[Pkg-octave-devel] octave2.9 in sid

folajimi folajimi at speakeasy.net
Fri Nov 25 00:24:17 UTC 2005

On Wed, 23 Nov 2005, Colin Ingram wrote:

> Rafael Laboissiere wrote:
> >* folajimi <folajimi at speakeasy.net> [2005-11-23 09:39]:
> >
> >
> >
> >>Colin seems to think that Rafael has taken care of the issue, but
> >>Rafael thinks that the project has stalled...
> >>
> >>
> >
> >If Colin is not taking care of the project and if he thinks I am doing
> >it, then I can certify that the project is stalled.
> >
> >So, feel free to take the plunge.  For now, we need a good design, before
> >we start the implementation.
> >
> >
> my bad...I was thinking about the glpk thing.  I've been off the deep
> end lately trying to make this trip happen.  It looks to me that "number
> 1" of the original plan[1] has been taking care of[2].  We still need to
> prepare the remain packages that have octave2.1 as a dependence for the
> "smooth" switch i.e. octave-forge.  I haven't been able to think about
> this much  except for checking out what exactly it takes to build
> octave-forge against the two different octave versions.  I agree that
> three packages are needed here (octave2.9-forge, octave2.1-forge, and
> octave-forge-common for example)  but I haven't began looking at the
> exacts of this and I won't until I return to Madison next week so feel
> free (folajimi) to jump right in.  I think this will be a big a project
> that is likely to break the repository how do you all feel about
> branching /package/octave-forge for this transition?

Uh... I haven't the SLIGHTEST idea how to proceed. I would probably have to
read up on how to address this issue.

> p.s. are the other packages(semidef-oct, matwrap, epstk, gpc, statdataml
> ) going to be affected by the api change.  If not can we just make all
> unaffected packages including the new octave-forge-common package depend
> on the octave virtual package.  I guess we could have a dependence that
> is satisfied by either octave2.1 or octave2.9 also.  Maybe we should
> branch the entire trunk?

Beats me. I haven't the SLIGHTEST idea...


> [1]
> http://lists.alioth.debian.org/pipermail/pkg-octave-devel/2005-November/000695.html
> [2]
> http://lists.alioth.debian.org/pipermail/pkg-octave-devel/2005-November/000705.html

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