Error in commit! [Re: [Pkg-octave-devel] Include MPITB in "Other interesting Octave stuff"?]

Rafael Laboissiere Rafael Laboissiere <>
Tue, 12 Apr 2005 11:18:00 +0200

* Rafa Rodríguez Galván <> [2005-04-11 16:31]:

> I've followed your instructions, changed and
> made a "make USER=cucharro-guest". The result was an
> error message "eperl not found". I installed the eperl package 
> and typed the make command again, but obtained the
> error message that I've copied and pasted bellow (I suppose
> the key is in the tar error messages (¿a problem with
> permisions? The result is that
> is corrupted. I'll try to restore it from previous revision.

There was a bug in the Makefile, which is already fixed in svn.  Could you
please "svn up" and "make" again?  Actually, you *_must_* run these commands
agian in order to get the tmp.tgz file removed.  It was last by your upload
and, since it has no group permission, only you can do it.  The Makefile
does it for you, oitherwise, go to
alioth.d.o:/org/ and
remove it manually.

