Bug#419556: [Pkg-octave-devel] Bug#419556: ambigous results in matrix multipliication

Alois Schlögl alois.schloegl at gmx.net
Wed Apr 25 19:57:55 UTC 2007

Thomas Weber wrote:
> Am Montag, 23. April 2007 22:01:44 schrieb Alois Schlögl:
>> Thomas Weber wrote:
>>> I guess the best "fix" for this problem is installing one of the atlas3-*
>>> packages.
>> Yes, I agree. Setting the dependences accordingly would solve the
>> problem for the debian users of octave.
> Well, we actually have
> 	atlas3-base | lapack3 | liblapack.so.3
> as Depends-line. So you should get atlas3-base if you install Octave and only 
> if it's not available, one of the alternatives.
> The problem is: if you already have lapack installed, atlas3 won't be 
> installed. Do you have OpenOffice.org on the same machine?

Yes, OO is installed.

> Regarding the fix for dgemm: sorry, but dgemm is a known and documented 
> reference implementation. I don't think we should tinker with that. 
Following that line of thinking, the consequence is to change the list 
of dependencies in such a way that atlas3-* must be used and lapack is 
not a viable alternative anymore.

> Regards
> 	Thomas


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