[Pkg-octave-commit] [octave-geometry] branch master updated (6bbf343 -> ee664c6)
Rafael Laboissiere
rafael at debian.org
Sun Apr 9 15:26:24 UTC 2017
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
rafael pushed a change to branch master
in repository octave-geometry.
from 6bbf343 d/control: Use cgit instead of gitweb in Vcs-Browser URL
adds 87f1c69 New upstream version 3.0.0
adds 0ccb258 Merge tag 'upstream/3.0.0'
adds 6b1a14f d/copyright: Reflect upstream changes
adds 7dfc502 d/control: Package is Arch any now
adds ee664c6 Changelog entry for version 3.0.0-1
No new revisions were added by this update.
Summary of changes:
INDEX | 134 +-
NEWS | 54 +
debian/changelog | 10 +
debian/control | 2 +-
debian/copyright | 8 +-
inst/__geometry_package_register__.m | 2 +-
inst/geom2d/{beltproblem.m => beltProblem.m} | 18 +-
inst/geom2d/changelog.txt | 192 -
inst/geom2d/{closed_path.m => closedPath.m} | 11 +-
inst/geom2d/drawArrow.m | 154 +-
inst/geom2d/drawParabola.m | 14 +-
inst/geom2d/edgePosition.m | 56 +-
inst/geom2d/ellipse2cov.m | 4 +-
inst/geom2d/enclosingCircle.m | 59 +-
inst/geom2d/inertiaEllipse.m | 31 +-
inst/geom2d/intersectEdges.m | 82 +-
inst/geom2d/minDistancePoints.m | 408 +-
inst/geom2d/nndist.m | 97 +
inst/geom2d/normalizeAngle.m | 12 +-
inst/geom2d/normalizeVector.m | 13 +-
inst/geom2d/parallelLine.m | 31 +-
inst/geom2d/readme.txt | 68 -
inst/geom2d/vectorNorm.m | 39 +-
inst/geom3d/clipLine3d.m | 121 +
.../createRotation3dLineAngle.m} | 90 +-
.../findClosestPoint.m => geom3d/drawLine3d.m} | 85 +-
inst/geom3d/drawPlane3d.m | 160 +
inst/geom3d/eulerAnglesToRotation3d.m | 98 +
inst/geom3d/geom3d_Contents.m | 11 +-
inst/geom3d/intersectLinePlane.m | 16 +-
inst/geom3d/intersectLineSphere.m | 146 +
inst/geom3d/linePosition3d.m | 67 +
inst/geom3d/normalizePlane.m | 14 +-
inst/geom3d/projPointOnPlane.m | 19 +-
.../recenterTransform3d.m} | 67 +-
inst/geom3d/rotation3dAxisAndAngle.m | 92 +
.../vectors2d.m => geom3d/transformLine3d.m} | 51 +-
inst/geom3d/transformVector3d.m | 67 +
inst/graphs/boundedVoronoi2d.m | 85 +
inst/graphs/centroidalVoronoi2d.m | 172 +
inst/graphs/clipGraph.m | 232 +
inst/graphs/clipGraphPolygon.m | 129 +
inst/graphs/cvtUpdate.m | 98 +
inst/graphs/delaunayGraph.m | 12 +-
inst/graphs/drawGraph.m | 10 +-
inst/graphs/drawGraphEdges.m | 127 +
inst/graphs/drawNodeLabels.m | 95 +
.../grAdjacentEdges.m} | 64 +-
inst/graphs/grAdjacentNodes.m | 72 +
inst/graphs/grEdgeLengths.m | 72 +
inst/graphs/grRemoveEdges.m | 86 +
inst/graphs/grShortestPath.m | 210 +
inst/graphs/voronoi2d.m | 26 +-
inst/io/@svg/inkex.py | 15 +-
inst/io/@svg/loadsvgdata.m | 2 +-
inst/io/@svg/normalize.m | 8 +-
inst/io/@svg/simplepath.py | 40 +-
inst/io/@svg/svg.m | 14 +-
inst/io/data2geo.m | 2 +-
inst/meshes3d/boxToMesh.m | 91 +
inst/meshes3d/checkMeshAdjacentFaces.m | 92 +
inst/meshes3d/clipConvexPolyhedronHP.m | 184 +
inst/meshes3d/clipMeshVertices.m | 90 +
inst/meshes3d/createCube.m | 27 +
inst/meshes3d/createCubeOctahedron.m | 27 +
inst/meshes3d/createDodecahedron.m | 103 +
inst/meshes3d/createDurerPolyhedron.m | 98 +
inst/meshes3d/createIcosahedron.m | 104 +
inst/meshes3d/createMengerSponge.m | 141 +
inst/meshes3d/createOctahedron.m | 82 +
.../createRhombododecahedron.m} | 110 +-
.../polygonPoint.m => meshes3d/createSoccerBall.m} | 88 +-
.../createTetrahedron.m} | 102 +-
inst/meshes3d/createTetrakaidecahedron.m | 88 +
inst/meshes3d/cylinderMesh.m | 95 +
.../polygonPoint.m => meshes3d/drawFaceNormals.m} | 91 +-
inst/meshes3d/drawMesh.m | 27 +
inst/meshes3d/drawPolyhedron.m | 139 +
inst/meshes3d/ellipsoidMesh.m | 134 +
inst/meshes3d/faceCentroids.m | 91 +
inst/meshes3d/faceNormal.m | 90 +
inst/meshes3d/intersectLineMesh3d.m | 138 +
inst/meshes3d/intersectPlaneMesh.m | 176 +
inst/meshes3d/mergeCoplanarFaces.m | 399 ++
.../meshAdjacencyMatrix.m} | 96 +-
inst/meshes3d/meshDihedralAngles.m | 92 +
inst/meshes3d/meshEdgeFaces.m | 125 +
.../rad2deg.m => meshes3d/meshEdgeLength.m} | 50 +-
inst/meshes3d/meshEdges.m | 105 +
.../polygonPoint.m => meshes3d/meshFace.m} | 90 +-
.../meshFaceAdjacency.m} | 87 +-
.../polygonPoint.m => meshes3d/meshFaceEdges.m} | 97 +-
.../deg2rad.m => meshes3d/meshFaceNumber.m} | 59 +-
.../polygonPoint.m => meshes3d/meshFacePolygons.m} | 96 +-
inst/meshes3d/meshSurfaceArea.m | 97 +
inst/meshes3d/meshVolume.m | 85 +
inst/meshes3d/meshes3d_Contents.m | 27 +
inst/meshes3d/minConvexHull.m | 121 +
.../polygonPoint.m => meshes3d/polyhedra.m} | 88 +-
inst/meshes3d/polyhedronCentroid.m | 90 +
inst/meshes3d/polyhedronMeanBreadth.m | 82 +
inst/meshes3d/polyhedronNormalAngle.m | 122 +
inst/meshes3d/polyhedronSlice.m | 83 +
inst/meshes3d/private/formatMeshOutput.m | 27 +
inst/meshes3d/private/parseMeshData.m | 27 +
.../polygonPoint.m => meshes3d/readMesh_off.m} | 107 +-
inst/meshes3d/removeMeshVertices.m | 90 +
inst/meshes3d/smoothMesh.m | 104 +
inst/meshes3d/sphereMesh.m | 101 +
inst/meshes3d/steinerPolytope.m | 94 +
inst/meshes3d/subdivideMesh.m | 208 +
inst/meshes3d/surfToMesh.m | 147 +
.../tetrahedronVolume.m} | 101 +-
inst/meshes3d/torusMesh.m | 115 +
inst/meshes3d/triangulateFaces.m | 142 +
inst/meshes3d/trimMesh.m | 87 +
inst/meshes3d/trimeshEdgeFaces.m | 100 +
inst/meshes3d/trimeshMeanBreadth.m | 105 +
.../trimeshSurfaceArea.m} | 97 +-
inst/meshes3d/vertexNormal.m | 84 +
inst/polygons2d/clipPolygon.m | 145 +
inst/polygons2d/clipPolygon_clipper.m | 122 +
inst/polygons2d/clipPolyline.m | 74 +
inst/polygons2d/clipPolyline_clipper.m | 84 +
inst/polygons2d/convexHull.m | 106 +
inst/polygons2d/distancePointPolyline.m | 8 +-
inst/polygons2d/drawPolygon.m | 258 +-
inst/polygons2d/intersectEdgePolygon.m | 75 +
inst/polygons2d/intersectLinePolygon.m | 132 +
inst/polygons2d/intersectPolylines.m | 129 +
inst/polygons2d/isPointInPolygon.m | 96 +
inst/polygons2d/isPolygonCCW.m | 126 +
inst/polygons2d/isPolygonCW_Clipper.m | 49 +
inst/polygons2d/joinPolygons.m | 58 +
inst/polygons2d/minimumCaliperDiameter.m | 150 +
inst/polygons2d/orientPolygon.m | 140 +
inst/polygons2d/polygon2patch.m | 194 +
inst/polygons2d/polygon2shape.m | 11 +-
inst/polygons2d/polygonArea.m | 85 +-
.../polygonBounds.m} | 75 +-
inst/polygons2d/polygonCentroid.m | 35 +-
inst/polygons2d/polygonContains.m | 78 +
inst/polygons2d/polygonLoops.m | 111 +-
inst/polygons2d/polygonSelfIntersections.m | 50 +-
inst/polygons2d/polylineSelfIntersections.m | 150 +-
inst/polygons2d/private/__dbl2int64__.m | 47 +
.../{simplifypolygon.m => simplifyPolygon.m} | 22 +-
.../{simplifypolyline.m => simplifyPolyline.m} | 91 +-
inst/polygons2d/splitPolygons.m | 58 +-
inst/polynomialCurves2d/polynomialCurveSetFit.m | 45 +-
inst/shape2d/curve2polyline.m | 40 +-
inst/shape2d/curveval.m | 2 +-
inst/shape2d/{shapeplot.m => plotShape.m} | 28 +-
inst/shape2d/shape2polygon.m | 6 +-
inst/shape2d/{shapearea.m => shapeArea.m} | 24 +-
inst/shape2d/{shapecentroid.m => shapeCentroid.m} | 50 +-
.../shape2d/{shapetransform.m => transformShape.m} | 31 +-
.../transforms2d.m => utils/isAxisHandle.m} | 58 +-
src/Makefile | 9 +
src/clipper.cpp | 4658 ++++++++++++++++++++
src/clipper.hpp | 433 ++
src/mexclipper.cpp | 328 ++
163 files changed, 16690 insertions(+), 2208 deletions(-)
rename inst/geom2d/{beltproblem.m => beltProblem.m} (92%)
delete mode 100644 inst/geom2d/changelog.txt
rename inst/geom2d/{closed_path.m => closedPath.m} (96%)
create mode 100644 inst/geom2d/nndist.m
delete mode 100644 inst/geom2d/readme.txt
create mode 100644 inst/geom3d/clipLine3d.m
copy inst/{polygons2d/polygonPoint.m => geom3d/createRotation3dLineAngle.m} (53%)
copy inst/{geom2d/findClosestPoint.m => geom3d/drawLine3d.m} (51%)
create mode 100644 inst/geom3d/drawPlane3d.m
create mode 100644 inst/geom3d/eulerAnglesToRotation3d.m
create mode 100644 inst/geom3d/intersectLineSphere.m
create mode 100644 inst/geom3d/linePosition3d.m
copy inst/{geom2d/findClosestPoint.m => geom3d/recenterTransform3d.m} (53%)
create mode 100644 inst/geom3d/rotation3dAxisAndAngle.m
copy inst/{geom2d/vectors2d.m => geom3d/transformLine3d.m} (60%)
create mode 100644 inst/geom3d/transformVector3d.m
create mode 100644 inst/graphs/boundedVoronoi2d.m
create mode 100644 inst/graphs/centroidalVoronoi2d.m
create mode 100644 inst/graphs/clipGraph.m
create mode 100644 inst/graphs/clipGraphPolygon.m
create mode 100644 inst/graphs/cvtUpdate.m
create mode 100644 inst/graphs/drawGraphEdges.m
create mode 100644 inst/graphs/drawNodeLabels.m
copy inst/{geom2d/findClosestPoint.m => graphs/grAdjacentEdges.m} (53%)
create mode 100644 inst/graphs/grAdjacentNodes.m
create mode 100644 inst/graphs/grEdgeLengths.m
create mode 100644 inst/graphs/grRemoveEdges.m
create mode 100644 inst/graphs/grShortestPath.m
create mode 100644 inst/meshes3d/boxToMesh.m
create mode 100644 inst/meshes3d/checkMeshAdjacentFaces.m
create mode 100644 inst/meshes3d/clipConvexPolyhedronHP.m
create mode 100644 inst/meshes3d/clipMeshVertices.m
create mode 100644 inst/meshes3d/createDodecahedron.m
create mode 100644 inst/meshes3d/createDurerPolyhedron.m
create mode 100644 inst/meshes3d/createIcosahedron.m
create mode 100644 inst/meshes3d/createMengerSponge.m
create mode 100644 inst/meshes3d/createOctahedron.m
copy inst/{polygons2d/polygonPoint.m => meshes3d/createRhombododecahedron.m} (50%)
copy inst/{polygons2d/polygonPoint.m => meshes3d/createSoccerBall.m} (52%)
copy inst/{polygons2d/polygonPoint.m => meshes3d/createTetrahedron.m} (52%)
create mode 100644 inst/meshes3d/createTetrakaidecahedron.m
create mode 100644 inst/meshes3d/cylinderMesh.m
copy inst/{polygons2d/polygonPoint.m => meshes3d/drawFaceNormals.m} (52%)
create mode 100644 inst/meshes3d/drawPolyhedron.m
create mode 100644 inst/meshes3d/ellipsoidMesh.m
create mode 100644 inst/meshes3d/faceCentroids.m
create mode 100644 inst/meshes3d/faceNormal.m
create mode 100644 inst/meshes3d/intersectLineMesh3d.m
create mode 100644 inst/meshes3d/intersectPlaneMesh.m
create mode 100644 inst/meshes3d/mergeCoplanarFaces.m
copy inst/{polygons2d/polygonPoint.m => meshes3d/meshAdjacencyMatrix.m} (50%)
create mode 100644 inst/meshes3d/meshDihedralAngles.m
create mode 100644 inst/meshes3d/meshEdgeFaces.m
rename inst/{geom2d/rad2deg.m => meshes3d/meshEdgeLength.m} (61%)
create mode 100644 inst/meshes3d/meshEdges.m
copy inst/{polygons2d/polygonPoint.m => meshes3d/meshFace.m} (52%)
copy inst/{polygons2d/polygonPoint.m => meshes3d/meshFaceAdjacency.m} (52%)
copy inst/{polygons2d/polygonPoint.m => meshes3d/meshFaceEdges.m} (52%)
rename inst/{geom2d/deg2rad.m => meshes3d/meshFaceNumber.m} (53%)
copy inst/{polygons2d/polygonPoint.m => meshes3d/meshFacePolygons.m} (52%)
create mode 100644 inst/meshes3d/meshSurfaceArea.m
create mode 100644 inst/meshes3d/meshVolume.m
create mode 100644 inst/meshes3d/minConvexHull.m
copy inst/{polygons2d/polygonPoint.m => meshes3d/polyhedra.m} (52%)
create mode 100644 inst/meshes3d/polyhedronCentroid.m
create mode 100644 inst/meshes3d/polyhedronMeanBreadth.m
create mode 100644 inst/meshes3d/polyhedronNormalAngle.m
create mode 100644 inst/meshes3d/polyhedronSlice.m
copy inst/{polygons2d/polygonPoint.m => meshes3d/readMesh_off.m} (52%)
create mode 100644 inst/meshes3d/removeMeshVertices.m
create mode 100644 inst/meshes3d/smoothMesh.m
create mode 100644 inst/meshes3d/sphereMesh.m
create mode 100644 inst/meshes3d/steinerPolytope.m
create mode 100644 inst/meshes3d/subdivideMesh.m
create mode 100644 inst/meshes3d/surfToMesh.m
copy inst/{polygons2d/polygonPoint.m => meshes3d/tetrahedronVolume.m} (53%)
create mode 100644 inst/meshes3d/torusMesh.m
create mode 100644 inst/meshes3d/triangulateFaces.m
create mode 100644 inst/meshes3d/trimMesh.m
create mode 100644 inst/meshes3d/trimeshEdgeFaces.m
create mode 100644 inst/meshes3d/trimeshMeanBreadth.m
copy inst/{polygons2d/polygonPoint.m => meshes3d/trimeshSurfaceArea.m} (52%)
create mode 100644 inst/meshes3d/vertexNormal.m
create mode 100644 inst/polygons2d/clipPolygon.m
create mode 100644 inst/polygons2d/clipPolygon_clipper.m
create mode 100644 inst/polygons2d/clipPolyline.m
create mode 100644 inst/polygons2d/clipPolyline_clipper.m
create mode 100644 inst/polygons2d/convexHull.m
create mode 100644 inst/polygons2d/intersectEdgePolygon.m
create mode 100644 inst/polygons2d/intersectLinePolygon.m
create mode 100644 inst/polygons2d/intersectPolylines.m
create mode 100644 inst/polygons2d/isPointInPolygon.m
create mode 100644 inst/polygons2d/isPolygonCCW.m
create mode 100644 inst/polygons2d/isPolygonCW_Clipper.m
create mode 100644 inst/polygons2d/joinPolygons.m
create mode 100644 inst/polygons2d/minimumCaliperDiameter.m
create mode 100644 inst/polygons2d/orientPolygon.m
create mode 100644 inst/polygons2d/polygon2patch.m
copy inst/{geom2d/findClosestPoint.m => polygons2d/polygonBounds.m} (52%)
create mode 100644 inst/polygons2d/polygonContains.m
create mode 100644 inst/polygons2d/private/__dbl2int64__.m
rename inst/polygons2d/{simplifypolygon.m => simplifyPolygon.m} (84%)
rename inst/polygons2d/{simplifypolyline.m => simplifyPolyline.m} (53%)
rename inst/shape2d/{shapeplot.m => plotShape.m} (52%)
rename inst/shape2d/{shapearea.m => shapeArea.m} (86%)
rename inst/shape2d/{shapecentroid.m => shapeCentroid.m} (84%)
rename inst/shape2d/{shapetransform.m => transformShape.m} (83%)
copy inst/{geom2d/transforms2d.m => utils/isAxisHandle.m} (56%)
create mode 100644 src/Makefile
create mode 100644 src/clipper.cpp
create mode 100644 src/clipper.hpp
create mode 100644 src/mexclipper.cpp
Alioth's /home/groups/pkg-octave/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-octave/octave-geometry.git
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