[Pkg-octave-devel] New octave-epstk package

Rafael Laboissiere Rafael Laboissiere <rafael@debian.org>
Fri, 11 Feb 2005 11:48:47 +0100

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Disposition: inline

* Rafael Laboissiere <rafael@debian.org> [2005-02-11 06:31]:

> You are right.  To make things clearer, I am attaching below the said patch.
> They are trivial one-line patches against edsymbol.m and eglobpar.m.

As we are at it, let me show you a patch that I am using privately here.  It
is attached below and seems longer than it really is, because many line
changes are just re-indentation of code.

This patch allows arbitrary text in the tics labels for the plot axes.  An
example of an output EPS file is attached below.  The desired labels are put
in the *ValueFormat global variables.  For the attached result I used the

  eXAxisNorthValueFormat = [" ";"FELL";" ";" ";" ";" ";" ";" ";" ";" "; \
    " ";"FEHL"];
  eXAxisSouthValueFormat = "";
  for i=1:11
    eXAxisSouthValueFormat = [eXAxisSouthValueFormat; (sprintf ("%d", i))];

In upstream epsTK, these variables are scalar integers specifying the
decimal precision of the labels.  With my patch, I detect if they are
vectors and, if it is the case, the elements of the vectors are printed
instead of the numeric tic labels.

There could be more elegant ways of doing this, but my solution has the
advantage of keeping the API backwards compatible.  This simple patch is
really useful for my research papers and I am wondering if there would be
interest to include it in the Debian package.  What do you think?


Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="50_axis-value-labels.dpatch"

#! /bin/sh /usr/share/dpatch/dpatch-run
## 50_axis-value-labels.dpatch by  <rafael@debian.org>
## All lines beginning with `## DP:' are a description of the patch.
## DP: Allow arbitrary labels to be plotted at axis tics


--- octave-epstk-2.0.2.orig/m/escalexy.m
+++ octave-epstk-2.0.2/m/escalexy.m
@@ -58,22 +58,23 @@
-  if vForm==0  
-    expo=-log10(deltaLabel);
-    if rem(expo,1)>0
-      expo=expo+1;
+  if is_scalar (vForm)
+    if vForm==0  
+      expo=-log10(deltaLabel);
+      if rem(expo,1)>0
+        expo=expo+1;
+      end
+      autoForm=fix(expo);
+      if autoForm>0
+        vForm=autoForm;
+      end
-    autoForm=fix(expo);
-    if autoForm>0
-      vForm=autoForm;
+    if vForm<0  
+      valueForm='%g';
+    else
+      valueForm=sprintf('%%1.%df',vForm);
-  end
-  if vForm<0  
-    valueForm='%g';
-  else
-    valueForm=sprintf('%%1.%df',vForm);
-  end
+  end  
   %start ticNo and offset
@@ -104,6 +105,7 @@
+  currentLabel=1;
   while signOfDelta*currentValue<=signOfDelta*endValue
@@ -122,6 +124,16 @@
+	if ! is_scalar (vForm)
+	  valueForm='%s';
+	  if size(vForm,1) >= currentLabel
+	    currentValue=vForm(currentLabel,:);
+            currentValue=currentValue(find(currentValue~=' '));
+	    currentLabel=currentLabel+1;
+	  else
+	    currentValue=' ';
+	  end
+        end

Content-Type: application/postscript
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="helene.eps"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

%!PS-Adobe-2.0 EPSF-2.0=0A%%Creator: epsTk 2.0.2 stefan.mueller@fgan.de 200=
4=0A%%Time: 10.2.2005 23:02:21=0A%%BoundingBox: 42 66 552 775=0A%%EndCommen=
ts=0A0.00 rotate=0A42 66 translate=0A1.00 1.00 scale=0A/GermanExtension[=0A=
8#374 /udieresis=0A8#334 /Udieresis=0A8#344 /adieresis=0A8#304 /Adieresis=
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tName findfont def=0A/nFont basefontdict maxlength dict def=0Abasefontdict{=
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roll put}=0A{exch nFont 3 1 roll put}ifelse}{pop pop} ifelse}forall=0AnFont=
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th 2 idiv=0A{nFont /Encoding get 3 1 roll put} repeat=0AnewFontName nFont d=
efinefont pop }def=0A(Times-Roman) (Times-RomanG) ReEncode=0A(Times-Italic)=
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ldItalic) (Times-BoldItalicG) ReEncode=0A(Helvetica) (HelveticaG) ReEncode=
=0A(Helvetica-Oblique) (Helvetica-ObliqueG) ReEncode=0A(Helvetica-Bold) (He=
lvetica-BoldG) ReEncode=0A(Helvetica-BoldOblique) (Helvetica-BoldObliqueG) =
ReEncode=0A(Courier) (CourierG) ReEncode=0A(Courier-Oblique) (Courier-Obliq=
ueG) ReEncode=0A(Courier-Bold) (Courier-BoldG) ReEncode=0A(Courier-BoldObli=
que) (Courier-BoldObliqueG) ReEncode=0A(Symbol) (SymbolG) ReEncode=0A113.39=
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r=0Anewpath=0A/Helvetica findfont 11 scalefont setfont=0A0.00 0.00 moveto=
=0A0 8.50 neg rlineto=0A0 -11.00 rmoveto=0A() dup stringwidth pop dup 2 div=
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 moveto=0A0 0.00 neg rlineto=0A14.17 0.00 moveto=0A0 0.00 neg rlineto=0A18.=
90 0.00 moveto=0A0 0.00 neg rlineto=0A23.62 0.00 moveto=0A0 8.50 neg rlinet=
o=0A0 -11.00 rmoveto=0A(1) dup stringwidth pop dup 2 div sub neg 0 rmoveto =
show=0A28.35 0.00 moveto=0A0 0.00 neg rlineto=0A33.07 0.00 moveto=0A0 0.00 =
neg rlineto=0A37.80 0.00 moveto=0A0 0.00 neg rlineto=0A42.52 0.00 moveto=0A=
0 0.00 neg rlineto=0A47.24 0.00 moveto=0A0 8.50 neg rlineto=0A0 -11.00 rmov=
eto=0A(2) dup stringwidth pop dup 2 div sub neg 0 rmoveto show=0A51.97 0.00=
 moveto=0A0 0.00 neg rlineto=0A56.69 0.00 moveto=0A0 0.00 neg rlineto=0A61.=
42 0.00 moveto=0A0 0.00 neg rlineto=0A66.14 0.00 moveto=0A0 0.00 neg rlinet=
o=0A70.87 0.00 moveto=0A0 8.50 neg rlineto=0A0 -11.00 rmoveto=0A(3) dup str=
ingwidth pop dup 2 div sub neg 0 rmoveto show=0A75.59 0.00 moveto=0A0 0.00 =
neg rlineto=0A80.31 0.00 moveto=0A0 0.00 neg rlineto=0A85.04 0.00 moveto=0A=
0 0.00 neg rlineto=0A89.76 0.00 moveto=0A0 0.00 neg rlineto=0A94.49 0.00 mo=
veto=0A0 8.50 neg rlineto=0A0 -11.00 rmoveto=0A(4) dup stringwidth pop dup =
2 div sub neg 0 rmoveto show=0A99.21 0.00 moveto=0A0 0.00 neg rlineto=0A103=
=2E94 0.00 moveto=0A0 0.00 neg rlineto=0A108.66 0.00 moveto=0A0 0.00 neg rl=
ineto=0A113.39 0.00 moveto=0A0 0.00 neg rlineto=0A118.11 0.00 moveto=0A0 8.=
50 neg rlineto=0A0 -11.00 rmoveto=0A(5) dup stringwidth pop dup 2 div sub n=
eg 0 rmoveto show=0A122.83 0.00 moveto=0A0 0.00 neg rlineto=0A127.56 0.00 m=
oveto=0A0 0.00 neg rlineto=0A132.28 0.00 moveto=0A0 0.00 neg rlineto=0A137.=
01 0.00 moveto=0A0 0.00 neg rlineto=0A141.73 0.00 moveto=0A0 8.50 neg rline=
to=0A0 -11.00 rmoveto=0A(6) dup stringwidth pop dup 2 div sub neg 0 rmoveto=
 show=0A146.46 0.00 moveto=0A0 0.00 neg rlineto=0A151.18 0.00 moveto=0A0 0.=
00 neg rlineto=0A155.91 0.00 moveto=0A0 0.00 neg rlineto=0A160.63 0.00 move=
to=0A0 0.00 neg rlineto=0A165.35 0.00 moveto=0A0 8.50 neg rlineto=0A0 -11.0=
0 rmoveto=0A(7) dup stringwidth pop dup 2 div sub neg 0 rmoveto show=0A170.=
08 0.00 moveto=0A0 0.00 neg rlineto=0A174.80 0.00 moveto=0A0 0.00 neg rline=
to=0A179.53 0.00 moveto=0A0 0.00 neg rlineto=0A184.25 0.00 moveto=0A0 0.00 =
neg rlineto=0A188.98 0.00 moveto=0A0 8.50 neg rlineto=0A0 -11.00 rmoveto=0A=
(8) dup stringwidth pop dup 2 div sub neg 0 rmoveto show=0A193.70 0.00 move=
to=0A0 0.00 neg rlineto=0A198.43 0.00 moveto=0A0 0.00 neg rlineto=0A203.15 =
0.00 moveto=0A0 0.00 neg rlineto=0A207.87 0.00 moveto=0A0 0.00 neg rlineto=
=0A212.60 0.00 moveto=0A0 8.50 neg rlineto=0A0 -11.00 rmoveto=0A(9) dup str=
ingwidth pop dup 2 div sub neg 0 rmoveto show=0A217.32 0.00 moveto=0A0 0.00=
 neg rlineto=0A222.05 0.00 moveto=0A0 0.00 neg rlineto=0A226.77 0.00 moveto=
=0A0 0.00 neg rlineto=0A231.50 0.00 moveto=0A0 0.00 neg rlineto=0A236.22 0.=
00 moveto=0A0 8.50 neg rlineto=0A0 -11.00 rmoveto=0A(10) dup stringwidth po=
p dup 2 div sub neg 0 rmoveto show=0A240.94 0.00 moveto=0A0 0.00 neg rlinet=
o=0A245.67 0.00 moveto=0A0 0.00 neg rlineto=0A250.39 0.00 moveto=0A0 0.00 n=
eg rlineto=0A255.12 0.00 moveto=0A0 0.00 neg rlineto=0A259.84 0.00 moveto=
=0A0 8.50 neg rlineto=0A0 -11.00 rmoveto=0A(11) dup stringwidth pop dup 2 d=
iv sub neg 0 rmoveto show=0A264.57 0.00 moveto=0A0 0.00 neg rlineto=0A269.2=
9 0.00 moveto=0A0 0.00 neg rlineto=0A274.02 0.00 moveto=0A0 0.00 neg rlinet=
o=0A278.74 0.00 moveto=0A0 0.00 neg rlineto=0A283.46 0.00 moveto=0A0 8.50 n=
eg rlineto=0A0 -11.00 rmoveto=0A( ) dup stringwidth pop dup 2 div sub neg 0=
 rmoveto show=0A0.00 0.00 moveto=0A283.46 0.00 rlineto=0A0.85 setlinewidth=
=0Astroke=0Asetrgbcolor=0A-0.00 rotate=0A-113.39 -283.46 translate=0A113.39=
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r=0Anewpath=0A/Helvetica findfont 11 scalefont setfont=0A0.00 0.00 moveto=
=0A0 8.50 rlineto=0A0 2.83 rmoveto=0A() dup stringwidth pop dup 2 div sub n=
eg 0 rmoveto show=0A4.72 0.00 moveto=0A0 0.00 rlineto=0A9.45 0.00 moveto=0A=
0 0.00 rlineto=0A14.17 0.00 moveto=0A0 0.00 rlineto=0A18.90 0.00 moveto=0A0=
 0.00 rlineto=0A23.62 0.00 moveto=0A0 8.50 rlineto=0A0 2.83 rmoveto=0A(FELL=
) dup stringwidth pop dup 2 div sub neg 0 rmoveto show=0A28.35 0.00 moveto=
=0A0 0.00 rlineto=0A33.07 0.00 moveto=0A0 0.00 rlineto=0A37.80 0.00 moveto=
=0A0 0.00 rlineto=0A42.52 0.00 moveto=0A0 0.00 rlineto=0A47.24 0.00 moveto=
=0A0 8.50 rlineto=0A0 2.83 rmoveto=0A() dup stringwidth pop dup 2 div sub n=
eg 0 rmoveto show=0A51.97 0.00 moveto=0A0 0.00 rlineto=0A56.69 0.00 moveto=
=0A0 0.00 rlineto=0A61.42 0.00 moveto=0A0 0.00 rlineto=0A66.14 0.00 moveto=
=0A0 0.00 rlineto=0A70.87 0.00 moveto=0A0 8.50 rlineto=0A0 2.83 rmoveto=0A(=
) dup stringwidth pop dup 2 div sub neg 0 rmoveto show=0A75.59 0.00 moveto=
=0A0 0.00 rlineto=0A80.31 0.00 moveto=0A0 0.00 rlineto=0A85.04 0.00 moveto=
=0A0 0.00 rlineto=0A89.76 0.00 moveto=0A0 0.00 rlineto=0A94.49 0.00 moveto=
=0A0 8.50 rlineto=0A0 2.83 rmoveto=0A() dup stringwidth pop dup 2 div sub n=
eg 0 rmoveto show=0A99.21 0.00 moveto=0A0 0.00 rlineto=0A103.94 0.00 moveto=
=0A0 0.00 rlineto=0A108.66 0.00 moveto=0A0 0.00 rlineto=0A113.39 0.00 movet=
o=0A0 0.00 rlineto=0A118.11 0.00 moveto=0A0 8.50 rlineto=0A0 2.83 rmoveto=
=0A() dup stringwidth pop dup 2 div sub neg 0 rmoveto show=0A122.83 0.00 mo=
veto=0A0 0.00 rlineto=0A127.56 0.00 moveto=0A0 0.00 rlineto=0A132.28 0.00 m=
oveto=0A0 0.00 rlineto=0A137.01 0.00 moveto=0A0 0.00 rlineto=0A141.73 0.00 =
moveto=0A0 8.50 rlineto=0A0 2.83 rmoveto=0A() dup stringwidth pop dup 2 div=
 sub neg 0 rmoveto show=0A146.46 0.00 moveto=0A0 0.00 rlineto=0A151.18 0.00=
 moveto=0A0 0.00 rlineto=0A155.91 0.00 moveto=0A0 0.00 rlineto=0A160.63 0.0=
0 moveto=0A0 0.00 rlineto=0A165.35 0.00 moveto=0A0 8.50 rlineto=0A0 2.83 rm=
oveto=0A() dup stringwidth pop dup 2 div sub neg 0 rmoveto show=0A170.08 0.=
00 moveto=0A0 0.00 rlineto=0A174.80 0.00 moveto=0A0 0.00 rlineto=0A179.53 0=
=2E00 moveto=0A0 0.00 rlineto=0A184.25 0.00 moveto=0A0 0.00 rlineto=0A188.9=
8 0.00 moveto=0A0 8.50 rlineto=0A0 2.83 rmoveto=0A() dup stringwidth pop du=
p 2 div sub neg 0 rmoveto show=0A193.70 0.00 moveto=0A0 0.00 rlineto=0A198.=
43 0.00 moveto=0A0 0.00 rlineto=0A203.15 0.00 moveto=0A0 0.00 rlineto=0A207=
=2E87 0.00 moveto=0A0 0.00 rlineto=0A212.60 0.00 moveto=0A0 8.50 rlineto=0A=
0 2.83 rmoveto=0A() dup stringwidth pop dup 2 div sub neg 0 rmoveto show=0A=
217.32 0.00 moveto=0A0 0.00 rlineto=0A222.05 0.00 moveto=0A0 0.00 rlineto=
=0A226.77 0.00 moveto=0A0 0.00 rlineto=0A231.50 0.00 moveto=0A0 0.00 rlinet=
o=0A236.22 0.00 moveto=0A0 8.50 rlineto=0A0 2.83 rmoveto=0A() dup stringwid=
th pop dup 2 div sub neg 0 rmoveto show=0A240.94 0.00 moveto=0A0 0.00 rline=
to=0A245.67 0.00 moveto=0A0 0.00 rlineto=0A250.39 0.00 moveto=0A0 0.00 rlin=
eto=0A255.12 0.00 moveto=0A0 0.00 rlineto=0A259.84 0.00 moveto=0A0 8.50 rli=
neto=0A0 2.83 rmoveto=0A(FEHL) dup stringwidth pop dup 2 div sub neg 0 rmov=
eto show=0A264.57 0.00 moveto=0A0 0.00 rlineto=0A269.29 0.00 moveto=0A0 0.0=
0 rlineto=0A274.02 0.00 moveto=0A0 0.00 rlineto=0A278.74 0.00 moveto=0A0 0.=
00 rlineto=0A283.46 0.00 moveto=0A0 8.50 rlineto=0A0 2.83 rmoveto=0A( ) dup=
 stringwidth pop dup 2 div sub neg 0 rmoveto show=0A0.00 0.00 moveto=0A283.=
46 0.00 rlineto=0A0.85 setlinewidth=0Astroke=0Asetrgbcolor=0A-0.00 rotate=
=0A-113.39 -566.93 translate=0A113.39 283.46 translate=0A0.00 rotate=0Acurr=
entrgbcolor 0.00 0.00 0.00 setrgbcolor=0Anewpath=0A/Helvetica findfont 11 s=
calefont setfont=0A0.00 4.72 moveto=0A0.00 neg 0 rlineto=0A0.00 14.17 movet=
o=0A0.00 neg 0 rlineto=0A0.00 23.62 moveto=0A8.50 neg 0 rlineto=0A-2.83 -11=
=2E34 0.28 mul rmoveto=0A(0) dup stringwidth pop neg 0 rmoveto show=0A0.00 =
33.07 moveto=0A0.00 neg 0 rlineto=0A0.00 42.52 moveto=0A0.00 neg 0 rlineto=
=0A0.00 51.97 moveto=0A0.00 neg 0 rlineto=0A0.00 61.42 moveto=0A0.00 neg 0 =
rlineto=0A0.00 70.87 moveto=0A8.50 neg 0 rlineto=0A-2.83 -11.34 0.28 mul rm=
oveto=0A(20) dup stringwidth pop neg 0 rmoveto show=0A0.00 80.31 moveto=0A0=
=2E00 neg 0 rlineto=0A0.00 89.76 moveto=0A0.00 neg 0 rlineto=0A0.00 99.21 m=
oveto=0A0.00 neg 0 rlineto=0A0.00 108.66 moveto=0A0.00 neg 0 rlineto=0A0.00=
 118.11 moveto=0A8.50 neg 0 rlineto=0A-2.83 -11.34 0.28 mul rmoveto=0A(40) =
dup stringwidth pop neg 0 rmoveto show=0A0.00 127.56 moveto=0A0.00 neg 0 rl=
ineto=0A0.00 137.01 moveto=0A0.00 neg 0 rlineto=0A0.00 146.46 moveto=0A0.00=
 neg 0 rlineto=0A0.00 155.91 moveto=0A0.00 neg 0 rlineto=0A0.00 165.35 move=
to=0A8.50 neg 0 rlineto=0A-2.83 -11.34 0.28 mul rmoveto=0A(60) dup stringwi=
dth pop neg 0 rmoveto show=0A0.00 174.80 moveto=0A0.00 neg 0 rlineto=0A0.00=
 184.25 moveto=0A0.00 neg 0 rlineto=0A0.00 193.70 moveto=0A0.00 neg 0 rline=
to=0A0.00 203.15 moveto=0A0.00 neg 0 rlineto=0A0.00 212.60 moveto=0A8.50 ne=
g 0 rlineto=0A-2.83 -11.34 0.28 mul rmoveto=0A(80) dup stringwidth pop neg =
0 rmoveto show=0A0.00 222.05 moveto=0A0.00 neg 0 rlineto=0A0.00 231.50 move=
to=0A0.00 neg 0 rlineto=0A0.00 240.94 moveto=0A0.00 neg 0 rlineto=0A0.00 25=
0.39 moveto=0A0.00 neg 0 rlineto=0A0.00 259.84 moveto=0A8.50 neg 0 rlineto=
=0A-2.83 -11.34 0.28 mul rmoveto=0A(100) dup stringwidth pop neg 0 rmoveto =
show=0A0.00 269.29 moveto=0A0.00 neg 0 rlineto=0A0.00 278.74 moveto=0A0.00 =
neg 0 rlineto=0A0.00 0.00 moveto=0A0.00 283.46 rlineto=0A0.85 setlinewidth=
=0Astroke=0Asetrgbcolor=0A-0.00 rotate=0A-113.39 -283.46 translate=0A396.85=
 283.46 translate=0A0.00 rotate=0Acurrentrgbcolor 0.00 0.00 0.00 setrgbcolo=
r=0Anewpath=0A/Helvetica findfont 11 scalefont setfont=0A0.00 4.72 moveto=
=0A0.00 0 rlineto=0A0.00 14.17 moveto=0A0.00 0 rlineto=0A0.00 23.62 moveto=
=0A8.50 0 rlineto=0A2.83 -11.34 0.28 mul rmoveto=0A(0) show=0A0.00 33.07 mo=
veto=0A0.00 0 rlineto=0A0.00 42.52 moveto=0A0.00 0 rlineto=0A0.00 51.97 mov=
eto=0A0.00 0 rlineto=0A0.00 61.42 moveto=0A0.00 0 rlineto=0A0.00 70.87 move=
to=0A8.50 0 rlineto=0A2.83 -11.34 0.28 mul rmoveto=0A(20) show=0A0.00 80.31=
 moveto=0A0.00 0 rlineto=0A0.00 89.76 moveto=0A0.00 0 rlineto=0A0.00 99.21 =
moveto=0A0.00 0 rlineto=0A0.00 108.66 moveto=0A0.00 0 rlineto=0A0.00 118.11=
 moveto=0A8.50 0 rlineto=0A2.83 -11.34 0.28 mul rmoveto=0A(40) show=0A0.00 =
127.56 moveto=0A0.00 0 rlineto=0A0.00 137.01 moveto=0A0.00 0 rlineto=0A0.00=
 146.46 moveto=0A0.00 0 rlineto=0A0.00 155.91 moveto=0A0.00 0 rlineto=0A0.0=
0 165.35 moveto=0A8.50 0 rlineto=0A2.83 -11.34 0.28 mul rmoveto=0A(60) show=
=0A0.00 174.80 moveto=0A0.00 0 rlineto=0A0.00 184.25 moveto=0A0.00 0 rlinet=
o=0A0.00 193.70 moveto=0A0.00 0 rlineto=0A0.00 203.15 moveto=0A0.00 0 rline=
to=0A0.00 212.60 moveto=0A8.50 0 rlineto=0A2.83 -11.34 0.28 mul rmoveto=0A(=
80) show=0A0.00 222.05 moveto=0A0.00 0 rlineto=0A0.00 231.50 moveto=0A0.00 =
0 rlineto=0A0.00 240.94 moveto=0A0.00 0 rlineto=0A0.00 250.39 moveto=0A0.00=
 0 rlineto=0A0.00 259.84 moveto=0A8.50 0 rlineto=0A2.83 -11.34 0.28 mul rmo=
veto=0A(100) show=0A0.00 269.29 moveto=0A0.00 0 rlineto=0A0.00 278.74 movet=
o=0A0.00 0 rlineto=0A0.00 0.00 moveto=0A0.00 283.46 rlineto=0A0.85 setlinew=
idth=0Astroke=0Asetrgbcolor=0A-0.00 rotate=0A-396.85 -283.46 translate=0Acu=
rrentrgbcolor 0.00 0.00 0.00 setrgbcolor=0A73.70 425.20 moveto=0A/Helvetica=
G                 findfont 11.34 scalefont setfont=0A(% of FELL responses) =
stringwidth pop 2 div 90.00 2 copy=0Acos mul 3 1 roll sin mul=0Agsave 90.00=
 rotate=0A(% of FELL responses) dup stringwidth pop dup 2 div sub neg 0 rmo=
veto show=0Agrestore rmoveto=0A/bullet-red { gsave 0.00 0.00 translate =0A0=
=2E00 rotate=0A0.30 0.30 scale=0A1.00 0.00 0.00 setrgbcolor=0A/mm {2.83 mul=
} def=0A/radius {5 mm} def=0A%draw filled ring=0Anewpath=0A0 0 radius dup 0=
 moveto 0 360 arc=0Afill=0A=0A grestore }def=0A/bullet-green { gsave 0.00 0=
=2E00 translate =0A0.00 rotate=0A0.30 0.30 scale=0A0.00 0.70 0.00 setrgbcol=
or=0A/mm {2.83 mul} def=0A/height {10 mm} def=0A/width {10 mm} def=0A%draw =
 filled recangle=0Anewpath=0Awidth 2 div height 2 div 2 copy moveto=0A2 cop=
y exch neg exch lineto =0A2 copy exch neg exch neg lineto =0Aneg lineto =0A=
closepath =0Afill=0Astroke=0A=0A grestore }def=0A/bullet-blue { gsave 0.00 =
0.00 translate =0A0.00 rotate=0A0.40 0.40 scale=0A0.00 0.50 1.00 setrgbcolo=
r=0A% -*- postscript -*-=0A/mm {2.83 mul} def=0A/height {8.6603 mm} def=0A/=
width {10 mm} def=0A%draw filled triangle=0Anewpath=0Awidth 2 div neg heigh=
t 3 div neg 2 copy moveto=0A0 height 3 div 2 mul lineto=0Awidth 2 div heigh=
t 3 div neg lineto lineto=0Aclosepath=0Afill=0Astroke=0A=0A grestore }def=
=0Acurrentrgbcolor 0.00 0.00 0.00 setrgbcolor=0A255.12 623.62 moveto=0A/Tim=
es-RomanG               findfont 17.01 scalefont setfont=0A(Results for Hel=
ene) dup stringwidth pop dup 2 div sub neg 0 rmoveto show=0Agsave newpath 1=
13.39 283.46 moveto=0A396.85 283.46 lineto=0A396.85 566.93 lineto=0A113.39 =
566.93 lineto closepath clip=0A/pdata[23.62 259.84 1.00 1.00 0.00 47.24 259=
=2E84 1.00 1.00 0.00 70.87 259.84 1.00 1.00 0.00 94.49 259.84 1.00 1.00 0.0=
0 118.11 259.84 1.00 1.00 0.00 141.73 259.84 1.00 1.00 0.00 165.35 259.84 1=
=2E00 1.00 0.00 188.98 23.62 1.00 1.00 0.00 212.60 23.62 1.00 1.00 0.00 236=
=2E22 23.62 1.00 1.00 0.00 259.84 23.62 1.00 1.00 0.00 ] def=0Acurrentrgbco=
lor 0.00 0.00 0.00 setrgbcolor=0A113.39 283.46 translate=0A0 5 pdata length=
 5 sub=0A{ gsave dup dup dup dup pdata exch get=0Aexch 1 add pdata exch get=
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pdata exch get scale=0A bullet-red grestore }for=0A-113.39 -283.46 translat=
e=0Asetrgbcolor=0Agrestore=0Acurrentrgbcolor 0.00 0.00 0.00 setrgbcolor=0A1=
04.88 226.77 moveto=0A/Times-RomanG               findfont 11.34 scalefont =
setfont=0A((alone)) show=0Acurrentrgbcolor 0.00 0.00 0.00 setrgbcolor=0A83.=
62 229.61 2 copy translate 0 0 moveto=0Abullet-red neg exch neg exch transl=
ate=0Asetrgbcolor=0Agsave newpath 113.39 283.46 moveto=0A396.85 283.46 line=
to=0A396.85 566.93 lineto=0A113.39 566.93 lineto closepath clip=0A/plotdata=
[23.62 259.84 47.24 259.84 70.87 259.84 94.49 259.84 118.11 259.84 141.73 2=
59.84 165.35 259.84 188.98 23.62 212.60 23.62 236.22 23.62 259.84 23.62 ] d=
ef=0Acurrentrgbcolor 0.70 0.00 0.00 setrgbcolor=0A113.39 283.46 translate=
=0Anewpath=0Aplotdata 0 get plotdata 1 get moveto=0A2 2 plotdata length 2 s=
ub=0A{ dup plotdata exch get=0Aexch 1 add plotdata exch get=0Alineto } for=
=0A0.85 setlinewidth=0Astroke=0A-113.39 -283.46 translate=0Asetrgbcolor=0Ag=
restore=0Agsave newpath 113.39 283.46 moveto=0A396.85 283.46 lineto=0A396.8=
5 566.93 lineto=0A113.39 566.93 lineto closepath clip=0A/pdata[23.62 259.84=
 1.00 1.00 0.00 47.24 259.84 1.00 1.00 0.00 70.87 259.84 1.00 1.00 0.00 94.=
49 259.84 1.00 1.00 0.00 118.11 212.60 1.00 1.00 0.00 141.73 165.35 1.00 1.=
00 0.00 165.35 188.98 1.00 1.00 0.00 188.98 70.87 1.00 1.00 0.00 212.60 23.=
62 1.00 1.00 0.00 236.22 23.62 1.00 1.00 0.00 259.84 47.24 1.00 1.00 0.00 ]=
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=0A0 5 pdata length 5 sub=0A{ gsave dup dup dup dup pdata exch get=0Aexch 1=
 add pdata exch get translate=0A4 add pdata exch get rotate=0A2 add pdata e=
xch get exch 3 add pdata exch get scale=0A bullet-green grestore }for=0A-11=
3.39 -283.46 translate=0Asetrgbcolor=0Agrestore=0Acurrentrgbcolor 0.00 0.00=
 0.00 setrgbcolor=0A104.88 210.57 moveto=0A/Times-RomanG               find=
font 11.34 scalefont setfont=0A(before FALL) show=0Acurrentrgbcolor 0.00 0.=
00 0.00 setrgbcolor=0A83.62 213.41 2 copy translate 0 0 moveto=0Abullet-gre=
en neg exch neg exch translate=0Asetrgbcolor=0Agsave newpath 113.39 283.46 =
moveto=0A396.85 283.46 lineto=0A396.85 566.93 lineto=0A113.39 566.93 lineto=
 closepath clip=0A/plotdata[23.62 259.84 47.24 259.84 70.87 259.84 94.49 25=
9.84 118.11 212.60 141.73 165.35 165.35 188.98 188.98 70.87 212.60 23.62 23=
6.22 23.62 259.84 47.24 ] def=0Acurrentrgbcolor 0.00 0.50 0.00 setrgbcolor=
=0A113.39 283.46 translate=0Anewpath=0Aplotdata 0 get plotdata 1 get moveto=
=0A2 2 plotdata length 2 sub=0A{ dup plotdata exch get=0Aexch 1 add plotdat=
a exch get=0Alineto } for=0A0.85 setlinewidth=0Astroke=0A-113.39 -283.46 tr=
anslate=0Asetrgbcolor=0Agrestore=0Agsave newpath 113.39 283.46 moveto=0A396=
=2E85 283.46 lineto=0A396.85 566.93 lineto=0A113.39 566.93 lineto closepath=
 clip=0A/pdata[23.62 259.84 1.00 1.00 0.00 47.24 259.84 1.00 1.00 0.00 70.8=
7 259.84 1.00 1.00 0.00 94.49 236.22 1.00 1.00 0.00 118.11 259.84 1.00 1.00=
 0.00 141.73 259.84 1.00 1.00 0.00 165.35 236.22 1.00 1.00 0.00 188.98 165.=
35 1.00 1.00 0.00 212.60 94.49 1.00 1.00 0.00 236.22 94.49 1.00 1.00 0.00 2=
59.84 23.62 1.00 1.00 0.00 ] def=0Acurrentrgbcolor 0.00 0.00 0.00 setrgbcol=
or=0A113.39 283.46 translate=0A0 5 pdata length 5 sub=0A{ gsave dup dup dup=
 dup pdata exch get=0Aexch 1 add pdata exch get translate=0A4 add pdata exc=
h get rotate=0A2 add pdata exch get exch 3 add pdata exch get scale=0A bull=
et-blue grestore }for=0A-113.39 -283.46 translate=0Asetrgbcolor=0Agrestore=
=0Acurrentrgbcolor 0.00 0.00 0.00 setrgbcolor=0A104.88 194.38 moveto=0A/Tim=
es-RomanG               findfont 11.34 scalefont setfont=0A(before VIEL) sh=
ow=0Acurrentrgbcolor 0.00 0.00 0.00 setrgbcolor=0A83.62 197.21 2 copy trans=
late 0 0 moveto=0Abullet-blue neg exch neg exch translate=0Asetrgbcolor=0Ag=
save newpath 113.39 283.46 moveto=0A396.85 283.46 lineto=0A396.85 566.93 li=
neto=0A113.39 566.93 lineto closepath clip=0A/plotdata[23.62 259.84 47.24 2=
59.84 70.87 259.84 94.49 236.22 118.11 259.84 141.73 259.84 165.35 236.22 1=
88.98 165.35 212.60 94.49 236.22 94.49 259.84 23.62 ] def=0Acurrentrgbcolor=
 0.00 0.00 1.00 setrgbcolor=0A113.39 283.46 translate=0Anewpath=0Aplotdata =
0 get plotdata 1 get moveto=0A2 2 plotdata length 2 sub=0A{ dup plotdata ex=
ch get=0Aexch 1 add plotdata exch get=0Alineto } for=0A0.85 setlinewidth=0A=
stroke=0A-113.39 -283.46 translate=0Asetrgbcolor=0Agrestore=0A113.39 283.46=
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path=0A/Helvetica findfont 11 scalefont setfont=0A0.00 0.00 moveto=0A0 8.50=
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0 rmoveto show=0A4.72 0.00 moveto=0A0 0.00 neg rlineto=0A9.45 0.00 moveto=
=0A0 0.00 neg rlineto=0A14.17 0.00 moveto=0A0 0.00 neg rlineto=0A18.90 0.00=
 moveto=0A0 0.00 neg rlineto=0A23.62 0.00 moveto=0A0 8.50 neg rlineto=0A0 -=
11.00 rmoveto=0A(1) dup stringwidth pop dup 2 div sub neg 0 rmoveto show=0A=
28.35 0.00 moveto=0A0 0.00 neg rlineto=0A33.07 0.00 moveto=0A0 0.00 neg rli=
neto=0A37.80 0.00 moveto=0A0 0.00 neg rlineto=0A42.52 0.00 moveto=0A0 0.00 =
neg rlineto=0A47.24 0.00 moveto=0A0 8.50 neg rlineto=0A0 -11.00 rmoveto=0A(=
2) dup stringwidth pop dup 2 div sub neg 0 rmoveto show=0A51.97 0.00 moveto=
=0A0 0.00 neg rlineto=0A56.69 0.00 moveto=0A0 0.00 neg rlineto=0A61.42 0.00=
 moveto=0A0 0.00 neg rlineto=0A66.14 0.00 moveto=0A0 0.00 neg rlineto=0A70.=
87 0.00 moveto=0A0 8.50 neg rlineto=0A0 -11.00 rmoveto=0A(3) dup stringwidt=
h pop dup 2 div sub neg 0 rmoveto show=0A75.59 0.00 moveto=0A0 0.00 neg rli=
neto=0A80.31 0.00 moveto=0A0 0.00 neg rlineto=0A85.04 0.00 moveto=0A0 0.00 =
neg rlineto=0A89.76 0.00 moveto=0A0 0.00 neg rlineto=0A94.49 0.00 moveto=0A=
0 8.50 neg rlineto=0A0 -11.00 rmoveto=0A(4) dup stringwidth pop dup 2 div s=
ub neg 0 rmoveto show=0A99.21 0.00 moveto=0A0 0.00 neg rlineto=0A103.94 0.0=
0 moveto=0A0 0.00 neg rlineto=0A108.66 0.00 moveto=0A0 0.00 neg rlineto=0A1=
13.39 0.00 moveto=0A0 0.00 neg rlineto=0A118.11 0.00 moveto=0A0 8.50 neg rl=
ineto=0A0 -11.00 rmoveto=0A(5) dup stringwidth pop dup 2 div sub neg 0 rmov=
eto show=0A122.83 0.00 moveto=0A0 0.00 neg rlineto=0A127.56 0.00 moveto=0A0=
 0.00 neg rlineto=0A132.28 0.00 moveto=0A0 0.00 neg rlineto=0A137.01 0.00 m=
oveto=0A0 0.00 neg rlineto=0A141.73 0.00 moveto=0A0 8.50 neg rlineto=0A0 -1=
1.00 rmoveto=0A(6) dup stringwidth pop dup 2 div sub neg 0 rmoveto show=0A1=
46.46 0.00 moveto=0A0 0.00 neg rlineto=0A151.18 0.00 moveto=0A0 0.00 neg rl=
ineto=0A155.91 0.00 moveto=0A0 0.00 neg rlineto=0A160.63 0.00 moveto=0A0 0.=
00 neg rlineto=0A165.35 0.00 moveto=0A0 8.50 neg rlineto=0A0 -11.00 rmoveto=
=0A(7) dup stringwidth pop dup 2 div sub neg 0 rmoveto show=0A170.08 0.00 m=
oveto=0A0 0.00 neg rlineto=0A174.80 0.00 moveto=0A0 0.00 neg rlineto=0A179.=
53 0.00 moveto=0A0 0.00 neg rlineto=0A184.25 0.00 moveto=0A0 0.00 neg rline=
to=0A188.98 0.00 moveto=0A0 8.50 neg rlineto=0A0 -11.00 rmoveto=0A(8) dup s=
tringwidth pop dup 2 div sub neg 0 rmoveto show=0A193.70 0.00 moveto=0A0 0.=
00 neg rlineto=0A198.43 0.00 moveto=0A0 0.00 neg rlineto=0A203.15 0.00 move=
to=0A0 0.00 neg rlineto=0A207.87 0.00 moveto=0A0 0.00 neg rlineto=0A212.60 =
0.00 moveto=0A0 8.50 neg rlineto=0A0 -11.00 rmoveto=0A(9) dup stringwidth p=
op dup 2 div sub neg 0 rmoveto show=0A217.32 0.00 moveto=0A0 0.00 neg rline=
to=0A222.05 0.00 moveto=0A0 0.00 neg rlineto=0A226.77 0.00 moveto=0A0 0.00 =
neg rlineto=0A231.50 0.00 moveto=0A0 0.00 neg rlineto=0A236.22 0.00 moveto=
=0A0 8.50 neg rlineto=0A0 -11.00 rmoveto=0A(10) dup stringwidth pop dup 2 d=
iv sub neg 0 rmoveto show=0A240.94 0.00 moveto=0A0 0.00 neg rlineto=0A245.6=
7 0.00 moveto=0A0 0.00 neg rlineto=0A250.39 0.00 moveto=0A0 0.00 neg rlinet=
o=0A255.12 0.00 moveto=0A0 0.00 neg rlineto=0A259.84 0.00 moveto=0A0 8.50 n=
eg rlineto=0A0 -11.00 rmoveto=0A(11) dup stringwidth pop dup 2 div sub neg =
0 rmoveto show=0A264.57 0.00 moveto=0A0 0.00 neg rlineto=0A269.29 0.00 move=
to=0A0 0.00 neg rlineto=0A274.02 0.00 moveto=0A0 0.00 neg rlineto=0A278.74 =
0.00 moveto=0A0 0.00 neg rlineto=0A283.46 0.00 moveto=0A0 8.50 neg rlineto=
=0A0 -11.00 rmoveto=0A( ) dup stringwidth pop dup 2 div sub neg 0 rmoveto s=
how=0A0.00 0.00 moveto=0A283.46 0.00 rlineto=0A0.85 setlinewidth=0Astroke=
=0Asetrgbcolor=0A-0.00 rotate=0A-113.39 -283.46 translate=0A113.39 566.93 t=
ranslate=0A0.00 rotate=0Acurrentrgbcolor 0.00 0.00 0.00 setrgbcolor=0Anewpa=
th=0A/Helvetica findfont 11 scalefont setfont=0A0.00 0.00 moveto=0A0 8.50 r=
lineto=0A0 2.83 rmoveto=0A() dup stringwidth pop dup 2 div sub neg 0 rmovet=
o show=0A4.72 0.00 moveto=0A0 0.00 rlineto=0A9.45 0.00 moveto=0A0 0.00 rlin=
eto=0A14.17 0.00 moveto=0A0 0.00 rlineto=0A18.90 0.00 moveto=0A0 0.00 rline=
to=0A23.62 0.00 moveto=0A0 8.50 rlineto=0A0 2.83 rmoveto=0A(FELL) dup strin=
gwidth pop dup 2 div sub neg 0 rmoveto show=0A28.35 0.00 moveto=0A0 0.00 rl=
ineto=0A33.07 0.00 moveto=0A0 0.00 rlineto=0A37.80 0.00 moveto=0A0 0.00 rli=
neto=0A42.52 0.00 moveto=0A0 0.00 rlineto=0A47.24 0.00 moveto=0A0 8.50 rlin=
eto=0A0 2.83 rmoveto=0A() dup stringwidth pop dup 2 div sub neg 0 rmoveto s=
how=0A51.97 0.00 moveto=0A0 0.00 rlineto=0A56.69 0.00 moveto=0A0 0.00 rline=
to=0A61.42 0.00 moveto=0A0 0.00 rlineto=0A66.14 0.00 moveto=0A0 0.00 rlinet=
o=0A70.87 0.00 moveto=0A0 8.50 rlineto=0A0 2.83 rmoveto=0A() dup stringwidt=
h pop dup 2 div sub neg 0 rmoveto show=0A75.59 0.00 moveto=0A0 0.00 rlineto=
=0A80.31 0.00 moveto=0A0 0.00 rlineto=0A85.04 0.00 moveto=0A0 0.00 rlineto=
=0A89.76 0.00 moveto=0A0 0.00 rlineto=0A94.49 0.00 moveto=0A0 8.50 rlineto=
=0A0 2.83 rmoveto=0A() dup stringwidth pop dup 2 div sub neg 0 rmoveto show=
=0A99.21 0.00 moveto=0A0 0.00 rlineto=0A103.94 0.00 moveto=0A0 0.00 rlineto=
=0A108.66 0.00 moveto=0A0 0.00 rlineto=0A113.39 0.00 moveto=0A0 0.00 rlinet=
o=0A118.11 0.00 moveto=0A0 8.50 rlineto=0A0 2.83 rmoveto=0A() dup stringwid=
th pop dup 2 div sub neg 0 rmoveto show=0A122.83 0.00 moveto=0A0 0.00 rline=
to=0A127.56 0.00 moveto=0A0 0.00 rlineto=0A132.28 0.00 moveto=0A0 0.00 rlin=
eto=0A137.01 0.00 moveto=0A0 0.00 rlineto=0A141.73 0.00 moveto=0A0 8.50 rli=
neto=0A0 2.83 rmoveto=0A() dup stringwidth pop dup 2 div sub neg 0 rmoveto =
show=0A146.46 0.00 moveto=0A0 0.00 rlineto=0A151.18 0.00 moveto=0A0 0.00 rl=
ineto=0A155.91 0.00 moveto=0A0 0.00 rlineto=0A160.63 0.00 moveto=0A0 0.00 r=
lineto=0A165.35 0.00 moveto=0A0 8.50 rlineto=0A0 2.83 rmoveto=0A() dup stri=
ngwidth pop dup 2 div sub neg 0 rmoveto show=0A170.08 0.00 moveto=0A0 0.00 =
rlineto=0A174.80 0.00 moveto=0A0 0.00 rlineto=0A179.53 0.00 moveto=0A0 0.00=
 rlineto=0A184.25 0.00 moveto=0A0 0.00 rlineto=0A188.98 0.00 moveto=0A0 8.5=
0 rlineto=0A0 2.83 rmoveto=0A() dup stringwidth pop dup 2 div sub neg 0 rmo=
veto show=0A193.70 0.00 moveto=0A0 0.00 rlineto=0A198.43 0.00 moveto=0A0 0.=
00 rlineto=0A203.15 0.00 moveto=0A0 0.00 rlineto=0A207.87 0.00 moveto=0A0 0=
=2E00 rlineto=0A212.60 0.00 moveto=0A0 8.50 rlineto=0A0 2.83 rmoveto=0A() d=
up stringwidth pop dup 2 div sub neg 0 rmoveto show=0A217.32 0.00 moveto=0A=
0 0.00 rlineto=0A222.05 0.00 moveto=0A0 0.00 rlineto=0A226.77 0.00 moveto=
=0A0 0.00 rlineto=0A231.50 0.00 moveto=0A0 0.00 rlineto=0A236.22 0.00 movet=
o=0A0 8.50 rlineto=0A0 2.83 rmoveto=0A() dup stringwidth pop dup 2 div sub =
neg 0 rmoveto show=0A240.94 0.00 moveto=0A0 0.00 rlineto=0A245.67 0.00 move=
to=0A0 0.00 rlineto=0A250.39 0.00 moveto=0A0 0.00 rlineto=0A255.12 0.00 mov=
eto=0A0 0.00 rlineto=0A259.84 0.00 moveto=0A0 8.50 rlineto=0A0 2.83 rmoveto=
=0A(FEHL) dup stringwidth pop dup 2 div sub neg 0 rmoveto show=0A264.57 0.0=
0 moveto=0A0 0.00 rlineto=0A269.29 0.00 moveto=0A0 0.00 rlineto=0A274.02 0.=
00 moveto=0A0 0.00 rlineto=0A278.74 0.00 moveto=0A0 0.00 rlineto=0A283.46 0=
=2E00 moveto=0A0 8.50 rlineto=0A0 2.83 rmoveto=0A( ) dup stringwidth pop du=
p 2 div sub neg 0 rmoveto show=0A0.00 0.00 moveto=0A283.46 0.00 rlineto=0A0=
=2E85 setlinewidth=0Astroke=0Asetrgbcolor=0A-0.00 rotate=0A-113.39 -566.93 =
translate=0A113.39 283.46 translate=0A0.00 rotate=0Acurrentrgbcolor 0.00 0.=
00 0.00 setrgbcolor=0Anewpath=0A/Helvetica findfont 11 scalefont setfont=0A=
0.00 4.72 moveto=0A0.00 neg 0 rlineto=0A0.00 14.17 moveto=0A0.00 neg 0 rlin=
eto=0A0.00 23.62 moveto=0A8.50 neg 0 rlineto=0A-2.83 -11.34 0.28 mul rmovet=
o=0A(0) dup stringwidth pop neg 0 rmoveto show=0A0.00 33.07 moveto=0A0.00 n=
eg 0 rlineto=0A0.00 42.52 moveto=0A0.00 neg 0 rlineto=0A0.00 51.97 moveto=
=0A0.00 neg 0 rlineto=0A0.00 61.42 moveto=0A0.00 neg 0 rlineto=0A0.00 70.87=
 moveto=0A8.50 neg 0 rlineto=0A-2.83 -11.34 0.28 mul rmoveto=0A(20) dup str=
ingwidth pop neg 0 rmoveto show=0A0.00 80.31 moveto=0A0.00 neg 0 rlineto=0A=
0.00 89.76 moveto=0A0.00 neg 0 rlineto=0A0.00 99.21 moveto=0A0.00 neg 0 rli=
neto=0A0.00 108.66 moveto=0A0.00 neg 0 rlineto=0A0.00 118.11 moveto=0A8.50 =
neg 0 rlineto=0A-2.83 -11.34 0.28 mul rmoveto=0A(40) dup stringwidth pop ne=
g 0 rmoveto show=0A0.00 127.56 moveto=0A0.00 neg 0 rlineto=0A0.00 137.01 mo=
veto=0A0.00 neg 0 rlineto=0A0.00 146.46 moveto=0A0.00 neg 0 rlineto=0A0.00 =
155.91 moveto=0A0.00 neg 0 rlineto=0A0.00 165.35 moveto=0A8.50 neg 0 rlinet=
o=0A-2.83 -11.34 0.28 mul rmoveto=0A(60) dup stringwidth pop neg 0 rmoveto =
show=0A0.00 174.80 moveto=0A0.00 neg 0 rlineto=0A0.00 184.25 moveto=0A0.00 =
neg 0 rlineto=0A0.00 193.70 moveto=0A0.00 neg 0 rlineto=0A0.00 203.15 movet=
o=0A0.00 neg 0 rlineto=0A0.00 212.60 moveto=0A8.50 neg 0 rlineto=0A-2.83 -1=
1.34 0.28 mul rmoveto=0A(80) dup stringwidth pop neg 0 rmoveto show=0A0.00 =
222.05 moveto=0A0.00 neg 0 rlineto=0A0.00 231.50 moveto=0A0.00 neg 0 rlinet=
o=0A0.00 240.94 moveto=0A0.00 neg 0 rlineto=0A0.00 250.39 moveto=0A0.00 neg=
 0 rlineto=0A0.00 259.84 moveto=0A8.50 neg 0 rlineto=0A-2.83 -11.34 0.28 mu=
l rmoveto=0A(100) dup stringwidth pop neg 0 rmoveto show=0A0.00 269.29 move=
to=0A0.00 neg 0 rlineto=0A0.00 278.74 moveto=0A0.00 neg 0 rlineto=0A0.00 0.=
00 moveto=0A0.00 283.46 rlineto=0A0.85 setlinewidth=0Astroke=0Asetrgbcolor=
=0A-0.00 rotate=0A-113.39 -283.46 translate=0A396.85 283.46 translate=0A0.0=
0 rotate=0Acurrentrgbcolor 0.00 0.00 0.00 setrgbcolor=0Anewpath=0A/Helvetic=
a findfont 11 scalefont setfont=0A0.00 4.72 moveto=0A0.00 0 rlineto=0A0.00 =
14.17 moveto=0A0.00 0 rlineto=0A0.00 23.62 moveto=0A8.50 0 rlineto=0A2.83 -=
11.34 0.28 mul rmoveto=0A(0) show=0A0.00 33.07 moveto=0A0.00 0 rlineto=0A0.=
00 42.52 moveto=0A0.00 0 rlineto=0A0.00 51.97 moveto=0A0.00 0 rlineto=0A0.0=
0 61.42 moveto=0A0.00 0 rlineto=0A0.00 70.87 moveto=0A8.50 0 rlineto=0A2.83=
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=0A0.00 89.76 moveto=0A0.00 0 rlineto=0A0.00 99.21 moveto=0A0.00 0 rlineto=
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