+01
+1006 -5.194369e+01
+1007 -5.505253e+01
+1008 -5.620431e+01
+1009 -5.536055e+01
+1010 -5.255037e+01
+1011 -4.786990e+01
+1012 -4.148144e+01
+1013 -3.360828e+01
+1014 -2.452544e+01
+1015 -1.454879e+01
+1016 -4.026875e+00
+1017 6.672457e+00
+1018 1.717216e+01
+1019 2.709962e+01
+1020 3.609682e+01
+1021 4.383021e+01
+1022 4.999586e+01
+1023 5.433491e+01
+1024 5.665288e+01
+1025 5.684481e+01
+1026 5.490937e+01
+1027 5.094557e+01
+1028 4.513474e+01
+1029 3.772067e+01
+1030 2.899032e+01
+1031 1.926686e+01
+1032 8.900283e+00
+1033 -1.742161e+00
+1034 -1.228729e+01
+1035 -2.236563e+01
+1036 -3.162728e+01
+1037 -3.975072e+01
+1038 -4.645338e+01
+1039 -5.150225e+01
+1040 -5.472205e+01
+1041 -5.600117e+01
+1042 -5.529465e+01
+1043 -5.262859e+01
+1044 -4.809528e+01
+1045 -4.185089e+01
+1046 -3.411115e+01
+1047 -2.514373e+01
+1048 -1.526130e+01
+1049 -4.808055e+00
+1050 5.851042e+00
+1051 1.634240e+01
+1052 2.629468e+01
+1053 3.535090e+01
+1054 4.317863e+01
+1055 4.947869e+01
+1056 5.399330e+01
+1057 5.651925e+01
+1058 5.693052e+01
+1059 5.520374e+01
+1060 5.142197e+01
+1061 4.576066e+01
+1062 3.846232e+01
+1063 2.981630e+01
+1064 2.014333e+01
+1065 9.792661e+00
+1066 -8.686140e-01
+1067 -1.146606e+01
+1068 -2.163008e+01
+1069 -3.100625e+01
+1070 -3.926698e+01
+1071 -4.612492e+01
+1072 -5.134051e+01
+1073 -5.473249e+01
+1074 -5.618283e+01
+1075 -5.564151e+01
+1076 -5.312659e+01
+1077 -4.872409e+01
+1078 -4.258497e+01
+1079 -3.492153e+01
+1080 -2.599916e+01
+1081 -1.612819e+01
+1082 -5.651396e+00
+1083 5.064210e+00
+1084 1.564305e+01
+1085 2.571110e+01
+1086 3.491080e+01
+1087 4.290821e+01
+1088 4.940014e+01
+1089 5.412318e+01
+1090 5.686059e+01
+1091 5.746138e+01
+1092 5.587612e+01
+1093 5.217814e+01
+1094 4.654696e+01
+1095 3.923544e+01
+1096 3.054231e+01
+1097 2.079697e+01
+1098 1.035272e+01
+1099 -4.174695e-01
+1100 -1.113250e+01
+1101 -2.141576e+01
+1102 -3.090742e+01
+1103 -3.927634e+01
+1104 -4.623115e+01
+1105 -5.152923e+01
+1106 -5.498710e+01
+1107 -5.648480e+01
+1108 -5.597097e+01
+1109 -5.346417e+01
+1110 -4.905088e+01
+1111 -4.288383e+01
+1112 -3.517841e+01
+1113 -2.620471e+01
+1114 -1.627572e+01
+1115 -5.737937e+00
+1116 5.038861e+00
+1117 1.567378e+01
+1118 2.578991e+01
+1119 3.502370e+01
+1120 4.303496e+01
+1121 4.950985e+01
+1122 5.416918e+01
+1123 5.679397e+01
+1124 5.726338e+01
+1125 5.557501e+01
+1126 5.183293e+01
+1127 4.621760e+01
+1128 3.896412e+01
+1129 3.035199e+01
+1130 2.069929e+01
+1131 1.035396e+01
+1132 -3.165007e-01
+1133 -1.093562e+01
+1134 -2.113147e+01
+1135 -3.054815e+01
+1136 -3.886132e+01
+1137 -4.578379e+01
+1138 -5.107670e+01
+1139 -5.455512e+01
+1140 -5.609893e+01
+1141 -5.565465e+01
+1142 -5.323789e+01
+1143 -4.893251e+01
+1144 -4.288707e+01
+1145 -3.531052e+01
+1146 -2.646537e+01
+1147 -1.665883e+01
+1148 -6.232496e+00
+1149 4.449312e+00
+1150 1.501221e+01
+1151 2.508412e+01
+1152 3.430532e+01
+1153 4.233736e+01
+1154 4.887209e+01
+1155 5.364231e+01
+1156 5.644025e+01
+1157 5.713993e+01
+1158 5.570787e+01
+1159 5.220521e+01
+1160 4.678395e+01
+1161 3.967367e+01
+1162 3.115911e+01
+1163 2.156299e+01
+1164 1.123554e+01
+1165 5.452835e-01
+1166 -1.013004e+01
+1167 -2.041677e+01
+1168 -2.995502e+01
+1169 -3.841335e+01
+1170 -4.549641e+01
+1171 -5.095815e+01
+1172 -5.460767e+01
+1173 -5.631661e+01
+1174 -5.602549e+01
+1175 -5.374503e+01
+1176 -4.955409e+01
+1177 -4.359638e+01
+1178 -3.607706e+01
+1179 -2.725765e+01
+1180 -1.744442e+01
+1181 -6.978998e+00
+1182 3.772138e+00
+1183 1.443168e+01
+1184 2.462315e+01
+1185 3.398281e+01
+1186 4.216912e+01
+1187 4.887111e+01
+1188 5.381832e+01
+1189 5.679070e+01
+1190 5.763514e+01
+1191 5.629571e+01
+1192 5.283929e+01
+1193 4.743746e+01
+1194 4.033040e+01
+1195 3.180597e+01
+1196 2.218454e+01
+1197 1.181421e+01
+1198 1.062782e+00
+1199 -9.691265e+00
+1200 -2.007072e+01
+1201 -2.971306e+01
+1202 -3.828158e+01
+1203 -4.547742e+01
+1204 -5.105136e+01
+1205 -5.480891e+01
+1206 -5.662020e+01
+1207 -5.642108e+01
+1208 -5.421887e+01
+1209 -5.008906e+01
+1210 -4.417318e+01
+1211 -3.667639e+01
+1212 -2.785905e+01
+1213 -1.802853e+01
+1214 -7.526457e+00
+1215 3.280581e+00
+1216 1.401222e+01
+1217 2.429000e+01
+1218 3.374703e+01
+1219 4.203890e+01
+1220 4.884855e+01
+1221 5.389511e+01
+1222 5.694674e+01
+1223 5.784820e+01
+1224 5.655168e+01
+1225 5.312585e+01
+1226 4.774065e+01
+1227 4.063680e+01
+1228 3.210498e+01
+1229 2.247088e+01
+1230 1.208782e+01
+1231 1.326833e+00
+1232 -9.431444e+00
+1233 -1.980949e+01
+1234 -2.944349e+01
+1235 -3.799786e+01
+1236 -4.517588e+01
+1237 -5.073016e+01
+1238 -5.446960e+01
+1239 -5.626601e+01
+1240 -5.605998e+01
+1241 -5.386061e+01
+1242 -4.974597e+01
+1243 -4.385928e+01
+1244 -3.640671e+01
+1245 -2.764959e+01
+1246 -1.789536e+01
+1247 -7.485505e+00
+1248 3.214469e+00
+1249 1.382788e+01
+1250 2.397891e+01
+1251 3.330455e+01
+1252 4.146192e+01
+1253 4.813806e+01
+1254 5.305928e+01
+1255 5.600970e+01
+1256 5.686120e+01
+1257 5.559035e+01
+1258 5.227103e+01
+1259 4.705482e+01
+1260 4.015722e+01
+1261 3.184832e+01
+1262 2.243756e+01
+1263 1.226523e+01
+1264 1.692878e+00
+1265 -8.906254e+00
+1266 -1.916041e+01
+1267 -2.871055e+01
+1268 -3.722472e+01
+1269 -4.440659e+01
+1270 -5.000689e+01
+1271 -5.383078e+01
+1272 -5.574458e+01
+1273 -5.568250e+01
+1274 -5.364529e+01
+1275 -4.970238e+01
+1276 -4.398891e+01
+1277 -3.670388e+01
+1278 -2.809913e+01
+1279 -1.847196e+01
+1280 -8.156548e+00
+1281 2.486131e+00
+1282 1.308315e+01
+1283 2.326081e+01
+1284 3.265535e+01
+1285 4.092171e+01
+1286 4.774629e+01
+1287 5.285485e+01
+1288 5.602460e+01
+1289 5.710045e+01
+1290 5.602089e+01
+1291 5.283845e+01
+1292 4.771128e+01
+1293 4.086970e+01
+1294 3.259180e+01
+1295 2.318951e+01
+1296 1.300528e+01
+1297 2.402635e+00
+1298 -8.242941e+00
+1299 -1.856008e+01
+1300 -2.818889e+01
+1301 -3.679473e+01
+1302 -4.407929e+01
+1303 -4.979193e+01
+1304 -5.373637e+01
+1305 -5.577596e+01
+1306 -5.583947e+01
+1307 -5.392417e+01
+1308 -5.009722e+01
+1309 -4.449099e+01
+1310 -3.729961e+01
+1311 -2.877233e+01
+1312 -1.920416e+01
+1313 -8.928553e+00
+1314 1.694775e+00
+1315 1.229345e+01
+1316 2.249505e+01
+1317 3.193815e+01
+1318 4.028186e+01
+1319 4.721710e+01
+1320 5.247253e+01
+1321 5.582275e+01
+1322 5.710177e+01
+1323 5.623195e+01
+1324 5.324071e+01
+1325 4.826187e+01
+1326 4.151795e+01
+1327 3.329383e+01
+1328 2.391016e+01
+1329 1.371558e+01
+1330 3.075889e+00
+1331 -7.632330e+00
+1332 -1.803189e+01
+1333 -2.775807e+01
+1334 -3.647114e+01
+1335 -4.386690e+01
+1336 -4.968834e+01
+1337 -5.373297e+01
+1338 -5.585946e+01
+1339 -5.599403e+01
+1340 -5.413340e+01
+1341 -5.034327e+01
+1342 -4.475525e+01
+1343 -3.756348e+01
+1344 -2.901889e+01
+1345 -1.941980e+01
+1346 -9.102516e+00
+1347 1.571825e+00
+1348 1.222699e+01
+1349 2.248449e+01
+1350 3.197733e+01
+1351 4.036144e+01
+1352 4.731753e+01
+1353 5.255978e+01
+1354 5.584881e+01
+1355 5.702444e+01
+1356 5.603705e+01
+1357 5.295606e+01
+1358 4.794190e+01
+1359 4.121703e+01
+1360 3.304823e+01
+1361 2.373933e+01
+1362 1.362477e+01
+1363 3.063907e+00
+1364 -7.569544e+00
+1365 -1.790048e+01
+1366 -2.756857e+01
+1367 -3.623928e+01
+1368 -4.361315e+01
+1369 -4.943404e+01
+1370 -5.349936e+01
+1371 -5.566702e+01
+1372 -5.586063e+01
+1373 -5.407320e+01
+1374 -5.036626e+01
+1375 -4.486678e+01
+1376 -3.776457e+01
+1377 -2.930473e+01
+1378 -1.978031e+01
+1379 -9.522934e+00
+1380 1.109728e+00
+1381 1.174423e+01
+1382 2.200690e+01
+1383 3.153350e+01
+1384 3.997845e+01
+1385 4.702131e+01
+1386 5.237504e+01
+1387 5.580069e+01
+1388 5.713462e+01
+1389 5.631382e+01
+1390 5.338295e+01
+1391 4.848394e+01
+1392 4.183515e+01
+1393 3.370962e+01
+1394 2.441997e+01
+1395 1.430707e+01
+1396 3.732274e+00
+1397 -6.930535e+00
+1398 -1.730791e+01
+1399 -2.703850e+01
+1400 -3.578322e+01
+1401 -4.323852e+01
+1402 -4.914565e+01
+1403 -5.330080e+01
+1404 -5.556020e+01
+1405 -5.584755e+01
+1406 -5.415471e+01
+1407 -5.054077e+01
+1408 -4.513141e+01
+1409 -3.811473e+01
+1410 -2.973462e+01
+1411 -2.028260e+01
+1412 -1.008899e+01
+1413 4.894992e-01
+1414 1.108199e+01
+1415 2.131490e+01
+1416 3.082407e+01
+1417 3.926538e+01
+1418 4.632197e+01
+1419 5.171386e+01
+1420 5.521290e+01
+1421 5.666530e+01
+1422 5.600882e+01
+1423 5.326879e+01
+1424 4.856035e+01
+1425 4.208472e+01
+1426 3.410900e+01
+1427 2.494218e+01
+1428 1.492270e+01
+1429 4.411162e+00
+1430 -6.220391e+00
+1431 -1.659923e+01
+1432 -2.636175e+01
+1433 -3.516581e+01
+1434 -4.270414e+01
+1435 -4.871499e+01
+1436 -5.299009e+01
+1437 -5.537969e+01
+1438 -5.580016e+01
+1439 -5.423717e+01
+1440 -5.074489e+01
+1441 -4.544387e+01
+1442 -3.851647e+01
+1443 -3.020334e+01
+1444 -2.079506e+01
+1445 -1.061921e+01
+1446 -3.140203e-02
+1447 1.059636e+01
+1448 2.088871e+01
+1449 3.047963e+01
+1450 3.902167e+01
+1451 4.619318e+01
+1452 5.170544e+01
+1453 5.531611e+01
+1454 5.685166e+01
+1455 5.623686e+01
+1456 5.351060e+01
+1457 4.881472e+01
+1458 4.236311e+01
+1459 3.441699e+01
+1460 2.527688e+01
+1461 1.527596e+01
+1462 4.772781e+00
+1463 -5.860400e+00
+1464 -1.624913e+01
+1465 -2.602959e+01
+1466 -3.486350e+01
+1467 -4.244576e+01
+1468 -4.851369e+01
+1469 -5.285640e+01
+1470 -5.532475e+01
+1471 -5.583302e+01
+1472 -5.436327e+01
+1473 -5.096474e+01
+1474 -4.575487e+01
+1475 -3.891367e+01
+1476 -3.067807e+01
+1477 -2.133368e+01
+1478 -1.120453e+01
+1479 -6.440041e-01
+1480 9.978064e+00
+1481 2.028758e+01
+1482 2.991946e+01
+1483 3.852416e+01
+1484 4.577551e+01
+1485 5.138391e+01
+1486 5.510900e+01
+1487 5.678094e+01
+1488 5.631812e+01
+1489 5.373480e+01
+1490 4.915239e+01
+1491 4.278173e+01
+1492 3.489554e+01
+1493 2.580485e+01
+1494 1.584784e+01
+1495 5.383237e+00
+1496 -5.218923e+00
+1497 -1.558665e+01
+1498 -2.535772e+01
+1499 -3.419248e+01
+1500 -4.178411e+01
+1501 -4.787069e+01
+1502 -5.224356e+01
+1503 -5.475336e+01
+1504 -5.531551e+01
+1505 -5.391323e+01
+1506 -5.059834e+01
+1507 -4.548814e+01
+1508 -3.876199e+01
+1509 -3.065534e+01
+1510 -2.145103e+01
+1511 -1.147234e+01
+1512 -1.068846e+00
+1513 9.393783e+00
+1514 1.954527e+01
+1515 2.902422e+01
+1516 3.748771e+01
+1517 4.462080e+01
+1518 5.014823e+01
+1519 5.384699e+01
+1520 5.556213e+01
+1521 5.522342e+01
+1522 5.285084e+01
+1523 4.854665e+01
+1524 4.248702e+01
+1525 3.491039e+01
+1526 2.610333e+01
+1527 1.638894e+01
+1528 6.115604e+00
+1529 -4.354147e+00
+1530 -1.465333e+01
+1531 -2.442078e+01
+1532 -3.331387e+01
+1533 -4.102178e+01
+1534 -4.727411e+01
+1535 -5.185154e+01
+1536 -5.459264e+01
+1537 -5.539799e+01
+1538 -5.423688e+01
+1539 -5.114461e+01
+1540 -4.622663e+01
+1541 -3.965023e+01
+1542 -3.164099e+01
+1543 -2.247530e+01
+1544 -1.247106e+01
+1545 -1.976398e+00
+1546 8.641962e+00
+1547 1.901039e+01
+1548 2.876048e+01
+1549 3.753910e+01
+1550 4.501764e+01
+1551 5.090016e+01
+1552 5.492728e+01
+1553 5.689609e+01
+1554 5.669527e+01
+1555 5.433376e+01
+1556 4.993785e+01
+1557 4.372137e+01
+1558 3.595436e+01
+1559 2.694287e+01
+1560 1.702298e+01
+1561 6.551650e+00
+1562 -4.099202e+00
+1563 -1.455417e+01
+1564 -2.444576e+01
+1565 -3.343132e+01
+1566 -4.120213e+01
+1567 -4.749212e+01
+1568 -5.208551e+01
+1569 -5.482602e+01
+1570 -5.562049e+01
+1571 -5.444414e+01
+1572 -5.133993e+01
+1573 -4.641714e+01
+1574 -3.984794e+01
+1575 -3.186181e+01
+1576 -2.273631e+01
+1577 -1.278982e+01
+1578 -2.371137e+00
+1579 8.155131e+00
+1580 1.841779e+01
+1581 2.805201e+01
+1582 3.670907e+01
+1583 4.406459e+01
+1584 4.983225e+01
+1585 5.377526e+01
+1586 5.572825e+01
+1587 5.561123e+01
+1588 5.343191e+01
+1589 4.928717e+01
+1590 4.335770e+01
+1591 3.588891e+01
+1592 2.717113e+01
+1593 1.752817e+01
+1594 7.307157e+00
+1595 -3.128342e+00
+1596 -1.341233e+01
+1597 -2.318598e+01
+1598 -3.210814e+01
+1599 -3.986959e+01
+1600 -4.620015e+01
+1601 -5.088192e+01
+1602 -5.375382e+01
+1603 -5.471645e+01
+1604 -5.373770e+01
+1605 -5.085263e+01
+1606 -4.616350e+01
+1607 -3.983345e+01
+1608 -3.208116e+01
+1609 -2.317703e+01
+1610 -1.343178e+01
+1611 -3.186274e+00
+1612 7.201176e+00
+1613 1.736444e+01
+1614 2.694476e+01
+1615 3.559947e+01
+1616 4.301138e+01
+1617 4.889581e+01
+1618 5.301161e+01
+1619 5.518217e+01
+1620 5.530909e+01
+1621 5.338377e+01
+1622 4.948586e+01
+1623 4.377838e+01
+1624 3.649410e+01
+1625 2.791571e+01
+1626 1.836171e+01
+1627 8.176777e+00
+1628 -2.277125e+00
+1629 -1.263277e+01
+1630 -2.252695e+01
+1631 -3.161274e+01
+1632 -3.957205e+01
+1633 -4.612513e+01
+1634 -5.104255e+01
+1635 -5.415065e+01
+1636 -5.533790e+01
+1637 -5.456054e+01
+1638 -5.184176e+01
+1639 -4.727158e+01
+1640 -4.100530e+01
+1641 -3.325856e+01
+1642 -2.429939e+01
+1643 -1.443735e+01
+1644 -4.014550e+00
+1645 6.603959e+00
+1646 1.704443e+01
+1647 2.693589e+01
+1648 3.592168e+01
+1649 4.366712e+01
+1650 4.986706e+01
+1651 5.425657e+01
+1652 5.662813e+01
+1653 5.685697e+01
+1654 5.492237e+01
+1655 5.091852e+01
+1656 4.504010e+01
+1657 3.754851e+01
+1658 2.874587e+01
+1659 1.896282e+01
+1660 8.553897e+00
+1661 -2.110585e+00
+1662 -1.265492e+01
+1663 -2.270794e+01
+1664 -3.191746e+01
+1665 -3.996612e+01
+1666 -4.657711e+01
+1667 -5.152362e+01
+1668 -5.463511e+01
+1669 -5.580446e+01
+1670 -5.499356e+01
+1671 -5.223241e+01
+1672 -4.761727e+01
+1673 -4.130826e+01
+1674 -3.352568e+01
+1675 -2.454014e+01
+1676 -1.466475e+01
+1677 -4.245402e+00
+1678 6.353079e+00
+1679 1.675680e+01
+1680 2.659752e+01
+1681 3.552044e+01
+1682 4.319298e+01
+1683 4.931185e+01
+1684 5.361923e+01
+1685 5.593137e+01
+1686 5.615332e+01
+1687 5.428056e+01
+1688 5.040271e+01
+1689 4.469537e+01
+1690 3.739870e+01
+1691 2.879956e+01
+1692 1.922098e+01
+1693 9.010321e+00
+1694 -1.469786e+00
+1695 -1.185148e+01
+1696 -2.177120e+01
+1697 -3.088325e+01
+1698 -3.887157e+01
+1699 -4.545927e+01
+1700 -5.042009e+01
+1701 -5.358396e+01
+1702 -5.484530e+01
+1703 -5.416105e+01
+1704 -5.155576e+01
+1705 -4.712153e+01
+1706 -4.101412e+01
+1707 -3.344778e+01
+1708 -2.468677e+01
+1709 -1.503723e+01
+1710 -4.836233e+00
+1711 5.557943e+00
+1712 1.578051e+01
+1713 2.546980e+01
+1714 3.427626e+01
+1715 4.187290e+01
+1716 4.796710e+01
+1717 5.231667e+01
+1718 5.474300e+01
+1719 5.514526e+01
+1720 5.350970e+01
+1721 4.991166e+01
+1722 4.450445e+01
+1723 3.750676e+01
+1724 2.918956e+01
+1725 1.986218e+01
+1726 9.859670e+00
+1727 -4.637401e-01
+1728 -1.074455e+01
+1729 -2.062473e+01
+1730 -2.975873e+01
+1731 -3.782785e+01
+1732 -4.455077e+01
+1733 -4.969339e+01
+1734 -5.307705e+01
+1735 -5.458274e+01
+1736 -5.415618e+01
+1737 -5.180912e+01
+1738 -4.762084e+01
+1739 -4.173480e+01
+1740 -3.435375e+01
+1741 -2.573204e+01
+1742 -1.616792e+01
+1743 -5.994047e+00
+1744 4.435660e+00
+1745 1.475651e+01
+1746 2.460405e+01
+1747 3.362539e+01
+1748 4.149177e+01
+1749 4.790526e+01
+1750 5.260687e+01
+1751 5.538706e+01
+1752 5.610356e+01
+1753 5.469636e+01
+1754 5.121366e+01
+1755 4.581661e+01
+1756 3.875095e+01
+1757 3.031066e+01
+1758 2.082021e+01
+1759 1.062891e+01
+1760 1.027443e-01
+1761 -1.038475e+01
+1762 -2.046261e+01
+1763 -2.977716e+01
+1764 -3.800717e+01
+1765 -4.486869e+01
+1766 -5.012464e+01
+1767 -5.359203e+01
+1768 -5.514897e+01
+1769 -5.474202e+01
+1770 -5.238619e+01
+1771 -4.816515e+01
+1772 -4.222468e+01
+1773 -3.477118e+01
+1774 -2.606391e+01
+1775 -1.640714e+01
+1776 -6.138380e+00
+1777 4.381521e+00
+1778 1.478163e+01
+1779 2.469345e+01
+1780 3.376036e+01
+1781 4.164784e+01
+1782 4.805143e+01
+1783 5.271042e+01
+1784 5.542332e+01
+1785 5.607319e+01
+1786 5.463443e+01
+1787 5.117025e+01
+1788 4.583187e+01
+1789 3.884389e+01
+1790 3.048343e+01
+1791 2.106306e+01
+1792 1.092364e+01
+1793 4.247403e-01
+1794 -1.006413e+01
+1795 -2.017363e+01
+1796 -2.955078e+01
+1797 -3.786689e+01
+1798 -4.483152e+01
+1799 -5.020151e+01
+1800 -5.378857e+01
+1801 -5.546836e+01
+1802 -5.518049e+01
+1803 -5.293243e+01
+1804 -4.879967e+01
+1805 -4.292380e+01
+1806 -3.550745e+01
+1807 -2.680596e+01
+1808 -1.712060e+01
+1809 -6.788747e+00
+1810 3.828265e+00
+1811 1.435735e+01
+1812 2.442450e+01
+1813 3.366742e+01
+1814 4.174265e+01
+1815 4.833578e+01
+1816 5.317235e+01
+1817 5.603586e+01
+1818 5.679357e+01
+1819 5.541826e+01
+1820 5.198692e+01
+1821 4.666129e+01
+1822 3.966770e+01
+1823 3.128419e+01
+1824 2.182627e+01
+1825 1.163786e+01
+1826 1.081514e+00
+1827 -9.471616e+00
+1828 -1.965372e+01
+1829 -2.911016e+01
+1830 -3.751284e+01
+1831 -4.457128e+01
+1832 -5.004139e+01
+1833 -5.373491e+01
+1834 -5.552515e+01
+1835 -5.535059e+01
+1836 -5.321908e+01
+1837 -4.920400e+01
+1838 -4.344414e+01
+1839 -3.613977e+01
+1840 -2.754405e+01
+1841 -1.795493e+01
+1842 -7.707211e+00
+1843 2.841363e+00
+1844 1.332184e+01
+1845 2.336565e+01
+1846 3.261701e+01
+1847 4.074198e+01
+1848 4.743773e+01
+1849 5.244102e+01
+1850 5.553430e+01
+1851 5.656438e+01
+1852 5.545913e+01
+1853 5.225371e+01
+1854 4.710031e+01
+1855 4.023762e+01
+1856 3.195261e+01
+1857 2.256366e+01
+1858 1.241484e+01
+1859 1.870956e+00
+1860 -8.693063e+00
+1861 -1.890705e+01
+1862 -2.841281e+01
+1863 -3.687763e+01
+1864 -4.400759e+01
+1865 -4.955379e+01
+1866 -5.332542e+01
+1867 -5.519278e+01
+1868 -5.509220e+01
+1869 -5.302753e+01
+1870 -4.907211e+01
+1871 -4.336476e+01
+1872 -3.610501e+01
+1873 -2.754730e+01
+1874 -1.799141e+01
+1875 -7.772266e+00
+1876 2.750537e+00
+1877 1.320541e+01
+1878 2.322269e+01
+1879 3.244164e+01
+1880 4.052306e+01
+1881 4.715779e+01
+1882 5.207896e+01
+1883 5.507897e+01
+1884 5.603210e+01
+1885 5.490189e+01
+1886 5.173780e+01
+1887 4.667273e+01
+1888 3.991594e+01
+1889 3.173718e+01
+1890 2.244723e+01
+1891 1.238479e+01
+1892 1.911042e+00
+1893 -8.602423e+00
+1894 -1.878471e+01
+1895 -2.827716e+01
+1896 -3.674681e+01
+1897 -4.389977e+01
+1898 -4.948759e+01
+1899 -5.331683e+01
+1900 -5.525236e+01
+1901 -5.522600e+01
+1902 -5.323565e+01
+1903 -4.934777e+01
+1904 -4.369542e+01
+1905 -3.647260e+01
+1906 -2.792831e+01
+1907 -1.836035e+01
+1908 -8.101504e+00
+1909 2.488897e+00
+1910 1.304003e+01
+1911 2.317897e+01
+1912 3.254193e+01
+1913 4.078262e+01
+1914 4.757843e+01
+1915 5.263712e+01
+1916 5.572485e+01
+1917 5.670136e+01
+1918 5.554041e+01
+1919 5.232053e+01
+1920 4.720145e+01
+1921 4.040310e+01
+1922 3.219416e+01
+1923 2.288326e+01
+1924 1.280878e+01
+1925 2.328031e+00
+1926 -8.189928e+00
+1927 -1.837838e+01
+1928 -2.788416e+01
+1929 -3.637725e+01
+1930 -4.356499e+01
+1931 -4.919894e+01
+1932 -5.308520e+01
+1933 -5.509189e+01
+1934 -5.515060e+01
+1935 -5.326090e+01
+1936 -4.948988e+01
+1937 -4.396797e+01
+1938 -3.688797e+01
+1939 -2.849625e+01
+1940 -1.908328e+01
+1941 -8.976502e+00
+1942 1.473345e+00
+1943 1.189908e+01
+1944 2.193307e+01
+1945 3.121602e+01
+1946 3.940676e+01
+1947 4.619718e+01
+1948 5.132680e+01
+1949 5.459697e+01
+1950 5.587416e+01
+1951 5.508798e+01
+1952 5.224724e+01
+1953 4.746457e+01
+1954 4.094935e+01
+1955 3.297751e+01
+1956 2.386321e+01
+1957 1.394576e+01
+1958 3.581273e+00
+1959 -6.862902e+00
+1960 -1.701984e+01
+1961 -2.653521e+01
+1962 -3.507798e+01
+1963 -4.235089e+01
+1964 -4.810283e+01
+1965 -5.213591e+01
+1966 -5.431214e+01
+1967 -5.455922e+01
+1968 -5.286914e+01
+1969 -4.930149e+01
+1970 -4.398134e+01
+1971 -3.709551e+01
+1972 -2.888532e+01
+1973 -1.963733e+01
+1974 -9.674827e+00
+1975 6.530793e-01
+1976 1.098417e+01
+1977 2.095419e+01
+1978 3.020899e+01
+1979 3.841745e+01
+1980 4.527688e+01
+1981 5.052244e+01
+1982 5.393615e+01
+1983 5.536057e+01
+1984 5.472068e+01
+1985 5.204058e+01
+1986 4.743772e+01
+1987 4.110497e+01
+1988 3.329587e+01
+1989 2.430750e+01
+1990 1.446921e+01
+1991 4.133910e+00
+1992 -6.332208e+00
+1993 -1.655937e+01
+1994 -2.618530e+01
+1995 -3.487022e+01
+1996 -4.231003e+01
+1997 -4.824726e+01
+1998 -5.247389e+01
+1999 -5.483943e+01
+2000 -5.525771e+01
+2001 -5.370898e+01
+2002 -5.024298e+01
+2003 -4.497545e+01
+2004 -3.808500e+01
+2005 -2.980858e+01
+2006 -2.043108e+01
+2007 -1.027914e+01
+2008 2.939468e-01
+2009 1.091786e+01
+2010 2.121591e+01
+2011 3.081713e+01
+2012 3.936603e+01
+2013 4.653179e+01
+2014 5.201927e+01
+2015 5.558718e+01
+2016 5.706790e+01
+2017 5.638565e+01
+2018 5.357365e+01
+2019 4.877487e+01
+2020 4.221188e+01
+2021 3.415943e+01
+2022 2.492847e+01
+2023 1.485826e+01
+2024 4.308653e+00
+2025 -6.347566e+00
+2026 -1.673647e+01
+2027 -2.649601e+01
+2028 -3.528631e+01
+2029 -4.280434e+01
+2030 -4.879094e+01
+2031 -5.303821e+01
+2032 -5.540068e+01
+2033 -5.579723e+01
+2034 -5.421674e+01
+2035 -5.071542e+01
+2036 -4.541591e+01
+2037 -3.850275e+01
+2038 -3.021647e+01
+2039 -2.084611e+01
+2040 -1.071779e+01
+2041 -1.857862e-01
+2042 1.038115e+01
+2043 2.060980e+01
+2044 3.013745e+01
+2045 3.862087e+01
+2046 4.574329e+01
+2047 5.122287e+01
+2048 5.482505e+01
+2049 5.638777e+01
+2050 5.585032e+01
+2051 5.324309e+01
+2052 4.867513e+01
+2053 4.233714e+01
+2054 3.448807e+01
+2055 2.543536e+01
+2056 1.551731e+01
+2057 5.092217e+00
+2058 -5.469438e+00
+2059 -1.579595e+01
+2060 -2.552693e+01
+2061 -3.432422e+01
+2062 -4.188113e+01
+2063 -4.793495e+01
+2064 -5.227704e+01
+2065 -5.475667e+01
+2066 -5.528912e+01
+2067 -5.385689e+01
+2068 -5.050988e+01
+2069 -4.536523e+01
+2070 -3.860216e+01
+2071 -3.045745e+01
+2072 -2.121515e+01
+2073 -1.119761e+01
+2074 -7.551268e-01
+2075 9.745190e+00
+2076 1.993366e+01
+2077 2.944745e+01
+2078 3.794384e+01
+2079 4.510766e+01
+2080 5.066114e+01
+2081 5.437478e+01
+2082 5.607994e+01
+2083 5.568889e+01
+2084 5.321506e+01
+2085 4.877274e+01
+2086 4.255669e+01
+2087 3.481969e+01
+2088 2.585718e+01
+2089 1.599563e+01
+2090 5.587348e+00
+2091 -4.998572e+00
+2092 -1.538964e+01
+2093 -2.522058e+01
+2094 -3.414548e+01
+2095 -4.184891e+01
+2096 -4.806282e+01
+2097 -5.257129e+01
+2098 -5.521554e+01
+2099 -5.590109e+01
+2100 -5.460181e+01
+2101 -5.135884e+01
+2102 -4.628190e+01
+2103 -3.954322e+01
+2104 -3.137258e+01
+2105 -2.205158e+01
+2106 -1.190379e+01
+2107 -1.283538e+00
+2108 9.438086e+00
+2109 1.988331e+01
+2110 2.967917e+01
+2111 3.846789e+01
+2112 4.591624e+01
+2113 5.172590e+01
+2114 5.565007e+01
+2115 5.751140e+01
+2116 5.721049e+01
+2117 5.474343e+01
+2118 5.021847e+01
+2119 4.384493e+01
+2120 3.589825e+01
+2121 2.669584e+01
+2122 1.658176e+01
+2123 5.921702e+00
+2124 -4.906146e+00
+2125 -1.551965e+01
+2126 -2.554632e+01
+2127 -3.463580e+01
+2128 -4.247251e+01
+2129 -4.878390e+01
+2130 -5.334979e+01
+2131 -5.601245e+01
+2132 -5.668009e+01
+2133 -5.533157e+01
+2134 -5.201445e+01
+2135 -4.684227e+01
+2136 -3.999520e+01
+2137 -3.171323e+01
+2138 -2.228559e+01
+2139 -1.204132e+01
+2140 -1.339402e+00
+2141 9.443232e+00
+2142 1.992434e+01
+2143 2.973138e+01
+2144 3.850811e+01
+2145 4.592125e+01
+2146 5.166789e+01
+2147 5.549271e+01
+2148 5.721657e+01
+2149 5.677370e+01
+2150 5.420735e+01
+2151 4.965014e+01
+2152 4.330882e+01
+2153 3.544649e+01
+2154 2.636779e+01
+2155 1.640588e+01
+2156 5.918755e+00
+2157 -4.721167e+00
+2158 -1.513950e+01
+2159 -2.497376e+01
+2160 -3.388102e+01
+2161 -4.155112e+01
+2162 -4.772182e+01
+2163 -5.218540e+01
+2164 -5.479186e+01
+2165 -5.545393e+01
+2166 -5.415087e+01
+2167 -5.092975e+01
+2168 -4.590525e+01
+2169 -3.925450e+01
+2170 -3.120983e+01
+2171 -2.205471e+01
+2172 -1.210822e+01
+2173 -1.718282e+00
+2174 8.750405e+00
+2175 1.893097e+01
+2176 2.846171e+01
+2177 3.699856e+01
+2178 4.422564e+01
+2179 4.986537e+01
+2180 5.369368e+01
+2181 5.555406e+01
+2182 5.536162e+01
+2183 5.311703e+01
+2184 4.891584e+01
+2185 4.293838e+01
+2186 3.542973e+01
+2187 2.667869e+01
+2188 1.700730e+01
+2189 6.762480e+00
+2190 -3.692760e+00
+2191 -1.399051e+01
+2192 -2.377094e+01
+2193 -3.269257e+01
+2194 -4.044275e+01
+2195 -4.675026e+01
+2196 -5.139472e+01
+2197 -5.421390e+01
+2198 -5.510933e+01
+2199 -5.404826e+01
+2200 -5.106556e+01
+2201 -4.626260e+01
+2202 -3.980333e+01
+2203 -3.191127e+01
+2204 -2.286054e+01
+2205 -1.296469e+01
+2206 -2.568950e+00
+2207 7.962580e+00
+2208 1.825875e+01
+2209 2.795454e+01
+2210 3.670045e+01
+2211 4.417037e+01
+2212 5.007147e+01
+2213 5.415779e+01
+2214 5.624776e+01
+2215 5.623133e+01
+2216 5.408844e+01
+2217 4.990833e+01
+2218 4.388274e+01
+2219 3.627570e+01
+2220 2.739282e+01
+2221 1.756823e+01
+2222 7.157863e+00
+2223 -3.467460e+00
+2224 -1.393308e+01
+2225 -2.386966e+01
+2226 -3.292743e+01
+2227 -4.079129e+01
+2228 -4.719072e+01
+2229 -5.190492e+01
+2230 -5.477031e+01
+2231 -5.568735e+01
+2232 -5.462341e+01
+2233 -5.161482e+01
+2234 -4.676549e+01
+2235 -4.024356e+01
+2236 -3.227760e+01
+2237 -2.314395e+01
+2238 -1.316010e+01
+2239 -2.675715e+00
+2240 7.943159e+00
+2241 1.831911e+01
+2242 2.808152e+01
+2243 3.687461e+01
+2244 4.436344e+01
+2245 5.024546e+01
+2246 5.426684e+01
+2247 5.625170e+01
+2248 5.612681e+01
+2249 5.392536e+01
+2250 4.976295e+01
+2251 4.381803e+01
+2252 3.632551e+01
+2253 2.756915e+01
+2254 1.787084e+01
+2255 7.578767e+00
+2256 -2.943709e+00
+2257 -1.332948e+01
+2258 -2.321605e+01
+2259 -3.225928e+01
+2260 -4.014416e+01
+2261 -4.659821e+01
+2262 -5.139936e+01
+2263 -5.438076e+01
+2264 -5.543855e+01
+2265 -5.453640e+01
+2266 -5.170502e+01
+2267 -4.704324e+01
+2268 -4.071186e+01
+2269 -3.292837e+01
+2270 -2.396288e+01
+2271 -1.412575e+01
+2272 -3.758486e+00
+2273 6.777221e+00
+2274 1.711168e+01
+2275 2.688258e+01
+2276 3.574243e+01
+2277 4.336975e+01
+2278 4.947545e+01
+2279 5.381033e+01
+2280 5.617456e+01
+2281 5.643426e+01
+2282 5.455390e+01
+2283 5.061607e+01
+2284 4.480772e+01
+2285 3.738541e+01
+2286 2.864890e+01
+2287 1.892727e+01
+2288 8.572222e+00
+2289 -2.045654e+00
+2290 -1.255168e+01
+2291 -2.257744e+01
+2292 -3.177208e+01
+2293 -3.981560e+01
+2294 -4.642591e+01
+2295 -5.137372e+01
+2296 -5.448619e+01
+2297 -5.565540e+01
+2298 -5.484245e+01
+2299 -5.207678e+01
+2300 -4.745469e+01
+2301 -4.113661e+01
+2302 -3.334334e+01
+2303 -2.434542e+01
+2304 -1.445667e+01
+2305 -4.022816e+00
+2306 6.588197e+00
+2307 1.700187e+01
+2308 2.684986e+01
+2309 3.577880e+01
+2310 4.346149e+01
+2311 4.960581e+01
+2312 5.396141e+01
+2313 5.633082e+01
+2314 5.659775e+01
+2315 5.474089e+01
+2316 5.083282e+01
+2317 4.504141e+01
+2318 3.761242e+01
+2319 2.884253e+01
+2320 1.906230e+01
+2321 8.625584e+00
+2322 -2.094796e+00
+2323 -1.271764e+01
+2324 -2.286678e+01
+2325 -3.218403e+01
+2326 -4.034141e+01
+2327 -4.705478e+01
+2328 -5.209056e+01
+2329 -5.527245e+01
+2330 -5.648654e+01
+2331 -5.568735e+01
+2332 -5.290008e+01
+2333 -4.821855e+01
+2334 -4.180074e+01
+2335 -3.386840e+01
+2336 -2.469576e+01
+2337 -1.460193e+01
+2338 -3.940431e+00
+2339 6.914738e+00
+2340 1.758102e+01
+2341 2.767915e+01
+2342 3.684169e+01
+2343 4.471875e+01
+2344 5.098094e+01
+2345 5.533657e+01
+2346 5.757173e+01
+2347 5.759810e+01
+2348 5.545700e+01
+2349 5.128446e+01
+2350 4.528007e+01
+2351 3.769164e+01
+2352 2.881058e+01
+2353 1.896084e+01
+2354 8.496205e+00
+2355 -2.215034e+00
+2356 -1.279848e+01
+2357 -2.288612e+01
+2358 -3.212852e+01
+2359 -4.020648e+01
+2360 -4.684243e+01
+2361 -5.180881e+01
+2362 -5.493652e+01
+2363 -5.611944e+01
+2364 -5.532050e+01
+2365 -5.256980e+01
+2366 -4.796391e+01
+2367 -4.166429e+01
+2368 -3.389037e+01
+2369 -2.491338e+01
+2370 -1.504566e+01
+2371 -4.629992e+00
+2372 5.969658e+00
+2373 1.638119e+01
+2374 2.623772e+01
+2375 3.518614e+01
+2376 4.290118e+01
+2377 4.908884e+01
+2378 5.350189e+01
+2379 5.595319e+01
+2380 5.633055e+01
+2381 5.460454e+01
+2382 5.084303e+01
+2383 4.521270e+01
+2384 3.795850e+01
+2385 2.937673e+01
+2386 1.979501e+01
+2387 9.561720e+00
+2388 -9.562760e-01
+2389 -1.138653e+01
+2390 -2.136357e+01
+2391 -3.053977e+01
+2392 -3.859685e+01
+2393 -4.525613e+01
+2394 -5.028844e+01
+2395 -5.352196e+01
+2396 -5.484696e+01
+2397 -5.422111e+01
+2398 -5.166953e+01
+2399 -4.728382e+01
+2400 -4.121785e+01
+2401 -3.368517e+01
+2402 -2.495055e+01
+2403 -1.532017e+01
+2404 -5.131793e+00
+2405 5.257428e+00
+2406 1.548123e+01
+2407 2.517769e+01
+2408 3.400058e+01
+2409 4.162994e+01
+2410 4.777925e+01
+2411 5.220925e+01
+2412 5.474003e+01
+2413 5.526273e+01
+2414 5.374675e+01
+2415 5.024719e+01
+2416 4.490681e+01
+2417 3.793774e+01
+2418 2.960680e+01
+2419 2.022096e+01
+2420 1.012110e+01
+2421 -3.325330e-01
+2422 -1.077048e+01
+2423 -2.082390e+01
+2424 -3.013618e+01
+2425 -3.837893e+01
+2426 -4.526484e+01
+2427 -5.055395e+01
+2428 -5.405864e+01
+2429 -5.564989e+01
+2430 -5.526567e+01
+2431 -5.291173e+01
+2432 -4.866345e+01
+2433 -4.266174e+01
+2434 -3.511098e+01
+2435 -2.626759e+01
+2436 -1.643580e+01
+2437 -5.956080e+00
+2438 4.805887e+00
+2439 1.547135e+01
+2440 2.566301e+01
+2441 3.501338e+01
+2442 4.317115e+01
+2443 4.980454e+01
+2444 5.461604e+01
+2445 5.737241e+01
+2446 5.793454e+01
+2447 5.628206e+01
+2448 5.251082e+01
+2449 4.681151e+01
+2450 3.944363e+01
+2451 3.070826e+01
+2452 2.093615e+01
+2453 1.048323e+01
+2454 -2.801564e-01
+2455 -1.097594e+01
+2456 -2.122984e+01
+2457 -3.068740e+01
+2458 -3.902203e+01
+2459 -4.594752e+01
+2460 -5.122640e+01
+2461 -5.467957e+01
+2462 -5.619038e+01
+2463 -5.571179e+01
+2464 -5.326419e+01
+2465 -4.893648e+01
+2466 -4.288192e+01
+2467 -3.531216e+01
+2468 -2.649311e+01
+2469 -1.673316e+01
+2470 -6.371902e+00
+2471 4.227024e+00
+2472 1.469161e+01
+2473 2.465320e+01
+2474 3.375608e+01
+2475 4.166721e+01
+2476 4.808267e+01
+2477 5.274147e+01
+2478 5.544264e+01
+2479 5.607377e+01
+2480 5.461936e+01
+2481 5.115707e+01
+2482 4.584150e+01
+2483 3.889686e+01
+2484 3.059922e+01
+2485 2.126295e+01
+2486 1.122773e+01
+2487 8.492368e-01
+2488 -9.505317e+00
+2489 -1.947457e+01
+2490 -2.871176e+01
+2491 -3.689592e+01
+2492 -4.374629e+01
+2493 -4.902630e+01
+2494 -5.255581e+01
+2495 -5.421492e+01
+2496 -5.394949e+01
+2497 -5.177179e+01
+2498 -4.776093e+01
+2499 -4.205860e+01
+2500 -3.486445e+01
+2501 -2.643024e+01
+2502 -1.705115e+01
+2503 -7.056454e+00
+2504 3.203178e+00
+2505 1.336825e+01
+2506 2.308148e+01
+2507 3.199880e+01
+2508 3.979887e+01
+2509 4.619219e+01
+2510 5.093295e+01
+2511 5.382659e+01
+2512 5.474968e+01
+2513 5.365767e+01
+2514 5.058680e+01
+2515 4.565680e+01
+2516 3.906493e+01
+2517 3.106782e+01
+2518 2.196504e+01
+2519 1.208849e+01
+2520 1.791436e+00
+2521 -8.562393e+00
+2522 -1.860892e+01
+2523 -2.799521e+01
+2524 -3.638851e+01
+2525 -4.349324e+01
+2526 -4.905739e+01
+2527 -5.288427e+01
+2528 -5.483588e+01
+2529 -5.483926e+01
+2530 -5.288885e+01
+2531 -4.904669e+01
+2532 -4.344096e+01
+2533 -3.626097e+01
+2534 -2.775267e+01
+2535 -1.820877e+01
+2536 -7.959457e+00
+2537 2.638264e+00
+2538 1.321168e+01
+2539 2.338684e+01
+2540 3.279936e+01
+2541 4.110488e+01
+2542 4.798452e+01
+2543 5.315059e+01
+2544 5.636351e+01
+2545 5.745568e+01
+2546 5.636299e+01
+2547 5.313460e+01
+2548 4.792410e+01
+2549 4.096554e+01
+2550 3.254663e+01
+2551 2.298948e+01
+2552 1.264129e+01
+2553 1.872082e+00
+2554 -8.938027e+00
+2555 -1.940674e+01
+2556 -2.916669e+01
+2557 -3.787658e+01
+2558 -4.523181e+01
+2559 -5.097530e+01
+2560 -5.490635e+01
+2561 -5.688634e+01
+2562 -5.684755e+01
+2563 -5.478999e+01
+2564 -5.078367e+01
+2565 -4.496275e+01
+2566 -3.752562e+01
+2567 -2.873139e+01
+2568 -1.888371e+01
+2569 -8.325631e+00
+2570 2.574936e+00
+2571 1.343443e+01
+2572 2.386911e+01
+2573 3.350618e+01
+2574 4.199228e+01
+2575 4.899311e+01
+2576 5.420152e+01
+2577 5.736094e+01
+2578 5.831916e+01
+2579 5.704918e+01
+2580 5.363255e+01
+2581 4.824755e+01
+2582 4.114690e+01
+2583 3.262739e+01
+2584 2.301590e+01
+2585 1.266554e+01
+2586 1.945764e+00
+2587 -8.763490e+00
+2588 -1.908887e+01
+2589 -2.867350e+01
+2590 -3.718596e+01
+2591 -4.433433e+01
+2592 -4.987766e+01
+2593 -5.363170e+01
+2594 -5.547525e+01
+2595 -5.535022e+01
+2596 -5.326582e+01
+2597 -4.930179e+01
+2598 -4.360233e+01
+2599 -3.637173e+01
+2600 -2.786644e+01
+2601 -1.838527e+01
+2602 -8.262884e+00
+2603 2.144993e+00
+2604 1.247234e+01
+2605 2.235685e+01
+2606 3.145068e+01
+2607 3.942762e+01
+2608 4.599413e+01
+2609 5.090027e+01
+2610 5.395046e+01
+2611 5.501864e+01
+2612 5.406024e+01
+2613 5.111701e+01
+2614 4.631363e+01
+2615 3.985018e+01
+2616 3.197675e+01
+2617 2.298710e+01
+2618 1.320619e+01
+2619 2.984066e+00
+2620 -7.318809e+00
+2621 -1.734049e+01
+2622 -2.672959e+01
+2623 -3.515588e+01
+2624 -4.232344e+01
+2625 -4.798409e+01
+2626 -5.194111e+01
+2627 -5.405559e+01
+2628 -5.425173e+01
+2629 -5.251931e+01
+2630 -4.891527e+01
+2631 -4.356301e+01
+2632 -3.664596e+01
+2633 -2.840211e+01
+2634 -1.911661e+01
+2635 -9.113281e+00
+2636 1.259293e+00
+2637 1.163840e+01
+2638 2.165933e+01
+2639 3.096496e+01
+2640 3.921826e+01
+2641 4.610952e+01
+2642 5.136324e+01
+2643 5.475069e+01
+2644 5.611016e+01
+2645 5.536684e+01
+2646 5.254418e+01
+2647 4.776475e+01
+2648 4.123573e+01
+2649 3.322505e+01
+2650 2.403903e+01
+2651 1.401299e+01
+2652 3.503235e+00
+2653 -7.117069e+00
+2654 -1.747490e+01
+2655 -2.720639e+01
+2656 -3.596911e+01
+2657 -4.345561e+01
+2658 -4.940201e+01
+2659 -5.359814e+01
+2660 -5.589481e+01
+2661 -5.620594e+01
+2662 -5.451579e+01
+2663 -5.087991e+01
+2664 -4.542065e+01
+2665 -3.832389e+01
+2666 -2.983209e+01
+2667 -2.023618e+01
+2668 -9.868840e+00
+2669 9.081031e-01
+2670 1.171571e+01
+2671 2.217186e+01
+2672 3.190351e+01
+2673 4.055337e+01
+2674 4.778386e+01
+2675 5.327846e+01
+2676 5.676663e+01
+2677 5.807094e+01
+2678 5.714130e+01
+2679 5.404837e+01
+2680 4.896155e+01
+2681 4.212136e+01
+2682 3.381746e+01
+2683 2.437176e+01
+2684 1.413297e+01
+2685 3.467194e+00
+2686 -7.246889e+00
+2687 -1.763193e+01
+2688 -2.732400e+01
+2689 -3.599205e+01
+2690 -4.334526e+01
+2691 -4.913517e+01
+2692 -5.316839e+01
+2693 -5.531119e+01
+2694 -5.549546e+01
+2695 -5.371977e+01
+2696 -5.005118e+01
+2697 -4.462250e+01
+2698 -3.762582e+01
+2699 -2.930690e+01
+2700 -1.995826e+01
+2701 -9.908069e+00
+2702 4.913514e-01
+2703 1.087594e+01
+2704 2.088055e+01
+2705 3.015359e+01
+2706 3.836593e+01
+2707 4.521952e+01
+2708 5.045664e+01
+2709 5.387044e+01
+2710 5.531553e+01
+2711 5.472867e+01
+2712 5.213720e+01
+2713 4.765061e+01
+2714 4.145060e+01
+2715 3.377456e+01
+2716 2.490863e+01
+2717 1.517512e+01
+2718 4.921581e+00
+2719 -5.489894e+00
+2720 -1.569386e+01
+2721 -2.533317e+01
+2722 -3.407018e+01
+2723 -4.159889e+01
+2724 -4.765506e+01
+2725 -5.202548e+01
+2726 -5.455404e+01
+2727 -5.514714e+01
+2728 -5.378202e+01
+2729 -5.050242e+01
+2730 -4.541921e+01
+2731 -3.870463e+01
+2732 -3.058628e+01
+2733 -2.134530e+01
+2734 -1.130131e+01
+2735 -8.047552e-01
+2736 9.777288e+00
+2737 2.007400e+01
+2738 2.971983e+01
+2739 3.836696e+01
+2740 4.569125e+01
+2741 5.139829e+01
+2742 5.523515e+01
+2743 5.700977e+01
+2744 5.662018e+01
+2745 5.407309e+01
+2746 4.948962e+01
+2747 4.308861e+01
+2748 3.514911e+01
+2749 2.598521e+01
+2750 1.593512e+01
+2751 5.358707e+00
+2752 -5.369297e+00
+2753 -1.587068e+01
+2754 -2.577660e+01
+2755 -3.474282e+01
+2756 -4.245526e+01
+2757 -4.864568e+01
+2758 -5.309731e+01
+2759 -5.565619e+01
+2760 -5.623470e+01
+2761 -5.481280e+01
+2762 -5.143927e+01
+2763 -4.622901e+01
+2764 -3.936402e+01
+2765 -3.108484e+01
+2766 -2.167980e+01
+2767 -1.147638e+01
+2768 -8.319122e-01
+2769 9.879229e+00
+2770 2.027814e+01
+2771 2.999609e+01
+2772 3.868198e+01
+2773 4.601006e+01
+2774 5.168003e+01
+2775 5.543187e+01
+2776 5.708514e+01
+2777 5.657599e+01
+2778 5.395252e+01
+2779 4.935187e+01
+2780 4.297920e+01
+2781 3.509184e+01
+2782 2.599093e+01
+2783 1.600945e+01
+2784 5.503599e+00
+2785 -5.153991e+00
+2786 -1.558873e+01
+2787 -2.543511e+01
+2788 -3.435042e+01
+2789 -4.202460e+01
+2790 -4.819404e+01
+2791 -5.264632e+01
+2792 -5.522992e+01
+2793 -5.585597e+01
+2794 -5.450283e+01
+2795 -5.121750e+01
+2796 -4.611457e+01
+2797 -3.937147e+01
+2798 -3.122083e+01
+2799 -2.194689e+01
+2800 -1.187317e+01
+2801 -1.351101e+00
+2802 9.250092e+00
+2803 1.955785e+01
+2804 2.920837e+01
+2805 3.785368e+01
+2806 4.516883e+01
+2807 5.085944e+01
+2808 5.467732e+01
+2809 5.644202e+01
+2810 5.607308e+01
+2811 5.360743e+01
+2812 4.918118e+01
+2813 4.299533e+01
+2814 3.530042e+01
+2815 2.639100e+01
+2816 1.659197e+01
+2817 6.254363e+00
+2818 -4.257038e+00
+2819 -1.457334e+01
+2820 -2.433550e+01
+2821 -3.320573e+01
+2822 -4.087590e+01
+2823 -4.708117e+01
+2824 -5.160977e+01
+2825 -5.430683e+01
+2826 -5.508053e+01
+2827 -5.390486e+01
+2828 -5.082233e+01
+2829 -4.594239e+01
+2830 -3.943529e+01
+2831 -3.152612e+01
+2832 -2.249032e+01
+2833 -1.264176e+01
+2834 -2.324161e+00
+2835 8.100545e+00
+2836 1.826835e+01
+2837 2.782029e+01
+2838 3.641526e+01
+2839 4.373906e+01
+2840 4.951554e+01
+2841 5.351626e+01
+2842 5.557386e+01
+2843 5.557875e+01
+2844 5.349682e+01
+2845 4.939980e+01
+2846 4.347274e+01
+2847 3.597619e+01
+2848 2.721096e+01
+2849 1.750674e+01
+2850 7.213575e+00
+2851 -3.301757e+00
+2852 -1.366595e+01
+2853 -2.351211e+01
+2854 -3.249610e+01
+2855 -4.030810e+01
+2856 -4.667691e+01
+2857 -5.138293e+01
+2858 -5.426105e+01
+2859 -5.521084e+01
+2860 -5.419675e+01
+2861 -5.125348e+01
+2862 -4.648067e+01
+2863 -4.004249e+01
+2864 -3.216293e+01
+2865 -2.311537e+01
+2866 -1.321385e+01
+2867 -2.804339e+00
+2868 7.747428e+00
+2869 1.806973e+01
+2870 2.779542e+01
+2871 3.657193e+01
+2872 4.406895e+01
+2873 4.998761e+01
+2874 5.406759e+01
+2875 5.611765e+01
+2876 5.605093e+01
+2877 5.389191e+01
+2878 4.975751e+01
+2879 4.383496e+01
+2880 3.636519e+01
+2881 2.763075e+01
+2882 1.794937e+01
+2883 7.665063e+00
+2884 -2.859861e+00
+2885 -1.325707e+01
+2886 -2.316472e+01
+2887 -3.223698e+01
+2888 -4.015827e+01
+2889 -4.665294e+01
+2890 -5.149510e+01
+2891 -5.451676e+01
+2892 -5.561215e+01
+2893 -5.474120e+01
+2894 -5.193279e+01
+2895 -4.728308e+01
+2896 -4.094986e+01
+2897 -3.315077e+01
+2898 -2.415473e+01
+2899 -1.427227e+01
+2900 -3.847901e+00
+2901 6.754260e+00
+2902 1.716375e+01
+2903 2.701407e+01
+2904 3.595472e+01
+2905 4.365618e+01
+2906 4.981479e+01
+2907 5.416472e+01
+2908 5.649319e+01
+2909 5.666438e+01
+2910 5.466200e+01
+2911 5.060357e+01
+2912 4.470324e+01
+2913 3.722769e+01
+2914 2.847789e+01
+2915 1.878036e+01
+2916 8.482820e+00
+2917 -2.048643e+00
+2918 -1.244438e+01
+2919 -2.234095e+01
+2920 -3.139533e+01
+2921 -3.929654e+01
+2922 -4.577281e+01
+2923 -5.060414e+01
+2924 -5.362852e+01
+2925 -5.474681e+01
+2926 -5.392414e+01
+2927 -5.119236e+01
+2928 -4.665153e+01
+2929 -4.046437e+01
+2930 -3.284948e+01
+2931 -2.407429e+01
+2932 -1.444687e+01
+2933 -4.303913e+00
+2934 5.997676e+00
+2935 1.609462e+01
+2936 2.563198e+01
+2937 3.427150e+01
+2938 4.170553e+01
+2939 4.766109e+01
+2940 5.190857e+01
+2941 5.427825e+01
+2942 5.466760e+01
+2943 5.304676e+01
+2944 4.946975e+01
+2945 4.407651e+01
+2946 3.708184e+01
+2947 2.875727e+01
+2948 1.941210e+01
+2949 9.382869e+00
+2950 -9.725174e-01
+2951 -1.128630e+01
+2952 -2.119225e+01
+2953 -3.034111e+01
+2954 -3.841527e+01
+2955 -4.513351e+01
+2956 -5.025860e+01
+2957 -5.360716e+01
+2958 -5.505601e+01
+2959 -5.454728e+01
+2960 -5.209329e+01
+2961 -4.777311e+01
+2962 -4.172894e+01
+2963 -3.416634e+01
+2964 -2.534518e+01
+2965 -1.556734e+01
+2966 -5.171707e+00
+2967 5.477964e+00
+2968 1.600804e+01
+2969 2.604637e+01
+2970 3.523148e+01
+2971 4.322082e+01
+2972 4.969738e+01
+2973 5.437405e+01
+2974 5.701923e+01
+2975 5.749789e+01
+2976 5.579442e+01
+2977 5.200321e+01
+2978 4.630749e+01
+2979 3.894927e+01
+2980 3.021911e+01
+2981 2.044152e+01
+2982 9.967685e+00
+2983 -8.314592e-01
+2984 -1.157631e+01
+2985 -2.189221e+01
+2986 -3.141832e+01
+2987 -3.982269e+01
+2988 -4.681237e+01
+2989 -5.214355e+01
+2990 -5.563037e+01
+2991 -5.714856e+01
+2992 -5.664456e+01
+2993 -5.413399e+01
+2994 -4.970279e+01
+2995 -4.349889e+01
+2996 -3.573597e+01
+2997 -2.668117e+01
+2998 -1.664835e+01
+2999 -5.983951e+00
+3000 4.940234e+00
+3001 1.574003e+01
+3002 2.603495e+01
+3003 3.545757e+01
+3004 4.366308e+01
+3005 5.033225e+01
+3006 5.517391e+01
+3007 5.794826e+01
+3008 5.850141e+01
+3009 5.680149e+01
+3010 5.295476e+01
+3011 4.717233e+01
+3012 3.972591e+01
+3013 3.092222e+01
+3014 2.109264e+01
+3015 1.059236e+01
+3016 -2.059783e-01
+3017 -1.092377e+01
+3018 -2.118709e+01
+3019 -3.063947e+01
+3020 -3.895712e+01
+3021 -4.585609e+01
+3022 -5.110168e+01
+3023 -5.451940e+01
+3024 -5.599653e+01
+3025 -5.548749e+01
+3026 -5.301652e+01
+3027 -4.867492e+01
+3028 -4.261977e+01
+3029 -3.506689e+01
+3030 -2.628313e+01
+3031 -1.657682e+01
+3032 -6.289543e+00
+3033 4.216205e+00
+3034 1.457191e+01
+3035 2.441486e+01
+3036 3.339589e+01
+3037 4.119211e+01
+3038 4.751370e+01
+3039 5.211074e+01
+3040 5.479367e+01
+3041 5.544817e+01
+3042 5.404737e+01
+3043 5.065202e+01
+3044 4.541089e+01
+3045 3.854194e+01
+3046 3.031860e+01
+3047 2.105001e+01
+3048 1.107046e+01
+3049 7.350466e-01
+3050 -9.590105e+00
+3051 -1.953989e+01
+3052 -2.876527e+01
+3053 -3.694332e+01
+3054 -4.378906e+01
+3055 -4.906499e+01
+3056 -5.258987e+01
+3057 -5.424202e+01
+3058 -5.396364e+01
+3059 -5.176265e+01
+3060 -4.771645e+01
+3061 -4.196499e+01
+3062 -3.470758e+01
+3063 -2.619729e+01
+3064 -1.673051e+01
+3065 -6.637978e+00
+3066 3.725615e+00
+3067 1.399617e+01
+3068 2.381030e+01
+3069 3.281724e+01
+3070 4.069066e+01
+3071 4.713647e+01
+3072 5.190093e+01
+3073 5.477937e+01
+3074 5.563822e+01
+3075 5.442855e+01
+3076 5.119893e+01
+3077 4.608952e+01
+3078 3.930808e+01
+3079 3.111552e+01
+3080 2.181044e+01
+3081 1.172473e+01
+3082 1.214143e+00
+3083 -9.350548e+00
+3084 -1.959725e+01
+3085 -2.916575e+01
+3086 -3.771905e+01
+3087 -4.495359e+01
+3088 -5.061145e+01
+3089 -5.448966e+01
+3090 -5.644569e+01
+3091 -5.640227e+01
+3092 -5.435252e+01
+3093 -5.035679e+01
+3094 -4.454594e+01
+3095 -3.711254e+01
+3096 -2.830963e+01
+3097 -1.843663e+01
+3098 -7.833043e+00
+3099 3.131911e+00
+3100 1.407535e+01
+3101 2.460995e+01
+3102 3.435654e+01
+3103 4.295536e+01
+3104 5.006441e+01
+3105 5.536353e+01
+3106 5.856869e+01
+3107 5.949106e+01
+3108 5.808260e+01
+3109 5.444428e+01
+3110 4.878830e+01
+3111 4.139434e+01
+3112 3.257900e+01
+3113 2.268404e+01
+3114 1.207175e+01
+3115 1.121506e+00
+3116 -9.780035e+00
+3117 -2.025023e+01
+3118 -2.992513e+01
+3119 -3.847394e+01
+3120 -4.561295e+01
+3121 -5.110566e+01
+3122 -5.477066e+01
+3123 -5.648966e+01
+3124 -5.621007e+01
+3125 -5.394977e+01
+3126 -4.979514e+01
+3127 -4.389831e+01
+3128 -3.646852e+01
+3129 -2.777001e+01
+3130 -1.810999e+01
+3131 -7.825952e+00
+3132 2.722859e+00
+3133 1.316471e+01
+3134 2.313332e+01
+3135 3.227923e+01
+3136 4.027806e+01
+3137 4.683906e+01
+3138 5.171487e+01
+3139 5.471018e+01
+3140 5.569419e+01
+3141 5.462115e+01
+3142 5.154132e+01
+3143 4.659264e+01
+3144 3.998216e+01
+3145 3.196805e+01
+3146 2.284813e+01
+3147 1.295161e+01
+3148 2.630737e+00
+3149 -7.750652e+00
+3150 -1.782642e+01
+3151 -2.724545e+01
+3152 -3.567803e+01
+3153 -4.283017e+01
+3154 -4.845081e+01
+3155 -5.234621e+01
+3156 -5.437993e+01
+3157 -5.448043e+01
+3158 -5.264209e+01
+3159 -4.892812e+01
+3160 -4.346977e+01
+3161 -3.645451e+01
+3162 -2.812492e+01
+3163 -1.877103e+01
+3164 -8.717368e+00
+3165 1.682159e+00
+3166 1.206259e+01
+3167 2.205634e+01
+3168 3.130896e+01
+3169 3.948574e+01
+3170 4.628035e+01
+3171 5.142441e+01
+3172 5.470047e+01
+3173 5.595792e+01
+3174 5.513040e+01
+3175 5.224492e+01
+3176 4.742710e+01
+3177 4.088384e+01
+3178 3.287606e+01
+3179 2.370250e+01
+3180 1.369503e+01
+3181 3.208770e+00
+3182 -7.387407e+00
+3183 -1.772039e+01
+3184 -2.742733e+01
+3185 -3.616883e+01
+3186 -4.363646e+01
+3187 -4.956503e+01
+3188 -5.374243e+01
+3189 -5.601897e+01
+3190 -5.630815e+01
+3191 -5.459478e+01
+3192 -5.093094e+01
+3193 -4.543760e+01
+3194 -3.829962e+01
+3195 -2.976148e+01
+3196 -2.011522e+01
+3197 -9.693911e+00
+3198 1.139934e+00
+3199 1.200640e+01
+3200 2.252202e+01
+3201 3.231233e+01
+3202 4.102130e+01
+3203 4.831750e+01
+3204 5.389428e+01
+3205 5.747894e+01
+3206 5.886208e+01
+3207 5.795573e+01
+3208 5.482316e+01
+3209 4.964366e+01
+3210 4.266830e+01
+3211 3.419421e+01
+3212 2.454929e+01
+3213 1.408789e+01
+3214 3.182865e+00
+3215 -7.779973e+00
+3216 -1.841349e+01
+3217 -2.834129e+01
+3218 -3.721851e+01
+3219 -4.474619e+01
+3220 -5.067061e+01
+3221 -5.478795e+01
+3222 -5.695689e+01
+3223 -5.710558e+01
+3224 -5.522977e+01
+3225 -5.139794e+01
+3226 -4.574463e+01
+3227 -3.846509e+01
+3228 -2.981542e+01
+3229 -2.009799e+01
+3230 -9.652560e+00
+3231 1.156209e+00
+3232 1.194887e+01
+3233 2.234605e+01
+3234 3.197881e+01
+3235 4.050206e+01
+3236 4.759943e+01
+3237 5.298815e+01
+3238 5.642775e+01
+3239 5.774043e+01
+3240 5.686652e+01
+3241 5.386561e+01
+3242 4.889161e+01
+3243 4.217062e+01
+3244 3.397560e+01
+3245 2.461801e+01
+3246 1.443685e+01
+3247 3.794400e+00
+3248 -6.934727e+00
+3249 -1.737256e+01
+3250 -2.715615e+01
+3251 -3.594670e+01
+3252 -4.343917e+01
+3253 -4.937304e+01
+3254 -5.354407e+01
+3255 -5.580933e+01
+3256 -5.609315e+01
+3257 -5.438584e+01
+3258 -5.074898e+01
+3259 -4.531181e+01
+3260 -3.826519e+01
+3261 -2.985276e+01
+3262 -2.036827e+01
+3263 -1.014204e+01
+3264 4.669553e-01
+3265 1.108539e+01
+3266 2.134009e+01
+3267 3.086764e+01
+3268 3.932582e+01
+3269 4.640087e+01
+3270 5.181261e+01
+3271 5.532825e+01
+3272 5.678296e+01
+3273 5.611479e+01
+3274 5.336664e+01
+3275 4.866883e+01
+3276 4.221851e+01
+3277 3.426810e+01
+3278 2.511705e+01
+3279 1.509836e+01
+3280 4.568927e+00
+3281 -6.098702e+00
+3282 -1.652946e+01
+3283 -2.635964e+01
+3284 -3.524690e+01
+3285 -4.287837e+01
+3286 -4.898665e+01
+3287 -5.335668e+01
+3288 -5.583574e+01
+3289 -5.633446e+01
+3290 -5.483299e+01
+3291 -5.138011e+01
+3292 -4.609137e+01
+3293 -3.914710e+01
+3294 -3.078616e+01
+3295 -2.129860e+01
+3296 -1.101338e+01
+3297 -2.873453e-01
+3298 1.050326e+01
+3299 2.097705e+01
+3300 3.076188e+01
+3301 3.950447e+01
+3302 4.687949e+01
+3303 5.259327e+01
+3304 5.639265e+01
+3305 5.808558e+01
+3306 5.757165e+01
+3307 5.486973e+01
+3308 5.011597e+01
+3309 4.353541e+01
+3310 3.540480e+01
+3311 2.603778e+01
+3312 1.577750e+01
+3313 4.991189e+00
+3314 -5.940246e+00
+3315 -1.663029e+01
+3316 -2.670286e+01
+3317 -3.580214e+01
+3318 -4.361240e+01
+3319 -4.986604e+01
+3320 -5.434825e+01
+3321 -5.690244e+01
+3322 -5.744049e+01
+3323 -5.593957e+01
+3324 -5.245038e+01
+3325 -4.709131e+01
+3326 -4.004619e+01
+3327 -3.155948e+01
+3328 -2.192505e+01
+3329 -1.147733e+01
+3330 -5.789980e-01
+3331 1.038663e+01
+3332 2.103357e+01
+3333 3.098313e+01
+3334 3.987742e+01
+3335 4.738071e+01
+3336 5.318563e+01
+3337 5.701650e+01
+3338 5.866852e+01
+3339 5.805798e+01
+3340 5.523738e+01
+3341 5.037242e+01
+3342 4.370280e+01
+3343 3.551536e+01
+3344 2.612685e+01
+3345 1.588504e+01
+3346 5.154248e+00
+3347 -5.686941e+00
+3348 -1.625836e+01
+3349 -2.619310e+01
+3350 -3.514855e+01
+3351 -4.281616e+01
+3352 -4.893354e+01
+3353 -5.329393e+01
+3354 -5.575276e+01
+3355 -5.622932e+01
+3356 -5.471272e+01
+3357 -5.125980e+01
+3358 -4.599857e+01
+3359 -3.911732e+01
+3360 -3.085774e+01
+3361 -2.151017e+01
+3362 -1.140220e+01
+3363 -8.893038e-01
+3364 9.658393e+00
+3365 1.986856e+01
+3366 2.938068e+01
+3367 3.785883e+01
+3368 4.499667e+01
+3369 5.052377e+01
+3370 5.421985e+01
+3371 5.592523e+01
+3372 5.556319e+01
+3373 5.314973e+01
+3374 4.879087e+01
+3375 4.266963e+01
+3376 3.502667e+01
+3377 2.614994e+01
+3378 1.636151e+01
+3379 6.008984e+00
+3380 -4.541984e+00
+3381 -1.491826e+01
+3382 -2.475647e+01
+3383 -3.371037e+01
+3384 -4.146354e+01
+3385 -4.774416e+01
+3386 -5.233239e+01
+3387 -5.506573e+01
+3388 -5.584462e+01
+3389 -5.463831e+01
+3390 -5.148464e+01
+3391 -4.648731e+01
+3392 -3.981598e+01
+3393 -3.169583e+01
+3394 -2.240865e+01
+3395 -1.227541e+01
+3396 -1.650187e+00
+3397 9.096423e+00
+3398 1.958505e+01
+3399 2.944286e+01
+3400 3.831590e+01
+3401 4.587268e+01
+3402 5.181017e+01
+3403 5.586262e+01
+3404 5.781594e+01
+3405 5.755348e+01
+3406 5.508603e+01
+3407 5.054957e+01
+3408 4.416855e+01
+3409 3.621560e+01
+3410 2.699968e+01
+3411 1.685907e+01
+3412 6.158888e+00
+3413 -4.721505e+00
+3414 -1.540029e+01
+3415 -2.550174e+01
+3416 -3.467312e+01
+3417 -4.259509e+01
+3418 -4.899164e+01
+3419 -5.364117e+01
+3420 -5.638201e+01
+3421 -5.711882e+01
+3422 -5.582651e+01
+3423 -5.254974e+01
+3424 -4.740031e+01
+3425 -4.055523e+01
+3426 -3.225347e+01
+3427 -2.278425e+01
+3428 -1.247659e+01
+3429 -1.688004e+00
+3430 9.202283e+00
+3431 1.980936e+01
+3432 2.975613e+01
+3433 3.868701e+01
+3434 4.626931e+01
+3435 5.220294e+01
+3436 5.622050e+01
+3437 5.811131e+01
+3438 5.778105e+01
+3439 5.526818e+01
+3440 5.071474e+01
+3441 4.433407e+01
+3442 3.639156e+01
+3443 2.719479e+01
+3444 1.708132e+01
+3445 6.412996e+00
+3446 -4.432534e+00
+3447 -1.507457e+01
+3448 -2.513817e+01
+3449 -3.427334e+01
+3450 -4.216709e+01
+3451 -4.855150e+01
+3452 -5.320759e+01
+3453 -5.597641e+01
+3454 -5.676375e+01
+3455 -5.554309e+01
+3456 -5.235736e+01
+3457 -4.731825e+01
+3458 -4.060123e+01
+3459 -3.243850e+01
+3460 -2.311240e+01
+3461 -1.294840e+01
+3462 -2.299941e+00
+3463 8.458617e+00
+3464 1.895053e+01
+3465 2.880573e+01
+3466 3.767349e+01
+3467 4.522993e+01
+3468 5.118207e+01
+3469 5.527886e+01
+3470 5.732241e+01
+3471 5.719670e+01
+3472 5.490035e+01
+3473 5.055433e+01
+3474 4.437428e+01
+3475 3.662671e+01
+3476 2.761408e+01
+3477 1.766882e+01
+3478 7.146710e+00
+3479 -3.582179e+00
+3480 -1.413917e+01
+3481 -2.415525e+01
+3482 -3.328294e+01
+3483 -4.120441e+01
+3484 -4.764404e+01
+3485 -5.237765e+01
+3486 -5.524249e+01
+3487 -5.614015e+01
+3488 -5.504297e+01
+3489 -5.198886e+01
+3490 -4.708451e+01
+3491 -4.050165e+01
+3492 -3.247179e+01
+3493 -2.327416e+01
+3494 -1.323012e+01
+3495 -2.691912e+00
+3496 7.972001e+00
+3497 1.838319e+01
+3498 2.817338e+01
+3499 3.699336e+01
+3500 4.452095e+01
+3501 5.046834e+01
+3502 5.458683e+01
+3503 5.668101e+01
+3504 5.664014e+01
+3505 5.446802e+01
+3506 5.027860e+01
+3507 4.426193e+01
+3508 3.666617e+01
+3509 2.778094e+01
+3510 1.792854e+01
+3511 7.460061e+00
+3512 -3.254505e+00
+3513 -1.383361e+01
+3514 -2.390606e+01
+3515 -3.311841e+01
+3516 -4.114777e+01
+3517 -4.771275e+01
+3518 -5.258508e+01
+3519 -5.559266e+01
+3520 -5.662912e+01
+3521 -5.565339e+01
+3522 -5.269602e+01
+3523 -4.785365e+01
+3524 -4.129090e+01
+3525 -3.323218e+01
+3526 -2.395517e+01
+3527 -1.377947e+01
+3528 -3.060485e+00
+3529 7.825181e+00
+3530 1.849440e+01
+3531 2.856921e+01
+3532 3.768684e+01
+3533 4.550628e+01
+3534 5.171436e+01
+3535 5.603012e+01
+3536 5.822172e+01
+3537 5.816396e+01
+3538 5.588270e+01
+3539 5.152087e+01
+3540 4.529632e+01
+3541 3.747659e+01
+3542 2.837003e+01
+3543 1.831193e+01
+3544 7.661968e+00
+3545 -3.203126e+00
+3546 -1.390283e+01
+3547 -2.406563e+01
+3548 -3.333619e+01
+3549 -4.139631e+01
+3550 -4.796997e+01
+3551 -5.283126e+01
+3552 -5.581506e+01
+3553 -5.682293e+01
+3554 -5.582040e+01
+3555 -5.284437e+01
+3556 -4.799976e+01
+3557 -4.145748e+01
+3558 -3.344533e+01
+3559 -2.424272e+01
+3560 -1.417049e+01
+3561 -3.579928e+00
+3562 7.158345e+00
+3563 1.766909e+01
+3564 2.758170e+01
+3565 3.654070e+01
+3566 4.422052e+01
+3567 5.032790e+01
+3568 5.461035e+01
+3569 5.686580e+01
+3570 5.697084e+01
+3571 5.490998e+01
+3572 5.079242e+01
+3573 4.482624e+01
+3574 3.727580e+01
+3575 2.844004e+01
+3576 1.864614e+01
+3577 8.247278e+00
+3578 -2.386247e+00
+3579 -1.287615e+01
+3580 -2.285209e+01
+3581 -3.196700e+01
+3582 -3.991271e+01
+3583 -4.641746e+01
+3584 -5.125758e+01
+3585 -5.426831e+01
+3586 -5.534728e+01
+3587 -5.446050e+01
+3588 -5.163993e+01
+3589 -4.698612e+01
+3590 -4.066286e+01
+3591 -3.289352e+01
+3592 -2.394941e+01
+3593 -1.414297e+01
+3594 -3.819204e+00
+3595 6.661180e+00
+3596 1.692785e+01
+3597 2.661912e+01
+3598 3.538873e+01
+3599 4.291993e+01
+3600 4.893110e+01
+3601 5.318319e+01
+3602 5.549172e+01
+3603 5.574898e+01
+3604 5.393953e+01
+3605 5.014306e+01
+3606 4.452442e+01
+3607 3.730688e+01
+3608 2.875967e+01
+3609 1.919292e+01
+3610 8.947542e+00
+3611 -1.613438e+00
+3612 -1.211828e+01
+3613 -2.219794e+01
+3614 -3.149852e+01
+3615 -3.969279e+01
+3616 -4.649159e+01
+3617 -5.165184e+01
+3618 -5.498761e+01
+3619 -5.637500e+01
+3620 -5.576053e+01
+3621 -5.315784e+01
+3622 -4.864953e+01
+3623 -4.238634e+01
+3624 -3.457891e+01
+3625 -2.549311e+01
+3626 -1.544102e+01
+3627 -4.771089e+00
+3628 6.145228e+00
+3629 1.692333e+01
+3630 2.718074e+01
+3631 3.654830e+01
+3632 4.468072e+01
+3633 5.125878e+01
+3634 5.598916e+01
+3635 5.861521e+01
+3636 5.896148e+01
+3637 5.700446e+01
+3638 5.287482e+01
+3639 4.680322e+01
+3640 3.907117e+01
+3641 2.999263e+01
+3642 1.990769e+01
+3643 9.179443e+00
+3644 -1.814813e+00
+3645 -1.268930e+01
+3646 -2.306394e+01
+3647 -3.257853e+01
+3648 -4.090401e+01
+3649 -4.775487e+01
+3650 -5.289481e+01
+3651 -5.615168e+01
+3652 -5.741363e+01
+3653 -5.664255e+01
+3654 -5.386752e+01
+3655 -4.918790e+01
+3656 -4.276781e+01
+3657 -3.483100e+01
+3658 -2.565364e+01
+3659 -1.555791e+01
+3660 -4.896151e+00
+3661 5.957725e+00
+3662 1.662337e+01
+3663 2.672403e+01
+3664 3.590206e+01
+3665 4.382492e+01
+3666 5.019040e+01
+3667 5.473466e+01
+3668 5.724496e+01
+3669 5.758309e+01
+3670 5.573036e+01
+3671 5.179353e+01
+3672 4.597354e+01
+3673 3.852764e+01
+3674 2.974905e+01
+3675 1.996484e+01
+3676 9.528279e+00
+3677 -1.191456e+00
+3678 -1.181277e+01
+3679 -2.195967e+01
+3680 -3.127952e+01
+3681 -3.945448e+01
+3682 -4.620570e+01
+3683 -5.130161e+01
+3684 -5.456595e+01
+3685 -5.588881e+01
+3686 -5.522570e+01
+3687 -5.260017e+01
+3688 -4.810631e+01
+3689 -4.190316e+01
+3690 -3.420623e+01
+3691 -2.528362e+01
+3692 -1.544715e+01
+3693 -5.041878e+00
+3694 5.563504e+00
+3695 1.599569e+01
+3696 2.588888e+01
+3697 3.488715e+01
+3698 4.265900e+01
+3699 4.890080e+01
+3700 5.334429e+01
+3701 5.578039e+01
+3702 5.609906e+01
+3703 5.431228e+01
+3704 5.053115e+01
+3705 4.494260e+01
+3706 3.778000e+01
+3707 2.931893e+01
+3708 1.986518e+01
+3709 9.758713e+00
+3710 -6.444517e-01
+3711 -1.097719e+01
+3712 -2.088107e+01
+3713 -3.001264e+01
+3714 -3.805832e+01
+3715 -4.473958e+01
+3716 -4.982591e+01
+3717 -5.314164e+01
+3718 -5.457413e+01
+3719 -5.407432e+01
+3720 -5.166288e+01
+3721 -4.742402e+01
+3722 -4.150598e+01
+3723 -3.411408e+01
+3724 -2.550560e+01
+3725 -1.598026e+01
+3726 -5.870831e+00
+3727 4.470819e+00
+3728 1.468149e+01
+3729 2.440249e+01
+3730 3.328517e+01
+3731 4.100683e+01
+3732 4.727728e+01
+3733 5.184925e+01
+3734 5.452946e+01
+3735 5.519355e+01
+3736 5.380158e+01
+3737 5.041010e+01
+3738 4.517201e+01
+3739 3.831387e+01
+3740 3.010721e+01
+3741 2.086079e+01
+3742 1.090501e+01
+3743 5.915944e-01
+3744 -9.714708e+00
+3745 -1.964923e+01
+3746 -2.886565e+01
+3747 -3.704651e+01
+3748 -4.391285e+01
+3749 -4.922438e+01
+3750 -5.279470e+01
+3751 -5.450060e+01
+3752 -5.428036e+01
+3753 -5.213997e+01
+3754 -4.814872e+01
+3755 -4.244240e+01
+3756 -3.521624e+01
+3757 -2.671908e+01
+3758 -1.724447e+01
+3759 -7.120458e+00
+3760 3.301778e+00
+3761 1.365904e+01
+3762 2.358568e+01
+3763 3.273088e+01
+3764 4.076347e+01
+3765 4.737861e+01
+3766 5.230251e+01
+3767 5.530221e+01
+3768 5.621184e+01
+3769 5.497096e+01
+3770 5.164729e+01
+3771 4.642021e+01
+3772 3.953347e+01
+3773 3.126841e+01
+3774 2.193548e+01
+3775 1.187335e+01
+3776 1.438463e+00
+3777 -9.000607e+00
+3778 -1.908245e+01
+3779 -2.845474e+01
+3780 -3.679342e+01
+3781 -4.380933e+01
+3782 -4.925849e+01
+3783 -5.295347e+01
+3784 -5.476742e+01
+3785 -5.464075e+01
+3786 -5.257933e+01
+3787 -4.865483e+01
+3788 -4.300465e+01
+3789 -3.582508e+01
+3790 -2.736621e+01
+3791 -1.792233e+01
+3792 -7.821900e+00
+3793 2.580798e+00
+3794 1.292096e+01
+3795 2.283261e+01
+3796 3.196681e+01
+3797 3.999416e+01
+3798 4.661672e+01
+3799 5.157522e+01
+3800 5.465335e+01
+3801 5.569305e+01
+3802 5.462797e+01
+3803 5.150661e+01
+3804 4.648655e+01
+3805 3.979214e+01
+3806 3.169539e+01
+3807 2.249827e+01
+3808 1.253337e+01
+3809 2.156168e+00
+3810 -8.260332e+00
+3811 -1.834749e+01
+3812 -2.775876e+01
+3813 -3.617578e+01
+3814 -4.330678e+01
+3815 -4.890131e+01
+3816 -5.276294e+01
+3817 -5.475641e+01
+3818 -5.481063e+01
+3819 -5.292134e+01
+3820 -4.914873e+01
+3821 -4.362048e+01
+3822 -3.652466e+01
+3823 -2.810469e+01
+3824 -1.865345e+01
+3825 -8.497545e+00
+3826 2.007616e+00
+3827 1.249376e+01
+3828 2.259246e+01
+3829 3.194346e+01
+3830 4.020652e+01
+3831 4.706618e+01
+3832 5.223071e+01
+3833 5.544903e+01
+3834 5.654326e+01
+3835 5.546230e+01
+3836 5.228647e+01
+3837 4.719746e+01
+3838 4.043159e+01
+3839 3.226293e+01
+3840 2.299944e+01
+3841 1.297422e+01
+3842 2.544126e+00
+3843 -7.925615e+00
+3844 -1.806904e+01
+3845 -2.753410e+01
+3846 -3.599115e+01
+3847 -4.315011e+01
+3848 -4.876325e+01
+3849 -5.263861e+01
+3850 -5.464299e+01
+3851 -5.470922e+01
+3852 -5.283914e+01
+3853 -4.909909e+01
+3854 -4.362020e+01
+3855 -3.659263e+01
+3856 -2.826127e+01
+3857 -1.892030e+01
+3858 -8.894279e+00
+3859 1.467233e+00
+3860 1.179908e+01
+3861 2.173802e+01
+3862 3.093304e+01
+3863 3.905112e+01
+3864 4.579154e+01
+3865 5.088758e+01
+3866 5.411796e+01
+3867 5.532472e+01
+3868 5.446710e+01
+3869 5.161029e+01
+3870 4.688537e+01
+3871 4.048834e+01
+3872 3.266915e+01
+3873 2.371610e+01
+3874 1.395348e+01
+3875 3.726996e+00
+3876 -6.600623e+00
+3877 -1.667079e+01
+3878 -2.613299e+01
+3879 -3.465996e+01
+3880 -4.195346e+01
+3881 -4.776124e+01
+3882 -5.187990e+01
+3883 -5.416581e+01
+3884 -5.453895e+01
+3885 -5.298178e+01
+3886 -4.954661e+01
+3887 -4.435358e+01
+3888 -3.758144e+01
+3889 -2.945904e+01
+3890 -2.026753e+01
+3891 -1.032559e+01
+3892 2.147924e-02
+3893 1.041051e+01
+3894 2.047751e+01
+3895 2.986660e+01
+3896 3.824203e+01
+3897 4.528823e+01
+3898 5.072681e+01
+3899 5.432082e+01
+3900 5.589497e+01
+3901 5.535520e+01
+3902 5.271983e+01
+3903 4.812048e+01
+3904 4.177492e+01
+3905 3.395068e+01
+3906 2.495249e+01
+3907 1.510975e+01
+3908 4.775750e+00
+3909 -5.681328e+00
+3910 -1.588912e+01
+3911 -2.549166e+01
+3912 -3.416313e+01
+3913 -4.161000e+01
+3914 -4.757523e+01
+3915 -5.185180e+01
+3916 -5.429037e+01
+3917 -5.480775e+01
+3918 -5.338686e+01
+3919 -5.007694e+01
+3920 -4.499282e+01
+3921 -3.830748e+01
+3922 -3.025225e+01
+3923 -2.110752e+01
+3924 -1.119118e+01
+3925 -8.470367e-01
+3926 9.562218e+00
+3927 1.967143e+01
+3928 2.912483e+01
+3929 3.758399e+01
+3930 4.473483e+01
+3931 5.029831e+01
+3932 5.403585e+01
+3933 5.576879e+01
+3934 5.540222e+01
+3935 5.294510e+01
+3936 4.852256e+01
+3937 4.234113e+01
+3938 3.465854e+01
+3939 2.576918e+01
+3940 1.600103e+01
+3941 5.702610e+00
+3942 -4.761653e+00
+3943 -1.502598e+01
+3944 -2.472936e+01
+3945 -3.353643e+01
+3946 -4.113946e+01
+3947 -4.727469e+01
+3948 -5.172463e+01
+3949 -5.433494e+01
+3950 -5.501439e+01
+3951 -5.373856e+01
+3952 -5.055275e+01
+3953 -4.556644e+01
+3954 -3.894891e+01
+3955 -3.093117e+01
+3956 -2.179080e+01
+3957 -1.184841e+01
+3958 -1.450444e+00
+3959 9.039720e+00
+3960 1.925232e+01
+3961 2.882520e+01
+3962 3.741170e+01
+3963 4.469263e+01
+3964 5.038912e+01
+3965 5.426193e+01
+3966 5.612562e+01
+3967 5.587219e+01
+3968 5.351159e+01
+3969 4.916382e+01
+3970 4.302970e+01
+3971 3.535968e+01
+3972 2.644560e+01
+3973 1.661203e+01
+3974 6.209815e+00
+3975 -4.394805e+00
+3976 -1.482830e+01
+3977 -2.472187e+01
+3978 -3.373076e+01
+3979 -4.154142e+01
+3980 -4.788125e+01
+3981 -5.252937e+01
+3982 -5.531940e+01
+3983 -5.614978e+01
+3984 -5.498813e+01
+3985 -5.186904e+01
+3986 -4.689562e+01
+3987 -4.023564e+01
+3988 -3.211410e+01
+3989 -2.281225e+01
+3990 -1.265147e+01
+3991 -1.984738e+00
+3992 8.814927e+00
+3993 1.936693e+01
+3994 2.929687e+01
+3995 3.824996e+01
+3996 4.588958e+01
+3997 5.190651e+01
+3998 5.601435e+01
+3999 5.796935e+01
+4000 5.763039e+01
+4001 5.504328e+01
+4002 5.039729e+01
+4003 4.394656e+01
+4004 3.597678e+01
+4005 2.680077e+01
+4006 1.675576e+01
+4007 6.203073e+00
+4008 -4.482545e+00
+4009 -1.492840e+01
+4010 -2.477066e+01
+4011 -3.367427e+01
+4012 -4.133550e+01
+4013 -4.749448e+01
+4014 -5.194592e+01
+4015 -5.454314e+01
+4016 -5.520449e+01
+4017 -5.391417e+01
+4018 -5.072456e+01
+4019 -4.575306e+01
+4020 -3.917927e+01
+4021 -3.123386e+01
+4022 -2.219995e+01
+4023 -1.239345e+01
+4024 -2.159295e+00
+4025 8.142543e+00
+4026 1.814998e+01
+4027 2.751172e+01
+4028 3.589389e+01
+4029 4.299054e+01
+4030 4.853312e+01
+4031 5.229911e+01
+4032 5.413303e+01
+4033 5.397066e+01
+4034 5.183382e+01
+4035 4.782204e+01
+4036 4.209873e+01
+4037 3.488797e+01
+4038 2.646281e+01
+4039 1.713218e+01
+4040 7.231410e+00
+4041 -2.890031e+00
+4042 -1.287143e+01
+4043 -2.236022e+01
+4044 -3.103480e+01
+4045 -3.859811e+01
+4046 -4.478640e+01
+4047 -4.938652e+01
+4048 -5.223595e+01
+4049 -5.323349e+01
+4050 -5.234418e+01
+4051 -4.959799e+01
+4052 -4.508864e+01
+4053 -3.897079e+01
+4054 -3.145118e+01
+4055 -2.279284e+01
+4056 -1.329880e+01
+4057 -3.299467e+00
+4058 6.857664e+00
+4059 1.681697e+01
+4060 2.622710e+01
+4061 3.475287e+01
+4062 4.208439e+01
+4063 4.793811e+01
+4064 5.205713e+01
+4065 5.423947e+01
+4066 5.437892e+01
+4067 5.248457e+01
+4068 4.865961e+01
+4069 4.307683e+01
+4070 3.596274e+01
+4071 2.758657e+01
+4072 1.825207e+01
+4073 8.294870e+00
+4074 -1.934734e+00
+4075 -1.207977e+01
+4076 -2.178617e+01
+4077 -3.071644e+01
+4078 -3.856277e+01
+4079 -4.505022e+01
+4080 -4.995282e+01
+4081 -5.309444e+01
+4082 -5.436415e+01
+4083 -5.371385e+01
+4084 -5.116203e+01
+4085 -4.679608e+01
+4086 -4.076002e+01
+4087 -3.325860e+01
+4088 -2.454952e+01
+4089 -1.493072e+01
+4090 -4.736236e+00
+4091 5.679112e+00
+4092 1.595127e+01
+4093 2.572131e+01
+4094 3.463981e+01
+4095 4.237972e+01
+4096 4.864445e+01
+4097 5.317335e+01
+4098 5.574298e+01
+4099 5.618939e+01
+4100 5.446039e+01
+4101 5.065029e+01
+4102 4.496726e+01
+4103 3.767576e+01
+4104 2.907267e+01
+4105 1.948507e+01
+4106 9.262869e+00
+4107 -1.222294e+00
+4108 -1.159867e+01
+4109 -2.152001e+01
+4110 -3.065080e+01
+4111 -3.867593e+01
+4112 -4.531899e+01
+4113 -5.034716e+01
+4114 -5.358532e+01
+4115 -5.492511e+01
+4116 -5.432000e+01
+4117 -5.178927e+01
+4118 -4.741979e+01
+4119 -4.136547e+01
+4120 -3.383609e+01
+4121 -2.509282e+01
+4122 -1.543719e+01
+4123 -5.209417e+00
+4124 5.236540e+00
+4125 1.553244e+01
+4126 2.531768e+01
+4127 3.424086e+01
+4128 4.197409e+01
+4129 4.821783e+01
+4130 5.270472e+01
+4131 5.522243e+01
+4132 5.564221e+01
+4133 5.394951e+01
+4134 5.025087e+01
+4135 4.473482e+01
+4136 3.764206e+01
+4137 2.924504e+01
+4138 1.985725e+01
+4139 9.813436e+00
+4140 -5.304855e-01
+4141 -1.081010e+01
+4142 -2.066681e+01
+4143 -2.975784e+01
+4144 -3.776878e+01
+4145 -4.442261e+01
+4146 -4.948905e+01
+4147 -5.278980e+01
+4148 -5.421415e+01
+4149 -5.370992e+01
+4150 -5.129948e+01
+4151 -4.707012e+01
+4152 -4.116791e+01
+4153 -3.379815e+01
+4154 -2.521516e+01
+4155 -1.572304e+01
+4156 -5.652585e+00
+4157 4.646228e+00
+4158 1.480887e+01
+4159 2.447772e+01
+4160 3.330520e+01
+4161 4.097691e+01
+4162 4.720457e+01
+4163 5.174249e+01
+4164 5.438611e+01
+4165 5.499646e+01
+4166 5.355452e+01
+4167 5.015475e+01
+4168 4.495300e+01
+4169 3.815329e+01
+4170 3.000908e+01
+4171 2.081298e+01
+4172 1.089210e+01
+4173 5.960606e-01
+4174 -9.716926e+00
+4175 -1.968567e+01
+4176 -2.896533e+01
+4177 -3.723024e+01
+4178 -4.419106e+01
+4179 -4.960438e+01
+4180 -5.327514e+01
+4181 -5.507391e+01
+4182 -5.493070e+01
+4183 -5.284485e+01
+4184 -4.888430e+01
+4185 -4.317614e+01
+4186 -3.591286e+01
+4187 -2.733872e+01
+4188 -1.774910e+01
+4189 -7.474017e+00
+4190 3.129514e+00
+4191 1.369199e+01
+4192 2.384213e+01
+4193 3.322292e+01
+4194 4.148875e+01
+4195 4.832420e+01
+4196 5.344021e+01
+4197 5.657759e+01
+4198 5.754140e+01
+4199 5.626112e+01
+4200 5.282164e+01
+4201 4.742530e+01
+4202 4.033547e+01
+4203 3.185122e+01
+4204 2.229407e+01
+4205 1.201292e+01
+4206 1.376611e+00
+4207 -9.243276e+00
+4208 -1.947430e+01
+4209 -2.896034e+01
+4210 -3.737590e+01
+4211 -4.443412e+01
+4212 -4.989331e+01
+4213 -5.356759e+01
+4214 -5.533639e+01
+4215 -5.514309e+01
+4216 -5.299870e+01
+4217 -4.898085e+01
+4218 -4.323487e+01
+4219 -3.596338e+01
+4220 -2.741928e+01
+4221 -1.790521e+01
+4222 -7.754836e+00
+4223 2.678820e+00
+4224 1.302821e+01
+4225 2.293057e+01
+4226 3.203463e+01
+4227 4.001184e+01
+4228 4.656371e+01
+4229 5.141940e+01
+4230 5.435598e+01
+4231 5.523920e+01
+4232 5.404846e+01
+4233 5.086218e+01
+4234 4.583897e+01
+4235 3.919155e+01
+4236 3.118237e+01
+4237 2.211191e+01
+4238 1.231228e+01
+4239 2.134167e+00
+4240 -8.053065e+00
+4241 -1.789347e+01
+4242 -2.705865e+01
+4243 -3.524423e+01
+4244 -4.216813e+01
+4245 -4.759286e+01
+4246 -5.132944e+01
+4247 -5.324837e+01
+4248 -5.328318e+01
+4249 -5.143553e+01
+4250 -4.776894e+01
+4251 -4.241242e+01
+4252 -3.555017e+01
+4253 -2.741900e+01
+4254 -1.830026e+01
+4255 -8.511222e+00
+4256 1.603945e+00
+4257 1.169399e+01
+4258 2.140337e+01
+4259 3.038779e+01
+4260 3.832184e+01
+4261 4.491335e+01
+4262 4.990172e+01
+4263 5.307375e+01
+4264 5.428668e+01
+4265 5.349152e+01
+4266 5.073530e+01
+4267 4.614139e+01
+4268 3.989827e+01
+4269 3.224038e+01
+4270 2.344862e+01
+4271 1.383512e+01
+4272 3.739984e+00
+4273 -6.480103e+00
+4274 -1.646913e+01
+4275 -2.587993e+01
+4276 -3.438459e+01
+4277 -4.168644e+01
+4278 -4.752780e+01
+4279 -5.170131e+01
+4280 -5.405494e+01
+4281 -5.450408e+01
+4282 -5.302794e+01
+4283 -4.967056e+01
+4284 -4.453958e+01
+4285 -3.780603e+01
+4286 -2.969788e+01
+4287 -2.049100e+01
+4288 -1.050372e+01
+4289 -8.390422e-02
+4290 1.040773e+01
+4291 2.060301e+01
+4292 3.013948e+01
+4293 3.867774e+01
+4294 4.590320e+01
+4295 5.151845e+01
+4296 5.525571e+01
+4297 5.689059e+01
+4298 5.629921e+01
+4299 5.351339e+01
+4300 4.870967e+01
+4301 4.214465e+01
+4302 3.410258e+01
+4303 2.489806e+01
+4304 1.486771e+01
+4305 4.375484e+00
+4306 -6.210427e+00
+4307 -1.652016e+01
+4308 -2.619150e+01
+4309 -3.489062e+01
+4310 -4.231765e+01
+4311 -4.821553e+01
+4312 -5.238109e+01
+4313 -5.467468e+01
+4314 -5.501793e+01
+4315 -5.340352e+01
+4316 -4.989048e+01
+4317 -4.460929e+01
+4318 -3.774251e+01
+4319 -2.953420e+01
+4320 -2.027214e+01
+4321 -1.028356e+01
+4322 8.306844e-02
+4323 1.046301e+01
+4324 2.048922e+01
+4325 2.980818e+01
+4326 3.808437e+01
+4327 4.501528e+01
+4328 5.033845e+01
+4329 5.383792e+01
+4330 5.533394e+01
+4331 5.474456e+01
+4332 5.211962e+01
+4333 4.758833e+01
+4334 4.134160e+01
+4335 3.362078e+01
+4336 2.471653e+01
+4337 1.495704e+01
+4338 4.694951e+00
+4339 -5.697816e+00
+4340 -1.585187e+01
+4341 -2.543190e+01
+4342 -3.411877e+01
+4343 -4.161285e+01
+4344 -4.764811e+01
+4345 -5.200725e+01
+4346 -5.453581e+01
+4347 -5.513888e+01
+4348 -5.378926e+01
+4349 -5.052735e+01
+4350 -4.546148e+01
+4351 -3.876047e+01
+4352 -3.064935e+01
+4353 -2.140511e+01
+4354 -1.134469e+01
+4355 -8.161721e-01
+4356 9.815777e+00
+4357 2.017606e+01
+4358 2.989420e+01
+4359 3.862276e+01
+4360 4.602867e+01
+4361 5.180520e+01
+4362 5.567886e+01
+4363 5.743677e+01
+4364 5.698632e+01
+4365 5.437691e+01
+4366 4.977141e+01
+4367 4.338676e+01
+4368 3.548637e+01
+4369 2.636970e+01
+4370 1.636207e+01
+4371 5.818051e+00
+4372 -4.892211e+00
+4373 -1.539756e+01
+4374 -2.533510e+01
+4375 -3.436075e+01
+4376 -4.216380e+01
+4377 -4.847397e+01
+4378 -5.307023e+01
+4379 -5.579452e+01
+4380 -5.655382e+01
+4381 -5.532460e+01
+4382 -5.214642e+01
+4383 -4.712464e+01
+4384 -4.043397e+01
+4385 -3.230265e+01
+4386 -2.301186e+01
+4387 -1.288065e+01
+4388 -2.261587e+00
+4389 8.473827e+00
+4390 1.894827e+01
+4391 2.879670e+01
+4392 3.766825e+01
+4393 4.523499e+01
+4394 5.119908e+01
+4395 5.530592e+01
+4396 5.734870e+01
+4397 5.720433e+01
+4398 5.486884e+01
+4399 5.047667e+01
+4400 4.425217e+01
+4401 3.647308e+01
+4402 2.744892e+01
+4403 1.751225e+01
+4404 7.021939e+00
+4405 -3.652176e+00
+4406 -1.413259e+01
+4407 -2.405638e+01
+4408 -3.307469e+01
+4409 -4.087877e+01
+4410 -4.719640e+01
+4411 -5.181500e+01
+4412 -5.457753e+01
+4413 -5.539398e+01
+4414 -5.423999e+01
+4415 -5.115719e+01
+4416 -4.626031e+01
+4417 -3.972137e+01
+4418 -3.177220e+01
+4419 -2.269240e+01
+4420 -1.280354e+01
+4421 -2.455476e+00
+4422 7.987311e+00
+4423 1.815822e+01
+4424 2.769800e+01
+4425 3.626532e+01
+4426 4.354847e+01
+4427 4.927098e+01
+4428 5.319899e+01
+4429 5.514396e+01
+4430 5.502582e+01
+4431 5.288089e+01
+4432 4.881589e+01
+4433 4.300107e+01
+4434 3.566211e+01
+4435 2.707123e+01
+4436 1.753586e+01
+4437 7.396438e+00
+4438 -2.991593e+00
+4439 -1.325793e+01
+4440 -2.304650e+01
+4441 -3.201434e+01
+4442 -3.984989e+01
+4443 -4.628245e+01
+4444 -5.108227e+01
+4445 -5.407558e+01
+4446 -5.515517e+01
+4447 -5.427952e+01
+4448 -5.147119e+01
+4449 -4.682790e+01
+4450 -4.050233e+01
+4451 -3.270633e+01
+4452 -2.370902e+01
+4453 -1.381881e+01
+4454 -3.380589e+00
+4455 7.239525e+00
+4456 1.767457e+01
+4457 2.755229e+01
+4458 3.651737e+01
+4459 4.423826e+01
+4460 5.041221e+01
+4461 5.476819e+01
+4462 5.708211e+01
+4463 5.721293e+01
+4464 5.514876e+01
+4465 5.100619e+01
+4466 4.499739e+01
+4467 3.738328e+01
+4468 2.845993e+01
+4469 1.855698e+01
+4470 8.030244e+00
+4471 -2.735733e+00
+4472 -1.335319e+01
+4473 -2.345230e+01
+4474 -3.270523e+01
+4475 -4.080147e+01
+4476 -4.746440e+01
+4477 -5.245956e+01
+4478 -5.561148e+01
+4479 -5.680357e+01
+4480 -5.599781e+01
+4481 -5.321676e+01
+4482 -4.854802e+01
+4483 -4.214918e+01
+4484 -3.423420e+01
+4485 -2.507645e+01
+4486 -1.499202e+01
+4487 -4.326154e+00
+4488 6.553372e+00
+4489 1.726112e+01
+4490 2.741877e+01
+4491 3.666873e+01
+4492 4.467154e+01
+4493 5.111688e+01
+4494 5.572208e+01
+4495 5.823561e+01
+4496 5.848309e+01
+4497 5.644431e+01
+4498 5.226461e+01
+4499 4.618805e+01
+4500 3.849360e+01
+4501 2.948558e+01
+4502 1.949901e+01
+4503 8.891665e+00
+4504 -1.955718e+00
+4505 -1.266295e+01
+4506 -2.286005e+01
+4507 -3.218884e+01
+4508 -4.032928e+01
+4509 -4.700159e+01
+4510 -5.197533e+01
+4511 -5.508312e+01
+4512 -5.622475e+01
+4513 -5.536592e+01
+4514 -5.254060e+01
+4515 -4.785625e+01
+4516 -4.148046e+01
+4517 -3.363751e+01
+4518 -2.460747e+01
+4519 -1.470412e+01
+4520 -4.277665e+00
+4521 6.302666e+00
+4522 1.666489e+01
+4523 2.643920e+01
+4524 3.528101e+01
+4525 4.286840e+01
+4526 4.891400e+01
+4527 5.317046e+01
+4528 5.543774e+01
+4529 5.562964e+01
+4530 5.378025e+01
+4531 4.999208e+01
+4532 4.442404e+01
+4533 3.728933e+01
+4534 2.885494e+01
+4535 1.942160e+01
+4536 9.327666e+00
+4537 -1.074627e+00
+4538 -1.142443e+01
+4539 -2.135690e+01
+4540 -3.052775e+01
+4541 -3.861282e+01
+4542 -4.533349e+01
+4543 -5.044964e+01
+4544 -5.378257e+01
+4545 -5.521433e+01
+4546 -5.468877e+01
+4547 -5.222406e+01
+4548 -4.789794e+01
+4549 -4.185555e+01
+4550 -3.430545e+01
+4551 -2.550397e+01
+4552 -1.575635e+01
+4553 -5.399600e+00
+4554 5.200840e+00
+4555 1.567361e+01
+4556 2.565328e+01
+4557 3.478073e+01
+4558 4.271294e+01
+4559 4.913697e+01
+4560 5.375917e+01
+4561 5.633219e+01
+4562 5.671020e+01
+4563 5.488195e+01
+4564 5.097342e+01
+4565 4.520871e+01
+4566 3.785743e+01
+4567 2.921582e+01
+4568 1.960329e+01
+4569 9.369483e+00
+4570 -1.109722e+00
+4571 -1.145624e+01
+4572 -2.129723e+01
+4573 -3.031907e+01
+4574 -3.823149e+01
+4575 -4.477046e+01
+4576 -4.971333e+01
+4577 -5.289380e+01
+4578 -5.420270e+01
+4579 -5.359994e+01
+4580 -5.110839e+01
+4581 -4.681806e+01
+4582 -4.088207e+01
+4583 -3.350330e+01
+4584 -2.494039e+01
+4585 -1.549270e+01
+4586 -5.487304e+00
+4587 4.724033e+00
+4588 1.478329e+01
+4589 2.433810e+01
+4590 3.305091e+01
+4591 4.060339e+01
+4592 4.670546e+01
+4593 5.109823e+01
+4594 5.358936e+01
+4595 5.409932e+01
+4596 5.263942e+01
+4597 4.927943e+01
+4598 4.415642e+01
+4599 3.747677e+01
+4600 2.949979e+01
+4601 2.052042e+01
+4602 1.086072e+01
+4603 8.616300e-01
+4604 -9.127172e+00
+4605 -1.876110e+01
+4606 -2.770621e+01
+4607 -3.566112e+01
+4608 -4.234579e+01
+4609 -4.753065e+01
+4610 -5.103519e+01
+4611 -5.274370e+01
+4612 -5.259507e+01
+4613 -5.059678e+01
+4614 -4.681441e+01
+4615 -4.138524e+01
+4616 -3.448898e+01
+4617 -2.636873e+01
+4618 -1.730329e+01
+4619 -7.607646e+00
+4620 2.379474e+00
+4621 1.231321e+01
+4622 2.184698e+01
+4623 3.064703e+01
+4624 3.839418e+01
+4625 4.479900e+01
+4626 4.961973e+01
+4627 5.266837e+01
+4628 5.381581e+01
+4629 5.299569e+01
+4630 5.022595e+01
+4631 4.560944e+01
+4632 3.933663e+01
+4633 3.165423e+01
+4634 2.284930e+01
+4635 1.323786e+01
+4636 3.163135e+00
+4637 -7.024695e+00
+4638 -1.696899e+01
+4639 -2.632306e+01
+4640 -3.476292e+01
+4641 -4.199112e+01
+4642 -4.775047e+01
+4643 -5.183396e+01
+4644 -5.409207e+01
+4645 -5.444151e+01
+4646 -5.286133e+01
+4647 -4.939917e+01
+4648 -4.416623e+01
+4649 -3.733690e+01
+4650 -2.914180e+01
+4651 -1.985844e+01
+4652 -9.805819e+00
+4653 6.714026e-01
+4654 1.120685e+01
+4655 2.142365e+01
+4656 3.096430e+01
+4657 3.948164e+01
+4658 4.665844e+01
+4659 5.219952e+01
+4660 5.583126e+01
+4661 5.732967e+01
+4662 5.657844e+01
+4663 5.362253e+01
+4664 4.864715e+01
+4665 4.189939e+01
+4666 3.366584e+01
+4667 2.426871e+01
+4668 1.405146e+01
+4669 3.386132e+00
+4670 -7.337789e+00
+4671 -1.773260e+01
+4672 -2.743760e+01
+4673 -3.614749e+01
+4674 -4.357823e+01
+4675 -4.946879e+01
+4676 -5.361843e+01
+4677 -5.587300e+01
+4678 -5.615919e+01
+4679 -5.446460e+01
+4680 -5.084290e+01
+4681 -4.541343e+01
+4682 -3.835495e+01
+4683 -2.991590e+01
+4684 -2.038236e+01
+4685 -1.008166e+01
+4686 6.259032e-01
+4687 1.136786e+01
+4688 2.176571e+01
+4689 3.144576e+01
+4690 4.006055e+01
+4691 4.728933e+01
+4692 5.282888e+01
+4693 5.642357e+01
+4694 5.786330e+01
+4695 5.704808e+01
+4696 5.404293e+01
+4697 4.903561e+01
+4698 4.227643e+01
+4699 3.404859e+01
+4700 2.466059e+01
+4701 1.445621e+01
+4702 3.800718e+00
+4703 -6.932980e+00
+4704 -1.736880e+01
+4705 -2.713483e+01
+4706 -3.589136e+01
+4707 -4.333725e+01
+4708 -4.921349e+01
+4709 -5.332011e+01
+4710 -5.551541e+01
+4711 -5.572749e+01
+4712 -5.395082e+01
+4713 -5.024756e+01
+4714 -4.474933e+01
+4715 -3.764865e+01
+4716 -2.919631e+01
+4717 -1.969221e+01
+4718 -9.472923e+00
+4719 1.092302e+00
+4720 1.163415e+01
+4721 2.177793e+01
+4722 3.116319e+01
+4723 3.944762e+01
+4724 4.632865e+01
+4725 5.153533e+01
+4726 5.480804e+01
+4727 5.593570e+01
+4728 5.492164e+01
+4729 5.190563e+01
+4730 4.705418e+01
+4731 4.055900e+01
+4732 3.266264e+01
+4733 2.365158e+01
+4734 1.384954e+01
+4735 3.601203e+00
+4736 -6.732448e+00
+4737 -1.678846e+01
+4738 -2.622355e+01
+4739 -3.470704e+01
+4740 -4.194756e+01
+4741 -4.769919e+01
+4742 -5.176533e+01
+4743 -5.400353e+01
+4744 -5.433631e+01
+4745 -5.274833e+01
+4746 -4.929336e+01
+4747 -4.409555e+01
+4748 -3.732460e+01
+4749 -2.921604e+01
+4750 -2.005407e+01
+4751 -1.015631e+01
+4752 1.302347e-01
+4753 1.044688e+01
+4754 2.043435e+01
+4755 2.974518e+01
+4756 3.803137e+01
+4757 4.498171e+01
+4758 5.029554e+01
+4759 5.375024e+01
+4760 5.519255e+01
+4761 5.455771e+01
+4762 5.188541e+01
+4763 4.729075e+01
+4764 4.097978e+01
+4765 3.321439e+01
+4766 2.430096e+01
+4767 1.456425e+01
+4768 4.371271e+00
+4769 -5.891953e+00
+4770 -1.584192e+01
+4771 -2.515504e+01
+4772 -3.355663e+01
+4773 -4.078421e+01
+4774 -4.659024e+01
+4775 -5.077140e+01
+4776 -5.318070e+01
+4777 -5.373873e+01
+4778 -5.240813e+01
+4779 -4.923519e+01
+4780 -4.432311e+01
+4781 -3.784379e+01
+4782 -3.000903e+01
+4783 -2.107840e+01
+4784 -1.136863e+01
+4785 -1.202487e+00
+4786 9.060648e+00
+4787 1.907419e+01
+4788 2.848533e+01
+4789 3.694916e+01
+4790 4.415531e+01
+4791 4.978922e+01
+4792 5.360140e+01
+4793 5.544285e+01
+4794 5.524713e+01
+4795 5.302044e+01
+4796 4.884340e+01
+4797 4.291249e+01
+4798 3.547035e+01
+4799 2.681087e+01
+4800 1.725354e+01
+4801 7.142780e+00
+4802 -3.185601e+00
+4803 -1.336263e+01
+4804 -2.304860e+01
+4805 -3.190426e+01
+4806 -3.963204e+01
+4807 -4.596586e+01
+4808 -5.068373e+01
+4809 -5.363096e+01
+4810 -5.470761e+01
+4811 -5.386892e+01
+4812 -5.114224e+01
+4813 -4.663361e+01
+4814 -4.048935e+01
+4815 -3.291317e+01
+4816 -2.416960e+01
+4817 -1.455606e+01
+4818 -4.414015e+00
+4819 5.920760e+00
+4820 1.607749e+01
+4821 2.570447e+01
+4822 3.446586e+01
+4823 4.205198e+01
+4824 4.817272e+01
+4825 5.260287e+01
+4826 5.515779e+01
+4827 5.572029e+01
+4828 5.423966e+01
+4829 5.076941e+01
+4830 4.544180e+01
+4831 3.846751e+01
+4832 3.010521e+01
+4833 2.066512e+01
+4834 1.047687e+01
+4835 -1.066927e-01
+4836 -1.070776e+01
+4837 -2.096716e+01
+4838 -3.050913e+01
+4839 -3.900640e+01
+4840 -4.615235e+01
+4841 -5.168755e+01
+4842 -5.541008e+01
+4843 -5.717659e+01
+4844 -5.690884e+01
+4845 -5.461013e+01
+4846 -5.033979e+01
+4847 -4.423150e+01
+4848 -3.647869e+01
+4849 -2.735267e+01
+4850 -1.715956e+01
+4851 -6.250633e+00
+4852 4.994705e+00
+4853 1.618437e+01
+4854 2.692211e+01
+4855 3.680951e+01
+4856 4.546659e+01
+4857 5.255378e+01
+4858 5.773541e+01
+4859 6.067124e+01
+4860 6.114971e+01
+4861 5.913702e+01
+4862 5.482156e+01
+4863 4.846391e+01
+4864 4.036319e+01
+4865 3.085159e+01
+4866 2.028679e+01
+4867 9.052592e+00
+4868 -2.451941e+00
+4869 -1.379480e+01
+4870 -2.456614e+01
+4871 -3.437629e+01
+4872 -4.290425e+01
+4873 -4.985819e+01
+4874 -5.501022e+01
+4875 -5.818885e+01
+4876 -5.927634e+01
+4877 -5.822360e+01
+4878 -5.507568e+01
+4879 -4.993809e+01
+4880 -4.299073e+01
+4881 -3.447244e+01
+4882 -2.468221e+01
+4883 -1.396432e+01
+4884 -2.693261e+00
+4885 8.724401e+00
+4886 1.988069e+01
+4887 3.036042e+01
+4888 3.977751e+01
+4889 4.777781e+01
+4890 5.402958e+01
+4891 5.819301e+01
+4892 5.988982e+01
+4893 5.905877e+01
+4894 5.596327e+01
+4895 5.090256e+01
+4896 4.411355e+01
+4897 3.587184e+01
+4898 2.649226e+01
+4899 1.631233e+01
+4900 5.713810e+00
+4901 -4.919814e+00
+4902 -1.520830e+01
+4903 -2.476609e+01
+4904 -3.329018e+01
+4905 -4.049657e+01
+4906 -4.621983e+01
+4907 -5.028251e+01
+4908 -5.257423e+01
+4909 -5.302437e+01
+4910 -5.165742e+01
+4911 -4.851389e+01
+4912 -4.374096e+01
+4913 -3.749150e+01
+4914 -3.000941e+01
+4915 -2.156666e+01
+4916 -1.246422e+01
+4917 -3.017683e+00
+4918 6.422557e+00
+4919 1.555618e+01
+4920 2.405322e+01
+4921 3.160554e+01
+4922 3.794843e+01
+4923 4.286768e+01
+4924 4.619355e+01
+4925 4.780521e+01
+4926 4.769971e+01
+4927 4.592959e+01
+4928 4.257095e+01
+4929 3.779174e+01
+4930 3.176531e+01
+4931 2.471606e+01
+4932 1.689874e+01
+4933 8.617540e+00
+4934 1.703621e-01
+4935 -8.130888e+00
+4936 -1.598533e+01
+4937 -2.310969e+01
+4938 -2.930307e+01
+4939 -3.435367e+01
+4940 -3.814459e+01
+4941 -4.057307e+01
+4942 -4.153809e+01
+4943 -4.105479e+01
+4944 -3.914743e+01
+4945 -3.589703e+01
+4946 -3.142393e+01
+4947 -2.592125e+01
+4948 -1.956490e+01
+4949 -1.263198e+01
+4950 -5.370710e+00
+4951 1.976129e+00
+4952 9.140675e+00
+4953 1.585039e+01
+4954 2.186122e+01
+4955 2.698743e+01
+4956 3.104661e+01
+4957 3.386452e+01
+4958 3.538862e+01
+4959 3.559009e+01
+4960 3.444519e+01
+4961 3.200685e+01
+4962 2.839172e+01
+4963 2.377997e+01
+4964 1.831010e+01
+4965 1.224971e+01
+4966 5.856418e+00
+4967 -4.944697e-01
+4968 -6.423109e+00
+4969 -1.163972e+01
+4970 -1.615961e+01
+4971 -2.009827e+01
+4972 -2.332795e+01
+4973 -2.583205e+01
+4974 -2.747792e+01
+4975 -2.820853e+01
+4976 -2.799662e+01
+4977 -2.682831e+01
+4978 -2.480634e+01
+4979 -2.189112e+01
+4980 -1.817577e+01
+4981 -1.380404e+01
+4982 -8.829511e+00
+4983 -3.499735e+00
+4984 2.061637e+00
+4985 7.739333e+00
+4986 1.334463e+01
+4987 1.877741e+01
+4988 2.375684e+01
+4989 2.827997e+01
+4990 3.210822e+01
+4991 3.536532e+01
+4992 3.776108e+01
+4993 3.909350e+01
+4994 3.973458e+01
+4995 3.948256e+01
+4996 3.822537e+01
+4997 3.623363e+01
+4998 3.338150e+01
+4999 2.967420e+01
diff --git a/tests/corr/amplitude_tisean_norm.dat b/tests/corr/amplitude_tisean_norm.dat
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a186810
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/corr/amplitude_tisean_norm.dat
@@ -0,0 +1,5002 @@
+# average=1.463300e-01
+# standard deviation=7.994755e+00
+0 1.000000e+00
+1 9.793290e-01
+2 9.193089e-01
+3 8.246236e-01
+4 7.007516e-01
+5 5.532659e-01
+6 3.879377e-01
+7 2.108424e-01
+8 2.832173e-02
+9 -1.531879e-01
+10 -3.273682e-01
+11 -4.882266e-01
+12 -6.302849e-01
+13 -7.487616e-01
+14 -8.397267e-01
+15 -9.002571e-01
+16 -9.284974e-01
+17 -9.237175e-01
+18 -8.863185e-01
+19 -8.178334e-01
+20 -7.208814e-01
+21 -5.990426e-01
+22 -4.567304e-01
+23 -2.990442e-01
+24 -1.315879e-01
+25 3.970684e-02
+26 2.088016e-01
+27 3.697590e-01
+28 5.169180e-01
+29 6.450538e-01
+30 7.495277e-01
+31 8.264515e-01
+32 8.729085e-01
+33 8.872058e-01
+34 8.690601e-01
+35 8.195393e-01
+36 7.408181e-01
+37 6.360214e-01
+38 5.091068e-01
+39 3.647074e-01
+40 2.080065e-01
+41 4.456584e-02
+42 -1.198414e-01
+43 -2.794300e-01
+44 -4.286040e-01
+45 -5.621425e-01
+46 -6.753938e-01
+47 -7.644159e-01
+48 -8.260943e-01
+49 -8.582880e-01
+50 -8.598855e-01
+51 -8.308293e-01
+52 -7.721393e-01
+53 -6.858566e-01
+54 -5.750027e-01
+55 -4.434551e-01
+56 -2.958097e-01
+57 -1.372251e-01
+58 2.673082e-02
+59 1.902937e-01
+60 3.476808e-01
+61 4.932824e-01
+62 6.218050e-01
+63 7.283754e-01
+64 8.086940e-01
+65 8.592392e-01
+66 8.777202e-01
+67 8.634779e-01
+68 8.174308e-01
+69 7.417130e-01
+70 6.394290e-01
+71 5.144604e-01
+72 3.713426e-01
+73 2.151582e-01
+74 5.140898e-02
+75 -1.141692e-01
+76 -2.757748e-01
+77 -4.277501e-01
+78 -5.647837e-01
+79 -6.820522e-01
+80 -7.754169e-01
+81 -8.415481e-01
+82 -8.780574e-01
+83 -8.835957e-01
+84 -8.578624e-01
+85 -8.016423e-01
+86 -7.167555e-01
+87 -6.060343e-01
+88 -4.732360e-01
+89 -3.229014e-01
+90 -1.601857e-01
+91 9.279814e-03
+92 1.796047e-01
+93 3.448085e-01
+94 4.990218e-01
+95 6.366757e-01
+96 7.525921e-01
+97 8.420125e-01
+98 9.007198e-01
+99 9.253026e-01
+100 9.139393e-01
+101 8.671741e-01
+102 7.877286e-01
+103 6.796701e-01
+104 5.477295e-01
+105 3.970956e-01
+106 2.333188e-01
+107 6.226487e-02
+108 -1.100069e-01
+109 -2.774501e-01
+110 -4.342602e-01
+111 -5.750586e-01
+112 -6.949814e-01
+113 -7.899211e-01
+114 -8.566362e-01
+115 -8.928828e-01
+116 -8.974709e-01
+117 -8.702991e-01
+118 -8.123523e-01
+119 -7.256933e-01
+120 -6.133811e-01
+121 -4.793476e-01
+122 -3.282899e-01
+123 -1.654917e-01
+124 3.354403e-03
+125 1.723317e-01
+126 3.355083e-01
+127 4.871063e-01
+128 6.216878e-01
+129 7.342697e-01
+130 8.204625e-01
+131 8.766618e-01
+132 9.003160e-01
+133 8.902418e-01
+134 8.469044e-01
+135 7.724385e-01
+136 6.702130e-01
+137 5.444087e-01
+138 3.997987e-01
+139 2.416502e-01
+140 7.558278e-02
+141 -9.254433e-02
+142 -2.568346e-01
+143 -4.115416e-01
+144 -5.512770e-01
+145 -6.711844e-01
+146 -7.670971e-01
+147 -8.356741e-01
+148 -8.745418e-01
+149 -8.823567e-01
+150 -8.588540e-01
+151 -8.048582e-01
+152 -7.222346e-01
+153 -6.138484e-01
+154 -4.834863e-01
+155 -3.356822e-01
+156 -1.755816e-01
+157 -8.751439e-03
+158 1.589506e-01
+159 3.216184e-01
+160 4.734879e-01
+161 6.091079e-01
+162 7.234480e-01
+163 8.120113e-01
+164 8.709619e-01
+165 8.973890e-01
+166 8.898354e-01
+167 8.487542e-01
+168 7.763487e-01
+169 6.759806e-01
+170 5.517493e-01
+171 4.083269e-01
+172 2.509056e-01
+173 8.507790e-02
+174 -8.331247e-02
+175 -2.483578e-01
+176 -4.042936e-01
+177 -5.456813e-01
+178 -6.675883e-01
+179 -7.657487e-01
+180 -8.367249e-01
+181 -8.780405e-01
+182 -8.882504e-01
+183 -8.669818e-01
+184 -8.149268e-01
+185 -7.338439e-01
+186 -6.265204e-01
+187 -4.966626e-01
+188 -3.487645e-01
+189 -1.879417e-01
+190 -1.980378e-02
+191 1.497591e-01
+192 3.147875e-01
+193 4.694451e-01
+194 6.081647e-01
+195 7.258079e-01
+196 8.177334e-01
+197 8.799285e-01
+198 9.092291e-01
+199 9.038668e-01
+200 8.640581e-01
+201 7.919802e-01
+202 6.911541e-01
+203 5.658913e-01
+204 4.210298e-01
+205 2.618679e-01
+206 9.409034e-02
+207 -7.638114e-02
+208 -2.435598e-01
+209 -4.015909e-01
+210 -5.449683e-01
+211 -6.687164e-01
+212 -7.685525e-01
+213 -8.410219e-01
+214 -8.836135e-01
+215 -8.948538e-01
+216 -8.743528e-01
+217 -8.228309e-01
+218 -7.420672e-01
+219 -6.348624e-01
+220 -5.049398e-01
+221 -3.568186e-01
+222 -1.956692e-01
+223 -2.710105e-02
+224 1.429951e-01
+225 3.086401e-01
+226 4.639587e-01
+227 6.033889e-01
+228 7.217907e-01
+229 8.145414e-01
+230 8.775881e-01
+231 9.077444e-01
+232 9.033130e-01
+233 8.645731e-01
+234 7.936767e-01
+235 6.940849e-01
+236 5.700279e-01
+237 4.263023e-01
+238 2.681704e-01
+239 1.012851e-01
+240 -6.846759e-02
+241 -2.351115e-01
+242 -3.928357e-01
+243 -5.361407e-01
+244 -6.600474e-01
+245 -7.602595e-01
+246 -8.333143e-01
+247 -8.767165e-01
+248 -8.889847e-01
+249 -8.697009e-01
+250 -8.195503e-01
+251 -7.402840e-01
+252 -6.346875e-01
+253 -5.064519e-01
+254 -3.600418e-01
+255 -2.005626e-01
+256 -3.359091e-02
+257 1.350127e-01
+258 2.993220e-01
+259 4.535237e-01
+260 5.921065e-01
+261 7.099612e-01
+262 8.024786e-01
+263 8.657122e-01
+264 8.966610e-01
+265 8.937576e-01
+266 8.572572e-01
+267 7.890982e-01
+268 6.924417e-01
+269 5.712806e-01
+270 4.302351e-01
+271 2.744690e-01
+272 1.095436e-01
+273 -5.869045e-02
+274 -2.243023e-01
+275 -3.815104e-01
+276 -5.248856e-01
+277 -6.494548e-01
+278 -7.508751e-01
+279 -8.256112e-01
+280 -8.710495e-01
+281 -8.856132e-01
+282 -8.687950e-01
+283 -8.211542e-01
+284 -7.443224e-01
+285 -6.409406e-01
+286 -5.145854e-01
+287 -3.696336e-01
+288 -2.111063e-01
+289 -4.452701e-02
+290 1.242786e-01
+291 2.893759e-01
+292 4.449362e-01
+293 5.853838e-01
+294 7.055338e-01
+295 8.007135e-01
+296 8.668979e-01
+297 9.009343e-01
+298 9.009633e-01
+299 8.668733e-01
+300 8.004257e-01
+301 7.048308e-01
+302 5.841837e-01
+303 4.431762e-01
+304 2.869714e-01
+305 1.211667e-01
+306 -4.839210e-02
+307 -2.157624e-01
+308 -3.750905e-01
+309 -5.208026e-01
+310 -6.478100e-01
+311 -7.517129e-01
+312 -8.289008e-01
+313 -8.766782e-01
+314 -8.933648e-01
+315 -8.783754e-01
+316 -8.322229e-01
+317 -7.564911e-01
+318 -6.537772e-01
+319 -5.276380e-01
+320 -3.824462e-01
+321 -2.232484e-01
+322 -5.559514e-02
+323 1.146669e-01
+324 2.815634e-01
+325 4.391952e-01
+326 5.819337e-01
+327 7.045094e-01
+328 8.021698e-01
+329 8.707367e-01
+330 9.068487e-01
+331 9.084964e-01
+332 8.755761e-01
+333 8.099000e-01
+334 7.147430e-01
+335 5.942398e-01
+336 4.531242e-01
+337 2.966188e-01
+338 1.303393e-01
+339 -3.983226e-02
+340 -2.079141e-01
+341 -3.680362e-01
+342 -5.146341e-01
+343 -6.426263e-01
+344 -7.475642e-01
+345 -8.258001e-01
+346 -8.746519e-01
+347 -8.924666e-01
+348 -8.786567e-01
+349 -8.336967e-01
+350 -7.591285e-01
+351 -6.575571e-01
+352 -5.325299e-01
+353 -3.884068e-01
+354 -2.302133e-01
+355 -6.347744e-02
+356 1.059574e-01
+357 2.721506e-01
+358 4.292275e-01
+359 5.715613e-01
+360 6.939053e-01
+361 7.914836e-01
+362 8.601239e-01
+363 8.965835e-01
+364 8.990125e-01
+365 8.673786e-01
+366 8.034488e-01
+367 7.103921e-01
+368 5.922538e-01
+369 4.536778e-01
+370 2.997953e-01
+371 1.361360e-01
+372 -3.150872e-02
+373 -1.972440e-01
+374 -3.552871e-01
+375 -5.001393e-01
+376 -6.267814e-01
+377 -7.308343e-01
+378 -8.087158e-01
+379 -8.577552e-01
+380 -8.762880e-01
+381 -8.637182e-01
+382 -8.205129e-01
+383 -7.482091e-01
+384 -6.493581e-01
+385 -5.274338e-01
+386 -3.867000e-01
+387 -2.320671e-01
+388 -6.893603e-02
+389 9.697918e-02
+390 2.598456e-01
+391 4.139031e-01
+392 5.536560e-01
+393 6.740325e-01
+394 7.705279e-01
+395 8.393326e-01
+396 8.774959e-01
+397 8.832149e-01
+398 8.561186e-01
+399 7.973831e-01
+400 7.095529e-01
+401 5.961867e-01
+402 4.616220e-01
+403 3.107901e-01
+404 1.491009e-01
+405 -1.772829e-02
+406 -1.838325e-01
+407 -3.433743e-01
+408 -4.907494e-01
+409 -6.207859e-01
+410 -7.289188e-01
+411 -8.113258e-01
+412 -8.650766e-01
+413 -8.882230e-01
+414 -8.798790e-01
+415 -8.402450e-01
+416 -7.706131e-01
+417 -6.733074e-01
+418 -5.516166e-01
+419 -4.097006e-01
+420 -2.524485e-01
+421 -8.531005e-02
+422 8.588716e-02
+423 2.551333e-01
+424 4.164452e-01
+425 5.640491e-01
+426 6.924740e-01
+427 7.966841e-01
+428 8.721471e-01
+429 9.150321e-01
+430 9.227990e-01
+431 8.949622e-01
+432 8.331791e-01
+433 7.407642e-01
+434 6.219776e-01
+435 4.816347e-01
+436 3.250055e-01
+437 1.577456e-01
+438 -1.421692e-02
+439 -1.848613e-01
+440 -3.482309e-01
+441 -4.986621e-01
+442 -6.309337e-01
+443 -7.404851e-01
+444 -8.235500e-01
+445 -8.772960e-01
+446 -8.999072e-01
+447 -8.906592e-01
+448 -8.499143e-01
+449 -7.791033e-01
+450 -6.807124e-01
+451 -5.581910e-01
+452 -4.158264e-01
+453 -2.585898e-01
+454 -9.196807e-02
+455 7.821515e-02
+456 2.459850e-01
+457 4.054369e-01
+458 5.509037e-01
+459 6.770840e-01
+460 7.791767e-01
+461 8.529783e-01
+462 8.951143e-01
+463 9.034229e-01
+464 8.774026e-01
+465 8.184354e-01
+466 7.295295e-01
+467 6.147208e-01
+468 4.786586e-01
+469 3.264630e-01
+470 1.636448e-01
+471 -4.003231e-03
+472 -1.705631e-01
+473 -3.301717e-01
+474 -4.772728e-01
+475 -6.068105e-01
+476 -7.143241e-01
+477 -7.961308e-01
+478 -8.494288e-01
+479 -8.724263e-01
+480 -8.643927e-01
+481 -8.256604e-01
+482 -7.576290e-01
+483 -6.627142e-01
+484 -5.442734e-01
+485 -4.064798e-01
+486 -2.541722e-01
+487 -9.270488e-02
+488 7.224331e-02
+489 2.348696e-01
+490 3.894363e-01
+491 5.304491e-01
+492 6.527973e-01
+493 7.518979e-01
+494 8.238705e-01
+495 8.657327e-01
+496 8.756911e-01
+497 8.533170e-01
+498 7.996263e-01
+499 7.169133e-01
+500 6.084798e-01
+501 4.783966e-01
+502 3.313855e-01
+503 1.726921e-01
+504 7.908628e-03
+505 -1.571692e-01
+506 -3.167518e-01
+507 -4.652377e-01
+508 -5.973961e-01
+509 -7.085567e-01
+510 -7.947674e-01
+511 -8.529384e-01
+512 -8.809640e-01
+513 -8.777777e-01
+514 -8.433806e-01
+515 -7.788543e-01
+516 -6.863274e-01
+517 -5.689291e-01
+518 -4.306565e-01
+519 -2.762635e-01
+520 -1.110797e-01
+521 5.917031e-02
+522 2.285262e-01
+523 3.910043e-01
+524 5.407760e-01
+525 6.723071e-01
+526 7.804460e-01
+527 8.605170e-01
+528 9.085360e-01
+529 9.217132e-01
+530 8.992459e-01
+531 8.425246e-01
+532 7.546485e-01
+533 6.397659e-01
+534 5.026227e-01
+535 3.484350e-01
+536 1.827891e-01
+537 1.158768e-02
+538 -1.591623e-01
+539 -3.234884e-01
+540 -4.756899e-01
+541 -6.105052e-01
+542 -7.233023e-01
+543 -8.102066e-01
+544 -8.682519e-01
+545 -8.954758e-01
+546 -8.910019e-01
+547 -8.550412e-01
+548 -7.888793e-01
+549 -6.948301e-01
+550 -5.761977e-01
+551 -4.371312e-01
+552 -2.824874e-01
+553 -1.176557e-01
+554 5.159022e-02
+555 2.193198e-01
+556 3.796379e-01
+557 5.268690e-01
+558 6.557014e-01
+559 7.613397e-01
+560 8.395866e-01
+561 8.870039e-01
+562 9.011977e-01
+563 8.812887e-01
+564 8.282550e-01
+565 7.447424e-01
+566 6.345255e-01
+567 5.020882e-01
+568 3.524751e-01
+569 1.911606e-01
+570 2.391781e-02
+571 -1.433284e-01
+572 -3.047098e-01
+573 -4.545962e-01
+574 -5.878162e-01
+575 -6.997542e-01
+576 -7.865463e-01
+577 -8.451929e-01
+578 -8.737037e-01
+579 -8.711233e-01
+580 -8.375842e-01
+581 -7.742735e-01
+582 -6.834066e-01
+583 -5.681948e-01
+584 -4.326826e-01
+585 -2.816037e-01
+586 -1.202532e-01
+587 4.569740e-02
+588 2.103966e-01
+589 3.680304e-01
+590 5.129719e-01
+591 6.399027e-01
+592 7.439459e-01
+593 8.208633e-01
+594 8.673250e-01
+595 8.813869e-01
+596 8.626654e-01
+597 8.122577e-01
+598 7.324628e-01
+599 6.265822e-01
+600 4.986880e-01
+601 3.534807e-01
+602 1.961739e-01
+603 3.231898e-02
+604 -1.323208e-01
+605 -2.919896e-01
+606 -4.411239e-01
+607 -5.745138e-01
+608 -6.874915e-01
+609 -7.761067e-01
+610 -8.372488e-01
+611 -8.687802e-01
+612 -8.695784e-01
+613 -8.395870e-01
+614 -7.797932e-01
+615 -6.922135e-01
+616 -5.798492e-01
+617 -4.465750e-01
+618 -2.969836e-01
+619 -1.362671e-01
+620 2.999073e-02
+621 1.959927e-01
+622 3.558975e-01
+623 5.040211e-01
+624 6.349898e-01
+625 7.438989e-01
+626 8.263834e-01
+627 8.787488e-01
+628 8.983315e-01
+629 8.838880e-01
+630 8.359958e-01
+631 7.569808e-01
+632 6.504731e-01
+633 5.209138e-01
+634 3.732579e-01
+635 2.128883e-01
+636 4.551363e-02
+637 -1.229531e-01
+638 -2.866000e-01
+639 -4.397011e-01
+640 -5.769298e-01
+641 -6.935017e-01
+642 -7.853495e-01
+643 -8.492924e-01
+644 -8.830949e-01
+645 -8.855759e-01
+646 -8.566360e-01
+647 -7.972576e-01
+648 -7.094874e-01
+649 -5.963604e-01
+650 -4.617715e-01
+651 -3.104026e-01
+652 -1.475371e-01
+653 2.114884e-02
+654 1.897422e-01
+655 3.522894e-01
+656 5.030226e-01
+657 6.364718e-01
+658 7.476306e-01
+659 8.320252e-01
+660 8.859369e-01
+661 9.066590e-01
+662 8.928626e-01
+663 8.451340e-01
+664 7.659297e-01
+665 6.589925e-01
+666 5.288381e-01
+667 3.804883e-01
+668 2.193788e-01
+669 5.127469e-02
+670 -1.178546e-01
+671 -2.820698e-01
+672 -4.356676e-01
+673 -5.733379e-01
+674 -6.903016e-01
+675 -7.825124e-01
+676 -8.467860e-01
+677 -8.809237e-01
+678 -8.837582e-01
+679 -8.552129e-01
+680 -7.962993e-01
+681 -7.090708e-01
+682 -5.965759e-01
+683 -4.627486e-01
+684 -3.122661e-01
+685 -1.503870e-01
+686 1.722271e-02
+687 1.846804e-01
+688 3.460709e-01
+689 4.956575e-01
+690 6.280076e-01
+691 7.381351e-01
+692 8.216258e-01
+693 8.748457e-01
+694 8.953248e-01
+695 8.821814e-01
+696 8.362161e-01
+697 7.596779e-01
+698 6.559003e-01
+699 5.290031e-01
+700 3.837541e-01
+701 2.254236e-01
+702 5.964518e-02
+703 -1.077422e-01
+704 -2.708778e-01
+705 -4.240616e-01
+706 -5.619426e-01
+707 -6.797236e-01
+708 -7.732991e-01
+709 -8.393970e-01
+710 -8.757005e-01
+711 -8.809648e-01
+712 -8.550110e-01
+713 -7.987110e-01
+714 -7.139820e-01
+715 -6.037302e-01
+716 -4.717684e-01
+717 -3.226931e-01
+718 -1.616830e-01
+719 5.650485e-03
+720 1.734342e-01
+721 3.357551e-01
+722 4.868472e-01
+723 6.212434e-01
+724 7.339068e-01
+725 8.203583e-01
+726 8.768280e-01
+727 9.005030e-01
+728 8.900492e-01
+729 8.460260e-01
+730 7.707283e-01
+731 6.676194e-01
+732 5.409553e-01
+733 3.955691e-01
+734 2.367456e-01
+735 7.015917e-02
+736 -9.830885e-02
+737 -2.627552e-01
+738 -4.174443e-01
+739 -5.570016e-01
+740 -6.765741e-01
+741 -7.720002e-01
+742 -8.399686e-01
+743 -8.781124e-01
+744 -8.851100e-01
+745 -8.607351e-01
+746 -8.058191e-01
+747 -7.222530e-01
+748 -6.129518e-01
+749 -4.817082e-01
+750 -3.330745e-01
+751 -1.722280e-01
+752 -4.774171e-03
+753 1.634186e-01
+754 3.264450e-01
+755 4.785367e-01
+756 6.142114e-01
+757 7.284186e-01
+758 8.166628e-01
+759 8.751859e-01
+760 9.011527e-01
+761 8.930361e-01
+762 8.511012e-01
+763 7.774666e-01
+764 6.755920e-01
+765 5.497653e-01
+766 4.048618e-01
+767 2.462052e-01
+768 7.947242e-02
+769 -8.944885e-02
+770 -2.546063e-01
+771 -4.101962e-01
+772 -5.507986e-01
+773 -6.715465e-01
+774 -7.682399e-01
+775 -8.375246e-01
+776 -8.770062e-01
+777 -8.853469e-01
+778 -8.622707e-01
+779 -8.085568e-01
+780 -7.260522e-01
+781 -6.176372e-01
+782 -4.870949e-01
+783 -3.389635e-01
+784 -1.784146e-01
+785 -1.106863e-02
+786 1.572011e-01
+787 3.204778e-01
+788 4.729444e-01
+789 6.090532e-01
+790 7.236695e-01
+791 8.121657e-01
+792 8.706292e-01
+793 8.962388e-01
+794 8.878229e-01
+795 8.460493e-01
+796 7.731514e-01
+797 6.724975e-01
+798 5.482473e-01
+799 4.051572e-01
+800 2.484762e-01
+801 8.383165e-02
+802 -8.296497e-02
+803 -2.460690e-01
+804 -3.997866e-01
+805 -5.387794e-01
+806 -6.582330e-01
+807 -7.540275e-01
+808 -8.228638e-01
+809 -8.623971e-01
+810 -8.713030e-01
+811 -8.493088e-01
+812 -7.972235e-01
+813 -7.168924e-01
+814 -6.111340e-01
+815 -4.836410e-01
+816 -3.388772e-01
+817 -1.819105e-01
+818 -1.821286e-02
+819 1.464707e-01
+820 3.063455e-01
+821 4.557464e-01
+822 5.893043e-01
+823 7.021073e-01
+824 7.898250e-01
+825 8.489015e-01
+826 8.767832e-01
+827 8.721601e-01
+828 8.351670e-01
+829 7.674145e-01
+830 6.717834e-01
+831 5.521280e-01
+832 4.129974e-01
+833 2.594757e-01
+834 9.706048e-02
+835 -6.849470e-02
+836 -2.313401e-01
+837 -3.857887e-01
+838 -5.264915e-01
+839 -6.485378e-01
+840 -7.476350e-01
+841 -8.202962e-01
+842 -8.639266e-01
+843 -8.769625e-01
+844 -8.589022e-01
+845 -8.103078e-01
+846 -7.327890e-01
+847 -6.289622e-01
+848 -5.023783e-01
+849 -3.573979e-01
+850 -1.990572e-01
+851 -3.283688e-02
+852 1.354685e-01
+853 2.999565e-01
+854 4.547870e-01
+855 5.943733e-01
+856 7.135227e-01
+857 8.075683e-01
+858 8.724912e-01
+859 9.051731e-01
+860 9.037124e-01
+861 8.678548e-01
+862 7.992568e-01
+863 7.011945e-01
+864 5.779280e-01
+865 4.343294e-01
+866 2.757249e-01
+867 1.078244e-01
+868 -6.344826e-02
+869 -2.320583e-01
+870 -3.920995e-01
+871 -5.379771e-01
+872 -6.645777e-01
+873 -7.674851e-01
+874 -8.431028e-01
+875 -8.887780e-01
+876 -9.029048e-01
+877 -8.849643e-01
+878 -8.355576e-01
+879 -7.563562e-01
+880 -6.500853e-01
+881 -5.204096e-01
+882 -3.718225e-01
+883 -2.094812e-01
+884 -3.906456e-02
+885 1.334687e-01
+886 3.020369e-01
+887 4.606604e-01
+888 6.036127e-01
+889 7.255455e-01
+890 8.215743e-01
+891 8.874554e-01
+892 9.198837e-01
+893 9.170057e-01
+894 8.789407e-01
+895 8.079396e-01
+896 7.076632e-01
+897 5.825212e-01
+898 4.374372e-01
+899 2.777695e-01
+900 1.092533e-01
+901 -6.214595e-02
+902 -2.304020e-01
+903 -3.896414e-01
+904 -5.343337e-01
+905 -6.594817e-01
+906 -7.607693e-01
+907 -8.347226e-01
+908 -8.788363e-01
+909 -8.916547e-01
+910 -8.728119e-01
+911 -8.230260e-01
+912 -7.440837e-01
+913 -6.387982e-01
+914 -5.108774e-01
+915 -3.648310e-01
+916 -2.057721e-01
+917 -3.928044e-02
+918 1.287819e-01
+919 2.924825e-01
+920 4.460246e-01
+921 5.839105e-01
+922 7.010743e-01
+923 7.930174e-01
+924 8.560027e-01
+925 8.873345e-01
+926 8.856157e-01
+927 8.510013e-01
+928 7.851495e-01
+929 6.909671e-01
+930 5.722596e-01
+931 4.335230e-01
+932 2.798231e-01
+933 1.166474e-01
+934 -5.021850e-02
+935 -2.148940e-01
+936 -3.715915e-01
+937 -5.148322e-01
+938 -6.396442e-01
+939 -7.416753e-01
+940 -8.173646e-01
+941 -8.640559e-01
+942 -8.800954e-01
+943 -8.648912e-01
+944 -8.189490e-01
+945 -7.438193e-01
+946 -6.420675e-01
+947 -5.171986e-01
+948 -3.735436e-01
+949 -2.160903e-01
+950 -5.033072e-02
+951 1.179591e-01
+952 2.828556e-01
+953 4.385139e-01
+954 5.793231e-01
+955 7.000479e-01
+956 7.959269e-01
+957 8.628116e-01
+958 8.974671e-01
+959 8.980762e-01
+960 8.646565e-01
+961 7.989605e-01
+962 7.041151e-01
+963 5.841947e-01
+964 4.439334e-01
+965 2.885467e-01
+966 1.236292e-01
+967 -4.498997e-02
+968 -2.113859e-01
+969 -3.697477e-01
+970 -5.145532e-01
+971 -6.407662e-01
+972 -7.440170e-01
+973 -8.207226e-01
+974 -8.682316e-01
+975 -8.849047e-01
+976 -8.701889e-01
+977 -8.246162e-01
+978 -7.497839e-01
+979 -6.482835e-01
+980 -5.236397e-01
+981 -3.801897e-01
+982 -2.229214e-01
+983 -5.735050e-02
+984 1.107352e-01
+985 2.754228e-01
+986 4.308958e-01
+987 5.715906e-01
+988 6.923171e-01
+989 7.883866e-01
+990 8.558103e-01
+991 8.915322e-01
+992 8.937303e-01
+993 8.622112e-01
+994 7.984962e-01
+995 7.055716e-01
+996 5.874632e-01
+997 4.488451e-01
+998 2.948766e-01
+999 1.311107e-01
+1000 -3.662225e-02
+1001 -2.023777e-01
+1002 -3.603420e-01
+1003 -5.050617e-01
+1004 -6.315363e-01
+1005 -7.353756e-01
+1006 -8.129600e-01
+1007 -8.616055e-01
+1008 -8.796330e-01
+1009 -8.664401e-01
+1010 -8.224822e-01
+1011 -7.492628e-01
+1012 -6.493213e-01
+1013 -5.261506e-01
+1014 -3.840531e-01
+1015 -2.279708e-01
+1016 -6.335659e-02
+1017 1.040347e-01
+1018 2.683040e-01
+1019 4.236218e-01
+1020 5.643868e-01
+1021 6.853803e-01
+1022 7.818476e-01
+1023 8.497387e-01
+1024 8.860113e-01
+1025 8.890230e-01
+1026 8.587522e-01
+1027 7.967473e-01
+1028 7.058449e-01
+1029 5.898585e-01
+1030 4.532776e-01
+1031 3.011579e-01
+1032 1.389752e-01
+1033 -2.752521e-02
+1034 -1.925046e-01
+1035 -3.501829e-01
+1036 -4.950855e-01
+1037 -6.221820e-01
+1038 -7.270514e-01
+1039 -8.060482e-01
+1040 -8.564300e-01
+1041 -8.764500e-01
+1042 -8.654048e-01
+1043 -8.237025e-01
+1044 -7.527866e-01
+1045 -6.551002e-01
+1046 -5.340181e-01
+1047 -3.937279e-01
+1048 -2.391213e-01
+1049 -7.558281e-02
+1050 9.117755e-02
+1051 2.553151e-01
+1052 4.110199e-01
+1053 5.527070e-01
+1054 6.751757e-01
+1055 7.737449e-01
+1056 8.443815e-01
+1057 8.839061e-01
+1058 8.903469e-01
+1059 8.633379e-01
+1060 8.041786e-01
+1061 7.156137e-01
+1062 6.014370e-01
+1063 4.661751e-01
+1064 3.148459e-01
+1065 1.529133e-01
+1066 -1.387977e-02
+1067 -1.796753e-01
+1068 -3.386909e-01
+1069 -4.853816e-01
+1070 -6.146225e-01
+1071 -7.219176e-01
+1072 -8.035191e-01
+1073 -8.565908e-01
+1074 -8.792863e-01
+1075 -8.708229e-01
+1076 -8.314827e-01
+1077 -7.626116e-01
+1078 -6.665711e-01
+1079 -5.466825e-01
+1080 -4.070974e-01
+1081 -2.526709e-01
+1082 -8.876598e-02
+1083 7.887609e-02
+1084 2.443792e-01
+1085 4.018922e-01
+1086 5.458207e-01
+1087 6.709402e-01
+1088 7.725076e-01
+1089 8.464023e-01
+1090 8.892340e-01
+1091 8.986412e-01
+1092 8.738500e-01
+1093 8.160060e-01
+1094 7.279168e-01
+1095 6.135384e-01
+1096 4.775439e-01
+1097 3.250863e-01
+1098 1.616932e-01
+1099 -6.800838e-03
+1100 -1.744336e-01
+1101 -3.353131e-01
+1102 -4.838102e-01
+1103 -6.147440e-01
+1104 -7.235558e-01
+1105 -8.064501e-01
+1106 -8.605553e-01
+1107 -8.839950e-01
+1108 -8.759650e-01
+1109 -8.367556e-01
+1110 -7.677195e-01
+1111 -6.712456e-01
+1112 -5.507040e-01
+1113 -4.103194e-01
+1114 -2.549884e-01
+1115 -9.013214e-02
+1116 7.846481e-02
+1117 2.448435e-01
+1118 4.031070e-01
+1119 5.475679e-01
+1120 6.729038e-01
+1121 7.742049e-01
+1122 8.471028e-01
+1123 8.881720e-01
+1124 8.955214e-01
+1125 8.691133e-01
+1126 8.105760e-01
+1127 7.227324e-01
+1128 6.092607e-01
+1129 4.745328e-01
+1130 3.235254e-01
+1131 1.616815e-01
+1132 -5.249872e-03
+1133 -1.713798e-01
+1134 -3.308912e-01
+1135 -4.782167e-01
+1136 -6.082802e-01
+1137 -7.165873e-01
+1138 -7.994003e-01
+1139 -8.538262e-01
+1140 -8.779852e-01
+1141 -8.710406e-01
+1142 -8.332362e-01
+1143 -7.658839e-01
+1144 -6.713078e-01
+1145 -5.527767e-01
+1146 -4.143975e-01
+1147 -2.609764e-01
+1148 -9.785769e-02
+1149 6.925899e-02
+1150 2.345163e-01
+1151 3.920932e-01
+1152 5.363614e-01
+1153 6.620261e-01
+1154 7.642657e-01
+1155 8.389001e-01
+1156 8.826785e-01
+1157 8.936297e-01
+1158 8.712296e-01
+1159 8.164348e-01
+1160 7.316232e-01
+1161 6.203863e-01
+1162 4.871788e-01
+1163 3.370498e-01
+1164 1.754784e-01
+1165 8.230268e-03
+1166 -1.587851e-01
+1167 -3.197218e-01
+1168 -4.689492e-01
+1169 -6.012818e-01
+1170 -7.120989e-01
+1171 -7.975510e-01
+1172 -8.546511e-01
+1173 -8.813915e-01
+1174 -8.768409e-01
+1175 -8.411671e-01
+1176 -7.756040e-01
+1177 -6.823993e-01
+1178 -5.647633e-01
+1179 -4.267868e-01
+1180 -2.732617e-01
+1181 -1.095323e-01
+1182 5.866764e-02
+1183 2.254351e-01
+1184 3.848803e-01
+1185 5.313124e-01
+1186 6.593881e-01
+1187 7.642422e-01
+1188 8.416435e-01
+1189 8.881498e-01
+1190 9.013671e-01
+1191 8.804209e-01
+1192 8.263561e-01
+1193 7.418553e-01
+1194 6.306754e-01
+1195 4.973198e-01
+1196 3.468002e-01
+1197 1.845626e-01
+1198 1.636101e-02
+1199 -1.518834e-01
+1200 -3.142693e-01
+1201 -4.651247e-01
+1202 -5.991822e-01
+1203 -7.117656e-01
+1204 -7.989760e-01
+1205 -8.577703e-01
+1206 -8.861162e-01
+1207 -8.830103e-01
+1208 -8.485665e-01
+1209 -7.839656e-01
+1210 -6.914214e-01
+1211 -5.741436e-01
+1212 -4.362051e-01
+1213 -2.824146e-01
+1214 -1.181165e-01
+1215 5.095405e-02
+1216 2.188464e-01
+1217 3.796396e-01
+1218 5.275937e-01
+1219 6.573204e-01
+1220 7.638593e-01
+1221 8.428161e-01
+1222 8.905634e-01
+1223 9.046727e-01
+1224 8.843954e-01
+1225 8.308060e-01
+1226 7.465626e-01
+1227 6.354312e-01
+1228 5.019595e-01
+1229 3.512423e-01
+1230 1.888074e-01
+1231 2.045912e-02
+1232 -1.478478e-01
+1233 -3.102073e-01
+1234 -4.609281e-01
+1235 -5.947604e-01
+1236 -7.070622e-01
+1237 -7.939623e-01
+1238 -8.524704e-01
+1239 -8.805807e-01
+1240 -8.773637e-01
+1241 -8.429615e-01
+1242 -7.785952e-01
+1243 -6.865054e-01
+1244 -5.699172e-01
+1245 -4.329192e-01
+1246 -2.803209e-01
+1247 -1.174646e-01
+1248 4.993147e-02
+1249 2.159741e-01
+1250 3.747839e-01
+1251 5.206815e-01
+1252 6.483027e-01
+1253 7.527513e-01
+1254 8.297458e-01
+1255 8.759096e-01
+1256 8.892387e-01
+1257 8.693658e-01
+1258 8.174457e-01
+1259 7.358490e-01
+1260 6.279469e-01
+1261 4.979646e-01
+1262 3.507429e-01
+1263 1.916054e-01
+1264 2.620832e-02
+1265 -1.396094e-01
+1266 -3.000318e-01
+1267 -4.494424e-01
+1268 -5.826476e-01
+1269 -6.950114e-01
+1270 -7.826334e-01
+1271 -8.424650e-01
+1272 -8.724144e-01
+1273 -8.714521e-01
+1274 -8.395897e-01
+1275 -7.779127e-01
+1276 -6.885355e-01
+1277 -5.745708e-01
+1278 -4.399586e-01
+1279 -2.893499e-01
+1280 -1.279726e-01
+1281 3.852595e-02
+1282 2.043115e-01
+1283 3.635377e-01
+1284 5.105135e-01
+1285 6.398407e-01
+1286 7.466127e-01
+1287 8.265390e-01
+1288 8.761341e-01
+1289 8.929714e-01
+1290 8.760885e-01
+1291 8.263067e-01
+1292 7.461003e-01
+1293 6.390726e-01
+1294 5.095740e-01
+1295 3.624840e-01
+1296 2.031603e-01
+1297 3.728994e-02
+1298 -1.292533e-01
+1299 -2.906601e-01
+1300 -4.413008e-01
+1301 -5.759400e-01
+1302 -6.899101e-01
+1303 -7.792886e-01
+1304 -8.410047e-01
+1305 -8.729200e-01
+1306 -8.739201e-01
+1307 -8.439620e-01
+1308 -7.840962e-01
+1309 -6.963936e-01
+1310 -5.838910e-01
+1311 -4.504876e-01
+1312 -3.007988e-01
+1313 -1.400415e-01
+1314 2.615680e-02
+1315 1.919706e-01
+1316 3.515732e-01
+1317 4.993103e-01
+1318 6.298486e-01
+1319 7.383524e-01
+1320 8.205770e-01
+1321 8.729969e-01
+1322 8.930157e-01
+1323 8.794182e-01
+1324 8.326318e-01
+1325 7.547495e-01
+1326 6.492520e-01
+1327 5.205959e-01
+1328 3.737974e-01
+1329 2.143108e-01
+1330 4.785848e-02
+1331 -1.196677e-01
+1332 -2.823670e-01
+1333 -4.345332e-01
+1334 -5.708513e-01
+1335 -6.865620e-01
+1336 -7.776442e-01
+1337 -8.409295e-01
+1338 -8.742069e-01
+1339 -8.763218e-01
+1340 -8.472225e-01
+1341 -7.879365e-01
+1342 -7.005228e-01
+1343 -5.880181e-01
+1344 -4.543481e-01
+1345 -3.041795e-01
+1346 -1.427738e-01
+1347 2.421924e-02
+1348 1.909136e-01
+1349 3.513883e-01
+1350 4.999015e-01
+1351 6.310703e-01
+1352 7.398998e-01
+1353 8.219185e-01
+1354 8.733814e-01
+1355 8.917819e-01
+1356 8.763435e-01
+1357 8.281518e-01
+1358 7.497163e-01
+1359 6.445171e-01
+1360 5.167275e-01
+1361 3.711007e-01
+1362 2.128685e-01
+1363 4.765277e-02
+1364 -1.187006e-01
+1365 -2.803250e-01
+1366 -4.315837e-01
+1367 -5.672417e-01
+1368 -6.826123e-01
+1369 -7.736877e-01
+1370 -8.372980e-01
+1371 -8.712197e-01
+1372 -8.742575e-01
+1373 -8.463019e-01
+1374 -7.883150e-01
+1375 -7.022833e-01
+1376 -5.911758e-01
+1377 -4.588271e-01
+1378 -3.098218e-01
+1379 -1.493480e-01
+1380 1.699859e-02
+1381 1.833754e-01
+1382 3.439364e-01
+1383 4.929828e-01
+1384 6.251082e-01
+1385 7.352986e-01
+1386 8.190635e-01
+1387 8.726642e-01
+1388 8.935405e-01
+1389 8.807060e-01
+1390 8.348594e-01
+1391 7.582210e-01
+1392 6.542067e-01
+1393 5.270883e-01
+1394 3.817563e-01
+1395 2.235435e-01
+1396 5.810353e-02
+1397 -1.087147e-01
+1398 -2.710684e-01
+1399 -4.233043e-01
+1400 -5.601174e-01
+1401 -6.767585e-01
+1402 -7.691794e-01
+1403 -8.341914e-01
+1404 -8.695451e-01
+1405 -8.740466e-01
+1406 -8.475682e-01
+1407 -7.910344e-01
+1408 -7.064113e-01
+1409 -5.966414e-01
+1410 -4.655402e-01
+1411 -3.176685e-01
+1412 -1.581938e-01
+1413 7.303134e-03
+1414 1.730201e-01
+1415 3.331123e-01
+1416 4.818827e-01
+1417 6.139474e-01
+1418 7.243492e-01
+1419 8.087080e-01
+1420 8.634555e-01
+1421 8.861868e-01
+1422 8.759272e-01
+1423 8.330714e-01
+1424 7.594198e-01
+1425 6.581198e-01
+1426 5.333500e-01
+1427 3.899444e-01
+1428 2.331972e-01
+1429 6.875013e-02
+1430 -9.757649e-02
+1431 -2.599512e-01
+1432 -4.126859e-01
+1433 -5.504274e-01
+1434 -6.683687e-01
+1435 -7.624141e-01
+1436 -8.293052e-01
+1437 -8.666990e-01
+1438 -8.732869e-01
+1439 -8.488443e-01
+1440 -7.942185e-01
+1441 -7.112949e-01
+1442 -6.029265e-01
+1443 -4.728780e-01
+1444 -3.256950e-01
+1445 -1.665024e-01
+1446 -8.632895e-04
+1447 1.654023e-01
+1448 3.264220e-01
+1449 4.764694e-01
+1450 6.101090e-01
+1451 7.223086e-01
+1452 8.085513e-01
+1453 8.650460e-01
+1454 8.890771e-01
+1455 8.794677e-01
+1456 8.368254e-01
+1457 7.633691e-01
+1458 6.624448e-01
+1459 5.381387e-01
+1460 3.951525e-01
+1461 2.386984e-01
+1462 7.438531e-02
+1463 -9.196332e-02
+1464 -2.544905e-01
+1465 -4.075060e-01
+1466 -5.457165e-01
+1467 -6.643473e-01
+1468 -7.592877e-01
+1469 -8.272377e-01
+1470 -8.658638e-01
+1471 -8.738248e-01
+1472 -8.508393e-01
+1473 -7.976778e-01
+1474 -7.161772e-01
+1475 -6.091534e-01
+1476 -4.803133e-01
+1477 -3.341248e-01
+1478 -1.756575e-01
+1479 -1.043965e-02
+1480 1.557423e-01
+1481 3.170359e-01
+1482 4.677291e-01
+1483 6.023535e-01
+1484 7.158062e-01
+1485 8.035567e-01
+1486 8.618446e-01
+1487 8.880127e-01
+1488 8.807830e-01
+1489 8.403778e-01
+1490 7.686962e-01
+1491 6.690366e-01
+1492 5.456650e-01
+1493 4.034475e-01
+1494 2.476749e-01
+1495 8.395894e-02
+1496 -8.191086e-02
+1497 -2.441149e-01
+1498 -3.969860e-01
+1499 -5.352103e-01
+1500 -6.539872e-01
+1501 -7.492190e-01
+1502 -8.176409e-01
+1503 -8.569158e-01
+1504 -8.657202e-01
+1505 -8.437913e-01
+1506 -7.919395e-01
+1507 -7.119998e-01
+1508 -6.067779e-01
+1509 -4.799570e-01
+1510 -3.359622e-01
+1511 -1.798511e-01
+1512 -1.709240e-02
+1513 1.465929e-01
+1514 3.054119e-01
+1515 4.537107e-01
+1516 5.861240e-01
+1517 6.977247e-01
+1518 7.842060e-01
+1519 8.420788e-01
+1520 8.689190e-01
+1521 8.636271e-01
+1522 8.265159e-01
+1523 7.591848e-01
+1524 6.643899e-01
+1525 5.458613e-01
+1526 4.080822e-01
+1527 2.561072e-01
+1528 9.538663e-02
+1529 -6.840796e-02
+1530 -2.295353e-01
+1531 -3.823448e-01
+1532 -5.214763e-01
+1533 -6.420670e-01
+1534 -7.398866e-01
+1535 -8.115037e-01
+1536 -8.543924e-01
+1537 -8.669975e-01
+1538 -8.488381e-01
+1539 -8.004668e-01
+1540 -7.235325e-01
+1541 -6.206525e-01
+1542 -4.953561e-01
+1543 -3.519669e-01
+1544 -1.954580e-01
+1545 -3.127621e-02
+1546 1.348418e-01
+1547 2.970505e-01
+1548 4.495864e-01
+1549 5.869248e-01
+1550 7.039250e-01
+1551 7.959574e-01
+1552 8.589654e-01
+1553 8.897750e-01
+1554 8.866434e-01
+1555 8.497087e-01
+1556 7.809466e-01
+1557 6.837019e-01
+1558 5.621986e-01
+1559 4.212251e-01
+1560 2.660385e-01
+1561 1.022236e-01
+1562 -6.440165e-02
+1563 -2.279650e-01
+1564 -3.827190e-01
+1565 -5.233030e-01
+1566 -6.448852e-01
+1567 -7.433014e-01
+1568 -8.151751e-01
+1569 -8.580610e-01
+1570 -8.705014e-01
+1571 -8.521080e-01
+1572 -8.035526e-01
+1573 -7.265445e-01
+1574 -6.237773e-01
+1575 -4.988408e-01
+1576 -3.560774e-01
+1577 -2.004679e-01
+1578 -3.746911e-02
+1579 1.272145e-01
+1580 2.877756e-01
+1581 4.385065e-01
+1582 5.739513e-01
+1583 6.890351e-01
+1584 7.792783e-01
+1585 8.409763e-01
+1586 8.715415e-01
+1587 8.697215e-01
+1588 8.356364e-01
+1589 7.708019e-01
+1590 6.780443e-01
+1591 5.612027e-01
+1592 4.248193e-01
+1593 2.739597e-01
+1594 1.140550e-01
+1595 -4.920728e-02
+1596 -2.101010e-01
+1597 -3.630121e-01
+1598 -5.026032e-01
+1599 -6.240366e-01
+1600 -7.230850e-01
+1601 -7.963392e-01
+1602 -8.412785e-01
+1603 -8.563481e-01
+1604 -8.410447e-01
+1605 -7.959171e-01
+1606 -7.225646e-01
+1607 -6.235394e-01
+1608 -5.022623e-01
+1609 -3.629636e-01
+1610 -2.105045e-01
+1611 -5.021757e-02
+1612 1.122915e-01
+1613 2.712946e-01
+1614 4.211789e-01
+1615 5.565839e-01
+1616 6.725470e-01
+1617 7.646151e-01
+1618 8.290154e-01
+1619 8.629839e-01
+1620 8.649807e-01
+1621 8.348702e-01
+1622 7.738984e-01
+1623 6.846152e-01
+1624 5.706619e-01
+1625 4.364613e-01
+1626 2.869958e-01
+1627 1.276578e-01
+1628 -3.589006e-02
+1629 -1.979024e-01
+1630 -3.526968e-01
+1631 -4.948460e-01
+1632 -6.193729e-01
+1633 -7.219011e-01
+1634 -7.988406e-01
+1635 -8.474745e-01
+1636 -8.660576e-01
+1637 -8.539052e-01
+1638 -8.113796e-01
+1639 -7.398889e-01
+1640 -6.418628e-01
+1641 -5.206745e-01
+1642 -3.805170e-01
+1643 -2.262330e-01
+1644 -6.317519e-02
+1645 1.029459e-01
+1646 2.662829e-01
+1647 4.210323e-01
+1648 5.616138e-01
+1649 6.827917e-01
+1650 7.797916e-01
+1651 8.484689e-01
+1652 8.855767e-01
+1653 8.891626e-01
+1654 8.589025e-01
+1655 7.962700e-01
+1656 7.043102e-01
+1657 5.871132e-01
+1658 4.494048e-01
+1659 2.963579e-01
+1660 1.335189e-01
+1661 -3.331893e-02
+1662 -1.982785e-01
+1663 -3.555539e-01
+1664 -4.996371e-01
+1665 -6.255620e-01
+1666 -7.289963e-01
+1667 -8.063906e-01
+1668 -8.550765e-01
+1669 -8.733778e-01
+1670 -8.606981e-01
+1671 -8.175067e-01
+1672 -7.453092e-01
+1673 -6.466105e-01
+1674 -5.248570e-01
+1675 -3.842824e-01
+1676 -2.297852e-01
+1677 -6.677660e-02
+1678 9.903557e-02
+1679 2.618019e-01
+1680 4.157611e-01
+1681 5.553625e-01
+1682 6.754027e-01
+1683 7.711380e-01
+1684 8.385354e-01
+1685 8.747203e-01
+1686 8.782050e-01
+1687 8.489180e-01
+1688 7.882607e-01
+1689 6.989797e-01
+1690 5.848323e-01
+1691 4.503060e-01
+1692 3.004545e-01
+1693 1.407120e-01
+1694 -2.324810e-02
+1695 -1.856705e-01
+1696 -3.408674e-01
+1697 -4.834300e-01
+1698 -6.084135e-01
+1699 -7.114859e-01
+1700 -7.891068e-01
+1701 -8.386156e-01
+1702 -8.583598e-01
+1703 -8.476654e-01
+1704 -8.069165e-01
+1705 -7.375533e-01
+1706 -6.420128e-01
+1707 -5.236461e-01
+1708 -3.865878e-01
+1709 -2.356270e-01
+1710 -7.603722e-02
+1711 8.657654e-02
+1712 2.465070e-01
+1713 3.980961e-01
+1714 5.358748e-01
+1715 6.547276e-01
+1716 7.500762e-01
+1717 8.181312e-01
+1718 8.560982e-01
+1719 8.623995e-01
+1720 8.368196e-01
+1721 7.805370e-01
+1722 6.959499e-01
+1723 5.864798e-01
+1724 4.563656e-01
+1725 3.104463e-01
+1726 1.539639e-01
+1727 -7.540015e-03
+1728 -1.683788e-01
+1729 -3.229509e-01
+1730 -4.658508e-01
+1731 -5.920922e-01
+1732 -6.972742e-01
+1733 -7.777337e-01
+1734 -8.306756e-01
+1735 -8.542380e-01
+1736 -8.475713e-01
+1737 -8.108590e-01
+1738 -7.453417e-01
+1739 -6.532631e-01
+1740 -5.377953e-01
+1741 -4.029173e-01
+1742 -2.532951e-01
+1743 -9.413253e-02
+1744 6.903322e-02
+1745 2.304970e-01
+1746 3.845568e-01
+1747 5.256920e-01
+1748 6.487592e-01
+1749 7.490972e-01
+1750 8.226544e-01
+1751 8.661524e-01
+1752 8.773653e-01
+1753 8.553543e-01
+1754 8.008732e-01
+1755 7.164432e-01
+1756 6.059088e-01
+1757 4.738689e-01
+1758 3.253998e-01
+1759 1.659661e-01
+1760 1.293236e-03
+1761 -1.627757e-01
+1762 -3.204389e-01
+1763 -4.661651e-01
+1764 -5.949269e-01
+1765 -7.022799e-01
+1766 -7.845142e-01
+1767 -8.387666e-01
+1768 -8.631301e-01
+1769 -8.567681e-01
+1770 -8.199159e-01
+1771 -7.538820e-01
+1772 -6.609472e-01
+1773 -5.443401e-01
+1774 -4.081171e-01
+1775 -2.570384e-01
+1776 -9.638415e-02
+1777 6.819988e-02
+1778 2.309106e-01
+1779 3.859828e-01
+1780 5.278371e-01
+1781 6.512400e-01
+1782 7.514281e-01
+1783 8.243241e-01
+1784 8.667773e-01
+1785 8.769570e-01
+1786 8.544605e-01
+1787 8.002757e-01
+1788 7.167675e-01
+1789 6.074496e-01
+1790 4.766571e-01
+1791 3.292803e-01
+1792 1.706515e-01
+1793 6.396349e-03
+1794 -1.577041e-01
+1795 -3.158715e-01
+1796 -4.625834e-01
+1797 -5.926968e-01
+1798 -7.016679e-01
+1799 -7.856918e-01
+1800 -8.418225e-01
+1801 -8.681146e-01
+1802 -8.636225e-01
+1803 -8.284628e-01
+1804 -7.638163e-01
+1805 -6.718981e-01
+1806 -5.558776e-01
+1807 -4.197495e-01
+1808 -2.682271e-01
+1809 -1.065887e-01
+1810 5.951310e-02
+1811 2.242410e-01
+1812 3.817437e-01
+1813 5.263528e-01
+1814 6.526953e-01
+1815 7.558515e-01
+1816 8.315274e-01
+1817 8.763354e-01
+1818 8.881988e-01
+1819 8.666912e-01
+1820 8.130169e-01
+1821 7.297061e-01
+1822 6.202995e-01
+1823 4.891465e-01
+1824 3.411836e-01
+1825 1.817909e-01
+1826 1.664043e-02
+1827 -1.484611e-01
+1828 -3.077594e-01
+1829 -4.557061e-01
+1830 -5.871681e-01
+1831 -6.976009e-01
+1832 -7.831856e-01
+1833 -8.409764e-01
+1834 -8.689914e-01
+1835 -8.662678e-01
+1836 -8.329280e-01
+1837 -7.701202e-01
+1838 -6.800152e-01
+1839 -5.657462e-01
+1840 -4.312737e-01
+1841 -2.812588e-01
+1842 -1.209395e-01
+1843 4.408770e-02
+1844 2.080507e-01
+1845 3.651832e-01
+1846 5.099190e-01
+1847 6.370336e-01
+1848 7.417893e-01
+1849 8.200679e-01
+1850 8.684653e-01
+1851 8.845851e-01
+1852 8.672984e-01
+1853 8.171553e-01
+1854 7.365367e-01
+1855 6.291768e-01
+1856 4.995649e-01
+1857 3.526820e-01
+1858 1.939110e-01
+1859 2.895878e-02
+1860 -1.363089e-01
+1861 -2.961010e-01
+1862 -4.448139e-01
+1863 -5.772429e-01
+1864 -6.887897e-01
+1865 -7.755600e-01
+1866 -8.345686e-01
+1867 -8.637863e-01
+1868 -8.622166e-01
+1869 -8.299196e-01
+1870 -7.680427e-01
+1871 -6.787575e-01
+1872 -5.651858e-01
+1873 -4.313078e-01
+1874 -2.818134e-01
+1875 -1.219424e-01
+1876 4.267955e-02
+1877 2.062391e-01
+1878 3.629533e-01
+1879 5.071784e-01
+1880 6.336077e-01
+1881 7.374051e-01
+1882 8.143961e-01
+1883 8.613353e-01
+1884 8.762555e-01
+1885 8.585843e-01
+1886 8.090941e-01
+1887 7.298635e-01
+1888 6.241658e-01
+1889 4.962212e-01
+1890 3.508911e-01
+1891 1.934746e-01
+1892 2.962173e-02
+1893 -1.348541e-01
+1894 -2.941511e-01
+1895 -4.426600e-01
+1896 -5.751726e-01
+1897 -6.870895e-01
+1898 -7.745215e-01
+1899 -8.344413e-01
+1900 -8.647345e-01
+1901 -8.643340e-01
+1902 -8.332066e-01
+1903 -7.723915e-01
+1904 -6.839704e-01
+1905 -5.709780e-01
+1906 -4.373096e-01
+1907 -2.876242e-01
+1908 -1.271281e-01
+1909 3.855736e-02
+1910 2.036303e-01
+1911 3.622563e-01
+1912 5.087438e-01
+1913 6.376750e-01
+1914 7.440031e-01
+1915 8.231553e-01
+1916 8.714730e-01
+1917 8.867614e-01
+1918 8.686093e-01
+1919 8.182452e-01
+1920 7.381672e-01
+1921 6.318159e-01
+1922 5.033950e-01
+1923 3.577324e-01
+1924 2.001219e-01
+1925 3.615364e-02
+1926 -1.283985e-01
+1927 -2.877975e-01
+1928 -4.365175e-01
+1929 -5.693960e-01
+1930 -6.818533e-01
+1931 -7.700030e-01
+1932 -8.308113e-01
+1933 -8.622146e-01
+1934 -8.631421e-01
+1935 -8.335871e-01
+1936 -7.745990e-01
+1937 -6.882179e-01
+1938 -5.774599e-01
+1939 -4.461794e-01
+1940 -2.989203e-01
+1941 -1.408055e-01
+1942 2.267774e-02
+1943 1.857853e-01
+1944 3.427652e-01
+1945 4.879968e-01
+1946 6.161426e-01
+1947 7.223825e-01
+1948 8.026422e-01
+1949 8.538131e-01
+1950 8.738056e-01
+1951 8.615175e-01
+1952 8.170858e-01
+1953 7.422723e-01
+1954 6.403523e-01
+1955 5.156425e-01
+1956 3.730577e-01
+1957 2.179063e-01
+1958 5.575960e-02
+1959 -1.076357e-01
+1960 -2.665389e-01
+1961 -4.154068e-01
+1962 -5.490601e-01
+1963 -6.628482e-01
+1964 -7.528424e-01
+1965 -8.159464e-01
+1966 -8.500015e-01
+1967 -8.538758e-01
+1968 -8.274439e-01
+1969 -7.716381e-01
+1970 -6.884146e-01
+1971 -5.806960e-01
+1972 -4.522575e-01
+1973 -3.075821e-01
+1974 -1.517272e-01
+1975 9.845291e-03
+1976 1.714689e-01
+1977 3.274449e-01
+1978 4.722329e-01
+1979 6.006521e-01
+1980 7.079675e-01
+1981 7.900355e-01
+1982 8.434457e-01
+1983 8.657350e-01
+1984 8.557294e-01
+1985 8.138058e-01
+1986 7.418019e-01
+1987 6.427345e-01
+1988 5.205704e-01
+1989 3.799571e-01
+1990 2.260470e-01
+1991 6.436085e-02
+1992 -9.937235e-02
+1993 -2.593683e-01
+1994 -4.099613e-01
+1995 -5.458370e-01
+1996 -6.622370e-01
+1997 -7.551309e-01
+1998 -8.212633e-01
+1999 -8.582794e-01
+2000 -8.648305e-01
+2001 -8.406080e-01
+2002 -7.863892e-01
+2003 -7.039849e-01
+2004 -5.961894e-01
+2005 -4.667095e-01
+2006 -3.200023e-01
+2007 -1.611776e-01
+2008 4.236819e-03
+2009 1.704476e-01
+2010 3.315613e-01
+2011 4.817742e-01
+2012 6.155246e-01
+2013 7.276365e-01
+2014 8.134924e-01
+2015 8.693172e-01
+2016 8.924883e-01
+2017 8.818197e-01
+2018 8.378312e-01
+2019 7.627593e-01
+2020 6.600862e-01
+2021 5.341099e-01
+2022 3.896955e-01
+2023 2.321500e-01
+2024 6.710399e-02
+2025 -9.961087e-02
+2026 -2.621445e-01
+2027 -4.148322e-01
+2028 -5.523573e-01
+2029 -6.699787e-01
+2030 -7.636414e-01
+2031 -8.300930e-01
+2032 -8.670576e-01
+2033 -8.732658e-01
+2034 -8.485437e-01
+2035 -7.937703e-01
+2036 -7.108646e-01
+2037 -6.027131e-01
+2038 -4.730792e-01
+2039 -3.264845e-01
+2040 -1.680311e-01
+2041 -3.261698e-03
+2042 1.620547e-01
+2043 3.220796e-01
+2044 4.711378e-01
+2045 6.038597e-01
+2046 7.152899e-01
+2047 8.010193e-01
+2048 8.573804e-01
+2049 8.818390e-01
+2050 8.734436e-01
+2051 8.326668e-01
+2052 7.612144e-01
+2053 6.620687e-01
+2054 5.392810e-01
+2055 3.976609e-01
+2056 2.425007e-01
+2057 7.940583e-02
+2058 -8.582746e-02
+2059 -2.473841e-01
+2060 -3.996259e-01
+2061 -5.372622e-01
+2062 -6.554947e-01
+2063 -7.502130e-01
+2064 -8.181529e-01
+2065 -8.569562e-01
+2066 -8.652967e-01
+2067 -8.429005e-01
+2068 -7.905480e-01
+2069 -7.100715e-01
+2070 -6.042746e-01
+2071 -4.768614e-01
+2072 -3.322757e-01
+2073 -1.755602e-01
+2074 -1.219536e-02
+2075 1.520758e-01
+2076 3.114697e-01
+2077 4.603100e-01
+2078 5.932346e-01
+2079 7.053132e-01
+2080 7.921998e-01
+2081 8.503036e-01
+2082 8.769864e-01
+2083 8.708754e-01
+2084 8.321803e-01
+2085 7.626893e-01
+2086 6.654488e-01
+2087 5.444136e-01
+2088 4.042054e-01
+2089 2.499316e-01
+2090 8.710381e-02
+2091 -7.850381e-02
+2092 -2.410641e-01
+2093 -3.948629e-01
+2094 -5.344898e-01
+2095 -6.550111e-01
+2096 -7.522322e-01
+2097 -8.227737e-01
+2098 -8.641508e-01
+2099 -8.748846e-01
+2100 -8.545661e-01
+2101 -8.038388e-01
+2102 -7.244189e-01
+2103 -6.190004e-01
+2104 -4.911784e-01
+2105 -3.453583e-01
+2106 -1.866022e-01
+2107 -2.045306e-02
+2108 1.472832e-01
+2109 3.106965e-01
+2110 4.639518e-01
+2111 6.014519e-01
+2112 7.179831e-01
+2113 8.088782e-01
+2114 8.702760e-01
+2115 8.994016e-01
+2116 8.946996e-01
+2117 8.561088e-01
+2118 7.853225e-01
+2119 6.856155e-01
+2120 5.612968e-01
+2121 4.173319e-01
+2122 2.591038e-01
+2123 9.233339e-02
+2124 -7.706279e-02
+2125 -2.431065e-01
+2126 -3.999702e-01
+2127 -5.421727e-01
+2128 -6.647767e-01
+2129 -7.635182e-01
+2130 -8.349529e-01
+2131 -8.766125e-01
+2132 -8.870612e-01
+2133 -8.659681e-01
+2134 -8.140772e-01
+2135 -7.331646e-01
+2136 -6.260493e-01
+2137 -4.964855e-01
+2138 -3.489978e-01
+2139 -1.887342e-01
+2140 -2.131047e-02
+2141 1.473763e-01
+2142 3.113463e-01
+2143 4.647713e-01
+2144 6.020779e-01
+2145 7.180524e-01
+2146 8.079564e-01
+2147 8.677969e-01
+2148 8.947731e-01
+2149 8.878549e-01
+2150 8.477165e-01
+2151 7.764320e-01
+2152 6.772352e-01
+2153 5.542422e-01
+2154 4.122184e-01
+2155 2.563758e-01
+2156 9.231506e-02
+2157 -7.413774e-02
+2158 -2.371256e-01
+2159 -3.909782e-01
+2160 -5.303316e-01
+2161 -6.503343e-01
+2162 -7.468827e-01
+2163 -8.167256e-01
+2164 -8.575151e-01
+2165 -8.678855e-01
+2166 -8.475117e-01
+2167 -7.971300e-01
+2168 -7.185340e-01
+2169 -6.144943e-01
+2170 -4.886460e-01
+2171 -3.454233e-01
+2172 -1.898180e-01
+2173 -2.727321e-02
+2174 1.365055e-01
+2175 2.957785e-01
+2176 4.448870e-01
+2177 5.784481e-01
+2178 6.915200e-01
+2179 7.797600e-01
+2180 8.396625e-01
+2181 8.687781e-01
+2182 8.657787e-01
+2183 8.306739e-01
+2184 7.649582e-01
+2185 6.714526e-01
+2186 5.539908e-01
+2187 4.170912e-01
+2188 2.657913e-01
+2189 1.055189e-01
+2190 -5.804717e-02
+2191 -2.191513e-01
+2192 -3.721637e-01
+2193 -5.117420e-01
+2194 -6.329952e-01
+2195 -7.316796e-01
+2196 -8.043473e-01
+2197 -8.484601e-01
+2198 -8.624769e-01
+2199 -8.458858e-01
+2200 -7.992316e-01
+2201 -7.240998e-01
+2202 -6.230554e-01
+2203 -4.995952e-01
+2204 -3.580072e-01
+2205 -2.031968e-01
+2206 -4.056482e-02
+2207 1.241926e-01
+2208 2.852692e-01
+2209 4.369543e-01
+2210 5.737804e-01
+2211 6.906460e-01
+2212 7.829703e-01
+2213 8.469060e-01
+2214 8.796116e-01
+2215 8.793647e-01
+2216 8.458505e-01
+2217 7.804648e-01
+2218 6.862070e-01
+2219 5.672075e-01
+2220 4.282473e-01
+2221 2.745532e-01
+2222 1.116939e-01
+2223 -5.452986e-02
+2224 -2.182566e-01
+2225 -3.737094e-01
+2226 -5.154180e-01
+2227 -6.384529e-01
+2228 -7.385804e-01
+2229 -8.123441e-01
+2230 -8.571843e-01
+2231 -8.715430e-01
+2232 -8.549094e-01
+2233 -8.078519e-01
+2234 -7.319951e-01
+2235 -6.299697e-01
+2236 -5.053511e-01
+2237 -3.624627e-01
+2238 -2.062712e-01
+2239 -4.224703e-02
+2240 1.238829e-01
+2241 2.862142e-01
+2242 4.389484e-01
+2243 5.765191e-01
+2244 6.936866e-01
+2245 7.857167e-01
+2246 8.486386e-01
+2247 8.796997e-01
+2248 8.777545e-01
+2249 8.433220e-01
+2250 7.782104e-01
+2251 6.852112e-01
+2252 5.679992e-01
+2253 4.310140e-01
+2254 2.792910e-01
+2255 1.182776e-01
+2256 -4.634194e-02
+2257 -2.088240e-01
+2258 -3.634974e-01
+2259 -5.049783e-01
+2260 -6.283382e-01
+2261 -7.293145e-01
+2262 -8.044323e-01
+2263 -8.510815e-01
+2264 -8.676369e-01
+2265 -8.535300e-01
+2266 -8.092411e-01
+2267 -7.363162e-01
+2268 -6.372704e-01
+2269 -5.155066e-01
+2270 -3.752503e-01
+2271 -2.213565e-01
+2272 -5.916815e-02
+2273 1.056562e-01
+2274 2.673332e-01
+2275 4.201943e-01
+2276 5.588035e-01
+2277 6.781312e-01
+2278 7.736545e-01
+2279 8.414748e-01
+2280 8.784656e-01
+2281 8.825325e-01
+2282 8.531193e-01
+2283 7.915180e-01
+2284 7.006534e-01
+2285 5.845394e-01
+2286 4.478651e-01
+2287 2.957791e-01
+2288 1.337832e-01
+2289 -3.232487e-02
+2290 -1.966835e-01
+2291 -3.535292e-01
+2292 -4.973734e-01
+2293 -6.232098e-01
+2294 -7.266258e-01
+2295 -8.040339e-01
+2296 -8.527298e-01
+2297 -8.710249e-01
+2298 -8.583104e-01
+2299 -8.150467e-01
+2300 -7.427406e-01
+2301 -6.439015e-01
+2302 -5.219838e-01
+2303 -3.812200e-01
+2304 -2.265193e-01
+2305 -6.329069e-02
+2306 1.027098e-01
+2307 2.656232e-01
+2308 4.196873e-01
+2309 5.593738e-01
+2310 6.795641e-01
+2311 7.756882e-01
+2312 8.438306e-01
+2313 8.809047e-01
+2314 8.850915e-01
+2315 8.560546e-01
+2316 7.949277e-01
+2317 7.043365e-01
+2318 5.881252e-01
+2319 4.509350e-01
+2320 2.979370e-01
+2321 1.346672e-01
+2322 -3.304215e-02
+2323 -1.992280e-01
+2324 -3.580061e-01
+2325 -5.037747e-01
+2326 -6.314030e-01
+2327 -7.364436e-01
+2328 -8.152405e-01
+2329 -8.650344e-01
+2330 -8.840427e-01
+2331 -8.715536e-01
+2332 -8.279608e-01
+2333 -7.547315e-01
+2334 -6.543372e-01
+2335 -5.302465e-01
+2336 -3.867495e-01
+2337 -2.288388e-01
+2338 -6.204489e-02
+2339 1.077812e-01
+2340 2.746546e-01
+2341 4.326415e-01
+2342 5.759930e-01
+2343 6.992353e-01
+2344 7.972146e-01
+2345 8.653674e-01
+2346 9.003466e-01
+2347 9.007701e-01
+2348 8.672840e-01
+2349 8.020161e-01
+2350 7.080885e-01
+2351 5.893781e-01
+2352 4.504435e-01
+2353 2.963528e-01
+2354 1.326406e-01
+2355 -3.493118e-02
+2356 -2.005055e-01
+2357 -3.583248e-01
+2358 -5.029221e-01
+2359 -6.293038e-01
+2360 -7.331270e-01
+2361 -8.108314e-01
+2362 -8.597712e-01
+2363 -8.782861e-01
+2364 -8.657958e-01
+2365 -8.227709e-01
+2366 -7.507221e-01
+2367 -6.521753e-01
+2368 -5.305628e-01
+2369 -3.901278e-01
+2370 -2.357568e-01
+2371 -7.281217e-02
+2372 9.301198e-02
+2373 2.558945e-01
+2374 4.100955e-01
+2375 5.500906e-01
+2376 6.707917e-01
+2377 7.675995e-01
+2378 8.366474e-01
+2379 8.750077e-01
+2380 8.809241e-01
+2381 8.539345e-01
+2382 7.951002e-01
+2383 7.070281e-01
+2384 5.935501e-01
+2385 4.593015e-01
+2386 3.094073e-01
+2387 1.493181e-01
+2388 -1.522740e-02
+2389 -1.784022e-01
+2390 -3.344886e-01
+2391 -4.780485e-01
+2392 -6.041023e-01
+2393 -7.082902e-01
+2394 -7.870269e-01
+2395 -8.376235e-01
+2396 -8.583630e-01
+2397 -8.485829e-01
+2398 -8.086758e-01
+2399 -7.400746e-01
+2400 -6.451859e-01
+2401 -5.273506e-01
+2402 -3.907105e-01
+2403 -2.400557e-01
+2404 -8.066988e-02
+2405 8.185936e-02
+2406 2.418024e-01
+2407 3.934968e-01
+2408 5.315263e-01
+2409 6.508858e-01
+2410 7.470928e-01
+2411 8.164047e-01
+2412 8.560063e-01
+2413 8.641939e-01
+2414 8.404877e-01
+2415 7.857500e-01
+2416 7.022134e-01
+2417 5.931965e-01
+2418 4.628731e-01
+2419 3.160455e-01
+2420 1.580466e-01
+2421 -5.488371e-03
+2422 -1.687797e-01
+2423 -3.260587e-01
+2424 -4.717489e-01
+2425 -6.007126e-01
+2426 -7.084518e-01
+2427 -7.912107e-01
+2428 -8.460531e-01
+2429 -8.709604e-01
+2430 -8.649614e-01
+2431 -8.281457e-01
+2432 -7.616922e-01
+2433 -6.678055e-01
+2434 -5.496822e-01
+2435 -4.113346e-01
+2436 -2.575213e-01
+2437 -9.356935e-02
+2438 7.480013e-02
+2439 2.416620e-01
+2440 4.011130e-01
+2441 5.474042e-01
+2442 6.750389e-01
+2443 7.788274e-01
+2444 8.541153e-01
+2445 8.972525e-01
+2446 9.060615e-01
+2447 8.802227e-01
+2448 8.212349e-01
+2449 7.320814e-01
+2450 6.168215e-01
+2451 4.801652e-01
+2452 3.272872e-01
+2453 1.637555e-01
+2454 -4.635756e-03
+2455 -1.719716e-01
+2456 -3.323967e-01
+2457 -4.803654e-01
+2458 -6.107676e-01
+2459 -7.191257e-01
+2460 -8.017239e-01
+2461 -8.557600e-01
+2462 -8.794087e-01
+2463 -8.719335e-01
+2464 -8.336529e-01
+2465 -7.659579e-01
+2466 -6.712454e-01
+2467 -5.528266e-01
+2468 -4.148614e-01
+2469 -2.621743e-01
+2470 -1.000780e-01
+2471 6.573847e-02
+2472 2.294552e-01
+2473 3.853043e-01
+2474 5.277208e-01
+2475 6.514950e-01
+2476 7.518726e-01
+2477 8.247699e-01
+2478 8.670422e-01
+2479 8.769296e-01
+2480 8.541891e-01
+2481 8.000351e-01
+2482 7.168856e-01
+2483 6.082484e-01
+2484 4.784420e-01
+2485 3.323849e-01
+2486 1.753909e-01
+2487 1.302424e-02
+2488 -1.489700e-01
+2489 -3.049384e-01
+2490 -4.494557e-01
+2491 -5.775006e-01
+2492 -6.846798e-01
+2493 -7.672930e-01
+2494 -8.225209e-01
+2495 -8.484877e-01
+2496 -8.443459e-01
+2497 -8.102872e-01
+2498 -7.475493e-01
+2499 -6.583482e-01
+2500 -5.458070e-01
+2501 -4.138646e-01
+2502 -2.671388e-01
+2503 -1.107806e-01
+2504 4.972388e-02
+2505 2.087505e-01
+2506 3.607097e-01
+2507 5.002187e-01
+2508 6.222500e-01
+2509 7.222746e-01
+2510 7.964468e-01
+2511 8.417224e-01
+2512 8.561703e-01
+2513 8.390933e-01
+2514 7.910582e-01
+2515 7.139380e-01
+2516 6.108184e-01
+2517 4.857144e-01
+2518 3.433119e-01
+2519 1.888040e-01
+2520 2.771674e-02
+2521 -1.342594e-01
+2522 -2.914290e-01
+2523 -4.382708e-01
+2524 -5.695802e-01
+2525 -6.807327e-01
+2526 -7.677860e-01
+2527 -8.276622e-01
+2528 -8.582011e-01
+2529 -8.582612e-01
+2530 -8.277552e-01
+2531 -7.676539e-01
+2532 -6.799618e-01
+2533 -5.676410e-01
+2534 -4.345387e-01
+2535 -2.852340e-01
+2536 -1.248929e-01
+2537 4.089988e-02
+2538 2.063134e-01
+2539 3.654974e-01
+2540 5.127511e-01
+2541 6.426873e-01
+2542 7.503173e-01
+2543 8.311402e-01
+2544 8.814076e-01
+2545 8.984976e-01
+2546 8.814071e-01
+2547 8.309049e-01
+2548 7.493938e-01
+2549 6.405356e-01
+2550 5.088309e-01
+2551 3.593193e-01
+2552 1.974324e-01
+2553 2.895853e-02
+2554 -1.401554e-01
+2555 -3.039288e-01
+2556 -4.566153e-01
+2557 -5.928759e-01
+2558 -7.079462e-01
+2559 -7.978035e-01
+2560 -8.593068e-01
+2561 -8.902875e-01
+2562 -8.896856e-01
+2563 -8.575013e-01
+2564 -7.948293e-01
+2565 -7.037688e-01
+2566 -5.874232e-01
+2567 -4.498460e-01
+2568 -2.957878e-01
+2569 -1.306152e-01
+2570 3.991610e-02
+2571 2.098053e-01
+2572 3.730491e-01
+2573 5.238156e-01
+2574 6.565763e-01
+2575 7.661018e-01
+2576 8.475882e-01
+2577 8.970245e-01
+2578 9.120287e-01
+2579 8.921759e-01
+2580 8.387396e-01
+2581 7.545081e-01
+2582 6.434349e-01
+2583 5.101624e-01
+2584 3.598047e-01
+2585 1.978856e-01
+2586 3.018499e-02
+2587 -1.373535e-01
+2588 -2.988889e-01
+2589 -4.488386e-01
+2590 -5.820179e-01
+2591 -6.938597e-01
+2592 -7.805942e-01
+2593 -8.393377e-01
+2594 -8.681933e-01
+2595 -8.662518e-01
+2596 -8.336568e-01
+2597 -7.716553e-01
+2598 -6.825031e-01
+2599 -5.693957e-01
+2600 -4.363448e-01
+2601 -2.880251e-01
+2602 -1.296720e-01
+2603 3.314958e-02
+2604 1.947135e-01
+2605 3.493516e-01
+2606 4.916220e-01
+2607 6.164214e-01
+2608 7.191575e-01
+2609 7.959199e-01
+2610 8.436487e-01
+2611 8.603712e-01
+2612 8.453894e-01
+2613 7.993562e-01
+2614 7.242220e-01
+2615 6.231164e-01
+2616 4.999519e-01
+2617 3.593237e-01
+2618 2.063154e-01
+2619 4.640305e-02
+2620 -1.147743e-01
+2621 -2.715550e-01
+2622 -4.184428e-01
+2623 -5.502724e-01
+2624 -6.624139e-01
+2625 -7.509828e-01
+2626 -8.129005e-01
+2627 -8.459929e-01
+2628 -8.490740e-01
+2629 -8.219836e-01
+2630 -7.656117e-01
+2631 -6.818889e-01
+2632 -5.736846e-01
+2633 -4.447213e-01
+2634 -2.994604e-01
+2635 -1.429675e-01
+2636 1.930420e-02
+2637 1.816799e-01
+2638 3.384540e-01
+2639 4.840396e-01
+2640 6.131634e-01
+2641 7.209801e-01
+2642 8.031795e-01
+2643 8.561831e-01
+2644 8.774603e-01
+2645 8.658410e-01
+2646 8.216913e-01
+2647 7.469285e-01
+2648 6.447937e-01
+2649 5.194785e-01
+2650 3.757748e-01
+2651 2.189282e-01
+2652 5.451324e-02
+2653 -1.116327e-01
+2654 -2.736738e-01
+2655 -4.259176e-01
+2656 -5.630071e-01
+2657 -6.801324e-01
+2658 -7.731650e-01
+2659 -8.388166e-01
+2660 -8.747532e-01
+2661 -8.796278e-01
+2662 -8.531942e-01
+2663 -7.963210e-01
+2664 -7.109222e-01
+2665 -5.999054e-01
+2666 -4.670638e-01
+2667 -3.169487e-01
+2668 -1.547642e-01
+2669 1.382882e-02
+2670 1.829026e-01
+2671 3.464791e-01
+2672 4.987223e-01
+2673 6.340428e-01
+2674 7.471599e-01
+2675 8.331235e-01
+2676 8.877027e-01
+2677 9.081210e-01
+2678 8.935925e-01
+2679 8.452209e-01
+2680 7.656556e-01
+2681 6.586590e-01
+2682 5.287624e-01
+2683 3.810016e-01
+2684 2.208318e-01
+2685 5.397996e-02
+2686 -1.136304e-01
+2687 -2.760973e-01
+2688 -4.277304e-01
+2689 -5.633500e-01
+2690 -6.784027e-01
+2691 -7.689998e-01
+2692 -8.321145e-01
+2693 -8.656546e-01
+2694 -8.685535e-01
+2695 -8.407887e-01
+2696 -7.834084e-01
+2697 -6.984902e-01
+2698 -5.890391e-01
+2699 -4.588993e-01
+2700 -3.126475e-01
+2701 -1.554175e-01
+2702 7.278772e-03
+2703 1.697455e-01
+2704 3.262700e-01
+2705 4.713519e-01
+2706 5.998414e-01
+2707 7.070760e-01
+2708 7.890233e-01
+2709 8.424466e-01
+2710 8.650704e-01
+2711 8.559045e-01
+2712 8.153763e-01
+2713 7.451981e-01
+2714 6.482121e-01
+2715 5.281319e-01
+2716 3.894340e-01
+2717 2.371602e-01
+2718 7.674806e-02
+2719 -8.613751e-02
+2720 -2.457792e-01
+2721 -3.965897e-01
+2722 -5.332859e-01
+2723 -6.510804e-01
+2724 -7.458389e-01
+2725 -8.142255e-01
+2726 -8.537974e-01
+2727 -8.630898e-01
+2728 -8.417464e-01
+2729 -7.904507e-01
+2730 -7.109371e-01
+2731 -6.059000e-01
+2732 -4.788998e-01
+2733 -3.343344e-01
+2734 -1.772042e-01
+2735 -1.299177e-02
+2736 1.525603e-01
+2737 3.136504e-01
+2738 4.645599e-01
+2739 5.998469e-01
+2740 7.144399e-01
+2741 8.037331e-01
+2742 8.637687e-01
+2743 8.915419e-01
+2744 8.854571e-01
+2745 8.456186e-01
+2746 7.739215e-01
+2747 6.737892e-01
+2748 5.495868e-01
+2749 4.062280e-01
+2750 2.490041e-01
+2751 8.354450e-02
+2752 -8.428796e-02
+2753 -2.485765e-01
+2754 -4.035510e-01
+2755 -5.438255e-01
+2756 -6.644868e-01
+2757 -7.613380e-01
+2758 -8.309878e-01
+2759 -8.710272e-01
+2760 -8.800855e-01
+2761 -8.578486e-01
+2762 -8.050794e-01
+2763 -7.235759e-01
+2764 -6.161845e-01
+2765 -4.866685e-01
+2766 -3.395386e-01
+2767 -1.799177e-01
+2768 -1.339601e-02
+2769 1.541699e-01
+2770 3.168523e-01
+2771 4.688825e-01
+2772 6.047679e-01
+2773 7.194131e-01
+2774 8.081214e-01
+2775 8.668268e-01
+2776 8.927056e-01
+2777 8.847560e-01
+2778 8.437290e-01
+2779 7.717695e-01
+2780 6.720869e-01
+2781 5.487063e-01
+2782 4.063385e-01
+2783 2.501928e-01
+2784 8.584144e-02
+2785 -8.088635e-02
+2786 -2.441303e-01
+2787 -3.981730e-01
+2788 -5.376535e-01
+2789 -6.577216e-01
+2790 -7.542521e-01
+2791 -8.239205e-01
+2792 -8.643552e-01
+2793 -8.741655e-01
+2794 -8.530123e-01
+2795 -8.016300e-01
+2796 -7.218115e-01
+2797 -6.163317e-01
+2798 -4.888298e-01
+2799 -3.437524e-01
+2800 -1.861606e-01
+2801 -2.155237e-02
+2802 1.442962e-01
+2803 3.055567e-01
+2804 4.565372e-01
+2805 5.917938e-01
+2806 7.062427e-01
+2807 7.952782e-01
+2808 8.550173e-01
+2809 8.826362e-01
+2810 8.768761e-01
+2811 8.383144e-01
+2812 7.690801e-01
+2813 6.723173e-01
+2814 5.519455e-01
+2815 4.125722e-01
+2816 2.592804e-01
+2817 9.756161e-02
+2818 -6.687777e-02
+2819 -2.282669e-01
+2820 -3.809891e-01
+2821 -5.197598e-01
+2822 -6.397586e-01
+2823 -7.368425e-01
+2824 -8.076975e-01
+2825 -8.499006e-01
+2826 -8.620146e-01
+2827 -8.436327e-01
+2828 -7.954193e-01
+2829 -7.190864e-01
+2830 -6.172975e-01
+2831 -4.935736e-01
+2832 -3.522233e-01
+2833 -1.981569e-01
+2834 -3.675171e-02
+2835 1.263308e-01
+2836 2.853956e-01
+2837 4.348271e-01
+2838 5.692895e-01
+2839 6.838677e-01
+2840 7.742435e-01
+2841 8.368436e-01
+2842 8.690481e-01
+2843 8.691406e-01
+2844 8.365864e-01
+2845 7.725071e-01
+2846 6.797971e-01
+2847 5.625321e-01
+2848 4.254184e-01
+2849 2.736127e-01
+2850 1.125913e-01
+2851 -5.190832e-02
+2852 -2.140473e-01
+2853 -3.680879e-01
+2854 -5.086480e-01
+2855 -6.308773e-01
+2856 -7.305310e-01
+2857 -8.041719e-01
+2858 -8.492166e-01
+2859 -8.640928e-01
+2860 -8.482442e-01
+2861 -8.022129e-01
+2862 -7.275574e-01
+2863 -6.268457e-01
+2864 -5.035820e-01
+2865 -3.620423e-01
+2866 -2.071399e-01
+2867 -4.428749e-02
+2868 1.207932e-01
+2869 2.822866e-01
+2870 4.344485e-01
+2871 5.717629e-01
+2872 6.890621e-01
+2873 7.816696e-01
+2874 8.455124e-01
+2875 8.775981e-01
+2876 8.765678e-01
+2877 8.428038e-01
+2878 7.781346e-01
+2879 6.854892e-01
+2880 5.686366e-01
+2881 4.319971e-01
+2882 2.805410e-01
+2883 1.196500e-01
+2884 -4.500739e-02
+2885 -2.076688e-01
+2886 -3.626733e-01
+2887 -5.046105e-01
+2888 -6.285430e-01
+2889 -7.301579e-01
+2890 -8.059214e-01
+2891 -8.532049e-01
+2892 -8.703529e-01
+2893 -8.567388e-01
+2894 -8.128138e-01
+2895 -7.400820e-01
+2896 -6.410116e-01
+2897 -5.190073e-01
+2898 -3.782756e-01
+2899 -2.236752e-01
+2900 -6.059537e-02
+2901 1.052678e-01
+2902 2.681182e-01
+2903 4.222228e-01
+2904 5.620979e-01
+2905 6.825890e-01
+2906 7.789474e-01
+2907 8.470150e-01
+2908 8.834606e-01
+2909 8.861574e-01
+2910 8.548492e-01
+2911 7.913740e-01
+2912 6.990815e-01
+2913 5.821435e-01
+2914 4.452681e-01
+2915 2.935631e-01
+2916 1.324688e-01
+2917 -3.228810e-02
+2918 -1.949247e-01
+2919 -3.497549e-01
+2920 -4.914122e-01
+2921 -6.150312e-01
+2922 -7.163600e-01
+2923 -7.919563e-01
+2924 -8.392853e-01
+2925 -8.567953e-01
+2926 -8.439407e-01
+2927 -8.012191e-01
+2928 -7.301952e-01
+2929 -6.334148e-01
+2930 -5.142970e-01
+2931 -3.770257e-01
+2932 -2.264199e-01
+2933 -6.774708e-02
+2934 9.340969e-02
+2935 2.513672e-01
+2936 4.005725e-01
+2937 5.357339e-01
+2938 6.520381e-01
+2939 7.452148e-01
+2940 8.116713e-01
+2941 8.487523e-01
+2942 8.548534e-01
+2943 8.295075e-01
+2944 7.735593e-01
+2945 6.891975e-01
+2946 5.797825e-01
+2947 4.495618e-01
+2948 3.033740e-01
+2949 1.464839e-01
+2950 -1.551008e-02
+2951 -1.768555e-01
+2952 -3.318260e-01
+2953 -4.749598e-01
+2954 -6.012861e-01
+2955 -7.064018e-01
+2956 -7.865943e-01
+2957 -8.389938e-01
+2958 -8.616729e-01
+2959 -8.537259e-01
+2960 -8.153452e-01
+2961 -7.477675e-01
+2962 -6.532171e-01
+2963 -5.349096e-01
+2964 -3.969103e-01
+2965 -2.439423e-01
+2966 -8.130705e-02
+2967 8.530451e-02
+2968 2.500470e-01
+2969 4.070981e-01
+2970 5.508023e-01
+2971 6.758006e-01
+2972 7.771328e-01
+2973 8.503068e-01
+2974 8.916994e-01
+2975 8.991973e-01
+2976 8.725560e-01
+2977 8.132522e-01
+2978 7.241518e-01
+2979 6.090412e-01
+2980 4.724659e-01
+2981 3.195025e-01
+2982 1.556451e-01
+2983 -1.330304e-02
+2984 -1.814034e-01
+2985 -3.427944e-01
+2986 -4.918307e-01
+2987 -6.233189e-01
+2988 -7.326759e-01
+2989 -8.160873e-01
+2990 -8.706448e-01
+2991 -8.944044e-01
+2992 -8.865276e-01
+2993 -8.472585e-01
+2994 -7.779414e-01
+2995 -6.808911e-01
+2996 -5.594496e-01
+2997 -4.177963e-01
+2998 -2.608410e-01
+2999 -9.400398e-02
+3000 7.689835e-02
+3001 2.458561e-01
+3002 4.069162e-01
+3003 5.543309e-01
+3004 6.827058e-01
+3005 7.870476e-01
+3006 8.628044e-01
+3007 9.062250e-01
+3008 9.148990e-01
+3009 8.883249e-01
+3010 8.281633e-01
+3011 7.377167e-01
+3012 6.212353e-01
+3013 4.835172e-01
+3014 3.297465e-01
+3015 1.654797e-01
+3016 -3.453470e-03
+3017 -1.711299e-01
+3018 -3.316993e-01
+3019 -4.795850e-01
+3020 -6.097210e-01
+3021 -7.176647e-01
+3022 -7.997442e-01
+3023 -8.532284e-01
+3024 -8.763542e-01
+3025 -8.684077e-01
+3026 -8.297676e-01
+3027 -7.618619e-01
+3028 -6.671476e-01
+3029 -5.490007e-01
+3030 -4.115954e-01
+3031 -2.597552e-01
+3032 -9.882383e-02
+3033 6.552796e-02
+3034 2.275349e-01
+3035 3.815221e-01
+3036 5.220280e-01
+3037 6.440004e-01
+3038 7.429050e-01
+3039 8.148321e-01
+3040 8.568155e-01
+3041 8.670666e-01
+3042 8.451645e-01
+3043 7.920594e-01
+3044 7.100780e-01
+3045 6.026304e-01
+3046 4.739933e-01
+3047 3.290031e-01
+3048 1.728896e-01
+3049 1.120731e-02
+3050 -1.503160e-01
+3051 -3.059695e-01
+3052 -4.502934e-01
+3053 -5.782366e-01
+3054 -6.853409e-01
+3055 -7.678896e-01
+3056 -8.230457e-01
+3057 -8.489052e-01
+3058 -8.445630e-01
+3059 -8.101429e-01
+3060 -7.468552e-01
+3061 -6.568891e-01
+3062 -5.433624e-01
+3063 -4.102340e-01
+3064 -2.621404e-01
+3065 -1.042556e-01
+3066 5.787173e-02
+3067 2.185454e-01
+3068 3.720803e-01
+3069 5.129893e-01
+3070 6.361668e-01
+3071 7.370122e-01
+3072 8.115552e-01
+3073 8.565939e-01
+3074 8.700382e-01
+3075 8.511229e-01
+3076 8.006071e-01
+3077 7.206835e-01
+3078 6.146023e-01
+3079 4.864448e-01
+3080 3.408820e-01
+3081 1.831062e-01
+3082 1.868266e-02
+3083 -1.465886e-01
+3084 -3.068866e-01
+3085 -4.565768e-01
+3086 -5.903870e-01
+3087 -7.035684e-01
+3088 -7.920860e-01
+3089 -8.527637e-01
+3090 -8.833714e-01
+3091 -8.827000e-01
+3092 -8.506415e-01
+3093 -7.881404e-01
+3094 -6.972430e-01
+3095 -5.809623e-01
+3096 -4.432561e-01
+3097 -2.888088e-01
+3098 -1.229314e-01
+3099 4.860041e-02
+3100 2.197967e-01
+3101 3.845979e-01
+3102 5.370727e-01
+3103 6.715929e-01
+3104 7.828092e-01
+3105 8.657154e-01
+3106 9.158703e-01
+3107 9.303176e-01
+3108 9.083022e-01
+3109 8.514024e-01
+3110 7.629371e-01
+3111 6.472811e-01
+3112 5.093870e-01
+3113 3.546014e-01
+3114 1.885917e-01
+3115 1.729204e-02
+3116 -1.532490e-01
+3117 -3.170473e-01
+3118 -4.684119e-01
+3119 -6.021673e-01
+3120 -7.138715e-01
+3121 -7.998217e-01
+3122 -8.571791e-01
+3123 -8.840927e-01
+3124 -8.797385e-01
+3125 -8.443960e-01
+3126 -7.794159e-01
+3127 -6.871775e-01
+3128 -5.709543e-01
+3129 -4.348796e-01
+3130 -2.837594e-01
+3131 -1.228732e-01
+3132 4.215825e-02
+3133 2.055197e-01
+3134 3.614805e-01
+3135 5.045734e-01
+3136 6.297239e-01
+3137 7.323826e-01
+3138 8.086796e-01
+3139 8.555585e-01
+3140 8.709723e-01
+3141 8.542039e-01
+3142 8.060390e-01
+3143 7.286355e-01
+3144 6.252315e-01
+3145 4.998658e-01
+3146 3.571976e-01
+3147 2.023768e-01
+3148 4.091398e-02
+3149 -1.214985e-01
+3150 -2.791328e-01
+3151 -4.264955e-01
+3152 -5.584285e-01
+3153 -6.703317e-01
+3154 -7.582775e-01
+3155 -8.192339e-01
+3156 -8.510661e-01
+3157 -8.526544e-01
+3158 -8.239108e-01
+3159 -7.658235e-01
+3160 -6.804450e-01
+3161 -5.707082e-01
+3162 -4.404074e-01
+3163 -2.940799e-01
+3164 -1.368028e-01
+3165 2.588781e-02
+3166 1.882819e-01
+3167 3.446292e-01
+3168 4.893843e-01
+3169 6.173106e-01
+3170 7.236159e-01
+3171 8.041011e-01
+3172 8.553636e-01
+3173 8.750471e-01
+3174 8.621132e-01
+3175 8.169840e-01
+3176 7.416243e-01
+3177 6.392707e-01
+3178 5.140047e-01
+3179 3.705000e-01
+3180 2.139479e-01
+3181 4.990379e-02
+3182 -1.158615e-01
+3183 -2.775111e-01
+3184 -4.293688e-01
+3185 -5.661247e-01
+3186 -6.829536e-01
+3187 -7.757066e-01
+3188 -8.410659e-01
+3189 -8.766885e-01
+3190 -8.812217e-01
+3191 -8.544271e-01
+3192 -7.971194e-01
+3193 -7.111911e-01
+3194 -5.995335e-01
+3195 -4.659712e-01
+3196 -3.150731e-01
+3197 -1.520490e-01
+3198 1.743006e-02
+3199 1.874204e-01
+3200 3.519234e-01
+3201 5.050808e-01
+3202 6.413234e-01
+3203 7.554655e-01
+3204 8.427102e-01
+3205 8.987913e-01
+3206 9.204324e-01
+3207 9.062579e-01
+3208 8.572569e-01
+3209 7.762345e-01
+3210 6.671186e-01
+3211 5.345571e-01
+3212 3.836800e-01
+3213 2.200302e-01
+3214 4.944065e-02
+3215 -1.220539e-01
+3216 -2.883986e-01
+3217 -4.437089e-01
+3218 -5.825908e-01
+3219 -7.003638e-01
+3220 -7.930558e-01
+3221 -8.574774e-01
+3222 -8.914175e-01
+3223 -8.937514e-01
+3224 -8.644127e-01
+3225 -8.044724e-01
+3226 -7.160348e-01
+3227 -6.021549e-01
+3228 -4.668387e-01
+3229 -3.148170e-01
+3230 -1.514047e-01
+3231 1.769324e-02
+3232 1.865405e-01
+3233 3.492018e-01
+3234 4.999050e-01
+3235 6.332513e-01
+3236 7.442912e-01
+3237 8.286023e-01
+3238 8.824250e-01
+3239 9.029807e-01
+3240 8.893324e-01
+3241 8.424079e-01
+3242 7.646136e-01
+3243 6.594860e-01
+3244 5.312944e-01
+3245 3.849112e-01
+3246 2.256396e-01
+3247 5.914698e-02
+3248 -1.087057e-01
+3249 -2.720055e-01
+3250 -4.250735e-01
+3251 -5.626097e-01
+3252 -6.798408e-01
+3253 -7.726909e-01
+3254 -8.379640e-01
+3255 -8.734235e-01
+3256 -8.778849e-01
+3257 -8.511962e-01
+3258 -7.943198e-01
+3259 -7.092773e-01
+3260 -5.990538e-01
+3261 -4.674604e-01
+3262 -3.190926e-01
+3263 -1.591175e-01
+3264 6.849070e-03
+3265 1.729665e-01
+3266 3.333970e-01
+3267 4.824548e-01
+3268 6.147859e-01
+3269 7.254815e-01
+3270 8.101584e-01
+3271 8.651741e-01
+3272 8.879492e-01
+3273 8.775138e-01
+3274 8.345386e-01
+3275 7.610616e-01
+3276 6.601665e-01
+3277 5.358022e-01
+3278 3.926526e-01
+3279 2.359269e-01
+3280 7.120888e-02
+3281 -9.567381e-02
+3282 -2.588535e-01
+3283 -4.126405e-01
+3284 -5.516787e-01
+3285 -6.710737e-01
+3286 -7.666418e-01
+3287 -8.350182e-01
+3288 -8.738136e-01
+3289 -8.816292e-01
+3290 -8.581541e-01
+3291 -8.041512e-01
+3292 -7.214278e-01
+3293 -6.128043e-01
+3294 -4.820176e-01
+3295 -3.336049e-01
+3296 -1.727118e-01
+3297 -4.921039e-03
+3298 1.638819e-01
+3299 3.277303e-01
+3300 4.808026e-01
+3301 6.175724e-01
+3302 7.329494e-01
+3303 8.223399e-01
+3304 8.817829e-01
+3305 9.082740e-01
+3306 9.002419e-01
+3307 8.579813e-01
+3308 7.836227e-01
+3309 6.806863e-01
+3310 5.535017e-01
+3311 4.069746e-01
+3312 2.464734e-01
+3313 7.774273e-02
+3314 -9.325893e-02
+3315 -2.604861e-01
+3316 -4.180565e-01
+3317 -5.604069e-01
+3318 -6.825976e-01
+3319 -7.804398e-01
+3320 -8.505706e-01
+3321 -8.905398e-01
+3322 -8.989681e-01
+3323 -8.754981e-01
+3324 -8.209226e-01
+3325 -7.370937e-01
+3326 -6.268866e-01
+3327 -4.941255e-01
+3328 -3.434078e-01
+3329 -1.799653e-01
+3330 -9.471700e-03
+3331 1.620765e-01
+3332 3.286407e-01
+3333 4.842965e-01
+3334 6.234448e-01
+3335 7.408336e-01
+3336 8.316555e-01
+3337 8.916000e-01
+3338 9.174649e-01
+3339 9.079367e-01
+3340 8.638339e-01
+3341 7.877472e-01
+3342 6.834255e-01
+3343 5.553559e-01
+3344 4.084934e-01
+3345 2.482778e-01
+3346 8.040864e-02
+3347 -8.919143e-02
+3348 -2.545752e-01
+3349 -4.100019e-01
+3350 -5.501120e-01
+3351 -6.700782e-01
+3352 -7.657948e-01
+3353 -8.340267e-01
+3354 -8.725117e-01
+3355 -8.799869e-01
+3356 -8.562811e-01
+3357 -8.022830e-01
+3358 -7.199945e-01
+3359 -6.123608e-01
+3360 -4.831630e-01
+3361 -3.369421e-01
+3362 -1.788228e-01
+3363 -1.436610e-02
+3364 1.506378e-01
+3365 3.103643e-01
+3366 4.591736e-01
+3367 5.918102e-01
+3368 7.034814e-01
+3369 7.899565e-01
+3370 8.477889e-01
+3371 8.744807e-01
+3372 8.688307e-01
+3373 8.310890e-01
+3374 7.629140e-01
+3375 6.671684e-01
+3376 5.476162e-01
+3377 4.087625e-01
+3378 2.556451e-01
+3379 9.370147e-02
+3380 -7.134826e-02
+3381 -2.336675e-01
+3382 -3.875721e-01
+3383 -5.276470e-01
+3384 -6.489425e-01
+3385 -7.472059e-01
+3386 -8.189961e-01
+3387 -8.617700e-01
+3388 -8.739693e-01
+3389 -8.551124e-01
+3390 -8.057910e-01
+3391 -7.276269e-01
+3392 -6.232735e-01
+3393 -4.962540e-01
+3394 -3.509757e-01
+3395 -1.924601e-01
+3396 -2.624591e-02
+3397 1.418695e-01
+3398 3.059510e-01
+3399 4.601664e-01
+3400 5.989778e-01
+3401 7.171996e-01
+3402 8.100912e-01
+3403 8.734948e-01
+3404 9.040610e-01
+3405 8.999643e-01
+3406 8.613733e-01
+3407 7.904155e-01
+3408 6.906013e-01
+3409 5.661962e-01
+3410 4.220328e-01
+3411 2.634035e-01
+3412 9.601944e-02
+3413 -7.418487e-02
+3414 -2.412365e-01
+3415 -3.992581e-01
+3416 -5.427326e-01
+3417 -6.666644e-01
+3418 -7.667353e-01
+3419 -8.394779e-01
+3420 -8.823626e-01
+3421 -8.938977e-01
+3422 -8.736900e-01
+3423 -8.224381e-01
+3424 -7.418908e-01
+3425 -6.348170e-01
+3426 -5.049546e-01
+3427 -3.568283e-01
+3428 -1.955850e-01
+3429 -2.681742e-02
+3430 1.435421e-01
+3431 3.094723e-01
+3432 4.650744e-01
+3433 6.047850e-01
+3434 7.234006e-01
+3435 8.162266e-01
+3436 8.790822e-01
+3437 9.086758e-01
+3438 9.035303e-01
+3439 8.642432e-01
+3440 7.930337e-01
+3441 6.932384e-01
+3442 5.690087e-01
+3443 4.251550e-01
+3444 2.669582e-01
+3445 1.000781e-01
+3446 -6.957785e-02
+3447 -2.360551e-01
+3448 -3.934907e-01
+3449 -5.364112e-01
+3450 -6.599185e-01
+3451 -7.598175e-01
+3452 -8.326812e-01
+3453 -8.760214e-01
+3454 -8.883633e-01
+3455 -8.692914e-01
+3456 -8.194767e-01
+3457 -7.406658e-01
+3458 -6.356029e-01
+3459 -5.079202e-01
+3460 -3.620339e-01
+3461 -2.030355e-01
+3462 -3.645476e-02
+3463 1.318529e-01
+3464 2.959930e-01
+3465 4.501760e-01
+3466 5.889146e-01
+3467 7.071417e-01
+3468 8.002735e-01
+3469 8.643818e-01
+3470 8.963702e-01
+3471 8.944232e-01
+3472 8.585181e-01
+3473 7.905474e-01
+3474 6.938837e-01
+3475 5.726958e-01
+3476 4.317151e-01
+3477 2.761419e-01
+3478 1.115413e-01
+3479 -5.629698e-02
+3480 -2.214493e-01
+3481 -3.781426e-01
+3482 -5.209405e-01
+3483 -6.448715e-01
+3484 -7.456232e-01
+3485 -8.196881e-01
+3486 -8.645195e-01
+3487 -8.785780e-01
+3488 -8.614301e-01
+3489 -8.136683e-01
+3490 -7.369614e-01
+3491 -6.339955e-01
+3492 -5.083917e-01
+3493 -3.645181e-01
+3494 -2.074018e-01
+3495 -4.255262e-02
+3496 1.242653e-01
+3497 2.871321e-01
+3498 4.402860e-01
+3499 5.782646e-01
+3500 6.960278e-01
+3501 7.890728e-01
+3502 8.535089e-01
+3503 8.862783e-01
+3504 8.856487e-01
+3505 8.516796e-01
+3506 7.861528e-01
+3507 6.920419e-01
+3508 5.732282e-01
+3509 4.342421e-01
+3510 2.801256e-01
+3511 1.163706e-01
+3512 -5.123524e-02
+3513 -2.167241e-01
+3514 -3.742897e-01
+3515 -5.184048e-01
+3516 -6.440181e-01
+3517 -7.467267e-01
+3518 -8.229580e-01
+3519 -8.700187e-01
+3520 -8.862441e-01
+3521 -8.709919e-01
+3522 -8.247389e-01
+3523 -7.489974e-01
+3524 -6.463419e-01
+3525 -5.202832e-01
+3526 -3.751642e-01
+3527 -2.159852e-01
+3528 -4.830584e-02
+3529 1.219830e-01
+3530 2.888873e-01
+3531 4.464944e-01
+3532 5.891294e-01
+3533 7.114576e-01
+3534 8.085800e-01
+3535 8.761031e-01
+3536 9.104034e-01
+3537 9.095231e-01
+3538 8.738627e-01
+3539 8.056547e-01
+3540 7.083055e-01
+3541 5.859993e-01
+3542 4.435591e-01
+3543 2.862299e-01
+3544 1.196380e-01
+3545 -5.032381e-02
+3546 -2.177033e-01
+3547 -3.766887e-01
+3548 -5.217219e-01
+3549 -6.478249e-01
+3550 -7.506785e-01
+3551 -8.267479e-01
+3552 -8.734490e-01
+3553 -8.892404e-01
+3554 -8.735826e-01
+3555 -8.270520e-01
+3556 -7.512894e-01
+3557 -6.489672e-01
+3558 -5.236490e-01
+3559 -3.797051e-01
+3560 -2.221536e-01
+3561 -5.649033e-02
+3562 1.114877e-01
+3563 2.759103e-01
+3564 4.309796e-01
+3565 5.711350e-01
+3566 6.912828e-01
+3567 7.868354e-01
+3568 8.538423e-01
+3569 8.891421e-01
+3570 8.908038e-01
+3571 8.585839e-01
+3572 7.941906e-01
+3573 7.008784e-01
+3574 5.827825e-01
+3575 4.445786e-01
+3576 2.913848e-01
+3577 1.287253e-01
+3578 -3.760800e-02
+3579 -2.016992e-01
+3580 -3.577583e-01
+3581 -5.003574e-01
+3582 -6.246719e-01
+3583 -7.264476e-01
+3584 -8.021833e-01
+3585 -8.493013e-01
+3586 -8.661995e-01
+3587 -8.523455e-01
+3588 -8.082391e-01
+3589 -7.354521e-01
+3590 -6.365468e-01
+3591 -5.150166e-01
+3592 -3.751060e-01
+3593 -2.217025e-01
+3594 -6.020279e-02
+3595 1.037501e-01
+3596 2.643628e-01
+3597 4.159764e-01
+3598 5.531747e-01
+3599 6.710017e-01
+3600 7.650516e-01
+3601 8.315838e-01
+3602 8.677125e-01
+3603 8.717518e-01
+3604 8.434597e-01
+3605 7.840827e-01
+3606 6.961987e-01
+3607 5.833004e-01
+3608 4.495999e-01
+3609 2.999478e-01
+3610 1.396771e-01
+3611 -2.553311e-02
+3612 -1.898673e-01
+3613 -3.475526e-01
+3614 -4.930525e-01
+3615 -6.212480e-01
+3616 -7.276149e-01
+3617 -8.083504e-01
+3618 -8.605453e-01
+3619 -8.822614e-01
+3620 -8.726617e-01
+3621 -8.319590e-01
+3622 -7.614455e-01
+3623 -6.634786e-01
+3624 -5.413532e-01
+3625 -3.992281e-01
+3626 -2.419854e-01
+3627 -7.507587e-02
+3628 9.569013e-02
+3629 2.642958e-01
+3630 4.247578e-01
+3631 5.713014e-01
+3632 6.985249e-01
+3633 8.014347e-01
+3634 8.754429e-01
+3635 9.165378e-01
+3636 9.219775e-01
+3637 8.913916e-01
+3638 8.268196e-01
+3639 7.318670e-01
+3640 6.109368e-01
+3641 4.689400e-01
+3642 3.111955e-01
+3643 1.433830e-01
+3644 -2.859546e-02
+3645 -1.987057e-01
+3646 -3.610025e-01
+3647 -5.098513e-01
+3648 -6.401050e-01
+3649 -7.472954e-01
+3650 -8.277252e-01
+3651 -8.786995e-01
+3652 -8.984683e-01
+3653 -8.864341e-01
+3654 -8.430511e-01
+3655 -7.698724e-01
+3656 -6.694652e-01
+3657 -5.453291e-01
+3658 -4.017836e-01
+3659 -2.438678e-01
+3660 -7.709366e-02
+3661 9.269008e-02
+3662 2.595334e-01
+3663 4.175430e-01
+3664 5.611236e-01
+3665 6.850730e-01
+3666 7.846630e-01
+3667 8.557665e-01
+3668 8.950542e-01
+3669 9.003640e-01
+3670 8.714025e-01
+3671 8.098395e-01
+3672 7.188177e-01
+3673 6.023609e-01
+3674 4.650552e-01
+3675 3.120165e-01
+3676 1.487704e-01
+3677 -1.890855e-02
+3678 -1.850530e-01
+3679 -3.437842e-01
+3680 -4.895870e-01
+3681 -6.174861e-01
+3682 -7.231163e-01
+3683 -8.028537e-01
+3684 -8.539401e-01
+3685 -8.746551e-01
+3686 -8.643024e-01
+3687 -8.232499e-01
+3688 -7.529685e-01
+3689 -6.559456e-01
+3690 -5.355523e-01
+3691 -3.959821e-01
+3692 -2.421128e-01
+3693 -7.934228e-02
+3694 8.656225e-02
+3695 2.497609e-01
+3696 4.045307e-01
+3697 5.453036e-01
+3698 6.668940e-01
+3699 7.645518e-01
+3700 8.340821e-01
+3701 8.722157e-01
+3702 8.772302e-01
+3703 8.493097e-01
+3704 7.901903e-01
+3705 7.027937e-01
+3706 5.907705e-01
+3707 4.584307e-01
+3708 3.105572e-01
+3709 1.524676e-01
+3710 -1.026861e-02
+3711 -1.719086e-01
+3712 -3.268449e-01
+3713 -4.697049e-01
+3714 -5.955825e-01
+3715 -7.001199e-01
+3716 -7.797102e-01
+3717 -8.316052e-01
+3718 -8.540416e-01
+3719 -8.462511e-01
+3720 -8.085566e-01
+3721 -7.422741e-01
+3722 -6.497219e-01
+3723 -5.341110e-01
+3724 -3.994661e-01
+3725 -2.504748e-01
+3726 -9.234262e-02
+3727 6.942632e-02
+3728 2.291509e-01
+3729 3.812198e-01
+3730 5.201792e-01
+3731 6.409809e-01
+3732 7.390857e-01
+3733 8.106260e-01
+3734 8.525775e-01
+3735 8.629940e-01
+3736 8.412483e-01
+3737 7.882244e-01
+3738 7.063124e-01
+3739 5.990561e-01
+3740 4.707022e-01
+3741 3.260800e-01
+3742 1.703571e-01
+3743 9.035409e-03
+3744 -1.521814e-01
+3745 -3.075915e-01
+3746 -4.517778e-01
+3747 -5.797727e-01
+3748 -6.872087e-01
+3749 -7.703251e-01
+3750 -8.262048e-01
+3751 -8.529191e-01
+3752 -8.495020e-01
+3753 -8.160462e-01
+3754 -7.536348e-01
+3755 -6.643912e-01
+3756 -5.513692e-01
+3757 -4.184606e-01
+3758 -2.702570e-01
+3759 -1.118900e-01
+3760 5.114670e-02
+3761 2.131716e-01
+3762 3.684647e-01
+3763 5.115376e-01
+3764 6.372096e-01
+3765 7.407130e-01
+3766 8.177650e-01
+3767 8.647210e-01
+3768 8.789841e-01
+3769 8.596059e-01
+3770 8.076447e-01
+3771 7.259051e-01
+3772 6.181995e-01
+3773 4.889277e-01
+3774 3.429464e-01
+3775 1.855527e-01
+3776 2.232274e-02
+3777 -1.409787e-01
+3778 -2.986974e-01
+3779 -4.453219e-01
+3780 -5.757820e-01
+3781 -6.855539e-01
+3782 -7.708206e-01
+3783 -8.286485e-01
+3784 -8.570531e-01
+3785 -8.551011e-01
+3786 -8.228836e-01
+3787 -7.615207e-01
+3788 -6.731612e-01
+3789 -5.608748e-01
+3790 -4.285727e-01
+3791 -2.808588e-01
+3792 -1.228705e-01
+3793 3.985059e-02
+3794 2.015980e-01
+3795 3.566472e-01
+3796 4.995389e-01
+3797 6.251204e-01
+3798 7.287304e-01
+3799 8.063130e-01
+3800 8.544835e-01
+3801 8.707689e-01
+3802 8.541306e-01
+3803 8.053269e-01
+3804 7.268216e-01
+3805 6.221243e-01
+3806 4.954891e-01
+3807 3.516392e-01
+3808 1.957766e-01
+3809 3.346029e-02
+3810 -1.294793e-01
+3811 -2.872801e-01
+3812 -4.345181e-01
+3813 -5.662076e-01
+3814 -6.777816e-01
+3815 -7.653212e-01
+3816 -8.257529e-01
+3817 -8.569597e-01
+3818 -8.578287e-01
+3819 -8.282927e-01
+3820 -7.692926e-01
+3821 -6.828254e-01
+3822 -5.718328e-01
+3823 -4.401226e-01
+3824 -2.922754e-01
+3825 -1.334011e-01
+3826 3.094022e-02
+3827 1.949876e-01
+3828 3.529768e-01
+3829 4.992723e-01
+3830 6.285511e-01
+3831 7.358768e-01
+3832 8.166857e-01
+3833 8.670489e-01
+3834 8.841832e-01
+3835 8.672887e-01
+3836 8.176221e-01
+3837 7.380243e-01
+3838 6.321925e-01
+3839 5.044133e-01
+3840 3.595045e-01
+3841 2.026773e-01
+3842 3.951340e-02
+3843 -1.242734e-01
+3844 -2.829581e-01
+3845 -4.310331e-01
+3846 -5.633417e-01
+3847 -6.753455e-01
+3848 -7.631685e-01
+3849 -8.238073e-01
+3850 -8.551779e-01
+3851 -8.562290e-01
+3852 -8.269896e-01
+3853 -7.684967e-01
+3854 -6.828008e-01
+3855 -5.728766e-01
+3856 -4.425552e-01
+3857 -2.964375e-01
+3858 -1.396007e-01
+3859 2.248615e-02
+3860 1.841116e-01
+3861 3.395931e-01
+3862 4.834395e-01
+3863 6.104411e-01
+3864 7.158930e-01
+3865 7.956240e-01
+3866 8.461758e-01
+3867 8.650827e-01
+3868 8.517042e-01
+3869 8.070536e-01
+3870 7.331780e-01
+3871 6.331412e-01
+3872 5.108518e-01
+3873 3.708196e-01
+3874 2.181169e-01
+3875 5.815128e-02
+3876 -1.034039e-01
+3877 -2.609386e-01
+3878 -4.089693e-01
+3879 -5.423762e-01
+3880 -6.564931e-01
+3881 -7.473733e-01
+3882 -8.118340e-01
+3883 -8.476275e-01
+3884 -8.535002e-01
+3885 -8.291775e-01
+3886 -7.754765e-01
+3887 -6.942751e-01
+3888 -5.883687e-01
+3889 -4.613370e-01
+3890 -3.175764e-01
+3891 -1.620717e-01
+3892 -2.246163e-04
+3893 1.622844e-01
+3894 3.197614e-01
+3895 4.666400e-01
+3896 5.976670e-01
+3897 7.079067e-01
+3898 7.930035e-01
+3899 8.492504e-01
+3900 8.739039e-01
+3901 8.654920e-01
+3902 8.242994e-01
+3903 7.523843e-01
+3904 6.531520e-01
+3905 5.307873e-01
+3906 3.900559e-01
+3907 2.361097e-01
+3908 7.447454e-02
+3909 -8.909258e-02
+3910 -2.487711e-01
+3911 -3.989947e-01
+3912 -5.346631e-01
+3913 -6.511806e-01
+3914 -7.445239e-01
+3915 -8.114525e-01
+3916 -8.496299e-01
+3917 -8.577540e-01
+3918 -8.355560e-01
+3919 -7.838061e-01
+3920 -7.042982e-01
+3921 -5.997392e-01
+3922 -4.737466e-01
+3923 -3.307060e-01
+3924 -1.755899e-01
+3925 -1.377664e-02
+3926 1.490604e-01
+3927 3.072086e-01
+3928 4.551023e-01
+3929 5.874465e-01
+3930 6.993276e-01
+3931 7.863799e-01
+3932 8.448707e-01
+3933 8.720042e-01
+3934 8.662942e-01
+3935 8.278808e-01
+3936 7.587206e-01
+3937 6.620433e-01
+3938 5.418804e-01
+3939 4.028372e-01
+3940 2.500434e-01
+3941 8.895067e-02
+3942 -7.474042e-02
+3943 -2.353075e-01
+3944 -3.871038e-01
+3945 -5.248823e-01
+3946 -6.438297e-01
+3947 -7.398189e-01
+3948 -8.094477e-01
+3949 -8.503008e-01
+3950 -8.609504e-01
+3951 -8.410142e-01
+3952 -7.912002e-01
+3953 -7.132206e-01
+3954 -6.097227e-01
+3955 -4.843191e-01
+3956 -3.413523e-01
+3957 -1.858367e-01
+3958 -2.319157e-02
+3959 1.408989e-01
+3960 3.006513e-01
+3961 4.503997e-01
+3962 5.847214e-01
+3963 6.986238e-01
+3964 7.877435e-01
+3965 8.483379e-01
+3966 8.775054e-01
+3967 8.735574e-01
+3968 8.366475e-01
+3969 7.686533e-01
+3970 6.727159e-01
+3971 5.527523e-01
+3972 4.133274e-01
+3973 2.595182e-01
+3974 9.681184e-02
+3975 -6.906345e-02
+3976 -2.322662e-01
+3977 -3.870296e-01
+3978 -5.279605e-01
+3979 -6.501523e-01
+3980 -7.493392e-01
+3981 -8.220644e-01
+3982 -8.657250e-01
+3983 -8.787317e-01
+3984 -8.605775e-01
+3985 -8.118028e-01
+3986 -7.340204e-01
+3987 -6.298541e-01
+3988 -5.028234e-01
+3989 -3.573273e-01
+3990 -1.983926e-01
+3991 -3.154085e-02
+3992 1.373929e-01
+3993 3.024552e-01
+3994 4.577897e-01
+3995 5.978457e-01
+3996 7.173582e-01
+3997 8.114893e-01
+3998 8.757603e-01
+3999 9.063624e-01
+4000 9.010949e-01
+4001 8.606694e-01
+4002 7.880392e-01
+4003 6.871756e-01
+4004 5.625465e-01
+4005 4.190431e-01
+4006 2.619406e-01
+4007 9.688880e-02
+4008 -7.025060e-02
+4009 -2.336487e-01
+4010 -3.876165e-01
+4011 -5.269112e-01
+4012 -6.467806e-01
+4013 -7.431575e-01
+4014 -8.128282e-01
+4015 -8.534970e-01
+4016 -8.638852e-01
+4017 -8.437449e-01
+4018 -7.938941e-01
+4019 -7.161679e-01
+4020 -6.133739e-01
+4021 -4.891204e-01
+4022 -3.478341e-01
+4023 -1.944566e-01
+4024 -3.438300e-02
+4025 1.267562e-01
+4026 2.832976e-01
+4027 4.297455e-01
+4028 5.608770e-01
+4029 6.719059e-01
+4030 7.586306e-01
+4031 8.175702e-01
+4032 8.462917e-01
+4033 8.437890e-01
+4034 8.104026e-01
+4035 7.476873e-01
+4036 6.581989e-01
+4037 5.454409e-01
+4038 4.136836e-01
+4039 2.677581e-01
+4040 1.129082e-01
+4041 -4.540092e-02
+4042 -2.015296e-01
+4043 -3.499653e-01
+4044 -4.856743e-01
+4045 -6.040072e-01
+4046 -7.008367e-01
+4047 -7.728262e-01
+4048 -8.174329e-01
+4049 -8.330721e-01
+4050 -8.191966e-01
+4051 -7.762739e-01
+4052 -7.057687e-01
+4053 -6.100990e-01
+4054 -4.924990e-01
+4055 -3.570816e-01
+4056 -2.085865e-01
+4057 -5.218154e-02
+4058 1.066977e-01
+4059 2.624884e-01
+4060 4.096942e-01
+4061 5.430718e-01
+4062 6.577738e-01
+4063 7.493654e-01
+4064 8.138295e-01
+4065 8.480080e-01
+4066 8.502359e-01
+4067 8.206519e-01
+4068 7.608673e-01
+4069 6.735828e-01
+4070 5.623401e-01
+4071 4.313489e-01
+4072 2.853606e-01
+4073 1.296240e-01
+4074 -3.038246e-02
+4075 -1.890747e-01
+4076 -3.409151e-01
+4077 -4.806234e-01
+4078 -6.033839e-01
+4079 -7.048948e-01
+4080 -7.816198e-01
+4081 -8.308038e-01
+4082 -8.507092e-01
+4083 -8.405824e-01
+4084 -8.007114e-01
+4085 -7.324613e-01
+4086 -6.380842e-01
+4087 -5.207819e-01
+4088 -3.845833e-01
+4089 -2.341492e-01
+4090 -7.470341e-02
+4091 8.820439e-02
+4092 2.488801e-01
+4093 4.017083e-01
+4094 5.412236e-01
+4095 6.623100e-01
+4096 7.603279e-01
+4097 8.311982e-01
+4098 8.714256e-01
+4099 8.784442e-01
+4100 8.514365e-01
+4101 7.918768e-01
+4102 7.030196e-01
+4103 5.890015e-01
+4104 4.544654e-01
+4105 3.045253e-01
+4106 1.446513e-01
+4107 -1.935090e-02
+4108 -1.816716e-01
+4109 -3.368865e-01
+4110 -4.797411e-01
+4111 -6.053032e-01
+4112 -7.092482e-01
+4113 -7.879327e-01
+4114 -8.386164e-01
+4115 -8.596032e-01
+4116 -8.501646e-01
+4117 -8.106009e-01
+4118 -7.422710e-01
+4119 -6.475809e-01
+4120 -5.298119e-01
+4121 -3.930489e-01
+4122 -2.420096e-01
+4123 -8.201484e-02
+4124 8.139752e-02
+4125 2.424679e-01
+4126 3.955536e-01
+4127 5.351576e-01
+4128 6.561499e-01
+4129 7.538438e-01
+4130 8.240567e-01
+4131 8.634655e-01
+4132 8.700552e-01
+4133 8.435978e-01
+4134 7.857585e-01
+4135 6.994870e-01
+4136 5.885474e-01
+4137 4.572022e-01
+4138 3.103536e-01
+4139 1.532390e-01
+4140 -8.573981e-03
+4141 -1.693850e-01
+4142 -3.235837e-01
+4143 -4.658083e-01
+4144 -5.911403e-01
+4145 -6.952450e-01
+4146 -7.745197e-01
+4147 -8.261753e-01
+4148 -8.484782e-01
+4149 -8.406125e-01
+4150 -8.029270e-01
+4151 -7.367861e-01
+4152 -6.444751e-01
+4153 -5.292043e-01
+4154 -3.949524e-01
+4155 -2.464752e-01
+4156 -8.894722e-02
+4157 7.215605e-02
+4158 2.311330e-01
+4159 3.823888e-01
+4160 5.204872e-01
+4161 6.405080e-01
+4162 7.379425e-01
+4163 8.089474e-01
+4164 8.503271e-01
+4165 8.599143e-01
+4166 8.374099e-01
+4167 7.842821e-01
+4168 7.029636e-01
+4169 5.966430e-01
+4170 4.692830e-01
+4171 3.254605e-01
+4172 1.702909e-01
+4173 9.242745e-03
+4174 -1.520802e-01
+4175 -3.080286e-01
+4176 -4.532071e-01
+4177 -5.825212e-01
+4178 -6.914436e-01
+4179 -7.761646e-01
+4180 -8.336329e-01
+4181 -8.618212e-01
+4182 -8.596339e-01
+4183 -8.270587e-01
+4184 -7.651560e-01
+4185 -6.759134e-01
+4186 -5.623401e-01
+4187 -4.282555e-01
+4188 -2.782792e-01
+4189 -1.175728e-01
+4190 4.827945e-02
+4191 2.134983e-01
+4192 3.722759e-01
+4193 5.190275e-01
+4194 6.483468e-01
+4195 7.552987e-01
+4196 8.353615e-01
+4197 8.844795e-01
+4198 8.996021e-01
+4199 8.796241e-01
+4200 8.258709e-01
+4201 7.415064e-01
+4202 6.306495e-01
+4203 4.979762e-01
+4204 3.485153e-01
+4205 1.877231e-01
+4206 2.136759e-02
+4207 -1.447394e-01
+4208 -3.047733e-01
+4209 -4.531643e-01
+4210 -5.848202e-01
+4211 -6.952518e-01
+4212 -7.806773e-01
+4213 -8.381884e-01
+4214 -8.658971e-01
+4215 -8.629166e-01
+4216 -8.294186e-01
+4217 -7.666158e-01
+4218 -6.767798e-01
+4219 -5.630788e-01
+4220 -4.294683e-01
+4221 -2.806807e-01
+4222 -1.219337e-01
+4223 4.125051e-02
+4224 2.031237e-01
+4225 3.580113e-01
+4226 5.004192e-01
+4227 6.252084e-01
+4228 7.277105e-01
+4229 8.036910e-01
+4230 8.496653e-01
+4231 8.635312e-01
+4232 8.449615e-01
+4233 7.951798e-01
+4234 7.166645e-01
+4235 6.127406e-01
+4236 4.875121e-01
+4237 3.456777e-01
+4238 1.924298e-01
+4239 3.325029e-02
+4240 -1.260919e-01
+4241 -2.800312e-01
+4242 -4.234243e-01
+4243 -5.515027e-01
+4244 -6.598523e-01
+4245 -7.447557e-01
+4246 -8.032546e-01
+4247 -8.333218e-01
+4248 -8.339161e-01
+4249 -8.050618e-01
+4250 -7.477512e-01
+4251 -6.640008e-01
+4252 -5.566907e-01
+4253 -4.295241e-01
+4254 -2.869015e-01
+4255 -1.337856e-01
+4256 2.444048e-02
+4257 1.822814e-01
+4258 3.341759e-01
+4259 4.747376e-01
+4260 5.988750e-01
+4261 7.020168e-01
+4262 7.800858e-01
+4263 8.297450e-01
+4264 8.487600e-01
+4265 8.363631e-01
+4266 7.932884e-01
+4267 7.214650e-01
+4268 6.238396e-01
+4269 5.040793e-01
+4270 3.665761e-01
+4271 2.162125e-01
+4272 5.830834e-02
+4273 -1.015579e-01
+4274 -2.578172e-01
+4275 -4.050383e-01
+4276 -5.380914e-01
+4277 -6.523355e-01
+4278 -7.437386e-01
+4279 -8.090566e-01
+4280 -8.459104e-01
+4281 -8.529753e-01
+4282 -8.299244e-01
+4283 -7.774454e-01
+4284 -6.972211e-01
+4285 -5.919261e-01
+4286 -4.651243e-01
+4287 -3.211314e-01
+4288 -1.649259e-01
+4289 -1.948153e-03
+4290 1.621595e-01
+4291 3.216382e-01
+4292 4.708184e-01
+4293 6.043902e-01
+4294 7.174319e-01
+4295 8.052911e-01
+4296 8.637782e-01
+4297 8.893821e-01
+4298 8.801636e-01
+4299 8.366197e-01
+4300 7.615113e-01
+4301 6.588511e-01
+4302 5.330852e-01
+4303 3.891328e-01
+4304 2.322597e-01
+4305 6.815717e-02
+4306 -9.741557e-02
+4307 -2.586737e-01
+4308 -4.099525e-01
+4309 -5.460300e-01
+4310 -6.622150e-01
+4311 -7.544859e-01
+4312 -8.196645e-01
+4313 -8.555654e-01
+4314 -8.609628e-01
+4315 -8.357416e-01
+4316 -7.808242e-01
+4317 -6.982498e-01
+4318 -5.908740e-01
+4319 -4.625134e-01
+4320 -3.176681e-01
+4321 -1.614558e-01
+4322 6.732747e-04
+4323 1.630147e-01
+4324 3.198279e-01
+4325 4.655834e-01
+4326 5.950339e-01
+4327 7.034477e-01
+4328 7.867208e-01
+4329 8.414776e-01
+4330 8.649161e-01
+4331 8.557576e-01
+4332 8.147717e-01
+4333 7.439700e-01
+4334 6.463339e-01
+4335 5.256373e-01
+4336 3.864236e-01
+4337 2.338230e-01
+4338 7.334628e-02
+4339 -8.919997e-02
+4340 -2.480436e-01
+4341 -3.979287e-01
+4342 -5.338546e-01
+4343 -6.511301e-01
+4344 -7.455919e-01
+4345 -8.138395e-01
+4346 -8.534536e-01
+4347 -8.629484e-01
+4348 -8.418964e-01
+4349 -7.909268e-01
+4350 -7.117329e-01
+4351 -6.069539e-01
+4352 -4.801086e-01
+4353 -3.355291e-01
+4354 -1.781722e-01
+4355 -1.348247e-02
+4356 1.528352e-01
+4357 3.149131e-01
+4358 4.669561e-01
+4359 6.035270e-01
+4360 7.194156e-01
+4361 8.098234e-01
+4362 8.704702e-01
+4363 8.980246e-01
+4364 8.910347e-01
+4365 8.502715e-01
+4366 7.782794e-01
+4367 6.784520e-01
+4368 5.549075e-01
+4369 4.123285e-01
+4370 2.558039e-01
+4371 9.087910e-02
+4372 -7.665620e-02
+4373 -2.409962e-01
+4374 -3.964635e-01
+4375 -5.376755e-01
+4376 -6.597699e-01
+4377 -7.585178e-01
+4378 -8.304616e-01
+4379 -8.731265e-01
+4380 -8.850561e-01
+4381 -8.658796e-01
+4382 -8.162149e-01
+4383 -7.377091e-01
+4384 -6.330930e-01
+4385 -5.059362e-01
+4386 -3.606348e-01
+4387 -2.021795e-01
+4388 -3.608474e-02
+4389 1.318380e-01
+4390 2.956874e-01
+4391 4.497524e-01
+4392 5.885448e-01
+4393 7.069335e-01
+4394 8.002594e-01
+4395 8.645383e-01
+4396 8.965335e-01
+4397 8.943174e-01
+4398 8.578275e-01
+4399 7.891646e-01
+4400 6.918381e-01
+4401 5.701913e-01
+4402 4.290639e-01
+4403 2.736578e-01
+4404 1.095851e-01
+4405 -5.736861e-02
+4406 -2.213000e-01
+4407 -3.765309e-01
+4408 -5.176061e-01
+4409 -6.396940e-01
+4410 -7.385376e-01
+4411 -8.108102e-01
+4412 -8.540553e-01
+4413 -8.668627e-01
+4414 -8.488512e-01
+4415 -8.006708e-01
+4416 -7.241147e-01
+4417 -6.218731e-01
+4418 -4.975708e-01
+4419 -3.555804e-01
+4420 -2.009304e-01
+4421 -3.909258e-02
+4422 1.242324e-01
+4423 2.833111e-01
+4424 4.325241e-01
+4425 5.665328e-01
+4426 6.804611e-01
+4427 7.699869e-01
+4428 8.314552e-01
+4429 8.619260e-01
+4430 8.601472e-01
+4431 8.266758e-01
+4432 7.631735e-01
+4433 6.722983e-01
+4434 5.575779e-01
+4435 4.232674e-01
+4436 2.741743e-01
+4437 1.156210e-01
+4438 -4.683363e-02
+4439 -2.073999e-01
+4440 -3.605084e-01
+4441 -5.007960e-01
+4442 -6.233881e-01
+4443 -7.240476e-01
+4444 -7.991796e-01
+4445 -8.460632e-01
+4446 -8.630192e-01
+4447 -8.493958e-01
+4448 -8.055455e-01
+4449 -7.329923e-01
+4450 -6.341232e-01
+4451 -5.122505e-01
+4452 -3.715806e-01
+4453 -2.169363e-01
+4454 -5.371075e-02
+4455 1.123715e-01
+4456 2.755703e-01
+4457 4.300639e-01
+4458 5.702952e-01
+4459 6.910790e-01
+4460 7.876802e-01
+4461 8.558598e-01
+4462 8.921113e-01
+4463 8.942252e-01
+4464 8.620117e-01
+4465 7.972925e-01
+4466 7.033835e-01
+4467 5.843640e-01
+4468 4.448624e-01
+4469 2.900327e-01
+4470 1.254369e-01
+4471 -4.291762e-02
+4472 -2.089769e-01
+4473 -3.669600e-01
+4474 -5.117277e-01
+4475 -6.384151e-01
+4476 -7.426898e-01
+4477 -8.208823e-01
+4478 -8.702464e-01
+4479 -8.889575e-01
+4480 -8.764170e-01
+4481 -8.329759e-01
+4482 -7.600037e-01
+4483 -6.599625e-01
+4484 -5.361987e-01
+4485 -3.929868e-01
+4486 -2.352691e-01
+4487 -6.844624e-02
+4488 1.017288e-01
+4489 2.692279e-01
+4490 4.281326e-01
+4491 5.728483e-01
+4492 6.980642e-01
+4493 7.989249e-01
+4494 8.710075e-01
+4495 9.103751e-01
+4496 9.142983e-01
+4497 8.824593e-01
+4498 8.171299e-01
+4499 7.221259e-01
+4500 6.018108e-01
+4501 4.609436e-01
+4502 3.047626e-01
+4503 1.388643e-01
+4504 -3.079704e-02
+4505 -1.982754e-01
+4506 -3.577823e-01
+4507 -5.037162e-01
+4508 -6.310701e-01
+4509 -7.354671e-01
+4510 -8.133022e-01
+4511 -8.619555e-01
+4512 -8.798585e-01
+4513 -8.664736e-01
+4514 -8.223308e-01
+4515 -7.491089e-01
+4516 -6.494281e-01
+4517 -5.267961e-01
+4518 -3.855912e-01
+4519 -2.307212e-01
+4520 -6.766276e-02
+4521 9.781033e-02
+4522 2.598791e-01
+4523 4.127605e-01
+4524 5.510642e-01
+4525 6.697549e-01
+4526 7.643398e-01
+4527 8.309544e-01
+4528 8.664793e-01
+4529 8.695652e-01
+4530 8.407329e-01
+4531 7.815763e-01
+4532 6.945761e-01
+4533 5.830640e-01
+4534 4.512128e-01
+4535 3.037253e-01
+4536 1.458909e-01
+4537 -1.678252e-02
+4538 -1.786506e-01
+4539 -3.340079e-01
+4540 -4.774692e-01
+4541 -6.039640e-01
+4542 -7.091316e-01
+4543 -7.892164e-01
+4544 -8.414196e-01
+4545 -8.638952e-01
+4546 -8.557629e-01
+4547 -8.173028e-01
+4548 -7.497287e-01
+4549 -6.553085e-01
+4550 -5.373015e-01
+4551 -3.997156e-01
+4552 -2.473214e-01
+4553 -8.538962e-02
+4554 8.036661e-02
+4555 2.441401e-01
+4556 4.002149e-01
+4557 5.429744e-01
+4558 6.670553e-01
+4559 7.675598e-01
+4560 8.398959e-01
+4561 8.801933e-01
+4562 8.861686e-01
+4563 8.576431e-01
+4564 7.965865e-01
+4565 7.065023e-01
+4566 5.916052e-01
+4567 4.565256e-01
+4568 3.062583e-01
+4569 1.462679e-01
+4570 -1.757417e-02
+4571 -1.793659e-01
+4572 -3.332898e-01
+4573 -4.744287e-01
+4574 -5.982290e-01
+4575 -7.005558e-01
+4576 -7.779241e-01
+4577 -8.277301e-01
+4578 -8.482659e-01
+4579 -8.389012e-01
+4580 -7.999921e-01
+4581 -7.329442e-01
+4582 -6.401502e-01
+4583 -5.247833e-01
+4584 -3.908865e-01
+4585 -2.431407e-01
+4586 -8.666223e-02
+4587 7.304803e-02
+4588 2.303901e-01
+4589 3.798517e-01
+4590 5.161529e-01
+4591 6.343149e-01
+4592 7.298023e-01
+4593 7.985715e-01
+4594 8.376189e-01
+4595 8.456941e-01
+4596 8.229638e-01
+4597 7.705108e-01
+4598 6.904746e-01
+4599 5.860796e-01
+4600 4.613793e-01
+4601 3.209845e-01
+4602 1.699317e-01
+4603 1.355188e-02
+4604 -1.426860e-01
+4605 -2.933912e-01
+4606 -4.333406e-01
+4607 -5.578168e-01
+4608 -6.624392e-01
+4609 -7.436151e-01
+4610 -7.985192e-01
+4611 -8.253379e-01
+4612 -8.231129e-01
+4613 -7.919572e-01
+4614 -7.328946e-01
+4615 -6.480679e-01
+4616 -5.402873e-01
+4617 -4.133512e-01
+4618 -2.716193e-01
+4619 -1.200156e-01
+4620 3.616276e-02
+4621 1.915223e-01
+4622 3.406430e-01
+4623 4.783035e-01
+4624 5.995131e-01
+4625 6.997468e-01
+4626 7.752228e-01
+4627 8.229982e-01
+4628 8.410480e-01
+4629 8.283301e-01
+4630 7.851191e-01
+4631 7.130198e-01
+4632 6.150076e-01
+4633 4.949384e-01
+4634 3.572985e-01
+4635 2.070305e-01
+4636 4.949958e-02
+4637 -1.098182e-01
+4638 -2.653455e-01
+4639 -4.116602e-01
+4640 -5.436945e-01
+4641 -6.567950e-01
+4642 -7.469372e-01
+4643 -8.108814e-01
+4644 -8.462870e-01
+4645 -8.518480e-01
+4646 -8.272353e-01
+4647 -7.731906e-01
+4648 -6.914505e-01
+4649 -5.847394e-01
+4650 -4.566601e-01
+4651 -3.115518e-01
+4652 -1.544004e-01
+4653 9.404902e-03
+4654 1.741346e-01
+4655 3.338981e-01
+4656 4.831025e-01
+4657 6.163197e-01
+4658 7.285870e-01
+4659 8.152880e-01
+4660 8.721428e-01
+4661 8.956439e-01
+4662 8.839711e-01
+4663 8.378261e-01
+4664 7.601025e-01
+4665 6.546638e-01
+4666 5.259902e-01
+4667 3.791164e-01
+4668 2.194117e-01
+4669 5.268820e-02
+4670 -1.149729e-01
+4671 -2.775236e-01
+4672 -4.293278e-01
+4673 -5.655932e-01
+4674 -6.818655e-01
+4675 -7.740591e-01
+4676 -8.390299e-01
+4677 -8.743669e-01
+4678 -8.789194e-01
+4679 -8.524910e-01
+4680 -7.959194e-01
+4681 -7.110690e-01
+4682 -6.007337e-01
+4683 -4.687966e-01
+4684 -3.197310e-01
+4685 -1.586561e-01
+4686 8.794914e-03
+4687 1.767954e-01
+4688 3.394263e-01
+4689 4.908443e-01
+4690 6.256121e-01
+4691 7.387110e-01
+4692 8.254003e-01
+4693 8.816774e-01
+4694 9.042542e-01
+4695 8.915663e-01
+4696 8.446280e-01
+4697 7.663749e-01
+4698 6.607191e-01
+4699 5.320892e-01
+4700 3.853087e-01
+4701 2.257533e-01
+4702 5.913194e-02
+4703 -1.087223e-01
+4704 -2.719276e-01
+4705 -4.246690e-01
+4706 -5.616326e-01
+4707 -6.781082e-01
+4708 -7.700452e-01
+4709 -8.343154e-01
+4710 -8.687011e-01
+4711 -8.720771e-01
+4712 -8.443545e-01
+4713 -7.865044e-01
+4714 -7.005838e-01
+4715 -5.896022e-01
+4716 -4.574802e-01
+4717 -3.089062e-01
+4718 -1.491415e-01
+4719 1.604243e-02
+4720 1.808696e-01
+4721 3.394812e-01
+4722 4.862407e-01
+4723 6.157956e-01
+4724 7.234141e-01
+4725 8.048633e-01
+4726 8.560985e-01
+4727 8.738431e-01
+4728 8.581398e-01
+4729 8.111449e-01
+4730 7.354450e-01
+4731 6.340334e-01
+4732 5.106966e-01
+4733 3.699116e-01
+4734 2.167342e-01
+4735 5.655247e-02
+4736 -1.049909e-01
+4737 -2.622252e-01
+4738 -4.097820e-01
+4739 -5.424909e-01
+4740 -6.557924e-01
+4741 -7.458363e-01
+4742 -8.095443e-01
+4743 -8.446867e-01
+4744 -8.500464e-01
+4745 -8.253785e-01
+4746 -7.715193e-01
+4747 -6.904044e-01
+4748 -5.846860e-01
+4749 -4.580414e-01
+4750 -3.149088e-01
+4751 -1.602522e-01
+4752 5.046065e-04
+4753 1.617566e-01
+4754 3.178876e-01
+4755 4.634628e-01
+4756 5.930447e-01
+4757 7.017656e-01
+4758 7.849289e-01
+4759 8.390472e-01
+4760 8.617201e-01
+4761 8.519337e-01
+4762 8.103009e-01
+4763 7.386191e-01
+4764 6.401029e-01
+4765 5.188442e-01
+4766 3.796276e-01
+4767 2.275293e-01
+4768 6.827667e-02
+4769 -9.211697e-02
+4770 -2.476842e-01
+4771 -3.933612e-01
+4772 -5.248242e-01
+4773 -6.379495e-01
+4774 -7.288603e-01
+4775 -7.943730e-01
+4776 -8.321849e-01
+4777 -8.410468e-01
+4778 -8.203749e-01
+4779 -7.708865e-01
+4780 -6.941920e-01
+4781 -5.929732e-01
+4782 -4.705418e-01
+4783 -3.309551e-01
+4784 -1.791611e-01
+4785 -2.020792e-02
+4786 1.402865e-01
+4787 2.968992e-01
+4788 4.441128e-01
+4789 5.765353e-01
+4790 6.893128e-01
+4791 7.775369e-01
+4792 8.373093e-01
+4793 8.662916e-01
+4794 8.634283e-01
+4795 8.288005e-01
+4796 7.636625e-01
+4797 6.710767e-01
+4798 5.548351e-01
+4799 4.195287e-01
+4800 2.701509e-01
+4801 1.120834e-01
+4802 -4.941988e-02
+4803 -2.085924e-01
+4804 -3.601184e-01
+4805 -4.986930e-01
+4806 -6.196592e-01
+4807 -7.188504e-01
+4808 -7.927942e-01
+4809 -8.390628e-01
+4810 -8.560895e-01
+4811 -8.431698e-01
+4812 -8.007260e-01
+4813 -7.304061e-01
+4814 -6.344955e-01
+4815 -5.161755e-01
+4816 -3.795780e-01
+4817 -2.293499e-01
+4818 -7.082547e-02
+4819 9.074125e-02
+4820 2.495571e-01
+4821 4.001219e-01
+4822 5.371821e-01
+4823 6.558926e-01
+4824 7.517173e-01
+4825 8.211278e-01
+4826 8.612334e-01
+4827 8.701950e-01
+4828 8.472155e-01
+4829 7.931272e-01
+4830 7.099921e-01
+4831 6.010981e-01
+4832 4.704873e-01
+4833 3.230047e-01
+4834 1.638003e-01
+4835 -1.611202e-03
+4836 -1.673265e-01
+4837 -3.277267e-01
+4838 -4.769431e-01
+4839 -6.098527e-01
+4840 -7.216632e-01
+4841 -8.083152e-01
+4842 -8.666495e-01
+4843 -8.944216e-01
+4844 -8.904057e-01
+4845 -8.546452e-01
+4846 -7.880656e-01
+4847 -6.927505e-01
+4848 -5.717220e-01
+4849 -4.292132e-01
+4850 -2.700054e-01
+4851 -9.958908e-02
+4852 7.610955e-02
+4853 2.509631e-01
+4854 4.187788e-01
+4855 5.733309e-01
+4856 7.086811e-01
+4857 8.195182e-01
+4858 9.005910e-01
+4859 9.465814e-01
+4860 9.541734e-01
+4861 9.228394e-01
+4862 8.555217e-01
+4863 7.562926e-01
+4864 6.298244e-01
+4865 4.813073e-01
+4866 3.163245e-01
+4867 1.408731e-01
+4868 -3.881652e-02
+4869 -2.160039e-01
+4870 -3.842948e-01
+4871 -5.376120e-01
+4872 -6.709321e-01
+4873 -7.796878e-01
+4874 -8.603063e-01
+4875 -9.101017e-01
+4876 -9.272280e-01
+4877 -9.109201e-01
+4878 -8.618769e-01
+4879 -7.817447e-01
+4880 -6.733319e-01
+4881 -5.403658e-01
+4882 -3.875157e-01
+4883 -2.201601e-01
+4884 -4.414572e-02
+4885 1.341740e-01
+4886 3.084262e-01
+4887 4.721294e-01
+4888 6.192519e-01
+4889 7.442572e-01
+4890 8.419720e-01
+4891 9.071092e-01
+4892 9.338197e-01
+4893 9.211547e-01
+4894 8.731705e-01
+4895 7.944960e-01
+4896 6.888136e-01
+4897 5.604202e-01
+4898 4.142198e-01
+4899 2.554783e-01
+4900 9.014531e-02
+4901 -7.579969e-02
+4902 -2.364343e-01
+4903 -3.857607e-01
+4904 -5.190466e-01
+4905 -6.318523e-01
+4906 -7.215577e-01
+4907 -7.853787e-01
+4908 -8.215762e-01
+4909 -8.290373e-01
+4910 -8.081298e-01
+4911 -7.594835e-01
+4912 -6.853762e-01
+4913 -5.881904e-01
+4914 -4.717240e-01
+4915 -3.402128e-01
+4916 -1.983457e-01
+4917 -5.104986e-02
+4918 9.621747e-02
+4919 2.387620e-01
+4920 3.714388e-01
+4921 4.894406e-01
+4922 5.886372e-01
+4923 6.656814e-01
+4924 7.179205e-01
+4925 7.434702e-01
+4926 7.422651e-01
+4927 7.151113e-01
+4928 6.631832e-01
+4929 5.890812e-01
+4930 4.955023e-01
+4931 3.859354e-01
+4932 2.643496e-01
+4933 1.354704e-01
+4934 3.934905e-03
+4935 -1.254127e-01
+4936 -2.478935e-01
+4937 -3.591034e-01
+4938 -4.558983e-01
+4939 -5.349740e-01
+4940 -5.944838e-01
+4941 -6.328145e-01
+4942 -6.483895e-01
+4943 -6.414298e-01
+4944 -6.123002e-01
+4945 -5.622571e-01
+4946 -4.931708e-01
+4947 -4.080281e-01
+4948 -3.095639e-01
+4949 -2.020742e-01
+4950 -8.941874e-02
+4951 2.462775e-02
+4952 1.359006e-01
+4953 2.401735e-01
+4954 3.336542e-01
+4955 4.134491e-01
+4956 4.767295e-01
+4957 5.207942e-01
+4958 5.448208e-01
+4959 5.483586e-01
+4960 5.310400e-01
+4961 4.936826e-01
+4962 4.381029e-01
+4963 3.670813e-01
+4964 2.827752e-01
+4965 1.893191e-01
+4966 9.069304e-02
+4967 -7.348495e-03
+4968 -9.905316e-02
+4969 -1.800255e-01
+4970 -2.504314e-01
+4971 -3.119622e-01
+4972 -3.626222e-01
+4973 -4.021289e-01
+4974 -4.284245e-01
+4975 -4.406227e-01
+4976 -4.382959e-01
+4977 -4.212292e-01
+4978 -3.909914e-01
+4979 -3.469792e-01
+4980 -2.906150e-01
+4981 -2.241178e-01
+4982 -1.483232e-01
+4983 -6.703611e-02
+4984 1.784230e-02
+4985 1.045402e-01
+4986 1.901426e-01
+4987 2.731003e-01
+4988 3.491116e-01
+4989 4.181160e-01
+4990 4.764799e-01
+4991 5.260688e-01
+4992 5.624686e-01
+4993 5.825930e-01
+4994 5.921260e-01
+4995 5.880181e-01
+4996 5.685823e-01
+4997 5.379242e-01
+4998 4.941940e-01
+4999 4.375193e-01
diff --git a/tests/corr/ar.dat b/tests/corr/ar.dat
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fe504e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/corr/ar.dat
@@ -0,0 +1,5012 @@
+#average forcast error= 3.433869e-01
+#individual forecast errors: 3.433869e-01 
+# 2.303067e+00 
+# -2.016940e+00 
+# 8.045408e-01 
+# -3.259203e-02 
+# -1.497622e-01 
+# 8.566623e-02 
+# -3.649850e-02 
+# -2.471789e-02 
+# 8.821165e-02 
+# -8.512512e-02 
diff --git a/tests/corr/ar_tisean.dat b/tests/corr/ar_tisean.dat
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4af42c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/corr/ar_tisean.dat
@@ -0,0 +1,5002 @@
+# average=8.856261e-02
+# standard deviation=7.958705e+00
+0 6.334883e+01
+1 6.203933e+01
+2 5.822880e+01
+3 5.222391e+01
+4 4.438315e+01
+5 3.506608e+01
+6 2.463786e+01
+7 1.347957e+01
+8 1.987444e+00
+9 -9.438651e+00
+10 -2.040409e+01
+11 -3.052135e+01
+12 -3.941888e+01
+13 -4.675854e+01
+14 -5.225888e+01
+15 -5.571866e+01
+16 -5.702839e+01
+17 -5.616851e+01
+18 -5.320478e+01
+19 -4.828310e+01
+20 -4.162036e+01
+21 -3.349052e+01
+22 -2.421446e+01
+23 -1.414788e+01
+24 -3.672519e+00
+25 6.816970e+00
+26 1.692653e+01
+27 2.627761e+01
+28 3.452494e+01
+29 4.137186e+01
+30 4.658196e+01
+31 4.998646e+01
+32 5.148859e+01
+33 5.106271e+01
+34 4.874852e+01
+35 4.464990e+01
+36 3.893255e+01
+37 3.182141e+01
+38 2.359455e+01
+39 1.457275e+01
+40 5.103553e+00
+41 -4.452909e+00
+42 -1.373589e+01
+43 -2.240048e+01
+44 -3.013093e+01
+45 -3.665202e+01
+46 -4.173489e+01
+47 -4.520549e+01
+48 -4.695104e+01
+49 -4.692385e+01
+50 -4.514274e+01
+51 -4.168921e+01
+52 -3.670592e+01
+53 -3.039292e+01
+54 -2.300075e+01
+55 -1.482075e+01
+56 -6.169877e+00
+57 2.624789e+00
+58 1.123569e+01
+59 1.934329e+01
+60 2.664524e+01
+61 3.287167e+01
+62 3.779843e+01
+63 4.125078e+01
+64 4.310964e+01
+65 4.331828e+01
+66 4.188858e+01
+67 3.889893e+01
+68 3.448507e+01
+69 2.882615e+01
+70 2.213850e+01
+71 1.467491e+01
+72 6.721925e+00
+73 -1.412582e+00
+74 -9.412034e+00
+75 -1.696796e+01
+76 -2.379237e+01
+77 -2.963267e+01
+78 -3.427948e+01
+79 -3.757288e+01
+80 -3.940945e+01
+81 -3.974611e+01
+82 -3.859584e+01
+83 -3.602363e+01
+84 -3.214132e+01
+85 -2.710644e+01
+86 -2.111756e+01
+87 -1.440584e+01
+88 -7.226906e+00
+89 1.499330e-01
+90 7.448017e+00
+91 1.438843e+01
+92 2.070180e+01
+93 2.614582e+01
+94 3.052252e+01
+95 3.368519e+01
+96 3.553866e+01
+97 3.603631e+01
+98 3.517878e+01
+99 3.301301e+01
+100 2.963233e+01
+101 2.517333e+01
+102 1.981117e+01
+103 1.375340e+01
+104 7.232763e+00
+105 5.011614e-01
+106 -6.178113e+00
+107 -1.254577e+01
+108 -1.836026e+01
+109 -2.341264e+01
+110 -2.752907e+01
+111 -3.056968e+01
+112 -3.242926e+01
+113 -3.304135e+01
+114 -3.238663e+01
+115 -3.049729e+01
+116 -2.745408e+01
+117 -2.338485e+01
+118 -1.846189e+01
+119 -1.289059e+01
+120 -6.896659e+00
+121 -7.148502e-01
+122 5.420809e+00
+123 1.128190e+01
+124 1.664819e+01
+125 2.131591e+01
+126 2.510977e+01
+127 2.789138e+01
+128 2.956292e+01
+129 3.006737e+01
+130 2.938758e+01
+131 2.755440e+01
+132 2.465481e+01
+133 2.082901e+01
+134 1.625459e+01
+135 1.112992e+01
+136 5.663918e+00
+137 6.950729e-02
+138 -5.438764e+00
+139 -1.065471e+01
+140 -1.538878e+01
+141 -1.947037e+01
+142 -2.275116e+01
+143 -2.510933e+01
+144 -2.645358e+01
+145 -2.673092e+01
+146 -2.593597e+01
+147 -2.411431e+01
+148 -2.135630e+01
+149 -1.778740e+01
+150 -1.355735e+01
+151 -8.835895e+00
+152 -3.810229e+00
+153 1.318615e+00
+154 6.346358e+00
+155 1.107444e+01
+156 1.531946e+01
+157 1.891685e+01
+158 2.172614e+01
+159 2.364155e+01
+160 2.459990e+01
+161 2.457832e+01
+162 2.359031e+01
+163 2.168540e+01
+164 1.894430e+01
+165 1.547702e+01
+166 1.142181e+01
+167 6.942790e+00
+168 2.222521e+00
+169 -2.551302e+00
+170 -7.194542e+00
+171 -1.152705e+01
+172 -1.537695e+01
+173 -1.858770e+01
+174 -2.102824e+01
+175 -2.260330e+01
+176 -2.325678e+01
+177 -2.297183e+01
+178 -2.176940e+01
+179 -1.970920e+01
+180 -1.688795e+01
+181 -1.343215e+01
+182 -9.486912e+00
+183 -5.208964e+00
+184 -7.644377e-01
+185 3.675329e+00
+186 7.937995e+00
+187 1.185707e+01
+188 1.527752e+01
+189 1.806359e+01
+190 2.010695e+01
+191 2.132995e+01
+192 2.169042e+01
+193 2.118490e+01
+194 1.984586e+01
+195 1.773723e+01
+196 1.494811e+01
+197 1.159023e+01
+198 7.796952e+00
+199 3.721444e+00
+200 -4.716165e-01
+201 -4.613536e+00
+202 -8.540691e+00
+203 -1.209836e+01
+204 -1.514340e+01
+205 -1.755400e+01
+206 -1.924197e+01
+207 -2.015203e+01
+208 -2.025814e+01
+209 -1.956285e+01
+210 -1.809619e+01
+211 -1.592075e+01
+212 -1.313352e+01
+213 -9.857997e+00
+214 -6.231367e+00
+215 -2.395695e+00
+216 1.503855e+00
+217 5.316468e+00
+218 8.892571e+00
+219 1.209212e+01
+220 1.479302e+01
+221 1.689251e+01
+222 1.830823e+01
+223 1.898643e+01
+224 1.890649e+01
+225 1.808472e+01
+226 1.656981e+01
+227 1.443228e+01
+228 1.175763e+01
+229 8.646683e+00
+230 5.216495e+00
+231 1.598896e+00
+232 -2.065017e+00
+233 -5.631414e+00
+234 -8.961036e+00
+235 -1.192463e+01
+236 -1.440742e+01
+237 -1.631531e+01
+238 -1.757903e+01
+239 -1.815779e+01
+240 -1.804096e+01
+241 -1.724532e+01
+242 -1.580894e+01
+243 -1.379242e+01
+244 -1.127329e+01
+245 -8.342151e+00
+246 -5.104294e+00
+247 -1.682411e+00
+248 1.789004e+00
+249 5.171268e+00
+250 8.331775e+00
+251 1.115009e+01
+252 1.352159e+01
+253 1.536134e+01
+254 1.660980e+01
+255 1.723089e+01
+256 1.720758e+01
+257 1.653870e+01
+258 1.524640e+01
+259 1.337990e+01
+260 1.101569e+01
+261 8.251008e+00
+262 5.194544e+00
+263 1.963437e+00
+264 -1.319502e+00
+265 -4.528230e+00
+266 -7.539136e+00
+267 -1.023910e+01
+268 -1.253168e+01
+269 -1.433498e+01
+270 -1.558120e+01
+271 -1.622535e+01
+272 -1.625260e+01
+273 -1.567397e+01
+274 -1.451792e+01
+275 -1.282898e+01
+276 -1.067074e+01
+277 -8.125990e+00
+278 -5.293575e+00
+279 -2.283585e+00
+280 7.917197e-01
+281 3.821068e+00
+282 6.698671e+00
+283 9.323403e+00
+284 1.160091e+01
+285 1.345024e+01
+286 1.480898e+01
+287 1.563117e+01
+288 1.588629e+01
+289 1.556197e+01
+290 1.466875e+01
+291 1.324315e+01
+292 1.134261e+01
+293 9.041027e+00
+294 6.423310e+00
+295 3.582146e+00
+296 6.171670e-01
+297 -2.365105e+00
+298 -5.255339e+00
+299 -7.945882e+00
+300 -1.033540e+01
+301 -1.233308e+01
+302 -1.386367e+01
+303 -1.487181e+01
+304 -1.532594e+01
+305 -1.522012e+01
+306 -1.457177e+01
+307 -1.341486e+01
+308 -1.179565e+01
+309 -9.769173e+00
+310 -7.403966e+00
+311 -4.786499e+00
+312 -2.018344e+00
+313 7.956383e-01
+314 3.554514e+00
+315 6.164949e+00
+316 8.539394e+00
+317 1.059521e+01
+318 1.225955e+01
+319 1.347179e+01
+320 1.418980e+01
+321 1.438891e+01
+322 1.405938e+01
+323 1.320657e+01
+324 1.186110e+01
+325 1.008073e+01
+326 7.943781e+00
+327 5.538854e+00
+328 2.960610e+00
+329 3.091326e-01
+330 -2.312394e+00
+331 -4.805268e+00
+332 -7.079896e+00
+333 -9.062226e+00
+334 -1.069498e+01
+335 -1.193130e+01
+336 -1.273336e+01
+337 -1.307380e+01
+338 -1.293937e+01
+339 -1.233190e+01
+340 -1.127175e+01
+341 -9.799028e+00
+342 -7.970803e+00
+343 -5.857593e+00
+344 -3.541490e+00
+345 -1.114963e+00
+346 1.324091e+00
+347 3.679201e+00
+348 5.861668e+00
+349 7.792153e+00
+350 9.404805e+00
+351 1.065023e+01
+352 1.149418e+01
+353 1.191312e+01
+354 1.189479e+01
+355 1.144284e+01
+356 1.057830e+01
+357 9.335311e+00
+358 7.756170e+00
+359 5.895196e+00
+360 3.816868e+00
+361 1.598273e+00
+362 -6.719853e-01
+363 -2.900346e+00
+364 -4.999630e+00
+365 -6.894731e+00
+366 -8.525590e+00
+367 -9.844502e+00
+368 -1.081039e+01
+369 -1.138648e+01
+370 -1.154721e+01
+371 -1.128413e+01
+372 -1.060823e+01
+373 -9.546497e+00
+374 -8.138691e+00
+375 -6.437425e+00
+376 -4.509047e+00
+377 -2.429530e+00
+378 -2.766471e-01
+379 1.874235e+00
+380 3.950913e+00
+381 5.882533e+00
+382 7.601591e+00
+383 9.048484e+00
+384 1.017515e+01
+385 1.094602e+01
+386 1.133670e+01
+387 1.133441e+01
+388 1.093876e+01
+389 1.016118e+01
+390 9.024267e+00
+391 7.558825e+00
+392 5.811053e+00
+393 3.845474e+00
+394 1.741402e+00
+395 -4.139085e-01
+396 -2.534689e+00
+397 -4.541892e+00
+398 -6.370816e+00
+399 -7.969141e+00
+400 -9.290101e+00
+401 -1.029312e+01
+402 -1.094845e+01
+403 -1.123787e+01
+404 -1.115518e+01
+405 -1.070414e+01
+406 -9.895310e+00
+407 -8.747810e+00
+408 -7.295626e+00
+409 -5.585775e+00
+410 -3.673682e+00
+411 -1.621540e+00
+412 5.017045e-01
+413 2.622850e+00
+414 4.664914e+00
+415 6.548709e+00
+416 8.199554e+00
+417 9.551676e+00
+418 1.055447e+01
+419 1.117591e+01
+420 1.139896e+01
+421 1.121884e+01
+422 1.064264e+01
+423 9.693568e+00
+424 8.406345e+00
+425 6.823795e+00
+426 4.993353e+00
+427 2.972410e+00
+428 8.301654e-01
+429 -1.358515e+00
+430 -3.517173e+00
+431 -5.570327e+00
+432 -7.445248e+00
+433 -9.073854e+00
+434 -1.039304e+01
+435 -1.134739e+01
+436 -1.189665e+01
+437 -1.201803e+01
+438 -1.170546e+01
+439 -1.096693e+01
+440 -9.826852e+00
+441 -8.328737e+00
+442 -6.534580e+00
+443 -4.513808e+00
+444 -2.338156e+00
+445 -8.027393e-02
+446 2.185731e+00
+447 4.384035e+00
+448 6.436433e+00
+449 8.265248e+00
+450 9.799254e+00
+451 1.097948e+01
+452 1.175980e+01
+453 1.210840e+01
+454 1.201063e+01
+455 1.147036e+01
+456 1.050914e+01
+457 9.165849e+00
+458 7.491336e+00
+459 5.542738e+00
+460 3.383889e+00
+461 1.087550e+00
+462 -1.263686e+00
+463 -3.580649e+00
+464 -5.777235e+00
+465 -7.773605e+00
+466 -9.494587e+00
+467 -1.087212e+01
+468 -1.184869e+01
+469 -1.238313e+01
+470 -1.245368e+01
+471 -1.205841e+01
+472 -1.121168e+01
+473 -9.942046e+00
+474 -8.294431e+00
+475 -6.331935e+00
+476 -4.134295e+00
+477 -1.790990e+00
+478 6.061427e-01
+479 2.967900e+00
+480 5.208770e+00
+481 7.250670e+00
+482 9.023170e+00
+483 1.046269e+01
+484 1.151458e+01
+485 1.213589e+01
+486 1.230014e+01
+487 1.200114e+01
+488 1.125122e+01
+489 1.007837e+01
+490 8.527833e+00
+491 6.662654e+00
+492 4.561898e+00
+493 2.308247e+00
+494 -1.632229e-02
+495 -2.329396e+00
+496 -4.544659e+00
+497 -6.575584e+00
+498 -8.343190e+00
+499 -9.780018e+00
+500 -1.083580e+01
+501 -1.147657e+01
+502 -1.168292e+01
+503 -1.145060e+01
+504 -1.078923e+01
+505 -9.724176e+00
+506 -8.298549e+00
+507 -6.569222e+00
+508 -4.601038e+00
+509 -2.463146e+00
+510 -2.286444e-01
+511 2.022230e+00
+512 4.201035e+00
+513 6.218502e+00
+514 7.990319e+00
+515 9.443796e+00
+516 1.051678e+01
+517 1.116310e+01
+518 1.135640e+01
+519 1.109248e+01
+520 1.038709e+01
+521 9.270470e+00
+522 7.784745e+00
+523 5.984908e+00
+524 3.937738e+00
+525 1.720101e+00
+526 -5.805123e-01
+527 -2.868851e+00
+528 -5.047982e+00
+529 -7.030600e+00
+530 -8.740784e+00
+531 -1.011002e+01
+532 -1.108055e+01
+533 -1.161001e+01
+534 -1.167415e+01
+535 -1.126973e+01
+536 -1.041221e+01
+537 -9.136078e+00
+538 -7.492908e+00
+539 -5.547453e+00
+540 -3.374827e+00
+541 -1.057536e+00
+542 1.314395e+00
+543 3.649637e+00
+544 5.859135e+00
+545 7.859602e+00
+546 9.570315e+00
+547 1.091892e+01
+548 1.184706e+01
+549 1.231432e+01
+550 1.229705e+01
+551 1.178994e+01
+552 1.080949e+01
+553 9.397133e+00
+554 7.616864e+00
+555 5.546460e+00
+556 3.268902e+00
+557 8.669707e-01
+558 -1.571845e+00
+559 -3.952928e+00
+560 -6.180268e+00
+561 -8.166557e+00
+562 -9.839645e+00
+563 -1.114341e+01
+564 -1.203323e+01
+565 -1.247421e+01
+566 -1.244496e+01
+567 -1.194393e+01
+568 -1.098929e+01
+569 -9.615640e+00
+570 -7.870260e+00
+571 -5.813083e+00
+572 -3.517478e+00
+573 -1.069538e+00
+574 1.437599e+00
+575 3.907085e+00
+576 6.243213e+00
+577 8.354387e+00
+578 1.015576e+01
+579 1.157533e+01
+580 1.255887e+01
+581 1.307027e+01
+582 1.308907e+01
+583 1.261150e+01
+584 1.165407e+01
+585 1.025147e+01
+586 8.455047e+00
+587 6.329056e+00
+588 3.946531e+00
+589 1.386994e+00
+590 -1.259226e+00
+591 -3.890917e+00
+592 -6.399389e+00
+593 -8.677824e+00
+594 -1.063156e+01
+595 -1.217895e+01
+596 -1.325285e+01
+597 -1.380309e+01
+598 -1.380093e+01
+599 -1.324458e+01
+600 -1.215911e+01
+601 -1.059433e+01
+602 -8.619719e+00
+603 -6.317812e+00
+604 -3.777942e+00
+605 -1.096461e+00
+606 1.626365e+00
+607 4.288353e+00
+608 6.790460e+00
+609 9.039850e+00
+610 1.094903e+01
+611 1.243664e+01
+612 1.343262e+01
+613 1.388891e+01
+614 1.378350e+01
+615 1.312156e+01
+616 1.193351e+01
+617 1.027186e+01
+618 8.209034e+00
+619 5.832797e+00
+620 3.239685e+00
+621 5.311025e-01
+622 -2.189957e+00
+623 -4.816999e+00
+624 -7.243386e+00
+625 -9.372498e+00
+626 -1.112754e+01
+627 -1.244881e+01
+628 -1.328890e+01
+629 -1.361656e+01
+630 -1.342299e+01
+631 -1.272417e+01
+632 -1.155386e+01
+633 -9.960523e+00
+634 -8.003759e+00
+635 -5.752161e+00
+636 -3.285078e+00
+637 -6.917636e-01
+638 1.927898e+00
+639 4.472514e+00
+640 6.843676e+00
+641 8.948743e+00
+642 1.070579e+01
+643 1.204913e+01
+644 1.293024e+01
+645 1.331763e+01
+646 1.319712e+01
+647 1.257061e+01
+648 1.145981e+01
+649 9.907364e+00
+650 7.976295e+00
+651 5.745232e+00
+652 3.300184e+00
+653 7.333988e-01
+654 -1.861508e+00
+655 -4.392896e+00
+656 -6.769236e+00
+657 -8.899128e+00
+658 -1.069688e+01
+659 -1.209092e+01
+660 -1.302721e+01
+661 -1.346979e+01
+662 -1.339902e+01
+663 -1.281244e+01
+664 -1.172995e+01
+665 -1.019187e+01
+666 -8.256048e+00
+667 -5.998174e+00
+668 -3.508666e+00
+669 -8.856699e-01
+670 1.769418e+00
+671 4.354417e+00
+672 6.770379e+00
+673 8.925373e+00
+674 1.073865e+01
+675 1.214288e+01
+676 1.308724e+01
+677 1.354108e+01
+678 1.349240e+01
+679 1.294550e+01
+680 1.191961e+01
+681 1.044864e+01
+682 8.582539e+00
+683 6.390092e+00
+684 3.961684e+00
+685 1.398844e+00
+686 -1.197263e+00
+687 -3.731627e+00
+688 -6.114914e+00
+689 -8.262481e+00
+690 -1.009595e+01
+691 -1.154912e+01
+692 -1.257200e+01
+693 -1.313243e+01
+694 -1.321476e+01
+695 -1.281451e+01
+696 -1.194021e+01
+697 -1.062092e+01
+698 -8.909059e+00
+699 -6.873276e+00
+700 -4.592395e+00
+701 -2.150203e+00
+702 3.681191e-01
+703 2.875715e+00
+704 5.285093e+00
+705 7.509591e+00
+706 9.468664e+00
+707 1.109004e+01
+708 1.231126e+01
+709 1.308059e+01
+710 1.336364e+01
+711 1.314665e+01
+712 1.243695e+01
+713 1.126306e+01
+714 9.672130e+00
+715 7.727153e+00
+716 5.504042e+00
+717 3.086759e+00
+718 5.625148e-01
+719 -1.980010e+00
+720 -4.451087e+00
+721 -6.760503e+00
+722 -8.822959e+00
+723 -1.056400e+01
+724 -1.192612e+01
+725 -1.286564e+01
+726 -1.334725e+01
+727 -1.334506e+01
+728 -1.285236e+01
+729 -1.188370e+01
+730 -1.047590e+01
+731 -8.686632e+00
+732 -6.589797e+00
+733 -4.268986e+00
+734 -1.810488e+00
+735 6.950056e-01
+736 3.156946e+00
+737 5.487558e+00
+738 7.603154e+00
+739 9.427070e+00
+740 1.089368e+01
+741 1.195408e+01
+742 1.257490e+01
+743 1.273452e+01
+744 1.242628e+01
+745 1.166135e+01
+746 1.047157e+01
+747 8.904328e+00
+748 7.019178e+00
+749 4.887185e+00
+750 2.589697e+00
+751 2.131991e-01
+752 -2.156746e+00
+753 -4.434429e+00
+754 -6.534051e+00
+755 -8.373143e+00
+756 -9.878290e+00
+757 -1.099373e+01
+758 -1.168423e+01
+759 -1.193302e+01
+760 -1.173830e+01
+761 -1.111212e+01
+762 -1.007816e+01
+763 -8.672901e+00
+764 -6.946096e+00
+765 -4.959458e+00
+766 -2.785036e+00
+767 -5.037361e-01
+768 1.797812e+00
+769 4.028399e+00
+770 6.096631e+00
+771 7.916477e+00
+772 9.412660e+00
+773 1.052748e+01
+774 1.122578e+01
+775 1.149189e+01
+776 1.132569e+01
+777 1.073958e+01
+778 9.756050e+00
+779 8.407271e+00
+780 6.741485e+00
+781 4.822658e+00
+782 2.729041e+00
+783 5.452668e-01
+784 -1.644654e+00
+785 -3.759840e+00
+786 -5.719238e+00
+787 -7.440602e+00
+788 -8.847032e+00
+789 -9.879968e+00
+790 -1.051175e+01
+791 -1.074204e+01
+792 -1.058336e+01
+793 -1.005362e+01
+794 -9.179166e+00
+795 -7.994988e+00
+796 -6.541838e+00
+797 -4.865533e+00
+798 -3.021191e+00
+799 -1.075547e+00
+800 8.922888e-01
+801 2.794105e+00
+802 4.541525e+00
+803 6.061269e+00
+804 7.302901e+00
+805 8.235709e+00
+806 8.843991e+00
+807 9.123453e+00
+808 9.079200e+00
+809 8.721414e+00
+810 8.063056e+00
+811 7.126482e+00
+812 5.949297e+00
+813 4.581782e+00
+814 3.083208e+00
+815 1.516805e+00
+816 -5.723790e-02
+817 -1.585602e+00
+818 -3.017832e+00
+819 -4.305966e+00
+820 -5.405136e+00
+821 -6.278446e+00
+822 -6.898083e+00
+823 -7.244524e+00
+824 -7.308876e+00
+825 -7.095429e+00
+826 -6.618952e+00
+827 -5.904086e+00
+828 -4.984632e+00
+829 -3.899530e+00
+830 -2.690623e+00
+831 -1.402886e+00
+832 -8.501493e-02
+833 1.214486e+00
+834 2.450602e+00
+835 3.580273e+00
+836 4.559533e+00
+837 5.349595e+00
+838 5.924429e+00
+839 6.268598e+00
+840 6.375182e+00
+841 6.243246e+00
+842 5.878803e+00
+843 5.295478e+00
+844 4.516154e+00
+845 3.570774e+00
+846 2.494945e+00
+847 1.330591e+00
+848 1.245414e-01
+849 -1.075848e+00
+850 -2.226850e+00
+851 -3.289041e+00
+852 -4.222949e+00
+853 -4.989654e+00
+854 -5.555528e+00
+855 -5.896260e+00
+856 -5.998398e+00
+857 -5.863467e+00
+858 -5.506210e+00
+859 -4.947236e+00
+860 -4.212193e+00
+861 -3.331363e+00
+862 -2.342194e+00
+863 -1.288068e+00
+864 -2.142212e-01
+865 8.380294e-01
+866 1.829022e+00
+867 2.722929e+00
+868 3.490712e+00
+869 4.110158e+00
+870 4.565633e+00
+871 4.849320e+00
+872 4.958245e+00
+873 4.891074e+00
+874 4.649559e+00
+875 4.241159e+00
+876 3.681894e+00
+877 2.996931e+00
+878 2.216754e+00
+879 1.375678e+00
+880 5.066891e-01
+881 -3.622865e-01
+882 -1.207097e+00
+883 -2.003285e+00
+884 -2.725915e+00
+885 -3.351074e+00
+886 -3.858391e+00
+887 -4.232476e+00
+888 -4.461562e+00
+889 -4.534598e+00
+890 -4.440177e+00
+891 -4.174243e+00
+892 -3.745252e+00
+893 -3.173278e+00
+894 -2.487919e+00
+895 -1.723364e+00
+896 -9.136538e-01
+897 -9.198015e-02
+898 7.138571e-01
+899 1.481942e+00
+900 2.194645e+00
+901 2.834548e+00
+902 3.381449e+00
+903 3.814379e+00
+904 4.113507e+00
+905 4.263549e+00
+906 4.257282e+00
+907 4.099603e+00
+908 3.803498e+00
+909 3.384816e+00
+910 2.856081e+00
+911 2.225338e+00
+912 1.504975e+00
+913 7.208924e-01
+914 -9.314569e-02
+915 -9.040422e-01
+916 -1.680283e+00
+917 -2.387748e+00
+918 -2.990753e+00
+919 -3.459644e+00
+920 -3.778014e+00
+921 -3.941754e+00
+922 -3.953945e+00
+923 -3.823317e+00
+924 -3.563888e+00
+925 -3.189753e+00
+926 -2.712657e+00
+927 -2.143990e+00
+928 -1.496268e+00
+929 -7.845975e-01
+930 -3.448666e-02
+931 7.177352e-01
+932 1.426861e+00
+933 2.047959e+00
+934 2.547971e+00
+935 2.910454e+00
+936 3.133007e+00
+937 3.220276e+00
+938 3.177803e+00
+939 3.008395e+00
+940 2.711942e+00
+941 2.295168e+00
+942 1.779973e+00
+943 1.202106e+00
+944 5.981279e-01
+945 -2.786256e-03
+946 -5.773699e-01
+947 -1.104377e+00
+948 -1.565254e+00
+949 -1.949468e+00
+950 -2.253725e+00
+951 -2.472362e+00
+952 -2.593542e+00
+953 -2.601793e+00
+954 -2.487193e+00
+955 -2.252530e+00
+956 -1.912691e+00
+957 -1.486227e+00
+958 -9.931640e-01
+959 -4.588876e-01
+960 8.591807e-02
+961 6.122778e-01
+962 1.100701e+00
+963 1.544076e+00
+964 1.941641e+00
+965 2.289358e+00
+966 2.571514e+00
+967 2.766201e+00
+968 2.856500e+00
+969 2.836720e+00
+970 2.711092e+00
+971 2.487660e+00
+972 2.175292e+00
+973 1.786078e+00
+974 1.335596e+00
+975 8.428434e-01
+976 3.319046e-01
+977 -1.706783e-01
+978 -6.416611e-01
+979 -1.069083e+00
+980 -1.451114e+00
+981 -1.783819e+00
+982 -2.053441e+00
+983 -2.242319e+00
+984 -2.338961e+00
+985 -2.342212e+00
+986 -2.255662e+00
+987 -2.084229e+00
+988 -1.836602e+00
+989 -1.527889e+00
+990 -1.178032e+00
+991 -8.055366e-01
+992 -4.275228e-01
+993 -6.195571e-02
+994 2.727574e-01
+995 5.629564e-01
+996 8.010065e-01
+997 9.843187e-01
+998 1.115804e+00
+999 1.201095e+00
+1000 1.244765e+00
+1001 1.249883e+00
+1002 1.222827e+00
+1003 1.169154e+00
+1004 1.086883e+00
+1005 9.704250e-01
+1006 8.191927e-01
+1007 6.410758e-01
+1008 4.468332e-01
+1009 2.432496e-01
+1010 3.292540e-02
+1011 -1.817070e-01
+1012 -3.984774e-01
+1013 -6.132547e-01
+1014 -8.195607e-01
+1015 -1.010630e+00
+1016 -1.181959e+00
+1017 -1.325359e+00
+1018 -1.429264e+00
+1019 -1.483629e+00
+1020 -1.483725e+00
+1021 -1.430246e+00
+1022 -1.327131e+00
+1023 -1.181790e+00
+1024 -1.003767e+00
+1025 -7.994661e-01
+1026 -5.709445e-01
+1027 -3.188870e-01
+1028 -4.684251e-02
+1029 2.412354e-01
+1030 5.403828e-01
+1031 8.409393e-01
+1032 1.125830e+00
+1033 1.373448e+00
+1034 1.565261e+00
+1035 1.689857e+00
+1036 1.743923e+00
+1037 1.732119e+00
+1038 1.664160e+00
+1039 1.554560e+00
+1040 1.417828e+00
+1041 1.259736e+00
+1042 1.074235e+00
+1043 8.520780e-01
+1044 5.901122e-01
+1045 2.928289e-01
+1046 -2.566305e-02
+1047 -3.435783e-01
+1048 -6.359703e-01
+1049 -8.816880e-01
+1050 -1.068479e+00
+1051 -1.191480e+00
+1052 -1.249652e+00
+1053 -1.246686e+00
+1054 -1.189811e+00
+1055 -1.084945e+00
+1056 -9.330949e-01
+1057 -7.366762e-01
+1058 -5.067599e-01
+1059 -2.611436e-01
+1060 -1.725958e-02
+1061 2.161799e-01
+1062 4.377950e-01
+1063 6.440068e-01
+1064 8.280017e-01
+1065 9.809805e-01
+1066 1.095520e+00
+1067 1.168631e+00
+1068 1.199161e+00
+1069 1.184855e+00
+1070 1.121221e+00
+1071 1.006421e+00
+1072 8.431579e-01
+1073 6.397225e-01
+1074 4.095253e-01
+1075 1.661812e-01
+1076 -7.885783e-02
+1077 -3.126314e-01
+1078 -5.218944e-01
+1079 -6.961877e-01
+1080 -8.314935e-01
+1081 -9.268632e-01
+1082 -9.807460e-01
+1083 -9.899062e-01
+1084 -9.551494e-01
+1085 -8.842302e-01
+1086 -7.854563e-01
+1087 -6.631236e-01
+1088 -5.176236e-01
+1089 -3.531028e-01
+1090 -1.801455e-01
+1091 -1.331373e-02
+1092 1.360894e-01
+1093 2.612774e-01
+1094 3.586754e-01
+1095 4.280701e-01
+1096 4.695034e-01
+1097 4.838370e-01
+1098 4.751879e-01
+1099 4.500567e-01
+1100 4.132419e-01
+1101 3.679106e-01
+1102 3.128379e-01
+1103 2.455473e-01
+1104 1.639124e-01
+1105 6.707038e-02
+1106 -3.937755e-02
+1107 -1.400758e-01
+1108 -2.189377e-01
+1109 -2.645718e-01
+1110 -2.727684e-01
+1111 -2.404180e-01
+1112 -1.662683e-01
+1113 -5.648732e-02
+1114 7.149383e-02
+1115 1.946018e-01
+1116 2.966930e-01
+1117 3.759612e-01
+1118 4.385919e-01
+1119 4.904457e-01
+1120 5.320624e-01
+1121 5.593900e-01
+1122 5.663647e-01
+1123 5.438923e-01
+1124 4.803574e-01
+1125 3.668757e-01
+1126 2.042840e-01
+1127 4.204677e-03
+1128 -2.177067e-01
+1129 -4.476894e-01
+1130 -6.742992e-01
+1131 -8.874799e-01
+1132 -1.076674e+00
+1133 -1.232933e+00
+1134 -1.349521e+00
+1135 -1.423782e+00
+1136 -1.456896e+00
+1137 -1.454596e+00
+1138 -1.425709e+00
+1139 -1.378294e+00
+1140 -1.316796e+00
+1141 -1.239380e+00
+1142 -1.140929e+00
+1143 -1.017496e+00
+1144 -8.694337e-01
+1145 -7.012007e-01
+1146 -5.192749e-01
+1147 -3.271325e-01
+1148 -1.242572e-01
+1149 9.161409e-02
+1150 3.187691e-01
+1151 5.476812e-01
+1152 7.629620e-01
+1153 9.464793e-01
+1154 1.081691e+00
+1155 1.158212e+00
+1156 1.177523e+00
+1157 1.151874e+00
+1158 1.097254e+00
+1159 1.028596e+00
+1160 9.578215e-01
+1161 8.925340e-01
+1162 8.351588e-01
+1163 7.826636e-01
+1164 7.279539e-01
+1165 6.657102e-01
+1166 5.967867e-01
+1167 5.302784e-01
+1168 4.770780e-01
+1169 4.432857e-01
+1170 4.279008e-01
+1171 4.225341e-01
+1172 4.131889e-01
+1173 3.858399e-01
+1174 3.307333e-01
+1175 2.421138e-01
+1176 1.156524e-01
+1177 -5.082202e-02
+1178 -2.564612e-01
+1179 -4.918872e-01
+1180 -7.413864e-01
+1181 -9.875591e-01
+1182 -1.216002e+00
+1183 -1.413298e+00
+1184 -1.564970e+00
+1185 -1.657056e+00
+1186 -1.677728e+00
+1187 -1.617110e+00
+1188 -1.469214e+00
+1189 -1.232293e+00
+1190 -9.126880e-01
+1191 -5.227040e-01
+1192 -7.867249e-02
+1193 3.983016e-01
+1194 8.859922e-01
+1195 1.363006e+00
+1196 1.806247e+00
+1197 2.194804e+00
+1198 2.511373e+00
+1199 2.742588e+00
+1200 2.877156e+00
+1201 2.907208e+00
+1202 2.825869e+00
+1203 2.630310e+00
+1204 2.323744e+00
+1205 1.915694e+00
+1206 1.418016e+00
+1207 8.450312e-01
+1208 2.123958e-01
+1209 -4.577529e-01
+1210 -1.135584e+00
+1211 -1.787701e+00
+1212 -2.380165e+00
+1213 -2.878719e+00
+1214 -3.252509e+00
+1215 -3.478971e+00
+1216 -3.546873e+00
+1217 -3.456939e+00
+1218 -3.217334e+00
+1219 -2.836200e+00
+1220 -2.318810e+00
+1221 -1.671143e+00
+1222 -9.088539e-01
+1223 -6.217221e-02
+1224 8.271431e-01
+1225 1.714232e+00
+1226 2.557310e+00
+1227 3.321317e+00
+1228 3.978683e+00
+1229 4.507194e+00
+1230 4.888606e+00
+1231 5.111576e+00
+1232 5.167984e+00
+1233 5.048029e+00
+1234 4.741749e+00
+1235 4.245055e+00
+1236 3.566711e+00
+1237 2.729822e+00
+1238 1.769424e+00
+1239 7.276186e-01
+1240 -3.509989e-01
+1241 -1.423605e+00
+1242 -2.452174e+00
+1243 -3.402353e+00
+1244 -4.244573e+00
+1245 -4.952365e+00
+1246 -5.503263e+00
+1247 -5.876079e+00
+1248 -6.052280e+00
+1249 -6.014922e+00
+1250 -5.752079e+00
+1251 -5.263272e+00
+1252 -4.561578e+00
+1253 -3.674983e+00
+1254 -2.635820e+00
+1255 -1.477789e+00
+1256 -2.389806e-01
+1257 1.035501e+00
+1258 2.298100e+00
+1259 3.501822e+00
+1260 4.596681e+00
+1261 5.530465e+00
+1262 6.254417e+00
+1263 6.731137e+00
+1264 6.938422e+00
+1265 6.869335e+00
+1266 6.528144e+00
+1267 5.929037e+00
+1268 5.091095e+00
+1269 4.040688e+00
+1270 2.814136e+00
+1271 1.455875e+00
+1272 1.408588e-02
+1273 -1.458905e+00
+1274 -2.907026e+00
+1275 -4.272225e+00
+1276 -5.498997e+00
+1277 -6.535308e+00
+1278 -7.334443e+00
+1279 -7.858256e+00
+1280 -8.082328e+00
+1281 -7.998430e+00
+1282 -7.613495e+00
+1283 -6.942608e+00
+1284 -6.008904e+00
+1285 -4.846166e+00
+1286 -3.501220e+00
+1287 -2.030101e+00
+1288 -4.873564e-01
+1289 1.078292e+00
+1290 2.617334e+00
+1291 4.079275e+00
+1292 5.412357e+00
+1293 6.564101e+00
+1294 7.484999e+00
+1295 8.131142e+00
+1296 8.468344e+00
+1297 8.481327e+00
+1298 8.174151e+00
+1299 7.561468e+00
+1300 6.667175e+00
+1301 5.523731e+00
+1302 4.171253e+00
+1303 2.655208e+00
+1304 1.029805e+00
+1305 -6.436449e-01
+1306 -2.303433e+00
+1307 -3.893695e+00
+1308 -5.362530e+00
+1309 -6.657325e+00
+1310 -7.724495e+00
+1311 -8.512752e+00
+1312 -8.981163e+00
+1313 -9.104951e+00
+1314 -8.876018e+00
+1315 -8.302562e+00
+1316 -7.410134e+00
+1317 -6.235372e+00
+1318 -4.819342e+00
+1319 -3.205960e+00
+1320 -1.442527e+00
+1321 4.140617e-01
+1322 2.294188e+00
+1323 4.119380e+00
+1324 5.811675e+00
+1325 7.299327e+00
+1326 8.518915e+00
+1327 9.417214e+00
+1328 9.955893e+00
+1329 1.011257e+01
+1330 9.881407e+00
+1331 9.275141e+00
+1332 8.324097e+00
+1333 7.067608e+00
+1334 5.549635e+00
+1335 3.819163e+00
+1336 1.932627e+00
+1337 -4.430368e-02
+1338 -2.039000e+00
+1339 -3.974656e+00
+1340 -5.774795e+00
+1341 -7.368179e+00
+1342 -8.692513e+00
+1343 -9.695734e+00
+1344 -1.034005e+01
+1345 -1.060238e+01
+1346 -1.047498e+01
+1347 -9.963356e+00
+1348 -9.085541e+00
+1349 -7.870358e+00
+1350 -6.359206e+00
+1351 -4.602761e+00
+1352 -2.663260e+00
+1353 -6.143279e-01
+1354 1.460434e+00
+1355 3.477655e+00
+1356 5.360108e+00
+1357 7.041233e+00
+1358 8.464095e+00
+1359 9.582455e+00
+1360 1.036226e+01
+1361 1.077886e+01
+1362 1.081835e+01
+1363 1.047744e+01
+1364 9.762757e+00
+1365 8.691222e+00
+1366 7.290419e+00
+1367 5.601306e+00
+1368 3.684643e+00
+1369 1.621195e+00
+1370 -4.971934e-01
+1371 -2.578030e+00
+1372 -4.540164e+00
+1373 -6.321490e+00
+1374 -7.870487e+00
+1375 -9.141347e+00
+1376 -1.009353e+01
+1377 -1.069746e+01
+1378 -1.093204e+01
+1379 -1.078238e+01
+1380 -1.023951e+01
+1381 -9.308621e+00
+1382 -8.015627e+00
+1383 -6.407661e+00
+1384 -4.548520e+00
+1385 -2.510699e+00
+1386 -3.689949e-01
+1387 1.796867e+00
+1388 3.902883e+00
+1389 5.866393e+00
+1390 7.613293e+00
+1391 9.073766e+00
+1392 1.018326e+01
+1393 1.089170e+01
+1394 1.116880e+01
+1395 1.100496e+01
+1396 1.040934e+01
+1397 9.410796e+00
+1398 8.052869e+00
+1399 6.387045e+00
+1400 4.472363e+00
+1401 2.376242e+00
+1402 1.747700e-01
+1403 -2.048431e+00
+1404 -4.207795e+00
+1405 -6.218972e+00
+1406 -7.998353e+00
+1407 -9.467578e+00
+1408 -1.056074e+01
+1409 -1.123308e+01
+1410 -1.146739e+01
+1411 -1.126986e+01
+1412 -1.066109e+01
+1413 -9.669752e+00
+1414 -8.330561e+00
+1415 -6.687306e+00
+1416 -4.798646e+00
+1417 -2.738135e+00
+1418 -5.885032e-01
+1419 1.569751e+00
+1420 3.660940e+00
+1421 5.610119e+00
+1422 7.343819e+00
+1423 8.797568e+00
+1424 9.919179e+00
+1425 1.066943e+01
+1426 1.101970e+01
+1427 1.095312e+01
+1428 1.046944e+01
+1429 9.590466e+00
+1430 8.357761e+00
+1431 6.826283e+00
+1432 5.057822e+00
+1433 3.116860e+00
+1434 1.070574e+00
+1435 -1.008425e+00
+1436 -3.047525e+00
+1437 -4.977363e+00
+1438 -6.732464e+00
+1439 -8.252630e+00
+1440 -9.481309e+00
+1441 -1.036447e+01
+1442 -1.085559e+01
+1443 -1.092229e+01
+1444 -1.055438e+01
+1445 -9.766270e+00
+1446 -8.594088e+00
+1447 -7.088148e+00
+1448 -5.313701e+00
+1449 -3.349266e+00
+1450 -1.277973e+00
+1451 8.219034e-01
+1452 2.883258e+00
+1453 4.846284e+00
+1454 6.649268e+00
+1455 8.227008e+00
+1456 9.514963e+00
+1457 1.045646e+01
+1458 1.100602e+01
+1459 1.113498e+01
+1460 1.083468e+01
+1461 1.011393e+01
+1462 9.002218e+00
+1463 7.550687e+00
+1464 5.822466e+00
+1465 3.879549e+00
+1466 1.783368e+00
+1467 -3.977408e-01
+1468 -2.582889e+00
+1469 -4.684835e+00
+1470 -6.614801e+00
+1471 -8.292636e+00
+1472 -9.652141e+00
+1473 -1.064983e+01
+1474 -1.126179e+01
+1475 -1.147276e+01
+1476 -1.127387e+01
+1477 -1.066694e+01
+1478 -9.667620e+00
+1479 -8.305896e+00
+1480 -6.624048e+00
+1481 -4.676539e+00
+1482 -2.534514e+00
+1483 -2.849039e-01
+1484 1.976859e+00
+1485 4.160616e+00
+1486 6.187932e+00
+1487 7.991362e+00
+1488 9.511914e+00
+1489 1.070144e+01
+1490 1.152071e+01
+1491 1.193702e+01
+1492 1.192479e+01
+1493 1.147219e+01
+1494 1.058453e+01
+1495 9.285101e+00
+1496 7.614393e+00
+1497 5.634335e+00
+1498 3.427585e+00
+1499 1.089959e+00
+1500 -1.282181e+00
+1501 -3.600585e+00
+1502 -5.785015e+00
+1503 -7.761209e+00
+1504 -9.459659e+00
+1505 -1.081540e+01
+1506 -1.177163e+01
+1507 -1.228316e+01
+1508 -1.232646e+01
+1509 -1.190176e+01
+1510 -1.102776e+01
+1511 -9.734898e+00
+1512 -8.067865e+00
+1513 -6.090433e+00
+1514 -3.882199e+00
+1515 -1.531449e+00
+1516 8.756278e-01
+1517 3.259893e+00
+1518 5.539103e+00
+1519 7.622662e+00
+1520 9.420441e+00
+1521 1.085550e+01
+1522 1.187116e+01
+1523 1.243242e+01
+1524 1.252179e+01
+1525 1.213752e+01
+1526 1.129361e+01
+1527 1.002511e+01
+1528 8.386623e+00
+1529 6.444171e+00
+1530 4.265999e+00
+1531 1.924221e+00
+1532 -4.984134e-01
+1533 -2.909393e+00
+1534 -5.209440e+00
+1535 -7.302323e+00
+1536 -9.105160e+00
+1537 -1.055394e+01
+1538 -1.160350e+01
+1539 -1.222393e+01
+1540 -1.239483e+01
+1541 -1.210709e+01
+1542 -1.136989e+01
+1543 -1.021421e+01
+1544 -8.686305e+00
+1545 -6.843222e+00
+1546 -4.751561e+00
+1547 -2.487157e+00
+1548 -1.378835e-01
+1549 2.199983e+00
+1550 4.432334e+00
+1551 6.472572e+00
+1552 8.244346e+00
+1553 9.685542e+00
+1554 1.075187e+01
+1555 1.141431e+01
+1556 1.165593e+01
+1557 1.146706e+01
+1558 1.084801e+01
+1559 9.817105e+00
+1560 8.412932e+00
+1561 6.692630e+00
+1562 4.726193e+00
+1563 2.591625e+00
+1564 3.721847e-01
+1565 -1.848009e+00
+1566 -3.989839e+00
+1567 -5.979550e+00
+1568 -7.748440e+00
+1569 -9.230343e+00
+1570 -1.036482e+01
+1571 -1.110205e+01
+1572 -1.141023e+01
+1573 -1.127738e+01
+1574 -1.071093e+01
+1575 -9.738006e+00
+1576 -8.402087e+00
+1577 -6.756293e+00
+1578 -4.863034e+00
+1579 -2.794411e+00
+1580 -6.292485e-01
+1581 1.551485e+00
+1582 3.669128e+00
+1583 5.647545e+00
+1584 7.413464e+00
+1585 8.897840e+00
+1586 1.004059e+01
+1587 1.079725e+01
+1588 1.114019e+01
+1589 1.106120e+01
+1590 1.056954e+01
+1591 9.688278e+00
+1592 8.451083e+00
+1593 6.900616e+00
+1594 5.090080e+00
+1595 3.086090e+00
+1596 9.706168e-01
+1597 -1.163068e+00
+1598 -3.219227e+00
+1599 -5.109034e+00
+1600 -6.760184e+00
+1601 -8.116801e+00
+1602 -9.137514e+00
+1603 -9.792407e+00
+1604 -1.006050e+01
+1605 -9.937025e+00
+1606 -9.435822e+00
+1607 -8.587931e+00
+1608 -7.432160e+00
+1609 -6.010321e+00
+1610 -4.367575e+00
+1611 -2.559156e+00
+1612 -6.543556e-01
+1613 1.268161e+00
+1614 3.127350e+00
+1615 4.844564e+00
+1616 6.350109e+00
+1617 7.587357e+00
+1618 8.516878e+00
+1619 9.113367e+00
+1620 9.361227e+00
+1621 9.250671e+00
+1622 8.779466e+00
+1623 7.957520e+00
+1624 6.814767e+00
+1625 5.399466e+00
+1626 3.768301e+00
+1627 1.983416e+00
+1628 1.177071e-01
+1629 -1.749254e+00
+1630 -3.542913e+00
+1631 -5.201032e+00
+1632 -6.670316e+00
+1633 -7.898497e+00
+1634 -8.836716e+00
+1635 -9.446270e+00
+1636 -9.701979e+00
+1637 -9.590250e+00
+1638 -9.109725e+00
+1639 -8.274907e+00
+1640 -7.118856e+00
+1641 -5.690254e+00
+1642 -4.048430e+00
+1643 -2.253557e+00
+1644 -3.664535e-01
+1645 1.544078e+00
+1646 3.404021e+00
+1647 5.141202e+00
+1648 6.684886e+00
+1649 7.968542e+00
+1650 8.937186e+00
+1651 9.550375e+00
+1652 9.784111e+00
+1653 9.629148e+00
+1654 9.094741e+00
+1655 8.206085e+00
+1656 7.001667e+00
+1657 5.529940e+00
+1658 3.850365e+00
+1659 2.028590e+00
+1660 1.279234e-01
+1661 -1.786276e+00
+1662 -3.641942e+00
+1663 -5.362167e+00
+1664 -6.871520e+00
+1665 -8.101938e+00
+1666 -9.000383e+00
+1667 -9.533093e+00
+1668 -9.685270e+00
+1669 -9.456430e+00
+1670 -8.857834e+00
+1671 -7.912993e+00
+1672 -6.660832e+00
+1673 -5.151414e+00
+1674 -3.443921e+00
+1675 -1.602994e+00
+1676 3.016287e-01
+1677 2.196922e+00
+1678 4.008676e+00
+1679 5.662912e+00
+1680 7.090926e+00
+1681 8.237387e+00
+1682 9.059415e+00
+1683 9.528198e+00
+1684 9.627496e+00
+1685 9.354121e+00
+1686 8.717711e+00
+1687 7.741009e+00
+1688 6.458793e+00
+1689 4.913873e+00
+1690 3.154332e+00
+1691 1.235424e+00
+1692 -7.770188e-01
+1693 -2.805547e+00
+1694 -4.766546e+00
+1695 -6.576371e+00
+1696 -8.156502e+00
+1697 -9.436778e+00
+1698 -1.036097e+01
+1699 -1.088928e+01
+1700 -1.100085e+01
+1701 -1.069600e+01
+1702 -9.991922e+00
+1703 -8.917000e+00
+1704 -7.508218e+00
+1705 -5.812635e+00
+1706 -3.886350e+00
+1707 -1.792708e+00
+1708 4.003838e-01
+1709 2.620597e+00
+1710 4.790249e+00
+1711 6.823697e+00
+1712 8.633106e+00
+1713 1.013595e+01
+1714 1.126214e+01
+1715 1.195900e+01
+1716 1.219431e+01
+1717 1.195132e+01
+1718 1.123322e+01
+1719 1.006725e+01
+1720 8.502378e+00
+1721 6.601587e+00
+1722 4.437235e+00
+1723 2.090408e+00
+1724 -3.537432e-01
+1725 -2.807632e+00
+1726 -5.184028e+00
+1727 -7.395294e+00
+1728 -9.350909e+00
+1729 -1.096023e+01
+1730 -1.214371e+01
+1731 -1.284721e+01
+1732 -1.304805e+01
+1733 -1.274627e+01
+1734 -1.195466e+01
+1735 -1.069738e+01
+1736 -9.011639e+00
+1737 -6.953003e+00
+1738 -4.595058e+00
+1739 -2.028209e+00
+1740 6.423604e-01
+1741 3.303176e+00
+1742 5.843435e+00
+1743 8.163491e+00
+1744 1.017602e+01
+1745 1.180526e+01
+1746 1.299055e+01
+1747 1.368578e+01
+1748 1.385947e+01
+1749 1.350000e+01
+1750 1.261843e+01
+1751 1.124483e+01
+1752 9.428984e+00
+1753 7.243227e+00
+1754 4.775357e+00
+1755 2.121198e+00
+1756 -6.238653e-01
+1757 -3.365579e+00
+1758 -6.006172e+00
+1759 -8.446456e+00
+1760 -1.058832e+01
+1761 -1.234171e+01
+1762 -1.362805e+01
+1763 -1.438684e+01
+1764 -1.458419e+01
+1765 -1.421468e+01
+1766 -1.329831e+01
+1767 -1.187151e+01
+1768 -9.985053e+00
+1769 -7.706186e+00
+1770 -5.120654e+00
+1771 -2.329824e+00
+1772 5.538037e-01
+1773 3.418931e+00
+1774 6.159895e+00
+1775 8.677939e+00
+1776 1.087914e+01
+1777 1.267510e+01
+1778 1.399354e+01
+1779 1.478700e+01
+1780 1.503114e+01
+1781 1.471884e+01
+1782 1.385942e+01
+1783 1.248330e+01
+1784 1.064351e+01
+1785 8.410723e+00
+1786 5.868303e+00
+1787 3.107874e+00
+1788 2.290525e-01
+1789 -2.664339e+00
+1790 -5.466022e+00
+1791 -8.072229e+00
+1792 -1.038692e+01
+1793 -1.232428e+01
+1794 -1.381358e+01
+1795 -1.480116e+01
+1796 -1.525237e+01
+1797 -1.514909e+01
+1798 -1.448950e+01
+1799 -1.329033e+01
+1800 -1.159019e+01
+1801 -9.449331e+00
+1802 -6.948455e+00
+1803 -4.183457e+00
+1804 -1.255355e+00
+1805 1.734219e+00
+1806 4.681229e+00
+1807 7.478642e+00
+1808 1.001905e+01
+1809 1.220248e+01
+1810 1.394692e+01
+1811 1.519206e+01
+1812 1.589644e+01
+1813 1.603416e+01
+1814 1.559145e+01
+1815 1.457527e+01
+1816 1.301886e+01
+1817 1.097553e+01
+1818 8.512208e+00
+1819 5.709701e+00
+1820 2.668584e+00
+1821 -4.937172e-01
+1822 -3.651919e+00
+1823 -6.680462e+00
+1824 -9.460930e+00
+1825 -1.188918e+01
+1826 -1.387863e+01
+1827 -1.535892e+01
+1828 -1.628105e+01
+1829 -1.661864e+01
+1830 -1.636502e+01
+1831 -1.553237e+01
+1832 -1.415270e+01
+1833 -1.227283e+01
+1834 -9.948760e+00
+1835 -7.252820e+00
+1836 -4.281342e+00
+1837 -1.155615e+00
+1838 1.993005e+00
+1839 5.040037e+00
+1840 7.874743e+00
+1841 1.039574e+01
+1842 1.250849e+01
+1843 1.412923e+01
+1844 1.519257e+01
+1845 1.565879e+01
+1846 1.551767e+01
+1847 1.478581e+01
+1848 1.349654e+01
+1849 1.170155e+01
+1850 9.475181e+00
+1851 6.907143e+00
+1852 4.094938e+00
+1853 1.138793e+00
+1854 -1.858261e+00
+1855 -4.786997e+00
+1856 -7.535311e+00
+1857 -9.993814e+00
+1858 -1.205850e+01
+1859 -1.364011e+01
+1860 -1.467127e+01
+1861 -1.511175e+01
+1862 -1.494622e+01
+1863 -1.418638e+01
+1864 -1.286609e+01
+1865 -1.104188e+01
+1866 -8.790035e+00
+1867 -6.201944e+00
+1868 -3.374602e+00
+1869 -4.088949e-01
+1870 2.590783e+00
+1871 5.514987e+00
+1872 8.245006e+00
+1873 1.065963e+01
+1874 1.264874e+01
+1875 1.412594e+01
+1876 1.503434e+01
+1877 1.534557e+01
+1878 1.505447e+01
+1879 1.417388e+01
+1880 1.273556e+01
+1881 1.078982e+01
+1882 8.406624e+00
+1883 5.675546e+00
+1884 2.701628e+00
+1885 -3.970666e-01
+1886 -3.495609e+00
+1887 -6.468874e+00
+1888 -9.197994e+00
+1889 -1.157442e+01
+1890 -1.350763e+01
+1891 -1.492767e+01
+1892 -1.578126e+01
+1893 -1.603012e+01
+1894 -1.565624e+01
+1895 -1.467154e+01
+1896 -1.311838e+01
+1897 -1.106184e+01
+1898 -8.586222e+00
+1899 -5.792308e+00
+1900 -2.793146e+00
+1901 2.951399e-01
+1902 3.359922e+00
+1903 6.292347e+00
+1904 8.985769e+00
+1905 1.133758e+01
+1906 1.325310e+01
+1907 1.465068e+01
+1908 1.547230e+01
+1909 1.568774e+01
+1910 1.529401e+01
+1911 1.431102e+01
+1912 1.277741e+01
+1913 1.075205e+01
+1914 8.316768e+00
+1915 5.573279e+00
+1916 2.630485e+00
+1917 -4.044807e-01
+1918 -3.425734e+00
+1919 -6.321991e+00
+1920 -8.982875e+00
+1921 -1.130363e+01
+1922 -1.318624e+01
+1923 -1.454663e+01
+1924 -1.532362e+01
+1925 -1.548312e+01
+1926 -1.501847e+01
+1927 -1.394922e+01
+1928 -1.231989e+01
+1929 -1.020103e+01
+1930 -7.683506e+00
+1931 -4.869024e+00
+1932 -1.859738e+00
+1933 1.237398e+00
+1934 4.310038e+00
+1935 7.237673e+00
+1936 9.897841e+00
+1937 1.217551e+01
+1938 1.396985e+01
+1939 1.519959e+01
+1940 1.580711e+01
+1941 1.576129e+01
+1942 1.506238e+01
+1943 1.374118e+01
+1944 1.185168e+01
+1945 9.469629e+00
+1946 6.689877e+00
+1947 3.625519e+00
+1948 4.014863e-01
+1949 -2.852778e+00
+1950 -6.010768e+00
+1951 -8.949274e+00
+1952 -1.154991e+01
+1953 -1.370527e+01
+1954 -1.532902e+01
+1955 -1.636261e+01
+1956 -1.677514e+01
+1957 -1.655862e+01
+1958 -1.571988e+01
+1959 -1.428051e+01
+1960 -1.228008e+01
+1961 -9.782399e+00
+1962 -6.877130e+00
+1963 -3.673787e+00
+1964 -2.977836e-01
+1965 3.115679e+00
+1966 6.428308e+00
+1967 9.503816e+00
+1968 1.221386e+01
+1969 1.444884e+01
+1970 1.612967e+01
+1971 1.720585e+01
+1972 1.764601e+01
+1973 1.743409e+01
+1974 1.657521e+01
+1975 1.509776e+01
+1976 1.305220e+01
+1977 1.050948e+01
+1978 7.557051e+00
+1979 4.298562e+00
+1980 8.516269e-01
+1981 -2.654276e+00
+1982 -6.082326e+00
+1983 -9.296243e+00
+1984 -1.216991e+01
+1985 -1.459355e+01
+1986 -1.647191e+01
+1987 -1.772816e+01
+1988 -1.830734e+01
+1989 -1.818299e+01
+1990 -1.736450e+01
+1991 -1.589239e+01
+1992 -1.382540e+01
+1993 -1.123444e+01
+1994 -8.205113e+00
+1995 -4.842132e+00
+1996 -1.270507e+00
+1997 2.370236e+00
+1998 5.934850e+00
+1999 9.282341e+00
+2000 1.228501e+01
+2001 1.483118e+01
+2002 1.682650e+01
+2003 1.819474e+01
+2004 1.888312e+01
+2005 1.886329e+01
+2006 1.813526e+01
+2007 1.672470e+01
+2008 1.468165e+01
+2009 1.207900e+01
+2010 9.014786e+00
+2011 5.611288e+00
+2012 2.003469e+00
+2013 -1.671169e+00
+2014 -5.278459e+00
+2015 -8.689722e+00
+2016 -1.178555e+01
+2017 -1.445722e+01
+2018 -1.661022e+01
+2019 -1.816500e+01
+2020 -1.906086e+01
+2021 -1.925976e+01
+2022 -1.875048e+01
+2023 -1.754817e+01
+2024 -1.569629e+01
+2025 -1.326520e+01
+2026 -1.034954e+01
+2027 -7.062308e+00
+2028 -3.525971e+00
+2029 1.336704e-01
+2030 3.796988e+00
+2031 7.347586e+00
+2032 1.066803e+01
+2033 1.364106e+01
+2034 1.615506e+01
+2035 1.811159e+01
+2036 1.942846e+01
+2037 2.004296e+01
+2038 1.991409e+01
+2039 1.903309e+01
+2040 1.743036e+01
+2041 1.517187e+01
+2042 1.235084e+01
+2043 9.077121e+00
+2044 5.470666e+00
+2045 1.659156e+00
+2046 -2.225421e+00
+2047 -6.050067e+00
+2048 -9.681236e+00
+2049 -1.298747e+01
+2050 -1.584694e+01
+2051 -1.815113e+01
+2052 -1.980626e+01
+2053 -2.073877e+01
+2054 -2.090279e+01
+2055 -2.028704e+01
+2056 -1.891161e+01
+2057 -1.682136e+01
+2058 -1.408286e+01
+2059 -1.078964e+01
+2060 -7.064283e+00
+2061 -3.053076e+00
+2062 1.087204e+00
+2063 5.203184e+00
+2064 9.146476e+00
+2065 1.277078e+01
+2066 1.594102e+01
+2067 1.854253e+01
+2068 2.048535e+01
+2069 2.169778e+01
+2070 2.212771e+01
+2071 2.174817e+01
+2072 2.056483e+01
+2073 1.862088e+01
+2074 1.599281e+01
+2075 1.278309e+01
+2076 9.115045e+00
+2077 5.125337e+00
+2078 9.585195e-01
+2079 -3.234535e+00
+2080 -7.303219e+00
+2081 -1.110733e+01
+2082 -1.451635e+01
+2083 -1.741183e+01
+2084 -1.969257e+01
+2085 -2.127797e+01
+2086 -2.211233e+01
+2087 -2.216481e+01
+2088 -2.143047e+01
+2089 -1.993226e+01
+2090 -1.772059e+01
+2091 -1.487144e+01
+2092 -1.148815e+01
+2093 -7.698275e+00
+2094 -3.644380e+00
+2095 5.275943e-01
+2096 4.670046e+00
+2097 8.635770e+00
+2098 1.228452e+01
+2099 1.549237e+01
+2100 1.815557e+01
+2101 2.019066e+01
+2102 2.153172e+01
+2103 2.212933e+01
+2104 2.195296e+01
+2105 2.099498e+01
+2106 1.928001e+01
+2107 1.686499e+01
+2108 1.383390e+01
+2109 1.029029e+01
+2110 6.362921e+00
+2111 2.199995e+00
+2112 -2.041034e+00
+2113 -6.202208e+00
+2114 -1.013221e+01
+2115 -1.369309e+01
+2116 -1.676112e+01
+2117 -1.922716e+01
+2118 -2.099771e+01
+2119 -2.200669e+01
+2120 -2.222023e+01
+2121 -2.163746e+01
+2122 -2.027859e+01
+2123 -1.818233e+01
+2124 -1.541544e+01
+2125 -1.207707e+01
+2126 -8.291212e+00
+2127 -4.197228e+00
+2128 5.692652e-02
+2129 4.318503e+00
+2130 8.432039e+00
+2131 1.224296e+01
+2132 1.560533e+01
+2133 1.839276e+01
+2134 2.050171e+01
+2135 2.185514e+01
+2136 2.240953e+01
+2137 2.215404e+01
+2138 2.110782e+01
+2139 1.931575e+01
+2140 1.684548e+01
+2141 1.378803e+01
+2142 1.025579e+01
+2143 6.376614e+00
+2144 2.294219e+00
+2145 -1.839669e+00
+2146 -5.872736e+00
+2147 -9.659154e+00
+2148 -1.306661e+01
+2149 -1.598294e+01
+2150 -1.831166e+01
+2151 -1.997419e+01
+2152 -2.091144e+01
+2153 -2.108569e+01
+2154 -2.048336e+01
+2155 -1.912466e+01
+2156 -1.706815e+01
+2157 -1.440451e+01
+2158 -1.124463e+01
+2159 -7.713213e+00
+2160 -3.942825e+00
+2161 -6.922786e-02
+2162 3.770793e+00
+2163 7.442038e+00
+2164 1.081692e+01
+2165 1.377866e+01
+2166 1.622356e+01
+2167 1.806182e+01
+2168 1.921872e+01
+2169 1.964714e+01
+2170 1.933492e+01
+2171 1.830716e+01
+2172 1.662108e+01
+2173 1.435629e+01
+2174 1.160387e+01
+2175 8.464586e+00
+2176 5.050513e+00
+2177 1.483906e+00
+2178 -2.104249e+00
+2179 -5.583526e+00
+2180 -8.827748e+00
+2181 -1.171867e+01
+2182 -1.414646e+01
+2183 -1.601690e+01
+2184 -1.726114e+01
+2185 -1.784269e+01
+2186 -1.775389e+01
+2187 -1.700860e+01
+2188 -1.564102e+01
+2189 -1.370988e+01
+2190 -1.129876e+01
+2191 -8.508409e+00
+2192 -5.447149e+00
+2193 -2.228575e+00
+2194 1.029337e+00
+2195 4.202892e+00
+2196 7.168456e+00
+2197 9.811186e+00
+2198 1.203528e+01
+2199 1.377286e+01
+2200 1.497990e+01
+2201 1.562750e+01
+2202 1.570150e+01
+2203 1.520574e+01
+2204 1.416618e+01
+2205 1.262723e+01
+2206 1.064903e+01
+2207 8.303724e+00
+2208 5.674713e+00
+2209 2.857824e+00
+2210 -3.682902e-02
+2211 -2.891685e+00
+2212 -5.593981e+00
+2213 -8.045239e+00
+2214 -1.016137e+01
+2215 -1.187209e+01
+2216 -1.312316e+01
+2217 -1.388334e+01
+2218 -1.414457e+01
+2219 -1.391996e+01
+2220 -1.323935e+01
+2221 -1.213935e+01
+2222 -1.065828e+01
+2223 -8.841510e+00
+2224 -6.745058e+00
+2225 -4.437673e+00
+2226 -2.004423e+00
+2227 4.619697e-01
+2228 2.872391e+00
+2229 5.149201e+00
+2230 7.223102e+00
+2231 9.030120e+00
+2232 1.051116e+01
+2233 1.161289e+01
+2234 1.229094e+01
+2235 1.251652e+01
+2236 1.228172e+01
+2237 1.159559e+01
+2238 1.048435e+01
+2239 8.989317e+00
+2240 7.163736e+00
+2241 5.077034e+00
+2242 2.811620e+00
+2243 4.568740e-01
+2244 -1.895020e+00
+2245 -4.152011e+00
+2246 -6.225752e+00
+2247 -8.033254e+00
+2248 -9.499124e+00
+2249 -1.056659e+01
+2250 -1.120029e+01
+2251 -1.138323e+01
+2252 -1.111450e+01
+2253 -1.040681e+01
+2254 -9.283266e+00
+2255 -7.782274e+00
+2256 -5.962784e+00
+2257 -3.904588e+00
+2258 -1.702450e+00
+2259 5.455552e-01
+2260 2.741454e+00
+2261 4.788618e+00
+2262 6.596362e+00
+2263 8.089336e+00
+2264 9.212667e+00
+2265 9.935680e+00
+2266 1.024817e+01
+2267 1.015256e+01
+2268 9.661694e+00
+2269 8.800610e+00
+2270 7.603987e+00
+2271 6.118340e+00
+2272 4.406278e+00
+2273 2.546729e+00
+2274 6.269816e-01
+2275 -1.264330e+00
+2276 -3.041655e+00
+2277 -4.632264e+00
+2278 -5.980878e+00
+2279 -7.046371e+00
+2280 -7.798368e+00
+2281 -8.211553e+00
+2282 -8.266926e+00
+2283 -7.960029e+00
+2284 -7.299288e+00
+2285 -6.311509e+00
+2286 -5.044667e+00
+2287 -3.564038e+00
+2288 -1.944412e+00
+2289 -2.650562e-01
+2290 1.391724e+00
+2291 2.950948e+00
+2292 4.352897e+00
+2293 5.551437e+00
+2294 6.506151e+00
+2295 7.176451e+00
+2296 7.524800e+00
+2297 7.525894e+00
+2298 7.170586e+00
+2299 6.470022e+00
+2300 5.455251e+00
+2301 4.175071e+00
+2302 2.689813e+00
+2303 1.067685e+00
+2304 -6.191606e-01
+2305 -2.299353e+00
+2306 -3.902146e+00
+2307 -5.357686e+00
+2308 -6.597459e+00
+2309 -7.562082e+00
+2310 -8.202820e+00
+2311 -8.487215e+00
+2312 -8.397532e+00
+2313 -7.930803e+00
+2314 -7.103295e+00
+2315 -5.952544e+00
+2316 -4.530086e+00
+2317 -2.893816e+00
+2318 -1.102545e+00
+2319 7.811388e-01
+2320 2.686530e+00
+2321 4.531887e+00
+2322 6.231648e+00
+2323 7.704964e+00
+2324 8.882535e+00
+2325 9.708400e+00
+2326 1.014222e+01
+2327 1.016026e+01
+2328 9.755614e+00
+2329 8.937764e+00
+2330 7.731509e+00
+2331 6.175298e+00
+2332 4.314751e+00
+2333 2.212501e+00
+2334 -4.673263e-02
+2335 -2.361533e+00
+2336 -4.621514e+00
+2337 -6.721011e+00
+2338 -8.564885e+00
+2339 -1.007085e+01
+2340 -1.117317e+01
+2341 -1.182073e+01
+2342 -1.198277e+01
+2343 -1.164769e+01
+2344 -1.082327e+01
+2345 -9.539713e+00
+2346 -7.846852e+00
+2347 -5.809684e+00
+2348 -3.506757e+00
+2349 -1.030213e+00
+2350 1.515278e+00
+2351 4.018788e+00
+2352 6.376258e+00
+2353 8.499802e+00
+2354 1.031502e+01
+2355 1.175431e+01
+2356 1.275457e+01
+2357 1.325997e+01
+2358 1.323044e+01
+2359 1.265228e+01
+2360 1.154098e+01
+2361 9.936750e+00
+2362 7.902332e+00
+2363 5.520794e+00
+2364 2.893048e+00
+2365 1.290524e-01
+2366 -2.662533e+00
+2367 -5.377715e+00
+2368 -7.912846e+00
+2369 -1.016369e+01
+2370 -1.203267e+01
+2371 -1.344140e+01
+2372 -1.433640e+01
+2373 -1.468521e+01
+2374 -1.447057e+01
+2375 -1.368876e+01
+2376 -1.235448e+01
+2377 -1.050900e+01
+2378 -8.225831e+00
+2379 -5.603008e+00
+2380 -2.751176e+00
+2381 2.138920e-01
+2382 3.175150e+00
+2383 6.016653e+00
+2384 8.628068e+00
+2385 1.090966e+01
+2386 1.278119e+01
+2387 1.418085e+01
+2388 1.506088e+01
+2389 1.538106e+01
+2390 1.512033e+01
+2391 1.428081e+01
+2392 1.289144e+01
+2393 1.100872e+01
+2394 8.712839e+00
+2395 6.099523e+00
+2396 3.278152e+00
+2397 3.640063e-01
+2398 -2.529207e+00
+2399 -5.297959e+00
+2400 -7.849331e+00
+2401 -1.009406e+01
+2402 -1.194537e+01
+2403 -1.332316e+01
+2404 -1.416617e+01
+2405 -1.444254e+01
+2406 -1.415313e+01
+2407 -1.332846e+01
+2408 -1.201434e+01
+2409 -1.026108e+01
+2410 -8.127726e+00
+2411 -5.686625e+00
+2412 -3.023722e+00
+2413 -2.332805e-01
+2414 2.581169e+00
+2415 5.311848e+00
+2416 7.850161e+00
+2417 1.009356e+01
+2418 1.195251e+01
+2419 1.335078e+01
+2420 1.422785e+01
+2421 1.454790e+01
+2422 1.430638e+01
+2423 1.352685e+01
+2424 1.225535e+01
+2425 1.055035e+01
+2426 8.475594e+00
+2427 6.104040e+00
+2428 3.522332e+00
+2429 8.265649e-01
+2430 -1.884413e+00
+2431 -4.515464e+00
+2432 -6.973517e+00
+2433 -9.170827e+00
+2434 -1.102232e+01
+2435 -1.245137e+01
+2436 -1.339625e+01
+2437 -1.381473e+01
+2438 -1.368918e+01
+2439 -1.303194e+01
+2440 -1.188373e+01
+2441 -1.030753e+01
+2442 -8.381106e+00
+2443 -6.190324e+00
+2444 -3.822004e+00
+2445 -1.363369e+00
+2446 1.099855e+00
+2447 3.486396e+00
+2448 5.719185e+00
+2449 7.724376e+00
+2450 9.434168e+00
+2451 1.078853e+01
+2452 1.173610e+01
+2453 1.223673e+01
+2454 1.226589e+01
+2455 1.182026e+01
+2456 1.092459e+01
+2457 9.629293e+00
+2458 7.999334e+00
+2459 6.102494e+00
+2460 4.012301e+00
+2461 1.810943e+00
+2462 -4.171326e-01
+2463 -2.595507e+00
+2464 -4.653310e+00
+2465 -6.517765e+00
+2466 -8.116169e+00
+2467 -9.384603e+00
+2468 -1.027478e+01
+2469 -1.076594e+01
+2470 -1.086323e+01
+2471 -1.058447e+01
+2472 -9.951642e+00
+2473 -8.988306e+00
+2474 -7.727138e+00
+2475 -6.212256e+00
+2476 -4.499126e+00
+2477 -2.648514e+00
+2478 -7.240643e-01
+2479 1.212366e+00
+2480 3.096981e+00
+2481 4.863442e+00
+2482 6.444740e+00
+2483 7.781106e+00
+2484 8.824303e+00
+2485 9.539029e+00
+2486 9.898379e+00
+2487 9.890672e+00
+2488 9.517033e+00
+2489 8.791514e+00
+2490 7.741940e+00
+2491 6.405119e+00
+2492 4.823969e+00
+2493 3.046954e+00
+2494 1.136939e+00
+2495 -8.316024e-01
+2496 -2.778114e+00
+2497 -4.626281e+00
+2498 -6.310501e+00
+2499 -7.772878e+00
+2500 -8.959148e+00
+2501 -9.821450e+00
+2502 -1.032827e+01
+2503 -1.046949e+01
+2504 -1.024922e+01
+2505 -9.676360e+00
+2506 -8.766919e+00
+2507 -7.548420e+00
+2508 -6.061551e+00
+2509 -4.359640e+00
+2510 -2.505624e+00
+2511 -5.710499e-01
+2512 1.366277e+00
+2513 3.229071e+00
+2514 4.944176e+00
+2515 6.446850e+00
+2516 7.684733e+00
+2517 8.619275e+00
+2518 9.222591e+00
+2519 9.478471e+00
+2520 9.385583e+00
+2521 8.959503e+00
+2522 8.229490e+00
+2523 7.231415e+00
+2524 6.005293e+00
+2525 4.590606e+00
+2526 3.030038e+00
+2527 1.375152e+00
+2528 -3.151383e-01
+2529 -1.978660e+00
+2530 -3.552063e+00
+2531 -4.971146e+00
+2532 -6.179549e+00
+2533 -7.136701e+00
+2534 -7.816509e+00
+2535 -8.203136e+00
+2536 -8.285337e+00
+2537 -8.061398e+00
+2538 -7.540997e+00
+2539 -6.744430e+00
+2540 -5.700352e+00
+2541 -4.451234e+00
+2542 -3.053370e+00
+2543 -1.567733e+00
+2544 -5.388347e-02
+2545 1.433707e+00
+2546 2.841433e+00
+2547 4.115368e+00
+2548 5.207075e+00
+2549 6.082109e+00
+2550 6.718810e+00
+2551 7.105067e+00
+2552 7.238847e+00
+2553 7.124966e+00
+2554 6.772298e+00
+2555 6.198140e+00
+2556 5.431039e+00
+2557 4.507690e+00
+2558 3.468439e+00
+2559 2.357910e+00
+2560 1.219797e+00
+2561 9.621855e-02
+2562 -9.777652e-01
+2563 -1.974803e+00
+2564 -2.866001e+00
+2565 -3.617495e+00
+2566 -4.202706e+00
+2567 -4.606956e+00
+2568 -4.829944e+00
+2569 -4.881070e+00
+2570 -4.774335e+00
+2571 -4.528971e+00
+2572 -4.169589e+00
+2573 -3.720766e+00
+2574 -3.203240e+00
+2575 -2.632440e+00
+2576 -2.021538e+00
+2577 -1.383939e+00
+2578 -7.342728e-01
+2579 -8.785160e-02
+2580 5.396188e-01
+2581 1.135439e+00
+2582 1.690956e+00
+2583 2.197959e+00
+2584 2.645619e+00
+2585 3.019445e+00
+2586 3.304106e+00
+2587 3.487559e+00
+2588 3.565845e+00
+2589 3.540925e+00
+2590 3.416655e+00
+2591 3.201183e+00
+2592 2.908815e+00
+2593 2.560115e+00
+2594 2.172262e+00
+2595 1.752621e+00
+2596 1.302706e+00
+2597 8.204410e-01
+2598 2.998501e-01
+2599 -2.641150e-01
+2600 -8.652012e-01
+2601 -1.480391e+00
+2602 -2.076186e+00
+2603 -2.621006e+00
+2604 -3.088148e+00
+2605 -3.456774e+00
+2606 -3.717621e+00
+2607 -3.870985e+00
+2608 -3.920336e+00
+2609 -3.868236e+00
+2610 -3.713392e+00
+2611 -3.453867e+00
+2612 -3.089544e+00
+2613 -2.627402e+00
+2614 -2.077041e+00
+2615 -1.446128e+00
+2616 -7.444009e-01
+2617 1.242229e-02
+2618 7.982929e-01
+2619 1.582012e+00
+2620 2.332664e+00
+2621 3.021300e+00
+2622 3.620809e+00
+2623 4.107144e+00
+2624 4.460728e+00
+2625 4.669676e+00
+2626 4.729246e+00
+2627 4.638809e+00
+2628 4.395100e+00
+2629 3.994761e+00
+2630 3.443410e+00
+2631 2.760632e+00
+2632 1.978278e+00
+2633 1.132987e+00
+2634 2.589370e-01
+2635 -6.190591e-01
+2636 -1.482680e+00
+2637 -2.314985e+00
+2638 -3.095017e+00
+2639 -3.797125e+00
+2640 -4.390649e+00
+2641 -4.841915e+00
+2642 -5.118302e+00
+2643 -5.194228e+00
+2644 -5.057065e+00
+2645 -4.710464e+00
+2646 -4.168567e+00
+2647 -3.451847e+00
+2648 -2.586484e+00
+2649 -1.599809e+00
+2650 -5.238175e-01
+2651 6.023711e-01
+2652 1.733203e+00
+2653 2.818602e+00
+2654 3.805460e+00
+2655 4.646658e+00
+2656 5.303323e+00
+2657 5.745370e+00
+2658 5.951817e+00
+2659 5.913413e+00
+2660 5.632396e+00
+2661 5.120838e+00
+2662 4.397467e+00
+2663 3.490140e+00
+2664 2.436615e+00
+2665 1.283684e+00
+2666 8.007647e-02
+2667 -1.124067e+00
+2668 -2.281261e+00
+2669 -3.344889e+00
+2670 -4.265885e+00
+2671 -5.000912e+00
+2672 -5.522245e+00
+2673 -5.819308e+00
+2674 -5.890608e+00
+2675 -5.738842e+00
+2676 -5.367863e+00
+2677 -4.789887e+00
+2678 -4.027247e+00
+2679 -3.107521e+00
+2680 -2.061115e+00
+2681 -9.238811e-01
+2682 2.606342e-01
+2683 1.439819e+00
+2684 2.558353e+00
+2685 3.562746e+00
+2686 4.408531e+00
+2687 5.064152e+00
+2688 5.512274e+00
+2689 5.747246e+00
+2690 5.767619e+00
+2691 5.571173e+00
+2692 5.156823e+00
+2693 4.531119e+00
+2694 3.715789e+00
+2695 2.746245e+00
+2696 1.661131e+00
+2697 4.968271e-01
+2698 -7.085801e-01
+2699 -1.909446e+00
+2700 -3.053835e+00
+2701 -4.089305e+00
+2702 -4.972334e+00
+2703 -5.669195e+00
+2704 -6.152544e+00
+2705 -6.406122e+00
+2706 -6.426371e+00
+2707 -6.216077e+00
+2708 -5.777335e+00
+2709 -5.111878e+00
+2710 -4.231278e+00
+2711 -3.164315e+00
+2712 -1.948908e+00
+2713 -6.331015e-01
+2714 7.268864e-01
+2715 2.070664e+00
+2716 3.339933e+00
+2717 4.480152e+00
+2718 5.447614e+00
+2719 6.212011e+00
+2720 6.752862e+00
+2721 7.057481e+00
+2722 7.115263e+00
+2723 6.918076e+00
+2724 6.468765e+00
+2725 5.780953e+00
+2726 4.872352e+00
+2727 3.767212e+00
+2728 2.502203e+00
+2729 1.128932e+00
+2730 -2.961474e-01
+2731 -1.715677e+00
+2732 -3.073329e+00
+2733 -4.313192e+00
+2734 -5.381380e+00
+2735 -6.228101e+00
+2736 -6.814941e+00
+2737 -7.123871e+00
+2738 -7.155568e+00
+2739 -6.918963e+00
+2740 -6.427666e+00
+2741 -5.703481e+00
+2742 -4.775615e+00
+2743 -3.673531e+00
+2744 -2.430617e+00
+2745 -1.086750e+00
+2746 3.060600e-01
+2747 1.682527e+00
+2748 2.974431e+00
+2749 4.119591e+00
+2750 5.066341e+00
+2751 5.776944e+00
+2752 6.231831e+00
+2753 6.423845e+00
+2754 6.352289e+00
+2755 6.019369e+00
+2756 5.431893e+00
+2757 4.603502e+00
+2758 3.558731e+00
+2759 2.332360e+00
+2760 9.687512e-01
+2761 -4.770386e-01
+2762 -1.939752e+00
+2763 -3.345830e+00
+2764 -4.621208e+00
+2765 -5.708414e+00
+2766 -6.567143e+00
+2767 -7.169310e+00
+2768 -7.496775e+00
+2769 -7.537165e+00
+2770 -7.278881e+00
+2771 -6.713570e+00
+2772 -5.840507e+00
+2773 -4.671423e+00
+2774 -3.234661e+00
+2775 -1.580818e+00
+2776 2.165979e-01
+2777 2.063937e+00
+2778 3.864271e+00
+2779 5.531882e+00
+2780 6.994740e+00
+2781 8.194991e+00
+2782 9.087873e+00
+2783 9.637671e+00
+2784 9.818688e+00
+2785 9.614314e+00
+2786 9.017511e+00
+2787 8.033731e+00
+2788 6.685786e+00
+2789 5.014826e+00
+2790 3.079853e+00
+2791 9.587461e-01
+2792 -1.257973e+00
+2793 -3.476554e+00
+2794 -5.607884e+00
+2795 -7.570619e+00
+2796 -9.289027e+00
+2797 -1.069179e+01
+2798 -1.171680e+01
+2799 -1.231465e+01
+2800 -1.245396e+01
+2801 -1.212010e+01
+2802 -1.131249e+01
+2803 -1.004762e+01
+2804 -8.358563e+00
+2805 -6.295976e+00
+2806 -3.934322e+00
+2807 -1.368225e+00
+2808 1.293716e+00
+2809 3.936069e+00
+2810 6.444707e+00
+2811 8.713591e+00
+2812 1.065371e+01
+2813 1.219709e+01
+2814 1.328924e+01
+2815 1.388993e+01
+2816 1.397469e+01
+2817 1.353894e+01
+2818 1.259818e+01
+2819 1.118609e+01
+2820 9.352401e+00
+2821 7.164201e+00
+2822 4.702978e+00
+2823 2.060444e+00
+2824 -6.679660e-01
+2825 -3.382237e+00
+2826 -5.979023e+00
+2827 -8.357955e+00
+2828 -1.042777e+01
+2829 -1.210653e+01
+2830 -1.332282e+01
+2831 -1.402172e+01
+2832 -1.417516e+01
+2833 -1.377887e+01
+2834 -1.285086e+01
+2835 -1.142790e+01
+2836 -9.565558e+00
+2837 -7.337649e+00
+2838 -4.829200e+00
+2839 -2.133990e+00
+2840 6.464523e-01
+2841 3.400593e+00
+2842 6.011351e+00
+2843 8.370710e+00
+2844 1.039145e+01
+2845 1.200444e+01
+2846 1.315441e+01
+2847 1.379882e+01
+2848 1.391222e+01
+2849 1.348496e+01
+2850 1.252209e+01
+2851 1.104952e+01
+2852 9.116752e+00
+2853 6.796256e+00
+2854 4.186259e+00
+2855 1.399946e+00
+2856 -1.445632e+00
+2857 -4.232222e+00
+2858 -6.843564e+00
+2859 -9.173191e+00
+2860 -1.112900e+01
+2861 -1.263387e+01
+2862 -1.362810e+01
+2863 -1.407392e+01
+2864 -1.395906e+01
+2865 -1.329632e+01
+2866 -1.212061e+01
+2867 -1.048832e+01
+2868 -8.471416e+00
+2869 -6.146098e+00
+2870 -3.590976e+00
+2871 -8.957308e-01
+2872 1.837164e+00
+2873 4.496428e+00
+2874 6.969389e+00
+2875 9.150718e+00
+2876 1.095330e+01
+2877 1.230932e+01
+2878 1.316634e+01
+2879 1.348769e+01
+2880 1.326283e+01
+2881 1.251186e+01
+2882 1.128134e+01
+2883 9.630911e+00
+2884 7.628781e+00
+2885 5.353753e+00
+2886 2.894143e+00
+2887 3.432678e-01
+2888 -2.203868e+00
+2889 -4.654297e+00
+2890 -6.916924e+00
+2891 -8.905053e+00
+2892 -1.053839e+01
+2893 -1.174813e+01
+2894 -1.248794e+01
+2895 -1.274106e+01
+2896 -1.251697e+01
+2897 -1.183860e+01
+2898 -1.073795e+01
+2899 -9.255482e+00
+2900 -7.443905e+00
+2901 -5.373860e+00
+2902 -3.128244e+00
+2903 -7.929259e-01
+2904 1.544469e+00
+2905 3.798923e+00
+2906 5.890414e+00
+2907 7.742832e+00
+2908 9.287433e+00
+2909 1.046849e+01
+2910 1.124420e+01
+2911 1.159110e+01
+2912 1.150540e+01
+2913 1.099676e+01
+2914 1.008691e+01
+2915 8.813255e+00
+2916 7.229451e+00
+2917 5.400152e+00
+2918 3.398756e+00
+2919 1.299539e+00
+2920 -8.263309e-01
+2921 -2.909150e+00
+2922 -4.874993e+00
+2923 -6.644823e+00
+2924 -8.142752e+00
+2925 -9.308097e+00
+2926 -1.009508e+01
+2927 -1.047150e+01
+2928 -1.042095e+01
+2929 -9.953439e+00
+2930 -9.104224e+00
+2931 -7.925322e+00
+2932 -6.480829e+00
+2933 -4.838221e+00
+2934 -3.066720e+00
+2935 -1.236130e+00
+2936 5.845258e-01
+2937 2.328909e+00
+2938 3.938021e+00
+2939 5.360664e+00
+2940 6.548984e+00
+2941 7.457974e+00
+2942 8.050867e+00
+2943 8.307083e+00
+2944 8.224878e+00
+2945 7.824595e+00
+2946 7.138784e+00
+2947 6.206648e+00
+2948 5.072265e+00
+2949 3.785538e+00
+2950 2.401410e+00
+2951 9.745439e-01
+2952 -4.406405e-01
+2953 -1.795706e+00
+2954 -3.040647e+00
+2955 -4.122036e+00
+2956 -4.990806e+00
+2957 -5.612798e+00
+2958 -5.974057e+00
+2959 -6.075731e+00
+2960 -5.927828e+00
+2961 -5.547863e+00
+2962 -4.959275e+00
+2963 -4.192047e+00
+2964 -3.278678e+00
+2965 -2.254171e+00
+2966 -1.159516e+00
+2967 -4.295692e-02
+2968 1.043778e+00
+2969 2.050126e+00
+2970 2.926456e+00
+2971 3.632909e+00
+2972 4.146644e+00
+2973 4.467473e+00
+2974 4.608508e+00
+2975 4.583440e+00
+2976 4.400010e+00
+2977 4.061874e+00
+2978 3.570352e+00
+2979 2.931185e+00
+2980 2.161564e+00
+2981 1.290970e+00
+2982 3.603408e-01
+2983 -5.846636e-01
+2984 -1.501718e+00
+2985 -2.354881e+00
+2986 -3.112877e+00
+2987 -3.745824e+00
+2988 -4.230728e+00
+2989 -4.555543e+00
+2990 -4.713022e+00
+2991 -4.701817e+00
+2992 -4.520303e+00
+2993 -4.173019e+00
+2994 -3.674299e+00
+2995 -3.047644e+00
+2996 -2.323881e+00
+2997 -1.537911e+00
+2998 -7.254060e-01
+2999 7.929036e-02
+3000 8.458541e-01
+3001 1.553812e+00
+3002 2.191068e+00
+3003 2.745900e+00
+3004 3.199437e+00
+3005 3.530518e+00
+3006 3.720954e+00
+3007 3.758111e+00
+3008 3.633273e+00
+3009 3.342768e+00
+3010 2.898035e+00
+3011 2.326963e+00
+3012 1.668722e+00
+3013 9.643133e-01
+3014 2.491577e-01
+3015 -4.465776e-01
+3016 -1.090026e+00
+3017 -1.649486e+00
+3018 -2.101514e+00
+3019 -2.434574e+00
+3020 -2.645026e+00
+3021 -2.734897e+00
+3022 -2.708827e+00
+3023 -2.571096e+00
+3024 -2.322801e+00
+3025 -1.964697e+00
+3026 -1.503847e+00
+3027 -9.630969e-01
+3028 -3.729255e-01
+3029 2.359011e-01
+3030 8.305877e-01
+3031 1.378149e+00
+3032 1.845826e+00
+3033 2.204074e+00
+3034 2.434262e+00
+3035 2.532679e+00
+3036 2.508441e+00
+3037 2.378509e+00
+3038 2.157887e+00
+3039 1.858466e+00
+3040 1.487378e+00
+3041 1.054079e+00
+3042 5.765206e-01
+3043 7.545476e-02
+3044 -4.322544e-01
+3045 -9.294852e-01
+3046 -1.391820e+00
+3047 -1.785558e+00
+3048 -2.077521e+00
+3049 -2.245670e+00
+3050 -2.287344e+00
+3051 -2.215994e+00
+3052 -2.051806e+00
+3053 -1.815405e+00
+3054 -1.524261e+00
+3055 -1.191761e+00
+3056 -8.288707e-01
+3057 -4.465270e-01
+3058 -5.725377e-02
+3059 3.178352e-01
+3060 6.502185e-01
+3061 9.117216e-01
+3062 1.079832e+00
+3063 1.140969e+00
+3064 1.091087e+00
+3065 9.381257e-01
+3066 6.979708e-01
+3067 3.934413e-01
+3068 5.359578e-02
+3069 -2.919108e-01
+3070 -6.244650e-01
+3071 -9.398401e-01
+3072 -1.238774e+00
+3073 -1.518287e+00
+3074 -1.765036e+00
+3075 -1.953686e+00
+3076 -2.052981e+00
+3077 -2.038266e+00
+3078 -1.898364e+00
+3079 -1.631550e+00
+3080 -1.249232e+00
+3081 -7.782774e-01
+3082 -2.587722e-01
+3083 2.687570e-01
+3084 7.740421e-01
+3085 1.239200e+00
+3086 1.654980e+00
+3087 2.018550e+00
+3088 2.330727e+00
+3089 2.583194e+00
+3090 2.755287e+00
+3091 2.821703e+00
+3092 2.760331e+00
+3093 2.558633e+00
+3094 2.218503e+00
+3095 1.752609e+00
+3096 1.186411e+00
+3097 5.562589e-01
+3098 -9.293982e-02
+3099 -7.201506e-01
+3100 -1.299992e+00
+3101 -1.826066e+00
+3102 -2.292431e+00
+3103 -2.682187e+00
+3104 -2.970071e+00
+3105 -3.131433e+00
+3106 -3.153534e+00
+3107 -3.037282e+00
+3108 -2.792147e+00
+3109 -2.430529e+00
+3110 -1.964387e+00
+3111 -1.402354e+00
+3112 -7.520047e-01
+3113 -2.853593e-02
+3114 7.329165e-01
+3115 1.482345e+00
+3116 2.169405e+00
+3117 2.750363e+00
+3118 3.188715e+00
+3119 3.460241e+00
+3120 3.555361e+00
+3121 3.477174e+00
+3122 3.236075e+00
+3123 2.843276e+00
+3124 2.311498e+00
+3125 1.660625e+00
+3126 9.198760e-01
+3127 1.236893e-01
+3128 -6.918981e-01
+3129 -1.490460e+00
+3130 -2.236533e+00
+3131 -2.897505e+00
+3132 -3.444737e+00
+3133 -3.853590e+00
+3134 -4.102504e+00
+3135 -4.172337e+00
+3136 -4.049738e+00
+3137 -3.735202e+00
+3138 -3.240651e+00
+3139 -2.588684e+00
+3140 -1.807389e+00
+3141 -9.301302e-01
+3142 6.344300e-03
+3143 9.656241e-01
+3144 1.911483e+00
+3145 2.809422e+00
+3146 3.625087e+00
+3147 4.322188e+00
+3148 4.869684e+00
+3149 5.246816e+00
+3150 5.438546e+00
+3151 5.432044e+00
+3152 5.217149e+00
+3153 4.793427e+00
+3154 4.176210e+00
+3155 3.391339e+00
+3156 2.465533e+00
+3157 1.426798e+00
+3158 3.105432e-01
+3159 -8.413344e-01
+3160 -1.987970e+00
+3161 -3.091307e+00
+3162 -4.113567e+00
+3163 -5.018502e+00
+3164 -5.769014e+00
+3165 -6.331283e+00
+3166 -6.677454e+00
+3167 -6.790645e+00
+3168 -6.661858e+00
+3169 -6.291059e+00
+3170 -5.682579e+00
+3171 -4.846161e+00
+3172 -3.804582e+00
+3173 -2.593506e+00
+3174 -1.263590e+00
+3175 1.247218e-01
+3176 1.507184e+00
+3177 2.821446e+00
+3178 4.013588e+00
+3179 5.043439e+00
+3180 5.881236e+00
+3181 6.504946e+00
+3182 6.899279e+00
+3183 7.051522e+00
+3184 6.952272e+00
+3185 6.596516e+00
+3186 5.987289e+00
+3187 5.145185e+00
+3188 4.105775e+00
+3189 2.913638e+00
+3190 1.614401e+00
+3191 2.575705e-01
+3192 -1.103357e+00
+3193 -2.418927e+00
+3194 -3.643859e+00
+3195 -4.730567e+00
+3196 -5.629635e+00
+3197 -6.296187e+00
+3198 -6.695908e+00
+3199 -6.815438e+00
+3200 -6.660884e+00
+3201 -6.255574e+00
+3202 -5.628648e+00
+3203 -4.803533e+00
+3204 -3.797492e+00
+3205 -2.633223e+00
+3206 -1.344805e+00
+3207 2.225497e-02
+3208 1.416984e+00
+3209 2.778729e+00
+3210 4.040926e+00
+3211 5.137893e+00
+3212 6.013256e+00
+3213 6.626890e+00
+3214 6.952261e+00
+3215 6.976819e+00
+3216 6.701425e+00
+3217 6.140542e+00
+3218 5.319184e+00
+3219 4.274877e+00
+3220 3.052898e+00
+3221 1.708564e+00
+3222 3.068777e-01
+3223 -1.083531e+00
+3224 -2.400625e+00
+3225 -3.591555e+00
+3226 -4.613874e+00
+3227 -5.431016e+00
+3228 -6.010655e+00
+3229 -6.329377e+00
+3230 -6.372600e+00
+3231 -6.136418e+00
+3232 -5.627642e+00
+3233 -4.860062e+00
+3234 -3.851259e+00
+3235 -2.632930e+00
+3236 -1.256879e+00
+3237 2.072907e-01
+3238 1.686457e+00
+3239 3.111648e+00
+3240 4.415229e+00
+3241 5.531064e+00
+3242 6.396875e+00
+3243 6.960646e+00
+3244 7.188161e+00
+3245 7.070496e+00
+3246 6.619887e+00
+3247 5.860317e+00
+3248 4.828857e+00
+3249 3.572385e+00
+3250 2.147406e+00
+3251 6.136989e-01
+3252 -9.667430e-01
+3253 -2.529661e+00
+3254 -4.009436e+00
+3255 -5.338056e+00
+3256 -6.447439e+00
+3257 -7.277230e+00
+3258 -7.781780e+00
+3259 -7.931094e+00
+3260 -7.710348e+00
+3261 -7.125974e+00
+3262 -6.207053e+00
+3263 -4.997827e+00
+3264 -3.555618e+00
+3265 -1.946604e+00
+3266 -2.434167e-01
+3267 1.476320e+00
+3268 3.137488e+00
+3269 4.674444e+00
+3270 6.024580e+00
+3271 7.126851e+00
+3272 7.923686e+00
+3273 8.371716e+00
+3274 8.445276e+00
+3275 8.135050e+00
+3276 7.449128e+00
+3277 6.417061e+00
+3278 5.093330e+00
+3279 3.544786e+00
+3280 1.836511e+00
+3281 3.279609e-02
+3282 -1.796367e+00
+3283 -3.575381e+00
+3284 -5.230491e+00
+3285 -6.692603e+00
+3286 -7.903826e+00
+3287 -8.813615e+00
+3288 -9.377023e+00
+3289 -9.558671e+00
+3290 -9.340292e+00
+3291 -8.725592e+00
+3292 -7.737396e+00
+3293 -6.413410e+00
+3294 -4.805060e+00
+3295 -2.975199e+00
+3296 -9.939303e-01
+3297 1.064571e+00
+3298 3.122052e+00
+3299 5.094133e+00
+3300 6.899935e+00
+3301 8.470613e+00
+3302 9.751697e+00
+3303 1.069729e+01
+3304 1.126771e+01
+3305 1.142632e+01
+3306 1.114817e+01
+3307 1.042488e+01
+3308 9.266418e+00
+3309 7.704076e+00
+3310 5.792665e+00
+3311 3.605882e+00
+3312 1.230589e+00
+3313 -1.237667e+00
+3314 -3.700546e+00
+3315 -6.060311e+00
+3316 -8.224764e+00
+3317 -1.010579e+01
+3318 -1.162019e+01
+3319 -1.270069e+01
+3320 -1.329765e+01
+3321 -1.338146e+01
+3322 -1.294659e+01
+3323 -1.200072e+01
+3324 -1.056823e+01
+3325 -8.687539e+00
+3326 -6.418476e+00
+3327 -3.843089e+00
+3328 -1.057337e+00
+3329 1.836514e+00
+3330 4.729737e+00
+3331 7.501784e+00
+3332 1.002336e+01
+3333 1.217253e+01
+3334 1.384880e+01
+3335 1.498467e+01
+3336 1.554552e+01
+3337 1.552146e+01
+3338 1.491534e+01
+3339 1.374179e+01
+3340 1.202845e+01
+3341 9.821668e+00
+3342 7.191616e+00
+3343 4.232074e+00
+3344 1.056901e+00
+3345 -2.207024e+00
+3346 -5.431066e+00
+3347 -8.487505e+00
+3348 -1.125387e+01
+3349 -1.361317e+01
+3350 -1.546386e+01
+3351 -1.673370e+01
+3352 -1.737973e+01
+3353 -1.737891e+01
+3354 -1.672131e+01
+3355 -1.541298e+01
+3356 -1.348848e+01
+3357 -1.101401e+01
+3358 -8.079086e+00
+3359 -4.783619e+00
+3360 -1.239407e+00
+3361 2.424930e+00
+3362 6.065605e+00
+3363 9.529940e+00
+3364 1.267633e+01
+3365 1.538407e+01
+3366 1.755426e+01
+3367 1.910011e+01
+3368 1.994529e+01
+3369 2.003556e+01
+3370 1.935179e+01
+3371 1.790815e+01
+3372 1.574797e+01
+3373 1.293610e+01
+3374 9.562467e+00
+3375 5.750122e+00
+3376 1.654428e+00
+3377 -2.548356e+00
+3378 -6.683028e+00
+3379 -1.059147e+01
+3380 -1.413201e+01
+3381 -1.717764e+01
+3382 -1.961545e+01
+3383 -2.134467e+01
+3384 -2.228699e+01
+3385 -2.239176e+01
+3386 -2.163905e+01
+3387 -2.004069e+01
+3388 -1.764215e+01
+3389 -1.452748e+01
+3390 -1.082379e+01
+3391 -6.695815e+00
+3392 -2.327231e+00
+3393 2.095738e+00
+3394 6.398773e+00
+3395 1.042872e+01
+3396 1.405196e+01
+3397 1.715115e+01
+3398 1.962506e+01
+3399 2.138846e+01
+3400 2.237150e+01
+3401 2.252673e+01
+3402 2.183829e+01
+3403 2.032691e+01
+3404 1.804779e+01
+3405 1.508860e+01
+3406 1.157044e+01
+3407 7.640456e+00
+3408 3.459152e+00
+3409 -8.122394e-01
+3410 -5.020022e+00
+3411 -9.020407e+00
+3412 -1.267988e+01
+3413 -1.587560e+01
+3414 -1.850207e+01
+3415 -2.047361e+01
+3416 -2.172803e+01
+3417 -2.222633e+01
+3418 -2.194601e+01
+3419 -2.088589e+01
+3420 -1.907428e+01
+3421 -1.656364e+01
+3422 -1.343446e+01
+3423 -9.797005e+00
+3424 -5.792271e+00
+3425 -1.583436e+00
+3426 2.662687e+00
+3427 6.790545e+00
+3428 1.065677e+01
+3429 1.412660e+01
+3430 1.707098e+01
+3431 1.937579e+01
+3432 2.095220e+01
+3433 2.174494e+01
+3434 2.173201e+01
+3435 2.091959e+01
+3436 1.933525e+01
+3437 1.702125e+01
+3438 1.404264e+01
+3439 1.049859e+01
+3440 6.524363e+00
+3441 2.277999e+00
+3442 -2.067258e+00
+3443 -6.330672e+00
+3444 -1.033342e+01
+3445 -1.391291e+01
+3446 -1.693254e+01
+3447 -1.928136e+01
+3448 -2.087770e+01
+3449 -2.167256e+01
+3450 -2.164925e+01
+3451 -2.081791e+01
+3452 -1.921889e+01
+3453 -1.691913e+01
+3454 -1.400437e+01
+3455 -1.058041e+01
+3456 -6.770838e+00
+3457 -2.718643e+00
+3458 1.420071e+00
+3459 5.486330e+00
+3460 9.330635e+00
+3461 1.281840e+01
+3462 1.582561e+01
+3463 1.824019e+01
+3464 1.996202e+01
+3465 2.091579e+01
+3466 2.106233e+01
+3467 2.039782e+01
+3468 1.894974e+01
+3469 1.677147e+01
+3470 1.395030e+01
+3471 1.060688e+01
+3472 6.886595e+00
+3473 2.941273e+00
+3474 -1.079235e+00
+3475 -5.024593e+00
+3476 -8.743180e+00
+3477 -1.208573e+01
+3478 -1.491912e+01
+3479 -1.713458e+01
+3480 -1.865034e+01
+3481 -1.941218e+01
+3482 -1.940075e+01
+3483 -1.863013e+01
+3484 -1.713630e+01
+3485 -1.498008e+01
+3486 -1.224906e+01
+3487 -9.058677e+00
+3488 -5.545152e+00
+3489 -1.852619e+00
+3490 1.878585e+00
+3491 5.519052e+00
+3492 8.946096e+00
+3493 1.203967e+01
+3494 1.468304e+01
+3495 1.677695e+01
+3496 1.824346e+01
+3497 1.902235e+01
+3498 1.907324e+01
+3499 1.838542e+01
+3500 1.698365e+01
+3501 1.493007e+01
+3502 1.231871e+01
+3503 9.264402e+00
+3504 5.885911e+00
+3505 2.307263e+00
+3506 -1.343451e+00
+3507 -4.935413e+00
+3508 -8.341188e+00
+3509 -1.144374e+01
+3510 -1.413360e+01
+3511 -1.630876e+01
+3512 -1.788120e+01
+3513 -1.878236e+01
+3514 -1.896660e+01
+3515 -1.841421e+01
+3516 -1.713117e+01
+3517 -1.515550e+01
+3518 -1.256548e+01
+3519 -9.473804e+00
+3520 -6.016333e+00
+3521 -2.338712e+00
+3522 1.408629e+00
+3523 5.076934e+00
+3524 8.532491e+00
+3525 1.166777e+01
+3526 1.439320e+01
+3527 1.662337e+01
+3528 1.827291e+01
+3529 1.926732e+01
+3530 1.955352e+01
+3531 1.911060e+01
+3532 1.794655e+01
+3533 1.609258e+01
+3534 1.360448e+01
+3535 1.056584e+01
+3536 7.096592e+00
+3537 3.345703e+00
+3538 -5.277963e-01
+3539 -4.371043e+00
+3540 -8.035117e+00
+3541 -1.137130e+01
+3542 -1.424573e+01
+3543 -1.655514e+01
+3544 -1.822406e+01
+3545 -1.920121e+01
+3546 -1.945365e+01
+3547 -1.897103e+01
+3548 -1.777482e+01
+3549 -1.591540e+01
+3550 -1.346620e+01
+3551 -1.051732e+01
+3552 -7.177026e+00
+3553 -3.568024e+00
+3554 1.771460e-01
+3555 3.917703e+00
+3556 7.505629e+00
+3557 1.079749e+01
+3558 1.365785e+01
+3559 1.596497e+01
+3560 1.762550e+01
+3561 1.858379e+01
+3562 1.882010e+01
+3563 1.834393e+01
+3564 1.718756e+01
+3565 1.540527e+01
+3566 1.307144e+01
+3567 1.027515e+01
+3568 7.112643e+00
+3569 3.687284e+00
+3570 1.079806e-01
+3571 -3.501758e+00
+3572 -7.003187e+00
+3573 -1.025079e+01
+3574 -1.310822e+01
+3575 -1.545655e+01
+3576 -1.719805e+01
+3577 -1.826737e+01
+3578 -1.863357e+01
+3579 -1.830084e+01
+3580 -1.729737e+01
+3581 -1.566279e+01
+3582 -1.344781e+01
+3583 -1.072413e+01
+3584 -7.591074e+00
+3585 -4.169027e+00
+3586 -5.897453e-01
+3587 3.015363e+00
+3588 6.517859e+00
+3589 9.794370e+00
+3590 1.272371e+01
+3591 1.519426e+01
+3592 1.710767e+01
+3593 1.838230e+01
+3594 1.895419e+01
+3595 1.878482e+01
+3596 1.787250e+01
+3597 1.625219e+01
+3598 1.398545e+01
+3599 1.115936e+01
+3600 7.887368e+00
+3601 4.313909e+00
+3602 6.015815e-01
+3603 -3.089174e+00
+3604 -6.618724e+00
+3605 -9.857525e+00
+3606 -1.267905e+01
+3607 -1.497318e+01
+3608 -1.665655e+01
+3609 -1.766763e+01
+3610 -1.796896e+01
+3611 -1.755294e+01
+3612 -1.644709e+01
+3613 -1.470936e+01
+3614 -1.241838e+01
+3615 -9.661394e+00
+3616 -6.536192e+00
+3617 -3.159874e+00
+3618 3.284180e-01
+3619 3.780135e+00
+3620 7.059951e+00
+3621 1.004194e+01
+3622 1.261169e+01
+3623 1.467120e+01
+3624 1.614650e+01
+3625 1.699186e+01
+3626 1.718867e+01
+3627 1.674009e+01
+3628 1.566601e+01
+3629 1.401166e+01
+3630 1.184362e+01
+3631 9.244577e+00
+3632 6.306862e+00
+3633 3.134845e+00
+3634 -1.577234e-01
+3635 -3.439568e+00
+3636 -6.566286e+00
+3637 -9.401477e+00
+3638 -1.183139e+01
+3639 -1.376765e+01
+3640 -1.514949e+01
+3641 -1.593876e+01
+3642 -1.611222e+01
+3643 -1.566473e+01
+3644 -1.461647e+01
+3645 -1.301679e+01
+3646 -1.093319e+01
+3647 -8.446017e+00
+3648 -5.646259e+00
+3649 -2.637693e+00
+3650 4.691448e-01
+3651 3.562744e+00
+3652 6.523376e+00
+3653 9.230903e+00
+3654 1.157178e+01
+3655 1.345770e+01
+3656 1.482915e+01
+3657 1.564357e+01
+3658 1.586944e+01
+3659 1.549203e+01
+3660 1.451845e+01
+3661 1.298416e+01
+3662 1.094668e+01
+3663 8.485628e+00
+3664 5.696482e+00
+3665 2.690394e+00
+3666 -4.113968e-01
+3667 -3.488550e+00
+3668 -6.431357e+00
+3669 -9.138268e+00
+3670 -1.151547e+01
+3671 -1.347624e+01
+3672 -1.494456e+01
+3673 -1.586323e+01
+3674 -1.619299e+01
+3675 -1.591354e+01
+3676 -1.502896e+01
+3677 -1.356729e+01
+3678 -1.158442e+01
+3679 -9.153830e+00
+3680 -6.363146e+00
+3681 -3.316995e+00
+3682 -1.330688e-01
+3683 3.068485e+00
+3684 6.172643e+00
+3685 9.067219e+00
+3686 1.164643e+01
+3687 1.381867e+01
+3688 1.550494e+01
+3689 1.663704e+01
+3690 1.716471e+01
+3691 1.706033e+01
+3692 1.632374e+01
+3693 1.498255e+01
+3694 1.309201e+01
+3695 1.072774e+01
+3696 7.983176e+00
+3697 4.959977e+00
+3698 1.758519e+00
+3699 -1.523589e+00
+3700 -4.789820e+00
+3701 -7.936348e+00
+3702 -1.084503e+01
+3703 -1.338922e+01
+3704 -1.545132e+01
+3705 -1.693334e+01
+3706 -1.776284e+01
+3707 -1.789875e+01
+3708 -1.733692e+01
+3709 -1.611185e+01
+3710 -1.428709e+01
+3711 -1.194169e+01
+3712 -9.166390e+00
+3713 -6.063927e+00
+3714 -2.745470e+00
+3715 6.702910e-01
+3716 4.057215e+00
+3717 7.282283e+00
+3718 1.021910e+01
+3719 1.275952e+01
+3720 1.481886e+01
+3721 1.633146e+01
+3722 1.724595e+01
+3723 1.752613e+01
+3724 1.716083e+01
+3725 1.616187e+01
+3726 1.456060e+01
+3727 1.240802e+01
+3728 9.771334e+00
+3729 6.744339e+00
+3730 3.447472e+00
+3731 1.894799e-02
+3732 -3.395625e+00
+3733 -6.650442e+00
+3734 -9.615756e+00
+3735 -1.218864e+01
+3736 -1.428852e+01
+3737 -1.584970e+01
+3738 -1.682271e+01
+3739 -1.717739e+01
+3740 -1.691017e+01
+3741 -1.604297e+01
+3742 -1.461266e+01
+3743 -1.266494e+01
+3744 -1.026266e+01
+3745 -7.485863e+00
+3746 -4.431852e+00
+3747 -1.213245e+00
+3748 2.050601e+00
+3749 5.239692e+00
+3750 8.231053e+00
+3751 1.090158e+01
+3752 1.313996e+01
+3753 1.485826e+01
+3754 1.600284e+01
+3755 1.654749e+01
+3756 1.648573e+01
+3757 1.582702e+01
+3758 1.459606e+01
+3759 1.283712e+01
+3760 1.061077e+01
+3761 7.985599e+00
+3762 5.044064e+00
+3763 1.883881e+00
+3764 -1.380496e+00
+3765 -4.621399e+00
+3766 -7.695918e+00
+3767 -1.046181e+01
+3768 -1.279909e+01
+3769 -1.462554e+01
+3770 -1.589162e+01
+3771 -1.656644e+01
+3772 -1.663149e+01
+3773 -1.607934e+01
+3774 -1.492198e+01
+3775 -1.319499e+01
+3776 -1.096161e+01
+3777 -8.306036e+00
+3778 -5.327399e+00
+3779 -2.131123e+00
+3780 1.172551e+00
+3781 4.465740e+00
+3782 7.615502e+00
+3783 1.048620e+01
+3784 1.296244e+01
+3785 1.495421e+01
+3786 1.639509e+01
+3787 1.724055e+01
+3788 1.746722e+01
+3789 1.707239e+01
+3790 1.606772e+01
+3791 1.447764e+01
+3792 1.234584e+01
+3793 9.742403e+00
+3794 6.757778e+00
+3795 3.498351e+00
+3796 8.719973e-02
+3797 -3.340787e+00
+3798 -6.648350e+00
+3799 -9.706129e+00
+3800 -1.240501e+01
+3801 -1.465939e+01
+3802 -1.639728e+01
+3803 -1.755227e+01
+3804 -1.806969e+01
+3805 -1.791849e+01
+3806 -1.709737e+01
+3807 -1.563687e+01
+3808 -1.359395e+01
+3809 -1.105261e+01
+3810 -8.125440e+00
+3811 -4.943752e+00
+3812 -1.637622e+00
+3813 1.681321e+00
+3814 4.916847e+00
+3815 7.975603e+00
+3816 1.075339e+01
+3817 1.314497e+01
+3818 1.505637e+01
+3819 1.641419e+01
+3820 1.716903e+01
+3821 1.729528e+01
+3822 1.679058e+01
+3823 1.567594e+01
+3824 1.399492e+01
+3825 1.181511e+01
+3826 9.225554e+00
+3827 6.329827e+00
+3828 3.236971e+00
+3829 5.931295e-02
+3830 -3.092004e+00
+3831 -6.110766e+00
+3832 -8.890277e+00
+3833 -1.132544e+01
+3834 -1.331558e+01
+3835 -1.477642e+01
+3836 -1.565016e+01
+3837 -1.590627e+01
+3838 -1.553378e+01
+3839 -1.454035e+01
+3840 -1.296397e+01
+3841 -1.087568e+01
+3842 -8.372719e+00
+3843 -5.560657e+00
+3844 -2.548464e+00
+3845 5.440748e-01
+3846 3.585577e+00
+3847 6.449524e+00
+3848 9.038628e+00
+3849 1.129103e+01
+3850 1.315332e+01
+3851 1.456621e+01
+3852 1.546914e+01
+3853 1.581531e+01
+3854 1.557967e+01
+3855 1.475674e+01
+3856 1.335940e+01
+3857 1.141746e+01
+3858 8.986353e+00
+3859 6.164623e+00
+3860 3.095387e+00
+3861 -5.852679e-02
+3862 -3.137089e+00
+3863 -6.002680e+00
+3864 -8.546124e+00
+3865 -1.069102e+01
+3866 -1.238141e+01
+3867 -1.357418e+01
+3868 -1.424012e+01
+3869 -1.436639e+01
+3870 -1.395705e+01
+3871 -1.303179e+01
+3872 -1.162379e+01
+3873 -9.778813e+00
+3874 -7.562510e+00
+3875 -5.061238e+00
+3876 -2.377217e+00
+3877 3.863498e-01
+3878 3.129900e+00
+3879 5.753927e+00
+3880 8.153881e+00
+3881 1.022724e+01
+3882 1.188800e+01
+3883 1.307525e+01
+3884 1.376025e+01
+3885 1.394366e+01
+3886 1.364754e+01
+3887 1.290096e+01
+3888 1.174054e+01
+3889 1.020589e+01
+3890 8.339808e+00
+3891 6.191028e+00
+3892 3.818476e+00
+3893 1.293910e+00
+3894 -1.297962e+00
+3895 -3.863470e+00
+3896 -6.304544e+00
+3897 -8.519421e+00
+3898 -1.040984e+01
+3899 -1.190001e+01
+3900 -1.294444e+01
+3901 -1.352852e+01
+3902 -1.365783e+01
+3903 -1.333648e+01
+3904 -1.256476e+01
+3905 -1.134990e+01
+3906 -9.716716e+00
+3907 -7.710862e+00
+3908 -5.400082e+00
+3909 -2.875032e+00
+3910 -2.432666e-01
+3911 2.382712e+00
+3912 4.897630e+00
+3913 7.213482e+00
+3914 9.265162e+00
+3915 1.100290e+01
+3916 1.238009e+01
+3917 1.334839e+01
+3918 1.386198e+01
+3919 1.388696e+01
+3920 1.340363e+01
+3921 1.241148e+01
+3922 1.093791e+01
+3923 9.037288e+00
+3924 6.791767e+00
+3925 4.297012e+00
+3926 1.658912e+00
+3927 -1.011851e+00
+3928 -3.606877e+00
+3929 -6.026280e+00
+3930 -8.181772e+00
+3931 -9.998381e+00
+3932 -1.141791e+01
+3933 -1.239304e+01
+3934 -1.288815e+01
+3935 -1.288128e+01
+3936 -1.237014e+01
+3937 -1.138225e+01
+3938 -9.971014e+00
+3939 -8.209750e+00
+3940 -6.183407e+00
+3941 -3.977690e+00
+3942 -1.673622e+00
+3943 6.539396e-01
+3944 2.929366e+00
+3945 5.073681e+00
+3946 7.004137e+00
+3947 8.646944e+00
+3948 9.941564e+00
+3949 1.083766e+01
+3950 1.129584e+01
+3951 1.129212e+01
+3952 1.081874e+01
+3953 9.891929e+00
+3954 8.553605e+00
+3955 6.876331e+00
+3956 4.942567e+00
+3957 2.835184e+00
+3958 6.287550e-01
+3959 -1.609108e+00
+3960 -3.802419e+00
+3961 -5.866351e+00
+3962 -7.711229e+00
+3963 -9.262143e+00
+3964 -1.046402e+01
+3965 -1.128265e+01
+3966 -1.169534e+01
+3967 -1.169471e+01
+3968 -1.128523e+01
+3969 -1.048116e+01
+3970 -9.308914e+00
+3971 -7.807805e+00
+3972 -6.027884e+00
+3973 -4.030008e+00
+3974 -1.889921e+00
+3975 3.043051e-01
+3976 2.467511e+00
+3977 4.527864e+00
+3978 6.423917e+00
+3979 8.095019e+00
+3980 9.480405e+00
+3981 1.052743e+01
+3982 1.119399e+01
+3983 1.145054e+01
+3984 1.128198e+01
+3985 1.069113e+01
+3986 9.703538e+00
+3987 8.367046e+00
+3988 6.745754e+00
+3989 4.909864e+00
+3990 2.937810e+00
+3991 9.072036e-01
+3992 -1.101641e+00
+3993 -3.015905e+00
+3994 -4.772479e+00
+3995 -6.313602e+00
+3996 -7.583511e+00
+3997 -8.534136e+00
+3998 -9.129428e+00
+3999 -9.349000e+00
+4000 -9.190188e+00
+4001 -8.667362e+00
+4002 -7.810858e+00
+4003 -6.668631e+00
+4004 -5.303240e+00
+4005 -3.784858e+00
+4006 -2.183151e+00
+4007 -5.627210e-01
+4008 1.024560e+00
+4009 2.532892e+00
+4010 3.922068e+00
+4011 5.143709e+00
+4012 6.142413e+00
+4013 6.866893e+00
+4014 7.289486e+00
+4015 7.405747e+00
+4016 7.232313e+00
+4017 6.803286e+00
+4018 6.154665e+00
+4019 5.311719e+00
+4020 4.293539e+00
+4021 3.119851e+00
+4022 1.813912e+00
+4023 4.125620e-01
+4024 -1.028634e+00
+4025 -2.443605e+00
+4026 -3.766460e+00
+4027 -4.932605e+00
+4028 -5.887615e+00
+4029 -6.591224e+00
+4030 -7.024758e+00
+4031 -7.187311e+00
+4032 -7.091822e+00
+4033 -6.756134e+00
+4034 -6.201578e+00
+4035 -5.451915e+00
+4036 -4.532351e+00
+4037 -3.465948e+00
+4038 -2.279514e+00
+4039 -1.017382e+00
+4040 2.627273e-01
+4041 1.502971e+00
+4042 2.654738e+00
+4043 3.679255e+00
+4044 4.547136e+00
+4045 5.238272e+00
+4046 5.741681e+00
+4047 6.054825e+00
+4048 6.177749e+00
+4049 6.110878e+00
+4050 5.855034e+00
+4051 5.412559e+00
+4052 4.786328e+00
+4053 3.982972e+00
+4054 3.024955e+00
+4055 1.949703e+00
+4056 8.077191e-01
+4057 -3.493809e-01
+4058 -1.477111e+00
+4059 -2.533657e+00
+4060 -3.481896e+00
+4061 -4.288567e+00
+4062 -4.928577e+00
+4063 -5.391044e+00
+4064 -5.675433e+00
+4065 -5.782064e+00
+4066 -5.708579e+00
+4067 -5.440531e+00
+4068 -4.958965e+00
+4069 -4.255721e+00
+4070 -3.344663e+00
+4071 -2.268309e+00
+4072 -1.083013e+00
+4073 1.550854e-01
+4074 1.399228e+00
+4075 2.599695e+00
+4076 3.700792e+00
+4077 4.654924e+00
+4078 5.433566e+00
+4079 6.028090e+00
+4080 6.431756e+00
+4081 6.624744e+00
+4082 6.580451e+00
+4083 6.277736e+00
+4084 5.714021e+00
+4085 4.902132e+00
+4086 3.863940e+00
+4087 2.633196e+00
+4088 1.261077e+00
+4089 -1.907390e-01
+4090 -1.661239e+00
+4091 -3.086446e+00
+4092 -4.409240e+00
+4093 -5.582346e+00
+4094 -6.567844e+00
+4095 -7.332462e+00
+4096 -7.844344e+00
+4097 -8.075156e+00
+4098 -8.008219e+00
+4099 -7.647500e+00
+4100 -7.014055e+00
+4101 -6.137095e+00
+4102 -5.049702e+00
+4103 -3.788337e+00
+4104 -2.395998e+00
+4105 -9.271706e-01
+4106 5.529262e-01
+4107 1.987360e+00
+4108 3.332902e+00
+4109 4.553687e+00
+4110 5.613531e+00
+4111 6.468943e+00
+4112 7.074191e+00
+4113 7.392847e+00
+4114 7.409267e+00
+4115 7.128015e+00
+4116 6.568838e+00
+4117 5.757621e+00
+4118 4.723888e+00
+4119 3.511716e+00
+4120 2.185875e+00
+4121 8.216232e-01
+4122 -5.191743e-01
+4123 -1.794484e+00
+4124 -2.973474e+00
+4125 -4.026672e+00
+4126 -4.919466e+00
+4127 -5.615254e+00
+4128 -6.078133e+00
+4129 -6.280609e+00
+4130 -6.209952e+00
+4131 -5.861817e+00
+4132 -5.246141e+00
+4133 -4.394970e+00
+4134 -3.367879e+00
+4135 -2.240398e+00
+4136 -1.077929e+00
+4137 7.432698e-02
+4138 1.190155e+00
+4139 2.247463e+00
+4140 3.223324e+00
+4141 4.092536e+00
+4142 4.824420e+00
+4143 5.380019e+00
+4144 5.724906e+00
+4145 5.830779e+00
+4146 5.682543e+00
+4147 5.279822e+00
+4148 4.648241e+00
+4149 3.827858e+00
+4150 2.864113e+00
+4151 1.795838e+00
+4152 6.558354e-01
+4153 -5.231905e-01
+4154 -1.706625e+00
+4155 -2.853044e+00
+4156 -3.915160e+00
+4157 -4.838048e+00
+4158 -5.570525e+00
+4159 -6.064961e+00
+4160 -6.290924e+00
+4161 -6.244068e+00
+4162 -5.948709e+00
+4163 -5.445829e+00
+4164 -4.779376e+00
+4165 -3.981361e+00
+4166 -3.074567e+00
+4167 -2.071585e+00
+4168 -9.820517e-01
+4169 1.734777e-01
+4170 1.357907e+00
+4171 2.530192e+00
+4172 3.651270e+00
+4173 4.679493e+00
+4174 5.568559e+00
+4175 6.267010e+00
+4176 6.727325e+00
+4177 6.912531e+00
+4178 6.811906e+00
+4179 6.445614e+00
+4180 5.850500e+00
+4181 5.066202e+00
+4182 4.132798e+00
+4183 3.086258e+00
+4184 1.959855e+00
+4185 7.856760e-01
+4186 -4.082535e-01
+4187 -1.598125e+00
+4188 -2.756964e+00
+4189 -3.844039e+00
+4190 -4.808664e+00
+4191 -5.597574e+00
+4192 -6.164436e+00
+4193 -6.475489e+00
+4194 -6.514918e+00
+4195 -6.276382e+00
+4196 -5.768189e+00
+4197 -5.013910e+00
+4198 -4.054778e+00
+4199 -2.941430e+00
+4200 -1.723127e+00
+4201 -4.463453e-01
+4202 8.418167e-01
+4203 2.090016e+00
+4204 3.248379e+00
+4205 4.275482e+00
+4206 5.139399e+00
+4207 5.815388e+00
+4208 6.291726e+00
+4209 6.562347e+00
+4210 6.619115e+00
+4211 6.455667e+00
+4212 6.070784e+00
+4213 5.473581e+00
+4214 4.684246e+00
+4215 3.728562e+00
+4216 2.629425e+00
+4217 1.411116e+00
+4218 1.129481e-01
+4219 -1.209089e+00
+4220 -2.495390e+00
+4221 -3.681752e+00
+4222 -4.704650e+00
+4223 -5.512635e+00
+4224 -6.077218e+00
+4225 -6.390224e+00
+4226 -6.455194e+00
+4227 -6.276456e+00
+4228 -5.860049e+00
+4229 -5.225853e+00
+4230 -4.402905e+00
+4231 -3.417413e+00
+4232 -2.296199e+00
+4233 -1.071416e+00
+4234 2.199478e-01
+4235 1.535028e+00
+4236 2.810691e+00
+4237 3.983772e+00
+4238 4.998104e+00
+4239 5.814416e+00
+4240 6.408549e+00
+4241 6.770132e+00
+4242 6.891906e+00
+4243 6.754112e+00
+4244 6.341649e+00
+4245 5.658407e+00
+4246 4.728364e+00
+4247 3.581088e+00
+4248 2.252336e+00
+4249 7.860077e-01
+4250 -7.527841e-01
+4251 -2.284335e+00
+4252 -3.722410e+00
+4253 -4.987637e+00
+4254 -6.016751e+00
+4255 -6.767985e+00
+4256 -7.223677e+00
+4257 -7.384067e+00
+4258 -7.264270e+00
+4259 -6.884012e+00
+4260 -6.260093e+00
+4261 -5.412773e+00
+4262 -4.372134e+00
+4263 -3.177407e+00
+4264 -1.878336e+00
+4265 -5.282349e-01
+4266 8.178800e-01
+4267 2.108917e+00
+4268 3.297219e+00
+4269 4.336641e+00
+4270 5.190588e+00
+4271 5.834647e+00
+4272 6.247976e+00
+4273 6.415777e+00
+4274 6.333257e+00
+4275 6.007458e+00
+4276 5.455371e+00
+4277 4.700085e+00
+4278 3.771121e+00
+4279 2.699859e+00
+4280 1.513682e+00
+4281 2.478956e-01
+4282 -1.052583e+00
+4283 -2.338137e+00
+4284 -3.561763e+00
+4285 -4.681983e+00
+4286 -5.666251e+00
+4287 -6.491084e+00
+4288 -7.137895e+00
+4289 -7.589902e+00
+4290 -7.820788e+00
+4291 -7.798912e+00
+4292 -7.495006e+00
+4293 -6.894690e+00
+4294 -6.005874e+00
+4295 -4.861414e+00
+4296 -3.504865e+00
+4297 -1.983706e+00
+4298 -3.543168e-01
+4299 1.320652e+00
+4300 2.975135e+00
+4301 4.548292e+00
+4302 5.982388e+00
+4303 7.226358e+00
+4304 8.231224e+00
+4305 8.951983e+00
+4306 9.345746e+00
+4307 9.383015e+00
+4308 9.055595e+00
+4309 8.380798e+00
+4310 7.396387e+00
+4311 6.145069e+00
+4312 4.674694e+00
+4313 3.034101e+00
+4314 1.282367e+00
+4315 -5.016011e-01
+4316 -2.232944e+00
+4317 -3.837747e+00
+4318 -5.262065e+00
+4319 -6.468627e+00
+4320 -7.419442e+00
+4321 -8.066637e+00
+4322 -8.363818e+00
+4323 -8.290113e+00
+4324 -7.855015e+00
+4325 -7.084001e+00
+4326 -6.006932e+00
+4327 -4.665431e+00
+4328 -3.122362e+00
+4329 -1.462112e+00
+4330 2.118064e-01
+4331 1.798468e+00
+4332 3.213115e+00
+4333 4.400198e+00
+4334 5.327476e+00
+4335 5.979985e+00
+4336 6.361599e+00
+4337 6.490950e+00
+4338 6.395624e+00
+4339 6.095739e+00
+4340 5.596787e+00
+4341 4.902878e+00
+4342 4.017393e+00
+4343 2.955435e+00
+4344 1.748216e+00
+4345 4.461589e-01
+4346 -8.986855e-01
+4347 -2.228599e+00
+4348 -3.485302e+00
+4349 -4.609109e+00
+4350 -5.538148e+00
+4351 -6.227710e+00
+4352 -6.650031e+00
+4353 -6.797992e+00
+4354 -6.678016e+00
+4355 -6.307417e+00
+4356 -5.707620e+00
+4357 -4.910078e+00
+4358 -3.951762e+00
+4359 -2.866937e+00
+4360 -1.682111e+00
+4361 -4.113310e-01
+4362 9.254610e-01
+4363 2.284832e+00
+4364 3.600241e+00
+4365 4.802078e+00
+4366 5.838288e+00
+4367 6.679259e+00
+4368 7.300706e+00
+4369 7.680052e+00
+4370 7.800062e+00
+4371 7.658554e+00
+4372 7.261811e+00
+4373 6.626875e+00
+4374 5.779027e+00
+4375 4.746301e+00
+4376 3.549504e+00
+4377 2.215291e+00
+4378 7.909719e-01
+4379 -6.708875e-01
+4380 -2.113254e+00
+4381 -3.482316e+00
+4382 -4.726529e+00
+4383 -5.795592e+00
+4384 -6.643115e+00
+4385 -7.234079e+00
+4386 -7.551877e+00
+4387 -7.601509e+00
+4388 -7.396725e+00
+4389 -6.949341e+00
+4390 -6.260915e+00
+4391 -5.336811e+00
+4392 -4.192552e+00
+4393 -2.864642e+00
+4394 -1.413468e+00
+4395 9.260396e-02
+4396 1.592818e+00
+4397 3.027604e+00
+4398 4.331424e+00
+4399 5.449928e+00
+4400 6.348629e+00
+4401 7.009901e+00
+4402 7.433326e+00
+4403 7.626347e+00
+4404 7.588419e+00
+4405 7.320332e+00
+4406 6.821492e+00
+4407 6.103616e+00
+4408 5.180970e+00
+4409 4.071060e+00
+4410 2.790991e+00
+4411 1.379943e+00
+4412 -1.034000e-01
+4413 -1.583119e+00
+4414 -2.982209e+00
+4415 -4.227408e+00
+4416 -5.258005e+00
+4417 -6.038236e+00
+4418 -6.549368e+00
+4419 -6.776898e+00
+4420 -6.715764e+00
+4421 -6.371171e+00
+4422 -5.774571e+00
+4423 -4.977207e+00
+4424 -4.030500e+00
+4425 -2.970657e+00
+4426 -1.826059e+00
+4427 -6.312399e-01
+4428 5.771751e-01
+4429 1.761318e+00
+4430 2.881894e+00
+4431 3.899363e+00
+4432 4.771545e+00
+4433 5.459153e+00
+4434 5.932777e+00
+4435 6.167498e+00
+4436 6.142921e+00
+4437 5.849040e+00
+4438 5.294595e+00
+4439 4.518036e+00
+4440 3.577261e+00
+4441 2.546697e+00
+4442 1.495847e+00
+4443 4.719558e-01
+4444 -5.083198e-01
+4445 -1.443712e+00
+4446 -2.327924e+00
+4447 -3.138723e+00
+4448 -3.841845e+00
+4449 -4.409209e+00
+4450 -4.814042e+00
+4451 -5.021965e+00
+4452 -4.995818e+00
+4453 -4.713473e+00
+4454 -4.174419e+00
+4455 -3.395390e+00
+4456 -2.412763e+00
+4457 -1.277123e+00
+4458 -5.295097e-02
+4459 1.187433e+00
+4460 2.380497e+00
+4461 3.465266e+00
+4462 4.388119e+00
+4463 5.104555e+00
+4464 5.593590e+00
+4465 5.849939e+00
+4466 5.873479e+00
+4467 5.665354e+00
+4468 5.229192e+00
+4469 4.577367e+00
+4470 3.731387e+00
+4471 2.712511e+00
+4472 1.536987e+00
+4473 2.361422e-01
+4474 -1.130789e+00
+4475 -2.470793e+00
+4476 -3.688631e+00
+4477 -4.712626e+00
+4478 -5.501033e+00
+4479 -6.038346e+00
+4480 -6.326072e+00
+4481 -6.367913e+00
+4482 -6.176821e+00
+4483 -5.773975e+00
+4484 -5.187463e+00
+4485 -4.445422e+00
+4486 -3.566390e+00
+4487 -2.571999e+00
+4488 -1.497802e+00
+4489 -3.892023e-01
+4490 7.080943e-01
+4491 1.754899e+00
+4492 2.721057e+00
+4493 3.582737e+00
+4494 4.314447e+00
+4495 4.895415e+00
+4496 5.322351e+00
+4497 5.603969e+00
+4498 5.755903e+00
+4499 5.790636e+00
+4500 5.714179e+00
+4501 5.518499e+00
+4502 5.195712e+00
+4503 4.746785e+00
+4504 4.181138e+00
+4505 3.512613e+00
+4506 2.758567e+00
+4507 1.948251e+00
+4508 1.122265e+00
+4509 3.145213e-01
+4510 -4.492311e-01
+4511 -1.152461e+00
+4512 -1.783130e+00
+4513 -2.328847e+00
+4514 -2.780409e+00
+4515 -3.130732e+00
+4516 -3.380941e+00
+4517 -3.529448e+00
+4518 -3.577747e+00
+4519 -3.528535e+00
+4520 -3.378643e+00
+4521 -3.110678e+00
+4522 -2.705556e+00
+4523 -2.156106e+00
+4524 -1.476576e+00
+4525 -6.991072e-01
+4526 1.313185e-01
+4527 9.492309e-01
+4528 1.684683e+00
+4529 2.292528e+00
+4530 2.755571e+00
+4531 3.077407e+00
+4532 3.282288e+00
+4533 3.402595e+00
+4534 3.458318e+00
+4535 3.443016e+00
+4536 3.319483e+00
+4537 3.044292e+00
+4538 2.592904e+00
+4539 1.978445e+00
+4540 1.239998e+00
+4541 4.276306e-01
+4542 -4.137189e-01
+4543 -1.245995e+00
+4544 -2.029014e+00
+4545 -2.712242e+00
+4546 -3.241271e+00
+4547 -3.581019e+00
+4548 -3.723753e+00
+4549 -3.666233e+00
+4550 -3.406353e+00
+4551 -2.946379e+00
+4552 -2.308019e+00
+4553 -1.537898e+00
+4554 -7.056123e-01
+4555 1.198576e-01
+4556 8.954969e-01
+4557 1.613590e+00
+4558 2.284848e+00
+4559 2.920073e+00
+4560 3.512086e+00
+4561 4.039906e+00
+4562 4.476604e+00
+4563 4.788162e+00
+4564 4.941345e+00
+4565 4.907556e+00
+4566 4.666555e+00
+4567 4.213511e+00
+4568 3.563821e+00
+4569 2.738059e+00
+4570 1.767382e+00
+4571 6.807500e-01
+4572 -4.812087e-01
+4573 -1.660778e+00
+4574 -2.792811e+00
+4575 -3.818507e+00
+4576 -4.689976e+00
+4577 -5.374696e+00
+4578 -5.861778e+00
+4579 -6.151078e+00
+4580 -6.235911e+00
+4581 -6.098938e+00
+4582 -5.717278e+00
+4583 -5.073626e+00
+4584 -4.162640e+00
+4585 -2.983358e+00
+4586 -1.550364e+00
+4587 9.384661e-02
+4588 1.870878e+00
+4589 3.678642e+00
+4590 5.405900e+00
+4591 6.943092e+00
+4592 8.191273e+00
+4593 9.066503e+00
+4594 9.503490e+00
+4595 9.470498e+00
+4596 8.988613e+00
+4597 8.109771e+00
+4598 6.912880e+00
+4599 5.496438e+00
+4600 3.951807e+00
+4601 2.343665e+00
+4602 6.936519e-01
+4603 -9.953221e-01
+4604 -2.705223e+00
+4605 -4.394606e+00
+4606 -6.000918e+00
+4607 -7.460195e+00
+4608 -8.702183e+00
+4609 -9.658108e+00
+4610 -1.028048e+01
+4611 -1.055888e+01
+4612 -1.049826e+01
+4613 -1.010920e+01
+4614 -9.413960e+00
+4615 -8.453601e+00
+4616 -7.270803e+00
+4617 -5.899126e+00
+4618 -4.364298e+00
+4619 -2.695845e+00
+4620 -9.342117e-01
+4621 8.780711e-01
+4622 2.695181e+00
+4623 4.461256e+00
+4624 6.111962e+00
+4625 7.591761e+00
+4626 8.855842e+00
+4627 9.858946e+00
+4628 1.055128e+01
+4629 1.089843e+01
+4630 1.088593e+01
+4631 1.052487e+01
+4632 9.843669e+00
+4633 8.876815e+00
+4634 7.648837e+00
+4635 6.184966e+00
+4636 4.521944e+00
+4637 2.696799e+00
+4638 7.587590e-01
+4639 -1.223765e+00
+4640 -3.168983e+00
+4641 -4.994572e+00
+4642 -6.624750e+00
+4643 -8.003088e+00
+4644 -9.085042e+00
+4645 -9.828395e+00
+4646 -1.021692e+01
+4647 -1.024529e+01
+4648 -9.917135e+00
+4649 -9.234531e+00
+4650 -8.200436e+00
+4651 -6.836451e+00
+4652 -5.191921e+00
+4653 -3.332382e+00
+4654 -1.337169e+00
+4655 7.108530e-01
+4656 2.727690e+00
+4657 4.634346e+00
+4658 6.377019e+00
+4659 7.908589e+00
+4660 9.171593e+00
+4661 1.010113e+01
+4662 1.064115e+01
+4663 1.076509e+01
+4664 1.046971e+01
+4665 9.775375e+00
+4666 8.708980e+00
+4667 7.301670e+00
+4668 5.585726e+00
+4669 3.602480e+00
+4670 1.429292e+00
+4671 -8.250637e-01
+4672 -3.041456e+00
+4673 -5.123699e+00
+4674 -7.007702e+00
+4675 -8.644185e+00
+4676 -9.979395e+00
+4677 -1.096849e+01
+4678 -1.157631e+01
+4679 -1.178522e+01
+4680 -1.157534e+01
+4681 -1.093920e+01
+4682 -9.882811e+00
+4683 -8.425299e+00
+4684 -6.598710e+00
+4685 -4.459888e+00
+4686 -2.096267e+00
+4687 3.868229e-01
+4688 2.886085e+00
+4689 5.308943e+00
+4690 7.572425e+00
+4691 9.612858e+00
+4692 1.137137e+01
+4693 1.279587e+01
+4694 1.383398e+01
+4695 1.443816e+01
+4696 1.457491e+01
+4697 1.422340e+01
+4698 1.338072e+01
+4699 1.207049e+01
+4700 1.034450e+01
+4701 8.262436e+00
+4702 5.881520e+00
+4703 3.264129e+00
+4704 5.085048e-01
+4705 -2.254708e+00
+4706 -4.880186e+00
+4707 -7.232590e+00
+4708 -9.216018e+00
+4709 -1.078530e+01
+4710 -1.193278e+01
+4711 -1.267906e+01
+4712 -1.305364e+01
+4713 -1.307294e+01
+4714 -1.273904e+01
+4715 -1.204775e+01
+4716 -1.098249e+01
+4717 -9.539987e+00
+4718 -7.746711e+00
+4719 -5.663212e+00
+4720 -3.384868e+00
+4721 -1.022244e+00
+4722 1.317299e+00
+4723 3.529928e+00
+4724 5.540315e+00
+4725 7.308600e+00
+4726 8.827660e+00
+4727 1.011442e+01
+4728 1.118410e+01
+4729 1.203430e+01
+4730 1.263546e+01
+4731 1.293606e+01
+4732 1.287064e+01
+4733 1.237352e+01
+4734 1.139415e+01
+4735 9.914977e+00
+4736 7.963343e+00
+4737 5.607807e+00
+4738 2.960726e+00
+4739 1.750663e-01
+4740 -2.584905e+00
+4741 -5.186979e+00
+4742 -7.540601e+00
+4743 -9.586565e+00
+4744 -1.127731e+01
+4745 -1.256733e+01
+4746 -1.341668e+01
+4747 -1.378441e+01
+4748 -1.364123e+01
+4749 -1.299318e+01
+4750 -1.187009e+01
+4751 -1.032720e+01
+4752 -8.424559e+00
+4753 -6.211294e+00
+4754 -3.744209e+00
+4755 -1.109427e+00
+4756 1.585431e+00
+4757 4.223976e+00
+4758 6.702626e+00
+4759 8.931918e+00
+4760 1.083589e+01
+4761 1.234605e+01
+4762 1.340035e+01
+4763 1.394808e+01
+4764 1.396566e+01
+4765 1.344679e+01
+4766 1.242246e+01
+4767 1.094901e+01
+4768 9.087548e+00
+4769 6.899710e+00
+4770 4.438457e+00
+4771 1.774130e+00
+4772 -1.011752e+00
+4773 -3.821763e+00
+4774 -6.545045e+00
+4775 -9.068024e+00
+4776 -1.127563e+01
+4777 -1.308320e+01
+4778 -1.440570e+01
+4779 -1.515427e+01
+4780 -1.524833e+01
+4781 -1.464454e+01
+4782 -1.337436e+01
+4783 -1.153587e+01
+4784 -9.262050e+00
+4785 -6.715762e+00
+4786 -4.051028e+00
+4787 -1.379710e+00
+4788 1.228333e+00
+4789 3.717509e+00
+4790 6.027547e+00
+4791 8.082017e+00
+4792 9.786236e+00
+4793 1.104729e+01
+4794 1.179201e+01
+4795 1.197242e+01
+4796 1.157072e+01
+4797 1.063180e+01
+4798 9.253187e+00
+4799 7.572052e+00
+4800 5.725796e+00
+4801 3.829663e+00
+4802 1.978025e+00
+4803 2.280367e-01
+4804 -1.401390e+00
+4805 -2.915236e+00
+4806 -4.313292e+00
+4807 -5.557252e+00
+4808 -6.600601e+00
+4809 -7.401113e+00
+4810 -7.925870e+00
+4811 -8.154180e+00
+4812 -8.074054e+00
+4813 -7.691324e+00
+4814 -7.035067e+00
+4815 -6.158209e+00
+4816 -5.106934e+00
+4817 -3.923632e+00
+4818 -2.650261e+00
+4819 -1.311452e+00
+4820 8.083494e-02
+4821 1.520264e+00
+4822 2.971268e+00
+4823 4.391768e+00
+4824 5.719117e+00
+4825 6.872696e+00
+4826 7.784196e+00
+4827 8.399926e+00
+4828 8.710984e+00
+4829 8.726387e+00
+4830 8.479901e+00
+4831 7.981731e+00
+4832 7.248080e+00
+4833 6.298583e+00
+4834 5.146022e+00
+4835 3.805158e+00
+4836 2.275791e+00
+4837 5.769615e-01
+4838 -1.223206e+00
+4839 -3.029980e+00
+4840 -4.734598e+00
+4841 -6.272033e+00
+4842 -7.625620e+00
+4843 -8.796325e+00
+4844 -9.765940e+00
+4845 -1.049298e+01
+4846 -1.093500e+01
+4847 -1.106061e+01
+4848 -1.085533e+01
+4849 -1.029391e+01
+4850 -9.367269e+00
+4851 -8.100167e+00
+4852 -6.547104e+00
+4853 -4.786928e+00
+4854 -2.891071e+00
+4855 -9.391081e-01
+4856 9.952344e-01
+4857 2.845409e+00
+4858 4.577973e+00
+4859 6.177678e+00
+4860 7.627179e+00
+4861 8.897045e+00
+4862 9.918334e+00
+4863 1.061842e+01
+4864 1.093341e+01
+4865 1.080625e+01
+4866 1.017723e+01
+4867 9.047034e+00
+4868 7.493765e+00
+4869 5.653183e+00
+4870 3.665334e+00
+4871 1.658221e+00
+4872 -2.434530e-01
+4873 -1.937103e+00
+4874 -3.369803e+00
+4875 -4.533420e+00
+4876 -5.450270e+00
+4877 -6.141726e+00
+4878 -6.609608e+00
+4879 -6.813857e+00
+4880 -6.685447e+00
+4881 -6.157763e+00
+4882 -5.187734e+00
+4883 -3.787075e+00
+4884 -2.013646e+00
+4885 7.922461e-03
+4886 2.100202e+00
+4887 4.096710e+00
+4888 5.852846e+00
+4889 7.281097e+00
+4890 8.354080e+00
+4891 9.057413e+00
+4892 9.394537e+00
+4893 9.345917e+00
+4894 8.886963e+00
+4895 8.003223e+00
+4896 6.725367e+00
+4897 5.088381e+00
+4898 3.148329e+00
+4899 9.839960e-01
+4900 -1.299117e+00
+4901 -3.543620e+00
+4902 -5.615863e+00
+4903 -7.409980e+00
+4904 -8.842174e+00
+4905 -9.888575e+00
+4906 -1.056509e+01
+4907 -1.091627e+01
+4908 -1.097300e+01
+4909 -1.072291e+01
+4910 -1.013907e+01
+4911 -9.209172e+00
+4912 -7.977024e+00
+4913 -6.513508e+00
+4914 -4.921170e+00
+4915 -3.339242e+00
+4916 -1.935615e+00
+4917 -8.723137e-01
+4918 -2.394993e-01
+4919 -4.604547e-02
+4920 -2.305430e-01
+4921 -6.787807e-01
+4922 -1.256354e+00
+4923 -1.798865e+00
+4924 -2.148279e+00
+4925 -2.226466e+00
+4926 -2.091327e+00
+4927 -1.824921e+00
+4928 -1.506385e+00
+4929 -1.111549e+00
+4930 -5.468587e-01
+4931 3.001882e-01
+4932 1.499749e+00
+4933 3.009552e+00
+4934 4.744010e+00
+4935 6.543007e+00
+4936 8.255621e+00
+4937 9.734380e+00
+4938 1.086075e+01
+4939 1.153545e+01
+4940 1.166153e+01
+4941 1.121508e+01
+4942 1.028444e+01
+4943 9.010189e+00
+4944 7.489922e+00
+4945 5.760777e+00
+4946 3.832364e+00
+4947 1.741404e+00
+4948 -5.415276e-01
+4949 -3.048209e+00
+4950 -5.682295e+00
+4951 -8.237696e+00
+4952 -1.040950e+01
+4953 -1.195329e+01
+4954 -1.271458e+01
+4955 -1.263172e+01
+4956 -1.168040e+01
+4957 -1.001761e+01
+4958 -7.894976e+00
+4959 -5.571438e+00
+4960 -3.272667e+00
+4961 -1.185712e+00
+4962 6.274513e-01
+4963 2.216321e+00
+4964 3.678253e+00
+4965 5.072675e+00
+4966 6.383131e+00
+4967 7.479794e+00
+4968 8.167663e+00
+4969 8.248024e+00
+4970 7.512602e+00
+4971 5.877605e+00
+4972 3.333375e+00
+4973 1.194359e-01
+4974 -3.395556e+00
+4975 -6.734569e+00
+4976 -9.496587e+00
+4977 -1.148771e+01
+4978 -1.267575e+01
+4979 -1.322898e+01
+4980 -1.346876e+01
+4981 -1.373384e+01
+4982 -1.426057e+01
+4983 -1.499023e+01
+4984 -1.570299e+01
+4985 -1.618383e+01
+4986 -1.628085e+01
+4987 -1.583388e+01
+4988 -1.464508e+01
+4989 -1.246909e+01
+4990 -9.469000e+00
+4991 -6.008278e+00
+4992 -2.680343e+00
+4993 2.723560e-02
+4994 1.841020e+00
+4995 2.627193e+00
+4996 2.407292e+00
+4997 1.253013e+00
+4998 -1.142214e-01
+4999 -8.894164e-01
diff --git a/tests/corr/ar_tisean_norm.dat b/tests/corr/ar_tisean_norm.dat
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..56b6073
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/corr/ar_tisean_norm.dat
@@ -0,0 +1,5002 @@
+# average=8.856261e-02
+# standard deviation=7.958705e+00
+0 1.000000e+00
+1 9.793264e-01
+2 9.191667e-01
+3 8.243626e-01
+4 7.005742e-01
+5 5.534777e-01
+6 3.888389e-01
+7 2.126737e-01
+8 3.123798e-02
+9 -1.491553e-01
+10 -3.222757e-01
+11 -4.820052e-01
+12 -6.224774e-01
+13 -7.383540e-01
+14 -8.251916e-01
+15 -8.798135e-01
+16 -9.004910e-01
+17 -8.869150e-01
+18 -8.401237e-01
+19 -7.624208e-01
+20 -6.572299e-01
+21 -5.288769e-01
+22 -3.824279e-01
+23 -2.234983e-01
+24 -5.811521e-02
+25 1.074911e-01
+26 2.670995e-01
+27 4.147336e-01
+28 5.449421e-01
+29 6.530414e-01
+30 7.352990e-01
+31 7.890503e-01
+32 8.127671e-01
+33 8.060449e-01
+34 7.695102e-01
+35 7.048032e-01
+36 6.145400e-01
+37 5.022719e-01
+38 3.723891e-01
+39 2.299560e-01
+40 8.045958e-02
+41 -7.041461e-02
+42 -2.169713e-01
+43 -3.537654e-01
+44 -4.758118e-01
+45 -5.787654e-01
+46 -6.590131e-01
+47 -7.138068e-01
+48 -7.413664e-01
+49 -7.409384e-01
+50 -7.128197e-01
+51 -6.582967e-01
+52 -5.796218e-01
+53 -4.799537e-01
+54 -3.632481e-01
+55 -2.341048e-01
+56 -9.752780e-02
+57 4.131895e-02
+58 1.772643e-01
+59 3.052637e-01
+60 4.205440e-01
+61 5.188443e-01
+62 5.966258e-01
+63 6.511300e-01
+64 6.804767e-01
+65 6.837706e-01
+66 6.611990e-01
+67 6.139994e-01
+68 5.443148e-01
+69 4.549732e-01
+70 3.493903e-01
+71 2.315574e-01
+72 1.059980e-01
+73 -2.242724e-02
+74 -1.487207e-01
+75 -2.680121e-01
+76 -3.757546e-01
+77 -4.679600e-01
+78 -5.413226e-01
+79 -5.933175e-01
+80 -6.223122e-01
+81 -6.276267e-01
+82 -6.094658e-01
+83 -5.688556e-01
+84 -5.075619e-01
+85 -4.280717e-01
+86 -3.335197e-01
+87 -2.275551e-01
+88 -1.142142e-01
+89 2.251461e-03
+90 1.174739e-01
+91 2.270498e-01
+92 3.267264e-01
+93 4.126780e-01
+94 4.817786e-01
+95 5.317117e-01
+96 5.609751e-01
+97 5.688325e-01
+98 5.552946e-01
+99 5.211028e-01
+100 4.677308e-01
+101 3.973347e-01
+102 3.126800e-01
+103 2.170432e-01
+104 1.140985e-01
+105 7.822934e-03
+106 -9.762677e-02
+107 -1.981567e-01
+108 -2.899534e-01
+109 -3.697182e-01
+110 -4.347067e-01
+111 -4.827107e-01
+112 -5.120691e-01
+113 -5.217324e-01
+114 -5.113962e-01
+115 -4.815684e-01
+116 -4.335242e-01
+117 -3.692816e-01
+118 -2.915608e-01
+119 -2.036042e-01
+120 -1.089751e-01
+121 -1.137945e-02
+122 8.548789e-02
+123 1.780205e-01
+124 2.627412e-01
+125 3.364331e-01
+126 3.963286e-01
+127 4.402429e-01
+128 4.666319e-01
+129 4.745953e-01
+130 4.638624e-01
+131 4.349201e-01
+132 3.891418e-01
+133 3.287411e-01
+134 2.565219e-01
+135 1.756157e-01
+136 8.932094e-02
+137 9.989023e-04
+138 -8.596315e-02
+139 -1.683101e-01
+140 -2.430497e-01
+141 -3.074884e-01
+142 -3.592847e-01
+143 -3.965154e-01
+144 -4.177391e-01
+145 -4.221193e-01
+146 -4.095711e-01
+147 -3.808140e-01
+148 -3.372740e-01
+149 -2.809315e-01
+150 -2.141506e-01
+151 -1.396113e-01
+152 -6.026857e-02
+153 2.070335e-02
+154 1.000792e-01
+155 1.747243e-01
+156 2.417433e-01
+157 2.985377e-01
+158 3.428903e-01
+159 3.731310e-01
+160 3.882621e-01
+161 3.879230e-01
+162 3.723269e-01
+163 3.422555e-01
+164 2.989823e-01
+165 2.442437e-01
+166 1.802226e-01
+167 1.095102e-01
+168 3.498911e-02
+169 -4.037772e-02
+170 -1.136833e-01
+171 -1.820835e-01
+172 -2.428641e-01
+173 -2.935541e-01
+174 -3.320845e-01
+175 -3.569510e-01
+176 -3.672681e-01
+177 -3.627701e-01
+178 -3.437872e-01
+179 -3.112623e-01
+180 -2.667223e-01
+181 -2.121643e-01
+182 -1.498790e-01
+183 -8.234052e-02
+184 -1.217165e-02
+185 5.792245e-02
+186 1.252205e-01
+187 1.870937e-01
+188 2.410944e-01
+189 2.850796e-01
+190 3.173389e-01
+191 3.366466e-01
+192 3.423369e-01
+193 3.343555e-01
+194 3.132152e-01
+195 2.799253e-01
+196 2.358925e-01
+197 1.828799e-01
+198 1.229933e-01
+199 5.865052e-02
+200 -7.548547e-03
+201 -7.294053e-02
+202 -1.349419e-01
+203 -1.911100e-01
+204 -2.391845e-01
+205 -2.772426e-01
+206 -3.038917e-01
+207 -3.182588e-01
+208 -3.199324e-01
+209 -3.089532e-01
+210 -2.857949e-01
+211 -2.514462e-01
+212 -2.074387e-01
+213 -1.557225e-01
+214 -9.846356e-02
+215 -3.790507e-02
+216 2.366099e-02
+217 8.385400e-02
+218 1.403128e-01
+219 1.908265e-01
+220 2.334677e-01
+221 2.666141e-01
+222 2.889652e-01
+223 2.996722e-01
+224 2.984090e-01
+225 2.854333e-01
+226 2.615141e-01
+227 2.277649e-01
+228 1.855359e-01
+229 1.364189e-01
+230 8.226232e-02
+231 2.514739e-02
+232 -3.269846e-02
+233 -8.900459e-02
+234 -1.415725e-01
+235 -1.883614e-01
+236 -2.275593e-01
+237 -2.576806e-01
+238 -2.776316e-01
+239 -2.867683e-01
+240 -2.849224e-01
+241 -2.723592e-01
+242 -2.496800e-01
+243 -2.178415e-01
+244 -1.780678e-01
+245 -1.317895e-01
+246 -8.066896e-02
+247 -2.664311e-02
+248 2.816486e-02
+249 8.156545e-02
+250 1.314649e-01
+251 1.759615e-01
+252 2.134035e-01
+253 2.424496e-01
+254 2.621596e-01
+255 2.719640e-01
+256 2.715938e-01
+257 2.610315e-01
+258 2.406268e-01
+259 2.111570e-01
+260 1.738297e-01
+261 1.301802e-01
+262 8.192482e-02
+263 3.091292e-02
+264 -2.091664e-02
+265 -7.157387e-02
+266 -1.191072e-01
+267 -1.617310e-01
+268 -1.979227e-01
+269 -2.263900e-01
+270 -2.460630e-01
+271 -2.562310e-01
+272 -2.566596e-01
+273 -2.475226e-01
+274 -2.292695e-01
+275 -2.026031e-01
+276 -1.685279e-01
+277 -1.283509e-01
+278 -8.363255e-02
+279 -3.611101e-02
+280 1.244149e-02
+281 6.026827e-02
+282 1.056992e-01
+283 1.471379e-01
+284 1.830948e-01
+285 2.122919e-01
+286 2.337436e-01
+287 2.467246e-01
+288 2.507529e-01
+289 2.456333e-01
+290 2.315322e-01
+291 2.090260e-01
+292 1.790219e-01
+293 1.426865e-01
+294 1.013601e-01
+295 5.650591e-02
+296 9.696968e-03
+297 -3.738508e-02
+298 -8.301425e-02
+299 -1.254910e-01
+300 -1.632153e-01
+301 -1.947535e-01
+302 -2.189174e-01
+303 -2.348333e-01
+304 -2.420028e-01
+305 -2.403324e-01
+306 -2.300970e-01
+307 -2.118333e-01
+308 -1.862709e-01
+309 -1.542783e-01
+310 -1.169375e-01
+311 -7.561390e-02
+312 -3.191121e-02
+313 1.251485e-02
+314 5.607074e-02
+315 9.728298e-02
+316 1.347694e-01
+317 1.672252e-01
+318 1.935007e-01
+319 2.126384e-01
+320 2.239734e-01
+321 2.271160e-01
+322 2.219124e-01
+323 2.084474e-01
+324 1.872045e-01
+325 1.590959e-01
+326 1.253577e-01
+327 8.738871e-02
+328 4.668299e-02
+329 4.820965e-03
+330 -3.656791e-02
+331 -7.592489e-02
+332 -1.118356e-01
+333 -1.431312e-01
+334 -1.689077e-01
+335 -1.884257e-01
+336 -2.010875e-01
+337 -2.064610e-01
+338 -2.043372e-01
+339 -1.947449e-01
+340 -1.780058e-01
+341 -1.547526e-01
+342 -1.258865e-01
+343 -9.252095e-02
+344 -5.595258e-02
+345 -1.764161e-02
+346 2.086640e-02
+347 5.804855e-02
+348 9.250459e-02
+349 1.229822e-01
+350 1.484417e-01
+351 1.681038e-01
+352 1.814275e-01
+353 1.880415e-01
+354 1.877521e-01
+355 1.806167e-01
+356 1.669675e-01
+357 1.473428e-01
+358 1.224104e-01
+359 9.302803e-02
+360 6.021403e-02
+361 2.518551e-02
+362 -1.065863e-02
+363 -4.584121e-02
+364 -7.898586e-02
+365 -1.089066e-01
+366 -1.346552e-01
+367 -1.554785e-01
+368 -1.707283e-01
+369 -1.798242e-01
+370 -1.823625e-01
+371 -1.782101e-01
+372 -1.675405e-01
+373 -1.507793e-01
+374 -1.285541e-01
+375 -1.016952e-01
+376 -7.124997e-02
+377 -3.841824e-02
+378 -4.427793e-03
+379 2.953161e-02
+380 6.231989e-02
+381 9.281799e-02
+382 1.199600e-01
+383 1.428052e-01
+384 1.605947e-01
+385 1.727668e-01
+386 1.789363e-01
+387 1.789014e-01
+388 1.726564e-01
+389 1.603818e-01
+390 1.424347e-01
+391 1.193017e-01
+392 9.171179e-02
+393 6.068304e-02
+394 2.746727e-02
+395 -6.558253e-03
+396 -4.003927e-02
+397 -7.172761e-02
+398 -1.006017e-01
+399 -1.258356e-01
+400 -1.466910e-01
+401 -1.625270e-01
+402 -1.728738e-01
+403 -1.774435e-01
+404 -1.761383e-01
+405 -1.690172e-01
+406 -1.562475e-01
+407 -1.381309e-01
+408 -1.152043e-01
+409 -8.820981e-02
+410 -5.802249e-02
+411 -2.562420e-02
+412 7.896757e-03
+413 4.138485e-02
+414 7.362486e-02
+415 1.033666e-01
+416 1.294310e-01
+417 1.507797e-01
+418 1.666137e-01
+419 1.764270e-01
+420 1.799506e-01
+421 1.771086e-01
+422 1.680130e-01
+423 1.530302e-01
+424 1.327084e-01
+425 1.077242e-01
+426 7.882659e-02
+427 4.692189e-02
+428 1.310230e-02
+429 -2.145050e-02
+430 -5.552962e-02
+431 -8.794354e-02
+432 -1.175443e-01
+433 -1.432571e-01
+434 -1.640856e-01
+435 -1.791546e-01
+436 -1.878287e-01
+437 -1.897476e-01
+438 -1.848156e-01
+439 -1.731587e-01
+440 -1.551625e-01
+441 -1.315139e-01
+442 -1.031914e-01
+443 -7.129075e-02
+444 -3.694407e-02
+445 -1.298237e-03
+446 3.447652e-02
+447 6.918291e-02
+448 1.015860e-01
+449 1.304593e-01
+450 1.546784e-01
+451 1.733125e-01
+452 1.856335e-01
+453 1.911387e-01
+454 1.895973e-01
+455 1.810701e-01
+456 1.658973e-01
+457 1.446923e-01
+458 1.182574e-01
+459 8.749480e-02
+460 5.341227e-02
+461 1.715846e-02
+462 -1.996285e-02
+463 -5.654413e-02
+464 -9.122587e-02
+465 -1.227474e-01
+466 -1.499216e-01
+467 -1.716736e-01
+468 -1.870951e-01
+469 -1.955364e-01
+470 -1.966534e-01
+471 -1.904162e-01
+472 -1.770509e-01
+473 -1.570082e-01
+474 -1.309973e-01
+475 -1.000145e-01
+476 -6.531873e-02
+477 -2.832276e-02
+478 9.523675e-03
+479 4.681254e-02
+480 8.219379e-02
+481 1.144346e-01
+482 1.424227e-01
+483 1.651542e-01
+484 1.817662e-01
+485 1.915802e-01
+486 1.941780e-01
+487 1.894613e-01
+488 1.776247e-01
+489 1.591101e-01
+490 1.346320e-01
+491 1.051855e-01
+492 7.201847e-02
+493 3.643615e-02
+494 -2.669354e-04
+495 -3.678934e-02
+496 -7.176806e-02
+497 -1.038368e-01
+498 -1.317486e-01
+499 -1.544380e-01
+500 -1.711110e-01
+501 -1.812315e-01
+502 -1.844926e-01
+503 -1.808272e-01
+504 -1.703871e-01
+505 -1.535726e-01
+506 -1.310644e-01
+507 -1.037606e-01
+508 -7.268496e-02
+509 -3.892921e-02
+510 -3.647559e-03
+511 3.189290e-02
+512 6.629584e-02
+513 9.815176e-02
+514 1.261295e-01
+515 1.490814e-01
+516 1.660258e-01
+517 1.762332e-01
+518 1.792877e-01
+519 1.751228e-01
+520 1.639876e-01
+521 1.463589e-01
+522 1.229019e-01
+523 9.448449e-02
+524 6.216150e-02
+525 2.714671e-02
+526 -9.178524e-03
+527 -4.531049e-02
+528 -7.971857e-02
+529 -1.110240e-01
+530 -1.380281e-01
+531 -1.596491e-01
+532 -1.749753e-01
+533 -1.833379e-01
+534 -1.843542e-01
+535 -1.779723e-01
+536 -1.644360e-01
+537 -1.442898e-01
+538 -1.183476e-01
+539 -8.763175e-02
+540 -5.332839e-02
+541 -1.674046e-02
+542 2.071066e-02
+543 5.758317e-02
+544 9.247097e-02
+545 1.240590e-01
+546 1.510725e-01
+547 1.723689e-01
+548 1.870268e-01
+549 1.944079e-01
+550 1.941389e-01
+551 1.861352e-01
+552 1.706573e-01
+553 1.483591e-01
+554 1.202515e-01
+555 8.756231e-02
+556 5.160173e-02
+557 1.367655e-02
+558 -2.483193e-02
+559 -6.242960e-02
+560 -9.760014e-02
+561 -1.289649e-01
+562 -1.553849e-01
+563 -1.759740e-01
+564 -1.900278e-01
+565 -1.969951e-01
+566 -1.965377e-01
+567 -1.886309e-01
+568 -1.735614e-01
+569 -1.518753e-01
+570 -1.243193e-01
+571 -9.183961e-02
+572 -5.559478e-02
+573 -1.694393e-02
+574 2.264224e-02
+575 6.163443e-02
+576 9.852143e-02
+577 1.318571e-01
+578 1.603019e-01
+579 1.827190e-01
+580 1.982520e-01
+581 2.063306e-01
+582 2.066313e-01
+583 1.990948e-01
+584 1.839813e-01
+585 1.618389e-01
+586 1.334780e-01
+587 9.991291e-02
+588 6.229667e-02
+589 2.188478e-02
+590 -1.989657e-02
+591 -6.144958e-02
+592 -1.010582e-01
+593 -1.370355e-01
+594 -1.678867e-01
+595 -1.923230e-01
+596 -2.092838e-01
+597 -2.179767e-01
+598 -2.179478e-01
+599 -2.091683e-01
+600 -1.920340e-01
+601 -1.673310e-01
+602 -1.361561e-01
+603 -9.981226e-02
+604 -5.971025e-02
+605 -1.737143e-02
+606 2.562087e-02
+607 6.765307e-02
+608 1.071614e-01
+609 1.426803e-01
+610 1.728288e-01
+611 1.963220e-01
+612 2.120536e-01
+613 2.192645e-01
+614 2.176068e-01
+615 2.071616e-01
+616 1.884086e-01
+617 1.621771e-01
+618 1.296105e-01
+619 9.209425e-02
+620 5.115249e-02
+621 8.386285e-03
+622 -3.457803e-02
+623 -7.605906e-02
+624 -1.143731e-01
+625 -1.479947e-01
+626 -1.757111e-01
+627 -1.965796e-01
+628 -2.098514e-01
+629 -2.150328e-01
+630 -2.119846e-01
+631 -2.009583e-01
+632 -1.824868e-01
+633 -1.573349e-01
+634 -1.264437e-01
+635 -9.089626e-02
+636 -5.194570e-02
+637 -1.100111e-02
+638 3.036065e-02
+639 7.053876e-02
+640 1.079793e-01
+641 1.412192e-01
+642 1.689648e-01
+643 1.901790e-01
+644 2.040950e-01
+645 2.102159e-01
+646 2.083173e-01
+647 1.984298e-01
+648 1.808956e-01
+649 1.563881e-01
+650 1.259019e-01
+651 9.067802e-02
+652 5.207412e-02
+653 1.154647e-02
+654 -2.942662e-02
+655 -6.939801e-02
+656 -1.069224e-01
+657 -1.405566e-01
+658 -1.689472e-01
+659 -1.909639e-01
+660 -2.057529e-01
+661 -2.127472e-01
+662 -2.116362e-01
+663 -2.023809e-01
+664 -1.852953e-01
+665 -1.610153e-01
+666 -1.304542e-01
+667 -9.480659e-02
+668 -5.550001e-02
+669 -1.408422e-02
+670 2.783947e-02
+671 6.865743e-02
+672 1.068071e-01
+673 1.408369e-01
+674 1.694721e-01
+675 1.916492e-01
+676 2.065655e-01
+677 2.137366e-01
+678 2.129731e-01
+679 2.043429e-01
+680 1.881491e-01
+681 1.649272e-01
+682 1.354656e-01
+683 1.008503e-01
+684 6.250828e-02
+685 2.204265e-02
+686 -1.894934e-02
+687 -5.896738e-02
+688 -9.660091e-02
+689 -1.305134e-01
+690 -1.594671e-01
+691 -1.824169e-01
+692 -1.985730e-01
+693 -2.074279e-01
+694 -2.087341e-01
+695 -2.024212e-01
+696 -1.886229e-01
+697 -1.677979e-01
+698 -1.407736e-01
+699 -1.086338e-01
+700 -7.262329e-02
+701 -3.406492e-02
+702 5.696482e-03
+703 4.528964e-02
+704 8.333309e-02
+705 1.184584e-01
+706 1.493936e-01
+707 1.749975e-01
+708 1.942835e-01
+709 2.064347e-01
+710 2.109082e-01
+711 2.074868e-01
+712 1.962864e-01
+713 1.777567e-01
+714 1.526418e-01
+715 1.219357e-01
+716 8.683695e-02
+717 4.867080e-02
+718 8.814255e-03
+719 -3.133213e-02
+720 -7.035136e-02
+721 -1.068189e-01
+722 -1.393876e-01
+723 -1.668816e-01
+724 -1.883928e-01
+725 -2.032309e-01
+726 -2.108387e-01
+727 -2.108071e-01
+728 -2.030303e-01
+729 -1.877378e-01
+730 -1.655108e-01
+731 -1.372603e-01
+732 -1.041529e-01
+733 -6.750810e-02
+734 -2.868813e-02
+735 1.087507e-02
+736 4.975178e-02
+737 8.655567e-02
+738 1.199648e-01
+739 1.487680e-01
+740 1.719292e-01
+741 1.886762e-01
+742 1.984820e-01
+743 2.010055e-01
+744 1.961413e-01
+745 1.840657e-01
+746 1.652814e-01
+747 1.405366e-01
+748 1.107717e-01
+749 7.710871e-02
+750 4.083244e-02
+751 3.308471e-03
+752 -3.411209e-02
+753 -7.007602e-02
+754 -1.032285e-01
+755 -1.322674e-01
+756 -1.560336e-01
+757 -1.736468e-01
+758 -1.845514e-01
+759 -1.884821e-01
+760 -1.854098e-01
+761 -1.755246e-01
+762 -1.591996e-01
+763 -1.370109e-01
+764 -1.097442e-01
+765 -7.837437e-02
+766 -4.403914e-02
+767 -8.015907e-03
+768 2.832738e-02
+769 6.355050e-02
+770 9.621020e-02
+771 1.249479e-01
+772 1.485750e-01
+773 1.661806e-01
+774 1.772098e-01
+775 1.814146e-01
+776 1.787927e-01
+777 1.695402e-01
+778 1.540119e-01
+779 1.327163e-01
+780 1.064150e-01
+781 7.611773e-02
+782 4.305991e-02
+783 8.578267e-03
+784 -2.600067e-02
+785 -5.939999e-02
+786 -9.033995e-02
+787 -1.175219e-01
+788 -1.397313e-01
+789 -1.560435e-01
+790 -1.660215e-01
+791 -1.696597e-01
+792 -1.671557e-01
+793 -1.587921e-01
+794 -1.449847e-01
+795 -1.262863e-01
+796 -1.033404e-01
+797 -7.687038e-02
+798 -4.774658e-02
+799 -1.702302e-02
+800 1.405064e-02
+801 4.408116e-02
+802 7.167310e-02
+803 9.566942e-02
+804 1.152738e-01
+805 1.300012e-01
+806 1.396041e-01
+807 1.440143e-01
+808 1.433124e-01
+809 1.376596e-01
+810 1.272606e-01
+811 1.124686e-01
+812 9.387745e-02
+813 7.228130e-02
+814 4.861576e-02
+815 2.387933e-02
+816 -9.774835e-04
+817 -2.511254e-02
+818 -4.772908e-02
+819 -6.806949e-02
+820 -8.542521e-02
+821 -9.921354e-02
+822 -1.089954e-01
+823 -1.144629e-01
+824 -1.154759e-01
+825 -1.121025e-01
+826 -1.045757e-01
+827 -9.328456e-02
+828 -7.876318e-02
+829 -6.162658e-02
+830 -4.253506e-02
+831 -2.219902e-02
+832 -1.387913e-03
+833 1.913198e-02
+834 3.864969e-02
+835 5.648520e-02
+836 7.194452e-02
+837 8.441546e-02
+838 9.348695e-02
+839 9.891556e-02
+840 1.005924e-01
+841 9.850318e-02
+842 9.274299e-02
+843 8.352710e-02
+844 7.121693e-02
+845 5.628543e-02
+846 3.929518e-02
+847 2.090821e-02
+848 1.864073e-03
+849 -1.708953e-02
+850 -3.526180e-02
+851 -5.202995e-02
+852 -6.677107e-02
+853 -7.887104e-02
+854 -8.779941e-02
+855 -9.317276e-02
+856 -9.477868e-02
+857 -9.264123e-02
+858 -8.699344e-02
+859 -7.816122e-02
+860 -6.654960e-02
+861 -5.263678e-02
+862 -3.701433e-02
+863 -2.036751e-02
+864 -3.410661e-03
+865 1.320391e-02
+866 2.885016e-02
+867 4.296261e-02
+868 5.508271e-02
+869 6.485962e-02
+870 7.204622e-02
+871 7.651949e-02
+872 7.823285e-02
+873 7.716556e-02
+874 7.334542e-02
+875 6.689041e-02
+876 5.805385e-02
+877 4.723328e-02
+878 3.491032e-02
+879 2.162667e-02
+880 7.903048e-03
+881 -5.819489e-03
+882 -1.915948e-02
+883 -3.173063e-02
+884 -4.313900e-02
+885 -5.300712e-02
+886 -6.101354e-02
+887 -6.691553e-02
+888 -7.052733e-02
+889 -7.167451e-02
+890 -7.017715e-02
+891 -6.597116e-02
+892 -5.919028e-02
+893 -5.015194e-02
+894 -3.932388e-02
+895 -2.724607e-02
+896 -1.445648e-02
+897 -1.479424e-03
+898 1.124583e-02
+899 2.337318e-02
+900 3.462461e-02
+901 4.472529e-02
+902 5.335648e-02
+903 6.018737e-02
+904 6.490495e-02
+905 6.726819e-02
+906 6.716322e-02
+907 6.466738e-02
+908 5.998582e-02
+909 5.336890e-02
+910 4.501461e-02
+911 3.505012e-02
+912 2.367150e-02
+913 1.128813e-02
+914 -1.566625e-03
+915 -1.437019e-02
+916 -2.662498e-02
+917 -3.779243e-02
+918 -4.730920e-02
+919 -5.470703e-02
+920 -5.972664e-02
+921 -6.230335e-02
+922 -6.248612e-02
+923 -6.041333e-02
+924 -5.630680e-02
+925 -5.038947e-02
+926 -4.284728e-02
+927 -3.386016e-02
+928 -2.362581e-02
+929 -1.238310e-02
+930 -5.352315e-04
+931 1.134407e-02
+932 2.254106e-02
+933 3.234631e-02
+934 4.023803e-02
+935 4.595685e-02
+936 4.946528e-02
+937 5.083684e-02
+938 5.015904e-02
+939 4.747656e-02
+940 4.278812e-02
+941 3.619987e-02
+942 2.805758e-02
+943 1.892616e-02
+944 9.383459e-03
+945 -1.092507e-04
+946 -9.184638e-03
+947 -1.750741e-02
+948 -2.478495e-02
+949 -3.085122e-02
+950 -3.565432e-02
+951 -3.910480e-02
+952 -4.101547e-02
+953 -4.114185e-02
+954 -3.932734e-02
+955 -3.561627e-02
+956 -3.024413e-02
+957 -2.350414e-02
+958 -1.571276e-02
+959 -7.271130e-03
+960 1.336111e-03
+961 9.651182e-03
+962 1.736616e-02
+963 2.436857e-02
+964 3.064652e-02
+965 3.613635e-02
+966 4.059013e-02
+967 4.366217e-02
+968 4.508576e-02
+969 4.477110e-02
+970 4.278462e-02
+971 3.925332e-02
+972 3.431721e-02
+973 2.816715e-02
+974 2.104912e-02
+975 1.326333e-02
+976 5.190436e-03
+977 -2.749960e-03
+978 -1.019056e-02
+979 -1.694237e-02
+980 -2.297632e-02
+981 -2.823049e-02
+982 -3.248775e-02
+983 -3.546913e-02
+984 -3.699296e-02
+985 -3.704099e-02
+986 -3.566982e-02
+987 -3.295714e-02
+988 -2.904072e-02
+989 -2.415943e-02
+990 -1.862835e-02
+991 -1.274001e-02
+992 -6.764865e-03
+993 -9.865756e-04
+994 4.304436e-03
+995 8.892311e-03
+996 1.265602e-02
+997 1.555423e-02
+998 1.763271e-02
+999 1.898019e-02
+1000 1.966902e-02
+1001 1.974795e-02
+1002 1.931791e-02
+1003 1.846649e-02
+1004 1.716260e-02
+1005 1.531835e-02
+1006 1.292451e-02
+1007 1.010597e-02
+1008 7.032755e-03
+1009 3.812528e-03
+1010 4.865437e-04
+1011 -2.906603e-03
+1012 -6.332457e-03
+1013 -9.726042e-03
+1014 -1.298521e-02
+1015 -1.600315e-02
+1016 -1.870853e-02
+1017 -2.097215e-02
+1018 -2.261133e-02
+1019 -2.346761e-02
+1020 -2.346630e-02
+1021 -2.261872e-02
+1022 -2.098773e-02
+1023 -1.869060e-02
+1024 -1.587769e-02
+1025 -1.264981e-02
+1026 -9.039507e-03
+1027 -5.058025e-03
+1028 -7.615958e-04
+1029 3.787663e-03
+1030 8.511477e-03
+1031 1.325767e-02
+1032 1.775683e-02
+1033 2.166749e-02
+1034 2.469689e-02
+1035 2.666463e-02
+1036 2.751840e-02
+1037 2.733171e-02
+1038 2.625793e-02
+1039 2.452619e-02
+1040 2.236562e-02
+1041 1.986747e-02
+1042 1.693652e-02
+1043 1.342656e-02
+1044 9.288017e-03
+1045 4.592292e-03
+1046 -4.378184e-04
+1047 -5.458411e-03
+1048 -1.007554e-02
+1049 -1.395474e-02
+1050 -1.690251e-02
+1051 -1.884250e-02
+1052 -1.975870e-02
+1053 -1.970941e-02
+1054 -1.880864e-02
+1055 -1.714980e-02
+1056 -1.474880e-02
+1057 -1.164399e-02
+1058 -8.010001e-03
+1059 -4.127793e-03
+1060 -2.728046e-04
+1061 3.417167e-03
+1062 6.920062e-03
+1063 1.017949e-02
+1064 1.308771e-02
+1065 1.550554e-02
+1066 1.731546e-02
+1067 1.847035e-02
+1068 1.895196e-02
+1069 1.872449e-02
+1070 1.771688e-02
+1071 1.590037e-02
+1072 1.331816e-02
+1073 1.010191e-02
+1074 6.463647e-03
+1075 2.618348e-03
+1076 -1.253391e-03
+1077 -4.946996e-03
+1078 -8.253548e-03
+1079 -1.100827e-02
+1080 -1.314763e-02
+1081 -1.465640e-02
+1082 -1.551022e-02
+1083 -1.565783e-02
+1084 -1.511147e-02
+1085 -1.399317e-02
+1086 -1.243371e-02
+1087 -1.050118e-02
+1088 -8.202441e-03
+1089 -5.603509e-03
+1090 -2.871497e-03
+1091 -2.360315e-04
+1092 2.124843e-03
+1093 4.104114e-03
+1094 5.645473e-03
+1095 6.745733e-03
+1096 7.405385e-03
+1097 7.637653e-03
+1098 7.507092e-03
+1099 7.115807e-03
+1100 6.539494e-03
+1101 5.828229e-03
+1102 4.962549e-03
+1103 3.903372e-03
+1104 2.617061e-03
+1105 1.089958e-03
+1106 -5.895609e-04
+1107 -2.179133e-03
+1108 -3.425031e-03
+1109 -4.147560e-03
+1110 -4.280048e-03
+1111 -3.773351e-03
+1112 -2.607619e-03
+1113 -8.800911e-04
+1114 1.134427e-03
+1115 3.071682e-03
+1116 4.676944e-03
+1117 5.921487e-03
+1118 6.903093e-03
+1119 7.714543e-03
+1120 8.364843e-03
+1121 8.790401e-03
+1122 8.895958e-03
+1123 8.538191e-03
+1124 7.533729e-03
+1125 5.742068e-03
+1126 3.176424e-03
+1127 2.028502e-05
+1128 -3.479168e-03
+1129 -7.104856e-03
+1130 -1.067633e-02
+1131 -1.403482e-02
+1132 -1.701381e-02
+1133 -1.947203e-02
+1134 -2.130316e-02
+1135 -2.246537e-02
+1136 -2.297788e-02
+1137 -2.293173e-02
+1138 -2.246698e-02
+1139 -2.171137e-02
+1140 -2.073502e-02
+1141 -1.950874e-02
+1142 -1.795156e-02
+1143 -1.600104e-02
+1144 -1.366299e-02
+1145 -1.100773e-02
+1146 -8.137526e-03
+1147 -5.107315e-03
+1148 -1.908980e-03
+1149 1.493439e-03
+1150 5.073545e-03
+1151 8.681402e-03
+1152 1.207430e-02
+1153 1.496623e-02
+1154 1.709621e-02
+1155 1.830037e-02
+1156 1.860217e-02
+1157 1.819487e-02
+1158 1.733075e-02
+1159 1.624552e-02
+1160 1.512756e-02
+1161 1.409710e-02
+1162 1.319243e-02
+1163 1.236565e-02
+1164 1.150451e-02
+1165 1.052460e-02
+1166 9.439271e-03
+1167 8.392233e-03
+1168 7.555425e-03
+1169 7.024775e-03
+1170 6.783988e-03
+1171 6.700246e-03
+1172 6.552518e-03
+1173 6.119314e-03
+1174 5.246622e-03
+1175 3.843978e-03
+1176 1.843549e-03
+1177 -7.887545e-04
+1178 -4.039572e-03
+1179 -7.761004e-03
+1180 -1.170488e-02
+1181 -1.559653e-02
+1182 -1.920845e-02
+1183 -2.232831e-02
+1184 -2.472733e-02
+1185 -2.618478e-02
+1186 -2.651374e-02
+1187 -2.555821e-02
+1188 -2.322349e-02
+1189 -1.948200e-02
+1190 -1.443391e-02
+1191 -8.273649e-03
+1192 -1.259101e-03
+1193 6.276326e-03
+1194 1.398124e-02
+1195 2.151747e-02
+1196 2.852073e-02
+1197 3.466100e-02
+1198 3.966471e-02
+1199 4.332042e-02
+1200 4.544969e-02
+1201 4.592830e-02
+1202 4.464762e-02
+1203 4.156292e-02
+1204 3.672466e-02
+1205 3.028300e-02
+1206 2.242522e-02
+1207 1.337755e-02
+1208 3.387218e-03
+1209 -7.196471e-03
+1210 -1.790244e-02
+1211 -2.820313e-02
+1212 -3.756276e-02
+1213 -4.544062e-02
+1214 -5.134934e-02
+1215 -5.493213e-02
+1216 -5.601129e-02
+1217 -5.459786e-02
+1218 -5.082060e-02
+1219 -4.480812e-02
+1220 -3.664351e-02
+1221 -2.642099e-02
+1222 -1.438807e-02
+1223 -1.021992e-03
+1224 1.301813e-02
+1225 2.702427e-02
+1226 4.033660e-02
+1227 5.240167e-02
+1228 6.278429e-02
+1229 7.113380e-02
+1230 7.716186e-02
+1231 8.068892e-02
+1232 8.158657e-02
+1233 7.969979e-02
+1234 7.487114e-02
+1235 6.703566e-02
+1236 5.633157e-02
+1237 4.312351e-02
+1238 2.796444e-02
+1239 1.151843e-02
+1240 -5.510492e-03
+1241 -2.244586e-02
+1242 -3.868684e-02
+1243 -5.369117e-02
+1244 -6.699229e-02
+1245 -7.817242e-02
+1246 -8.687692e-02
+1247 -9.277072e-02
+1248 -9.556084e-02
+1249 -9.497991e-02
+1250 -9.083947e-02
+1251 -8.313138e-02
+1252 -7.206174e-02
+1253 -5.807179e-02
+1254 -4.167168e-02
+1255 -2.339337e-02
+1256 -3.838017e-03
+1257 1.628250e-02
+1258 3.621756e-02
+1259 5.522506e-02
+1260 7.251540e-02
+1261 8.726416e-02
+1262 9.870185e-02
+1263 1.062381e-01
+1264 1.095220e-01
+1265 1.084430e-01
+1266 1.030677e-01
+1267 9.361958e-02
+1268 8.039952e-02
+1269 6.382351e-02
+1270 4.446457e-02
+1271 2.302404e-02
+1272 2.629862e-04
+1273 -2.299212e-02
+1274 -4.585603e-02
+1275 -6.741227e-02
+1276 -8.678456e-02
+1277 -1.031513e-01
+1278 -1.157748e-01
+1279 -1.240526e-01
+1280 -1.275987e-01
+1281 -1.262827e-01
+1282 -1.202140e-01
+1283 -1.096304e-01
+1284 -9.489689e-02
+1285 -7.654641e-02
+1286 -5.531783e-02
+1287 -3.209569e-02
+1288 -7.741418e-03
+1289 1.697562e-02
+1290 4.127393e-02
+1291 6.435652e-02
+1292 8.540629e-02
+1293 1.035946e-01
+1294 1.181396e-01
+1295 1.283473e-01
+1296 1.336775e-01
+1297 1.338887e-01
+1298 1.290451e-01
+1299 1.193782e-01
+1300 1.052650e-01
+1301 8.721770e-02
+1302 6.586924e-02
+1303 4.193735e-02
+1304 1.627787e-02
+1305 -1.014112e-02
+1306 -3.634527e-02
+1307 -6.145281e-02
+1308 -8.464419e-02
+1309 -1.050886e-01
+1310 -1.219398e-01
+1311 -1.343878e-01
+1312 -1.417861e-01
+1313 -1.437434e-01
+1314 -1.401316e-01
+1315 -1.310804e-01
+1316 -1.169934e-01
+1317 -9.844883e-02
+1318 -7.609577e-02
+1319 -5.062745e-02
+1320 -2.279005e-02
+1321 6.518936e-03
+1322 3.620050e-02
+1323 6.501586e-02
+1324 9.173416e-02
+1325 1.152229e-01
+1326 1.344804e-01
+1327 1.486664e-01
+1328 1.571750e-01
+1329 1.596527e-01
+1330 1.560070e-01
+1331 1.464395e-01
+1332 1.314288e-01
+1333 1.115956e-01
+1334 8.763351e-02
+1335 6.031572e-02
+1336 3.053335e-02
+1337 -6.773111e-04
+1338 -3.217022e-02
+1339 -6.273276e-02
+1340 -9.115716e-02
+1341 -1.163182e-01
+1342 -1.372320e-01
+1343 -1.530765e-01
+1344 -1.632546e-01
+1345 -1.674017e-01
+1346 -1.653949e-01
+1347 -1.573215e-01
+1348 -1.434660e-01
+1349 -1.242838e-01
+1350 -1.004282e-01
+1351 -7.269888e-02
+1352 -4.207799e-02
+1353 -9.727942e-03
+1354 2.303098e-02
+1355 5.488202e-02
+1356 8.460565e-02
+1357 1.111509e-01
+1358 1.336189e-01
+1359 1.512792e-01
+1360 1.635940e-01
+1361 1.701738e-01
+1362 1.707994e-01
+1363 1.654192e-01
+1364 1.541377e-01
+1365 1.372215e-01
+1366 1.151062e-01
+1367 8.843818e-02
+1368 5.817677e-02
+1369 2.559683e-02
+1370 -7.851803e-03
+1371 -4.070898e-02
+1372 -7.169315e-02
+1373 -9.982317e-02
+1374 -1.242854e-01
+1375 -1.443565e-01
+1376 -1.593962e-01
+1377 -1.689373e-01
+1378 -1.726461e-01
+1379 -1.702880e-01
+1380 -1.617213e-01
+1381 -1.470280e-01
+1382 -1.266173e-01
+1383 -1.012325e-01
+1384 -7.187993e-02
+1385 -3.970403e-02
+1386 -5.885958e-03
+1387 2.831519e-02
+1388 6.157268e-02
+1389 9.258113e-02
+1390 1.201700e-01
+1391 1.432367e-01
+1392 1.607616e-01
+1393 1.719538e-01
+1394 1.763353e-01
+1395 1.737543e-01
+1396 1.643555e-01
+1397 1.485941e-01
+1398 1.271572e-01
+1399 1.008576e-01
+1400 7.062730e-02
+1401 3.753066e-02
+1402 2.769144e-03
+1403 -3.233684e-02
+1404 -6.643620e-02
+1405 -9.819675e-02
+1406 -1.262977e-01
+1407 -1.495014e-01
+1408 -1.667670e-01
+1409 -1.773881e-01
+1410 -1.810932e-01
+1411 -1.779800e-01
+1412 -1.683733e-01
+1413 -1.527254e-01
+1414 -1.315841e-01
+1415 -1.056405e-01
+1416 -7.582062e-02
+1417 -4.328568e-02
+1418 -9.342227e-03
+1419 2.473853e-02
+1420 5.776168e-02
+1421 8.854370e-02
+1422 1.159241e-01
+1423 1.388849e-01
+1424 1.566018e-01
+1425 1.684554e-01
+1426 1.739933e-01
+1427 1.729490e-01
+1428 1.653185e-01
+1429 1.514460e-01
+1430 1.319878e-01
+1431 1.078107e-01
+1432 7.989025e-02
+1433 4.924435e-02
+1434 1.693419e-02
+1435 -1.589336e-02
+1436 -4.809140e-02
+1437 -7.856473e-02
+1438 -1.062799e-01
+1439 -1.302866e-01
+1440 -1.496916e-01
+1441 -1.636417e-01
+1442 -1.714022e-01
+1443 -1.724614e-01
+1444 -1.666579e-01
+1445 -1.542191e-01
+1446 -1.357149e-01
+1447 -1.119402e-01
+1448 -8.392549e-02
+1449 -5.291072e-02
+1450 -2.020816e-02
+1451 1.294674e-02
+1452 4.549423e-02
+1453 7.648986e-02
+1454 1.049593e-01
+1455 1.298733e-01
+1456 1.502124e-01
+1457 1.650812e-01
+1458 1.737614e-01
+1459 1.758008e-01
+1460 1.710631e-01
+1461 1.596876e-01
+1462 1.421399e-01
+1463 1.192275e-01
+1464 9.194699e-02
+1465 6.127685e-02
+1466 2.818633e-02
+1467 -6.245948e-03
+1468 -4.074320e-02
+1469 -7.392806e-02
+1470 -1.043986e-01
+1471 -1.308895e-01
+1472 -1.523555e-01
+1473 -1.681104e-01
+1474 -1.777762e-01
+1475 -1.811117e-01
+1476 -1.779767e-01
+1477 -1.683992e-01
+1478 -1.526259e-01
+1479 -1.311302e-01
+1480 -1.045797e-01
+1481 -7.383395e-02
+1482 -4.001605e-02
+1483 -4.498431e-03
+1484 3.121217e-02
+1485 6.569207e-02
+1486 9.770264e-02
+1487 1.261787e-01
+1488 1.501887e-01
+1489 1.689726e-01
+1490 1.819112e-01
+1491 1.884887e-01
+1492 1.883005e-01
+1493 1.811598e-01
+1494 1.671502e-01
+1495 1.466392e-01
+1496 1.202654e-01
+1497 8.900686e-02
+1498 5.416859e-02
+1499 1.726344e-02
+1500 -2.018731e-02
+1501 -5.679042e-02
+1502 -9.127883e-02
+1503 -1.224802e-01
+1504 -1.492971e-01
+1505 -1.707040e-01
+1506 -1.858039e-01
+1507 -1.938833e-01
+1508 -1.945708e-01
+1509 -1.878697e-01
+1510 -1.740750e-01
+1511 -1.536675e-01
+1512 -1.273525e-01
+1513 -9.613649e-02
+1514 -6.127574e-02
+1515 -2.416390e-02
+1516 1.383837e-02
+1517 5.148130e-02
+1518 8.746619e-02
+1519 1.203623e-01
+1520 1.487465e-01
+1521 1.714040e-01
+1522 1.874401e-01
+1523 1.963027e-01
+1524 1.977154e-01
+1525 1.916506e-01
+1526 1.783293e-01
+1527 1.583051e-01
+1528 1.324403e-01
+1529 1.017771e-01
+1530 6.739262e-02
+1531 3.042506e-02
+1532 -7.819281e-03
+1533 -4.587997e-02
+1534 -8.218953e-02
+1535 -1.152290e-01
+1536 -1.436902e-01
+1537 -1.665624e-01
+1538 -1.831330e-01
+1539 -1.929297e-01
+1540 -1.956304e-01
+1541 -1.910911e-01
+1542 -1.794566e-01
+1543 -1.612155e-01
+1544 -1.370981e-01
+1545 -1.080046e-01
+1546 -7.498601e-02
+1547 -3.923927e-02
+1548 -2.151644e-03
+1549 3.475655e-02
+1550 6.999927e-02
+1551 1.022090e-01
+1552 1.301805e-01
+1553 1.529336e-01
+1554 1.697697e-01
+1555 1.802306e-01
+1556 1.840488e-01
+1557 1.810713e-01
+1558 1.713028e-01
+1559 1.550322e-01
+1560 1.328684e-01
+1561 1.057131e-01
+1562 7.467110e-02
+1563 4.097355e-02
+1564 5.935014e-03
+1565 -2.911616e-02
+1566 -6.293065e-02
+1567 -9.434444e-02
+1568 -1.222732e-01
+1569 -1.456724e-01
+1570 -1.635873e-01
+1571 -1.752312e-01
+1572 -1.801017e-01
+1573 -1.780093e-01
+1574 -1.690713e-01
+1575 -1.537160e-01
+1576 -1.326299e-01
+1577 -1.066516e-01
+1578 -7.676589e-02
+1579 -4.411092e-02
+1580 -9.931164e-03
+1581 2.449501e-02
+1582 5.792602e-02
+1583 8.916019e-02
+1584 1.170410e-01
+1585 1.404784e-01
+1586 1.585237e-01
+1587 1.704749e-01
+1588 1.758955e-01
+1589 1.746549e-01
+1590 1.668994e-01
+1591 1.529926e-01
+1592 1.334660e-01
+1593 1.089930e-01
+1594 8.041327e-02
+1595 4.877841e-02
+1596 1.538238e-02
+1597 -1.830232e-02
+1598 -5.076418e-02
+1599 -8.060055e-02
+1600 -1.066697e-01
+1601 -1.280895e-01
+1602 -1.442071e-01
+1603 -1.545505e-01
+1604 -1.587885e-01
+1605 -1.568456e-01
+1606 -1.489399e-01
+1607 -1.355612e-01
+1608 -1.173216e-01
+1609 -9.488125e-02
+1610 -6.895268e-02
+1611 -4.040789e-02
+1612 -1.034049e-02
+1613 2.000813e-02
+1614 4.935863e-02
+1615 7.646922e-02
+1616 1.002395e-01
+1617 1.197753e-01
+1618 1.344540e-01
+1619 1.438760e-01
+1620 1.477945e-01
+1621 1.460550e-01
+1622 1.386220e-01
+1623 1.256518e-01
+1624 1.076170e-01
+1625 8.527840e-02
+1626 5.953084e-02
+1627 3.135515e-02
+1628 1.901717e-03
+1629 -2.757310e-02
+1630 -5.589212e-02
+1631 -8.207266e-02
+1632 -1.052731e-01
+1633 -1.246679e-01
+1634 -1.394857e-01
+1635 -1.491151e-01
+1636 -1.531590e-01
+1637 -1.514029e-01
+1638 -1.438253e-01
+1639 -1.306544e-01
+1640 -1.124116e-01
+1641 -8.986531e-02
+1642 -6.395187e-02
+1643 -3.562091e-02
+1644 -5.832258e-03
+1645 2.432802e-02
+1646 5.369104e-02
+1647 8.111699e-02
+1648 1.054889e-01
+1649 1.257561e-01
+1650 1.410504e-01
+1651 1.507330e-01
+1652 1.544252e-01
+1653 1.519811e-01
+1654 1.435460e-01
+1655 1.295175e-01
+1656 1.105030e-01
+1657 8.726767e-02
+1658 6.075061e-02
+1659 3.198892e-02
+1660 1.982210e-03
+1661 -2.823782e-02
+1662 -5.753342e-02
+1663 -8.469053e-02
+1664 -1.085186e-01
+1665 -1.279434e-01
+1666 -1.421280e-01
+1667 -1.505390e-01
+1668 -1.529424e-01
+1669 -1.493307e-01
+1670 -1.398819e-01
+1671 -1.249671e-01
+1672 -1.052009e-01
+1673 -8.137420e-02
+1674 -5.442101e-02
+1675 -2.536158e-02
+1676 4.703741e-03
+1677 3.462239e-02
+1678 6.322295e-02
+1679 8.933778e-02
+1680 1.118822e-01
+1681 1.299823e-01
+1682 1.429611e-01
+1683 1.503639e-01
+1684 1.519346e-01
+1685 1.476227e-01
+1686 1.375804e-01
+1687 1.221662e-01
+1688 1.019286e-01
+1689 7.754295e-02
+1690 4.976859e-02
+1691 1.947797e-02
+1692 -1.228904e-02
+1693 -4.430982e-02
+1694 -7.526467e-02
+1695 -1.038331e-01
+1696 -1.287756e-01
+1697 -1.489852e-01
+1698 -1.635742e-01
+1699 -1.719142e-01
+1700 -1.736761e-01
+1701 -1.688648e-01
+1702 -1.577518e-01
+1703 -1.407847e-01
+1704 -1.185474e-01
+1705 -9.178286e-02
+1706 -6.137680e-02
+1707 -2.832922e-02
+1708 6.287724e-03
+1709 4.133240e-02
+1710 7.557844e-02
+1711 1.076746e-01
+1712 1.362347e-01
+1713 1.599562e-01
+1714 1.777329e-01
+1715 1.887328e-01
+1716 1.924471e-01
+1717 1.886113e-01
+1718 1.772758e-01
+1719 1.588712e-01
+1720 1.341700e-01
+1721 1.041661e-01
+1722 7.000190e-02
+1723 3.295750e-02
+1724 -5.622749e-03
+1725 -4.435650e-02
+1726 -8.186683e-02
+1727 -1.167704e-01
+1728 -1.476385e-01
+1729 -1.730404e-01
+1730 -1.917205e-01
+1731 -2.028244e-01
+1732 -2.059939e-01
+1733 -2.012299e-01
+1734 -1.887344e-01
+1735 -1.688889e-01
+1736 -1.422805e-01
+1737 -1.097861e-01
+1738 -7.256678e-02
+1739 -3.204975e-02
+1740 1.010492e-02
+1741 5.210664e-02
+1742 9.220629e-02
+1743 1.288300e-01
+1744 1.605988e-01
+1745 1.863166e-01
+1746 2.050255e-01
+1747 2.159976e-01
+1748 2.187360e-01
+1749 2.130576e-01
+1750 1.991374e-01
+1751 1.774503e-01
+1752 1.487829e-01
+1753 1.142769e-01
+1754 7.531817e-02
+1755 3.341894e-02
+1756 -9.914935e-03
+1757 -5.319543e-02
+1758 -9.487918e-02
+1759 -1.334001e-01
+1760 -1.672094e-01
+1761 -1.948856e-01
+1762 -2.151885e-01
+1763 -2.271636e-01
+1764 -2.302757e-01
+1765 -2.244394e-01
+1766 -2.099703e-01
+1767 -1.874433e-01
+1768 -1.576602e-01
+1769 -1.216824e-01
+1770 -8.086376e-02
+1771 -3.680444e-02
+1772 8.719492e-03
+1773 5.395040e-02
+1774 9.722012e-02
+1775 1.369696e-01
+1776 1.717161e-01
+1777 2.000647e-01
+1778 2.208747e-01
+1779 2.333965e-01
+1780 2.372461e-01
+1781 2.323111e-01
+1782 2.187385e-01
+1783 1.970085e-01
+1784 1.679588e-01
+1785 1.327052e-01
+1786 9.256392e-02
+1787 4.898163e-02
+1788 3.531196e-03
+1789 -4.214850e-02
+1790 -8.638018e-02
+1791 -1.275260e-01
+1792 -1.640696e-01
+1793 -1.946563e-01
+1794 -2.181693e-01
+1795 -2.337617e-01
+1796 -2.408864e-01
+1797 -2.392569e-01
+1798 -2.288439e-01
+1799 -2.099115e-01
+1800 -1.830698e-01
+1801 -1.492697e-01
+1802 -1.097853e-01
+1803 -6.613044e-02
+1804 -1.989972e-02
+1805 2.730243e-02
+1806 7.383331e-02
+1807 1.180022e-01
+1808 1.581125e-01
+1809 1.925864e-01
+1810 2.201294e-01
+1811 2.397899e-01
+1812 2.509128e-01
+1813 2.530890e-01
+1814 2.461004e-01
+1815 2.300571e-01
+1816 2.054829e-01
+1817 1.732198e-01
+1818 1.343244e-01
+1819 9.007271e-02
+1820 4.205305e-02
+1821 -7.880162e-03
+1822 -5.774862e-02
+1823 -1.055698e-01
+1824 -1.494736e-01
+1825 -1.878155e-01
+1826 -2.192282e-01
+1827 -2.426007e-01
+1828 -2.571597e-01
+1829 -2.624890e-01
+1830 -2.584829e-01
+1831 -2.453333e-01
+1832 -2.235459e-01
+1833 -1.938599e-01
+1834 -1.571602e-01
+1835 -1.145888e-01
+1836 -6.766704e-02
+1837 -1.831003e-02
+1838 3.140810e-02
+1839 7.952187e-02
+1840 1.242827e-01
+1841 1.640897e-01
+1842 1.974503e-01
+1843 2.230424e-01
+1844 2.398334e-01
+1845 2.471958e-01
+1846 2.449683e-01
+1847 2.334125e-01
+1848 2.130545e-01
+1849 1.847104e-01
+1850 1.495546e-01
+1851 1.090035e-01
+1852 6.459751e-02
+1853 1.791917e-02
+1854 -2.940488e-02
+1855 -7.565020e-02
+1856 -1.190469e-01
+1857 -1.578680e-01
+1858 -1.904715e-01
+1859 -2.154483e-01
+1860 -2.317350e-01
+1861 -2.386956e-01
+1862 -2.360878e-01
+1863 -2.240958e-01
+1864 -2.032540e-01
+1865 -1.744547e-01
+1866 -1.389021e-01
+1867 -9.803928e-02
+1868 -5.339735e-02
+1869 -6.569048e-03
+1870 4.079712e-02
+1871 8.697268e-02
+1872 1.300833e-01
+1873 1.682151e-01
+1874 1.996293e-01
+1875 2.229621e-01
+1876 2.373149e-01
+1877 2.422392e-01
+1878 2.376535e-01
+1879 2.237599e-01
+1880 2.010592e-01
+1881 1.703450e-01
+1882 1.327219e-01
+1883 8.960413e-02
+1884 4.265032e-02
+1885 -6.275542e-03
+1886 -5.520099e-02
+1887 -1.021505e-01
+1888 -1.452471e-01
+1889 -1.827764e-01
+1890 -2.133089e-01
+1891 -2.357394e-01
+1892 -2.492269e-01
+1893 -2.531663e-01
+1894 -2.472730e-01
+1895 -2.317351e-01
+1896 -2.072209e-01
+1897 -1.747581e-01
+1898 -1.356772e-01
+1899 -9.156931e-02
+1900 -4.421926e-02
+1901 4.539811e-03
+1902 5.293021e-02
+1903 9.923356e-02
+1904 1.417655e-01
+1905 1.789054e-01
+1906 2.091579e-01
+1907 2.312338e-01
+1908 2.442165e-01
+1909 2.476286e-01
+1910 2.414221e-01
+1911 2.259115e-01
+1912 2.017066e-01
+1913 1.697364e-01
+1914 1.312930e-01
+1915 8.798096e-02
+1916 4.151949e-02
+1917 -6.399925e-03
+1918 -5.410538e-02
+1919 -9.984006e-02
+1920 -1.418610e-01
+1921 -1.785136e-01
+1922 -2.082500e-01
+1923 -2.297416e-01
+1924 -2.420225e-01
+1925 -2.445540e-01
+1926 -2.372307e-01
+1927 -2.203607e-01
+1928 -1.946466e-01
+1929 -1.612018e-01
+1930 -1.214611e-01
+1931 -7.702991e-02
+1932 -2.952080e-02
+1933 1.937794e-02
+1934 6.789257e-02
+1935 1.141204e-01
+1936 1.561278e-01
+1937 1.920982e-01
+1938 2.204391e-01
+1939 2.398668e-01
+1940 2.494716e-01
+1941 2.487618e-01
+1942 2.377404e-01
+1943 2.168926e-01
+1944 1.870709e-01
+1945 1.494708e-01
+1946 1.055898e-01
+1947 5.721349e-02
+1948 6.313843e-03
+1949 -4.506556e-02
+1950 -9.492711e-02
+1951 -1.413255e-01
+1952 -1.823914e-01
+1953 -2.164287e-01
+1954 -2.420738e-01
+1955 -2.584021e-01
+1956 -2.649248e-01
+1957 -2.615152e-01
+1958 -2.482807e-01
+1959 -2.255617e-01
+1960 -1.939834e-01
+1961 -1.545531e-01
+1962 -1.086867e-01
+1963 -5.811286e-02
+1964 -4.811400e-03
+1965 4.908298e-02
+1966 1.013868e-01
+1967 1.499481e-01
+1968 1.927404e-01
+1969 2.280334e-01
+1970 2.545778e-01
+1971 2.715761e-01
+1972 2.785329e-01
+1973 2.751948e-01
+1974 2.616419e-01
+1975 2.383223e-01
+1976 2.060322e-01
+1977 1.658915e-01
+1978 1.192810e-01
+1979 6.783700e-02
+1980 1.341625e-02
+1981 -4.193672e-02
+1982 -9.606177e-02
+1983 -1.468074e-01
+1984 -1.921830e-01
+1985 -2.304554e-01
+1986 -2.601204e-01
+1987 -2.799643e-01
+1988 -2.891189e-01
+1989 -2.871661e-01
+1990 -2.742536e-01
+1991 -2.510213e-01
+1992 -2.183962e-01
+1993 -1.774976e-01
+1994 -1.296765e-01
+1995 -7.658589e-02
+1996 -2.019911e-02
+1997 3.728089e-02
+1998 9.356114e-02
+1999 1.464156e-01
+2000 1.938280e-01
+2001 2.340347e-01
+2002 2.655455e-01
+2003 2.871567e-01
+2004 2.980348e-01
+2005 2.977323e-01
+2006 2.862486e-01
+2007 2.639886e-01
+2008 2.317418e-01
+2009 1.906589e-01
+2010 1.422881e-01
+2011 8.855926e-02
+2012 3.160303e-02
+2013 -2.641021e-02
+2014 -8.336238e-02
+2015 -1.372214e-01
+2016 -1.861018e-01
+2017 -2.282864e-01
+2018 -2.622832e-01
+2019 -2.868357e-01
+2020 -3.009859e-01
+2021 -3.041327e-01
+2022 -2.960984e-01
+2023 -2.771222e-01
+2024 -2.478903e-01
+2025 -2.095134e-01
+2026 -1.634860e-01
+2027 -1.115917e-01
+2028 -5.576400e-02
+2029 2.011455e-03
+2030 5.984564e-02
+2031 1.159010e-01
+2032 1.683235e-01
+2033 2.152616e-01
+2034 2.549532e-01
+2035 2.858435e-01
+2036 3.066355e-01
+2037 3.163389e-01
+2038 3.143062e-01
+2039 3.003992e-01
+2040 2.750977e-01
+2041 2.394429e-01
+2042 1.949062e-01
+2043 1.432220e-01
+2044 8.628425e-02
+2045 2.610894e-02
+2046 -3.522043e-02
+2047 -9.560434e-02
+2048 -1.529343e-01
+2049 -2.051349e-01
+2050 -2.502829e-01
+2051 -2.866656e-01
+2052 -3.128019e-01
+2053 -3.275298e-01
+2054 -3.301257e-01
+2055 -3.204108e-01
+2056 -2.987021e-01
+2057 -2.657077e-01
+2058 -2.224779e-01
+2059 -1.704888e-01
+2060 -1.116758e-01
+2061 -4.834862e-02
+2062 1.701736e-02
+2063 8.200018e-02
+2064 1.442573e-01
+2065 2.014796e-01
+2066 2.515349e-01
+2067 2.926125e-01
+2068 3.232924e-01
+2069 3.424415e-01
+2070 3.492360e-01
+2071 3.432498e-01
+2072 3.245719e-01
+2073 2.938841e-01
+2074 2.523941e-01
+2075 2.017198e-01
+2076 1.438088e-01
+2077 8.081863e-02
+2078 1.503149e-02
+2079 -5.117095e-02
+2080 -1.154108e-01
+2081 -1.754743e-01
+2082 -2.293007e-01
+2083 -2.750198e-01
+2084 -3.110333e-01
+2085 -3.360689e-01
+2086 -3.492465e-01
+2087 -3.500790e-01
+2088 -3.384881e-01
+2089 -3.148357e-01
+2090 -2.799177e-01
+2091 -2.349340e-01
+2092 -1.815164e-01
+2093 -1.216784e-01
+2094 -5.767075e-02
+2095 8.202385e-03
+2096 7.361017e-02
+2097 1.362281e-01
+2098 1.938413e-01
+2099 2.444932e-01
+2100 2.865457e-01
+2101 3.186805e-01
+2102 3.398571e-01
+2103 3.492959e-01
+2104 3.465150e-01
+2105 3.313939e-01
+2106 3.043203e-01
+2107 2.661924e-01
+2108 2.183363e-01
+2109 1.623873e-01
+2110 1.003784e-01
+2111 3.464956e-02
+2112 -3.231339e-02
+2113 -9.801632e-02
+2114 -1.600698e-01
+2115 -2.162957e-01
+2116 -2.647403e-01
+2117 -3.036801e-01
+2118 -3.316391e-01
+2119 -3.475740e-01
+2120 -3.509502e-01
+2121 -3.417533e-01
+2122 -3.203021e-01
+2123 -2.872081e-01
+2124 -2.435248e-01
+2125 -1.908179e-01
+2126 -1.310449e-01
+2127 -6.640641e-02
+2128 7.617056e-04
+2129 6.804781e-02
+2130 1.329973e-01
+2131 1.931694e-01
+2132 2.462595e-01
+2133 2.902719e-01
+2134 3.235716e-01
+2135 3.449422e-01
+2136 3.536969e-01
+2137 3.496641e-01
+2138 3.331460e-01
+2139 3.048512e-01
+2140 2.658484e-01
+2141 2.175746e-01
+2142 1.618042e-01
+2143 1.005555e-01
+2144 3.609719e-02
+2145 -2.917506e-02
+2146 -9.285575e-02
+2147 -1.526415e-01
+2148 -2.064430e-01
+2149 -2.524891e-01
+2150 -2.892570e-01
+2151 -3.155059e-01
+2152 -3.303032e-01
+2153 -3.330534e-01
+2154 -3.235426e-01
+2155 -3.020901e-01
+2156 -2.696199e-01
+2157 -2.275635e-01
+2158 -1.776717e-01
+2159 -1.219131e-01
+2160 -6.238078e-02
+2161 -1.218461e-03
+2162 5.941356e-02
+2163 1.173799e-01
+2164 1.706659e-01
+2165 2.174279e-01
+2166 2.560289e-01
+2167 2.850510e-01
+2168 3.033151e-01
+2169 3.100775e-01
+2170 3.051465e-01
+2171 2.889188e-01
+2172 2.622974e-01
+2173 2.265390e-01
+2174 1.830813e-01
+2175 1.335153e-01
+2176 7.961015e-02
+2177 2.329593e-02
+2178 -3.335934e-02
+2179 -8.829596e-02
+2180 -1.395217e-01
+2181 -1.851699e-01
+2182 -2.235069e-01
+2183 -2.530446e-01
+2184 -2.726956e-01
+2185 -2.818824e-01
+2186 -2.804838e-01
+2187 -2.687184e-01
+2188 -2.471267e-01
+2189 -2.166364e-01
+2190 -1.785679e-01
+2191 -1.345115e-01
+2192 -8.617754e-02
+2193 -3.535974e-02
+2194 1.607937e-02
+2195 6.618737e-02
+2196 1.130127e-01
+2197 1.547423e-01
+2198 1.898632e-01
+2199 2.173030e-01
+2200 2.363663e-01
+2201 2.465970e-01
+2202 2.477714e-01
+2203 2.399499e-01
+2204 2.235420e-01
+2205 1.992484e-01
+2206 1.680186e-01
+2207 1.309918e-01
+2208 8.948494e-02
+2209 4.501060e-02
+2210 -6.927361e-04
+2211 -4.576927e-02
+2212 -8.843825e-02
+2213 -1.271442e-01
+2214 -1.605590e-01
+2215 -1.875728e-01
+2216 -2.073291e-01
+2217 -2.193349e-01
+2218 -2.234624e-01
+2219 -2.199188e-01
+2220 -2.091752e-01
+2221 -1.918097e-01
+2222 -1.684268e-01
+2223 -1.397433e-01
+2224 -1.066437e-01
+2225 -7.021352e-02
+2226 -3.179580e-02
+2227 7.145732e-03
+2228 4.520395e-02
+2229 8.115282e-02
+2230 1.138984e-01
+2231 1.424304e-01
+2232 1.658159e-01
+2233 1.832122e-01
+2234 1.939187e-01
+2235 1.974813e-01
+2236 1.937744e-01
+2237 1.829409e-01
+2238 1.653945e-01
+2239 1.417878e-01
+2240 1.129613e-01
+2241 8.001178e-02
+2242 4.424027e-02
+2243 7.057855e-03
+2244 -3.007993e-02
+2245 -6.571909e-02
+2246 -9.846406e-02
+2247 -1.270046e-01
+2248 -1.501511e-01
+2249 -1.670076e-01
+2250 -1.770158e-01
+2251 -1.799073e-01
+2252 -1.756672e-01
+2253 -1.644960e-01
+2254 -1.467581e-01
+2255 -1.230591e-01
+2256 -9.432934e-02
+2257 -6.182872e-02
+2258 -2.705362e-02
+2259 8.446818e-03
+2260 4.312515e-02
+2261 7.545552e-02
+2262 1.040056e-01
+2263 1.275849e-01
+2264 1.453268e-01
+2265 1.567468e-01
+2266 1.616840e-01
+2267 1.601765e-01
+2268 1.524278e-01
+2269 1.388329e-01
+2270 1.199394e-01
+2271 9.648184e-02
+2272 6.944897e-02
+2273 4.008700e-02
+2274 9.773834e-03
+2275 -2.009135e-02
+2276 -4.815776e-02
+2277 -7.327678e-02
+2278 -9.457519e-02
+2279 -1.114033e-01
+2280 -1.232813e-01
+2281 -1.298091e-01
+2282 -1.306869e-01
+2283 -1.258441e-01
+2284 -1.154141e-01
+2285 -9.982006e-02
+2286 -7.981889e-02
+2287 -5.644061e-02
+2288 -3.086549e-02
+2289 -4.345675e-03
+2290 2.181874e-02
+2291 4.644370e-02
+2292 6.858628e-02
+2293 8.751736e-02
+2294 1.025987e-01
+2295 1.131892e-01
+2296 1.186958e-01
+2297 1.187187e-01
+2298 1.131134e-01
+2299 1.020556e-01
+2300 8.603586e-02
+2301 6.582495e-02
+2302 4.237569e-02
+2303 1.676484e-02
+2304 -9.868360e-03
+2305 -3.639685e-02
+2306 -6.170373e-02
+2307 -8.468643e-02
+2308 -1.042639e-01
+2309 -1.194985e-01
+2310 -1.296207e-01
+2311 -1.341174e-01
+2312 -1.327077e-01
+2313 -1.253442e-01
+2314 -1.122835e-01
+2315 -9.411845e-02
+2316 -7.166289e-02
+2317 -4.583061e-02
+2318 -1.754947e-02
+2319 1.219203e-02
+2320 4.227716e-02
+2321 7.141493e-02
+2322 9.825418e-02
+2323 1.215189e-01
+2324 1.401153e-01
+2325 1.531592e-01
+2326 1.600134e-01
+2327 1.603028e-01
+2328 1.539176e-01
+2329 1.410073e-01
+2330 1.219627e-01
+2331 9.739147e-02
+2332 6.801445e-02
+2333 3.482125e-02
+2334 -8.505278e-04
+2335 -3.739926e-02
+2336 -7.308270e-02
+2337 -1.062326e-01
+2338 -1.353473e-01
+2339 -1.591275e-01
+2340 -1.765353e-01
+2341 -1.867638e-01
+2342 -1.893266e-01
+2343 -1.840401e-01
+2344 -1.710265e-01
+2345 -1.507623e-01
+2346 -1.240349e-01
+2347 -9.187084e-02
+2348 -5.550989e-02
+2349 -1.640648e-02
+2350 2.378689e-02
+2351 6.331849e-02
+2352 1.005449e-01
+2353 1.340782e-01
+2354 1.627431e-01
+2355 1.854721e-01
+2356 2.012693e-01
+2357 2.092537e-01
+2358 2.087927e-01
+2359 1.996693e-01
+2360 1.821276e-01
+2361 1.568025e-01
+2362 1.246845e-01
+2363 8.708485e-02
+2364 4.559621e-02
+2365 1.954234e-03
+2366 -4.212507e-02
+2367 -8.499897e-02
+2368 -1.250303e-01
+2369 -1.605734e-01
+2370 -1.900873e-01
+2371 -2.123341e-01
+2372 -2.264691e-01
+2373 -2.319799e-01
+2374 -2.285940e-01
+2375 -2.162524e-01
+2376 -1.951874e-01
+2377 -1.660504e-01
+2378 -1.300022e-01
+2379 -8.859044e-02
+2380 -4.356232e-02
+2381 3.254418e-03
+2382 5.001155e-02
+2383 9.487803e-02
+2384 1.361116e-01
+2385 1.721381e-01
+2386 2.016909e-01
+2387 2.237939e-01
+2388 2.376927e-01
+2389 2.427516e-01
+2390 2.386379e-01
+2391 2.253850e-01
+2392 2.034500e-01
+2393 1.737251e-01
+2394 1.374764e-01
+2395 9.621507e-02
+2396 5.166810e-02
+2397 5.655603e-03
+2398 -4.002756e-02
+2399 -8.374716e-02
+2400 -1.240360e-01
+2401 -1.594848e-01
+2402 -1.887230e-01
+2403 -2.104858e-01
+2404 -2.238053e-01
+2405 -2.281785e-01
+2406 -2.236190e-01
+2407 -2.106084e-01
+2408 -1.898701e-01
+2409 -1.621980e-01
+2410 -1.285237e-01
+2411 -8.998893e-02
+2412 -4.795062e-02
+2413 -3.896698e-03
+2414 4.053863e-02
+2415 8.365406e-02
+2416 1.237353e-01
+2417 1.591633e-01
+2418 1.885235e-01
+2419 2.106120e-01
+2420 2.244726e-01
+2421 2.295389e-01
+2422 2.257391e-01
+2423 2.134449e-01
+2424 1.933824e-01
+2425 1.664742e-01
+2426 1.337259e-01
+2427 9.628895e-02
+2428 5.553134e-02
+2429 1.297071e-02
+2430 -2.983269e-02
+2431 -7.137692e-02
+2432 -1.101928e-01
+2433 -1.448949e-01
+2434 -1.741391e-01
+2435 -1.967150e-01
+2436 -2.116475e-01
+2437 -2.182695e-01
+2438 -2.163021e-01
+2439 -2.059396e-01
+2440 -1.878242e-01
+2441 -1.629498e-01
+2442 -1.325435e-01
+2443 -9.796033e-02
+2444 -6.057061e-02
+2445 -2.175100e-02
+2446 1.714480e-02
+2447 5.483281e-02
+2448 9.009531e-02
+2449 1.217659e-01
+2450 1.487738e-01
+2451 1.701710e-01
+2452 1.851467e-01
+2453 1.930669e-01
+2454 1.935436e-01
+2455 1.865234e-01
+2456 1.723955e-01
+2457 1.519559e-01
+2458 1.262298e-01
+2459 9.628739e-02
+2460 6.328906e-02
+2461 2.853214e-02
+2462 -6.649825e-03
+2463 -4.104963e-02
+2464 -7.354795e-02
+2465 -1.029955e-01
+2466 -1.282441e-01
+2467 -1.482842e-01
+2468 -1.623534e-01
+2469 -1.701230e-01
+2470 -1.716732e-01
+2471 -1.672851e-01
+2472 -1.573050e-01
+2473 -1.421045e-01
+2474 -1.221994e-01
+2475 -9.828623e-02
+2476 -7.124095e-02
+2477 -4.202301e-02
+2478 -1.163700e-02
+2479 1.894029e-02
+2480 4.870166e-02
+2481 7.659993e-02
+2482 1.015769e-01
+2483 1.226885e-01
+2484 1.391727e-01
+2485 1.504718e-01
+2486 1.561605e-01
+2487 1.560538e-01
+2488 1.501690e-01
+2489 1.387270e-01
+2490 1.221664e-01
+2491 1.010682e-01
+2492 7.610972e-02
+2493 4.805609e-02
+2494 1.789957e-02
+2495 -1.318482e-02
+2496 -4.392510e-02
+2497 -7.311589e-02
+2498 -9.972033e-02
+2499 -1.228232e-01
+2500 -1.415670e-01
+2501 -1.551961e-01
+2502 -1.632131e-01
+2503 -1.654573e-01
+2504 -1.619926e-01
+2505 -1.529582e-01
+2506 -1.386064e-01
+2507 -1.193714e-01
+2508 -9.589627e-02
+2509 -6.902328e-02
+2510 -3.974590e-02
+2511 -9.193994e-03
+2512 2.140389e-02
+2513 5.082703e-02
+2514 7.791954e-02
+2515 1.016587e-01
+2516 1.212173e-01
+2517 1.359864e-01
+2518 1.455251e-01
+2519 1.495772e-01
+2520 1.481211e-01
+2521 1.414024e-01
+2522 1.298832e-01
+2523 1.141298e-01
+2524 9.477369e-02
+2525 7.243842e-02
+2526 4.779776e-02
+2527 2.166541e-02
+2528 -5.028552e-03
+2529 -3.130239e-02
+2530 -5.615565e-02
+2531 -7.857417e-02
+2532 -9.766770e-02
+2533 -1.127946e-01
+2534 -1.235422e-01
+2535 -1.296601e-01
+2536 -1.309706e-01
+2537 -1.274461e-01
+2538 -1.192392e-01
+2539 -1.066696e-01
+2540 -9.018915e-02
+2541 -7.046792e-02
+2542 -4.839493e-02
+2543 -2.493311e-02
+2544 -1.022847e-03
+2545 2.247564e-02
+2546 4.471576e-02
+2547 6.484514e-02
+2548 8.209774e-02
+2549 9.592886e-02
+2550 1.059966e-01
+2551 1.121097e-01
+2552 1.142359e-01
+2553 1.124508e-01
+2554 1.068939e-01
+2555 9.783725e-02
+2556 8.573060e-02
+2557 7.115294e-02
+2558 5.474163e-02
+2559 3.720158e-02
+2560 1.922326e-02
+2561 1.472041e-03
+2562 -1.549797e-02
+2563 -3.125414e-02
+2564 -4.534000e-02
+2565 -5.722024e-02
+2566 -6.647466e-02
+2567 -7.287120e-02
+2568 -7.640416e-02
+2569 -7.722112e-02
+2570 -7.554277e-02
+2571 -7.167298e-02
+2572 -6.600034e-02
+2573 -5.891320e-02
+2574 -5.073839e-02
+2575 -4.171936e-02
+2576 -3.206454e-02
+2577 -2.198628e-02
+2578 -1.171624e-02
+2579 -1.496786e-03
+2580 8.423925e-03
+2581 1.784513e-02
+2582 2.662962e-02
+2583 3.464683e-02
+2584 4.172514e-02
+2585 4.763499e-02
+2586 5.213414e-02
+2587 5.503267e-02
+2588 5.626831e-02
+2589 5.587233e-02
+2590 5.390589e-02
+2591 5.049746e-02
+2592 4.587363e-02
+2593 4.035957e-02
+2594 3.422664e-02
+2595 2.759124e-02
+2596 2.047745e-02
+2597 1.285231e-02
+2598 4.621764e-03
+2599 -4.293226e-03
+2600 -1.379365e-02
+2601 -2.351571e-02
+2602 -3.293026e-02
+2603 -4.153860e-02
+2604 -4.891934e-02
+2605 -5.474386e-02
+2606 -5.886577e-02
+2607 -6.128964e-02
+2608 -6.207016e-02
+2609 -6.124790e-02
+2610 -5.880218e-02
+2611 -5.470213e-02
+2612 -4.894590e-02
+2613 -4.164425e-02
+2614 -3.294898e-02
+2615 -2.298200e-02
+2616 -1.189725e-02
+2617 5.740075e-05
+2618 1.247105e-02
+2619 2.485074e-02
+2620 3.670779e-02
+2621 4.758479e-02
+2622 5.705373e-02
+2623 6.473463e-02
+2624 7.031834e-02
+2625 7.361710e-02
+2626 7.455610e-02
+2627 7.312530e-02
+2628 6.927343e-02
+2629 6.294732e-02
+2630 5.423573e-02
+2631 4.344827e-02
+2632 3.108820e-02
+2633 1.773448e-02
+2634 3.926677e-03
+2635 -9.942540e-03
+2636 -2.358286e-02
+2637 -3.672624e-02
+2638 -4.904213e-02
+2639 -6.012621e-02
+2640 -6.949467e-02
+2641 -7.661559e-02
+2642 -8.097420e-02
+2643 -8.216713e-02
+2644 -7.999571e-02
+2645 -7.451751e-02
+2646 -6.595538e-02
+2647 -5.463225e-02
+2648 -4.096168e-02
+2649 -2.537577e-02
+2650 -8.380291e-03
+2651 9.406573e-03
+2652 2.726509e-02
+2653 4.440470e-02
+2654 5.998723e-02
+2655 7.326913e-02
+2656 8.363621e-02
+2657 9.061286e-02
+2658 9.386807e-02
+2659 9.325661e-02
+2660 8.881433e-02
+2661 8.073247e-02
+2662 6.930688e-02
+2663 5.497743e-02
+2664 3.834029e-02
+2665 2.013394e-02
+2666 1.127714e-03
+2667 -1.788734e-02
+2668 -3.616097e-02
+2669 -5.295710e-02
+2670 -6.750025e-02
+2671 -7.910536e-02
+2672 -8.733424e-02
+2673 -9.202040e-02
+2674 -9.314097e-02
+2675 -9.073886e-02
+2676 -8.487564e-02
+2677 -7.574466e-02
+2678 -6.369900e-02
+2679 -4.917397e-02
+2680 -3.264905e-02
+2681 -1.469068e-02
+2682 4.013091e-03
+2683 2.263112e-02
+2684 4.028956e-02
+2685 5.614465e-02
+2686 6.949463e-02
+2687 7.984115e-02
+2688 8.691009e-02
+2689 9.061252e-02
+2690 9.092619e-02
+2691 8.781723e-02
+2692 8.126914e-02
+2693 7.138557e-02
+2694 5.850967e-02
+2695 4.319976e-02
+2696 2.606569e-02
+2697 7.681786e-03
+2698 -1.135033e-02
+2699 -3.030988e-02
+2700 -4.837701e-02
+2701 -6.472346e-02
+2702 -7.866147e-02
+2703 -8.965842e-02
+2704 -9.728269e-02
+2705 -1.012778e-01
+2706 -1.015879e-01
+2707 -9.825761e-02
+2708 -9.132024e-02
+2709 -8.080340e-02
+2710 -6.689065e-02
+2711 -5.003654e-02
+2712 -3.084003e-02
+2713 -1.006048e-02
+2714 1.141374e-02
+2715 3.262973e-02
+2716 5.266775e-02
+2717 7.066733e-02
+2718 8.593844e-02
+2719 9.800214e-02
+2720 1.065354e-01
+2721 1.113378e-01
+2722 1.122421e-01
+2723 1.091206e-01
+2724 1.020185e-01
+2725 9.115153e-02
+2726 7.679977e-02
+2727 5.934627e-02
+2728 3.936978e-02
+2729 1.768488e-02
+2730 -4.817109e-03
+2731 -2.723006e-02
+2732 -4.866464e-02
+2733 -6.823811e-02
+2734 -8.509976e-02
+2735 -9.846297e-02
+2736 -1.077213e-01
+2737 -1.125898e-01
+2738 -1.130794e-01
+2739 -1.093316e-01
+2740 -1.015623e-01
+2741 -9.011653e-02
+2742 -7.545569e-02
+2743 -5.804585e-02
+2744 -3.841503e-02
+2745 -1.719318e-02
+2746 4.798381e-03
+2747 2.652940e-02
+2748 4.692364e-02
+2749 6.499986e-02
+2750 7.994277e-02
+2751 9.115723e-02
+2752 9.833418e-02
+2753 1.013607e-01
+2754 1.002256e-01
+2755 9.496272e-02
+2756 8.567964e-02
+2757 7.259267e-02
+2758 5.609004e-02
+2759 3.672110e-02
+2760 1.518616e-02
+2761 -7.645471e-03
+2762 -3.074291e-02
+2763 -5.294452e-02
+2764 -7.308118e-02
+2765 -9.024541e-02
+2766 -1.038011e-01
+2767 -1.133057e-01
+2768 -1.184723e-01
+2769 -1.191057e-01
+2770 -1.150235e-01
+2771 -1.060940e-01
+2772 -9.230598e-02
+2773 -7.384456e-02
+2774 -5.115759e-02
+2775 -2.504413e-02
+2776 3.335430e-03
+2777 3.250266e-02
+2778 6.092710e-02
+2779 8.725490e-02
+2780 1.103490e-01
+2781 1.292961e-01
+2782 1.433895e-01
+2783 1.520653e-01
+2784 1.549178e-01
+2785 1.516848e-01
+2786 1.422556e-01
+2787 1.267163e-01
+2788 1.054273e-01
+2789 7.903894e-02
+2790 4.848374e-02
+2791 1.499179e-02
+2792 -2.000800e-02
+2793 -5.503552e-02
+2794 -8.868420e-02
+2795 -1.196695e-01
+2796 -1.467956e-01
+2797 -1.689366e-01
+2798 -1.851121e-01
+2799 -1.945429e-01
+2800 -1.967339e-01
+2801 -1.914540e-01
+2802 -1.786941e-01
+2803 -1.587148e-01
+2804 -1.320393e-01
+2805 -9.946799e-02
+2806 -6.217640e-02
+2807 -2.165803e-02
+2808 2.037317e-02
+2809 6.209483e-02
+2810 1.017047e-01
+2811 1.375286e-01
+2812 1.681612e-01
+2813 1.925288e-01
+2814 2.097700e-01
+2815 2.192492e-01
+2816 2.205803e-01
+2817 2.136914e-01
+2818 1.988288e-01
+2819 1.765250e-01
+2820 1.475656e-01
+2821 1.130097e-01
+2822 7.414359e-02
+2823 3.241529e-02
+2824 -1.066765e-02
+2825 -5.352625e-02
+2826 -9.452891e-02
+2827 -1.320911e-01
+2828 -1.647723e-01
+2829 -1.912788e-01
+2830 -2.104835e-01
+2831 -2.215197e-01
+2832 -2.239441e-01
+2833 -2.176883e-01
+2834 -2.030367e-01
+2835 -1.805692e-01
+2836 -1.511629e-01
+2837 -1.159833e-01
+2838 -7.637267e-02
+2839 -3.381211e-02
+2840 1.009438e-02
+2841 5.358488e-02
+2842 9.481042e-02
+2843 1.320656e-01
+2844 1.639735e-01
+2845 1.894425e-01
+2846 2.076005e-01
+2847 2.177760e-01
+2848 2.195672e-01
+2849 2.128215e-01
+2850 1.976181e-01
+2851 1.743657e-01
+2852 1.438462e-01
+2853 1.072033e-01
+2854 6.598792e-02
+2855 2.198767e-02
+2856 -2.294800e-02
+2857 -6.695113e-02
+2858 -1.081859e-01
+2859 -1.449716e-01
+2860 -1.758546e-01
+2861 -1.996172e-01
+2862 -2.153168e-01
+2863 -2.223563e-01
+2864 -2.205421e-01
+2865 -2.100760e-01
+2866 -1.915101e-01
+2867 -1.657343e-01
+2868 -1.338847e-01
+2869 -9.716472e-02
+2870 -5.681631e-02
+2871 -1.425577e-02
+2872 2.889834e-02
+2873 7.088893e-02
+2874 1.099370e-01
+2875 1.443797e-01
+2876 1.728410e-01
+2877 1.942503e-01
+2878 2.077797e-01
+2879 2.128501e-01
+2880 2.092952e-01
+2881 1.974327e-01
+2882 1.779982e-01
+2883 1.519332e-01
+2884 1.203150e-01
+2885 8.438714e-02
+2886 4.554458e-02
+2887 5.261020e-03
+2888 -3.496319e-02
+2889 -7.365972e-02
+2890 -1.093899e-01
+2891 -1.407849e-01
+2892 -1.665770e-01
+2893 -1.856794e-01
+2894 -1.973601e-01
+2895 -2.013541e-01
+2896 -1.978121e-01
+2897 -1.870973e-01
+2898 -1.697154e-01
+2899 -1.463046e-01
+2900 -1.176964e-01
+2901 -8.500586e-02
+2902 -4.954221e-02
+2903 -1.266171e-02
+2904 2.425218e-02
+2905 5.985638e-02
+2906 9.288678e-02
+2907 1.221410e-01
+2908 1.465337e-01
+2909 1.651848e-01
+2910 1.774350e-01
+2911 1.829132e-01
+2912 1.815593e-01
+2913 1.735256e-01
+2914 1.591559e-01
+2915 1.390408e-01
+2916 1.140281e-01
+2917 8.513914e-02
+2918 5.353283e-02
+2919 2.038246e-02
+2920 -1.318800e-02
+2921 -4.607794e-02
+2922 -7.711991e-02
+2923 -1.050658e-01
+2924 -1.287179e-01
+2925 -1.471180e-01
+2926 -1.595434e-01
+2927 -1.654851e-01
+2928 -1.646835e-01
+2929 -1.572968e-01
+2930 -1.438816e-01
+2931 -1.252597e-01
+2932 -1.024438e-01
+2933 -7.650046e-02
+2934 -4.852397e-02
+2935 -1.961646e-02
+2936 9.132029e-03
+2937 3.667472e-02
+2938 6.208088e-02
+2939 8.454245e-02
+2940 1.033032e-01
+2941 1.176519e-01
+2942 1.270083e-01
+2943 1.310471e-01
+2944 1.297413e-01
+2945 1.234131e-01
+2946 1.125768e-01
+2947 9.785163e-02
+2948 7.993385e-02
+2949 5.961136e-02
+2950 3.775199e-02
+2951 1.521938e-02
+2952 -7.127494e-03
+2953 -2.852461e-02
+2954 -4.818220e-02
+2955 -6.525671e-02
+2956 -7.897374e-02
+2957 -8.879438e-02
+2958 -9.449817e-02
+2959 -9.610268e-02
+2960 -9.376584e-02
+2961 -8.776467e-02
+2962 -7.846964e-02
+2963 -6.635428e-02
+2964 -5.193166e-02
+2965 -3.575465e-02
+2966 -1.847050e-02
+2967 -8.404362e-04
+2968 1.631832e-02
+2969 3.220705e-02
+2970 4.604227e-02
+2971 5.719442e-02
+2972 6.530300e-02
+2973 7.036445e-02
+2974 7.258640e-02
+2975 7.218515e-02
+2976 6.928322e-02
+2977 6.393790e-02
+2978 5.616989e-02
+2979 4.607013e-02
+2980 3.390990e-02
+2981 2.015528e-02
+2982 5.453290e-03
+2983 -9.475059e-03
+2984 -2.396142e-02
+2985 -3.743787e-02
+2986 -4.941013e-02
+2987 -5.940567e-02
+2988 -6.706072e-02
+2989 -7.218524e-02
+2990 -7.466539e-02
+2991 -7.448035e-02
+2992 -7.160481e-02
+2993 -6.611022e-02
+2994 -5.822290e-02
+2995 -4.831445e-02
+2996 -3.687238e-02
+2997 -2.444849e-02
+2998 -1.160601e-02
+2999 1.112666e-03
+3000 1.322810e-02
+3001 2.441623e-02
+3002 3.448563e-02
+3003 4.325061e-02
+3004 5.041318e-02
+3005 5.563944e-02
+3006 5.864200e-02
+3007 5.922171e-02
+3008 5.724128e-02
+3009 5.264331e-02
+3010 4.560894e-02
+3011 3.657856e-02
+3012 2.617079e-02
+3013 1.503350e-02
+3014 3.726573e-03
+3015 -7.272928e-03
+3016 -1.744518e-02
+3017 -2.628908e-02
+3018 -3.343435e-02
+3019 -3.869951e-02
+3020 -4.202719e-02
+3021 -4.344926e-02
+3022 -4.303846e-02
+3023 -4.086238e-02
+3024 -3.693842e-02
+3025 -3.127835e-02
+3026 -2.399396e-02
+3027 -1.544652e-02
+3028 -6.117707e-03
+3029 3.506091e-03
+3030 1.290703e-02
+3031 2.156434e-02
+3032 2.896006e-02
+3033 3.462716e-02
+3034 3.827135e-02
+3035 3.983349e-02
+3036 3.945716e-02
+3037 3.740985e-02
+3038 3.392805e-02
+3039 2.919984e-02
+3040 2.333811e-02
+3041 1.649187e-02
+3042 8.944165e-03
+3043 1.022449e-03
+3044 -7.006757e-03
+3045 -1.487221e-02
+3046 -2.218742e-02
+3047 -2.841960e-02
+3048 -3.304378e-02
+3049 -3.571125e-02
+3050 -3.637950e-02
+3051 -3.526034e-02
+3052 -3.267224e-02
+3053 -2.894022e-02
+3054 -2.434010e-02
+3055 -1.908374e-02
+3056 -1.334417e-02
+3057 -7.294086e-03
+3058 -1.131383e-03
+3059 4.810153e-03
+3060 1.007898e-02
+3061 1.422869e-02
+3062 1.690364e-02
+3063 1.788884e-02
+3064 1.711949e-02
+3065 1.472014e-02
+3066 1.094079e-02
+3067 6.141180e-03
+3068 7.798524e-04
+3069 -4.675095e-03
+3070 -9.929421e-03
+3071 -1.491619e-02
+3072 -1.964665e-02
+3073 -2.407369e-02
+3074 -2.798659e-02
+3075 -3.098470e-02
+3076 -3.257372e-02
+3077 -3.236398e-02
+3078 -3.017850e-02
+3079 -2.598942e-02
+3080 -1.997547e-02
+3081 -1.255963e-02
+3082 -4.373827e-03
+3083 3.942818e-03
+3084 1.191234e-02
+3085 1.925279e-02
+3086 2.581838e-02
+3087 3.156402e-02
+3088 3.650125e-02
+3089 4.049820e-02
+3090 4.322859e-02
+3091 4.429260e-02
+3092 4.334093e-02
+3093 4.017500e-02
+3094 3.482365e-02
+3095 2.748628e-02
+3096 1.856461e-02
+3097 8.631224e-03
+3098 -1.605854e-03
+3099 -1.149993e-02
+3100 -2.065007e-02
+3101 -2.895452e-02
+3102 -3.631929e-02
+3103 -4.247766e-02
+3104 -4.703074e-02
+3105 -4.958894e-02
+3106 -4.995100e-02
+3107 -4.813119e-02
+3108 -4.427839e-02
+3109 -3.858785e-02
+3110 -3.124791e-02
+3111 -2.239423e-02
+3112 -1.214558e-02
+3113 -7.410572e-04
+3114 1.126551e-02
+3115 2.308544e-02
+3116 3.392399e-02
+3117 4.309095e-02
+3118 5.001014e-02
+3119 5.429954e-02
+3120 5.580833e-02
+3121 5.458502e-02
+3122 5.079304e-02
+3123 4.460835e-02
+3124 3.623087e-02
+3125 2.597380e-02
+3126 1.429798e-02
+3127 1.746627e-03
+3128 -1.111156e-02
+3129 -2.370189e-02
+3130 -3.546470e-02
+3131 -4.588551e-02
+3132 -5.451325e-02
+3133 -6.095950e-02
+3134 -6.488387e-02
+3135 -6.598405e-02
+3136 -6.404937e-02
+3137 -5.908747e-02
+3138 -5.128642e-02
+3139 -4.100288e-02
+3140 -2.867927e-02
+3141 -1.484149e-02
+3142 -6.876950e-05
+3143 1.506374e-02
+3144 2.998415e-02
+3145 4.414761e-02
+3146 5.701182e-02
+3147 6.800393e-02
+3148 7.663386e-02
+3149 8.257382e-02
+3150 8.558717e-02
+3151 8.547249e-02
+3152 8.207040e-02
+3153 7.537468e-02
+3154 6.562758e-02
+3155 5.323674e-02
+3156 3.862372e-02
+3157 2.223030e-02
+3158 4.614974e-03
+3159 -1.356100e-02
+3160 -3.165240e-02
+3161 -4.905831e-02
+3162 -6.518269e-02
+3163 -7.945387e-02
+3164 -9.128653e-02
+3165 -1.001473e-01
+3166 -1.055968e-01
+3167 -1.073695e-01
+3168 -1.053237e-01
+3169 -9.945951e-02
+3170 -8.984622e-02
+3171 -7.663763e-02
+3172 -6.019266e-02
+3173 -4.107417e-02
+3174 -2.008240e-02
+3175 1.828528e-03
+3176 2.364429e-02
+3177 4.438110e-02
+3178 6.318843e-02
+3179 7.943301e-02
+3180 9.264544e-02
+3181 1.024785e-01
+3182 1.086919e-01
+3183 1.110856e-01
+3184 1.095117e-01
+3185 1.038913e-01
+3186 9.427219e-02
+3187 8.097875e-02
+3188 6.457217e-02
+3189 4.575561e-02
+3190 2.524852e-02
+3191 3.831964e-03
+3192 -1.764901e-02
+3193 -3.841256e-02
+3194 -5.774332e-02
+3195 -7.489145e-02
+3196 -8.907843e-02
+3197 -9.959618e-02
+3198 -1.059028e-01
+3199 -1.077870e-01
+3200 -1.053450e-01
+3201 -9.894503e-02
+3202 -8.904683e-02
+3203 -7.602096e-02
+3204 -6.013968e-02
+3205 -4.176087e-02
+3206 -2.142179e-02
+3207 1.596359e-04
+3208 2.217816e-02
+3209 4.367626e-02
+3210 6.360292e-02
+3211 8.092142e-02
+3212 9.474107e-02
+3213 1.044273e-01
+3214 1.095607e-01
+3215 1.099437e-01
+3216 1.055897e-01
+3217 9.672760e-02
+3218 8.375240e-02
+3219 6.725727e-02
+3220 4.795683e-02
+3221 2.672439e-02
+3222 4.586002e-03
+3223 -1.737443e-02
+3224 -3.817781e-02
+3225 -5.698908e-02
+3226 -7.313698e-02
+3227 -8.604406e-02
+3228 -9.519980e-02
+3229 -1.002346e-01
+3230 -1.009191e-01
+3231 -9.719169e-02
+3232 -8.915944e-02
+3233 -7.704041e-02
+3234 -6.111175e-02
+3235 -4.187400e-02
+3236 -2.014485e-02
+3237 2.977201e-03
+3238 2.633777e-02
+3239 4.884759e-02
+3240 6.943806e-02
+3241 8.706427e-02
+3242 1.007428e-01
+3243 1.096521e-01
+3244 1.132522e-01
+3245 1.114019e-01
+3246 1.042942e-01
+3247 9.230770e-02
+3248 7.602683e-02
+3249 5.619064e-02
+3250 3.369135e-02
+3251 9.473289e-03
+3252 -1.548409e-02
+3253 -4.016584e-02
+3254 -6.353523e-02
+3255 -8.451830e-02
+3256 -1.020403e-01
+3257 -1.151485e-01
+3258 -1.231223e-01
+3259 -1.254888e-01
+3260 -1.220153e-01
+3261 -1.128029e-01
+3262 -9.830921e-02
+3263 -7.923158e-02
+3264 -5.647482e-02
+3265 -3.108262e-02
+3266 -4.200901e-03
+3267 2.294529e-02
+3268 4.917023e-02
+3269 7.343711e-02
+3270 9.475735e-02
+3271 1.121670e-01
+3272 1.247571e-01
+3273 1.318422e-01
+3274 1.330165e-01
+3275 1.281322e-01
+3276 1.173167e-01
+3277 1.010359e-01
+3278 8.014928e-02
+3279 5.571211e-02
+3280 2.875199e-02
+3281 2.838743e-04
+3282 -2.858816e-02
+3283 -5.667140e-02
+3284 -8.280094e-02
+3285 -1.058857e-01
+3286 -1.250114e-01
+3287 -1.393808e-01
+3288 -1.482847e-01
+3289 -1.511643e-01
+3290 -1.477303e-01
+3291 -1.380402e-01
+3292 -1.224528e-01
+3293 -1.015633e-01
+3294 -7.618294e-02
+3295 -4.730433e-02
+3296 -1.603402e-02
+3297 1.645699e-02
+3298 4.893295e-02
+3299 8.006188e-02
+3300 1.085679e-01
+3301 1.333641e-01
+3302 1.535904e-01
+3303 1.685221e-01
+3304 1.775331e-01
+3305 1.800445e-01
+3306 1.756614e-01
+3307 1.642510e-01
+3308 1.459709e-01
+3309 1.213141e-01
+3310 9.114573e-02
+3311 5.663041e-02
+3312 1.913982e-02
+3313 -1.981753e-02
+3314 -5.868961e-02
+3315 -9.593470e-02
+3316 -1.300982e-01
+3317 -1.597893e-01
+3318 -1.836943e-01
+3319 -2.007509e-01
+3320 -2.101750e-01
+3321 -2.114992e-01
+3322 -2.046369e-01
+3323 -1.897091e-01
+3324 -1.671006e-01
+3325 -1.374171e-01
+3326 -1.016029e-01
+3327 -6.095178e-02
+3328 -1.697827e-02
+3329 2.870371e-02
+3330 7.437654e-02
+3331 1.181372e-01
+3332 1.579443e-01
+3333 1.918725e-01
+3334 2.183350e-01
+3335 2.362668e-01
+3336 2.451222e-01
+3337 2.447440e-01
+3338 2.351768e-01
+3339 2.166508e-01
+3340 1.896021e-01
+3341 1.547627e-01
+3342 1.132398e-01
+3343 6.651437e-02
+3344 1.638524e-02
+3345 -3.514361e-02
+3346 -8.604112e-02
+3347 -1.342912e-01
+3348 -1.779608e-01
+3349 -2.152042e-01
+3350 -2.444184e-01
+3351 -2.644628e-01
+3352 -2.746593e-01
+3353 -2.746447e-01
+3354 -2.642627e-01
+3355 -2.436094e-01
+3356 -2.132312e-01
+3357 -1.741739e-01
+3358 -1.278505e-01
+3359 -7.583749e-02
+3360 -1.989930e-02
+3361 3.793424e-02
+3362 9.539323e-02
+3363 1.500686e-01
+3364 1.997260e-01
+3365 2.424602e-01
+3366 2.767095e-01
+3367 3.011030e-01
+3368 3.144360e-01
+3369 3.158526e-01
+3370 3.050513e-01
+3371 2.822564e-01
+3372 2.481519e-01
+3373 2.037623e-01
+3374 1.505073e-01
+3375 9.032885e-02
+3376 2.567915e-02
+3377 -4.065957e-02
+3378 -1.059229e-01
+3379 -1.676150e-01
+3380 -2.234996e-01
+3381 -2.715717e-01
+3382 -3.100488e-01
+3383 -3.373410e-01
+3384 -3.522126e-01
+3385 -3.538640e-01
+3386 -3.419809e-01
+3387 -3.167501e-01
+3388 -2.788901e-01
+3389 -2.297273e-01
+3390 -1.712674e-01
+3391 -1.061103e-01
+3392 -3.715602e-02
+3393 3.265620e-02
+3394 1.005748e-01
+3395 1.641826e-01
+3396 2.213707e-01
+3397 2.702873e-01
+3398 3.093352e-01
+3399 3.371681e-01
+3400 3.526832e-01
+3401 3.551303e-01
+3402 3.442592e-01
+3403 3.203975e-01
+3404 2.844176e-01
+3405 2.377034e-01
+3406 1.821667e-01
+3407 1.201306e-01
+3408 5.412851e-02
+3409 -1.329446e-02
+3410 -7.971206e-02
+3411 -1.428547e-01
+3412 -2.006150e-01
+3413 -2.510544e-01
+3414 -2.925087e-01
+3415 -3.236258e-01
+3416 -3.434245e-01
+3417 -3.512889e-01
+3418 -3.468641e-01
+3419 -3.301308e-01
+3420 -3.015350e-01
+3421 -2.619047e-01
+3422 -2.125105e-01
+3423 -1.550934e-01
+3424 -9.187910e-02
+3425 -2.544257e-02
+3426 4.158273e-02
+3427 1.067405e-01
+3428 1.677676e-01
+3429 2.225365e-01
+3430 2.690103e-01
+3431 3.053876e-01
+3432 3.302672e-01
+3433 3.427773e-01
+3434 3.425704e-01
+3435 3.297435e-01
+3436 3.047307e-01
+3437 2.682002e-01
+3438 2.211795e-01
+3439 1.652342e-01
+3440 1.024997e-01
+3441 3.546970e-02
+3442 -3.312097e-02
+3443 -1.004195e-01
+3444 -1.636038e-01
+3445 -2.201075e-01
+3446 -2.677748e-01
+3447 -3.048544e-01
+3448 -3.300567e-01
+3449 -3.426069e-01
+3450 -3.422406e-01
+3451 -3.291176e-01
+3452 -3.038756e-01
+3453 -2.675721e-01
+3454 -2.215614e-01
+3455 -1.675139e-01
+3456 -1.073800e-01
+3457 -4.341603e-02
+3458 2.191400e-02
+3459 8.610087e-02
+3460 1.467851e-01
+3461 2.018421e-01
+3462 2.493146e-01
+3463 2.874335e-01
+3464 3.146175e-01
+3465 3.296776e-01
+3466 3.319953e-01
+3467 3.215098e-01
+3468 2.986541e-01
+3469 2.642714e-01
+3470 2.197393e-01
+3471 1.669626e-01
+3472 1.082358e-01
+3473 4.595508e-02
+3474 -1.751386e-02
+3475 -7.979726e-02
+3476 -1.385010e-01
+3477 -1.912679e-01
+3478 -2.359969e-01
+3479 -2.709707e-01
+3480 -2.948980e-01
+3481 -3.069223e-01
+3482 -3.067380e-01
+3483 -2.945681e-01
+3484 -2.709818e-01
+3485 -2.369398e-01
+3486 -1.938257e-01
+3487 -1.434620e-01
+3488 -8.799889e-02
+3489 -2.971093e-02
+3490 2.918695e-02
+3491 8.665229e-02
+3492 1.407478e-01
+3493 1.895785e-01
+3494 2.313020e-01
+3495 2.643517e-01
+3496 2.874969e-01
+3497 2.997873e-01
+3498 3.005857e-01
+3499 2.897226e-01
+3500 2.675890e-01
+3501 2.351664e-01
+3502 1.939398e-01
+3503 1.457214e-01
+3504 9.238695e-02
+3505 3.589465e-02
+3506 -2.173301e-02
+3507 -7.843128e-02
+3508 -1.321892e-01
+3509 -1.811597e-01
+3510 -2.236148e-01
+3511 -2.579452e-01
+3512 -2.827610e-01
+3513 -2.969785e-01
+3514 -2.998773e-01
+3515 -2.911468e-01
+3516 -2.708823e-01
+3517 -2.396848e-01
+3518 -1.987909e-01
+3519 -1.499797e-01
+3520 -9.539664e-02
+3521 -3.734049e-02
+3522 2.181445e-02
+3523 7.971939e-02
+3524 1.342634e-01
+3525 1.837497e-01
+3526 2.267655e-01
+3527 2.619633e-01
+3528 2.879963e-01
+3529 3.036886e-01
+3530 3.082021e-01
+3531 3.012064e-01
+3532 2.828279e-01
+3533 2.535601e-01
+3534 2.142839e-01
+3535 1.663182e-01
+3536 1.115560e-01
+3537 5.234773e-02
+3538 -8.796733e-03
+3539 -6.946401e-02
+3540 -1.273028e-01
+3541 -1.799656e-01
+3542 -2.253377e-01
+3543 -2.617882e-01
+3544 -2.881248e-01
+3545 -3.035388e-01
+3546 -3.075115e-01
+3547 -2.998808e-01
+3548 -2.809855e-01
+3549 -2.516208e-01
+3550 -2.129469e-01
+3551 -1.663870e-01
+3552 -1.136493e-01
+3553 -5.667098e-02
+3554 2.454951e-03
+3555 6.150476e-02
+3556 1.181408e-01
+3557 1.700987e-01
+3558 2.152413e-01
+3559 2.516480e-01
+3560 2.778457e-01
+3561 2.929567e-01
+3562 2.966700e-01
+3563 2.891362e-01
+3564 2.708649e-01
+3565 2.427127e-01
+3566 2.058538e-01
+3567 1.616962e-01
+3568 1.117604e-01
+3569 5.767993e-02
+3570 1.174278e-03
+3571 -5.580727e-02
+3572 -1.110757e-01
+3573 -1.623337e-01
+3574 -2.074289e-01
+3575 -2.444835e-01
+3576 -2.719556e-01
+3577 -2.888141e-01
+3578 -2.945716e-01
+3579 -2.892949e-01
+3580 -2.734295e-01
+3581 -2.476026e-01
+3582 -2.126155e-01
+3583 -1.696002e-01
+3584 -1.201257e-01
+3585 -6.609355e-02
+3586 -9.584113e-03
+3587 4.732838e-02
+3588 1.026168e-01
+3589 1.543338e-01
+3590 2.005674e-01
+3591 2.395559e-01
+3592 2.697473e-01
+3593 2.898520e-01
+3594 2.988594e-01
+3595 2.961625e-01
+3596 2.817360e-01
+3597 2.561339e-01
+3598 2.203290e-01
+3599 1.756971e-01
+3600 1.240298e-01
+3601 6.760770e-02
+3602 8.997933e-03
+3603 -4.926664e-02
+3604 -1.049818e-01
+3605 -1.561032e-01
+3606 -2.006340e-01
+3607 -2.368357e-01
+3608 -2.633922e-01
+3609 -2.793326e-01
+3610 -2.840658e-01
+3611 -2.774731e-01
+3612 -2.599901e-01
+3613 -2.325334e-01
+3614 -1.963452e-01
+3615 -1.528041e-01
+3616 -1.034553e-01
+3617 -5.014847e-02
+3618 4.920303e-03
+3619 5.940785e-02
+3620 1.111795e-01
+3621 1.582475e-01
+3622 1.988054e-01
+3623 2.313054e-01
+3624 2.545798e-01
+3625 2.679072e-01
+3626 2.709949e-01
+3627 2.638930e-01
+3628 2.469166e-01
+3629 2.207799e-01
+3630 1.865362e-01
+3631 1.454915e-01
+3632 9.910355e-02
+3633 4.901953e-02
+3634 -2.965114e-03
+3635 -5.477805e-02
+3636 -1.041395e-01
+3637 -1.488964e-01
+3638 -1.872541e-01
+3639 -2.178175e-01
+3640 -2.396266e-01
+3641 -2.520780e-01
+3642 -2.548057e-01
+3643 -2.477293e-01
+3644 -2.311683e-01
+3645 -2.059020e-01
+3646 -1.729965e-01
+3647 -1.337209e-01
+3648 -8.951336e-02
+3649 -4.201324e-02
+3650 7.034071e-03
+3651 5.586921e-02
+3652 1.026033e-01
+3653 1.453398e-01
+3654 1.822859e-01
+3655 2.120471e-01
+3656 2.336838e-01
+3657 2.465251e-01
+3658 2.500741e-01
+3659 2.440995e-01
+3660 2.287140e-01
+3661 2.044783e-01
+3662 1.723022e-01
+3663 1.334437e-01
+3664 8.941014e-02
+3665 4.195489e-02
+3666 -7.009317e-03
+3667 -5.558228e-02
+3668 -1.020322e-01
+3669 -1.447572e-01
+3670 -1.822769e-01
+3671 -2.132223e-01
+3672 -2.363925e-01
+3673 -2.508849e-01
+3674 -2.560802e-01
+3675 -2.516596e-01
+3676 -2.376882e-01
+3677 -2.146093e-01
+3678 -1.833048e-01
+3679 -1.449350e-01
+3680 -1.008828e-01
+3681 -5.279998e-02
+3682 -2.542407e-03
+3683 4.799471e-02
+3684 9.699560e-02
+3685 1.426875e-01
+3686 1.834001e-01
+3687 2.176870e-01
+3688 2.443006e-01
+3689 2.621640e-01
+3690 2.704849e-01
+3691 2.688276e-01
+3692 2.571904e-01
+3693 2.360101e-01
+3694 2.061594e-01
+3695 1.688325e-01
+3696 1.255041e-01
+3697 7.777950e-02
+3698 2.724372e-02
+3699 -2.456220e-02
+3700 -7.611444e-02
+3701 -1.257751e-01
+3702 -1.716798e-01
+3703 -2.118297e-01
+3704 -2.443679e-01
+3705 -2.677467e-01
+3706 -2.808236e-01
+3707 -2.829518e-01
+3708 -2.740674e-01
+3709 -2.547163e-01
+3710 -2.259020e-01
+3711 -1.888724e-01
+3712 -1.450595e-01
+3713 -9.608490e-02
+3714 -4.370418e-02
+3715 1.020814e-02
+3716 6.366086e-02
+3717 1.145551e-01
+3718 1.608964e-01
+3719 2.009788e-01
+3720 2.334656e-01
+3721 2.573206e-01
+3722 2.717342e-01
+3723 2.761364e-01
+3724 2.703515e-01
+3725 2.545665e-01
+3726 2.292769e-01
+3727 1.952877e-01
+3728 1.536598e-01
+3729 1.058742e-01
+3730 5.383331e-02
+3731 -2.795556e-04
+3732 -5.416614e-02
+3733 -1.055257e-01
+3734 -1.523108e-01
+3735 -1.928976e-01
+3736 -2.260153e-01
+3737 -2.506292e-01
+3738 -2.659613e-01
+3739 -2.715366e-01
+3740 -2.672986e-01
+3741 -2.535924e-01
+3742 -2.310007e-01
+3743 -2.002460e-01
+3744 -1.623213e-01
+3745 -1.184898e-01
+3746 -7.028714e-02
+3747 -1.949055e-02
+3748 3.201576e-02
+3749 8.233833e-02
+3750 1.295374e-01
+3751 1.716706e-01
+3752 2.069822e-01
+3753 2.340845e-01
+3754 2.521304e-01
+3755 2.607069e-01
+3756 2.597140e-01
+3757 2.493003e-01
+3758 2.298560e-01
+3759 2.020789e-01
+3760 1.669252e-01
+3761 1.254790e-01
+3762 7.904360e-02
+3763 2.916147e-02
+3764 -2.236222e-02
+3765 -7.351248e-02
+3766 -1.220335e-01
+3767 -1.656800e-01
+3768 -2.025588e-01
+3769 -2.313727e-01
+3770 -2.513402e-01
+3771 -2.619744e-01
+3772 -2.629846e-01
+3773 -2.542542e-01
+3774 -2.359725e-01
+3775 -2.087012e-01
+3776 -1.734381e-01
+3777 -1.315134e-01
+3778 -8.449127e-02
+3779 -3.403562e-02
+3780 1.811311e-02
+3781 7.009273e-02
+3782 1.198049e-01
+3783 1.651088e-01
+3784 2.041823e-01
+3785 2.356049e-01
+3786 2.583290e-01
+3787 2.716529e-01
+3788 2.752096e-01
+3789 2.689566e-01
+3790 2.530781e-01
+3791 2.279594e-01
+3792 1.942914e-01
+3793 1.531810e-01
+3794 1.060553e-01
+3795 5.459428e-02
+3796 7.413491e-04
+3797 -5.337345e-02
+3798 -1.055839e-01
+3799 -1.538483e-01
+3800 -1.964444e-01
+3801 -2.320210e-01
+3802 -2.594415e-01
+3803 -2.776579e-01
+3804 -2.858084e-01
+3805 -2.834040e-01
+3806 -2.704239e-01
+3807 -2.473492e-01
+3808 -2.150804e-01
+3809 -1.749451e-01
+3810 -1.287218e-01
+3811 -7.848367e-02
+3812 -2.628482e-02
+3813 2.611224e-02
+3814 7.718825e-02
+3815 1.254698e-01
+3816 1.693122e-01
+3817 2.070546e-01
+3818 2.372143e-01
+3819 2.586332e-01
+3820 2.705331e-01
+3821 2.725099e-01
+3822 2.645265e-01
+3823 2.469147e-01
+3824 2.203617e-01
+3825 1.859346e-01
+3826 1.450397e-01
+3827 9.931390e-02
+3828 5.048001e-02
+3829 3.113480e-04
+3830 -4.943760e-02
+3831 -9.709017e-02
+3832 -1.409631e-01
+3833 -1.793987e-01
+3834 -2.108091e-01
+3835 -2.338633e-01
+3836 -2.476490e-01
+3837 -2.516844e-01
+3838 -2.457976e-01
+3839 -2.301103e-01
+3840 -2.052228e-01
+3841 -1.722562e-01
+3842 -1.327453e-01
+3843 -8.835617e-02
+3844 -4.080936e-02
+3845 8.003561e-03
+3846 5.600786e-02
+3847 1.012065e-01
+3848 1.420637e-01
+3849 1.776035e-01
+3850 2.069835e-01
+3851 2.292684e-01
+3852 2.435038e-01
+3853 2.489529e-01
+3854 2.452212e-01
+3855 2.322217e-01
+3856 2.101580e-01
+3857 1.795005e-01
+3858 1.411246e-01
+3859 9.658543e-02
+3860 4.814275e-02
+3861 -1.632121e-03
+3862 -5.021187e-02
+3863 -9.542366e-02
+3864 -1.355456e-01
+3865 -1.693740e-01
+3866 -1.960268e-01
+3867 -2.148258e-01
+3868 -2.253099e-01
+3869 -2.272767e-01
+3870 -2.207904e-01
+3871 -2.061620e-01
+3872 -1.839156e-01
+3873 -1.547746e-01
+3874 -1.197758e-01
+3875 -8.028272e-02
+3876 -3.790907e-02
+3877 5.715791e-03
+3878 4.901917e-02
+3879 9.043009e-02
+3880 1.282988e-01
+3881 1.610084e-01
+3882 1.872025e-01
+3883 2.059209e-01
+3884 2.167109e-01
+3885 2.195833e-01
+3886 2.148856e-01
+3887 2.030775e-01
+3888 1.847370e-01
+3889 1.604909e-01
+3890 1.310153e-01
+3891 9.707987e-02
+3892 5.961514e-02
+3893 1.975472e-02
+3894 -2.116453e-02
+3895 -6.166465e-02
+3896 -1.001976e-01
+3897 -1.351568e-01
+3898 -1.649913e-01
+3899 -1.885046e-01
+3900 -2.049787e-01
+3901 -2.141830e-01
+3902 -2.162056e-01
+3903 -2.111116e-01
+3904 -1.989072e-01
+3905 -1.797083e-01
+3906 -1.539080e-01
+3907 -1.222278e-01
+3908 -8.573639e-02
+3909 -4.586467e-02
+3910 -4.310176e-03
+3911 3.715239e-02
+3912 7.686198e-02
+3913 1.134292e-01
+3914 1.458241e-01
+3915 1.732586e-01
+3916 1.949958e-01
+3917 2.102740e-01
+3918 2.183711e-01
+3919 2.187536e-01
+3920 2.111113e-01
+3921 1.954356e-01
+3922 1.721600e-01
+3923 1.421431e-01
+3924 1.066808e-01
+3925 6.728258e-02
+3926 2.562014e-02
+3927 -1.655991e-02
+3928 -5.754607e-02
+3929 -9.576031e-02
+3930 -1.298059e-01
+3931 -1.584974e-01
+3932 -1.809148e-01
+3933 -1.963118e-01
+3934 -2.041266e-01
+3935 -2.040128e-01
+3936 -1.959340e-01
+3937 -1.803256e-01
+3938 -1.580320e-01
+3939 -1.302111e-01
+3940 -9.820385e-02
+3941 -6.336418e-02
+3942 -2.697223e-02
+3943 9.789354e-03
+3944 4.572662e-02
+3945 7.959330e-02
+3946 1.100823e-01
+3947 1.360285e-01
+3948 1.564762e-01
+3949 1.706311e-01
+3950 1.778715e-01
+3951 1.778168e-01
+3952 1.703433e-01
+3953 1.557070e-01
+3954 1.345722e-01
+3955 1.080845e-01
+3956 7.754574e-02
+3957 4.426446e-02
+3958 9.419826e-03
+3959 -2.591996e-02
+3960 -6.055610e-02
+3961 -9.314828e-02
+3962 -1.222803e-01
+3963 -1.467693e-01
+3964 -1.657459e-01
+3965 -1.786697e-01
+3966 -1.851830e-01
+3967 -1.851692e-01
+3968 -1.786997e-01
+3969 -1.660005e-01
+3970 -1.474897e-01
+3971 -1.237874e-01
+3972 -9.568262e-02
+3973 -6.413566e-02
+3974 -3.034121e-02
+3975 4.309503e-03
+3976 3.847041e-02
+3977 7.100708e-02
+3978 1.009506e-01
+3979 1.273447e-01
+3980 1.492290e-01
+3981 1.657696e-01
+3982 1.763005e-01
+3983 1.803552e-01
+3984 1.776950e-01
+3985 1.683645e-01
+3986 1.527668e-01
+3987 1.316582e-01
+3988 1.060507e-01
+3989 7.705190e-02
+3990 4.589928e-02
+3991 1.381885e-02
+3992 -1.792069e-02
+3993 -4.816890e-02
+3994 -7.592735e-02
+3995 -1.002833e-01
+3996 -1.203553e-01
+3997 -1.353840e-01
+3998 -1.447990e-01
+3999 -1.482777e-01
+4000 -1.457786e-01
+4001 -1.375277e-01
+4002 -1.240025e-01
+4003 -1.059596e-01
+4004 -8.438739e-02
+4005 -6.039446e-02
+4006 -3.508251e-02
+4007 -9.473414e-03
+4008 1.561308e-02
+4009 3.945465e-02
+4010 6.141641e-02
+4011 8.073386e-02
+4012 9.653081e-02
+4013 1.079967e-01
+4014 1.146931e-01
+4015 1.165476e-01
+4016 1.138227e-01
+4017 1.070569e-01
+4018 9.681871e-02
+4019 8.350795e-02
+4020 6.742663e-02
+4021 4.888590e-02
+4022 2.825215e-02
+4023 6.107614e-03
+4024 -1.666978e-02
+4025 -3.903559e-02
+4026 -5.994721e-02
+4027 -7.838319e-02
+4028 -9.348299e-02
+4029 -1.046108e-01
+4030 -1.114718e-01
+4031 -1.140516e-01
+4032 -1.125546e-01
+4033 -1.072639e-01
+4034 -9.851613e-02
+4035 -8.668459e-02
+4036 -7.216665e-02
+4037 -5.532562e-02
+4038 -3.658443e-02
+4039 -1.664239e-02
+4040 3.588430e-03
+4041 2.319393e-02
+4042 4.140529e-02
+4043 5.760951e-02
+4044 7.134107e-02
+4045 8.228127e-02
+4046 9.025523e-02
+4047 9.522102e-02
+4048 9.717790e-02
+4049 9.613237e-02
+4050 9.209832e-02
+4051 8.511401e-02
+4052 7.522508e-02
+4053 6.253577e-02
+4054 4.739948e-02
+4055 3.040593e-02
+4056 1.235181e-02
+4057 -5.947989e-03
+4058 -2.378827e-02
+4059 -4.050618e-02
+4060 -5.551339e-02
+4061 -6.828466e-02
+4062 -7.842383e-02
+4063 -8.575715e-02
+4064 -9.027462e-02
+4065 -9.198110e-02
+4066 -9.083866e-02
+4067 -8.661748e-02
+4068 -7.901714e-02
+4069 -6.790835e-02
+4070 -5.351021e-02
+4071 -3.649410e-02
+4072 -1.775047e-02
+4073 1.832280e-03
+4074 2.151430e-02
+4075 4.051028e-02
+4076 5.794030e-02
+4077 7.305086e-02
+4078 8.538973e-02
+4079 9.481834e-02
+4080 1.012280e-01
+4081 1.043042e-01
+4082 1.036261e-01
+4083 9.886115e-02
+4084 8.996884e-02
+4085 7.715166e-02
+4086 6.075434e-02
+4087 4.130996e-02
+4088 1.962661e-02
+4089 -3.320422e-03
+4090 -2.656593e-02
+4091 -4.909763e-02
+4092 -7.001292e-02
+4093 -8.856440e-02
+4094 -1.041527e-01
+4095 -1.162519e-01
+4096 -1.243589e-01
+4097 -1.280257e-01
+4098 -1.269878e-01
+4099 -1.213074e-01
+4100 -1.113157e-01
+4101 -9.747325e-02
+4102 -8.030127e-02
+4103 -6.037407e-02
+4104 -3.837092e-02
+4105 -1.515367e-02
+4106 8.246637e-03
+4107 3.092882e-02
+4108 5.220922e-02
+4109 7.151969e-02
+4110 8.828652e-02
+4111 1.018221e-01
+4112 1.114044e-01
+4113 1.164577e-01
+4114 1.167349e-01
+4115 1.123078e-01
+4116 1.034872e-01
+4117 9.068088e-02
+4118 7.435464e-02
+4119 5.520559e-02
+4120 3.425712e-02
+4121 1.269809e-02
+4122 -8.494020e-03
+4123 -2.865584e-02
+4124 -4.730093e-02
+4125 -6.396232e-02
+4126 -7.809249e-02
+4127 -8.911177e-02
+4128 -9.645229e-02
+4129 -9.967925e-02
+4130 -9.859023e-02
+4131 -9.311474e-02
+4132 -8.340794e-02
+4133 -6.997694e-02
+4134 -5.376314e-02
+4135 -3.595932e-02
+4136 -1.759741e-02
+4137 6.096550e-04
+4138 1.824801e-02
+4139 3.496801e-02
+4140 5.040599e-02
+4141 6.416237e-02
+4142 7.575218e-02
+4143 8.455995e-02
+4144 9.003944e-02
+4145 9.174260e-02
+4146 8.943106e-02
+4147 8.309910e-02
+4148 7.314933e-02
+4149 6.021207e-02
+4150 4.500288e-02
+4151 2.813361e-02
+4152 1.012400e-02
+4153 -8.507548e-03
+4154 -2.721405e-02
+4155 -4.534067e-02
+4156 -6.213988e-02
+4157 -7.674258e-02
+4158 -8.833961e-02
+4159 -9.617819e-02
+4160 -9.977733e-02
+4161 -9.906691e-02
+4162 -9.442912e-02
+4163 -8.650907e-02
+4164 -7.599900e-02
+4165 -6.340495e-02
+4166 -4.908574e-02
+4167 -3.323950e-02
+4168 -1.601925e-02
+4169 2.248930e-03
+4170 2.097678e-02
+4171 3.951315e-02
+4172 5.723944e-02
+4173 7.349958e-02
+4174 8.756142e-02
+4175 9.861035e-02
+4176 1.058954e-01
+4177 1.088339e-01
+4178 1.072552e-01
+4179 1.014755e-01
+4180 9.207539e-02
+4181 7.968023e-02
+4182 6.492378e-02
+4183 4.837497e-02
+4184 3.056118e-02
+4185 1.198998e-02
+4186 -6.894356e-03
+4187 -2.571450e-02
+4188 -4.404341e-02
+4189 -6.123840e-02
+4190 -7.649797e-02
+4191 -8.898025e-02
+4192 -9.795271e-02
+4193 -1.028808e-01
+4194 -1.035134e-01
+4195 -9.975086e-02
+4196 -9.172473e-02
+4197 -7.980690e-02
+4198 -6.464825e-02
+4199 -4.704869e-02
+4200 -2.778668e-02
+4201 -7.596846e-03
+4202 1.277414e-02
+4203 3.251187e-02
+4204 5.082671e-02
+4205 6.706423e-02
+4206 8.071928e-02
+4207 9.140067e-02
+4208 9.892256e-02
+4209 1.031885e-01
+4210 1.040709e-01
+4211 1.014702e-01
+4212 9.536843e-02
+4213 8.591090e-02
+4214 7.341765e-02
+4215 5.829776e-02
+4216 4.091386e-02
+4217 2.164984e-02
+4218 1.126257e-03
+4219 -1.977169e-02
+4220 -4.009997e-02
+4221 -5.884479e-02
+4222 -7.500356e-02
+4223 -8.776442e-02
+4224 -9.667512e-02
+4225 -1.016063e-01
+4226 -1.026137e-01
+4227 -9.976703e-02
+4228 -9.316472e-02
+4229 -8.312030e-02
+4230 -7.009132e-02
+4231 -5.449303e-02
+4232 -3.675065e-02
+4233 -1.737380e-02
+4234 3.052153e-03
+4235 2.384915e-02
+4236 4.401974e-02
+4237 6.256522e-02
+4238 7.859584e-02
+4239 9.148992e-02
+4240 1.008661e-01
+4241 1.065635e-01
+4242 1.084699e-01
+4243 1.062763e-01
+4244 9.974628e-02
+4245 8.893914e-02
+4246 7.423234e-02
+4247 5.609336e-02
+4248 3.508765e-02
+4249 1.190962e-02
+4250 -1.241222e-02
+4251 -3.661805e-02
+4252 -5.934494e-02
+4253 -7.933772e-02
+4254 -9.559655e-02
+4255 -1.074604e-01
+4256 -1.146507e-01
+4257 -1.171714e-01
+4258 -1.152610e-01
+4259 -1.092318e-01
+4260 -9.934900e-02
+4261 -8.593226e-02
+4262 -6.945706e-02
+4263 -5.054363e-02
+4264 -2.998164e-02
+4265 -8.616876e-03
+4266 1.267872e-02
+4267 3.309736e-02
+4268 5.188572e-02
+4269 6.831593e-02
+4270 8.181158e-02
+4271 9.198636e-02
+4272 9.851038e-02
+4273 1.011495e-01
+4274 9.982916e-02
+4275 9.466053e-02
+4276 8.591191e-02
+4277 7.394892e-02
+4278 5.923962e-02
+4279 4.228165e-02
+4280 2.351021e-02
+4281 3.484777e-03
+4282 -1.708352e-02
+4283 -3.740901e-02
+4284 -5.674645e-02
+4285 -7.444029e-02
+4286 -8.997779e-02
+4287 -1.029889e-01
+4288 -1.131818e-01
+4289 -1.202941e-01
+4290 -1.239134e-01
+4291 -1.235395e-01
+4292 -1.187094e-01
+4293 -1.091962e-01
+4294 -9.512633e-02
+4295 -7.702057e-02
+4296 -5.556797e-02
+4297 -3.152075e-02
+4298 -5.770308e-03
+4299 2.069308e-02
+4300 4.682622e-02
+4301 7.166856e-02
+4302 9.430752e-02
+4303 1.139361e-01
+4304 1.297794e-01
+4305 1.411279e-01
+4306 1.473073e-01
+4307 1.478551e-01
+4308 1.426426e-01
+4309 1.319428e-01
+4310 1.163525e-01
+4311 9.654818e-02
+4312 7.328643e-02
+4313 4.733932e-02
+4314 1.964147e-02
+4315 -8.560299e-03
+4316 -3.592408e-02
+4317 -6.128222e-02
+4318 -8.378189e-02
+4319 -1.028342e-01
+4320 -1.178390e-01
+4321 -1.280408e-01
+4322 -1.327086e-01
+4323 -1.315138e-01
+4324 -1.246063e-01
+4325 -1.123890e-01
+4326 -9.533580e-02
+4327 -7.410640e-02
+4328 -4.969573e-02
+4329 -2.343679e-02
+4330 3.035893e-03
+4331 2.812603e-02
+4332 5.049239e-02
+4333 6.925491e-02
+4334 8.390245e-02
+4335 9.419922e-02
+4336 1.002066e-01
+4337 1.022213e-01
+4338 1.006800e-01
+4339 9.590355e-02
+4340 8.798103e-02
+4341 7.697673e-02
+4342 6.294274e-02
+4343 4.612021e-02
+4344 2.700523e-02
+4345 6.396244e-03
+4346 -1.488259e-02
+4347 -3.591851e-02
+4348 -5.578903e-02
+4349 -7.354933e-02
+4350 -8.822322e-02
+4351 -9.910614e-02
+4352 -1.057627e-01
+4353 -1.080820e-01
+4354 -1.061657e-01
+4355 -1.002879e-01
+4356 -9.078702e-02
+4357 -7.815959e-02
+4358 -6.298972e-02
+4359 -4.582191e-02
+4360 -2.707623e-02
+4361 -6.975938e-03
+4362 1.416109e-02
+4363 3.564691e-02
+4364 5.643043e-02
+4365 7.541310e-02
+4366 9.177291e-02
+4367 1.050401e-01
+4368 1.148298e-01
+4369 1.207849e-01
+4370 1.226345e-01
+4371 1.203458e-01
+4372 1.140222e-01
+4373 1.039360e-01
+4374 9.048815e-02
+4375 7.412248e-02
+4376 5.516953e-02
+4377 3.405312e-02
+4378 1.151988e-02
+4379 -1.159904e-02
+4380 -3.440234e-02
+4381 -5.603836e-02
+4382 -7.569229e-02
+4383 -9.256935e-02
+4384 -1.059373e-01
+4385 -1.152438e-01
+4386 -1.202265e-01
+4387 -1.209659e-01
+4388 -1.176823e-01
+4389 -1.105660e-01
+4390 -9.964495e-02
+4391 -8.500581e-02
+4392 -6.689449e-02
+4393 -4.588683e-02
+4394 -2.293468e-02
+4395 8.816350e-04
+4396 2.460009e-02
+4397 4.727780e-02
+4398 6.787803e-02
+4399 8.554021e-02
+4400 9.971960e-02
+4401 1.101395e-01
+4402 1.167950e-01
+4403 1.198038e-01
+4404 1.191598e-01
+4405 1.148775e-01
+4406 1.069515e-01
+4407 9.556820e-02
+4408 8.095299e-02
+4409 6.338477e-02
+4410 4.313664e-02
+4411 2.082819e-02
+4412 -2.614520e-03
+4413 -2.599214e-02
+4414 -4.808848e-02
+4415 -6.774747e-02
+4416 -8.401086e-02
+4417 -9.631428e-02
+4418 -1.043618e-01
+4419 -1.079256e-01
+4420 -1.069254e-01
+4421 -1.014462e-01
+4422 -9.198653e-02
+4423 -7.935744e-02
+4424 -6.437102e-02
+4425 -4.759963e-02
+4426 -2.949173e-02
+4427 -1.059405e-02
+4428 8.512603e-03
+4429 2.722814e-02
+4430 4.493298e-02
+4431 6.100132e-02
+4432 7.476569e-02
+4433 8.560531e-02
+4434 9.305649e-02
+4435 9.672680e-02
+4436 9.629630e-02
+4437 9.161075e-02
+4438 8.281008e-02
+4439 7.050118e-02
+4440 5.559867e-02
+4441 3.927733e-02
+4442 2.263620e-02
+4443 6.425651e-03
+4444 -9.088510e-03
+4445 -2.388593e-02
+4446 -3.786770e-02
+4447 -5.068260e-02
+4448 -6.178854e-02
+4449 -7.074036e-02
+4450 -7.711441e-02
+4451 -8.037027e-02
+4452 -7.992436e-02
+4453 -7.542989e-02
+4454 -6.687922e-02
+4455 -5.453697e-02
+4456 -3.897995e-02
+4457 -2.100966e-02
+4458 -1.645746e-03
+4459 1.796942e-02
+4460 3.683293e-02
+4461 5.398138e-02
+4462 6.856502e-02
+4463 7.987933e-02
+4464 8.759200e-02
+4465 9.162146e-02
+4466 9.196768e-02
+4467 8.865067e-02
+4468 8.173162e-02
+4469 7.140686e-02
+4470 5.801435e-02
+4471 4.188991e-02
+4472 2.328940e-02
+4473 2.708783e-03
+4474 -1.891338e-02
+4475 -4.010614e-02
+4476 -5.936663e-02
+4477 -7.556215e-02
+4478 -8.803132e-02
+4479 -9.652584e-02
+4480 -1.010697e-01
+4481 -1.017233e-01
+4482 -9.869314e-02
+4483 -9.231218e-02
+4484 -8.302247e-02
+4485 -7.126994e-02
+4486 -5.735089e-02
+4487 -4.160916e-02
+4488 -2.460798e-02
+4489 -7.064687e-03
+4490 1.029806e-02
+4491 2.686095e-02
+4492 4.214489e-02
+4493 5.577225e-02
+4494 6.734006e-02
+4495 7.651970e-02
+4496 8.325777e-02
+4497 8.769036e-02
+4498 9.006600e-02
+4499 9.058250e-02
+4500 8.933617e-02
+4501 8.620115e-02
+4502 8.105515e-02
+4503 7.391515e-02
+4504 6.493384e-02
+4505 5.433084e-02
+4506 4.238208e-02
+4507 2.955204e-02
+4508 1.648503e-02
+4509 3.718961e-03
+4510 -8.340222e-03
+4511 -1.943486e-02
+4512 -2.937670e-02
+4513 -3.796858e-02
+4514 -4.506479e-02
+4515 -5.055485e-02
+4516 -5.446010e-02
+4517 -5.675839e-02
+4518 -5.747610e-02
+4519 -5.665750e-02
+4520 -5.425374e-02
+4521 -4.999320e-02
+4522 -4.357571e-02
+4523 -3.488831e-02
+4524 -2.415346e-02
+4525 -1.187741e-02
+4526 1.229241e-03
+4527 1.413132e-02
+4528 2.572418e-02
+4529 3.529472e-02
+4530 4.257377e-02
+4531 4.762051e-02
+4532 5.081819e-02
+4533 5.267749e-02
+4534 5.351523e-02
+4535 5.323133e-02
+4536 5.124218e-02
+4537 4.686580e-02
+4538 3.971670e-02
+4539 3.000304e-02
+4540 1.834021e-02
+4541 5.516581e-03
+4542 -7.759196e-03
+4543 -2.088527e-02
+4544 -3.322698e-02
+4545 -4.399072e-02
+4546 -5.232157e-02
+4547 -5.766750e-02
+4548 -5.990571e-02
+4549 -5.898434e-02
+4550 -5.487111e-02
+4551 -4.760222e-02
+4552 -3.751912e-02
+4553 -2.535584e-02
+4554 -1.221303e-02
+4555 8.173017e-04
+4556 1.305402e-02
+4557 2.437235e-02
+4558 3.494252e-02
+4559 4.493869e-02
+4560 5.425157e-02
+4561 6.255244e-02
+4562 6.941590e-02
+4563 7.430401e-02
+4564 7.669157e-02
+4565 7.612813e-02
+4566 7.229675e-02
+4567 6.512290e-02
+4568 5.485131e-02
+4569 4.180819e-02
+4570 2.648422e-02
+4571 9.334664e-03
+4572 -9.001025e-03
+4573 -2.761360e-02
+4574 -4.547735e-02
+4575 -6.166679e-02
+4576 -7.542471e-02
+4577 -8.623479e-02
+4578 -9.392040e-02
+4579 -9.847811e-02
+4580 -9.980168e-02
+4581 -9.761791e-02
+4582 -9.157012e-02
+4583 -8.138726e-02
+4584 -6.698618e-02
+4585 -4.835311e-02
+4586 -2.571967e-02
+4587 2.442357e-04
+4588 2.830039e-02
+4589 5.683867e-02
+4590 8.410454e-02
+4591 1.083704e-01
+4592 1.280747e-01
+4593 1.418914e-01
+4594 1.487908e-01
+4595 1.482710e-01
+4596 1.406619e-01
+4597 1.267821e-01
+4598 1.078773e-01
+4599 8.550360e-02
+4600 6.110539e-02
+4601 3.570591e-02
+4602 9.650372e-03
+4603 -1.701583e-02
+4604 -4.400847e-02
+4605 -7.067191e-02
+4606 -9.601646e-02
+4607 -1.190299e-01
+4608 -1.386061e-01
+4609 -1.536638e-01
+4610 -1.634598e-01
+4611 -1.678335e-01
+4612 -1.668615e-01
+4613 -1.607072e-01
+4614 -1.497188e-01
+4615 -1.345404e-01
+4616 -1.158465e-01
+4617 -9.416704e-02
+4618 -6.991092e-02
+4619 -4.354471e-02
+4620 -1.570456e-02
+4621 1.293617e-02
+4622 4.164863e-02
+4623 6.954888e-02
+4624 9.562238e-02
+4625 1.189924e-01
+4626 1.389483e-01
+4627 1.547750e-01
+4628 1.656897e-01
+4629 1.711534e-01
+4630 1.709414e-01
+4631 1.652286e-01
+4632 1.544628e-01
+4633 1.391860e-01
+4634 1.197848e-01
+4635 9.665492e-02
+4636 7.037569e-02
+4637 4.153196e-02
+4638 1.090436e-02
+4639 -2.042709e-02
+4640 -5.117009e-02
+4641 -8.002389e-02
+4642 -1.057911e-01
+4643 -1.275754e-01
+4644 -1.446721e-01
+4645 -1.564162e-01
+4646 -1.625542e-01
+4647 -1.630055e-01
+4648 -1.578297e-01
+4649 -1.470584e-01
+4650 -1.307389e-01
+4651 -1.092122e-01
+4652 -8.325388e-02
+4653 -5.389729e-02
+4654 -2.239204e-02
+4655 9.954981e-03
+4656 4.181969e-02
+4657 7.195489e-02
+4658 9.950589e-02
+4659 1.237218e-01
+4660 1.436927e-01
+4661 1.583922e-01
+4662 1.669391e-01
+4663 1.689139e-01
+4664 1.642642e-01
+4665 1.533101e-01
+4666 1.364792e-01
+4667 1.142673e-01
+4668 8.718120e-02
+4669 5.587000e-02
+4670 2.154976e-02
+4671 -1.406305e-02
+4672 -4.908092e-02
+4673 -8.197943e-02
+4674 -1.117417e-01
+4675 -1.375943e-01
+4676 -1.586914e-01
+4677 -1.743276e-01
+4678 -1.839448e-01
+4679 -1.872615e-01
+4680 -1.839633e-01
+4681 -1.739339e-01
+4682 -1.572689e-01
+4683 -1.342693e-01
+4684 -1.054420e-01
+4685 -7.168378e-02
+4686 -3.437440e-02
+4687 4.822851e-03
+4688 4.427810e-02
+4689 8.252914e-02
+4690 1.182628e-01
+4691 1.504708e-01
+4692 1.782210e-01
+4693 2.006917e-01
+4694 2.170614e-01
+4695 2.265862e-01
+4696 2.287382e-01
+4697 2.231849e-01
+4698 2.098795e-01
+4699 1.891964e-01
+4700 1.619486e-01
+4701 1.290782e-01
+4702 9.149108e-02
+4703 5.017378e-02
+4704 6.676870e-03
+4705 -3.693834e-02
+4706 -7.837860e-02
+4707 -1.155066e-01
+4708 -1.468086e-01
+4709 -1.715751e-01
+4710 -1.896853e-01
+4711 -2.014613e-01
+4712 -2.073688e-01
+4713 -2.076686e-01
+4714 -2.023923e-01
+4715 -1.914720e-01
+4716 -1.746474e-01
+4717 -1.518683e-01
+4718 -1.235518e-01
+4719 -9.065296e-02
+4720 -5.467507e-02
+4721 -1.736340e-02
+4722 1.958716e-02
+4723 5.453832e-02
+4724 8.630170e-02
+4725 1.142471e-01
+4726 1.382596e-01
+4727 1.586051e-01
+4728 1.755209e-01
+4729 1.889674e-01
+4730 1.984826e-01
+4731 2.032585e-01
+4732 2.022639e-01
+4733 1.944557e-01
+4734 1.790290e-01
+4735 1.557004e-01
+4736 1.249000e-01
+4737 8.770988e-02
+4738 4.590560e-02
+4739 1.901062e-03
+4740 -4.171041e-02
+4741 -8.283432e-02
+4742 -1.200384e-01
+4743 -1.523860e-01
+4744 -1.791257e-01
+4745 -1.995349e-01
+4746 -2.129706e-01
+4747 -2.187828e-01
+4748 -2.165099e-01
+4749 -2.062504e-01
+4750 -1.884792e-01
+4751 -1.640722e-01
+4752 -1.339831e-01
+4753 -9.899113e-02
+4754 -5.999414e-02
+4755 -1.834905e-02
+4756 2.424618e-02
+4757 6.595353e-02
+4758 1.051333e-01
+4759 1.403729e-01
+4760 1.704692e-01
+4761 1.943343e-01
+4762 2.109892e-01
+4763 2.196360e-01
+4764 2.199040e-01
+4765 2.116970e-01
+4766 1.955025e-01
+4767 1.722114e-01
+4768 1.427923e-01
+4769 1.082165e-01
+4770 6.931839e-02
+4771 2.720434e-02
+4772 -1.683746e-02
+4773 -6.126324e-02
+4774 -1.043189e-01
+4775 -1.442068e-01
+4776 -1.791060e-01
+4777 -2.076703e-01
+4778 -2.285575e-01
+4779 -2.403729e-01
+4780 -2.418517e-01
+4781 -2.323127e-01
+4782 -2.122507e-01
+4783 -1.832115e-01
+4784 -1.472928e-01
+4785 -1.070607e-01
+4786 -6.493805e-02
+4787 -2.269503e-02
+4788 1.855918e-02
+4789 5.794404e-02
+4790 9.449688e-02
+4791 1.270019e-01
+4792 1.539610e-01
+4793 1.739025e-01
+4794 1.856706e-01
+4795 1.885136e-01
+4796 1.821567e-01
+4797 1.673109e-01
+4798 1.455190e-01
+4799 1.189477e-01
+4800 8.976959e-02
+4801 5.981092e-02
+4802 3.056466e-02
+4803 2.933451e-03
+4804 -2.278644e-02
+4805 -4.667865e-02
+4806 -6.874451e-02
+4807 -8.838961e-02
+4808 -1.048791e-01
+4809 -1.175358e-01
+4810 -1.258362e-01
+4811 -1.294521e-01
+4812 -1.281921e-01
+4813 -1.221485e-01
+4814 -1.117775e-01
+4815 -9.791374e-02
+4816 -8.129400e-02
+4817 -6.259917e-02
+4818 -4.249552e-02
+4819 -2.137257e-02
+4820 5.886752e-04
+4821 2.328992e-02
+4822 4.617511e-02
+4823 6.858196e-02
+4824 8.952187e-02
+4825 1.077226e-01
+4826 1.221013e-01
+4827 1.318148e-01
+4828 1.367194e-01
+4829 1.369538e-01
+4830 1.330487e-01
+4831 1.251750e-01
+4832 1.135942e-01
+4833 9.861186e-02
+4834 8.042617e-02
+4835 5.927479e-02
+4836 3.516582e-02
+4837 8.402734e-03
+4838 -1.994793e-02
+4839 -4.840945e-02
+4840 -7.527816e-02
+4841 -9.951968e-02
+4842 -1.208618e-01
+4843 -1.393239e-01
+4844 -1.546192e-01
+4845 -1.660874e-01
+4846 -1.730599e-01
+4847 -1.750435e-01
+4848 -1.718058e-01
+4849 -1.629558e-01
+4850 -1.483553e-01
+4851 -1.283963e-01
+4852 -1.039406e-01
+4853 -7.623074e-02
+4854 -4.638472e-02
+4855 -1.564175e-02
+4856 1.483722e-02
+4857 4.399843e-02
+4858 7.131185e-02
+4859 9.654034e-02
+4860 1.194063e-01
+4861 1.394441e-01
+4862 1.555636e-01
+4863 1.666144e-01
+4864 1.715838e-01
+4865 1.695705e-01
+4866 1.596307e-01
+4867 1.417706e-01
+4868 1.172178e-01
+4869 8.812024e-02
+4870 5.669851e-02
+4871 2.497531e-02
+4872 -5.080487e-03
+4873 -3.185009e-02
+4874 -5.449549e-02
+4875 -7.288769e-02
+4876 -8.737612e-02
+4877 -9.830059e-02
+4878 -1.056865e-01
+4879 -1.089125e-01
+4880 -1.068980e-01
+4881 -9.859638e-02
+4882 -8.331963e-02
+4883 -6.125018e-02
+4884 -3.329564e-02
+4885 -1.417620e-03
+4886 3.158867e-02
+4887 6.308832e-02
+4888 9.079912e-02
+4889 1.133317e-01
+4890 1.302484e-01
+4891 1.413334e-01
+4892 1.466404e-01
+4893 1.458580e-01
+4894 1.385908e-01
+4895 1.246125e-01
+4896 1.044222e-01
+4897 7.857694e-02
+4898 4.796044e-02
+4899 1.381050e-02
+4900 -2.221284e-02
+4901 -5.763623e-02
+4902 -9.034823e-02
+4903 -1.186647e-01
+4904 -1.412484e-01
+4905 -1.577070e-01
+4906 -1.682829e-01
+4907 -1.736759e-01
+4908 -1.743861e-01
+4909 -1.702433e-01
+4910 -1.608329e-01
+4911 -1.459673e-01
+4912 -1.263365e-01
+4913 -1.030596e-01
+4914 -7.776574e-02
+4915 -5.266173e-02
+4916 -3.039740e-02
+4917 -1.352069e-02
+4918 -3.453472e-03
+4919 -3.336723e-04
+4920 -3.197432e-03
+4921 -1.025601e-02
+4922 -1.938012e-02
+4923 -2.798361e-02
+4924 -3.357333e-02
+4925 -3.490922e-02
+4926 -3.288734e-02
+4927 -2.878721e-02
+4928 -2.384110e-02
+4929 -1.767650e-02
+4930 -8.839500e-03
+4931 4.447621e-03
+4932 2.331256e-02
+4933 4.710904e-02
+4934 7.447018e-02
+4935 1.028576e-01
+4936 1.298847e-01
+4937 1.532174e-01
+4938 1.709881e-01
+4939 1.816309e-01
+4940 1.836285e-01
+4941 1.765894e-01
+4942 1.619024e-01
+4943 1.418006e-01
+4944 1.178271e-01
+4945 9.058902e-02
+4946 6.023499e-02
+4947 2.733360e-02
+4948 -8.590982e-03
+4949 -4.808023e-02
+4950 -8.965209e-02
+4951 -1.300524e-01
+4952 -1.644659e-01
+4953 -1.890043e-01
+4954 -2.011882e-01
+4955 -2.000474e-01
+4956 -1.852129e-01
+4957 -1.591454e-01
+4958 -1.258005e-01
+4959 -8.926974e-02
+4960 -5.312239e-02
+4961 -2.032028e-02
+4962 8.155063e-03
+4963 3.310314e-02
+4964 5.606626e-02
+4965 7.800187e-02
+4966 9.866947e-02
+4967 1.160383e-01
+4968 1.270393e-01
+4969 1.285533e-01
+4970 1.173011e-01
+4971 9.192960e-02
+4972 5.229504e-02
+4973 2.142898e-03
+4974 -5.270375e-02
+4975 -1.047693e-01
+4976 -1.477202e-01
+4977 -1.784683e-01
+4978 -1.964732e-01
+4979 -2.043832e-01
+4980 -2.072857e-01
+4981 -2.105877e-01
+4982 -2.180588e-01
+4983 -2.288128e-01
+4984 -2.394005e-01
+4985 -2.464284e-01
+4986 -2.474376e-01
+4987 -2.398839e-01
+4988 -2.207235e-01
+4989 -1.862753e-01
+4990 -1.391042e-01
+4991 -8.493362e-02
+4992 -3.301852e-02
+4993 8.928466e-03
+4994 3.658187e-02
+4995 4.780687e-02
+4996 4.277749e-02
+4997 2.277624e-02
+4998 -8.968947e-04
+4999 -1.530988e-02
diff --git a/tests/corr/procedure.txt b/tests/corr/procedure.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d90ff2f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/corr/procedure.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+1. Comparison
+Procedure taken to receive results:
+  1. Generate amp_corr.dat using the TISEAN package 'corr' with the call: 
+       'corr amplitude.dat -D5000 -o "amp_corr.dat"'
+  2. Generate similar autocorelation data using 
+        'load amplitude.dat; [a,b] = xcorr(amplitude,5000, 'coeff');'
+     Then to save the data you can use:
+        'idx = [rows(amplitude):2*rows(amplitude)-1]; xcorr_res = a(idx); save "xcorr_res.dat" xcorr_res'
+There is a strong difference in the data. This might be because of the different methods used in both cases (as explained further in the methods used Section 2. Methods). Because of those differences the amplitudes of the data generated using 'xcorr' from 'signal' decreases linearly. Thus to compare the data the oscillation amplitude of the data generated by 'xcorr' must be amplified. This linear decrease was not proven but observed on the 'amplitude.dat' data. 
+When a linear correction is applied:
+    'mult = rows (amplitude) ./ (rows (amplitude) - [0:rows(amplitude)-1]); xcorr_tisean_res = mult .* xcorr_res'
+The resultant xcorr_tisean_res is close to the TISEAN 'corr' function.
+The data is very close at the beginning but towards the end it beginns to vary until it reaches about 3% for 'amplitude.dat'. This is most likely because towards the end the data ends, so there is less data to generate a proper autocorrelation.
+Similar results were achieved when using 'amp_ar.dat' although the difference at its peak was smaller than 1.5%. 
+2. Methods
+*  The way 'corr' determines the autocorrelation of the data is using an estimation procedure described here:
+*  The function 'xcorr' from package 'signal' works usingthe FFT (Fast Fourier Transform) method. It is described here:
diff --git a/tests/corr/square.dat b/tests/corr/square.dat
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f6a2665
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/corr/square.dat
@@ -0,0 +1,6002 @@
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diff --git a/tests/corr/square_tisean.dat b/tests/corr/square_tisean.dat
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..23522c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/corr/square_tisean.dat
@@ -0,0 +1,6002 @@
+# average=3.333333e-01
+# standard deviation=4.714045e-01
+0 3.333333e-01
+1 3.332222e-01
+2 3.331110e-01
+3 3.329998e-01
+4 3.328886e-01
+5 3.327773e-01
+6 3.326660e-01
+7 3.325546e-01
+8 3.324433e-01
+9 3.323318e-01
+10 3.322204e-01
+11 3.321089e-01
+12 3.319973e-01
+13 3.318858e-01
+14 3.317741e-01
+15 3.316625e-01
+16 3.315508e-01
+17 3.314391e-01
+18 3.313273e-01
+19 3.312155e-01
+20 3.311037e-01
+21 3.309918e-01
+22 3.308799e-01
+23 3.307679e-01
+24 3.306560e-01
+25 3.305439e-01
+26 3.304319e-01
+27 3.303198e-01
+28 3.302076e-01
+29 3.300955e-01
+30 3.299832e-01
+31 3.298710e-01
+32 3.297587e-01
+33 3.296464e-01
+34 3.295340e-01
+35 3.294216e-01
+36 3.293092e-01
+37 3.291967e-01
+38 3.290842e-01
+39 3.289716e-01
+40 3.288591e-01
+41 3.287464e-01
+42 3.286338e-01
+43 3.285211e-01
+44 3.284083e-01
+45 3.282955e-01
+46 3.281827e-01
+47 3.280699e-01
+48 3.279570e-01
+49 3.278441e-01
+50 3.277311e-01
+51 3.276181e-01
+52 3.275050e-01
+53 3.273920e-01
+54 3.272788e-01
+55 3.271657e-01
+56 3.270525e-01
+57 3.269393e-01
+58 3.268260e-01
+59 3.267127e-01
+60 3.265993e-01
+61 3.264859e-01
+62 3.263725e-01
+63 3.262591e-01
+64 3.261456e-01
+65 3.260320e-01
+66 3.259184e-01
+67 3.258048e-01
+68 3.256912e-01
+69 3.255775e-01
+70 3.254637e-01
+71 3.253500e-01
+72 3.252362e-01
+73 3.251223e-01
+74 3.250084e-01
+75 3.248945e-01
+76 3.247806e-01
+77 3.246666e-01
+78 3.245525e-01
+79 3.244384e-01
+80 3.243243e-01
+81 3.242102e-01
+82 3.240960e-01
+83 3.239817e-01
+84 3.238675e-01
+85 3.237532e-01
+86 3.236388e-01
+87 3.235244e-01
+88 3.234100e-01
+89 3.232956e-01
+90 3.231810e-01
+91 3.230665e-01
+92 3.229519e-01
+93 3.228373e-01
+94 3.227227e-01
+95 3.226080e-01
+96 3.224932e-01
+97 3.223785e-01
+98 3.222636e-01
+99 3.221488e-01
+100 3.220339e-01
+101 3.219190e-01
+102 3.218040e-01
+103 3.216890e-01
+104 3.215739e-01
+105 3.214589e-01
+106 3.213437e-01
+107 3.212286e-01
+108 3.211134e-01
+109 3.209981e-01
+110 3.208829e-01
+111 3.207675e-01
+112 3.206522e-01
+113 3.205368e-01
+114 3.204213e-01
+115 3.203059e-01
+116 3.201903e-01
+117 3.200748e-01
+118 3.199592e-01
+119 3.198436e-01
+120 3.197279e-01
+121 3.196122e-01
+122 3.194964e-01
+123 3.193806e-01
+124 3.192648e-01
+125 3.191489e-01
+126 3.190330e-01
+127 3.189171e-01
+128 3.188011e-01
+129 3.186851e-01
+130 3.185690e-01
+131 3.184529e-01
+132 3.183367e-01
+133 3.182206e-01
+134 3.181043e-01
+135 3.179881e-01
+136 3.178718e-01
+137 3.177554e-01
+138 3.176390e-01
+139 3.175226e-01
+140 3.174061e-01
+141 3.172896e-01
+142 3.171731e-01
+143 3.170565e-01
+144 3.169399e-01
+145 3.168232e-01
+146 3.167065e-01
+147 3.165898e-01
+148 3.164730e-01
+149 3.163562e-01
+150 3.162393e-01
+151 3.161224e-01
+152 3.160055e-01
+153 3.158885e-01
+154 3.157715e-01
+155 3.156544e-01
+156 3.155373e-01
+157 3.154202e-01
+158 3.153030e-01
+159 3.151858e-01
+160 3.150685e-01
+161 3.149512e-01
+162 3.148338e-01
+163 3.147165e-01
+164 3.145990e-01
+165 3.144816e-01
+166 3.143641e-01
+167 3.142465e-01
+168 3.141289e-01
+169 3.140113e-01
+170 3.138937e-01
+171 3.137759e-01
+172 3.136582e-01
+173 3.135404e-01
+174 3.134226e-01
+175 3.133047e-01
+176 3.131868e-01
+177 3.130689e-01
+178 3.129509e-01
+179 3.128328e-01
+180 3.127148e-01
+181 3.125967e-01
+182 3.124785e-01
+183 3.123603e-01
+184 3.122421e-01
+185 3.121238e-01
+186 3.120055e-01
+187 3.118871e-01
+188 3.117688e-01
+189 3.116503e-01
+190 3.115318e-01
+191 3.114133e-01
+192 3.112948e-01
+193 3.111762e-01
+194 3.110575e-01
+195 3.109388e-01
+196 3.108201e-01
+197 3.107014e-01
+198 3.105826e-01
+199 3.104637e-01
+200 3.103448e-01
+201 3.102259e-01
+202 3.101069e-01
+203 3.099879e-01
+204 3.098689e-01
+205 3.097498e-01
+206 3.096307e-01
+207 3.095115e-01
+208 3.093923e-01
+209 3.092730e-01
+210 3.091537e-01
+211 3.090344e-01
+212 3.089150e-01
+213 3.087956e-01
+214 3.086761e-01
+215 3.085566e-01
+216 3.084371e-01
+217 3.083175e-01
+218 3.081979e-01
+219 3.080782e-01
+220 3.079585e-01
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+226 3.072393e-01
+227 3.071193e-01
+228 3.069993e-01
+229 3.068792e-01
+230 3.067591e-01
+231 3.066389e-01
+232 3.065187e-01
+233 3.063985e-01
+234 3.062782e-01
+235 3.061578e-01
+236 3.060375e-01
+237 3.059171e-01
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+241 3.054350e-01
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+243 3.051937e-01
+244 3.050730e-01
+245 3.049522e-01
+246 3.048314e-01
+247 3.047106e-01
+248 3.045897e-01
+249 3.044688e-01
+250 3.043478e-01
+251 3.042268e-01
+252 3.041058e-01
+253 3.039847e-01
+254 3.038636e-01
+255 3.037424e-01
+256 3.036212e-01
+257 3.034999e-01
+258 3.033786e-01
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+260 3.031359e-01
+261 3.030145e-01
+262 3.028930e-01
+263 3.027715e-01
+264 3.026499e-01
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+266 3.024067e-01
+267 3.022850e-01
+268 3.021633e-01
+269 3.020415e-01
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+277 3.010659e-01
+278 3.009437e-01
+279 3.008215e-01
+280 3.006993e-01
+281 3.005770e-01
+282 3.004547e-01
+283 3.003323e-01
+284 3.002099e-01
+285 3.000875e-01
+286 2.999650e-01
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+293 2.991064e-01
+294 2.989835e-01
+295 2.988606e-01
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+310 2.970123e-01
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+312 2.967651e-01
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+314 2.965178e-01
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+318 2.960225e-01
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+351 2.919101e-01
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+382 2.880028e-01
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+384 2.877493e-01
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+435 2.812219e-01
+436 2.810927e-01
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+438 2.808342e-01
+439 2.807049e-01
+440 2.805755e-01
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+462 2.777176e-01
+463 2.775871e-01
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+466 2.771955e-01
+467 2.770649e-01
+468 2.769342e-01
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+470 2.766727e-01
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+485 2.747053e-01
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+499 2.728595e-01
+500 2.727273e-01
+501 2.725950e-01
+502 2.724627e-01
+503 2.723304e-01
+504 2.721980e-01
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+510 2.714026e-01
+511 2.712698e-01
+512 2.711370e-01
+513 2.710042e-01
+514 2.708713e-01
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+520 2.700730e-01
+521 2.699398e-01
+522 2.698065e-01
+523 2.696732e-01
+524 2.695398e-01
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+526 2.692729e-01
+527 2.691394e-01
+528 2.690058e-01
+529 2.688722e-01
+530 2.687386e-01
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+533 2.683373e-01
+534 2.682034e-01
+535 2.680695e-01
+536 2.679356e-01
+537 2.678016e-01
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+539 2.675334e-01
+540 2.673993e-01
+541 2.672651e-01
+542 2.671308e-01
+543 2.669965e-01
+544 2.668622e-01
+545 2.667278e-01
+546 2.665933e-01
+547 2.664588e-01
+548 2.663243e-01
+549 2.661897e-01
+550 2.660550e-01
+551 2.659204e-01
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+558 2.649761e-01
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+560 2.647059e-01
+561 2.645707e-01
+562 2.644355e-01
+563 2.643002e-01
+564 2.641648e-01
+565 2.640294e-01
+566 2.638940e-01
+567 2.637585e-01
+568 2.636230e-01
+569 2.634874e-01
+570 2.633517e-01
+571 2.632161e-01
+572 2.630803e-01
+573 2.629445e-01
+574 2.628087e-01
+575 2.626728e-01
+576 2.625369e-01
+577 2.624009e-01
+578 2.622648e-01
+579 2.621288e-01
+580 2.619926e-01
+581 2.618564e-01
+582 2.617202e-01
+583 2.615839e-01
+584 2.614476e-01
+585 2.613112e-01
+586 2.611747e-01
+587 2.610382e-01
+588 2.609017e-01
+589 2.607651e-01
+590 2.606285e-01
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+593 2.602182e-01
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+602 2.589848e-01
+603 2.588475e-01
+604 2.587102e-01
+605 2.585728e-01
+606 2.584353e-01
+607 2.582978e-01
+608 2.581602e-01
+609 2.580226e-01
+610 2.578850e-01
+611 2.577473e-01
+612 2.576095e-01
+613 2.574717e-01
+614 2.573338e-01
+615 2.571959e-01
+616 2.570579e-01
+617 2.569199e-01
+618 2.567819e-01
+619 2.566437e-01
+620 2.565056e-01
+621 2.563674e-01
+622 2.562291e-01
+623 2.560908e-01
+624 2.559524e-01
+625 2.558140e-01
+626 2.556755e-01
+627 2.555369e-01
+628 2.553984e-01
+629 2.552597e-01
+630 2.551210e-01
+631 2.549823e-01
+632 2.548435e-01
+633 2.547047e-01
+634 2.545658e-01
+635 2.544268e-01
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+637 2.541488e-01
+638 2.540097e-01
+639 2.538705e-01
+640 2.537313e-01
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+642 2.534528e-01
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+644 2.531740e-01
+645 2.530345e-01
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+648 2.526158e-01
+649 2.524762e-01
+650 2.523364e-01
+651 2.521967e-01
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+660 2.509363e-01
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+663 2.505153e-01
+664 2.503748e-01
+665 2.502343e-01
+666 2.500937e-01
+667 2.499531e-01
+668 2.498125e-01
+669 2.496717e-01
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+674 2.489673e-01
+675 2.488263e-01
+676 2.486852e-01
+677 2.485441e-01
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+681 2.479789e-01
+682 2.478375e-01
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+684 2.475546e-01
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+686 2.472714e-01
+687 2.471297e-01
+688 2.469880e-01
+689 2.468462e-01
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+691 2.465624e-01
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+694 2.461364e-01
+695 2.459943e-01
+696 2.458522e-01
+697 2.457100e-01
+698 2.455677e-01
+699 2.454254e-01
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+701 2.451406e-01
+702 2.449981e-01
+703 2.448556e-01
+704 2.447130e-01
+705 2.445703e-01
+706 2.444277e-01
+707 2.442849e-01
+708 2.441421e-01
+709 2.439992e-01
+710 2.438563e-01
+711 2.437134e-01
+712 2.435703e-01
+713 2.434273e-01
+714 2.432841e-01
+715 2.431410e-01
+716 2.429977e-01
+717 2.428544e-01
+718 2.427111e-01
+719 2.425677e-01
+720 2.424242e-01
+721 2.422807e-01
+722 2.421372e-01
+723 2.419936e-01
+724 2.418499e-01
+725 2.417062e-01
+726 2.415624e-01
+727 2.414185e-01
+728 2.412747e-01
+729 2.411307e-01
+730 2.409867e-01
+731 2.408427e-01
+732 2.406986e-01
+733 2.405544e-01
+734 2.404102e-01
+735 2.402659e-01
+736 2.401216e-01
+737 2.399772e-01
+738 2.398328e-01
+739 2.396883e-01
+740 2.395437e-01
+741 2.393991e-01
+742 2.392545e-01
+743 2.391098e-01
+744 2.389650e-01
+745 2.388202e-01
+746 2.386753e-01
+747 2.385304e-01
+748 2.383854e-01
+749 2.382403e-01
+750 2.380952e-01
+751 2.379501e-01
+752 2.378049e-01
+753 2.376596e-01
+754 2.375143e-01
+755 2.373689e-01
+756 2.372235e-01
+757 2.370780e-01
+758 2.369325e-01
+759 2.367869e-01
+760 2.366412e-01
+761 2.364955e-01
+762 2.363498e-01
+763 2.362039e-01
+764 2.360581e-01
+765 2.359121e-01
+766 2.357661e-01
+767 2.356201e-01
+768 2.354740e-01
+769 2.353279e-01
+770 2.351816e-01
+771 2.350354e-01
+772 2.348891e-01
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+777 2.341566e-01
+778 2.340100e-01
+779 2.338632e-01
+780 2.337165e-01
+781 2.335696e-01
+782 2.334228e-01
+783 2.332758e-01
+784 2.331288e-01
+785 2.329818e-01
+786 2.328347e-01
+787 2.326875e-01
+788 2.325403e-01
+789 2.323930e-01
+790 2.322457e-01
+791 2.320983e-01
+792 2.319508e-01
+793 2.318033e-01
+794 2.316558e-01
+795 2.315082e-01
+796 2.313605e-01
+797 2.312128e-01
+798 2.310650e-01
+799 2.309171e-01
+800 2.307692e-01
+801 2.306213e-01
+802 2.304733e-01
+803 2.303252e-01
+804 2.301771e-01
+805 2.300289e-01
+806 2.298806e-01
+807 2.297323e-01
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+809 2.294356e-01
+810 2.292871e-01
+811 2.291386e-01
+812 2.289900e-01
+813 2.288413e-01
+814 2.286926e-01
+815 2.285439e-01
+816 2.283951e-01
+817 2.282462e-01
+818 2.280973e-01
+819 2.279483e-01
+820 2.277992e-01
+821 2.276501e-01
+822 2.275010e-01
+823 2.273517e-01
+824 2.272025e-01
+825 2.270531e-01
+826 2.269037e-01
+827 2.267543e-01
+828 2.266048e-01
+829 2.264552e-01
+830 2.263056e-01
+831 2.261559e-01
+832 2.260062e-01
+833 2.258564e-01
+834 2.257065e-01
+835 2.255566e-01
+836 2.254067e-01
+837 2.252566e-01
+838 2.251065e-01
+839 2.249564e-01
+840 2.248062e-01
+841 2.246559e-01
+842 2.245056e-01
+843 2.243552e-01
+844 2.242048e-01
+845 2.240543e-01
+846 2.239038e-01
+847 2.237532e-01
+848 2.236025e-01
+849 2.234518e-01
+850 2.233010e-01
+851 2.231501e-01
+852 2.229992e-01
+853 2.228483e-01
+854 2.226972e-01
+855 2.225462e-01
+856 2.223950e-01
+857 2.222438e-01
+858 2.220926e-01
+859 2.219413e-01
+860 2.217899e-01
+861 2.216385e-01
+862 2.214870e-01
+863 2.213354e-01
+864 2.211838e-01
+865 2.210321e-01
+866 2.208804e-01
+867 2.207286e-01
+868 2.205768e-01
+869 2.204249e-01
+870 2.202729e-01
+871 2.201209e-01
+872 2.199688e-01
+873 2.198167e-01
+874 2.196645e-01
+875 2.195122e-01
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+878 2.190551e-01
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+880 2.187500e-01
+881 2.185974e-01
+882 2.184447e-01
+883 2.182920e-01
+884 2.181392e-01
+885 2.179863e-01
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+887 2.176804e-01
+888 2.175274e-01
+889 2.173743e-01
+890 2.172211e-01
+891 2.170679e-01
+892 2.169146e-01
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+899 2.158400e-01
+900 2.156863e-01
+901 2.155325e-01
+902 2.153786e-01
+903 2.152246e-01
+904 2.150706e-01
+905 2.149166e-01
+906 2.147625e-01
+907 2.146083e-01
+908 2.144540e-01
+909 2.142997e-01
+910 2.141454e-01
+911 2.139910e-01
+912 2.138365e-01
+913 2.136819e-01
+914 2.135273e-01
+915 2.133727e-01
+916 2.132179e-01
+917 2.130632e-01
+918 2.129083e-01
+919 2.127534e-01
+920 2.125984e-01
+921 2.124434e-01
+922 2.122883e-01
+923 2.121331e-01
+924 2.119779e-01
+925 2.118227e-01
+926 2.116673e-01
+927 2.115119e-01
+928 2.113565e-01
+929 2.112009e-01
+930 2.110454e-01
+931 2.108897e-01
+932 2.107340e-01
+933 2.105783e-01
+934 2.104224e-01
+935 2.102665e-01
+936 2.101106e-01
+937 2.099546e-01
+938 2.097985e-01
+939 2.096424e-01
+940 2.094862e-01
+941 2.093299e-01
+942 2.091736e-01
+943 2.090172e-01
+944 2.088608e-01
+945 2.087043e-01
+946 2.085477e-01
+947 2.083911e-01
+948 2.082344e-01
+949 2.080776e-01
+950 2.079208e-01
+951 2.077639e-01
+952 2.076070e-01
+953 2.074500e-01
+954 2.072929e-01
+955 2.071358e-01
+956 2.069786e-01
+957 2.068213e-01
+958 2.066640e-01
+959 2.065066e-01
+960 2.063492e-01
+961 2.061917e-01
+962 2.060341e-01
+963 2.058765e-01
+964 2.057188e-01
+965 2.055611e-01
+966 2.054033e-01
+967 2.052454e-01
+968 2.050874e-01
+969 2.049294e-01
+970 2.047714e-01
+971 2.046132e-01
+972 2.044551e-01
+973 2.042968e-01
+974 2.041385e-01
+975 2.039801e-01
+976 2.038217e-01
+977 2.036631e-01
+978 2.035046e-01
+979 2.033459e-01
+980 2.031873e-01
+981 2.030285e-01
+982 2.028697e-01
+983 2.027108e-01
+984 2.025518e-01
+985 2.023928e-01
+986 2.022337e-01
+987 2.020746e-01
+988 2.019154e-01
+989 2.017561e-01
+990 2.015968e-01
+991 2.014374e-01
+992 2.012780e-01
+993 2.011184e-01
+994 2.009588e-01
+995 2.007992e-01
+996 2.006395e-01
+997 2.004797e-01
+998 2.003199e-01
+999 2.001600e-01
+1000 2.000000e-01
+1001 1.998400e-01
+1002 1.996799e-01
+1003 1.995197e-01
+1004 1.993595e-01
+1005 1.991992e-01
+1006 1.990388e-01
+1007 1.988784e-01
+1008 1.987179e-01
+1009 1.985574e-01
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+1012 1.980754e-01
+1013 1.979146e-01
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+1015 1.975928e-01
+1016 1.974318e-01
+1017 1.972707e-01
+1018 1.971096e-01
+1019 1.969484e-01
+1020 1.967871e-01
+1021 1.966258e-01
+1022 1.964644e-01
+1023 1.963030e-01
+1024 1.961415e-01
+1025 1.959799e-01
+1026 1.958183e-01
+1027 1.956565e-01
+1028 1.954948e-01
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+1032 1.948470e-01
+1033 1.946849e-01
+1034 1.945228e-01
+1035 1.943605e-01
+1036 1.941982e-01
+1037 1.940359e-01
+1038 1.938734e-01
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+1052 1.915926e-01
+1053 1.914291e-01
+1054 1.912657e-01
+1055 1.911021e-01
+1056 1.909385e-01
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+1058 1.906111e-01
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+1061 1.901195e-01
+1062 1.899554e-01
+1063 1.897914e-01
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+1068 1.889700e-01
+1069 1.888055e-01
+1070 1.886410e-01
+1071 1.884764e-01
+1072 1.883117e-01
+1073 1.881469e-01
+1074 1.879821e-01
+1075 1.878173e-01
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+1080 1.869919e-01
+1081 1.868266e-01
+1082 1.866612e-01
+1083 1.864958e-01
+1084 1.863303e-01
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+1087 1.858335e-01
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+1093 1.848380e-01
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+1096 1.843393e-01
+1097 1.841730e-01
+1098 1.840065e-01
+1099 1.838400e-01
+1100 1.836735e-01
+1101 1.835068e-01
+1102 1.833401e-01
+1103 1.831734e-01
+1104 1.830065e-01
+1105 1.828396e-01
+1106 1.826727e-01
+1107 1.825056e-01
+1108 1.823385e-01
+1109 1.821713e-01
+1110 1.820041e-01
+1111 1.818368e-01
+1112 1.816694e-01
+1113 1.815019e-01
+1114 1.813344e-01
+1115 1.811668e-01
+1116 1.809992e-01
+1117 1.808315e-01
+1118 1.806637e-01
+1119 1.804958e-01
+1120 1.803279e-01
+1121 1.801599e-01
+1122 1.799918e-01
+1123 1.798237e-01
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+1131 1.784761e-01
+1132 1.783073e-01
+1133 1.781385e-01
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+1141 1.767853e-01
+1142 1.766159e-01
+1143 1.764464e-01
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+1146 1.759374e-01
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+1162 1.732121e-01
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+1165 1.726991e-01
+1166 1.725279e-01
+1167 1.723567e-01
+1168 1.721854e-01
+1169 1.720141e-01
+1170 1.718427e-01
+1171 1.716712e-01
+1172 1.714996e-01
+1173 1.713279e-01
+1174 1.711562e-01
+1175 1.709845e-01
+1176 1.708126e-01
+1177 1.706407e-01
+1178 1.704687e-01
+1179 1.702966e-01
+1180 1.701245e-01
+1181 1.699523e-01
+1182 1.697800e-01
+1183 1.696076e-01
+1184 1.694352e-01
+1185 1.692627e-01
+1186 1.690902e-01
+1187 1.689175e-01
+1188 1.687448e-01
+1189 1.685720e-01
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+1193 1.678802e-01
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+1195 1.675338e-01
+1196 1.673605e-01
+1197 1.671872e-01
+1198 1.670137e-01
+1199 1.668402e-01
+1200 1.666667e-01
+1201 1.664930e-01
+1202 1.663193e-01
+1203 1.661455e-01
+1204 1.659716e-01
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+1206 1.656237e-01
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+1212 1.645781e-01
+1213 1.644036e-01
+1214 1.642290e-01
+1215 1.640543e-01
+1216 1.638796e-01
+1217 1.637048e-01
+1218 1.635299e-01
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+1220 1.631799e-01
+1221 1.630048e-01
+1222 1.628296e-01
+1223 1.626544e-01
+1224 1.624791e-01
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+1226 1.621282e-01
+1227 1.619527e-01
+1228 1.617770e-01
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+1231 1.612497e-01
+1232 1.610738e-01
+1233 1.608978e-01
+1234 1.607218e-01
+1235 1.605456e-01
+1236 1.603694e-01
+1237 1.601932e-01
+1238 1.600168e-01
+1239 1.598404e-01
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+1241 1.594873e-01
+1242 1.593106e-01
+1243 1.591339e-01
+1244 1.589571e-01
+1245 1.587802e-01
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+1247 1.584263e-01
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+1256 1.568297e-01
+1257 1.566519e-01
+1258 1.564741e-01
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+1266 1.550486e-01
+1267 1.548701e-01
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+1271 1.541552e-01
+1272 1.539763e-01
+1273 1.537973e-01
+1274 1.536183e-01
+1275 1.534392e-01
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+1281 1.523628e-01
+1282 1.521831e-01
+1283 1.520034e-01
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+1292 1.503823e-01
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+1294 1.500212e-01
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+1300 1.489362e-01
+1301 1.487551e-01
+1302 1.485739e-01
+1303 1.483926e-01
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+1305 1.480298e-01
+1306 1.478483e-01
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+1320 1.452991e-01
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+1322 1.449337e-01
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+1326 1.442020e-01
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+1338 1.419991e-01
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+1348 1.401548e-01
+1349 1.399699e-01
+1350 1.397849e-01
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+1361 1.377452e-01
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+1380 1.341991e-01
+1381 1.340117e-01
+1382 1.338242e-01
+1383 1.336366e-01
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+1386 1.330733e-01
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+1388 1.326973e-01
+1389 1.325092e-01
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+1392 1.319444e-01
+1393 1.317560e-01
+1394 1.315675e-01
+1395 1.313789e-01
+1396 1.311903e-01
+1397 1.310015e-01
+1398 1.308127e-01
+1399 1.306238e-01
+1400 1.304348e-01
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+1402 1.300565e-01
+1403 1.298673e-01
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+1441 1.226146e-01
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+1520 1.071429e-01
+1521 1.069435e-01
+1522 1.067441e-01
+1523 1.065446e-01
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+1544 1.023339e-01
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+1549 1.013255e-01
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+1551 1.009216e-01
+1552 1.007194e-01
+1553 1.005172e-01
+1554 1.003149e-01
+1555 1.001125e-01
+1556 9.990999e-02
+1557 9.970740e-02
+1558 9.950473e-02
+1559 9.930196e-02
+1560 9.909910e-02
+1561 9.889615e-02
+1562 9.869311e-02
+1563 9.848997e-02
+1564 9.828674e-02
+1565 9.808343e-02
+1566 9.788002e-02
+1567 9.767652e-02
+1568 9.747292e-02
+1569 9.726924e-02
+1570 9.706546e-02
+1571 9.686159e-02
+1572 9.665763e-02
+1573 9.645358e-02
+1574 9.624944e-02
+1575 9.604520e-02
+1576 9.584087e-02
+1577 9.563645e-02
+1578 9.543193e-02
+1579 9.522732e-02
+1580 9.502262e-02
+1581 9.481783e-02
+1582 9.461295e-02
+1583 9.440797e-02
+1584 9.420290e-02
+1585 9.399773e-02
+1586 9.379248e-02
+1587 9.358713e-02
+1588 9.338169e-02
+1589 9.317615e-02
+1590 9.297052e-02
+1591 9.276480e-02
+1592 9.255898e-02
+1593 9.235307e-02
+1594 9.214707e-02
+1595 9.194098e-02
+1596 9.173479e-02
+1597 9.152850e-02
+1598 9.132213e-02
+1599 9.111566e-02
+1600 9.090909e-02
+1601 9.070243e-02
+1602 9.049568e-02
+1603 9.028883e-02
+1604 9.008189e-02
+1605 8.987486e-02
+1606 8.966773e-02
+1607 8.946051e-02
+1608 8.925319e-02
+1609 8.904578e-02
+1610 8.883827e-02
+1611 8.863067e-02
+1612 8.842297e-02
+1613 8.821518e-02
+1614 8.800730e-02
+1615 8.779932e-02
+1616 8.759124e-02
+1617 8.738307e-02
+1618 8.717481e-02
+1619 8.696645e-02
+1620 8.675799e-02
+1621 8.654944e-02
+1622 8.634079e-02
+1623 8.613205e-02
+1624 8.592322e-02
+1625 8.571429e-02
+1626 8.550526e-02
+1627 8.529614e-02
+1628 8.508692e-02
+1629 8.487760e-02
+1630 8.466819e-02
+1631 8.445869e-02
+1632 8.424908e-02
+1633 8.403939e-02
+1634 8.382959e-02
+1635 8.361970e-02
+1636 8.340972e-02
+1637 8.319963e-02
+1638 8.298945e-02
+1639 8.277918e-02
+1640 8.256881e-02
+1641 8.235834e-02
+1642 8.214777e-02
+1643 8.193711e-02
+1644 8.172635e-02
+1645 8.151550e-02
+1646 8.130455e-02
+1647 8.109350e-02
+1648 8.088235e-02
+1649 8.067111e-02
+1650 8.045977e-02
+1651 8.024833e-02
+1652 8.003680e-02
+1653 7.982517e-02
+1654 7.961344e-02
+1655 7.940161e-02
+1656 7.918969e-02
+1657 7.897767e-02
+1658 7.876555e-02
+1659 7.855333e-02
+1660 7.834101e-02
+1661 7.812860e-02
+1662 7.791609e-02
+1663 7.770348e-02
+1664 7.749077e-02
+1665 7.727797e-02
+1666 7.706507e-02
+1667 7.685207e-02
+1668 7.663897e-02
+1669 7.642577e-02
+1670 7.621247e-02
+1671 7.599908e-02
+1672 7.578558e-02
+1673 7.557199e-02
+1674 7.535830e-02
+1675 7.514451e-02
+1676 7.493062e-02
+1677 7.471663e-02
+1678 7.450255e-02
+1679 7.428836e-02
+1680 7.407407e-02
+1681 7.385969e-02
+1682 7.364521e-02
+1683 7.343062e-02
+1684 7.321594e-02
+1685 7.300116e-02
+1686 7.278628e-02
+1687 7.257130e-02
+1688 7.235622e-02
+1689 7.214103e-02
+1690 7.192575e-02
+1691 7.171037e-02
+1692 7.149489e-02
+1693 7.127931e-02
+1694 7.106363e-02
+1695 7.084785e-02
+1696 7.063197e-02
+1697 7.041599e-02
+1698 7.019991e-02
+1699 6.998372e-02
+1700 6.976744e-02
+1701 6.955106e-02
+1702 6.933457e-02
+1703 6.911799e-02
+1704 6.890130e-02
+1705 6.868452e-02
+1706 6.846763e-02
+1707 6.825064e-02
+1708 6.803355e-02
+1709 6.781636e-02
+1710 6.759907e-02
+1711 6.738167e-02
+1712 6.716418e-02
+1713 6.694658e-02
+1714 6.672888e-02
+1715 6.651109e-02
+1716 6.629318e-02
+1717 6.607518e-02
+1718 6.585708e-02
+1719 6.563887e-02
+1720 6.542056e-02
+1721 6.520215e-02
+1722 6.498364e-02
+1723 6.476502e-02
+1724 6.454630e-02
+1725 6.432749e-02
+1726 6.410856e-02
+1727 6.388954e-02
+1728 6.367041e-02
+1729 6.345118e-02
+1730 6.323185e-02
+1731 6.301242e-02
+1732 6.279288e-02
+1733 6.257324e-02
+1734 6.235349e-02
+1735 6.213365e-02
+1736 6.191370e-02
+1737 6.169364e-02
+1738 6.147349e-02
+1739 6.125323e-02
+1740 6.103286e-02
+1741 6.081240e-02
+1742 6.059183e-02
+1743 6.037115e-02
+1744 6.015038e-02
+1745 5.992949e-02
+1746 5.970851e-02
+1747 5.948742e-02
+1748 5.926623e-02
+1749 5.904493e-02
+1750 5.882353e-02
+1751 5.860202e-02
+1752 5.838041e-02
+1753 5.815870e-02
+1754 5.793688e-02
+1755 5.771496e-02
+1756 5.749293e-02
+1757 5.727080e-02
+1758 5.704856e-02
+1759 5.682622e-02
+1760 5.660377e-02
+1761 5.638122e-02
+1762 5.615857e-02
+1763 5.593580e-02
+1764 5.571294e-02
+1765 5.548996e-02
+1766 5.526689e-02
+1767 5.504370e-02
+1768 5.482042e-02
+1769 5.459702e-02
+1770 5.437352e-02
+1771 5.414992e-02
+1772 5.392621e-02
+1773 5.370239e-02
+1774 5.347847e-02
+1775 5.325444e-02
+1776 5.303030e-02
+1777 5.280606e-02
+1778 5.258171e-02
+1779 5.235726e-02
+1780 5.213270e-02
+1781 5.190804e-02
+1782 5.168326e-02
+1783 5.145838e-02
+1784 5.123340e-02
+1785 5.100830e-02
+1786 5.078310e-02
+1787 5.055780e-02
+1788 5.033238e-02
+1789 5.010686e-02
+1790 4.988124e-02
+1791 4.965550e-02
+1792 4.942966e-02
+1793 4.920371e-02
+1794 4.897765e-02
+1795 4.875149e-02
+1796 4.852521e-02
+1797 4.829883e-02
+1798 4.807235e-02
+1799 4.784575e-02
+1800 4.761905e-02
+1801 4.739224e-02
+1802 4.716532e-02
+1803 4.693829e-02
+1804 4.671115e-02
+1805 4.648391e-02
+1806 4.625656e-02
+1807 4.602910e-02
+1808 4.580153e-02
+1809 4.557385e-02
+1810 4.534606e-02
+1811 4.511817e-02
+1812 4.489016e-02
+1813 4.466205e-02
+1814 4.443383e-02
+1815 4.420550e-02
+1816 4.397706e-02
+1817 4.374851e-02
+1818 4.351985e-02
+1819 4.329108e-02
+1820 4.306220e-02
+1821 4.283321e-02
+1822 4.260412e-02
+1823 4.237491e-02
+1824 4.214559e-02
+1825 4.191617e-02
+1826 4.168663e-02
+1827 4.145699e-02
+1828 4.122723e-02
+1829 4.099736e-02
+1830 4.076739e-02
+1831 4.053730e-02
+1832 4.030710e-02
+1833 4.007679e-02
+1834 3.984638e-02
+1835 3.961585e-02
+1836 3.938521e-02
+1837 3.915446e-02
+1838 3.892359e-02
+1839 3.869262e-02
+1840 3.846154e-02
+1841 3.823034e-02
+1842 3.799904e-02
+1843 3.776762e-02
+1844 3.753609e-02
+1845 3.730445e-02
+1846 3.707270e-02
+1847 3.684084e-02
+1848 3.660886e-02
+1849 3.637678e-02
+1850 3.614458e-02
+1851 3.591227e-02
+1852 3.567985e-02
+1853 3.544731e-02
+1854 3.521466e-02
+1855 3.498191e-02
+1856 3.474903e-02
+1857 3.451605e-02
+1858 3.428296e-02
+1859 3.404975e-02
+1860 3.381643e-02
+1861 3.358299e-02
+1862 3.334944e-02
+1863 3.311578e-02
+1864 3.288201e-02
+1865 3.264813e-02
+1866 3.241413e-02
+1867 3.218001e-02
+1868 3.194579e-02
+1869 3.171145e-02
+1870 3.147700e-02
+1871 3.124243e-02
+1872 3.100775e-02
+1873 3.077296e-02
+1874 3.053805e-02
+1875 3.030303e-02
+1876 3.006790e-02
+1877 2.983265e-02
+1878 2.959728e-02
+1879 2.936181e-02
+1880 2.912621e-02
+1881 2.889051e-02
+1882 2.865469e-02
+1883 2.841875e-02
+1884 2.818270e-02
+1885 2.794654e-02
+1886 2.771026e-02
+1887 2.747386e-02
+1888 2.723735e-02
+1889 2.700073e-02
+1890 2.676399e-02
+1891 2.652714e-02
+1892 2.629017e-02
+1893 2.605308e-02
+1894 2.581588e-02
+1895 2.557856e-02
+1896 2.534113e-02
+1897 2.510358e-02
+1898 2.486592e-02
+1899 2.462814e-02
+1900 2.439024e-02
+1901 2.415223e-02
+1902 2.391410e-02
+1903 2.367586e-02
+1904 2.343750e-02
+1905 2.319902e-02
+1906 2.296043e-02
+1907 2.272172e-02
+1908 2.248289e-02
+1909 2.224395e-02
+1910 2.200489e-02
+1911 2.176571e-02
+1912 2.152642e-02
+1913 2.128701e-02
+1914 2.104748e-02
+1915 2.080783e-02
+1916 2.056807e-02
+1917 2.032819e-02
+1918 2.008819e-02
+1919 1.984808e-02
+1920 1.960784e-02
+1921 1.936749e-02
+1922 1.912702e-02
+1923 1.888644e-02
+1924 1.864573e-02
+1925 1.840491e-02
+1926 1.816397e-02
+1927 1.792291e-02
+1928 1.768173e-02
+1929 1.744043e-02
+1930 1.719902e-02
+1931 1.695748e-02
+1932 1.671583e-02
+1933 1.647406e-02
+1934 1.623217e-02
+1935 1.599016e-02
+1936 1.574803e-02
+1937 1.550578e-02
+1938 1.526342e-02
+1939 1.502093e-02
+1940 1.477833e-02
+1941 1.453560e-02
+1942 1.429276e-02
+1943 1.404979e-02
+1944 1.380671e-02
+1945 1.356350e-02
+1946 1.332018e-02
+1947 1.307673e-02
+1948 1.283317e-02
+1949 1.258948e-02
+1950 1.234568e-02
+1951 1.210175e-02
+1952 1.185771e-02
+1953 1.161354e-02
+1954 1.136925e-02
+1955 1.112485e-02
+1956 1.088032e-02
+1957 1.063567e-02
+1958 1.039090e-02
+1959 1.014600e-02
+1960 9.900990e-03
+1961 9.655855e-03
+1962 9.410599e-03
+1963 9.165222e-03
+1964 8.919722e-03
+1965 8.674102e-03
+1966 8.428359e-03
+1967 8.182494e-03
+1968 7.936508e-03
+1969 7.690399e-03
+1970 7.444169e-03
+1971 7.197816e-03
+1972 6.951341e-03
+1973 6.704743e-03
+1974 6.458023e-03
+1975 6.211180e-03
+1976 5.964215e-03
+1977 5.717127e-03
+1978 5.469915e-03
+1979 5.222581e-03
+1980 4.975124e-03
+1981 4.727544e-03
+1982 4.479841e-03
+1983 4.232014e-03
+1984 3.984064e-03
+1985 3.735990e-03
+1986 3.487793e-03
+1987 3.239472e-03
+1988 2.991027e-03
+1989 2.742458e-03
+1990 2.493766e-03
+1991 2.244949e-03
+1992 1.996008e-03
+1993 1.746943e-03
+1994 1.497753e-03
+1995 1.248439e-03
+1996 9.990010e-04
+1997 7.494379e-04
+1998 4.997501e-04
+1999 2.499375e-04
+2000 0.000000e+00
+2001 0.000000e+00
+2002 0.000000e+00
+2003 0.000000e+00
+2004 0.000000e+00
+2005 0.000000e+00
+2006 0.000000e+00
+2007 0.000000e+00
+2008 0.000000e+00
+2009 0.000000e+00
+2010 0.000000e+00
+2011 0.000000e+00
+2012 0.000000e+00
+2013 0.000000e+00
+2014 0.000000e+00
+2015 0.000000e+00
+2016 0.000000e+00
+2017 0.000000e+00
+2018 0.000000e+00
+2019 0.000000e+00
+2020 0.000000e+00
+2021 0.000000e+00
+2022 0.000000e+00
+2023 0.000000e+00
+2024 0.000000e+00
+2025 0.000000e+00
+2026 0.000000e+00
+2027 0.000000e+00
+2028 0.000000e+00
+2029 0.000000e+00
+2030 0.000000e+00
+2031 0.000000e+00
+2032 0.000000e+00
+2033 0.000000e+00
+2034 0.000000e+00
+2035 0.000000e+00
+2036 0.000000e+00
+2037 0.000000e+00
+2038 0.000000e+00
+2039 0.000000e+00
+2040 0.000000e+00
+2041 0.000000e+00
+2042 0.000000e+00
+2043 0.000000e+00
+2044 0.000000e+00
+2045 0.000000e+00
+2046 0.000000e+00
+2047 0.000000e+00
+2048 0.000000e+00
+2049 0.000000e+00
+2050 0.000000e+00
+2051 0.000000e+00
+2052 0.000000e+00
+2053 0.000000e+00
+2054 0.000000e+00
+2055 0.000000e+00
+2056 0.000000e+00
+2057 0.000000e+00
+2058 0.000000e+00
+2059 0.000000e+00
+2060 0.000000e+00
+2061 0.000000e+00
+2062 0.000000e+00
+2063 0.000000e+00
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+2065 0.000000e+00
+2066 0.000000e+00
+2067 0.000000e+00
+2068 0.000000e+00
+2069 0.000000e+00
+2070 0.000000e+00
+2071 0.000000e+00
+2072 0.000000e+00
+2073 0.000000e+00
+2074 0.000000e+00
+2075 0.000000e+00
+2076 0.000000e+00
+2077 0.000000e+00
+2078 0.000000e+00
+2079 0.000000e+00
+2080 0.000000e+00
+2081 0.000000e+00
+2082 0.000000e+00
+2083 0.000000e+00
+2084 0.000000e+00
+2085 0.000000e+00
+2086 0.000000e+00
+2087 0.000000e+00
+2088 0.000000e+00
+2089 0.000000e+00
+2090 0.000000e+00
+2091 0.000000e+00
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+2093 0.000000e+00
+2094 0.000000e+00
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+2099 0.000000e+00
+2100 0.000000e+00
+2101 0.000000e+00
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+5958 0.000000e+00
+5959 0.000000e+00
+5960 0.000000e+00
+5961 0.000000e+00
+5962 0.000000e+00
+5963 0.000000e+00
+5964 0.000000e+00
+5965 0.000000e+00
+5966 0.000000e+00
+5967 0.000000e+00
+5968 0.000000e+00
+5969 0.000000e+00
+5970 0.000000e+00
+5971 0.000000e+00
+5972 0.000000e+00
+5973 0.000000e+00
+5974 0.000000e+00
+5975 0.000000e+00
+5976 0.000000e+00
+5977 0.000000e+00
+5978 0.000000e+00
+5979 0.000000e+00
+5980 0.000000e+00
+5981 0.000000e+00
+5982 0.000000e+00
+5983 0.000000e+00
+5984 0.000000e+00
+5985 0.000000e+00
+5986 0.000000e+00
+5987 0.000000e+00
+5988 0.000000e+00
+5989 0.000000e+00
+5990 0.000000e+00
+5991 0.000000e+00
+5992 0.000000e+00
+5993 0.000000e+00
+5994 0.000000e+00
+5995 0.000000e+00
+5996 0.000000e+00
+5997 0.000000e+00
+5998 0.000000e+00
+5999 0.000000e+00
diff --git a/tests/corr/square_tisean_norm.dat b/tests/corr/square_tisean_norm.dat
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c486228
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/corr/square_tisean_norm.dat
@@ -0,0 +1,6002 @@
+# average=3.333333e-01
+# standard deviation=4.714045e-01
+0 1.000000e+00
+1 9.993332e-01
+2 9.986662e-01
+3 9.979990e-01
+4 9.973316e-01
+5 9.966639e-01
+6 9.959960e-01
+7 9.953279e-01
+8 9.946595e-01
+9 9.939910e-01
+10 9.933222e-01
+11 9.926532e-01
+12 9.919840e-01
+13 9.913145e-01
+14 9.906448e-01
+15 9.899749e-01
+16 9.893048e-01
+17 9.886345e-01
+18 9.879639e-01
+19 9.872931e-01
+20 9.866221e-01
+21 9.859508e-01
+22 9.852794e-01
+23 9.846077e-01
+24 9.839357e-01
+25 9.832636e-01
+26 9.825912e-01
+27 9.819186e-01
+28 9.812458e-01
+29 9.805728e-01
+30 9.798995e-01
+31 9.792260e-01
+32 9.785523e-01
+33 9.778783e-01
+34 9.772042e-01
+35 9.765298e-01
+36 9.758551e-01
+37 9.751803e-01
+38 9.745052e-01
+39 9.738299e-01
+40 9.731544e-01
+41 9.724786e-01
+42 9.718026e-01
+43 9.711264e-01
+44 9.704500e-01
+45 9.697733e-01
+46 9.690964e-01
+47 9.684193e-01
+48 9.677419e-01
+49 9.670644e-01
+50 9.663866e-01
+51 9.657085e-01
+52 9.650303e-01
+53 9.643518e-01
+54 9.636731e-01
+55 9.629941e-01
+56 9.623149e-01
+57 9.616355e-01
+58 9.609559e-01
+59 9.602760e-01
+60 9.595960e-01
+61 9.589156e-01
+62 9.582351e-01
+63 9.575543e-01
+64 9.568733e-01
+65 9.561921e-01
+66 9.555106e-01
+67 9.548289e-01
+68 9.541470e-01
+69 9.534648e-01
+70 9.527825e-01
+71 9.520998e-01
+72 9.514170e-01
+73 9.507339e-01
+74 9.500506e-01
+75 9.493671e-01
+76 9.486833e-01
+77 9.479993e-01
+78 9.473151e-01
+79 9.466306e-01
+80 9.459459e-01
+81 9.452610e-01
+82 9.445759e-01
+83 9.438905e-01
+84 9.432049e-01
+85 9.425190e-01
+86 9.418329e-01
+87 9.411466e-01
+88 9.404601e-01
+89 9.397733e-01
+90 9.390863e-01
+91 9.383991e-01
+92 9.377116e-01
+93 9.370239e-01
+94 9.363359e-01
+95 9.356478e-01
+96 9.349593e-01
+97 9.342707e-01
+98 9.335818e-01
+99 9.328927e-01
+100 9.322034e-01
+101 9.315138e-01
+102 9.308240e-01
+103 9.301340e-01
+104 9.294437e-01
+105 9.287532e-01
+106 9.280624e-01
+107 9.273715e-01
+108 9.266802e-01
+109 9.259888e-01
+110 9.252971e-01
+111 9.246052e-01
+112 9.239130e-01
+113 9.232207e-01
+114 9.225280e-01
+115 9.218352e-01
+116 9.211421e-01
+117 9.204488e-01
+118 9.197552e-01
+119 9.190614e-01
+120 9.183673e-01
+121 9.176731e-01
+122 9.169786e-01
+123 9.162838e-01
+124 9.155888e-01
+125 9.148936e-01
+126 9.141982e-01
+127 9.135025e-01
+128 9.128065e-01
+129 9.121104e-01
+130 9.114140e-01
+131 9.107173e-01
+132 9.100204e-01
+133 9.093233e-01
+134 9.086260e-01
+135 9.079284e-01
+136 9.072306e-01
+137 9.065325e-01
+138 9.058342e-01
+139 9.051356e-01
+140 9.044369e-01
+141 9.037378e-01
+142 9.030386e-01
+143 9.023391e-01
+144 9.016393e-01
+145 9.009394e-01
+146 9.002392e-01
+147 8.995387e-01
+148 8.988380e-01
+149 8.981371e-01
+150 8.974359e-01
+151 8.967345e-01
+152 8.960328e-01
+153 8.953309e-01
+154 8.946288e-01
+155 8.939264e-01
+156 8.932238e-01
+157 8.925210e-01
+158 8.918179e-01
+159 8.911145e-01
+160 8.904110e-01
+161 8.897071e-01
+162 8.890031e-01
+163 8.882988e-01
+164 8.875942e-01
+165 8.868895e-01
+166 8.861844e-01
+167 8.854792e-01
+168 8.847737e-01
+169 8.840679e-01
+170 8.833619e-01
+171 8.826557e-01
+172 8.819492e-01
+173 8.812425e-01
+174 8.805355e-01
+175 8.798283e-01
+176 8.791209e-01
+177 8.784132e-01
+178 8.777053e-01
+179 8.769971e-01
+180 8.762887e-01
+181 8.755800e-01
+182 8.748711e-01
+183 8.741619e-01
+184 8.734525e-01
+185 8.727429e-01
+186 8.720330e-01
+187 8.713229e-01
+188 8.706125e-01
+189 8.699019e-01
+190 8.691910e-01
+191 8.684799e-01
+192 8.677686e-01
+193 8.670570e-01
+194 8.663452e-01
+195 8.656331e-01
+196 8.649207e-01
+197 8.642082e-01
+198 8.634953e-01
+199 8.627823e-01
+200 8.620690e-01
+201 8.613554e-01
+202 8.606416e-01
+203 8.599275e-01
+204 8.592133e-01
+205 8.584987e-01
+206 8.577839e-01
+207 8.570689e-01
+208 8.563536e-01
+209 8.556381e-01
+210 8.549223e-01
+211 8.542063e-01
+212 8.534900e-01
+213 8.527735e-01
+214 8.520567e-01
+215 8.513397e-01
+216 8.506224e-01
+217 8.499049e-01
+218 8.491871e-01
+219 8.484691e-01
+220 8.477509e-01
+221 8.470324e-01
+222 8.463136e-01
+223 8.455946e-01
+224 8.448753e-01
+225 8.441558e-01
+226 8.434361e-01
+227 8.427161e-01
+228 8.419958e-01
+229 8.412753e-01
+230 8.405546e-01
+231 8.398336e-01
+232 8.391123e-01
+233 8.383908e-01
+234 8.376691e-01
+235 8.369471e-01
+236 8.362248e-01
+237 8.355023e-01
+238 8.347796e-01
+239 8.340566e-01
+240 8.333333e-01
+241 8.326098e-01
+242 8.318861e-01
+243 8.311621e-01
+244 8.304378e-01
+245 8.297133e-01
+246 8.289885e-01
+247 8.282635e-01
+248 8.275382e-01
+249 8.268127e-01
+250 8.260870e-01
+251 8.253609e-01
+252 8.246347e-01
+253 8.239081e-01
+254 8.231813e-01
+255 8.224543e-01
+256 8.217270e-01
+257 8.209995e-01
+258 8.202717e-01
+259 8.195436e-01
+260 8.188153e-01
+261 8.180868e-01
+262 8.173580e-01
+263 8.166289e-01
+264 8.158996e-01
+265 8.151700e-01
+266 8.144402e-01
+267 8.137101e-01
+268 8.129798e-01
+269 8.122492e-01
+270 8.115183e-01
+271 8.107872e-01
+272 8.100559e-01
+273 8.093243e-01
+274 8.085924e-01
+275 8.078603e-01
+276 8.071279e-01
+277 8.063952e-01
+278 8.056624e-01
+279 8.049292e-01
+280 8.041958e-01
+281 8.034621e-01
+282 8.027282e-01
+283 8.019941e-01
+284 8.012596e-01
+285 8.005249e-01
+286 7.997900e-01
+287 7.990548e-01
+288 7.983193e-01
+289 7.975836e-01
+290 7.968476e-01
+291 7.961114e-01
+292 7.953749e-01
+293 7.946382e-01
+294 7.939012e-01
+295 7.931639e-01
+296 7.924264e-01
+297 7.916886e-01
+298 7.909505e-01
+299 7.902122e-01
+300 7.894737e-01
+301 7.887349e-01
+302 7.879958e-01
+303 7.872565e-01
+304 7.865169e-01
+305 7.857770e-01
+306 7.850369e-01
+307 7.842965e-01
+308 7.835559e-01
+309 7.828150e-01
+310 7.820738e-01
+311 7.813324e-01
+312 7.805907e-01
+313 7.798488e-01
+314 7.791066e-01
+315 7.783641e-01
+316 7.776214e-01
+317 7.768784e-01
+318 7.761352e-01
+319 7.753917e-01
+320 7.746479e-01
+321 7.739039e-01
+322 7.731596e-01
+323 7.724150e-01
+324 7.716702e-01
+325 7.709251e-01
+326 7.701798e-01
+327 7.694342e-01
+328 7.686883e-01
+329 7.679422e-01
+330 7.671958e-01
+331 7.664491e-01
+332 7.657022e-01
+333 7.649550e-01
+334 7.642076e-01
+335 7.634598e-01
+336 7.627119e-01
+337 7.619636e-01
+338 7.612151e-01
+339 7.604663e-01
+340 7.597173e-01
+341 7.589680e-01
+342 7.582185e-01
+343 7.574686e-01
+344 7.567185e-01
+345 7.559682e-01
+346 7.552175e-01
+347 7.544667e-01
+348 7.537155e-01
+349 7.529641e-01
+350 7.522124e-01
+351 7.514604e-01
+352 7.507082e-01
+353 7.499557e-01
+354 7.492030e-01
+355 7.484500e-01
+356 7.476967e-01
+357 7.469431e-01
+358 7.461893e-01
+359 7.454352e-01
+360 7.446809e-01
+361 7.439262e-01
+362 7.431713e-01
+363 7.424162e-01
+364 7.416608e-01
+365 7.409051e-01
+366 7.401491e-01
+367 7.393929e-01
+368 7.386364e-01
+369 7.378796e-01
+370 7.371226e-01
+371 7.363653e-01
+372 7.356077e-01
+373 7.348498e-01
+374 7.340917e-01
+375 7.333333e-01
+376 7.325747e-01
+377 7.318158e-01
+378 7.310566e-01
+379 7.302971e-01
+380 7.295374e-01
+381 7.287774e-01
+382 7.280171e-01
+383 7.272565e-01
+384 7.264957e-01
+385 7.257346e-01
+386 7.249733e-01
+387 7.242117e-01
+388 7.234498e-01
+389 7.226876e-01
+390 7.219251e-01
+391 7.211624e-01
+392 7.203994e-01
+393 7.196362e-01
+394 7.188726e-01
+395 7.181088e-01
+396 7.173448e-01
+397 7.165804e-01
+398 7.158158e-01
+399 7.150509e-01
+400 7.142857e-01
+401 7.135203e-01
+402 7.127546e-01
+403 7.119886e-01
+404 7.112223e-01
+405 7.104558e-01
+406 7.096890e-01
+407 7.089219e-01
+408 7.081545e-01
+409 7.073869e-01
+410 7.066190e-01
+411 7.058508e-01
+412 7.050823e-01
+413 7.043136e-01
+414 7.035446e-01
+415 7.027753e-01
+416 7.020057e-01
+417 7.012359e-01
+418 7.004658e-01
+419 6.996954e-01
+420 6.989247e-01
+421 6.981538e-01
+422 6.973826e-01
+423 6.966111e-01
+424 6.958393e-01
+425 6.950673e-01
+426 6.942949e-01
+427 6.935223e-01
+428 6.927495e-01
+429 6.919763e-01
+430 6.912029e-01
+431 6.904292e-01
+432 6.896552e-01
+433 6.888809e-01
+434 6.881064e-01
+435 6.873315e-01
+436 6.865564e-01
+437 6.857811e-01
+438 6.850054e-01
+439 6.842295e-01
+440 6.834532e-01
+441 6.826767e-01
+442 6.819000e-01
+443 6.811229e-01
+444 6.803456e-01
+445 6.795680e-01
+446 6.787901e-01
+447 6.780119e-01
+448 6.772334e-01
+449 6.764547e-01
+450 6.756757e-01
+451 6.748964e-01
+452 6.741168e-01
+453 6.733369e-01
+454 6.725568e-01
+455 6.717764e-01
+456 6.709957e-01
+457 6.702147e-01
+458 6.694334e-01
+459 6.686519e-01
+460 6.678700e-01
+461 6.670879e-01
+462 6.663055e-01
+463 6.655228e-01
+464 6.647399e-01
+465 6.639566e-01
+466 6.631731e-01
+467 6.623893e-01
+468 6.616052e-01
+469 6.608208e-01
+470 6.600362e-01
+471 6.592512e-01
+472 6.584660e-01
+473 6.576805e-01
+474 6.568947e-01
+475 6.561086e-01
+476 6.553222e-01
+477 6.545356e-01
+478 6.537486e-01
+479 6.529614e-01
+480 6.521739e-01
+481 6.513861e-01
+482 6.505980e-01
+483 6.498097e-01
+484 6.490210e-01
+485 6.482321e-01
+486 6.474429e-01
+487 6.466534e-01
+488 6.458636e-01
+489 6.450735e-01
+490 6.442831e-01
+491 6.434925e-01
+492 6.427015e-01
+493 6.419103e-01
+494 6.411188e-01
+495 6.403270e-01
+496 6.395349e-01
+497 6.387425e-01
+498 6.379498e-01
+499 6.371569e-01
+500 6.363636e-01
+501 6.355701e-01
+502 6.347763e-01
+503 6.339822e-01
+504 6.331878e-01
+505 6.323931e-01
+506 6.315981e-01
+507 6.308028e-01
+508 6.300073e-01
+509 6.292114e-01
+510 6.284153e-01
+511 6.276189e-01
+512 6.268222e-01
+513 6.260252e-01
+514 6.252279e-01
+515 6.244303e-01
+516 6.236324e-01
+517 6.228342e-01
+518 6.220358e-01
+519 6.212370e-01
+520 6.204380e-01
+521 6.196386e-01
+522 6.188390e-01
+523 6.180391e-01
+524 6.172389e-01
+525 6.164384e-01
+526 6.156376e-01
+527 6.148365e-01
+528 6.140351e-01
+529 6.132334e-01
+530 6.124314e-01
+531 6.116292e-01
+532 6.108266e-01
+533 6.100238e-01
+534 6.092206e-01
+535 6.084172e-01
+536 6.076135e-01
+537 6.068094e-01
+538 6.060051e-01
+539 6.052005e-01
+540 6.043956e-01
+541 6.035904e-01
+542 6.027849e-01
+543 6.019791e-01
+544 6.011730e-01
+545 6.003666e-01
+546 5.995600e-01
+547 5.987530e-01
+548 5.979457e-01
+549 5.971381e-01
+550 5.963303e-01
+551 5.955221e-01
+552 5.947137e-01
+553 5.939049e-01
+554 5.930959e-01
+555 5.922865e-01
+556 5.914769e-01
+557 5.906669e-01
+558 5.898567e-01
+559 5.890461e-01
+560 5.882353e-01
+561 5.874242e-01
+562 5.866127e-01
+563 5.858010e-01
+564 5.849890e-01
+565 5.841766e-01
+566 5.833640e-01
+567 5.825511e-01
+568 5.817378e-01
+569 5.809243e-01
+570 5.801105e-01
+571 5.792964e-01
+572 5.784819e-01
+573 5.776672e-01
+574 5.768522e-01
+575 5.760369e-01
+576 5.752212e-01
+577 5.744053e-01
+578 5.735891e-01
+579 5.727726e-01
+580 5.719557e-01
+581 5.711386e-01
+582 5.703212e-01
+583 5.695034e-01
+584 5.686854e-01
+585 5.678670e-01
+586 5.670484e-01
+587 5.662294e-01
+588 5.654102e-01
+589 5.645906e-01
+590 5.637708e-01
+591 5.629506e-01
+592 5.621302e-01
+593 5.613094e-01
+594 5.604883e-01
+595 5.596670e-01
+596 5.588453e-01
+597 5.580233e-01
+598 5.572010e-01
+599 5.563784e-01
+600 5.555556e-01
+601 5.547324e-01
+602 5.539089e-01
+603 5.530850e-01
+604 5.522609e-01
+605 5.514365e-01
+606 5.506118e-01
+607 5.497868e-01
+608 5.489614e-01
+609 5.481358e-01
+610 5.473098e-01
+611 5.464836e-01
+612 5.456570e-01
+613 5.448301e-01
+614 5.440030e-01
+615 5.431755e-01
+616 5.423477e-01
+617 5.415196e-01
+618 5.406912e-01
+619 5.398625e-01
+620 5.390335e-01
+621 5.382041e-01
+622 5.373745e-01
+623 5.365445e-01
+624 5.357143e-01
+625 5.348837e-01
+626 5.340528e-01
+627 5.332217e-01
+628 5.323902e-01
+629 5.315584e-01
+630 5.307263e-01
+631 5.298938e-01
+632 5.290611e-01
+633 5.282281e-01
+634 5.273947e-01
+635 5.265610e-01
+636 5.257271e-01
+637 5.248928e-01
+638 5.240582e-01
+639 5.232233e-01
+640 5.223881e-01
+641 5.215525e-01
+642 5.207167e-01
+643 5.198805e-01
+644 5.190441e-01
+645 5.182073e-01
+646 5.173702e-01
+647 5.165328e-01
+648 5.156951e-01
+649 5.148570e-01
+650 5.140187e-01
+651 5.131800e-01
+652 5.123411e-01
+653 5.115018e-01
+654 5.106622e-01
+655 5.098223e-01
+656 5.089820e-01
+657 5.081415e-01
+658 5.073006e-01
+659 5.064595e-01
+660 5.056180e-01
+661 5.047762e-01
+662 5.039341e-01
+663 5.030916e-01
+664 5.022489e-01
+665 5.014058e-01
+666 5.005624e-01
+667 4.997187e-01
+668 4.988747e-01
+669 4.980304e-01
+670 4.971857e-01
+671 4.963408e-01
+672 4.954955e-01
+673 4.946499e-01
+674 4.938040e-01
+675 4.929577e-01
+676 4.921112e-01
+677 4.912643e-01
+678 4.904171e-01
+679 4.895696e-01
+680 4.887218e-01
+681 4.878737e-01
+682 4.870252e-01
+683 4.861764e-01
+684 4.853273e-01
+685 4.844779e-01
+686 4.836282e-01
+687 4.827781e-01
+688 4.819277e-01
+689 4.810770e-01
+690 4.802260e-01
+691 4.793746e-01
+692 4.785230e-01
+693 4.776710e-01
+694 4.768187e-01
+695 4.759661e-01
+696 4.751131e-01
+697 4.742599e-01
+698 4.734063e-01
+699 4.725523e-01
+700 4.716981e-01
+701 4.708436e-01
+702 4.699887e-01
+703 4.691335e-01
+704 4.682779e-01
+705 4.674221e-01
+706 4.665659e-01
+707 4.657094e-01
+708 4.648526e-01
+709 4.639955e-01
+710 4.631380e-01
+711 4.622802e-01
+712 4.614221e-01
+713 4.605636e-01
+714 4.597049e-01
+715 4.588458e-01
+716 4.579864e-01
+717 4.571266e-01
+718 4.562666e-01
+719 4.554062e-01
+720 4.545455e-01
+721 4.536844e-01
+722 4.528230e-01
+723 4.519613e-01
+724 4.510993e-01
+725 4.502370e-01
+726 4.493743e-01
+727 4.485113e-01
+728 4.476480e-01
+729 4.467843e-01
+730 4.459203e-01
+731 4.450560e-01
+732 4.441913e-01
+733 4.433264e-01
+734 4.424611e-01
+735 4.415954e-01
+736 4.407295e-01
+737 4.398632e-01
+738 4.389966e-01
+739 4.381296e-01
+740 4.372624e-01
+741 4.363948e-01
+742 4.355268e-01
+743 4.346586e-01
+744 4.337900e-01
+745 4.329210e-01
+746 4.320518e-01
+747 4.311822e-01
+748 4.303123e-01
+749 4.294420e-01
+750 4.285714e-01
+751 4.277005e-01
+752 4.268293e-01
+753 4.259577e-01
+754 4.250858e-01
+755 4.242135e-01
+756 4.233410e-01
+757 4.224681e-01
+758 4.215948e-01
+759 4.207212e-01
+760 4.198473e-01
+761 4.189731e-01
+762 4.180985e-01
+763 4.172236e-01
+764 4.163484e-01
+765 4.154728e-01
+766 4.145969e-01
+767 4.137206e-01
+768 4.128440e-01
+769 4.119671e-01
+770 4.110899e-01
+771 4.102123e-01
+772 4.093344e-01
+773 4.084561e-01
+774 4.075775e-01
+775 4.066986e-01
+776 4.058193e-01
+777 4.049397e-01
+778 4.040597e-01
+779 4.031795e-01
+780 4.022989e-01
+781 4.014179e-01
+782 4.005366e-01
+783 3.996550e-01
+784 3.987730e-01
+785 3.978907e-01
+786 3.970081e-01
+787 3.961251e-01
+788 3.952417e-01
+789 3.943581e-01
+790 3.934741e-01
+791 3.925897e-01
+792 3.917051e-01
+793 3.908200e-01
+794 3.899347e-01
+795 3.890490e-01
+796 3.881630e-01
+797 3.872766e-01
+798 3.863899e-01
+799 3.855028e-01
+800 3.846154e-01
+801 3.837276e-01
+802 3.828396e-01
+803 3.819511e-01
+804 3.810624e-01
+805 3.801732e-01
+806 3.792838e-01
+807 3.783940e-01
+808 3.775039e-01
+809 3.766134e-01
+810 3.757225e-01
+811 3.748314e-01
+812 3.739399e-01
+813 3.730480e-01
+814 3.721558e-01
+815 3.712633e-01
+816 3.703704e-01
+817 3.694771e-01
+818 3.685836e-01
+819 3.676896e-01
+820 3.667954e-01
+821 3.659008e-01
+822 3.650058e-01
+823 3.641105e-01
+824 3.632148e-01
+825 3.623188e-01
+826 3.614225e-01
+827 3.605258e-01
+828 3.596288e-01
+829 3.587314e-01
+830 3.578337e-01
+831 3.569356e-01
+832 3.560372e-01
+833 3.551384e-01
+834 3.542393e-01
+835 3.533398e-01
+836 3.524400e-01
+837 3.515398e-01
+838 3.506393e-01
+839 3.497384e-01
+840 3.488372e-01
+841 3.479356e-01
+842 3.470337e-01
+843 3.461315e-01
+844 3.452289e-01
+845 3.443259e-01
+846 3.434226e-01
+847 3.425189e-01
+848 3.416149e-01
+849 3.407105e-01
+850 3.398058e-01
+851 3.389008e-01
+852 3.379953e-01
+853 3.370896e-01
+854 3.361834e-01
+855 3.352770e-01
+856 3.343701e-01
+857 3.334630e-01
+858 3.325554e-01
+859 3.316475e-01
+860 3.307393e-01
+861 3.298307e-01
+862 3.289218e-01
+863 3.280125e-01
+864 3.271028e-01
+865 3.261928e-01
+866 3.252824e-01
+867 3.243717e-01
+868 3.234606e-01
+869 3.225492e-01
+870 3.216374e-01
+871 3.207253e-01
+872 3.198128e-01
+873 3.188999e-01
+874 3.179867e-01
+875 3.170732e-01
+876 3.161593e-01
+877 3.152450e-01
+878 3.143303e-01
+879 3.134153e-01
+880 3.125000e-01
+881 3.115843e-01
+882 3.106682e-01
+883 3.097518e-01
+884 3.088350e-01
+885 3.079179e-01
+886 3.070004e-01
+887 3.060825e-01
+888 3.051643e-01
+889 3.042457e-01
+890 3.033268e-01
+891 3.024075e-01
+892 3.014879e-01
+893 3.005678e-01
+894 2.996475e-01
+895 2.987267e-01
+896 2.978056e-01
+897 2.968842e-01
+898 2.959624e-01
+899 2.950402e-01
+900 2.941176e-01
+901 2.931947e-01
+902 2.922715e-01
+903 2.913479e-01
+904 2.904239e-01
+905 2.894995e-01
+906 2.885748e-01
+907 2.876497e-01
+908 2.867243e-01
+909 2.857985e-01
+910 2.848723e-01
+911 2.839458e-01
+912 2.830189e-01
+913 2.820916e-01
+914 2.811640e-01
+915 2.802360e-01
+916 2.793076e-01
+917 2.783789e-01
+918 2.774498e-01
+919 2.765204e-01
+920 2.755906e-01
+921 2.746604e-01
+922 2.737298e-01
+923 2.727989e-01
+924 2.718676e-01
+925 2.709360e-01
+926 2.700039e-01
+927 2.690716e-01
+928 2.681388e-01
+929 2.672057e-01
+930 2.662722e-01
+931 2.653383e-01
+932 2.644041e-01
+933 2.634695e-01
+934 2.625345e-01
+935 2.615992e-01
+936 2.606635e-01
+937 2.597274e-01
+938 2.587910e-01
+939 2.578542e-01
+940 2.569170e-01
+941 2.559794e-01
+942 2.550415e-01
+943 2.541032e-01
+944 2.531646e-01
+945 2.522255e-01
+946 2.512861e-01
+947 2.503463e-01
+948 2.494062e-01
+949 2.484657e-01
+950 2.475248e-01
+951 2.465835e-01
+952 2.456418e-01
+953 2.446998e-01
+954 2.437574e-01
+955 2.428147e-01
+956 2.418715e-01
+957 2.409280e-01
+958 2.399841e-01
+959 2.390399e-01
+960 2.380952e-01
+961 2.371502e-01
+962 2.362048e-01
+963 2.352591e-01
+964 2.343129e-01
+965 2.333664e-01
+966 2.324195e-01
+967 2.314723e-01
+968 2.305246e-01
+969 2.295766e-01
+970 2.286282e-01
+971 2.276795e-01
+972 2.267303e-01
+973 2.257808e-01
+974 2.248309e-01
+975 2.238806e-01
+976 2.229299e-01
+977 2.219789e-01
+978 2.210275e-01
+979 2.200757e-01
+980 2.191235e-01
+981 2.181710e-01
+982 2.172180e-01
+983 2.162647e-01
+984 2.153110e-01
+985 2.143569e-01
+986 2.134025e-01
+987 2.124476e-01
+988 2.114924e-01
+989 2.105368e-01
+990 2.095808e-01
+991 2.086245e-01
+992 2.076677e-01
+993 2.067106e-01
+994 2.057531e-01
+995 2.047952e-01
+996 2.038369e-01
+997 2.028783e-01
+998 2.019192e-01
+999 2.009598e-01
+1000 2.000000e-01
+1001 1.990398e-01
+1002 1.980792e-01
+1003 1.971183e-01
+1004 1.961569e-01
+1005 1.951952e-01
+1006 1.942331e-01
+1007 1.932706e-01
+1008 1.923077e-01
+1009 1.913444e-01
+1010 1.903808e-01
+1011 1.894167e-01
+1012 1.884523e-01
+1013 1.874875e-01
+1014 1.865223e-01
+1015 1.855567e-01
+1016 1.845907e-01
+1017 1.836243e-01
+1018 1.826576e-01
+1019 1.816904e-01
+1020 1.807229e-01
+1021 1.797550e-01
+1022 1.787867e-01
+1023 1.778180e-01
+1024 1.768489e-01
+1025 1.758794e-01
+1026 1.749095e-01
+1027 1.739393e-01
+1028 1.729686e-01
+1029 1.719976e-01
+1030 1.710262e-01
+1031 1.700543e-01
+1032 1.690821e-01
+1033 1.681095e-01
+1034 1.671365e-01
+1035 1.661631e-01
+1036 1.651894e-01
+1037 1.642152e-01
+1038 1.632406e-01
+1039 1.622657e-01
+1040 1.612903e-01
+1041 1.603146e-01
+1042 1.593384e-01
+1043 1.583619e-01
+1044 1.573850e-01
+1045 1.564077e-01
+1046 1.554300e-01
+1047 1.544518e-01
+1048 1.534733e-01
+1049 1.524944e-01
+1050 1.515152e-01
+1051 1.505355e-01
+1052 1.495554e-01
+1053 1.485749e-01
+1054 1.475940e-01
+1055 1.466127e-01
+1056 1.456311e-01
+1057 1.446490e-01
+1058 1.436665e-01
+1059 1.426837e-01
+1060 1.417004e-01
+1061 1.407167e-01
+1062 1.397327e-01
+1063 1.387482e-01
+1064 1.377634e-01
+1065 1.367781e-01
+1066 1.357925e-01
+1067 1.348064e-01
+1068 1.338200e-01
+1069 1.328331e-01
+1070 1.318458e-01
+1071 1.308582e-01
+1072 1.298701e-01
+1073 1.288817e-01
+1074 1.278928e-01
+1075 1.269036e-01
+1076 1.259139e-01
+1077 1.249238e-01
+1078 1.239334e-01
+1079 1.229425e-01
+1080 1.219512e-01
+1081 1.209595e-01
+1082 1.199675e-01
+1083 1.189750e-01
+1084 1.179821e-01
+1085 1.169888e-01
+1086 1.159951e-01
+1087 1.150010e-01
+1088 1.140065e-01
+1089 1.130116e-01
+1090 1.120163e-01
+1091 1.110206e-01
+1092 1.100244e-01
+1093 1.090279e-01
+1094 1.080310e-01
+1095 1.070336e-01
+1096 1.060359e-01
+1097 1.050377e-01
+1098 1.040392e-01
+1099 1.030402e-01
+1100 1.020408e-01
+1101 1.010410e-01
+1102 1.000408e-01
+1103 9.904023e-02
+1104 9.803922e-02
+1105 9.703779e-02
+1106 9.603596e-02
+1107 9.503372e-02
+1108 9.403107e-02
+1109 9.302801e-02
+1110 9.202454e-02
+1111 9.102066e-02
+1112 9.001637e-02
+1113 8.901166e-02
+1114 8.800655e-02
+1115 8.700102e-02
+1116 8.599509e-02
+1117 8.498874e-02
+1118 8.398197e-02
+1119 8.297480e-02
+1120 8.196721e-02
+1121 8.095921e-02
+1122 7.995080e-02
+1123 7.894197e-02
+1124 7.793273e-02
+1125 7.692308e-02
+1126 7.591301e-02
+1127 7.490252e-02
+1128 7.389163e-02
+1129 7.288031e-02
+1130 7.186858e-02
+1131 7.085644e-02
+1132 6.984388e-02
+1133 6.883090e-02
+1134 6.781751e-02
+1135 6.680370e-02
+1136 6.578947e-02
+1137 6.477483e-02
+1138 6.375977e-02
+1139 6.274429e-02
+1140 6.172840e-02
+1141 6.071208e-02
+1142 5.969535e-02
+1143 5.867820e-02
+1144 5.766063e-02
+1145 5.664264e-02
+1146 5.562423e-02
+1147 5.460540e-02
+1148 5.358615e-02
+1149 5.256648e-02
+1150 5.154639e-02
+1151 5.052588e-02
+1152 4.950495e-02
+1153 4.848360e-02
+1154 4.746182e-02
+1155 4.643963e-02
+1156 4.541701e-02
+1157 4.439397e-02
+1158 4.337051e-02
+1159 4.234662e-02
+1160 4.132231e-02
+1161 4.029758e-02
+1162 3.927243e-02
+1163 3.824685e-02
+1164 3.722084e-02
+1165 3.619442e-02
+1166 3.516756e-02
+1167 3.414029e-02
+1168 3.311258e-02
+1169 3.208445e-02
+1170 3.105590e-02
+1171 3.002692e-02
+1172 2.899751e-02
+1173 2.796768e-02
+1174 2.693742e-02
+1175 2.590674e-02
+1176 2.487562e-02
+1177 2.384408e-02
+1178 2.281211e-02
+1179 2.177971e-02
+1180 2.074689e-02
+1181 1.971363e-02
+1182 1.867995e-02
+1183 1.764584e-02
+1184 1.661130e-02
+1185 1.557632e-02
+1186 1.454092e-02
+1187 1.350509e-02
+1188 1.246883e-02
+1189 1.143213e-02
+1190 1.039501e-02
+1191 9.357455e-03
+1192 8.319468e-03
+1193 7.281048e-03
+1194 6.242197e-03
+1195 5.202914e-03
+1196 4.163197e-03
+1197 3.123048e-03
+1198 2.082466e-03
+1199 1.041450e-03
+1200 -1.877092e-15
+1201 -1.041884e-03
+1202 -2.084202e-03
+1203 -3.126954e-03
+1204 -4.170142e-03
+1205 -5.213764e-03
+1206 -6.257822e-03
+1207 -7.302316e-03
+1208 -8.347245e-03
+1209 -9.392611e-03
+1210 -1.043841e-02
+1211 -1.148465e-02
+1212 -1.253133e-02
+1213 -1.357844e-02
+1214 -1.462599e-02
+1215 -1.567398e-02
+1216 -1.672241e-02
+1217 -1.777127e-02
+1218 -1.882058e-02
+1219 -1.987032e-02
+1220 -2.092050e-02
+1221 -2.197112e-02
+1222 -2.302219e-02
+1223 -2.407369e-02
+1224 -2.512563e-02
+1225 -2.617801e-02
+1226 -2.723083e-02
+1227 -2.828410e-02
+1228 -2.933780e-02
+1229 -3.039195e-02
+1230 -3.144654e-02
+1231 -3.250157e-02
+1232 -3.355705e-02
+1233 -3.461296e-02
+1234 -3.566932e-02
+1235 -3.672613e-02
+1236 -3.778338e-02
+1237 -3.884107e-02
+1238 -3.989920e-02
+1239 -4.095778e-02
+1240 -4.201681e-02
+1241 -4.307628e-02
+1242 -4.413619e-02
+1243 -4.519655e-02
+1244 -4.625736e-02
+1245 -4.731861e-02
+1246 -4.838031e-02
+1247 -4.944246e-02
+1248 -5.050505e-02
+1249 -5.156809e-02
+1250 -5.263158e-02
+1251 -5.369551e-02
+1252 -5.475990e-02
+1253 -5.582473e-02
+1254 -5.689001e-02
+1255 -5.795574e-02
+1256 -5.902192e-02
+1257 -6.008855e-02
+1258 -6.115563e-02
+1259 -6.222316e-02
+1260 -6.329114e-02
+1261 -6.435957e-02
+1262 -6.542845e-02
+1263 -6.649778e-02
+1264 -6.756757e-02
+1265 -6.863780e-02
+1266 -6.970849e-02
+1267 -7.077963e-02
+1268 -7.185123e-02
+1269 -7.292327e-02
+1270 -7.399577e-02
+1271 -7.506872e-02
+1272 -7.614213e-02
+1273 -7.721599e-02
+1274 -7.829031e-02
+1275 -7.936508e-02
+1276 -8.044030e-02
+1277 -8.151599e-02
+1278 -8.259212e-02
+1279 -8.366871e-02
+1280 -8.474576e-02
+1281 -8.582327e-02
+1282 -8.690123e-02
+1283 -8.797965e-02
+1284 -8.905852e-02
+1285 -9.013786e-02
+1286 -9.121765e-02
+1287 -9.229790e-02
+1288 -9.337861e-02
+1289 -9.445977e-02
+1290 -9.554140e-02
+1291 -9.662349e-02
+1292 -9.770603e-02
+1293 -9.878904e-02
+1294 -9.987250e-02
+1295 -1.009564e-01
+1296 -1.020408e-01
+1297 -1.031257e-01
+1298 -1.042110e-01
+1299 -1.052967e-01
+1300 -1.063830e-01
+1301 -1.074697e-01
+1302 -1.085568e-01
+1303 -1.096445e-01
+1304 -1.107325e-01
+1305 -1.118211e-01
+1306 -1.129101e-01
+1307 -1.139996e-01
+1308 -1.150895e-01
+1309 -1.161799e-01
+1310 -1.172708e-01
+1311 -1.183621e-01
+1312 -1.194539e-01
+1313 -1.205462e-01
+1314 -1.216389e-01
+1315 -1.227321e-01
+1316 -1.238258e-01
+1317 -1.249199e-01
+1318 -1.260145e-01
+1319 -1.271096e-01
+1320 -1.282051e-01
+1321 -1.293011e-01
+1322 -1.303976e-01
+1323 -1.314945e-01
+1324 -1.325920e-01
+1325 -1.336898e-01
+1326 -1.347882e-01
+1327 -1.358870e-01
+1328 -1.369863e-01
+1329 -1.380861e-01
+1330 -1.391863e-01
+1331 -1.402870e-01
+1332 -1.413882e-01
+1333 -1.424898e-01
+1334 -1.435919e-01
+1335 -1.446945e-01
+1336 -1.457976e-01
+1337 -1.469011e-01
+1338 -1.480051e-01
+1339 -1.491096e-01
+1340 -1.502146e-01
+1341 -1.513200e-01
+1342 -1.524259e-01
+1343 -1.535323e-01
+1344 -1.546392e-01
+1345 -1.557465e-01
+1346 -1.568543e-01
+1347 -1.579626e-01
+1348 -1.590714e-01
+1349 -1.601806e-01
+1350 -1.612903e-01
+1351 -1.624005e-01
+1352 -1.635112e-01
+1353 -1.646223e-01
+1354 -1.657340e-01
+1355 -1.668461e-01
+1356 -1.679587e-01
+1357 -1.690717e-01
+1358 -1.701853e-01
+1359 -1.712993e-01
+1360 -1.724138e-01
+1361 -1.735288e-01
+1362 -1.746442e-01
+1363 -1.757602e-01
+1364 -1.768766e-01
+1365 -1.779935e-01
+1366 -1.791109e-01
+1367 -1.802288e-01
+1368 -1.813472e-01
+1369 -1.824660e-01
+1370 -1.835853e-01
+1371 -1.847051e-01
+1372 -1.858254e-01
+1373 -1.869462e-01
+1374 -1.880674e-01
+1375 -1.891892e-01
+1376 -1.903114e-01
+1377 -1.914341e-01
+1378 -1.925573e-01
+1379 -1.936810e-01
+1380 -1.948052e-01
+1381 -1.959299e-01
+1382 -1.970550e-01
+1383 -1.981806e-01
+1384 -1.993068e-01
+1385 -2.004334e-01
+1386 -2.015605e-01
+1387 -2.026881e-01
+1388 -2.038161e-01
+1389 -2.049447e-01
+1390 -2.060738e-01
+1391 -2.072033e-01
+1392 -2.083333e-01
+1393 -2.094639e-01
+1394 -2.105949e-01
+1395 -2.117264e-01
+1396 -2.128584e-01
+1397 -2.139909e-01
+1398 -2.151239e-01
+1399 -2.162573e-01
+1400 -2.173913e-01
+1401 -2.185258e-01
+1402 -2.196607e-01
+1403 -2.207962e-01
+1404 -2.219321e-01
+1405 -2.230686e-01
+1406 -2.242055e-01
+1407 -2.253429e-01
+1408 -2.264808e-01
+1409 -2.276193e-01
+1410 -2.287582e-01
+1411 -2.298976e-01
+1412 -2.310375e-01
+1413 -2.321779e-01
+1414 -2.333188e-01
+1415 -2.344602e-01
+1416 -2.356021e-01
+1417 -2.367445e-01
+1418 -2.378874e-01
+1419 -2.390308e-01
+1420 -2.401747e-01
+1421 -2.413191e-01
+1422 -2.424640e-01
+1423 -2.436094e-01
+1424 -2.447552e-01
+1425 -2.459016e-01
+1426 -2.470485e-01
+1427 -2.481959e-01
+1428 -2.493438e-01
+1429 -2.504922e-01
+1430 -2.516411e-01
+1431 -2.527905e-01
+1432 -2.539405e-01
+1433 -2.550909e-01
+1434 -2.562418e-01
+1435 -2.573932e-01
+1436 -2.585451e-01
+1437 -2.596976e-01
+1438 -2.608505e-01
+1439 -2.620039e-01
+1440 -2.631579e-01
+1441 -2.643123e-01
+1442 -2.654673e-01
+1443 -2.666228e-01
+1444 -2.677788e-01
+1445 -2.689352e-01
+1446 -2.700922e-01
+1447 -2.712497e-01
+1448 -2.724077e-01
+1449 -2.735662e-01
+1450 -2.747253e-01
+1451 -2.758848e-01
+1452 -2.770449e-01
+1453 -2.782054e-01
+1454 -2.793665e-01
+1455 -2.805281e-01
+1456 -2.816901e-01
+1457 -2.828527e-01
+1458 -2.840159e-01
+1459 -2.851795e-01
+1460 -2.863436e-01
+1461 -2.875083e-01
+1462 -2.886734e-01
+1463 -2.898391e-01
+1464 -2.910053e-01
+1465 -2.921720e-01
+1466 -2.933392e-01
+1467 -2.945069e-01
+1468 -2.956752e-01
+1469 -2.968440e-01
+1470 -2.980132e-01
+1471 -2.991830e-01
+1472 -3.003534e-01
+1473 -3.015242e-01
+1474 -3.026955e-01
+1475 -3.038674e-01
+1476 -3.050398e-01
+1477 -3.062127e-01
+1478 -3.073861e-01
+1479 -3.085601e-01
+1480 -3.097345e-01
+1481 -3.109095e-01
+1482 -3.120850e-01
+1483 -3.132610e-01
+1484 -3.144376e-01
+1485 -3.156146e-01
+1486 -3.167922e-01
+1487 -3.179703e-01
+1488 -3.191489e-01
+1489 -3.203281e-01
+1490 -3.215078e-01
+1491 -3.226880e-01
+1492 -3.238687e-01
+1493 -3.250499e-01
+1494 -3.262317e-01
+1495 -3.274140e-01
+1496 -3.285968e-01
+1497 -3.297801e-01
+1498 -3.309640e-01
+1499 -3.321484e-01
+1500 -3.333333e-01
+1501 -3.345188e-01
+1502 -3.357048e-01
+1503 -3.368913e-01
+1504 -3.380783e-01
+1505 -3.392659e-01
+1506 -3.404539e-01
+1507 -3.416426e-01
+1508 -3.428317e-01
+1509 -3.440214e-01
+1510 -3.452116e-01
+1511 -3.464023e-01
+1512 -3.475936e-01
+1513 -3.487854e-01
+1514 -3.499777e-01
+1515 -3.511706e-01
+1516 -3.523640e-01
+1517 -3.535579e-01
+1518 -3.547523e-01
+1519 -3.559473e-01
+1520 -3.571429e-01
+1521 -3.583389e-01
+1522 -3.595355e-01
+1523 -3.607326e-01
+1524 -3.619303e-01
+1525 -3.631285e-01
+1526 -3.643272e-01
+1527 -3.655265e-01
+1528 -3.667263e-01
+1529 -3.679266e-01
+1530 -3.691275e-01
+1531 -3.703289e-01
+1532 -3.715309e-01
+1533 -3.727334e-01
+1534 -3.739364e-01
+1535 -3.751400e-01
+1536 -3.763441e-01
+1537 -3.775487e-01
+1538 -3.787539e-01
+1539 -3.799597e-01
+1540 -3.811659e-01
+1541 -3.823727e-01
+1542 -3.835801e-01
+1543 -3.847880e-01
+1544 -3.859964e-01
+1545 -3.872054e-01
+1546 -3.884149e-01
+1547 -3.896250e-01
+1548 -3.908356e-01
+1549 -3.920467e-01
+1550 -3.932584e-01
+1551 -3.944707e-01
+1552 -3.956835e-01
+1553 -3.968968e-01
+1554 -3.981107e-01
+1555 -3.993251e-01
+1556 -4.005401e-01
+1557 -4.017556e-01
+1558 -4.029716e-01
+1559 -4.041882e-01
+1560 -4.054054e-01
+1561 -4.066231e-01
+1562 -4.078414e-01
+1563 -4.090602e-01
+1564 -4.102795e-01
+1565 -4.114994e-01
+1566 -4.127199e-01
+1567 -4.139409e-01
+1568 -4.151625e-01
+1569 -4.163846e-01
+1570 -4.176072e-01
+1571 -4.188304e-01
+1572 -4.200542e-01
+1573 -4.212785e-01
+1574 -4.225034e-01
+1575 -4.237288e-01
+1576 -4.249548e-01
+1577 -4.261813e-01
+1578 -4.274084e-01
+1579 -4.286361e-01
+1580 -4.298643e-01
+1581 -4.310930e-01
+1582 -4.323223e-01
+1583 -4.335522e-01
+1584 -4.347826e-01
+1585 -4.360136e-01
+1586 -4.372451e-01
+1587 -4.384772e-01
+1588 -4.397099e-01
+1589 -4.409431e-01
+1590 -4.421769e-01
+1591 -4.434112e-01
+1592 -4.446461e-01
+1593 -4.458816e-01
+1594 -4.471176e-01
+1595 -4.483541e-01
+1596 -4.495913e-01
+1597 -4.508290e-01
+1598 -4.520672e-01
+1599 -4.533061e-01
+1600 -4.545455e-01
+1601 -4.557854e-01
+1602 -4.570259e-01
+1603 -4.582670e-01
+1604 -4.595086e-01
+1605 -4.607509e-01
+1606 -4.619936e-01
+1607 -4.632370e-01
+1608 -4.644809e-01
+1609 -4.657253e-01
+1610 -4.669704e-01
+1611 -4.682160e-01
+1612 -4.694622e-01
+1613 -4.707089e-01
+1614 -4.719562e-01
+1615 -4.732041e-01
+1616 -4.744526e-01
+1617 -4.757016e-01
+1618 -4.769512e-01
+1619 -4.782013e-01
+1620 -4.794521e-01
+1621 -4.807034e-01
+1622 -4.819552e-01
+1623 -4.832077e-01
+1624 -4.844607e-01
+1625 -4.857143e-01
+1626 -4.869684e-01
+1627 -4.882232e-01
+1628 -4.894785e-01
+1629 -4.907344e-01
+1630 -4.919908e-01
+1631 -4.932479e-01
+1632 -4.945055e-01
+1633 -4.957637e-01
+1634 -4.970224e-01
+1635 -4.982818e-01
+1636 -4.995417e-01
+1637 -5.008022e-01
+1638 -5.020633e-01
+1639 -5.033249e-01
+1640 -5.045872e-01
+1641 -5.058500e-01
+1642 -5.071134e-01
+1643 -5.083773e-01
+1644 -5.096419e-01
+1645 -5.109070e-01
+1646 -5.121727e-01
+1647 -5.134390e-01
+1648 -5.147059e-01
+1649 -5.159733e-01
+1650 -5.172414e-01
+1651 -5.185100e-01
+1652 -5.197792e-01
+1653 -5.210490e-01
+1654 -5.223194e-01
+1655 -5.235903e-01
+1656 -5.248619e-01
+1657 -5.261340e-01
+1658 -5.274067e-01
+1659 -5.286800e-01
+1660 -5.299539e-01
+1661 -5.312284e-01
+1662 -5.325035e-01
+1663 -5.337791e-01
+1664 -5.350554e-01
+1665 -5.363322e-01
+1666 -5.376096e-01
+1667 -5.388876e-01
+1668 -5.401662e-01
+1669 -5.414454e-01
+1670 -5.427252e-01
+1671 -5.440055e-01
+1672 -5.452865e-01
+1673 -5.465681e-01
+1674 -5.478502e-01
+1675 -5.491329e-01
+1676 -5.504163e-01
+1677 -5.517002e-01
+1678 -5.529847e-01
+1679 -5.542698e-01
+1680 -5.555556e-01
+1681 -5.568419e-01
+1682 -5.581288e-01
+1683 -5.594163e-01
+1684 -5.607044e-01
+1685 -5.619930e-01
+1686 -5.632823e-01
+1687 -5.645722e-01
+1688 -5.658627e-01
+1689 -5.671538e-01
+1690 -5.684455e-01
+1691 -5.697378e-01
+1692 -5.710306e-01
+1693 -5.723241e-01
+1694 -5.736182e-01
+1695 -5.749129e-01
+1696 -5.762082e-01
+1697 -5.775041e-01
+1698 -5.788006e-01
+1699 -5.800977e-01
+1700 -5.813953e-01
+1701 -5.826936e-01
+1702 -5.839926e-01
+1703 -5.852921e-01
+1704 -5.865922e-01
+1705 -5.878929e-01
+1706 -5.891942e-01
+1707 -5.904962e-01
+1708 -5.917987e-01
+1709 -5.931018e-01
+1710 -5.944056e-01
+1711 -5.957100e-01
+1712 -5.970149e-01
+1713 -5.983205e-01
+1714 -5.996267e-01
+1715 -6.009335e-01
+1716 -6.022409e-01
+1717 -6.035489e-01
+1718 -6.048575e-01
+1719 -6.061668e-01
+1720 -6.074766e-01
+1721 -6.087871e-01
+1722 -6.100982e-01
+1723 -6.114099e-01
+1724 -6.127222e-01
+1725 -6.140351e-01
+1726 -6.153486e-01
+1727 -6.166628e-01
+1728 -6.179775e-01
+1729 -6.192929e-01
+1730 -6.206089e-01
+1731 -6.219255e-01
+1732 -6.232427e-01
+1733 -6.245606e-01
+1734 -6.258790e-01
+1735 -6.271981e-01
+1736 -6.285178e-01
+1737 -6.298381e-01
+1738 -6.311591e-01
+1739 -6.324806e-01
+1740 -6.338028e-01
+1741 -6.351256e-01
+1742 -6.364490e-01
+1743 -6.377731e-01
+1744 -6.390977e-01
+1745 -6.404230e-01
+1746 -6.417489e-01
+1747 -6.430755e-01
+1748 -6.444026e-01
+1749 -6.457304e-01
+1750 -6.470588e-01
+1751 -6.483879e-01
+1752 -6.497175e-01
+1753 -6.510478e-01
+1754 -6.523787e-01
+1755 -6.537102e-01
+1756 -6.550424e-01
+1757 -6.563752e-01
+1758 -6.577086e-01
+1759 -6.590427e-01
+1760 -6.603774e-01
+1761 -6.617127e-01
+1762 -6.630486e-01
+1763 -6.643852e-01
+1764 -6.657224e-01
+1765 -6.670602e-01
+1766 -6.683987e-01
+1767 -6.697378e-01
+1768 -6.710775e-01
+1769 -6.724179e-01
+1770 -6.737589e-01
+1771 -6.751005e-01
+1772 -6.764428e-01
+1773 -6.777857e-01
+1774 -6.791292e-01
+1775 -6.804734e-01
+1776 -6.818182e-01
+1777 -6.831636e-01
+1778 -6.845097e-01
+1779 -6.858564e-01
+1780 -6.872038e-01
+1781 -6.885518e-01
+1782 -6.899004e-01
+1783 -6.912497e-01
+1784 -6.925996e-01
+1785 -6.939502e-01
+1786 -6.953014e-01
+1787 -6.966532e-01
+1788 -6.980057e-01
+1789 -6.993588e-01
+1790 -7.007126e-01
+1791 -7.020670e-01
+1792 -7.034221e-01
+1793 -7.047778e-01
+1794 -7.061341e-01
+1795 -7.074911e-01
+1796 -7.088487e-01
+1797 -7.102070e-01
+1798 -7.115659e-01
+1799 -7.129255e-01
+1800 -7.142857e-01
+1801 -7.156466e-01
+1802 -7.170081e-01
+1803 -7.183703e-01
+1804 -7.197331e-01
+1805 -7.210965e-01
+1806 -7.224607e-01
+1807 -7.238254e-01
+1808 -7.251908e-01
+1809 -7.265569e-01
+1810 -7.279236e-01
+1811 -7.292910e-01
+1812 -7.306590e-01
+1813 -7.320277e-01
+1814 -7.333970e-01
+1815 -7.347670e-01
+1816 -7.361377e-01
+1817 -7.375090e-01
+1818 -7.388809e-01
+1819 -7.402535e-01
+1820 -7.416268e-01
+1821 -7.430007e-01
+1822 -7.443753e-01
+1823 -7.457505e-01
+1824 -7.471264e-01
+1825 -7.485030e-01
+1826 -7.498802e-01
+1827 -7.512581e-01
+1828 -7.526366e-01
+1829 -7.540158e-01
+1830 -7.553957e-01
+1831 -7.567762e-01
+1832 -7.581574e-01
+1833 -7.595392e-01
+1834 -7.609217e-01
+1835 -7.623049e-01
+1836 -7.636888e-01
+1837 -7.650733e-01
+1838 -7.664584e-01
+1839 -7.678443e-01
+1840 -7.692308e-01
+1841 -7.706179e-01
+1842 -7.720058e-01
+1843 -7.733943e-01
+1844 -7.747834e-01
+1845 -7.761733e-01
+1846 -7.775638e-01
+1847 -7.789550e-01
+1848 -7.803468e-01
+1849 -7.817393e-01
+1850 -7.831325e-01
+1851 -7.845264e-01
+1852 -7.859209e-01
+1853 -7.873161e-01
+1854 -7.887120e-01
+1855 -7.901086e-01
+1856 -7.915058e-01
+1857 -7.929037e-01
+1858 -7.943023e-01
+1859 -7.957015e-01
+1860 -7.971014e-01
+1861 -7.985021e-01
+1862 -7.999033e-01
+1863 -8.013053e-01
+1864 -8.027079e-01
+1865 -8.041112e-01
+1866 -8.055152e-01
+1867 -8.069199e-01
+1868 -8.083253e-01
+1869 -8.097313e-01
+1870 -8.111380e-01
+1871 -8.125454e-01
+1872 -8.139535e-01
+1873 -8.153622e-01
+1874 -8.167717e-01
+1875 -8.181818e-01
+1876 -8.195926e-01
+1877 -8.210041e-01
+1878 -8.224163e-01
+1879 -8.238292e-01
+1880 -8.252427e-01
+1881 -8.266570e-01
+1882 -8.280719e-01
+1883 -8.294875e-01
+1884 -8.309038e-01
+1885 -8.323208e-01
+1886 -8.337385e-01
+1887 -8.351568e-01
+1888 -8.365759e-01
+1889 -8.379956e-01
+1890 -8.394161e-01
+1891 -8.408372e-01
+1892 -8.422590e-01
+1893 -8.436815e-01
+1894 -8.451047e-01
+1895 -8.465286e-01
+1896 -8.479532e-01
+1897 -8.493785e-01
+1898 -8.508045e-01
+1899 -8.522312e-01
+1900 -8.536585e-01
+1901 -8.550866e-01
+1902 -8.565154e-01
+1903 -8.579448e-01
+1904 -8.593750e-01
+1905 -8.608059e-01
+1906 -8.622374e-01
+1907 -8.636697e-01
+1908 -8.651026e-01
+1909 -8.665363e-01
+1910 -8.679707e-01
+1911 -8.694057e-01
+1912 -8.708415e-01
+1913 -8.722780e-01
+1914 -8.737151e-01
+1915 -8.751530e-01
+1916 -8.765916e-01
+1917 -8.780309e-01
+1918 -8.794708e-01
+1919 -8.809115e-01
+1920 -8.823529e-01
+1921 -8.837950e-01
+1922 -8.852379e-01
+1923 -8.866814e-01
+1924 -8.881256e-01
+1925 -8.895706e-01
+1926 -8.910162e-01
+1927 -8.924626e-01
+1928 -8.939096e-01
+1929 -8.953574e-01
+1930 -8.968059e-01
+1931 -8.982551e-01
+1932 -8.997050e-01
+1933 -9.011556e-01
+1934 -9.026070e-01
+1935 -9.040590e-01
+1936 -9.055118e-01
+1937 -9.069653e-01
+1938 -9.084195e-01
+1939 -9.098744e-01
+1940 -9.113300e-01
+1941 -9.127864e-01
+1942 -9.142435e-01
+1943 -9.157013e-01
+1944 -9.171598e-01
+1945 -9.186190e-01
+1946 -9.200789e-01
+1947 -9.215396e-01
+1948 -9.230010e-01
+1949 -9.244631e-01
+1950 -9.259259e-01
+1951 -9.273895e-01
+1952 -9.288538e-01
+1953 -9.303188e-01
+1954 -9.317845e-01
+1955 -9.332509e-01
+1956 -9.347181e-01
+1957 -9.361860e-01
+1958 -9.376546e-01
+1959 -9.391240e-01
+1960 -9.405941e-01
+1961 -9.420649e-01
+1962 -9.435364e-01
+1963 -9.450087e-01
+1964 -9.464817e-01
+1965 -9.479554e-01
+1966 -9.494298e-01
+1967 -9.509050e-01
+1968 -9.523810e-01
+1969 -9.538576e-01
+1970 -9.553350e-01
+1971 -9.568131e-01
+1972 -9.582920e-01
+1973 -9.597715e-01
+1974 -9.612519e-01
+1975 -9.627329e-01
+1976 -9.642147e-01
+1977 -9.656972e-01
+1978 -9.671805e-01
+1979 -9.686645e-01
+1980 -9.701493e-01
+1981 -9.716347e-01
+1982 -9.731210e-01
+1983 -9.746079e-01
+1984 -9.760956e-01
+1985 -9.775841e-01
+1986 -9.790732e-01
+1987 -9.805632e-01
+1988 -9.820538e-01
+1989 -9.835453e-01
+1990 -9.850374e-01
+1991 -9.865303e-01
+1992 -9.880240e-01
+1993 -9.895183e-01
+1994 -9.910135e-01
+1995 -9.925094e-01
+1996 -9.940060e-01
+1997 -9.955034e-01
+1998 -9.970015e-01
+1999 -9.985004e-01
+2000 -1.000000e+00
+2001 -9.996249e-01
+2002 -9.992496e-01
+2003 -9.988742e-01
+2004 -9.984985e-01
+2005 -9.981227e-01
+2006 -9.977466e-01
+2007 -9.973704e-01
+2008 -9.969940e-01
+2009 -9.966174e-01
+2010 -9.962406e-01
+2011 -9.958636e-01
+2012 -9.954865e-01
+2013 -9.951091e-01
+2014 -9.947316e-01
+2015 -9.943538e-01
+2016 -9.939759e-01
+2017 -9.935978e-01
+2018 -9.932195e-01
+2019 -9.928410e-01
+2020 -9.924623e-01
+2021 -9.920834e-01
+2022 -9.917044e-01
+2023 -9.913251e-01
+2024 -9.909457e-01
+2025 -9.905660e-01
+2026 -9.901862e-01
+2027 -9.898062e-01
+2028 -9.894260e-01
+2029 -9.890456e-01
+2030 -9.886650e-01
+2031 -9.882842e-01
+2032 -9.879032e-01
+2033 -9.875221e-01
+2034 -9.871407e-01
+2035 -9.867591e-01
+2036 -9.863774e-01
+2037 -9.859955e-01
+2038 -9.856133e-01
+2039 -9.852310e-01
+2040 -9.848485e-01
+2041 -9.844658e-01
+2042 -9.840829e-01
+2043 -9.836998e-01
+2044 -9.833165e-01
+2045 -9.829330e-01
+2046 -9.825493e-01
+2047 -9.821654e-01
+2048 -9.817814e-01
+2049 -9.813971e-01
+2050 -9.810127e-01
+2051 -9.806280e-01
+2052 -9.802432e-01
+2053 -9.798581e-01
+2054 -9.794729e-01
+2055 -9.790875e-01
+2056 -9.787018e-01
+2057 -9.783160e-01
+2058 -9.779300e-01
+2059 -9.775438e-01
+2060 -9.771574e-01
+2061 -9.767708e-01
+2062 -9.763840e-01
+2063 -9.759970e-01
+2064 -9.756098e-01
+2065 -9.752224e-01
+2066 -9.748348e-01
+2067 -9.744470e-01
+2068 -9.740590e-01
+2069 -9.736708e-01
+2070 -9.732824e-01
+2071 -9.728939e-01
+2072 -9.725051e-01
+2073 -9.721161e-01
+2074 -9.717269e-01
+2075 -9.713376e-01
+2076 -9.709480e-01
+2077 -9.705582e-01
+2078 -9.701683e-01
+2079 -9.697781e-01
+2080 -9.693878e-01
+2081 -9.689972e-01
+2082 -9.686064e-01
+2083 -9.682155e-01
+2084 -9.678243e-01
+2085 -9.674330e-01
+2086 -9.670414e-01
+2087 -9.666496e-01
+2088 -9.662577e-01
+2089 -9.658655e-01
+2090 -9.654731e-01
+2091 -9.650806e-01
+2092 -9.646878e-01
+2093 -9.642949e-01
+2094 -9.639017e-01
+2095 -9.635083e-01
+2096 -9.631148e-01
+2097 -9.627210e-01
+2098 -9.623270e-01
+2099 -9.619328e-01
+2100 -9.615385e-01
+2101 -9.611439e-01
+2102 -9.607491e-01
+2103 -9.603541e-01
+2104 -9.599589e-01
+2105 -9.595635e-01
+2106 -9.591680e-01
+2107 -9.587722e-01
+2108 -9.583762e-01
+2109 -9.579800e-01
+2110 -9.575835e-01
+2111 -9.571869e-01
+2112 -9.567901e-01
+2113 -9.563931e-01
+2114 -9.559959e-01
+2115 -9.555985e-01
+2116 -9.552008e-01
+2117 -9.548030e-01
+2118 -9.544049e-01
+2119 -9.540067e-01
+2120 -9.536082e-01
+2121 -9.532096e-01
+2122 -9.528107e-01
+2123 -9.524117e-01
+2124 -9.520124e-01
+2125 -9.516129e-01
+2126 -9.512132e-01
+2127 -9.508133e-01
+2128 -9.504132e-01
+2129 -9.500129e-01
+2130 -9.496124e-01
+2131 -9.492117e-01
+2132 -9.488108e-01
+2133 -9.484096e-01
+2134 -9.480083e-01
+2135 -9.476067e-01
+2136 -9.472050e-01
+2137 -9.468030e-01
+2138 -9.464008e-01
+2139 -9.459984e-01
+2140 -9.455959e-01
+2141 -9.451931e-01
+2142 -9.447900e-01
+2143 -9.443868e-01
+2144 -9.439834e-01
+2145 -9.435798e-01
+2146 -9.431759e-01
+2147 -9.427719e-01
+2148 -9.423676e-01
+2149 -9.419631e-01
+2150 -9.415584e-01
+2151 -9.411535e-01
+2152 -9.407484e-01
+2153 -9.403431e-01
+2154 -9.399376e-01
+2155 -9.395319e-01
+2156 -9.391259e-01
+2157 -9.387198e-01
+2158 -9.383134e-01
+2159 -9.379068e-01
+2160 -9.375000e-01
+2161 -9.370930e-01
+2162 -9.366858e-01
+2163 -9.362783e-01
+2164 -9.358707e-01
+2165 -9.354628e-01
+2166 -9.350548e-01
+2167 -9.346465e-01
+2168 -9.342380e-01
+2169 -9.338293e-01
+2170 -9.334204e-01
+2171 -9.330112e-01
+2172 -9.326019e-01
+2173 -9.321923e-01
+2174 -9.317825e-01
+2175 -9.313725e-01
+2176 -9.309623e-01
+2177 -9.305519e-01
+2178 -9.301413e-01
+2179 -9.297304e-01
+2180 -9.293194e-01
+2181 -9.289081e-01
+2182 -9.284966e-01
+2183 -9.280849e-01
+2184 -9.276730e-01
+2185 -9.272608e-01
+2186 -9.268485e-01
+2187 -9.264359e-01
+2188 -9.260231e-01
+2189 -9.256101e-01
+2190 -9.251969e-01
+2191 -9.247834e-01
+2192 -9.243697e-01
+2193 -9.239559e-01
+2194 -9.235418e-01
+2195 -9.231275e-01
+2196 -9.227129e-01
+2197 -9.222982e-01
+2198 -9.218832e-01
+2199 -9.214680e-01
+2200 -9.210526e-01
+2201 -9.206370e-01
+2202 -9.202212e-01
+2203 -9.198051e-01
+2204 -9.193888e-01
+2205 -9.189723e-01
+2206 -9.185556e-01
+2207 -9.181387e-01
+2208 -9.177215e-01
+2209 -9.173041e-01
+2210 -9.168865e-01
+2211 -9.164687e-01
+2212 -9.160507e-01
+2213 -9.156324e-01
+2214 -9.152139e-01
+2215 -9.147952e-01
+2216 -9.143763e-01
+2217 -9.139572e-01
+2218 -9.135378e-01
+2219 -9.131182e-01
+2220 -9.126984e-01
+2221 -9.122784e-01
+2222 -9.118581e-01
+2223 -9.114376e-01
+2224 -9.110169e-01
+2225 -9.105960e-01
+2226 -9.101749e-01
+2227 -9.097535e-01
+2228 -9.093319e-01
+2229 -9.089101e-01
+2230 -9.084881e-01
+2231 -9.080658e-01
+2232 -9.076433e-01
+2233 -9.072206e-01
+2234 -9.067977e-01
+2235 -9.063745e-01
+2236 -9.059511e-01
+2237 -9.055275e-01
+2238 -9.051037e-01
+2239 -9.046796e-01
+2240 -9.042553e-01
+2241 -9.038308e-01
+2242 -9.034061e-01
+2243 -9.029811e-01
+2244 -9.025559e-01
+2245 -9.021305e-01
+2246 -9.017048e-01
+2247 -9.012790e-01
+2248 -9.008529e-01
+2249 -9.004266e-01
+2250 -9.000000e-01
+2251 -8.995732e-01
+2252 -8.991462e-01
+2253 -8.987190e-01
+2254 -8.982915e-01
+2255 -8.978638e-01
+2256 -8.974359e-01
+2257 -8.970077e-01
+2258 -8.965794e-01
+2259 -8.961508e-01
+2260 -8.957219e-01
+2261 -8.952929e-01
+2262 -8.948636e-01
+2263 -8.944340e-01
+2264 -8.940043e-01
+2265 -8.935743e-01
+2266 -8.931441e-01
+2267 -8.927136e-01
+2268 -8.922830e-01
+2269 -8.918521e-01
+2270 -8.914209e-01
+2271 -8.909895e-01
+2272 -8.905579e-01
+2273 -8.901261e-01
+2274 -8.896940e-01
+2275 -8.892617e-01
+2276 -8.888292e-01
+2277 -8.883965e-01
+2278 -8.879635e-01
+2279 -8.875302e-01
+2280 -8.870968e-01
+2281 -8.866631e-01
+2282 -8.862292e-01
+2283 -8.857950e-01
+2284 -8.853606e-01
+2285 -8.849260e-01
+2286 -8.844911e-01
+2287 -8.840560e-01
+2288 -8.836207e-01
+2289 -8.831851e-01
+2290 -8.827493e-01
+2291 -8.823133e-01
+2292 -8.818770e-01
+2293 -8.814405e-01
+2294 -8.810038e-01
+2295 -8.805668e-01
+2296 -8.801296e-01
+2297 -8.796921e-01
+2298 -8.792545e-01
+2299 -8.788165e-01
+2300 -8.783784e-01
+2301 -8.779400e-01
+2302 -8.775014e-01
+2303 -8.770625e-01
+2304 -8.766234e-01
+2305 -8.761840e-01
+2306 -8.757445e-01
+2307 -8.753046e-01
+2308 -8.748646e-01
+2309 -8.744243e-01
+2310 -8.739837e-01
+2311 -8.735430e-01
+2312 -8.731020e-01
+2313 -8.726607e-01
+2314 -8.722192e-01
+2315 -8.717775e-01
+2316 -8.713355e-01
+2317 -8.708933e-01
+2318 -8.704508e-01
+2319 -8.700081e-01
+2320 -8.695652e-01
+2321 -8.691220e-01
+2322 -8.686786e-01
+2323 -8.682350e-01
+2324 -8.677911e-01
+2325 -8.673469e-01
+2326 -8.669026e-01
+2327 -8.664579e-01
+2328 -8.660131e-01
+2329 -8.655680e-01
+2330 -8.651226e-01
+2331 -8.646770e-01
+2332 -8.642312e-01
+2333 -8.637851e-01
+2334 -8.633388e-01
+2335 -8.628922e-01
+2336 -8.624454e-01
+2337 -8.619984e-01
+2338 -8.615511e-01
+2339 -8.611035e-01
+2340 -8.606557e-01
+2341 -8.602077e-01
+2342 -8.597594e-01
+2343 -8.593109e-01
+2344 -8.588621e-01
+2345 -8.584131e-01
+2346 -8.579639e-01
+2347 -8.575144e-01
+2348 -8.570646e-01
+2349 -8.566146e-01
+2350 -8.561644e-01
+2351 -8.557139e-01
+2352 -8.552632e-01
+2353 -8.548122e-01
+2354 -8.543609e-01
+2355 -8.539095e-01
+2356 -8.534577e-01
+2357 -8.530058e-01
+2358 -8.525535e-01
+2359 -8.521011e-01
+2360 -8.516484e-01
+2361 -8.511954e-01
+2362 -8.507422e-01
+2363 -8.502887e-01
+2364 -8.498350e-01
+2365 -8.493810e-01
+2366 -8.489268e-01
+2367 -8.484723e-01
+2368 -8.480176e-01
+2369 -8.475627e-01
+2370 -8.471074e-01
+2371 -8.466520e-01
+2372 -8.461963e-01
+2373 -8.457403e-01
+2374 -8.452841e-01
+2375 -8.448276e-01
+2376 -8.443709e-01
+2377 -8.439139e-01
+2378 -8.434567e-01
+2379 -8.429992e-01
+2380 -8.425414e-01
+2381 -8.420834e-01
+2382 -8.416252e-01
+2383 -8.411667e-01
+2384 -8.407080e-01
+2385 -8.402490e-01
+2386 -8.397897e-01
+2387 -8.393302e-01
+2388 -8.388704e-01
+2389 -8.384104e-01
+2390 -8.379501e-01
+2391 -8.374896e-01
+2392 -8.370288e-01
+2393 -8.365678e-01
+2394 -8.361065e-01
+2395 -8.356449e-01
+2396 -8.351831e-01
+2397 -8.347211e-01
+2398 -8.342587e-01
+2399 -8.337962e-01
+2400 -8.333333e-01
+2401 -8.328702e-01
+2402 -8.324069e-01
+2403 -8.319433e-01
+2404 -8.314794e-01
+2405 -8.310153e-01
+2406 -8.305509e-01
+2407 -8.300863e-01
+2408 -8.296214e-01
+2409 -8.291562e-01
+2410 -8.286908e-01
+2411 -8.282251e-01
+2412 -8.277592e-01
+2413 -8.272930e-01
+2414 -8.268265e-01
+2415 -8.263598e-01
+2416 -8.258929e-01
+2417 -8.254256e-01
+2418 -8.249581e-01
+2419 -8.244904e-01
+2420 -8.240223e-01
+2421 -8.235541e-01
+2422 -8.230855e-01
+2423 -8.226167e-01
+2424 -8.221477e-01
+2425 -8.216783e-01
+2426 -8.212087e-01
+2427 -8.207389e-01
+2428 -8.202688e-01
+2429 -8.197984e-01
+2430 -8.193277e-01
+2431 -8.188568e-01
+2432 -8.183857e-01
+2433 -8.179142e-01
+2434 -8.174425e-01
+2435 -8.169705e-01
+2436 -8.164983e-01
+2437 -8.160258e-01
+2438 -8.155531e-01
+2439 -8.150800e-01
+2440 -8.146067e-01
+2441 -8.141332e-01
+2442 -8.136594e-01
+2443 -8.131853e-01
+2444 -8.127109e-01
+2445 -8.122363e-01
+2446 -8.117614e-01
+2447 -8.112862e-01
+2448 -8.108108e-01
+2449 -8.103351e-01
+2450 -8.098592e-01
+2451 -8.093829e-01
+2452 -8.089064e-01
+2453 -8.084297e-01
+2454 -8.079526e-01
+2455 -8.074753e-01
+2456 -8.069977e-01
+2457 -8.065199e-01
+2458 -8.060418e-01
+2459 -8.055634e-01
+2460 -8.050847e-01
+2461 -8.046058e-01
+2462 -8.041266e-01
+2463 -8.036472e-01
+2464 -8.031674e-01
+2465 -8.026874e-01
+2466 -8.022071e-01
+2467 -8.017266e-01
+2468 -8.012458e-01
+2469 -8.007647e-01
+2470 -8.002833e-01
+2471 -7.998016e-01
+2472 -7.993197e-01
+2473 -7.988375e-01
+2474 -7.983551e-01
+2475 -7.978723e-01
+2476 -7.973893e-01
+2477 -7.969060e-01
+2478 -7.964225e-01
+2479 -7.959387e-01
+2480 -7.954545e-01
+2481 -7.949702e-01
+2482 -7.944855e-01
+2483 -7.940006e-01
+2484 -7.935154e-01
+2485 -7.930299e-01
+2486 -7.925441e-01
+2487 -7.920581e-01
+2488 -7.915718e-01
+2489 -7.910852e-01
+2490 -7.905983e-01
+2491 -7.901111e-01
+2492 -7.896237e-01
+2493 -7.891360e-01
+2494 -7.886480e-01
+2495 -7.881598e-01
+2496 -7.876712e-01
+2497 -7.871824e-01
+2498 -7.866933e-01
+2499 -7.862039e-01
+2500 -7.857143e-01
+2501 -7.852243e-01
+2502 -7.847341e-01
+2503 -7.842436e-01
+2504 -7.837529e-01
+2505 -7.832618e-01
+2506 -7.827705e-01
+2507 -7.822788e-01
+2508 -7.817869e-01
+2509 -7.812948e-01
+2510 -7.808023e-01
+2511 -7.803095e-01
+2512 -7.798165e-01
+2513 -7.793232e-01
+2514 -7.788296e-01
+2515 -7.783357e-01
+2516 -7.778416e-01
+2517 -7.773471e-01
+2518 -7.768524e-01
+2519 -7.763574e-01
+2520 -7.758621e-01
+2521 -7.753665e-01
+2522 -7.748706e-01
+2523 -7.743745e-01
+2524 -7.738780e-01
+2525 -7.733813e-01
+2526 -7.728843e-01
+2527 -7.723870e-01
+2528 -7.718894e-01
+2529 -7.713915e-01
+2530 -7.708934e-01
+2531 -7.703949e-01
+2532 -7.698962e-01
+2533 -7.693972e-01
+2534 -7.688979e-01
+2535 -7.683983e-01
+2536 -7.678984e-01
+2537 -7.673982e-01
+2538 -7.668977e-01
+2539 -7.663970e-01
+2540 -7.658960e-01
+2541 -7.653946e-01
+2542 -7.648930e-01
+2543 -7.643911e-01
+2544 -7.638889e-01
+2545 -7.633864e-01
+2546 -7.628836e-01
+2547 -7.623805e-01
+2548 -7.618772e-01
+2549 -7.613735e-01
+2550 -7.608696e-01
+2551 -7.603653e-01
+2552 -7.598608e-01
+2553 -7.593560e-01
+2554 -7.588508e-01
+2555 -7.583454e-01
+2556 -7.578397e-01
+2557 -7.573337e-01
+2558 -7.568274e-01
+2559 -7.563208e-01
+2560 -7.558140e-01
+2561 -7.553068e-01
+2562 -7.547993e-01
+2563 -7.542915e-01
+2564 -7.537835e-01
+2565 -7.532751e-01
+2566 -7.527665e-01
+2567 -7.522575e-01
+2568 -7.517483e-01
+2569 -7.512387e-01
+2570 -7.507289e-01
+2571 -7.502187e-01
+2572 -7.497083e-01
+2573 -7.491975e-01
+2574 -7.486865e-01
+2575 -7.481752e-01
+2576 -7.476636e-01
+2577 -7.471516e-01
+2578 -7.466394e-01
+2579 -7.461269e-01
+2580 -7.456140e-01
+2581 -7.451009e-01
+2582 -7.445875e-01
+2583 -7.440737e-01
+2584 -7.435597e-01
+2585 -7.430454e-01
+2586 -7.425308e-01
+2587 -7.420158e-01
+2588 -7.415006e-01
+2589 -7.409850e-01
+2590 -7.404692e-01
+2591 -7.399531e-01
+2592 -7.394366e-01
+2593 -7.389199e-01
+2594 -7.384028e-01
+2595 -7.378855e-01
+2596 -7.373678e-01
+2597 -7.368498e-01
+2598 -7.363316e-01
+2599 -7.358130e-01
+2600 -7.352941e-01
+2601 -7.347749e-01
+2602 -7.342554e-01
+2603 -7.337356e-01
+2604 -7.332155e-01
+2605 -7.326951e-01
+2606 -7.321744e-01
+2607 -7.316534e-01
+2608 -7.311321e-01
+2609 -7.306104e-01
+2610 -7.300885e-01
+2611 -7.295662e-01
+2612 -7.290437e-01
+2613 -7.285208e-01
+2614 -7.279976e-01
+2615 -7.274742e-01
+2616 -7.269504e-01
+2617 -7.264262e-01
+2618 -7.259018e-01
+2619 -7.253771e-01
+2620 -7.248521e-01
+2621 -7.243267e-01
+2622 -7.238011e-01
+2623 -7.232751e-01
+2624 -7.227488e-01
+2625 -7.222222e-01
+2626 -7.216953e-01
+2627 -7.211681e-01
+2628 -7.206406e-01
+2629 -7.201127e-01
+2630 -7.195846e-01
+2631 -7.190561e-01
+2632 -7.185273e-01
+2633 -7.179982e-01
+2634 -7.174688e-01
+2635 -7.169391e-01
+2636 -7.164090e-01
+2637 -7.158787e-01
+2638 -7.153480e-01
+2639 -7.148170e-01
+2640 -7.142857e-01
+2641 -7.137541e-01
+2642 -7.132222e-01
+2643 -7.126899e-01
+2644 -7.121573e-01
+2645 -7.116244e-01
+2646 -7.110912e-01
+2647 -7.105577e-01
+2648 -7.100239e-01
+2649 -7.094897e-01
+2650 -7.089552e-01
+2651 -7.084204e-01
+2652 -7.078853e-01
+2653 -7.073499e-01
+2654 -7.068141e-01
+2655 -7.062780e-01
+2656 -7.057416e-01
+2657 -7.052049e-01
+2658 -7.046679e-01
+2659 -7.041305e-01
+2660 -7.035928e-01
+2661 -7.030548e-01
+2662 -7.025165e-01
+2663 -7.019778e-01
+2664 -7.014388e-01
+2665 -7.008996e-01
+2666 -7.003599e-01
+2667 -6.998200e-01
+2668 -6.992797e-01
+2669 -6.987391e-01
+2670 -6.981982e-01
+2671 -6.976570e-01
+2672 -6.971154e-01
+2673 -6.965735e-01
+2674 -6.960313e-01
+2675 -6.954887e-01
+2676 -6.949458e-01
+2677 -6.944026e-01
+2678 -6.938591e-01
+2679 -6.933153e-01
+2680 -6.927711e-01
+2681 -6.922266e-01
+2682 -6.916817e-01
+2683 -6.911366e-01
+2684 -6.905911e-01
+2685 -6.900452e-01
+2686 -6.894991e-01
+2687 -6.889526e-01
+2688 -6.884058e-01
+2689 -6.878587e-01
+2690 -6.873112e-01
+2691 -6.867634e-01
+2692 -6.862152e-01
+2693 -6.856668e-01
+2694 -6.851180e-01
+2695 -6.845688e-01
+2696 -6.840194e-01
+2697 -6.834696e-01
+2698 -6.829194e-01
+2699 -6.823690e-01
+2700 -6.818182e-01
+2701 -6.812671e-01
+2702 -6.807156e-01
+2703 -6.801638e-01
+2704 -6.796117e-01
+2705 -6.790592e-01
+2706 -6.785064e-01
+2707 -6.779532e-01
+2708 -6.773998e-01
+2709 -6.768459e-01
+2710 -6.762918e-01
+2711 -6.757373e-01
+2712 -6.751825e-01
+2713 -6.746273e-01
+2714 -6.740718e-01
+2715 -6.735160e-01
+2716 -6.729598e-01
+2717 -6.724033e-01
+2718 -6.718464e-01
+2719 -6.712892e-01
+2720 -6.707317e-01
+2721 -6.701738e-01
+2722 -6.696156e-01
+2723 -6.690571e-01
+2724 -6.684982e-01
+2725 -6.679389e-01
+2726 -6.673794e-01
+2727 -6.668194e-01
+2728 -6.662592e-01
+2729 -6.656986e-01
+2730 -6.651376e-01
+2731 -6.645763e-01
+2732 -6.640147e-01
+2733 -6.634527e-01
+2734 -6.628904e-01
+2735 -6.623277e-01
+2736 -6.617647e-01
+2737 -6.612013e-01
+2738 -6.606376e-01
+2739 -6.600736e-01
+2740 -6.595092e-01
+2741 -6.589445e-01
+2742 -6.583794e-01
+2743 -6.578139e-01
+2744 -6.572482e-01
+2745 -6.566820e-01
+2746 -6.561156e-01
+2747 -6.555487e-01
+2748 -6.549815e-01
+2749 -6.544140e-01
+2750 -6.538462e-01
+2751 -6.532779e-01
+2752 -6.527094e-01
+2753 -6.521404e-01
+2754 -6.515712e-01
+2755 -6.510015e-01
+2756 -6.504316e-01
+2757 -6.498612e-01
+2758 -6.492906e-01
+2759 -6.487195e-01
+2760 -6.481481e-01
+2761 -6.475764e-01
+2762 -6.470043e-01
+2763 -6.464319e-01
+2764 -6.458591e-01
+2765 -6.452859e-01
+2766 -6.447124e-01
+2767 -6.441386e-01
+2768 -6.435644e-01
+2769 -6.429898e-01
+2770 -6.424149e-01
+2771 -6.418396e-01
+2772 -6.412639e-01
+2773 -6.406879e-01
+2774 -6.401116e-01
+2775 -6.395349e-01
+2776 -6.389578e-01
+2777 -6.383804e-01
+2778 -6.378026e-01
+2779 -6.372245e-01
+2780 -6.366460e-01
+2781 -6.360671e-01
+2782 -6.354879e-01
+2783 -6.349083e-01
+2784 -6.343284e-01
+2785 -6.337481e-01
+2786 -6.331674e-01
+2787 -6.325864e-01
+2788 -6.320050e-01
+2789 -6.314232e-01
+2790 -6.308411e-01
+2791 -6.302586e-01
+2792 -6.296758e-01
+2793 -6.290926e-01
+2794 -6.285090e-01
+2795 -6.279251e-01
+2796 -6.273408e-01
+2797 -6.267562e-01
+2798 -6.261711e-01
+2799 -6.255858e-01
+2800 -6.250000e-01
+2801 -6.244139e-01
+2802 -6.238274e-01
+2803 -6.232405e-01
+2804 -6.226533e-01
+2805 -6.220657e-01
+2806 -6.214778e-01
+2807 -6.208894e-01
+2808 -6.203008e-01
+2809 -6.197117e-01
+2810 -6.191223e-01
+2811 -6.185325e-01
+2812 -6.179423e-01
+2813 -6.173517e-01
+2814 -6.167608e-01
+2815 -6.161695e-01
+2816 -6.155779e-01
+2817 -6.149859e-01
+2818 -6.143935e-01
+2819 -6.138007e-01
+2820 -6.132075e-01
+2821 -6.126140e-01
+2822 -6.120201e-01
+2823 -6.114259e-01
+2824 -6.108312e-01
+2825 -6.102362e-01
+2826 -6.096408e-01
+2827 -6.090451e-01
+2828 -6.084489e-01
+2829 -6.078524e-01
+2830 -6.072555e-01
+2831 -6.066583e-01
+2832 -6.060606e-01
+2833 -6.054626e-01
+2834 -6.048642e-01
+2835 -6.042654e-01
+2836 -6.036662e-01
+2837 -6.030667e-01
+2838 -6.024668e-01
+2839 -6.018665e-01
+2840 -6.012658e-01
+2841 -6.006648e-01
+2842 -6.000633e-01
+2843 -5.994615e-01
+2844 -5.988593e-01
+2845 -5.982567e-01
+2846 -5.976538e-01
+2847 -5.970504e-01
+2848 -5.964467e-01
+2849 -5.958426e-01
+2850 -5.952381e-01
+2851 -5.946332e-01
+2852 -5.940280e-01
+2853 -5.934223e-01
+2854 -5.928163e-01
+2855 -5.922099e-01
+2856 -5.916031e-01
+2857 -5.909959e-01
+2858 -5.903883e-01
+2859 -5.897803e-01
+2860 -5.891720e-01
+2861 -5.885632e-01
+2862 -5.879541e-01
+2863 -5.873446e-01
+2864 -5.867347e-01
+2865 -5.861244e-01
+2866 -5.855137e-01
+2867 -5.849026e-01
+2868 -5.842912e-01
+2869 -5.836793e-01
+2870 -5.830671e-01
+2871 -5.824545e-01
+2872 -5.818414e-01
+2873 -5.812280e-01
+2874 -5.806142e-01
+2875 -5.800000e-01
+2876 -5.793854e-01
+2877 -5.787704e-01
+2878 -5.781550e-01
+2879 -5.775393e-01
+2880 -5.769231e-01
+2881 -5.763065e-01
+2882 -5.756895e-01
+2883 -5.750722e-01
+2884 -5.744544e-01
+2885 -5.738363e-01
+2886 -5.732177e-01
+2887 -5.725988e-01
+2888 -5.719794e-01
+2889 -5.713597e-01
+2890 -5.707395e-01
+2891 -5.701190e-01
+2892 -5.694981e-01
+2893 -5.688767e-01
+2894 -5.682550e-01
+2895 -5.676329e-01
+2896 -5.670103e-01
+2897 -5.663874e-01
+2898 -5.657640e-01
+2899 -5.651403e-01
+2900 -5.645161e-01
+2901 -5.638916e-01
+2902 -5.632666e-01
+2903 -5.626413e-01
+2904 -5.620155e-01
+2905 -5.613893e-01
+2906 -5.607628e-01
+2907 -5.601358e-01
+2908 -5.595084e-01
+2909 -5.588806e-01
+2910 -5.582524e-01
+2911 -5.576238e-01
+2912 -5.569948e-01
+2913 -5.563654e-01
+2914 -5.557356e-01
+2915 -5.551053e-01
+2916 -5.544747e-01
+2917 -5.538437e-01
+2918 -5.532122e-01
+2919 -5.525803e-01
+2920 -5.519481e-01
+2921 -5.513154e-01
+2922 -5.506823e-01
+2923 -5.500487e-01
+2924 -5.494148e-01
+2925 -5.487805e-01
+2926 -5.481457e-01
+2927 -5.475106e-01
+2928 -5.468750e-01
+2929 -5.462390e-01
+2930 -5.456026e-01
+2931 -5.449658e-01
+2932 -5.443286e-01
+2933 -5.436909e-01
+2934 -5.430528e-01
+2935 -5.424144e-01
+2936 -5.417755e-01
+2937 -5.411361e-01
+2938 -5.404964e-01
+2939 -5.398563e-01
+2940 -5.392157e-01
+2941 -5.385747e-01
+2942 -5.379333e-01
+2943 -5.372915e-01
+2944 -5.366492e-01
+2945 -5.360065e-01
+2946 -5.353635e-01
+2947 -5.347199e-01
+2948 -5.340760e-01
+2949 -5.334317e-01
+2950 -5.327869e-01
+2951 -5.321417e-01
+2952 -5.314961e-01
+2953 -5.308500e-01
+2954 -5.302035e-01
+2955 -5.295567e-01
+2956 -5.289093e-01
+2957 -5.282616e-01
+2958 -5.276134e-01
+2959 -5.269648e-01
+2960 -5.263158e-01
+2961 -5.256663e-01
+2962 -5.250165e-01
+2963 -5.243662e-01
+2964 -5.237154e-01
+2965 -5.230643e-01
+2966 -5.224127e-01
+2967 -5.217606e-01
+2968 -5.211082e-01
+2969 -5.204553e-01
+2970 -5.198020e-01
+2971 -5.191482e-01
+2972 -5.184941e-01
+2973 -5.178394e-01
+2974 -5.171844e-01
+2975 -5.165289e-01
+2976 -5.158730e-01
+2977 -5.152167e-01
+2978 -5.145599e-01
+2979 -5.139027e-01
+2980 -5.132450e-01
+2981 -5.125869e-01
+2982 -5.119284e-01
+2983 -5.112695e-01
+2984 -5.106101e-01
+2985 -5.099502e-01
+2986 -5.092900e-01
+2987 -5.086293e-01
+2988 -5.079681e-01
+2989 -5.073065e-01
+2990 -5.066445e-01
+2991 -5.059821e-01
+2992 -5.053191e-01
+2993 -5.046558e-01
+2994 -5.039920e-01
+2995 -5.033278e-01
+2996 -5.026631e-01
+2997 -5.019980e-01
+2998 -5.013324e-01
+2999 -5.006664e-01
+3000 -5.000000e-01
+3001 -4.993331e-01
+3002 -4.986658e-01
+3003 -4.979980e-01
+3004 -4.973298e-01
+3005 -4.966611e-01
+3006 -4.959920e-01
+3007 -4.953224e-01
+3008 -4.946524e-01
+3009 -4.939819e-01
+3010 -4.933110e-01
+3011 -4.926397e-01
+3012 -4.919679e-01
+3013 -4.912956e-01
+3014 -4.906229e-01
+3015 -4.899497e-01
+3016 -4.892761e-01
+3017 -4.886021e-01
+3018 -4.879276e-01
+3019 -4.872526e-01
+3020 -4.865772e-01
+3021 -4.859013e-01
+3022 -4.852250e-01
+3023 -4.845482e-01
+3024 -4.838710e-01
+3025 -4.831933e-01
+3026 -4.825151e-01
+3027 -4.818365e-01
+3028 -4.811575e-01
+3029 -4.804780e-01
+3030 -4.797980e-01
+3031 -4.791175e-01
+3032 -4.784367e-01
+3033 -4.777553e-01
+3034 -4.770735e-01
+3035 -4.763912e-01
+3036 -4.757085e-01
+3037 -4.750253e-01
+3038 -4.743417e-01
+3039 -4.736575e-01
+3040 -4.729730e-01
+3041 -4.722879e-01
+3042 -4.716024e-01
+3043 -4.709165e-01
+3044 -4.702300e-01
+3045 -4.695431e-01
+3046 -4.688558e-01
+3047 -4.681680e-01
+3048 -4.674797e-01
+3049 -4.667909e-01
+3050 -4.661017e-01
+3051 -4.654120e-01
+3052 -4.647218e-01
+3053 -4.640312e-01
+3054 -4.633401e-01
+3055 -4.626486e-01
+3056 -4.619565e-01
+3057 -4.612640e-01
+3058 -4.605710e-01
+3059 -4.598776e-01
+3060 -4.591837e-01
+3061 -4.584893e-01
+3062 -4.577944e-01
+3063 -4.570991e-01
+3064 -4.564033e-01
+3065 -4.557070e-01
+3066 -4.550102e-01
+3067 -4.543130e-01
+3068 -4.536153e-01
+3069 -4.529171e-01
+3070 -4.522184e-01
+3071 -4.515193e-01
+3072 -4.508197e-01
+3073 -4.501196e-01
+3074 -4.494190e-01
+3075 -4.487179e-01
+3076 -4.480164e-01
+3077 -4.473144e-01
+3078 -4.466119e-01
+3079 -4.459089e-01
+3080 -4.452055e-01
+3081 -4.445015e-01
+3082 -4.437971e-01
+3083 -4.430922e-01
+3084 -4.423868e-01
+3085 -4.416810e-01
+3086 -4.409746e-01
+3087 -4.402678e-01
+3088 -4.395604e-01
+3089 -4.388526e-01
+3090 -4.381443e-01
+3091 -4.374355e-01
+3092 -4.367263e-01
+3093 -4.360165e-01
+3094 -4.353063e-01
+3095 -4.345955e-01
+3096 -4.338843e-01
+3097 -4.331726e-01
+3098 -4.324604e-01
+3099 -4.317477e-01
+3100 -4.310345e-01
+3101 -4.303208e-01
+3102 -4.296066e-01
+3103 -4.288920e-01
+3104 -4.281768e-01
+3105 -4.274611e-01
+3106 -4.267450e-01
+3107 -4.260283e-01
+3108 -4.253112e-01
+3109 -4.245936e-01
+3110 -4.238754e-01
+3111 -4.231568e-01
+3112 -4.224377e-01
+3113 -4.217180e-01
+3114 -4.209979e-01
+3115 -4.202773e-01
+3116 -4.195562e-01
+3117 -4.188345e-01
+3118 -4.181124e-01
+3119 -4.173898e-01
+3120 -4.166667e-01
+3121 -4.159430e-01
+3122 -4.152189e-01
+3123 -4.144943e-01
+3124 -4.137691e-01
+3125 -4.130435e-01
+3126 -4.123173e-01
+3127 -4.115907e-01
+3128 -4.108635e-01
+3129 -4.101358e-01
+3130 -4.094077e-01
+3131 -4.086790e-01
+3132 -4.079498e-01
+3133 -4.072201e-01
+3134 -4.064899e-01
+3135 -4.057592e-01
+3136 -4.050279e-01
+3137 -4.042962e-01
+3138 -4.035639e-01
+3139 -4.028312e-01
+3140 -4.020979e-01
+3141 -4.013641e-01
+3142 -4.006298e-01
+3143 -3.998950e-01
+3144 -3.991597e-01
+3145 -3.984238e-01
+3146 -3.976875e-01
+3147 -3.969506e-01
+3148 -3.962132e-01
+3149 -3.954753e-01
+3150 -3.947368e-01
+3151 -3.939979e-01
+3152 -3.932584e-01
+3153 -3.925184e-01
+3154 -3.917779e-01
+3155 -3.910369e-01
+3156 -3.902954e-01
+3157 -3.895533e-01
+3158 -3.888107e-01
+3159 -3.880676e-01
+3160 -3.873239e-01
+3161 -3.865798e-01
+3162 -3.858351e-01
+3163 -3.850899e-01
+3164 -3.843441e-01
+3165 -3.835979e-01
+3166 -3.828511e-01
+3167 -3.821038e-01
+3168 -3.813559e-01
+3169 -3.806076e-01
+3170 -3.798587e-01
+3171 -3.791092e-01
+3172 -3.783593e-01
+3173 -3.776088e-01
+3174 -3.768577e-01
+3175 -3.761062e-01
+3176 -3.753541e-01
+3177 -3.746015e-01
+3178 -3.738483e-01
+3179 -3.730946e-01
+3180 -3.723404e-01
+3181 -3.715857e-01
+3182 -3.708304e-01
+3183 -3.700745e-01
+3184 -3.693182e-01
+3185 -3.685613e-01
+3186 -3.678038e-01
+3187 -3.670459e-01
+3188 -3.662873e-01
+3189 -3.655283e-01
+3190 -3.647687e-01
+3191 -3.640085e-01
+3192 -3.632479e-01
+3193 -3.624866e-01
+3194 -3.617249e-01
+3195 -3.609626e-01
+3196 -3.601997e-01
+3197 -3.594363e-01
+3198 -3.586724e-01
+3199 -3.579079e-01
+3200 -3.571429e-01
+3201 -3.563773e-01
+3202 -3.556112e-01
+3203 -3.548445e-01
+3204 -3.540773e-01
+3205 -3.533095e-01
+3206 -3.525412e-01
+3207 -3.517723e-01
+3208 -3.510029e-01
+3209 -3.502329e-01
+3210 -3.494624e-01
+3211 -3.486913e-01
+3212 -3.479197e-01
+3213 -3.471475e-01
+3214 -3.463747e-01
+3215 -3.456014e-01
+3216 -3.448276e-01
+3217 -3.440532e-01
+3218 -3.432782e-01
+3219 -3.425027e-01
+3220 -3.417266e-01
+3221 -3.409500e-01
+3222 -3.401728e-01
+3223 -3.393950e-01
+3224 -3.386167e-01
+3225 -3.378378e-01
+3226 -3.370584e-01
+3227 -3.362784e-01
+3228 -3.354978e-01
+3229 -3.347167e-01
+3230 -3.339350e-01
+3231 -3.331528e-01
+3232 -3.323699e-01
+3233 -3.315866e-01
+3234 -3.308026e-01
+3235 -3.300181e-01
+3236 -3.292330e-01
+3237 -3.284473e-01
+3238 -3.276611e-01
+3239 -3.268743e-01
+3240 -3.260870e-01
+3241 -3.252990e-01
+3242 -3.245105e-01
+3243 -3.237214e-01
+3244 -3.229318e-01
+3245 -3.221416e-01
+3246 -3.213508e-01
+3247 -3.205594e-01
+3248 -3.197674e-01
+3249 -3.189749e-01
+3250 -3.181818e-01
+3251 -3.173881e-01
+3252 -3.165939e-01
+3253 -3.157991e-01
+3254 -3.150036e-01
+3255 -3.142077e-01
+3256 -3.134111e-01
+3257 -3.126139e-01
+3258 -3.118162e-01
+3259 -3.110179e-01
+3260 -3.102190e-01
+3261 -3.094195e-01
+3262 -3.086194e-01
+3263 -3.078188e-01
+3264 -3.070175e-01
+3265 -3.062157e-01
+3266 -3.054133e-01
+3267 -3.046103e-01
+3268 -3.038067e-01
+3269 -3.030026e-01
+3270 -3.021978e-01
+3271 -3.013925e-01
+3272 -3.005865e-01
+3273 -2.997800e-01
+3274 -2.989729e-01
+3275 -2.981651e-01
+3276 -2.973568e-01
+3277 -2.965479e-01
+3278 -2.957384e-01
+3279 -2.949283e-01
+3280 -2.941176e-01
+3281 -2.933064e-01
+3282 -2.924945e-01
+3283 -2.916820e-01
+3284 -2.908689e-01
+3285 -2.900552e-01
+3286 -2.892410e-01
+3287 -2.884261e-01
+3288 -2.876106e-01
+3289 -2.867945e-01
+3290 -2.859779e-01
+3291 -2.851606e-01
+3292 -2.843427e-01
+3293 -2.835242e-01
+3294 -2.827051e-01
+3295 -2.818854e-01
+3296 -2.810651e-01
+3297 -2.802442e-01
+3298 -2.794226e-01
+3299 -2.786005e-01
+3300 -2.777778e-01
+3301 -2.769544e-01
+3302 -2.761305e-01
+3303 -2.753059e-01
+3304 -2.744807e-01
+3305 -2.736549e-01
+3306 -2.728285e-01
+3307 -2.720015e-01
+3308 -2.711738e-01
+3309 -2.703456e-01
+3310 -2.695167e-01
+3311 -2.686872e-01
+3312 -2.678571e-01
+3313 -2.670264e-01
+3314 -2.661951e-01
+3315 -2.653631e-01
+3316 -2.645306e-01
+3317 -2.636974e-01
+3318 -2.628635e-01
+3319 -2.620291e-01
+3320 -2.611940e-01
+3321 -2.603583e-01
+3322 -2.595220e-01
+3323 -2.586851e-01
+3324 -2.578475e-01
+3325 -2.570093e-01
+3326 -2.561705e-01
+3327 -2.553311e-01
+3328 -2.544910e-01
+3329 -2.536503e-01
+3330 -2.528090e-01
+3331 -2.519670e-01
+3332 -2.511244e-01
+3333 -2.502812e-01
+3334 -2.494374e-01
+3335 -2.485929e-01
+3336 -2.477477e-01
+3337 -2.469020e-01
+3338 -2.460556e-01
+3339 -2.452086e-01
+3340 -2.443609e-01
+3341 -2.435126e-01
+3342 -2.426637e-01
+3343 -2.418141e-01
+3344 -2.409639e-01
+3345 -2.401130e-01
+3346 -2.392615e-01
+3347 -2.384093e-01
+3348 -2.375566e-01
+3349 -2.367031e-01
+3350 -2.358491e-01
+3351 -2.349943e-01
+3352 -2.341390e-01
+3353 -2.332830e-01
+3354 -2.324263e-01
+3355 -2.315690e-01
+3356 -2.307110e-01
+3357 -2.298524e-01
+3358 -2.289932e-01
+3359 -2.281333e-01
+3360 -2.272727e-01
+3361 -2.264115e-01
+3362 -2.255497e-01
+3363 -2.246871e-01
+3364 -2.238240e-01
+3365 -2.229602e-01
+3366 -2.220957e-01
+3367 -2.212305e-01
+3368 -2.203647e-01
+3369 -2.194983e-01
+3370 -2.186312e-01
+3371 -2.177634e-01
+3372 -2.168950e-01
+3373 -2.160259e-01
+3374 -2.151561e-01
+3375 -2.142857e-01
+3376 -2.134146e-01
+3377 -2.125429e-01
+3378 -2.116705e-01
+3379 -2.107974e-01
+3380 -2.099237e-01
+3381 -2.090493e-01
+3382 -2.081742e-01
+3383 -2.072984e-01
+3384 -2.064220e-01
+3385 -2.055449e-01
+3386 -2.046672e-01
+3387 -2.037887e-01
+3388 -2.029096e-01
+3389 -2.020299e-01
+3390 -2.011494e-01
+3391 -2.002683e-01
+3392 -1.993865e-01
+3393 -1.985040e-01
+3394 -1.976209e-01
+3395 -1.967370e-01
+3396 -1.958525e-01
+3397 -1.949673e-01
+3398 -1.940815e-01
+3399 -1.931949e-01
+3400 -1.923077e-01
+3401 -1.914198e-01
+3402 -1.905312e-01
+3403 -1.896419e-01
+3404 -1.887519e-01
+3405 -1.878613e-01
+3406 -1.869699e-01
+3407 -1.860779e-01
+3408 -1.851852e-01
+3409 -1.842918e-01
+3410 -1.833977e-01
+3411 -1.825029e-01
+3412 -1.816074e-01
+3413 -1.807112e-01
+3414 -1.798144e-01
+3415 -1.789168e-01
+3416 -1.780186e-01
+3417 -1.771196e-01
+3418 -1.762200e-01
+3419 -1.753196e-01
+3420 -1.744186e-01
+3421 -1.735169e-01
+3422 -1.726144e-01
+3423 -1.717113e-01
+3424 -1.708075e-01
+3425 -1.699029e-01
+3426 -1.689977e-01
+3427 -1.680917e-01
+3428 -1.671851e-01
+3429 -1.662777e-01
+3430 -1.653696e-01
+3431 -1.644609e-01
+3432 -1.635514e-01
+3433 -1.626412e-01
+3434 -1.617303e-01
+3435 -1.608187e-01
+3436 -1.599064e-01
+3437 -1.589934e-01
+3438 -1.580796e-01
+3439 -1.571652e-01
+3440 -1.562500e-01
+3441 -1.553341e-01
+3442 -1.544175e-01
+3443 -1.535002e-01
+3444 -1.525822e-01
+3445 -1.516634e-01
+3446 -1.507439e-01
+3447 -1.498237e-01
+3448 -1.489028e-01
+3449 -1.479812e-01
+3450 -1.470588e-01
+3451 -1.461357e-01
+3452 -1.452119e-01
+3453 -1.442874e-01
+3454 -1.433621e-01
+3455 -1.424361e-01
+3456 -1.415094e-01
+3457 -1.405820e-01
+3458 -1.396538e-01
+3459 -1.387249e-01
+3460 -1.377953e-01
+3461 -1.368649e-01
+3462 -1.359338e-01
+3463 -1.350020e-01
+3464 -1.340694e-01
+3465 -1.331361e-01
+3466 -1.322021e-01
+3467 -1.312673e-01
+3468 -1.303318e-01
+3469 -1.293955e-01
+3470 -1.284585e-01
+3471 -1.275208e-01
+3472 -1.265823e-01
+3473 -1.256431e-01
+3474 -1.247031e-01
+3475 -1.237624e-01
+3476 -1.228209e-01
+3477 -1.218787e-01
+3478 -1.209358e-01
+3479 -1.199921e-01
+3480 -1.190476e-01
+3481 -1.181024e-01
+3482 -1.171565e-01
+3483 -1.162098e-01
+3484 -1.152623e-01
+3485 -1.143141e-01
+3486 -1.133652e-01
+3487 -1.124154e-01
+3488 -1.114650e-01
+3489 -1.105137e-01
+3490 -1.095618e-01
+3491 -1.086090e-01
+3492 -1.076555e-01
+3493 -1.067012e-01
+3494 -1.057462e-01
+3495 -1.047904e-01
+3496 -1.038339e-01
+3497 -1.028765e-01
+3498 -1.019185e-01
+3499 -1.009596e-01
+3500 -1.000000e-01
+3501 -9.903962e-02
+3502 -9.807846e-02
+3503 -9.711654e-02
+3504 -9.615385e-02
+3505 -9.519038e-02
+3506 -9.422614e-02
+3507 -9.326113e-02
+3508 -9.229535e-02
+3509 -9.132878e-02
+3510 -9.036145e-02
+3511 -8.939333e-02
+3512 -8.842444e-02
+3513 -8.745476e-02
+3514 -8.648431e-02
+3515 -8.551308e-02
+3516 -8.454106e-02
+3517 -8.356826e-02
+3518 -8.259468e-02
+3519 -8.162031e-02
+3520 -8.064516e-02
+3521 -7.966922e-02
+3522 -7.869249e-02
+3523 -7.771498e-02
+3524 -7.673667e-02
+3525 -7.575758e-02
+3526 -7.477769e-02
+3527 -7.379701e-02
+3528 -7.281553e-02
+3529 -7.183327e-02
+3530 -7.085020e-02
+3531 -6.986634e-02
+3532 -6.888169e-02
+3533 -6.789623e-02
+3534 -6.690998e-02
+3535 -6.592292e-02
+3536 -6.493506e-02
+3537 -6.394641e-02
+3538 -6.295695e-02
+3539 -6.196668e-02
+3540 -6.097561e-02
+3541 -5.998373e-02
+3542 -5.899105e-02
+3543 -5.799756e-02
+3544 -5.700326e-02
+3545 -5.600815e-02
+3546 -5.501222e-02
+3547 -5.401549e-02
+3548 -5.301794e-02
+3549 -5.201958e-02
+3550 -5.102041e-02
+3551 -5.002042e-02
+3552 -4.901961e-02
+3553 -4.801798e-02
+3554 -4.701554e-02
+3555 -4.601227e-02
+3556 -4.500818e-02
+3557 -4.400327e-02
+3558 -4.299754e-02
+3559 -4.199099e-02
+3560 -4.098361e-02
+3561 -3.997540e-02
+3562 -3.896637e-02
+3563 -3.795650e-02
+3564 -3.694581e-02
+3565 -3.593429e-02
+3566 -3.492194e-02
+3567 -3.390875e-02
+3568 -3.289474e-02
+3569 -3.187988e-02
+3570 -3.086420e-02
+3571 -2.984767e-02
+3572 -2.883031e-02
+3573 -2.781211e-02
+3574 -2.679308e-02
+3575 -2.577320e-02
+3576 -2.475248e-02
+3577 -2.373091e-02
+3578 -2.270851e-02
+3579 -2.168525e-02
+3580 -2.066116e-02
+3581 -1.963621e-02
+3582 -1.861042e-02
+3583 -1.758378e-02
+3584 -1.655629e-02
+3585 -1.552795e-02
+3586 -1.449876e-02
+3587 -1.346871e-02
+3588 -1.243781e-02
+3589 -1.140606e-02
+3590 -1.037344e-02
+3591 -9.339975e-03
+3592 -8.305648e-03
+3593 -7.270461e-03
+3594 -6.234414e-03
+3595 -5.197505e-03
+3596 -4.159734e-03
+3597 -3.121099e-03
+3598 -2.081599e-03
+3599 -1.041233e-03
+3600 3.777915e-15
+3601 1.042101e-03
+3602 2.085071e-03
+3603 3.128911e-03
+3604 4.173623e-03
+3605 5.219207e-03
+3606 6.265664e-03
+3607 7.312996e-03
+3608 8.361204e-03
+3609 9.410289e-03
+3610 1.046025e-02
+3611 1.151109e-02
+3612 1.256281e-02
+3613 1.361542e-02
+3614 1.466890e-02
+3615 1.572327e-02
+3616 1.677852e-02
+3617 1.783466e-02
+3618 1.889169e-02
+3619 1.994960e-02
+3620 2.100840e-02
+3621 2.206810e-02
+3622 2.312868e-02
+3623 2.419016e-02
+3624 2.525253e-02
+3625 2.631579e-02
+3626 2.737995e-02
+3627 2.844501e-02
+3628 2.951096e-02
+3629 3.057782e-02
+3630 3.164557e-02
+3631 3.271423e-02
+3632 3.378378e-02
+3633 3.485425e-02
+3634 3.592561e-02
+3635 3.699789e-02
+3636 3.807107e-02
+3637 3.914515e-02
+3638 4.022015e-02
+3639 4.129606e-02
+3640 4.237288e-02
+3641 4.345061e-02
+3642 4.452926e-02
+3643 4.560882e-02
+3644 4.668930e-02
+3645 4.777070e-02
+3646 4.885302e-02
+3647 4.993625e-02
+3648 5.102041e-02
+3649 5.210549e-02
+3650 5.319149e-02
+3651 5.427842e-02
+3652 5.536627e-02
+3653 5.645505e-02
+3654 5.754476e-02
+3655 5.863539e-02
+3656 5.972696e-02
+3657 6.081946e-02
+3658 6.191289e-02
+3659 6.300726e-02
+3660 6.410256e-02
+3661 6.519880e-02
+3662 6.629598e-02
+3663 6.739409e-02
+3664 6.849315e-02
+3665 6.959315e-02
+3666 7.069409e-02
+3667 7.179597e-02
+3668 7.289880e-02
+3669 7.400257e-02
+3670 7.510730e-02
+3671 7.621297e-02
+3672 7.731959e-02
+3673 7.842716e-02
+3674 7.953568e-02
+3675 8.064516e-02
+3676 8.175559e-02
+3677 8.286698e-02
+3678 8.397933e-02
+3679 8.509263e-02
+3680 8.620690e-02
+3681 8.732212e-02
+3682 8.843831e-02
+3683 8.955546e-02
+3684 9.067358e-02
+3685 9.179266e-02
+3686 9.291271e-02
+3687 9.403372e-02
+3688 9.515571e-02
+3689 9.627867e-02
+3690 9.740260e-02
+3691 9.852750e-02
+3692 9.965338e-02
+3693 1.007802e-01
+3694 1.019081e-01
+3695 1.030369e-01
+3696 1.041667e-01
+3697 1.052974e-01
+3698 1.064292e-01
+3699 1.075619e-01
+3700 1.086957e-01
+3701 1.098304e-01
+3702 1.109661e-01
+3703 1.121027e-01
+3704 1.132404e-01
+3705 1.143791e-01
+3706 1.155187e-01
+3707 1.166594e-01
+3708 1.178010e-01
+3709 1.189437e-01
+3710 1.200873e-01
+3711 1.212320e-01
+3712 1.223776e-01
+3713 1.235243e-01
+3714 1.246719e-01
+3715 1.258206e-01
+3716 1.269702e-01
+3717 1.281209e-01
+3718 1.292726e-01
+3719 1.304253e-01
+3720 1.315789e-01
+3721 1.327337e-01
+3722 1.338894e-01
+3723 1.350461e-01
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+5907 5.000000e-01
+5908 5.000000e-01
+5909 5.000000e-01
+5910 5.000000e-01
+5911 5.000000e-01
+5912 5.000000e-01
+5913 5.000000e-01
+5914 5.000000e-01
+5915 5.000000e-01
+5916 5.000000e-01
+5917 5.000000e-01
+5918 5.000000e-01
+5919 5.000000e-01
+5920 5.000000e-01
+5921 5.000000e-01
+5922 5.000000e-01
+5923 5.000000e-01
+5924 5.000000e-01
+5925 5.000000e-01
+5926 5.000000e-01
+5927 5.000000e-01
+5928 5.000000e-01
+5929 5.000000e-01
+5930 5.000000e-01
+5931 5.000000e-01
+5932 5.000000e-01
+5933 5.000000e-01
+5934 5.000000e-01
+5935 5.000000e-01
+5936 5.000000e-01
+5937 5.000000e-01
+5938 5.000000e-01
+5939 5.000000e-01
+5940 5.000000e-01
+5941 5.000000e-01
+5942 5.000000e-01
+5943 5.000000e-01
+5944 5.000000e-01
+5945 5.000000e-01
+5946 5.000000e-01
+5947 5.000000e-01
+5948 5.000000e-01
+5949 5.000000e-01
+5950 5.000000e-01
+5951 5.000000e-01
+5952 5.000000e-01
+5953 5.000000e-01
+5954 5.000000e-01
+5955 5.000000e-01
+5956 5.000000e-01
+5957 5.000000e-01
+5958 5.000000e-01
+5959 5.000000e-01
+5960 5.000000e-01
+5961 5.000000e-01
+5962 5.000000e-01
+5963 5.000000e-01
+5964 5.000000e-01
+5965 5.000000e-01
+5966 5.000000e-01
+5967 5.000000e-01
+5968 5.000000e-01
+5969 5.000000e-01
+5970 5.000000e-01
+5971 5.000000e-01
+5972 5.000000e-01
+5973 5.000000e-01
+5974 5.000000e-01
+5975 5.000000e-01
+5976 5.000000e-01
+5977 5.000000e-01
+5978 5.000000e-01
+5979 5.000000e-01
+5980 5.000000e-01
+5981 5.000000e-01
+5982 5.000000e-01
+5983 5.000000e-01
+5984 5.000000e-01
+5985 5.000000e-01
+5986 5.000000e-01
+5987 5.000000e-01
+5988 5.000000e-01
+5989 5.000000e-01
+5990 5.000000e-01
+5991 5.000000e-01
+5992 5.000000e-01
+5993 5.000000e-01
+5994 5.000000e-01
+5995 5.000000e-01
+5996 5.000000e-01
+5997 5.000000e-01
+5998 5.000000e-01
+5999 5.000000e-01
diff --git a/tests/corr/test_corr.m b/tests/corr/test_corr.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..783623d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/corr/test_corr.m
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+# This test compares the results of TISEAN corr function
+# $ corr square.dat -D6000 -n -o "square_tisean.dat"
+# $ corr square.dat -D6000 -o "square_tisean_norm.dat"
+# $ corr amplitude.dat -D5000 -n -o "amplitude_tisean.dat"
+# $ corr amplitude.dat -D5000 -o "amplitude_tisean_norm.dat"
+# $ corr ar.dat -D5000 -n -o "ar_tisean.dat"
+# $ corr ar.dat -D5000 -o "ar_tisean_norm.dat"
+pkg load signal
+close all
+dataset = {"square","amplitude", "ar"};
+ndata   = numel (dataset);
+tisean_output = @(x) sprintf("%s_tisean.dat",x);
+tisean_norm_output = @(x) sprintf("%s_tisean_norm.dat",x);
+for i=1:ndata
+  # Load tisean results
+  data_tisean = load (tisean_output (dataset{i}));
+  data_tisean_norm = load (tisean_norm_output (dataset{i}));
+  data = load ([dataset{i} ".dat"]);
+  n    = length (data);
+  # Calculate with Octave  
+  [data_octave, lags] = xcorr (data, n,'unbiased');
+  idx         = find (lags >0);
+  data_octave = data_octave(idx);
+  lags        = lags(idx);
+  #Calculate with Octave when normalised
+  data_octave_norm = xcorr (center (data), n, 'coeff');
+  data_octave_norm = data_octave_norm(idx);
+  data_octave_norm = data_octave_norm .* (n ./ (n - (transpose ([0:n-1]))));  
+  # Compare
+  figure (2*i - 1)
+  plot (lags, data_octave,'r.', ...
+        data_tisean(:,1), data_tisean(:,2),'bo')
+  legend ("Octave","Tisean");
+  axis tight
+  figure (2*i)
+  plot (lags, data_octave_norm,'r.', ...
+        data_tisean_norm(:,1), data_tisean_norm(:,2),'bo')
+  legend ("Octave","Tisean");
+  axis tight
+  printf ("Difference on %s: %.3g\n", dataset{i}, ...
+                   sqrt (mean ((data_octave-data_tisean(:,2)).^2)));
+  printf ("Difference on %s when normalized: %.3g\n", dataset{i}, ...
+                   sqrt (mean ((data_octave_norm-data_tisean_norm(:,2)).^2)));
+  fflush (stdout);
diff --git a/tests/extrema/amplitude.dat b/tests/extrema/amplitude.dat
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..617fd1b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/extrema/amplitude.dat
@@ -0,0 +1,5000 @@
+     3.61
+     4.31
+     4.83
+     5.18
+     5.36
+     5.31
+     5.15
+     4.92
+     4.23
+     3.53
+     2.84
+     1.86
+     0.89
+    -0.31
+    -1.38
+    -2.50
+    -3.47
+    -4.46
+    -5.40
+    -5.98
+    -6.52
+    -6.70
+    -6.68
+    -6.66
+    -6.23
+    -5.58
+    -4.72
+    -3.61
+    -2.56
+    -1.18
+     0.12
+     1.66
+     3.02
+     4.23
+     5.57
+     6.61
+     7.50
+     8.06
+     8.50
+     8.60
+     8.36
+     7.84
+     7.17
+     6.15
+     4.73
+     3.39
+     1.84
+     0.05
+    -1.75
+    -3.47
+    -5.04
+    -6.66
+    -8.15
+    -9.17
+   -10.09
+   -10.55
+   -10.69
+   -10.48
+   -10.08
+    -9.04
+    -7.92
+    -6.37
+    -4.47
+    -2.58
+    -0.32
+     1.93
+     4.10
+     6.22
+     8.23
+     9.95
+    11.36
+    12.45
+    13.25
+    13.35
+    13.05
+    12.03
+    10.39
+     8.47
+     6.31
+     4.05
+     1.69
+    -0.65
+    -2.95
+    -5.36
+    -7.51
+    -9.46
+   -11.22
+   -12.70
+   -13.55
+   -14.25
+   -14.23
+   -14.02
+   -12.98
+   -11.67
+    -9.93
+    -7.85
+    -5.21
+    -2.66
+     0.34
+     3.26
+     6.25
+     9.15
+    11.66
+    13.86
+    15.64
+    16.73
+    17.01
+    14.72
+     9.34
+     4.01
+     1.57
+     0.49
+    -0.42
+    -1.31
+    -2.17
+    -2.82
+    -3.51
+    -4.02
+    -4.52
+    -4.79
+    -4.93
+    -4.97
+    -4.73
+    -4.37
+    -3.81
+    -3.17
+    -2.47
+    -1.47
+    -0.48
+     0.41
+     1.45
+     2.53
+     3.55
+     4.24
+     5.01
+     5.61
+     6.12
+     6.24
+     6.21
+     6.12
+     5.60
+     5.10
+     4.12
+     3.26
+     2.21
+     0.83
+    -0.49
+    -1.69
+    -2.94
+    -4.12
+    -5.31
+    -6.22
+    -7.10
+    -7.54
+    -7.80
+    -7.90
+    -7.77
+    -7.15
+    -6.36
+    -5.44
+    -4.27
+    -2.93
+    -1.43
+     0.32
+     1.81
+     3.53
+     5.02
+     6.48
+     7.84
+     8.75
+     9.51
+     9.87
+    10.03
+     9.64
+     9.17
+     8.29
+     7.07
+     5.41
+     3.86
+     2.00
+    -0.05
+    -2.15
+    -4.06
+    -6.17
+    -7.86
+    -9.53
+   -10.67
+   -11.62
+   -12.37
+   -12.46
+   -12.17
+   -11.57
+   -10.49
+    -8.95
+    -7.18
+    -5.15
+    -2.69
+    -0.36
+     2.41
+     4.81
+     7.38
+     9.66
+    11.66
+    13.23
+    14.64
+    15.21
+    15.20
+    13.92
+    11.14
+     7.48
+     4.44
+     2.42
+     0.44
+    -1.18
+    -2.87
+    -4.65
+    -6.11
+    -7.66
+    -8.72
+    -9.63
+   -10.35
+   -10.56
+   -10.54
+    -9.94
+    -9.24
+    -8.15
+    -6.61
+    -4.86
+    -2.99
+    -0.87
+     1.20
+     3.35
+     5.63
+     7.62
+     9.31
+    10.90
+    12.14
+    12.92
+    13.14
+    13.01
+    12.13
+    10.89
+     9.18
+     6.92
+     4.84
+     2.47
+     0.26
+    -2.10
+    -4.46
+    -6.79
+    -8.82
+   -10.75
+   -12.28
+   -13.35
+   -14.25
+   -14.46
+   -14.24
+   -13.55
+   -12.31
+   -10.77
+    -8.76
+    -6.34
+    -3.63
+    -0.75
+     2.24
+     5.20
+     8.14
+    10.90
+    13.29
+    15.13
+    16.59
+    17.25
+    15.96
+    11.18
+     5.00
+     1.86
+     0.65
+    -0.19
+    -1.00
+    -1.67
+    -2.45
+    -3.09
+    -3.74
+    -4.14
+    -4.42
+    -4.54
+    -4.56
+    -4.41
+    -4.05
+    -3.62
+    -3.18
+    -2.48
+    -1.67
+    -0.71
+     0.14
+     1.08
+     2.08
+     2.94
+     3.76
+     4.51
+     5.13
+     5.44
+     5.79
+     5.76
+     5.62
+     5.24
+     4.70
+     3.99
+     3.16
+     2.10
+     1.13
+     0.00
+    -1.32
+    -2.45
+    -3.56
+    -4.63
+    -5.51
+    -6.22
+    -6.90
+    -7.10
+    -7.23
+    -7.19
+    -6.77
+    -6.21
+    -5.16
+    -4.17
+    -2.90
+    -1.57
+    -0.19
+     1.39
+     2.82
+     4.35
+     5.72
+     6.91
+     7.92
+     8.58
+     8.96
+     9.19
+     8.98
+     8.51
+     7.84
+     6.71
+     5.35
+     3.81
+     2.19
+     0.46
+    -1.54
+    -3.36
+    -5.13
+    -6.83
+    -8.36
+    -9.65
+   -10.63
+   -11.24
+   -11.45
+   -11.31
+   -10.87
+    -9.93
+    -8.63
+    -7.09
+    -5.19
+    -3.14
+    -0.84
+     1.50
+     3.88
+     6.24
+     8.38
+    10.35
+    12.08
+    13.30
+    14.07
+    14.30
+    13.79
+    12.51
+    10.31
+     7.73
+     5.23
+     2.90
+     0.86
+    -1.26
+    -3.41
+    -5.62
+    -7.52
+    -9.16
+   -10.76
+   -11.78
+   -12.71
+   -12.92
+   -13.01
+   -12.44
+   -11.58
+   -10.11
+    -8.30
+    -6.19
+    -3.98
+    -1.34
+     1.27
+     3.98
+     6.67
+     9.19
+    11.42
+    13.32
+    14.80
+    15.61
+    15.71
+    14.50
+    11.29
+     7.10
+     3.91
+     1.80
+     0.25
+    -1.11
+    -2.56
+    -4.05
+    -5.36
+    -6.41
+    -7.39
+    -8.20
+    -8.60
+    -8.83
+    -8.77
+    -8.34
+    -7.67
+    -6.56
+    -5.33
+    -3.90
+    -2.24
+    -0.53
+     1.18
+     3.14
+     4.86
+     6.53
+     7.90
+     9.14
+    10.19
+    10.75
+    10.98
+    10.87
+    10.46
+     9.63
+     8.22
+     6.70
+     5.00
+     2.93
+     0.83
+    -1.31
+    -3.64
+    -5.79
+    -7.77
+    -9.61
+   -11.09
+   -12.40
+   -13.12
+   -13.55
+   -13.61
+   -12.95
+   -12.07
+   -10.67
+    -8.71
+    -6.58
+    -4.08
+    -1.52
+     1.36
+     4.07
+     6.87
+     9.61
+    11.79
+    13.75
+    15.31
+    16.34
+    16.26
+    14.24
+     9.72
+     5.13
+     2.47
+     0.86
+    -0.35
+    -1.46
+    -2.78
+    -3.80
+    -4.81
+    -5.69
+    -6.18
+    -6.77
+    -7.03
+    -7.07
+    -6.88
+    -6.33
+    -5.78
+    -4.92
+    -3.77
+    -2.49
+    -1.21
+     0.23
+     1.79
+     3.16
+     4.61
+     5.90
+     6.84
+     7.81
+     8.44
+     8.74
+     8.95
+     8.62
+     8.12
+     7.23
+     6.19
+     4.96
+     3.29
+     1.63
+    -0.04
+    -2.03
+    -3.83
+    -5.40
+    -7.07
+    -8.54
+    -9.73
+   -10.47
+   -10.94
+   -11.09
+   -10.90
+   -10.45
+    -9.31
+    -8.00
+    -6.43
+    -4.63
+    -2.44
+    -0.25
+     2.11
+     4.37
+     6.70
+     8.71
+    10.52
+    11.95
+    13.10
+    13.72
+    13.78
+    13.36
+    12.03
+    10.03
+     7.72
+     5.37
+     3.01
+     0.80
+    -1.47
+    -3.58
+    -5.91
+    -7.99
+    -9.70
+   -11.36
+   -12.40
+   -13.21
+   -13.76
+   -13.53
+   -13.04
+   -12.17
+   -10.64
+    -8.78
+    -6.65
+    -4.05
+    -1.39
+     1.28
+     4.30
+     6.97
+     9.70
+    12.01
+    14.00
+    15.53
+    16.45
+    16.37
+    14.23
+     9.42
+     4.68
+     2.17
+     0.64
+    -0.50
+    -1.63
+    -2.61
+    -3.63
+    -4.63
+    -5.48
+    -6.04
+    -6.47
+    -6.74
+    -6.68
+    -6.57
+    -5.98
+    -5.41
+    -4.57
+    -3.43
+    -2.27
+    -0.87
+     0.39
+     1.90
+     3.20
+     4.56
+     5.68
+     6.66
+     7.51
+     8.16
+     8.50
+     8.43
+     8.24
+     7.72
+     7.03
+     5.87
+     4.63
+     3.02
+     1.35
+    -0.36
+    -2.06
+    -3.81
+    -5.39
+    -6.86
+    -8.17
+    -9.43
+   -10.19
+   -10.59
+   -10.63
+   -10.39
+    -9.94
+    -8.89
+    -7.55
+    -5.91
+    -4.21
+    -2.22
+    -0.01
+     2.21
+     4.38
+     6.55
+     8.60
+    10.25
+    11.72
+    12.73
+    13.19
+    13.41
+    12.90
+    11.77
+    10.08
+     8.12
+     5.84
+     3.62
+     1.36
+    -1.08
+    -3.35
+    -5.61
+    -7.91
+    -9.82
+   -11.52
+   -12.73
+   -13.83
+   -14.32
+   -14.27
+   -13.76
+   -12.85
+   -11.48
+    -9.61
+    -7.32
+    -4.83
+    -2.16
+     0.81
+     3.88
+     6.76
+     9.53
+    12.03
+    14.17
+    15.83
+    16.93
+    16.71
+    14.02
+     8.26
+     3.32
+     1.38
+     0.24
+    -0.66
+    -1.45
+    -2.17
+    -3.05
+    -3.57
+    -4.11
+    -4.61
+    -4.80
+    -5.05
+    -4.92
+    -4.78
+    -4.33
+    -3.83
+    -3.03
+    -2.27
+    -1.31
+    -0.37
+     0.58
+     1.58
+     2.74
+     3.61
+     4.35
+     5.14
+     5.63
+     6.14
+     6.33
+     6.30
+     5.89
+     5.53
+     4.93
+     3.95
+     2.98
+     1.84
+     0.74
+    -0.53
+    -1.91
+    -3.22
+    -4.30
+    -5.53
+    -6.35
+    -7.05
+    -7.57
+    -7.91
+    -7.93
+    -7.58
+    -7.11
+    -6.31
+    -5.19
+    -3.96
+    -2.56
+    -1.02
+     0.55
+     2.18
+     3.75
+     5.38
+     6.75
+     7.90
+     8.91
+     9.52
+     9.89
+     9.84
+     9.50
+     8.87
+     8.01
+     6.64
+     5.16
+     3.54
+     1.59
+    -0.44
+    -2.51
+    -4.42
+    -6.41
+    -8.11
+    -9.56
+   -10.81
+   -11.81
+   -12.30
+   -12.33
+   -12.06
+   -11.31
+   -10.26
+    -8.74
+    -6.90
+    -4.58
+    -2.25
+     0.25
+     2.74
+     5.38
+     7.70
+     9.95
+    11.87
+    13.46
+    14.55
+    15.27
+    14.91
+    13.50
+    10.64
+     7.00
+     4.16
+     2.13
+     0.23
+    -1.51
+    -3.13
+    -4.89
+    -6.41
+    -7.94
+    -9.13
+    -9.88
+   -10.44
+   -10.75
+   -10.62
+   -10.09
+    -9.28
+    -8.12
+    -6.50
+    -4.77
+    -2.89
+    -0.73
+     1.56
+     3.78
+     5.86
+     7.99
+     9.80
+    11.16
+    12.48
+    13.07
+    13.32
+    13.15
+    12.21
+    10.62
+     8.67
+     6.60
+     4.39
+     1.96
+    -0.22
+    -2.68
+    -4.98
+    -7.18
+    -9.19
+   -10.97
+   -12.39
+   -13.56
+   -14.12
+   -14.35
+   -14.01
+   -13.15
+   -12.01
+   -10.17
+    -8.18
+    -5.71
+    -3.00
+    -0.14
+     2.96
+     5.85
+     8.68
+    11.34
+    13.61
+    15.43
+    16.75
+    17.07
+    15.27
+    10.23
+     4.66
+     1.76
+     0.60
+    -0.36
+    -1.10
+    -2.08
+    -2.72
+    -3.49
+    -3.94
+    -4.49
+    -4.92
+    -4.92
+    -5.11
+    -4.83
+    -4.48
+    -4.09
+    -3.30
+    -2.68
+    -1.59
+    -0.71
+     0.31
+     1.32
+     2.40
+     3.36
+     4.22
+     4.96
+     5.55
+     6.15
+     6.26
+     6.41
+     6.08
+     5.80
+     5.22
+     4.47
+     3.44
+     2.22
+     1.07
+    -0.13
+    -1.54
+    -2.73
+    -4.12
+    -5.17
+    -6.27
+    -6.94
+    -7.58
+    -7.91
+    -8.08
+    -7.87
+    -7.31
+    -6.58
+    -5.63
+    -4.48
+    -3.09
+    -1.68
+     0.08
+     1.67
+     3.35
+     4.95
+     6.38
+     7.70
+     8.75
+     9.37
+     9.85
+    10.16
+     9.85
+     9.31
+     8.34
+     7.15
+     5.76
+     4.00
+     2.12
+     0.16
+    -1.76
+    -3.88
+    -5.88
+    -7.69
+    -9.23
+   -10.71
+   -11.75
+   -12.23
+   -12.66
+   -12.38
+   -11.83
+   -10.82
+    -9.28
+    -7.54
+    -5.37
+    -3.13
+    -0.59
+     1.96
+     4.53
+     7.04
+     9.48
+    11.43
+    13.29
+    14.60
+    15.29
+    15.22
+    14.13
+    11.43
+     7.72
+     4.54
+     2.42
+     0.54
+    -1.18
+    -2.84
+    -4.42
+    -5.98
+    -7.32
+    -8.49
+    -9.43
+    -9.87
+   -10.14
+   -10.08
+    -9.76
+    -8.98
+    -7.91
+    -6.49
+    -4.93
+    -2.94
+    -0.90
+     1.01
+     3.26
+     5.26
+     7.20
+     9.06
+    10.57
+    11.74
+    12.48
+    12.79
+    12.72
+    12.01
+    10.88
+     9.14
+     7.25
+     5.24
+     3.07
+     0.72
+    -1.66
+    -4.10
+    -6.40
+    -8.60
+   -10.44
+   -12.22
+   -13.33
+   -14.21
+   -14.63
+   -14.45
+   -13.74
+   -12.76
+   -11.21
+    -9.26
+    -6.83
+    -4.11
+    -1.31
+     1.84
+     4.68
+     7.65
+    10.49
+    12.98
+    15.08
+    16.52
+    17.20
+    16.30
+    11.89
+     5.45
+     1.98
+     0.66
+    -0.19
+    -0.93
+    -1.54
+    -2.24
+    -2.83
+    -3.23
+    -3.76
+    -4.04
+    -4.28
+    -4.15
+    -4.02
+    -3.82
+    -3.35
+    -2.86
+    -2.28
+    -1.54
+    -0.81
+     0.15
+     1.02
+     1.84
+     2.74
+     3.42
+     4.14
+     4.64
+     4.97
+     5.22
+     5.36
+     5.19
+     4.86
+     4.49
+     3.70
+     2.99
+     2.04
+     1.15
+     0.04
+    -1.00
+    -2.12
+    -3.27
+    -4.20
+    -5.01
+    -5.78
+    -6.24
+    -6.70
+    -6.79
+    -6.57
+    -6.21
+    -5.61
+    -4.95
+    -4.00
+    -2.71
+    -1.64
+    -0.12
+     1.18
+     2.65
+     3.94
+     5.26
+     6.36
+     7.27
+     7.79
+     8.29
+     8.56
+     8.41
+     7.90
+     7.35
+     6.38
+     5.09
+     3.70
+     2.12
+     0.51
+    -1.16
+    -2.96
+    -4.78
+    -6.26
+    -7.77
+    -8.93
+    -9.79
+   -10.32
+   -10.75
+   -10.67
+   -10.10
+    -9.32
+    -8.07
+    -6.75
+    -4.97
+    -3.01
+    -0.85
+     1.21
+     3.55
+     5.70
+     7.62
+     9.38
+    11.07
+    12.16
+    12.98
+    13.30
+    13.15
+    12.34
+    10.90
+     8.94
+     6.92
+     4.57
+     2.49
+     0.01
+    -2.33
+    -4.66
+    -6.82
+    -8.94
+   -10.88
+   -12.19
+   -13.37
+   -14.20
+   -14.34
+   -14.10
+   -13.49
+   -12.27
+   -10.59
+    -8.57
+    -6.08
+    -3.49
+    -0.55
+     2.38
+     5.48
+     8.29
+    11.00
+    13.22
+    15.33
+    16.71
+    17.05
+    15.79
+    11.01
+     5.13
+     2.03
+     0.60
+    -0.21
+    -1.01
+    -1.82
+    -2.60
+    -3.32
+    -3.77
+    -4.26
+    -4.68
+    -4.79
+    -4.79
+    -4.72
+    -4.29
+    -3.85
+    -3.25
+    -2.56
+    -1.81
+    -0.77
+     0.18
+     1.25
+     2.24
+     3.20
+     3.98
+     4.83
+     5.29
+     5.70
+     6.00
+     6.06
+     6.03
+     5.51
+     4.94
+     4.20
+     3.39
+     2.29
+     1.25
+    -0.07
+    -1.43
+    -2.56
+    -3.77
+    -4.89
+    -5.77
+    -6.71
+    -7.32
+    -7.63
+    -7.74
+    -7.44
+    -7.17
+    -6.55
+    -5.63
+    -4.43
+    -3.11
+    -1.62
+    -0.09
+     1.53
+     3.03
+     4.66
+     6.00
+     7.14
+     8.26
+     9.09
+     9.42
+     9.77
+     9.46
+     9.06
+     8.27
+     7.05
+     5.70
+     4.06
+     2.30
+     0.48
+    -1.64
+    -3.62
+    -5.54
+    -7.19
+    -8.79
+   -10.15
+   -11.24
+   -11.89
+   -12.03
+   -12.00
+   -11.42
+   -10.53
+    -9.20
+    -7.44
+    -5.42
+    -3.30
+    -0.92
+     1.53
+     4.20
+     6.51
+     8.79
+    10.83
+    12.60
+    13.88
+    14.70
+    14.83
+    14.20
+    12.23
+     9.33
+     6.29
+     3.81
+     1.65
+    -0.15
+    -2.19
+    -4.10
+    -5.82
+    -7.44
+    -8.90
+   -10.16
+   -10.95
+   -11.46
+   -11.48
+   -11.38
+   -10.60
+    -9.65
+    -8.29
+    -6.61
+    -4.63
+    -2.25
+     0.03
+     2.44
+     4.85
+     7.03
+     9.08
+    11.09
+    12.43
+    13.67
+    14.20
+    14.16
+    13.53
+    11.84
+     9.31
+     6.79
+     4.34
+     2.15
+    -0.10
+    -2.10
+    -4.34
+    -6.30
+    -8.11
+    -9.73
+   -11.02
+   -12.07
+   -12.71
+   -12.97
+   -12.72
+   -11.91
+   -10.93
+    -9.34
+    -7.44
+    -5.36
+    -3.00
+    -0.36
+     2.27
+     5.03
+     7.48
+    10.05
+    12.04
+    13.81
+    14.96
+    15.70
+    15.36
+    13.69
+    10.16
+     6.08
+     3.25
+     1.51
+    -0.05
+    -1.72
+    -3.09
+    -4.55
+    -5.96
+    -7.07
+    -8.02
+    -8.67
+    -9.05
+    -9.27
+    -9.07
+    -8.54
+    -7.66
+    -6.63
+    -5.20
+    -3.71
+    -1.93
+    -0.09
+     1.91
+     3.67
+     5.48
+     7.17
+     8.77
+    10.01
+    10.92
+    11.43
+    11.55
+    11.31
+    10.62
+     9.50
+     8.23
+     6.40
+     4.45
+     2.46
+     0.16
+    -2.17
+    -4.33
+    -6.71
+    -8.64
+   -10.55
+   -12.05
+   -13.04
+   -13.70
+   -14.11
+   -13.82
+   -13.22
+   -11.94
+   -10.48
+    -8.31
+    -6.06
+    -3.38
+    -0.67
+     2.29
+     5.22
+     7.93
+    10.67
+    12.98
+    14.83
+    16.15
+    16.88
+    15.95
+    12.13
+     6.55
+     2.86
+     1.12
+     0.01
+    -0.97
+    -1.94
+    -2.74
+    -3.64
+    -4.45
+    -5.05
+    -5.34
+    -5.64
+    -5.78
+    -5.75
+    -5.31
+    -4.81
+    -4.19
+    -3.28
+    -2.35
+    -1.33
+    -0.23
+     1.13
+     2.29
+     3.43
+     4.40
+     5.33
+     6.15
+     6.86
+     7.13
+     7.29
+     7.28
+     6.79
+     6.16
+     5.47
+     4.31
+     3.18
+     1.91
+     0.40
+    -1.19
+    -2.51
+    -4.06
+    -5.35
+    -6.67
+    -7.56
+    -8.39
+    -8.98
+    -9.15
+    -9.18
+    -8.67
+    -8.02
+    -6.91
+    -5.79
+    -4.30
+    -2.61
+    -0.85
+     1.22
+     3.12
+     4.90
+     6.55
+     8.09
+     9.47
+    10.58
+    11.27
+    11.56
+    11.51
+    11.01
+    10.09
+     8.64
+     7.06
+     5.32
+     3.28
+     0.95
+    -1.27
+    -3.57
+    -5.90
+    -7.98
+    -9.89
+   -11.50
+   -12.68
+   -13.56
+   -13.99
+   -13.91
+   -13.37
+   -12.51
+   -11.04
+    -9.09
+    -6.93
+    -4.50
+    -1.61
+     1.15
+     4.15
+     7.04
+     9.62
+    11.99
+    14.19
+    15.70
+    16.75
+    16.50
+    13.96
+     8.66
+     3.96
+     1.58
+     0.33
+    -0.60
+    -1.63
+    -2.48
+    -3.36
+    -4.21
+    -4.88
+    -5.24
+    -5.69
+    -5.84
+    -5.88
+    -5.51
+    -5.22
+    -4.56
+    -3.83
+    -2.86
+    -1.82
+    -0.51
+     0.55
+     1.74
+     2.92
+     4.17
+     5.15
+     5.91
+     6.57
+     7.17
+     7.41
+     7.23
+     7.08
+     6.47
+     5.73
+     4.80
+     3.70
+     2.32
+     0.89
+    -0.57
+    -1.97
+    -3.48
+    -4.91
+    -6.30
+    -7.36
+    -8.13
+    -8.89
+    -9.18
+    -9.27
+    -9.01
+    -8.47
+    -7.38
+    -6.25
+    -4.95
+    -3.34
+    -1.40
+     0.33
+     2.33
+     4.29
+     5.99
+     7.70
+     9.12
+    10.28
+    11.12
+    11.58
+    11.50
+    11.14
+    10.37
+     9.25
+     7.80
+     5.94
+     4.06
+     1.91
+    -0.33
+    -2.64
+    -5.09
+    -7.15
+    -9.15
+   -10.98
+   -12.35
+   -13.34
+   -13.96
+   -14.03
+   -13.71
+   -12.97
+   -11.61
+    -9.88
+    -7.96
+    -5.53
+    -2.84
+     0.11
+     2.98
+     5.89
+     8.59
+    11.21
+    13.54
+    15.20
+    16.48
+    16.84
+    15.33
+    10.71
+     5.07
+     2.13
+     0.83
+    -0.32
+    -1.13
+    -2.20
+    -3.05
+    -3.80
+    -4.39
+    -4.94
+    -5.36
+    -5.65
+    -5.56
+    -5.39
+    -5.10
+    -4.57
+    -3.80
+    -2.94
+    -1.95
+    -0.85
+     0.19
+     1.42
+     2.56
+     3.56
+     4.59
+     5.54
+     6.14
+     6.71
+     7.06
+     7.20
+     6.93
+     6.43
+     5.96
+     5.01
+     3.97
+     2.64
+     1.31
+     0.00
+    -1.47
+    -2.97
+    -4.44
+    -5.71
+    -6.80
+    -7.77
+    -8.31
+    -8.84
+    -8.91
+    -8.74
+    -8.36
+    -7.60
+    -6.49
+    -5.18
+    -3.64
+    -2.00
+    -0.23
+     1.54
+     3.49
+     5.20
+     6.95
+     8.41
+     9.54
+    10.51
+    11.13
+    11.24
+    11.06
+    10.48
+     9.44
+     8.17
+     6.43
+     4.73
+     2.69
+     0.32
+    -1.90
+    -4.13
+    -6.32
+    -8.27
+   -10.16
+   -11.57
+   -12.68
+   -13.51
+   -13.73
+   -13.61
+   -12.94
+   -11.94
+   -10.46
+    -8.48
+    -6.16
+    -3.58
+    -0.92
+     1.94
+     4.82
+     7.46
+    10.23
+    12.40
+    14.40
+    15.76
+    16.51
+    16.00
+    13.30
+     8.20
+     3.95
+     1.80
+     0.36
+    -0.73
+    -1.73
+    -2.78
+    -3.91
+    -4.60
+    -5.44
+    -5.91
+    -6.43
+    -6.57
+    -6.43
+    -6.19
+    -5.66
+    -5.15
+    -4.15
+    -3.09
+    -1.84
+    -0.59
+     0.75
+     2.05
+     3.52
+     4.65
+     5.78
+     6.77
+     7.55
+     7.96
+     8.24
+     8.15
+     7.86
+     7.41
+     6.55
+     5.45
+     4.15
+     2.68
+     0.96
+    -0.70
+    -2.32
+    -4.01
+    -5.60
+    -7.17
+    -8.33
+    -9.20
+   -10.01
+   -10.40
+   -10.30
+   -10.05
+    -9.32
+    -8.45
+    -7.01
+    -5.44
+    -3.49
+    -1.52
+     0.57
+     2.72
+     4.89
+     6.82
+     8.61
+    10.28
+    11.58
+    12.53
+    12.91
+    12.90
+    12.41
+    11.20
+     9.78
+     7.75
+     5.70
+     3.44
+     1.14
+    -1.20
+    -3.64
+    -6.00
+    -8.14
+   -10.11
+   -11.72
+   -13.18
+   -14.06
+   -14.49
+   -14.39
+   -13.93
+   -12.88
+   -11.38
+    -9.65
+    -7.30
+    -4.65
+    -1.84
+     1.17
+     4.14
+     7.16
+     9.93
+    12.47
+    14.64
+    16.33
+    17.11
+    16.68
+    13.20
+     6.79
+     2.67
+     0.83
+    -0.08
+    -0.69
+    -1.41
+    -2.04
+    -2.75
+    -3.41
+    -3.85
+    -4.04
+    -4.36
+    -4.31
+    -4.31
+    -4.12
+    -3.63
+    -3.24
+    -2.56
+    -1.70
+    -1.03
+    -0.18
+     0.73
+     1.73
+     2.63
+     3.48
+     4.10
+     4.75
+     5.05
+     5.42
+     5.44
+     5.43
+     5.19
+     4.62
+     3.99
+     3.39
+     2.33
+     1.45
+     0.32
+    -0.83
+    -2.03
+    -3.03
+    -4.15
+    -5.10
+    -5.84
+    -6.46
+    -6.72
+    -7.02
+    -6.87
+    -6.65
+    -6.00
+    -5.36
+    -4.24
+    -3.17
+    -1.98
+    -0.59
+     0.80
+     2.30
+     3.64
+     5.04
+     6.27
+     7.20
+     8.01
+     8.58
+     8.76
+     8.68
+     8.41
+     7.67
+     6.79
+     5.59
+     4.12
+     2.64
+     0.96
+    -0.95
+    -2.60
+    -4.47
+    -6.01
+    -7.68
+    -8.87
+    -9.93
+   -10.66
+   -10.98
+   -10.86
+   -10.51
+    -9.79
+    -8.74
+    -7.29
+    -5.51
+    -3.55
+    -1.42
+     0.85
+     2.97
+     5.34
+     7.40
+     9.23
+    10.97
+    12.40
+    13.13
+    13.60
+    13.61
+    12.71
+    11.22
+     9.29
+     7.05
+     4.63
+     2.38
+     0.18
+    -2.19
+    -4.37
+    -6.65
+    -8.69
+   -10.34
+   -11.92
+   -13.02
+   -13.76
+   -14.00
+   -13.71
+   -13.05
+   -12.03
+   -10.33
+    -8.37
+    -6.06
+    -3.50
+    -0.73
+     2.20
+     5.21
+     7.92
+    10.52
+    12.78
+    14.77
+    16.06
+    16.88
+    15.96
+    12.31
+     6.60
+     2.96
+     1.09
+     0.15
+    -0.93
+    -1.90
+    -2.76
+    -3.73
+    -4.46
+    -5.06
+    -5.54
+    -5.74
+    -5.98
+    -5.71
+    -5.52
+    -4.92
+    -4.36
+    -3.50
+    -2.39
+    -1.30
+    -0.24
+     0.97
+     2.28
+     3.52
+     4.49
+     5.38
+     6.23
+     6.91
+     7.22
+     7.44
+     7.29
+     6.90
+     6.46
+     5.47
+     4.57
+     3.23
+     1.94
+     0.36
+    -1.09
+    -2.61
+    -4.09
+    -5.48
+    -6.79
+    -7.74
+    -8.49
+    -9.14
+    -9.41
+    -9.22
+    -8.91
+    -8.10
+    -7.09
+    -5.85
+    -4.40
+    -2.72
+    -0.86
+     1.17
+     3.08
+     4.94
+     6.61
+     8.30
+     9.70
+    10.66
+    11.47
+    11.67
+    11.67
+    11.15
+    10.14
+     8.83
+     7.28
+     5.41
+     3.21
+     1.02
+    -1.18
+    -3.62
+    -5.79
+    -7.98
+   -10.00
+   -11.63
+   -12.81
+   -13.71
+   -14.13
+   -14.10
+   -13.57
+   -12.71
+   -11.09
+    -9.29
+    -7.03
+    -4.44
+    -1.82
+     1.16
+     4.15
+     6.98
+     9.71
+    12.24
+    14.21
+    15.86
+    16.89
+    16.54
+    13.72
+     8.14
+     3.45
+     1.41
+     0.19
+    -0.69
+    -1.58
+    -2.41
+    -3.07
+    -3.78
+    -4.49
+    -4.95
+    -5.20
+    -5.23
+    -5.23
+    -4.99
+    -4.72
+    -4.02
+    -3.35
+    -2.45
+    -1.39
+    -0.44
+     0.75
+     1.77
+     2.84
+     3.80
+     4.73
+     5.60
+     6.20
+     6.43
+     6.81
+     6.58
+     6.45
+     5.99
+     5.19
+     4.23
+     3.28
+     1.95
+     0.63
+    -0.64
+    -2.15
+    -3.46
+    -4.67
+    -5.74
+    -6.92
+    -7.64
+    -8.09
+    -8.50
+    -8.42
+    -8.09
+    -7.54
+    -6.70
+    -5.64
+    -4.31
+    -2.69
+    -1.06
+     0.62
+     2.38
+     4.11
+     5.61
+     7.13
+     8.46
+     9.39
+    10.17
+    10.59
+    10.52
+    10.23
+     9.63
+     8.45
+     7.14
+     5.56
+     3.54
+     1.68
+    -0.48
+    -2.76
+    -4.80
+    -6.87
+    -8.65
+   -10.26
+   -11.53
+   -12.54
+   -13.11
+   -13.14
+   -12.93
+   -12.05
+   -10.84
+    -9.15
+    -7.27
+    -4.88
+    -2.43
+     0.25
+     3.09
+     5.63
+     8.30
+    10.72
+    12.64
+    14.43
+    15.46
+    15.92
+    15.29
+    12.69
+     8.25
+     4.45
+     2.12
+     0.62
+    -0.88
+    -2.12
+    -3.51
+    -4.84
+    -5.79
+    -6.79
+    -7.56
+    -8.02
+    -8.30
+    -8.35
+    -7.94
+    -7.49
+    -6.58
+    -5.48
+    -4.16
+    -2.63
+    -0.89
+     0.66
+     2.46
+     4.09
+     5.73
+     7.33
+     8.41
+     9.43
+    10.20
+    10.56
+    10.38
+     9.99
+     9.29
+     8.20
+     6.99
+     5.22
+     3.34
+     1.39
+    -0.62
+    -2.82
+    -4.90
+    -6.92
+    -8.82
+   -10.25
+   -11.56
+   -12.40
+   -12.95
+   -12.99
+   -12.74
+   -11.76
+   -10.54
+    -8.87
+    -6.86
+    -4.73
+    -2.17
+     0.49
+     3.17
+     5.89
+     8.52
+    10.71
+    12.76
+    14.43
+    15.39
+    15.80
+    15.09
+    12.48
+     8.26
+     4.67
+     2.35
+     0.68
+    -0.80
+    -2.14
+    -3.71
+    -4.88
+    -6.07
+    -7.26
+    -8.00
+    -8.51
+    -8.81
+    -8.76
+    -8.35
+    -7.90
+    -6.97
+    -5.80
+    -4.30
+    -2.71
+    -1.10
+     0.70
+     2.56
+     4.30
+     6.06
+     7.48
+     8.89
+     9.95
+    10.69
+    11.09
+    10.98
+    10.61
+     9.82
+     8.68
+     7.18
+     5.48
+     3.60
+     1.57
+    -0.75
+    -2.94
+    -5.07
+    -7.18
+    -9.14
+   -10.71
+   -12.16
+   -13.06
+   -13.56
+   -13.67
+   -13.14
+   -12.41
+   -11.05
+    -9.38
+    -7.25
+    -4.91
+    -2.26
+     0.41
+     3.37
+     6.03
+     8.84
+    11.23
+    13.32
+    15.03
+    16.04
+    16.44
+    15.16
+    11.24
+     6.34
+     3.08
+     1.36
+    -0.01
+    -1.17
+    -2.40
+    -3.55
+    -4.53
+    -5.32
+    -6.06
+    -6.59
+    -6.97
+    -6.98
+    -6.87
+    -6.53
+    -6.01
+    -5.21
+    -4.16
+    -2.96
+    -1.51
+    -0.24
+     1.40
+     2.80
+     4.13
+     5.43
+     6.61
+     7.64
+     8.39
+     8.78
+     8.82
+     8.82
+     8.40
+     7.53
+     6.65
+     5.36
+     3.91
+     2.22
+     0.37
+    -1.30
+    -3.13
+    -5.00
+    -6.55
+    -8.19
+    -9.24
+   -10.22
+   -10.89
+   -11.17
+   -11.13
+   -10.58
+    -9.77
+    -8.42
+    -6.94
+    -5.13
+    -3.11
+    -0.88
+     1.48
+     3.75
+     5.99
+     8.16
+    10.05
+    11.52
+    12.83
+    13.51
+    13.86
+    13.53
+    12.50
+    10.81
+     8.43
+     6.12
+     3.84
+     1.50
+    -0.80
+    -2.92
+    -5.13
+    -7.20
+    -9.12
+   -10.80
+   -12.14
+   -13.19
+   -13.69
+   -13.75
+   -13.36
+   -12.42
+   -11.23
+    -9.37
+    -7.41
+    -4.94
+    -2.18
+     0.42
+     3.35
+     6.11
+     8.86
+    11.21
+    13.35
+    15.03
+    16.29
+    16.41
+    14.98
+    10.89
+     5.91
+     2.68
+     0.99
+    -0.21
+    -1.23
+    -2.40
+    -3.39
+    -4.31
+    -5.22
+    -5.79
+    -6.29
+    -6.66
+    -6.81
+    -6.62
+    -6.17
+    -5.49
+    -4.86
+    -3.85
+    -2.71
+    -1.39
+     0.09
+     1.40
+     2.78
+     4.19
+     5.30
+     6.38
+     7.31
+     8.01
+     8.38
+     8.53
+     8.33
+     7.81
+     7.16
+     6.05
+     4.88
+     3.46
+     1.97
+     0.21
+    -1.45
+    -3.18
+    -4.91
+    -6.55
+    -7.84
+    -9.07
+    -9.88
+   -10.47
+   -10.62
+   -10.47
+    -9.92
+    -9.17
+    -7.88
+    -6.53
+    -4.60
+    -2.62
+    -0.69
+     1.63
+     3.72
+     5.94
+     7.90
+     9.77
+    11.07
+    12.33
+    12.94
+    13.20
+    12.99
+    12.16
+    10.70
+     8.82
+     6.58
+     4.30
+     2.18
+    -0.30
+    -2.69
+    -4.87
+    -7.16
+    -9.12
+   -10.98
+   -12.56
+   -13.54
+   -14.25
+   -14.37
+   -14.14
+   -13.41
+   -11.99
+   -10.36
+    -8.14
+    -5.67
+    -3.00
+    -0.15
+     2.90
+     5.77
+     8.76
+    11.24
+    13.61
+    15.57
+    16.73
+    17.13
+    15.24
+    10.10
+     4.35
+     1.67
+     0.49
+    -0.31
+    -1.23
+    -2.03
+    -2.68
+    -3.26
+    -3.91
+    -4.21
+    -4.61
+    -4.71
+    -4.64
+    -4.63
+    -4.16
+    -3.83
+    -3.09
+    -2.37
+    -1.46
+    -0.56
+     0.43
+     1.43
+     2.39
+     3.13
+     4.12
+     4.74
+     5.36
+     5.78
+     5.97
+     6.06
+     5.88
+     5.47
+     4.76
+     4.15
+     3.08
+     2.04
+     0.89
+    -0.33
+    -1.52
+    -2.81
+    -3.86
+    -4.88
+    -5.87
+    -6.67
+    -7.10
+    -7.45
+    -7.56
+    -7.36
+    -6.91
+    -6.32
+    -5.37
+    -4.15
+    -2.95
+    -1.37
+     0.10
+     1.72
+     3.18
+     4.71
+     6.01
+     7.21
+     8.26
+     9.08
+     9.44
+     9.57
+     9.37
+     8.83
+     8.02
+     6.86
+     5.31
+     3.72
+     2.03
+     0.04
+    -1.86
+    -3.82
+    -5.67
+    -7.30
+    -8.83
+   -10.16
+   -11.08
+   -11.67
+   -11.82
+   -11.75
+   -11.08
+   -10.15
+    -8.68
+    -7.15
+    -5.07
+    -2.89
+    -0.56
+     2.08
+     4.43
+     6.86
+     8.96
+    10.90
+    12.58
+    13.75
+    14.61
+    14.63
+    14.00
+    12.00
+     9.36
+     6.30
+     3.78
+     1.74
+    -0.19
+    -2.15
+    -4.27
+    -6.07
+    -7.86
+    -9.30
+   -10.53
+   -11.46
+   -11.90
+   -12.05
+   -11.91
+   -11.19
+   -10.15
+    -8.62
+    -6.91
+    -4.86
+    -2.51
+     0.02
+     2.44
+     4.90
+     7.30
+     9.47
+    11.43
+    13.04
+    14.12
+    14.74
+    14.73
+    13.68
+    11.48
+     8.28
+     5.30
+     3.16
+     1.18
+    -0.83
+    -2.85
+    -4.56
+    -6.42
+    -8.07
+    -9.25
+   -10.44
+   -11.16
+   -11.48
+   -11.53
+   -11.23
+   -10.33
+    -9.32
+    -7.85
+    -5.93
+    -3.94
+    -1.69
+     0.75
+     3.18
+     5.57
+     7.84
+     9.72
+    11.49
+    12.99
+    13.96
+    14.32
+    14.21
+    13.04
+    11.02
+     8.46
+     5.79
+     3.47
+     1.40
+    -0.74
+    -2.89
+    -4.84
+    -6.86
+    -8.60
+   -10.19
+   -11.43
+   -12.31
+   -12.67
+   -12.69
+   -12.36
+   -11.52
+   -10.35
+    -8.77
+    -6.71
+    -4.44
+    -1.99
+     0.51
+     3.18
+     5.90
+     8.29
+    10.61
+    12.62
+    14.14
+    15.26
+    15.69
+    15.09
+    12.70
+     8.87
+     5.40
+     2.78
+     1.09
+    -0.61
+    -2.06
+    -3.71
+    -5.08
+    -6.40
+    -7.54
+    -8.44
+    -9.08
+    -9.50
+    -9.44
+    -9.18
+    -8.67
+    -7.61
+    -6.48
+    -5.11
+    -3.35
+    -1.49
+     0.49
+     2.39
+     4.41
+     6.17
+     7.91
+     9.28
+    10.62
+    11.31
+    11.94
+    11.99
+    11.59
+    10.70
+     9.47
+     7.95
+     5.98
+     4.02
+     1.79
+    -0.57
+    -2.94
+    -5.25
+    -7.50
+    -9.37
+   -11.08
+   -12.61
+   -13.64
+   -14.31
+   -14.32
+   -13.90
+   -13.11
+   -11.89
+   -10.07
+    -7.88
+    -5.34
+    -2.75
+     0.20
+     3.20
+     6.18
+     8.90
+    11.50
+    13.73
+    15.66
+    16.77
+    16.95
+    14.91
+     9.45
+     4.05
+     1.58
+     0.44
+    -0.43
+    -1.33
+    -2.10
+    -2.74
+    -3.41
+    -3.92
+    -4.39
+    -4.73
+    -4.90
+    -4.95
+    -4.73
+    -4.35
+    -3.84
+    -3.16
+    -2.37
+    -1.47
+    -0.52
+     0.36
+     1.46
+     2.38
+     3.31
+     4.31
+     5.00
+     5.64
+     6.04
+     6.15
+     6.24
+     6.00
+     5.59
+     4.90
+     4.18
+     3.17
+     2.06
+     0.90
+    -0.44
+    -1.57
+    -2.97
+    -4.09
+    -5.14
+    -6.19
+    -6.90
+    -7.39
+    -7.77
+    -7.91
+    -7.60
+    -7.13
+    -6.28
+    -5.30
+    -4.28
+    -2.78
+    -1.33
+     0.21
+     1.82
+     3.40
+     4.94
+     6.36
+     7.56
+     8.56
+     9.42
+     9.72
+     9.87
+     9.62
+     8.94
+     8.21
+     6.94
+     5.47
+     3.67
+     1.87
+    -0.12
+    -2.14
+    -3.98
+    -6.02
+    -7.76
+    -9.21
+   -10.67
+   -11.54
+   -12.17
+   -12.26
+   -11.98
+   -11.44
+   -10.46
+    -8.97
+    -7.22
+    -5.12
+    -2.70
+    -0.20
+     2.24
+     4.81
+     7.30
+     9.56
+    11.45
+    13.22
+    14.33
+    14.97
+    14.96
+    13.79
+    11.36
+     8.08
+     5.06
+     2.81
+     0.86
+    -0.98
+    -2.87
+    -4.48
+    -6.14
+    -7.64
+    -8.96
+    -9.94
+   -10.58
+   -11.04
+   -10.87
+   -10.46
+    -9.78
+    -8.64
+    -7.22
+    -5.43
+    -3.40
+    -1.30
+     0.89
+     3.27
+     5.49
+     7.57
+     9.55
+    11.10
+    12.38
+    13.38
+    13.75
+    13.48
+    12.62
+    11.17
+     9.11
+     6.82
+     4.57
+     2.17
+    -0.05
+    -2.30
+    -4.61
+    -6.67
+    -8.68
+   -10.58
+   -11.96
+   -13.18
+   -13.82
+   -13.88
+   -13.73
+   -13.01
+   -11.81
+   -10.20
+    -8.12
+    -5.74
+    -3.14
+    -0.40
+     2.49
+     5.34
+     8.14
+    10.67
+    13.06
+    14.84
+    16.25
+    16.76
+    15.70
+    11.92
+     6.34
+     2.86
+     1.07
+    -0.10
+    -0.96
+    -1.98
+    -3.01
+    -3.83
+    -4.55
+    -5.26
+    -5.69
+    -5.87
+    -5.91
+    -5.85
+    -5.64
+    -5.11
+    -4.28
+    -3.55
+    -2.49
+    -1.31
+    -0.20
+     1.11
+     2.44
+     3.54
+     4.59
+     5.68
+     6.43
+     7.02
+     7.46
+     7.57
+     7.41
+     7.09
+     6.52
+     5.64
+     4.54
+     3.33
+     1.83
+     0.38
+    -1.20
+    -2.76
+    -4.23
+    -5.73
+    -6.93
+    -7.94
+    -8.67
+    -9.28
+    -9.62
+    -9.51
+    -9.10
+    -8.36
+    -7.20
+    -6.02
+    -4.47
+    -2.55
+    -0.73
+     1.19
+     3.23
+     5.08
+     6.93
+     8.46
+     9.89
+    10.88
+    11.67
+    11.98
+    11.80
+    11.18
+    10.21
+     8.91
+     7.27
+     5.23
+     3.20
+     0.88
+    -1.49
+    -3.89
+    -6.12
+    -8.29
+   -10.10
+   -11.78
+   -13.06
+   -13.97
+   -14.38
+   -14.29
+   -13.66
+   -12.56
+   -11.23
+    -9.20
+    -6.96
+    -4.40
+    -1.49
+     1.46
+     4.31
+     7.24
+    10.01
+    12.40
+    14.52
+    16.17
+    17.01
+    16.63
+    13.08
+     7.09
+     2.90
+     1.03
+     0.00
+    -0.74
+    -1.52
+    -2.42
+    -3.02
+    -3.69
+    -4.24
+    -4.61
+    -4.86
+    -4.97
+    -4.93
+    -4.59
+    -4.27
+    -3.57
+    -2.98
+    -2.08
+    -1.20
+    -0.24
+     0.89
+     1.79
+     2.94
+     3.72
+     4.52
+     5.22
+     5.69
+     6.06
+     6.29
+     6.19
+     5.76
+     5.34
+     4.68
+     3.77
+     2.78
+     1.62
+     0.30
+    -0.89
+    -2.19
+    -3.36
+    -4.48
+    -5.66
+    -6.42
+    -7.18
+    -7.59
+    -7.85
+    -7.84
+    -7.36
+    -6.92
+    -5.96
+    -4.97
+    -3.70
+    -2.19
+    -0.77
+     0.95
+     2.50
+     4.05
+     5.53
+     6.89
+     8.00
+     8.96
+     9.45
+     9.76
+     9.81
+     9.35
+     8.62
+     7.65
+     6.33
+     4.78
+     3.15
+     1.17
+    -0.83
+    -2.91
+    -4.87
+    -6.65
+    -8.39
+    -9.89
+   -11.10
+   -11.78
+   -12.23
+   -12.20
+   -11.96
+   -10.99
+    -9.91
+    -8.36
+    -6.28
+    -4.27
+    -1.87
+     0.75
+     3.31
+     5.72
+     8.11
+    10.24
+    12.10
+    13.70
+    14.75
+    15.19
+    14.72
+    13.10
+    10.18
+     6.74
+     3.97
+     1.88
+     0.05
+    -1.73
+    -3.54
+    -5.14
+    -6.74
+    -8.16
+    -9.38
+   -10.34
+   -10.70
+   -10.92
+   -10.79
+   -10.22
+    -9.34
+    -7.98
+    -6.45
+    -4.71
+    -2.64
+    -0.50
+     1.87
+     4.16
+     6.28
+     8.39
+    10.19
+    11.68
+    12.75
+    13.54
+    13.69
+    13.34
+    12.16
+    10.35
+     8.13
+     5.91
+     3.65
+     1.33
+    -0.80
+    -3.14
+    -5.52
+    -7.61
+    -9.62
+   -11.09
+   -12.57
+   -13.50
+   -13.93
+   -13.94
+   -13.57
+   -12.67
+   -11.32
+    -9.54
+    -7.35
+    -4.81
+    -2.11
+     0.64
+     3.66
+     6.50
+     9.16
+    11.64
+    13.83
+    15.53
+    16.65
+    16.72
+    14.64
+     9.70
+     4.47
+     1.87
+     0.70
+    -0.33
+    -1.44
+    -2.30
+    -3.22
+    -4.01
+    -4.64
+    -5.35
+    -5.69
+    -5.76
+    -5.82
+    -5.65
+    -5.21
+    -4.64
+    -3.85
+    -2.98
+    -1.87
+    -0.85
+     0.49
+     1.70
+     2.86
+     3.97
+     4.90
+     5.85
+     6.56
+     7.09
+     7.33
+     7.35
+     7.15
+     6.70
+     6.08
+     5.00
+     3.98
+     2.60
+     1.24
+    -0.19
+    -1.78
+    -3.33
+    -4.84
+    -6.04
+    -7.23
+    -8.08
+    -8.77
+    -9.27
+    -9.32
+    -9.14
+    -8.59
+    -7.78
+    -6.63
+    -5.12
+    -3.51
+    -1.81
+     0.04
+     2.05
+     3.95
+     5.73
+     7.49
+     8.90
+    10.19
+    11.05
+    11.51
+    11.69
+    11.51
+    10.60
+     9.57
+     8.20
+     6.46
+     4.30
+     2.17
+    -0.01
+    -2.28
+    -4.62
+    -6.93
+    -8.88
+   -10.68
+   -12.27
+   -13.32
+   -13.96
+   -14.16
+   -14.00
+   -13.25
+   -11.90
+   -10.31
+    -8.36
+    -5.84
+    -3.30
+    -0.33
+     2.49
+     5.44
+     8.39
+    10.92
+    13.17
+    15.05
+    16.43
+    16.86
+    15.72
+    11.39
+     5.70
+     2.43
+     0.85
+    -0.08
+    -1.05
+    -2.02
+    -2.86
+    -3.56
+    -4.26
+    -4.76
+    -5.14
+    -5.47
+    -5.34
+    -5.27
+    -4.87
+    -4.39
+    -3.74
+    -2.93
+    -2.05
+    -0.94
+     0.00
+     1.11
+     2.42
+     3.38
+     4.39
+     5.24
+     5.97
+     6.48
+     6.75
+     6.77
+     6.70
+     6.27
+     5.81
+     4.83
+     3.99
+     2.74
+     1.53
+     0.12
+    -1.28
+    -2.71
+    -4.04
+    -5.41
+    -6.52
+    -7.34
+    -8.04
+    -8.48
+    -8.60
+    -8.55
+    -8.06
+    -7.26
+    -6.40
+    -5.23
+    -3.80
+    -2.06
+    -0.33
+     1.35
+     3.21
+     4.86
+     6.42
+     8.00
+     9.16
+     9.93
+    10.57
+    10.90
+    10.78
+    10.22
+     9.30
+     8.13
+     6.57
+     4.81
+     2.68
+     0.71
+    -1.48
+    -3.70
+    -5.78
+    -7.80
+    -9.63
+   -11.15
+   -12.28
+   -13.12
+   -13.43
+   -13.22
+   -12.80
+   -11.65
+   -10.30
+    -8.46
+    -6.33
+    -3.82
+    -1.24
+     1.42
+     4.20
+     7.08
+     9.63
+    11.78
+    13.79
+    15.31
+    16.06
+    15.94
+    14.21
+    10.13
+     5.55
+     2.79
+     1.18
+    -0.16
+    -1.55
+    -2.86
+    -4.04
+    -5.15
+    -5.96
+    -6.77
+    -7.38
+    -7.73
+    -7.72
+    -7.55
+    -7.13
+    -6.28
+    -5.40
+    -4.31
+    -2.96
+    -1.55
+     0.19
+     1.80
+     3.26
+     4.90
+     6.17
+     7.47
+     8.53
+     9.15
+     9.60
+     9.75
+     9.46
+     9.02
+     8.19
+     6.96
+     5.58
+     3.95
+     2.14
+     0.09
+    -1.89
+    -3.96
+    -5.71
+    -7.50
+    -9.19
+   -10.48
+   -11.31
+   -11.89
+   -12.15
+   -11.94
+   -11.31
+   -10.32
+    -8.96
+    -7.19
+    -5.19
+    -2.85
+    -0.51
+     1.94
+     4.60
+     6.94
+     9.24
+    11.20
+    12.81
+    14.17
+    14.86
+    14.94
+    13.95
+    11.85
+     8.56
+     5.60
+     3.20
+     1.21
+    -0.71
+    -2.62
+    -4.42
+    -6.09
+    -7.60
+    -8.95
+   -10.02
+   -10.84
+   -11.22
+   -11.24
+   -11.01
+   -10.20
+    -9.23
+    -7.76
+    -5.95
+    -4.07
+    -1.73
+     0.59
+     2.85
+     5.24
+     7.31
+     9.50
+    11.15
+    12.52
+    13.62
+    14.04
+    13.91
+    13.17
+    11.43
+     9.08
+     6.61
+     4.28
+     2.07
+    -0.18
+    -2.38
+    -4.51
+    -6.67
+    -8.51
+   -10.10
+   -11.60
+   -12.59
+   -13.30
+   -13.48
+   -13.16
+   -12.36
+   -11.26
+    -9.65
+    -7.71
+    -5.38
+    -2.96
+    -0.17
+     2.51
+     5.32
+     7.91
+    10.52
+    12.63
+    14.42
+    15.64
+    16.19
+    15.68
+    12.90
+     8.39
+     4.43
+     2.16
+     0.55
+    -0.73
+    -2.05
+    -3.16
+    -4.46
+    -5.55
+    -6.44
+    -7.06
+    -7.60
+    -7.71
+    -7.81
+    -7.36
+    -6.86
+    -5.97
+    -5.07
+    -3.75
+    -2.34
+    -0.95
+     0.79
+     2.37
+     3.90
+     5.39
+     6.71
+     7.91
+     8.79
+     9.44
+     9.75
+     9.67
+     9.39
+     8.77
+     7.82
+     6.54
+     4.90
+     3.12
+     1.27
+    -0.62
+    -2.63
+    -4.56
+    -6.47
+    -8.23
+    -9.57
+   -10.81
+   -11.69
+   -12.12
+   -12.18
+   -11.92
+   -11.15
+   -10.00
+    -8.44
+    -6.52
+    -4.37
+    -2.14
+     0.43
+     2.94
+     5.46
+     7.89
+    10.02
+    11.86
+    13.47
+    14.43
+    15.00
+    14.63
+    13.42
+    10.69
+     7.29
+     4.63
+     2.29
+     0.49
+    -1.33
+    -3.28
+    -4.95
+    -6.63
+    -8.15
+    -9.48
+   -10.30
+   -10.89
+   -11.28
+   -11.06
+   -10.74
+    -9.77
+    -8.63
+    -6.96
+    -5.14
+    -3.07
+    -0.91
+     1.41
+     3.69
+     5.96
+     8.26
+    10.00
+    11.59
+    12.86
+    13.68
+    13.93
+    13.58
+    12.50
+    10.66
+     8.28
+     5.84
+     3.62
+     1.36
+    -0.85
+    -3.05
+    -5.23
+    -7.43
+    -9.19
+   -10.91
+   -12.12
+   -12.94
+   -13.51
+   -13.46
+   -13.11
+   -12.13
+   -10.81
+    -9.25
+    -7.00
+    -4.66
+    -2.04
+     0.77
+     3.46
+     6.25
+     8.89
+    11.26
+    13.35
+    15.09
+    16.08
+    16.24
+    14.91
+    11.16
+     6.21
+     2.94
+     1.21
+     0.03
+    -1.20
+    -2.39
+    -3.51
+    -4.52
+    -5.52
+    -6.29
+    -6.84
+    -7.13
+    -7.31
+    -7.15
+    -6.66
+    -6.16
+    -5.31
+    -4.14
+    -3.01
+    -1.49
+    -0.20
+     1.31
+     2.90
+     4.30
+     5.71
+     6.75
+     7.70
+     8.60
+     9.05
+     9.22
+     9.03
+     8.58
+     7.74
+     6.64
+     5.37
+     3.84
+     2.15
+     0.39
+    -1.41
+    -3.28
+    -5.16
+    -6.75
+    -8.33
+    -9.61
+   -10.49
+   -11.09
+   -11.34
+   -11.21
+   -10.82
+    -9.89
+    -8.62
+    -7.02
+    -5.14
+    -3.09
+    -0.79
+     1.45
+     3.89
+     6.28
+     8.32
+    10.25
+    11.96
+    13.13
+    13.90
+    14.11
+    13.75
+    12.51
+    10.53
+     7.92
+     5.41
+     3.05
+     1.07
+    -1.22
+    -3.47
+    -5.45
+    -7.39
+    -9.23
+   -10.70
+   -11.98
+   -12.76
+   -13.11
+   -13.24
+   -12.72
+   -11.67
+   -10.38
+    -8.67
+    -6.63
+    -4.22
+    -1.63
+     1.17
+     3.87
+     6.64
+     9.18
+    11.47
+    13.35
+    14.87
+    15.75
+    16.06
+    14.72
+    11.18
+     6.66
+     3.51
+     1.60
+     0.15
+    -1.29
+    -2.51
+    -3.83
+    -5.16
+    -6.15
+    -6.98
+    -7.65
+    -8.00
+    -8.19
+    -8.13
+    -7.68
+    -6.92
+    -6.04
+    -4.97
+    -3.53
+    -1.90
+    -0.25
+     1.31
+     2.95
+     4.61
+     6.31
+     7.51
+     8.71
+     9.61
+    10.18
+    10.35
+    10.16
+     9.74
+     8.98
+     7.77
+     6.20
+     4.49
+     2.75
+     0.62
+    -1.45
+    -3.53
+    -5.55
+    -7.53
+    -9.13
+   -10.56
+   -11.71
+   -12.49
+   -12.79
+   -12.77
+   -12.28
+   -11.24
+    -9.87
+    -8.12
+    -6.15
+    -3.68
+    -1.30
+     1.45
+     4.16
+     6.78
+     9.12
+    11.41
+    13.15
+    14.70
+    15.47
+    15.67
+    14.56
+    11.50
+     7.51
+     4.14
+     2.15
+     0.41
+    -1.19
+    -2.58
+    -4.03
+    -5.45
+    -6.63
+    -7.66
+    -8.49
+    -9.13
+    -9.36
+    -9.16
+    -8.78
+    -8.11
+    -7.18
+    -5.85
+    -4.39
+    -2.59
+    -0.79
+     1.18
+     3.06
+     4.91
+     6.78
+     8.27
+     9.62
+    10.58
+    11.34
+    11.58
+    11.65
+    11.03
+    10.18
+     8.71
+     7.09
+     5.30
+     3.13
+     1.07
+    -1.36
+    -3.55
+    -5.99
+    -7.94
+    -9.88
+   -11.58
+   -12.73
+   -13.76
+   -14.20
+   -14.18
+   -13.63
+   -12.49
+   -11.09
+    -9.17
+    -7.08
+    -4.36
+    -1.73
+     1.19
+     4.27
+     7.04
+     9.85
+    12.24
+    14.26
+    16.00
+    16.77
+    16.62
+    13.78
+     8.05
+     3.45
+     1.42
+     0.33
+    -0.71
+    -1.65
+    -2.46
+    -3.28
+    -4.02
+    -4.57
+    -4.97
+    -5.30
+    -5.53
+    -5.36
+    -5.09
+    -4.71
+    -4.11
+    -3.38
+    -2.43
+    -1.40
+    -0.50
+     0.69
+     1.74
+     2.82
+     3.86
+     4.85
+     5.68
+     6.28
+     6.60
+     6.83
+     6.84
+     6.49
+     5.96
+     5.33
+     4.36
+     3.21
+     1.97
+     0.76
+    -0.68
+    -1.99
+    -3.46
+    -4.88
+    -6.05
+    -7.06
+    -7.78
+    -8.40
+    -8.70
+    -8.61
+    -8.41
+    -7.77
+    -6.88
+    -5.81
+    -4.32
+    -2.84
+    -1.26
+     0.63
+     2.48
+     4.06
+     5.87
+     7.39
+     8.62
+     9.61
+    10.39
+    10.85
+    10.93
+    10.45
+     9.67
+     8.73
+     7.17
+     5.58
+     3.69
+     1.68
+    -0.60
+    -2.64
+    -4.90
+    -6.93
+    -8.79
+   -10.40
+   -11.79
+   -12.68
+   -13.23
+   -13.35
+   -13.07
+   -12.28
+   -11.00
+    -9.43
+    -7.25
+    -4.91
+    -2.47
+     0.19
+     3.14
+     5.82
+     8.51
+    10.81
+    12.93
+    14.74
+    15.84
+    16.30
+    15.37
+    12.13
+     7.27
+     3.79
+     1.64
+     0.22
+    -0.94
+    -2.17
+    -3.54
+    -4.49
+    -5.66
+    -6.32
+    -7.06
+    -7.51
+    -7.57
+    -7.52
+    -7.15
+    -6.54
+    -5.74
+    -4.62
+    -3.46
+    -2.02
+    -0.59
+     1.09
+     2.71
+     4.18
+     5.66
+     6.93
+     8.06
+     8.78
+     9.42
+     9.61
+     9.51
+     9.09
+     8.49
+     7.34
+     6.14
+     4.61
+     2.75
+     0.87
+    -0.99
+    -2.98
+    -4.93
+    -6.76
+    -8.30
+    -9.86
+   -10.83
+   -11.61
+   -12.03
+   -12.01
+   -11.59
+   -10.65
+    -9.59
+    -7.97
+    -5.93
+    -3.77
+    -1.56
+     0.87
+     3.54
+     5.94
+     8.21
+    10.28
+    12.11
+    13.55
+    14.52
+    14.82
+    14.51
+    13.03
+    10.26
+     7.12
+     4.58
+     2.37
+     0.46
+    -1.57
+    -3.57
+    -5.43
+    -7.07
+    -8.68
+    -9.90
+   -10.89
+   -11.56
+   -11.76
+   -11.68
+   -11.14
+   -10.20
+    -8.83
+    -7.25
+    -5.23
+    -3.20
+    -0.84
+     1.59
+     4.10
+     6.45
+     8.68
+    10.56
+    12.24
+    13.45
+    14.34
+    14.48
+    13.96
+    12.47
+     9.89
+     7.19
+     4.61
+     2.34
+     0.30
+    -1.66
+    -3.70
+    -5.68
+    -7.55
+    -9.25
+   -10.45
+   -11.65
+   -12.18
+   -12.45
+   -12.38
+   -11.79
+   -10.70
+    -9.36
+    -7.63
+    -5.52
+    -3.34
+    -0.73
+     1.76
+     4.34
+     6.88
+     9.19
+    11.32
+    13.01
+    14.35
+    15.15
+    15.15
+    14.25
+    11.75
+     8.09
+     4.95
+     2.70
+     0.71
+    -0.92
+    -2.59
+    -4.23
+    -5.88
+    -7.38
+    -8.58
+    -9.35
+   -10.16
+   -10.46
+   -10.46
+    -9.98
+    -9.29
+    -8.10
+    -6.86
+    -5.18
+    -3.35
+    -1.17
+     0.88
+     3.09
+     5.11
+     7.22
+     9.05
+    10.47
+    11.75
+    12.54
+    12.94
+    12.94
+    12.24
+    11.15
+     9.35
+     7.44
+     5.28
+     3.12
+     0.80
+    -1.73
+    -4.04
+    -6.40
+    -8.55
+   -10.44
+   -12.02
+   -13.36
+   -14.10
+   -14.60
+   -14.42
+   -13.82
+   -12.68
+   -11.18
+    -9.26
+    -6.85
+    -4.13
+    -1.38
+     1.68
+     4.62
+     7.67
+    10.33
+    12.82
+    14.95
+    16.49
+    17.18
+    16.33
+    12.29
+     5.82
+     2.27
+     0.69
+    -0.02
+    -0.89
+    -1.58
+    -2.31
+    -2.86
+    -3.43
+    -3.82
+    -4.25
+    -4.42
+    -4.38
+    -4.20
+    -4.12
+    -3.63
+    -3.14
+    -2.34
+    -1.65
+    -0.84
+     0.04
+     1.02
+     1.94
+     2.74
+     3.51
+     4.28
+     4.80
+     5.23
+     5.49
+     5.61
+     5.38
+     5.09
+     4.67
+     3.98
+     3.28
+     2.32
+     1.20
+     0.13
+    -1.04
+    -2.14
+    -3.26
+    -4.26
+    -5.25
+    -5.88
+    -6.52
+    -6.89
+    -7.08
+    -6.87
+    -6.57
+    -6.04
+    -5.26
+    -4.23
+    -2.93
+    -1.82
+    -0.33
+     1.16
+     2.63
+     4.02
+     5.33
+     6.33
+     7.40
+     8.19
+     8.56
+     8.86
+     8.78
+     8.27
+     7.67
+     6.69
+     5.49
+     3.96
+     2.29
+     0.68
+    -1.20
+    -3.00
+    -4.77
+    -6.47
+    -7.79
+    -9.09
+   -10.14
+   -10.77
+   -11.04
+   -11.07
+   -10.63
+    -9.74
+    -8.66
+    -7.04
+    -5.24
+    -3.38
+    -1.10
+     1.12
+     3.44
+     5.68
+     7.77
+     9.68
+    11.25
+    12.50
+    13.31
+    13.68
+    13.45
+    12.56
+    10.99
+     8.82
+     6.49
+     4.15
+     1.97
+    -0.31
+    -2.57
+    -4.73
+    -6.96
+    -8.99
+   -10.74
+   -12.07
+   -13.11
+   -13.76
+   -13.89
+   -13.57
+   -12.79
+   -11.53
+    -9.81
+    -7.84
+    -5.42
+    -2.84
+    -0.06
+     2.89
+     5.68
+     8.40
+    11.04
+    13.09
+    14.91
+    16.19
+    16.66
+    15.51
+    11.49
+     6.18
+     2.72
+     1.14
+    -0.08
+    -1.16
+    -2.11
+    -3.14
+    -4.02
+    -4.83
+    -5.45
+    -5.90
+    -6.25
+    -6.31
+    -6.07
+    -5.73
+    -5.20
+    -4.54
+    -3.53
+    -2.49
+    -1.39
+    -0.11
+     1.32
+     2.48
+     3.79
+     4.97
+     5.85
+     6.70
+     7.24
+     7.78
+     7.84
+     7.67
+     7.38
+     6.72
+     5.70
+     4.63
+     3.27
+     1.87
+     0.32
+    -1.27
+    -2.96
+    -4.53
+    -6.00
+    -7.13
+    -8.21
+    -9.22
+    -9.60
+    -9.89
+    -9.86
+    -9.42
+    -8.53
+    -7.47
+    -6.05
+    -4.45
+    -2.72
+    -0.73
+     1.37
+     3.34
+     5.33
+     7.29
+     8.86
+    10.23
+    11.45
+    12.05
+    12.47
+    12.23
+    11.59
+    10.52
+     8.99
+     7.07
+     5.00
+     2.85
+     0.56
+    -1.72
+    -4.08
+    -6.52
+    -8.69
+   -10.46
+   -12.11
+   -13.46
+   -14.22
+   -14.52
+   -14.42
+   -13.69
+   -12.73
+   -11.17
+    -9.06
+    -6.76
+    -3.95
+    -1.08
+     1.74
+     4.78
+     7.87
+    10.49
+    12.88
+    15.07
+    16.65
+    17.27
+    16.27
+    11.87
+     5.61
+     2.13
+     0.57
+    -0.19
+    -0.83
+    -1.67
+    -2.22
+    -2.98
+    -3.52
+    -3.80
+    -4.08
+    -4.40
+    -4.32
+    -4.29
+    -3.93
+    -3.61
+    -3.11
+    -2.37
+    -1.51
+    -0.86
+     0.05
+     0.98
+     1.95
+     2.82
+     3.55
+     4.23
+     4.70
+     5.23
+     5.45
+     5.44
+     5.37
+     5.14
+     4.66
+     3.86
+     3.10
+     2.11
+     1.20
+     0.08
+    -1.21
+    -2.31
+    -3.33
+    -4.31
+    -5.16
+    -5.96
+    -6.41
+    -6.80
+    -6.95
+    -6.79
+    -6.45
+    -5.96
+    -5.08
+    -4.12
+    -2.86
+    -1.68
+    -0.25
+     1.29
+     2.66
+     3.96
+     5.37
+     6.38
+     7.36
+     8.17
+     8.54
+     8.83
+     8.53
+     8.25
+     7.42
+     6.60
+     5.21
+     3.87
+     2.21
+     0.47
+    -1.36
+    -2.99
+    -4.85
+    -6.37
+    -7.86
+    -9.12
+   -10.13
+   -10.74
+   -10.95
+   -10.86
+   -10.51
+    -9.61
+    -8.36
+    -6.89
+    -5.17
+    -3.12
+    -1.02
+     1.29
+     3.60
+     5.79
+     7.93
+     9.81
+    11.40
+    12.54
+    13.38
+    13.69
+    13.42
+    12.55
+    10.96
+     8.79
+     6.53
+     4.30
+     1.94
+    -0.27
+    -2.59
+    -4.80
+    -7.07
+    -9.02
+   -10.79
+   -12.17
+   -13.30
+   -13.79
+   -14.09
+   -13.73
+   -12.92
+   -11.69
+    -9.98
+    -7.96
+    -5.55
+    -2.81
+     0.08
+     2.96
+     5.83
+     8.64
+    11.08
+    13.40
+    15.12
+    16.43
+    16.81
+    15.42
+    11.08
+     5.59
+     2.39
+     0.77
+    -0.21
+    -1.14
+    -2.02
+    -3.04
+    -3.86
+    -4.46
+    -5.16
+    -5.44
+    -5.70
+    -5.84
+    -5.59
+    -5.36
+    -4.78
+    -3.98
+    -3.21
+    -2.13
+    -1.02
+     0.01
+     1.35
+     2.58
+     3.60
+     4.76
+     5.53
+     6.28
+     6.90
+     7.31
+     7.40
+     7.18
+     6.80
+     6.10
+     5.32
+     4.21
+     3.01
+     1.55
+     0.01
+    -1.37
+    -2.88
+    -4.47
+    -5.76
+    -6.89
+    -7.81
+    -8.70
+    -9.16
+    -9.26
+    -9.15
+    -8.61
+    -7.89
+    -6.91
+    -5.53
+    -4.04
+    -2.21
+    -0.43
+     1.59
+     3.46
+     5.24
+     6.91
+     8.51
+     9.85
+    10.75
+    11.30
+    11.65
+    11.42
+    10.85
+     9.92
+     8.45
+     6.71
+     4.94
+     2.78
+     0.65
+    -1.84
+    -4.15
+    -6.32
+    -8.39
+   -10.18
+   -11.80
+   -13.05
+   -13.77
+   -14.18
+   -13.94
+   -13.32
+   -12.28
+   -10.81
+    -8.71
+    -6.53
+    -3.83
+    -1.06
+     1.88
+     4.71
+     7.59
+    10.24
+    12.57
+    14.54
+    16.19
+    16.93
+    16.16
+    12.98
+     7.13
+     3.05
+     1.19
+     0.15
+    -0.89
+    -1.74
+    -2.67
+    -3.52
+    -4.25
+    -4.85
+    -5.23
+    -5.56
+    -5.69
+    -5.51
+    -5.20
+    -4.70
+    -4.15
+    -3.40
+    -2.43
+    -1.30
+    -0.23
+     0.92
+     2.08
+     3.10
+     4.26
+     5.18
+     5.89
+     6.53
+     6.95
+     7.08
+     7.06
+     6.75
+     6.12
+     5.31
+     4.29
+     3.26
+     2.02
+     0.63
+    -0.86
+    -2.39
+    -3.78
+    -5.19
+    -6.28
+    -7.29
+    -8.12
+    -8.69
+    -8.92
+    -8.75
+    -8.49
+    -7.87
+    -6.82
+    -5.64
+    -4.34
+    -2.63
+    -0.98
+     0.81
+     2.66
+     4.62
+     6.29
+     7.83
+     9.09
+    10.14
+    10.73
+    11.19
+    11.12
+    10.69
+     9.84
+     8.67
+     7.07
+     5.32
+     3.35
+     1.30
+    -0.88
+    -3.11
+    -5.37
+    -7.42
+    -9.38
+   -11.04
+   -12.22
+   -13.23
+   -13.64
+   -13.67
+   -13.35
+   -12.39
+   -11.08
+    -9.20
+    -7.20
+    -4.75
+    -1.98
+     0.77
+     3.65
+     6.45
+     9.11
+    11.53
+    13.69
+    15.23
+    16.35
+    16.36
+    14.76
+    10.52
+     5.47
+     2.49
+     0.99
+    -0.31
+    -1.39
+    -2.49
+    -3.53
+    -4.35
+    -5.31
+    -5.97
+    -6.36
+    -6.67
+    -6.64
+    -6.51
+    -6.08
+    -5.56
+    -4.71
+    -3.64
+    -2.50
+    -1.32
+     0.22
+     1.52
+     2.81
+     4.23
+     5.41
+     6.56
+     7.25
+     8.02
+     8.33
+     8.56
+     8.19
+     7.72
+     7.03
+     5.99
+     4.77
+     3.35
+     1.82
+     0.10
+    -1.59
+    -3.47
+    -5.06
+    -6.54
+    -7.86
+    -9.08
+    -9.97
+   -10.54
+   -10.71
+   -10.39
+    -9.84
+    -9.01
+    -7.73
+    -6.26
+    -4.56
+    -2.54
+    -0.40
+     1.73
+     4.01
+     6.13
+     7.97
+     9.88
+    11.18
+    12.43
+    13.03
+    13.30
+    13.02
+    11.90
+    10.45
+     8.51
+     6.42
+     4.28
+     1.98
+    -0.44
+    -2.84
+    -5.12
+    -7.26
+    -9.30
+   -11.18
+   -12.69
+   -13.68
+   -14.18
+   -14.46
+   -14.04
+   -13.14
+   -11.96
+   -10.22
+    -8.11
+    -5.45
+    -2.73
+     0.07
+     3.17
+     6.10
+     8.98
+    11.46
+    13.81
+    15.57
+    16.94
+    17.13
+    14.98
+     9.48
+     4.09
+     1.46
+     0.35
+    -0.46
+    -1.20
+    -2.07
+    -2.63
+    -3.36
+    -3.95
+    -4.38
+    -4.59
+    -4.78
+    -4.78
+    -4.59
+    -4.14
+    -3.62
+    -3.08
+    -2.27
+    -1.45
+    -0.53
+     0.52
+     1.35
+     2.34
+     3.33
+     4.15
+     4.88
+     5.44
+     5.77
+     5.96
+     5.98
+     5.71
+     5.33
+     4.82
+     3.99
+     3.10
+     1.94
+     0.88
+    -0.42
+    -1.52
+    -2.80
+    -4.00
+    -5.10
+    -5.94
+    -6.67
+    -7.10
+    -7.54
+    -7.50
+    -7.25
+    -6.90
+    -6.16
+    -5.23
+    -4.07
+    -2.69
+    -1.22
+     0.25
+     1.87
+     3.42
+     4.76
+     6.24
+     7.35
+     8.23
+     8.89
+     9.39
+     9.47
+     9.19
+     8.61
+     7.80
+     6.58
+     5.33
+     3.64
+     1.87
+    -0.10
+    -2.03
+    -3.94
+    -5.74
+    -7.56
+    -8.96
+   -10.24
+   -11.17
+   -11.58
+   -11.95
+   -11.67
+   -11.05
+    -9.96
+    -8.58
+    -6.86
+    -4.79
+    -2.57
+    -0.21
+     2.19
+     4.58
+     7.03
+     9.20
+    11.01
+    12.77
+    13.82
+    14.58
+    14.49
+    13.69
+    11.96
+     9.15
+     6.36
+     3.81
+     1.78
+    -0.35
+    -2.23
+    -4.31
+    -6.19
+    -7.91
+    -9.52
+   -10.70
+   -11.54
+   -12.17
+   -12.18
+   -12.00
+   -11.29
+   -10.11
+    -8.58
+    -6.92
+    -4.68
+    -2.49
+    -0.03
+     2.57
+     5.06
+     7.53
+     9.64
+    11.73
+    13.25
+    14.44
+    15.02
+    14.87
+    13.59
+    11.05
+     7.87
+     4.80
+     2.66
+     0.64
+    -1.21
+    -2.89
+    -4.70
+    -6.47
+    -7.92
+    -9.13
+   -10.27
+   -10.96
+   -11.13
+   -11.16
+   -10.63
+    -9.92
+    -8.74
+    -7.23
+    -5.36
+    -3.41
+    -1.28
+     1.17
+     3.45
+     5.79
+     7.90
+     9.76
+    11.38
+    12.61
+    13.64
+    13.97
+    13.78
+    12.70
+    11.03
+     8.76
+     6.35
+     3.89
+     1.76
+    -0.48
+    -2.71
+    -5.01
+    -6.97
+    -8.87
+   -10.66
+   -12.00
+   -12.97
+   -13.50
+   -13.64
+   -13.26
+   -12.55
+   -11.25
+    -9.57
+    -7.59
+    -5.12
+    -2.50
+     0.25
+     3.08
+     5.86
+     8.47
+    11.02
+    13.04
+    14.83
+    15.97
+    16.39
+    15.37
+    11.66
+     6.58
+     3.18
+     1.44
+     0.03
+    -1.15
+    -2.21
+    -3.30
+    -4.30
+    -5.25
+    -5.95
+    -6.55
+    -6.79
+    -6.92
+    -6.89
+    -6.54
+    -5.92
+    -5.03
+    -4.06
+    -2.99
+    -1.64
+    -0.32
+     1.25
+     2.53
+     4.03
+     5.39
+     6.38
+     7.38
+     8.17
+     8.50
+     8.75
+     8.68
+     8.22
diff --git a/tests/extrema/amplitude_tisean_max.dat b/tests/extrema/amplitude_tisean_max.dat
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f246180
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/extrema/amplitude_tisean_max.dat
@@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
+5.369185e+00 4.282609e+00
+8.607206e+00 3.451151e+01
+1.336250e+01 3.395588e+01
+1.720650e+01 3.285895e+01
+6.246750e+00 3.169105e+01
+1.004202e+01 3.449091e+01
+1.527759e+01 3.369185e+01
+1.314289e+01 3.264581e+01
+1.727544e+01 3.270989e+01
+5.823684e+00 3.158259e+01
+9.190114e+00 3.460167e+01
+1.431324e+01 3.378808e+01
+1.582757e+01 3.276553e+01
+1.098529e+01 3.260013e+01
+1.644163e+01 3.325146e+01
+8.953333e+00 3.246096e+01
+1.381375e+01 3.373611e+01
+1.653820e+01 3.279500e+01
+8.522226e+00 3.190927e+01
+1.342440e+01 3.447210e+01
+1.700333e+01 3.253196e+01
+6.344545e+00 3.203030e+01
+9.920476e+00 3.401732e+01
+1.528500e+01 3.378571e+01
+1.332190e+01 3.292857e+01
+1.719915e+01 3.255571e+01
+-4.896250e+00 1.384906e+01
+6.418437e+00 1.831250e+01
+1.016000e+01 3.418750e+01
+1.535322e+01 3.340789e+01
+1.280895e+01 3.290789e+01
+1.720383e+01 3.261459e+01
+5.360363e+00 3.202123e+01
+8.564286e+00 3.419124e+01
+1.330769e+01 3.403799e+01
+1.711613e+01 3.253165e+01
+6.061250e+00 3.245417e+01
+9.770303e+00 3.386364e+01
+1.487112e+01 3.364075e+01
+1.425265e+01 3.275877e+01
+1.571852e+01 3.275536e+01
+1.155500e+01 3.264815e+01
+1.688301e+01 3.310643e+01
+7.306544e+00 3.250142e+01
+1.158118e+01 3.391176e+01
+1.681154e+01 3.295475e+01
+7.411071e+00 3.176374e+01
+1.161343e+01 3.428042e+01
+1.692840e+01 3.334066e+01
+7.205152e+00 3.214895e+01
+1.124211e+01 3.403785e+01
+1.651571e+01 3.321593e+01
+8.252196e+00 3.216152e+01
+1.295388e+01 3.421760e+01
+1.712265e+01 3.267027e+01
+5.440417e+00 3.202204e+01
+8.764808e+00 3.402564e+01
+1.371880e+01 3.431868e+01
+1.688072e+01 3.246028e+01
+7.441655e+00 3.212333e+01
+1.173500e+01 3.440541e+01
+1.693188e+01 3.274638e+01
+6.814611e+00 3.187657e+01
+1.062125e+01 3.423419e+01
+1.592331e+01 3.356488e+01
+1.056750e+01 3.224465e+01
+1.581004e+01 3.369940e+01
+1.111061e+01 3.241824e+01
+1.649762e+01 3.345378e+01
+8.872500e+00 3.276190e+01
+1.386007e+01 3.351471e+01
+1.654840e+01 3.256271e+01
+8.530893e+00 3.235115e+01
+1.320066e+01 3.412462e+01
+1.725118e+01 3.262148e+01
+6.063750e+00 3.215866e+01
+9.571856e+00 3.406061e+01
+1.470156e+01 3.363683e+01
+1.481383e+01 3.295336e+01
+1.433662e+01 3.278183e+01
+1.569351e+01 3.265152e+01
+1.202403e+01 3.269364e+01
+1.714480e+01 3.296997e+01
+6.248523e+00 3.219165e+01
+9.873125e+00 3.410227e+01
+1.504633e+01 3.360962e+01
+1.375195e+01 3.259351e+01
+1.678408e+01 3.274672e+01
+7.571157e+00 3.208257e+01
+1.198431e+01 3.422525e+01
+1.703168e+01 3.305587e+01
+6.296402e+00 3.200845e+01
+9.851201e+00 3.440107e+01
+1.519012e+01 3.338548e+01
+1.370000e+01 3.281648e+01
+1.695489e+01 3.273256e+01
+7.368409e+00 3.205835e+01
+1.169000e+01 3.440909e+01
+1.690014e+01 3.277389e+01
+6.773472e+00 3.194834e+01
+1.091225e+01 3.451111e+01
+1.611703e+01 3.312874e+01
+9.755568e+00 3.247884e+01
+1.503674e+01 3.373386e+01
+1.405911e+01 3.268887e+01
+1.619019e+01 3.275523e+01
+9.766955e+00 3.227600e+01
+1.500532e+01 3.381151e+01
+1.393208e+01 3.281028e+01
+1.635484e+01 3.269072e+01
+9.220139e+00 3.236484e+01
+1.411493e+01 3.389620e+01
+1.614037e+01 3.281946e+01
+1.035014e+01 3.228434e+01
+1.574902e+01 3.368045e+01
+1.170480e+01 3.294878e+01
+1.682223e+01 3.273551e+01
+6.880139e+00 3.219082e+01
+1.096571e+01 3.411508e+01
+1.631987e+01 3.318808e+01
+9.613491e+00 3.232424e+01
+1.482002e+01 3.383663e+01
+1.450735e+01 3.272032e+01
+1.526250e+01 3.278788e+01
+1.302750e+01 3.300000e+01
+1.718208e+01 3.244805e+01
+5.614321e+00 3.189481e+01
+8.875921e+00 3.444662e+01
+1.368408e+01 3.382719e+01
+1.669568e+01 3.267346e+01
+7.846576e+00 3.197075e+01
+1.247614e+01 3.437549e+01
+1.728114e+01 3.274635e+01
+5.473967e+00 3.157381e+01
+8.830021e+00 3.453500e+01
+1.369034e+01 3.404296e+01
+1.688204e+01 3.268021e+01
+7.406815e+00 3.207563e+01
+1.165310e+01 3.431313e+01
+1.693007e+01 3.288662e+01
+7.090083e+00 3.237660e+01
+1.122587e+01 3.400126e+01
+1.655628e+01 3.313829e+01
+8.564083e+00 3.237712e+01
+1.330002e+01 3.410758e+01
+1.733521e+01 3.259029e+01
+6.006940e+00 3.198777e+01
+9.483889e+00 3.415326e+01
+1.464601e+01 3.367190e+01
+1.505166e+01 3.290040e+01
+1.397471e+01 3.284009e+01
+1.642125e+01 3.265705e+01
+8.762656e+00 3.248958e+01
diff --git a/tests/extrema/amplitude_tisean_min.dat b/tests/extrema/amplitude_tisean_min.dat
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7bb1155
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/extrema/amplitude_tisean_min.dat
@@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
+-6.716000e+00 2.140000e+01
+-1.069175e+01 3.450000e+01
+-1.433028e+01 3.357222e+01
+-4.987857e+00 3.117063e+01
+-7.900489e+00 3.429193e+01
+-1.247316e+01 3.380206e+01
+-1.057962e+01 3.267620e+01
+-1.446003e+01 3.357533e+01
+-4.572426e+00 3.062927e+01
+-7.235956e+00 3.464706e+01
+-1.145175e+01 3.383529e+01
+-1.305364e+01 3.353636e+01
+-8.842457e+00 3.165674e+01
+-1.367250e+01 3.429023e+01
+-7.082228e+00 3.109058e+01
+-1.109059e+01 3.426726e+01
+-1.377641e+01 3.326395e+01
+-6.756705e+00 3.111305e+01
+-1.064786e+01 3.432468e+01
+-1.436481e+01 3.376455e+01
+-5.054737e+00 3.075049e+01
+-7.966791e+00 3.439616e+01
+-1.235400e+01 3.404595e+01
+-1.075920e+01 3.260455e+01
+-1.435265e+01 3.369896e+01
+-5.112154e+00 3.100075e+01
+-8.080526e+00 3.404311e+01
+-1.266396e+01 3.415827e+01
+-1.015670e+01 3.221255e+01
+-1.464200e+01 3.388182e+01
+-4.284088e+00 2.994865e+01
+-6.796815e+00 3.464167e+01
+-1.078002e+01 3.455281e+01
+-1.434329e+01 3.352528e+01
+-4.798750e+00 3.063158e+01
+-7.751006e+00 3.426829e+01
+-1.203890e+01 3.455524e+01
+-1.148667e+01 3.234314e+01
+-1.297002e+01 3.334314e+01
+-9.270119e+00 3.201401e+01
+-1.411257e+01 3.406190e+01
+-5.788897e+00 3.123782e+01
+-9.233333e+00 3.423203e+01
+-1.402002e+01 3.378758e+01
+-5.913201e+00 3.125442e+01
+-9.280321e+00 3.415958e+01
+-1.405003e+01 3.392234e+01
+-5.663158e+00 3.058367e+01
+-8.915208e+00 3.452851e+01
+-1.373368e+01 3.435539e+01
+-6.570000e+00 3.085294e+01
+-1.042145e+01 3.429592e+01
+-1.451568e+01 3.401540e+01
+-4.384628e+00 3.005354e+01
+-4.333750e+00 1.135135e+00
+-7.026250e+00 3.366667e+01
+-1.099136e+01 3.406061e+01
+-1.400059e+01 3.372556e+01
+-5.980221e+00 3.101776e+01
+-9.411739e+00 3.411637e+01
+-1.417225e+01 3.434638e+01
+-5.260000e+00 3.106667e+01
+-8.527781e+00 3.383673e+01
+-1.315687e+01 3.428827e+01
+-8.385217e+00 3.198370e+01
+-1.300901e+01 3.402924e+01
+-8.832321e+00 3.171921e+01
+-1.370445e+01 3.431473e+01
+-6.990417e+00 3.091146e+01
+-1.119250e+01 3.479167e+01
+-1.378025e+01 3.325833e+01
+-6.810588e+00 3.130784e+01
+-1.062000e+01 3.405882e+01
+-1.437432e+01 3.384286e+01
+-4.710662e+00 3.024538e+01
+-7.563266e+00 3.476660e+01
+-1.182364e+01 3.432698e+01
+-1.205004e+01 3.283542e+01
+-1.155232e+01 3.262562e+01
+-1.272432e+01 3.291429e+01
+-9.533750e+00 3.181786e+01
+-1.436887e+01 3.414826e+01
+-4.963380e+00 3.116193e+01
+-7.918028e+00 3.412593e+01
+-1.227220e+01 3.393213e+01
+-1.105669e+01 3.248692e+01
+-1.388482e+01 3.355556e+01
+-5.910500e+00 3.111429e+01
+-9.634694e+00 3.435556e+01
+-1.440560e+01 3.406444e+01
+-4.974083e+00 3.091333e+01
+-7.878935e+00 3.422963e+01
+-1.227594e+01 3.397454e+01
+-1.092289e+01 3.269107e+01
+-1.398263e+01 3.339774e+01
+-5.826576e+00 3.123455e+01
+-9.329185e+00 3.395652e+01
+-1.416056e+01 3.433816e+01
+-5.480870e+00 3.016184e+01
+-8.603603e+00 3.498849e+01
+-1.343240e+01 3.389027e+01
+-7.770139e+00 3.137607e+01
+-1.215066e+01 3.458097e+01
+-1.126205e+01 3.252681e+01
+-1.348490e+01 3.328000e+01
+-7.837841e+00 3.182182e+01
+-1.219562e+01 3.400568e+01
+-1.128592e+01 3.245184e+01
+-1.356452e+01 3.328001e+01
+-7.310147e+00 3.161006e+01
+-1.134474e+01 3.412848e+01
+-1.326925e+01 3.354211e+01
+-8.198450e+00 3.156000e+01
+-1.282062e+01 3.417750e+01
+-9.360262e+00 3.159738e+01
+-1.424793e+01 3.442164e+01
+-5.531125e+00 3.061848e+01
+-8.714135e+00 3.419423e+01
+-1.335800e+01 3.453077e+01
+-7.570114e+00 3.124545e+01
+-1.207545e+01 3.440909e+01
+-1.176643e+01 3.275974e+01
+-1.246471e+01 3.307983e+01
+-1.052000e+01 3.220588e+01
+-1.461882e+01 3.373529e+01
+-4.430060e+00 3.007423e+01
+-7.080125e+00 3.466548e+01
+-1.111471e+01 3.458883e+01
+-1.390003e+01 3.322506e+01
+-6.323500e+00 3.091111e+01
+-9.916406e+00 3.470625e+01
+-1.453250e+01 3.384375e+01
+-4.418000e+00 3.005000e+01
+-6.950040e+00 3.468387e+01
+-1.095600e+01 3.421613e+01
+-1.409068e+01 3.375455e+01
+-5.843878e+00 3.090443e+01
+-9.260060e+00 3.411722e+01
+-1.418556e+01 3.415458e+01
+-5.691008e+00 3.078859e+01
+-8.921125e+00 3.415565e+01
+-1.370004e+01 3.451071e+01
+-6.698824e+00 3.082605e+01
+-1.071574e+01 3.443517e+01
+-1.446350e+01 3.405306e+01
+-4.803750e+00 3.060000e+01
+-7.581667e+00 3.391667e+01
+-1.195156e+01 3.465256e+01
+-1.219901e+01 3.248340e+01
+-1.121580e+01 3.300094e+01
+-1.365385e+01 3.321566e+01
+-6.927812e+00 3.154327e+01
diff --git a/tests/extrema/procedure.txt b/tests/extrema/procedure.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0800d48
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/extrema/procedure.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+When analyzing 'test_extrema.m' it is obvious that 'extrema' from TISEAN and 'findpeaks' from 'signal' are * NOT * the same (apart from the fact that the data they give is presented in a different form). This is because 'findpeaks' searches for all 'peaks' (that is highs and lows) where as extrema searches for highes (default) or for lows (with option '-z').
+This function *needs* to be ported.
diff --git a/tests/extrema/test_extrema.m b/tests/extrema/test_extrema.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..32ac0ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/extrema/test_extrema.m
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+# This test compares the results of TISEAN extrema function
+# $ extrema amplitude.dat -o "amplitude_tisean_max.dat"
+# $ extrema amplitude.dat -z -o "amplitude_tisean_min.dat"
+pkg load signal
+close all
+dataset = {"amplitude"};
+ndata   = numel (dataset);
+tisean_max_output = @(x) sprintf("%s_tisean_max.dat",x);
+tisean_min_output = @(x) sprintf("%s_tisean_min.dat",x);
+for i=1:ndata
+  # Load tisean results
+  data_tisean_max = load (tisean_max_output (dataset{i}));
+  data_tisean_min = load (tisean_min_output (dataset{i}));
+  data = load ([dataset{i} ".dat"]);
+  n    = length (data);
+  # Change to absolute time reference
+  max_rows = rows (data_tisean_max);
+  for j=1:max_rows
+    data_tisean_max(max_rows+1-j,2) = sum (data_tisean_max([1:max_rows+1-j],2));
+  endfor
+  min_rows = rows (data_tisean_min);
+  for j=1:min_rows
+    data_tisean_min(min_rows+1-j,2) = sum (data_tisean_min([1:min_rows+1-j],2));
+  endfor
+  # Calculate with Octave  
+  [pks_octave, loc, extra] = findpeaks (data, "DoubleSided", "MinPeakDistance", 2);
+  # Compare
+  figure (2*i - 1)
+  plot ([1:5000],data,'b', ... 
+          loc, pks_octave,'ro', ...
+          data_tisean_max(:,2), data_tisean_max(:,1), 'g.');
+  legend ("Data", "Octave","Tisean");
+  axis tight
+  figure (2*i)
+  plot ([1:5000],data,'b', ... 
+          loc, pks_octave,'ro', ...
+          data_tisean_min(:,2), data_tisean_min(:,1), 'g.');
+  legend ("Data", "Octave","Tisean");
+  axis tight
+#  printf ("Difference on %s: %.3g\n", dataset{i}, ...
+#                   sqrt (mean ((data_octave-data_tisean(:,2)).^2)));
+  fflush (stdout);
diff --git a/tests/histogram/amplitude.dat b/tests/histogram/amplitude.dat
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..617fd1b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/histogram/amplitude.dat
@@ -0,0 +1,5000 @@
+     3.61
+     4.31
+     4.83
+     5.18
+     5.36
+     5.31
+     5.15
+     4.92
+     4.23
+     3.53
+     2.84
+     1.86
+     0.89
+    -0.31
+    -1.38
+    -2.50
+    -3.47
+    -4.46
+    -5.40
+    -5.98
+    -6.52
+    -6.70
+    -6.68
+    -6.66
+    -6.23
+    -5.58
+    -4.72
+    -3.61
+    -2.56
+    -1.18
+     0.12
+     1.66
+     3.02
+     4.23
+     5.57
+     6.61
+     7.50
+     8.06
+     8.50
+     8.60
+     8.36
+     7.84
+     7.17
+     6.15
+     4.73
+     3.39
+     1.84
+     0.05
+    -1.75
+    -3.47
+    -5.04
+    -6.66
+    -8.15
+    -9.17
+   -10.09
+   -10.55
+   -10.69
+   -10.48
+   -10.08
+    -9.04
+    -7.92
+    -6.37
+    -4.47
+    -2.58
+    -0.32
+     1.93
+     4.10
+     6.22
+     8.23
+     9.95
+    11.36
+    12.45
+    13.25
+    13.35
+    13.05
+    12.03
+    10.39
+     8.47
+     6.31
+     4.05
+     1.69
+    -0.65
+    -2.95
+    -5.36
+    -7.51
+    -9.46
+   -11.22
+   -12.70
+   -13.55
+   -14.25
+   -14.23
+   -14.02
+   -12.98
+   -11.67
+    -9.93
+    -7.85
+    -5.21
+    -2.66
+     0.34
+     3.26
+     6.25
+     9.15
+    11.66
+    13.86
+    15.64
+    16.73
+    17.01
+    14.72
+     9.34
+     4.01
+     1.57
+     0.49
+    -0.42
+    -1.31
+    -2.17
+    -2.82
+    -3.51
+    -4.02
+    -4.52
+    -4.79
+    -4.93
+    -4.97
+    -4.73
+    -4.37
+    -3.81
+    -3.17
+    -2.47
+    -1.47
+    -0.48
+     0.41
+     1.45
+     2.53
+     3.55
+     4.24
+     5.01
+     5.61
+     6.12
+     6.24
+     6.21
+     6.12
+     5.60
+     5.10
+     4.12
+     3.26
+     2.21
+     0.83
+    -0.49
+    -1.69
+    -2.94
+    -4.12
+    -5.31
+    -6.22
+    -7.10
+    -7.54
+    -7.80
+    -7.90
+    -7.77
+    -7.15
+    -6.36
+    -5.44
+    -4.27
+    -2.93
+    -1.43
+     0.32
+     1.81
+     3.53
+     5.02
+     6.48
+     7.84
+     8.75
+     9.51
+     9.87
+    10.03
+     9.64
+     9.17
+     8.29
+     7.07
+     5.41
+     3.86
+     2.00
+    -0.05
+    -2.15
+    -4.06
+    -6.17
+    -7.86
+    -9.53
+   -10.67
+   -11.62
+   -12.37
+   -12.46
+   -12.17
+   -11.57
+   -10.49
+    -8.95
+    -7.18
+    -5.15
+    -2.69
+    -0.36
+     2.41
+     4.81
+     7.38
+     9.66
+    11.66
+    13.23
+    14.64
+    15.21
+    15.20
+    13.92
+    11.14
+     7.48
+     4.44
+     2.42
+     0.44
+    -1.18
+    -2.87
+    -4.65
+    -6.11
+    -7.66
+    -8.72
+    -9.63
+   -10.35
+   -10.56
+   -10.54
+    -9.94
+    -9.24
+    -8.15
+    -6.61
+    -4.86
+    -2.99
+    -0.87
+     1.20
+     3.35
+     5.63
+     7.62
+     9.31
+    10.90
+    12.14
+    12.92
+    13.14
+    13.01
+    12.13
+    10.89
+     9.18
+     6.92
+     4.84
+     2.47
+     0.26
+    -2.10
+    -4.46
+    -6.79
+    -8.82
+   -10.75
+   -12.28
+   -13.35
+   -14.25
+   -14.46
+   -14.24
+   -13.55
+   -12.31
+   -10.77
+    -8.76
+    -6.34
+    -3.63
+    -0.75
+     2.24
+     5.20
+     8.14
+    10.90
+    13.29
+    15.13
+    16.59
+    17.25
+    15.96
+    11.18
+     5.00
+     1.86
+     0.65
+    -0.19
+    -1.00
+    -1.67
+    -2.45
+    -3.09
+    -3.74
+    -4.14
+    -4.42
+    -4.54
+    -4.56
+    -4.41
+    -4.05
+    -3.62
+    -3.18
+    -2.48
+    -1.67
+    -0.71
+     0.14
+     1.08
+     2.08
+     2.94
+     3.76
+     4.51
+     5.13
+     5.44
+     5.79
+     5.76
+     5.62
+     5.24
+     4.70
+     3.99
+     3.16
+     2.10
+     1.13
+     0.00
+    -1.32
+    -2.45
+    -3.56
+    -4.63
+    -5.51
+    -6.22
+    -6.90
+    -7.10
+    -7.23
+    -7.19
+    -6.77
+    -6.21
+    -5.16
+    -4.17
+    -2.90
+    -1.57
+    -0.19
+     1.39
+     2.82
+     4.35
+     5.72
+     6.91
+     7.92
+     8.58
+     8.96
+     9.19
+     8.98
+     8.51
+     7.84
+     6.71
+     5.35
+     3.81
+     2.19
+     0.46
+    -1.54
+    -3.36
+    -5.13
+    -6.83
+    -8.36
+    -9.65
+   -10.63
+   -11.24
+   -11.45
+   -11.31
+   -10.87
+    -9.93
+    -8.63
+    -7.09
+    -5.19
+    -3.14
+    -0.84
+     1.50
+     3.88
+     6.24
+     8.38
+    10.35
+    12.08
+    13.30
+    14.07
+    14.30
+    13.79
+    12.51
+    10.31
+     7.73
+     5.23
+     2.90
+     0.86
+    -1.26
+    -3.41
+    -5.62
+    -7.52
+    -9.16
+   -10.76
+   -11.78
+   -12.71
+   -12.92
+   -13.01
+   -12.44
+   -11.58
+   -10.11
+    -8.30
+    -6.19
+    -3.98
+    -1.34
+     1.27
+     3.98
+     6.67
+     9.19
+    11.42
+    13.32
+    14.80
+    15.61
+    15.71
+    14.50
+    11.29
+     7.10
+     3.91
+     1.80
+     0.25
+    -1.11
+    -2.56
+    -4.05
+    -5.36
+    -6.41
+    -7.39
+    -8.20
+    -8.60
+    -8.83
+    -8.77
+    -8.34
+    -7.67
+    -6.56
+    -5.33
+    -3.90
+    -2.24
+    -0.53
+     1.18
+     3.14
+     4.86
+     6.53
+     7.90
+     9.14
+    10.19
+    10.75
+    10.98
+    10.87
+    10.46
+     9.63
+     8.22
+     6.70
+     5.00
+     2.93
+     0.83
+    -1.31
+    -3.64
+    -5.79
+    -7.77
+    -9.61
+   -11.09
+   -12.40
+   -13.12
+   -13.55
+   -13.61
+   -12.95
+   -12.07
+   -10.67
+    -8.71
+    -6.58
+    -4.08
+    -1.52
+     1.36
+     4.07
+     6.87
+     9.61
+    11.79
+    13.75
+    15.31
+    16.34
+    16.26
+    14.24
+     9.72
+     5.13
+     2.47
+     0.86
+    -0.35
+    -1.46
+    -2.78
+    -3.80
+    -4.81
+    -5.69
+    -6.18
+    -6.77
+    -7.03
+    -7.07
+    -6.88
+    -6.33
+    -5.78
+    -4.92
+    -3.77
+    -2.49
+    -1.21
+     0.23
+     1.79
+     3.16
+     4.61
+     5.90
+     6.84
+     7.81
+     8.44
+     8.74
+     8.95
+     8.62
+     8.12
+     7.23
+     6.19
+     4.96
+     3.29
+     1.63
+    -0.04
+    -2.03
+    -3.83
+    -5.40
+    -7.07
+    -8.54
+    -9.73
+   -10.47
+   -10.94
+   -11.09
+   -10.90
+   -10.45
+    -9.31
+    -8.00
+    -6.43
+    -4.63
+    -2.44
+    -0.25
+     2.11
+     4.37
+     6.70
+     8.71
+    10.52
+    11.95
+    13.10
+    13.72
+    13.78
+    13.36
+    12.03
+    10.03
+     7.72
+     5.37
+     3.01
+     0.80
+    -1.47
+    -3.58
+    -5.91
+    -7.99
+    -9.70
+   -11.36
+   -12.40
+   -13.21
+   -13.76
+   -13.53
+   -13.04
+   -12.17
+   -10.64
+    -8.78
+    -6.65
+    -4.05
+    -1.39
+     1.28
+     4.30
+     6.97
+     9.70
+    12.01
+    14.00
+    15.53
+    16.45
+    16.37
+    14.23
+     9.42
+     4.68
+     2.17
+     0.64
+    -0.50
+    -1.63
+    -2.61
+    -3.63
+    -4.63
+    -5.48
+    -6.04
+    -6.47
+    -6.74
+    -6.68
+    -6.57
+    -5.98
+    -5.41
+    -4.57
+    -3.43
+    -2.27
+    -0.87
+     0.39
+     1.90
+     3.20
+     4.56
+     5.68
+     6.66
+     7.51
+     8.16
+     8.50
+     8.43
+     8.24
+     7.72
+     7.03
+     5.87
+     4.63
+     3.02
+     1.35
+    -0.36
+    -2.06
+    -3.81
+    -5.39
+    -6.86
+    -8.17
+    -9.43
+   -10.19
+   -10.59
+   -10.63
+   -10.39
+    -9.94
+    -8.89
+    -7.55
+    -5.91
+    -4.21
+    -2.22
+    -0.01
+     2.21
+     4.38
+     6.55
+     8.60
+    10.25
+    11.72
+    12.73
+    13.19
+    13.41
+    12.90
+    11.77
+    10.08
+     8.12
+     5.84
+     3.62
+     1.36
+    -1.08
+    -3.35
+    -5.61
+    -7.91
+    -9.82
+   -11.52
+   -12.73
+   -13.83
+   -14.32
+   -14.27
+   -13.76
+   -12.85
+   -11.48
+    -9.61
+    -7.32
+    -4.83
+    -2.16
+     0.81
+     3.88
+     6.76
+     9.53
+    12.03
+    14.17
+    15.83
+    16.93
+    16.71
+    14.02
+     8.26
+     3.32
+     1.38
+     0.24
+    -0.66
+    -1.45
+    -2.17
+    -3.05
+    -3.57
+    -4.11
+    -4.61
+    -4.80
+    -5.05
+    -4.92
+    -4.78
+    -4.33
+    -3.83
+    -3.03
+    -2.27
+    -1.31
+    -0.37
+     0.58
+     1.58
+     2.74
+     3.61
+     4.35
+     5.14
+     5.63
+     6.14
+     6.33
+     6.30
+     5.89
+     5.53
+     4.93
+     3.95
+     2.98
+     1.84
+     0.74
+    -0.53
+    -1.91
+    -3.22
+    -4.30
+    -5.53
+    -6.35
+    -7.05
+    -7.57
+    -7.91
+    -7.93
+    -7.58
+    -7.11
+    -6.31
+    -5.19
+    -3.96
+    -2.56
+    -1.02
+     0.55
+     2.18
+     3.75
+     5.38
+     6.75
+     7.90
+     8.91
+     9.52
+     9.89
+     9.84
+     9.50
+     8.87
+     8.01
+     6.64
+     5.16
+     3.54
+     1.59
+    -0.44
+    -2.51
+    -4.42
+    -6.41
+    -8.11
+    -9.56
+   -10.81
+   -11.81
+   -12.30
+   -12.33
+   -12.06
+   -11.31
+   -10.26
+    -8.74
+    -6.90
+    -4.58
+    -2.25
+     0.25
+     2.74
+     5.38
+     7.70
+     9.95
+    11.87
+    13.46
+    14.55
+    15.27
+    14.91
+    13.50
+    10.64
+     7.00
+     4.16
+     2.13
+     0.23
+    -1.51
+    -3.13
+    -4.89
+    -6.41
+    -7.94
+    -9.13
+    -9.88
+   -10.44
+   -10.75
+   -10.62
+   -10.09
+    -9.28
+    -8.12
+    -6.50
+    -4.77
+    -2.89
+    -0.73
+     1.56
+     3.78
+     5.86
+     7.99
+     9.80
+    11.16
+    12.48
+    13.07
+    13.32
+    13.15
+    12.21
+    10.62
+     8.67
+     6.60
+     4.39
+     1.96
+    -0.22
+    -2.68
+    -4.98
+    -7.18
+    -9.19
+   -10.97
+   -12.39
+   -13.56
+   -14.12
+   -14.35
+   -14.01
+   -13.15
+   -12.01
+   -10.17
+    -8.18
+    -5.71
+    -3.00
+    -0.14
+     2.96
+     5.85
+     8.68
+    11.34
+    13.61
+    15.43
+    16.75
+    17.07
+    15.27
+    10.23
+     4.66
+     1.76
+     0.60
+    -0.36
+    -1.10
+    -2.08
+    -2.72
+    -3.49
+    -3.94
+    -4.49
+    -4.92
+    -4.92
+    -5.11
+    -4.83
+    -4.48
+    -4.09
+    -3.30
+    -2.68
+    -1.59
+    -0.71
+     0.31
+     1.32
+     2.40
+     3.36
+     4.22
+     4.96
+     5.55
+     6.15
+     6.26
+     6.41
+     6.08
+     5.80
+     5.22
+     4.47
+     3.44
+     2.22
+     1.07
+    -0.13
+    -1.54
+    -2.73
+    -4.12
+    -5.17
+    -6.27
+    -6.94
+    -7.58
+    -7.91
+    -8.08
+    -7.87
+    -7.31
+    -6.58
+    -5.63
+    -4.48
+    -3.09
+    -1.68
+     0.08
+     1.67
+     3.35
+     4.95
+     6.38
+     7.70
+     8.75
+     9.37
+     9.85
+    10.16
+     9.85
+     9.31
+     8.34
+     7.15
+     5.76
+     4.00
+     2.12
+     0.16
+    -1.76
+    -3.88
+    -5.88
+    -7.69
+    -9.23
+   -10.71
+   -11.75
+   -12.23
+   -12.66
+   -12.38
+   -11.83
+   -10.82
+    -9.28
+    -7.54
+    -5.37
+    -3.13
+    -0.59
+     1.96
+     4.53
+     7.04
+     9.48
+    11.43
+    13.29
+    14.60
+    15.29
+    15.22
+    14.13
+    11.43
+     7.72
+     4.54
+     2.42
+     0.54
+    -1.18
+    -2.84
+    -4.42
+    -5.98
+    -7.32
+    -8.49
+    -9.43
+    -9.87
+   -10.14
+   -10.08
+    -9.76
+    -8.98
+    -7.91
+    -6.49
+    -4.93
+    -2.94
+    -0.90
+     1.01
+     3.26
+     5.26
+     7.20
+     9.06
+    10.57
+    11.74
+    12.48
+    12.79
+    12.72
+    12.01
+    10.88
+     9.14
+     7.25
+     5.24
+     3.07
+     0.72
+    -1.66
+    -4.10
+    -6.40
+    -8.60
+   -10.44
+   -12.22
+   -13.33
+   -14.21
+   -14.63
+   -14.45
+   -13.74
+   -12.76
+   -11.21
+    -9.26
+    -6.83
+    -4.11
+    -1.31
+     1.84
+     4.68
+     7.65
+    10.49
+    12.98
+    15.08
+    16.52
+    17.20
+    16.30
+    11.89
+     5.45
+     1.98
+     0.66
+    -0.19
+    -0.93
+    -1.54
+    -2.24
+    -2.83
+    -3.23
+    -3.76
+    -4.04
+    -4.28
+    -4.15
+    -4.02
+    -3.82
+    -3.35
+    -2.86
+    -2.28
+    -1.54
+    -0.81
+     0.15
+     1.02
+     1.84
+     2.74
+     3.42
+     4.14
+     4.64
+     4.97
+     5.22
+     5.36
+     5.19
+     4.86
+     4.49
+     3.70
+     2.99
+     2.04
+     1.15
+     0.04
+    -1.00
+    -2.12
+    -3.27
+    -4.20
+    -5.01
+    -5.78
+    -6.24
+    -6.70
+    -6.79
+    -6.57
+    -6.21
+    -5.61
+    -4.95
+    -4.00
+    -2.71
+    -1.64
+    -0.12
+     1.18
+     2.65
+     3.94
+     5.26
+     6.36
+     7.27
+     7.79
+     8.29
+     8.56
+     8.41
+     7.90
+     7.35
+     6.38
+     5.09
+     3.70
+     2.12
+     0.51
+    -1.16
+    -2.96
+    -4.78
+    -6.26
+    -7.77
+    -8.93
+    -9.79
+   -10.32
+   -10.75
+   -10.67
+   -10.10
+    -9.32
+    -8.07
+    -6.75
+    -4.97
+    -3.01
+    -0.85
+     1.21
+     3.55
+     5.70
+     7.62
+     9.38
+    11.07
+    12.16
+    12.98
+    13.30
+    13.15
+    12.34
+    10.90
+     8.94
+     6.92
+     4.57
+     2.49
+     0.01
+    -2.33
+    -4.66
+    -6.82
+    -8.94
+   -10.88
+   -12.19
+   -13.37
+   -14.20
+   -14.34
+   -14.10
+   -13.49
+   -12.27
+   -10.59
+    -8.57
+    -6.08
+    -3.49
+    -0.55
+     2.38
+     5.48
+     8.29
+    11.00
+    13.22
+    15.33
+    16.71
+    17.05
+    15.79
+    11.01
+     5.13
+     2.03
+     0.60
+    -0.21
+    -1.01
+    -1.82
+    -2.60
+    -3.32
+    -3.77
+    -4.26
+    -4.68
+    -4.79
+    -4.79
+    -4.72
+    -4.29
+    -3.85
+    -3.25
+    -2.56
+    -1.81
+    -0.77
+     0.18
+     1.25
+     2.24
+     3.20
+     3.98
+     4.83
+     5.29
+     5.70
+     6.00
+     6.06
+     6.03
+     5.51
+     4.94
+     4.20
+     3.39
+     2.29
+     1.25
+    -0.07
+    -1.43
+    -2.56
+    -3.77
+    -4.89
+    -5.77
+    -6.71
+    -7.32
+    -7.63
+    -7.74
+    -7.44
+    -7.17
+    -6.55
+    -5.63
+    -4.43
+    -3.11
+    -1.62
+    -0.09
+     1.53
+     3.03
+     4.66
+     6.00
+     7.14
+     8.26
+     9.09
+     9.42
+     9.77
+     9.46
+     9.06
+     8.27
+     7.05
+     5.70
+     4.06
+     2.30
+     0.48
+    -1.64
+    -3.62
+    -5.54
+    -7.19
+    -8.79
+   -10.15
+   -11.24
+   -11.89
+   -12.03
+   -12.00
+   -11.42
+   -10.53
+    -9.20
+    -7.44
+    -5.42
+    -3.30
+    -0.92
+     1.53
+     4.20
+     6.51
+     8.79
+    10.83
+    12.60
+    13.88
+    14.70
+    14.83
+    14.20
+    12.23
+     9.33
+     6.29
+     3.81
+     1.65
+    -0.15
+    -2.19
+    -4.10
+    -5.82
+    -7.44
+    -8.90
+   -10.16
+   -10.95
+   -11.46
+   -11.48
+   -11.38
+   -10.60
+    -9.65
+    -8.29
+    -6.61
+    -4.63
+    -2.25
+     0.03
+     2.44
+     4.85
+     7.03
+     9.08
+    11.09
+    12.43
+    13.67
+    14.20
+    14.16
+    13.53
+    11.84
+     9.31
+     6.79
+     4.34
+     2.15
+    -0.10
+    -2.10
+    -4.34
+    -6.30
+    -8.11
+    -9.73
+   -11.02
+   -12.07
+   -12.71
+   -12.97
+   -12.72
+   -11.91
+   -10.93
+    -9.34
+    -7.44
+    -5.36
+    -3.00
+    -0.36
+     2.27
+     5.03
+     7.48
+    10.05
+    12.04
+    13.81
+    14.96
+    15.70
+    15.36
+    13.69
+    10.16
+     6.08
+     3.25
+     1.51
+    -0.05
+    -1.72
+    -3.09
+    -4.55
+    -5.96
+    -7.07
+    -8.02
+    -8.67
+    -9.05
+    -9.27
+    -9.07
+    -8.54
+    -7.66
+    -6.63
+    -5.20
+    -3.71
+    -1.93
+    -0.09
+     1.91
+     3.67
+     5.48
+     7.17
+     8.77
+    10.01
+    10.92
+    11.43
+    11.55
+    11.31
+    10.62
+     9.50
+     8.23
+     6.40
+     4.45
+     2.46
+     0.16
+    -2.17
+    -4.33
+    -6.71
+    -8.64
+   -10.55
+   -12.05
+   -13.04
+   -13.70
+   -14.11
+   -13.82
+   -13.22
+   -11.94
+   -10.48
+    -8.31
+    -6.06
+    -3.38
+    -0.67
+     2.29
+     5.22
+     7.93
+    10.67
+    12.98
+    14.83
+    16.15
+    16.88
+    15.95
+    12.13
+     6.55
+     2.86
+     1.12
+     0.01
+    -0.97
+    -1.94
+    -2.74
+    -3.64
+    -4.45
+    -5.05
+    -5.34
+    -5.64
+    -5.78
+    -5.75
+    -5.31
+    -4.81
+    -4.19
+    -3.28
+    -2.35
+    -1.33
+    -0.23
+     1.13
+     2.29
+     3.43
+     4.40
+     5.33
+     6.15
+     6.86
+     7.13
+     7.29
+     7.28
+     6.79
+     6.16
+     5.47
+     4.31
+     3.18
+     1.91
+     0.40
+    -1.19
+    -2.51
+    -4.06
+    -5.35
+    -6.67
+    -7.56
+    -8.39
+    -8.98
+    -9.15
+    -9.18
+    -8.67
+    -8.02
+    -6.91
+    -5.79
+    -4.30
+    -2.61
+    -0.85
+     1.22
+     3.12
+     4.90
+     6.55
+     8.09
+     9.47
+    10.58
+    11.27
+    11.56
+    11.51
+    11.01
+    10.09
+     8.64
+     7.06
+     5.32
+     3.28
+     0.95
+    -1.27
+    -3.57
+    -5.90
+    -7.98
+    -9.89
+   -11.50
+   -12.68
+   -13.56
+   -13.99
+   -13.91
+   -13.37
+   -12.51
+   -11.04
+    -9.09
+    -6.93
+    -4.50
+    -1.61
+     1.15
+     4.15
+     7.04
+     9.62
+    11.99
+    14.19
+    15.70
+    16.75
+    16.50
+    13.96
+     8.66
+     3.96
+     1.58
+     0.33
+    -0.60
+    -1.63
+    -2.48
+    -3.36
+    -4.21
+    -4.88
+    -5.24
+    -5.69
+    -5.84
+    -5.88
+    -5.51
+    -5.22
+    -4.56
+    -3.83
+    -2.86
+    -1.82
+    -0.51
+     0.55
+     1.74
+     2.92
+     4.17
+     5.15
+     5.91
+     6.57
+     7.17
+     7.41
+     7.23
+     7.08
+     6.47
+     5.73
+     4.80
+     3.70
+     2.32
+     0.89
+    -0.57
+    -1.97
+    -3.48
+    -4.91
+    -6.30
+    -7.36
+    -8.13
+    -8.89
+    -9.18
+    -9.27
+    -9.01
+    -8.47
+    -7.38
+    -6.25
+    -4.95
+    -3.34
+    -1.40
+     0.33
+     2.33
+     4.29
+     5.99
+     7.70
+     9.12
+    10.28
+    11.12
+    11.58
+    11.50
+    11.14
+    10.37
+     9.25
+     7.80
+     5.94
+     4.06
+     1.91
+    -0.33
+    -2.64
+    -5.09
+    -7.15
+    -9.15
+   -10.98
+   -12.35
+   -13.34
+   -13.96
+   -14.03
+   -13.71
+   -12.97
+   -11.61
+    -9.88
+    -7.96
+    -5.53
+    -2.84
+     0.11
+     2.98
+     5.89
+     8.59
+    11.21
+    13.54
+    15.20
+    16.48
+    16.84
+    15.33
+    10.71
+     5.07
+     2.13
+     0.83
+    -0.32
+    -1.13
+    -2.20
+    -3.05
+    -3.80
+    -4.39
+    -4.94
+    -5.36
+    -5.65
+    -5.56
+    -5.39
+    -5.10
+    -4.57
+    -3.80
+    -2.94
+    -1.95
+    -0.85
+     0.19
+     1.42
+     2.56
+     3.56
+     4.59
+     5.54
+     6.14
+     6.71
+     7.06
+     7.20
+     6.93
+     6.43
+     5.96
+     5.01
+     3.97
+     2.64
+     1.31
+     0.00
+    -1.47
+    -2.97
+    -4.44
+    -5.71
+    -6.80
+    -7.77
+    -8.31
+    -8.84
+    -8.91
+    -8.74
+    -8.36
+    -7.60
+    -6.49
+    -5.18
+    -3.64
+    -2.00
+    -0.23
+     1.54
+     3.49
+     5.20
+     6.95
+     8.41
+     9.54
+    10.51
+    11.13
+    11.24
+    11.06
+    10.48
+     9.44
+     8.17
+     6.43
+     4.73
+     2.69
+     0.32
+    -1.90
+    -4.13
+    -6.32
+    -8.27
+   -10.16
+   -11.57
+   -12.68
+   -13.51
+   -13.73
+   -13.61
+   -12.94
+   -11.94
+   -10.46
+    -8.48
+    -6.16
+    -3.58
+    -0.92
+     1.94
+     4.82
+     7.46
+    10.23
+    12.40
+    14.40
+    15.76
+    16.51
+    16.00
+    13.30
+     8.20
+     3.95
+     1.80
+     0.36
+    -0.73
+    -1.73
+    -2.78
+    -3.91
+    -4.60
+    -5.44
+    -5.91
+    -6.43
+    -6.57
+    -6.43
+    -6.19
+    -5.66
+    -5.15
+    -4.15
+    -3.09
+    -1.84
+    -0.59
+     0.75
+     2.05
+     3.52
+     4.65
+     5.78
+     6.77
+     7.55
+     7.96
+     8.24
+     8.15
+     7.86
+     7.41
+     6.55
+     5.45
+     4.15
+     2.68
+     0.96
+    -0.70
+    -2.32
+    -4.01
+    -5.60
+    -7.17
+    -8.33
+    -9.20
+   -10.01
+   -10.40
+   -10.30
+   -10.05
+    -9.32
+    -8.45
+    -7.01
+    -5.44
+    -3.49
+    -1.52
+     0.57
+     2.72
+     4.89
+     6.82
+     8.61
+    10.28
+    11.58
+    12.53
+    12.91
+    12.90
+    12.41
+    11.20
+     9.78
+     7.75
+     5.70
+     3.44
+     1.14
+    -1.20
+    -3.64
+    -6.00
+    -8.14
+   -10.11
+   -11.72
+   -13.18
+   -14.06
+   -14.49
+   -14.39
+   -13.93
+   -12.88
+   -11.38
+    -9.65
+    -7.30
+    -4.65
+    -1.84
+     1.17
+     4.14
+     7.16
+     9.93
+    12.47
+    14.64
+    16.33
+    17.11
+    16.68
+    13.20
+     6.79
+     2.67
+     0.83
+    -0.08
+    -0.69
+    -1.41
+    -2.04
+    -2.75
+    -3.41
+    -3.85
+    -4.04
+    -4.36
+    -4.31
+    -4.31
+    -4.12
+    -3.63
+    -3.24
+    -2.56
+    -1.70
+    -1.03
+    -0.18
+     0.73
+     1.73
+     2.63
+     3.48
+     4.10
+     4.75
+     5.05
+     5.42
+     5.44
+     5.43
+     5.19
+     4.62
+     3.99
+     3.39
+     2.33
+     1.45
+     0.32
+    -0.83
+    -2.03
+    -3.03
+    -4.15
+    -5.10
+    -5.84
+    -6.46
+    -6.72
+    -7.02
+    -6.87
+    -6.65
+    -6.00
+    -5.36
+    -4.24
+    -3.17
+    -1.98
+    -0.59
+     0.80
+     2.30
+     3.64
+     5.04
+     6.27
+     7.20
+     8.01
+     8.58
+     8.76
+     8.68
+     8.41
+     7.67
+     6.79
+     5.59
+     4.12
+     2.64
+     0.96
+    -0.95
+    -2.60
+    -4.47
+    -6.01
+    -7.68
+    -8.87
+    -9.93
+   -10.66
+   -10.98
+   -10.86
+   -10.51
+    -9.79
+    -8.74
+    -7.29
+    -5.51
+    -3.55
+    -1.42
+     0.85
+     2.97
+     5.34
+     7.40
+     9.23
+    10.97
+    12.40
+    13.13
+    13.60
+    13.61
+    12.71
+    11.22
+     9.29
+     7.05
+     4.63
+     2.38
+     0.18
+    -2.19
+    -4.37
+    -6.65
+    -8.69
+   -10.34
+   -11.92
+   -13.02
+   -13.76
+   -14.00
+   -13.71
+   -13.05
+   -12.03
+   -10.33
+    -8.37
+    -6.06
+    -3.50
+    -0.73
+     2.20
+     5.21
+     7.92
+    10.52
+    12.78
+    14.77
+    16.06
+    16.88
+    15.96
+    12.31
+     6.60
+     2.96
+     1.09
+     0.15
+    -0.93
+    -1.90
+    -2.76
+    -3.73
+    -4.46
+    -5.06
+    -5.54
+    -5.74
+    -5.98
+    -5.71
+    -5.52
+    -4.92
+    -4.36
+    -3.50
+    -2.39
+    -1.30
+    -0.24
+     0.97
+     2.28
+     3.52
+     4.49
+     5.38
+     6.23
+     6.91
+     7.22
+     7.44
+     7.29
+     6.90
+     6.46
+     5.47
+     4.57
+     3.23
+     1.94
+     0.36
+    -1.09
+    -2.61
+    -4.09
+    -5.48
+    -6.79
+    -7.74
+    -8.49
+    -9.14
+    -9.41
+    -9.22
+    -8.91
+    -8.10
+    -7.09
+    -5.85
+    -4.40
+    -2.72
+    -0.86
+     1.17
+     3.08
+     4.94
+     6.61
+     8.30
+     9.70
+    10.66
+    11.47
+    11.67
+    11.67
+    11.15
+    10.14
+     8.83
+     7.28
+     5.41
+     3.21
+     1.02
+    -1.18
+    -3.62
+    -5.79
+    -7.98
+   -10.00
+   -11.63
+   -12.81
+   -13.71
+   -14.13
+   -14.10
+   -13.57
+   -12.71
+   -11.09
+    -9.29
+    -7.03
+    -4.44
+    -1.82
+     1.16
+     4.15
+     6.98
+     9.71
+    12.24
+    14.21
+    15.86
+    16.89
+    16.54
+    13.72
+     8.14
+     3.45
+     1.41
+     0.19
+    -0.69
+    -1.58
+    -2.41
+    -3.07
+    -3.78
+    -4.49
+    -4.95
+    -5.20
+    -5.23
+    -5.23
+    -4.99
+    -4.72
+    -4.02
+    -3.35
+    -2.45
+    -1.39
+    -0.44
+     0.75
+     1.77
+     2.84
+     3.80
+     4.73
+     5.60
+     6.20
+     6.43
+     6.81
+     6.58
+     6.45
+     5.99
+     5.19
+     4.23
+     3.28
+     1.95
+     0.63
+    -0.64
+    -2.15
+    -3.46
+    -4.67
+    -5.74
+    -6.92
+    -7.64
+    -8.09
+    -8.50
+    -8.42
+    -8.09
+    -7.54
+    -6.70
+    -5.64
+    -4.31
+    -2.69
+    -1.06
+     0.62
+     2.38
+     4.11
+     5.61
+     7.13
+     8.46
+     9.39
+    10.17
+    10.59
+    10.52
+    10.23
+     9.63
+     8.45
+     7.14
+     5.56
+     3.54
+     1.68
+    -0.48
+    -2.76
+    -4.80
+    -6.87
+    -8.65
+   -10.26
+   -11.53
+   -12.54
+   -13.11
+   -13.14
+   -12.93
+   -12.05
+   -10.84
+    -9.15
+    -7.27
+    -4.88
+    -2.43
+     0.25
+     3.09
+     5.63
+     8.30
+    10.72
+    12.64
+    14.43
+    15.46
+    15.92
+    15.29
+    12.69
+     8.25
+     4.45
+     2.12
+     0.62
+    -0.88
+    -2.12
+    -3.51
+    -4.84
+    -5.79
+    -6.79
+    -7.56
+    -8.02
+    -8.30
+    -8.35
+    -7.94
+    -7.49
+    -6.58
+    -5.48
+    -4.16
+    -2.63
+    -0.89
+     0.66
+     2.46
+     4.09
+     5.73
+     7.33
+     8.41
+     9.43
+    10.20
+    10.56
+    10.38
+     9.99
+     9.29
+     8.20
+     6.99
+     5.22
+     3.34
+     1.39
+    -0.62
+    -2.82
+    -4.90
+    -6.92
+    -8.82
+   -10.25
+   -11.56
+   -12.40
+   -12.95
+   -12.99
+   -12.74
+   -11.76
+   -10.54
+    -8.87
+    -6.86
+    -4.73
+    -2.17
+     0.49
+     3.17
+     5.89
+     8.52
+    10.71
+    12.76
+    14.43
+    15.39
+    15.80
+    15.09
+    12.48
+     8.26
+     4.67
+     2.35
+     0.68
+    -0.80
+    -2.14
+    -3.71
+    -4.88
+    -6.07
+    -7.26
+    -8.00
+    -8.51
+    -8.81
+    -8.76
+    -8.35
+    -7.90
+    -6.97
+    -5.80
+    -4.30
+    -2.71
+    -1.10
+     0.70
+     2.56
+     4.30
+     6.06
+     7.48
+     8.89
+     9.95
+    10.69
+    11.09
+    10.98
+    10.61
+     9.82
+     8.68
+     7.18
+     5.48
+     3.60
+     1.57
+    -0.75
+    -2.94
+    -5.07
+    -7.18
+    -9.14
+   -10.71
+   -12.16
+   -13.06
+   -13.56
+   -13.67
+   -13.14
+   -12.41
+   -11.05
+    -9.38
+    -7.25
+    -4.91
+    -2.26
+     0.41
+     3.37
+     6.03
+     8.84
+    11.23
+    13.32
+    15.03
+    16.04
+    16.44
+    15.16
+    11.24
+     6.34
+     3.08
+     1.36
+    -0.01
+    -1.17
+    -2.40
+    -3.55
+    -4.53
+    -5.32
+    -6.06
+    -6.59
+    -6.97
+    -6.98
+    -6.87
+    -6.53
+    -6.01
+    -5.21
+    -4.16
+    -2.96
+    -1.51
+    -0.24
+     1.40
+     2.80
+     4.13
+     5.43
+     6.61
+     7.64
+     8.39
+     8.78
+     8.82
+     8.82
+     8.40
+     7.53
+     6.65
+     5.36
+     3.91
+     2.22
+     0.37
+    -1.30
+    -3.13
+    -5.00
+    -6.55
+    -8.19
+    -9.24
+   -10.22
+   -10.89
+   -11.17
+   -11.13
+   -10.58
+    -9.77
+    -8.42
+    -6.94
+    -5.13
+    -3.11
+    -0.88
+     1.48
+     3.75
+     5.99
+     8.16
+    10.05
+    11.52
+    12.83
+    13.51
+    13.86
+    13.53
+    12.50
+    10.81
+     8.43
+     6.12
+     3.84
+     1.50
+    -0.80
+    -2.92
+    -5.13
+    -7.20
+    -9.12
+   -10.80
+   -12.14
+   -13.19
+   -13.69
+   -13.75
+   -13.36
+   -12.42
+   -11.23
+    -9.37
+    -7.41
+    -4.94
+    -2.18
+     0.42
+     3.35
+     6.11
+     8.86
+    11.21
+    13.35
+    15.03
+    16.29
+    16.41
+    14.98
+    10.89
+     5.91
+     2.68
+     0.99
+    -0.21
+    -1.23
+    -2.40
+    -3.39
+    -4.31
+    -5.22
+    -5.79
+    -6.29
+    -6.66
+    -6.81
+    -6.62
+    -6.17
+    -5.49
+    -4.86
+    -3.85
+    -2.71
+    -1.39
+     0.09
+     1.40
+     2.78
+     4.19
+     5.30
+     6.38
+     7.31
+     8.01
+     8.38
+     8.53
+     8.33
+     7.81
+     7.16
+     6.05
+     4.88
+     3.46
+     1.97
+     0.21
+    -1.45
+    -3.18
+    -4.91
+    -6.55
+    -7.84
+    -9.07
+    -9.88
+   -10.47
+   -10.62
+   -10.47
+    -9.92
+    -9.17
+    -7.88
+    -6.53
+    -4.60
+    -2.62
+    -0.69
+     1.63
+     3.72
+     5.94
+     7.90
+     9.77
+    11.07
+    12.33
+    12.94
+    13.20
+    12.99
+    12.16
+    10.70
+     8.82
+     6.58
+     4.30
+     2.18
+    -0.30
+    -2.69
+    -4.87
+    -7.16
+    -9.12
+   -10.98
+   -12.56
+   -13.54
+   -14.25
+   -14.37
+   -14.14
+   -13.41
+   -11.99
+   -10.36
+    -8.14
+    -5.67
+    -3.00
+    -0.15
+     2.90
+     5.77
+     8.76
+    11.24
+    13.61
+    15.57
+    16.73
+    17.13
+    15.24
+    10.10
+     4.35
+     1.67
+     0.49
+    -0.31
+    -1.23
+    -2.03
+    -2.68
+    -3.26
+    -3.91
+    -4.21
+    -4.61
+    -4.71
+    -4.64
+    -4.63
+    -4.16
+    -3.83
+    -3.09
+    -2.37
+    -1.46
+    -0.56
+     0.43
+     1.43
+     2.39
+     3.13
+     4.12
+     4.74
+     5.36
+     5.78
+     5.97
+     6.06
+     5.88
+     5.47
+     4.76
+     4.15
+     3.08
+     2.04
+     0.89
+    -0.33
+    -1.52
+    -2.81
+    -3.86
+    -4.88
+    -5.87
+    -6.67
+    -7.10
+    -7.45
+    -7.56
+    -7.36
+    -6.91
+    -6.32
+    -5.37
+    -4.15
+    -2.95
+    -1.37
+     0.10
+     1.72
+     3.18
+     4.71
+     6.01
+     7.21
+     8.26
+     9.08
+     9.44
+     9.57
+     9.37
+     8.83
+     8.02
+     6.86
+     5.31
+     3.72
+     2.03
+     0.04
+    -1.86
+    -3.82
+    -5.67
+    -7.30
+    -8.83
+   -10.16
+   -11.08
+   -11.67
+   -11.82
+   -11.75
+   -11.08
+   -10.15
+    -8.68
+    -7.15
+    -5.07
+    -2.89
+    -0.56
+     2.08
+     4.43
+     6.86
+     8.96
+    10.90
+    12.58
+    13.75
+    14.61
+    14.63
+    14.00
+    12.00
+     9.36
+     6.30
+     3.78
+     1.74
+    -0.19
+    -2.15
+    -4.27
+    -6.07
+    -7.86
+    -9.30
+   -10.53
+   -11.46
+   -11.90
+   -12.05
+   -11.91
+   -11.19
+   -10.15
+    -8.62
+    -6.91
+    -4.86
+    -2.51
+     0.02
+     2.44
+     4.90
+     7.30
+     9.47
+    11.43
+    13.04
+    14.12
+    14.74
+    14.73
+    13.68
+    11.48
+     8.28
+     5.30
+     3.16
+     1.18
+    -0.83
+    -2.85
+    -4.56
+    -6.42
+    -8.07
+    -9.25
+   -10.44
+   -11.16
+   -11.48
+   -11.53
+   -11.23
+   -10.33
+    -9.32
+    -7.85
+    -5.93
+    -3.94
+    -1.69
+     0.75
+     3.18
+     5.57
+     7.84
+     9.72
+    11.49
+    12.99
+    13.96
+    14.32
+    14.21
+    13.04
+    11.02
+     8.46
+     5.79
+     3.47
+     1.40
+    -0.74
+    -2.89
+    -4.84
+    -6.86
+    -8.60
+   -10.19
+   -11.43
+   -12.31
+   -12.67
+   -12.69
+   -12.36
+   -11.52
+   -10.35
+    -8.77
+    -6.71
+    -4.44
+    -1.99
+     0.51
+     3.18
+     5.90
+     8.29
+    10.61
+    12.62
+    14.14
+    15.26
+    15.69
+    15.09
+    12.70
+     8.87
+     5.40
+     2.78
+     1.09
+    -0.61
+    -2.06
+    -3.71
+    -5.08
+    -6.40
+    -7.54
+    -8.44
+    -9.08
+    -9.50
+    -9.44
+    -9.18
+    -8.67
+    -7.61
+    -6.48
+    -5.11
+    -3.35
+    -1.49
+     0.49
+     2.39
+     4.41
+     6.17
+     7.91
+     9.28
+    10.62
+    11.31
+    11.94
+    11.99
+    11.59
+    10.70
+     9.47
+     7.95
+     5.98
+     4.02
+     1.79
+    -0.57
+    -2.94
+    -5.25
+    -7.50
+    -9.37
+   -11.08
+   -12.61
+   -13.64
+   -14.31
+   -14.32
+   -13.90
+   -13.11
+   -11.89
+   -10.07
+    -7.88
+    -5.34
+    -2.75
+     0.20
+     3.20
+     6.18
+     8.90
+    11.50
+    13.73
+    15.66
+    16.77
+    16.95
+    14.91
+     9.45
+     4.05
+     1.58
+     0.44
+    -0.43
+    -1.33
+    -2.10
+    -2.74
+    -3.41
+    -3.92
+    -4.39
+    -4.73
+    -4.90
+    -4.95
+    -4.73
+    -4.35
+    -3.84
+    -3.16
+    -2.37
+    -1.47
+    -0.52
+     0.36
+     1.46
+     2.38
+     3.31
+     4.31
+     5.00
+     5.64
+     6.04
+     6.15
+     6.24
+     6.00
+     5.59
+     4.90
+     4.18
+     3.17
+     2.06
+     0.90
+    -0.44
+    -1.57
+    -2.97
+    -4.09
+    -5.14
+    -6.19
+    -6.90
+    -7.39
+    -7.77
+    -7.91
+    -7.60
+    -7.13
+    -6.28
+    -5.30
+    -4.28
+    -2.78
+    -1.33
+     0.21
+     1.82
+     3.40
+     4.94
+     6.36
+     7.56
+     8.56
+     9.42
+     9.72
+     9.87
+     9.62
+     8.94
+     8.21
+     6.94
+     5.47
+     3.67
+     1.87
+    -0.12
+    -2.14
+    -3.98
+    -6.02
+    -7.76
+    -9.21
+   -10.67
+   -11.54
+   -12.17
+   -12.26
+   -11.98
+   -11.44
+   -10.46
+    -8.97
+    -7.22
+    -5.12
+    -2.70
+    -0.20
+     2.24
+     4.81
+     7.30
+     9.56
+    11.45
+    13.22
+    14.33
+    14.97
+    14.96
+    13.79
+    11.36
+     8.08
+     5.06
+     2.81
+     0.86
+    -0.98
+    -2.87
+    -4.48
+    -6.14
+    -7.64
+    -8.96
+    -9.94
+   -10.58
+   -11.04
+   -10.87
+   -10.46
+    -9.78
+    -8.64
+    -7.22
+    -5.43
+    -3.40
+    -1.30
+     0.89
+     3.27
+     5.49
+     7.57
+     9.55
+    11.10
+    12.38
+    13.38
+    13.75
+    13.48
+    12.62
+    11.17
+     9.11
+     6.82
+     4.57
+     2.17
+    -0.05
+    -2.30
+    -4.61
+    -6.67
+    -8.68
+   -10.58
+   -11.96
+   -13.18
+   -13.82
+   -13.88
+   -13.73
+   -13.01
+   -11.81
+   -10.20
+    -8.12
+    -5.74
+    -3.14
+    -0.40
+     2.49
+     5.34
+     8.14
+    10.67
+    13.06
+    14.84
+    16.25
+    16.76
+    15.70
+    11.92
+     6.34
+     2.86
+     1.07
+    -0.10
+    -0.96
+    -1.98
+    -3.01
+    -3.83
+    -4.55
+    -5.26
+    -5.69
+    -5.87
+    -5.91
+    -5.85
+    -5.64
+    -5.11
+    -4.28
+    -3.55
+    -2.49
+    -1.31
+    -0.20
+     1.11
+     2.44
+     3.54
+     4.59
+     5.68
+     6.43
+     7.02
+     7.46
+     7.57
+     7.41
+     7.09
+     6.52
+     5.64
+     4.54
+     3.33
+     1.83
+     0.38
+    -1.20
+    -2.76
+    -4.23
+    -5.73
+    -6.93
+    -7.94
+    -8.67
+    -9.28
+    -9.62
+    -9.51
+    -9.10
+    -8.36
+    -7.20
+    -6.02
+    -4.47
+    -2.55
+    -0.73
+     1.19
+     3.23
+     5.08
+     6.93
+     8.46
+     9.89
+    10.88
+    11.67
+    11.98
+    11.80
+    11.18
+    10.21
+     8.91
+     7.27
+     5.23
+     3.20
+     0.88
+    -1.49
+    -3.89
+    -6.12
+    -8.29
+   -10.10
+   -11.78
+   -13.06
+   -13.97
+   -14.38
+   -14.29
+   -13.66
+   -12.56
+   -11.23
+    -9.20
+    -6.96
+    -4.40
+    -1.49
+     1.46
+     4.31
+     7.24
+    10.01
+    12.40
+    14.52
+    16.17
+    17.01
+    16.63
+    13.08
+     7.09
+     2.90
+     1.03
+     0.00
+    -0.74
+    -1.52
+    -2.42
+    -3.02
+    -3.69
+    -4.24
+    -4.61
+    -4.86
+    -4.97
+    -4.93
+    -4.59
+    -4.27
+    -3.57
+    -2.98
+    -2.08
+    -1.20
+    -0.24
+     0.89
+     1.79
+     2.94
+     3.72
+     4.52
+     5.22
+     5.69
+     6.06
+     6.29
+     6.19
+     5.76
+     5.34
+     4.68
+     3.77
+     2.78
+     1.62
+     0.30
+    -0.89
+    -2.19
+    -3.36
+    -4.48
+    -5.66
+    -6.42
+    -7.18
+    -7.59
+    -7.85
+    -7.84
+    -7.36
+    -6.92
+    -5.96
+    -4.97
+    -3.70
+    -2.19
+    -0.77
+     0.95
+     2.50
+     4.05
+     5.53
+     6.89
+     8.00
+     8.96
+     9.45
+     9.76
+     9.81
+     9.35
+     8.62
+     7.65
+     6.33
+     4.78
+     3.15
+     1.17
+    -0.83
+    -2.91
+    -4.87
+    -6.65
+    -8.39
+    -9.89
+   -11.10
+   -11.78
+   -12.23
+   -12.20
+   -11.96
+   -10.99
+    -9.91
+    -8.36
+    -6.28
+    -4.27
+    -1.87
+     0.75
+     3.31
+     5.72
+     8.11
+    10.24
+    12.10
+    13.70
+    14.75
+    15.19
+    14.72
+    13.10
+    10.18
+     6.74
+     3.97
+     1.88
+     0.05
+    -1.73
+    -3.54
+    -5.14
+    -6.74
+    -8.16
+    -9.38
+   -10.34
+   -10.70
+   -10.92
+   -10.79
+   -10.22
+    -9.34
+    -7.98
+    -6.45
+    -4.71
+    -2.64
+    -0.50
+     1.87
+     4.16
+     6.28
+     8.39
+    10.19
+    11.68
+    12.75
+    13.54
+    13.69
+    13.34
+    12.16
+    10.35
+     8.13
+     5.91
+     3.65
+     1.33
+    -0.80
+    -3.14
+    -5.52
+    -7.61
+    -9.62
+   -11.09
+   -12.57
+   -13.50
+   -13.93
+   -13.94
+   -13.57
+   -12.67
+   -11.32
+    -9.54
+    -7.35
+    -4.81
+    -2.11
+     0.64
+     3.66
+     6.50
+     9.16
+    11.64
+    13.83
+    15.53
+    16.65
+    16.72
+    14.64
+     9.70
+     4.47
+     1.87
+     0.70
+    -0.33
+    -1.44
+    -2.30
+    -3.22
+    -4.01
+    -4.64
+    -5.35
+    -5.69
+    -5.76
+    -5.82
+    -5.65
+    -5.21
+    -4.64
+    -3.85
+    -2.98
+    -1.87
+    -0.85
+     0.49
+     1.70
+     2.86
+     3.97
+     4.90
+     5.85
+     6.56
+     7.09
+     7.33
+     7.35
+     7.15
+     6.70
+     6.08
+     5.00
+     3.98
+     2.60
+     1.24
+    -0.19
+    -1.78
+    -3.33
+    -4.84
+    -6.04
+    -7.23
+    -8.08
+    -8.77
+    -9.27
+    -9.32
+    -9.14
+    -8.59
+    -7.78
+    -6.63
+    -5.12
+    -3.51
+    -1.81
+     0.04
+     2.05
+     3.95
+     5.73
+     7.49
+     8.90
+    10.19
+    11.05
+    11.51
+    11.69
+    11.51
+    10.60
+     9.57
+     8.20
+     6.46
+     4.30
+     2.17
+    -0.01
+    -2.28
+    -4.62
+    -6.93
+    -8.88
+   -10.68
+   -12.27
+   -13.32
+   -13.96
+   -14.16
+   -14.00
+   -13.25
+   -11.90
+   -10.31
+    -8.36
+    -5.84
+    -3.30
+    -0.33
+     2.49
+     5.44
+     8.39
+    10.92
+    13.17
+    15.05
+    16.43
+    16.86
+    15.72
+    11.39
+     5.70
+     2.43
+     0.85
+    -0.08
+    -1.05
+    -2.02
+    -2.86
+    -3.56
+    -4.26
+    -4.76
+    -5.14
+    -5.47
+    -5.34
+    -5.27
+    -4.87
+    -4.39
+    -3.74
+    -2.93
+    -2.05
+    -0.94
+     0.00
+     1.11
+     2.42
+     3.38
+     4.39
+     5.24
+     5.97
+     6.48
+     6.75
+     6.77
+     6.70
+     6.27
+     5.81
+     4.83
+     3.99
+     2.74
+     1.53
+     0.12
+    -1.28
+    -2.71
+    -4.04
+    -5.41
+    -6.52
+    -7.34
+    -8.04
+    -8.48
+    -8.60
+    -8.55
+    -8.06
+    -7.26
+    -6.40
+    -5.23
+    -3.80
+    -2.06
+    -0.33
+     1.35
+     3.21
+     4.86
+     6.42
+     8.00
+     9.16
+     9.93
+    10.57
+    10.90
+    10.78
+    10.22
+     9.30
+     8.13
+     6.57
+     4.81
+     2.68
+     0.71
+    -1.48
+    -3.70
+    -5.78
+    -7.80
+    -9.63
+   -11.15
+   -12.28
+   -13.12
+   -13.43
+   -13.22
+   -12.80
+   -11.65
+   -10.30
+    -8.46
+    -6.33
+    -3.82
+    -1.24
+     1.42
+     4.20
+     7.08
+     9.63
+    11.78
+    13.79
+    15.31
+    16.06
+    15.94
+    14.21
+    10.13
+     5.55
+     2.79
+     1.18
+    -0.16
+    -1.55
+    -2.86
+    -4.04
+    -5.15
+    -5.96
+    -6.77
+    -7.38
+    -7.73
+    -7.72
+    -7.55
+    -7.13
+    -6.28
+    -5.40
+    -4.31
+    -2.96
+    -1.55
+     0.19
+     1.80
+     3.26
+     4.90
+     6.17
+     7.47
+     8.53
+     9.15
+     9.60
+     9.75
+     9.46
+     9.02
+     8.19
+     6.96
+     5.58
+     3.95
+     2.14
+     0.09
+    -1.89
+    -3.96
+    -5.71
+    -7.50
+    -9.19
+   -10.48
+   -11.31
+   -11.89
+   -12.15
+   -11.94
+   -11.31
+   -10.32
+    -8.96
+    -7.19
+    -5.19
+    -2.85
+    -0.51
+     1.94
+     4.60
+     6.94
+     9.24
+    11.20
+    12.81
+    14.17
+    14.86
+    14.94
+    13.95
+    11.85
+     8.56
+     5.60
+     3.20
+     1.21
+    -0.71
+    -2.62
+    -4.42
+    -6.09
+    -7.60
+    -8.95
+   -10.02
+   -10.84
+   -11.22
+   -11.24
+   -11.01
+   -10.20
+    -9.23
+    -7.76
+    -5.95
+    -4.07
+    -1.73
+     0.59
+     2.85
+     5.24
+     7.31
+     9.50
+    11.15
+    12.52
+    13.62
+    14.04
+    13.91
+    13.17
+    11.43
+     9.08
+     6.61
+     4.28
+     2.07
+    -0.18
+    -2.38
+    -4.51
+    -6.67
+    -8.51
+   -10.10
+   -11.60
+   -12.59
+   -13.30
+   -13.48
+   -13.16
+   -12.36
+   -11.26
+    -9.65
+    -7.71
+    -5.38
+    -2.96
+    -0.17
+     2.51
+     5.32
+     7.91
+    10.52
+    12.63
+    14.42
+    15.64
+    16.19
+    15.68
+    12.90
+     8.39
+     4.43
+     2.16
+     0.55
+    -0.73
+    -2.05
+    -3.16
+    -4.46
+    -5.55
+    -6.44
+    -7.06
+    -7.60
+    -7.71
+    -7.81
+    -7.36
+    -6.86
+    -5.97
+    -5.07
+    -3.75
+    -2.34
+    -0.95
+     0.79
+     2.37
+     3.90
+     5.39
+     6.71
+     7.91
+     8.79
+     9.44
+     9.75
+     9.67
+     9.39
+     8.77
+     7.82
+     6.54
+     4.90
+     3.12
+     1.27
+    -0.62
+    -2.63
+    -4.56
+    -6.47
+    -8.23
+    -9.57
+   -10.81
+   -11.69
+   -12.12
+   -12.18
+   -11.92
+   -11.15
+   -10.00
+    -8.44
+    -6.52
+    -4.37
+    -2.14
+     0.43
+     2.94
+     5.46
+     7.89
+    10.02
+    11.86
+    13.47
+    14.43
+    15.00
+    14.63
+    13.42
+    10.69
+     7.29
+     4.63
+     2.29
+     0.49
+    -1.33
+    -3.28
+    -4.95
+    -6.63
+    -8.15
+    -9.48
+   -10.30
+   -10.89
+   -11.28
+   -11.06
+   -10.74
+    -9.77
+    -8.63
+    -6.96
+    -5.14
+    -3.07
+    -0.91
+     1.41
+     3.69
+     5.96
+     8.26
+    10.00
+    11.59
+    12.86
+    13.68
+    13.93
+    13.58
+    12.50
+    10.66
+     8.28
+     5.84
+     3.62
+     1.36
+    -0.85
+    -3.05
+    -5.23
+    -7.43
+    -9.19
+   -10.91
+   -12.12
+   -12.94
+   -13.51
+   -13.46
+   -13.11
+   -12.13
+   -10.81
+    -9.25
+    -7.00
+    -4.66
+    -2.04
+     0.77
+     3.46
+     6.25
+     8.89
+    11.26
+    13.35
+    15.09
+    16.08
+    16.24
+    14.91
+    11.16
+     6.21
+     2.94
+     1.21
+     0.03
+    -1.20
+    -2.39
+    -3.51
+    -4.52
+    -5.52
+    -6.29
+    -6.84
+    -7.13
+    -7.31
+    -7.15
+    -6.66
+    -6.16
+    -5.31
+    -4.14
+    -3.01
+    -1.49
+    -0.20
+     1.31
+     2.90
+     4.30
+     5.71
+     6.75
+     7.70
+     8.60
+     9.05
+     9.22
+     9.03
+     8.58
+     7.74
+     6.64
+     5.37
+     3.84
+     2.15
+     0.39
+    -1.41
+    -3.28
+    -5.16
+    -6.75
+    -8.33
+    -9.61
+   -10.49
+   -11.09
+   -11.34
+   -11.21
+   -10.82
+    -9.89
+    -8.62
+    -7.02
+    -5.14
+    -3.09
+    -0.79
+     1.45
+     3.89
+     6.28
+     8.32
+    10.25
+    11.96
+    13.13
+    13.90
+    14.11
+    13.75
+    12.51
+    10.53
+     7.92
+     5.41
+     3.05
+     1.07
+    -1.22
+    -3.47
+    -5.45
+    -7.39
+    -9.23
+   -10.70
+   -11.98
+   -12.76
+   -13.11
+   -13.24
+   -12.72
+   -11.67
+   -10.38
+    -8.67
+    -6.63
+    -4.22
+    -1.63
+     1.17
+     3.87
+     6.64
+     9.18
+    11.47
+    13.35
+    14.87
+    15.75
+    16.06
+    14.72
+    11.18
+     6.66
+     3.51
+     1.60
+     0.15
+    -1.29
+    -2.51
+    -3.83
+    -5.16
+    -6.15
+    -6.98
+    -7.65
+    -8.00
+    -8.19
+    -8.13
+    -7.68
+    -6.92
+    -6.04
+    -4.97
+    -3.53
+    -1.90
+    -0.25
+     1.31
+     2.95
+     4.61
+     6.31
+     7.51
+     8.71
+     9.61
+    10.18
+    10.35
+    10.16
+     9.74
+     8.98
+     7.77
+     6.20
+     4.49
+     2.75
+     0.62
+    -1.45
+    -3.53
+    -5.55
+    -7.53
+    -9.13
+   -10.56
+   -11.71
+   -12.49
+   -12.79
+   -12.77
+   -12.28
+   -11.24
+    -9.87
+    -8.12
+    -6.15
+    -3.68
+    -1.30
+     1.45
+     4.16
+     6.78
+     9.12
+    11.41
+    13.15
+    14.70
+    15.47
+    15.67
+    14.56
+    11.50
+     7.51
+     4.14
+     2.15
+     0.41
+    -1.19
+    -2.58
+    -4.03
+    -5.45
+    -6.63
+    -7.66
+    -8.49
+    -9.13
+    -9.36
+    -9.16
+    -8.78
+    -8.11
+    -7.18
+    -5.85
+    -4.39
+    -2.59
+    -0.79
+     1.18
+     3.06
+     4.91
+     6.78
+     8.27
+     9.62
+    10.58
+    11.34
+    11.58
+    11.65
+    11.03
+    10.18
+     8.71
+     7.09
+     5.30
+     3.13
+     1.07
+    -1.36
+    -3.55
+    -5.99
+    -7.94
+    -9.88
+   -11.58
+   -12.73
+   -13.76
+   -14.20
+   -14.18
+   -13.63
+   -12.49
+   -11.09
+    -9.17
+    -7.08
+    -4.36
+    -1.73
+     1.19
+     4.27
+     7.04
+     9.85
+    12.24
+    14.26
+    16.00
+    16.77
+    16.62
+    13.78
+     8.05
+     3.45
+     1.42
+     0.33
+    -0.71
+    -1.65
+    -2.46
+    -3.28
+    -4.02
+    -4.57
+    -4.97
+    -5.30
+    -5.53
+    -5.36
+    -5.09
+    -4.71
+    -4.11
+    -3.38
+    -2.43
+    -1.40
+    -0.50
+     0.69
+     1.74
+     2.82
+     3.86
+     4.85
+     5.68
+     6.28
+     6.60
+     6.83
+     6.84
+     6.49
+     5.96
+     5.33
+     4.36
+     3.21
+     1.97
+     0.76
+    -0.68
+    -1.99
+    -3.46
+    -4.88
+    -6.05
+    -7.06
+    -7.78
+    -8.40
+    -8.70
+    -8.61
+    -8.41
+    -7.77
+    -6.88
+    -5.81
+    -4.32
+    -2.84
+    -1.26
+     0.63
+     2.48
+     4.06
+     5.87
+     7.39
+     8.62
+     9.61
+    10.39
+    10.85
+    10.93
+    10.45
+     9.67
+     8.73
+     7.17
+     5.58
+     3.69
+     1.68
+    -0.60
+    -2.64
+    -4.90
+    -6.93
+    -8.79
+   -10.40
+   -11.79
+   -12.68
+   -13.23
+   -13.35
+   -13.07
+   -12.28
+   -11.00
+    -9.43
+    -7.25
+    -4.91
+    -2.47
+     0.19
+     3.14
+     5.82
+     8.51
+    10.81
+    12.93
+    14.74
+    15.84
+    16.30
+    15.37
+    12.13
+     7.27
+     3.79
+     1.64
+     0.22
+    -0.94
+    -2.17
+    -3.54
+    -4.49
+    -5.66
+    -6.32
+    -7.06
+    -7.51
+    -7.57
+    -7.52
+    -7.15
+    -6.54
+    -5.74
+    -4.62
+    -3.46
+    -2.02
+    -0.59
+     1.09
+     2.71
+     4.18
+     5.66
+     6.93
+     8.06
+     8.78
+     9.42
+     9.61
+     9.51
+     9.09
+     8.49
+     7.34
+     6.14
+     4.61
+     2.75
+     0.87
+    -0.99
+    -2.98
+    -4.93
+    -6.76
+    -8.30
+    -9.86
+   -10.83
+   -11.61
+   -12.03
+   -12.01
+   -11.59
+   -10.65
+    -9.59
+    -7.97
+    -5.93
+    -3.77
+    -1.56
+     0.87
+     3.54
+     5.94
+     8.21
+    10.28
+    12.11
+    13.55
+    14.52
+    14.82
+    14.51
+    13.03
+    10.26
+     7.12
+     4.58
+     2.37
+     0.46
+    -1.57
+    -3.57
+    -5.43
+    -7.07
+    -8.68
+    -9.90
+   -10.89
+   -11.56
+   -11.76
+   -11.68
+   -11.14
+   -10.20
+    -8.83
+    -7.25
+    -5.23
+    -3.20
+    -0.84
+     1.59
+     4.10
+     6.45
+     8.68
+    10.56
+    12.24
+    13.45
+    14.34
+    14.48
+    13.96
+    12.47
+     9.89
+     7.19
+     4.61
+     2.34
+     0.30
+    -1.66
+    -3.70
+    -5.68
+    -7.55
+    -9.25
+   -10.45
+   -11.65
+   -12.18
+   -12.45
+   -12.38
+   -11.79
+   -10.70
+    -9.36
+    -7.63
+    -5.52
+    -3.34
+    -0.73
+     1.76
+     4.34
+     6.88
+     9.19
+    11.32
+    13.01
+    14.35
+    15.15
+    15.15
+    14.25
+    11.75
+     8.09
+     4.95
+     2.70
+     0.71
+    -0.92
+    -2.59
+    -4.23
+    -5.88
+    -7.38
+    -8.58
+    -9.35
+   -10.16
+   -10.46
+   -10.46
+    -9.98
+    -9.29
+    -8.10
+    -6.86
+    -5.18
+    -3.35
+    -1.17
+     0.88
+     3.09
+     5.11
+     7.22
+     9.05
+    10.47
+    11.75
+    12.54
+    12.94
+    12.94
+    12.24
+    11.15
+     9.35
+     7.44
+     5.28
+     3.12
+     0.80
+    -1.73
+    -4.04
+    -6.40
+    -8.55
+   -10.44
+   -12.02
+   -13.36
+   -14.10
+   -14.60
+   -14.42
+   -13.82
+   -12.68
+   -11.18
+    -9.26
+    -6.85
+    -4.13
+    -1.38
+     1.68
+     4.62
+     7.67
+    10.33
+    12.82
+    14.95
+    16.49
+    17.18
+    16.33
+    12.29
+     5.82
+     2.27
+     0.69
+    -0.02
+    -0.89
+    -1.58
+    -2.31
+    -2.86
+    -3.43
+    -3.82
+    -4.25
+    -4.42
+    -4.38
+    -4.20
+    -4.12
+    -3.63
+    -3.14
+    -2.34
+    -1.65
+    -0.84
+     0.04
+     1.02
+     1.94
+     2.74
+     3.51
+     4.28
+     4.80
+     5.23
+     5.49
+     5.61
+     5.38
+     5.09
+     4.67
+     3.98
+     3.28
+     2.32
+     1.20
+     0.13
+    -1.04
+    -2.14
+    -3.26
+    -4.26
+    -5.25
+    -5.88
+    -6.52
+    -6.89
+    -7.08
+    -6.87
+    -6.57
+    -6.04
+    -5.26
+    -4.23
+    -2.93
+    -1.82
+    -0.33
+     1.16
+     2.63
+     4.02
+     5.33
+     6.33
+     7.40
+     8.19
+     8.56
+     8.86
+     8.78
+     8.27
+     7.67
+     6.69
+     5.49
+     3.96
+     2.29
+     0.68
+    -1.20
+    -3.00
+    -4.77
+    -6.47
+    -7.79
+    -9.09
+   -10.14
+   -10.77
+   -11.04
+   -11.07
+   -10.63
+    -9.74
+    -8.66
+    -7.04
+    -5.24
+    -3.38
+    -1.10
+     1.12
+     3.44
+     5.68
+     7.77
+     9.68
+    11.25
+    12.50
+    13.31
+    13.68
+    13.45
+    12.56
+    10.99
+     8.82
+     6.49
+     4.15
+     1.97
+    -0.31
+    -2.57
+    -4.73
+    -6.96
+    -8.99
+   -10.74
+   -12.07
+   -13.11
+   -13.76
+   -13.89
+   -13.57
+   -12.79
+   -11.53
+    -9.81
+    -7.84
+    -5.42
+    -2.84
+    -0.06
+     2.89
+     5.68
+     8.40
+    11.04
+    13.09
+    14.91
+    16.19
+    16.66
+    15.51
+    11.49
+     6.18
+     2.72
+     1.14
+    -0.08
+    -1.16
+    -2.11
+    -3.14
+    -4.02
+    -4.83
+    -5.45
+    -5.90
+    -6.25
+    -6.31
+    -6.07
+    -5.73
+    -5.20
+    -4.54
+    -3.53
+    -2.49
+    -1.39
+    -0.11
+     1.32
+     2.48
+     3.79
+     4.97
+     5.85
+     6.70
+     7.24
+     7.78
+     7.84
+     7.67
+     7.38
+     6.72
+     5.70
+     4.63
+     3.27
+     1.87
+     0.32
+    -1.27
+    -2.96
+    -4.53
+    -6.00
+    -7.13
+    -8.21
+    -9.22
+    -9.60
+    -9.89
+    -9.86
+    -9.42
+    -8.53
+    -7.47
+    -6.05
+    -4.45
+    -2.72
+    -0.73
+     1.37
+     3.34
+     5.33
+     7.29
+     8.86
+    10.23
+    11.45
+    12.05
+    12.47
+    12.23
+    11.59
+    10.52
+     8.99
+     7.07
+     5.00
+     2.85
+     0.56
+    -1.72
+    -4.08
+    -6.52
+    -8.69
+   -10.46
+   -12.11
+   -13.46
+   -14.22
+   -14.52
+   -14.42
+   -13.69
+   -12.73
+   -11.17
+    -9.06
+    -6.76
+    -3.95
+    -1.08
+     1.74
+     4.78
+     7.87
+    10.49
+    12.88
+    15.07
+    16.65
+    17.27
+    16.27
+    11.87
+     5.61
+     2.13
+     0.57
+    -0.19
+    -0.83
+    -1.67
+    -2.22
+    -2.98
+    -3.52
+    -3.80
+    -4.08
+    -4.40
+    -4.32
+    -4.29
+    -3.93
+    -3.61
+    -3.11
+    -2.37
+    -1.51
+    -0.86
+     0.05
+     0.98
+     1.95
+     2.82
+     3.55
+     4.23
+     4.70
+     5.23
+     5.45
+     5.44
+     5.37
+     5.14
+     4.66
+     3.86
+     3.10
+     2.11
+     1.20
+     0.08
+    -1.21
+    -2.31
+    -3.33
+    -4.31
+    -5.16
+    -5.96
+    -6.41
+    -6.80
+    -6.95
+    -6.79
+    -6.45
+    -5.96
+    -5.08
+    -4.12
+    -2.86
+    -1.68
+    -0.25
+     1.29
+     2.66
+     3.96
+     5.37
+     6.38
+     7.36
+     8.17
+     8.54
+     8.83
+     8.53
+     8.25
+     7.42
+     6.60
+     5.21
+     3.87
+     2.21
+     0.47
+    -1.36
+    -2.99
+    -4.85
+    -6.37
+    -7.86
+    -9.12
+   -10.13
+   -10.74
+   -10.95
+   -10.86
+   -10.51
+    -9.61
+    -8.36
+    -6.89
+    -5.17
+    -3.12
+    -1.02
+     1.29
+     3.60
+     5.79
+     7.93
+     9.81
+    11.40
+    12.54
+    13.38
+    13.69
+    13.42
+    12.55
+    10.96
+     8.79
+     6.53
+     4.30
+     1.94
+    -0.27
+    -2.59
+    -4.80
+    -7.07
+    -9.02
+   -10.79
+   -12.17
+   -13.30
+   -13.79
+   -14.09
+   -13.73
+   -12.92
+   -11.69
+    -9.98
+    -7.96
+    -5.55
+    -2.81
+     0.08
+     2.96
+     5.83
+     8.64
+    11.08
+    13.40
+    15.12
+    16.43
+    16.81
+    15.42
+    11.08
+     5.59
+     2.39
+     0.77
+    -0.21
+    -1.14
+    -2.02
+    -3.04
+    -3.86
+    -4.46
+    -5.16
+    -5.44
+    -5.70
+    -5.84
+    -5.59
+    -5.36
+    -4.78
+    -3.98
+    -3.21
+    -2.13
+    -1.02
+     0.01
+     1.35
+     2.58
+     3.60
+     4.76
+     5.53
+     6.28
+     6.90
+     7.31
+     7.40
+     7.18
+     6.80
+     6.10
+     5.32
+     4.21
+     3.01
+     1.55
+     0.01
+    -1.37
+    -2.88
+    -4.47
+    -5.76
+    -6.89
+    -7.81
+    -8.70
+    -9.16
+    -9.26
+    -9.15
+    -8.61
+    -7.89
+    -6.91
+    -5.53
+    -4.04
+    -2.21
+    -0.43
+     1.59
+     3.46
+     5.24
+     6.91
+     8.51
+     9.85
+    10.75
+    11.30
+    11.65
+    11.42
+    10.85
+     9.92
+     8.45
+     6.71
+     4.94
+     2.78
+     0.65
+    -1.84
+    -4.15
+    -6.32
+    -8.39
+   -10.18
+   -11.80
+   -13.05
+   -13.77
+   -14.18
+   -13.94
+   -13.32
+   -12.28
+   -10.81
+    -8.71
+    -6.53
+    -3.83
+    -1.06
+     1.88
+     4.71
+     7.59
+    10.24
+    12.57
+    14.54
+    16.19
+    16.93
+    16.16
+    12.98
+     7.13
+     3.05
+     1.19
+     0.15
+    -0.89
+    -1.74
+    -2.67
+    -3.52
+    -4.25
+    -4.85
+    -5.23
+    -5.56
+    -5.69
+    -5.51
+    -5.20
+    -4.70
+    -4.15
+    -3.40
+    -2.43
+    -1.30
+    -0.23
+     0.92
+     2.08
+     3.10
+     4.26
+     5.18
+     5.89
+     6.53
+     6.95
+     7.08
+     7.06
+     6.75
+     6.12
+     5.31
+     4.29
+     3.26
+     2.02
+     0.63
+    -0.86
+    -2.39
+    -3.78
+    -5.19
+    -6.28
+    -7.29
+    -8.12
+    -8.69
+    -8.92
+    -8.75
+    -8.49
+    -7.87
+    -6.82
+    -5.64
+    -4.34
+    -2.63
+    -0.98
+     0.81
+     2.66
+     4.62
+     6.29
+     7.83
+     9.09
+    10.14
+    10.73
+    11.19
+    11.12
+    10.69
+     9.84
+     8.67
+     7.07
+     5.32
+     3.35
+     1.30
+    -0.88
+    -3.11
+    -5.37
+    -7.42
+    -9.38
+   -11.04
+   -12.22
+   -13.23
+   -13.64
+   -13.67
+   -13.35
+   -12.39
+   -11.08
+    -9.20
+    -7.20
+    -4.75
+    -1.98
+     0.77
+     3.65
+     6.45
+     9.11
+    11.53
+    13.69
+    15.23
+    16.35
+    16.36
+    14.76
+    10.52
+     5.47
+     2.49
+     0.99
+    -0.31
+    -1.39
+    -2.49
+    -3.53
+    -4.35
+    -5.31
+    -5.97
+    -6.36
+    -6.67
+    -6.64
+    -6.51
+    -6.08
+    -5.56
+    -4.71
+    -3.64
+    -2.50
+    -1.32
+     0.22
+     1.52
+     2.81
+     4.23
+     5.41
+     6.56
+     7.25
+     8.02
+     8.33
+     8.56
+     8.19
+     7.72
+     7.03
+     5.99
+     4.77
+     3.35
+     1.82
+     0.10
+    -1.59
+    -3.47
+    -5.06
+    -6.54
+    -7.86
+    -9.08
+    -9.97
+   -10.54
+   -10.71
+   -10.39
+    -9.84
+    -9.01
+    -7.73
+    -6.26
+    -4.56
+    -2.54
+    -0.40
+     1.73
+     4.01
+     6.13
+     7.97
+     9.88
+    11.18
+    12.43
+    13.03
+    13.30
+    13.02
+    11.90
+    10.45
+     8.51
+     6.42
+     4.28
+     1.98
+    -0.44
+    -2.84
+    -5.12
+    -7.26
+    -9.30
+   -11.18
+   -12.69
+   -13.68
+   -14.18
+   -14.46
+   -14.04
+   -13.14
+   -11.96
+   -10.22
+    -8.11
+    -5.45
+    -2.73
+     0.07
+     3.17
+     6.10
+     8.98
+    11.46
+    13.81
+    15.57
+    16.94
+    17.13
+    14.98
+     9.48
+     4.09
+     1.46
+     0.35
+    -0.46
+    -1.20
+    -2.07
+    -2.63
+    -3.36
+    -3.95
+    -4.38
+    -4.59
+    -4.78
+    -4.78
+    -4.59
+    -4.14
+    -3.62
+    -3.08
+    -2.27
+    -1.45
+    -0.53
+     0.52
+     1.35
+     2.34
+     3.33
+     4.15
+     4.88
+     5.44
+     5.77
+     5.96
+     5.98
+     5.71
+     5.33
+     4.82
+     3.99
+     3.10
+     1.94
+     0.88
+    -0.42
+    -1.52
+    -2.80
+    -4.00
+    -5.10
+    -5.94
+    -6.67
+    -7.10
+    -7.54
+    -7.50
+    -7.25
+    -6.90
+    -6.16
+    -5.23
+    -4.07
+    -2.69
+    -1.22
+     0.25
+     1.87
+     3.42
+     4.76
+     6.24
+     7.35
+     8.23
+     8.89
+     9.39
+     9.47
+     9.19
+     8.61
+     7.80
+     6.58
+     5.33
+     3.64
+     1.87
+    -0.10
+    -2.03
+    -3.94
+    -5.74
+    -7.56
+    -8.96
+   -10.24
+   -11.17
+   -11.58
+   -11.95
+   -11.67
+   -11.05
+    -9.96
+    -8.58
+    -6.86
+    -4.79
+    -2.57
+    -0.21
+     2.19
+     4.58
+     7.03
+     9.20
+    11.01
+    12.77
+    13.82
+    14.58
+    14.49
+    13.69
+    11.96
+     9.15
+     6.36
+     3.81
+     1.78
+    -0.35
+    -2.23
+    -4.31
+    -6.19
+    -7.91
+    -9.52
+   -10.70
+   -11.54
+   -12.17
+   -12.18
+   -12.00
+   -11.29
+   -10.11
+    -8.58
+    -6.92
+    -4.68
+    -2.49
+    -0.03
+     2.57
+     5.06
+     7.53
+     9.64
+    11.73
+    13.25
+    14.44
+    15.02
+    14.87
+    13.59
+    11.05
+     7.87
+     4.80
+     2.66
+     0.64
+    -1.21
+    -2.89
+    -4.70
+    -6.47
+    -7.92
+    -9.13
+   -10.27
+   -10.96
+   -11.13
+   -11.16
+   -10.63
+    -9.92
+    -8.74
+    -7.23
+    -5.36
+    -3.41
+    -1.28
+     1.17
+     3.45
+     5.79
+     7.90
+     9.76
+    11.38
+    12.61
+    13.64
+    13.97
+    13.78
+    12.70
+    11.03
+     8.76
+     6.35
+     3.89
+     1.76
+    -0.48
+    -2.71
+    -5.01
+    -6.97
+    -8.87
+   -10.66
+   -12.00
+   -12.97
+   -13.50
+   -13.64
+   -13.26
+   -12.55
+   -11.25
+    -9.57
+    -7.59
+    -5.12
+    -2.50
+     0.25
+     3.08
+     5.86
+     8.47
+    11.02
+    13.04
+    14.83
+    15.97
+    16.39
+    15.37
+    11.66
+     6.58
+     3.18
+     1.44
+     0.03
+    -1.15
+    -2.21
+    -3.30
+    -4.30
+    -5.25
+    -5.95
+    -6.55
+    -6.79
+    -6.92
+    -6.89
+    -6.54
+    -5.92
+    -5.03
+    -4.06
+    -2.99
+    -1.64
+    -0.32
+     1.25
+     2.53
+     4.03
+     5.39
+     6.38
+     7.38
+     8.17
+     8.50
+     8.75
+     8.68
+     8.22
diff --git a/tests/histogram/amplitude_histogram.dat b/tests/histogram/amplitude_histogram.dat
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bb890c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/histogram/amplitude_histogram.dat
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+#interval of data: [-1.463000e+01:1.727000e+01]
+#average= 1.463300e-01
+#standard deviation= 7.994755e+00
+-1.431100e+01 9.400000e-03
+-1.367300e+01 1.380000e-02
+-1.303500e+01 1.380000e-02
+-1.239700e+01 1.440000e-02
+-1.175900e+01 1.740000e-02
+-1.112100e+01 1.840000e-02
+-1.048300e+01 2.100000e-02
+-9.845000e+00 1.680000e-02
+-9.207000e+00 2.200000e-02
+-8.569000e+00 2.120000e-02
+-7.931000e+00 2.200000e-02
+-7.293000e+00 2.520000e-02
+-6.655000e+00 3.100000e-02
+-6.017000e+00 2.600000e-02
+-5.379000e+00 3.180000e-02
+-4.741000e+00 3.240000e-02
+-4.103000e+00 3.260000e-02
+-3.465000e+00 2.420000e-02
+-2.827000e+00 3.040000e-02
+-2.189000e+00 2.280000e-02
+-1.551000e+00 2.480000e-02
+-9.130000e-01 2.420000e-02
+-2.750000e-01 2.480000e-02
+3.630000e-01 2.180000e-02
+1.001000e+00 2.200000e-02
+1.639000e+00 2.280000e-02
+2.277000e+00 2.060000e-02
+2.915000e+00 2.180000e-02
+3.553000e+00 2.020000e-02
+4.191000e+00 2.300000e-02
+4.829000e+00 2.260000e-02
+5.467000e+00 2.940000e-02
+6.105000e+00 2.480000e-02
+6.743000e+00 2.360000e-02
+7.381000e+00 2.020000e-02
+8.019000e+00 2.200000e-02
+8.657000e+00 2.180000e-02
+9.295000e+00 1.840000e-02
+9.933000e+00 1.700000e-02
+1.057100e+01 1.320000e-02
+1.120900e+01 1.940000e-02
+1.184700e+01 1.240000e-02
+1.248500e+01 1.100000e-02
+1.312300e+01 1.460000e-02
+1.376100e+01 1.280000e-02
+1.439900e+01 9.400000e-03
+1.503700e+01 1.200000e-02
+1.567500e+01 7.600000e-03
+1.631300e+01 8.200000e-03
+1.695100e+01 7.000000e-03
diff --git a/tests/histogram/procedure.txt b/tests/histogram/procedure.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..36c9e17
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/histogram/procedure.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+This file is made to explain what steps I have taken in order to compare the 'histogram' program from the TISEAN package and the 'hist' function from GNU Octave.
+First it is important to note that the results given from GNU Octave and from the 'histogram' in the TISEAN package vary in the form they are presented. 
+Steps undertaken:
+  1. Using 'histogram' I generated the results of 'histogram' into file 'amplitude_histogram.dat' using the command:
+    '$histogram amplitude.dat -o "amplitude_histogram.dat" ' 
+  2. I loaded 'amplitude.dat' into GNU Octave and ran function 
+    'load amplitude.dat; [nn, xx] = hist (amplitude, 50, 1)'. 
+  Number '50' is used as this is the default value of bins in the TISEAN program. And '1' as the last argument is neccessary so that 'hist' would normalize the histogram (sum of the bars is equal to '1')
+  3. I loaded 'amplitude_histogram.dat' into GNU Octave and compared the first column with 'xx' obtained previously and the second with 'nn' (both 'nn' and 'xx' needed to be transposed) and save the result in 'result.dat'
+    'load amplitude_histogram.dat; nn = transpose (nn); xx = transpose (xx); \
+      diffa = [xx,nn] - amplitude_histogram.dat; save "difference.dat" diffa;'
+Note: The difference of the left column was smaller than 1.0e-14 and the right column the largest difference was rather large at 4.0e-04 but it was in two places: one positive and one negative in the other. This means that both programs classified some values into two different bars -- should not be a problem. The rest of the result difference was smaller than 1.0e-17. 
+Apart from the comments I made above the two tested functions produce the same results on the same data set. 
+It is important to remember to call both functions differently:
+  'histogram data.dat -b#n -o data_hist.dat'
+GNU Octave:
+  'load data.dat; [nn, xx] = hist (data, #n, 1)'
+  Then to save it in a file (like in TISEAN):
+  'nn = transpose (nn); xx = transpose (xx); data_hist = [xx, nn]; save "data_hist.dat" data_hist'
diff --git a/tests/histogram/test_histogram.m b/tests/histogram/test_histogram.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a238a57
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/histogram/test_histogram.m
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+# This test compares the results of TISEAN histogram function
+# $ histogram amplitude.dat -o "amplitude_tisean.dat"
+pkg load signal
+close all
+dataset = {"amplitude"};
+ndata   = numel (dataset);
+tisean_output = @(x) sprintf("%s_histogram.dat",x);
+for i=1:ndata
+  # Load tisean results
+  data_tisean = load (tisean_output (dataset{i}));
+  data = load ([dataset{i} ".dat"]);
+  n    = length (data);
+  # Calculate with Octave  
+  [no_octave, centers_octave] = hist (data, 50, 1);
+  no_octave = transpose (no_octave);
+  centers_octave = transpose (centers_octave);
+  # Compare
+  figure (i)
+  h = bar (centers_octave, [no_octave,data_tisean(:,2)]);
+  set (h(1), "facecolor", "b");
+  set (h(2), "facecolor", "g");  
+  legend ("Octave","Tisean");
+  axis tight
+  printf ("Difference on %s: %.3g\n", dataset{i}, ...
+                   sqrt (mean ((no_octave-data_tisean(:,2)).^2)));
+  fflush (stdout);
diff --git a/tests/lfo_run/hen1000.dat b/tests/lfo_run/hen1000.dat
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..23bc1f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/lfo_run/hen1000.dat
@@ -0,0 +1,1007 @@
+# Created by Octave 4.0.0-rc3, Wed Jun 03 11:09:43 2015 MDT <josiah at josiah-sim>
+# name: hen
+# type: matrix
+# rows: 1000
+# columns: 2
+ 0.6777800565923178 0.1893782444991193
+ 0.4136733461897362 0.6777800565923178
+ 0.9637581246907567 0.4136733461897362
+ -0.1762596082135009 0.9637581246907567
+ 1.245633008124619 -0.1762596082135009
+ -1.225120109765474 1.245633008124619
+ -0.7275970942550867 -1.225120109765474
+ -0.1086925771254656 -0.7275970942550867
+ 0.7651811648724286 -0.1086925771254656
+ 0.1476891257566229 0.7651811648724286
+ 1.199017440448271 0.1476891257566229
+ -0.9683932137717844 1.199017440448271
+ 0.04680564906353829 -0.9683932137717844
+ 0.7064149595705019 0.04680564906353829
+ 0.31541076157207 0.7064149595705019
+ 1.072646959949488 0.31541076157207
+ -0.5161768724928092 1.072646959949488
+ 0.9487800988098056 -0.5161768724928092
+ -0.4151102080044051 0.9487800988098056
+ 1.043390950937697 -0.4151102080044051
+ -0.6486636094994621 1.043390950937697
+ 0.7239470156768902 -0.6486636094994621
+ 0.07166192303969565 0.7239470156768902
+ 1.209994501003821 0.07166192303969565
+ -1.028222792531371 1.209994501003821
+ -0.1171406052122679 -1.028222792531371
+ 0.6723224722952938 -0.1171406052122679
+ 0.332033308981761 0.6723224722952938
+ 1.04735217610586 0.332033308981761
+ -0.4361152204166227 1.04735217610586
+ 1.047930573161103 -0.4361152204166227
+ -0.6682564467570473 1.047930573161103
+ 0.6891858218630347 -0.6682564467570473
+ 0.1345551300930486 0.6891858218630347
+ 1.18140863031081 0.1345551300930486
+ -0.9136503534540958 1.18140863031081
+ 0.1857628333797312 -0.9136503534540958
+ 0.6775939315923993 0.1857628333797312
+ 0.4129418994307361 0.6775939315923993
+ 0.9645487622500699 0.4129418994307361
+ -0.1786134708321777 0.9645487622500699
+ 1.244700747927217 -0.1786134708321777
+ -1.222575973896455 1.244700747927217
+ -0.7191585923502466 -1.222575973896455
+ -0.09083750550059982 -0.7191585923502466
+ 0.772700388927126 -0.09083750550059982
+ 0.1368565008824357 0.772700388927126
+ 1.20558853411084 0.1368565008824357
+ -0.993764248746603 1.20558853411084
+ -0.02091777468840805 -0.993764248746603
+ 0.7012581507589382 -0.02091777468840805
+ 0.3052564759852938 0.7012581507589382
+ 1.079923322644337 0.3052564759852938
+ -0.5411511931120712 1.079923322644337
+ 0.9139945374640358 -0.5411511931120712
+ -0.3318857782533566 0.9139945374640358
+ 1.11999092350964 -0.3318857782533566
+ -0.8556972697175733 1.11999092350964
+ 0.310892332689939 -0.8556972697175733
+ 0.6079751595491796 0.310892332689939
+ 0.5757803873265912 0.6079751595491796
+ 0.7182602716628108 0.5757803873265912
+ 0.4504771712091887 0.7182602716628108
+ 0.9313765270059575 0.4504771712091887
+ -0.079303977717994 0.9313765270059575
+ 1.270608188867133 -0.079303977717994
+ -1.2840144307781 1.270608188867133
+ -0.9269878251648302 -1.2840144307781
+ -0.5882333284387806 -0.9269878251648302
+ 0.2374778242899181 -0.5882333284387806
+ 0.7445759976271034 0.2374778242899181
+ 0.2950925645476208 0.7445759976271034
+ 1.101461328976322 0.2950925645476208
+ -0.6099761135581147 1.101461328976322
+ 0.80953919593685 -0.6099761135581147
+ -0.1004880277287487 0.80953919593685
+ 1.228724777577516 -0.1004880277287487
+ -1.143816818964707 1.228724777577516
+ -0.4630262482119019 -1.143816818964707
+ 0.3567043251641223 -0.4630262482119019
+ 0.6829589597093209 0.3567043251641223
+ 0.4540051806431038 0.6829589597093209
+ 0.916318702241708 0.4540051806431038
+ -0.03929439551616773 0.916318702241708
+ 1.272733941345939 -0.03929439551616773
+ -1.279580678290405 1.272733941345939
+ -0.9104372147520046 -1.279580678290405
+ -0.5443284942946643 -0.9104372147520046
+ 0.3120579219928636 -0.5443284942946643
+ 0.7003692463616948 0.3120579219928636
+ 0.4068934628489114 0.7003692463616948
+ 0.9783235677556587 0.4068934628489114
+ -0.2178957656619517 0.9783235677556587
+ 1.227027079755926 -0.2178957656619517
+ -1.173202365934684 1.227027079755926
+ -0.5588571840818575 -1.173202365934684
+ 0.2107893971397306 -0.5588571840818575
+ 0.7701378068502992 0.2107893971397306
+ 0.2328796809856549 0.7701378068502992
+ 1.155115217912717 0.2328796809856549
+ -0.7981437290192649 1.155115217912717
+ 0.4546877883319264 -0.7981437290192649
+ 0.4711195024927704 0.4546877883319264
+ 0.8256713166189281 0.4711195024927704
+ 0.1869094784257032 0.8256713166189281
+ 1.198792180610163 0.1869094784257032
+ -0.9558709256811857 1.198792180610163
+ 0.08047273699539942 -0.9558709256811857
+ 0.7041725163363013 0.08047273699539942
+ 0.329939315229862 0.7041725163363013
+ 1.0588478224728 0.329939315229862
+ -0.4706404010485874 1.0588478224728
+ 1.007551004802995 -0.4706404010485874
+ -0.5624147585059102 1.007551004802995
+ 0.8594307966215327 -0.5624147585059102
+ -0.2027942394059042 0.8594307966215327
+ 1.200253534035753 -0.2027942394059042
+ -1.077690236173211 1.200253534035753
+ -0.2659066829895746 -1.077690236173211
+ 0.5777040194661112 -0.2659066829895746
+ 0.4529892873529064 0.5777040194661112
+ 0.8860321936007418 0.4529892873529064
+ 0.0368225188701527 0.8860321936007418
+ 1.263911401025903 0.0368225188701527
+ -1.225414085839518 1.263911401025903
+ -0.7231221341756917 -1.225414085839518
+ -0.09969209506058535 -0.7231221341756917
+ 0.7691494404026962 -0.09969209506058535
+ 0.1418651651413315 0.7691494404026962
+ 1.202568817008001 0.1418651651413315
+ -0.9820809139536316 1.202568817008001
+ 0.01049455492959961 -0.9820809139536316
+ 0.7052215358574719 0.01049455492959961
+ 0.3068759859868397 0.7052215358574719
+ 1.079724441671688 0.3068759859868397
+ -0.5400640221244831 1.079724441671688
+ 0.9155805253109226 -0.5400640221244831
+ -0.3356219842974197 0.9155805253109226
+ 1.116975194712044 -0.3356219842974197
+ -0.847373615132039 1.116975194712044
+ 0.3298336973428959 -0.847373615132039
+ 0.5934815403963491 0.3298336973428959
+ 0.605841634895156 0.5934815403963491
+ 0.6641827409174952 0.605841634895156
+ 0.5641582918027997 0.6641827409174952
+ 0.7536704127814544 0.5641582918027997
+ 0.374020759997805 0.7536704127814544
+ 1.030252983361367 0.374020759997805
+ -0.3737834656156528 1.030252983361367
+ 1.113476184173703 -0.3737834656156528
+ -0.8478959374955377 1.113476184173703
+ 0.3275443261020994 -0.8478959374955377
+ 0.595431818964989 0.3275443261020994
+ 0.6019086263802923 0.595431818964989
+ 0.6714179533740823 0.6019086263802923
+ 0.5494496925558299 0.6714179533740823
+ 0.7787724355026503 0.5494496925558299
+ 0.3157537989485275 0.7787724355026503
+ 1.094051084480197 0.3157537989485275
+ -0.5810007459486555 1.094051084480197
+ 0.8556287118340073 -0.5810007459486555
+ -0.1992409133052085 0.8556287118340073
+ 1.201112895401631 -0.1992409133052085
+ -1.079513336491688 1.201112895401631
+ -0.2711547925082929 -1.079513336491688
+ 0.5732111089521921 -0.2711547925082929
+ 0.4586541966508296 0.5732111089521921
+ 0.8774541917380727 0.4586541966508296
+ 0.05970005695704872 0.8774541917380727
+ 1.258246522000477 0.05970005695704872
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+ 1.023706607640285 -0.4574310606068546
+ -0.6043946241189883 1.023706607640285
+ 0.7957019759625792 -0.6043946241189883
+ -0.06771667560675051 0.7957019759625792
+ 1.232290825371452 -0.06771667560675051
+ -1.146271952294541 1.232290825371452
+ -0.4698278964525576 -1.146271952294541
+ 0.3470848611125884 -0.4698278964525576
+ 0.6903965699252701 0.3470848611125884
+ 0.4368190650633669 0.6903965699252701
+ 0.9399837171336135 0.4368190650633669
+ -0.1059514243478449 0.9399837171336135
+ 1.266279129090212 -0.1059514243478449
+ -1.276633393181606 1.266279129090212
+ -0.9018262100938708 -1.276633393181606
+ -0.5215967364516658 -0.9018262100938708
+ 0.3485637193039988 -0.5215967364516658
+ 0.6734256460834487 0.3485637193039988
+ 0.4696661746671253 0.6734256460834487
+ 0.8932068519480036 0.4696661746671253
+ 0.0239539798865295 0.8932068519480036
+ 1.267158745171035 0.0239539798865295
+ -1.240781605682846 1.267158745171035
+ -0.7752069666499524 -1.240781605682846
+ -0.2135586593045223 -0.7752069666499524
+ 0.7035876886554912 -0.2135586593045223
+ 0.2428825123300365 0.7035876886554912
+ 1.128487625882597 0.2428825123300365
+ -0.7100132967791849 1.128487625882597
+ 0.6327798535202336 -0.7100132967791849
+ 0.226421530736721 0.6327798535202336
+ 1.118060562642446 0.226421530736721
+ -0.6821567312098646 1.118060562642446
+ 0.6839452404838353 -0.6821567312098646
+ 0.1404594518643528 0.6839452404838353
+ 1.177563171479902 0.1404594518643528
+ -0.8991791963968225 1.177563171479902
+ 0.2213364333180011 -0.8991791963968225
+ 0.6616604976814457 0.2213364333180011
+ 0.4534884701265186 0.6616604976814457
+ 0.9105856397516674 0.4534884701265186
+ -0.02478614921277911 0.9105856397516674
+ 1.272315597455583 -0.02478614921277911
+ -1.273737616104093 1.272315597455583
+ -0.8896758413132786 -1.273737616104093
+ -0.4902536284943138 -0.8896758413132786
+ 0.3966091792534396 -0.4902536284943138
+ 0.6327055339563842 0.3966091792534396
+ 0.5585399439973854 0.6327055339563842
+ 0.753058043530072 0.5585399439973854
+ 0.3736269995037401 0.753058043530072
+ 1.030481424397587 0.3736269995037401
+ -0.3745606525887493 1.030481424397587
+ 1.112730471864482 -0.3745606525887493
+ -0.8458049399986797 1.112730471864482
+ 0.3322787464227066 -0.8458049399986797
+ 0.5916856865464527 0.3322787464227066
diff --git a/tests/lfo_run/lfo_run_hen.dat b/tests/lfo_run/lfo_run_hen.dat
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2ae9f96
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/lfo_run/lfo_run_hen.dat
@@ -0,0 +1,1000 @@
+4.178371e-01 5.916857e-01
+6.124674e-01 4.178371e-01
+3.080429e-01 6.124674e-01
+9.938561e-01 3.080429e-01
+-3.374249e-01 9.938561e-01
+7.975559e-01 -3.374249e-01
+-1.623264e-01 7.975559e-01
+4.382906e-01 -1.623264e-01
+4.370613e-01 4.382906e-01
+9.818325e-01 4.370613e-01
+-3.019938e-01 9.818325e-01
+8.267984e-01 -3.019938e-01
+-2.345942e-01 8.267984e-01
+5.331624e-01 -2.345942e-01
+4.509924e-01 5.331624e-01
+9.473825e-01 4.509924e-01
+4.228305e-02 9.473825e-01
+1.010560e+00 4.228305e-02
+-4.864969e-01 1.010560e+00
+5.179423e-01 -4.864969e-01
+2.608916e-01 5.179423e-01
+8.847546e-01 2.608916e-01
+-1.179945e-01 8.847546e-01
+7.097036e-01 -1.179945e-01
+5.961636e-02 7.097036e-01
+6.552628e-01 5.961636e-02
+3.615779e-01 6.552628e-01
+9.264070e-01 3.615779e-01
+-1.933086e-01 9.264070e-01
+9.455966e-01 -1.933086e-01
+-4.342925e-01 9.455966e-01
+4.789167e-01 -4.342925e-01
+2.190076e-01 4.789167e-01
+8.568722e-01 2.190076e-01
+-8.116957e-02 8.568722e-01
+8.108557e-01 -8.116957e-02
+-8.238116e-02 8.108557e-01
+4.930079e-01 -8.238116e-02
+6.077872e-01 4.930079e-01
+4.009784e-01 6.077872e-01
+6.950689e-01 4.009784e-01
+1.846784e-01 6.950689e-01
+1.055323e+00 1.846784e-01
+-4.268950e-01 1.055323e+00
+9.375197e-01 -4.268950e-01
+-4.285130e-01 9.375197e-01
+5.669711e-01 -4.285130e-01
+2.211905e-01 5.669711e-01
+9.523023e-01 2.211905e-01
+-2.578149e-01 9.523023e-01
+9.651702e-01 -2.578149e-01
+-5.635186e-01 9.651702e-01
+6.245003e-01 -5.635186e-01
+7.235350e-02 6.245003e-01
+8.230127e-01 7.235350e-02
+-2.133219e-02 8.230127e-01
+1.041396e+00 -2.133219e-02
+-5.637202e-01 1.041396e+00
+5.903166e-01 -5.637202e-01
+-5.700707e-02 5.903166e-01
+5.093627e-01 -5.700707e-02
+5.433941e-01 5.093627e-01
+5.008713e-01 5.433941e-01
+4.587230e-01 5.008713e-01
+4.690095e-01 4.587230e-01
+3.530778e-01 4.690095e-01
+7.115743e-01 3.530778e-01
+2.692492e-01 7.115743e-01
+8.830301e-01 2.692492e-01
+-1.191151e-01 8.830301e-01
+8.273930e-01 -1.191151e-01
+-1.835668e-01 8.273930e-01
+8.171444e-01 -1.835668e-01
+-1.201140e-01 8.171444e-01
+7.944826e-01 -1.201140e-01
+7.353421e-03 7.944826e-01
+7.514747e-01 7.353421e-03
+1.394609e-01 7.514747e-01
+8.683089e-01 1.394609e-01
+-1.004477e-01 8.683089e-01
+8.232664e-01 -1.004477e-01
+-1.214402e-01 8.232664e-01
+5.458770e-01 -1.214402e-01
+3.629652e-01 5.458770e-01
+6.293170e-01 3.629652e-01
+3.732781e-01 6.293170e-01
+6.445613e-01 3.732781e-01
+3.008345e-01 6.445613e-01
+6.273155e-01 3.008345e-01
+4.361647e-01 6.273155e-01
+7.627970e-01 4.361647e-01
+1.324079e-01 7.627970e-01
+8.275254e-01 1.324079e-01
+-6.985410e-02 8.275254e-01
+8.991356e-01 -6.985410e-02
+-2.324532e-01 8.991356e-01
+9.861729e-01 -2.324532e-01
+-5.292049e-01 9.861729e-01
+4.923469e-01 -5.292049e-01
+2.513691e-01 4.923469e-01
+7.242216e-01 2.513691e-01
+1.873118e-01 7.242216e-01
+7.512260e-01 1.873118e-01
+7.760177e-02 7.512260e-01
+8.101658e-01 7.760177e-02
+-2.370863e-02 8.101658e-01
+7.986305e-01 -2.370863e-02
+1.604070e-02 7.986305e-01
+9.469043e-01 1.604070e-02
+-3.112392e-01 9.469043e-01
+7.177513e-01 -3.112392e-01
+-6.871918e-02 7.177513e-01
+7.583823e-01 -6.871918e-02
+1.078564e-02 7.583823e-01
+8.172377e-01 1.078564e-02
+-6.686066e-02 8.172377e-01
+5.524164e-01 -6.686066e-02
+4.866952e-01 5.524164e-01
+5.297719e-01 4.866952e-01
+7.124986e-01 5.297719e-01
+2.772098e-01 7.124986e-01
+9.471417e-01 2.772098e-01
+-1.933043e-01 9.471417e-01
+7.246650e-01 -1.933043e-01
+1.875645e-01 7.246650e-01
+9.549787e-01 1.875645e-01
+-2.319993e-01 9.549787e-01
+8.442021e-01 -2.319993e-01
+-2.057632e-01 8.442021e-01
+7.651574e-01 -2.057632e-01
+-1.315785e-02 7.651574e-01
+9.361438e-01 -1.315785e-02
+-3.446786e-01 9.361438e-01
+5.629038e-01 -3.446786e-01
+1.763885e-01 5.629038e-01
+7.802087e-01 1.763885e-01
+5.805041e-02 7.802087e-01
+8.706957e-01 5.805041e-02
+-1.737498e-01 8.706957e-01
+6.099200e-01 -1.737498e-01
+2.585389e-01 6.099200e-01
+1.013230e+00 2.585389e-01
+-4.185320e-01 1.013230e+00
+6.439681e-01 -4.185320e-01
+1.319806e-02 6.439681e-01
+6.728139e-01 1.319806e-02
+2.541837e-01 6.728139e-01
+7.538973e-01 2.541837e-01
+7.731399e-02 7.538973e-01
+4.813194e-01 7.731399e-02
+7.218061e-01 4.813194e-01
+2.306351e-01 7.218061e-01
+1.097271e+00 2.306351e-01
+-5.687588e-01 1.097271e+00
+5.955243e-01 -5.687588e-01
+1.638821e-01 5.955243e-01
+8.235920e-01 1.638821e-01
+1.164804e-02 8.235920e-01
+1.011836e+00 1.164804e-02
+-4.807546e-01 1.011836e+00
+4.889338e-01 -4.807546e-01
+2.517661e-02 4.889338e-01
+7.062162e-01 2.517661e-02
+1.245703e-01 7.062162e-01
+8.830842e-01 1.245703e-01
+-1.522554e-01 8.830842e-01
+6.147950e-01 -1.522554e-01
+2.255200e-01 6.147950e-01
+9.520852e-01 2.255200e-01
+-2.748403e-01 9.520852e-01
+7.196767e-01 -2.748403e-01
+3.379889e-02 7.196767e-01
+7.071918e-01 3.379889e-02
+1.548183e-01 7.071918e-01
+9.040697e-01 1.548183e-01
+-2.417184e-01 9.040697e-01
+6.403686e-01 -2.417184e-01
+2.346556e-01 6.403686e-01
+7.321125e-01 2.346556e-01
+1.757276e-01 7.321125e-01
+8.146283e-01 1.757276e-01
+-1.520819e-02 8.146283e-01
+6.343814e-01 -1.520819e-02
+3.412676e-01 6.343814e-01
+7.250526e-01 3.412676e-01
+1.751810e-01 7.250526e-01
+8.324131e-01 1.751810e-01
+-2.598535e-02 8.324131e-01
+6.852417e-01 -2.598535e-02
+2.101427e-01 6.852417e-01
+8.233055e-01 2.101427e-01
+-7.084620e-02 8.233055e-01
+7.367840e-01 -7.084620e-02
+5.821944e-02 7.367840e-01
+6.292925e-01 5.821944e-02
+3.253428e-01 6.292925e-01
+8.016399e-01 3.253428e-01
+4.712485e-02 8.016399e-01
+8.246323e-01 4.712485e-02
+-6.867393e-02 8.246323e-01
+6.911908e-01 -6.867393e-02
+3.123120e-01 6.911908e-01
+8.304186e-01 3.123120e-01
+-2.424193e-02 8.304186e-01
+8.999165e-01 -2.424193e-02
+-1.936711e-01 8.999165e-01
+7.090472e-01 -1.936711e-01
+1.069143e-01 7.090472e-01
+8.944882e-01 1.069143e-01
+-1.980588e-01 8.944882e-01
+6.777915e-01 -1.980588e-01
+1.311898e-01 6.777915e-01
+5.909640e-01 1.311898e-01
+4.732490e-01 5.909640e-01
+5.294915e-01 4.732490e-01
+5.246074e-01 5.294915e-01
+4.334347e-01 5.246074e-01
+7.527278e-01 4.334347e-01
+1.896348e-01 7.527278e-01
+9.972463e-01 1.896348e-01
+-3.432017e-01 9.972463e-01
+9.662684e-01 -3.432017e-01
+-4.558659e-01 9.662684e-01
+5.885591e-01 -4.558659e-01
+1.555822e-01 5.885591e-01
+9.209478e-01 1.555822e-01
+-3.064762e-01 9.209478e-01
+7.259113e-01 -3.064762e-01
+-1.078353e-02 7.259113e-01
+7.070323e-01 -1.078353e-02
+1.685028e-01 7.070323e-01
+9.488166e-01 1.685028e-01
+-3.277597e-01 9.488166e-01
+5.106529e-01 -3.277597e-01
+2.929870e-01 5.106529e-01
+7.121896e-01 2.929870e-01
+1.809280e-01 7.121896e-01
+7.878108e-01 1.809280e-01
+5.917901e-02 7.878108e-01
+6.570355e-01 5.917901e-02
+3.134264e-01 6.570355e-01
+8.253548e-01 3.134264e-01
+2.502950e-03 8.253548e-01
+7.637954e-01 2.502950e-03
+4.095747e-02 7.637954e-01
+6.827376e-01 4.095747e-02
+2.568684e-01 6.827376e-01
+6.257029e-01 2.568684e-01
+3.522481e-01 6.257029e-01
+6.620922e-01 3.522481e-01
+3.189152e-01 6.620922e-01
+6.236609e-01 3.189152e-01
+4.122528e-01 6.236609e-01
+7.718568e-01 4.122528e-01
+1.203033e-01 7.718568e-01
+9.812809e-01 1.203033e-01
+-4.139448e-01 9.812809e-01
+5.661656e-01 -4.139448e-01
+2.112075e-01 5.661656e-01
+8.135252e-01 2.112075e-01
+-5.372490e-03 8.135252e-01
+8.877292e-01 -5.372490e-03
+-2.274428e-01 8.877292e-01
+6.653087e-01 -2.274428e-01
+1.801247e-01 6.653087e-01
+8.272162e-01 1.801247e-01
+-6.262592e-02 8.272162e-01
+8.506342e-01 -6.262592e-02
+-1.596397e-01 8.506342e-01
+5.590912e-01 -1.596397e-01
+5.218384e-01 5.590912e-01
+7.158079e-01 5.218384e-01
+2.884644e-01 7.158079e-01
+6.510800e-01 2.884644e-01
+3.086802e-01 6.510800e-01
+5.363057e-01 3.086802e-01
+6.846705e-01 5.363057e-01
+4.344194e-01 6.846705e-01
+6.635053e-01 4.344194e-01
+3.488949e-01 6.635053e-01
+7.746837e-01 3.488949e-01
+1.485809e-01 7.746837e-01
+9.564971e-01 1.485809e-01
+-2.875325e-01 9.564971e-01
+7.366571e-01 -2.875325e-01
+2.705355e-02 7.366571e-01
+9.244965e-01 2.705355e-02
+-2.687250e-01 9.244965e-01
+9.047971e-01 -2.687250e-01
+-3.567020e-01 9.047971e-01
+5.437878e-01 -3.567020e-01
+2.193212e-01 5.437878e-01
+7.998510e-01 2.193212e-01
+1.335183e-02 7.998510e-01
+8.282978e-01 1.335183e-02
+-1.073672e-01 8.282978e-01
+9.991134e-01 -1.073672e-01
+-4.585220e-01 9.991134e-01
+5.242753e-01 -4.585220e-01
+1.644435e-01 5.242753e-01
+8.382853e-01 1.644435e-01
+-8.141119e-02 8.382853e-01
+6.492149e-01 -8.141119e-02
+1.824595e-01 6.492149e-01
+6.628131e-01 1.824595e-01
+3.653976e-01 6.628131e-01
+7.943135e-01 3.653976e-01
+2.660468e-02 7.943135e-01
+6.933375e-01 2.660468e-02
+1.869437e-01 6.933375e-01
+1.160788e+00 1.869437e-01
+-8.079421e-01 1.160788e+00
+3.289082e-01 -8.079421e-01
+2.312988e-01 3.289082e-01
+7.741738e-01 2.312988e-01
+6.761328e-02 7.741738e-01
+7.938456e-01 6.761328e-02
+-5.656127e-02 7.938456e-01
+4.595004e-01 -5.656127e-02
+6.629252e-01 4.595004e-01
+3.002302e-01 6.629252e-01
+7.626752e-01 3.002302e-01
+1.820953e-01 7.626752e-01
+9.747733e-01 1.820953e-01
+-3.333398e-01 9.747733e-01
+7.054812e-01 -3.333398e-01
+-1.067849e-01 7.054812e-01
+7.909162e-01 -1.067849e-01
+-3.785446e-02 7.909162e-01
+1.013809e+00 -3.785446e-02
+-4.620970e-01 1.013809e+00
+5.898568e-01 -4.620970e-01
+3.138124e-02 5.898568e-01
+8.463619e-01 3.138124e-02
+-1.414100e-01 8.463619e-01
+7.750919e-01 -1.414100e-01
+4.335385e-03 7.750919e-01
+1.018484e+00 4.335385e-03
+-4.836684e-01 1.018484e+00
+6.367739e-01 -4.836684e-01
+-3.090805e-02 6.367739e-01
+7.004636e-01 -3.090805e-02
+1.453274e-01 7.004636e-01
+7.582216e-01 1.453274e-01
+9.819527e-02 7.582216e-01
+6.924314e-01 9.819527e-02
+2.779474e-01 6.924314e-01
+6.682554e-01 2.779474e-01
+3.035079e-01 6.682554e-01
+7.512943e-01 3.035079e-01
+1.387121e-01 7.512943e-01
+9.606628e-01 1.387121e-01
+-2.920785e-01 9.606628e-01
+7.305042e-01 -2.920785e-01
+2.619128e-02 7.305042e-01
+7.982782e-01 2.619128e-02
+-1.228550e-02 7.982782e-01
+8.397489e-01 -1.228550e-02
+-1.272984e-01 8.397489e-01
+5.792752e-01 -1.272984e-01
+5.054708e-01 5.792752e-01
+6.107145e-01 5.054708e-01
+4.502065e-01 6.107145e-01
+5.836639e-01 4.502065e-01
+4.988930e-01 5.836639e-01
+5.794819e-01 4.988930e-01
+6.110198e-01 5.794819e-01
+4.643575e-01 6.110198e-01
+7.107071e-01 4.643575e-01
+3.252490e-01 7.107071e-01
+8.864440e-01 3.252490e-01
+-1.330769e-01 8.864440e-01
+9.381437e-01 -1.330769e-01
+-3.839539e-01 9.381437e-01
+6.820549e-01 -3.839539e-01
+6.737473e-02 6.820549e-01
+8.733896e-01 6.737473e-02
+-1.819680e-01 8.733896e-01
+8.278494e-01 -1.819680e-01
+-1.380183e-01 8.278494e-01
+7.639400e-01 -1.380183e-01
+3.743413e-02 7.639400e-01
+8.397019e-01 3.743413e-02
+-1.046987e-01 8.397019e-01
+5.784183e-01 -1.046987e-01
+4.548274e-01 5.784183e-01
+5.693594e-01 4.548274e-01
+4.631848e-01 5.693594e-01
+6.215854e-01 4.631848e-01
+3.916066e-01 6.215854e-01
+5.054997e-01 3.916066e-01
+6.397125e-01 5.054997e-01
+4.375703e-01 6.397125e-01
+6.603020e-01 4.375703e-01
+4.174494e-01 6.603020e-01
+7.238654e-01 4.174494e-01
+2.574843e-01 7.238654e-01
+1.050656e+00 2.574843e-01
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+7.949870e-01 -4.755563e-01
+-2.352136e-01 7.949870e-01
+6.074984e-01 -2.352136e-01
+2.805681e-01 6.074984e-01
+9.272839e-01 2.805681e-01
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+6.927750e-01 -2.583624e-01
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+7.308865e-01 -1.564662e-02
+1.003408e-01 7.308865e-01
+9.034651e-01 1.003408e-01
+-2.340593e-01 9.034651e-01
+5.868006e-01 -2.340593e-01
+1.817106e-01 5.868006e-01
+6.871882e-01 1.817106e-01
+2.349673e-01 6.871882e-01
+7.615402e-01 2.349673e-01
+9.896895e-02 7.615402e-01
+6.022198e-01 9.896895e-02
+4.140714e-01 6.022198e-01
+6.194157e-01 4.140714e-01
+3.913352e-01 6.194157e-01
+6.905932e-01 3.913352e-01
+2.135963e-01 6.905932e-01
+7.332143e-01 2.135963e-01
+2.011704e-01 7.332143e-01
+8.336487e-01 2.011704e-01
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+8.193501e-01 -8.696283e-02
+-1.119468e-01 8.193501e-01
+8.095050e-01 -1.119468e-01
+-7.948053e-02 8.095050e-01
+7.415748e-01 -7.948053e-02
+8.178970e-02 7.415748e-01
+8.677729e-01 8.178970e-02
+-1.695939e-01 8.677729e-01
+8.618062e-01 -1.695939e-01
+-2.195101e-01 8.618062e-01
+6.715567e-01 -2.195101e-01
+1.390230e-01 6.715567e-01
+8.628480e-01 1.390230e-01
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+5.779988e-01 -1.606557e-01
+4.384576e-01 5.779988e-01
+4.626331e-01 4.384576e-01
+7.339859e-01 4.626331e-01
+2.951035e-01 7.339859e-01
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+1.105907e-02 8.067610e-01
+8.864901e-01 1.105907e-02
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+8.666323e-01 -1.442608e-01
+-2.168269e-01 8.666323e-01
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+-1.526925e-01 8.445378e-01
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+9.403304e-01 8.212215e-02
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+6.489765e-01 -3.304582e-01
+1.275941e-01 6.489765e-01
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+2.527285e-01 6.730512e-01
+7.596871e-01 2.527285e-01
+1.197752e-01 7.596871e-01
+6.353207e-01 1.197752e-01
+3.902955e-01 6.353207e-01
+6.609408e-01 3.902955e-01
+3.119871e-01 6.609408e-01
+7.377217e-01 3.119871e-01
+1.952057e-01 7.377217e-01
+8.158573e-01 1.952057e-01
+1.771600e-02 8.158573e-01
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+8.036615e-01 -1.957080e-01
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+1.388660e-01 6.780481e-01
+7.866573e-01 1.388660e-01
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+5.979564e-01 -2.310778e-01
+3.128874e-01 5.979564e-01
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+2.254070e-01 6.462529e-01
+7.022885e-01 2.254070e-01
+2.698477e-01 7.022885e-01
+8.199028e-01 2.698477e-01
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+7.768156e-01 2.994313e-01
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+2.862523e-01 6.610490e-01
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+2.354779e-01 5.993331e-01
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+6.049982e-01 -1.123466e-01
+3.951457e-01 6.049982e-01
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+5.165893e-01 2.279645e-01
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+-6.702933e-01 1.065045e+00
+5.140221e-01 -6.702933e-01
+4.037366e-01 5.140221e-01
+7.091294e-01 4.037366e-01
+2.688125e-01 7.091294e-01
+7.471223e-01 2.688125e-01
+2.511437e-02 7.471223e-01
+8.149983e-01 2.511437e-02
+-4.488633e-02 8.149983e-01
+8.436226e-01 -4.488633e-02
+-1.418500e-01 8.436226e-01
+6.135780e-01 -1.418500e-01
+2.045973e-01 6.135780e-01
+7.773723e-01 2.045973e-01
+-3.843438e-02 7.773723e-01
+7.044168e-01 -3.843438e-02
+1.742293e-01 7.044168e-01
+6.004349e-01 1.742293e-01
+4.857043e-01 6.004349e-01
+6.461765e-01 4.857043e-01
+4.082397e-01 6.461765e-01
+6.283966e-01 4.082397e-01
+4.265762e-01 6.283966e-01
+6.708725e-01 4.265762e-01
+3.272952e-01 6.708725e-01
+8.183211e-01 3.272952e-01
+2.478820e-02 8.183211e-01
+8.623599e-01 2.478820e-02
+-1.610103e-01 8.623599e-01
+8.595410e-01 -1.610103e-01
+-2.210332e-01 8.595410e-01
+7.967799e-01 -2.210332e-01
+-1.272092e-01 7.967799e-01
+7.685261e-01 -1.272092e-01
+3.208465e-02 7.685261e-01
+8.148531e-01 3.208465e-02
+-6.888706e-02 8.148531e-01
+8.243536e-01 -6.888706e-02
+-1.096456e-01 8.243536e-01
+7.867705e-01 -1.096456e-01
+-3.443789e-02 7.867705e-01
+5.839221e-01 -3.443789e-02
+3.018859e-01 5.839221e-01
+6.759514e-01 3.018859e-01
+2.602097e-01 6.759514e-01
+7.032153e-01 2.602097e-01
+2.343275e-01 7.032153e-01
+6.782907e-01 2.343275e-01
+2.837132e-01 6.782907e-01
+8.255923e-01 2.837132e-01
+-6.529989e-02 8.255923e-01
+6.615742e-01 -6.529989e-02
+2.018052e-01 6.615742e-01
+8.250951e-01 2.018052e-01
+-1.142822e-01 8.250951e-01
+8.668463e-01 -1.142822e-01
+-2.432682e-01 8.668463e-01
+6.050572e-01 -2.432682e-01
+2.929465e-01 6.050572e-01
+7.694277e-01 2.929465e-01
+1.233635e-01 7.694277e-01
+8.248951e-01 1.233635e-01
+-9.060548e-02 8.248951e-01
+6.594769e-01 -9.060548e-02
+3.165117e-01 6.594769e-01
+8.305902e-01 3.165117e-01
+-2.913574e-02 8.305902e-01
+6.851373e-01 -2.913574e-02
+1.976576e-01 6.851373e-01
+6.211731e-01 1.976576e-01
+4.020890e-01 6.211731e-01
+7.788782e-01 4.020890e-01
+1.222660e-01 7.788782e-01
+6.164878e-01 1.222660e-01
+4.039068e-01 6.164878e-01
+6.286392e-01 4.039068e-01
+4.267246e-01 6.286392e-01
+7.334929e-01 4.267246e-01
+2.218834e-01 7.334929e-01
+6.975688e-01 2.218834e-01
+2.553962e-01 6.975688e-01
+8.718477e-01 2.553962e-01
+-1.458926e-01 8.718477e-01
+8.591919e-01 -1.458926e-01
+-1.904338e-01 8.591919e-01
+8.046696e-01 -1.904338e-01
+-9.800823e-02 8.046696e-01
+7.450075e-01 -9.800823e-02
+3.526448e-02 7.450075e-01
+8.182970e-01 3.526448e-02
+-6.613108e-02 8.182970e-01
+8.463884e-01 -6.613108e-02
+-1.358664e-01 8.463884e-01
+7.874064e-01 -1.358664e-01
+-5.465443e-02 7.874064e-01
+5.768836e-01 -5.465443e-02
+3.251280e-01 5.768836e-01
+7.120156e-01 3.251280e-01
+2.256859e-01 7.120156e-01
+7.347767e-01 2.256859e-01
+1.410000e-01 7.347767e-01
+5.577711e-01 1.410000e-01
+5.077018e-01 5.577711e-01
+5.903335e-01 5.077018e-01
+4.168544e-01 5.903335e-01
+7.341041e-01 4.168544e-01
+1.564844e-01 7.341041e-01
+8.621467e-01 1.564844e-01
+-7.815196e-02 8.621467e-01
+8.978757e-01 -7.815196e-02
+-2.833037e-01 8.978757e-01
+7.998672e-01 -2.833037e-01
+-1.294043e-01 7.998672e-01
+8.017139e-01 -1.294043e-01
+-8.318683e-02 8.017139e-01
+7.612161e-01 -8.318683e-02
+4.715973e-02 7.612161e-01
+8.892477e-01 4.715973e-02
+-2.208660e-01 8.892477e-01
+8.025776e-01 -2.208660e-01
+-1.420326e-01 8.025776e-01
+5.023572e-01 -1.420326e-01
+5.184476e-01 5.023572e-01
+5.430056e-01 5.184476e-01
+4.937554e-01 5.430056e-01
+4.859831e-01 4.937554e-01
+6.798506e-01 4.859831e-01
+2.168559e-01 6.798506e-01
+1.168027e+00 2.168559e-01
+-6.847104e-01 1.168027e+00
+7.322488e-01 -6.847104e-01
+6.900060e-02 7.322488e-01
+9.023262e-01 6.900060e-02
+-1.590599e-01 9.023262e-01
+9.254745e-01 -1.590599e-01
+-4.336811e-01 9.254745e-01
+4.478018e-01 -4.336811e-01
+1.341052e-01 4.478018e-01
+8.640214e-01 1.341052e-01
+-1.670776e-01 8.640214e-01
+8.875579e-01 -1.670776e-01
+-3.142638e-01 8.875579e-01
+4.035499e-01 -3.142638e-01
+9.764116e-02 4.035499e-01
+6.911108e-01 9.764116e-02
+2.004998e-01 6.911108e-01
+7.664651e-01 2.004998e-01
+5.252193e-02 7.664651e-01
+7.842725e-01 5.252193e-02
+8.515107e-02 7.842725e-01
+9.810002e-01 8.515107e-02
+-3.970869e-01 9.810002e-01
+6.090086e-01 -3.970869e-01
+5.447819e-02 6.090086e-01
+6.566101e-01 5.447819e-02
+2.678920e-01 6.566101e-01
+9.722267e-01 2.678920e-01
+-3.575602e-01 9.722267e-01
+7.051406e-01 -3.575602e-01
+8.530860e-02 7.051406e-01
+6.314997e-01 8.530860e-02
+3.727523e-01 6.314997e-01
+7.238675e-01 3.727523e-01
+2.049256e-01 7.238675e-01
+7.574800e-01 2.049256e-01
+8.236601e-02 7.574800e-01
+9.665010e-01 8.236601e-02
+-3.200217e-01 9.665010e-01
+6.798305e-01 -3.200217e-01
+5.684925e-02 6.798305e-01
+7.372622e-01 5.684925e-02
+7.068648e-02 7.372622e-01
+9.501210e-01 7.068648e-02
+-3.226801e-01 9.501210e-01
+6.897681e-01 -3.226801e-01
+1.372214e-02 6.897681e-01
+7.558150e-01 1.372214e-02
+6.217731e-02 7.558150e-01
+8.863641e-01 6.217731e-02
+-2.042997e-01 8.863641e-01
+5.240659e-01 -2.042997e-01
+3.221986e-01 5.240659e-01
+7.195121e-01 3.221986e-01
+2.220893e-01 7.195121e-01
+7.384697e-01 2.220893e-01
+1.472189e-01 7.384697e-01
+6.305963e-01 1.472189e-01
+2.872688e-01 6.305963e-01
diff --git a/tests/lfo_run/test_lfo_run.m b/tests/lfo_run/test_lfo_run.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d5fc017
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/lfo_run/test_lfo_run.m
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+# This compares the results from TISEAN and TISEAN package (tisean)
+# octave:#> hen = henon (1000);
+# octave:#+1> save hen1000.dat hen;
+# $ lfo-run hen1000.dat -m2,4 -d6 -o lfo_run_hen.dat
+load lfo_run_hen.dat
+res = lfo_run (henon(1000), 'm',4,'d',6);
+plot (1:1000, henon(2000)(1001:2000,1),'bo',1:1000,lfo_run_hen(:,1),'ro', 1:1000, res(:,1), 'g.');
+h = legend ("Actual Henon", "Predicted with TISEAN", "Predicted with Matrix::Solve()");
+set (h, 'fontsize', 15);
diff --git a/tests/polynom/amplitude.dat b/tests/polynom/amplitude.dat
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..617fd1b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/polynom/amplitude.dat
@@ -0,0 +1,5000 @@
+     3.61
+     4.31
+     4.83
+     5.18
+     5.36
+     5.31
+     5.15
+     4.92
+     4.23
+     3.53
+     2.84
+     1.86
+     0.89
+    -0.31
+    -1.38
+    -2.50
+    -3.47
+    -4.46
+    -5.40
+    -5.98
+    -6.52
+    -6.70
+    -6.68
+    -6.66
+    -6.23
+    -5.58
+    -4.72
+    -3.61
+    -2.56
+    -1.18
+     0.12
+     1.66
+     3.02
+     4.23
+     5.57
+     6.61
+     7.50
+     8.06
+     8.50
+     8.60
+     8.36
+     7.84
+     7.17
+     6.15
+     4.73
+     3.39
+     1.84
+     0.05
+    -1.75
+    -3.47
+    -5.04
+    -6.66
+    -8.15
+    -9.17
+   -10.09
+   -10.55
+   -10.69
+   -10.48
+   -10.08
+    -9.04
+    -7.92
+    -6.37
+    -4.47
+    -2.58
+    -0.32
+     1.93
+     4.10
+     6.22
+     8.23
+     9.95
+    11.36
+    12.45
+    13.25
+    13.35
+    13.05
+    12.03
+    10.39
+     8.47
+     6.31
+     4.05
+     1.69
+    -0.65
+    -2.95
+    -5.36
+    -7.51
+    -9.46
+   -11.22
+   -12.70
+   -13.55
+   -14.25
+   -14.23
+   -14.02
+   -12.98
+   -11.67
+    -9.93
+    -7.85
+    -5.21
+    -2.66
+     0.34
+     3.26
+     6.25
+     9.15
+    11.66
+    13.86
+    15.64
+    16.73
+    17.01
+    14.72
+     9.34
+     4.01
+     1.57
+     0.49
+    -0.42
+    -1.31
+    -2.17
+    -2.82
+    -3.51
+    -4.02
+    -4.52
+    -4.79
+    -4.93
+    -4.97
+    -4.73
+    -4.37
+    -3.81
+    -3.17
+    -2.47
+    -1.47
+    -0.48
+     0.41
+     1.45
+     2.53
+     3.55
+     4.24
+     5.01
+     5.61
+     6.12
+     6.24
+     6.21
+     6.12
+     5.60
+     5.10
+     4.12
+     3.26
+     2.21
+     0.83
+    -0.49
+    -1.69
+    -2.94
+    -4.12
+    -5.31
+    -6.22
+    -7.10
+    -7.54
+    -7.80
+    -7.90
+    -7.77
+    -7.15
+    -6.36
+    -5.44
+    -4.27
+    -2.93
+    -1.43
+     0.32
+     1.81
+     3.53
+     5.02
+     6.48
+     7.84
+     8.75
+     9.51
+     9.87
+    10.03
+     9.64
+     9.17
+     8.29
+     7.07
+     5.41
+     3.86
+     2.00
+    -0.05
+    -2.15
+    -4.06
+    -6.17
+    -7.86
+    -9.53
+   -10.67
+   -11.62
+   -12.37
+   -12.46
+   -12.17
+   -11.57
+   -10.49
+    -8.95
+    -7.18
+    -5.15
+    -2.69
+    -0.36
+     2.41
+     4.81
+     7.38
+     9.66
+    11.66
+    13.23
+    14.64
+    15.21
+    15.20
+    13.92
+    11.14
+     7.48
+     4.44
+     2.42
+     0.44
+    -1.18
+    -2.87
+    -4.65
+    -6.11
+    -7.66
+    -8.72
+    -9.63
+   -10.35
+   -10.56
+   -10.54
+    -9.94
+    -9.24
+    -8.15
+    -6.61
+    -4.86
+    -2.99
+    -0.87
+     1.20
+     3.35
+     5.63
+     7.62
+     9.31
+    10.90
+    12.14
+    12.92
+    13.14
+    13.01
+    12.13
+    10.89
+     9.18
+     6.92
+     4.84
+     2.47
+     0.26
+    -2.10
+    -4.46
+    -6.79
+    -8.82
+   -10.75
+   -12.28
+   -13.35
+   -14.25
+   -14.46
+   -14.24
+   -13.55
+   -12.31
+   -10.77
+    -8.76
+    -6.34
+    -3.63
+    -0.75
+     2.24
+     5.20
+     8.14
+    10.90
+    13.29
+    15.13
+    16.59
+    17.25
+    15.96
+    11.18
+     5.00
+     1.86
+     0.65
+    -0.19
+    -1.00
+    -1.67
+    -2.45
+    -3.09
+    -3.74
+    -4.14
+    -4.42
+    -4.54
+    -4.56
+    -4.41
+    -4.05
+    -3.62
+    -3.18
+    -2.48
+    -1.67
+    -0.71
+     0.14
+     1.08
+     2.08
+     2.94
+     3.76
+     4.51
+     5.13
+     5.44
+     5.79
+     5.76
+     5.62
+     5.24
+     4.70
+     3.99
+     3.16
+     2.10
+     1.13
+     0.00
+    -1.32
+    -2.45
+    -3.56
+    -4.63
+    -5.51
+    -6.22
+    -6.90
+    -7.10
+    -7.23
+    -7.19
+    -6.77
+    -6.21
+    -5.16
+    -4.17
+    -2.90
+    -1.57
+    -0.19
+     1.39
+     2.82
+     4.35
+     5.72
+     6.91
+     7.92
+     8.58
+     8.96
+     9.19
+     8.98
+     8.51
+     7.84
+     6.71
+     5.35
+     3.81
+     2.19
+     0.46
+    -1.54
+    -3.36
+    -5.13
+    -6.83
+    -8.36
+    -9.65
+   -10.63
+   -11.24
+   -11.45
+   -11.31
+   -10.87
+    -9.93
+    -8.63
+    -7.09
+    -5.19
+    -3.14
+    -0.84
+     1.50
+     3.88
+     6.24
+     8.38
+    10.35
+    12.08
+    13.30
+    14.07
+    14.30
+    13.79
+    12.51
+    10.31
+     7.73
+     5.23
+     2.90
+     0.86
+    -1.26
+    -3.41
+    -5.62
+    -7.52
+    -9.16
+   -10.76
+   -11.78
+   -12.71
+   -12.92
+   -13.01
+   -12.44
+   -11.58
+   -10.11
+    -8.30
+    -6.19
+    -3.98
+    -1.34
+     1.27
+     3.98
+     6.67
+     9.19
+    11.42
+    13.32
+    14.80
+    15.61
+    15.71
+    14.50
+    11.29
+     7.10
+     3.91
+     1.80
+     0.25
+    -1.11
+    -2.56
+    -4.05
+    -5.36
+    -6.41
+    -7.39
+    -8.20
+    -8.60
+    -8.83
+    -8.77
+    -8.34
+    -7.67
+    -6.56
+    -5.33
+    -3.90
+    -2.24
+    -0.53
+     1.18
+     3.14
+     4.86
+     6.53
+     7.90
+     9.14
+    10.19
+    10.75
+    10.98
+    10.87
+    10.46
+     9.63
+     8.22
+     6.70
+     5.00
+     2.93
+     0.83
+    -1.31
+    -3.64
+    -5.79
+    -7.77
+    -9.61
+   -11.09
+   -12.40
+   -13.12
+   -13.55
+   -13.61
+   -12.95
+   -12.07
+   -10.67
+    -8.71
+    -6.58
+    -4.08
+    -1.52
+     1.36
+     4.07
+     6.87
+     9.61
+    11.79
+    13.75
+    15.31
+    16.34
+    16.26
+    14.24
+     9.72
+     5.13
+     2.47
+     0.86
+    -0.35
+    -1.46
+    -2.78
+    -3.80
+    -4.81
+    -5.69
+    -6.18
+    -6.77
+    -7.03
+    -7.07
+    -6.88
+    -6.33
+    -5.78
+    -4.92
+    -3.77
+    -2.49
+    -1.21
+     0.23
+     1.79
+     3.16
+     4.61
+     5.90
+     6.84
+     7.81
+     8.44
+     8.74
+     8.95
+     8.62
+     8.12
+     7.23
+     6.19
+     4.96
+     3.29
+     1.63
+    -0.04
+    -2.03
+    -3.83
+    -5.40
+    -7.07
+    -8.54
+    -9.73
+   -10.47
+   -10.94
+   -11.09
+   -10.90
+   -10.45
+    -9.31
+    -8.00
+    -6.43
+    -4.63
+    -2.44
+    -0.25
+     2.11
+     4.37
+     6.70
+     8.71
+    10.52
+    11.95
+    13.10
+    13.72
+    13.78
+    13.36
+    12.03
+    10.03
+     7.72
+     5.37
+     3.01
+     0.80
+    -1.47
+    -3.58
+    -5.91
+    -7.99
+    -9.70
+   -11.36
+   -12.40
+   -13.21
+   -13.76
+   -13.53
+   -13.04
+   -12.17
+   -10.64
+    -8.78
+    -6.65
+    -4.05
+    -1.39
+     1.28
+     4.30
+     6.97
+     9.70
+    12.01
+    14.00
+    15.53
+    16.45
+    16.37
+    14.23
+     9.42
+     4.68
+     2.17
+     0.64
+    -0.50
+    -1.63
+    -2.61
+    -3.63
+    -4.63
+    -5.48
+    -6.04
+    -6.47
+    -6.74
+    -6.68
+    -6.57
+    -5.98
+    -5.41
+    -4.57
+    -3.43
+    -2.27
+    -0.87
+     0.39
+     1.90
+     3.20
+     4.56
+     5.68
+     6.66
+     7.51
+     8.16
+     8.50
+     8.43
+     8.24
+     7.72
+     7.03
+     5.87
+     4.63
+     3.02
+     1.35
+    -0.36
+    -2.06
+    -3.81
+    -5.39
+    -6.86
+    -8.17
+    -9.43
+   -10.19
+   -10.59
+   -10.63
+   -10.39
+    -9.94
+    -8.89
+    -7.55
+    -5.91
+    -4.21
+    -2.22
+    -0.01
+     2.21
+     4.38
+     6.55
+     8.60
+    10.25
+    11.72
+    12.73
+    13.19
+    13.41
+    12.90
+    11.77
+    10.08
+     8.12
+     5.84
+     3.62
+     1.36
+    -1.08
+    -3.35
+    -5.61
+    -7.91
+    -9.82
+   -11.52
+   -12.73
+   -13.83
+   -14.32
+   -14.27
+   -13.76
+   -12.85
+   -11.48
+    -9.61
+    -7.32
+    -4.83
+    -2.16
+     0.81
+     3.88
+     6.76
+     9.53
+    12.03
+    14.17
+    15.83
+    16.93
+    16.71
+    14.02
+     8.26
+     3.32
+     1.38
+     0.24
+    -0.66
+    -1.45
+    -2.17
+    -3.05
+    -3.57
+    -4.11
+    -4.61
+    -4.80
+    -5.05
+    -4.92
+    -4.78
+    -4.33
+    -3.83
+    -3.03
+    -2.27
+    -1.31
+    -0.37
+     0.58
+     1.58
+     2.74
+     3.61
+     4.35
+     5.14
+     5.63
+     6.14
+     6.33
+     6.30
+     5.89
+     5.53
+     4.93
+     3.95
+     2.98
+     1.84
+     0.74
+    -0.53
+    -1.91
+    -3.22
+    -4.30
+    -5.53
+    -6.35
+    -7.05
+    -7.57
+    -7.91
+    -7.93
+    -7.58
+    -7.11
+    -6.31
+    -5.19
+    -3.96
+    -2.56
+    -1.02
+     0.55
+     2.18
+     3.75
+     5.38
+     6.75
+     7.90
+     8.91
+     9.52
+     9.89
+     9.84
+     9.50
+     8.87
+     8.01
+     6.64
+     5.16
+     3.54
+     1.59
+    -0.44
+    -2.51
+    -4.42
+    -6.41
+    -8.11
+    -9.56
+   -10.81
+   -11.81
+   -12.30
+   -12.33
+   -12.06
+   -11.31
+   -10.26
+    -8.74
+    -6.90
+    -4.58
+    -2.25
+     0.25
+     2.74
+     5.38
+     7.70
+     9.95
+    11.87
+    13.46
+    14.55
+    15.27
+    14.91
+    13.50
+    10.64
+     7.00
+     4.16
+     2.13
+     0.23
+    -1.51
+    -3.13
+    -4.89
+    -6.41
+    -7.94
+    -9.13
+    -9.88
+   -10.44
+   -10.75
+   -10.62
+   -10.09
+    -9.28
+    -8.12
+    -6.50
+    -4.77
+    -2.89
+    -0.73
+     1.56
+     3.78
+     5.86
+     7.99
+     9.80
+    11.16
+    12.48
+    13.07
+    13.32
+    13.15
+    12.21
+    10.62
+     8.67
+     6.60
+     4.39
+     1.96
+    -0.22
+    -2.68
+    -4.98
+    -7.18
+    -9.19
+   -10.97
+   -12.39
+   -13.56
+   -14.12
+   -14.35
+   -14.01
+   -13.15
+   -12.01
+   -10.17
+    -8.18
+    -5.71
+    -3.00
+    -0.14
+     2.96
+     5.85
+     8.68
+    11.34
+    13.61
+    15.43
+    16.75
+    17.07
+    15.27
+    10.23
+     4.66
+     1.76
+     0.60
+    -0.36
+    -1.10
+    -2.08
+    -2.72
+    -3.49
+    -3.94
+    -4.49
+    -4.92
+    -4.92
+    -5.11
+    -4.83
+    -4.48
+    -4.09
+    -3.30
+    -2.68
+    -1.59
+    -0.71
+     0.31
+     1.32
+     2.40
+     3.36
+     4.22
+     4.96
+     5.55
+     6.15
+     6.26
+     6.41
+     6.08
+     5.80
+     5.22
+     4.47
+     3.44
+     2.22
+     1.07
+    -0.13
+    -1.54
+    -2.73
+    -4.12
+    -5.17
+    -6.27
+    -6.94
+    -7.58
+    -7.91
+    -8.08
+    -7.87
+    -7.31
+    -6.58
+    -5.63
+    -4.48
+    -3.09
+    -1.68
+     0.08
+     1.67
+     3.35
+     4.95
+     6.38
+     7.70
+     8.75
+     9.37
+     9.85
+    10.16
+     9.85
+     9.31
+     8.34
+     7.15
+     5.76
+     4.00
+     2.12
+     0.16
+    -1.76
+    -3.88
+    -5.88
+    -7.69
+    -9.23
+   -10.71
+   -11.75
+   -12.23
+   -12.66
+   -12.38
+   -11.83
+   -10.82
+    -9.28
+    -7.54
+    -5.37
+    -3.13
+    -0.59
+     1.96
+     4.53
+     7.04
+     9.48
+    11.43
+    13.29
+    14.60
+    15.29
+    15.22
+    14.13
+    11.43
+     7.72
+     4.54
+     2.42
+     0.54
+    -1.18
+    -2.84
+    -4.42
+    -5.98
+    -7.32
+    -8.49
+    -9.43
+    -9.87
+   -10.14
+   -10.08
+    -9.76
+    -8.98
+    -7.91
+    -6.49
+    -4.93
+    -2.94
+    -0.90
+     1.01
+     3.26
+     5.26
+     7.20
+     9.06
+    10.57
+    11.74
+    12.48
+    12.79
+    12.72
+    12.01
+    10.88
+     9.14
+     7.25
+     5.24
+     3.07
+     0.72
+    -1.66
+    -4.10
+    -6.40
+    -8.60
+   -10.44
+   -12.22
+   -13.33
+   -14.21
+   -14.63
+   -14.45
+   -13.74
+   -12.76
+   -11.21
+    -9.26
+    -6.83
+    -4.11
+    -1.31
+     1.84
+     4.68
+     7.65
+    10.49
+    12.98
+    15.08
+    16.52
+    17.20
+    16.30
+    11.89
+     5.45
+     1.98
+     0.66
+    -0.19
+    -0.93
+    -1.54
+    -2.24
+    -2.83
+    -3.23
+    -3.76
+    -4.04
+    -4.28
+    -4.15
+    -4.02
+    -3.82
+    -3.35
+    -2.86
+    -2.28
+    -1.54
+    -0.81
+     0.15
+     1.02
+     1.84
+     2.74
+     3.42
+     4.14
+     4.64
+     4.97
+     5.22
+     5.36
+     5.19
+     4.86
+     4.49
+     3.70
+     2.99
+     2.04
+     1.15
+     0.04
+    -1.00
+    -2.12
+    -3.27
+    -4.20
+    -5.01
+    -5.78
+    -6.24
+    -6.70
+    -6.79
+    -6.57
+    -6.21
+    -5.61
+    -4.95
+    -4.00
+    -2.71
+    -1.64
+    -0.12
+     1.18
+     2.65
+     3.94
+     5.26
+     6.36
+     7.27
+     7.79
+     8.29
+     8.56
+     8.41
+     7.90
+     7.35
+     6.38
+     5.09
+     3.70
+     2.12
+     0.51
+    -1.16
+    -2.96
+    -4.78
+    -6.26
+    -7.77
+    -8.93
+    -9.79
+   -10.32
+   -10.75
+   -10.67
+   -10.10
+    -9.32
+    -8.07
+    -6.75
+    -4.97
+    -3.01
+    -0.85
+     1.21
+     3.55
+     5.70
+     7.62
+     9.38
+    11.07
+    12.16
+    12.98
+    13.30
+    13.15
+    12.34
+    10.90
+     8.94
+     6.92
+     4.57
+     2.49
+     0.01
+    -2.33
+    -4.66
+    -6.82
+    -8.94
+   -10.88
+   -12.19
+   -13.37
+   -14.20
+   -14.34
+   -14.10
+   -13.49
+   -12.27
+   -10.59
+    -8.57
+    -6.08
+    -3.49
+    -0.55
+     2.38
+     5.48
+     8.29
+    11.00
+    13.22
+    15.33
+    16.71
+    17.05
+    15.79
+    11.01
+     5.13
+     2.03
+     0.60
+    -0.21
+    -1.01
+    -1.82
+    -2.60
+    -3.32
+    -3.77
+    -4.26
+    -4.68
+    -4.79
+    -4.79
+    -4.72
+    -4.29
+    -3.85
+    -3.25
+    -2.56
+    -1.81
+    -0.77
+     0.18
+     1.25
+     2.24
+     3.20
+     3.98
+     4.83
+     5.29
+     5.70
+     6.00
+     6.06
+     6.03
+     5.51
+     4.94
+     4.20
+     3.39
+     2.29
+     1.25
+    -0.07
+    -1.43
+    -2.56
+    -3.77
+    -4.89
+    -5.77
+    -6.71
+    -7.32
+    -7.63
+    -7.74
+    -7.44
+    -7.17
+    -6.55
+    -5.63
+    -4.43
+    -3.11
+    -1.62
+    -0.09
+     1.53
+     3.03
+     4.66
+     6.00
+     7.14
+     8.26
+     9.09
+     9.42
+     9.77
+     9.46
+     9.06
+     8.27
+     7.05
+     5.70
+     4.06
+     2.30
+     0.48
+    -1.64
+    -3.62
+    -5.54
+    -7.19
+    -8.79
+   -10.15
+   -11.24
+   -11.89
+   -12.03
+   -12.00
+   -11.42
+   -10.53
+    -9.20
+    -7.44
+    -5.42
+    -3.30
+    -0.92
+     1.53
+     4.20
+     6.51
+     8.79
+    10.83
+    12.60
+    13.88
+    14.70
+    14.83
+    14.20
+    12.23
+     9.33
+     6.29
+     3.81
+     1.65
+    -0.15
+    -2.19
+    -4.10
+    -5.82
+    -7.44
+    -8.90
+   -10.16
+   -10.95
+   -11.46
+   -11.48
+   -11.38
+   -10.60
+    -9.65
+    -8.29
+    -6.61
+    -4.63
+    -2.25
+     0.03
+     2.44
+     4.85
+     7.03
+     9.08
+    11.09
+    12.43
+    13.67
+    14.20
+    14.16
+    13.53
+    11.84
+     9.31
+     6.79
+     4.34
+     2.15
+    -0.10
+    -2.10
+    -4.34
+    -6.30
+    -8.11
+    -9.73
+   -11.02
+   -12.07
+   -12.71
+   -12.97
+   -12.72
+   -11.91
+   -10.93
+    -9.34
+    -7.44
+    -5.36
+    -3.00
+    -0.36
+     2.27
+     5.03
+     7.48
+    10.05
+    12.04
+    13.81
+    14.96
+    15.70
+    15.36
+    13.69
+    10.16
+     6.08
+     3.25
+     1.51
+    -0.05
+    -1.72
+    -3.09
+    -4.55
+    -5.96
+    -7.07
+    -8.02
+    -8.67
+    -9.05
+    -9.27
+    -9.07
+    -8.54
+    -7.66
+    -6.63
+    -5.20
+    -3.71
+    -1.93
+    -0.09
+     1.91
+     3.67
+     5.48
+     7.17
+     8.77
+    10.01
+    10.92
+    11.43
+    11.55
+    11.31
+    10.62
+     9.50
+     8.23
+     6.40
+     4.45
+     2.46
+     0.16
+    -2.17
+    -4.33
+    -6.71
+    -8.64
+   -10.55
+   -12.05
+   -13.04
+   -13.70
+   -14.11
+   -13.82
+   -13.22
+   -11.94
+   -10.48
+    -8.31
+    -6.06
+    -3.38
+    -0.67
+     2.29
+     5.22
+     7.93
+    10.67
+    12.98
+    14.83
+    16.15
+    16.88
+    15.95
+    12.13
+     6.55
+     2.86
+     1.12
+     0.01
+    -0.97
+    -1.94
+    -2.74
+    -3.64
+    -4.45
+    -5.05
+    -5.34
+    -5.64
+    -5.78
+    -5.75
+    -5.31
+    -4.81
+    -4.19
+    -3.28
+    -2.35
+    -1.33
+    -0.23
+     1.13
+     2.29
+     3.43
+     4.40
+     5.33
+     6.15
+     6.86
+     7.13
+     7.29
+     7.28
+     6.79
+     6.16
+     5.47
+     4.31
+     3.18
+     1.91
+     0.40
+    -1.19
+    -2.51
+    -4.06
+    -5.35
+    -6.67
+    -7.56
+    -8.39
+    -8.98
+    -9.15
+    -9.18
+    -8.67
+    -8.02
+    -6.91
+    -5.79
+    -4.30
+    -2.61
+    -0.85
+     1.22
+     3.12
+     4.90
+     6.55
+     8.09
+     9.47
+    10.58
+    11.27
+    11.56
+    11.51
+    11.01
+    10.09
+     8.64
+     7.06
+     5.32
+     3.28
+     0.95
+    -1.27
+    -3.57
+    -5.90
+    -7.98
+    -9.89
+   -11.50
+   -12.68
+   -13.56
+   -13.99
+   -13.91
+   -13.37
+   -12.51
+   -11.04
+    -9.09
+    -6.93
+    -4.50
+    -1.61
+     1.15
+     4.15
+     7.04
+     9.62
+    11.99
+    14.19
+    15.70
+    16.75
+    16.50
+    13.96
+     8.66
+     3.96
+     1.58
+     0.33
+    -0.60
+    -1.63
+    -2.48
+    -3.36
+    -4.21
+    -4.88
+    -5.24
+    -5.69
+    -5.84
+    -5.88
+    -5.51
+    -5.22
+    -4.56
+    -3.83
+    -2.86
+    -1.82
+    -0.51
+     0.55
+     1.74
+     2.92
+     4.17
+     5.15
+     5.91
+     6.57
+     7.17
+     7.41
+     7.23
+     7.08
+     6.47
+     5.73
+     4.80
+     3.70
+     2.32
+     0.89
+    -0.57
+    -1.97
+    -3.48
+    -4.91
+    -6.30
+    -7.36
+    -8.13
+    -8.89
+    -9.18
+    -9.27
+    -9.01
+    -8.47
+    -7.38
+    -6.25
+    -4.95
+    -3.34
+    -1.40
+     0.33
+     2.33
+     4.29
+     5.99
+     7.70
+     9.12
+    10.28
+    11.12
+    11.58
+    11.50
+    11.14
+    10.37
+     9.25
+     7.80
+     5.94
+     4.06
+     1.91
+    -0.33
+    -2.64
+    -5.09
+    -7.15
+    -9.15
+   -10.98
+   -12.35
+   -13.34
+   -13.96
+   -14.03
+   -13.71
+   -12.97
+   -11.61
+    -9.88
+    -7.96
+    -5.53
+    -2.84
+     0.11
+     2.98
+     5.89
+     8.59
+    11.21
+    13.54
+    15.20
+    16.48
+    16.84
+    15.33
+    10.71
+     5.07
+     2.13
+     0.83
+    -0.32
+    -1.13
+    -2.20
+    -3.05
+    -3.80
+    -4.39
+    -4.94
+    -5.36
+    -5.65
+    -5.56
+    -5.39
+    -5.10
+    -4.57
+    -3.80
+    -2.94
+    -1.95
+    -0.85
+     0.19
+     1.42
+     2.56
+     3.56
+     4.59
+     5.54
+     6.14
+     6.71
+     7.06
+     7.20
+     6.93
+     6.43
+     5.96
+     5.01
+     3.97
+     2.64
+     1.31
+     0.00
+    -1.47
+    -2.97
+    -4.44
+    -5.71
+    -6.80
+    -7.77
+    -8.31
+    -8.84
+    -8.91
+    -8.74
+    -8.36
+    -7.60
+    -6.49
+    -5.18
+    -3.64
+    -2.00
+    -0.23
+     1.54
+     3.49
+     5.20
+     6.95
+     8.41
+     9.54
+    10.51
+    11.13
+    11.24
+    11.06
+    10.48
+     9.44
+     8.17
+     6.43
+     4.73
+     2.69
+     0.32
+    -1.90
+    -4.13
+    -6.32
+    -8.27
+   -10.16
+   -11.57
+   -12.68
+   -13.51
+   -13.73
+   -13.61
+   -12.94
+   -11.94
+   -10.46
+    -8.48
+    -6.16
+    -3.58
+    -0.92
+     1.94
+     4.82
+     7.46
+    10.23
+    12.40
+    14.40
+    15.76
+    16.51
+    16.00
+    13.30
+     8.20
+     3.95
+     1.80
+     0.36
+    -0.73
+    -1.73
+    -2.78
+    -3.91
+    -4.60
+    -5.44
+    -5.91
+    -6.43
+    -6.57
+    -6.43
+    -6.19
+    -5.66
+    -5.15
+    -4.15
+    -3.09
+    -1.84
+    -0.59
+     0.75
+     2.05
+     3.52
+     4.65
+     5.78
+     6.77
+     7.55
+     7.96
+     8.24
+     8.15
+     7.86
+     7.41
+     6.55
+     5.45
+     4.15
+     2.68
+     0.96
+    -0.70
+    -2.32
+    -4.01
+    -5.60
+    -7.17
+    -8.33
+    -9.20
+   -10.01
+   -10.40
+   -10.30
+   -10.05
+    -9.32
+    -8.45
+    -7.01
+    -5.44
+    -3.49
+    -1.52
+     0.57
+     2.72
+     4.89
+     6.82
+     8.61
+    10.28
+    11.58
+    12.53
+    12.91
+    12.90
+    12.41
+    11.20
+     9.78
+     7.75
+     5.70
+     3.44
+     1.14
+    -1.20
+    -3.64
+    -6.00
+    -8.14
+   -10.11
+   -11.72
+   -13.18
+   -14.06
+   -14.49
+   -14.39
+   -13.93
+   -12.88
+   -11.38
+    -9.65
+    -7.30
+    -4.65
+    -1.84
+     1.17
+     4.14
+     7.16
+     9.93
+    12.47
+    14.64
+    16.33
+    17.11
+    16.68
+    13.20
+     6.79
+     2.67
+     0.83
+    -0.08
+    -0.69
+    -1.41
+    -2.04
+    -2.75
+    -3.41
+    -3.85
+    -4.04
+    -4.36
+    -4.31
+    -4.31
+    -4.12
+    -3.63
+    -3.24
+    -2.56
+    -1.70
+    -1.03
+    -0.18
+     0.73
+     1.73
+     2.63
+     3.48
+     4.10
+     4.75
+     5.05
+     5.42
+     5.44
+     5.43
+     5.19
+     4.62
+     3.99
+     3.39
+     2.33
+     1.45
+     0.32
+    -0.83
+    -2.03
+    -3.03
+    -4.15
+    -5.10
+    -5.84
+    -6.46
+    -6.72
+    -7.02
+    -6.87
+    -6.65
+    -6.00
+    -5.36
+    -4.24
+    -3.17
+    -1.98
+    -0.59
+     0.80
+     2.30
+     3.64
+     5.04
+     6.27
+     7.20
+     8.01
+     8.58
+     8.76
+     8.68
+     8.41
+     7.67
+     6.79
+     5.59
+     4.12
+     2.64
+     0.96
+    -0.95
+    -2.60
+    -4.47
+    -6.01
+    -7.68
+    -8.87
+    -9.93
+   -10.66
+   -10.98
+   -10.86
+   -10.51
+    -9.79
+    -8.74
+    -7.29
+    -5.51
+    -3.55
+    -1.42
+     0.85
+     2.97
+     5.34
+     7.40
+     9.23
+    10.97
+    12.40
+    13.13
+    13.60
+    13.61
+    12.71
+    11.22
+     9.29
+     7.05
+     4.63
+     2.38
+     0.18
+    -2.19
+    -4.37
+    -6.65
+    -8.69
+   -10.34
+   -11.92
+   -13.02
+   -13.76
+   -14.00
+   -13.71
+   -13.05
+   -12.03
+   -10.33
+    -8.37
+    -6.06
+    -3.50
+    -0.73
+     2.20
+     5.21
+     7.92
+    10.52
+    12.78
+    14.77
+    16.06
+    16.88
+    15.96
+    12.31
+     6.60
+     2.96
+     1.09
+     0.15
+    -0.93
+    -1.90
+    -2.76
+    -3.73
+    -4.46
+    -5.06
+    -5.54
+    -5.74
+    -5.98
+    -5.71
+    -5.52
+    -4.92
+    -4.36
+    -3.50
+    -2.39
+    -1.30
+    -0.24
+     0.97
+     2.28
+     3.52
+     4.49
+     5.38
+     6.23
+     6.91
+     7.22
+     7.44
+     7.29
+     6.90
+     6.46
+     5.47
+     4.57
+     3.23
+     1.94
+     0.36
+    -1.09
+    -2.61
+    -4.09
+    -5.48
+    -6.79
+    -7.74
+    -8.49
+    -9.14
+    -9.41
+    -9.22
+    -8.91
+    -8.10
+    -7.09
+    -5.85
+    -4.40
+    -2.72
+    -0.86
+     1.17
+     3.08
+     4.94
+     6.61
+     8.30
+     9.70
+    10.66
+    11.47
+    11.67
+    11.67
+    11.15
+    10.14
+     8.83
+     7.28
+     5.41
+     3.21
+     1.02
+    -1.18
+    -3.62
+    -5.79
+    -7.98
+   -10.00
+   -11.63
+   -12.81
+   -13.71
+   -14.13
+   -14.10
+   -13.57
+   -12.71
+   -11.09
+    -9.29
+    -7.03
+    -4.44
+    -1.82
+     1.16
+     4.15
+     6.98
+     9.71
+    12.24
+    14.21
+    15.86
+    16.89
+    16.54
+    13.72
+     8.14
+     3.45
+     1.41
+     0.19
+    -0.69
+    -1.58
+    -2.41
+    -3.07
+    -3.78
+    -4.49
+    -4.95
+    -5.20
+    -5.23
+    -5.23
+    -4.99
+    -4.72
+    -4.02
+    -3.35
+    -2.45
+    -1.39
+    -0.44
+     0.75
+     1.77
+     2.84
+     3.80
+     4.73
+     5.60
+     6.20
+     6.43
+     6.81
+     6.58
+     6.45
+     5.99
+     5.19
+     4.23
+     3.28
+     1.95
+     0.63
+    -0.64
+    -2.15
+    -3.46
+    -4.67
+    -5.74
+    -6.92
+    -7.64
+    -8.09
+    -8.50
+    -8.42
+    -8.09
+    -7.54
+    -6.70
+    -5.64
+    -4.31
+    -2.69
+    -1.06
+     0.62
+     2.38
+     4.11
+     5.61
+     7.13
+     8.46
+     9.39
+    10.17
+    10.59
+    10.52
+    10.23
+     9.63
+     8.45
+     7.14
+     5.56
+     3.54
+     1.68
+    -0.48
+    -2.76
+    -4.80
+    -6.87
+    -8.65
+   -10.26
+   -11.53
+   -12.54
+   -13.11
+   -13.14
+   -12.93
+   -12.05
+   -10.84
+    -9.15
+    -7.27
+    -4.88
+    -2.43
+     0.25
+     3.09
+     5.63
+     8.30
+    10.72
+    12.64
+    14.43
+    15.46
+    15.92
+    15.29
+    12.69
+     8.25
+     4.45
+     2.12
+     0.62
+    -0.88
+    -2.12
+    -3.51
+    -4.84
+    -5.79
+    -6.79
+    -7.56
+    -8.02
+    -8.30
+    -8.35
+    -7.94
+    -7.49
+    -6.58
+    -5.48
+    -4.16
+    -2.63
+    -0.89
+     0.66
+     2.46
+     4.09
+     5.73
+     7.33
+     8.41
+     9.43
+    10.20
+    10.56
+    10.38
+     9.99
+     9.29
+     8.20
+     6.99
+     5.22
+     3.34
+     1.39
+    -0.62
+    -2.82
+    -4.90
+    -6.92
+    -8.82
+   -10.25
+   -11.56
+   -12.40
+   -12.95
+   -12.99
+   -12.74
+   -11.76
+   -10.54
+    -8.87
+    -6.86
+    -4.73
+    -2.17
+     0.49
+     3.17
+     5.89
+     8.52
+    10.71
+    12.76
+    14.43
+    15.39
+    15.80
+    15.09
+    12.48
+     8.26
+     4.67
+     2.35
+     0.68
+    -0.80
+    -2.14
+    -3.71
+    -4.88
+    -6.07
+    -7.26
+    -8.00
+    -8.51
+    -8.81
+    -8.76
+    -8.35
+    -7.90
+    -6.97
+    -5.80
+    -4.30
+    -2.71
+    -1.10
+     0.70
+     2.56
+     4.30
+     6.06
+     7.48
+     8.89
+     9.95
+    10.69
+    11.09
+    10.98
+    10.61
+     9.82
+     8.68
+     7.18
+     5.48
+     3.60
+     1.57
+    -0.75
+    -2.94
+    -5.07
+    -7.18
+    -9.14
+   -10.71
+   -12.16
+   -13.06
+   -13.56
+   -13.67
+   -13.14
+   -12.41
+   -11.05
+    -9.38
+    -7.25
+    -4.91
+    -2.26
+     0.41
+     3.37
+     6.03
+     8.84
+    11.23
+    13.32
+    15.03
+    16.04
+    16.44
+    15.16
+    11.24
+     6.34
+     3.08
+     1.36
+    -0.01
+    -1.17
+    -2.40
+    -3.55
+    -4.53
+    -5.32
+    -6.06
+    -6.59
+    -6.97
+    -6.98
+    -6.87
+    -6.53
+    -6.01
+    -5.21
+    -4.16
+    -2.96
+    -1.51
+    -0.24
+     1.40
+     2.80
+     4.13
+     5.43
+     6.61
+     7.64
+     8.39
+     8.78
+     8.82
+     8.82
+     8.40
+     7.53
+     6.65
+     5.36
+     3.91
+     2.22
+     0.37
+    -1.30
+    -3.13
+    -5.00
+    -6.55
+    -8.19
+    -9.24
+   -10.22
+   -10.89
+   -11.17
+   -11.13
+   -10.58
+    -9.77
+    -8.42
+    -6.94
+    -5.13
+    -3.11
+    -0.88
+     1.48
+     3.75
+     5.99
+     8.16
+    10.05
+    11.52
+    12.83
+    13.51
+    13.86
+    13.53
+    12.50
+    10.81
+     8.43
+     6.12
+     3.84
+     1.50
+    -0.80
+    -2.92
+    -5.13
+    -7.20
+    -9.12
+   -10.80
+   -12.14
+   -13.19
+   -13.69
+   -13.75
+   -13.36
+   -12.42
+   -11.23
+    -9.37
+    -7.41
+    -4.94
+    -2.18
+     0.42
+     3.35
+     6.11
+     8.86
+    11.21
+    13.35
+    15.03
+    16.29
+    16.41
+    14.98
+    10.89
+     5.91
+     2.68
+     0.99
+    -0.21
+    -1.23
+    -2.40
+    -3.39
+    -4.31
+    -5.22
+    -5.79
+    -6.29
+    -6.66
+    -6.81
+    -6.62
+    -6.17
+    -5.49
+    -4.86
+    -3.85
+    -2.71
+    -1.39
+     0.09
+     1.40
+     2.78
+     4.19
+     5.30
+     6.38
+     7.31
+     8.01
+     8.38
+     8.53
+     8.33
+     7.81
+     7.16
+     6.05
+     4.88
+     3.46
+     1.97
+     0.21
+    -1.45
+    -3.18
+    -4.91
+    -6.55
+    -7.84
+    -9.07
+    -9.88
+   -10.47
+   -10.62
+   -10.47
+    -9.92
+    -9.17
+    -7.88
+    -6.53
+    -4.60
+    -2.62
+    -0.69
+     1.63
+     3.72
+     5.94
+     7.90
+     9.77
+    11.07
+    12.33
+    12.94
+    13.20
+    12.99
+    12.16
+    10.70
+     8.82
+     6.58
+     4.30
+     2.18
+    -0.30
+    -2.69
+    -4.87
+    -7.16
+    -9.12
+   -10.98
+   -12.56
+   -13.54
+   -14.25
+   -14.37
+   -14.14
+   -13.41
+   -11.99
+   -10.36
+    -8.14
+    -5.67
+    -3.00
+    -0.15
+     2.90
+     5.77
+     8.76
+    11.24
+    13.61
+    15.57
+    16.73
+    17.13
+    15.24
+    10.10
+     4.35
+     1.67
+     0.49
+    -0.31
+    -1.23
+    -2.03
+    -2.68
+    -3.26
+    -3.91
+    -4.21
+    -4.61
+    -4.71
+    -4.64
+    -4.63
+    -4.16
+    -3.83
+    -3.09
+    -2.37
+    -1.46
+    -0.56
+     0.43
+     1.43
+     2.39
+     3.13
+     4.12
+     4.74
+     5.36
+     5.78
+     5.97
+     6.06
+     5.88
+     5.47
+     4.76
+     4.15
+     3.08
+     2.04
+     0.89
+    -0.33
+    -1.52
+    -2.81
+    -3.86
+    -4.88
+    -5.87
+    -6.67
+    -7.10
+    -7.45
+    -7.56
+    -7.36
+    -6.91
+    -6.32
+    -5.37
+    -4.15
+    -2.95
+    -1.37
+     0.10
+     1.72
+     3.18
+     4.71
+     6.01
+     7.21
+     8.26
+     9.08
+     9.44
+     9.57
+     9.37
+     8.83
+     8.02
+     6.86
+     5.31
+     3.72
+     2.03
+     0.04
+    -1.86
+    -3.82
+    -5.67
+    -7.30
+    -8.83
+   -10.16
+   -11.08
+   -11.67
+   -11.82
+   -11.75
+   -11.08
+   -10.15
+    -8.68
+    -7.15
+    -5.07
+    -2.89
+    -0.56
+     2.08
+     4.43
+     6.86
+     8.96
+    10.90
+    12.58
+    13.75
+    14.61
+    14.63
+    14.00
+    12.00
+     9.36
+     6.30
+     3.78
+     1.74
+    -0.19
+    -2.15
+    -4.27
+    -6.07
+    -7.86
+    -9.30
+   -10.53
+   -11.46
+   -11.90
+   -12.05
+   -11.91
+   -11.19
+   -10.15
+    -8.62
+    -6.91
+    -4.86
+    -2.51
+     0.02
+     2.44
+     4.90
+     7.30
+     9.47
+    11.43
+    13.04
+    14.12
+    14.74
+    14.73
+    13.68
+    11.48
+     8.28
+     5.30
+     3.16
+     1.18
+    -0.83
+    -2.85
+    -4.56
+    -6.42
+    -8.07
+    -9.25
+   -10.44
+   -11.16
+   -11.48
+   -11.53
+   -11.23
+   -10.33
+    -9.32
+    -7.85
+    -5.93
+    -3.94
+    -1.69
+     0.75
+     3.18
+     5.57
+     7.84
+     9.72
+    11.49
+    12.99
+    13.96
+    14.32
+    14.21
+    13.04
+    11.02
+     8.46
+     5.79
+     3.47
+     1.40
+    -0.74
+    -2.89
+    -4.84
+    -6.86
+    -8.60
+   -10.19
+   -11.43
+   -12.31
+   -12.67
+   -12.69
+   -12.36
+   -11.52
+   -10.35
+    -8.77
+    -6.71
+    -4.44
+    -1.99
+     0.51
+     3.18
+     5.90
+     8.29
+    10.61
+    12.62
+    14.14
+    15.26
+    15.69
+    15.09
+    12.70
+     8.87
+     5.40
+     2.78
+     1.09
+    -0.61
+    -2.06
+    -3.71
+    -5.08
+    -6.40
+    -7.54
+    -8.44
+    -9.08
+    -9.50
+    -9.44
+    -9.18
+    -8.67
+    -7.61
+    -6.48
+    -5.11
+    -3.35
+    -1.49
+     0.49
+     2.39
+     4.41
+     6.17
+     7.91
+     9.28
+    10.62
+    11.31
+    11.94
+    11.99
+    11.59
+    10.70
+     9.47
+     7.95
+     5.98
+     4.02
+     1.79
+    -0.57
+    -2.94
+    -5.25
+    -7.50
+    -9.37
+   -11.08
+   -12.61
+   -13.64
+   -14.31
+   -14.32
+   -13.90
+   -13.11
+   -11.89
+   -10.07
+    -7.88
+    -5.34
+    -2.75
+     0.20
+     3.20
+     6.18
+     8.90
+    11.50
+    13.73
+    15.66
+    16.77
+    16.95
+    14.91
+     9.45
+     4.05
+     1.58
+     0.44
+    -0.43
+    -1.33
+    -2.10
+    -2.74
+    -3.41
+    -3.92
+    -4.39
+    -4.73
+    -4.90
+    -4.95
+    -4.73
+    -4.35
+    -3.84
+    -3.16
+    -2.37
+    -1.47
+    -0.52
+     0.36
+     1.46
+     2.38
+     3.31
+     4.31
+     5.00
+     5.64
+     6.04
+     6.15
+     6.24
+     6.00
+     5.59
+     4.90
+     4.18
+     3.17
+     2.06
+     0.90
+    -0.44
+    -1.57
+    -2.97
+    -4.09
+    -5.14
+    -6.19
+    -6.90
+    -7.39
+    -7.77
+    -7.91
+    -7.60
+    -7.13
+    -6.28
+    -5.30
+    -4.28
+    -2.78
+    -1.33
+     0.21
+     1.82
+     3.40
+     4.94
+     6.36
+     7.56
+     8.56
+     9.42
+     9.72
+     9.87
+     9.62
+     8.94
+     8.21
+     6.94
+     5.47
+     3.67
+     1.87
+    -0.12
+    -2.14
+    -3.98
+    -6.02
+    -7.76
+    -9.21
+   -10.67
+   -11.54
+   -12.17
+   -12.26
+   -11.98
+   -11.44
+   -10.46
+    -8.97
+    -7.22
+    -5.12
+    -2.70
+    -0.20
+     2.24
+     4.81
+     7.30
+     9.56
+    11.45
+    13.22
+    14.33
+    14.97
+    14.96
+    13.79
+    11.36
+     8.08
+     5.06
+     2.81
+     0.86
+    -0.98
+    -2.87
+    -4.48
+    -6.14
+    -7.64
+    -8.96
+    -9.94
+   -10.58
+   -11.04
+   -10.87
+   -10.46
+    -9.78
+    -8.64
+    -7.22
+    -5.43
+    -3.40
+    -1.30
+     0.89
+     3.27
+     5.49
+     7.57
+     9.55
+    11.10
+    12.38
+    13.38
+    13.75
+    13.48
+    12.62
+    11.17
+     9.11
+     6.82
+     4.57
+     2.17
+    -0.05
+    -2.30
+    -4.61
+    -6.67
+    -8.68
+   -10.58
+   -11.96
+   -13.18
+   -13.82
+   -13.88
+   -13.73
+   -13.01
+   -11.81
+   -10.20
+    -8.12
+    -5.74
+    -3.14
+    -0.40
+     2.49
+     5.34
+     8.14
+    10.67
+    13.06
+    14.84
+    16.25
+    16.76
+    15.70
+    11.92
+     6.34
+     2.86
+     1.07
+    -0.10
+    -0.96
+    -1.98
+    -3.01
+    -3.83
+    -4.55
+    -5.26
+    -5.69
+    -5.87
+    -5.91
+    -5.85
+    -5.64
+    -5.11
+    -4.28
+    -3.55
+    -2.49
+    -1.31
+    -0.20
+     1.11
+     2.44
+     3.54
+     4.59
+     5.68
+     6.43
+     7.02
+     7.46
+     7.57
+     7.41
+     7.09
+     6.52
+     5.64
+     4.54
+     3.33
+     1.83
+     0.38
+    -1.20
+    -2.76
+    -4.23
+    -5.73
+    -6.93
+    -7.94
+    -8.67
+    -9.28
+    -9.62
+    -9.51
+    -9.10
+    -8.36
+    -7.20
+    -6.02
+    -4.47
+    -2.55
+    -0.73
+     1.19
+     3.23
+     5.08
+     6.93
+     8.46
+     9.89
+    10.88
+    11.67
+    11.98
+    11.80
+    11.18
+    10.21
+     8.91
+     7.27
+     5.23
+     3.20
+     0.88
+    -1.49
+    -3.89
+    -6.12
+    -8.29
+   -10.10
+   -11.78
+   -13.06
+   -13.97
+   -14.38
+   -14.29
+   -13.66
+   -12.56
+   -11.23
+    -9.20
+    -6.96
+    -4.40
+    -1.49
+     1.46
+     4.31
+     7.24
+    10.01
+    12.40
+    14.52
+    16.17
+    17.01
+    16.63
+    13.08
+     7.09
+     2.90
+     1.03
+     0.00
+    -0.74
+    -1.52
+    -2.42
+    -3.02
+    -3.69
+    -4.24
+    -4.61
+    -4.86
+    -4.97
+    -4.93
+    -4.59
+    -4.27
+    -3.57
+    -2.98
+    -2.08
+    -1.20
+    -0.24
+     0.89
+     1.79
+     2.94
+     3.72
+     4.52
+     5.22
+     5.69
+     6.06
+     6.29
+     6.19
+     5.76
+     5.34
+     4.68
+     3.77
+     2.78
+     1.62
+     0.30
+    -0.89
+    -2.19
+    -3.36
+    -4.48
+    -5.66
+    -6.42
+    -7.18
+    -7.59
+    -7.85
+    -7.84
+    -7.36
+    -6.92
+    -5.96
+    -4.97
+    -3.70
+    -2.19
+    -0.77
+     0.95
+     2.50
+     4.05
+     5.53
+     6.89
+     8.00
+     8.96
+     9.45
+     9.76
+     9.81
+     9.35
+     8.62
+     7.65
+     6.33
+     4.78
+     3.15
+     1.17
+    -0.83
+    -2.91
+    -4.87
+    -6.65
+    -8.39
+    -9.89
+   -11.10
+   -11.78
+   -12.23
+   -12.20
+   -11.96
+   -10.99
+    -9.91
+    -8.36
+    -6.28
+    -4.27
+    -1.87
+     0.75
+     3.31
+     5.72
+     8.11
+    10.24
+    12.10
+    13.70
+    14.75
+    15.19
+    14.72
+    13.10
+    10.18
+     6.74
+     3.97
+     1.88
+     0.05
+    -1.73
+    -3.54
+    -5.14
+    -6.74
+    -8.16
+    -9.38
+   -10.34
+   -10.70
+   -10.92
+   -10.79
+   -10.22
+    -9.34
+    -7.98
+    -6.45
+    -4.71
+    -2.64
+    -0.50
+     1.87
+     4.16
+     6.28
+     8.39
+    10.19
+    11.68
+    12.75
+    13.54
+    13.69
+    13.34
+    12.16
+    10.35
+     8.13
+     5.91
+     3.65
+     1.33
+    -0.80
+    -3.14
+    -5.52
+    -7.61
+    -9.62
+   -11.09
+   -12.57
+   -13.50
+   -13.93
+   -13.94
+   -13.57
+   -12.67
+   -11.32
+    -9.54
+    -7.35
+    -4.81
+    -2.11
+     0.64
+     3.66
+     6.50
+     9.16
+    11.64
+    13.83
+    15.53
+    16.65
+    16.72
+    14.64
+     9.70
+     4.47
+     1.87
+     0.70
+    -0.33
+    -1.44
+    -2.30
+    -3.22
+    -4.01
+    -4.64
+    -5.35
+    -5.69
+    -5.76
+    -5.82
+    -5.65
+    -5.21
+    -4.64
+    -3.85
+    -2.98
+    -1.87
+    -0.85
+     0.49
+     1.70
+     2.86
+     3.97
+     4.90
+     5.85
+     6.56
+     7.09
+     7.33
+     7.35
+     7.15
+     6.70
+     6.08
+     5.00
+     3.98
+     2.60
+     1.24
+    -0.19
+    -1.78
+    -3.33
+    -4.84
+    -6.04
+    -7.23
+    -8.08
+    -8.77
+    -9.27
+    -9.32
+    -9.14
+    -8.59
+    -7.78
+    -6.63
+    -5.12
+    -3.51
+    -1.81
+     0.04
+     2.05
+     3.95
+     5.73
+     7.49
+     8.90
+    10.19
+    11.05
+    11.51
+    11.69
+    11.51
+    10.60
+     9.57
+     8.20
+     6.46
+     4.30
+     2.17
+    -0.01
+    -2.28
+    -4.62
+    -6.93
+    -8.88
+   -10.68
+   -12.27
+   -13.32
+   -13.96
+   -14.16
+   -14.00
+   -13.25
+   -11.90
+   -10.31
+    -8.36
+    -5.84
+    -3.30
+    -0.33
+     2.49
+     5.44
+     8.39
+    10.92
+    13.17
+    15.05
+    16.43
+    16.86
+    15.72
+    11.39
+     5.70
+     2.43
+     0.85
+    -0.08
+    -1.05
+    -2.02
+    -2.86
+    -3.56
+    -4.26
+    -4.76
+    -5.14
+    -5.47
+    -5.34
+    -5.27
+    -4.87
+    -4.39
+    -3.74
+    -2.93
+    -2.05
+    -0.94
+     0.00
+     1.11
+     2.42
+     3.38
+     4.39
+     5.24
+     5.97
+     6.48
+     6.75
+     6.77
+     6.70
+     6.27
+     5.81
+     4.83
+     3.99
+     2.74
+     1.53
+     0.12
+    -1.28
+    -2.71
+    -4.04
+    -5.41
+    -6.52
+    -7.34
+    -8.04
+    -8.48
+    -8.60
+    -8.55
+    -8.06
+    -7.26
+    -6.40
+    -5.23
+    -3.80
+    -2.06
+    -0.33
+     1.35
+     3.21
+     4.86
+     6.42
+     8.00
+     9.16
+     9.93
+    10.57
+    10.90
+    10.78
+    10.22
+     9.30
+     8.13
+     6.57
+     4.81
+     2.68
+     0.71
+    -1.48
+    -3.70
+    -5.78
+    -7.80
+    -9.63
+   -11.15
+   -12.28
+   -13.12
+   -13.43
+   -13.22
+   -12.80
+   -11.65
+   -10.30
+    -8.46
+    -6.33
+    -3.82
+    -1.24
+     1.42
+     4.20
+     7.08
+     9.63
+    11.78
+    13.79
+    15.31
+    16.06
+    15.94
+    14.21
+    10.13
+     5.55
+     2.79
+     1.18
+    -0.16
+    -1.55
+    -2.86
+    -4.04
+    -5.15
+    -5.96
+    -6.77
+    -7.38
+    -7.73
+    -7.72
+    -7.55
+    -7.13
+    -6.28
+    -5.40
+    -4.31
+    -2.96
+    -1.55
+     0.19
+     1.80
+     3.26
+     4.90
+     6.17
+     7.47
+     8.53
+     9.15
+     9.60
+     9.75
+     9.46
+     9.02
+     8.19
+     6.96
+     5.58
+     3.95
+     2.14
+     0.09
+    -1.89
+    -3.96
+    -5.71
+    -7.50
+    -9.19
+   -10.48
+   -11.31
+   -11.89
+   -12.15
+   -11.94
+   -11.31
+   -10.32
+    -8.96
+    -7.19
+    -5.19
+    -2.85
+    -0.51
+     1.94
+     4.60
+     6.94
+     9.24
+    11.20
+    12.81
+    14.17
+    14.86
+    14.94
+    13.95
+    11.85
+     8.56
+     5.60
+     3.20
+     1.21
+    -0.71
+    -2.62
+    -4.42
+    -6.09
+    -7.60
+    -8.95
+   -10.02
+   -10.84
+   -11.22
+   -11.24
+   -11.01
+   -10.20
+    -9.23
+    -7.76
+    -5.95
+    -4.07
+    -1.73
+     0.59
+     2.85
+     5.24
+     7.31
+     9.50
+    11.15
+    12.52
+    13.62
+    14.04
+    13.91
+    13.17
+    11.43
+     9.08
+     6.61
+     4.28
+     2.07
+    -0.18
+    -2.38
+    -4.51
+    -6.67
+    -8.51
+   -10.10
+   -11.60
+   -12.59
+   -13.30
+   -13.48
+   -13.16
+   -12.36
+   -11.26
+    -9.65
+    -7.71
+    -5.38
+    -2.96
+    -0.17
+     2.51
+     5.32
+     7.91
+    10.52
+    12.63
+    14.42
+    15.64
+    16.19
+    15.68
+    12.90
+     8.39
+     4.43
+     2.16
+     0.55
+    -0.73
+    -2.05
+    -3.16
+    -4.46
+    -5.55
+    -6.44
+    -7.06
+    -7.60
+    -7.71
+    -7.81
+    -7.36
+    -6.86
+    -5.97
+    -5.07
+    -3.75
+    -2.34
+    -0.95
+     0.79
+     2.37
+     3.90
+     5.39
+     6.71
+     7.91
+     8.79
+     9.44
+     9.75
+     9.67
+     9.39
+     8.77
+     7.82
+     6.54
+     4.90
+     3.12
+     1.27
+    -0.62
+    -2.63
+    -4.56
+    -6.47
+    -8.23
+    -9.57
+   -10.81
+   -11.69
+   -12.12
+   -12.18
+   -11.92
+   -11.15
+   -10.00
+    -8.44
+    -6.52
+    -4.37
+    -2.14
+     0.43
+     2.94
+     5.46
+     7.89
+    10.02
+    11.86
+    13.47
+    14.43
+    15.00
+    14.63
+    13.42
+    10.69
+     7.29
+     4.63
+     2.29
+     0.49
+    -1.33
+    -3.28
+    -4.95
+    -6.63
+    -8.15
+    -9.48
+   -10.30
+   -10.89
+   -11.28
+   -11.06
+   -10.74
+    -9.77
+    -8.63
+    -6.96
+    -5.14
+    -3.07
+    -0.91
+     1.41
+     3.69
+     5.96
+     8.26
+    10.00
+    11.59
+    12.86
+    13.68
+    13.93
+    13.58
+    12.50
+    10.66
+     8.28
+     5.84
+     3.62
+     1.36
+    -0.85
+    -3.05
+    -5.23
+    -7.43
+    -9.19
+   -10.91
+   -12.12
+   -12.94
+   -13.51
+   -13.46
+   -13.11
+   -12.13
+   -10.81
+    -9.25
+    -7.00
+    -4.66
+    -2.04
+     0.77
+     3.46
+     6.25
+     8.89
+    11.26
+    13.35
+    15.09
+    16.08
+    16.24
+    14.91
+    11.16
+     6.21
+     2.94
+     1.21
+     0.03
+    -1.20
+    -2.39
+    -3.51
+    -4.52
+    -5.52
+    -6.29
+    -6.84
+    -7.13
+    -7.31
+    -7.15
+    -6.66
+    -6.16
+    -5.31
+    -4.14
+    -3.01
+    -1.49
+    -0.20
+     1.31
+     2.90
+     4.30
+     5.71
+     6.75
+     7.70
+     8.60
+     9.05
+     9.22
+     9.03
+     8.58
+     7.74
+     6.64
+     5.37
+     3.84
+     2.15
+     0.39
+    -1.41
+    -3.28
+    -5.16
+    -6.75
+    -8.33
+    -9.61
+   -10.49
+   -11.09
+   -11.34
+   -11.21
+   -10.82
+    -9.89
+    -8.62
+    -7.02
+    -5.14
+    -3.09
+    -0.79
+     1.45
+     3.89
+     6.28
+     8.32
+    10.25
+    11.96
+    13.13
+    13.90
+    14.11
+    13.75
+    12.51
+    10.53
+     7.92
+     5.41
+     3.05
+     1.07
+    -1.22
+    -3.47
+    -5.45
+    -7.39
+    -9.23
+   -10.70
+   -11.98
+   -12.76
+   -13.11
+   -13.24
+   -12.72
+   -11.67
+   -10.38
+    -8.67
+    -6.63
+    -4.22
+    -1.63
+     1.17
+     3.87
+     6.64
+     9.18
+    11.47
+    13.35
+    14.87
+    15.75
+    16.06
+    14.72
+    11.18
+     6.66
+     3.51
+     1.60
+     0.15
+    -1.29
+    -2.51
+    -3.83
+    -5.16
+    -6.15
+    -6.98
+    -7.65
+    -8.00
+    -8.19
+    -8.13
+    -7.68
+    -6.92
+    -6.04
+    -4.97
+    -3.53
+    -1.90
+    -0.25
+     1.31
+     2.95
+     4.61
+     6.31
+     7.51
+     8.71
+     9.61
+    10.18
+    10.35
+    10.16
+     9.74
+     8.98
+     7.77
+     6.20
+     4.49
+     2.75
+     0.62
+    -1.45
+    -3.53
+    -5.55
+    -7.53
+    -9.13
+   -10.56
+   -11.71
+   -12.49
+   -12.79
+   -12.77
+   -12.28
+   -11.24
+    -9.87
+    -8.12
+    -6.15
+    -3.68
+    -1.30
+     1.45
+     4.16
+     6.78
+     9.12
+    11.41
+    13.15
+    14.70
+    15.47
+    15.67
+    14.56
+    11.50
+     7.51
+     4.14
+     2.15
+     0.41
+    -1.19
+    -2.58
+    -4.03
+    -5.45
+    -6.63
+    -7.66
+    -8.49
+    -9.13
+    -9.36
+    -9.16
+    -8.78
+    -8.11
+    -7.18
+    -5.85
+    -4.39
+    -2.59
+    -0.79
+     1.18
+     3.06
+     4.91
+     6.78
+     8.27
+     9.62
+    10.58
+    11.34
+    11.58
+    11.65
+    11.03
+    10.18
+     8.71
+     7.09
+     5.30
+     3.13
+     1.07
+    -1.36
+    -3.55
+    -5.99
+    -7.94
+    -9.88
+   -11.58
+   -12.73
+   -13.76
+   -14.20
+   -14.18
+   -13.63
+   -12.49
+   -11.09
+    -9.17
+    -7.08
+    -4.36
+    -1.73
+     1.19
+     4.27
+     7.04
+     9.85
+    12.24
+    14.26
+    16.00
+    16.77
+    16.62
+    13.78
+     8.05
+     3.45
+     1.42
+     0.33
+    -0.71
+    -1.65
+    -2.46
+    -3.28
+    -4.02
+    -4.57
+    -4.97
+    -5.30
+    -5.53
+    -5.36
+    -5.09
+    -4.71
+    -4.11
+    -3.38
+    -2.43
+    -1.40
+    -0.50
+     0.69
+     1.74
+     2.82
+     3.86
+     4.85
+     5.68
+     6.28
+     6.60
+     6.83
+     6.84
+     6.49
+     5.96
+     5.33
+     4.36
+     3.21
+     1.97
+     0.76
+    -0.68
+    -1.99
+    -3.46
+    -4.88
+    -6.05
+    -7.06
+    -7.78
+    -8.40
+    -8.70
+    -8.61
+    -8.41
+    -7.77
+    -6.88
+    -5.81
+    -4.32
+    -2.84
+    -1.26
+     0.63
+     2.48
+     4.06
+     5.87
+     7.39
+     8.62
+     9.61
+    10.39
+    10.85
+    10.93
+    10.45
+     9.67
+     8.73
+     7.17
+     5.58
+     3.69
+     1.68
+    -0.60
+    -2.64
+    -4.90
+    -6.93
+    -8.79
+   -10.40
+   -11.79
+   -12.68
+   -13.23
+   -13.35
+   -13.07
+   -12.28
+   -11.00
+    -9.43
+    -7.25
+    -4.91
+    -2.47
+     0.19
+     3.14
+     5.82
+     8.51
+    10.81
+    12.93
+    14.74
+    15.84
+    16.30
+    15.37
+    12.13
+     7.27
+     3.79
+     1.64
+     0.22
+    -0.94
+    -2.17
+    -3.54
+    -4.49
+    -5.66
+    -6.32
+    -7.06
+    -7.51
+    -7.57
+    -7.52
+    -7.15
+    -6.54
+    -5.74
+    -4.62
+    -3.46
+    -2.02
+    -0.59
+     1.09
+     2.71
+     4.18
+     5.66
+     6.93
+     8.06
+     8.78
+     9.42
+     9.61
+     9.51
+     9.09
+     8.49
+     7.34
+     6.14
+     4.61
+     2.75
+     0.87
+    -0.99
+    -2.98
+    -4.93
+    -6.76
+    -8.30
+    -9.86
+   -10.83
+   -11.61
+   -12.03
+   -12.01
+   -11.59
+   -10.65
+    -9.59
+    -7.97
+    -5.93
+    -3.77
+    -1.56
+     0.87
+     3.54
+     5.94
+     8.21
+    10.28
+    12.11
+    13.55
+    14.52
+    14.82
+    14.51
+    13.03
+    10.26
+     7.12
+     4.58
+     2.37
+     0.46
+    -1.57
+    -3.57
+    -5.43
+    -7.07
+    -8.68
+    -9.90
+   -10.89
+   -11.56
+   -11.76
+   -11.68
+   -11.14
+   -10.20
+    -8.83
+    -7.25
+    -5.23
+    -3.20
+    -0.84
+     1.59
+     4.10
+     6.45
+     8.68
+    10.56
+    12.24
+    13.45
+    14.34
+    14.48
+    13.96
+    12.47
+     9.89
+     7.19
+     4.61
+     2.34
+     0.30
+    -1.66
+    -3.70
+    -5.68
+    -7.55
+    -9.25
+   -10.45
+   -11.65
+   -12.18
+   -12.45
+   -12.38
+   -11.79
+   -10.70
+    -9.36
+    -7.63
+    -5.52
+    -3.34
+    -0.73
+     1.76
+     4.34
+     6.88
+     9.19
+    11.32
+    13.01
+    14.35
+    15.15
+    15.15
+    14.25
+    11.75
+     8.09
+     4.95
+     2.70
+     0.71
+    -0.92
+    -2.59
+    -4.23
+    -5.88
+    -7.38
+    -8.58
+    -9.35
+   -10.16
+   -10.46
+   -10.46
+    -9.98
+    -9.29
+    -8.10
+    -6.86
+    -5.18
+    -3.35
+    -1.17
+     0.88
+     3.09
+     5.11
+     7.22
+     9.05
+    10.47
+    11.75
+    12.54
+    12.94
+    12.94
+    12.24
+    11.15
+     9.35
+     7.44
+     5.28
+     3.12
+     0.80
+    -1.73
+    -4.04
+    -6.40
+    -8.55
+   -10.44
+   -12.02
+   -13.36
+   -14.10
+   -14.60
+   -14.42
+   -13.82
+   -12.68
+   -11.18
+    -9.26
+    -6.85
+    -4.13
+    -1.38
+     1.68
+     4.62
+     7.67
+    10.33
+    12.82
+    14.95
+    16.49
+    17.18
+    16.33
+    12.29
+     5.82
+     2.27
+     0.69
+    -0.02
+    -0.89
+    -1.58
+    -2.31
+    -2.86
+    -3.43
+    -3.82
+    -4.25
+    -4.42
+    -4.38
+    -4.20
+    -4.12
+    -3.63
+    -3.14
+    -2.34
+    -1.65
+    -0.84
+     0.04
+     1.02
+     1.94
+     2.74
+     3.51
+     4.28
+     4.80
+     5.23
+     5.49
+     5.61
+     5.38
+     5.09
+     4.67
+     3.98
+     3.28
+     2.32
+     1.20
+     0.13
+    -1.04
+    -2.14
+    -3.26
+    -4.26
+    -5.25
+    -5.88
+    -6.52
+    -6.89
+    -7.08
+    -6.87
+    -6.57
+    -6.04
+    -5.26
+    -4.23
+    -2.93
+    -1.82
+    -0.33
+     1.16
+     2.63
+     4.02
+     5.33
+     6.33
+     7.40
+     8.19
+     8.56
+     8.86
+     8.78
+     8.27
+     7.67
+     6.69
+     5.49
+     3.96
+     2.29
+     0.68
+    -1.20
+    -3.00
+    -4.77
+    -6.47
+    -7.79
+    -9.09
+   -10.14
+   -10.77
+   -11.04
+   -11.07
+   -10.63
+    -9.74
+    -8.66
+    -7.04
+    -5.24
+    -3.38
+    -1.10
+     1.12
+     3.44
+     5.68
+     7.77
+     9.68
+    11.25
+    12.50
+    13.31
+    13.68
+    13.45
+    12.56
+    10.99
+     8.82
+     6.49
+     4.15
+     1.97
+    -0.31
+    -2.57
+    -4.73
+    -6.96
+    -8.99
+   -10.74
+   -12.07
+   -13.11
+   -13.76
+   -13.89
+   -13.57
+   -12.79
+   -11.53
+    -9.81
+    -7.84
+    -5.42
+    -2.84
+    -0.06
+     2.89
+     5.68
+     8.40
+    11.04
+    13.09
+    14.91
+    16.19
+    16.66
+    15.51
+    11.49
+     6.18
+     2.72
+     1.14
+    -0.08
+    -1.16
+    -2.11
+    -3.14
+    -4.02
+    -4.83
+    -5.45
+    -5.90
+    -6.25
+    -6.31
+    -6.07
+    -5.73
+    -5.20
+    -4.54
+    -3.53
+    -2.49
+    -1.39
+    -0.11
+     1.32
+     2.48
+     3.79
+     4.97
+     5.85
+     6.70
+     7.24
+     7.78
+     7.84
+     7.67
+     7.38
+     6.72
+     5.70
+     4.63
+     3.27
+     1.87
+     0.32
+    -1.27
+    -2.96
+    -4.53
+    -6.00
+    -7.13
+    -8.21
+    -9.22
+    -9.60
+    -9.89
+    -9.86
+    -9.42
+    -8.53
+    -7.47
+    -6.05
+    -4.45
+    -2.72
+    -0.73
+     1.37
+     3.34
+     5.33
+     7.29
+     8.86
+    10.23
+    11.45
+    12.05
+    12.47
+    12.23
+    11.59
+    10.52
+     8.99
+     7.07
+     5.00
+     2.85
+     0.56
+    -1.72
+    -4.08
+    -6.52
+    -8.69
+   -10.46
+   -12.11
+   -13.46
+   -14.22
+   -14.52
+   -14.42
+   -13.69
+   -12.73
+   -11.17
+    -9.06
+    -6.76
+    -3.95
+    -1.08
+     1.74
+     4.78
+     7.87
+    10.49
+    12.88
+    15.07
+    16.65
+    17.27
+    16.27
+    11.87
+     5.61
+     2.13
+     0.57
+    -0.19
+    -0.83
+    -1.67
+    -2.22
+    -2.98
+    -3.52
+    -3.80
+    -4.08
+    -4.40
+    -4.32
+    -4.29
+    -3.93
+    -3.61
+    -3.11
+    -2.37
+    -1.51
+    -0.86
+     0.05
+     0.98
+     1.95
+     2.82
+     3.55
+     4.23
+     4.70
+     5.23
+     5.45
+     5.44
+     5.37
+     5.14
+     4.66
+     3.86
+     3.10
+     2.11
+     1.20
+     0.08
+    -1.21
+    -2.31
+    -3.33
+    -4.31
+    -5.16
+    -5.96
+    -6.41
+    -6.80
+    -6.95
+    -6.79
+    -6.45
+    -5.96
+    -5.08
+    -4.12
+    -2.86
+    -1.68
+    -0.25
+     1.29
+     2.66
+     3.96
+     5.37
+     6.38
+     7.36
+     8.17
+     8.54
+     8.83
+     8.53
+     8.25
+     7.42
+     6.60
+     5.21
+     3.87
+     2.21
+     0.47
+    -1.36
+    -2.99
+    -4.85
+    -6.37
+    -7.86
+    -9.12
+   -10.13
+   -10.74
+   -10.95
+   -10.86
+   -10.51
+    -9.61
+    -8.36
+    -6.89
+    -5.17
+    -3.12
+    -1.02
+     1.29
+     3.60
+     5.79
+     7.93
+     9.81
+    11.40
+    12.54
+    13.38
+    13.69
+    13.42
+    12.55
+    10.96
+     8.79
+     6.53
+     4.30
+     1.94
+    -0.27
+    -2.59
+    -4.80
+    -7.07
+    -9.02
+   -10.79
+   -12.17
+   -13.30
+   -13.79
+   -14.09
+   -13.73
+   -12.92
+   -11.69
+    -9.98
+    -7.96
+    -5.55
+    -2.81
+     0.08
+     2.96
+     5.83
+     8.64
+    11.08
+    13.40
+    15.12
+    16.43
+    16.81
+    15.42
+    11.08
+     5.59
+     2.39
+     0.77
+    -0.21
+    -1.14
+    -2.02
+    -3.04
+    -3.86
+    -4.46
+    -5.16
+    -5.44
+    -5.70
+    -5.84
+    -5.59
+    -5.36
+    -4.78
+    -3.98
+    -3.21
+    -2.13
+    -1.02
+     0.01
+     1.35
+     2.58
+     3.60
+     4.76
+     5.53
+     6.28
+     6.90
+     7.31
+     7.40
+     7.18
+     6.80
+     6.10
+     5.32
+     4.21
+     3.01
+     1.55
+     0.01
+    -1.37
+    -2.88
+    -4.47
+    -5.76
+    -6.89
+    -7.81
+    -8.70
+    -9.16
+    -9.26
+    -9.15
+    -8.61
+    -7.89
+    -6.91
+    -5.53
+    -4.04
+    -2.21
+    -0.43
+     1.59
+     3.46
+     5.24
+     6.91
+     8.51
+     9.85
+    10.75
+    11.30
+    11.65
+    11.42
+    10.85
+     9.92
+     8.45
+     6.71
+     4.94
+     2.78
+     0.65
+    -1.84
+    -4.15
+    -6.32
+    -8.39
+   -10.18
+   -11.80
+   -13.05
+   -13.77
+   -14.18
+   -13.94
+   -13.32
+   -12.28
+   -10.81
+    -8.71
+    -6.53
+    -3.83
+    -1.06
+     1.88
+     4.71
+     7.59
+    10.24
+    12.57
+    14.54
+    16.19
+    16.93
+    16.16
+    12.98
+     7.13
+     3.05
+     1.19
+     0.15
+    -0.89
+    -1.74
+    -2.67
+    -3.52
+    -4.25
+    -4.85
+    -5.23
+    -5.56
+    -5.69
+    -5.51
+    -5.20
+    -4.70
+    -4.15
+    -3.40
+    -2.43
+    -1.30
+    -0.23
+     0.92
+     2.08
+     3.10
+     4.26
+     5.18
+     5.89
+     6.53
+     6.95
+     7.08
+     7.06
+     6.75
+     6.12
+     5.31
+     4.29
+     3.26
+     2.02
+     0.63
+    -0.86
+    -2.39
+    -3.78
+    -5.19
+    -6.28
+    -7.29
+    -8.12
+    -8.69
+    -8.92
+    -8.75
+    -8.49
+    -7.87
+    -6.82
+    -5.64
+    -4.34
+    -2.63
+    -0.98
+     0.81
+     2.66
+     4.62
+     6.29
+     7.83
+     9.09
+    10.14
+    10.73
+    11.19
+    11.12
+    10.69
+     9.84
+     8.67
+     7.07
+     5.32
+     3.35
+     1.30
+    -0.88
+    -3.11
+    -5.37
+    -7.42
+    -9.38
+   -11.04
+   -12.22
+   -13.23
+   -13.64
+   -13.67
+   -13.35
+   -12.39
+   -11.08
+    -9.20
+    -7.20
+    -4.75
+    -1.98
+     0.77
+     3.65
+     6.45
+     9.11
+    11.53
+    13.69
+    15.23
+    16.35
+    16.36
+    14.76
+    10.52
+     5.47
+     2.49
+     0.99
+    -0.31
+    -1.39
+    -2.49
+    -3.53
+    -4.35
+    -5.31
+    -5.97
+    -6.36
+    -6.67
+    -6.64
+    -6.51
+    -6.08
+    -5.56
+    -4.71
+    -3.64
+    -2.50
+    -1.32
+     0.22
+     1.52
+     2.81
+     4.23
+     5.41
+     6.56
+     7.25
+     8.02
+     8.33
+     8.56
+     8.19
+     7.72
+     7.03
+     5.99
+     4.77
+     3.35
+     1.82
+     0.10
+    -1.59
+    -3.47
+    -5.06
+    -6.54
+    -7.86
+    -9.08
+    -9.97
+   -10.54
+   -10.71
+   -10.39
+    -9.84
+    -9.01
+    -7.73
+    -6.26
+    -4.56
+    -2.54
+    -0.40
+     1.73
+     4.01
+     6.13
+     7.97
+     9.88
+    11.18
+    12.43
+    13.03
+    13.30
+    13.02
+    11.90
+    10.45
+     8.51
+     6.42
+     4.28
+     1.98
+    -0.44
+    -2.84
+    -5.12
+    -7.26
+    -9.30
+   -11.18
+   -12.69
+   -13.68
+   -14.18
+   -14.46
+   -14.04
+   -13.14
+   -11.96
+   -10.22
+    -8.11
+    -5.45
+    -2.73
+     0.07
+     3.17
+     6.10
+     8.98
+    11.46
+    13.81
+    15.57
+    16.94
+    17.13
+    14.98
+     9.48
+     4.09
+     1.46
+     0.35
+    -0.46
+    -1.20
+    -2.07
+    -2.63
+    -3.36
+    -3.95
+    -4.38
+    -4.59
+    -4.78
+    -4.78
+    -4.59
+    -4.14
+    -3.62
+    -3.08
+    -2.27
+    -1.45
+    -0.53
+     0.52
+     1.35
+     2.34
+     3.33
+     4.15
+     4.88
+     5.44
+     5.77
+     5.96
+     5.98
+     5.71
+     5.33
+     4.82
+     3.99
+     3.10
+     1.94
+     0.88
+    -0.42
+    -1.52
+    -2.80
+    -4.00
+    -5.10
+    -5.94
+    -6.67
+    -7.10
+    -7.54
+    -7.50
+    -7.25
+    -6.90
+    -6.16
+    -5.23
+    -4.07
+    -2.69
+    -1.22
+     0.25
+     1.87
+     3.42
+     4.76
+     6.24
+     7.35
+     8.23
+     8.89
+     9.39
+     9.47
+     9.19
+     8.61
+     7.80
+     6.58
+     5.33
+     3.64
+     1.87
+    -0.10
+    -2.03
+    -3.94
+    -5.74
+    -7.56
+    -8.96
+   -10.24
+   -11.17
+   -11.58
+   -11.95
+   -11.67
+   -11.05
+    -9.96
+    -8.58
+    -6.86
+    -4.79
+    -2.57
+    -0.21
+     2.19
+     4.58
+     7.03
+     9.20
+    11.01
+    12.77
+    13.82
+    14.58
+    14.49
+    13.69
+    11.96
+     9.15
+     6.36
+     3.81
+     1.78
+    -0.35
+    -2.23
+    -4.31
+    -6.19
+    -7.91
+    -9.52
+   -10.70
+   -11.54
+   -12.17
+   -12.18
+   -12.00
+   -11.29
+   -10.11
+    -8.58
+    -6.92
+    -4.68
+    -2.49
+    -0.03
+     2.57
+     5.06
+     7.53
+     9.64
+    11.73
+    13.25
+    14.44
+    15.02
+    14.87
+    13.59
+    11.05
+     7.87
+     4.80
+     2.66
+     0.64
+    -1.21
+    -2.89
+    -4.70
+    -6.47
+    -7.92
+    -9.13
+   -10.27
+   -10.96
+   -11.13
+   -11.16
+   -10.63
+    -9.92
+    -8.74
+    -7.23
+    -5.36
+    -3.41
+    -1.28
+     1.17
+     3.45
+     5.79
+     7.90
+     9.76
+    11.38
+    12.61
+    13.64
+    13.97
+    13.78
+    12.70
+    11.03
+     8.76
+     6.35
+     3.89
+     1.76
+    -0.48
+    -2.71
+    -5.01
+    -6.97
+    -8.87
+   -10.66
+   -12.00
+   -12.97
+   -13.50
+   -13.64
+   -13.26
+   -12.55
+   -11.25
+    -9.57
+    -7.59
+    -5.12
+    -2.50
+     0.25
+     3.08
+     5.86
+     8.47
+    11.02
+    13.04
+    14.83
+    15.97
+    16.39
+    15.37
+    11.66
+     6.58
+     3.18
+     1.44
+     0.03
+    -1.15
+    -2.21
+    -3.30
+    -4.30
+    -5.25
+    -5.95
+    -6.55
+    -6.79
+    -6.92
+    -6.89
+    -6.54
+    -5.92
+    -5.03
+    -4.06
+    -2.99
+    -1.64
+    -0.32
+     1.25
+     2.53
+     4.03
+     5.39
+     6.38
+     7.38
+     8.17
+     8.50
+     8.75
+     8.68
+     8.22
diff --git a/tests/polynom/amplitude_tisean.dat b/tests/polynom/amplitude_tisean.dat
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..80e0a80
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/polynom/amplitude_tisean.dat
@@ -0,0 +1,1075 @@
+#number of free parameters= 70
+#used norm for the fit= 7.994755e+00
+#0 0 0 0 -2.279148e-02
+#0 0 0 1 4.044280e-02
+#0 0 0 2 2.014402e-03
+#0 0 0 3 -7.106256e-04
+#0 0 0 4 2.850723e-05
+#0 0 1 0 -6.344298e-01
+#0 0 1 1 9.746447e-02
+#0 0 1 2 -9.019735e-04
+#0 0 1 3 -3.785062e-04
+#0 0 2 0 7.978757e-03
+#0 0 2 1 3.899138e-03
+#0 0 2 2 3.215547e-04
+#0 0 3 0 3.036968e-03
+#0 0 3 1 -4.479299e-04
+#0 0 4 0 -8.863830e-05
+#0 1 0 0 -5.601126e-02
+#0 1 0 1 -7.889838e-03
+#0 1 0 2 -7.399671e-04
+#0 1 0 3 8.412508e-05
+#0 1 1 0 1.246534e-01
+#0 1 1 1 -9.020231e-03
+#0 1 1 2 -3.223901e-04
+#0 1 2 0 3.997464e-03
+#0 1 2 1 5.853918e-04
+#0 1 3 0 -7.973546e-04
+#0 2 0 0 -1.652042e-02
+#0 2 0 1 4.489749e-04
+#0 2 0 2 7.090098e-05
+#0 2 1 0 -7.411160e-03
+#0 2 1 1 3.473573e-04
+#0 2 2 0 9.424313e-05
+#0 3 0 0 5.984661e-04
+#0 3 0 1 -1.027329e-04
+#0 3 1 0 2.770726e-04
+#0 4 0 0 -8.250397e-05
+#1 0 0 0 5.157979e-01
+#1 0 0 1 7.498938e-02
+#1 0 0 2 -6.131137e-04
+#1 0 0 3 -3.532528e-04
+#1 0 1 0 -5.451648e-02
+#1 0 1 1 7.089347e-03
+#1 0 1 2 2.986191e-04
+#1 0 2 0 4.351690e-03
+#1 0 2 1 -2.733393e-04
+#1 0 3 0 2.862461e-05
+#1 1 0 0 1.118996e-01
+#1 1 0 1 -5.673819e-03
+#1 1 0 2 -4.804659e-04
+#1 1 1 0 9.445740e-03
+#1 1 1 1 -4.452493e-04
+#1 1 2 0 -1.203872e-03
+#1 2 0 0 -5.352752e-03
+#1 2 0 1 3.065135e-04
+#1 2 1 0 -5.607316e-04
+#1 3 0 0 2.869690e-04
+#2 0 0 0 -4.888964e-02
+#2 0 0 1 3.460390e-03
+#2 0 0 2 2.148609e-04
+#2 0 1 0 6.783476e-03
+#2 0 1 1 2.610719e-04
+#2 0 2 0 -4.154161e-05
+#2 1 0 0 4.321968e-03
+#2 1 0 1 -4.522355e-04
+#2 1 1 0 -6.752014e-04
+#2 2 0 0 -3.451982e-04
+#3 0 0 0 4.221480e-03
+#3 0 0 1 2.834981e-04
+#3 0 1 0 2.054294e-04
+#3 1 0 0 -1.821343e-04
+#4 0 0 0 2.538453e-04
+#average insample error= 9.146327e-02
diff --git a/tests/polynom/polynom_res_am.dat b/tests/polynom/polynom_res_am.dat
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0770cff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/polynom/polynom_res_am.dat
@@ -0,0 +1,1076 @@
+#number of free parameters= 70
+#used norm for the fit= 7.994755e+00
+#0 0 0 0 -2.256822e-02
+#0 0 0 1 5.291361e-02
+#0 0 0 2 -1.278989e-03
+#0 0 0 3 -4.073650e-04
+#0 0 0 4 2.013505e-05
+#0 0 1 0 -6.381027e-01
+#0 0 1 1 9.103767e-02
+#0 0 1 2 1.445769e-04
+#0 0 1 3 -4.279427e-04
+#0 0 2 0 1.126559e-02
+#0 0 2 1 4.776221e-03
+#0 0 2 2 2.228169e-04
+#0 0 3 0 2.845817e-03
+#0 0 3 1 -4.998166e-04
+#0 0 4 0 -8.926410e-05
+#0 1 0 0 -4.598775e-02
+#0 1 0 1 -1.445729e-02
+#0 1 0 2 1.140368e-04
+#0 1 0 3 6.338082e-05
+#0 1 1 0 1.184206e-01
+#0 1 1 1 -7.245396e-03
+#0 1 1 2 -4.486110e-04
+#0 1 2 0 4.697932e-03
+#0 1 2 1 3.776692e-04
+#0 1 3 0 -8.317036e-04
+#0 2 0 0 -1.946374e-02
+#0 2 0 1 1.169536e-03
+#0 2 0 2 7.139569e-05
+#0 2 1 0 -6.593335e-03
+#0 2 1 1 3.172010e-04
+#0 2 2 0 -3.142531e-05
+#0 3 0 0 7.743932e-04
+#0 3 0 1 -7.826783e-05
+#0 3 1 0 3.111487e-04
+#0 4 0 0 -7.088996e-05
+#1 0 0 0 5.151631e-01
+#1 0 0 1 6.719867e-02
+#1 0 0 2 3.769676e-04
+#1 0 0 3 -3.883091e-04
+#1 0 1 0 -4.582807e-02
+#1 0 1 1 9.358223e-03
+#1 0 1 2 1.596722e-04
+#1 0 2 0 3.862664e-03
+#1 0 2 1 -4.337887e-04
+#1 0 3 0 1.442270e-05
+#1 1 0 0 1.038568e-01
+#1 1 0 1 -4.034255e-03
+#1 1 0 2 -5.941065e-04
+#1 1 1 0 1.131417e-02
+#1 1 1 1 -6.728810e-04
+#1 1 2 0 -1.357116e-03
+#1 2 0 0 -4.634524e-03
+#1 2 0 1 2.492156e-04
+#1 2 1 0 -6.926650e-04
+#1 3 0 0 3.016430e-04
+#2 0 0 0 -4.440550e-02
+#2 0 0 1 4.715903e-03
+#2 0 0 2 1.378030e-04
+#2 0 1 0 6.458845e-03
+#2 0 1 1 1.500402e-04
+#2 0 2 0 -5.439608e-05
+#2 1 0 0 5.373274e-03
+#2 1 0 1 -5.525041e-04
+#2 1 1 0 -8.245028e-04
+#2 2 0 0 -3.912438e-04
+#3 0 0 0 4.169522e-03
+#3 0 0 1 2.793939e-04
+#3 0 1 0 2.068236e-04
+#3 1 0 0 -2.133612e-04
+#4 0 0 0 2.585926e-04
+#average insample error= 9.260975e-02
+#average out of sample error= 8.714996e-02
diff --git a/tests/polynom/procedure.txt b/tests/polynom/procedure.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5f1645d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/polynom/procedure.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+The problems with polynom.
+'polynom' has little in common with 'detrend', 'polyfit' and 'wpolyfit'. This is because all of those GNU Octave functions attemt to fit a polynomial onto the data, whereas 'polynom' does something different. It estimates what the data will be further on. Please refer to TISEAN documentation: 
+1. When certain commands are invoked you get a core dump.
+    $ polynom amplitude.dat -m4 -d8 -p4 -L1000 -o poly_am.dat
+    polynom: Fits a polynomial to the data
+    Using amplitude.dat as datafile, reading column 1
+    Use 5000 lines.
+    Opened poly_am.dat for writing
+    *** Error in `polynom': double free or corruption (!prev): 0x0000000001d37500 ***
+    Aborted (core dumped)
+Without the '-L1000' option it works fine (any other '-L#' had the same result). The problem is that '-L1000' sets the CLENGHT=1000 (which is the default) and CAST=1, so it would seem CAST=1 causes the core dump. Seems like there is a bug in 'polynom.c:make_cast();'
+Update: Bug resolved. Pushed upstream.
+This function * needs * to be ported.
diff --git a/tests/polynom/test_polynom.m b/tests/polynom/test_polynom.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b939491
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/polynom/test_polynom.m
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+# This test compares the results of TISEAN polynom function
+# $ polynom amplitude.dat -m4 -d8 -p4 -L1000 -o amplitude_tisean.dat
+close all
+dataset = { "amplitude"};
+ndata   = numel (dataset);
+tisean_output = @(x) sprintf("%s_tisean.dat",x);
+for i=1:ndata
+  # Load tisean results
+  data_tisean = load (tisean_output (dataset{i}));
+  data = load ([dataset{i} ".dat"]);
+  # Calculate with Octave 
+  n = length (data);
+  idx = transpose ([1:n]);
+  [P,S,MU] =  polyfit (idx, data, 10);
+  data_octave = S.yf;
+  # Compare
+  figure (2*i-1);
+  plot (idx, data, 'g',...
+        idx, data_octave,'r', ...
+  # The Tisean data is put after the input data, because 'polynom' produces a prediction.  
+        [n+1:n+length(data_tisean(:,1))],data_tisean(:,1),'b')
+  legend ("Original", "Octave","Tisean");
+  idx = [n-1000:n];  
+  figure (2*i)
+   plot (idx, data(idx), 'g',...
+        [n+1:n+length(data_tisean(:,1))],data_tisean(:,1),'b')
+  legend ("Original", "Tisean");
+  printf ("Difference on %s: %.3g\n", dataset{i}, ...
+                   sqrt (mean (data_octave-data).^2));
+  fflush (stdout);
diff --git a/tests/rms/procedure.txt b/tests/rms/procedure.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..00c2a52
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/rms/procedure.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+The program 'rms' in TISEAN is a pepculiar one. I really doesn't 'do' anything. It is in the 'Utilities' category on the TISEAN documentation page. Those functions are there only to help the user better utylise the package and are of not much use.
+This program computes: mean, standard deviation, smallest, largest and then allows to subtract the average or subtract mean - normalise to unit variance. Let us discuss what functions do this job in Octave:
+  1. The mean can be obtained in GNU Octave using 'mean'.
+  2. The standard deviation can be obtained in Octave using 'std'
+  3. The smallest can item can be obtained by using 'min'
+  4. The largest item can be obtained by using 'max'
+  5. Subtracting the mean 'vec - mean(vec)'
+  6. Subtracting the average 'vec - sum (vec) / rows (vec)'
+Thus there is no need to port 'rms' from TISEAN.
diff --git a/tests/spectrum/amplitude.dat b/tests/spectrum/amplitude.dat
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..617fd1b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/spectrum/amplitude.dat
@@ -0,0 +1,5000 @@
+     3.61
+     4.31
+     4.83
+     5.18
+     5.36
+     5.31
+     5.15
+     4.92
+     4.23
+     3.53
+     2.84
+     1.86
+     0.89
+    -0.31
+    -1.38
+    -2.50
+    -3.47
+    -4.46
+    -5.40
+    -5.98
+    -6.52
+    -6.70
+    -6.68
+    -6.66
+    -6.23
+    -5.58
+    -4.72
+    -3.61
+    -2.56
+    -1.18
+     0.12
+     1.66
+     3.02
+     4.23
+     5.57
+     6.61
+     7.50
+     8.06
+     8.50
+     8.60
+     8.36
+     7.84
+     7.17
+     6.15
+     4.73
+     3.39
+     1.84
+     0.05
+    -1.75
+    -3.47
+    -5.04
+    -6.66
+    -8.15
+    -9.17
+   -10.09
+   -10.55
+   -10.69
+   -10.48
+   -10.08
+    -9.04
+    -7.92
+    -6.37
+    -4.47
+    -2.58
+    -0.32
+     1.93
+     4.10
+     6.22
+     8.23
+     9.95
+    11.36
+    12.45
+    13.25
+    13.35
+    13.05
+    12.03
+    10.39
+     8.47
+     6.31
+     4.05
+     1.69
+    -0.65
+    -2.95
+    -5.36
+    -7.51
+    -9.46
+   -11.22
+   -12.70
+   -13.55
+   -14.25
+   -14.23
+   -14.02
+   -12.98
+   -11.67
+    -9.93
+    -7.85
+    -5.21
+    -2.66
+     0.34
+     3.26
+     6.25
+     9.15
+    11.66
+    13.86
+    15.64
+    16.73
+    17.01
+    14.72
+     9.34
+     4.01
+     1.57
+     0.49
+    -0.42
+    -1.31
+    -2.17
+    -2.82
+    -3.51
+    -4.02
+    -4.52
+    -4.79
+    -4.93
+    -4.97
+    -4.73
+    -4.37
+    -3.81
+    -3.17
+    -2.47
+    -1.47
+    -0.48
+     0.41
+     1.45
+     2.53
+     3.55
+     4.24
+     5.01
+     5.61
+     6.12
+     6.24
+     6.21
+     6.12
+     5.60
+     5.10
+     4.12
+     3.26
+     2.21
+     0.83
+    -0.49
+    -1.69
+    -2.94
+    -4.12
+    -5.31
+    -6.22
+    -7.10
+    -7.54
+    -7.80
+    -7.90
+    -7.77
+    -7.15
+    -6.36
+    -5.44
+    -4.27
+    -2.93
+    -1.43
+     0.32
+     1.81
+     3.53
+     5.02
+     6.48
+     7.84
+     8.75
+     9.51
+     9.87
+    10.03
+     9.64
+     9.17
+     8.29
+     7.07
+     5.41
+     3.86
+     2.00
+    -0.05
+    -2.15
+    -4.06
+    -6.17
+    -7.86
+    -9.53
+   -10.67
+   -11.62
+   -12.37
+   -12.46
+   -12.17
+   -11.57
+   -10.49
+    -8.95
+    -7.18
+    -5.15
+    -2.69
+    -0.36
+     2.41
+     4.81
+     7.38
+     9.66
+    11.66
+    13.23
+    14.64
+    15.21
+    15.20
+    13.92
+    11.14
+     7.48
+     4.44
+     2.42
+     0.44
+    -1.18
+    -2.87
+    -4.65
+    -6.11
+    -7.66
+    -8.72
+    -9.63
+   -10.35
+   -10.56
+   -10.54
+    -9.94
+    -9.24
+    -8.15
+    -6.61
+    -4.86
+    -2.99
+    -0.87
+     1.20
+     3.35
+     5.63
+     7.62
+     9.31
+    10.90
+    12.14
+    12.92
+    13.14
+    13.01
+    12.13
+    10.89
+     9.18
+     6.92
+     4.84
+     2.47
+     0.26
+    -2.10
+    -4.46
+    -6.79
+    -8.82
+   -10.75
+   -12.28
+   -13.35
+   -14.25
+   -14.46
+   -14.24
+   -13.55
+   -12.31
+   -10.77
+    -8.76
+    -6.34
+    -3.63
+    -0.75
+     2.24
+     5.20
+     8.14
+    10.90
+    13.29
+    15.13
+    16.59
+    17.25
+    15.96
+    11.18
+     5.00
+     1.86
+     0.65
+    -0.19
+    -1.00
+    -1.67
+    -2.45
+    -3.09
+    -3.74
+    -4.14
+    -4.42
+    -4.54
+    -4.56
+    -4.41
+    -4.05
+    -3.62
+    -3.18
+    -2.48
+    -1.67
+    -0.71
+     0.14
+     1.08
+     2.08
+     2.94
+     3.76
+     4.51
+     5.13
+     5.44
+     5.79
+     5.76
+     5.62
+     5.24
+     4.70
+     3.99
+     3.16
+     2.10
+     1.13
+     0.00
+    -1.32
+    -2.45
+    -3.56
+    -4.63
+    -5.51
+    -6.22
+    -6.90
+    -7.10
+    -7.23
+    -7.19
+    -6.77
+    -6.21
+    -5.16
+    -4.17
+    -2.90
+    -1.57
+    -0.19
+     1.39
+     2.82
+     4.35
+     5.72
+     6.91
+     7.92
+     8.58
+     8.96
+     9.19
+     8.98
+     8.51
+     7.84
+     6.71
+     5.35
+     3.81
+     2.19
+     0.46
+    -1.54
+    -3.36
+    -5.13
+    -6.83
+    -8.36
+    -9.65
+   -10.63
+   -11.24
+   -11.45
+   -11.31
+   -10.87
+    -9.93
+    -8.63
+    -7.09
+    -5.19
+    -3.14
+    -0.84
+     1.50
+     3.88
+     6.24
+     8.38
+    10.35
+    12.08
+    13.30
+    14.07
+    14.30
+    13.79
+    12.51
+    10.31
+     7.73
+     5.23
+     2.90
+     0.86
+    -1.26
+    -3.41
+    -5.62
+    -7.52
+    -9.16
+   -10.76
+   -11.78
+   -12.71
+   -12.92
+   -13.01
+   -12.44
+   -11.58
+   -10.11
+    -8.30
+    -6.19
+    -3.98
+    -1.34
+     1.27
+     3.98
+     6.67
+     9.19
+    11.42
+    13.32
+    14.80
+    15.61
+    15.71
+    14.50
+    11.29
+     7.10
+     3.91
+     1.80
+     0.25
+    -1.11
+    -2.56
+    -4.05
+    -5.36
+    -6.41
+    -7.39
+    -8.20
+    -8.60
+    -8.83
+    -8.77
+    -8.34
+    -7.67
+    -6.56
+    -5.33
+    -3.90
+    -2.24
+    -0.53
+     1.18
+     3.14
+     4.86
+     6.53
+     7.90
+     9.14
+    10.19
+    10.75
+    10.98
+    10.87
+    10.46
+     9.63
+     8.22
+     6.70
+     5.00
+     2.93
+     0.83
+    -1.31
+    -3.64
+    -5.79
+    -7.77
+    -9.61
+   -11.09
+   -12.40
+   -13.12
+   -13.55
+   -13.61
+   -12.95
+   -12.07
+   -10.67
+    -8.71
+    -6.58
+    -4.08
+    -1.52
+     1.36
+     4.07
+     6.87
+     9.61
+    11.79
+    13.75
+    15.31
+    16.34
+    16.26
+    14.24
+     9.72
+     5.13
+     2.47
+     0.86
+    -0.35
+    -1.46
+    -2.78
+    -3.80
+    -4.81
+    -5.69
+    -6.18
+    -6.77
+    -7.03
+    -7.07
+    -6.88
+    -6.33
+    -5.78
+    -4.92
+    -3.77
+    -2.49
+    -1.21
+     0.23
+     1.79
+     3.16
+     4.61
+     5.90
+     6.84
+     7.81
+     8.44
+     8.74
+     8.95
+     8.62
+     8.12
+     7.23
+     6.19
+     4.96
+     3.29
+     1.63
+    -0.04
+    -2.03
+    -3.83
+    -5.40
+    -7.07
+    -8.54
+    -9.73
+   -10.47
+   -10.94
+   -11.09
+   -10.90
+   -10.45
+    -9.31
+    -8.00
+    -6.43
+    -4.63
+    -2.44
+    -0.25
+     2.11
+     4.37
+     6.70
+     8.71
+    10.52
+    11.95
+    13.10
+    13.72
+    13.78
+    13.36
+    12.03
+    10.03
+     7.72
+     5.37
+     3.01
+     0.80
+    -1.47
+    -3.58
+    -5.91
+    -7.99
+    -9.70
+   -11.36
+   -12.40
+   -13.21
+   -13.76
+   -13.53
+   -13.04
+   -12.17
+   -10.64
+    -8.78
+    -6.65
+    -4.05
+    -1.39
+     1.28
+     4.30
+     6.97
+     9.70
+    12.01
+    14.00
+    15.53
+    16.45
+    16.37
+    14.23
+     9.42
+     4.68
+     2.17
+     0.64
+    -0.50
+    -1.63
+    -2.61
+    -3.63
+    -4.63
+    -5.48
+    -6.04
+    -6.47
+    -6.74
+    -6.68
+    -6.57
+    -5.98
+    -5.41
+    -4.57
+    -3.43
+    -2.27
+    -0.87
+     0.39
+     1.90
+     3.20
+     4.56
+     5.68
+     6.66
+     7.51
+     8.16
+     8.50
+     8.43
+     8.24
+     7.72
+     7.03
+     5.87
+     4.63
+     3.02
+     1.35
+    -0.36
+    -2.06
+    -3.81
+    -5.39
+    -6.86
+    -8.17
+    -9.43
+   -10.19
+   -10.59
+   -10.63
+   -10.39
+    -9.94
+    -8.89
+    -7.55
+    -5.91
+    -4.21
+    -2.22
+    -0.01
+     2.21
+     4.38
+     6.55
+     8.60
+    10.25
+    11.72
+    12.73
+    13.19
+    13.41
+    12.90
+    11.77
+    10.08
+     8.12
+     5.84
+     3.62
+     1.36
+    -1.08
+    -3.35
+    -5.61
+    -7.91
+    -9.82
+   -11.52
+   -12.73
+   -13.83
+   -14.32
+   -14.27
+   -13.76
+   -12.85
+   -11.48
+    -9.61
+    -7.32
+    -4.83
+    -2.16
+     0.81
+     3.88
+     6.76
+     9.53
+    12.03
+    14.17
+    15.83
+    16.93
+    16.71
+    14.02
+     8.26
+     3.32
+     1.38
+     0.24
+    -0.66
+    -1.45
+    -2.17
+    -3.05
+    -3.57
+    -4.11
+    -4.61
+    -4.80
+    -5.05
+    -4.92
+    -4.78
+    -4.33
+    -3.83
+    -3.03
+    -2.27
+    -1.31
+    -0.37
+     0.58
+     1.58
+     2.74
+     3.61
+     4.35
+     5.14
+     5.63
+     6.14
+     6.33
+     6.30
+     5.89
+     5.53
+     4.93
+     3.95
+     2.98
+     1.84
+     0.74
+    -0.53
+    -1.91
+    -3.22
+    -4.30
+    -5.53
+    -6.35
+    -7.05
+    -7.57
+    -7.91
+    -7.93
+    -7.58
+    -7.11
+    -6.31
+    -5.19
+    -3.96
+    -2.56
+    -1.02
+     0.55
+     2.18
+     3.75
+     5.38
+     6.75
+     7.90
+     8.91
+     9.52
+     9.89
+     9.84
+     9.50
+     8.87
+     8.01
+     6.64
+     5.16
+     3.54
+     1.59
+    -0.44
+    -2.51
+    -4.42
+    -6.41
+    -8.11
+    -9.56
+   -10.81
+   -11.81
+   -12.30
+   -12.33
+   -12.06
+   -11.31
+   -10.26
+    -8.74
+    -6.90
+    -4.58
+    -2.25
+     0.25
+     2.74
+     5.38
+     7.70
+     9.95
+    11.87
+    13.46
+    14.55
+    15.27
+    14.91
+    13.50
+    10.64
+     7.00
+     4.16
+     2.13
+     0.23
+    -1.51
+    -3.13
+    -4.89
+    -6.41
+    -7.94
+    -9.13
+    -9.88
+   -10.44
+   -10.75
+   -10.62
+   -10.09
+    -9.28
+    -8.12
+    -6.50
+    -4.77
+    -2.89
+    -0.73
+     1.56
+     3.78
+     5.86
+     7.99
+     9.80
+    11.16
+    12.48
+    13.07
+    13.32
+    13.15
+    12.21
+    10.62
+     8.67
+     6.60
+     4.39
+     1.96
+    -0.22
+    -2.68
+    -4.98
+    -7.18
+    -9.19
+   -10.97
+   -12.39
+   -13.56
+   -14.12
+   -14.35
+   -14.01
+   -13.15
+   -12.01
+   -10.17
+    -8.18
+    -5.71
+    -3.00
+    -0.14
+     2.96
+     5.85
+     8.68
+    11.34
+    13.61
+    15.43
+    16.75
+    17.07
+    15.27
+    10.23
+     4.66
+     1.76
+     0.60
+    -0.36
+    -1.10
+    -2.08
+    -2.72
+    -3.49
+    -3.94
+    -4.49
+    -4.92
+    -4.92
+    -5.11
+    -4.83
+    -4.48
+    -4.09
+    -3.30
+    -2.68
+    -1.59
+    -0.71
+     0.31
+     1.32
+     2.40
+     3.36
+     4.22
+     4.96
+     5.55
+     6.15
+     6.26
+     6.41
+     6.08
+     5.80
+     5.22
+     4.47
+     3.44
+     2.22
+     1.07
+    -0.13
+    -1.54
+    -2.73
+    -4.12
+    -5.17
+    -6.27
+    -6.94
+    -7.58
+    -7.91
+    -8.08
+    -7.87
+    -7.31
+    -6.58
+    -5.63
+    -4.48
+    -3.09
+    -1.68
+     0.08
+     1.67
+     3.35
+     4.95
+     6.38
+     7.70
+     8.75
+     9.37
+     9.85
+    10.16
+     9.85
+     9.31
+     8.34
+     7.15
+     5.76
+     4.00
+     2.12
+     0.16
+    -1.76
+    -3.88
+    -5.88
+    -7.69
+    -9.23
+   -10.71
+   -11.75
+   -12.23
+   -12.66
+   -12.38
+   -11.83
+   -10.82
+    -9.28
+    -7.54
+    -5.37
+    -3.13
+    -0.59
+     1.96
+     4.53
+     7.04
+     9.48
+    11.43
+    13.29
+    14.60
+    15.29
+    15.22
+    14.13
+    11.43
+     7.72
+     4.54
+     2.42
+     0.54
+    -1.18
+    -2.84
+    -4.42
+    -5.98
+    -7.32
+    -8.49
+    -9.43
+    -9.87
+   -10.14
+   -10.08
+    -9.76
+    -8.98
+    -7.91
+    -6.49
+    -4.93
+    -2.94
+    -0.90
+     1.01
+     3.26
+     5.26
+     7.20
+     9.06
+    10.57
+    11.74
+    12.48
+    12.79
+    12.72
+    12.01
+    10.88
+     9.14
+     7.25
+     5.24
+     3.07
+     0.72
+    -1.66
+    -4.10
+    -6.40
+    -8.60
+   -10.44
+   -12.22
+   -13.33
+   -14.21
+   -14.63
+   -14.45
+   -13.74
+   -12.76
+   -11.21
+    -9.26
+    -6.83
+    -4.11
+    -1.31
+     1.84
+     4.68
+     7.65
+    10.49
+    12.98
+    15.08
+    16.52
+    17.20
+    16.30
+    11.89
+     5.45
+     1.98
+     0.66
+    -0.19
+    -0.93
+    -1.54
+    -2.24
+    -2.83
+    -3.23
+    -3.76
+    -4.04
+    -4.28
+    -4.15
+    -4.02
+    -3.82
+    -3.35
+    -2.86
+    -2.28
+    -1.54
+    -0.81
+     0.15
+     1.02
+     1.84
+     2.74
+     3.42
+     4.14
+     4.64
+     4.97
+     5.22
+     5.36
+     5.19
+     4.86
+     4.49
+     3.70
+     2.99
+     2.04
+     1.15
+     0.04
+    -1.00
+    -2.12
+    -3.27
+    -4.20
+    -5.01
+    -5.78
+    -6.24
+    -6.70
+    -6.79
+    -6.57
+    -6.21
+    -5.61
+    -4.95
+    -4.00
+    -2.71
+    -1.64
+    -0.12
+     1.18
+     2.65
+     3.94
+     5.26
+     6.36
+     7.27
+     7.79
+     8.29
+     8.56
+     8.41
+     7.90
+     7.35
+     6.38
+     5.09
+     3.70
+     2.12
+     0.51
+    -1.16
+    -2.96
+    -4.78
+    -6.26
+    -7.77
+    -8.93
+    -9.79
+   -10.32
+   -10.75
+   -10.67
+   -10.10
+    -9.32
+    -8.07
+    -6.75
+    -4.97
+    -3.01
+    -0.85
+     1.21
+     3.55
+     5.70
+     7.62
+     9.38
+    11.07
+    12.16
+    12.98
+    13.30
+    13.15
+    12.34
+    10.90
+     8.94
+     6.92
+     4.57
+     2.49
+     0.01
+    -2.33
+    -4.66
+    -6.82
+    -8.94
+   -10.88
+   -12.19
+   -13.37
+   -14.20
+   -14.34
+   -14.10
+   -13.49
+   -12.27
+   -10.59
+    -8.57
+    -6.08
+    -3.49
+    -0.55
+     2.38
+     5.48
+     8.29
+    11.00
+    13.22
+    15.33
+    16.71
+    17.05
+    15.79
+    11.01
+     5.13
+     2.03
+     0.60
+    -0.21
+    -1.01
+    -1.82
+    -2.60
+    -3.32
+    -3.77
+    -4.26
+    -4.68
+    -4.79
+    -4.79
+    -4.72
+    -4.29
+    -3.85
+    -3.25
+    -2.56
+    -1.81
+    -0.77
+     0.18
+     1.25
+     2.24
+     3.20
+     3.98
+     4.83
+     5.29
+     5.70
+     6.00
+     6.06
+     6.03
+     5.51
+     4.94
+     4.20
+     3.39
+     2.29
+     1.25
+    -0.07
+    -1.43
+    -2.56
+    -3.77
+    -4.89
+    -5.77
+    -6.71
+    -7.32
+    -7.63
+    -7.74
+    -7.44
+    -7.17
+    -6.55
+    -5.63
+    -4.43
+    -3.11
+    -1.62
+    -0.09
+     1.53
+     3.03
+     4.66
+     6.00
+     7.14
+     8.26
+     9.09
+     9.42
+     9.77
+     9.46
+     9.06
+     8.27
+     7.05
+     5.70
+     4.06
+     2.30
+     0.48
+    -1.64
+    -3.62
+    -5.54
+    -7.19
+    -8.79
+   -10.15
+   -11.24
+   -11.89
+   -12.03
+   -12.00
+   -11.42
+   -10.53
+    -9.20
+    -7.44
+    -5.42
+    -3.30
+    -0.92
+     1.53
+     4.20
+     6.51
+     8.79
+    10.83
+    12.60
+    13.88
+    14.70
+    14.83
+    14.20
+    12.23
+     9.33
+     6.29
+     3.81
+     1.65
+    -0.15
+    -2.19
+    -4.10
+    -5.82
+    -7.44
+    -8.90
+   -10.16
+   -10.95
+   -11.46
+   -11.48
+   -11.38
+   -10.60
+    -9.65
+    -8.29
+    -6.61
+    -4.63
+    -2.25
+     0.03
+     2.44
+     4.85
+     7.03
+     9.08
+    11.09
+    12.43
+    13.67
+    14.20
+    14.16
+    13.53
+    11.84
+     9.31
+     6.79
+     4.34
+     2.15
+    -0.10
+    -2.10
+    -4.34
+    -6.30
+    -8.11
+    -9.73
+   -11.02
+   -12.07
+   -12.71
+   -12.97
+   -12.72
+   -11.91
+   -10.93
+    -9.34
+    -7.44
+    -5.36
+    -3.00
+    -0.36
+     2.27
+     5.03
+     7.48
+    10.05
+    12.04
+    13.81
+    14.96
+    15.70
+    15.36
+    13.69
+    10.16
+     6.08
+     3.25
+     1.51
+    -0.05
+    -1.72
+    -3.09
+    -4.55
+    -5.96
+    -7.07
+    -8.02
+    -8.67
+    -9.05
+    -9.27
+    -9.07
+    -8.54
+    -7.66
+    -6.63
+    -5.20
+    -3.71
+    -1.93
+    -0.09
+     1.91
+     3.67
+     5.48
+     7.17
+     8.77
+    10.01
+    10.92
+    11.43
+    11.55
+    11.31
+    10.62
+     9.50
+     8.23
+     6.40
+     4.45
+     2.46
+     0.16
+    -2.17
+    -4.33
+    -6.71
+    -8.64
+   -10.55
+   -12.05
+   -13.04
+   -13.70
+   -14.11
+   -13.82
+   -13.22
+   -11.94
+   -10.48
+    -8.31
+    -6.06
+    -3.38
+    -0.67
+     2.29
+     5.22
+     7.93
+    10.67
+    12.98
+    14.83
+    16.15
+    16.88
+    15.95
+    12.13
+     6.55
+     2.86
+     1.12
+     0.01
+    -0.97
+    -1.94
+    -2.74
+    -3.64
+    -4.45
+    -5.05
+    -5.34
+    -5.64
+    -5.78
+    -5.75
+    -5.31
+    -4.81
+    -4.19
+    -3.28
+    -2.35
+    -1.33
+    -0.23
+     1.13
+     2.29
+     3.43
+     4.40
+     5.33
+     6.15
+     6.86
+     7.13
+     7.29
+     7.28
+     6.79
+     6.16
+     5.47
+     4.31
+     3.18
+     1.91
+     0.40
+    -1.19
+    -2.51
+    -4.06
+    -5.35
+    -6.67
+    -7.56
+    -8.39
+    -8.98
+    -9.15
+    -9.18
+    -8.67
+    -8.02
+    -6.91
+    -5.79
+    -4.30
+    -2.61
+    -0.85
+     1.22
+     3.12
+     4.90
+     6.55
+     8.09
+     9.47
+    10.58
+    11.27
+    11.56
+    11.51
+    11.01
+    10.09
+     8.64
+     7.06
+     5.32
+     3.28
+     0.95
+    -1.27
+    -3.57
+    -5.90
+    -7.98
+    -9.89
+   -11.50
+   -12.68
+   -13.56
+   -13.99
+   -13.91
+   -13.37
+   -12.51
+   -11.04
+    -9.09
+    -6.93
+    -4.50
+    -1.61
+     1.15
+     4.15
+     7.04
+     9.62
+    11.99
+    14.19
+    15.70
+    16.75
+    16.50
+    13.96
+     8.66
+     3.96
+     1.58
+     0.33
+    -0.60
+    -1.63
+    -2.48
+    -3.36
+    -4.21
+    -4.88
+    -5.24
+    -5.69
+    -5.84
+    -5.88
+    -5.51
+    -5.22
+    -4.56
+    -3.83
+    -2.86
+    -1.82
+    -0.51
+     0.55
+     1.74
+     2.92
+     4.17
+     5.15
+     5.91
+     6.57
+     7.17
+     7.41
+     7.23
+     7.08
+     6.47
+     5.73
+     4.80
+     3.70
+     2.32
+     0.89
+    -0.57
+    -1.97
+    -3.48
+    -4.91
+    -6.30
+    -7.36
+    -8.13
+    -8.89
+    -9.18
+    -9.27
+    -9.01
+    -8.47
+    -7.38
+    -6.25
+    -4.95
+    -3.34
+    -1.40
+     0.33
+     2.33
+     4.29
+     5.99
+     7.70
+     9.12
+    10.28
+    11.12
+    11.58
+    11.50
+    11.14
+    10.37
+     9.25
+     7.80
+     5.94
+     4.06
+     1.91
+    -0.33
+    -2.64
+    -5.09
+    -7.15
+    -9.15
+   -10.98
+   -12.35
+   -13.34
+   -13.96
+   -14.03
+   -13.71
+   -12.97
+   -11.61
+    -9.88
+    -7.96
+    -5.53
+    -2.84
+     0.11
+     2.98
+     5.89
+     8.59
+    11.21
+    13.54
+    15.20
+    16.48
+    16.84
+    15.33
+    10.71
+     5.07
+     2.13
+     0.83
+    -0.32
+    -1.13
+    -2.20
+    -3.05
+    -3.80
+    -4.39
+    -4.94
+    -5.36
+    -5.65
+    -5.56
+    -5.39
+    -5.10
+    -4.57
+    -3.80
+    -2.94
+    -1.95
+    -0.85
+     0.19
+     1.42
+     2.56
+     3.56
+     4.59
+     5.54
+     6.14
+     6.71
+     7.06
+     7.20
+     6.93
+     6.43
+     5.96
+     5.01
+     3.97
+     2.64
+     1.31
+     0.00
+    -1.47
+    -2.97
+    -4.44
+    -5.71
+    -6.80
+    -7.77
+    -8.31
+    -8.84
+    -8.91
+    -8.74
+    -8.36
+    -7.60
+    -6.49
+    -5.18
+    -3.64
+    -2.00
+    -0.23
+     1.54
+     3.49
+     5.20
+     6.95
+     8.41
+     9.54
+    10.51
+    11.13
+    11.24
+    11.06
+    10.48
+     9.44
+     8.17
+     6.43
+     4.73
+     2.69
+     0.32
+    -1.90
+    -4.13
+    -6.32
+    -8.27
+   -10.16
+   -11.57
+   -12.68
+   -13.51
+   -13.73
+   -13.61
+   -12.94
+   -11.94
+   -10.46
+    -8.48
+    -6.16
+    -3.58
+    -0.92
+     1.94
+     4.82
+     7.46
+    10.23
+    12.40
+    14.40
+    15.76
+    16.51
+    16.00
+    13.30
+     8.20
+     3.95
+     1.80
+     0.36
+    -0.73
+    -1.73
+    -2.78
+    -3.91
+    -4.60
+    -5.44
+    -5.91
+    -6.43
+    -6.57
+    -6.43
+    -6.19
+    -5.66
+    -5.15
+    -4.15
+    -3.09
+    -1.84
+    -0.59
+     0.75
+     2.05
+     3.52
+     4.65
+     5.78
+     6.77
+     7.55
+     7.96
+     8.24
+     8.15
+     7.86
+     7.41
+     6.55
+     5.45
+     4.15
+     2.68
+     0.96
+    -0.70
+    -2.32
+    -4.01
+    -5.60
+    -7.17
+    -8.33
+    -9.20
+   -10.01
+   -10.40
+   -10.30
+   -10.05
+    -9.32
+    -8.45
+    -7.01
+    -5.44
+    -3.49
+    -1.52
+     0.57
+     2.72
+     4.89
+     6.82
+     8.61
+    10.28
+    11.58
+    12.53
+    12.91
+    12.90
+    12.41
+    11.20
+     9.78
+     7.75
+     5.70
+     3.44
+     1.14
+    -1.20
+    -3.64
+    -6.00
+    -8.14
+   -10.11
+   -11.72
+   -13.18
+   -14.06
+   -14.49
+   -14.39
+   -13.93
+   -12.88
+   -11.38
+    -9.65
+    -7.30
+    -4.65
+    -1.84
+     1.17
+     4.14
+     7.16
+     9.93
+    12.47
+    14.64
+    16.33
+    17.11
+    16.68
+    13.20
+     6.79
+     2.67
+     0.83
+    -0.08
+    -0.69
+    -1.41
+    -2.04
+    -2.75
+    -3.41
+    -3.85
+    -4.04
+    -4.36
+    -4.31
+    -4.31
+    -4.12
+    -3.63
+    -3.24
+    -2.56
+    -1.70
+    -1.03
+    -0.18
+     0.73
+     1.73
+     2.63
+     3.48
+     4.10
+     4.75
+     5.05
+     5.42
+     5.44
+     5.43
+     5.19
+     4.62
+     3.99
+     3.39
+     2.33
+     1.45
+     0.32
+    -0.83
+    -2.03
+    -3.03
+    -4.15
+    -5.10
+    -5.84
+    -6.46
+    -6.72
+    -7.02
+    -6.87
+    -6.65
+    -6.00
+    -5.36
+    -4.24
+    -3.17
+    -1.98
+    -0.59
+     0.80
+     2.30
+     3.64
+     5.04
+     6.27
+     7.20
+     8.01
+     8.58
+     8.76
+     8.68
+     8.41
+     7.67
+     6.79
+     5.59
+     4.12
+     2.64
+     0.96
+    -0.95
+    -2.60
+    -4.47
+    -6.01
+    -7.68
+    -8.87
+    -9.93
+   -10.66
+   -10.98
+   -10.86
+   -10.51
+    -9.79
+    -8.74
+    -7.29
+    -5.51
+    -3.55
+    -1.42
+     0.85
+     2.97
+     5.34
+     7.40
+     9.23
+    10.97
+    12.40
+    13.13
+    13.60
+    13.61
+    12.71
+    11.22
+     9.29
+     7.05
+     4.63
+     2.38
+     0.18
+    -2.19
+    -4.37
+    -6.65
+    -8.69
+   -10.34
+   -11.92
+   -13.02
+   -13.76
+   -14.00
+   -13.71
+   -13.05
+   -12.03
+   -10.33
+    -8.37
+    -6.06
+    -3.50
+    -0.73
+     2.20
+     5.21
+     7.92
+    10.52
+    12.78
+    14.77
+    16.06
+    16.88
+    15.96
+    12.31
+     6.60
+     2.96
+     1.09
+     0.15
+    -0.93
+    -1.90
+    -2.76
+    -3.73
+    -4.46
+    -5.06
+    -5.54
+    -5.74
+    -5.98
+    -5.71
+    -5.52
+    -4.92
+    -4.36
+    -3.50
+    -2.39
+    -1.30
+    -0.24
+     0.97
+     2.28
+     3.52
+     4.49
+     5.38
+     6.23
+     6.91
+     7.22
+     7.44
+     7.29
+     6.90
+     6.46
+     5.47
+     4.57
+     3.23
+     1.94
+     0.36
+    -1.09
+    -2.61
+    -4.09
+    -5.48
+    -6.79
+    -7.74
+    -8.49
+    -9.14
+    -9.41
+    -9.22
+    -8.91
+    -8.10
+    -7.09
+    -5.85
+    -4.40
+    -2.72
+    -0.86
+     1.17
+     3.08
+     4.94
+     6.61
+     8.30
+     9.70
+    10.66
+    11.47
+    11.67
+    11.67
+    11.15
+    10.14
+     8.83
+     7.28
+     5.41
+     3.21
+     1.02
+    -1.18
+    -3.62
+    -5.79
+    -7.98
+   -10.00
+   -11.63
+   -12.81
+   -13.71
+   -14.13
+   -14.10
+   -13.57
+   -12.71
+   -11.09
+    -9.29
+    -7.03
+    -4.44
+    -1.82
+     1.16
+     4.15
+     6.98
+     9.71
+    12.24
+    14.21
+    15.86
+    16.89
+    16.54
+    13.72
+     8.14
+     3.45
+     1.41
+     0.19
+    -0.69
+    -1.58
+    -2.41
+    -3.07
+    -3.78
+    -4.49
+    -4.95
+    -5.20
+    -5.23
+    -5.23
+    -4.99
+    -4.72
+    -4.02
+    -3.35
+    -2.45
+    -1.39
+    -0.44
+     0.75
+     1.77
+     2.84
+     3.80
+     4.73
+     5.60
+     6.20
+     6.43
+     6.81
+     6.58
+     6.45
+     5.99
+     5.19
+     4.23
+     3.28
+     1.95
+     0.63
+    -0.64
+    -2.15
+    -3.46
+    -4.67
+    -5.74
+    -6.92
+    -7.64
+    -8.09
+    -8.50
+    -8.42
+    -8.09
+    -7.54
+    -6.70
+    -5.64
+    -4.31
+    -2.69
+    -1.06
+     0.62
+     2.38
+     4.11
+     5.61
+     7.13
+     8.46
+     9.39
+    10.17
+    10.59
+    10.52
+    10.23
+     9.63
+     8.45
+     7.14
+     5.56
+     3.54
+     1.68
+    -0.48
+    -2.76
+    -4.80
+    -6.87
+    -8.65
+   -10.26
+   -11.53
+   -12.54
+   -13.11
+   -13.14
+   -12.93
+   -12.05
+   -10.84
+    -9.15
+    -7.27
+    -4.88
+    -2.43
+     0.25
+     3.09
+     5.63
+     8.30
+    10.72
+    12.64
+    14.43
+    15.46
+    15.92
+    15.29
+    12.69
+     8.25
+     4.45
+     2.12
+     0.62
+    -0.88
+    -2.12
+    -3.51
+    -4.84
+    -5.79
+    -6.79
+    -7.56
+    -8.02
+    -8.30
+    -8.35
+    -7.94
+    -7.49
+    -6.58
+    -5.48
+    -4.16
+    -2.63
+    -0.89
+     0.66
+     2.46
+     4.09
+     5.73
+     7.33
+     8.41
+     9.43
+    10.20
+    10.56
+    10.38
+     9.99
+     9.29
+     8.20
+     6.99
+     5.22
+     3.34
+     1.39
+    -0.62
+    -2.82
+    -4.90
+    -6.92
+    -8.82
+   -10.25
+   -11.56
+   -12.40
+   -12.95
+   -12.99
+   -12.74
+   -11.76
+   -10.54
+    -8.87
+    -6.86
+    -4.73
+    -2.17
+     0.49
+     3.17
+     5.89
+     8.52
+    10.71
+    12.76
+    14.43
+    15.39
+    15.80
+    15.09
+    12.48
+     8.26
+     4.67
+     2.35
+     0.68
+    -0.80
+    -2.14
+    -3.71
+    -4.88
+    -6.07
+    -7.26
+    -8.00
+    -8.51
+    -8.81
+    -8.76
+    -8.35
+    -7.90
+    -6.97
+    -5.80
+    -4.30
+    -2.71
+    -1.10
+     0.70
+     2.56
+     4.30
+     6.06
+     7.48
+     8.89
+     9.95
+    10.69
+    11.09
+    10.98
+    10.61
+     9.82
+     8.68
+     7.18
+     5.48
+     3.60
+     1.57
+    -0.75
+    -2.94
+    -5.07
+    -7.18
+    -9.14
+   -10.71
+   -12.16
+   -13.06
+   -13.56
+   -13.67
+   -13.14
+   -12.41
+   -11.05
+    -9.38
+    -7.25
+    -4.91
+    -2.26
+     0.41
+     3.37
+     6.03
+     8.84
+    11.23
+    13.32
+    15.03
+    16.04
+    16.44
+    15.16
+    11.24
+     6.34
+     3.08
+     1.36
+    -0.01
+    -1.17
+    -2.40
+    -3.55
+    -4.53
+    -5.32
+    -6.06
+    -6.59
+    -6.97
+    -6.98
+    -6.87
+    -6.53
+    -6.01
+    -5.21
+    -4.16
+    -2.96
+    -1.51
+    -0.24
+     1.40
+     2.80
+     4.13
+     5.43
+     6.61
+     7.64
+     8.39
+     8.78
+     8.82
+     8.82
+     8.40
+     7.53
+     6.65
+     5.36
+     3.91
+     2.22
+     0.37
+    -1.30
+    -3.13
+    -5.00
+    -6.55
+    -8.19
+    -9.24
+   -10.22
+   -10.89
+   -11.17
+   -11.13
+   -10.58
+    -9.77
+    -8.42
+    -6.94
+    -5.13
+    -3.11
+    -0.88
+     1.48
+     3.75
+     5.99
+     8.16
+    10.05
+    11.52
+    12.83
+    13.51
+    13.86
+    13.53
+    12.50
+    10.81
+     8.43
+     6.12
+     3.84
+     1.50
+    -0.80
+    -2.92
+    -5.13
+    -7.20
+    -9.12
+   -10.80
+   -12.14
+   -13.19
+   -13.69
+   -13.75
+   -13.36
+   -12.42
+   -11.23
+    -9.37
+    -7.41
+    -4.94
+    -2.18
+     0.42
+     3.35
+     6.11
+     8.86
+    11.21
+    13.35
+    15.03
+    16.29
+    16.41
+    14.98
+    10.89
+     5.91
+     2.68
+     0.99
+    -0.21
+    -1.23
+    -2.40
+    -3.39
+    -4.31
+    -5.22
+    -5.79
+    -6.29
+    -6.66
+    -6.81
+    -6.62
+    -6.17
+    -5.49
+    -4.86
+    -3.85
+    -2.71
+    -1.39
+     0.09
+     1.40
+     2.78
+     4.19
+     5.30
+     6.38
+     7.31
+     8.01
+     8.38
+     8.53
+     8.33
+     7.81
+     7.16
+     6.05
+     4.88
+     3.46
+     1.97
+     0.21
+    -1.45
+    -3.18
+    -4.91
+    -6.55
+    -7.84
+    -9.07
+    -9.88
+   -10.47
+   -10.62
+   -10.47
+    -9.92
+    -9.17
+    -7.88
+    -6.53
+    -4.60
+    -2.62
+    -0.69
+     1.63
+     3.72
+     5.94
+     7.90
+     9.77
+    11.07
+    12.33
+    12.94
+    13.20
+    12.99
+    12.16
+    10.70
+     8.82
+     6.58
+     4.30
+     2.18
+    -0.30
+    -2.69
+    -4.87
+    -7.16
+    -9.12
+   -10.98
+   -12.56
+   -13.54
+   -14.25
+   -14.37
+   -14.14
+   -13.41
+   -11.99
+   -10.36
+    -8.14
+    -5.67
+    -3.00
+    -0.15
+     2.90
+     5.77
+     8.76
+    11.24
+    13.61
+    15.57
+    16.73
+    17.13
+    15.24
+    10.10
+     4.35
+     1.67
+     0.49
+    -0.31
+    -1.23
+    -2.03
+    -2.68
+    -3.26
+    -3.91
+    -4.21
+    -4.61
+    -4.71
+    -4.64
+    -4.63
+    -4.16
+    -3.83
+    -3.09
+    -2.37
+    -1.46
+    -0.56
+     0.43
+     1.43
+     2.39
+     3.13
+     4.12
+     4.74
+     5.36
+     5.78
+     5.97
+     6.06
+     5.88
+     5.47
+     4.76
+     4.15
+     3.08
+     2.04
+     0.89
+    -0.33
+    -1.52
+    -2.81
+    -3.86
+    -4.88
+    -5.87
+    -6.67
+    -7.10
+    -7.45
+    -7.56
+    -7.36
+    -6.91
+    -6.32
+    -5.37
+    -4.15
+    -2.95
+    -1.37
+     0.10
+     1.72
+     3.18
+     4.71
+     6.01
+     7.21
+     8.26
+     9.08
+     9.44
+     9.57
+     9.37
+     8.83
+     8.02
+     6.86
+     5.31
+     3.72
+     2.03
+     0.04
+    -1.86
+    -3.82
+    -5.67
+    -7.30
+    -8.83
+   -10.16
+   -11.08
+   -11.67
+   -11.82
+   -11.75
+   -11.08
+   -10.15
+    -8.68
+    -7.15
+    -5.07
+    -2.89
+    -0.56
+     2.08
+     4.43
+     6.86
+     8.96
+    10.90
+    12.58
+    13.75
+    14.61
+    14.63
+    14.00
+    12.00
+     9.36
+     6.30
+     3.78
+     1.74
+    -0.19
+    -2.15
+    -4.27
+    -6.07
+    -7.86
+    -9.30
+   -10.53
+   -11.46
+   -11.90
+   -12.05
+   -11.91
+   -11.19
+   -10.15
+    -8.62
+    -6.91
+    -4.86
+    -2.51
+     0.02
+     2.44
+     4.90
+     7.30
+     9.47
+    11.43
+    13.04
+    14.12
+    14.74
+    14.73
+    13.68
+    11.48
+     8.28
+     5.30
+     3.16
+     1.18
+    -0.83
+    -2.85
+    -4.56
+    -6.42
+    -8.07
+    -9.25
+   -10.44
+   -11.16
+   -11.48
+   -11.53
+   -11.23
+   -10.33
+    -9.32
+    -7.85
+    -5.93
+    -3.94
+    -1.69
+     0.75
+     3.18
+     5.57
+     7.84
+     9.72
+    11.49
+    12.99
+    13.96
+    14.32
+    14.21
+    13.04
+    11.02
+     8.46
+     5.79
+     3.47
+     1.40
+    -0.74
+    -2.89
+    -4.84
+    -6.86
+    -8.60
+   -10.19
+   -11.43
+   -12.31
+   -12.67
+   -12.69
+   -12.36
+   -11.52
+   -10.35
+    -8.77
+    -6.71
+    -4.44
+    -1.99
+     0.51
+     3.18
+     5.90
+     8.29
+    10.61
+    12.62
+    14.14
+    15.26
+    15.69
+    15.09
+    12.70
+     8.87
+     5.40
+     2.78
+     1.09
+    -0.61
+    -2.06
+    -3.71
+    -5.08
+    -6.40
+    -7.54
+    -8.44
+    -9.08
+    -9.50
+    -9.44
+    -9.18
+    -8.67
+    -7.61
+    -6.48
+    -5.11
+    -3.35
+    -1.49
+     0.49
+     2.39
+     4.41
+     6.17
+     7.91
+     9.28
+    10.62
+    11.31
+    11.94
+    11.99
+    11.59
+    10.70
+     9.47
+     7.95
+     5.98
+     4.02
+     1.79
+    -0.57
+    -2.94
+    -5.25
+    -7.50
+    -9.37
+   -11.08
+   -12.61
+   -13.64
+   -14.31
+   -14.32
+   -13.90
+   -13.11
+   -11.89
+   -10.07
+    -7.88
+    -5.34
+    -2.75
+     0.20
+     3.20
+     6.18
+     8.90
+    11.50
+    13.73
+    15.66
+    16.77
+    16.95
+    14.91
+     9.45
+     4.05
+     1.58
+     0.44
+    -0.43
+    -1.33
+    -2.10
+    -2.74
+    -3.41
+    -3.92
+    -4.39
+    -4.73
+    -4.90
+    -4.95
+    -4.73
+    -4.35
+    -3.84
+    -3.16
+    -2.37
+    -1.47
+    -0.52
+     0.36
+     1.46
+     2.38
+     3.31
+     4.31
+     5.00
+     5.64
+     6.04
+     6.15
+     6.24
+     6.00
+     5.59
+     4.90
+     4.18
+     3.17
+     2.06
+     0.90
+    -0.44
+    -1.57
+    -2.97
+    -4.09
+    -5.14
+    -6.19
+    -6.90
+    -7.39
+    -7.77
+    -7.91
+    -7.60
+    -7.13
+    -6.28
+    -5.30
+    -4.28
+    -2.78
+    -1.33
+     0.21
+     1.82
+     3.40
+     4.94
+     6.36
+     7.56
+     8.56
+     9.42
+     9.72
+     9.87
+     9.62
+     8.94
+     8.21
+     6.94
+     5.47
+     3.67
+     1.87
+    -0.12
+    -2.14
+    -3.98
+    -6.02
+    -7.76
+    -9.21
+   -10.67
+   -11.54
+   -12.17
+   -12.26
+   -11.98
+   -11.44
+   -10.46
+    -8.97
+    -7.22
+    -5.12
+    -2.70
+    -0.20
+     2.24
+     4.81
+     7.30
+     9.56
+    11.45
+    13.22
+    14.33
+    14.97
+    14.96
+    13.79
+    11.36
+     8.08
+     5.06
+     2.81
+     0.86
+    -0.98
+    -2.87
+    -4.48
+    -6.14
+    -7.64
+    -8.96
+    -9.94
+   -10.58
+   -11.04
+   -10.87
+   -10.46
+    -9.78
+    -8.64
+    -7.22
+    -5.43
+    -3.40
+    -1.30
+     0.89
+     3.27
+     5.49
+     7.57
+     9.55
+    11.10
+    12.38
+    13.38
+    13.75
+    13.48
+    12.62
+    11.17
+     9.11
+     6.82
+     4.57
+     2.17
+    -0.05
+    -2.30
+    -4.61
+    -6.67
+    -8.68
+   -10.58
+   -11.96
+   -13.18
+   -13.82
+   -13.88
+   -13.73
+   -13.01
+   -11.81
+   -10.20
+    -8.12
+    -5.74
+    -3.14
+    -0.40
+     2.49
+     5.34
+     8.14
+    10.67
+    13.06
+    14.84
+    16.25
+    16.76
+    15.70
+    11.92
+     6.34
+     2.86
+     1.07
+    -0.10
+    -0.96
+    -1.98
+    -3.01
+    -3.83
+    -4.55
+    -5.26
+    -5.69
+    -5.87
+    -5.91
+    -5.85
+    -5.64
+    -5.11
+    -4.28
+    -3.55
+    -2.49
+    -1.31
+    -0.20
+     1.11
+     2.44
+     3.54
+     4.59
+     5.68
+     6.43
+     7.02
+     7.46
+     7.57
+     7.41
+     7.09
+     6.52
+     5.64
+     4.54
+     3.33
+     1.83
+     0.38
+    -1.20
+    -2.76
+    -4.23
+    -5.73
+    -6.93
+    -7.94
+    -8.67
+    -9.28
+    -9.62
+    -9.51
+    -9.10
+    -8.36
+    -7.20
+    -6.02
+    -4.47
+    -2.55
+    -0.73
+     1.19
+     3.23
+     5.08
+     6.93
+     8.46
+     9.89
+    10.88
+    11.67
+    11.98
+    11.80
+    11.18
+    10.21
+     8.91
+     7.27
+     5.23
+     3.20
+     0.88
+    -1.49
+    -3.89
+    -6.12
+    -8.29
+   -10.10
+   -11.78
+   -13.06
+   -13.97
+   -14.38
+   -14.29
+   -13.66
+   -12.56
+   -11.23
+    -9.20
+    -6.96
+    -4.40
+    -1.49
+     1.46
+     4.31
+     7.24
+    10.01
+    12.40
+    14.52
+    16.17
+    17.01
+    16.63
+    13.08
+     7.09
+     2.90
+     1.03
+     0.00
+    -0.74
+    -1.52
+    -2.42
+    -3.02
+    -3.69
+    -4.24
+    -4.61
+    -4.86
+    -4.97
+    -4.93
+    -4.59
+    -4.27
+    -3.57
+    -2.98
+    -2.08
+    -1.20
+    -0.24
+     0.89
+     1.79
+     2.94
+     3.72
+     4.52
+     5.22
+     5.69
+     6.06
+     6.29
+     6.19
+     5.76
+     5.34
+     4.68
+     3.77
+     2.78
+     1.62
+     0.30
+    -0.89
+    -2.19
+    -3.36
+    -4.48
+    -5.66
+    -6.42
+    -7.18
+    -7.59
+    -7.85
+    -7.84
+    -7.36
+    -6.92
+    -5.96
+    -4.97
+    -3.70
+    -2.19
+    -0.77
+     0.95
+     2.50
+     4.05
+     5.53
+     6.89
+     8.00
+     8.96
+     9.45
+     9.76
+     9.81
+     9.35
+     8.62
+     7.65
+     6.33
+     4.78
+     3.15
+     1.17
+    -0.83
+    -2.91
+    -4.87
+    -6.65
+    -8.39
+    -9.89
+   -11.10
+   -11.78
+   -12.23
+   -12.20
+   -11.96
+   -10.99
+    -9.91
+    -8.36
+    -6.28
+    -4.27
+    -1.87
+     0.75
+     3.31
+     5.72
+     8.11
+    10.24
+    12.10
+    13.70
+    14.75
+    15.19
+    14.72
+    13.10
+    10.18
+     6.74
+     3.97
+     1.88
+     0.05
+    -1.73
+    -3.54
+    -5.14
+    -6.74
+    -8.16
+    -9.38
+   -10.34
+   -10.70
+   -10.92
+   -10.79
+   -10.22
+    -9.34
+    -7.98
+    -6.45
+    -4.71
+    -2.64
+    -0.50
+     1.87
+     4.16
+     6.28
+     8.39
+    10.19
+    11.68
+    12.75
+    13.54
+    13.69
+    13.34
+    12.16
+    10.35
+     8.13
+     5.91
+     3.65
+     1.33
+    -0.80
+    -3.14
+    -5.52
+    -7.61
+    -9.62
+   -11.09
+   -12.57
+   -13.50
+   -13.93
+   -13.94
+   -13.57
+   -12.67
+   -11.32
+    -9.54
+    -7.35
+    -4.81
+    -2.11
+     0.64
+     3.66
+     6.50
+     9.16
+    11.64
+    13.83
+    15.53
+    16.65
+    16.72
+    14.64
+     9.70
+     4.47
+     1.87
+     0.70
+    -0.33
+    -1.44
+    -2.30
+    -3.22
+    -4.01
+    -4.64
+    -5.35
+    -5.69
+    -5.76
+    -5.82
+    -5.65
+    -5.21
+    -4.64
+    -3.85
+    -2.98
+    -1.87
+    -0.85
+     0.49
+     1.70
+     2.86
+     3.97
+     4.90
+     5.85
+     6.56
+     7.09
+     7.33
+     7.35
+     7.15
+     6.70
+     6.08
+     5.00
+     3.98
+     2.60
+     1.24
+    -0.19
+    -1.78
+    -3.33
+    -4.84
+    -6.04
+    -7.23
+    -8.08
+    -8.77
+    -9.27
+    -9.32
+    -9.14
+    -8.59
+    -7.78
+    -6.63
+    -5.12
+    -3.51
+    -1.81
+     0.04
+     2.05
+     3.95
+     5.73
+     7.49
+     8.90
+    10.19
+    11.05
+    11.51
+    11.69
+    11.51
+    10.60
+     9.57
+     8.20
+     6.46
+     4.30
+     2.17
+    -0.01
+    -2.28
+    -4.62
+    -6.93
+    -8.88
+   -10.68
+   -12.27
+   -13.32
+   -13.96
+   -14.16
+   -14.00
+   -13.25
+   -11.90
+   -10.31
+    -8.36
+    -5.84
+    -3.30
+    -0.33
+     2.49
+     5.44
+     8.39
+    10.92
+    13.17
+    15.05
+    16.43
+    16.86
+    15.72
+    11.39
+     5.70
+     2.43
+     0.85
+    -0.08
+    -1.05
+    -2.02
+    -2.86
+    -3.56
+    -4.26
+    -4.76
+    -5.14
+    -5.47
+    -5.34
+    -5.27
+    -4.87
+    -4.39
+    -3.74
+    -2.93
+    -2.05
+    -0.94
+     0.00
+     1.11
+     2.42
+     3.38
+     4.39
+     5.24
+     5.97
+     6.48
+     6.75
+     6.77
+     6.70
+     6.27
+     5.81
+     4.83
+     3.99
+     2.74
+     1.53
+     0.12
+    -1.28
+    -2.71
+    -4.04
+    -5.41
+    -6.52
+    -7.34
+    -8.04
+    -8.48
+    -8.60
+    -8.55
+    -8.06
+    -7.26
+    -6.40
+    -5.23
+    -3.80
+    -2.06
+    -0.33
+     1.35
+     3.21
+     4.86
+     6.42
+     8.00
+     9.16
+     9.93
+    10.57
+    10.90
+    10.78
+    10.22
+     9.30
+     8.13
+     6.57
+     4.81
+     2.68
+     0.71
+    -1.48
+    -3.70
+    -5.78
+    -7.80
+    -9.63
+   -11.15
+   -12.28
+   -13.12
+   -13.43
+   -13.22
+   -12.80
+   -11.65
+   -10.30
+    -8.46
+    -6.33
+    -3.82
+    -1.24
+     1.42
+     4.20
+     7.08
+     9.63
+    11.78
+    13.79
+    15.31
+    16.06
+    15.94
+    14.21
+    10.13
+     5.55
+     2.79
+     1.18
+    -0.16
+    -1.55
+    -2.86
+    -4.04
+    -5.15
+    -5.96
+    -6.77
+    -7.38
+    -7.73
+    -7.72
+    -7.55
+    -7.13
+    -6.28
+    -5.40
+    -4.31
+    -2.96
+    -1.55
+     0.19
+     1.80
+     3.26
+     4.90
+     6.17
+     7.47
+     8.53
+     9.15
+     9.60
+     9.75
+     9.46
+     9.02
+     8.19
+     6.96
+     5.58
+     3.95
+     2.14
+     0.09
+    -1.89
+    -3.96
+    -5.71
+    -7.50
+    -9.19
+   -10.48
+   -11.31
+   -11.89
+   -12.15
+   -11.94
+   -11.31
+   -10.32
+    -8.96
+    -7.19
+    -5.19
+    -2.85
+    -0.51
+     1.94
+     4.60
+     6.94
+     9.24
+    11.20
+    12.81
+    14.17
+    14.86
+    14.94
+    13.95
+    11.85
+     8.56
+     5.60
+     3.20
+     1.21
+    -0.71
+    -2.62
+    -4.42
+    -6.09
+    -7.60
+    -8.95
+   -10.02
+   -10.84
+   -11.22
+   -11.24
+   -11.01
+   -10.20
+    -9.23
+    -7.76
+    -5.95
+    -4.07
+    -1.73
+     0.59
+     2.85
+     5.24
+     7.31
+     9.50
+    11.15
+    12.52
+    13.62
+    14.04
+    13.91
+    13.17
+    11.43
+     9.08
+     6.61
+     4.28
+     2.07
+    -0.18
+    -2.38
+    -4.51
+    -6.67
+    -8.51
+   -10.10
+   -11.60
+   -12.59
+   -13.30
+   -13.48
+   -13.16
+   -12.36
+   -11.26
+    -9.65
+    -7.71
+    -5.38
+    -2.96
+    -0.17
+     2.51
+     5.32
+     7.91
+    10.52
+    12.63
+    14.42
+    15.64
+    16.19
+    15.68
+    12.90
+     8.39
+     4.43
+     2.16
+     0.55
+    -0.73
+    -2.05
+    -3.16
+    -4.46
+    -5.55
+    -6.44
+    -7.06
+    -7.60
+    -7.71
+    -7.81
+    -7.36
+    -6.86
+    -5.97
+    -5.07
+    -3.75
+    -2.34
+    -0.95
+     0.79
+     2.37
+     3.90
+     5.39
+     6.71
+     7.91
+     8.79
+     9.44
+     9.75
+     9.67
+     9.39
+     8.77
+     7.82
+     6.54
+     4.90
+     3.12
+     1.27
+    -0.62
+    -2.63
+    -4.56
+    -6.47
+    -8.23
+    -9.57
+   -10.81
+   -11.69
+   -12.12
+   -12.18
+   -11.92
+   -11.15
+   -10.00
+    -8.44
+    -6.52
+    -4.37
+    -2.14
+     0.43
+     2.94
+     5.46
+     7.89
+    10.02
+    11.86
+    13.47
+    14.43
+    15.00
+    14.63
+    13.42
+    10.69
+     7.29
+     4.63
+     2.29
+     0.49
+    -1.33
+    -3.28
+    -4.95
+    -6.63
+    -8.15
+    -9.48
+   -10.30
+   -10.89
+   -11.28
+   -11.06
+   -10.74
+    -9.77
+    -8.63
+    -6.96
+    -5.14
+    -3.07
+    -0.91
+     1.41
+     3.69
+     5.96
+     8.26
+    10.00
+    11.59
+    12.86
+    13.68
+    13.93
+    13.58
+    12.50
+    10.66
+     8.28
+     5.84
+     3.62
+     1.36
+    -0.85
+    -3.05
+    -5.23
+    -7.43
+    -9.19
+   -10.91
+   -12.12
+   -12.94
+   -13.51
+   -13.46
+   -13.11
+   -12.13
+   -10.81
+    -9.25
+    -7.00
+    -4.66
+    -2.04
+     0.77
+     3.46
+     6.25
+     8.89
+    11.26
+    13.35
+    15.09
+    16.08
+    16.24
+    14.91
+    11.16
+     6.21
+     2.94
+     1.21
+     0.03
+    -1.20
+    -2.39
+    -3.51
+    -4.52
+    -5.52
+    -6.29
+    -6.84
+    -7.13
+    -7.31
+    -7.15
+    -6.66
+    -6.16
+    -5.31
+    -4.14
+    -3.01
+    -1.49
+    -0.20
+     1.31
+     2.90
+     4.30
+     5.71
+     6.75
+     7.70
+     8.60
+     9.05
+     9.22
+     9.03
+     8.58
+     7.74
+     6.64
+     5.37
+     3.84
+     2.15
+     0.39
+    -1.41
+    -3.28
+    -5.16
+    -6.75
+    -8.33
+    -9.61
+   -10.49
+   -11.09
+   -11.34
+   -11.21
+   -10.82
+    -9.89
+    -8.62
+    -7.02
+    -5.14
+    -3.09
+    -0.79
+     1.45
+     3.89
+     6.28
+     8.32
+    10.25
+    11.96
+    13.13
+    13.90
+    14.11
+    13.75
+    12.51
+    10.53
+     7.92
+     5.41
+     3.05
+     1.07
+    -1.22
+    -3.47
+    -5.45
+    -7.39
+    -9.23
+   -10.70
+   -11.98
+   -12.76
+   -13.11
+   -13.24
+   -12.72
+   -11.67
+   -10.38
+    -8.67
+    -6.63
+    -4.22
+    -1.63
+     1.17
+     3.87
+     6.64
+     9.18
+    11.47
+    13.35
+    14.87
+    15.75
+    16.06
+    14.72
+    11.18
+     6.66
+     3.51
+     1.60
+     0.15
+    -1.29
+    -2.51
+    -3.83
+    -5.16
+    -6.15
+    -6.98
+    -7.65
+    -8.00
+    -8.19
+    -8.13
+    -7.68
+    -6.92
+    -6.04
+    -4.97
+    -3.53
+    -1.90
+    -0.25
+     1.31
+     2.95
+     4.61
+     6.31
+     7.51
+     8.71
+     9.61
+    10.18
+    10.35
+    10.16
+     9.74
+     8.98
+     7.77
+     6.20
+     4.49
+     2.75
+     0.62
+    -1.45
+    -3.53
+    -5.55
+    -7.53
+    -9.13
+   -10.56
+   -11.71
+   -12.49
+   -12.79
+   -12.77
+   -12.28
+   -11.24
+    -9.87
+    -8.12
+    -6.15
+    -3.68
+    -1.30
+     1.45
+     4.16
+     6.78
+     9.12
+    11.41
+    13.15
+    14.70
+    15.47
+    15.67
+    14.56
+    11.50
+     7.51
+     4.14
+     2.15
+     0.41
+    -1.19
+    -2.58
+    -4.03
+    -5.45
+    -6.63
+    -7.66
+    -8.49
+    -9.13
+    -9.36
+    -9.16
+    -8.78
+    -8.11
+    -7.18
+    -5.85
+    -4.39
+    -2.59
+    -0.79
+     1.18
+     3.06
+     4.91
+     6.78
+     8.27
+     9.62
+    10.58
+    11.34
+    11.58
+    11.65
+    11.03
+    10.18
+     8.71
+     7.09
+     5.30
+     3.13
+     1.07
+    -1.36
+    -3.55
+    -5.99
+    -7.94
+    -9.88
+   -11.58
+   -12.73
+   -13.76
+   -14.20
+   -14.18
+   -13.63
+   -12.49
+   -11.09
+    -9.17
+    -7.08
+    -4.36
+    -1.73
+     1.19
+     4.27
+     7.04
+     9.85
+    12.24
+    14.26
+    16.00
+    16.77
+    16.62
+    13.78
+     8.05
+     3.45
+     1.42
+     0.33
+    -0.71
+    -1.65
+    -2.46
+    -3.28
+    -4.02
+    -4.57
+    -4.97
+    -5.30
+    -5.53
+    -5.36
+    -5.09
+    -4.71
+    -4.11
+    -3.38
+    -2.43
+    -1.40
+    -0.50
+     0.69
+     1.74
+     2.82
+     3.86
+     4.85
+     5.68
+     6.28
+     6.60
+     6.83
+     6.84
+     6.49
+     5.96
+     5.33
+     4.36
+     3.21
+     1.97
+     0.76
+    -0.68
+    -1.99
+    -3.46
+    -4.88
+    -6.05
+    -7.06
+    -7.78
+    -8.40
+    -8.70
+    -8.61
+    -8.41
+    -7.77
+    -6.88
+    -5.81
+    -4.32
+    -2.84
+    -1.26
+     0.63
+     2.48
+     4.06
+     5.87
+     7.39
+     8.62
+     9.61
+    10.39
+    10.85
+    10.93
+    10.45
+     9.67
+     8.73
+     7.17
+     5.58
+     3.69
+     1.68
+    -0.60
+    -2.64
+    -4.90
+    -6.93
+    -8.79
+   -10.40
+   -11.79
+   -12.68
+   -13.23
+   -13.35
+   -13.07
+   -12.28
+   -11.00
+    -9.43
+    -7.25
+    -4.91
+    -2.47
+     0.19
+     3.14
+     5.82
+     8.51
+    10.81
+    12.93
+    14.74
+    15.84
+    16.30
+    15.37
+    12.13
+     7.27
+     3.79
+     1.64
+     0.22
+    -0.94
+    -2.17
+    -3.54
+    -4.49
+    -5.66
+    -6.32
+    -7.06
+    -7.51
+    -7.57
+    -7.52
+    -7.15
+    -6.54
+    -5.74
+    -4.62
+    -3.46
+    -2.02
+    -0.59
+     1.09
+     2.71
+     4.18
+     5.66
+     6.93
+     8.06
+     8.78
+     9.42
+     9.61
+     9.51
+     9.09
+     8.49
+     7.34
+     6.14
+     4.61
+     2.75
+     0.87
+    -0.99
+    -2.98
+    -4.93
+    -6.76
+    -8.30
+    -9.86
+   -10.83
+   -11.61
+   -12.03
+   -12.01
+   -11.59
+   -10.65
+    -9.59
+    -7.97
+    -5.93
+    -3.77
+    -1.56
+     0.87
+     3.54
+     5.94
+     8.21
+    10.28
+    12.11
+    13.55
+    14.52
+    14.82
+    14.51
+    13.03
+    10.26
+     7.12
+     4.58
+     2.37
+     0.46
+    -1.57
+    -3.57
+    -5.43
+    -7.07
+    -8.68
+    -9.90
+   -10.89
+   -11.56
+   -11.76
+   -11.68
+   -11.14
+   -10.20
+    -8.83
+    -7.25
+    -5.23
+    -3.20
+    -0.84
+     1.59
+     4.10
+     6.45
+     8.68
+    10.56
+    12.24
+    13.45
+    14.34
+    14.48
+    13.96
+    12.47
+     9.89
+     7.19
+     4.61
+     2.34
+     0.30
+    -1.66
+    -3.70
+    -5.68
+    -7.55
+    -9.25
+   -10.45
+   -11.65
+   -12.18
+   -12.45
+   -12.38
+   -11.79
+   -10.70
+    -9.36
+    -7.63
+    -5.52
+    -3.34
+    -0.73
+     1.76
+     4.34
+     6.88
+     9.19
+    11.32
+    13.01
+    14.35
+    15.15
+    15.15
+    14.25
+    11.75
+     8.09
+     4.95
+     2.70
+     0.71
+    -0.92
+    -2.59
+    -4.23
+    -5.88
+    -7.38
+    -8.58
+    -9.35
+   -10.16
+   -10.46
+   -10.46
+    -9.98
+    -9.29
+    -8.10
+    -6.86
+    -5.18
+    -3.35
+    -1.17
+     0.88
+     3.09
+     5.11
+     7.22
+     9.05
+    10.47
+    11.75
+    12.54
+    12.94
+    12.94
+    12.24
+    11.15
+     9.35
+     7.44
+     5.28
+     3.12
+     0.80
+    -1.73
+    -4.04
+    -6.40
+    -8.55
+   -10.44
+   -12.02
+   -13.36
+   -14.10
+   -14.60
+   -14.42
+   -13.82
+   -12.68
+   -11.18
+    -9.26
+    -6.85
+    -4.13
+    -1.38
+     1.68
+     4.62
+     7.67
+    10.33
+    12.82
+    14.95
+    16.49
+    17.18
+    16.33
+    12.29
+     5.82
+     2.27
+     0.69
+    -0.02
+    -0.89
+    -1.58
+    -2.31
+    -2.86
+    -3.43
+    -3.82
+    -4.25
+    -4.42
+    -4.38
+    -4.20
+    -4.12
+    -3.63
+    -3.14
+    -2.34
+    -1.65
+    -0.84
+     0.04
+     1.02
+     1.94
+     2.74
+     3.51
+     4.28
+     4.80
+     5.23
+     5.49
+     5.61
+     5.38
+     5.09
+     4.67
+     3.98
+     3.28
+     2.32
+     1.20
+     0.13
+    -1.04
+    -2.14
+    -3.26
+    -4.26
+    -5.25
+    -5.88
+    -6.52
+    -6.89
+    -7.08
+    -6.87
+    -6.57
+    -6.04
+    -5.26
+    -4.23
+    -2.93
+    -1.82
+    -0.33
+     1.16
+     2.63
+     4.02
+     5.33
+     6.33
+     7.40
+     8.19
+     8.56
+     8.86
+     8.78
+     8.27
+     7.67
+     6.69
+     5.49
+     3.96
+     2.29
+     0.68
+    -1.20
+    -3.00
+    -4.77
+    -6.47
+    -7.79
+    -9.09
+   -10.14
+   -10.77
+   -11.04
+   -11.07
+   -10.63
+    -9.74
+    -8.66
+    -7.04
+    -5.24
+    -3.38
+    -1.10
+     1.12
+     3.44
+     5.68
+     7.77
+     9.68
+    11.25
+    12.50
+    13.31
+    13.68
+    13.45
+    12.56
+    10.99
+     8.82
+     6.49
+     4.15
+     1.97
+    -0.31
+    -2.57
+    -4.73
+    -6.96
+    -8.99
+   -10.74
+   -12.07
+   -13.11
+   -13.76
+   -13.89
+   -13.57
+   -12.79
+   -11.53
+    -9.81
+    -7.84
+    -5.42
+    -2.84
+    -0.06
+     2.89
+     5.68
+     8.40
+    11.04
+    13.09
+    14.91
+    16.19
+    16.66
+    15.51
+    11.49
+     6.18
+     2.72
+     1.14
+    -0.08
+    -1.16
+    -2.11
+    -3.14
+    -4.02
+    -4.83
+    -5.45
+    -5.90
+    -6.25
+    -6.31
+    -6.07
+    -5.73
+    -5.20
+    -4.54
+    -3.53
+    -2.49
+    -1.39
+    -0.11
+     1.32
+     2.48
+     3.79
+     4.97
+     5.85
+     6.70
+     7.24
+     7.78
+     7.84
+     7.67
+     7.38
+     6.72
+     5.70
+     4.63
+     3.27
+     1.87
+     0.32
+    -1.27
+    -2.96
+    -4.53
+    -6.00
+    -7.13
+    -8.21
+    -9.22
+    -9.60
+    -9.89
+    -9.86
+    -9.42
+    -8.53
+    -7.47
+    -6.05
+    -4.45
+    -2.72
+    -0.73
+     1.37
+     3.34
+     5.33
+     7.29
+     8.86
+    10.23
+    11.45
+    12.05
+    12.47
+    12.23
+    11.59
+    10.52
+     8.99
+     7.07
+     5.00
+     2.85
+     0.56
+    -1.72
+    -4.08
+    -6.52
+    -8.69
+   -10.46
+   -12.11
+   -13.46
+   -14.22
+   -14.52
+   -14.42
+   -13.69
+   -12.73
+   -11.17
+    -9.06
+    -6.76
+    -3.95
+    -1.08
+     1.74
+     4.78
+     7.87
+    10.49
+    12.88
+    15.07
+    16.65
+    17.27
+    16.27
+    11.87
+     5.61
+     2.13
+     0.57
+    -0.19
+    -0.83
+    -1.67
+    -2.22
+    -2.98
+    -3.52
+    -3.80
+    -4.08
+    -4.40
+    -4.32
+    -4.29
+    -3.93
+    -3.61
+    -3.11
+    -2.37
+    -1.51
+    -0.86
+     0.05
+     0.98
+     1.95
+     2.82
+     3.55
+     4.23
+     4.70
+     5.23
+     5.45
+     5.44
+     5.37
+     5.14
+     4.66
+     3.86
+     3.10
+     2.11
+     1.20
+     0.08
+    -1.21
+    -2.31
+    -3.33
+    -4.31
+    -5.16
+    -5.96
+    -6.41
+    -6.80
+    -6.95
+    -6.79
+    -6.45
+    -5.96
+    -5.08
+    -4.12
+    -2.86
+    -1.68
+    -0.25
+     1.29
+     2.66
+     3.96
+     5.37
+     6.38
+     7.36
+     8.17
+     8.54
+     8.83
+     8.53
+     8.25
+     7.42
+     6.60
+     5.21
+     3.87
+     2.21
+     0.47
+    -1.36
+    -2.99
+    -4.85
+    -6.37
+    -7.86
+    -9.12
+   -10.13
+   -10.74
+   -10.95
+   -10.86
+   -10.51
+    -9.61
+    -8.36
+    -6.89
+    -5.17
+    -3.12
+    -1.02
+     1.29
+     3.60
+     5.79
+     7.93
+     9.81
+    11.40
+    12.54
+    13.38
+    13.69
+    13.42
+    12.55
+    10.96
+     8.79
+     6.53
+     4.30
+     1.94
+    -0.27
+    -2.59
+    -4.80
+    -7.07
+    -9.02
+   -10.79
+   -12.17
+   -13.30
+   -13.79
+   -14.09
+   -13.73
+   -12.92
+   -11.69
+    -9.98
+    -7.96
+    -5.55
+    -2.81
+     0.08
+     2.96
+     5.83
+     8.64
+    11.08
+    13.40
+    15.12
+    16.43
+    16.81
+    15.42
+    11.08
+     5.59
+     2.39
+     0.77
+    -0.21
+    -1.14
+    -2.02
+    -3.04
+    -3.86
+    -4.46
+    -5.16
+    -5.44
+    -5.70
+    -5.84
+    -5.59
+    -5.36
+    -4.78
+    -3.98
+    -3.21
+    -2.13
+    -1.02
+     0.01
+     1.35
+     2.58
+     3.60
+     4.76
+     5.53
+     6.28
+     6.90
+     7.31
+     7.40
+     7.18
+     6.80
+     6.10
+     5.32
+     4.21
+     3.01
+     1.55
+     0.01
+    -1.37
+    -2.88
+    -4.47
+    -5.76
+    -6.89
+    -7.81
+    -8.70
+    -9.16
+    -9.26
+    -9.15
+    -8.61
+    -7.89
+    -6.91
+    -5.53
+    -4.04
+    -2.21
+    -0.43
+     1.59
+     3.46
+     5.24
+     6.91
+     8.51
+     9.85
+    10.75
+    11.30
+    11.65
+    11.42
+    10.85
+     9.92
+     8.45
+     6.71
+     4.94
+     2.78
+     0.65
+    -1.84
+    -4.15
+    -6.32
+    -8.39
+   -10.18
+   -11.80
+   -13.05
+   -13.77
+   -14.18
+   -13.94
+   -13.32
+   -12.28
+   -10.81
+    -8.71
+    -6.53
+    -3.83
+    -1.06
+     1.88
+     4.71
+     7.59
+    10.24
+    12.57
+    14.54
+    16.19
+    16.93
+    16.16
+    12.98
+     7.13
+     3.05
+     1.19
+     0.15
+    -0.89
+    -1.74
+    -2.67
+    -3.52
+    -4.25
+    -4.85
+    -5.23
+    -5.56
+    -5.69
+    -5.51
+    -5.20
+    -4.70
+    -4.15
+    -3.40
+    -2.43
+    -1.30
+    -0.23
+     0.92
+     2.08
+     3.10
+     4.26
+     5.18
+     5.89
+     6.53
+     6.95
+     7.08
+     7.06
+     6.75
+     6.12
+     5.31
+     4.29
+     3.26
+     2.02
+     0.63
+    -0.86
+    -2.39
+    -3.78
+    -5.19
+    -6.28
+    -7.29
+    -8.12
+    -8.69
+    -8.92
+    -8.75
+    -8.49
+    -7.87
+    -6.82
+    -5.64
+    -4.34
+    -2.63
+    -0.98
+     0.81
+     2.66
+     4.62
+     6.29
+     7.83
+     9.09
+    10.14
+    10.73
+    11.19
+    11.12
+    10.69
+     9.84
+     8.67
+     7.07
+     5.32
+     3.35
+     1.30
+    -0.88
+    -3.11
+    -5.37
+    -7.42
+    -9.38
+   -11.04
+   -12.22
+   -13.23
+   -13.64
+   -13.67
+   -13.35
+   -12.39
+   -11.08
+    -9.20
+    -7.20
+    -4.75
+    -1.98
+     0.77
+     3.65
+     6.45
+     9.11
+    11.53
+    13.69
+    15.23
+    16.35
+    16.36
+    14.76
+    10.52
+     5.47
+     2.49
+     0.99
+    -0.31
+    -1.39
+    -2.49
+    -3.53
+    -4.35
+    -5.31
+    -5.97
+    -6.36
+    -6.67
+    -6.64
+    -6.51
+    -6.08
+    -5.56
+    -4.71
+    -3.64
+    -2.50
+    -1.32
+     0.22
+     1.52
+     2.81
+     4.23
+     5.41
+     6.56
+     7.25
+     8.02
+     8.33
+     8.56
+     8.19
+     7.72
+     7.03
+     5.99
+     4.77
+     3.35
+     1.82
+     0.10
+    -1.59
+    -3.47
+    -5.06
+    -6.54
+    -7.86
+    -9.08
+    -9.97
+   -10.54
+   -10.71
+   -10.39
+    -9.84
+    -9.01
+    -7.73
+    -6.26
+    -4.56
+    -2.54
+    -0.40
+     1.73
+     4.01
+     6.13
+     7.97
+     9.88
+    11.18
+    12.43
+    13.03
+    13.30
+    13.02
+    11.90
+    10.45
+     8.51
+     6.42
+     4.28
+     1.98
+    -0.44
+    -2.84
+    -5.12
+    -7.26
+    -9.30
+   -11.18
+   -12.69
+   -13.68
+   -14.18
+   -14.46
+   -14.04
+   -13.14
+   -11.96
+   -10.22
+    -8.11
+    -5.45
+    -2.73
+     0.07
+     3.17
+     6.10
+     8.98
+    11.46
+    13.81
+    15.57
+    16.94
+    17.13
+    14.98
+     9.48
+     4.09
+     1.46
+     0.35
+    -0.46
+    -1.20
+    -2.07
+    -2.63
+    -3.36
+    -3.95
+    -4.38
+    -4.59
+    -4.78
+    -4.78
+    -4.59
+    -4.14
+    -3.62
+    -3.08
+    -2.27
+    -1.45
+    -0.53
+     0.52
+     1.35
+     2.34
+     3.33
+     4.15
+     4.88
+     5.44
+     5.77
+     5.96
+     5.98
+     5.71
+     5.33
+     4.82
+     3.99
+     3.10
+     1.94
+     0.88
+    -0.42
+    -1.52
+    -2.80
+    -4.00
+    -5.10
+    -5.94
+    -6.67
+    -7.10
+    -7.54
+    -7.50
+    -7.25
+    -6.90
+    -6.16
+    -5.23
+    -4.07
+    -2.69
+    -1.22
+     0.25
+     1.87
+     3.42
+     4.76
+     6.24
+     7.35
+     8.23
+     8.89
+     9.39
+     9.47
+     9.19
+     8.61
+     7.80
+     6.58
+     5.33
+     3.64
+     1.87
+    -0.10
+    -2.03
+    -3.94
+    -5.74
+    -7.56
+    -8.96
+   -10.24
+   -11.17
+   -11.58
+   -11.95
+   -11.67
+   -11.05
+    -9.96
+    -8.58
+    -6.86
+    -4.79
+    -2.57
+    -0.21
+     2.19
+     4.58
+     7.03
+     9.20
+    11.01
+    12.77
+    13.82
+    14.58
+    14.49
+    13.69
+    11.96
+     9.15
+     6.36
+     3.81
+     1.78
+    -0.35
+    -2.23
+    -4.31
+    -6.19
+    -7.91
+    -9.52
+   -10.70
+   -11.54
+   -12.17
+   -12.18
+   -12.00
+   -11.29
+   -10.11
+    -8.58
+    -6.92
+    -4.68
+    -2.49
+    -0.03
+     2.57
+     5.06
+     7.53
+     9.64
+    11.73
+    13.25
+    14.44
+    15.02
+    14.87
+    13.59
+    11.05
+     7.87
+     4.80
+     2.66
+     0.64
+    -1.21
+    -2.89
+    -4.70
+    -6.47
+    -7.92
+    -9.13
+   -10.27
+   -10.96
+   -11.13
+   -11.16
+   -10.63
+    -9.92
+    -8.74
+    -7.23
+    -5.36
+    -3.41
+    -1.28
+     1.17
+     3.45
+     5.79
+     7.90
+     9.76
+    11.38
+    12.61
+    13.64
+    13.97
+    13.78
+    12.70
+    11.03
+     8.76
+     6.35
+     3.89
+     1.76
+    -0.48
+    -2.71
+    -5.01
+    -6.97
+    -8.87
+   -10.66
+   -12.00
+   -12.97
+   -13.50
+   -13.64
+   -13.26
+   -12.55
+   -11.25
+    -9.57
+    -7.59
+    -5.12
+    -2.50
+     0.25
+     3.08
+     5.86
+     8.47
+    11.02
+    13.04
+    14.83
+    15.97
+    16.39
+    15.37
+    11.66
+     6.58
+     3.18
+     1.44
+     0.03
+    -1.15
+    -2.21
+    -3.30
+    -4.30
+    -5.25
+    -5.95
+    -6.55
+    -6.79
+    -6.92
+    -6.89
+    -6.54
+    -5.92
+    -5.03
+    -4.06
+    -2.99
+    -1.64
+    -0.32
+     1.25
+     2.53
+     4.03
+     5.39
+     6.38
+     7.38
+     8.17
+     8.50
+     8.75
+     8.68
+     8.22
diff --git a/tests/spectrum/amplitude_tisean.dat b/tests/spectrum/amplitude_tisean.dat
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c26df82
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/spectrum/amplitude_tisean.dat
@@ -0,0 +1,2501 @@
+   0.00000000       2.14124694E-02
+   1.99999995E-04   7.01020908E-05
+   3.99999990E-04   6.17095939E-05
+   6.00000028E-04   7.21709366E-05
+   7.99999980E-04   1.36011236E-04
+   1.00000005E-03   5.11436156E-05
+   1.20000006E-03   8.41089568E-05
+   1.39999995E-03   1.06916603E-04
+   1.59999996E-03   6.45032633E-05
+   1.79999997E-03   7.65374425E-05
+   2.00000009E-03   7.75620792E-05
+   2.19999999E-03   2.05985809E-04
+   2.40000011E-03   4.48989231E-05
+   2.60000001E-03   4.80127783E-05
+   2.79999990E-03   5.52007477E-05
+   3.00000003E-03   1.66492347E-04
+   3.19999992E-03   1.27959633E-04
+   3.40000005E-03   2.13207706E-04
+   3.59999994E-03   6.16588150E-05
+   3.80000006E-03   2.04611453E-04
+   4.00000019E-03   5.49247707E-05
+   4.19999985E-03   3.03800742E-04
+   4.39999998E-03   3.28886497E-04
+   4.60000010E-03   2.89543997E-04
+   4.80000023E-03   8.10225902E-05
+   4.99999989E-03   9.07925278E-05
+   5.20000001E-03   4.09118693E-05
+   5.40000014E-03   8.95895755E-06
+   5.59999980E-03   1.93703439E-04
+   5.79999993E-03   5.69166732E-04
+   6.00000005E-03   6.15774246E-04
+   6.20000018E-03   7.97175089E-05
+   6.39999984E-03   3.50482537E-06
+   6.59999996E-03   7.74313929E-04
+   6.80000009E-03   8.40581371E-04
+   7.00000022E-03   1.42217672E-03
+   7.19999988E-03   1.78062710E-05
+   7.40000000E-03   1.40148075E-03
+   7.60000013E-03   5.22244482E-05
+   7.79999979E-03   2.13612732E-03
+   8.00000038E-03   7.64598837E-04
+   8.20000004E-03   1.48072577E-04
+   8.39999970E-03   9.81842866E-04
+   8.60000029E-03   5.03513875E-05
+   8.79999995E-03   4.52249224E-04
+   8.99999961E-03   1.00550419E-02
+   9.20000020E-03   3.26930895E-04
+   9.39999986E-03   8.41319375E-03
+   9.60000046E-03   2.18199263E-03
+   9.80000012E-03   2.12891959E-03
+   9.99999978E-03   1.44863280E-03
+   1.02000004E-02   4.41748649E-03
+   1.04000000E-02   3.21943517E-04
+   1.05999997E-02   1.82540476E-04
+   1.08000003E-02   2.51777377E-03
+   1.09999999E-02   4.61875508E-03
+   1.11999996E-02   3.50056146E-03
+   1.14000002E-02   9.26829129E-03
+   1.15999999E-02   4.72508650E-03
+   1.18000004E-02   4.60729963E-04
+   1.20000001E-02   1.91589305E-03
+   1.21999998E-02   5.26876072E-04
+   1.24000004E-02   1.79196626E-03
+   1.26000000E-02   1.34456693E-03
+   1.27999997E-02   4.07294789E-03
+   1.30000003E-02   1.95841910E-03
+   1.31999999E-02   2.62458972E-03
+   1.33999996E-02   2.44289218E-03
+   1.36000002E-02   5.96605428E-03
+   1.37999998E-02   1.06565775E-02
+   1.40000004E-02   1.73420564E-03
+   1.42000001E-02   1.24338767E-05
+   1.43999998E-02   1.03482348E-03
+   1.46000003E-02   9.11017996E-04
+   1.48000000E-02   5.92722092E-03
+   1.49999997E-02   5.29088662E-04
+   1.52000003E-02   2.13507679E-04
+   1.53999999E-02   5.91745507E-03
+   1.55999996E-02   2.59034638E-03
+   1.57999992E-02   7.46596372E-04
+   1.60000008E-02   8.37528263E-04
+   1.62000004E-02   3.59911285E-03
+   1.64000001E-02   1.01379724E-02
+   1.65999997E-02   2.56352394E-07
+   1.67999994E-02   2.03454699E-02
+   1.70000009E-02   9.46121756E-03
+   1.72000006E-02   7.42069585E-03
+   1.74000002E-02   5.56428265E-03
+   1.75999999E-02   9.87823587E-03
+   1.77999996E-02   2.85147945E-03
+   1.79999992E-02   9.36392322E-03
+   1.82000007E-02   1.96280307E-03
+   1.84000004E-02   1.26080273E-03
+   1.86000001E-02   1.95850506E-02
+   1.87999997E-02   4.61490415E-02
+   1.89999994E-02   4.03382033E-02
+   1.92000009E-02   1.80216543E-02
+   1.94000006E-02   2.48934701E-02
+   1.96000002E-02   7.53462873E-03
+   1.97999999E-02   6.12032739E-03
+   1.99999996E-02   3.30814347E-02
+   2.01999992E-02   8.26857798E-03
+   2.04000007E-02   8.57868232E-03
+   2.06000004E-02   3.82925794E-02
+   2.08000001E-02   2.75465567E-02
+   2.09999997E-02   7.74358511E-02
+   2.11999994E-02   8.32856819E-02
+   2.14000009E-02   2.64634751E-02
+   2.16000006E-02   1.26607483E-02
+   2.18000002E-02   1.10037010E-02
+   2.19999999E-02   9.70056653E-03
+   2.21999995E-02   9.22032725E-03
+   2.23999992E-02   1.86887234E-02
+   2.26000007E-02   2.85994187E-02
+   2.28000004E-02   9.86911543E-03
+   2.30000000E-02   1.09922644E-02
+   2.31999997E-02   4.14934605E-02
+   2.33999994E-02   1.79928597E-02
+   2.36000009E-02   3.95637974E-02
+   2.38000005E-02   8.85456055E-03
+   2.40000002E-02   7.83059440E-05
+   2.41999999E-02   1.38570443E-02
+   2.43999995E-02   5.61910681E-03
+   2.45999992E-02   1.57159809E-02
+   2.48000007E-02   2.54247729E-02
+   2.50000004E-02   4.79274616E-03
+   2.52000000E-02   3.40225670E-04
+   2.53999997E-02   5.63327572E-04
+   2.55999994E-02   1.16796428E-02
+   2.58000009E-02   5.10150800E-04
+   2.60000005E-02   3.12862881E-02
+   2.62000002E-02   8.40233266E-03
+   2.63999999E-02   4.58652293E-03
+   2.65999995E-02   3.86517658E-03
+   2.67999992E-02   1.01936958E-03
+   2.70000007E-02   1.97579637E-02
+   2.72000004E-02   6.11486658E-03
+   2.74000000E-02   7.71955773E-03
+   2.75999997E-02   8.81326571E-03
+   2.77999993E-02   1.92790870E-02
+   2.80000009E-02   1.21922176E-02
+   2.82000005E-02   1.83593519E-02
+   2.84000002E-02   1.77278109E-02
+   2.85999998E-02   1.86892245E-02
+   2.87999995E-02   2.50985250E-02
+   2.89999992E-02   3.79407629E-02
+   2.92000007E-02   5.75594530E-02
+   2.94000003E-02   6.72529340E-02
+   2.96000000E-02  0.180877119    
+   2.97999997E-02  0.338326871    
+   2.99999993E-02   1.25810456    
+   3.02000009E-02   21.9093323    
+   3.04000005E-02   3.43604231    
+   3.06000002E-02  0.623500586    
+   3.07999998E-02  0.162663415    
+   3.09999995E-02   2.89364401E-02
+   3.11999992E-02  0.167968392    
+   3.13999988E-02   5.17523438E-02
+   3.15999985E-02   2.05044560E-02
+   3.18000019E-02   4.16956842E-02
+   3.20000015E-02   1.50948642E-02
+   3.22000012E-02   7.45500997E-03
+   3.24000008E-02   2.02194694E-02
+   3.26000005E-02   3.08299046E-02
+   3.28000002E-02   2.27439478E-02
+   3.29999998E-02   2.44482402E-02
+   3.31999995E-02   1.32354777E-02
+   3.33999991E-02   5.05713001E-03
+   3.35999988E-02   5.95248044E-02
+   3.37999985E-02   1.34761343E-02
+   3.40000018E-02   8.87780450E-03
+   3.42000015E-02   7.68041424E-03
+   3.44000012E-02   1.00827375E-02
+   3.46000008E-02   8.31284374E-02
+   3.48000005E-02   5.50801866E-04
+   3.50000001E-02   3.12910974E-02
+   3.51999998E-02   4.28704685E-03
+   3.53999995E-02   5.04823495E-03
+   3.55999991E-02   2.62170769E-02
+   3.57999988E-02   5.62476665E-02
+   3.59999985E-02   5.21667525E-02
+   3.62000018E-02   2.36411169E-02
+   3.64000015E-02   1.67590950E-03
+   3.66000012E-02   2.29043467E-03
+   3.68000008E-02   5.44827133E-02
+   3.70000005E-02   2.42697690E-02
+   3.72000001E-02   1.95005536E-02
+   3.73999998E-02   1.69892963E-02
+   3.75999995E-02   5.05103394E-02
+   3.77999991E-02   5.33537287E-03
+   3.79999988E-02   3.44917253E-02
+   3.81999984E-02   1.72935240E-02
+   3.84000018E-02   1.84295997E-02
+   3.86000015E-02   9.57486778E-03
+   3.88000011E-02   4.35448997E-03
+   3.90000008E-02   1.84997153E-02
+   3.92000005E-02  0.134479135    
+   3.94000001E-02   2.80180052E-02
+   3.95999998E-02  0.121705629    
+   3.97999994E-02   3.28863447E-04
+   3.99999991E-02   3.79250348E-02
+   4.01999988E-02   4.46712412E-03
+   4.03999984E-02   1.19213909E-02
+   4.06000018E-02   1.08365081E-02
+   4.08000015E-02   7.35421525E-03
+   4.10000011E-02   2.06935909E-02
+   4.12000008E-02   6.26534447E-02
+   4.14000005E-02   1.42317414E-02
+   4.16000001E-02   5.68180718E-02
+   4.17999998E-02   3.65808979E-02
+   4.19999994E-02   1.15002152E-02
+   4.21999991E-02   6.71019824E-03
+   4.23999988E-02   1.63534447E-03
+   4.25999984E-02   1.25394696E-02
+   4.28000018E-02   1.12850638E-02
+   4.30000015E-02   1.89045146E-02
+   4.32000011E-02   1.59441517E-03
+   4.34000008E-02   8.96097161E-03
+   4.36000004E-02   6.32984040E-04
+   4.38000001E-02   3.92634906E-02
+   4.39999998E-02   1.69165507E-02
+   4.41999994E-02   2.87104771E-03
+   4.43999991E-02   3.37385456E-03
+   4.45999987E-02   4.43974510E-04
+   4.47999984E-02   1.39262725E-03
+   4.50000018E-02   7.12326448E-03
+   4.52000014E-02   4.88566142E-03
+   4.54000011E-02   5.79736603E-04
+   4.56000008E-02   1.29095661E-02
+   4.58000004E-02   7.08788540E-03
+   4.60000001E-02   3.08627309E-03
+   4.61999997E-02   6.72972004E-04
+   4.63999994E-02   4.80747642E-03
+   4.65999991E-02   3.01913731E-03
+   4.67999987E-02   6.91536255E-03
+   4.69999984E-02   2.63839886E-02
+   4.72000018E-02   2.79503805E-03
+   4.74000014E-02   1.80486981E-02
+   4.76000011E-02   2.05183448E-03
+   4.78000008E-02   1.02959890E-02
+   4.80000004E-02   6.22062478E-04
+   4.82000001E-02   1.45034594E-02
+   4.83999997E-02   2.42364098E-04
+   4.85999994E-02   8.85443762E-04
+   4.87999991E-02   3.66400555E-03
+   4.89999987E-02   2.69733071E-02
+   4.91999984E-02   2.61223558E-02
+   4.94000018E-02   3.78699246E-04
+   4.96000014E-02   3.01153306E-02
+   4.98000011E-02   8.97978805E-03
+   5.00000007E-02   4.33939137E-03
+   5.02000004E-02   1.09371180E-02
+   5.04000001E-02   1.45539897E-03
+   5.05999997E-02   1.20293931E-04
+   5.07999994E-02   1.56377815E-02
+   5.09999990E-02   1.61373158E-04
+   5.11999987E-02   3.77053246E-02
+   5.13999984E-02   4.06317040E-03
+   5.16000018E-02   1.24825332E-02
+   5.18000014E-02   5.18747140E-03
+   5.20000011E-02   1.37782528E-03
+   5.22000007E-02   2.02236534E-03
+   5.24000004E-02   1.60200219E-03
+   5.26000001E-02   8.18369910E-04
+   5.27999997E-02   5.64767141E-03
+   5.29999994E-02   6.50658272E-04
+   5.31999990E-02   1.98094454E-03
+   5.33999987E-02   4.14448371E-03
+   5.35999984E-02   1.56782637E-03
+   5.38000017E-02   2.63571320E-03
+   5.40000014E-02   8.57855543E-04
+   5.42000011E-02   3.75054879E-05
+   5.44000007E-02   1.58184179E-04
+   5.46000004E-02   1.91132378E-04
+   5.48000000E-02   1.21159898E-03
+   5.49999997E-02   1.04769750E-03
+   5.51999994E-02   3.72817245E-04
+   5.53999990E-02   1.21149489E-04
+   5.55999987E-02   1.97340036E-04
+   5.57999983E-02   4.65251156E-04
+   5.60000017E-02   7.22129116E-05
+   5.62000014E-02   6.21683372E-04
+   5.64000010E-02   9.42407059E-05
+   5.66000007E-02   1.40592980E-04
+   5.68000004E-02   4.57560964E-05
+   5.70000000E-02   1.09772489E-04
+   5.71999997E-02   1.52872846E-04
+   5.73999994E-02   1.16979296E-04
+   5.75999990E-02   1.13457092E-04
+   5.77999987E-02   1.30176893E-04
+   5.79999983E-02   9.17878788E-05
+   5.82000017E-02   1.71570719E-04
+   5.84000014E-02   2.10848651E-04
+   5.86000010E-02   3.05407943E-04
+   5.88000007E-02   2.79708591E-04
+   5.90000004E-02   2.50097335E-04
+   5.92000000E-02   6.10260060E-04
+   5.93999997E-02   9.43824474E-04
+   5.95999993E-02   6.81843492E-04
+   5.97999990E-02   3.74913216E-03
+   5.99999987E-02   4.30345070E-03
+   6.01999983E-02   1.47779128E-02
+   6.04000017E-02   7.16104135E-02
+   6.06000014E-02  0.110712752    
+   6.08000010E-02   1.46670397E-02
+   6.10000007E-02   2.04675714E-03
+   6.12000003E-02   1.02698710E-03
+   6.14000000E-02   4.63444646E-03
+   6.15999997E-02   5.23074472E-04
+   6.17999993E-02   1.12336202E-04
+   6.19999990E-02   1.18207850E-03
+   6.21999986E-02   2.49593257E-04
+   6.23999983E-02   1.55013113E-04
+   6.26000017E-02   2.08825018E-04
+   6.27999976E-02   1.94410188E-03
+   6.30000010E-02   5.54406259E-04
+   6.31999969E-02   6.36458863E-04
+   6.34000003E-02   2.27761717E-04
+   6.36000037E-02   4.76682384E-04
+   6.37999997E-02   1.39929412E-03
+   6.40000030E-02   7.12221197E-04
+   6.41999990E-02   3.17087513E-04
+   6.44000024E-02   8.78521008E-04
+   6.45999983E-02   1.16272022E-04
+   6.48000017E-02   3.94676160E-03
+   6.49999976E-02   8.81673594E-04
+   6.52000010E-02   1.93010259E-03
+   6.53999969E-02   1.57581191E-04
+   6.56000003E-02   3.66151507E-04
+   6.58000037E-02   1.68365450E-03
+   6.59999996E-02   3.13659711E-03
+   6.62000030E-02   1.35973643E-03
+   6.63999990E-02   1.95390923E-04
+   6.66000023E-02   1.19591574E-03
+   6.67999983E-02   8.36873660E-05
+   6.70000017E-02   2.08150991E-03
+   6.71999976E-02   1.38902816E-03
+   6.74000010E-02   1.58452056E-03
+   6.75999969E-02   2.49028997E-03
+   6.78000003E-02   2.52847583E-03
+   6.80000037E-02   1.58807007E-03
+   6.81999996E-02   7.96796696E-04
+   6.84000030E-02   1.87064044E-03
+   6.85999990E-02   2.16184673E-03
+   6.88000023E-02   9.87969455E-04
+   6.89999983E-02   5.49580844E-04
+   6.92000017E-02   1.60882506E-03
+   6.93999976E-02   4.44520963E-03
+   6.96000010E-02   1.11135412E-02
+   6.97999969E-02   5.25383884E-03
+   7.00000003E-02   2.23827641E-03
+   7.02000037E-02   2.51891185E-03
+   7.03999996E-02   2.25510303E-05
+   7.06000030E-02   3.02970933E-04
+   7.07999989E-02   3.81312380E-03
+   7.10000023E-02   1.82332203E-03
+   7.11999983E-02   2.13698740E-03
+   7.14000016E-02   5.30314585E-03
+   7.15999976E-02   2.12222105E-04
+   7.18000010E-02   4.93022753E-03
+   7.19999969E-02   3.62846092E-03
+   7.22000003E-02   3.16367764E-03
+   7.24000037E-02   1.85868063E-04
+   7.25999996E-02   1.32354978E-03
+   7.28000030E-02   1.19781203E-03
+   7.29999989E-02   1.17579871E-03
+   7.32000023E-02   2.02323729E-03
+   7.33999982E-02   2.67163909E-04
+   7.36000016E-02   4.37664858E-04
+   7.37999976E-02   9.53561830E-05
+   7.40000010E-02   4.69148764E-03
+   7.41999969E-02   2.64738221E-04
+   7.44000003E-02   9.42082028E-04
+   7.46000037E-02   1.53257977E-03
+   7.47999996E-02   5.35573417E-06
+   7.50000030E-02   1.16186064E-04
+   7.51999989E-02   1.06572616E-03
+   7.54000023E-02   7.92211911E-04
+   7.55999982E-02   1.26281404E-04
+   7.58000016E-02   1.10771123E-03
+   7.59999976E-02   1.56574335E-03
+   7.62000009E-02   3.47501715E-04
+   7.63999969E-02   1.00043791E-04
+   7.66000003E-02   2.37982604E-04
+   7.68000036E-02   2.64787930E-04
+   7.69999996E-02   2.54182750E-03
+   7.72000030E-02   2.51385011E-03
+   7.73999989E-02   5.41686895E-04
+   7.76000023E-02   3.51166795E-03
+   7.77999982E-02   1.09097583E-03
+   7.80000016E-02   1.76078326E-03
+   7.81999975E-02   5.08632365E-05
+   7.84000009E-02   3.06115858E-03
+   7.85999969E-02   1.20119163E-04
+   7.88000003E-02   3.42886269E-05
+   7.90000036E-02   3.05547546E-05
+   7.91999996E-02   3.61550576E-03
+   7.94000030E-02   5.60887298E-03
+   7.95999989E-02   3.50842631E-04
+   7.98000023E-02   7.51966331E-03
+   7.99999982E-02   1.21932954E-03
+   8.02000016E-02   2.04034819E-04
+   8.03999975E-02   6.50496804E-04
+   8.06000009E-02   4.35431197E-04
+   8.07999969E-02   4.10011242E-04
+   8.10000002E-02   2.04426842E-03
+   8.12000036E-02   1.66670862E-03
+   8.13999996E-02   6.20602956E-03
+   8.16000029E-02   5.32695616E-04
+   8.17999989E-02   2.87263491E-03
+   8.20000023E-02   1.05233188E-03
+   8.21999982E-02   2.23761745E-05
+   8.24000016E-02   5.01418195E-04
+   8.25999975E-02   2.43506001E-04
+   8.28000009E-02   9.21637111E-05
+   8.29999968E-02   1.05232862E-03
+   8.32000002E-02   3.81129852E-04
+   8.34000036E-02   2.79157073E-04
+   8.35999995E-02   3.61819781E-04
+   8.38000029E-02   4.80557268E-04
+   8.39999989E-02   3.16967256E-04
+   8.42000023E-02   3.09035444E-04
+   8.43999982E-02   3.07480841E-05
+   8.46000016E-02   4.00181261E-06
+   8.47999975E-02   1.17014701E-04
+   8.50000009E-02   2.21316091E-04
+   8.51999968E-02   1.09063418E-04
+   8.54000002E-02   1.04774474E-04
+   8.56000036E-02   3.08068338E-05
+   8.57999995E-02   5.05449061E-05
+   8.60000029E-02   6.91727910E-05
+   8.61999989E-02   1.23641576E-05
+   8.64000022E-02   6.74310286E-05
+   8.65999982E-02   5.53291238E-06
+   8.68000016E-02   6.38446945E-05
+   8.69999975E-02   7.56346310E-07
+   8.72000009E-02   1.85133613E-05
+   8.73999968E-02   7.43808687E-06
+   8.76000002E-02   3.52863972E-05
+   8.78000036E-02   1.12192520E-05
+   8.79999995E-02   1.27555268E-06
+   8.82000029E-02   6.89340914E-06
+   8.83999988E-02   6.03707231E-05
+   8.86000022E-02   8.06272874E-05
+   8.87999982E-02   6.81954043E-05
+   8.90000015E-02   2.33355768E-05
+   8.91999975E-02   2.03889322E-05
+   8.94000009E-02   2.01271105E-04
+   8.95999968E-02   1.99558956E-04
+   8.98000002E-02   5.65760456E-05
+   9.00000036E-02   8.24099639E-04
+   9.01999995E-02   4.73566790E-04
+   9.04000029E-02   1.46480917E-03
+   9.05999988E-02   3.13861831E-03
+   9.08000022E-02   4.15281169E-02
+   9.09999982E-02   3.47360573E-03
+   9.12000015E-02   2.63307331E-04
+   9.13999975E-02   2.86411145E-04
+   9.16000009E-02   1.08064478E-03
+   9.17999968E-02   3.71855349E-05
+   9.20000002E-02   2.96631370E-05
+   9.22000036E-02   2.64354079E-04
+   9.23999995E-02   2.17187626E-05
+   9.26000029E-02   1.63831464E-05
+   9.27999988E-02   2.17707875E-05
+   9.30000022E-02   7.18328694E-04
+   9.31999981E-02   4.79229930E-05
+   9.34000015E-02   1.02921927E-04
+   9.35999975E-02   5.73236139E-06
+   9.38000008E-02   2.13596213E-04
+   9.39999968E-02   7.73858410E-05
+   9.42000002E-02   3.82095837E-04
+   9.44000036E-02   1.26193583E-04
+   9.45999995E-02   4.75113775E-04
+   9.48000029E-02   1.31851964E-04
+   9.49999988E-02   8.30645557E-04
+   9.52000022E-02   1.00108760E-03
+   9.53999981E-02   2.94830097E-04
+   9.56000015E-02   2.68846125E-05
+   9.57999974E-02   6.35193865E-05
+   9.60000008E-02   3.34436452E-04
+   9.61999968E-02   5.06188604E-04
+   9.64000002E-02   1.96790643E-04
+   9.66000035E-02   4.97624336E-04
+   9.67999995E-02   7.94912106E-04
+   9.70000029E-02   2.94851816E-06
+   9.71999988E-02   2.15646607E-04
+   9.74000022E-02   1.08803879E-03
+   9.75999981E-02   8.20837973E-04
+   9.78000015E-02   6.20366540E-04
+   9.79999974E-02   1.87026963E-04
+   9.82000008E-02   1.19484961E-03
+   9.83999968E-02   3.49159600E-05
+   9.86000001E-02   6.82508515E-04
+   9.88000035E-02   7.83622847E-04
+   9.89999995E-02   5.21076843E-04
+   9.92000028E-02   1.48368432E-04
+   9.93999988E-02   2.60944071E-04
+   9.96000022E-02   8.51096920E-05
+   9.97999981E-02   5.62220579E-03
+  0.100000001       1.18893164E-04
+  0.100199997       1.64554210E-03
+  0.100400001       2.61411624E-04
+  0.100599997       2.21182709E-04
+  0.100800000       3.00287735E-04
+  0.101000004       1.61215418E-03
+  0.101199999       3.93158989E-04
+  0.101400003       2.68520904E-04
+  0.101599999       8.85297544E-04
+  0.101800002       2.04566677E-04
+  0.101999998       1.25705916E-03
+  0.102200001       8.91542004E-04
+  0.102399997       1.37220882E-03
+  0.102600001       6.14916135E-05
+  0.102799997       7.09708489E-04
+  0.103000000       2.01310351E-04
+  0.103200004       1.05007384E-04
+  0.103399999       7.44548743E-04
+  0.103600003       1.33702677E-04
+  0.103799999       5.63708927E-05
+  0.104000002       7.20342796E-05
+  0.104199998       6.84740255E-04
+  0.104400001       4.42071352E-04
+  0.104599997       6.42859144E-04
+  0.104800001       6.12766191E-04
+  0.104999997       3.08408562E-05
+  0.105200000       3.59891783E-05
+  0.105400003       3.75347881E-04
+  0.105599999       1.33393522E-04
+  0.105800003       2.68965123E-05
+  0.105999999       9.39409365E-05
+  0.106200002       6.72944298E-04
+  0.106399998       4.92621621E-05
+  0.106600001       2.62373069E-04
+  0.106799997       1.01316618E-05
+  0.107000001       5.49375662E-04
+  0.107199997       6.36224344E-04
+  0.107400000       1.52832145E-04
+  0.107600003       8.04001756E-04
+  0.107799999       7.45658530E-04
+  0.108000003       9.48432658E-04
+  0.108199999       3.04990128E-04
+  0.108400002       1.16270741E-04
+  0.108599998       8.94043827E-04
+  0.108800001       3.16976861E-04
+  0.108999997       4.88413934E-05
+  0.109200001       5.07506265E-05
+  0.109399997       7.57652451E-04
+  0.109600000       2.30545900E-03
+  0.109800003       4.47304919E-04
+  0.109999999       2.24435888E-03
+  0.110200003       3.77127726E-04
+  0.110399999       1.35889386E-05
+  0.110600002       8.42721147E-06
+  0.110799998       5.97163977E-04
+  0.111000001       4.37679206E-04
+  0.111199997       2.69270444E-04
+  0.111400001       1.44617748E-03
+  0.111599997       7.69818609E-04
+  0.111800000       1.24748156E-03
+  0.112000003       6.71176414E-04
+  0.112199999       2.84372829E-04
+  0.112400003       9.40246318E-05
+  0.112599999       1.54674606E-04
+  0.112800002       1.48985098E-04
+  0.112999998       4.56065027E-05
+  0.113200001       2.12556537E-04
+  0.113399997       2.70299992E-04
+  0.113600001       3.48356807E-05
+  0.113799997       3.01241416E-05
+  0.114000000       2.21361857E-04
+  0.114200003       6.64485706E-05
+  0.114399999       1.80030722E-04
+  0.114600003       1.15153516E-05
+  0.114799999       1.11718418E-06
+  0.115000002       4.02806290E-05
+  0.115199998       4.44321340E-05
+  0.115400001       2.77453037E-05
+  0.115599997       5.45414223E-05
+  0.115800001       2.48239166E-06
+  0.115999997       2.47534808E-06
+  0.116200000       6.64147279E-08
+  0.116400003       3.15078214E-05
+  0.116599999       6.74482590E-06
+  0.116800003       4.63815777E-05
+  0.116999999       2.18759906E-05
+  0.117200002       3.30491421E-05
+  0.117399998       9.12748419E-07
+  0.117600001       1.50181731E-05
+  0.117799997       5.01018221E-05
+  0.118000001       1.82127474E-06
+  0.118199997       2.16571461E-05
+  0.118400000       1.10582805E-05
+  0.118600003       3.45536100E-05
+  0.118799999       5.11333092E-05
+  0.119000003       1.20156517E-06
+  0.119199999       4.22796484E-06
+  0.119400002       1.97955183E-06
+  0.119599998       1.51407075E-04
+  0.119800001       1.48514573E-05
+  0.119999997       2.00072463E-05
+  0.120200001       6.42923260E-05
+  0.120399997       3.33773060E-04
+  0.120600000       4.42127166E-05
+  0.120800003       1.77649257E-03
+  0.120999999       1.27938278E-02
+  0.121200003       1.07959053E-03
+  0.121399999       4.98616369E-04
+  0.121600002       6.39206846E-05
+  0.121799998       1.53022585E-04
+  0.122000001       1.94826789E-04
+  0.122199997       3.34025317E-05
+  0.122400001       3.55703160E-05
+  0.122599997       1.22948932E-05
+  0.122800000       1.50271467E-06
+  0.123000003       9.14345037E-06
+  0.123199999       1.66056183E-04
+  0.123400003       3.19777027E-05
+  0.123599999       1.42109766E-05
+  0.123800002       4.20238866E-05
+  0.123999998       8.00789348E-05
+  0.124200001       1.13401957E-05
+  0.124399997       2.08040408E-04
+  0.124600001       3.55149969E-05
+  0.124799997       2.43941642E-04
+  0.125000000       1.19584045E-04
+  0.125200003       1.33463574E-04
+  0.125400007       6.20392966E-04
+  0.125599995       3.06422189E-05
+  0.125799999       9.17622674E-05
+  0.126000002       1.48634183E-06
+  0.126200005       1.66785376E-05
+  0.126399994       1.54638314E-04
+  0.126599997       3.90385540E-04
+  0.126800001       4.74366068E-04
+  0.127000004       3.44498578E-04
+  0.127200007       3.02066610E-06
+  0.127399996       6.82060909E-06
+  0.127599999       8.26115254E-04
+  0.127800003       2.21372888E-04
+  0.128000006       1.22526981E-04
+  0.128199995       6.09480685E-06
+  0.128399998       6.22284599E-04
+  0.128600001       8.95392441E-05
+  0.128800005       1.08643086E-04
+  0.128999993       2.44430354E-04
+  0.129199997       2.66659335E-04
+  0.129400000       9.32703188E-05
+  0.129600003       3.57277095E-05
+  0.129800007       6.53091993E-05
+  0.129999995       2.03604088E-03
+  0.130199999       2.02495139E-04
+  0.130400002       6.96600531E-04
+  0.130600005       1.30652343E-05
+  0.130799994       2.01701550E-04
+  0.130999997       2.51370016E-04
+  0.131200001       3.63001163E-04
+  0.131400004       4.77803187E-05
+  0.131600007       1.07963124E-05
+  0.131799996       2.05909411E-04
+  0.131999999       3.26633744E-04
+  0.132200003       4.58708149E-04
+  0.132400006       2.21077396E-04
+  0.132599995       5.01056376E-04
+  0.132799998       2.27082375E-04
+  0.133000001       2.28930279E-04
+  0.133200005       2.94566125E-05
+  0.133399993       1.01407459E-05
+  0.133599997       4.32838657E-04
+  0.133800000       7.57978487E-05
+  0.134000003       1.61137450E-05
+  0.134200007       1.52589803E-06
+  0.134399995       3.42771418E-05
+  0.134599999       4.76537738E-04
+  0.134800002       2.97769351E-04
+  0.135000005       1.32245186E-04
+  0.135199994       8.31547732E-05
+  0.135399997       1.48968620E-05
+  0.135600001       9.62154154E-05
+  0.135800004       2.97458100E-05
+  0.136000007       1.25298220E-05
+  0.136199996       7.39890311E-06
+  0.136399999       2.98348546E-04
+  0.136600003       2.09328591E-05
+  0.136800006       1.85520010E-04
+  0.136999995       5.09879919E-06
+  0.137199998       2.45860079E-04
+  0.137400001       4.97886213E-05
+  0.137600005       1.86133984E-05
+  0.137799993       6.09701383E-04
+  0.137999997       8.07028700E-05
+  0.138200000       5.28857461E-04
+  0.138400003       1.36025483E-05
+  0.138600007       1.31568828E-04
+  0.138799995       2.55430379E-04
+  0.138999999       3.09279334E-04
+  0.139200002       5.70395823E-05
+  0.139400005       3.52424431E-05
+  0.139599994       1.06097097E-04
+  0.139799997       8.22561153E-04
+  0.140000001       3.36653669E-04
+  0.140200004       4.66998405E-04
+  0.140400007       4.97235451E-04
+  0.140599996       9.47644294E-05
+  0.140799999       4.37417693E-05
+  0.141000003       4.26057581E-04
+  0.141200006       1.63359029E-04
+  0.141399994       8.30799127E-06
+  0.141599998       6.27205009E-04
+  0.141800001       1.18843564E-05
+  0.142000005       9.41165315E-04
+  0.142199993       3.77237047E-05
+  0.142399997       9.76479641E-05
+  0.142600000       1.11089634E-04
+  0.142800003       2.85636670E-05
+  0.143000007       1.04566665E-04
+  0.143199995       9.23349307E-06
+  0.143399999       3.57971185E-05
+  0.143600002       1.59126008E-04
+  0.143800005       7.88686702E-06
+  0.143999994       7.35201354E-07
+  0.144199997       1.25543767E-04
+  0.144400001       2.73703881E-05
+  0.144600004       1.38829957E-04
+  0.144800007       5.26688109E-06
+  0.144999996       2.27505916E-06
+  0.145199999       5.86839678E-06
+  0.145400003       3.25881410E-06
+  0.145600006       1.38583146E-05
+  0.145799994       3.07782902E-05
+  0.145999998       8.58483418E-06
+  0.146200001       2.01849252E-05
+  0.146400005       2.52682457E-05
+  0.146599993       5.32911108E-05
+  0.146799996       1.92332413E-06
+  0.147000000       6.05651658E-05
+  0.147200003       9.88635293E-06
+  0.147400007       4.83467920E-05
+  0.147599995       9.67416599E-06
+  0.147799999       1.08711029E-05
+  0.148000002       3.59598234E-05
+  0.148200005       2.60132197E-06
+  0.148399994       1.94131244E-05
+  0.148599997       5.37633014E-06
+  0.148800001       4.66485762E-05
+  0.149000004       2.38535758E-05
+  0.149200007       2.40290387E-06
+  0.149399996       1.61694752E-05
+  0.149599999       1.21268458E-05
+  0.149800003       6.46292319E-05
+  0.150000006       8.85389272E-06
+  0.150199994       5.08060184E-05
+  0.150399998       1.49935922E-05
+  0.150600001       3.32815282E-04
+  0.150800005       1.03659317E-04
+  0.150999993       1.12529262E-03
+  0.151199996       2.33545806E-03
+  0.151400000       1.00920931E-03
+  0.151600003       6.29543269E-04
+  0.151800007       1.55641974E-05
+  0.151999995       8.79693107E-06
+  0.152199998       2.70020042E-04
+  0.152400002       1.28311785E-05
+  0.152600005       6.81241954E-06
+  0.152799994       1.28784686E-05
+  0.152999997       6.33121545E-06
+  0.153200001       6.09879976E-07
+  0.153400004       2.81632711E-05
+  0.153600007       7.08586304E-05
+  0.153799996       1.01388150E-05
+  0.153999999       3.29318646E-05
+  0.154200003       2.60406559E-05
+  0.154400006       5.52043748E-05
+  0.154599994       6.25254252E-05
+  0.154799998       1.85395038E-05
+  0.155000001       8.26497053E-05
+  0.155200005       1.04910840E-04
+  0.155399993       9.80611640E-06
+  0.155599996       2.45614821E-04
+  0.155800000       1.50068357E-04
+  0.156000003       6.86825588E-05
+  0.156200007       8.48685704E-06
+  0.156399995       1.00857851E-05
+  0.156599998       1.79889335E-04
+  0.156800002       3.13797180E-04
+  0.157000005       1.90770341E-04
+  0.157199994       6.85302075E-05
+  0.157399997       1.99759961E-05
+  0.157600001       6.90518436E-06
+  0.157800004       3.12008953E-04
+  0.158000007       1.51666964E-05
+  0.158199996       4.24563041E-05
+  0.158399999       4.41964185E-05
+  0.158600003       1.83303971E-04
+  0.158800006       1.49789688E-04
+  0.158999994       4.52105633E-06
+  0.159199998       9.51301336E-05
+  0.159400001       9.91388515E-05
+  0.159600005       9.03542023E-05
+  0.159799993       3.37141705E-06
+  0.159999996       9.27523943E-05
+  0.160200000       4.39658674E-04
+  0.160400003       4.13367001E-04
+  0.160600007       1.24759768E-04
+  0.160799995       5.60439439E-05
+  0.160999998       8.90340671E-05
+  0.161200002       6.37213670E-05
+  0.161400005       3.43709653E-05
+  0.161599994       7.95240703E-05
+  0.161799997       3.97418480E-05
+  0.162000000       8.80010630E-05
+  0.162200004       2.17537876E-04
+  0.162400007       8.80465523E-05
+  0.162599996       8.04040174E-05
+  0.162799999       1.22525118E-04
+  0.163000003       2.06974102E-04
+  0.163200006       2.24568430E-05
+  0.163399994       2.92005170E-05
+  0.163599998       8.09884223E-05
+  0.163800001       2.19522510E-04
+  0.164000005       6.61536251E-05
+  0.164199993       1.11009749E-05
+  0.164399996       7.78726826E-06
+  0.164600000       7.31167092E-05
+  0.164800003       1.87985686E-04
+  0.165000007       8.24245872E-05
+  0.165199995       3.74968590E-06
+  0.165399998       4.46807608E-05
+  0.165600002       2.32089678E-05
+  0.165800005       1.51148179E-05
+  0.165999994       4.99140660E-05
+  0.166199997       9.20298862E-06
+  0.166400000       2.67603923E-06
+  0.166600004       1.25804174E-04
+  0.166800007       1.96324654E-05
+  0.166999996       8.57684863E-05
+  0.167199999       7.70456791E-06
+  0.167400002       4.29053289E-05
+  0.167600006       3.92157381E-05
+  0.167799994       6.51569353E-05
+  0.167999998       1.84136152E-04
+  0.168200001       1.75192126E-05
+  0.168400005       1.79378636E-04
+  0.168599993       6.89128647E-05
+  0.168799996       5.72751087E-05
+  0.169000000       4.54119545E-05
+  0.169200003       1.90935214E-04
+  0.169400007       4.28204512E-05
+  0.169599995       4.15747127E-06
+  0.169799998       1.55677662E-05
+  0.170000002       3.08519753E-04
+  0.170200005       2.01310715E-04
+  0.170399994       5.30457255E-05
+  0.170599997       4.58094524E-04
+  0.170800000       5.72240024E-05
+  0.171000004       3.25049004E-05
+  0.171200007       1.62831187E-04
+  0.171399996       1.38696796E-05
+  0.171599999       1.50482429E-05
+  0.171800002       1.77397902E-04
+  0.172000006       1.18940574E-04
+  0.172199994       3.43142776E-04
+  0.172399998       2.01984712E-05
+  0.172600001       2.70382698E-05
+  0.172800004       8.78140272E-05
+  0.172999993       2.66063898E-06
+  0.173199996       5.17243243E-05
+  0.173400000       1.90425126E-05
+  0.173600003       4.00537374E-07
+  0.173800007       6.35066099E-05
+  0.173999995       2.49743753E-05
+  0.174199998       3.66268614E-06
+  0.174400002       6.76158452E-05
+  0.174600005       3.49671100E-05
+  0.174799994       5.45527873E-05
+  0.174999997       3.26164809E-06
+  0.175200000       5.83041174E-06
+  0.175400004       9.89909836E-07
+  0.175600007       2.42095302E-06
+  0.175799996       1.66910504E-05
+  0.175999999       1.84463534E-05
+  0.176200002       2.57616830E-05
+  0.176400006       1.69142859E-05
+  0.176599994       1.83296725E-05
+  0.176799998       2.70412256E-05
+  0.177000001       2.55195255E-06
+  0.177200004       1.69420528E-05
+  0.177399993       5.17984017E-06
+  0.177599996       3.55479096E-05
+  0.177800000       4.39087262E-06
+  0.178000003       1.05561389E-06
+  0.178200006       9.41159306E-06
+  0.178399995       2.94978645E-06
+  0.178599998       6.14758801E-06
+  0.178800002       1.78033156E-06
+  0.179000005       3.44882574E-05
+  0.179199994       1.18835687E-05
+  0.179399997       4.30580144E-07
+  0.179600000       7.96362838E-06
+  0.179800004       6.67235463E-06
+  0.180000007       1.05495401E-05
+  0.180199996       3.69034060E-05
+  0.180399999       4.56929374E-05
+  0.180600002       1.52555795E-05
+  0.180800006       9.82084603E-05
+  0.180999994       1.22787649E-04
+  0.181199998       3.01198510E-04
+  0.181400001       3.23983171E-04
+  0.181600004       7.83128664E-04
+  0.181799993       3.56294564E-04
+  0.181999996       2.46367676E-06
+  0.182200000       1.46086813E-05
+  0.182400003       1.31621229E-04
+  0.182600006       1.66511218E-05
+  0.182799995       7.26812868E-06
+  0.182999998       5.02095736E-06
+  0.183200002       9.28312784E-06
+  0.183400005       6.42305679E-07
+  0.183599994       4.20438664E-06
+  0.183799997       4.59790244E-05
+  0.184000000       5.00437818E-06
+  0.184200004       2.30726400E-05
+  0.184400007       4.67443151E-09
+  0.184599996       3.19475257E-05
+  0.184799999       3.29934369E-06
+  0.185000002       1.44654796E-05
+  0.185200006       2.12454397E-05
+  0.185399994       5.90675445E-05
+  0.185599998       3.38759637E-05
+  0.185800001       6.75626943E-05
+  0.186000004       1.19012388E-04
+  0.186199993       3.68764158E-05
+  0.186399996       8.22111542E-06
+  0.186600000       2.55636569E-05
+  0.186800003       9.28623558E-05
+  0.187000006       1.29156353E-04
+  0.187199995       1.73649296E-05
+  0.187399998       2.98189734E-05
+  0.187600002       3.03966481E-05
+  0.187800005       2.81362577E-06
+  0.187999994       6.78814176E-05
+  0.188199997       2.93402791E-05
+  0.188400000       3.98594857E-05
+  0.188600004       1.87525420E-05
+  0.188800007       2.59267545E-05
+  0.188999996       9.68463719E-05
+  0.189199999       9.05438628E-06
+  0.189400002       2.69894354E-05
+  0.189600006       5.80286833E-05
+  0.189799994       6.21903164E-05
+  0.189999998       6.85284476E-06
+  0.190200001       3.40917832E-05
+  0.190400004       5.49839751E-05
+  0.190599993       3.28746799E-04
+  0.190799996       7.47765307E-06
+  0.191000000       5.53878599E-05
+  0.191200003       1.88333779E-05
+  0.191400006       1.59637384E-05
+  0.191599995       2.89014297E-05
+  0.191799998       8.39976201E-05
+  0.192000002       2.65757426E-05
+  0.192200005       3.80632264E-05
+  0.192399994       1.07176944E-04
+  0.192599997       1.01411579E-05
+  0.192800000       4.73421678E-05
+  0.193000004       2.05350279E-05
+  0.193200007       1.44011530E-04
+  0.193399996       4.70966052E-06
+  0.193599999       3.47345667E-05
+  0.193800002       7.09163796E-05
+  0.194000006       4.86842619E-05
+  0.194199994       6.56042903E-05
+  0.194399998       1.70805815E-05
+  0.194600001       4.38823554E-06
+  0.194800004       3.71763817E-05
+  0.194999993       2.50813318E-05
+  0.195199996       2.26695956E-05
+  0.195400000       1.21632811E-05
+  0.195600003       4.32742600E-05
+  0.195800006       1.18949802E-05
+  0.195999995       4.24655309E-06
+  0.196199998       2.83456102E-05
+  0.196400002       1.76037258E-06
+  0.196600005       3.28806846E-06
+  0.196799994       3.55718366E-05
+  0.196999997       8.18961053E-06
+  0.197200000       1.44109990E-05
+  0.197400004       1.31476563E-05
+  0.197600007       8.41985525E-07
+  0.197799996       5.67335919E-05
+  0.197999999       1.64172307E-05
+  0.198200002       3.04795649E-05
+  0.198400006       3.01813307E-05
+  0.198599994       5.63821195E-05
+  0.198799998       5.78497784E-05
+  0.199000001       1.76527610E-05
+  0.199200004       4.16538887E-06
+  0.199399993       1.52084074E-04
+  0.199599996       1.41412947E-05
+  0.199800000       1.51532649E-05
+  0.200000003       9.45885768E-06
+  0.200200006       7.25083737E-05
+  0.200399995       1.27501466E-04
+  0.200599998       1.41150758E-06
+  0.200800002       2.47400312E-04
+  0.201000005       1.29392483E-05
+  0.201199993       1.06355737E-05
+  0.201399997       4.87164834E-05
+  0.201600000       5.20284948E-06
+  0.201800004       3.09416209E-05
+  0.202000007       1.87906553E-05
+  0.202199996       1.63890538E-04
+  0.202399999       6.53407842E-05
+  0.202600002       7.37646769E-05
+  0.202800006       1.03185412E-05
+  0.202999994       3.55714837E-05
+  0.203199998       6.77645767E-06
+  0.203400001       2.89906511E-05
+  0.203600004       1.50631104E-05
+  0.203799993       1.34716379E-06
+  0.203999996       1.98214129E-05
+  0.204200000       3.33467324E-05
+  0.204400003       4.69056522E-06
+  0.204600006       2.33692626E-05
+  0.204799995       4.53149660E-05
+  0.204999998       1.43287953E-05
+  0.205200002       1.06652478E-05
+  0.205400005       1.65661379E-06
+  0.205599993       1.71246677E-06
+  0.205799997       2.94051097E-06
+  0.206000000       1.67961316E-05
+  0.206200004       8.03090370E-06
+  0.206400007       1.50517862E-05
+  0.206599995       3.68892779E-06
+  0.206799999       6.41346378E-06
+  0.207000002       6.23617154E-07
+  0.207200006       1.06134812E-05
+  0.207399994       1.69692896E-06
+  0.207599998       5.53936570E-06
+  0.207800001       1.58735857E-05
+  0.208000004       1.15648782E-05
+  0.208199993       1.50325116E-06
+  0.208399996       9.19088870E-06
+  0.208600000       9.26100529E-06
+  0.208800003       1.34433310E-06
+  0.209000006       7.17898183E-06
+  0.209199995       9.86018404E-06
+  0.209399998       1.84024939E-05
+  0.209600002       5.34970513E-06
+  0.209800005       2.23320944E-06
+  0.209999993       2.23255461E-06
+  0.210199997       7.43676424E-07
+  0.210400000       3.82371036E-05
+  0.210600004       2.20131351E-05
+  0.210800007       5.14332078E-06
+  0.210999995       3.29190480E-05
+  0.211199999       6.55985714E-05
+  0.211400002       1.20655786E-05
+  0.211600006       1.56649752E-04
+  0.211799994       3.05700727E-04
+  0.211999997       1.23351798E-04
+  0.212200001       7.76652632E-06
+  0.212400004       7.45659781E-06
+  0.212599993       2.03114960E-05
+  0.212799996       3.07893570E-05
+  0.213000000       7.32794206E-06
+  0.213200003       2.11349311E-06
+  0.213400006       5.98625229E-06
+  0.213599995       3.43893873E-07
+  0.213799998       3.94525978E-06
+  0.214000002       2.63798738E-05
+  0.214200005       2.07412540E-06
+  0.214399993       1.35893915E-05
+  0.214599997       1.85850422E-06
+  0.214800000       1.70658295E-05
+  0.215000004       5.05063235E-06
+  0.215200007       1.25594333E-05
+  0.215399995       1.97889040E-06
+  0.215599999       3.35828954E-05
+  0.215800002       4.03097692E-05
+  0.216000006       2.93773269E-06
+  0.216199994       6.76283453E-05
+  0.216399997       1.15162793E-05
+  0.216600001       2.34897016E-06
+  0.216800004       3.16556520E-06
+  0.216999993       2.73912574E-05
+  0.217199996       1.35247337E-05
+  0.217399999       1.46147895E-05
+  0.217600003       3.69992413E-05
+  0.217800006       3.66752138E-05
+  0.217999995       2.51122674E-06
+  0.218199998       6.28300222E-06
+  0.218400002       4.13071903E-05
+  0.218600005       3.06382644E-05
+  0.218799993       7.37222308E-06
+  0.218999997       1.48417564E-06
+  0.219200000       5.91958051E-05
+  0.219400004       3.41888299E-05
+  0.219600007       3.49624088E-06
+  0.219799995       1.81568066E-05
+  0.219999999       7.97742905E-06
+  0.220200002       1.38517489E-05
+  0.220400006       8.23465507E-06
+  0.220599994       1.40386001E-05
+  0.220799997       1.28769912E-04
+  0.221000001       1.72757573E-05
+  0.221200004       3.52914067E-05
+  0.221399993       1.89795810E-06
+  0.221599996       9.72763155E-06
+  0.221799999       5.07337390E-05
+  0.222000003       2.81761586E-05
+  0.222200006       1.19219712E-05
+  0.222399995       2.42224778E-05
+  0.222599998       1.36131193E-05
+  0.222800002       1.39463822E-07
+  0.223000005       9.19781633E-06
+  0.223199993       1.04521278E-05
+  0.223399997       3.93607588E-05
+  0.223600000       1.86277011E-05
+  0.223800004       8.93645756E-06
+  0.224000007       2.16594890E-05
+  0.224199995       4.99586804E-06
+  0.224399999       3.04136320E-05
+  0.224600002       2.48700462E-06
+  0.224800006       2.16218177E-06
+  0.224999994       7.37331766E-06
+  0.225199997       9.13249323E-07
+  0.225400001       1.22206011E-05
+  0.225600004       3.33263961E-05
+  0.225799993       8.13142833E-06
+  0.225999996       2.60302681E-06
+  0.226199999       9.43160194E-06
+  0.226400003       1.92670250E-05
+  0.226600006       1.60517516E-06
+  0.226799995       6.65972834E-07
+  0.226999998       9.18064597E-06
+  0.227200001       1.30914077E-05
+  0.227400005       3.43654665E-06
+  0.227599993       1.76885642E-05
+  0.227799997       2.68821782E-06
+  0.228000000       3.33080934E-05
+  0.228200004       1.76518654E-06
+  0.228400007       2.70938790E-06
+  0.228599995       2.87463736E-05
+  0.228799999       7.41373515E-06
+  0.229000002       2.79828982E-05
+  0.229200006       3.24257462E-06
+  0.229399994       2.26821521E-06
+  0.229599997       4.43290119E-05
+  0.229800001       9.56600616E-06
+  0.230000004       1.48143554E-05
+  0.230199993       5.03019055E-06
+  0.230399996       1.13401202E-05
+  0.230599999       7.15433125E-05
+  0.230800003       8.38105734E-06
+  0.231000006       1.00659279E-04
+  0.231199995       1.23720711E-05
+  0.231399998       8.14428518E-07
+  0.231600001       5.67815641E-06
+  0.231800005       1.91607978E-05
+  0.231999993       2.61803762E-05
+  0.232199997       9.02670195E-07
+  0.232400000       4.78990369E-05
+  0.232600003       7.26965766E-07
+  0.232800007       5.65069349E-05
+  0.232999995       3.15813963E-06
+  0.233199999       6.16345005E-06
+  0.233400002       5.91755861E-06
+  0.233600006       2.67810901E-06
+  0.233799994       1.45874465E-05
+  0.233999997       1.25812608E-06
+  0.234200001       6.73476006E-06
+  0.234400004       2.34187046E-05
+  0.234599993       1.60881228E-08
+  0.234799996       6.95955714E-06
+  0.234999999       2.56557141E-05
+  0.235200003       2.61698256E-06
+  0.235400006       1.48005820E-05
+  0.235599995       1.51873689E-06
+  0.235799998       5.05520390E-08
+  0.236000001       2.73145673E-07
+  0.236200005       6.11147425E-06
+  0.236399993       5.31382739E-06
+  0.236599997       8.05496893E-06
+  0.236800000       5.22687102E-08
+  0.237000003       1.59196736E-06
+  0.237200007       1.65905999E-06
+  0.237399995       2.36272513E-06
+  0.237599999       2.15568747E-07
+  0.237800002       3.58376792E-06
+  0.238000005       7.23793300E-06
+  0.238199994       1.04505480E-05
+  0.238399997       7.66680114E-06
+  0.238600001       2.48206447E-07
+  0.238800004       3.73349803E-06
+  0.238999993       8.87676435E-07
+  0.239199996       5.85517637E-06
+  0.239399999       4.33936805E-07
+  0.239600003       2.08945221E-05
+  0.239800006       1.81022313E-06
+  0.239999995       2.67882797E-06
+  0.240199998       6.03951366E-06
+  0.240400001       5.67790539E-06
+  0.240600005       2.09869304E-05
+  0.240799993       2.17962179E-06
+  0.240999997       8.84500969E-06
+  0.241200000       6.53493316E-06
+  0.241400003       2.44483090E-05
+  0.241600007       1.12337439E-05
+  0.241799995       1.18398224E-04
+  0.241999999       8.32278674E-05
+  0.242200002       3.09133102E-05
+  0.242400005       1.86255711E-05
+  0.242599994       2.10690587E-06
+  0.242799997       6.09110202E-07
+  0.243000001       1.86849247E-05
+  0.243200004       3.18405819E-06
+  0.243399993       8.16084821E-07
+  0.243599996       1.18857270E-06
+  0.243799999       4.73053842E-06
+  0.244000003       1.44071620E-07
+  0.244200006       4.77206504E-06
+  0.244399995       3.96803352E-06
+  0.244599998       8.62392335E-06
+  0.244800001       2.73923865E-06
+  0.245000005       3.97003532E-07
+  0.245199993       1.05632134E-05
+  0.245399997       6.69812016E-06
+  0.245600000       7.57066857E-07
+  0.245800003       8.57816121E-06
+  0.246000007       2.80409186E-05
+  0.246199995       4.60642423E-06
+  0.246399999       1.27478643E-05
+  0.246600002       6.81986967E-06
+  0.246800005       9.98763880E-07
+  0.246999994       1.90398305E-06
+  0.247199997       2.39968699E-06
+  0.247400001       2.84883863E-05
+  0.247600004       2.80835193E-05
+  0.247799993       2.77635536E-05
+  0.247999996       1.49435373E-05
+  0.248199999       6.73775773E-08
+  0.248400003       1.76886704E-06
+  0.248600006       5.01374670E-05
+  0.248799995       6.04990100E-06
+  0.248999998       3.55312886E-06
+  0.249200001       3.20502113E-06
+  0.249400005       8.77899038E-06
+  0.249599993       1.32191108E-05
+  0.249799997       1.19461242E-06
+  0.250000000       5.80595361E-06
+  0.250200003       3.21850507E-06
+  0.250400007       8.51732966E-06
+  0.250600010       2.61339164E-06
+  0.250800014       1.49265470E-05
+  0.250999987       4.29402717E-05
+  0.251199991       1.00457628E-05
+  0.251399994       7.73777720E-06
+  0.251599997       3.43838792E-06
+  0.251800001       2.52962877E-06
+  0.252000004       3.02722910E-05
+  0.252200007       1.14578543E-05
+  0.252400011       2.99437488E-06
+  0.252600014       2.34573758E-06
+  0.252799988       5.58240254E-06
+  0.252999991       4.74027229E-06
+  0.253199995       9.51556012E-06
+  0.253399998       2.98835221E-06
+  0.253600001       1.04422934E-05
+  0.253800005       2.78799671E-05
+  0.254000008       1.48664071E-06
+  0.254200011       9.57194879E-06
+  0.254400015       8.05260788E-06
+  0.254599988       1.27823751E-05
+  0.254799992       2.71010549E-06
+  0.254999995       9.80894038E-06
+  0.255199999       2.10233475E-06
+  0.255400002       5.00317992E-06
+  0.255600005       6.98028362E-06
+  0.255800009       1.01810683E-05
+  0.256000012       2.30608703E-06
+  0.256199986       4.41183516E-07
+  0.256399989       9.06297100E-06
+  0.256599993       4.47182265E-06
+  0.256799996       1.04192821E-07
+  0.256999999       1.39963015E-06
+  0.257200003       2.38535063E-06
+  0.257400006       7.21014658E-06
+  0.257600009       1.16826982E-06
+  0.257800013       1.39389194E-05
+  0.257999986       2.19701496E-06
+  0.258199990       4.73206319E-06
+  0.258399993       1.15171929E-06
+  0.258599997       9.88061220E-06
+  0.258800000       8.58607837E-06
+  0.259000003       2.36248252E-06
+  0.259200007       1.28305201E-05
+  0.259400010       2.00596673E-06
+  0.259600013       6.22554217E-06
+  0.259799987       1.94305667E-05
+  0.259999990       6.72114675E-06
+  0.260199994       1.66022437E-05
+  0.260399997       1.02563786E-06
+  0.260600001       2.62603044E-06
+  0.260800004       2.59514854E-05
+  0.261000007       3.26457069E-07
+  0.261200011       2.52731443E-05
+  0.261400014       1.88780141E-05
+  0.261599988       8.42093505E-06
+  0.261799991       3.37749339E-06
+  0.261999995       1.11694553E-05
+  0.262199998       1.14256954E-05
+  0.262400001       5.73294528E-06
+  0.262600005       1.62992546E-05
+  0.262800008       1.05542704E-05
+  0.263000011       3.21083135E-05
+  0.263200015       4.42301416E-06
+  0.263399988       3.71284659E-06
+  0.263599992       4.32613660E-06
+  0.263799995       3.84041130E-07
+  0.263999999       1.39552867E-05
+  0.264200002       2.00796899E-06
+  0.264400005       5.23190465E-07
+  0.264600009       7.54031134E-06
+  0.264800012       6.77932945E-08
+  0.264999986       1.40784198E-06
+  0.265199989       7.74258297E-06
+  0.265399992       1.79561630E-06
+  0.265599996       1.61363059E-05
+  0.265799999       1.92214520E-06
+  0.266000003       3.91318792E-07
+  0.266200006       1.85932743E-06
+  0.266400009       2.87222929E-06
+  0.266600013       1.68358019E-06
+  0.266799986       2.44725902E-06
+  0.266999990       7.23431754E-07
+  0.267199993       4.09828681E-06
+  0.267399997       3.41849136E-06
+  0.267600000       3.10527389E-06
+  0.267800003       1.50763981E-06
+  0.268000007       3.39192434E-06
+  0.268200010       4.32441630E-06
+  0.268400013       2.73892306E-06
+  0.268599987       2.86976046E-06
+  0.268799990       3.82561126E-07
+  0.268999994       1.89812931E-06
+  0.269199997       9.16495367E-07
+  0.269400001       6.52611675E-07
+  0.269600004       6.64875301E-07
+  0.269800007       1.03561015E-05
+  0.270000011       1.77024035E-07
+  0.270200014       6.98979022E-07
+  0.270399988       9.10904463E-10
+  0.270599991       2.69526731E-06
+  0.270799994       9.26577741E-06
+  0.270999998       9.74066279E-06
+  0.271200001       8.10282131E-07
+  0.271400005       4.61242962E-06
+  0.271600008       1.35125811E-05
+  0.271800011       1.03081529E-05
+  0.272000015       3.75648779E-05
+  0.272199988       9.01578278E-06
+  0.272399992       1.62736924E-05
+  0.272599995       2.04537500E-05
+  0.272799999       2.78695353E-07
+  0.273000002       1.77180527E-06
+  0.273200005       1.88466074E-05
+  0.273400009       3.85469912E-06
+  0.273600012       3.11438242E-07
+  0.273799986       9.31586754E-08
+  0.273999989       3.53017913E-06
+  0.274199992       1.35545201E-06
+  0.274399996       2.21865002E-06
+  0.274599999       1.93267351E-06
+  0.274800003       4.07806510E-06
+  0.275000006       7.93417655E-07
+  0.275200009       1.37093753E-06
+  0.275400013       4.00339741E-06
+  0.275599986       1.48986919E-06
+  0.275799990       2.47150797E-06
+  0.275999993       1.21945249E-07
+  0.276199996       5.40031851E-06
+  0.276400000       1.34467628E-05
+  0.276600003       6.49882395E-06
+  0.276800007       1.40165748E-05
+  0.277000010       1.99801843E-06
+  0.277200013       9.78272737E-07
+  0.277399987       1.03922378E-06
+  0.277599990       1.92214975E-05
+  0.277799994       1.83425364E-05
+  0.277999997       1.48667887E-05
+  0.278200001       2.43518480E-06
+  0.278400004       1.53655449E-07
+  0.278600007       1.63666883E-07
+  0.278800011       1.22302517E-05
+  0.279000014       4.96116627E-07
+  0.279199988       2.31212016E-06
+  0.279399991       6.70790723E-06
+  0.279599994       5.27812790E-06
+  0.279799998       1.39884087E-05
+  0.280000001       1.41481678E-06
+  0.280200005       2.09494666E-09
+  0.280400008       4.96774874E-07
+  0.280600011       4.05798301E-06
+  0.280800015       2.76019273E-06
+  0.280999988       1.40323311E-06
+  0.281199992       1.10693081E-05
+  0.281399995       9.47674016E-06
+  0.281599998       3.38577365E-06
+  0.281800002       3.53073733E-06
+  0.282000005       2.01051216E-06
+  0.282200009       9.26536268E-06
+  0.282400012       1.46127070E-06
+  0.282599986       4.93529888E-06
+  0.282799989       1.48963707E-07
+  0.282999992       9.75429771E-07
+  0.283199996       6.30424802E-06
+  0.283399999       6.00468047E-06
+  0.283600003       5.96892960E-07
+  0.283800006       2.43881914E-06
+  0.284000009       1.76205394E-05
+  0.284200013       2.69953347E-07
+  0.284399986       1.81597546E-08
+  0.284599990       1.12580492E-05
+  0.284799993       6.48798323E-06
+  0.284999996       1.41315604E-06
+  0.285200000       3.81483142E-06
+  0.285400003       6.95765948E-07
+  0.285600007       2.39518704E-06
+  0.285800010       4.45101887E-06
+  0.286000013       6.13437351E-06
+  0.286199987       4.42218528E-08
+  0.286399990       1.41810335E-06
+  0.286599994       3.37971301E-06
+  0.286799997       1.28012084E-06
+  0.287000000       2.56175804E-06
+  0.287200004       6.38856079E-08
+  0.287400007       8.49689457E-07
+  0.287600011       7.89384285E-06
+  0.287800014       8.80429354E-07
+  0.287999988       1.67460172E-07
+  0.288199991       1.54094153E-06
+  0.288399994       5.76678531E-07
+  0.288599998       2.56382327E-06
+  0.288800001       3.91964068E-06
+  0.289000005       3.61129878E-07
+  0.289200008       6.38355868E-06
+  0.289400011       3.53750102E-06
+  0.289600015       3.87086089E-07
+  0.289799988       9.92628316E-07
+  0.289999992       5.48949799E-07
+  0.290199995       5.51816038E-06
+  0.290399998       8.57999839E-06
+  0.290600002       1.63362620E-06
+  0.290800005       2.55549389E-06
+  0.291000009       8.56377483E-06
+  0.291200012       9.22726940E-07
+  0.291399986       3.12586531E-06
+  0.291599989       2.78368698E-05
+  0.291799992       6.44108297E-07
+  0.291999996       4.59405874E-06
+  0.292199999       6.06160120E-06
+  0.292400002       8.58445731E-07
+  0.292600006       4.06918161E-06
+  0.292800009       1.11620500E-06
+  0.293000013       1.63420846E-05
+  0.293199986       5.34363744E-06
+  0.293399990       7.80608934E-06
+  0.293599993       3.60007243E-06
+  0.293799996       2.45897240E-06
+  0.294000000       1.19974709E-06
+  0.294200003       2.71692738E-06
+  0.294400007       3.30618536E-06
+  0.294600010       3.76717071E-06
+  0.294800013       4.09991657E-07
+  0.294999987       2.40622808E-06
+  0.295199990       1.11277780E-06
+  0.295399994       1.09622251E-05
+  0.295599997       2.40533245E-06
+  0.295800000       3.51247877E-06
+  0.296000004       9.46819984E-11
+  0.296200007       2.87971545E-07
+  0.296400011       5.75304966E-07
+  0.296600014       3.46537433E-07
+  0.296799988       2.93316680E-06
+  0.296999991       7.16977297E-07
+  0.297199994       1.77951199E-06
+  0.297399998       9.07111115E-08
+  0.297600001       2.37019563E-07
+  0.297800004       1.74293277E-07
+  0.298000008       1.56685985E-06
+  0.298200011       3.39118242E-06
+  0.298400015       2.78537016E-07
+  0.298599988       1.64744370E-06
+  0.298799992       2.63316133E-06
+  0.298999995       1.94297468E-06
+  0.299199998       1.45297747E-06
+  0.299400002       4.50841242E-07
+  0.299600005       1.21592871E-06
+  0.299800009       2.21978644E-06
+  0.300000012       5.88552211E-06
+  0.300199986       8.28204577E-07
+  0.300399989       7.41962140E-07
+  0.300599992       5.03568103E-08
+  0.300799996       4.13165162E-06
+  0.300999999       2.02228534E-06
+  0.301200002       4.52092081E-06
+  0.301400006       4.35819720E-06
+  0.301600009       4.04734374E-06
+  0.301800013       3.08653853E-06
+  0.301999986       8.03934472E-06
+  0.302199990       2.71854833E-06
+  0.302399993       1.45007734E-05
+  0.302599996       8.06574462E-06
+  0.302800000       1.16039555E-05
+  0.303000003       1.26740792E-06
+  0.303200006       3.88448484E-07
+  0.303400010       6.88834916E-06
+  0.303600013       4.29042575E-06
+  0.303799987       2.08474333E-07
+  0.303999990       1.29580417E-06
+  0.304199994       2.25709960E-06
+  0.304399997       8.69724715E-07
+  0.304600000       1.55238172E-06
+  0.304800004       2.67254359E-06
+  0.305000007       8.41741667E-07
+  0.305200011       1.14139470E-06
+  0.305400014       4.88696014E-06
+  0.305599988       6.58190572E-07
+  0.305799991       1.24347321E-06
+  0.305999994       6.77631533E-07
+  0.306199998       1.54388388E-07
+  0.306400001       8.62646004E-07
+  0.306600004       7.88037050E-06
+  0.306800008       7.05334514E-07
+  0.307000011       8.64347021E-06
+  0.307200015       4.15757768E-07
+  0.307399988       1.00020213E-06
+  0.307599992       2.31519289E-06
+  0.307799995       5.51182120E-06
+  0.307999998       3.67983102E-06
+  0.308200002       8.08320294E-07
+  0.308400005       2.52183440E-06
+  0.308600008       2.85547367E-06
+  0.308800012       2.73582486E-06
+  0.308999985       3.66874156E-06
+  0.309199989       1.74792353E-06
+  0.309399992       2.60018987E-06
+  0.309599996       9.08547861E-07
+  0.309799999       8.12247038E-07
+  0.310000002       8.74254147E-06
+  0.310200006       7.41032636E-06
+  0.310400009       1.15884333E-07
+  0.310600013       4.86155477E-06
+  0.310799986       4.58064596E-06
+  0.310999990       7.71183466E-07
+  0.311199993       1.32104651E-06
+  0.311399996       5.24012967E-06
+  0.311600000       7.91545153E-06
+  0.311800003       1.59748902E-06
+  0.312000006       1.55944917E-06
+  0.312200010       6.50550419E-07
+  0.312400013       1.40467228E-06
+  0.312599987       8.11197788E-06
+  0.312799990       4.66098709E-06
+  0.312999994       1.34015704E-06
+  0.313199997       5.12215820E-06
+  0.313400000       1.81569283E-06
+  0.313600004       2.68886379E-06
+  0.313800007       1.29486921E-06
+  0.314000010       2.12992404E-06
+  0.314200014       1.75692321E-06
+  0.314399987       3.22175811E-06
+  0.314599991       7.81563585E-07
+  0.314799994       5.38137647E-06
+  0.314999998       3.47943865E-06
+  0.315200001       1.22081900E-07
+  0.315400004       1.37280963E-07
+  0.315600008       1.95505754E-06
+  0.315800011       2.09109908E-06
+  0.316000015       3.39612711E-07
+  0.316199988       2.24724346E-07
+  0.316399992       8.58058286E-07
+  0.316599995       3.12425595E-06
+  0.316799998       1.30926014E-06
+  0.317000002       6.21577215E-07
+  0.317200005       7.57544740E-07
+  0.317400008       8.66936546E-07
+  0.317600012       2.25397389E-06
+  0.317799985       2.95640439E-06
+  0.317999989       2.14503082E-08
+  0.318199992       7.81289600E-07
+  0.318399996       2.00745512E-06
+  0.318599999       2.18186983E-07
+  0.318800002       3.92673314E-07
+  0.319000006       5.99109512E-07
+  0.319200009       4.90416419E-08
+  0.319400012       2.84450925E-06
+  0.319599986       2.74264700E-09
+  0.319799989       1.16756360E-06
+  0.319999993       3.30606127E-07
+  0.320199996       1.66181769E-06
+  0.320400000       6.74147805E-06
+  0.320600003       1.13465069E-06
+  0.320800006       2.80360973E-06
+  0.321000010       3.16184014E-06
+  0.321200013       2.18317473E-06
+  0.321399987       1.46080333E-06
+  0.321599990       1.87120827E-06
+  0.321799994       1.73632488E-05
+  0.321999997       7.79625609E-08
+  0.322200000       3.62986657E-06
+  0.322400004       1.74015842E-08
+  0.322600007       4.27407940E-06
+  0.322800010       2.80926474E-06
+  0.323000014       1.00081301E-07
+  0.323199987       4.63573406E-06
+  0.323399991       1.13667681E-06
+  0.323599994       3.16832302E-06
+  0.323799998       6.12017311E-06
+  0.324000001       1.41581847E-06
+  0.324200004       6.12380290E-07
+  0.324400008       1.36853134E-06
+  0.324600011       4.49925301E-06
+  0.324800014       1.70718494E-07
+  0.324999988       5.58877332E-07
+  0.325199991       6.28846374E-06
+  0.325399995       4.85485202E-07
+  0.325599998       1.31439879E-06
+  0.325800002       3.73646827E-07
+  0.326000005       1.79331110E-07
+  0.326200008       8.44985152E-07
+  0.326400012       2.17022853E-06
+  0.326599985       1.06425466E-06
+  0.326799989       8.72145733E-07
+  0.326999992       1.91922345E-06
+  0.327199996       1.60841341E-06
+  0.327399999       2.24404585E-06
+  0.327600002       2.54772687E-07
+  0.327800006       8.07799907E-08
+  0.328000009       1.45963486E-06
+  0.328200012       5.35050447E-07
+  0.328399986       5.96622726E-07
+  0.328599989       5.47591640E-07
+  0.328799993       3.43697678E-07
+  0.328999996       1.76756669E-06
+  0.329200000       3.67258508E-06
+  0.329400003       2.17101137E-06
+  0.329600006       9.89640057E-07
+  0.329800010       2.81699386E-06
+  0.330000013       4.34620597E-06
+  0.330199987       3.58619587E-07
+  0.330399990       1.24525059E-06
+  0.330599993       1.15635558E-07
+  0.330799997       1.92604580E-06
+  0.331000000       2.92057121E-06
+  0.331200004       2.96947724E-06
+  0.331400007       3.30202079E-06
+  0.331600010       1.10591913E-07
+  0.331800014       5.60752824E-06
+  0.331999987       2.79306596E-06
+  0.332199991       2.91993388E-06
+  0.332399994       1.65026177E-06
+  0.332599998       4.34230833E-06
+  0.332800001       7.42208726E-07
+  0.333000004       5.29407316E-06
+  0.333200008       3.21041171E-06
+  0.333400011       2.16359808E-06
+  0.333600014       1.48885903E-07
+  0.333799988       8.58108069E-06
+  0.333999991       9.32938491E-08
+  0.334199995       2.72475563E-06
+  0.334399998       3.16014120E-06
+  0.334600002       4.92208621E-08
+  0.334800005       1.09776863E-06
+  0.335000008       1.60071821E-07
+  0.335200012       5.33718207E-07
+  0.335399985       1.36685003E-06
+  0.335599989       1.60107270E-08
+  0.335799992       3.27099337E-06
+  0.335999995       2.88436831E-06
+  0.336199999       1.35502592E-06
+  0.336400002       2.43165310E-08
+  0.336600006       4.12577435E-07
+  0.336800009       5.08726362E-06
+  0.337000012       2.87084458E-06
+  0.337199986       7.40220628E-07
+  0.337399989       1.63183336E-06
+  0.337599993       3.07729266E-07
+  0.337799996       1.99678766E-06
+  0.338000000       7.92525725E-07
+  0.338200003       2.51378265E-06
+  0.338400006       3.92759057E-06
+  0.338600010       2.14464899E-06
+  0.338800013       3.68061910E-06
+  0.338999987       1.47602645E-06
+  0.339199990       1.32735158E-06
+  0.339399993       1.12939529E-06
+  0.339599997       4.76279365E-06
+  0.339800000       8.41577105E-07
+  0.340000004       1.89214791E-06
+  0.340200007       1.88528816E-06
+  0.340400010       3.57791305E-06
+  0.340600014       7.51670143E-07
+  0.340799987       1.29787929E-06
+  0.340999991       9.21408741E-07
+  0.341199994       5.94842220E-07
+  0.341399997       2.41201224E-06
+  0.341600001       8.68929675E-08
+  0.341800004       1.47410879E-06
+  0.342000008       3.73748861E-07
+  0.342200011       1.96603378E-06
+  0.342400014       1.44762498E-06
+  0.342599988       6.74513842E-07
+  0.342799991       7.17287958E-06
+  0.342999995       2.96902645E-08
+  0.343199998       3.60233025E-06
+  0.343400002       2.49426989E-07
+  0.343600005       1.57202999E-06
+  0.343800008       2.54662382E-06
+  0.344000012       1.07672486E-06
+  0.344199985       3.77092448E-07
+  0.344399989       3.20640055E-07
+  0.344599992       2.03140416E-06
+  0.344799995       3.56364978E-07
+  0.344999999       2.76727246E-06
+  0.345200002       1.65520623E-06
+  0.345400006       3.68566617E-07
+  0.345600009       2.40507825E-06
+  0.345800012       1.47437800E-06
+  0.345999986       3.26024542E-06
+  0.346199989       8.92755452E-07
+  0.346399993       8.33609420E-07
+  0.346599996       2.77942627E-06
+  0.346799999       6.55540703E-07
+  0.347000003       2.13102197E-07
+  0.347200006       8.01672684E-07
+  0.347400010       2.49207642E-06
+  0.347600013       4.59036727E-07
+  0.347799987       1.05090680E-06
+  0.347999990       7.99459258E-07
+  0.348199993       1.62291678E-06
+  0.348399997       3.59816799E-09
+  0.348600000       7.93959998E-07
+  0.348800004       9.46438718E-07
+  0.349000007       3.30631860E-06
+  0.349200010       4.24504378E-08
+  0.349400014       3.26106533E-06
+  0.349599987       1.30148328E-06
+  0.349799991       2.21199957E-06
+  0.349999994       1.68533859E-06
+  0.350199997       6.10861662E-07
+  0.350400001       3.36869834E-06
+  0.350600004       1.76140304E-07
+  0.350800008       9.44509964E-07
+  0.351000011       5.20661786E-07
+  0.351200014       1.47983215E-07
+  0.351399988       2.87652639E-08
+  0.351599991       2.65812764E-06
+  0.351799995       1.38804739E-06
+  0.351999998       1.31592233E-05
+  0.352200001       2.20998982E-06
+  0.352400005       1.25156976E-06
+  0.352600008       1.71468412E-06
+  0.352800012       2.27991066E-07
+  0.352999985       3.60575723E-06
+  0.353199989       1.99903252E-06
+  0.353399992       5.01296563E-06
+  0.353599995       4.92675008E-06
+  0.353799999       3.05009326E-06
+  0.354000002       1.64898211E-06
+  0.354200006       8.93450363E-07
+  0.354400009       1.79162114E-07
+  0.354600012       3.13218550E-07
+  0.354799986       2.11119232E-06
+  0.354999989       1.81498422E-06
+  0.355199993       2.23924098E-06
+  0.355399996       3.29379941E-06
+  0.355599999       3.22077113E-07
+  0.355800003       1.15013358E-06
+  0.356000006       3.58152676E-07
+  0.356200010       9.42301028E-08
+  0.356400013       2.47671665E-06
+  0.356599987       1.91761478E-06
+  0.356799990       5.04325953E-07
+  0.356999993       3.04849870E-08
+  0.357199997       7.17397882E-07
+  0.357400000       2.54646034E-06
+  0.357600003       1.56571934E-06
+  0.357800007       1.94896302E-07
+  0.358000010       1.20675836E-07
+  0.358200014       2.34373579E-06
+  0.358399987       4.73002103E-07
+  0.358599991       8.90818285E-07
+  0.358799994       2.62316490E-07
+  0.358999997       4.44220177E-07
+  0.359200001       2.78432594E-07
+  0.359400004       1.69325608E-06
+  0.359600008       3.84838472E-07
+  0.359800011       3.46070578E-07
+  0.360000014       5.13382794E-08
+  0.360199988       2.69387442E-07
+  0.360399991       1.39405472E-06
+  0.360599995       2.69949578E-06
+  0.360799998       2.33046819E-07
+  0.361000001       6.73458487E-07
+  0.361200005       1.62555284E-06
+  0.361400008       1.21210212E-06
+  0.361600012       3.12802831E-06
+  0.361799985       1.30661874E-06
+  0.361999989       3.74502065E-07
+  0.362199992       2.17152888E-06
+  0.362399995       1.98753037E-06
+  0.362599999       7.10731911E-07
+  0.362800002       5.35953905E-06
+  0.363000005       5.66453821E-07
+  0.363200009       2.97899362E-07
+  0.363400012       1.13495332E-07
+  0.363599986       2.68846463E-07
+  0.363799989       5.48195317E-07
+  0.363999993       6.28557518E-06
+  0.364199996       7.35864546E-07
+  0.364399999       5.19383639E-06
+  0.364600003       6.55941449E-07
+  0.364800006       8.39157735E-07
+  0.365000010       4.63818651E-07
+  0.365200013       3.47205514E-07
+  0.365399987       2.15404452E-06
+  0.365599990       7.57634962E-06
+  0.365799993       7.20506364E-07
+  0.365999997       3.49654670E-06
+  0.366200000       1.03250682E-06
+  0.366400003       2.48023809E-07
+  0.366600007       1.17111836E-06
+  0.366800010       1.85054068E-06
+  0.367000014       1.91886761E-06
+  0.367199987       4.71615022E-06
+  0.367399991       3.22556843E-07
+  0.367599994       8.38750395E-07
+  0.367799997       2.98829605E-06
+  0.368000001       3.11226495E-06
+  0.368200004       1.37949644E-06
+  0.368400007       8.37160997E-07
+  0.368600011       1.26757084E-06
+  0.368800014       2.73567730E-06
+  0.368999988       1.18138303E-06
+  0.369199991       6.46895273E-07
+  0.369399995       3.06313677E-06
+  0.369599998       1.57787372E-06
+  0.369800001       1.02052104E-06
+  0.370000005       1.19123933E-06
+  0.370200008       6.18344586E-07
+  0.370400012       1.10666087E-06
+  0.370599985       2.03555237E-06
+  0.370799989       1.45171362E-06
+  0.370999992       2.11921270E-06
+  0.371199995       1.85507957E-07
+  0.371399999       2.94816914E-07
+  0.371600002       3.30047624E-06
+  0.371800005       4.39278445E-08
+  0.372000009       5.58649390E-07
+  0.372200012       3.58238321E-06
+  0.372399986       9.75697048E-07
+  0.372599989       2.59108356E-06
+  0.372799993       1.95455797E-07
+  0.372999996       2.40397230E-06
+  0.373199999       2.18960326E-06
+  0.373400003       5.02703926E-07
+  0.373600006       3.91746653E-06
+  0.373800009       5.81258178E-07
+  0.374000013       1.08437223E-06
+  0.374199986       1.46884327E-06
+  0.374399990       5.13569944E-07
+  0.374599993       5.16175589E-07
+  0.374799997       2.71307090E-06
+  0.375000000       6.17014337E-07
+  0.375200003       1.07188157E-07
+  0.375400007       1.13033229E-06
+  0.375600010       6.80192670E-07
+  0.375800014       3.70623638E-07
+  0.375999987       1.12552380E-06
+  0.376199991       7.24372626E-07
+  0.376399994       1.59494647E-07
+  0.376599997       2.73376457E-07
+  0.376800001       2.38428288E-06
+  0.377000004       8.32706206E-08
+  0.377200007       4.94647679E-07
+  0.377400011       2.30677483E-06
+  0.377600014       4.17233643E-08
+  0.377799988       3.33741146E-09
+  0.377999991       1.43761326E-06
+  0.378199995       1.62122171E-09
+  0.378399998       4.49859544E-06
+  0.378600001       1.88400264E-07
+  0.378800005       3.94727977E-07
+  0.379000008       7.35307253E-07
+  0.379200011       1.64507540E-07
+  0.379400015       8.11119548E-07
+  0.379599988       2.10796316E-06
+  0.379799992       2.14097577E-06
+  0.379999995       4.48715468E-07
+  0.380199999       5.05431444E-07
+  0.380400002       6.09868152E-07
+  0.380600005       5.54406881E-07
+  0.380800009       1.88869418E-08
+  0.381000012       8.64701406E-07
+  0.381199986       3.78576345E-07
+  0.381399989       1.78784170E-08
+  0.381599993       2.49012828E-07
+  0.381799996       3.63760978E-06
+  0.381999999       2.99212445E-07
+  0.382200003       2.94013120E-07
+  0.382400006       2.88408773E-06
+  0.382600009       1.07747994E-07
+  0.382800013       1.34439938E-06
+  0.382999986       3.39738540E-06
+  0.383199990       3.67404056E-07
+  0.383399993       3.24690603E-07
+  0.383599997       1.10366852E-06
+  0.383800000       1.78577523E-06
+  0.384000003       9.85904762E-08
+  0.384200007       7.05346793E-07
+  0.384400010       1.44268199E-07
+  0.384600013       2.47943603E-07
+  0.384799987       2.11221565E-08
+  0.384999990       6.30980992E-07
+  0.385199994       9.47877595E-07
+  0.385399997       3.46463793E-07
+  0.385600001       1.74196555E-06
+  0.385800004       5.23137942E-07
+  0.386000007       8.57871328E-07
+  0.386200011       2.19306276E-06
+  0.386400014       1.29090370E-06
+  0.386599988       2.88089404E-06
+  0.386799991       6.31798969E-08
+  0.386999995       1.05041318E-06
+  0.387199998       1.03761170E-06
+  0.387400001       1.15147679E-06
+  0.387600005       1.12863620E-06
+  0.387800008       2.02823898E-07
+  0.388000011       7.79961795E-07
+  0.388200015       4.30593764E-06
+  0.388399988       1.70799058E-06
+  0.388599992       3.32147295E-07
+  0.388799995       1.63742357E-06
+  0.388999999       1.56677416E-07
+  0.389200002       1.06108666E-06
+  0.389400005       2.08787824E-07
+  0.389600009       7.70639986E-07
+  0.389800012       2.72720831E-06
+  0.389999986       1.08891015E-06
+  0.390199989       2.52935502E-06
+  0.390399992       3.78367666E-08
+  0.390599996       1.67548467E-06
+  0.390799999       4.73833637E-07
+  0.391000003       4.18617788E-07
+  0.391200006       9.02099032E-07
+  0.391400009       4.15140107E-07
+  0.391600013       2.34559502E-06
+  0.391799986       2.96165672E-06
+  0.391999990       1.55004429E-07
+  0.392199993       3.55849266E-07
+  0.392399997       5.13823920E-07
+  0.392600000       1.16938782E-06
+  0.392800003       6.27764166E-07
+  0.393000007       1.92853761E-07
+  0.393200010       4.34689946E-06
+  0.393400013       1.89502157E-06
+  0.393599987       9.83495624E-07
+  0.393799990       1.45235344E-06
+  0.393999994       5.70188149E-07
+  0.394199997       2.08196661E-06
+  0.394400001       1.67440973E-07
+  0.394600004       7.62133652E-07
+  0.394800007       1.20611344E-06
+  0.395000011       4.39892210E-06
+  0.395200014       1.98944372E-06
+  0.395399988       7.31262844E-07
+  0.395599991       1.38381017E-06
+  0.395799994       2.85557292E-07
+  0.395999998       1.66918554E-07
+  0.396200001       4.11740018E-07
+  0.396400005       3.78015397E-06
+  0.396600008       8.34823595E-07
+  0.396800011       4.30878146E-07
+  0.397000015       6.83953033E-07
+  0.397199988       1.94366748E-06
+  0.397399992       1.11457780E-06
+  0.397599995       1.33697952E-07
+  0.397799999       2.56540375E-06
+  0.398000002       4.87351564E-08
+  0.398200005       1.05463209E-06
+  0.398400009       1.21945533E-07
+  0.398600012       9.63613502E-07
+  0.398799986       5.59247951E-07
+  0.398999989       2.39977226E-06
+  0.399199992       8.71251927E-07
+  0.399399996       3.90631521E-06
+  0.399599999       6.49041169E-07
+  0.399800003       1.80419238E-06
+  0.400000006       8.65818947E-07
+  0.400200009       8.19969586E-08
+  0.400400013       7.37690158E-08
+  0.400599986       3.39950475E-07
+  0.400799990       1.41636940E-06
+  0.400999993       9.86718533E-07
+  0.401199996       7.22309267E-07
+  0.401400000       3.11387203E-06
+  0.401600003       1.81998621E-06
+  0.401800007       4.51563722E-07
+  0.402000010       1.49570312E-07
+  0.402200013       1.93944129E-06
+  0.402399987       4.76516959E-07
+  0.402599990       1.74994943E-06
+  0.402799994       9.05638558E-07
+  0.402999997       1.79156885E-07
+  0.403200001       3.20588083E-06
+  0.403400004       2.64743903E-07
+  0.403600007       1.78890929E-08
+  0.403800011       5.47615926E-08
+  0.404000014       8.35547880E-08
+  0.404199988       1.77060599E-07
+  0.404399991       3.11556448E-07
+  0.404599994       2.77589663E-07
+  0.404799998       8.03889748E-07
+  0.405000001       4.20492711E-07
+  0.405200005       4.58988734E-06
+  0.405400008       1.88741240E-07
+  0.405600011       3.30088665E-06
+  0.405800015       2.83707936E-06
+  0.405999988       3.54406524E-07
+  0.406199992       8.88597143E-08
+  0.406399995       1.16891522E-06
+  0.406599998       2.23134339E-06
+  0.406800002       8.87224417E-07
+  0.407000005       1.52238897E-07
+  0.407200009       4.31417732E-07
+  0.407400012       8.35847061E-07
+  0.407599986       4.15633565E-07
+  0.407799989       7.88974859E-08
+  0.407999992       6.26521455E-07
+  0.408199996       5.56535085E-08
+  0.408399999       1.27766896E-07
+  0.408600003       7.17738999E-07
+  0.408800006       8.96188439E-08
+  0.409000009       3.70185603E-07
+  0.409200013       2.81369194E-06
+  0.409399986       1.72926164E-07
+  0.409599990       7.31588443E-07
+  0.409799993       6.34539447E-07
+  0.409999996       2.00652289E-06
+  0.410200000       3.14971430E-07
+  0.410400003       3.26650650E-07
+  0.410600007       1.96871360E-06
+  0.410800010       2.78089338E-08
+  0.411000013       1.05416085E-07
+  0.411199987       2.20757556E-07
+  0.411399990       4.00601223E-08
+  0.411599994       1.28171632E-06
+  0.411799997       1.07797007E-06
+  0.412000000       2.37132184E-07
+  0.412200004       1.24171720E-06
+  0.412400007       8.88310751E-07
+  0.412600011       4.25187295E-07
+  0.412800014       3.65522396E-07
+  0.412999988       4.83329814E-07
+  0.413199991       2.97764223E-06
+  0.413399994       7.56368593E-07
+  0.413599998       1.09314601E-06
+  0.413800001       1.79380504E-06
+  0.414000005       9.60026000E-07
+  0.414200008       8.19205866E-07
+  0.414400011       4.40420365E-07
+  0.414600015       1.45927618E-06
+  0.414799988       4.92583524E-07
+  0.414999992       2.80946938E-06
+  0.415199995       2.69148927E-07
+  0.415399998       6.14047508E-07
+  0.415600002       1.21869778E-06
+  0.415800005       1.16410604E-06
+  0.416000009       1.08976181E-07
+  0.416200012       5.57323503E-08
+  0.416399986       1.27736644E-06
+  0.416599989       2.13252565E-06
+  0.416799992       6.11975040E-08
+  0.416999996       2.36848592E-07
+  0.417199999       6.52141068E-07
+  0.417400002       3.18211804E-08
+  0.417600006       1.61470086E-06
+  0.417800009       1.95881626E-07
+  0.418000013       6.68512598E-07
+  0.418199986       7.46070654E-08
+  0.418399990       2.60844422E-06
+  0.418599993       4.25084806E-07
+  0.418799996       1.61536082E-06
+  0.419000000       6.32842671E-07
+  0.419200003       5.55542442E-07
+  0.419400007       3.21847011E-07
+  0.419600010       3.26371264E-07
+  0.419800013       7.92261261E-08
+  0.419999987       1.06708421E-06
+  0.420199990       1.09360974E-06
+  0.420399994       9.45972658E-07
+  0.420599997       4.70599207E-06
+  0.420800000       5.15605279E-07
+  0.421000004       9.62927444E-08
+  0.421200007       7.32100148E-07
+  0.421400011       2.28331984E-07
+  0.421600014       1.38535734E-06
+  0.421799988       5.35649747E-08
+  0.421999991       9.68856511E-07
+  0.422199994       1.80247389E-06
+  0.422399998       1.25656925E-06
+  0.422600001       3.92659842E-07
+  0.422800004       5.02483090E-07
+  0.423000008       3.94834160E-07
+  0.423200011       3.51353606E-07
+  0.423400015       2.61390994E-07
+  0.423599988       1.73990998E-07
+  0.423799992       3.62404620E-07
+  0.423999995       3.12645369E-07
+  0.424199998       4.67854790E-07
+  0.424400002       1.71038937E-06
+  0.424600005       1.33307566E-07
+  0.424800009       1.24726228E-06
+  0.425000012       6.09576432E-07
+  0.425199986       1.10860228E-07
+  0.425399989       1.32607022E-06
+  0.425599992       1.82813631E-06
+  0.425799996       3.51501143E-07
+  0.425999999       1.22666961E-07
+  0.426200002       9.58417132E-08
+  0.426400006       1.15863054E-06
+  0.426600009       3.50371636E-07
+  0.426800013       4.96509347E-06
+  0.426999986       2.02242632E-07
+  0.427199990       4.38303317E-07
+  0.427399993       6.22872733E-07
+  0.427599996       9.99028202E-07
+  0.427800000       1.81766950E-06
+  0.428000003       5.93169534E-06
+  0.428200006       7.58287570E-07
+  0.428400010       7.40993300E-07
+  0.428600013       3.66490802E-08
+  0.428799987       2.82018163E-07
+  0.428999990       2.10358940E-06
+  0.429199994       1.33430717E-06
+  0.429399997       1.05834840E-06
+  0.429600000       1.32865273E-06
+  0.429800004       2.12484042E-06
+  0.430000007       1.56103647E-06
+  0.430200011       6.38284064E-07
+  0.430400014       8.29900046E-07
+  0.430599988       5.49105209E-07
+  0.430799991       9.02997783E-07
+  0.430999994       4.87938046E-08
+  0.431199998       2.40233732E-07
+  0.431400001       1.02685499E-06
+  0.431600004       2.76993705E-06
+  0.431800008       7.22994855E-07
+  0.432000011       2.94272098E-07
+  0.432200015       3.76161211E-07
+  0.432399988       1.31218769E-06
+  0.432599992       7.82934194E-07
+  0.432799995       1.18159073E-06
+  0.432999998       2.02312108E-07
+  0.433200002       1.37863367E-06
+  0.433400005       5.46659408E-07
+  0.433600008       1.72611851E-06
+  0.433800012       3.62539140E-07
+  0.433999985       1.27443869E-07
+  0.434199989       1.13651834E-06
+  0.434399992       2.28714271E-06
+  0.434599996       3.74808536E-07
+  0.434799999       1.07102994E-06
+  0.435000002       7.61615524E-07
+  0.435200006       5.10458591E-08
+  0.435400009       1.26455052E-06
+  0.435600013       2.69336874E-06
+  0.435799986       7.69592987E-07
+  0.435999990       1.94045128E-07
+  0.436199993       1.45782064E-06
+  0.436399996       1.37613995E-06
+  0.436600000       9.04189051E-07
+  0.436800003       1.25521865E-06
+  0.437000006       4.36474821E-08
+  0.437200010       7.50992655E-08
+  0.437400013       1.61017113E-06
+  0.437599987       1.85315253E-06
+  0.437799990       2.86247518E-06
+  0.437999994       4.07571036E-07
+  0.438199997       3.50888257E-07
+  0.438400000       1.06268817E-06
+  0.438600004       1.64553933E-06
+  0.438800007       1.18840978E-06
+  0.439000010       1.07778078E-06
+  0.439200014       1.93258461E-06
+  0.439399987       4.11622409E-07
+  0.439599991       3.32882848E-07
+  0.439799994       2.42348324E-06
+  0.439999998       3.68394417E-08
+  0.440200001       7.93428626E-07
+  0.440400004       3.55518672E-08
+  0.440600008       4.26411958E-07
+  0.440800011       1.00315436E-08
+  0.441000015       4.17073352E-07
+  0.441199988       1.11946827E-06
+  0.441399992       3.43857096E-07
+  0.441599995       6.92193396E-07
+  0.441799998       4.24845268E-07
+  0.442000002       2.61756199E-08
+  0.442200005       1.22652830E-06
+  0.442400008       2.99365325E-07
+  0.442600012       1.62034922E-07
+  0.442799985       9.28695442E-07
+  0.442999989       3.18016737E-06
+  0.443199992       1.76433059E-06
+  0.443399996       4.68786197E-07
+  0.443599999       1.41562673E-08
+  0.443800002       6.31939940E-07
+  0.444000006       2.68983683E-07
+  0.444200009       3.73968049E-07
+  0.444400012       4.87541399E-07
+  0.444599986       7.68173933E-08
+  0.444799989       1.08493089E-06
+  0.444999993       2.72595048E-06
+  0.445199996       8.86893019E-07
+  0.445400000       1.97083250E-06
+  0.445600003       3.40401925E-06
+  0.445800006       5.34590583E-07
+  0.446000010       1.91729015E-07
+  0.446200013       1.59284571E-06
+  0.446399987       2.07082707E-07
+  0.446599990       6.58912938E-07
+  0.446799994       2.72974631E-07
+  0.446999997       2.18379697E-08
+  0.447200000       1.98026370E-07
+  0.447400004       1.56202179E-06
+  0.447600007       3.32705582E-07
+  0.447800010       1.68496445E-06
+  0.448000014       8.65239542E-08
+  0.448199987       7.43982127E-07
+  0.448399991       1.52539272E-07
+  0.448599994       1.33529750E-06
+  0.448799998       1.05905407E-07
+  0.449000001       2.19585263E-06
+  0.449200004       7.51171740E-07
+  0.449400008       2.49879051E-08
+  0.449600011       1.26175348E-06
+  0.449800014       2.08683502E-07
+  0.449999988       2.53818769E-07
+  0.450199991       3.31320251E-07
+  0.450399995       5.69250517E-07
+  0.450599998       3.17025581E-07
+  0.450800002       7.32089916E-07
+  0.451000005       3.27332202E-07
+  0.451200008       2.65183218E-07
+  0.451400012       1.44231558E-06
+  0.451599985       2.25263378E-07
+  0.451799989       4.73883915E-07
+  0.451999992       5.83888232E-06
+  0.452199996       1.32362879E-06
+  0.452399999       8.10735060E-07
+  0.452600002       9.66913831E-07
+  0.452800006       1.56193778E-06
+  0.453000009       8.75809974E-07
+  0.453200012       1.33022900E-06
+  0.453399986       4.46062046E-07
+  0.453599989       3.61423326E-06
+  0.453799993       3.37624861E-08
+  0.453999996       5.87268346E-07
+  0.454200000       1.24019806E-07
+  0.454400003       4.28479154E-07
+  0.454600006       1.68037820E-06
+  0.454800010       6.82137397E-07
+  0.455000013       1.66677552E-07
+  0.455199987       6.07416041E-07
+  0.455399990       2.11611950E-06
+  0.455599993       1.64009307E-07
+  0.455799997       7.77678451E-07
+  0.456000000       5.17106344E-07
+  0.456200004       2.31772788E-06
+  0.456400007       9.72279850E-07
+  0.456600010       4.37025335E-07
+  0.456800014       8.44944111E-07
+  0.456999987       1.76090157E-06
+  0.457199991       1.96113069E-06
+  0.457399994       2.60463275E-06
+  0.457599998       1.35736320E-06
+  0.457800001       6.73761804E-07
+  0.458000004       6.67374934E-07
+  0.458200008       6.04171703E-07
+  0.458400011       2.12897180E-06
+  0.458600014       8.12372889E-07
+  0.458799988       5.73692986E-08
+  0.458999991       3.80779767E-07
+  0.459199995       6.12493807E-07
+  0.459399998       1.44613330E-06
+  0.459600002       3.20047576E-07
+  0.459800005       2.03740058E-07
+  0.460000008       5.08034191E-07
+  0.460200012       2.76760886E-07
+  0.460399985       2.16293174E-07
+  0.460599989       1.21267789E-07
+  0.460799992       9.54602228E-07
+  0.460999995       1.34235663E-07
+  0.461199999       9.62786089E-07
+  0.461400002       1.05194647E-06
+  0.461600006       2.51081156E-06
+  0.461800009       9.14805980E-07
+  0.462000012       3.92842196E-07
+  0.462199986       8.29781925E-07
+  0.462399989       6.84810061E-07
+  0.462599993       1.53043047E-07
+  0.462799996       6.67801260E-07
+  0.463000000       1.73341235E-07
+  0.463200003       5.30875930E-08
+  0.463400006       3.81446489E-06
+  0.463600010       1.63425948E-08
+  0.463800013       2.14097599E-06
+  0.463999987       6.89229083E-08
+  0.464199990       1.17917830E-06
+  0.464399993       1.33792230E-06
+  0.464599997       1.88530362E-06
+  0.464800000       1.64415474E-06
+  0.465000004       1.09670918E-06
+  0.465200007       2.21594945E-07
+  0.465400010       3.03937418E-06
+  0.465600014       4.06612457E-07
+  0.465799987       3.52903544E-06
+  0.465999991       2.93949256E-07
+  0.466199994       4.14168454E-07
+  0.466399997       2.02569026E-06
+  0.466600001       2.02137485E-07
+  0.466800004       8.64708980E-08
+  0.467000008       3.09050392E-07
+  0.467200011       1.52065638E-06
+  0.467400014       4.08605388E-07
+  0.467599988       2.16522906E-07
+  0.467799991       1.79921051E-06
+  0.467999995       1.45122647E-06
+  0.468199998       2.95658083E-07
+  0.468400002       2.24560765E-07
+  0.468600005       1.73071976E-06
+  0.468800008       8.53389849E-07
+  0.469000012       1.52708515E-06
+  0.469199985       1.94019947E-07
+  0.469399989       1.35989148E-06
+  0.469599992       4.36500841E-07
+  0.469799995       7.78424152E-08
+  0.469999999       1.23007862E-06
+  0.470200002       1.11128770E-07
+  0.470400006       4.23058793E-07
+  0.470600009       2.13315730E-07
+  0.470800012       8.04644742E-08
+  0.470999986       3.78827679E-07
+  0.471199989       2.48895094E-06
+  0.471399993       1.52920620E-07
+  0.471599996       6.28199530E-07
+  0.471799999       1.15003991E-06
+  0.472000003       5.11699284E-07
+  0.472200006       4.18401527E-07
+  0.472400010       4.40815165E-06
+  0.472600013       1.17149182E-06
+  0.472799987       2.28833315E-07
+  0.472999990       1.03105162E-06
+  0.473199993       1.83991006E-06
+  0.473399997       5.68387918E-07
+  0.473600000       1.60789170E-07
+  0.473800004       1.11763700E-06
+  0.474000007       1.32983087E-06
+  0.474200010       8.43496508E-08
+  0.474400014       4.22703224E-08
+  0.474599987       1.32829359E-06
+  0.474799991       2.35060270E-06
+  0.474999994       2.83496570E-06
+  0.475199997       8.96810519E-08
+  0.475400001       7.45481827E-08
+  0.475600004       4.55008973E-07
+  0.475800008       3.51124498E-07
+  0.476000011       2.76404967E-06
+  0.476200014       1.82012073E-07
+  0.476399988       9.29434123E-07
+  0.476599991       6.34014938E-08
+  0.476799995       3.61584171E-06
+  0.476999998       8.57590692E-08
+  0.477200001       1.67379631E-06
+  0.477400005       3.82930025E-08
+  0.477600008       1.41100116E-07
+  0.477800012       7.30527063E-07
+  0.477999985       5.74769558E-07
+  0.478199989       3.25345809E-07
+  0.478399992       1.88050464E-08
+  0.478599995       1.08888905E-07
+  0.478799999       8.65724701E-08
+  0.479000002       1.45920148E-06
+  0.479200006       1.06950574E-06
+  0.479400009       5.43671149E-07
+  0.479600012       5.12235054E-08
+  0.479799986       2.88513633E-07
+  0.479999989       1.26486384E-07
+  0.480199993       1.00615148E-06
+  0.480399996       5.90008646E-08
+  0.480599999       1.53862243E-06
+  0.480800003       2.54863323E-07
+  0.481000006       5.58766615E-08
+  0.481200010       4.72742130E-08
+  0.481400013       2.77169374E-06
+  0.481599987       6.83655003E-07
+  0.481799990       2.70745886E-06
+  0.481999993       3.06976790E-06
+  0.482199997       2.83599229E-06
+  0.482400000       5.56330747E-07
+  0.482600003       7.58803822E-07
+  0.482800007       1.75883292E-06
+  0.483000010       1.56015545E-07
+  0.483200014       3.97785897E-07
+  0.483399987       3.19779360E-07
+  0.483599991       4.91101900E-07
+  0.483799994       6.60099317E-08
+  0.483999997       7.79355332E-07
+  0.484200001       5.73389173E-07
+  0.484400004       9.63082471E-07
+  0.484600008       1.81794871E-06
+  0.484800011       1.77366780E-06
+  0.485000014       1.56885420E-07
+  0.485199988       8.86830207E-07
+  0.485399991       1.32628429E-06
+  0.485599995       1.08218126E-06
+  0.485799998       8.62417323E-07
+  0.486000001       4.02665421E-07
+  0.486200005       9.09440416E-07
+  0.486400008       2.83373645E-08
+  0.486600012       1.33888182E-06
+  0.486799985       1.38671942E-06
+  0.486999989       1.01324508E-06
+  0.487199992       3.15619900E-07
+  0.487399995       1.26973850E-06
+  0.487599999       1.33017488E-06
+  0.487800002       1.18680987E-06
+  0.488000005       1.77386460E-06
+  0.488200009       5.86038951E-08
+  0.488400012       1.12882958E-06
+  0.488599986       4.49094102E-07
+  0.488799989       6.19999696E-07
+  0.488999993       5.63612844E-07
+  0.489199996       4.32659135E-07
+  0.489399999       7.32612193E-07
+  0.489600003       1.09690291E-07
+  0.489800006       2.73504656E-06
+  0.490000010       4.80375832E-07
+  0.490200013       1.03936964E-06
+  0.490399987       4.62586030E-07
+  0.490599990       6.38508766E-07
+  0.490799993       1.66358132E-06
+  0.490999997       5.66647486E-07
+  0.491200000       4.64815528E-08
+  0.491400003       6.78259937E-08
+  0.491600007       1.92350831E-06
+  0.491800010       1.22378651E-06
+  0.492000014       6.20779645E-07
+  0.492199987       2.14532679E-06
+  0.492399991       1.19235801E-06
+  0.492599994       6.92609945E-07
+  0.492799997       3.57683689E-07
+  0.493000001       3.83432052E-07
+  0.493200004       7.76852062E-07
+  0.493400007       1.36456265E-06
+  0.493600011       2.72868101E-06
+  0.493800014       1.49494258E-06
+  0.493999988       1.41555870E-06
+  0.494199991       1.27638884E-07
+  0.494399995       6.48726427E-07
+  0.494599998       2.14583565E-07
+  0.494800001       3.12306724E-07
+  0.495000005       3.76585740E-09
+  0.495200008       3.73117956E-07
+  0.495400012       7.46593457E-07
+  0.495599985       2.15471846E-06
+  0.495799989       1.38828500E-06
+  0.495999992       1.15351817E-07
+  0.496199995       7.85301950E-07
+  0.496399999       6.84113317E-08
+  0.496600002       6.50940251E-07
+  0.496800005       6.21632466E-07
+  0.497000009       1.81673124E-06
+  0.497200012       3.99697456E-06
+  0.497399986       4.57816668E-06
+  0.497599989       2.07852196E-07
+  0.497799993       1.32050388E-07
+  0.497999996       1.23867653E-06
+  0.498199999       1.28882880E-06
+  0.498400003       1.26520877E-06
+  0.498600006       6.56455086E-07
+  0.498800009       5.15232550E-08
+  0.499000013       6.72175474E-07
+  0.499199986       5.39703876E-07
+  0.499399990       1.42961881E-07
+  0.499599993       9.77873242E-07
+  0.499799997       8.54685283E-08
+  0.500000000       2.13184244E-08
diff --git a/tests/spectrum/ar.dat b/tests/spectrum/ar.dat
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fe504e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/spectrum/ar.dat
@@ -0,0 +1,5012 @@
+#average forcast error= 3.433869e-01
+#individual forecast errors: 3.433869e-01 
+# 2.303067e+00 
+# -2.016940e+00 
+# 8.045408e-01 
+# -3.259203e-02 
+# -1.497622e-01 
+# 8.566623e-02 
+# -3.649850e-02 
+# -2.471789e-02 
+# 8.821165e-02 
+# -8.512512e-02 
diff --git a/tests/spectrum/ar_tisean.dat b/tests/spectrum/ar_tisean.dat
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c479341
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/spectrum/ar_tisean.dat
@@ -0,0 +1,834 @@
+   0.00000000       7.84333702E-03
+   7.99999980E-04   1.21045439E-02
+   2.00000009E-03   2.04830952E-02
+   3.19999992E-03   2.37047970E-02
+   4.39999998E-03   1.15500372E-02
+   5.59999980E-03   1.33622959E-02
+   6.80000009E-03   2.42355093E-02
+   8.00000038E-03   2.85354499E-02
+   9.20000020E-03   4.92625125E-03
+   1.04000000E-02   2.37341616E-02
+   1.15999999E-02   2.90936399E-02
+   1.27999997E-02   3.28066498E-02
+   1.40000004E-02   1.77998357E-02
+   1.52000003E-02   4.57095206E-02
+   1.64000001E-02   2.60554291E-02
+   1.75999999E-02   2.03048959E-02
+   1.87999997E-02   9.03081521E-03
+   1.99999996E-02   2.18995027E-02
+   2.11999994E-02   2.77601276E-02
+   2.23999992E-02   1.77363679E-02
+   2.36000009E-02   1.11037567E-02
+   2.48000007E-02   2.66544335E-02
+   2.60000005E-02   2.58558951E-02
+   2.72000004E-02   3.61065865E-02
+   2.84000002E-02   1.83890723E-02
+   2.96000000E-02   8.14305544E-02
+   3.07999998E-02   4.95442450E-02
+   3.20000015E-02   6.80602863E-02
+   3.31999995E-02   1.32189384E-02
+   3.44000012E-02   3.41978073E-02
+   3.55999991E-02   2.06335522E-02
+   3.68000008E-02   7.72309378E-02
+   3.79999988E-02   7.32024238E-02
+   3.92000005E-02   7.52136633E-02
+   4.03999984E-02   3.87901552E-02
+   4.16000001E-02  0.130515605    
+   4.28000018E-02  0.100214183    
+   4.39999998E-02  0.122192606    
+   4.52000014E-02   8.12431797E-02
+   4.63999994E-02   3.30844037E-02
+   4.76000011E-02  0.123011962    
+   4.87999991E-02  0.236720115    
+   5.00000007E-02   5.63651696E-02
+   5.11999987E-02  0.113927171    
+   5.24000004E-02  0.261424005    
+   5.35999984E-02  0.487478942    
+   5.48000000E-02  0.475267231    
+   5.60000017E-02   1.15966272    
+   5.71999997E-02   1.36529577    
+   5.84000014E-02   1.65176678    
+   5.95999993E-02   1.48032761    
+   6.08000010E-02   2.84334898    
+   6.19999990E-02   7.33138371    
+   6.31999969E-02   4.37733507    
+   6.44000024E-02   3.31967950    
+   6.56000003E-02   2.00135469    
+   6.67999983E-02  0.115194336    
+   6.80000037E-02  0.204648048    
+   6.92000017E-02  0.311355323    
+   7.03999996E-02   9.50173512E-02
+   7.15999976E-02  0.183839127    
+   7.28000030E-02  0.252704203    
+   7.40000010E-02  0.189681828    
+   7.51999989E-02  0.182659283    
+   7.63999969E-02   7.87712634E-02
+   7.76000023E-02   4.15525921E-02
+   7.88000003E-02   9.56889540E-02
+   7.99999982E-02   4.84689884E-02
+   8.12000036E-02   4.78905737E-02
+   8.24000016E-02   3.37322056E-02
+   8.35999995E-02   4.24992107E-02
+   8.47999975E-02   5.34307063E-02
+   8.60000029E-02   2.92135235E-02
+   8.72000009E-02   4.22715247E-02
+   8.83999988E-02   3.62371169E-02
+   8.95999968E-02   2.99237818E-02
+   9.08000022E-02   1.96385365E-02
+   9.20000002E-02   4.85741310E-02
+   9.31999981E-02   2.71307677E-02
+   9.44000036E-02   5.35666756E-02
+   9.56000015E-02   1.76244676E-02
+   9.67999995E-02   6.75723841E-03
+   9.79999974E-02   2.58859936E-02
+   9.92000028E-02   1.20646544E-02
+  0.100400001       1.20223733E-02
+  0.101599999       5.16129425E-03
+  0.102799997       4.92557697E-03
+  0.104000002       1.16528124E-02
+  0.105200000       2.48414930E-03
+  0.106399998       6.11459045E-03
+  0.107600003       8.17208458E-03
+  0.108800001       1.92080773E-02
+  0.109999999       3.28687718E-03
+  0.111199997       8.28341302E-03
+  0.112400003       1.03077544E-02
+  0.113600001       8.00704770E-03
+  0.114799999       4.75084316E-03
+  0.115999997       8.58495571E-03
+  0.117200002       6.63597975E-03
+  0.118400000       4.27273847E-03
+  0.119599998       4.18686168E-03
+  0.120800003       6.63988013E-03
+  0.122000001       4.20473795E-03
+  0.123199999       9.54696909E-03
+  0.124399997       9.50391684E-03
+  0.125599995       1.89392176E-03
+  0.126800001       5.27742738E-03
+  0.128000006       3.67820496E-03
+  0.129199997       9.45105869E-03
+  0.130400002       5.93010522E-03
+  0.131600007       4.28981241E-03
+  0.132799998       1.62560935E-03
+  0.134000003       4.29845229E-03
+  0.135199994       2.50548753E-03
+  0.136399999       2.77631287E-03
+  0.137600005       4.10746504E-03
+  0.138799995       7.80468388E-03
+  0.140000001       2.49836361E-03
+  0.141200006       3.76038649E-03
+  0.142399997       6.08935393E-03
+  0.143600002       1.28607797E-02
+  0.144800007       3.60317715E-03
+  0.145999998       2.48000794E-03
+  0.147200003       2.44036876E-03
+  0.148399994       5.91360498E-03
+  0.149599999       7.61018740E-03
+  0.150800005       8.39386717E-04
+  0.151999995       6.25114981E-03
+  0.153200001       5.06496383E-03
+  0.154400006       3.83617892E-03
+  0.155599996       8.53727851E-03
+  0.156800002       1.55893539E-03
+  0.158000007       4.65403218E-03
+  0.159199998       3.85699514E-03
+  0.160400003       1.31700060E-03
+  0.161599994       5.09167672E-04
+  0.162799999       6.98574027E-03
+  0.164000005       1.12891442E-03
+  0.165199995       2.91625457E-03
+  0.166400000       1.04859443E-02
+  0.167600006       5.28307818E-03
+  0.168799996       4.24525142E-03
+  0.170000002       3.38800554E-03
+  0.171200007       4.20763297E-03
+  0.172399998       3.50842299E-03
+  0.173600003       7.12180510E-03
+  0.174799994       1.19781960E-03
+  0.175999999       1.46283710E-03
+  0.177200004       3.53364693E-03
+  0.178399995       1.54484273E-03
+  0.179600000       4.35739942E-03
+  0.180800006       7.83503754E-04
+  0.181999996       3.58317420E-03
+  0.183200002       1.88701344E-03
+  0.184400007       1.47962791E-03
+  0.185599998       4.49821679E-03
+  0.186800003       2.46935268E-03
+  0.187999994       1.49656553E-03
+  0.189199999       4.99005197E-03
+  0.190400004       4.26789932E-03
+  0.191599995       3.94833134E-03
+  0.192800000       1.33786409E-03
+  0.194000006       4.04256769E-03
+  0.195199996       2.49066344E-03
+  0.196400002       4.22249269E-03
+  0.197600007       5.13350358E-03
+  0.198799998       6.64031645E-03
+  0.200000003       2.27327412E-03
+  0.201199993       3.43402615E-03
+  0.202399999       3.16507090E-03
+  0.203600004       1.38923549E-03
+  0.204799995       1.51127018E-03
+  0.206000000       9.87153850E-04
+  0.207200006       1.20688602E-03
+  0.208399996       2.16320576E-03
+  0.209600002       2.98203668E-03
+  0.210800007       1.22362806E-03
+  0.211999997       3.02437460E-03
+  0.213200003       2.27507995E-03
+  0.214399993       4.19097394E-03
+  0.215599999       3.39103676E-03
+  0.216800004       5.54027222E-03
+  0.217999995       2.29741028E-03
+  0.219200000       1.59763498E-03
+  0.220400006       2.09604413E-03
+  0.221599996       2.08864757E-03
+  0.222800002       1.88077218E-03
+  0.224000007       9.25317872E-04
+  0.225199997       2.57318304E-03
+  0.226400003       9.77626303E-04
+  0.227599993       7.87572237E-04
+  0.228799999       1.51949120E-03
+  0.230000004       1.94911496E-03
+  0.231199995       2.17263959E-03
+  0.232400000       6.20505365E-04
+  0.233600006       2.23476556E-03
+  0.234799996       1.40961586E-03
+  0.236000001       4.30916960E-04
+  0.237200007       3.95388808E-04
+  0.238399997       2.84280395E-04
+  0.239600003       1.30238093E-03
+  0.240799993       9.60349746E-04
+  0.241999999       1.62311515E-03
+  0.243200004       6.62158011E-04
+  0.244399995       1.08652806E-03
+  0.245600000       1.64624973E-04
+  0.246800005       4.21868288E-04
+  0.247999996       3.81416205E-04
+  0.249200001       1.12184486E-03
+  0.250400007       7.10729451E-04
+  0.251599997       9.44834086E-04
+  0.252799988       6.96757983E-04
+  0.254000008       7.89547572E-04
+  0.255199999       1.67440029E-03
+  0.256399989       1.62190455E-03
+  0.257600009       2.64698145E-04
+  0.258800000       6.28437381E-04
+  0.259999990       2.21833587E-04
+  0.261200011       8.41414381E-04
+  0.262400001       3.91109206E-04
+  0.263599992       5.06578828E-04
+  0.264800012       4.59078059E-04
+  0.266000003       2.34008650E-04
+  0.267199993       6.48575719E-04
+  0.268400013       2.77547137E-04
+  0.269600004       5.92913362E-04
+  0.270799994       7.14738562E-04
+  0.272000015       1.04931183E-03
+  0.273200005       2.87618575E-04
+  0.274399996       5.43790520E-04
+  0.275599986       4.49261308E-04
+  0.276800007       6.54375879E-04
+  0.277999997       5.14209736E-04
+  0.279199988       8.17230844E-04
+  0.280400008       5.77355386E-04
+  0.281599998       7.20755081E-04
+  0.282799989       5.01379604E-04
+  0.284000009       4.28358035E-04
+  0.285200000       3.57976969E-04
+  0.286399990       3.58565507E-04
+  0.287600011       8.85267975E-04
+  0.288800001       4.99590300E-04
+  0.289999992       4.76346002E-04
+  0.291200012       4.11699439E-04
+  0.292400002       7.67895763E-05
+  0.293599993       5.02890616E-04
+  0.294800013       2.42244118E-04
+  0.296000004       4.45288606E-04
+  0.297199994       2.49338947E-04
+  0.298400015       2.32899882E-04
+  0.299600005       2.85947201E-04
+  0.300799996       2.57146778E-04
+  0.301999986       4.62326192E-04
+  0.303200006       2.67208554E-04
+  0.304399997       2.58641143E-04
+  0.305599988       9.86451982E-04
+  0.306800008       2.07516714E-04
+  0.307999998       4.32419474E-04
+  0.309199989       1.99433285E-04
+  0.310400009       2.86096067E-04
+  0.311600000       3.57638812E-04
+  0.312799990       1.80602772E-04
+  0.314000010       7.62587661E-05
+  0.315200001       1.99591828E-04
+  0.316399992       3.38673039E-04
+  0.317600012       2.82541179E-04
+  0.318800002       2.32703518E-04
+  0.319999993       3.87181528E-04
+  0.321200013       1.67916442E-04
+  0.322400004       5.64873451E-04
+  0.323599994       3.20784195E-04
+  0.324800014       1.34811242E-04
+  0.326000005       5.14884072E-04
+  0.327199996       2.77393963E-04
+  0.328399986       3.62143503E-04
+  0.329600006       6.86502608E-05
+  0.330799997       1.76351605E-04
+  0.331999987       2.25825992E-04
+  0.333200008       2.05734294E-04
+  0.334399998       1.61866788E-04
+  0.335599989       1.52621506E-04
+  0.336800009       3.20755877E-04
+  0.338000000       4.95337590E-04
+  0.339199990       3.87775450E-04
+  0.340400010       3.69425252E-04
+  0.341600001       1.51126704E-04
+  0.342799991       3.23207059E-04
+  0.344000012       3.64621374E-05
+  0.345200002       2.08292171E-04
+  0.346399993       2.87483213E-04
+  0.347600013       2.06033816E-04
+  0.348800004       2.45717703E-04
+  0.349999994       1.56112277E-04
+  0.351200014       4.75545938E-04
+  0.352400005       2.51370599E-04
+  0.353599995       6.83839753E-05
+  0.354799986       3.59185651E-05
+  0.356000006       2.54081097E-04
+  0.357199997       1.33267531E-04
+  0.358399987       1.11224843E-04
+  0.359600008       1.39351730E-04
+  0.360799998       1.03084618E-04
+  0.361999989       4.84926859E-05
+  0.363200009       5.85545204E-05
+  0.364399999       4.37138136E-04
+  0.365599990       5.60702174E-04
+  0.366800010       5.20850183E-04
+  0.368000001       1.13636117E-04
+  0.369199991       1.28935513E-04
+  0.370400012       1.87004334E-04
+  0.371600002       9.17059078E-05
+  0.372799993       1.90146515E-04
+  0.374000013       8.90150113E-05
+  0.375200003       8.57858395E-05
+  0.376399994       1.91215062E-04
+  0.377600014       1.78437767E-04
+  0.378800005       1.31503708E-04
+  0.379999995       1.50850290E-04
+  0.381199986       4.72376159E-05
+  0.382400006       8.18517874E-05
+  0.383599997       1.96356268E-04
+  0.384799987       1.47904095E-04
+  0.386000007       1.12387614E-04
+  0.387199998       3.21566709E-04
+  0.388399988       6.90299348E-05
+  0.389600009       1.40152202E-04
+  0.390799999       1.83826778E-05
+  0.391999990       1.33293681E-04
+  0.393200010       6.80740050E-05
+  0.394400001       2.12587387E-04
+  0.395599991       2.56897329E-04
+  0.396800011       1.72586500E-04
+  0.398000002       1.58669602E-04
+  0.399199992       1.14040522E-04
+  0.400400013       2.62789363E-05
+  0.401600003       1.82111646E-04
+  0.402799994       1.53290399E-04
+  0.404000014       2.46638810E-04
+  0.405200005       1.28343207E-04
+  0.406399995       1.50202932E-05
+  0.407599986       5.75989798E-05
+  0.408800006       1.65190228E-04
+  0.409999996       4.03086451E-05
+  0.411199987       5.96945429E-05
+  0.412400007       1.66015423E-04
+  0.413599998       3.85559179E-05
+  0.414799988       9.56305594E-05
+  0.416000009       7.00309247E-05
+  0.417199999       6.90094312E-05
+  0.418399990       9.28260197E-05
+  0.419600010       8.46137991E-05
+  0.420800000       7.17860894E-05
+  0.421999991       5.42706548E-05
+  0.423200011       1.70824278E-05
+  0.424400002       4.80670242E-05
+  0.425599992       7.68037353E-05
+  0.426800013       3.17198828E-05
+  0.428000003       7.69188046E-05
+  0.429199994       4.35850488E-05
+  0.430400014       1.39141775E-04
+  0.431600004       5.11399157E-05
+  0.432799995       1.01222431E-04
+  0.433999985       1.08559005E-04
+  0.435200006       1.21181605E-04
+  0.436399996       6.02335676E-05
+  0.437599987       3.81642822E-05
+  0.438800007       1.65531637E-05
+  0.439999998       5.88231414E-05
+  0.441199988       1.01482561E-04
+  0.442400008       5.70582015E-05
+  0.443599999       4.86096906E-05
+  0.444799989       3.51412818E-05
+  0.446000010       7.38815434E-05
+  0.447200000       3.89372944E-05
+  0.448399991       1.07135202E-05
+  0.449600011       3.67230823E-05
+  0.450800002       3.18946222E-05
+  0.451999992       3.63686777E-05
+  0.453200012       2.96725120E-05
+  0.454400003       2.48814395E-05
+  0.455599993       2.26872198E-05
+  0.456800014       1.38442687E-04
+  0.458000004       3.00977335E-05
+  0.459199995       4.08161031E-05
+  0.460399985       3.61452476E-05
+  0.461600006       7.05070779E-05
+  0.462799996       2.66704083E-05
+  0.463999987       2.40375848E-05
+  0.465200007       4.63727665E-05
+  0.466399997       2.73333171E-05
+  0.467599988       2.78524458E-05
+  0.468800008       2.75814018E-05
+  0.469999999       6.83301478E-05
+  0.471199989       4.39435171E-05
+  0.472400010       2.63382299E-05
+  0.473600000       2.51495512E-05
+  0.474799991       1.97547979E-05
+  0.476000011       6.67560234E-05
+  0.477200001       8.33676313E-06
+  0.478399992       4.35810107E-05
+  0.479600012       1.62333126E-05
+  0.480800003       9.07246704E-06
+  0.481999993       1.77716993E-05
+  0.483200014       2.48061478E-05
+  0.484400004       3.30979019E-05
+  0.485599995       3.59964724E-05
+  0.486799985       2.38526773E-05
+  0.488000005       1.39910971E-05
+  0.489199996       2.23922234E-05
+  0.490399987       2.10973576E-05
+  0.491600007       5.26444237E-05
+  0.492799997       2.09272712E-05
+  0.493999988       6.06123067E-05
+  0.495200008       2.73803962E-05
+  0.496399999       9.31562226E-06
+  0.497599989       3.85645908E-05
+  0.498800009       2.70978690E-05
+  0.500000000       2.60808101E-05
+  0.501200020       2.09000045E-05
+  0.502399981       3.27273301E-05
+  0.503600001       2.80878903E-05
+  0.504800022       9.45694410E-06
+  0.505999982       3.34107681E-05
+  0.507200003       2.31822723E-05
+  0.508400023       5.19058194E-05
+  0.509599984       2.04592525E-05
+  0.510800004       1.59511437E-05
+  0.512000024       5.38730819E-06
+  0.513199985       2.05094493E-05
+  0.514400005       2.38717366E-05
+  0.515600026       3.50284463E-05
+  0.516799986       1.92617808E-05
+  0.518000007       7.25406699E-06
+  0.519200027       1.87315200E-05
+  0.520399988       1.79841390E-05
+  0.521600008       5.82693356E-05
+  0.522800028       9.49686728E-06
+  0.523999989       1.54587306E-05
+  0.525200009       9.93780122E-06
+  0.526400030       2.41038815E-05
+  0.527599990       1.92712050E-05
+  0.528800011       5.78399613E-06
+  0.529999971       1.23217796E-05
+  0.531199992       2.86769973E-05
+  0.532400012       3.66431914E-06
+  0.533599973       4.09381064E-05
+  0.534799993       3.45371473E-06
+  0.536000013       2.80163913E-05
+  0.537199974       5.71755118E-06
+  0.538399994       1.78314585E-05
+  0.539600015       1.50656015E-05
+  0.540799975       6.26791962E-06
+  0.541999996       2.37966942E-05
+  0.543200016       2.55926461E-05
+  0.544399977       3.30912480E-05
+  0.545599997       2.25142830E-05
+  0.546800017       1.35565570E-05
+  0.547999978       6.54127780E-06
+  0.549199998       1.27858975E-05
+  0.550400019       8.47627780E-06
+  0.551599979       1.27488802E-05
+  0.552800000       1.47770143E-05
+  0.554000020       6.48229343E-06
+  0.555199981       7.06588116E-06
+  0.556400001       1.37248344E-05
+  0.557600021       8.98968574E-06
+  0.558799982       8.19157685E-06
+  0.560000002       9.30775059E-06
+  0.561200023       4.17843739E-06
+  0.562399983       8.66680784E-06
+  0.563600004       1.28222255E-05
+  0.564800024       1.16478441E-05
+  0.565999985       6.16013995E-06
+  0.567200005       1.24038997E-05
+  0.568400025       1.56341885E-05
+  0.569599986       5.74613159E-06
+  0.570800006       1.22301426E-05
+  0.572000027       1.26760724E-05
+  0.573199987       7.37691971E-06
+  0.574400008       1.64003104E-05
+  0.575600028       4.10466055E-06
+  0.576799989       1.14281538E-05
+  0.578000009       8.38695451E-06
+  0.579200029       8.44852912E-06
+  0.580399990       1.36119741E-06
+  0.581600010       9.61619025E-06
+  0.582799971       1.58712646E-05
+  0.583999991       1.41624168E-05
+  0.585200012       2.44173680E-06
+  0.586399972       1.43361422E-06
+  0.587599993       6.57058354E-06
+  0.588800013       1.22116335E-05
+  0.589999974       8.79338222E-06
+  0.591199994       2.94356551E-06
+  0.592400014       1.53079764E-05
+  0.593599975       1.44038486E-05
+  0.594799995       6.48600417E-06
+  0.596000016       1.05056324E-05
+  0.597199976       1.52555849E-05
+  0.598399997       7.88745183E-06
+  0.599600017       1.02062804E-05
+  0.600799978       5.28595137E-06
+  0.601999998       1.53479286E-05
+  0.603200018       5.50071582E-06
+  0.604399979       1.23059581E-05
+  0.605599999       8.36925665E-06
+  0.606800020       8.08595723E-06
+  0.607999980       7.36438869E-06
+  0.609200001       5.80190408E-06
+  0.610400021       1.21453322E-05
+  0.611599982       6.63479614E-06
+  0.612800002       1.35658238E-05
+  0.614000022       2.95133623E-06
+  0.615199983       1.05815043E-05
+  0.616400003       7.32661829E-06
+  0.617600024       1.59945866E-05
+  0.618799984       3.00051806E-06
+  0.620000005       3.16120622E-06
+  0.621200025       3.07460573E-06
+  0.622399986       2.08506094E-06
+  0.623600006       8.79256186E-06
+  0.624800026       3.75299032E-06
+  0.625999987       5.52424262E-06
+  0.627200007       2.63972834E-06
+  0.628400028       1.01809073E-05
+  0.629599988       6.47881006E-06
+  0.630800009       1.33105141E-06
+  0.632000029       1.56748865E-05
+  0.633199990       9.67720734E-06
+  0.634400010       9.75609782E-06
+  0.635599971       5.05129310E-06
+  0.636799991       3.74213505E-06
+  0.638000011       3.51311883E-06
+  0.639199972       3.57835415E-06
+  0.640399992       4.11014344E-06
+  0.641600013       8.87242095E-06
+  0.642799973       1.47141654E-05
+  0.643999994       9.10929248E-06
+  0.645200014       4.57528586E-06
+  0.646399975       6.14723922E-06
+  0.647599995       1.04833889E-05
+  0.648800015       6.59318994E-06
+  0.649999976       9.17566285E-06
+  0.651199996       1.16053998E-05
+  0.652400017       5.11788630E-06
+  0.653599977       3.05536514E-06
+  0.654799998       1.71003182E-06
+  0.656000018       4.71192425E-06
+  0.657199979       8.86305406E-06
+  0.658399999       7.95588494E-06
+  0.659600019       4.63504875E-06
+  0.660799980       1.38689957E-05
+  0.662000000       7.46470369E-06
+  0.663200021       8.62876186E-06
+  0.664399981       5.77887113E-06
+  0.665600002       7.29938165E-06
+  0.666800022       8.29402040E-07
+  0.667999983       6.02415639E-06
+  0.669200003       1.83699353E-06
+  0.670400023       4.08275082E-06
+  0.671599984       1.63176592E-05
+  0.672800004       9.09666198E-07
+  0.674000025       3.16988462E-06
+  0.675199986       2.14951615E-06
+  0.676400006       8.77785169E-06
+  0.677600026       6.41602310E-06
+  0.678799987       2.11185943E-06
+  0.680000007       5.49203207E-07
+  0.681200027       8.84842120E-06
+  0.682399988       3.61613502E-06
+  0.683600008       7.99118061E-06
+  0.684800029       4.04690945E-06
+  0.685999990       2.44056332E-06
+  0.687200010       6.78427000E-07
+  0.688399971       2.26100451E-06
+  0.689599991       6.97552014E-06
+  0.690800011       3.65061032E-06
+  0.691999972       5.31134356E-06
+  0.693199992       7.76571869E-06
+  0.694400012       2.41465955E-06
+  0.695599973       3.94311064E-06
+  0.696799994       4.22640187E-06
+  0.698000014       6.80364792E-06
+  0.699199975       6.75674755E-06
+  0.700399995       6.99790235E-06
+  0.701600015       1.90490994E-06
+  0.702799976       4.54669362E-06
+  0.703999996       3.56919531E-06
+  0.705200016       3.03014895E-06
+  0.706399977       2.34082677E-06
+  0.707599998       3.74664296E-06
+  0.708800018       3.80179699E-06
+  0.709999979       2.40797681E-06
+  0.711199999       6.25944722E-06
+  0.712400019       1.46156503E-06
+  0.713599980       3.09411280E-06
+  0.714800000       4.94488495E-06
+  0.716000021       1.21835762E-06
+  0.717199981       1.51927247E-06
+  0.718400002       4.26462975E-06
+  0.719600022       6.44457032E-07
+  0.720799983       7.37484743E-06
+  0.722000003       3.14527279E-06
+  0.723200023       3.25416568E-06
+  0.724399984       2.32406524E-06
+  0.725600004       2.02281444E-06
+  0.726800025       2.66069264E-06
+  0.727999985       3.80233496E-06
+  0.729200006       3.30178796E-06
+  0.730400026       2.78250673E-06
+  0.731599987       3.53483938E-06
+  0.732800007       7.32756644E-06
+  0.734000027       1.10072706E-05
+  0.735199988       3.71054352E-06
+  0.736400008       1.07255664E-06
+  0.737600029       1.72057116E-06
+  0.738799989       2.46094169E-06
+  0.740000010       3.43855754E-06
+  0.741199970       2.84958628E-06
+  0.742399991       1.93933579E-06
+  0.743600011       1.85018223E-06
+  0.744799972       1.35724906E-06
+  0.745999992       1.26013811E-06
+  0.747200012       7.31691273E-07
+  0.748399973       5.92670904E-06
+  0.749599993       3.86677948E-06
+  0.750800014       1.81167184E-06
+  0.751999974       5.47646960E-06
+  0.753199995       3.08411768E-06
+  0.754400015       6.85152372E-07
+  0.755599976       4.31702074E-06
+  0.756799996       4.31162061E-06
+  0.758000016       2.13645421E-06
+  0.759199977       4.89776767E-06
+  0.760399997       4.13135876E-06
+  0.761600018       1.37749385E-06
+  0.762799978       3.50287928E-06
+  0.763999999       2.63284596E-06
+  0.765200019       1.46457853E-06
+  0.766399980       9.69057055E-07
+  0.767600000       5.93613731E-06
+  0.768800020       5.20951471E-06
+  0.769999981       3.32487434E-06
+  0.771200001       4.33033756E-06
+  0.772400022       4.63486185E-06
+  0.773599982       2.75370076E-06
+  0.774800003       2.25683038E-06
+  0.776000023       4.91721767E-06
+  0.777199984       2.96710732E-06
+  0.778400004       4.94030564E-06
+  0.779600024       5.05391472E-06
+  0.780799985       1.87956857E-06
+  0.782000005       7.20098740E-07
+  0.783200026       1.71690624E-06
+  0.784399986       2.51828692E-06
+  0.785600007       2.59997876E-07
+  0.786800027       1.39313147E-06
+  0.787999988       2.52945847E-06
+  0.789200008       3.17681361E-06
+  0.790400028       2.16070544E-06
+  0.791599989       6.17989315E-07
+  0.792800009       1.87577336E-06
+  0.794000030       1.24904841E-06
+  0.795199990       4.01907710E-06
+  0.796400011       2.35949869E-06
+  0.797599971       1.99425176E-06
+  0.798799992       3.18525008E-06
+  0.800000012       1.46119464E-06
+  0.801199973       1.18530227E-06
+  0.802399993       1.11462839E-06
+  0.803600013       4.16882540E-06
+  0.804799974       3.07964251E-06
+  0.805999994       5.17189892E-06
+  0.807200015       1.52204484E-06
+  0.808399975       4.34840786E-06
+  0.809599996       2.12727355E-06
+  0.810800016       9.06481660E-07
+  0.811999977       3.81392351E-06
+  0.813199997       2.67381711E-06
+  0.814400017       1.19700269E-06
+  0.815599978       1.74715956E-06
+  0.816799998       2.25988242E-06
+  0.818000019       1.72073806E-06
+  0.819199979       2.29952661E-06
+  0.820400000       2.35056223E-06
+  0.821600020       1.05302615E-06
+  0.822799981       9.66926564E-07
+  0.824000001       2.76667197E-06
+  0.825200021       3.51040262E-06
+  0.826399982       4.78631648E-07
+  0.827600002       1.34185939E-06
+  0.828800023       4.93122980E-06
+  0.829999983       4.08666438E-06
+  0.831200004       1.78424182E-06
+  0.832400024       3.16294654E-06
+  0.833599985       2.60937441E-06
+  0.834800005       3.86871079E-06
+  0.836000025       3.16312344E-06
+  0.837199986       1.23088216E-06
+  0.838400006       1.81368534E-06
+  0.839600027       8.29845135E-07
+  0.840799987       6.86953081E-06
+  0.842000008       2.28542740E-06
+  0.843200028       1.68045972E-06
+  0.844399989       1.52035602E-06
+  0.845600009       1.69403256E-06
+  0.846800029       2.38426765E-06
+  0.847999990       2.50360245E-06
+  0.849200010       4.99442376E-06
+  0.850399971       7.49457195E-06
+  0.851599991       4.23282108E-06
+  0.852800012       3.78725645E-06
+  0.853999972       2.65597896E-06
+  0.855199993       2.11123825E-06
+  0.856400013       3.45242825E-06
+  0.857599974       2.13668272E-06
+  0.858799994       3.62053498E-07
+  0.860000014       4.29053898E-06
+  0.861199975       1.96940687E-06
+  0.862399995       2.77118488E-06
+  0.863600016       1.48070785E-06
+  0.864799976       1.77323352E-06
+  0.865999997       4.67606287E-06
+  0.867200017       3.51898507E-06
+  0.868399978       1.04355070E-06
+  0.869599998       3.78067193E-06
+  0.870800018       2.23995198E-06
+  0.871999979       1.12800194E-06
+  0.873199999       6.18401918E-06
+  0.874400020       1.34220238E-06
+  0.875599980       7.00199166E-07
+  0.876800001       2.32231650E-06
+  0.878000021       1.52453890E-06
+  0.879199982       4.54861265E-07
+  0.880400002       3.60268223E-06
+  0.881600022       1.46427499E-06
+  0.882799983       8.34963316E-07
+  0.884000003       3.40072756E-06
+  0.885200024       3.36356266E-06
+  0.886399984       9.50419803E-07
+  0.887600005       2.57339525E-06
+  0.888800025       1.50012488E-06
+  0.889999986       9.28446696E-07
+  0.891200006       1.65765573E-06
+  0.892400026       2.51548067E-06
+  0.893599987       1.68703684E-06
+  0.894800007       4.10827852E-06
+  0.896000028       1.20004051E-06
+  0.897199988       3.71074975E-06
+  0.898400009       2.08213032E-06
+  0.899600029       1.41230691E-06
+  0.900799990       2.69791531E-06
+  0.902000010       2.70572582E-06
+  0.903199971       1.19506160E-06
+  0.904399991       2.58576688E-06
+  0.905600011       2.98086161E-06
+  0.906799972       6.68006487E-06
+  0.907999992       4.43782255E-06
+  0.909200013       1.43545867E-06
+  0.910399973       2.09750692E-06
+  0.911599994       1.47493040E-06
+  0.912800014       5.19319019E-06
+  0.913999975       2.54971997E-06
+  0.915199995       2.00700424E-06
+  0.916400015       6.87353008E-07
+  0.917599976       4.85590863E-06
+  0.918799996       2.67680070E-06
+  0.920000017       3.50182813E-06
+  0.921199977       2.36048095E-06
+  0.922399998       4.02644105E-07
+  0.923600018       2.52425980E-06
+  0.924799979       2.26983479E-06
+  0.925999999       3.29416753E-06
+  0.927200019       1.20029244E-06
+  0.928399980       5.21055597E-07
+  0.929600000       6.05583409E-07
+  0.930800021       1.81269934E-06
+  0.931999981       3.92037009E-06
+  0.933200002       5.56401858E-07
+  0.934400022       2.31394370E-06
+  0.935599983       3.58640409E-06
+  0.936800003       1.72170837E-06
+  0.938000023       1.68415386E-06
+  0.939199984       2.13108797E-06
+  0.940400004       5.49584001E-07
+  0.941600025       3.33230491E-06
+  0.942799985       6.44305692E-06
+  0.944000006       6.48362720E-06
+  0.945200026       2.43967065E-06
+  0.946399987       2.16669969E-06
+  0.947600007       2.45305000E-06
+  0.948800027       2.19202866E-06
+  0.949999988       2.54205725E-06
+  0.951200008       3.54175972E-06
+  0.952400029       1.86492719E-06
+  0.953599989       2.34235245E-06
+  0.954800010       1.72562227E-06
+  0.955999970       1.57244324E-06
+  0.957199991       3.39713438E-06
+  0.958400011       2.90002504E-06
+  0.959599972       3.26505187E-06
+  0.960799992       1.76706465E-06
+  0.962000012       3.03295951E-06
+  0.963199973       4.44031184E-06
+  0.964399993       3.39706321E-06
+  0.965600014       1.64282028E-06
+  0.966799974       1.08568338E-06
+  0.967999995       3.38230484E-06
+  0.969200015       3.29850627E-06
+  0.970399976       2.72328998E-06
+  0.971599996       1.80436336E-06
+  0.972800016       1.32254809E-06
+  0.973999977       4.28575868E-06
+  0.975199997       5.89391720E-06
+  0.976400018       2.95323116E-06
+  0.977599978       2.83736711E-07
+  0.978799999       2.50052699E-06
+  0.980000019       1.46431273E-06
+  0.981199980       8.98328153E-07
+  0.982400000       2.64710980E-06
+  0.983600020       2.69776547E-06
+  0.984799981       1.16168781E-06
+  0.986000001       2.06574555E-06
+  0.987200022       8.68880250E-07
+  0.988399982       5.13809027E-07
+  0.989600003       6.61756417E-07
+  0.990800023       6.28630630E-07
+  0.991999984       3.25334895E-06
+  0.993200004       1.61131857E-06
+  0.994400024       2.13640260E-06
+  0.995599985       3.44095440E-07
+  0.996800005       2.38642792E-06
+  0.998000026       3.61568573E-06
+  0.999199986       4.38853658E-06
diff --git a/tests/spectrum/procedure.txt b/tests/spectrum/procedure.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5f59f74
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/spectrum/procedure.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+This file is created to depict the differences between 'spectrum' from TISEAN and 'fft' from GNU Octave. They are essentially the same, but the data output from 'fft' needs to formated to fit onto 'spectrum'. This can be viewed by looking at 'test_spectrum.m'.  
+1. Actual differences
+Apart from the data presented in a different form the biggest issue that seems to arrise in the step response. It seems like the 'spectrum' behaves differently than the data obtained from 'fft'. It seems as though the data from 'fft' is more likely to be accurate.
+2. Different usage
+  $ spectrum data.dat -o "data_spec.dat"
+  n = length (data);
+  half_n = floor (n/2) + 1; 
+  spec = fft (data);
+  spec = data_spec(1:half_n);
+  spec = abs (spec(1:half_n) / n).^2;  
+  freqs = [0:half_n-1] / n ;
+  data_spec = [freqs,spec];
+When the flags '-f' and '-w' become different that the default it becomes a little more complex to make the data align. Taking '-f' and '-w' under consideration was implemented in 'test_spectrum.m'.
diff --git a/tests/spectrum/square.dat b/tests/spectrum/square.dat
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f6a2665
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/spectrum/square.dat
@@ -0,0 +1,6002 @@
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diff --git a/tests/spectrum/square_tisean.dat b/tests/spectrum/square_tisean.dat
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a5ebaff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/spectrum/square_tisean.dat
@@ -0,0 +1,3001 @@
+   0.00000000      0.111111119    
+   1.66666665E-04   7.59908929E-02
+   3.33333330E-04   1.89977307E-02
+   5.00000024E-04   2.13721831E-17
+   6.66666660E-04   4.74943500E-03
+   8.33333354E-04   3.03964224E-03
+   1.00000005E-03   2.79616561E-17
+   1.16666663E-03   1.55084091E-03
+   1.33333332E-03   1.18736457E-03
+   1.50000001E-03   8.21845562E-17
+   1.66666671E-03   7.59916147E-04
+   1.83333328E-03   6.28030975E-04
+   2.00000009E-03   2.01642926E-17
+   2.16666656E-03   4.49657324E-04
+   2.33333325E-03   3.87715612E-04
+   2.49999994E-03   1.72159612E-17
+   2.66666664E-03   2.96846440E-04
+   2.83333333E-03   2.62951246E-04
+   3.00000003E-03   6.26833622E-18
+   3.16666672E-03   2.10508137E-04
+   3.33333341E-03   1.89984130E-04
+   3.50000011E-03   1.84869987E-17
+   3.66666657E-03   1.57012852E-04
+   3.83333326E-03   1.43656784E-04
+   4.00000019E-03   5.60094647E-17
+   4.16666688E-03   1.21592515E-04
+   4.33333311E-03   1.12419628E-04
+   4.49999981E-03   8.84180371E-17
+   4.66666650E-03   9.69341418E-05
+   4.83333319E-03   9.03647961E-05
+   4.99999989E-03   9.22837847E-19
+   5.16666658E-03   7.90817139E-05
+   5.33333328E-03   7.42168195E-05
+   5.49999997E-03   1.43098011E-17
+   5.66666666E-03   6.57429846E-05
+   5.83333336E-03   6.20403152E-05
+   6.00000005E-03   2.20767242E-19
+   6.16666675E-03   5.55152437E-05
+   6.33333344E-03   5.26322219E-05
+   6.50000013E-03   2.53261197E-18
+   6.66666683E-03   4.75012675E-05
+   6.83333352E-03   4.52127060E-05
+   7.00000022E-03   7.43263636E-18
+   7.16666644E-03   4.11053297E-05
+   7.33333314E-03   3.92584298E-05
+   7.49999983E-03   2.85415982E-18
+   7.66666653E-03   3.59194819E-05
+   7.83333369E-03   3.44075488E-05
+   8.00000038E-03   7.06062098E-18
+   8.16666707E-03   3.16565965E-05
+   8.33333377E-03   3.04032765E-05
+   8.50000046E-03   3.97887639E-17
+   8.66666622E-03   2.81100711E-05
+   8.83333292E-03   2.70595938E-05
+   8.99999961E-03   7.66195316E-18
+   9.16666631E-03   2.51279034E-05
+   9.33333300E-03   2.42387414E-05
+   9.49999969E-03   6.24634790E-19
+   9.66666639E-03   2.25964013E-05
+   9.83333308E-03   2.18371424E-05
+   9.99999978E-03   1.03506299E-19
+   1.01666665E-02   2.04291209E-05
+   1.03333332E-02   1.97756581E-05
+   1.04999999E-02   1.48803454E-18
+   1.06666666E-02   1.85594145E-05
+   1.08333332E-02   1.79929648E-05
+   1.09999999E-02   1.38667193E-18
+   1.11666666E-02   1.69351842E-05
+   1.13333333E-02   1.64409612E-05
+   1.15000000E-02   1.49959017E-19
+   1.16666667E-02   1.55152866E-05
+   1.18333334E-02   1.50815031E-05
+   1.20000001E-02   1.35528632E-19
+   1.21666668E-02   1.42668259E-05
+   1.23333335E-02   1.38840005E-05
+   1.25000002E-02   1.20170616E-17
+   1.26666669E-02   1.31632842E-05
+   1.28333336E-02   1.28237680E-05
+   1.30000003E-02   2.19641026E-20
+   1.31666670E-02   1.21830153E-05
+   1.33333337E-02   1.18805228E-05
+   1.35000004E-02   8.95589612E-20
+   1.36666670E-02   1.13083843E-05
+   1.38333337E-02   1.10377005E-05
+   1.40000004E-02   1.24798311E-18
+   1.41666671E-02   1.05247191E-05
+   1.43333329E-02   1.02815457E-05
+   1.44999996E-02   4.28794946E-19
+   1.46666663E-02   9.81982157E-06
+   1.48333330E-02   9.60054604E-06
+   1.49999997E-02   3.13906745E-19
+   1.51666664E-02   9.18348360E-06
+   1.53333331E-02   8.98507460E-06
+   1.54999997E-02   3.85903796E-19
+   1.56666674E-02   8.60709406E-06
+   1.58333331E-02   8.42699319E-06
+   1.60000008E-02   1.53671650E-18
+   1.61666665E-02   8.08335062E-06
+   1.63333341E-02   7.91937327E-06
+   1.64999999E-02   1.10284194E-17
+   1.66666675E-02   7.60602597E-06
+   1.68333333E-02   7.45628768E-06
+   1.70000009E-02   3.37392827E-18
+   1.71666667E-02   7.16981640E-06
+   1.73333324E-02   7.03273827E-06
+   1.75000001E-02   1.80694929E-19
+   1.76666658E-02   6.77011076E-06
+   1.78333335E-02   6.64428399E-06
+   1.79999992E-02   8.71450156E-20
+   1.81666669E-02   6.40294866E-06
+   1.83333326E-02   6.28718499E-06
+   1.85000002E-02   2.72490406E-19
+   1.86666660E-02   6.06489402E-06
+   1.88333336E-02   5.95815118E-06
+   1.89999994E-02   1.84802540E-19
+   1.91666670E-02   5.75295280E-06
+   1.93333328E-02   5.65430901E-06
+   1.95000004E-02   4.97807260E-18
+   1.96666662E-02   5.46450201E-06
+   1.98333338E-02   5.37315782E-06
+   1.99999996E-02   6.21193615E-19
+   2.01666672E-02   5.19724017E-06
+   2.03333329E-02   5.11249436E-06
+   2.05000006E-02   7.74405249E-18
+   2.06666663E-02   4.94912183E-06
+   2.08333340E-02   4.87036641E-06
+   2.09999997E-02   5.24410381E-19
+   2.11666673E-02   4.71839894E-06
+   2.13333331E-02   4.64506502E-06
+   2.15000007E-02   1.23108587E-18
+   2.16666665E-02   4.50345124E-06
+   2.18333341E-02   4.43506724E-06
+   2.19999999E-02   5.00092719E-19
+   2.21666675E-02   4.30289265E-06
+   2.23333333E-02   4.23901292E-06
+   2.25000009E-02   1.04068823E-18
+   2.26666667E-02   4.11545670E-06
+   2.28333324E-02   4.05569608E-06
+   2.30000000E-02   5.15481070E-19
+   2.31666658E-02   3.94002473E-06
+   2.33333334E-02   3.88404078E-06
+   2.34999992E-02   4.38516360E-19
+   2.36666668E-02   3.77559581E-06
+   2.38333326E-02   3.72307022E-06
+   2.40000002E-02   1.55625954E-19
+   2.41666660E-02   3.62126457E-06
+   2.43333336E-02   3.57192221E-06
+   2.44999994E-02   4.48976472E-19
+   2.46666670E-02   3.47622472E-06
+   2.48333327E-02   3.42980843E-06
+   2.50000004E-02   3.28074389E-18
+   2.51666661E-02   3.33974526E-06
+   2.53333338E-02   3.29603017E-06
+   2.54999995E-02   8.84893133E-20
+   2.56666671E-02   3.21115499E-06
+   2.58333329E-02   3.16994510E-06
+   2.60000005E-02   2.55591907E-19
+   2.61666663E-02   3.08987205E-06
+   2.63333339E-02   3.05097183E-06
+   2.64999997E-02   8.42079622E-20
+   2.66666673E-02   2.97535007E-06
+   2.68333331E-02   2.93859011E-06
+   2.70000007E-02   1.64138257E-20
+   2.71666665E-02   2.86708837E-06
+   2.73333341E-02   2.83231498E-06
+   2.74999999E-02   4.63615967E-19
+   2.76666675E-02   2.76464448E-06
+   2.78333332E-02   2.73171804E-06
+   2.80000009E-02   4.48149292E-19
+   2.81666666E-02   2.66760890E-06
+   2.83333343E-02   2.63639777E-06
+   2.85000000E-02   8.83948777E-19
+   2.86666658E-02   2.57560259E-06
+   2.88333334E-02   2.54599104E-06
+   2.89999992E-02   6.13245981E-18
+   2.91666668E-02   2.48829315E-06
+   2.93333326E-02   2.46017999E-06
+   2.95000002E-02   1.04333966E-18
+   2.96666659E-02   2.40535633E-06
+   2.98333336E-02   2.37863628E-06
+   2.99999993E-02   0.00000000    
+   3.01666670E-02   2.32650973E-06
+   3.03333327E-02   2.30109094E-06
+   3.05000003E-02   7.80563751E-20
+   3.06666661E-02   2.25148983E-06
+   3.08333337E-02   2.22729022E-06
+   3.09999995E-02   1.06970351E-19
+   3.11666671E-02   2.18004948E-06
+   3.13333347E-02   2.15699356E-06
+   3.15000005E-02   1.03612062E-19
+   3.16666663E-02   2.11196834E-06
+   3.18333320E-02   2.08998404E-06
+   3.20000015E-02   7.09319912E-20
+   3.21666673E-02   2.04703792E-06
+   3.23333330E-02   2.02605997E-06
+   3.24999988E-02   0.00000000    
+   3.26666683E-02   1.98506677E-06
+   3.28333341E-02   1.96503356E-06
+   3.29999998E-02   8.34362401E-19
+   3.31666656E-02   1.92587800E-06
+   3.33333351E-02   1.90673336E-06
+   3.35000008E-02   4.59984551E-18
+   3.36666666E-02   1.86929719E-06
+   3.38333324E-02   1.85099520E-06
+   3.40000018E-02   6.21799628E-19
+   3.41666676E-02   1.81519135E-06
+   3.43333334E-02   1.79767881E-06
+   3.44999991E-02   2.95584358E-19
+   3.46666649E-02   1.76340802E-06
+   3.48333344E-02   1.74663967E-06
+   3.50000001E-02   2.86653961E-19
+   3.51666659E-02   1.71381669E-06
+   3.53333317E-02   1.69775240E-06
+   3.55000012E-02   9.51130558E-21
+   3.56666669E-02   1.66629752E-06
+   3.58333327E-02   1.65089818E-06
+   3.59999985E-02   4.57181691E-20
+   3.61666679E-02   1.62073343E-06
+   3.63333337E-02   1.60596221E-06
+   3.64999995E-02   1.29970986E-19
+   3.66666652E-02   1.57702300E-06
+   3.68333347E-02   1.56284568E-06
+   3.70000005E-02   4.21303830E-20
+   3.71666662E-02   1.53506267E-06
+   3.73333320E-02   1.52145265E-06
+   3.75000015E-02   1.46186327E-18
+   3.76666673E-02   1.49476318E-06
+   3.78333330E-02   1.48168601E-06
+   3.79999988E-02   1.87152199E-19
+   3.81666683E-02   1.45603826E-06
+   3.83333340E-02   1.44346552E-06
+   3.84999998E-02   6.06567084E-20
+   3.86666656E-02   1.41880560E-06
+   3.88333350E-02   1.40671295E-06
+   3.90000008E-02   1.59726651E-19
+   3.91666666E-02   1.38298981E-06
+   3.93333323E-02   1.37135316E-06
+   3.95000018E-02   1.75367330E-19
+   3.96666676E-02   1.34851848E-06
+   3.98333333E-02   1.33731612E-06
+   3.99999991E-02   3.30468167E-19
+   4.01666649E-02   1.31532761E-06
+   4.03333344E-02   1.30453725E-06
+   4.05000001E-02   1.48128648E-19
+   4.06666659E-02   1.28335296E-06
+   4.08333316E-02   1.27295448E-06
+   4.10000011E-02   3.39891409E-19
+   4.11666669E-02   1.25253553E-06
+   4.13333327E-02   1.24251289E-06
+   4.14999984E-02   1.34848341E-19
+   4.16666679E-02   1.22282256E-06
+   4.18333337E-02   1.21315327E-06
+   4.19999994E-02   1.85309923E-18
+   4.21666652E-02   1.19416018E-06
+   4.23333347E-02   1.18483263E-06
+   4.25000004E-02   1.38203760E-19
+   4.26666662E-02   1.16649824E-06
+   4.28333320E-02   1.15749344E-06
+   4.30000015E-02   1.02871169E-18
+   4.31666672E-02   1.13979274E-06
+   4.33333330E-02   1.13109593E-06
+   4.34999987E-02   3.54344917E-20
+   4.36666682E-02   1.11399970E-06
+   4.38333340E-02   1.10559699E-06
+   4.39999998E-02   4.84248333E-20
+   4.41666655E-02   1.08907727E-06
+   4.43333350E-02   1.08095639E-06
+   4.45000008E-02   1.43362582E-20
+   4.46666665E-02   1.06498658E-06
+   4.48333323E-02   1.05713571E-06
+   4.50000018E-02   2.74824005E-20
+   4.51666676E-02   1.04169328E-06
+   4.53333333E-02   1.03409889E-06
+   4.54999991E-02   4.73759579E-19
+   4.56666648E-02   1.01915714E-06
+   4.58333343E-02   1.01181013E-06
+   4.60000001E-02   1.42758490E-18
+   4.61666659E-02   9.97354618E-07
+   4.63333316E-02   9.90242256E-07
+   4.65000011E-02   1.83085287E-19
+   4.66666669E-02   9.76245929E-07
+   4.68333326E-02   9.69360144E-07
+   4.69999984E-02   4.22436809E-20
+   4.71666679E-02   9.55805376E-07
+   4.73333336E-02   9.49135824E-07
+   4.74999994E-02   3.15137913E-20
+   4.76666652E-02   9.36005449E-07
+   4.78333347E-02   9.29542750E-07
+   4.80000004E-02   3.94000860E-20
+   4.81666662E-02   9.16818635E-07
+   4.83333319E-02   9.10554490E-07
+   4.85000014E-02   1.04728446E-19
+   4.86666672E-02   8.98219014E-07
+   4.88333330E-02   8.92146147E-07
+   4.89999987E-02   6.84789710E-21
+   4.91666682E-02   8.80185041E-07
+   4.93333340E-02   8.74295154E-07
+   4.94999997E-02   1.52634271E-21
+   4.96666655E-02   8.62693469E-07
+   4.98333350E-02   8.56980819E-07
+   5.00000007E-02   7.56885150E-19
+   5.01666665E-02   8.45720137E-07
+   5.03333323E-02   8.40176085E-07
+   5.05000018E-02   7.71350445E-21
+   5.06666675E-02   8.29249302E-07
+   5.08333333E-02   8.23866742E-07
+   5.09999990E-02   7.68702498E-21
+   5.11666648E-02   8.13258453E-07
+   5.13333343E-02   8.08031473E-07
+   5.15000001E-02   6.37917617E-20
+   5.16666658E-02   7.97729626E-07
+   5.18333316E-02   7.92652827E-07
+   5.20000011E-02   6.11919395E-20
+   5.21666668E-02   7.82645088E-07
+   5.23333326E-02   7.77712387E-07
+   5.24999984E-02   3.78832201E-21
+   5.26666678E-02   7.67987672E-07
+   5.28333336E-02   7.63194180E-07
+   5.29999994E-02   2.02492974E-20
+   5.31666651E-02   7.53742086E-07
+   5.33333346E-02   7.49082517E-07
+   5.35000004E-02   2.18823884E-19
+   5.36666662E-02   7.39892528E-07
+   5.38333319E-02   7.35361482E-07
+   5.40000014E-02   9.95125367E-19
+   5.41666672E-02   7.26424560E-07
+   5.43333329E-02   7.22017489E-07
+   5.44999987E-02   1.53598250E-19
+   5.46666682E-02   7.13326017E-07
+   5.48333339E-02   7.09038943E-07
+   5.49999997E-02   5.35946410E-20
+   5.51666655E-02   7.00580699E-07
+   5.53333350E-02   6.96408961E-07
+   5.55000007E-02   1.19423089E-19
+   5.56666665E-02   6.88177749E-07
+   5.58333322E-02   6.84117367E-07
+   5.60000017E-02   3.44702285E-20
+   5.61666675E-02   6.76104321E-07
+   5.63333333E-02   6.72151316E-07
+   5.64999990E-02   2.51567637E-21
+   5.66666685E-02   6.64349216E-07
+   5.68333343E-02   6.60499495E-07
+   5.70000000E-02   1.34652066E-19
+   5.71666658E-02   6.52901690E-07
+   5.73333316E-02   6.49151616E-07
+   5.75000010E-02   7.05379883E-21
+   5.76666668E-02   6.41750887E-07
+   5.78333326E-02   6.38097049E-07
+   5.79999983E-02   5.38137030E-19
+   5.81666678E-02   6.30885609E-07
+   5.83333336E-02   6.27325903E-07
+   5.84999993E-02   2.64814584E-19
+   5.86666651E-02   6.20295339E-07
+   5.88333346E-02   6.16826640E-07
+   5.90000004E-02   6.58052033E-20
+   5.91666661E-02   6.09975302E-07
+   5.93333319E-02   6.06593119E-07
+   5.95000014E-02   1.61217518E-20
+   5.96666671E-02   5.99912426E-07
+   5.98333329E-02   5.96614314E-07
+   5.99999987E-02   3.02447508E-20
+   6.01666681E-02   5.90099830E-07
+   6.03333339E-02   5.86882891E-07
+   6.04999997E-02   2.23029413E-20
+   6.06666654E-02   5.80529218E-07
+   6.08333349E-02   5.77390551E-07
+   6.10000007E-02   5.03075028E-20
+   6.11666664E-02   5.71191322E-07
+   6.13333322E-02   5.68129735E-07
+   6.15000017E-02   7.48552572E-21
+   6.16666675E-02   5.62080061E-07
+   6.18333332E-02   5.59091404E-07
+   6.19999990E-02   1.40767793E-21
+   6.21666685E-02   5.53185771E-07
+   6.23333342E-02   5.50269078E-07
+   6.25000000E-02   0.00000000    
+   6.26666695E-02   5.44510101E-07
+   6.28333315E-02   5.41662587E-07
+   6.30000010E-02   1.36391289E-21
+   6.31666631E-02   5.36033099E-07
+   6.33333325E-02   5.33252262E-07
+   6.35000020E-02   7.02720061E-21
+   6.36666641E-02   5.27756413E-07
+   6.38333336E-02   5.25041401E-07
+   6.40000030E-02   4.57583164E-20
+   6.41666651E-02   5.19674245E-07
+   6.43333346E-02   5.17021135E-07
+   6.44999966E-02   1.96548631E-20
+   6.46666661E-02   5.11777841E-07
+   6.48333356E-02   5.09186293E-07
+   6.49999976E-02   2.58238032E-20
+   6.51666671E-02   5.04062541E-07
+   6.53333366E-02   5.01529883E-07
+   6.54999986E-02   1.33363810E-20
+   6.56666681E-02   4.96522716E-07
+   6.58333302E-02   4.94047072E-07
+   6.59999996E-02   5.27387579E-20
+   6.61666691E-02   4.89152967E-07
+   6.63333312E-02   4.86733029E-07
+   6.65000007E-02   2.05609157E-19
+   6.66666701E-02   4.81949428E-07
+   6.68333322E-02   4.79583775E-07
+   6.70000017E-02   4.04771941E-19
+   6.71666637E-02   4.74905363E-07
+   6.73333332E-02   4.72592120E-07
+   6.75000027E-02   5.13974490E-21
+   6.76666647E-02   4.68016708E-07
+   6.78333342E-02   4.65754482E-07
+   6.80000037E-02   9.50417793E-20
+   6.81666657E-02   4.61279797E-07
+   6.83333352E-02   4.59066399E-07
+   6.84999973E-02   1.71996295E-21
+   6.86666667E-02   4.54688774E-07
+   6.88333362E-02   4.52524063E-07
+   6.89999983E-02   2.28270474E-20
+   6.91666678E-02   4.48241025E-07
+   6.93333298E-02   4.46122385E-07
+   6.94999993E-02   7.65969764E-20
+   6.96666688E-02   4.41931121E-07
+   6.98333308E-02   4.39857899E-07
+   7.00000003E-02   3.32917514E-20
+   7.01666698E-02   4.35756078E-07
+   7.03333318E-02   4.33726882E-07
+   7.05000013E-02   9.23987369E-20
+   7.06666633E-02   4.29710695E-07
+   7.08333328E-02   4.27724387E-07
+   7.10000023E-02   5.79686416E-19
+   7.11666644E-02   4.23793125E-07
+   7.13333338E-02   4.21848199E-07
+   7.15000033E-02   1.23427910E-19
+   7.16666654E-02   4.17999132E-07
+   7.18333349E-02   4.16094679E-07
+   7.19999969E-02   1.10585647E-20
+   7.21666664E-02   4.12325079E-07
+   7.23333359E-02   4.10459819E-07
+   7.24999979E-02   2.00295444E-21
+   7.26666674E-02   4.06767612E-07
+   7.28333369E-02   4.04940494E-07
+   7.29999989E-02   3.13195654E-20
+   7.31666684E-02   4.01323803E-07
+   7.33333305E-02   3.99533945E-07
+   7.34999999E-02   3.16041349E-20
+   7.36666694E-02   3.95990355E-07
+   7.38333315E-02   3.94236565E-07
+   7.40000010E-02   3.68598870E-21
+   7.41666630E-02   3.90764313E-07
+   7.43333325E-02   3.89045681E-07
+   7.45000020E-02   3.57947789E-21
+   7.46666640E-02   3.85643119E-07
+   7.48333335E-02   3.83958309E-07
+   7.50000030E-02   3.39878975E-19
+   7.51666650E-02   3.80624584E-07
+   7.53333345E-02   3.78973198E-07
+   7.54999965E-02   6.63169387E-22
+   7.56666660E-02   3.75703479E-07
+   7.58333355E-02   3.74085516E-07
+   7.59999976E-02   2.87844111E-21
+   7.61666670E-02   3.70880230E-07
+   7.63333365E-02   3.69293446E-07
+   7.64999986E-02   4.25833419E-20
+   7.66666681E-02   3.66151141E-07
+   7.68333301E-02   3.64595138E-07
+   7.69999996E-02   1.54949993E-20
+   7.71666691E-02   3.61513230E-07
+   7.73333311E-02   3.59987325E-07
+   7.75000006E-02   1.19855223E-20
+   7.76666701E-02   3.56964790E-07
+   7.78333321E-02   3.55468046E-07
+   7.80000016E-02   1.55353114E-20
+   7.81666636E-02   3.52503434E-07
+   7.83333331E-02   3.51035226E-07
+   7.85000026E-02   6.50954824E-20
+   7.86666647E-02   3.48126719E-07
+   7.88333341E-02   3.46686733E-07
+   7.90000036E-02   4.90651693E-19
+   7.91666657E-02   3.43832511E-07
+   7.93333352E-02   3.42418929E-07
+   7.94999972E-02   1.57374911E-19
+   7.96666667E-02   3.39619731E-07
+   7.98333362E-02   3.38232951E-07
+   7.99999982E-02   8.82202260E-21
+   8.01666677E-02   3.35484970E-07
+   8.03333297E-02   3.34123797E-07
+   8.04999992E-02   4.44643022E-21
+   8.06666687E-02   3.31427003E-07
+   8.08333308E-02   3.30090984E-07
+   8.10000002E-02   1.45087544E-20
+   8.11666697E-02   3.27443757E-07
+   8.13333318E-02   3.26132465E-07
+   8.15000013E-02   1.02540451E-20
+   8.16666633E-02   3.23533612E-07
+   8.18333328E-02   3.22246137E-07
+   8.20000023E-02   2.87466925E-19
+   8.21666643E-02   3.19694834E-07
+   8.23333338E-02   3.18430551E-07
+   8.25000033E-02   3.72867041E-20
+   8.26666653E-02   3.15925718E-07
+   8.28333348E-02   3.14683916E-07
+   8.29999968E-02   4.82596970E-19
+   8.31666663E-02   3.12223250E-07
+   8.33333358E-02   3.11004271E-07
+   8.34999979E-02   3.38915543E-20
+   8.36666673E-02   3.08588142E-07
+   8.38333368E-02   3.07390280E-07
+   8.39999989E-02   8.24235074E-20
+   8.41666684E-02   3.05016727E-07
+   8.43333304E-02   3.03840807E-07
+   8.44999999E-02   3.46510805E-20
+   8.46666694E-02   3.01509203E-07
+   8.48333314E-02   3.00353690E-07
+   8.50000009E-02   7.45541570E-20
+   8.51666704E-02   2.98062986E-07
+   8.53333324E-02   2.96927652E-07
+   8.55000019E-02   3.81460899E-20
+   8.56666639E-02   2.94677051E-07
+   8.58333334E-02   2.93561612E-07
+   8.60000029E-02   3.34910373E-20
+   8.61666650E-02   2.91349863E-07
+   8.63333344E-02   2.90253638E-07
+   8.64999965E-02   1.22564918E-20
+   8.66666660E-02   2.88080088E-07
+   8.68333355E-02   2.87002706E-07
+   8.69999975E-02   3.64334997E-20
+   8.71666670E-02   2.84866644E-07
+   8.73333365E-02   2.83807225E-07
+   8.74999985E-02   2.74100461E-19
+   8.76666680E-02   2.81708054E-07
+   8.78333300E-02   2.80666512E-07
+   8.79999995E-02   7.60622704E-21
+   8.81666690E-02   2.78602442E-07
+   8.83333310E-02   2.77579232E-07
+   8.85000005E-02   2.25871101E-20
+   8.86666700E-02   2.75549695E-07
+   8.88333321E-02   2.74543595E-07
+   8.90000015E-02   7.64554235E-21
+   8.91666636E-02   2.72548533E-07
+   8.93333331E-02   2.71559259E-07
+   8.95000026E-02   1.53011652E-21
+   8.96666646E-02   2.69596967E-07
+   8.98333341E-02   2.68624177E-07
+   9.00000036E-02   4.43467650E-20
+   9.01666656E-02   2.66694570E-07
+   9.03333351E-02   2.65737839E-07
+   9.04999971E-02   4.39597188E-20
+   9.06666666E-02   2.63840263E-07
+   9.08333361E-02   2.62899079E-07
+   9.09999982E-02   8.88663461E-20
+   9.11666676E-02   2.61032312E-07
+   9.13333297E-02   2.60106532E-07
+   9.14999992E-02   6.31512176E-19
+   9.16666687E-02   2.58270887E-07
+   9.18333307E-02   2.57360767E-07
+   9.20000002E-02   1.09996100E-19
+   9.21666697E-02   2.55553914E-07
+   9.23333317E-02   2.54658403E-07
+   9.25000012E-02   0.00000000    
+   9.26666632E-02   2.52880767E-07
+   9.28333327E-02   2.51999381E-07
+   9.30000022E-02   8.61203020E-21
+   9.31666642E-02   2.50250622E-07
+   9.33333337E-02   2.49383362E-07
+   9.35000032E-02   1.20647095E-20
+   9.36666653E-02   2.47662541E-07
+   9.38333347E-02   2.46809066E-07
+   9.39999968E-02   1.19404071E-20
+   9.41666663E-02   2.45115672E-07
+   9.43333358E-02   2.44275782E-07
+   9.44999978E-02   8.34856994E-21
+   9.46666673E-02   2.42609161E-07
+   9.48333368E-02   2.41782374E-07
+   9.49999988E-02   0.00000000    
+   9.51666683E-02   2.40142327E-07
+   9.53333303E-02   2.39328244E-07
+   9.54999998E-02   1.02303217E-19
+   9.56666693E-02   2.37713991E-07
+   9.58333313E-02   2.36912371E-07
+   9.60000008E-02   5.75299515E-19
+   9.61666703E-02   2.35322290E-07
+   9.63333324E-02   2.34533758E-07
+   9.65000018E-02   7.92952848E-20
+   9.66666639E-02   2.32968901E-07
+   9.68333334E-02   2.32192491E-07
+   9.70000029E-02   3.84202324E-20
+   9.71666649E-02   2.30651452E-07
+   9.73333344E-02   2.29886879E-07
+   9.74999964E-02   3.79628468E-20
+   9.76666659E-02   2.28369416E-07
+   9.78333354E-02   2.27616610E-07
+   9.79999974E-02   1.28294713E-21
+   9.81666669E-02   2.26122424E-07
+   9.83333364E-02   2.25381072E-07
+   9.84999985E-02   6.27878553E-21
+   9.86666679E-02   2.23909268E-07
+   9.88333300E-02   2.23179043E-07
+   9.89999995E-02   1.81679607E-20
+   9.91666690E-02   2.21729664E-07
+   9.93333310E-02   2.21010339E-07
+   9.95000005E-02   5.99221430E-21
+   9.96666700E-02   2.19582688E-07
+   9.98333320E-02   2.18874703E-07
+  0.100000001       2.11492130E-19
+  0.100166664       2.17467971E-07
+  0.100333333       2.16770388E-07
+  0.100500003       2.75324644E-20
+  0.100666665       2.15384759E-07
+  0.100833334       2.14697337E-07
+  0.101000004       9.07115987E-21
+  0.101166666       2.13332441E-07
+  0.101333335       2.12655024E-07
+  0.101499997       2.42756087E-20
+  0.101666667       2.11310251E-07
+  0.101833336       2.10642625E-07
+  0.101999998       2.70787251E-20
+  0.102166668       2.09317591E-07
+  0.102333330       2.08659912E-07
+  0.102499999       5.18295895E-20
+  0.102666669       2.07354134E-07
+  0.102833331       2.06705948E-07
+  0.103000000       2.35906999E-20
+  0.103166670       2.05419127E-07
+  0.103333332       2.04780264E-07
+  0.103500001       5.49520250E-20
+  0.103666663       2.03511888E-07
+  0.103833333       2.02882660E-07
+  0.104000002       2.21269731E-20
+  0.104166664       2.01632403E-07
+  0.104333334       2.01011716E-07
+  0.104500003       3.08533173E-19
+  0.104666665       1.99779763E-07
+  0.104833335       1.99168355E-07
+  0.104999997       2.33424553E-20
+  0.105166666       1.97953298E-07
+  0.105333336       1.97350531E-07
+  0.105499998       1.76215216E-19
+  0.105666667       1.96152897E-07
+  0.105833337       1.95558442E-07
+  0.105999999       6.15461635E-21
+  0.106166668       1.94377975E-07
+  0.106333330       1.93791792E-07
+  0.106500000       8.52653494E-21
+  0.106666669       1.92627823E-07
+  0.106833331       1.92049853E-07
+  0.107000001       2.55845227E-21
+  0.107166670       1.90902114E-07
+  0.107333332       1.90332358E-07
+  0.107500002       4.96983481E-21
+  0.107666664       1.89200676E-07
+  0.107833333       1.88638680E-07
+  0.108000003       8.67966433E-20
+  0.108166665       1.87522190E-07
+  0.108333334       1.86968165E-07
+  0.108499996       2.64922117E-19
+  0.108666666       1.85867833E-07
+  0.108833335       1.85321099E-07
+  0.108999997       3.44077957E-20
+  0.109166667       1.84235489E-07
+  0.109333336       1.83696500E-07
+  0.109499998       8.03840952E-21
+  0.109666668       1.82625612E-07
+  0.109833330       1.82093927E-07
+  0.109999999       6.07062803E-21
+  0.110166669       1.81037734E-07
+  0.110333331       1.80513140E-07
+  0.110500000       7.68204816E-21
+  0.110666670       1.79471272E-07
+  0.110833332       1.78953826E-07
+  0.111000001       2.06640121E-20
+  0.111166663       1.77925827E-07
+  0.111333333       1.77415274E-07
+  0.111500002       1.36710680E-21
+  0.111666664       1.76401215E-07
+  0.111833334       1.75897412E-07
+  0.112000003       3.08261699E-22
+  0.112166665       1.74897067E-07
+  0.112333335       1.74400341E-07
+  0.112499997       1.54614002E-19
+  0.112666667       1.73412502E-07
+  0.112833336       1.72922341E-07
+  0.112999998       1.59349974E-21
+  0.113166668       1.71948045E-07
+  0.113333337       1.71464208E-07
+  0.113499999       1.60572882E-21
+  0.113666669       1.70502830E-07
+  0.113833331       1.70025388E-07
+  0.114000000       1.34717720E-20
+  0.114166670       1.69076714E-07
+  0.114333332       1.68605482E-07
+  0.114500001       1.30627942E-20
+  0.114666663       1.67669086E-07
+  0.114833333       1.67203879E-07
+  0.115000002       8.17347341E-22
+  0.115166664       1.66279648E-07
+  0.115333334       1.65820637E-07
+  0.115500003       4.41494121E-21
+  0.115666665       1.64908357E-07
+  0.115833335       1.64455301E-07
+  0.115999997       4.82063510E-20
+  0.116166666       1.63554702E-07
+  0.116333336       1.63107316E-07
+  0.116499998       2.21473809E-19
+  0.116666667       1.62218441E-07
+  0.116833337       1.61776768E-07
+  0.116999999       3.45308356E-20
+  0.117166668       1.60899432E-07
+  0.117333330       1.60463500E-07
+  0.117500000       1.21691653E-20
+  0.117666669       1.59597050E-07
+  0.117833331       1.59166689E-07
+  0.118000001       2.73836332E-20
+  0.118166670       1.58311295E-07
+  0.118333332       1.57886447E-07
+  0.118500002       7.98095117E-21
+  0.118666664       1.57041839E-07
+  0.118833333       1.56622079E-07
+  0.119000003       5.88057359E-22
+  0.119166665       1.55788200E-07
+  0.119333334       1.55373883E-07
+  0.119499996       3.17745632E-20
+  0.119666666       1.54550392E-07
+  0.119833335       1.54141162E-07
+  0.119999997       1.68011893E-21
+  0.120166667       1.53328202E-07
+  0.120333336       1.52924002E-07
+  0.120499998       1.29362763E-19
+  0.120666668       1.52120904E-07
+  0.120833330       1.51721935E-07
+  0.120999999       6.42403779E-20
+  0.121166669       1.50928258E-07
+  0.121333331       1.50534319E-07
+  0.121500000       1.61074716E-20
+  0.121666670       1.49750917E-07
+  0.121833332       1.49361739E-07
+  0.122000001       3.98138144E-21
+  0.122166663       1.48587858E-07
+  0.122333333       1.48203398E-07
+  0.122500002       7.53489968E-21
+  0.122666664       1.47438968E-07
+  0.122833334       1.47059069E-07
+  0.123000003       5.60469472E-21
+  0.123166665       1.46304060E-07
+  0.123333335       1.45928794E-07
+  0.123499997       1.27508114E-20
+  0.123666666       1.45182952E-07
+  0.123833336       1.44812191E-07
+  0.123999998       1.91337539E-21
+  0.124166667       1.44075344E-07
+  0.124333337       1.43709030E-07
+  0.124499999       3.62835728E-22
+  0.124666668       1.42981108E-07
+  0.124833331       1.42619299E-07
+  0.125000000       0.00000000    
+  0.125166669       1.41900003E-07
+  0.125333339       1.41542500E-07
+  0.125499994       3.57373453E-22
+  0.125666663       1.40831659E-07
+  0.125833333       1.40478505E-07
+  0.126000002       1.85619794E-21
+  0.126166672       1.39776233E-07
+  0.126333326       1.39427215E-07
+  0.126499996       1.21835376E-20
+  0.126666665       1.38733157E-07
+  0.126833335       1.38388287E-07
+  0.127000004       5.27470943E-21
+  0.127166674       1.37702528E-07
+  0.127333328       1.37361695E-07
+  0.127499998       6.98447722E-21
+  0.127666667       1.36683951E-07
+  0.127833337       1.36347055E-07
+  0.128000006       3.63495554E-21
+  0.128166661       1.35677311E-07
+  0.128333330       1.35344322E-07
+  0.128500000       1.44843849E-20
+  0.128666669       1.34682296E-07
+  0.128833339       1.34353058E-07
+  0.128999993       5.68966620E-20
+  0.129166663       1.33699160E-07
+  0.129333332       1.33373874E-07
+  0.129500002       1.12847572E-19
+  0.129666671       1.32727052E-07
+  0.129833341       1.32405660E-07
+  0.129999995       1.44352751E-21
+  0.130166665       1.31766214E-07
+  0.130333334       1.31448473E-07
+  0.130500004       2.68883782E-20
+  0.130666673       1.30816503E-07
+  0.130833328       1.30502301E-07
+  0.130999997       4.90119861E-22
+  0.131166667       1.29877549E-07
+  0.131333336       1.29567113E-07
+  0.131500006       6.55136819E-21
+  0.131666660       1.28949537E-07
+  0.131833330       1.28642455E-07
+  0.131999999       2.21391159E-20
+  0.132166669       1.28031857E-07
+  0.132333338       1.27728271E-07
+  0.132499993       9.68988773E-21
+  0.132666662       1.27124707E-07
+  0.132833332       1.26824546E-07
+  0.133000001       2.70801177E-20
+  0.133166671       1.26227491E-07
+  0.133333340       1.25930811E-07
+  0.133499995       1.71059684E-19
+  0.133666664       1.25340605E-07
+  0.133833334       1.25047222E-07
+  0.134000003       3.66697179E-20
+  0.134166673       1.24463767E-07
+  0.134333327       1.24173567E-07
+  0.134499997       3.30751904E-21
+  0.134666666       1.23596550E-07
+  0.134833336       1.23309533E-07
+  0.135000005       6.03050512E-22
+  0.135166660       1.22738939E-07
+  0.135333329       1.22455248E-07
+  0.135499999       9.49179575E-21
+  0.135666668       1.21890920E-07
+  0.135833338       1.21610285E-07
+  0.136000007       9.64045642E-21
+  0.136166662       1.21052111E-07
+  0.136333331       1.20774530E-07
+  0.136500001       1.13161983E-21
+  0.136666670       1.20222566E-07
+  0.136833340       1.19948041E-07
+  0.136999995       1.10593816E-21
+  0.137166664       1.19402145E-07
+  0.137333333       1.19130483E-07
+  0.137500003       1.05675037E-19
+  0.137666672       1.18590911E-07
+  0.137833327       1.18322234E-07
+  0.137999997       2.07482951E-22
+  0.138166666       1.17787941E-07
+  0.138333336       1.17522426E-07
+  0.138500005       9.06147280E-22
+  0.138666660       1.16994045E-07
+  0.138833329       1.16731300E-07
+  0.138999999       1.34877050E-20
+  0.139166668       1.16208753E-07
+  0.139333338       1.15948843E-07
+  0.139500007       4.93766322E-21
+  0.139666662       1.15431746E-07
+  0.139833331       1.15174664E-07
+  0.140000001       3.84230888E-21
+  0.140166670       1.14663187E-07
+  0.140333340       1.14408778E-07
+  0.140499994       5.00998134E-21
+  0.140666664       1.13902786E-07
+  0.140833333       1.13651090E-07
+  0.141000003       2.11165607E-20
+  0.141166672       1.13150456E-07
+  0.141333327       1.12901567E-07
+  0.141499996       1.60094888E-19
+  0.141666666       1.12406013E-07
+  0.141833335       1.12159562E-07
+  0.142000005       5.16472801E-20
+  0.142166659       1.11669678E-07
+  0.142333329       1.11426012E-07
+  0.142499998       2.91181732E-21
+  0.142666668       1.10940995E-07
+  0.142833337       1.10699744E-07
+  0.143000007       1.47594002E-21
+  0.143166661       1.10219936E-07
+  0.143333331       1.09981308E-07
+  0.143500000       4.84312148E-21
+  0.143666670       1.09506459E-07
+  0.143833339       1.09270339E-07
+  0.143999994       3.44196234E-21
+  0.144166663       1.08800421E-07
+  0.144333333       1.08566709E-07
+  0.144500002       9.70268964E-20
+  0.144666672       1.08101815E-07
+  0.144833326       1.07870399E-07
+  0.144999996       1.26540604E-20
+  0.145166665       1.07410450E-07
+  0.145333335       1.07181393E-07
+  0.145500004       1.64668486E-19
+  0.145666674       1.06725828E-07
+  0.145833328       1.06499400E-07
+  0.145999998       1.16264258E-20
+  0.146166667       1.06048745E-07
+  0.146333337       1.05824356E-07
+  0.146500006       2.84258614E-20
+  0.146666661       1.05378263E-07
+  0.146833330       1.05156381E-07
+  0.147000000       1.20134138E-20
+  0.147166669       1.04714815E-07
+  0.147333339       1.04495172E-07
+  0.147499993       2.59829499E-20
+  0.147666663       1.04058081E-07
+  0.147833332       1.03840634E-07
+  0.148000002       1.33632951E-20
+  0.148166671       1.03407963E-07
+  0.148333326       1.03192832E-07
+  0.148499995       1.17928555E-20
+  0.148666665       1.02764538E-07
+  0.148833334       1.02551475E-07
+  0.149000004       4.33774483E-21
+  0.149166673       1.02127522E-07
+  0.149333328       1.01916569E-07
+  0.149499997       1.29594677E-20
+  0.149666667       1.01496958E-07
+  0.149833336       1.01288016E-07
+  0.150000006       9.79863290E-20
+  0.150166661       1.00872754E-07
+  0.150333330       1.00665858E-07
+  0.150500000       2.73259741E-21
+  0.150666669       1.00254503E-07
+  0.150833338       1.00049910E-07
+  0.150999993       8.15453550E-21
+  0.151166663       9.96426337E-08
+  0.151333332       9.94400438E-08
+  0.151500002       2.77370845E-21
+  0.151666671       9.90369315E-08
+  0.151833341       9.88362814E-08
+  0.151999995       5.57793120E-22
+  0.152166665       9.84370203E-08
+  0.152333334       9.82383810E-08
+  0.152500004       1.62438594E-20
+  0.152666673       9.78431345E-08
+  0.152833328       9.76464491E-08
+  0.152999997       1.61786754E-20
+  0.153166667       9.72550893E-08
+  0.153333336       9.70603011E-08
+  0.153500006       3.28601182E-20
+  0.153666660       9.66726645E-08
+  0.153833330       9.64797735E-08
+  0.153999999       2.34606775E-19
+  0.154166669       9.60961373E-08
+  0.154333338       9.59053779E-08
+  0.154499993       4.10531127E-20
+  0.154666662       9.55251238E-08
+  0.154833332       9.53361408E-08
+  0.155000001       0.00000000    
+  0.155166671       9.49596171E-08
+  0.155333340       9.47723748E-08
+  0.155499995       3.24373223E-21
+  0.155666664       9.43996312E-08
+  0.155833334       9.42141298E-08
+  0.156000003       4.56475421E-21
+  0.156166673       9.38449745E-08
+  0.156333327       9.36612707E-08
+  0.156499997       4.53800291E-21
+  0.156666666       9.32957249E-08
+  0.156833336       9.31138118E-08
+  0.157000005       3.18703724E-21
+  0.157166660       9.27517618E-08
+  0.157333329       9.25715753E-08
+  0.157499999       0.00000000    
+  0.157666668       9.22131136E-08
+  0.157833338       9.20345116E-08
+  0.158000007       3.93982862E-20
+  0.158166662       9.16794818E-08
+  0.158333331       9.15025637E-08
+  0.158500001       2.22518202E-19
+  0.158666670       9.11505538E-08
+  0.158833340       9.09755045E-08
+  0.158999994       3.08026324E-20
+  0.159166664       9.06270685E-08
+  0.159333333       9.04536961E-08
+  0.159500003       1.49883738E-20
+  0.159666672       9.01084363E-08
+  0.159833327       8.99366199E-08
+  0.159999996       1.48727979E-20
+  0.160166666       8.95946570E-08
+  0.160333335       8.94244465E-08
+  0.160500005       5.04740369E-22
+  0.160666659       8.90857450E-08
+  0.160833329       8.89171545E-08
+  0.160999998       2.48053795E-21
+  0.161166668       8.85814302E-08
+  0.161333337       8.84144384E-08
+  0.161500007       7.20731353E-21
+  0.161666662       8.80819826E-08
+  0.161833331       8.79164830E-08
+  0.162000000       2.38691912E-21
+  0.162166670       8.75870683E-08
+  0.162333339       8.74233308E-08
+  0.162499994       8.45890792E-20
+  0.162666664       8.70968009E-08
+  0.162833333       8.69345271E-08
+  0.163000003       1.10565929E-20
+  0.163166672       8.66111378E-08
+  0.163333327       8.64502496E-08
+  0.163499996       3.65747924E-21
+  0.163666666       8.61299227E-08
+  0.163833335       8.59704770E-08
+  0.164000005       9.82695253E-21
+  0.164166674       8.56530988E-08
+  0.164333329       8.54950812E-08
+  0.164499998       1.10050920E-20
+  0.164666668       8.51805737E-08
+  0.164833337       8.50240554E-08
+  0.165000007       2.11469224E-20
+  0.165166661       8.47124326E-08
+  0.165333331       8.45573496E-08
+  0.165500000       9.66277010E-21
+  0.165666670       8.42485406E-08
+  0.165833339       8.40947934E-08
+  0.165999994       2.25955580E-20
+  0.166166663       8.37887981E-08
+  0.166333333       8.36366425E-08
+  0.166500002       9.13330100E-21
+  0.166666672       8.33333473E-08
+  0.166833326       8.31823854E-08
+  0.166999996       1.27838541E-19
+  0.167166665       8.28819751E-08
+  0.167333335       8.27325550E-08
+  0.167500004       9.70841852E-21
+  0.167666674       8.24345889E-08
+  0.167833328       8.22864337E-08
+  0.167999998       7.35657214E-20
+  0.168166667       8.19912742E-08
+  0.168333337       8.18443837E-08
+  0.168500006       2.57900052E-21
+  0.168666661       8.15519314E-08
+  0.168833330       8.14063128E-08
+  0.169000000       3.58616319E-21
+  0.169166669       8.11164682E-08
+  0.169333339       8.09721996E-08
+  0.169499993       1.08001384E-21
+  0.169666663       8.06848917E-08
+  0.169833332       8.05419234E-08
+  0.170000002       2.10561127E-21
+  0.170166671       8.02572373E-08
+  0.170333341       8.01154769E-08
+  0.170499995       3.69072189E-20
+  0.170666665       7.98330930E-08
+  0.170833334       7.96926827E-08
+  0.171000004       1.13054600E-19
+  0.171166673       7.94131125E-08
+  0.171333328       7.92737964E-08
+  0.171499997       1.47359205E-20
+  0.171666667       7.89965711E-08
+  0.171833336       7.88585481E-08
+  0.172000006       3.45485756E-21
+  0.172166660       7.85836889E-08
+  0.172333330       7.84469023E-08
+  0.172499999       2.61831987E-21
+  0.172666669       7.81744944E-08
+  0.172833338       7.80388518E-08
+  0.172999993       3.32494133E-21
+  0.173166662       7.77688527E-08
+  0.173333332       7.76344038E-08
+  0.173500001       8.97489672E-21
+  0.173666671       7.73666429E-08
+  0.173833340       7.72333806E-08
+  0.173999995       5.95819043E-22
+  0.174166664       7.69680213E-08
+  0.174333334       7.68358319E-08
+  0.174500003       1.34808945E-22
+  0.174666673       7.65728743E-08
+  0.174833328       7.64419923E-08
+  0.174999997       6.78460453E-20
+  0.175166667       7.61809105E-08
+  0.175333336       7.60511725E-08
+  0.175500005       7.01608396E-22
+  0.175666660       7.57925704E-08
+  0.175833330       7.56638698E-08
+  0.175999999       7.09367960E-22
+  0.176166669       7.54075558E-08
+  0.176333338       7.52799423E-08
+  0.176499993       5.97133687E-21
+  0.176666662       7.50258238E-08
+  0.176833332       7.48992690E-08
+  0.177000001       5.80925148E-21
+  0.177166671       7.46472679E-08
+  0.177333340       7.45218074E-08
+  0.177499995       3.64685701E-22
+  0.177666664       7.42719735E-08
+  0.177833334       7.41475645E-08
+  0.178000003       1.97630977E-21
+  0.178166673       7.38998480E-08
+  0.178333327       7.37764907E-08
+  0.178499997       2.16492747E-20
+  0.178666666       7.35308205E-08
+  0.178833336       7.34085290E-08
+  0.179000005       9.97840445E-20
+  0.179166660       7.31650047E-08
+  0.179333329       7.30436938E-08
+  0.179499999       1.56075944E-20
+  0.179666668       7.28023224E-08
+  0.179833338       7.26820701E-08
+  0.180000007       5.51786903E-21
+  0.180166662       7.24425462E-08
+  0.180333331       7.23233242E-08
+  0.180500001       1.24558593E-20
+  0.180666670       7.20858466E-08
+  0.180833340       7.19676336E-08
+  0.180999994       3.64167194E-21
+  0.181166664       7.17321456E-08
+  0.181333333       7.16148634E-08
+  0.181500003       2.69166056E-22
+  0.181666672       7.13813222E-08
+  0.181833327       7.12651271E-08
+  0.181999996       1.45890249E-20
+  0.182166666       7.10335186E-08
+  0.182333335       7.09181691E-08
+  0.182500005       7.73790406E-22
+  0.182666659       7.06885785E-08
+  0.182833329       7.05742451E-08
+  0.182999998       5.97614728E-20
+  0.183166668       7.03465020E-08
+  0.183333337       7.02330851E-08
+  0.183500007       2.97673674E-20
+  0.183666661       7.00070473E-08
+  0.183833331       6.98946323E-08
+  0.184000000       7.48639006E-21
+  0.184166670       6.96705769E-08
+  0.184333339       6.95591069E-08
+  0.184499994       1.85601598E-21
+  0.184666663       6.93368989E-08
+  0.184833333       6.92262816E-08
+  0.185000002       3.52306724E-21
+  0.185166672       6.90059352E-08
+  0.185333326       6.88961990E-08
+  0.185499996       2.62834721E-21
+  0.185666665       6.86775650E-08
+  0.185833335       6.85687809E-08
+  0.186000004       5.99720404E-21
+  0.186166674       6.83519374E-08
+  0.186333328       6.82439065E-08
+  0.186499998       9.02569462E-22
+  0.186666667       6.80289176E-08
+  0.186833337       6.79219170E-08
+  0.187000006       1.71655111E-22
+  0.187166661       6.77088821E-08
+  0.187333331       6.76026630E-08
+  0.187500000       0.00000000    
+  0.187666669       6.73905447E-08
+  0.187833339       6.72851712E-08
+  0.187999994       1.70047740E-22
+  0.188166663       6.70755185E-08
+  0.188333333       6.69710616E-08
+  0.188500002       8.85755037E-22
+  0.188666672       6.67629294E-08
+  0.188833326       6.66592399E-08
+  0.188999996       5.83037770E-21
+  0.189166665       6.64527136E-08
+  0.189333335       6.63499620E-08
+  0.189500004       2.53131525E-21
+  0.189666674       6.61449988E-08
+  0.189833328       6.60430075E-08
+  0.189999998       3.36125165E-21
+  0.190166667       6.58398065E-08
+  0.190333337       6.57385684E-08
+  0.190500006       1.75418775E-21
+  0.190666661       6.55370229E-08
+  0.190833330       6.54365877E-08
+  0.191000000       7.00941219E-21
+  0.191166669       6.52365770E-08
+  0.191333339       6.51368879E-08
+  0.191499993       2.76098704E-20
+  0.191666663       6.49386465E-08
+  0.191833332       6.48398313E-08
+  0.192000002       5.49109374E-20
+  0.192166671       6.46429328E-08
+  0.192333341       6.45449632E-08
+  0.192499995       7.04326419E-22
+  0.192666665       6.43495710E-08
+  0.192833334       6.42523474E-08
+  0.193000004       1.31549530E-20
+  0.193166673       6.40585256E-08
+  0.193333328       6.39620481E-08
+  0.193499997       2.40433646E-22
+  0.193666667       6.37698108E-08
+  0.193833336       6.36740722E-08
+  0.194000006       3.22245373E-21
+  0.194166660       6.34833626E-08
+  0.194333330       6.33883417E-08
+  0.194499999       1.09186629E-20
+  0.194666669       6.31990957E-08
+  0.194833338       6.31048351E-08
+  0.194999993       4.79155679E-21
+  0.195166662       6.29171026E-08
+  0.195333332       6.28235668E-08
+  0.195500001       1.34260897E-20
+  0.195666671       6.26371346E-08
+  0.195833340       6.25443874E-08
+  0.195999995       8.50318211E-20
+  0.196166664       6.23595255E-08
+  0.196333334       6.22674747E-08
+  0.196500003       1.82755378E-20
+  0.196666673       6.20840694E-08
+  0.196833327       6.19926936E-08
+  0.196999997       1.65267324E-21
+  0.197166666       6.18106668E-08
+  0.197333336       6.17200087E-08
+  0.197500005       3.02102198E-22
+  0.197666660       6.15393887E-08
+  0.197833329       6.14494411E-08
+  0.197999999       4.76714002E-21
+  0.198166668       6.12701783E-08
+  0.198333338       6.11809128E-08
+  0.198500007       4.85411879E-21
+  0.198666662       6.10029929E-08
+  0.198833331       6.09144166E-08
+  0.199000001       5.71228596E-22
+  0.199166670       6.07379107E-08
+  0.199333340       6.06499739E-08
+  0.199499995       5.59668817E-22
+  0.199666664       6.04748465E-08
+  0.199833333       6.03875066E-08
+  0.200000003       5.36114463E-20
+  0.200166672       6.02138925E-08
+  0.200333327       6.01272347E-08
+  0.200499997       1.05522806E-22
+  0.200666666       5.99546510E-08
+  0.200833336       5.98687322E-08
+  0.201000005       4.61992741E-22
+  0.201166660       5.96975269E-08
+  0.201333329       5.96122405E-08
+  0.201499999       6.89352451E-21
+  0.201666668       5.94423781E-08
+  0.201833338       5.93577738E-08
+  0.202000007       2.52979498E-21
+  0.202166662       5.91891194E-08
+  0.202333331       5.91051261E-08
+  0.202500001       1.97338395E-21
+  0.202666670       5.89377507E-08
+  0.202833340       5.88543614E-08
+  0.202999994       2.57931717E-21
+  0.203166664       5.86883004E-08
+  0.203333333       5.86055364E-08
+  0.203500003       1.08977112E-20
+  0.203666672       5.84406834E-08
+  0.203833327       5.83585802E-08
+  0.203999996       8.28185702E-20
+  0.204166666       5.81948427E-08
+  0.204333335       5.81132831E-08
+  0.204500005       2.67812115E-20
+  0.204666659       5.79510022E-08
+  0.204833329       5.78701496E-08
+  0.204999998       1.51346981E-21
+  0.205166668       5.77088954E-08
+  0.205333337       5.76285579E-08
+  0.205500007       7.68952429E-22
+  0.205666661       5.74685899E-08
+  0.205833331       5.73888848E-08
+  0.206000000       2.52913683E-21
+  0.206166670       5.72300394E-08
+  0.206333339       5.71509737E-08
+  0.206499994       1.80162219E-21
+  0.206666663       5.69933079E-08
+  0.206833333       5.69147574E-08
+  0.207000002       5.09043459E-20
+  0.207166672       5.67583456E-08
+  0.207333326       5.66803067E-08
+  0.207499996       6.65414942E-21
+  0.207666665       5.65250957E-08
+  0.207833335       5.64476323E-08
+  0.208000004       8.67895929E-20
+  0.208166674       5.62933806E-08
+  0.208333328       5.62165994E-08
+  0.208499998       6.14175910E-21
+  0.208666667       5.60635769E-08
+  0.208833337       5.59872362E-08
+  0.209000006       1.50502814E-20
+  0.209166661       5.58353079E-08
+  0.209333330       5.57596636E-08
+  0.209500000       6.37494810E-21
+  0.209666669       5.56088153E-08
+  0.209833339       5.55336577E-08
+  0.209999993       1.38188809E-20
+  0.210166663       5.53839143E-08
+  0.210333332       5.53093038E-08
+  0.210500002       7.12306390E-21
+  0.210666671       5.51606512E-08
+  0.210833326       5.50866233E-08
+  0.210999995       6.29993720E-21
+  0.211166665       5.49390364E-08
+  0.211333334       5.48655166E-08
+  0.211500004       2.32242004E-21
+  0.211666673       5.47189885E-08
+  0.211833328       5.46459873E-08
+  0.211999997       6.95373421E-21
+  0.212166667       5.45005712E-08
+  0.212333336       5.44280319E-08
+  0.212500006       5.26921385E-20
+  0.212666661       5.42837206E-08
+  0.212833330       5.42116823E-08
+  0.213000000       1.47265382E-21
+  0.213166669       5.40683160E-08
+  0.213333338       5.39969385E-08
+  0.213499993       4.40417050E-21
+  0.213666663       5.38545422E-08
+  0.213833332       5.37836442E-08
+  0.214000002       1.50127728E-21
+  0.214166671       5.36423670E-08
+  0.214333341       5.35719344E-08
+  0.214499995       3.02554663E-22
+  0.214666665       5.34315845E-08
+  0.214833334       5.33617026E-08
+  0.215000004       8.82969502E-21
+  0.215166673       5.32223936E-08
+  0.215333328       5.31529878E-08
+  0.215499997       8.81293653E-21
+  0.215666667       5.30146664E-08
+  0.215833336       5.29457154E-08
+  0.216000006       1.79375618E-20
+  0.216166660       5.28083461E-08
+  0.216333330       5.27398711E-08
+  0.216499999       1.28335560E-19
+  0.216666669       5.26036033E-08
+  0.216833338       5.25357713E-08
+  0.216999993       2.25040269E-20
+  0.217166662       5.24002104E-08
+  0.217333332       5.23328154E-08
+  0.217500001       0.00000000    
+  0.217666671       5.21983168E-08
+  0.217833340       5.21313055E-08
+  0.217999995       1.78550449E-21
+  0.218166664       5.19977803E-08
+  0.218333334       5.19312593E-08
+  0.218500003       2.51783802E-21
+  0.218666673       5.17986827E-08
+  0.218833327       5.17326129E-08
+  0.218999997       2.50821801E-21
+  0.219166666       5.16009848E-08
+  0.219333336       5.15353911E-08
+  0.219500005       1.76511699E-21
+  0.219666660       5.14047009E-08
+  0.219833329       5.13395477E-08
+  0.219999999       0.00000000    
+  0.220166668       5.12097884E-08
+  0.220333338       5.11450651E-08
+  0.220500007       2.19089820E-20
+  0.220666662       5.10162543E-08
+  0.220833331       5.09519325E-08
+  0.221000001       1.23989165E-19
+  0.221166670       5.08238500E-08
+  0.221333340       5.07600859E-08
+  0.221499994       1.71978766E-20
+  0.221666664       5.06329911E-08
+  0.221833333       5.05696747E-08
+  0.222000003       8.38506201E-21
+  0.222166672       5.04434468E-08
+  0.222333327       5.03805140E-08
+  0.222499996       8.33691267E-21
+  0.222666666       5.02551565E-08
+  0.222833335       5.01926749E-08
+  0.223000005       2.83489674E-22
+  0.223166659       5.00681807E-08
+  0.223333329       5.00061752E-08
+  0.223499998       1.39594281E-21
+  0.223666668       4.98824555E-08
+  0.223833337       4.98208443E-08
+  0.224000007       4.06390806E-21
+  0.224166662       4.96980519E-08
+  0.224333331       4.96368493E-08
+  0.224500000       1.34850645E-21
+  0.224666670       4.95148882E-08
+  0.224833339       4.94542149E-08
+  0.224999994       4.78817472E-20
+  0.225166664       4.93329857E-08
+  0.225333333       4.92727139E-08
+  0.225500003       6.27066922E-21
+  0.225666672       4.91523764E-08
+  0.225833327       4.90924208E-08
+  0.225999996       2.07829573E-21
+  0.226166666       4.89729501E-08
+  0.226333335       4.89134457E-08
+  0.226500005       5.59466111E-21
+  0.226666674       4.87947851E-08
+  0.226833329       4.87356679E-08
+  0.226999998       6.27731534E-21
+  0.227166668       4.86177640E-08
+  0.227333337       4.85590554E-08
+  0.227500007       1.20850627E-20
+  0.227666661       4.84419758E-08
+  0.227833331       4.83836651E-08
+  0.228000000       5.53249655E-21
+  0.228166670       4.82673919E-08
+  0.228333339       4.82094364E-08
+  0.228499994       1.29615422E-20
+  0.228666663       4.80939306E-08
+  0.228833333       4.80364761E-08
+  0.229000002       5.24894162E-21
+  0.229166672       4.79217093E-08
+  0.229333326       4.78645248E-08
+  0.229499996       7.36059172E-20
+  0.229666665       4.77506248E-08
+  0.229833335       4.76939448E-08
+  0.230000004       5.60018885E-21
+  0.230166674       4.75806416E-08
+  0.230333328       4.75243098E-08
+  0.230499998       4.25137166E-20
+  0.230666667       4.74118771E-08
+  0.230833337       4.73558615E-08
+  0.231000006       1.49314118E-21
+  0.231166661       4.72441997E-08
+  0.231333330       4.71885393E-08
+  0.231500000       2.08004299E-21
+  0.231666669       4.70776271E-08
+  0.231833339       4.70223256E-08
+  0.231999993       6.27567703E-22
+  0.232166663       4.69121630E-08
+  0.232333332       4.68573091E-08
+  0.232500002       1.22572899E-21
+  0.232666671       4.67478785E-08
+  0.232833341       4.66933088E-08
+  0.232999995       2.15233704E-20
+  0.233166665       4.65844963E-08
+  0.233333334       4.65303671E-08
+  0.233500004       6.60488403E-20
+  0.233666673       4.64224534E-08
+  0.233833328       4.63686298E-08
+  0.233999997       8.62441610E-21
+  0.234166667       4.62613272E-08
+  0.234333336       4.62078624E-08
+  0.234500006       2.02560275E-21
+  0.234666660       4.61012633E-08
+  0.234833330       4.60482035E-08
+  0.234999999       1.53785397E-21
+  0.235166669       4.59423468E-08
+  0.235333338       4.58895570E-08
+  0.235499993       1.95632839E-21
+  0.235666662       4.57844322E-08
+  0.235833332       4.57320155E-08
+  0.236000001       5.28991695E-21
+  0.236166671       4.56274698E-08
+  0.236333340       4.55754190E-08
+  0.236499995       3.51797355E-22
+  0.236666664       4.54716371E-08
+  0.236833334       4.54199025E-08
+  0.237000003       7.97355864E-23
+  0.237166673       4.53168205E-08
+  0.237333328       4.52654660E-08
+  0.237499997       4.01985188E-20
+  0.237666667       4.51628814E-08
+  0.237833336       4.51119249E-08
+  0.238000005       4.16417735E-22
+  0.238166660       4.50100970E-08
+  0.238333330       4.49594211E-08
+  0.238499999       4.21746800E-22
+  0.238666669       4.48582966E-08
+  0.238833338       4.48078907E-08
+  0.238999993       3.55626513E-21
+  0.239166662       4.47075053E-08
+  0.239333332       4.46573978E-08
+  0.239500001       3.46563070E-21
+  0.239666671       4.45576482E-08
+  0.239833340       4.45078427E-08
+  0.239999995       2.17929956E-22
+  0.240166664       4.44087505E-08
+  0.240333334       4.43593002E-08
+  0.240500003       1.18300621E-21
+  0.240666673       4.42607551E-08
+  0.240833327       4.42116637E-08
+  0.240999997       1.29809066E-20
+  0.241166666       4.41137900E-08
+  0.241333336       4.40649615E-08
+  0.241500005       5.99307863E-20
+  0.241666660       4.39677166E-08
+  0.241833329       4.39192647E-08
+  0.241999999       9.38964540E-21
+  0.242166668       4.38227588E-08
+  0.242333338       4.37744951E-08
+  0.242500007       3.32510854E-21
+  0.242666662       4.36784866E-08
+  0.242833331       4.36306955E-08
+  0.243000001       7.51843038E-21
+  0.243166670       4.35352803E-08
+  0.243333340       4.34877379E-08
+  0.243499994       2.20175749E-21
+  0.243666664       4.33929586E-08
+  0.243833333       4.33456790E-08
+  0.244000003       1.63004639E-22
+  0.244166672       4.32515534E-08
+  0.244333327       4.32046221E-08
+  0.244499996       8.84942780E-21
+  0.244666666       4.31110863E-08
+  0.244833335       4.30643752E-08
+  0.245000005       4.70132524E-22
+  0.245166659       4.29714433E-08
+  0.245333329       4.29251656E-08
+  0.245499998       3.63681298E-20
+  0.245666668       4.28327347E-08
+  0.245833337       4.27866951E-08
+  0.246000007       1.81443521E-20
+  0.246166661       4.26947331E-08
+  0.246333331       4.26491908E-08
+  0.246500000       4.57056547E-21
+  0.246666670       4.25580140E-08
+  0.246833339       4.25124718E-08
+  0.246999994       1.13494804E-21
+  0.247166663       4.24218491E-08
+  0.247333333       4.23767403E-08
+  0.247500002       2.15778464E-21
+  0.247666672       4.22864161E-08
+  0.247833326       4.22417585E-08
+  0.247999996       1.61235293E-21
+  0.248166665       4.21521875E-08
+  0.248333335       4.21075441E-08
+  0.248500004       3.68479559E-21
+  0.248666674       4.20185025E-08
+  0.248833328       4.19742960E-08
+  0.248999998       5.55429012E-22
+  0.249166667       4.18858477E-08
+  0.249333337       4.18417443E-08
+  0.249500006       1.05798667E-22
+  0.249666661       4.17534807E-08
+  0.249833331       4.17107771E-08
+  0.250000000       0.00000000    
+  0.250166655       4.16226769E-08
+  0.250333339       4.15802219E-08
+  0.250499994       1.05138163E-22
+  0.250666678       4.14930241E-08
+  0.250833333       4.14497627E-08
+  0.250999987       5.48495265E-22
+  0.251166672       4.13634780E-08
+  0.251333326       4.13206784E-08
+  0.251500010       3.61596229E-21
+  0.251666665       4.12349692E-08
+  0.251833320       4.11922372E-08
+  0.252000004       1.57232403E-21
+  0.252166659       4.11070431E-08
+  0.252333343       4.10648653E-08
+  0.252499998       2.09104655E-21
+  0.252666652       4.09800300E-08
+  0.252833337       4.09379197E-08
+  0.252999991       1.09295136E-21
+  0.253166676       4.08539051E-08
+  0.253333330       4.08118552E-08
+  0.253500015       4.37388713E-21
+  0.253666669       4.07283594E-08
+  0.253833324       4.06868352E-08
+  0.254000008       1.72547695E-20
+  0.254166663       4.06039007E-08
+  0.254333347       4.05624867E-08
+  0.254500002       3.43685208E-20
+  0.254666656       4.04798897E-08
+  0.254833341       4.04388736E-08
+  0.254999995       4.41497656E-22
+  0.255166680       4.03568166E-08
+  0.255333334       4.03159319E-08
+  0.255499989       8.25837171E-21
+  0.255666673       4.02344327E-08
+  0.255833328       4.01938323E-08
+  0.256000012       1.51164001E-22
+  0.256166667       4.01128588E-08
+  0.256333321       4.00724822E-08
+  0.256500006       2.02901164E-21
+  0.256666660       3.99920097E-08
+  0.256833345       3.99518569E-08
+  0.256999999       6.88511215E-21
+  0.257166654       3.98718569E-08
+  0.257333338       3.98320132E-08
+  0.257499993       3.02593755E-21
+  0.257666677       3.97525319E-08
+  0.257833332       3.97128375E-08
+  0.257999986       8.49123275E-21
+  0.258166671       3.96337825E-08
+  0.258333325       3.95944255E-08
+  0.258500010       5.38566117E-20
+  0.258666664       3.95159248E-08
+  0.258833319       3.94767561E-08
+  0.259000003       1.15920881E-20
+  0.259166658       3.93987420E-08
+  0.259333342       3.93598469E-08
+  0.259499997       1.04980660E-21
+  0.259666681       3.92822663E-08
+  0.259833336       3.92435453E-08
+  0.259999990       1.92178924E-22
+  0.260166675       3.91665012E-08
+  0.260333329       3.91280324E-08
+  0.260500014       3.03694697E-21
+  0.260666668       3.90514003E-08
+  0.260833323       3.90131873E-08
+  0.261000007       3.09680750E-21
+  0.261166662       3.89369923E-08
+  0.261333346       3.88990102E-08
+  0.261500001       3.64952046E-22
+  0.261666656       3.88232984E-08
+  0.261833340       3.87855721E-08
+  0.261999995       3.58077672E-22
+  0.262166679       3.87103043E-08
+  0.262333333       3.86727557E-08
+  0.262499988       3.43495700E-20
+  0.262666672       3.85981025E-08
+  0.262833327       3.85607493E-08
+  0.263000011       6.77057479E-23
+  0.263166666       3.84863377E-08
+  0.263333321       3.84492900E-08
+  0.263500005       2.96843638E-22
+  0.263666660       3.83753900E-08
+  0.263833344       3.83385910E-08
+  0.263999999       4.43552622E-21
+  0.264166653       3.82651244E-08
+  0.264333338       3.82285172E-08
+  0.264499992       1.63003917E-21
+  0.264666677       3.81554912E-08
+  0.264833331       3.81190972E-08
+  0.264999986       1.27330077E-21
+  0.265166670       3.80465366E-08
+  0.265333325       3.80103344E-08
+  0.265500009       1.66659122E-21
+  0.265666664       3.79382286E-08
+  0.265833348       3.79022502E-08
+  0.266000003       7.05118643E-21
+  0.266166657       3.78304961E-08
+  0.266333342       3.77947913E-08
+  0.266499996       5.36604665E-20
+  0.266666681       3.77234386E-08
+  0.266833335       3.76878688E-08
+  0.266999990       1.73762261E-20
+  0.267166674       3.76170810E-08
+  0.267333329       3.75817812E-08
+  0.267500013       9.83320243E-22
+  0.267666668       3.75113274E-08
+  0.267833322       3.74762266E-08
+  0.268000007       5.00282257E-22
+  0.268166661       3.74062203E-08
+  0.268333346       3.73712865E-08
+  0.268500000       1.64770612E-21
+  0.268666655       3.73016995E-08
+  0.268833339       3.72670144E-08
+  0.268999994       1.17533469E-21
+  0.269166678       3.71978395E-08
+  0.269333333       3.71633249E-08
+  0.269499987       3.32537463E-20
+  0.269666672       3.70946083E-08
+  0.269833326       3.70602962E-08
+  0.270000011       4.35275121E-21
+  0.270166665       3.69919810E-08
+  0.270333320       3.69578643E-08
+  0.270500004       5.68490668E-20
+  0.270666659       3.68898547E-08
+  0.270833343       3.68560045E-08
+  0.270999998       4.02837887E-21
+  0.271166652       3.67884425E-08
+  0.271333337       3.67547557E-08
+  0.271499991       9.88466372E-21
+  0.271666676       3.66875526E-08
+  0.271833330       3.66541251E-08
+  0.272000015       4.19248860E-21
+  0.272166669       3.65873589E-08
+  0.272333324       3.65540771E-08
+  0.272500008       9.10005303E-21
+  0.272666663       3.64876982E-08
+  0.272833347       3.64546011E-08
+  0.273000002       4.69690721E-21
+  0.273166656       3.63886095E-08
+  0.273333341       3.63557291E-08
+  0.273499995       4.15962150E-21
+  0.273666680       3.62901318E-08
+  0.273833334       3.62574362E-08
+  0.273999989       1.53542352E-21
+  0.274166673       3.61922261E-08
+  0.274333328       3.61596939E-08
+  0.274500012       4.60334897E-21
+  0.274666667       3.60948746E-08
+  0.274833322       3.60625094E-08
+  0.275000006       3.49275269E-20
+  0.275166661       3.59981378E-08
+  0.275333345       3.59659325E-08
+  0.275500000       9.77433447E-22
+  0.275666654       3.59018841E-08
+  0.275833338       3.58699594E-08
+  0.275999993       2.92693558E-21
+  0.276166677       3.58062380E-08
+  0.276333332       3.57744838E-08
+  0.276499987       9.99012441E-22
+  0.276666671       3.57111816E-08
+  0.276833326       3.56796157E-08
+  0.277000010       2.01591713E-22
+  0.277166665       3.56166332E-08
+  0.277333319       3.55852485E-08
+  0.277500004       5.89076148E-21
+  0.277666658       3.55226533E-08
+  0.277833343       3.54914462E-08
+  0.277999997       5.88710339E-21
+  0.278166682       3.54292489E-08
+  0.278333336       3.53981875E-08
+  0.278499991       1.19976958E-20
+  0.278666675       3.53362921E-08
+  0.278833330       3.53054261E-08
+  0.279000014       8.59474390E-20
+  0.279166669       3.52439962E-08
+  0.279333323       3.52133895E-08
+  0.279500008       1.50902430E-20
+  0.279666662       3.51521550E-08
+  0.279833347       3.51217047E-08
+  0.280000001       0.00000000    
+  0.280166656       3.50608467E-08
+  0.280333340       3.50305385E-08
+  0.280499995       1.20030349E-21
+  0.280666679       3.49700926E-08
+  0.280833334       3.49399407E-08
+  0.280999988       1.69473858E-21
+  0.281166673       3.48798253E-08
+  0.281333327       3.48498972E-08
+  0.281500012       1.69037478E-21
+  0.281666666       3.47901228E-08
+  0.281833321       3.47603368E-08
+  0.282000005       1.19105536E-21
+  0.282166660       3.47009532E-08
+  0.282333344       3.46713129E-08
+  0.282499999       0.00000000    
+  0.282666653       3.46122953E-08
+  0.282833338       3.45828255E-08
+  0.282999992       1.48203349E-20
+  0.283166677       3.45241524E-08
+  0.283333331       3.44948141E-08
+  0.283499986       8.39760543E-20
+  0.283666670       3.44363720E-08
+  0.283833325       3.44072717E-08
+  0.284000009       1.16622062E-20
+  0.284166664       3.43492594E-08
+  0.284333318       3.43203013E-08
+  0.284500003       5.69304552E-21
+  0.284666657       3.42625732E-08
+  0.284833342       3.42337927E-08
+  0.284999996       5.66727812E-21
+  0.285166681       3.41763950E-08
+  0.285333335       3.41477921E-08
+  0.285499990       1.92945898E-22
+  0.285666674       3.40907285E-08
+  0.285833329       3.40622996E-08
+  0.286000013       9.51247910E-22
+  0.286166668       3.40055237E-08
+  0.286333323       3.39772157E-08
+  0.286500007       2.77265549E-21
+  0.286666662       3.39208199E-08
+  0.286833346       3.38926824E-08
+  0.287000000       9.21147401E-22
+  0.287166655       3.38365815E-08
+  0.287333339       3.38086892E-08
+  0.287499994       3.27468041E-20
+  0.287666678       3.37528405E-08
+  0.287833333       3.37250619E-08
+  0.287999988       4.29372331E-21
+  0.288166672       3.36695969E-08
+  0.288333327       3.36419461E-08
+  0.288500011       1.42477710E-21
+  0.288666666       3.35868080E-08
+  0.288833320       3.35593171E-08
+  0.289000005       3.84000020E-21
+  0.289166659       3.35044952E-08
+  0.289333344       3.34771606E-08
+  0.289499998       4.31367702E-21
+  0.289666653       3.34226193E-08
+  0.289833337       3.33954482E-08
+  0.289999992       8.31452386E-21
+  0.290166676       3.33412373E-08
+  0.290333331       3.33142154E-08
+  0.290499985       3.81085784E-21
+  0.290666670       3.32603101E-08
+  0.290833324       3.32334089E-08
+  0.291000009       8.93861306E-21
+  0.291166663       3.31798162E-08
+  0.291333348       3.31531353E-08
+  0.291500002       3.62406123E-21
+  0.291666657       3.30998020E-08
+  0.291833341       3.30732242E-08
+  0.291999996       5.08797244E-20
+  0.292166680       3.30202532E-08
+  0.292333335       3.29938814E-08
+  0.292499989       3.87562390E-21
+  0.292666674       3.29411236E-08
+  0.292833328       3.29148655E-08
+  0.293000013       2.94560082E-20
+  0.293166667       3.28624665E-08
+  0.293333322       3.28363328E-08
+  0.293500006       1.03573817E-21
+  0.293666661       3.27842393E-08
+  0.293833345       3.27582512E-08
+  0.294000000       1.44451988E-21
+  0.294166654       3.27064384E-08
+  0.294333339       3.26805889E-08
+  0.294499993       4.36327878E-22
+  0.294666678       3.26290710E-08
+  0.294833332       3.26034097E-08
+  0.294999987       8.53192070E-22
+  0.295166671       3.25521938E-08
+  0.295333326       3.25266321E-08
+  0.295500010       1.49989365E-20
+  0.295666665       3.24756222E-08
+  0.295833319       3.24502416E-08
+  0.296000004       4.60799766E-20
+  0.296166658       3.23996510E-08
+  0.296333343       3.23743770E-08
+  0.296499997       6.02382003E-21
+  0.296666652       3.23240137E-08
+  0.296833336       3.22989031E-08
+  0.296999991       1.41641462E-21
+  0.297166675       3.22487992E-08
+  0.297333330       3.22238343E-08
+  0.297500014       1.07657375E-21
+  0.297666669       3.21740288E-08
+  0.297833323       3.21491882E-08
+  0.298000008       1.37107469E-21
+  0.298166662       3.20996669E-08
+  0.298333347       3.20749685E-08
+  0.298500001       3.71157153E-21
+  0.298666656       3.20256888E-08
+  0.298833340       3.20011218E-08
+  0.298999995       2.47109681E-22
+  0.299166679       3.19521476E-08
+  0.299333334       3.19277227E-08
+  0.299499989       5.60707185E-23
+  0.299666673       3.18790505E-08
+  0.299833328       3.18548032E-08
+  0.300000012       2.82995548E-20
+  0.300166667       3.18062625E-08
+  0.300333321       3.17821574E-08
+  0.300500005       2.93482788E-22
+  0.300666660       3.17339826E-08
+  0.300833344       3.17099804E-08
+  0.300999999       2.97569087E-22
+  0.301166654       3.16620792E-08
+  0.301333338       3.16381872E-08
+  0.301499993       2.51195405E-21
+  0.301666677       3.15905702E-08
+  0.301833332       3.15668203E-08
+  0.301999986       2.45064010E-21
+  0.302166671       3.15194661E-08
+  0.302333325       3.14958513E-08
+  0.302500010       1.54274069E-22
+  0.302666664       3.14487245E-08
+  0.302833319       3.14252553E-08
+  0.303000003       8.38378196E-22
+  0.303166658       3.13784128E-08
+  0.303333342       3.13550572E-08
+  0.303499997       9.20945816E-21
+  0.303666681       3.13084527E-08
+  0.303833336       3.12852180E-08
+  0.303999990       4.25650697E-20
+  0.304166675       3.12388764E-08
+  0.304333329       3.12157695E-08
+  0.304500014       6.67615211E-21
+  0.304666668       3.11697477E-08
+  0.304833323       3.11467936E-08
+  0.305000007       2.36676285E-21
+  0.305166662       3.11009423E-08
+  0.305333346       3.10781161E-08
+  0.305500001       5.35729825E-21
+  0.305666655       3.10325490E-08
+  0.305833340       3.10098507E-08
+  0.305999994       1.57057183E-21
+  0.306166679       3.09645287E-08
+  0.306333333       3.09419264E-08
+  0.306499988       1.16401261E-22
+  0.306666672       3.08968851E-08
+  0.306833327       3.08744035E-08
+  0.307000011       6.32615454E-21
+  0.307166666       3.08296215E-08
+  0.307333320       3.08072678E-08
+  0.307500005       3.36441275E-22
+  0.307666659       3.07627381E-08
+  0.307833344       3.07404875E-08
+  0.307999998       2.60540438E-20
+  0.308166653       3.06962029E-08
+  0.308333337       3.06741121E-08
+  0.308499992       1.30124331E-20
+  0.308666676       3.06299484E-08
+  0.308833331       3.06080068E-08
+  0.308999985       3.28133017E-21
+  0.309166670       3.05641947E-08
+  0.309333324       3.05423526E-08
+  0.309500009       8.15670766E-22
+  0.309666663       3.04987324E-08
+  0.309833348       3.04770111E-08
+  0.310000002       1.55241182E-21
+  0.310166657       3.04336574E-08
+  0.310333341       3.04120462E-08
+  0.310499996       1.16122234E-21
+  0.310666680       3.03689589E-08
+  0.310833335       3.03474366E-08
+  0.310999990       2.65659535E-21
+  0.311166674       3.03045731E-08
+  0.311333328       3.02831999E-08
+  0.311500013       4.00865235E-22
+  0.311666667       3.02405567E-08
+  0.311833322       3.02192689E-08
+  0.312000006       7.64377187E-23
+  0.312166661       3.01767713E-08
+  0.312333345       3.01556220E-08
+  0.312500000       0.00000000    
+  0.312666655       3.01137035E-08
+  0.312833339       3.00926786E-08
+  0.312999994       7.61178388E-23
+  0.313166678       3.00506215E-08
+  0.313333333       3.00296890E-08
+  0.313499987       3.97512538E-22
+  0.313666672       2.99879517E-08
+  0.313833326       2.99671861E-08
+  0.314000010       2.62334757E-21
+  0.314166665       2.99257259E-08
+  0.314333320       2.99050242E-08
+  0.314500004       1.14188497E-21
+  0.314666659       2.98637914E-08
+  0.314833343       2.98432212E-08
+  0.314999998       1.52016026E-21
+  0.315166652       2.98021874E-08
+  0.315333337       2.97817166E-08
+  0.315499991       7.95380304E-22
+  0.315666676       2.97409155E-08
+  0.315833330       2.97205442E-08
+  0.316000015       3.18629608E-21
+  0.316166669       2.96799669E-08
+  0.316333324       2.96597129E-08
+  0.316500008       1.25826078E-20
+  0.316666663       2.96194340E-08
+  0.316833347       2.95992795E-08
+  0.317000002       2.50878645E-20
+  0.317166656       2.95591516E-08
+  0.317333341       2.95391303E-08
+  0.317499995       3.22607154E-22
+  0.317666680       2.94991764E-08
+  0.317833334       2.94792777E-08
+  0.317999989       6.04060759E-21
+  0.318166673       2.94395939E-08
+  0.318333328       2.94197768E-08
+  0.318500012       1.10681300E-22
+  0.318666667       2.93802849E-08
+  0.318833321       2.93606170E-08
+  0.319000006       1.48713352E-21
+  0.319166660       2.93213454E-08
+  0.319333345       2.93017433E-08
+  0.319499999       5.05142398E-21
+  0.319666654       2.92627043E-08
+  0.319833338       2.92432176E-08
+  0.319999993       2.22227524E-21
+  0.320166677       2.92044060E-08
+  0.320333332       2.91850384E-08
+  0.320499986       6.24229789E-21
+  0.320666671       2.91463635E-08
+  0.320833325       2.91271043E-08
+  0.321000010       3.96321005E-20
+  0.321166664       2.90886799E-08
+  0.321333319       2.90695272E-08
+  0.321500003       8.53890872E-21
+  0.321666658       2.90313338E-08
+  0.321833342       2.90122841E-08
+  0.321999997       7.74073790E-22
+  0.322166681       2.89742861E-08
+  0.322333336       2.89553395E-08
+  0.322499990       1.41843590E-22
+  0.322666675       2.89175404E-08
+  0.322833329       2.88987003E-08
+  0.323000014       2.24372862E-21
+  0.323166668       2.88611055E-08
+  0.323333323       2.88423649E-08
+  0.323500007       2.29021310E-21
+  0.323666662       2.88049655E-08
+  0.323833346       2.87863209E-08
+  0.324000001       2.70162848E-22
+  0.324166656       2.87491364E-08
+  0.324333340       2.87305753E-08
+  0.324499995       2.65334337E-22
+  0.324666679       2.86936057E-08
+  0.324833333       2.86751280E-08
+  0.324999988       2.54778770E-20
+  0.325166672       2.86384498E-08
+  0.325333327       2.86200788E-08
+  0.325500011       5.02680912E-23
+  0.325666666       2.85834485E-08
+  0.325833321       2.85652462E-08
+  0.326000005       2.20606404E-22
+  0.326166660       2.85288486E-08
+  0.326333344       2.85107049E-08
+  0.326499999       3.29957661E-21
+  0.326666653       2.84745418E-08
+  0.326833338       2.84565083E-08
+  0.326999992       1.21375941E-21
+  0.327166677       2.84205051E-08
+  0.327333331       2.84025674E-08
+  0.327499986       9.49043845E-22
+  0.327666670       2.83667703E-08
+  0.327833325       2.83489268E-08
+  0.328000009       1.24337928E-21
+  0.328166664       2.83133339E-08
+  0.328333348       2.82955757E-08
+  0.328500003       5.26569042E-21
+  0.328666657       2.82601675E-08
+  0.328833342       2.82425354E-08
+  0.328999996       4.01111867E-20
+  0.329166681       2.82072747E-08
+  0.329333335       2.81896941E-08
+  0.329499990       1.30011854E-20
+  0.329666674       2.81547319E-08
+  0.329833329       2.81372827E-08
+  0.330000013       7.36441666E-22
+  0.330166668       2.81024288E-08
+  0.330333322       2.80850578E-08
+  0.330500007       3.75035935E-22
+  0.330666661       2.80504224E-08
+  0.330833346       2.80331438E-08
+  0.331000000       1.23637844E-21
+  0.331166655       2.79986843E-08
+  0.331333339       2.79815264E-08
+  0.331499994       8.82765494E-22
+  0.331666678       2.79472570E-08
+  0.331833333       2.79301631E-08
+  0.331999987       2.49998053E-20
+  0.332166672       2.78961068E-08
+  0.332333326       2.78790999E-08
+  0.332500011       3.27544943E-21
+  0.332666665       2.78452639E-08
+  0.332833320       2.78283121E-08
+  0.333000004       4.28193340E-20
+  0.333166659       2.77945738E-08
+  0.333333343       2.77777801E-08
+  0.333499998       3.03707723E-21
+  0.333666652       2.77442762E-08
+  0.333833337       2.77275163E-08
+  0.333999991       7.45925627E-21
+  0.334166676       2.76941705E-08
+  0.334333330       2.76775651E-08
+  0.334500015       3.16674142E-21
+  0.334666669       2.76444041E-08
+  0.334833324       2.76278627E-08
+  0.335000008       6.88003436E-21
+  0.335166663       2.75948793E-08
+  0.335333347       2.75784267E-08
+  0.335500002       3.55438298E-21
+  0.335666656       2.75456191E-08
+  0.335833341       2.75292802E-08
+  0.335999995       3.15072288E-21
+  0.336166680       2.74966396E-08
+  0.336333334       2.74803718E-08
+  0.336499989       1.16409424E-21
+  0.336666673       2.74479159E-08
+  0.336833328       2.74317351E-08
+  0.337000012       3.49330328E-21
+  0.337166667       2.73994818E-08
+  0.337333322       2.73833471E-08
+  0.337500006       2.65296791E-20
+  0.337666661       2.73513105E-08
+  0.337833345       2.73352363E-08
+  0.338000000       7.43108386E-22
+  0.338166654       2.73033187E-08
+  0.338333338       2.72874132E-08
+  0.338499993       2.22729649E-21
+  0.338666677       2.72556520E-08
+  0.338833332       2.72398140E-08
+  0.338999987       7.60912258E-22
+  0.339166671       2.72082623E-08
+  0.339333326       2.71925202E-08
+  0.339500010       1.53686096E-22
+  0.339666665       2.71610947E-08
+  0.339833319       2.71454379E-08
+  0.340000004       4.49500689E-21
+  0.340166658       2.71141971E-08
+  0.340333343       2.70986273E-08
+  0.340499997       4.49632036E-21
+  0.340666682       2.70675677E-08
+  0.340833336       2.70520566E-08
+  0.340999991       9.17167927E-21
+  0.341166675       2.70211427E-08
+  0.341333330       2.70057239E-08
+  0.341500014       6.57625454E-20
+  0.341666669       2.69750409E-08
+  0.341833323       2.69597606E-08
+  0.342000008       1.15567455E-20
+  0.342166662       2.69291398E-08
+  0.342333347       2.69139413E-08
+  0.342500001       0.00000000    
+  0.342666656       2.68835016E-08
+  0.342833340       2.68683387E-08
+  0.342999995       9.20907083E-22
+  0.343166679       2.68380962E-08
+  0.343333334       2.68230309E-08
+  0.343499988       1.30142269E-21
+  0.343666673       2.67929536E-08
+  0.343833327       2.67779541E-08
+  0.344000012       1.29923912E-21
+  0.344166666       2.67480633E-08
+  0.344333321       2.67331579E-08
+  0.344500005       9.16279637E-22
+  0.344666660       2.67034164E-08
+  0.344833344       2.66885838E-08
+  0.344999999       0.00000000    
+  0.345166653       2.66590501E-08
+  0.345333338       2.66442708E-08
+  0.345499992       1.14216946E-20
+  0.345666677       2.66149058E-08
+  0.345833331       2.66001781E-08
+  0.345999986       6.47761260E-20
+  0.346166670       2.65708753E-08
+  0.346333325       2.65562967E-08
+  0.346500009       9.00381896E-21
+  0.346666664       2.65272320E-08
+  0.346833318       2.65127333E-08
+  0.347000003       4.39922438E-21
+  0.347166657       2.64837787E-08
+  0.347333342       2.64693512E-08
+  0.347499996       4.38319493E-21
+  0.347666681       2.64405529E-08
+  0.347833335       2.64262070E-08
+  0.347999990       1.49360513E-22
+  0.348166674       2.63976005E-08
+  0.348333329       2.63833275E-08
+  0.348500013       7.37016007E-22
+  0.348666668       2.63548383E-08
+  0.348833323       2.63406399E-08
+  0.349000007       2.15011363E-21
+  0.349166662       2.63123372E-08
+  0.349333346       2.62982010E-08
+  0.349500000       7.14951227E-22
+  0.349666655       2.62700404E-08
+  0.349833339       2.62560551E-08
+  0.349999994       2.54388379E-20
+  0.350166678       2.62279904E-08
+  0.350333333       2.62140709E-08
+  0.350499988       3.33842946E-21
+  0.350666672       2.61861999E-08
+  0.350833327       2.61723230E-08
+  0.351000011       1.10875221E-21
+  0.351166666       2.61446242E-08
+  0.351333320       2.61308131E-08
+  0.351500005       2.99086659E-21
+  0.351666659       2.61032689E-08
+  0.351833344       2.60895217E-08
+  0.351999998       3.36272325E-21
+  0.352166653       2.60621267E-08
+  0.352333337       2.60484718E-08
+  0.352499992       6.48721000E-21
+  0.352666676       2.60212243E-08
+  0.352833331       2.60076387E-08
+  0.352999985       2.97590807E-21
+  0.353166670       2.59805493E-08
+  0.353333324       2.59670152E-08
+  0.353500009       6.98622124E-21
+  0.353666663       2.59400608E-08
+  0.353833348       2.59266724E-08
+  0.354000002       2.83492951E-21
+  0.354166657       2.58998423E-08
+  0.354333341       2.58864663E-08
+  0.354499996       3.98350731E-20
+  0.354666680       2.58598334E-08
+  0.354833335       2.58465835E-08
+  0.354999989       3.03693748E-21
+  0.355166674       2.58200217E-08
+  0.355333328       2.58068358E-08
+  0.355500013       2.31015082E-20
+  0.355666667       2.57804516E-08
+  0.355833322       2.57673047E-08
+  0.356000006       8.12995657E-22
+  0.356166661       2.57411106E-08
+  0.356333345       2.57280171E-08
+  0.356500000       1.13483485E-21
+  0.356666654       2.57019526E-08
+  0.356833339       2.56889443E-08
+  0.356999993       3.43077955E-22
+  0.357166678       2.56630148E-08
+  0.357333332       2.56500989E-08
+  0.357499987       6.71422614E-22
+  0.357666671       2.56243240E-08
+  0.357833326       2.56114632E-08
+  0.358000010       1.18134970E-20
+  0.358166665       2.55857611E-08
+  0.358333319       2.55730015E-08
+  0.358500004       3.63244346E-20
+  0.358666658       2.55475463E-08
+  0.358833343       2.55348205E-08
+  0.358999997       4.75253915E-21
+  0.359166652       2.55094541E-08
+  0.359333336       2.54968242E-08
+  0.359499991       1.11843553E-21
+  0.359666675       2.54715911E-08
+  0.359833330       2.54590340E-08
+  0.360000014       8.50805141E-22
+  0.360166669       2.54339536E-08
+  0.360333323       2.54214463E-08
+  0.360500008       1.08445923E-21
+  0.360666662       2.53965116E-08
+  0.360833347       2.53840806E-08
+  0.361000001       2.93815422E-21
+  0.361166656       2.53592631E-08
+  0.361333340       2.53468873E-08
+  0.361499995       1.95780964E-22
+  0.361666679       2.53222368E-08
+  0.361833334       2.53099230E-08
+  0.361999989       4.44610778E-23
+  0.362166673       2.52854342E-08
+  0.362333328       2.52732271E-08
+  0.362500012       2.24587776E-20
+  0.362666667       2.52487595E-08
+  0.362833321       2.52366306E-08
+  0.363000005       2.33104737E-22
+  0.363166660       2.52123673E-08
+  0.363333344       2.52002756E-08
+  0.363499999       2.36547175E-22
+  0.363666654       2.51761598E-08
+  0.363833338       2.51641428E-08
+  0.363999993       1.99848977E-21
+  0.364166677       2.51401673E-08
+  0.364333332       2.51282177E-08
+  0.364499986       1.95132634E-21
+  0.364666671       2.51043613E-08
+  0.364833325       2.50924579E-08
+  0.365000010       1.22942647E-22
+  0.365166664       2.50687346E-08
+  0.365333319       2.50569254E-08
+  0.365500003       6.68664302E-22
+  0.365666658       2.50333265E-08
+  0.365833342       2.50215813E-08
+  0.365999997       7.35123973E-21
+  0.366166681       2.49980996E-08
+  0.366333336       2.49863987E-08
+  0.366499990       3.40045613E-20
+  0.366666675       2.49630858E-08
+  0.366833329       2.49514507E-08
+  0.367000014       5.33785223E-21
+  0.367166668       2.49282923E-08
+  0.367333323       2.49167300E-08
+  0.367500007       1.89387262E-21
+  0.367666662       2.48936587E-08
+  0.367833346       2.48821603E-08
+  0.368000001       4.29039843E-21
+  0.368166655       2.48592293E-08
+  0.368333340       2.48478109E-08
+  0.368499994       1.25882086E-21
+  0.368666679       2.48250025E-08
+  0.368833333       2.48136072E-08
+  0.368999988       9.33723472E-23
+  0.369166672       2.47909497E-08
+  0.369333327       2.47796503E-08
+  0.369500011       5.07871367E-21
+  0.369666666       2.47571084E-08
+  0.369833320       2.47458534E-08
+  0.370000005       2.70318903E-22
+  0.370166659       2.47234766E-08
+  0.370333344       2.47122802E-08
+  0.370499998       2.09505107E-20
+  0.370666653       2.46899958E-08
+  0.370833337       2.46789060E-08
+  0.370999992       1.04719935E-20
+  0.371166676       2.46566589E-08
+  0.371333331       2.46456384E-08
+  0.371499985       2.64284408E-21
+  0.371666670       2.46236116E-08
+  0.371833324       2.46126337E-08
+  0.372000009       6.57487923E-22
+  0.372166663       2.45907064E-08
+  0.372333348       2.45797960E-08
+  0.372500002       1.25235821E-21
+  0.372666657       2.45579983E-08
+  0.372833341       2.45471288E-08
+  0.372999996       9.37534907E-22
+  0.373166680       2.45254679E-08
+  0.373333335       2.45146534E-08
+  0.373499990       2.14657004E-21
+  0.373666674       2.44931222E-08
+  0.373833328       2.44823770E-08
+  0.374000013       3.24165766E-22
+  0.374166667       2.44609577E-08
+  0.374333322       2.44502694E-08
+  0.374500006       6.18619862E-23
+  0.374666661       2.44289851E-08
+  0.374833345       2.44183713E-08
+  0.375000000       0.00000000    
+  0.375166655       2.43971954E-08
+  0.375333339       2.43866403E-08
+  0.375499994       6.17011912E-23
+  0.375666678       2.43655691E-08
+  0.375833333       2.43550833E-08
+  0.375999987       3.22482602E-22
+  0.376166672       2.43341454E-08
+  0.376333326       2.43237217E-08
+  0.376500010       2.12987517E-21
+  0.376666665       2.43028957E-08
+  0.376833320       2.42925253E-08
+  0.377000004       9.27825532E-22
+  0.377166659       2.42718343E-08
+  0.377333343       2.42615279E-08
+  0.377499998       1.23616599E-21
+  0.377666652       2.42409612E-08
+  0.377833337       2.42307010E-08
+  0.377999991       6.47300283E-22
+  0.378166676       2.42102516E-08
+  0.378333330       2.42000375E-08
+  0.378500015       2.59512872E-21
+  0.378666669       2.41796982E-08
+  0.378833324       2.41695322E-08
+  0.379000008       1.02561979E-20
+  0.379166663       2.41493865E-08
+  0.379333347       2.41392932E-08
+  0.379500002       2.04654468E-20
+  0.379666656       2.41191831E-08
+  0.379833341       2.41091787E-08
+  0.379999995       2.63373696E-22
+  0.380166680       2.40891591E-08
+  0.380333334       2.40792097E-08
+  0.380499989       4.93536262E-21
+  0.380666673       2.40593359E-08
+  0.380833328       2.40494238E-08
+  0.381000012       9.05009061E-23
+  0.381166667       2.40296618E-08
+  0.381333321       2.40198403E-08
+  0.381500006       1.21693616E-21
+  0.381666660       2.40002045E-08
+  0.381833345       2.39904026E-08
+  0.381999999       4.13685787E-21
+  0.382166654       2.39708839E-08
+  0.382333338       2.39611477E-08
+  0.382499993       1.82134690E-21
+  0.382666677       2.39417570E-08
+  0.382833332       2.39320777E-08
+  0.382999986       5.12008926E-21
+  0.383166671       2.39127527E-08
+  0.383333325       2.39031408E-08
+  0.383500010       3.25324771E-20
+  0.383666664       2.38839633E-08
+  0.383833319       2.38744136E-08
+  0.384000003       7.01470001E-21
+  0.384166658       2.38553586E-08
+  0.384333342       2.38458551E-08
+  0.384499997       6.36393000E-22
+  0.384666681       2.38269013E-08
+  0.384833336       2.38174422E-08
+  0.384999990       1.16704612E-22
+  0.385166675       2.37986058E-08
+  0.385333329       2.37892230E-08
+  0.385500014       1.84749740E-21
+  0.385666668       2.37704931E-08
+  0.385833323       2.37611602E-08
+  0.386000007       1.88722670E-21
+  0.386166662       2.37425262E-08
+  0.386333346       2.37332340E-08
+  0.386500001       2.22796256E-22
+  0.386666656       2.37147226E-08
+  0.386833340       2.37054998E-08
+  0.386999995       2.18982410E-22
+  0.387166679       2.36871021E-08
+  0.387333333       2.36779023E-08
+  0.387499988       2.10432098E-20
+  0.387666672       2.36596911E-08
+  0.387833327       2.36505446E-08
+  0.388000011       4.15502126E-23
+  0.388166666       2.36323388E-08
+  0.388333321       2.36232900E-08
+  0.388500005       1.82486688E-22
+  0.388666660       2.36052067E-08
+  0.388833344       2.35962094E-08
+  0.388999999       2.73150790E-21
+  0.389166653       2.35782682E-08
+  0.389333338       2.35693083E-08
+  0.389499992       1.00556082E-21
+  0.389666677       2.35514435E-08
+  0.389833331       2.35425546E-08
+  0.389999986       7.86850307E-22
+  0.390166670       2.35248123E-08
+  0.390333325       2.35159483E-08
+  0.390500009       1.03166679E-21
+  0.390666664       2.34983180E-08
+  0.390833348       2.34895250E-08
+  0.391000003       4.37240806E-21
+  0.391166657       2.34719870E-08
+  0.391333342       2.34632704E-08
+  0.391499996       3.33318955E-20
+  0.391666681       2.34458071E-08
+  0.391833335       2.34370958E-08
+  0.391999990       1.08119954E-20
+  0.392166674       2.34198225E-08
+  0.392333329       2.34112090E-08
+  0.392500013       6.12899434E-22
+  0.392666668       2.33939801E-08
+  0.392833322       2.33853878E-08
+  0.393000007       3.12357263E-22
+  0.393166661       2.33682851E-08
+  0.393333346       2.33597621E-08
+  0.393500000       1.03052073E-21
+  0.393666655       2.33427606E-08
+  0.393833339       2.33342945E-08
+  0.393999994       7.36338470E-22
+  0.394166678       2.33173889E-08
+  0.394333333       2.33089636E-08
+  0.394499987       2.08686602E-20
+  0.394666672       2.32921895E-08
+  0.394833326       2.32837927E-08
+  0.395000011       2.73624157E-21
+  0.395166665       2.32671606E-08
+  0.395333320       2.32588064E-08
+  0.395500004       3.57971587E-20
+  0.395666659       2.32421904E-08
+  0.395833343       2.32339357E-08
+  0.395999998       2.54091042E-21
+  0.396166652       2.32174777E-08
+  0.396333337       2.32092283E-08
+  0.396499991       6.24529804E-21
+  0.396666676       2.31928556E-08
+  0.396833330       2.31847039E-08
+  0.397000015       2.65334600E-21
+  0.397166669       2.31684201E-08
+  0.397333324       2.31603110E-08
+  0.397500008       5.76893409E-21
+  0.397666663       2.31441302E-08
+  0.397833347       2.31360637E-08
+  0.398000002       2.98257822E-21
+  0.398166656       2.31199824E-08
+  0.398333341       2.31119852E-08
+  0.398499995       2.64581898E-21
+  0.398666680       2.30960104E-08
+  0.398833334       2.30880435E-08
+  0.398999989       9.78272543E-22
+  0.399166673       2.30721717E-08
+  0.399333328       2.30642385E-08
+  0.399500012       2.93784908E-21
+  0.399666667       2.30484893E-08
+  0.399833322       2.30405952E-08
+  0.400000006       2.23278165E-20
+  0.400166661       2.30249668E-08
+  0.400333345       2.30171100E-08
+  0.400500000       6.25873962E-22
+  0.400666654       2.30015385E-08
+  0.400833338       2.29937900E-08
+  0.400999993       1.87729690E-21
+  0.401166677       2.29783090E-08
+  0.401333332       2.29705908E-08
+  0.401499987       6.41813749E-22
+  0.401666671       2.29552342E-08
+  0.401833326       2.29475674E-08
+  0.402000010       1.29726308E-22
+  0.402166665       2.29322801E-08
+  0.402333319       2.29246666E-08
+  0.402500004       3.79702154E-21
+  0.402666658       2.29094983E-08
+  0.402833343       2.29019292E-08
+  0.402999997       3.80091390E-21
+  0.403166682       2.28868569E-08
+  0.403333336       2.28793322E-08
+  0.403499991       7.75885721E-21
+  0.403666675       2.28643291E-08
+  0.403833330       2.28568418E-08
+  0.404000014       5.56730422E-20
+  0.404166669       2.28419950E-08
+  0.404333323       2.28346266E-08
+  0.404500008       9.79081588E-21
+  0.404666662       2.28197781E-08
+  0.404833347       2.28124435E-08
+  0.405000001       0.00000000    
+  0.405166656       2.27977139E-08
+  0.405333340       2.27903971E-08
+  0.405499995       7.81325857E-22
+  0.405666679       2.27757919E-08
+  0.405833334       2.27685124E-08
+  0.405999988       1.10497002E-21
+  0.406166673       2.27540031E-08
+  0.406333327       2.27467751E-08
+  0.406500012       1.10391776E-21
+  0.406666666       2.27323813E-08
+  0.406833321       2.27251959E-08
+  0.407000005       7.79095186E-22
+  0.407166660       2.27108963E-08
+  0.407333344       2.27037606E-08
+  0.407499999       0.00000000    
+  0.407666653       2.26895818E-08
+  0.407833338       2.26824710E-08
+  0.407999992       9.72571903E-21
+  0.408166677       2.26683952E-08
+  0.408333331       2.26613199E-08
+  0.408499986       5.51975684E-20
+  0.408666670       2.26472494E-08
+  0.408833325       2.26402630E-08
+  0.409000009       7.67794457E-21
+  0.409166664       2.26263523E-08
+  0.409333318       2.26194157E-08
+  0.409500003       3.75411478E-21
+  0.409666657       2.26055707E-08
+  0.409833342       2.25986678E-08
+  0.409999996       3.74312717E-21
+  0.410166681       2.25849259E-08
+  0.410333335       2.25780816E-08
+  0.410499990       1.27641506E-22
+  0.410666674       2.25644339E-08
+  0.410833329       2.25576304E-08
+  0.411000013       6.30296380E-22
+  0.411166668       2.25440484E-08
+  0.411333323       2.25372911E-08
+  0.411500007       1.84009639E-21
+  0.411666662       2.25238388E-08
+  0.411833346       2.25171171E-08
+  0.412000000       6.12303333E-22
+  0.412166655       2.25037287E-08
+  0.412333339       2.24971064E-08
+  0.412499994       2.18020770E-20
+  0.412666678       2.24837713E-08
+  0.412833333       2.24771899E-08
+  0.412999988       2.86320855E-21
+  0.413166672       2.24639809E-08
+  0.413333327       2.24574173E-08
+  0.413500011       9.51602026E-22
+  0.413666666       2.24443184E-08
+  0.413833320       2.24377867E-08
+  0.414000005       2.56878112E-21
+  0.414166659       2.24247785E-08
+  0.414333344       2.24182859E-08
+  0.414499998       2.89021652E-21
+  0.414666653       2.24053629E-08
+  0.414833337       2.23989307E-08
+  0.414999992       5.57963333E-21
+  0.415166676       2.23860948E-08
+  0.415333331       2.23797070E-08
+  0.415499985       2.56139062E-21
+  0.415666670       2.23669581E-08
+  0.415833324       2.23606005E-08
+  0.416000009       6.01736576E-21
+  0.416166663       2.23479528E-08
+  0.416333348       2.23416858E-08
+  0.416500002       2.44350910E-21
+  0.416666657       2.23291039E-08
+  0.416833341       2.23228334E-08
+  0.416999996       3.43593313E-20
+  0.417166680       2.23103829E-08
+  0.417333335       2.23042047E-08
+  0.417499989       2.62132890E-21
+  0.417666674       2.22917702E-08
+  0.417833328       2.22856205E-08
+  0.418000013       1.99541264E-20
+  0.418166667       2.22733121E-08
+  0.418333322       2.22671801E-08
+  0.418500006       7.02726534E-22
+  0.418666661       2.22549836E-08
+  0.418833345       2.22488961E-08
+  0.419000000       9.81605297E-22
+  0.419166654       2.22367813E-08
+  0.419333339       2.22307399E-08
+  0.419499993       2.96962863E-22
+  0.419666678       2.22187069E-08
+  0.419833332       2.22127277E-08
+  0.419999987       5.81581429E-22
+  0.420166671       2.22007959E-08
+  0.420333326       2.21948433E-08
+  0.420500010       1.02399410E-20
+  0.420666665       2.21829328E-08
+  0.420833319       2.21770478E-08
+  0.421000004       3.15080915E-20
+  0.421166658       2.21653309E-08
+  0.421333343       2.21594405E-08
+  0.421499997       4.12527613E-21
+  0.421666652       2.21477698E-08
+  0.421833336       2.21419523E-08
+  0.421999991       9.71497780E-22
+  0.422166675       2.21303527E-08
+  0.422333330       2.21245795E-08
+  0.422500014       7.39545108E-22
+  0.422666669       2.21130723E-08
+  0.422833323       2.21073417E-08
+  0.423000008       9.43301342E-22
+  0.423166662       2.20959304E-08
+  0.423333347       2.20902372E-08
+  0.423500001       2.55749321E-21
+  0.423666656       2.20788881E-08
+  0.423833340       2.20732499E-08
+  0.423999995       1.70534638E-22
+  0.424166679       2.20620002E-08
+  0.424333334       2.20563674E-08
+  0.424499989       3.87546789E-23
+  0.424666673       2.20452421E-08
+  0.424833328       2.20397016E-08
+  0.425000012       1.95898810E-20
+  0.425166667       2.20285532E-08
+  0.425333321       2.20230660E-08
+  0.425500005       2.03468924E-22
+  0.425666660       2.20120633E-08
+  0.425833344       2.20065957E-08
+  0.425999999       2.06616732E-22
+  0.426166654       2.19956870E-08
+  0.426333338       2.19902638E-08
+  0.426499993       1.74682935E-21
+  0.426666677       2.19794476E-08
+  0.426833332       2.19740546E-08
+  0.426999986       1.70678440E-21
+  0.427166671       2.19633041E-08
+  0.427333325       2.19579608E-08
+  0.427500010       1.07609665E-22
+  0.427666664       2.19473026E-08
+  0.427833319       2.19419896E-08
+  0.428000003       5.85674570E-22
+  0.428166658       2.19314185E-08
+  0.428333342       2.19261498E-08
+  0.428499997       6.44329632E-21
+  0.428666681       2.19156462E-08
+  0.428833336       2.19104219E-08
+  0.428999990       2.98252410E-20
+  0.429166675       2.19000249E-08
+  0.429333329       2.18948255E-08
+  0.429500014       4.68502295E-21
+  0.429666668       2.18845422E-08
+  0.429833323       2.18793890E-08
+  0.430000007       1.66339195E-21
+  0.430166662       2.18691323E-08
+  0.430333346       2.18640466E-08
+  0.430500001       3.77085065E-21
+  0.430666655       2.18538769E-08
+  0.430833340       2.18488321E-08
+  0.430999994       1.10714268E-21
+  0.431166679       2.18387566E-08
+  0.431333333       2.18337188E-08
+  0.431499988       8.21778998E-23
+  0.431666672       2.18237339E-08
+  0.431833327       2.18187708E-08
+  0.432000011       4.47288829E-21
+  0.432166666       2.18088569E-08
+  0.432333320       2.18039098E-08
+  0.432500005       2.38235741E-22
+  0.432666659       2.17941043E-08
+  0.432833344       2.17892158E-08
+  0.432999998       1.84765782E-20
+  0.433166653       2.17794636E-08
+  0.433333337       2.17746141E-08
+  0.433499992       9.24171417E-21
+  0.433666676       2.17649010E-08
+  0.433833331       2.17601031E-08
+  0.433999985       2.33394947E-21
+  0.434166670       2.17505178E-08
+  0.434333324       2.17457607E-08
+  0.434500009       5.81035108E-22
+  0.434666663       2.17362555E-08
+  0.434833348       2.17315339E-08
+  0.435000002       1.10748700E-21
+  0.435166657       2.17221068E-08
+  0.435333341       2.17174208E-08
+  0.435499996       8.29645393E-22
+  0.435666680       2.17080540E-08
+  0.435833335       2.17034177E-08
+  0.435999990       1.90084126E-21
+  0.436166674       2.16941416E-08
+  0.436333328       2.16895035E-08
+  0.436500013       2.87250130E-22
+  0.436666667       2.16803375E-08
+  0.436833322       2.16757901E-08
+  0.437000006       5.48547052E-23
+  0.437166661       2.16667662E-08
+  0.437333345       2.16622453E-08
+  0.437500000       0.00000000    
+  0.437666655       2.16530385E-08
+  0.437833339       2.16485514E-08
+  0.437999994       5.47859166E-23
+  0.438166678       2.16396643E-08
+  0.438333333       2.16352323E-08
+  0.438499987       2.86533567E-22
+  0.438666672       2.16263807E-08
+  0.438833326       2.16219647E-08
+  0.439000010       1.89372581E-21
+  0.439166665       2.16131735E-08
+  0.439333320       2.16088232E-08
+  0.439500004       8.25507470E-22
+  0.439666659       2.16000977E-08
+  0.439833343       2.15957598E-08
+  0.439999998       1.10058955E-21
+  0.440166652       2.15871410E-08
+  0.440333337       2.15828369E-08
+  0.440499991       5.76694228E-22
+  0.440666676       2.15743121E-08
+  0.440833330       2.15700364E-08
+  0.441000015       2.31361892E-21
+  0.441166669       2.15615703E-08
+  0.441333324       2.15573248E-08
+  0.441500008       9.14977757E-21
+  0.441666663       2.15489937E-08
+  0.441833347       2.15448246E-08
+  0.442000002       1.82699220E-20
+  0.442166656       2.15364881E-08
+  0.442333341       2.15323777E-08
+  0.442499995       2.35276692E-22
+  0.442666680       2.15241105E-08
+  0.442833334       2.15200266E-08
+  0.442999989       4.41181021E-21
+  0.443166673       2.15118483E-08
+  0.443333328       2.15078018E-08
+  0.443500012       8.09544964E-23
+  0.443666667       2.14997140E-08
+  0.443833321       2.14956977E-08
+  0.444000006       1.08929731E-21
+  0.444166660       2.14877041E-08
+  0.444333345       2.14837232E-08
+  0.444499999       3.70543229E-21
+  0.444666654       2.14757918E-08
+  0.444833338       2.14718483E-08
+  0.444999993       1.63249254E-21
+  0.445166677       2.14640146E-08
+  0.445333332       2.14601013E-08
+  0.445499986       4.59224625E-21
+  0.445666671       2.14522942E-08
+  0.445833325       2.14484466E-08
+  0.446000010       2.91980701E-20
+  0.446166664       2.14407638E-08
+  0.446333319       2.14369358E-08
+  0.446500003       6.29992346E-21
+  0.446666658       2.14293330E-08
+  0.446833342       2.14255422E-08
+  0.446999997       5.71926832E-22
+  0.447166681       2.14179980E-08
+  0.447333336       2.14142535E-08
+  0.447499990       1.04952264E-22
+  0.447666675       2.14067910E-08
+  0.447833329       2.14030784E-08
+  0.448000014       1.66255367E-21
+  0.448166668       2.13956799E-08
+  0.448333323       2.13920153E-08
+  0.448500007       1.69943489E-21
+  0.448666662       2.13846825E-08
+  0.448833346       2.13810480E-08
+  0.449000001       2.00759307E-22
+  0.449166656       2.13738218E-08
+  0.449333340       2.13702087E-08
+  0.449499995       1.97453513E-22
+  0.449666679       2.13630553E-08
+  0.449833333       2.13594653E-08
+  0.449999988       1.89869422E-20
+  0.450166672       2.13524611E-08
+  0.450333327       2.13489049E-08
+  0.450500011       3.75148893E-23
+  0.450666666       2.13418723E-08
+  0.450833321       2.13383906E-08
+  0.451000005       1.64872560E-22
+  0.451166660       2.13314593E-08
+  0.451333344       2.13280114E-08
+  0.451499999       2.46948451E-21
+  0.451666653       2.13211599E-08
+  0.451833338       2.13177600E-08
+  0.451999992       9.09700562E-22
+  0.452166677       2.13109725E-08
+  0.452333331       2.13075957E-08
+  0.452499986       7.12309136E-22
+  0.452666670       2.13008846E-08
+  0.452833325       2.12975433E-08
+  0.453000009       9.34548495E-22
+  0.453166664       2.12909192E-08
+  0.453333348       2.12876188E-08
+  0.453500003       3.96340925E-21
+  0.453666657       2.12810622E-08
+  0.453833342       2.12778080E-08
+  0.453999996       3.02338585E-20
+  0.454166681       2.12712834E-08
+  0.454333335       2.12680416E-08
+  0.454499990       9.81351892E-21
+  0.454666674       2.12616822E-08
+  0.454833329       2.12585132E-08
+  0.455000013       5.56664178E-22
+  0.455166668       2.12521591E-08
+  0.455333322       2.12490008E-08
+  0.455500007       2.83883600E-22
+  0.455666661       2.12427373E-08
+  0.455833346       2.12396287E-08
+  0.456000000       9.37195836E-22
+  0.456166655       2.12334381E-08
+  0.456333339       2.12303739E-08
+  0.456499994       6.70093592E-22
+  0.456666678       2.12242650E-08
+  0.456833333       2.12212274E-08
+  0.456999987       1.90036329E-20
+  0.457166672       2.12151967E-08
+  0.457333326       2.12121822E-08
+  0.457500011       2.49333461E-21
+  0.457666665       2.12062474E-08
+  0.457833320       2.12032507E-08
+  0.458000004       3.26406213E-20
+  0.458166659       2.11973497E-08
+  0.458333343       2.11944169E-08
+  0.458499998       2.31836855E-21
+  0.458666652       2.11886331E-08
+  0.458833337       2.11857021E-08
+  0.458999991       5.70203707E-21
+  0.459166676       2.11799627E-08
+  0.459333330       2.11771187E-08
+  0.459500015       2.42411882E-21
+  0.459666669       2.11714433E-08
+  0.459833324       2.11686242E-08
+  0.460000008       5.27397797E-21
+  0.460166663       2.11630269E-08
+  0.460333347       2.11602398E-08
+  0.460500002       2.72845747E-21
+  0.460666656       2.11547189E-08
+  0.460833341       2.11519779E-08
+  0.460999995       2.42196666E-21
+  0.461166680       2.11465228E-08
+  0.461333334       2.11438138E-08
+  0.461499989       8.96087019E-22
+  0.461666673       2.11384261E-08
+  0.461833328       2.11357509E-08
+  0.462000012       2.69278713E-21
+  0.462166667       2.11304609E-08
+  0.462333322       2.11277893E-08
+  0.462500006       2.04786041E-20
+  0.462666661       2.11225917E-08
+  0.462833345       2.11199573E-08
+  0.463000000       5.74411353E-22
+  0.463166654       2.11147935E-08
+  0.463333338       2.11122462E-08
+  0.463499993       1.72405362E-21
+  0.463666677       2.11071338E-08
+  0.463833332       2.11046043E-08
+  0.463999987       5.89804465E-22
+  0.464166671       2.10996216E-08
+  0.464333326       2.10971205E-08
+  0.464500010       1.19291117E-22
+  0.464666665       2.10921680E-08
+  0.464833319       2.10897042E-08
+  0.465000004       3.49384854E-21
+  0.465166658       2.10848370E-08
+  0.465333343       2.10824087E-08
+  0.465499997       3.49969212E-21
+  0.465666682       2.10776143E-08
+  0.465833336       2.10752145E-08
+  0.465999991       7.14858694E-21
+  0.466166675       2.10704680E-08
+  0.466333330       2.10681161E-08
+  0.466500014       5.13272291E-20
+  0.466666669       2.10634887E-08
+  0.466833323       2.10612203E-08
+  0.467000008       9.03238254E-21
+  0.467166662       2.10565823E-08
+  0.467333347       2.10543245E-08
+  0.467500001       0.00000000    
+  0.467666656       2.10497895E-08
+  0.467833340       2.10475459E-08
+  0.467999995       7.21730281E-22
+  0.468166679       2.10430997E-08
+  0.468333334       2.10408846E-08
+  0.468499988       1.02134632E-21
+  0.468666673       2.10365076E-08
+  0.468833327       2.10343440E-08
+  0.469000012       1.02103067E-21
+  0.469166666       2.10300310E-08
+  0.469333321       2.10279030E-08
+  0.469500005       7.21060065E-22
+  0.469666660       2.10236752E-08
+  0.469833344       2.10215756E-08
+  0.469999999       0.00000000    
+  0.470166653       2.10174438E-08
+  0.470333338       2.10153548E-08
+  0.470499992       9.01283879E-21
+  0.470666677       2.10113136E-08
+  0.470833331       2.10092423E-08
+  0.470999986       5.11844887E-20
+  0.471166670       2.10051851E-08
+  0.471333325       2.10032116E-08
+  0.471500009       7.12429982E-21
+  0.471666664       2.09992681E-08
+  0.471833318       2.09973248E-08
+  0.472000003       3.48564136E-21
+  0.472166657       2.09934488E-08
+  0.472333342       2.09915232E-08
+  0.472499996       3.47767005E-21
+  0.472666681       2.09877129E-08
+  0.472833335       2.09858282E-08
+  0.472999990       1.18665266E-22
+  0.473166674       2.09820978E-08
+  0.473333329       2.09802611E-08
+  0.473500013       5.86346907E-22
+  0.473666668       2.09765663E-08
+  0.473833323       2.09747473E-08
+  0.474000007       1.71288526E-21
+  0.474166662       2.09711519E-08
+  0.474333346       2.09693667E-08
+  0.474500000       5.70337448E-22
+  0.474666655       2.09658406E-08
+  0.474833339       2.09641300E-08
+  0.474999994       2.03208130E-20
+  0.475166678       2.09606430E-08
+  0.475333333       2.09589466E-08
+  0.475499988       2.67038176E-21
+  0.475666672       2.09555484E-08
+  0.475833327       2.09538857E-08
+  0.476000011       8.88080674E-22
+  0.476166666       2.09505728E-08
+  0.476333320       2.09489404E-08
+  0.476500005       2.39884054E-21
+  0.476666659       2.09456950E-08
+  0.476833344       2.09440820E-08
+  0.476999998       2.70073218E-21
+  0.477166653       2.09409059E-08
+  0.477333337       2.09393445E-08
+  0.477499992       5.21715575E-21
+  0.477666676       2.09362323E-08
+  0.477833331       2.09347011E-08
+  0.477999985       2.39651551E-21
+  0.478166670       2.09316671E-08
+  0.478333324       2.09301501E-08
+  0.478500009       5.63361454E-21
+  0.478666663       2.09271818E-08
+  0.478833348       2.09257465E-08
+  0.479000002       2.28913349E-21
+  0.479166657       2.09228350E-08
+  0.479333341       2.09213944E-08
+  0.479499996       3.22090430E-20
+  0.479666680       2.09185878E-08
+  0.479833335       2.09172182E-08
+  0.479999989       2.45884284E-21
+  0.480166674       2.09144186E-08
+  0.480333328       2.09130810E-08
+  0.480500013       1.87291333E-20
+  0.480666667       2.09103792E-08
+  0.480833322       2.09090558E-08
+  0.481000006       6.60005008E-22
+  0.481166661       2.09064375E-08
+  0.481333345       2.09051372E-08
+  0.481500000       9.22514188E-22
+  0.481666654       2.09025899E-08
+  0.481833339       2.09013322E-08
+  0.481999993       2.79263728E-22
+  0.482166678       2.08988489E-08
+  0.482333332       2.08976374E-08
+  0.482499987       5.47264895E-22
+  0.482666671       2.08952411E-08
+  0.482833326       2.08940474E-08
+  0.483000010       9.64182240E-21
+  0.483166665       2.08916493E-08
+  0.483333319       2.08905195E-08
+  0.483500004       2.96865622E-20
+  0.483666658       2.08882973E-08
+  0.483833343       2.08871676E-08
+  0.483999997       3.88924734E-21
+  0.484166652       2.08849702E-08
+  0.484333336       2.08838919E-08
+  0.484499991       9.16492693E-22
+  0.484666675       2.08817461E-08
+  0.484833330       2.08807105E-08
+  0.485000014       6.98113325E-22
+  0.485166669       2.08786517E-08
+  0.485333323       2.08776285E-08
+  0.485500008       8.91017509E-22
+  0.485666662       2.08756443E-08
+  0.485833347       2.08746638E-08
+  0.486000001       2.41726914E-21
+  0.486166656       2.08727258E-08
+  0.486333340       2.08717790E-08
+  0.486499995       1.61286159E-22
+  0.486666679       2.08699262E-08
+  0.486833334       2.08690096E-08
+  0.486999989       3.66761125E-23
+  0.487166673       2.08672422E-08
+  0.487333328       2.08663877E-08
+  0.487500012       1.85508888E-20
+  0.487666667       2.08646078E-08
+  0.487833321       2.08638031E-08
+  0.488000005       1.92799057E-22
+  0.488166660       2.08621440E-08
+  0.488333344       2.08613375E-08
+  0.488499999       1.95905238E-22
+  0.488666654       2.08597672E-08
+  0.488833338       2.08589874E-08
+  0.488999993       1.65731270E-21
+  0.489166677       2.08574953E-08
+  0.489333332       2.08567581E-08
+  0.489499986       1.62034140E-21
+  0.489666671       2.08553246E-08
+  0.489833325       2.08546052E-08
+  0.490000010       1.02223916E-22
+  0.490166664       2.08532374E-08
+  0.490333319       2.08525712E-08
+  0.490500003       5.56712091E-22
+  0.490666658       2.08512585E-08
+  0.490833342       2.08506226E-08
+  0.490999997       6.12852179E-21
+  0.491166681       2.08493862E-08
+  0.491333336       2.08487734E-08
+  0.491499990       2.83860275E-20
+  0.491666675       2.08476116E-08
+  0.491833329       2.08470290E-08
+  0.492000014       4.46175204E-21
+  0.492166668       2.08459650E-08
+  0.492333323       2.08454338E-08
+  0.492500007       1.58511898E-21
+  0.492666662       2.08443858E-08
+  0.492833346       2.08439008E-08
+  0.493000001       3.59566042E-21
+  0.493166655       2.08429327E-08
+  0.493333340       2.08424691E-08
+  0.493499994       1.05637033E-21
+  0.493666679       2.08415862E-08
+  0.493833333       2.08411493E-08
+  0.493999988       7.84584017E-23
+  0.494166672       2.08403268E-08
+  0.494333327       2.08399289E-08
+  0.494500011       4.27312336E-21
+  0.494666666       2.08391953E-08
+  0.494833320       2.08388169E-08
+  0.495000005       2.27737858E-22
+  0.495166659       2.08381650E-08
+  0.495333344       2.08378186E-08
+  0.495499998       1.76735345E-20
+  0.495666653       2.08372164E-08
+  0.495833337       2.08369375E-08
+  0.495999992       8.84555120E-21
+  0.496166676       2.08363176E-08
+  0.496333331       2.08360920E-08
+  0.496499985       2.23531969E-21
+  0.496666670       2.08356123E-08
+  0.496833324       2.08354063E-08
+  0.497000009       5.56827151E-22
+  0.497166663       2.08349871E-08
+  0.497333348       2.08348023E-08
+  0.497500002       1.06201105E-21
+  0.497666657       2.08344559E-08
+  0.497833341       2.08343103E-08
+  0.497999996       7.96083085E-22
+  0.498166680       2.08340314E-08
+  0.498333335       2.08339141E-08
+  0.498499990       1.82506214E-21
+  0.498666674       2.08337028E-08
+  0.498833328       2.08336051E-08
+  0.499000013       2.75972701E-22
+  0.499166667       2.08334701E-08
+  0.499333322       2.08334168E-08
+  0.499500006       5.27338337E-23
+  0.499666661       2.08333564E-08
+  0.499833345       2.08333493E-08
+  0.500000000       0.00000000    
diff --git a/tests/spectrum/test_spectrum.m b/tests/spectrum/test_spectrum.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1dbb81b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/spectrum/test_spectrum.m
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+# This test compares the results of TISEAN spectrum function
+# $ spectrum amplitude.dat -f1 -o "amplitude_tisean.dat"
+# $ spectrum square.dat -f1 -o "square_tisean.dat"
+# $ spectrum ar.dat -f2 -w0.001 -o "ar_tisean.dat"
+close all
+dataset = {"amplitude", "square", "ar"};
+ndata   = numel (dataset);
+tisean_output = @(x) sprintf("%s_tisean.dat",x);
+for i=1:ndata
+  # Load tisean results
+  data_tisean = load (tisean_output (dataset{i}));
+  data = load ([dataset{i} ".dat"]);
+  # Calculate with Octave 
+  n   = length (data);
+  if (strcmp (dataset{i}, "ar"))
+    f = 2; 
+    w = 0.001;
+  else
+    f = 1;
+    w = 1/n;
+  endif
+  spec_tmp    = fft (data);
+  half_n      = floor (n/2) + 1; 
+  step        = 2*floor(n*w/(2*f)) + 1;
+  idx         = 1:step:half_n;
+  # Create spectrum unadjusted (the simple way)
+  spec_unadj  = abs (spec_tmp(idx)); 
+  # Create spectrum adjusted to fit the TISEAN data
+  npoints     = columns (idx);
+  spec_adj    = zeros (npoints,1);  
+  spec_tmp    = abs (spec_tmp / n).^2;
+  spec_adj(1) = spec_tmp(1);
+  for j=2:npoints
+    id = idx(j-1)+1:idx(j);       
+    spec_adj(j) = sum (spec_tmp(id));
+  endfor
+  # Create the frequencies for the output
+  freqs = (idx-1) / n * f;
+  # Compare
+  figure (2*i-1);
+  plot (freqs, log10(spec_adj),'r.', ...
+        data_tisean(:,1), log10(data_tisean(:,2)),'bo')
+  legend ("Octave","Tisean");
+  title ("Adjusted GNU Octave 'fft'");
+  axis tight
+  figure (2*i);
+  plot (freqs, log10(spec_unadj),'r.', ...
+        data_tisean(:,1), log10(data_tisean(:,2)),'bo')
+  legend ("Octave","Tisean");
+  title ("Unadjusted GNU Octave 'fft'");
+  axis tight
+  printf ("Difference on adjusted %s: %.3g\n", dataset{i}, ...
+                   sqrt (mean (log10(spec_adj)-log10(data_tisean(:,2))).^2));
+  fflush (stdout);

Alioth's /home/groups/pkg-octave/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-octave/octave-tisean.git

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