[Pkg-octave-devel] Abandoning statdataml and releated packages

folajimi folajimi at speakeasy.net
Fri Sep 30 13:30:19 UTC 2005

On Thu, 29 Sep 2005, Dirk Eddelbuettel wrote:

> On 29 September 2005 at 10:54, Rafael Laboissiere wrote:
> | 1) Both r-cran-statdataml and r-cran-xml have been made available by the
> |    Debian BioCondutor Group (http://pkg-bioc.alioth.debian.org/).  BTW,
> |    the versions present in their apt-getable repository
> |    (http://public.pzr.uni-rostock.de/~moeller/mirror/) are more recent
> |    than those packaged by me.
> That archive is really not public as the Debian BioConductor Group [ old
> name, now it is really 'Debian group trying to build infrastructure to
> package all of CRAN and BioConductor inside or outside Debian' ] never made a
> release or announcement. We're simply not ready.
> For R, if it isn't packaged, just recommended install.packages() (as root,
> and mention that need for appropriate -dev packages).
> | Under all this circumstances, I am strongly inclined to abandon the
> | StatDataML packages in Debian.  I may just orphan them or simply file a
> | bug report against ftp.debian.org requesting their exclusion from the
> | archive.  I would do the same with r-cran-xml and point the users to the
> | Debian-BioC archive.
> You can start by orphaning them. I've found that removal bug reports often
> "just sit there" for ages.


'Tis good to know that you are alive and well... I was starting to wonder what
became of you!

Are there any negative consequences for the DOG that are associated with
orphaning the packages in question? If so, what are they?


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