[Pkg-octave-devel] Bug#446331: Octave forge package

Stefan Söffing soeffing at gmx.de
Fri Oct 12 09:30:51 UTC 2007

Am Freitag, den 12.10.2007, 10:22 +0200 schrieb Thomas Weber:
> Hi, 
> I'm closing this bug-report. It's simply not a bug in Octave or any
> other package in Debian. Please use the pkg-octave-devel address for
> discussing this further.

sorry for that, at this time I didn't realize that octave2.9-forge was not built from the same source...

> It was removed, after not working for, uh, 6 months?. I think the last
> working version of it was against Octave 2.9.9; though I may be wrong
> here. By working I mean that it was actually compiled against the then
> current Octave with a matching API number. This means that its .oct
> files didn't load. The .m files might be working, though.
> > Do I really have to install them manually from source now?
> For the time being: yes.

Is there a chance to get this packaged in the future (sorry again, but I
don't know the difference between the old 'monolithic' and the current

- Stefan

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