[Pkg-octave-devel] Maintainer name in trailer line of debian/changelog

Rafael Laboissiere rafael at debian.org
Wed Jan 18 17:04:37 UTC 2006

After have thought a lot about Bug#340428, I finally reached the
conclusion that the bug submitter was right.  I changed the text in the
DOG Guidelines as below.  Notice that I also changed the format to include
individual names.  The rationale is in the text.

If there is no objection I will start changing the debian/changelog files
in the SVN repository.

The debian/changelog entries should look like this::

    octave-cool (1.2.3-4) unstable; urgency=low

      [ Dirk Eddelbuettel ]
      * Rebuilt with cool stuff

      [ Rafael Laboissiere ]
      * Cool tweaks

    -- Rafael Laboissiere <rafael at debian.org>  Mon,  15 Oct 2012 08:30:00 -0400

Notice that the name of the official Debian maintainer who did the package
upload for that specific version should appear in the trailer line.  This
is the common practice in Debian, being the format adopted in core packages
like libc6 and xorg-x11.

At the end of debian/changelog put the following lines::

    Local Variables:
    eval: (add-local-hook
      (lambda ()
          (forward-line -1)
          (insert "\n   NOT YET RELEASED!\n\n   [ "
            (or (getenv "DEBFULLNAME") (user-full-name)) " ]"))))


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