[Pkg-octave-devel] compilation with gcc-4.3

Cyril Brulebois cyril.brulebois at enst-bretagne.fr
Wed Feb 6 12:12:43 UTC 2008

On 06/02/2008, Rafael Laboissiere wrote:
> This is strange. I just built the octave3.0 package with
> CXX=/usr/bin/g++-4.3 and everything went fine. Could you please send
> your build log to us?

Well, that's not necessarily supported by the underlying build system.
If you want to make sure 4.3 is used, you can have a look at
gcc-snapshot (which is also from the 4.3 series), that you can use by
exporting PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH as explained in README.Debian, and
then passing “-ePATH -eLD_LIBRARY_PATH” to debuild, as first
parameters (that is important so that they are taken into account,
don't put them e.g. after “-us -uc -b”).


Cyril Brulebois
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