[Pkg-octave-devel] /usr/bin/mex and texlive

Rafael Laboissiere rafael at debian.org
Tue Oct 3 10:44:32 UTC 2006

* Thomas Weber <thomas.weber.mail at gmail.com> [2006-09-28 12:13]:

> there's a discussion on debian-release regarding tetex and texlive. 
> The package texlive-lang-polish has an (outdated) conflict against
> octave-forge, because it ships with a /usr/bin/mex file (a symlink to
> pdfetex). 
> The current octave2.1-forge package has /usr/bin/mex2.1, octave2.9-forge
> hasn't any mex-binaries in /usr/bin/; the current octave-forge CVS is a
> little bit chaotic due to the move to packages, but it seems that the
> mex/ directory is gone for good.
> So I guess it boils down to wether we are okay with handing /usr/bin/mex
> to another package?

It seems that the mex program is obsolete and mkoctfile in octave2.9 handles
mex files directly.  I would then handle it to texlive-lang-polish and drop
the /usr/bin/mex alternative.  Before going ahead, I would like to hear from
the upstream authors of octave-forge whether this is appropriate (Cc:ing
this message to Paul Kienzle, although I think he lurks this mailing list).


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