[Pkg-octave-devel] /usr/bin/mex and texlive

Rafael Laboissiere rafael at debian.org
Tue Oct 3 15:36:39 UTC 2006

* John W. Eaton <jwe at bevo.che.wisc.edu> [2006-10-03 09:36]:

> Yes, I added the --mex option to mkoctfile because is was the easy
> thing to do.  In Matlab, there is a mex command that can be used at
> the Matlab prompt and also a mex shell command, so it might be nice to
> provide a script called mex that has an interface the same as the mex
> shell command provided by Matlab so that scripts or Makefiles that
> people have for Matlab will work with Octave too.  But that will lead
> to conflicts, not only with texlive, but also with Matlab itself.  I
> imagine that people would not be happy if, after installing Octave,
> the mex command suddenly starts doing something different.  So I'm not
> sure what the best solution is.  Maybe provide the script in an
> examples directory but not install it by default?

I think we should let things as they are now.  The only current conflict in
Debian is due to octave2.1-forge having /usr/bin/mex.  For the etch release
we could consider making octave2.9 the default octave, such that people
would rather install octave2.9-forge instead of octave2.1-forge.  I do not
know if this is appropriate, though.


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