[Pkg-octave-devel] Bug#299957: Incorrect arguments given to setfields in vrml_PointLight.m

Edward C. Jones "Edward C. Jones" <edcjones@comcast.net>, 299957@bugs.debian.org
Thu, 17 Mar 2005 09:44:20 -0500

Package: octave-forge
Version: 2004.11.16-6

Enter octave and run test_vmesh:

 > octave
octave:1> test_vmesh
test_vmesh :
Display a surface.
error: setfields: called with odd number of arguments

The bug is in main/vmrl/vrml_PointLight.m, lines 27-29

  h = struct ();

  if nargin, h = leval ("setfields", varargin); end

"h" needs to be the first argument to "setfields". So "h" needs to be 
added to the beginning of "varargin". The same bug may be in 
"main/vrml/vrml_Background.m", line 34.

I have an up-to-date (Mar 16, 2005) Debian unstable system on a PC.  I 
have installed octave2.1 version 2.1.67-1.