[Pkg-octave-devel] add cmake class cmake.mk to cdbs

Fathi Boudra fboudra at free.fr
Sun Aug 6 09:53:22 UTC 2006


your package use cdbs and cmake like mine, and i submitted a bug report with a 
patch to introduce a cmake class:

> > could you add cmake class to cdbs. I joined a cmake.mk that i use for
> > packaging strigi.
> This looks quite reasonable, but I only see 7 packages in total in
> Debian that build with cmake, so it may be too early to form an opinion
> about what constitutes "common" build practice.  Besides your two
> packages, two more from the above seven already use cdbs, so we'd need
> at least to figure out whether your proposed class will work for them.
> I'm going to need a bit of time for that, or you can try.

Your feedbacks, comments and test on your packages will be appreciated :)



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