[Pkg-octave-devel] octave-java RFU

Rafael Laboissiere rafael at debian.org
Thu Jul 17 20:24:38 UTC 2008

* Ólafur Jens Sigurðsson <ojsbug at gmail.com> [2008-07-17 19:48]:

> This java thing is tricky, I tried with using kaffe (which provides
> the jni.h) but that does not work (at least the resulting .deb file
> has no executables in it, just the .m files) and I can't seem to get
> it to recognise sun-java6-jdk, but I think that is because
> sun-java6-jdk is in non-free.
> Here are some snips from the buld process:
> checking for java... java
> checking for javac... javac
> checking for jar... jar
> checking for Java version... 
> <snip>
> octave-forge is configured with
>    octave:      octave (version 3.0.1)
>    mkoctfile:	mkoctfile for Octave 1
>    java:        Java Development Kit not found
> So the configure process finds java but octave does not by some
> reason. I think it is because it needs sun-java6-jdk but that would
> make the package build-depend on a non-free package, should the
> octave-java package itself not go into contrib?

In Debian, we should use default-jdk-builddep in Build-Depends. The problem
was with a wrong JAVA_HOME.  It is already fixed in SVN.  The package builds
fine now, with both __java__.oct and octave.jar appearing in the .deb file.
However, I did not test it, so I do not know whther it really works or not.
Could you please do it?


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