[Pkg-octave-devel] Bug#457167: Bug#457167: octave2.9 -- please add atlas3-base-dev to Build-Conflicts.

Kumar Appaiah akumar at ee.iitm.ac.in
Thu Dec 20 11:54:53 UTC 2007

On Thu, Dec 20, 2007 at 12:37:41PM +0100, Thomas Weber wrote:
> > Even if it isn't there, it will be _pulled_ in, because it is the
> > first alternate dependency for lapack3-dev, unless it is in
> > Build-Conflicts. So, please remove it completely from Build-Depends,
> > and add it to Build-conflicts to ensure it isn't used at all.
> This sounds like a problem in lapack3-dev. Sorry, but going down that
> path means that every package in need of lapack3-dev must add a
> build-conflict for a package it doesn't pull in itself. This sounds like
> a fix for a problem applied at the wrong level (I may be wrong, of
> course).

There is no other way; the reason why this was avoidable earlier was
because your .dsc had the Build-Depends in the same order in which you
specified in the control file. However, due to dpkg-dev changes, the
depends are now sorted to alphabetical order.

Yes, it would be nice to reverse the order of lapack3's dependency to
read refblas3-dev | atlas3-base-dev, rather than the other way
around. I'll try to take this up. But please do consider adding a
temporary Build-conflict. (Of course, the decision is yours! :-)

FWIW, I am forced to add Build-Conflict for my package because of
issues with atlas2 being present in the build, but that doesn't apply
to octave2.9.


Kumar Appaiah,
458, Jamuna Hostel,
Indian Institute of Technology Madras,
Chennai - 600 036
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