[Pkg-octave-devel] fw: gfortran transition release goal proposal

Cyril Brulebois cyril.brulebois at enst-bretagne.fr
Tue Jul 24 19:47:52 UTC 2007


I'm dropping the other lists/teams at the moment to make a little
summary of the pkg-octave packages.

Riku Voipio <riku.voipio at iki.fi> (22/07/2007):
> The proposal to transition from the outdated g77 to gfortran did not
> result any comments. Which rises the suspicion that the maintainers of
> affected packages are not reading debian-release or debian-toolchain.

As a reminder: we have packages that only build with gfortran-4.1, and
not with gfortran-4.2 (which is the one pulled by gfortran), see my
previous mails on the list about the needed changes.

I don't actually now the status of gfortran-4.1 here, I don't know yet
whether it has to be considered as outdated too.

All the modifications I've made last week were to turn gfortran into
g77, so I'll have to modify these files again so that we (build-)depend
on gfortran-4.1 instead (if the answer to the above question is:
gfortran-4.1 isn't outdated yet), so no big deal.

However, some packages we build-depend upon, like atlas3, are still
using g77, and it would be necessary to see it transition first, since
it would pull g77 and we wouldn't be sure our packages build fine *w/o*

I tried to rebuild atlas3 against gfortran, but it resulted in:
| spawn make
| The system has no more ptys.  Ask your system administrator to create more.
|     while executing
| "spawn make"
|     invoked from within
| "set i [spawn make]"
|     (file "debian/config.expect" line 5)
| make: *** [bin/Linux_3dnow_static/Make.inc] Error 1

so I'm not able to verify right now.

I'm going to ask about the gfortran-4.1 in some hours (days at most) and
I'll report back to you.


Cyril Brulebois
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