Bug#391033: [Pkg-octave-devel] Bug#391033: octave2.9: bad behaviour with hold on/off

Francesco Potorti` Potorti at isti.cnr.it
Fri Oct 6 07:31:47 UTC 2006

>| In Octave 2.1, these two commands give the same result: they first show
>| a segment for one second, then they show two segments:
>| plot([1,2],[3,4]);sleep(1);clearplot;hold on;plot([0,1],[3,4]);plot([3,2],[3,4]);hold off
>| plot([1,2],[3,4]);sleep(1);hold on;clearplot;plot([0,1],[3,4]);plot([3,2],[3,4]);hold off
>| In Octave 2.9, they do different things, both wrong:
>| - the first command line shows one segment, then three segments
>| - the second command line shows one segment, then another single segment
>|   and, in quick succession, yet another single segment
>I think the behavior for the second example above is correct.  The
>clearplot function is now the same as clf, which in Matlab also has
>the effect of turning the hold state off.

I see.

>To fix the first example, please try the following patch and let me
>know if you notice any unexpected side effects from it.

I did, and from the things I tried everything is well.

Only thing is, I downloaded the latest Debian sources of octave 2.9,
applied the patch and installed it.  Then, I also downloaded and
installed the latest octave-forge 2.9.  For some reason, octave 2.9 does
not see the octave-forge functions.  I had to add an explicit

 addpath (genpath ("/usr/share/octave/site/api-v21"));

at the end of /etc/octave2.9.conf

Thank you for writing and maintaining Octave.

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