[Pkg-octave-devel] Re: [OctDev] Building Octave-Forge with octave-2.9.4

Rafael Laboissiere rafael at debian.org
Thu Jan 26 21:07:16 UTC 2006

[Dropped Cc: to octave-dev mailing list]

* Quentin Spencer <qspencer at ieee.org> [2006-01-26 13:30]:

> The 2005.06.13 release doesn't build with newer octave 2.9.x releases. 
> This has been fixed in CVS. You can try to make a release based on CVS 
> or wait for a new release. I'm maintaining Octave-forge in Fedora, and 
> I've been tempted to release a CVS-based package, but for now I'm 
> waiting in hopes that a new release is soon.

We might also patch just the main/fixed/ directory for the Debian
package. This will minimize the instabilities in the package.


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