Bug#327027: [Pkg-octave-devel] Bug#327027: octave2.1: not installable in sid

Laurent Bonnaud bonnaud at lis.inpg.fr
Fri Sep 9 14:21:39 UTC 2005

> The last time I tried compiling Octave with g++ 4.0 (actually 4.0.1),
> Octave failed several of its tests.  So maybe g++ 4.0 is not quite
> ready yet?

Too bad :<.  Did you submit bugs to the gcc or Debian BTS (I looked
rapidly and did not find a relevant bug) ?  If yes, could you please
provide bug numbers ?

4.0.2 RC1 should be out this week-end.  Hopefully we'll soon have
updated Debian packages to test octave with...

g++ 3.4 could also be used as a fallback since it is ABI-compatible with
g++ 4.0.

I am currently trying an octave package rebuild with the latest g++ 3.4
and 4.0 available in Debian.  Is the test suite integrated in the
package build ?

Laurent Bonnaud.

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