[Pkg-octave-devel] Bug#299510: ctave-forge: setfields with empty argument list
"Dr. Jörg-Volker Peetz"
"Dr. Jörg-Volker Peetz" , 299510@bugs.debian.org
Wed, 06 Apr 2005 17:25:35 +0200
Package: octave-forge
Version: 2004.11.16-3
The function setfields in the file
is called with empty argument list, e.g., in the functions optimset and
read_options of the package octave-forge.
It seems to me that the function setfields is expected to return an
empty structure in this case but instead it gives an error message:
octave:2> optimset ('Display','off')
error: setfield: called with odd number of arguments
Compare also with bug report #299957.
I suggest a patch like this:
--- setfields.m-orig 2004-12-04 18:09:52.000000000 +0100
+++ setfields.m 2005-04-06 16:27:46.000000000 +0200
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@
## return error rather than trapping to keyboard
function s = setfields(s,varargin)
+if nargin == 0, s = {}; return; endif
if rem(nargin,2) != 1,
error('setfields: called with odd number of arguments\n') ;