[Pkg-octave-devel] All packages are in SVN now

Rafa Rodriguez Galvan rafael.rodriguez@uca.es
Sat, 19 Feb 2005 17:23:18 +0100

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El s=E1b, 19-02-2005 a las 13:12, Isaac Clerencia escribi=F3:
> On Saturday, 19 de February de 2005 13:07, Isaac Clerencia wrote:
> > svn co svn+ssh://cucharro-guest@svn.debian.org/svn/pkg-octave
> >
> > should also work and is easier :)
> Yet another solution, probably the best one, adding to your .ssh/ssh_conf=
> something like:
> Host svn.debian.org
> User cucharro-guest

Strange but, though it is logical what you say, none of this=20
solutions works for me...

Regarding the first one, I had tested it before my previous
posting to the list, with no success. If I try it, this is the

| cucharro@luna:~/tmp$ svn co =20
| svn+ssh://cucharro-guest@svn.debian.org/svn/pkg-octave
| Password:
| Password:
| Password:
| cucharro@svn.debian.org's password:

I enter the password tree times with no success and the fourth=20
one cucharro@svn.debian.org's password is requested (wrongly).

With respect to the second one, I have just tested it and
neither works:

| cucharro@luna:~/tmp$ cat /home/cucharro/.ssh/ssh_config
| Host svn.debian.org
| User cucharro-guest
| cucharro@luna:~/tmp$ svn co svn+ssh://svn.debian.org/svn/pkg-octave=20
| Password:
| Password:
| Password:
| cucharro@svn.debian.org's password:

I have read in the svn book another solution: edit ~/.subversion/config=20
to contain

| [tunnels]
| ssh =3D ssh -l cucharro-guest

I have tested it and works fine. The problem of this solution is that
asumes the same user name for all svn+ssh servers, I would prefer the=20
.ssh/ssh_config. It's a pity (almost a subversion bug) if it
isn't recognised by subversion.

J. Rafael Rodriguez Galvan.
Cadiz University (UCA).                 OSLUCA (Free Software Office, UCA)
Department of Mathematics.                 [1] http://softwarelibre.uca.es

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