[Pkg-octave-devel] Bug#415780: octave2.1: Please upgrade gnuplot dependency from suggests: to recommends:

Geraint Paul Bevan g.bevan at eng.gla.ac.uk
Thu Mar 22 16:56:51 CET 2007

I am only lurking and don't have a particularly strong opinion about
this, but "recommends" seems to make more sense to me.

Even running a batch job from a terminal it is still usually desirable
for the plot function to work correctly. For example, the following
should create a file "sin.ps" whether or not it is executed from a
graphics-capable terminal:

echo "t=[0:0.1:10]'; x=sin(t); plot(t,x); print -depsc2 \"sin.ps\""\
| octave

Geraint Bevan

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