[Pkg-octave-devel] Re: octave2.1 and hdf5 transition

Steve Langasek vorlon at debian.org
Tue Apr 4 20:02:40 UTC 2006

On Thu, Mar 30, 2006 at 11:42:02AM +0200, Rafael Laboissiere wrote:
> Some days ago, I mistakenly uploaded version 2.1.73-1 to unstable,
> delaying the transition of libhdf5 1.67.5 into testing.  In a cumulation
> of errors, we noticed yesterday that this version was built against
> libhdf5 1.6.4.  The fixed version 2.1.73-2 is now in incoming.  I deeply
> apologize for this Comedy of Errors.

For future reference, misbuilds against the wrong libraries *are* something
that the release team can take care of for you via binNMU, saving the other
autobuilders the trouble of unnecessary rebuilds...

It looks like the hdf5 transition should be ready to go in the next day or
two, btw, so please hold off on any more comedically erroneous uploads for
now. :)

Steve Langasek                   Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS
Debian Developer                   to set it on, and I can move the world.
vorlon at debian.org                                   http://www.debian.org/
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