Bug#418503: [Pkg-octave-devel] Bug#418503: octave2.9: Must not enter testing

John W. Eaton jwe at bevo.che.wisc.edu
Tue Apr 10 19:18:31 UTC 2007

On 10-Apr-2007, Thomas Weber wrote:

| Package: octave2.9
| Version: 2.9.10-4
| Severity: grave
| Justification: renders package unusable
| Octave 2.9.10 doesn't play well with the current octave2.9-forge packages in
| Debian, so it shouldn't enter testing in the current state. 

I think this is unfortunate since Octave is useful on its own without
Octave Forge and I think 2.9.10 is much better than 2.9.9.  Also, for
those who must have some or all of Octave Forge, there is now a way to
install it using Octave's pkg function.


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