[Pkg-octave-devel] New octave-epstk package

Rafael Laboissiere Rafael Laboissiere <rafael@debian.org>
Thu, 10 Feb 2005 23:39:13 +0100

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As you probably noticed, I added the octave-epstk package to the SVN
repository.  I already uploaded a new upstream release (version 2.0.2).  In
octave-epstk_2.0.2-2, I added a trivial patch of mine to allow a path-based
search of *.psd files (see the README.Debian attached below).  This changes
does not change the default behavior of epsTK.

I do not think that the upstream author would be interested in this patch,
since it uses the OCtave-specific function file_in_path.


Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="README.Debian"

octave-epstk for Debian

The Debian package for epsTK introduces an improvement as regards the path
for searching *.psd files (files containing symbols used in the edsymbol
function).  A new global variable called ePsdPath is available.  This
variable should contain a real path, like LOADPATH, allowing users to put
its own *.psd files in a private directory, without losing the access to the
*.psd files in ePath.  ePsdPath defaults to the value of ePath.

Two new symbol files are added: tria-center.psd and ftria-center.psd,
containing centered triangles.  The original tria.psd and ftria.psd symbols
have their reference points on one of the sides of the triangle.

 -- Rafael Laboissiere <rafael@debian.org>, 2005-01-10
