[Pkg-octave-devel] Bug#461558: Bug#461558: Bug#461558: octave fails to invoke gnuplot

Rafael Laboissiere rafael at debian.org
Sat Jan 19 16:46:36 UTC 2008

pacakge octave
tags 461558 unreproducible

* Folkert van Heusden <folkert at vanheusden.com> [2008-01-19 16:43]:

> Ok but I installed the 'octave' package and apt-cache tells me 3.0 is
> not available:
> [snip]

Are you using testing or unstable?

> According to packages.debian.org, the version in unstable is the 2.9
> branch as well.

As well as the 3.0 branch: http://packages.debian.org/sid/octave3.0

As I wrote in the previous message, octave2.9 will be dropped from Debian as
soon as possible.

> > Second, I cannot run the script you indicated:
> > > script: http://www.wraith.sf.ca.us/ntp/allan.oct
> > Because it tries to open a file called "loopstats", which is not available.
> > So far, I cannot replicate the bug.
> You'll find one attached.

Thanks.  I ran the following with octave3.0_3.0.0-1 and gnuplot_4.2.2-1 on a
i386 machine:

    source ("allan.oct") ; print ("allan.eps", "-depsc")

and the resulting file is attached below.  Your bug is unreproducible here.

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